« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/25/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. The walls are slowly closing in on Hunter Biden and his corrupt foreign connections thanks to his dad Joe a.k.a. “the big guy.” We now have 3 sources involved in the selling of Hunter Biden’s high priced art, and that a buyer of the art is a presidential appointee. Devon Archer, Hunter’s former best friend and business associate, has dodged the house oversight committee 3 times, but Congress is doing real investigations unlike the FBI and have now gotten Archer to agree to testify. The FBI has covered up for Hunter Biden every step of the way, and Democrats are perfectly fine taking the position that Hunter is a legitimate artist and energy specialist. While we know that the whole China and Ukraine energy thing didn’t happen until later in the Obama presidency, we’re finding out that they had laid the groundwork for it all along once Joe became Vice President. We have corruption that is so pervasive in the FBI, from the Steele dossier and Trump Russia collusion narrative to where we are today with the Biden coverup and targeting of Catholics. Between now and this November is the real key window for this investigative process, and we’ll see if the Democrat media keeps stonewalling for the Bidens or turn on them in order to get a new candidate in for 2024.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the president, told the american public in october that he's never spoken to his family about any business. He said no one in the family had ever gotten money from china. Well now that is proven. The walls they are cool losing and on the buying crime. Family they are slowly, but surely those walls are closing in on the Biden, crime, family and the course of tonight show we're gonna go piece by piece in depicting out.
walls progressively over time and in closing in on the bottom crime, family and, lest we forget good, hunter so he has his day to officially plea to morrow question is: will his sweet our plea be accepted by the judge not holding my breath that the judge will do the right thing and reject that pre play deal on the quest? That remains. You know how much older oh just loves his son hunter right just so much love there in that family. You think. That's all I'll be there in the courtroom with hunter more how about the good doctor jail. Think she's gonna be on hand anyway, we're gonna die. while these walls closing the Biden, DR family, and I
embryo muddy and for the great one Markel Van. I hope the brian mud showed up Eugenio in west palm beach could check out the brian macho podcast, where ever you get your podcast check out my blog daily as well. The brian mud show, and you can catch me at Brian, my radio, anywhere There is social media on every social platform. These days at brian mud, radio are so that's all while these walls slowly closing in here Yes, what has dozens of shell companies used? Have fun Tens of millions of dollars from ITALY, three corrupt for and business interests. But that would be the divine cried. They may, of course And we know about the issue companies and those corrupt foreign actors and those on millions of illicit early obtained dollars for a few reasons first, we will. We just gotta like have eyes and ears right, because in that way,
Like the shell companies for a moment, all you have ever needed to know. You ve ever needed to do. To understand that something has been seriously off, involving the buttons. is just to observe. Joe sun goes being a degenerate crackhead with crackers to aid? Did or a crackhead with crackers whose italy and miraculously became what an international energy mogul one who, a job on the board of ay rob to ukrainian energy company and subsequently, They chinese commune controlled energy company. Again, though, bags were already known also known, as vice president Joe Biden, demanded, the firing of ukrainian prosecutor investigating brisbane
may, after all Joe publicly brag about doing it. We also know that the crackhead with crack whores turned international energy, gold, then someone miraculously became what oh that's right here world renowned artist, that collectors son felt compelled to throw millions of dollars at purchasing his instantly legendary works, necessarily think about this for a minute, we we did know all of that. Without any whistleblowers without any investigations without any other, until other than simply being informed humans, attention to what was what has happened with our current president, former vice president and his son, That's all you have to do this side. They they, shell companies, too,
All that stuff happened crazy right, but the reason Now I know about things like the shell companies. Corrupt romanian business tourist. That's new information along presidential appointments for art sales will that do what we ve learned through in allegations, yeah, speaking of which. what now includes two iris whistleblowers and fbi, so blower in art, dealer, informer,. former business associate of a crack. son of the current president, lean details of how corruption was carried out, all right, that that would be the binding crime family as well, of course, so last week's reed Lean details from the the of the ira's whistleblowers before the house oversight committee, but I was significant for
bein fill in a lot of the banks for how the by Crime, family operated two was the fbi ten three form established by a quote highly credible fbi confidential human source, publicly really by senator chuck rashly. But I was last week this week, it's already been more story, with insiders exposed by the way inside or is the former says insider they sometimes the not so distant past ended up just go on from business insider to insider because then somewhere along the the way that we don't really do much with business anymore, but anyway, insider now has an exposed say on hunter. Vitamins are deals and here's a shot real shocked, to hear. Turns out that all that crap,
may not have actually turn hunter binding and tears. A modern day, rembrandt now he didn't. Britain really might not have been that the the crack made him. The second coming citing the insider article. Some quarter here from the the exposing an insider Twenty twenty one. when a new york art gallery debuted hunter binds paintings with us, in prices as high as five hundred thousand dollars, I now said that hunter binds team had a process for carefully, in buyers and that their ideas These were known only to the gallery and and not to hunter binding himself. Now there are those things has turned out to be. The case mentioned that hunter Biden did in fact learn the identity of two buyers. According to three people directly familiar with honey binds on account of his art career,
One of those buyers is indeed some one who got a favor from the buying I'd house. She now what is well bad buyer insight, can reveal is Elizabeth Hirsch, naftali. Los angeles, real estate investor and philanthropists Hirsch, nafta. He is influential in california democratic circles, and is a significant democratic donor given to the vine campaign and to the democratic nash the campaign committee this year and twenty twenty two she hosted a fundraiser headline by vice president Kabila hairs in July, when you twenty two eight months after hunter binds. First art opening Joe Biden announced Hirsch Natalie's appointment to the can, sean for the preservation of america's heritage abroad-
It is unclear whether Hirsch's purchase of hunter binds artwork occurred before or after that. Appointment Well, who ok so now, we have three. worse involved. With this Certainly not the high price hunter Biden masterpieces stating the binding slide and that a buyer of the art is. Our a presidential appointee shut. The front door, What are the white house have to say when, when insider reached opera comment hunter Biden, is a private citizen who is entitled to have his own career as an artist We are not involved in his art sales and buyers of his art are not disclosed to the white house. I ass. I s a hunter by is an entitled to have his career as a let's see you.
remain in chinese energy expert, yeah he's entitled to have his career as a romanian. What would you call it? Financial adviser financial consultants I think that he's also entitled to have his art career, all things he's entitled to naturally of all of those careers for what, is never had any experience in any of those being is proceeding entrance into them. What all led to instant success worth untold millions of dollars each time and in every one of us and just think. he was even that brilliant. That talented while incessantly smoking crack. Remember according to his own by or he was broken crack every fifteen minutes and you still this brilliant remarkable, so yeah
he can incessantly smoke cracked with crack horse and still do all that. What have you done today? You're just age and the untapped genius, which must ooze from hunter binds every poor Actually I do yourself a favor and don't think about anything ever oozing from hunter binds ports but anyway I mean you know that this guy's, just like he is over it is so amazing, so brilliant they they cure for cancer. Surely be what hunner discovers. Next incidentally, his his dad was talking about mental health. Today's big new mental health initiatives, which, as I in so many different ways re now. Just why? Why I worry about things like thou in just a boy hunter and- and you come up with, the defects- is for everything all medical maladies he's got it. I speak in it. What comes next now will be devon, archers testimony. Yet we found out that devon arch
has dodged the house oversight committee. Three times previously but as the house oversight committee continues to do what the corrupt federal bureau, of investigation has been doing like investigating. Investigations here that is turning to Evan archer, who will now testify to the house committee, were told as soon as this thursday and apparently no later than next monday, and what will Testimony of a former best friend and one time, business associate upon turbine, testified to balanced report. By the new york post miranda divine devon will speak to both buttons, hunter an joe attending hunters business meetings together. That's one archer you, like hunter Is in evidence, criminal has been imprisoned on
gunnar for his rawness, sixty million dollar bonn fraud scheme. Now the fact that archer Is a criminal will no doubt be used to impugn his credibility, but then again is an hunter. So, once again, let's at the updated scorecard as to the witnesses who blow the whistle unbind family corruption we have artist, so she it's too I arrest special agents, one former fbi special agent. One for business associate and a partridge and pear tree. Actually I chair that I think the partridge just taking the fifth, but here's the deal, despite the best efforts I have the d o j B, f b. I the binds to bury the evidence to obstruct justice, and it kind of just treat us all like we're idiots. Calls are closing in on the binding crime family. Especially now that usual, Allies in the news media, like insider, have decided.
They do something like real journalism, walls close in around the Biden's. It's possible that more Our allies and news media may feel the need to do there, jobs for change as well? as a means of potentially moving the binds out of the way in to get a new preferred candidate employs before it's too late now, at the window of time between now- and this member, not next november, but this november. Because that's when deadlines for primary states start coming into play. That is the real key window to watch and this investigator process to key for These investigations and what comes next for all involved, I'm mud and for the great one month. Then, if we
learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average ira and for one k, balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something could help if you have an ira or for a one k, physical go in your eye ray the world goal council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re without augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to my friends and family? You should call augusta and get there also a guide to gold. I raise feels good, there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. five seven for gold. I re- that's eight seven cents, forgot, irae, eight seven, seven forgone irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta.
Precious metals dot com. The interesting is that the Biden family runs, if they say a company, but never had an office and shell companies to be able to pay through, but if they really ran it before foreign countries. Why didn't you get money from France from germany from uk? Why does it have yeah? china. What does it have to be from China? What is it wise and have to be from a corrupt? romanian, Why does it have to be from a corrupt, ukrainian and an entity. Why wooded always be these weird crops? Situate egg? They may? Ah, really boggles that it's a tough thing, two to one unravel, isn't it by Monday
or the gray one market, then, as we talk about the Biden, family, corruption in the open the overview of, where we now stand, was of the updated detail today in some of what we can. effective boy out in the days to come, but it takes a little bit deeper and the coercion, the corruption, and the omission that's been involved- bore many years and the vine crime family at this point. So about coercion here for a bit last week, was another week within De I mean piece of evidence that was revealed in the vine crime. Family chronicles science its tail. Was one of coercion and when a little like this and alive far away, which is now. at war with russia, but in a time not all that long ago he had this corrupt energy company, which point on its board of directors. The crackhead son,
for then vice president and one fateful day, the ceo b c f and a confidential human source, operating on behalf of the f b I met with the correct energy company They are also there with the former prime minister of poland, who happen to be a board member of this energy. but as well. Oh and the crackheads one of the vice president of the united states, and at this meeting what was discussed was the knee for the correct to energy company to be able to by u S, assets which they have been blocked from buying in The story goes. This chess, was at a loss for what the role of the crackhead son of the vice president was to which the Confidential human source was told that huh
you're buying had been hired to protect us through his dad from all kinds of problems, isn't that five, but there's so much more to the various stories which were all told in the fbi eyes, ten, twenty three form, which senator track great gradually disclosed. Before page format added another wrinkle to the tale at will I've into when we get back- Now also take some your calls as well want from you ain't seven. Seven. Three aid, one thirty, eight eleven brian might. For the gray, one markel them if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something that help, if you have an eye array or for a one k physical
In your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it? you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my in family, you should call augustine get there also a guide to gold, I raise feels good. There's another savings option? Diversity is the key call a gust of precious metals and aids. seven seven for gold! I re that's eight seven! So for god. I re eight. Seven, seven forego diary, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta precious metals dotcom where he only show with a warning label. Liberals our love angel common now at eighty seven, seven, three, eight one for eight one one!
You have somebody who went to the f b. I he had a ten twenty three, which is a form they talk about who says he. This is a format that the fbi continues to use the heard that there were payments to bribe, allegedly the vice president at the time, all right. Well, that's interesting! Isn't it how speaker Evan Mccarthy, as he continued to provide com, terry today any also delivered a message about where this all may end up going and we're going to talk. While that as well throughout the course of the show I Brian might in for the gray one market, then an speaking at the gray, one something that is an absolute must. His latest sport and I'll be out in timber, you can pre order your copy right now. Already there number one best seller pre order. amazon. The democratic party
its america, make sure you get your copy today, price Mark talk about to AL. You had stores like target that I've tried to bury it and not carry it, and you get all and against that are going on, makes it all that much more important for you go ahead and get your copy, pre ordered and make sure that it hits the best seller list when that time comes. Our Jos were too kate about the vine crime, family, as the walls continue to closed in on it. got additional details today about art sales, thing terribly surprising, but just added details that provide color to work, we already knew was in on the up and up the funny thing about the hunter by an art sales, for example,. Alison all day long ago, workers just back couple years ago at this point and we're talking to We twenty one material right.
So it was it as though the corruption only happened when Joe Biden first became vice president, which is when They first began opening somebody, shell companies, so much of the focus has been unlike deeper, my activity during the year. their days of jobs. In time, as vice president, the united states and make no mistake, it looks like the stakes were really rays and ratcheted up in those windows of time, not just with now bresma, but with china. The after romanian and whatever else that we don't even necessarily know about at this point, but the shell these were set up pretty much about the time the job I became vice president. So they had been laying the groundwork for quite some time, and let's be mindful hunter by himself admitted to doing crap, starting at the age of eighteen, so I mean he's always those kinds of connections here
the thing about, we talk about coercion, and I was talking about most recently, the fbi's ten twenty three form. That said, chuck gradually disclosed last week, one of the things that provided was additional detail can like we're learning additional detail now about the hunter by an art sales. We got additional detail about the fired ukrainian prosecutor. There have been rumours coercion, but it's the first time that had something that amount. to evidence that there was a twist. As up to that point, we had known that a by miraculously went from being a crackhead too, on the ball of a large and corrupt ukrainian energy company that he was paid millions of dollars to to sit on and that that be dad, the vice president, demanded the ukrainian prosecutor, who was in
forgetting the corrupt energy company that is crackheads and worked at that he be fired right, This is something that Joe Biden himself brag about publicly got that guy fired. Without anything else. We new, that kind of information well, we didn't necessarily know, though, was The extent of the co workin involved by the vines, and that was of the additional details, tat we did up getting around too. So I will talk more that here momentarily by does speak. It the art sale in particular, art sales peter, stuarts down Pennsylvania wants to talk about this peter welcome to the show, while long you, you bet, I am arts
else is the best way to launder money period, subjective. Neil I wore a piece of art is worrying. And you tell me that don't go ahead, I know it's a it's a great point, because the the ultimate interpretation is involved right. What is any piece of art worth it's worth? What somebody is willing to pay for it? I mean it's true at a certain macroeconomic level with anything and anything is ever worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. But the the the market for to specially a new artists which hunter was sees. A he's out of established art is where you can take a look at sales and track records. Ok! Well, this is a kind of where his material hangs out in the range they can expect for one of his master, Peace is not ease new on the scene and then suddenly, you know it has pieces, sell for big money. Now to your point,
this is ultimately open to interpretation. So if you want something to where you can upload a lot of money and there can be creative interpretation and as you are suggesting salon during a year. It would be a highly effective way to do so. Well, I mean, if they're, not laundering, money. Why are all the purchasers named not open to the public, and I will also most from china, the peter? You know it's an interesting point. You make there about the buyers having been anonymous. So this is one of the interesting dynamics that the insider peace Exposing the came out today, actually, which is pretty good red. one of the things they ended up, diving into so the binding, I'm family would have you believe that the arts, we're anonymous because
wanted to make sure that everything was on the not that they had no knowledge of where money was coming from, so there could never be even the pretence of of something that would be improper We were never want to be perceived as taking money from the wrong people or from you think they would arrive at say a quid pro quo, so what we're gonna, keep it all anonymous now, as we did find out one of the buyers just so happen to be somebody who was appointed a presidential appointment to oppose that she wanted by present a buying. Now is an acute nan, the insider, Again, with these three sources now saying that hunter buying new at least two of the buyers of which that presidential appointee was one eye so First thing is: we know that the anonymous buyers, at least in part or not,
really anonymous and we do actually know that the most prominent one that has been disclosed thus far based upon again this insider peace Is it actually a chinese individual, but is a california democratic activists which, takes on a whole other kind, a wrinkle on the whole paper play deal as some level in may is this really be laundering as much as it is? Hey here's some way to rake in some more money and they get a mention that hunters crack abbot, wasn't cheap, for example, right. Imagine that whole deal let's go to scott and kansas city. Scott. Welcome to the show. Oh actually, I'm sorry, it's Jeff, that's in Kansas city! I believe that as my bad there jeff welcome to the show you god I dont want around them again
One thing I not understand is when Joe Biden sat there on that date, bribes about how we got the prosecutor fired crane and they said his words. They said that you have before you do any basically said you wanna bet call obama. Oh you, you bring up a really instructive point there, which is how much plausible deniability at a certain level is there with president obama now As far as we know, it doesn't appear as though the obamas got anything from this right- I if you go through everything which has been readily known right, along which, for example, out any investigations. You know hunter ends up just popping up and this board of a corrupt energy coming
it's paid. Millions of dollars ends up somehow another involved. The chinese communist party control energy interests, millions of dollars there just this stuff. That was public facing? And then Joe Biden himself publicly say? Yeah. I got that ukrainian process Peter fired, I'm so powerful to your point. You know a guy can get things like that done. And then he says, and you know you you can ask obama, no thing is interesting, as it doesn't look like at this point. There there's any thing: that's been in it for brok, obama, which is an interesting dynamic and all this right and As is well documented, unknown size, accolades, though in Joe Biden wanted to run for president Barack Obama said yeah, that's my guy. I mean he only endorse them after there were He's going to other options laugh? So I Think there's something to be said there and I simply think that might have the even
Joe Biden say: look bad bronco back me up on this and We do know the reason that he was able to get the prosecutor fired was what well he had authority. Over the ukrainian relationship. So president obama had delegated responsibilities to Joe Biden for ukraine, which granted handy priority to go ahead and make decisions on behalf of the administration. Now independent of something That would directly connect all this to the obama's. That would be kind of the the plausible path forward in all this, but it's also a good opportunity. two to kind of pick up on what I was talking about with the coercion here. Let's dive into that, just a little bit more, so what we ended up learning after you had been vice president Joe Biden fire there, europe cranium prosecutes and then subsequent to that publicly laugh,
getting that prosecutor fire. What we ve learned more recently through the associations is that's over. Billion dollars of foreign aid would have been withheld. Add the uk in government, not fire that prosecutor, but the wrinkle That was added in the disclosure last week, Was that it was a case of just a binds carrying out the firing that the prosecutor, because as far as my was already basically pain, hunter binding for protection binds are said to have demanded even more than usual, to carry out that act in particular and they is where you go directly to the fbi, disclosure form and on that disclosure form. It talks about how, shortly after the twenty? Sixteen? U s, election enduring president drums transition period be confidential.
Human source participated in a conference, call with us a pink go and saw share which is the ceo of Burma, venice as the sea age ass inquired. whether the ceo was happy with the? U S, election results and the sea replied that he was not happy that trump won the election these where's asked the ceo whether he was concerned about charisma, his involvement with the binds. The ceo that he didn't want it the bidens and that he was pushed to pay them. He was pushed to pay them and Even use russian, nor slang for being forced or co worse to pay. And the ceo stated that shokhin, who had been that ukrainian prosecutor had already been fired. And no investigation was curling going on and that nobody would find
about his financial dealings with the buttons and these source than stated, and this is quoted in the fbi's disclosure form. I hope you have some backup proof for your words. Namely that you are forced to pay the buttons and the sea. reply that he had many text messages and recordings show he was coerced to make such payments. So this is where we find out that it wasn't just that it was. You know the whole quid pro quo undertake but they were actually really taken the screw and these relationships to, ban more gained, and maybe even we realise and how we from hearing that b was more than just the five million dollars had previously been rumoured by hand, by the binds can reckon in five million dollars in this deal, but that it was actually perhaps
Five million dollars for each Biden for hunter an for Joe and so that, where, as we continue to get more details, we see a broader picture of what went down, how it went down and How this actually continues who grow and expand into something more than what we had previously understood, twice important gonna work through all this evidence as we get? It will continue to do that. I'm brian mud in great one month. Then, if we anything over the past two years: it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that, but here's something back help if you have an eye array or for one k, physical, go
in your ira the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals, though the best I recommend them to my in family. You should call a gusting get there. Also a guide to god. I raise feels good to know. There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals, eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, so For god, I re eight seven seven, Why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com? It allows us to investigate like giving congress to get the information they way even should go about.
Bigger, Kevin Mccarthy talking about impeachment inquiry, that's what this whole thing is trendy is towards in impeachment inquiry or not quite there yet, but back to back as mccarthy's been but talk about it of his members. Many of his members at this point are talking about it and theirs: overwhelming amount of evidence here poor what mccarthy's ain't like we ve got these. Can Is there doing some good work or lording allowed through these investigations? That house oversight committee and the shall committee, but to get Breathing we want take it up that next level in actual impeachment income he in to present abiden that would get us spread everything else we need and waste Taking a look at the need for whatever information is out there and becomes obvious right.
Brian Martin in four mark levin, and we ve been talking throughout the correct course. The first hour about the vine crime family and about the additional details couldn't details. We have learned to day The walls continued to close in might one of the details. They could work in detail and in where the vines actually wanted more money, even more money than the yegg birds, see. Yo was set to pay hunter Biden to have oh, as vice president fire, the ukrainian prosecutor investigating charisma, found out that basically they got double the pay day. For that. That disclosure form the fbi disclosure form released last week, ties together how the fbi has been part of the collusion in this entire process. So we I know that the fbi, was aware of the hunter buying, the laptop and twenty nineteen. We know that
fbi verify the author, tis of it by march when he twenty and the details with confidential human source deemed highly credible by the fbi, that. I have detailed. that information was provided to the federal bureau of investigation on june twenty ninth of twenty twenty and what happened was Happened in a presidential election cycle in a year where they all this information. Oh, not only did the f b I from on high, not invest the gate it may obstructed. The investigation of it
not that we ve lord. What can t the conversation Brian? Might it in for the great one article in this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month, good of pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again
for listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the people that Joe Biden claimed he never had any dealings with or didn't know. There are pictures their text messages, their emails, there's evidence through and through that shows. Joe Biden knew these people. He spent time with these people and he communicated well look at that huh That is none other than james comer cheer. The house oversight committee who is done remarkable work so far, incidentally, look at some remarkable work. Well,
all the wranglings and we're going on over these speakership in January like always a lifetime ago, and within this congress, doesn't it. There are a couple things that I painting, a picture of including, on the show time or to around a window as well, which was a kevin mccarthy. His record was really strong yeah. He had a really strong concern the voting record had wanted strongest records in voting with president tromp of me buddy in congress, ugly, wasn't the rhinos, so many were painting him out to be in the end. You take a look at what happened here so far. Man, mccarthy stepped up, and we see the difference having a strong speaker can make especially during that time like this? And second, one of the reasons that I was concerned about things continuing to get home
in the early going in january was like we need get these investigations going, because and folks like calmer. Jim Jordan, getting them on the case. Getting them working was important, because time is of the essence right getting The information they need to be and to make the case to lay out which really happened, weather the justice department. Will ever do its job here or not? That was really important within all this and its proving to be extremely important within all this, as we are seeing the walls slowly close in on the Biden crime, family. And one bright spot in, for the great one markel events on the house of the brine mud showed you Jane, o in west palm beach check out the ebro monsieur podcast daily, where ever you get your podcast check out my blog. Well, the brine mud, shell and also
anywhere that you do social you'll find me apple. My radio, so you can check that out as as well and follow stay connected as we dive. further into some of the details that we ve learned to avoid with the vine crime family, we have something hard disclosure evidence that is come into boy talked about Fbi, sis closure form that was released last week. the disclosure evidence that helps ties together. Hunters a good business dealings with the end, He chose not to report to the irs rather obvious reasons beyond tax evasion, here's something else that is important about in the context of hunter is non. Tax reporting why is it that you had your biden, go from having Previously reported taxes
Jake Mckenna be rebuilt, reporting taxes now they're there would have been some thought that, oh you know he was just so into his crack in everything else I mean he didn't know a day the week or month or a you can apple down that path, but again hunter. according to his own accounts. He started doing. act when he was eighteen. I don't doubt the things I'm getting worse. What time we ve seen the videos right. Try, not one. still gloriously any of it, but why? Why said that suddenly he went from filing taxes and release. Partial taxes is just going to be filing a lot of stuff anymore. Well, wouldn't that be because of where the money would have been coming from, plus Now that there is the use of the shell companies now and we know that the fbi indeed has covered all this up right along now, so still allege that these sources that continue to emerge. These records, this war
could all be line. The records could somehow or other be incorrect, but then ask yourself again: this is where the key Becomes exceedingly simple: hell else did or get these jobs. How did hunter retain those jobs for years how hunter get paid. What array, no it's like millions, but now you start adding up everything that we have begun to under we're not talking about ends of millions of dollars for the buying crime, family. And yet you take a look at what the Democrats have this, about this entirely disinterested none of its true in their mind there perfectly ok taking the this issue and this in our another hundred got those jobs got the millions of people legitimate means and anyway hunter is, is not Joe Biden and
hunters admitted did some things are wrong, but it was not joe right. How did hunter get paid all that money and for years. Even if somebody gave him a job Panem little money for a short period of time, because there they may maybe if we get if we dad or do a favor for us if the dad and a favor. Why would he stay for years, and why would the money too, for all that time. You getting into debt question is well, so you see to the point of markel events newest There will soon be out the democratic party hates america. I don't know how you could On the other way, with this. That is known with the current president, the united states, and not hate this country. I think marks onto something there right I think Democrats probably do hate america because the damn sure care about their own party in their politics. More than do you or me or any principle that this,
was founded upon every single elected democrat way of their words. Their actions and in some cases inactions they do seemingly hate america. as we have seen that the current president of the united states literally sword our country out literally solar cell, and that the federal beer of investigation is complicit, but help others trump charges. I mean yeah bad bad orangemen Be sure to get that guy for ever along I'm defenders of the buttons have said one thing: where's the proof. Well, that form an fbi. Disclosure forms is part of the proof. I know not everything that now disclose form is corroborated, but again the question if you don't believe it's true you, you still must answer how hunter got their jobs. Why he is paid millions for years how the fbi in irish whistleblowers all have independently
used to evidence which corroborates and here's the next part of that right. So as we have irish whistleblowers, as we have a fbi a boy or, as we now have three art related so blowers as we are about to have a former hunter Best friend and business airship known as Hell every time we get a new piece of information from one of them. A corroborate is sound. The conflict anywhere now with any of it all is helping the picture and tied altogether too. How do you explain that one, On that note, what we have is an undeniable patter of preferential treatment and boy. It's gone impact on you. One of the things that's important in all, as is its not just about justice right, is not just about the fact that our president is correct. And probably doesn't know what the wicked as its authority.
actual impact on your get to any objective observer or for that matter, even remotely honest person who is paid. Any attention to what's happened in Washington d c in recent years will know that their has been an undeniable patter of preferential treatment for democrats who been running for president in the case of our current occupant of sixteen hundred pennsylvania avenue became president. We ve gone from james commies, no reasonable prosecutor speech when depicting the various crimes committed with classified material ill. It illegally stored on personal servers owned by Hillary Clinton stemming from her time as secretary of state, which included wrinkle of obstruction of justice and destroying the actual physical evidence to donald trump been indicted for or in a fraction of the clause, five material moral go. We ve had crackhead hunter Biden. Miraculous they become a board member for a ukrainian
she company paying him millions, while his dad was vice president with ukrainian ever sign that ending the firing at the ukrainian prosecutor, the threats of the law, the foreign aid, if it didn't happen, meanwhile, we ve had donald trump indicted over hush money. It's too stormy freaking Daniels. Now without me, crackhead son become business partners with Chinese communist party controlled entities which paid him in the big guy millions while his dad, we are told next to him, providing the leverage needed for the payday and now we're about to have donald trump and died. For what insurrection zero the grand jury is gonna, come back here with banning any day now and that's not to speak of the at this point theoretical biden class by dogs investigation seriously.
but actually know if that special prosecutor is even with the living I mean. Is this like Clinton, kind of situation, aware neither did the people and He's gotta go messy, never hear from them again and then maybe somebody in the ditch somewhere find somebody. Now they is coming Obviously, like you know the one that was taken out in the back in She didn t see, but I mean seriously what, what, when it was the last anybody ever heard, of the special prosecutor or than investigative team on Joe Biden caused by dogs, and it may be that hey. It will just be closed about the time that trumps indicted for whatever the the land to de decides to charge trump with maybe, having had the audacity to be born, I mean did you were you born yes, guilty might come up with in charge and in atlanta about better there's no doubt been an undeniable pattern. A preferential treatment received by the
that's exactly what the IRA's whistleblowers testified to before the house oversight committee last week along the information that the previously anonymous iris whistleblower was a third third. Near iris special agent within the irs criminal investigation division and happened they lead investigator and that entire situation with the additive, nation, that he's a gay democrat married to a man into these said? Whistleblower hunter Biden should have been Charge with the tax felony, because in his experience and by the letter of the law, everybody. Who has ever done anything along the lines of what hunter dead are charged with that and, as he also pointed out contradicting the democrat rest in the ranking member on the committee anytime, felonies recommended you must charged felony over the misdemeanour.
Which is how we know that on turbine was under charge for what he is involved in this sweetheart please deal for. That goes before judge tomorrow, so you have the gay democratic whose married to a man- who also said the prosecution didn't follow you follow the ordinary processes through a deliberate road blocks to impede, investigation, blocked investigators from being able to interview he witnesses yeah. perceptual whistle blower also call for something Many of us have called for infrequent while a special counsel to be appointed specifically targeting hunter binds activities. Oh and yes, the essential involvement of his father and the obstruction justice from the justice department itself. It is fun when the this department is obstructing justice. Meanwhile, the non gay Democrat who's, not married to a man and sharply who's been what can vocal in recent weeks testified that prosecutors
liberally concealed evidence from under binds laptop from the investigators testified to the: u s: attorney's office in delaware, holding up all the necessary investigative functions like the issuance of search warrant until after the twenty twenty election, he said. Or were ready in april of twenty twenty and nothing else. straight sharply testify that in fact, hunter binds. Icloud account contained be what's app messages several chinese communist controlled executives. Isn't that fine we'll pick up there? I am brian mud,
for the great one month, love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, PR talk just had a dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks! This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure talk on your.
An additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g I and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. We know a lot about what Joe widens involved was were at the point where we need people to come in under oath and go into more detail, because I think all roads point to Joe Biden. I think any reasonable american would see that yeah all roads lead to Joe Biden, andrea, that any reasonable american would see that so brian mud and for the gray one mark levant and as we are detailing the walls closing in on the Biden crime family on today show we. we to end the irs whistleblower testimony last week.
That binds icloud account contained the what's. Our messages that had previously been rumoured was set chinese communist controlled executives, including the protein of those executives for money and, yes with dad or though Joe sitting next to him and oversight. Committee chairmen ages heard from james comer Satan at the onset of that hearing. Committee has uncovered twenty shell companies used by the buttons to over ten million dollars from foreign interests in china, ukraine, and romania, and then info its peddling scheme and the two whistleblowers, their testimony, a corroborated those findings where's. The justice we is justice, Yet ranking member jamie rascal in may Kay said. Well,
it was served because hunter Biden, blood guilty to a misdemeanor tax charge at a felony gun charge. The is owing to get a diversion programme for if judge tomorrow accepts the bs plea deal. And so yes, I mean that's, that's the extent of this and say it in no way is a reflection. Hunters action. On Joe, so yes, he wants you to believe that the whistle blowers iran hunter Biden became a bresma board. Member making millions through legitimate means, ditto the chinese communist party and also with a romanian taken down for corruption in romania cs there is undeniable pattern of preferential treatment. For Democrats, you don't need to be an iris specially investigating hunter bind to know this. Just now
have your eyes open. Even a hint of intellectual integrity. Everyone the lesson to or read the testimony of those two us, because it does speak directly to everything those with a hint of intellectual integrity already know. and the reason that all this matters is you, because it is easy for people that this step does really matter to them beyond just the politics if at all, but it does don't. We know that the justice department targeted the tea party and cancer, every letter groups over a decade ago. Don't we know that you have parents at school board meetings are targeted catholic churches. Might enter the gray one market
You know a company's looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch the puritan
can you ll save an additional? Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g: I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, mark Laverne, michaud law and national aid. Seven seven, three one: three, eight one, one, the near us as archer plans to testify that Joe Biden attended hunters business meetings in person and on speaker phone up to two dozen times while he was vice president and the american people may finally turn directly from the source you ass, a turning from delaware, David weiss into how the tee o J handled the federal probe into the president's son for justice department says. I quote, believes that is strongly in the public interest for the american people and for congress to hear directly from u s attorney wise on these assertions and questions about his authority and a public hearing
that's all interests. Seen in some new developments that were hearing about it does lead one to wonder with how. Why is this story has change over the course of time why the dear J is now so competent in him, testifying that the interesting and whatever point that happens- and it is likely to that is- axes brook cinnamon. There was some of the updates today. I muddy and for the right one markel event, as we ve been talking about the walls of the Biden, crime family slowly, moving in on them, I was talking about how ultimately does matter to you is not just about the politics is not just about in wrong is not just about the constitution. although it is ultimately about the constitution when it comes to you as well, but it is, something that really can hit home for you. If there is not account hildy here
because we know an unaccountable justice department. has already targeted tea party groups has already targeted Concern parents attending school board meetings has already sought to investigate catholic churches. Or quoting quote suspicious activity that was brought to the light of day, and that was forced to be rescinded. At least in theory. And what we gotta be mindful of is is these are just the alarming examples of an abuse of power to protect political interests at your expense. We know about just the ones that we know about the deal J gets what this undeniable pattern of preferential treatment, including that is all out there in the light of day, because the one big difference
happened, when, though I was was shining on the tea party, targeting it was expose, it was stopped Actually you even had the justice department that had to settle with those directly impact. than those tea party groups. One and when the targeting of concern parents at school board meetings was brought to the light of day it stopped right back. germany was rescinded, there's a semi apologies whatever indeed a more recently with the catholic churches that at richmond for in your field office, but if we now get, point we're, you have opened reduction in The highest level and that's cool new Where did they go? Ok, we got a real problem here, yeah, you're, right You know what we need to to change the way we do business Does that mean to you, because
if there are obviously wrong, encroach influences acting on behalf of the press in the united states and his son. And they have at their own pleasure, tat, in those types of legal actions, improper actions against you, will it will really? Sir when its targeting you the next time and for them What were the application to the first amendment be in the future it's much bigger than just the binds. The principle here is extremely important. Let's go to the phones, we got Alex, steady abc in brooklyn, alex welcome to the show hebron which were taken. The call The evidence exists. Not only that you know hunter got money, the chinese and was bribery money how they were involved so that we can get favours from the binding in the future. The fact that he, the chinese executive to give them money. You only threaten to get the cash repeated europe, europe
Your china deal, which is what I want your dead. That's why he was demanding the money, but I so, I wonder, is it by cap mccarthy, impeachment of Joe Biden? I don't think that's a good eye because I want Joe Biden to be the norm. If the democratic party is the best shot, we got at winning in this general election in twenty twenty four, so we gotta keep him, but it's so crazy to see these the credit politicians where first they were saying hunter buying a saint the greatest guy ever on the map, and then he please give he too, in a line on application when it was getting the gun and evident came out that he got money from foreign country than like all, maybe not that you could gather, but Joe Biden didn't know anything, but to allow that at and after but you know anything and then the evidence comes out I did know about a deal just on an end, and that now and there saying Oh well, job I didn't have anything, do with deals. What's up with these people why don't we want to be ahead of the curve? Well, there now
like so, I gave you your points are good ones year. Your life, Thank you. I think it is generally is, is sound there and are they You also know the answer to kind of like a rhetorical question about why the has all been allowed to happen, and interesting and in the context, what you're talking about with no job that you want him to be the nominee next year wanting in I'll, say Now I understand how it would here is though Joe Biden is the best bad for whom ever the republic anomaly happens to be next year. You take I get his approval numbers or lack thereof. Take a look at the guy. That is a walking mumbling cognitive mess. but the one thing that I never take for granted is we never know how and elections going to go until we get there right. I think about what democratic
thought in twenty. Sixteen they wanted tromp may manga trumped and bay and are they tromp again. I almost think one need that ironies should Donald trump become the public and armament monotony and, of course, easy overwhelming favoured right now. The demo anson and their allies in the news media. They want this again. And it does feel awful. I like twenty, sixteen and in that regard, but I do caution people to be careful what you wish for, because what happens if the elections were to go that way, I do I that I would want to envision another for years in this country would Joe Biden as present the united states or. Because at only many of us think he could make it another four years who is behind door number two? I don't think we were to envision that situation either. So I do caution. People against
travelling down that path, necessarily, though I understand the logic behind John in syracuse was saint of. U s. Why are john welcome to the show sprite? take for you, and I appreciate your calls greater by the way, because the only calls greater in america. that would let me on, I believe Joe Biden: is the manchurian candidate the reason. I say that too is they cause what should deep corruption. We talk about the deep state and russia we still live, we talked about it every day we have a deep, deep state that is so corrupt. Ensuring candidate, Joe Biden is run by gangsters
romania gangsters, you crave gangsters, russia, gangsters, we're talking about the democratic party being held in place, will not open their mouth when they know that the president is corrupt. I'd I'd tell you that I watching the book play itself out the manchuria candidate right before the american people lies and what's going with us. The other thing is this: guy jack's met any mccarthy wrote an article about it. Last year it said he's Barack obama's pit lawyer whose seizing hatred for donald trump junior right up to the day of the elections of twenty twenty four. ok, so yeah may look I wish I could argue you're you're I wish I could take the other side and in argue against what you said, because it idiot does speak volumes.
About where we are, I can, one thing and sent her saying a lot of all right along on people are wondering away. Who is really pulling the strings. Writes a common question ends you know whether it is the you know. The binding binds rather evidence at this point to be at a minimum beholden to foreign, tourists and the least of which are in china, our biggest adversary. He can't help it to notice the obama fact right, and I think many people right along have suspected as much how many officials within the binding ministration were over officials that just bounds right back into those post, whether things it's First, in terms of symmetry too not just talk about the targeting of conservative groups and those that may he feared to be aligned with with conservatives in the
arrest, targeting all that obviously happen to of the tea party groups under the obama administration right and then we don't know anyway, about this type of activity popping up again until when win would have been the school board? meetings right. It would have been de concern. Parents and I would have been very much as soon as binding became president- So it's almost like ok, well, Goes away and while we know there are deep state crop influences within the justice carbon in various different agencies, you don't necessarily seed dat type of activity, showing up again that's coming after us, but binds and bob. We see that pop up again then, more recently, you know the catholics, urges us now that they want to be targeted by the fbi field office in virginia, so there are a lot of. details that work together, thou way and you nothing would surprise,
they- because I do not think any of us necessarily think data day. Joe Biden is brains behind the operation that is whatever makes this Ministration go let's go to mike in Pensacola my welcome to the show very how you doing hunter and held up his artistic scaled. It how different take on how that their there, the dealer said: there's a nodded, while you're in the white house put out there big bang about the all Fires are anonymous, but who's. This The buyers can They all looked out is picked up, this half million to repeat the bark wink wake, especially the one it gets got appointed when all her visits to the white house, she could give Oh yeah, how coincidental a there, you know what I mean. No doubt,
and this is where it's important to have this information that comes out. This is actually something that, in a house, bigger care Car thieves talked a lot about you, ve, actually, how's, that my committee chair james comer, along with. the judicial committee chair Jim Jordan, say something similar. We're not gonna get out ahead of the facts. If you've heard them talk about this, even though we have had a lot information that points to a lot of what we found out. They don't wanna fraught run the facts. Upon leaks and rumors, they wanna get hard evidence. They want to get on the record tat testimony, so you had these iris whistleblowers. Not do they have to pay for their being in d c on their own? They don't have people better keep them in this deal on putting their careers on the line and everything else we have them now on the record right, so
go to jail if if they lie that provide it's another layer, along with the additional information records that have been produced and everything else, and so that makes everything more credible as we advance through this but a lot of rumours about the art, and who is paying for it, and maybe it turns out that there are like some chinese actors are involved in it. Up to this point with, what's been led, Tat we learned about today from the resources that are involved with hunter buying in maine, have necessarily been that right and might have just been a hundred wanted some money here, one of the things we don't know, and we can't discount as a what their financial situation is be, what data they greed is so and on one hand you have some folks. I want to take a look at everything, as may be being like some kind of grand master plot or that they become so. tied in with corrupt actors around the world that it is? This constant back and forth process with money, flow and laundering those types of things, but it also just could be hey
hunter has run out of money on crack in so I'm gonna Minos sells a new order, something and one in a million dollars, and it's going to end up being from some that the family knows. Well, that's been a long time. Democratic donor ends that wants a presidential appointment right. I mean that's kind of what we're here. About now that there are different levels within all this. That's why it's important to get these facts is why the investigations are important and, as I always do, There are two sides to stories, one set of facts and we'll be back with more than a moment, I'm brian mud and for the great
one month, love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just had a dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now he's considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty per cent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to
I talk and you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Inflation has indeed come down, has been, has come down the last twelve months and that important that's what the data has showed. That is important and also while wages are going up, and so this is might not. That's. Why not mix! In that the data tat I had showed so a green jean b Are there any? She was even sound convinced by that message, either right and she's, usually pretty good. At just say he thought, whatever she feels she should say. Even unbind. By now make she's an art and area would seem by modern.
the great one market. Then we will continue to talk about the walls closing in on the Biden cry of family, but just and by now he's here for a moment it by now, this is absolutely above seated macro economics is complicated. Purse no economics not so much and its Did you see why president binds by not road trip, said messaging has been a bust because I've always said that you go the people about policy and what it it'll do in those inclined to believe you might for a while. But you can't lie the people about what is or isn't in there what, because, while they they know and yet unemployment rate is well yes, resilient use academy manage to stave off entering a recession. The first half a year, but now what's happening at home, What's families to pay the bills, not good, not good, and the overall impact by not mix, has been anything balikh, these sunshine and oil pops Joe or corina, ends up parroting theirself. We have a little
detail on this by not mix, as shows that just another way of saying restore the american dream. Well, people aren't feel in it by average approval riding on a year. Economy is thirty. Eight percent right now compared to fifty eight percent disapproval net. approval writing on the economy for perspective. That is, thirteen percent, lower than it was under president trump in twenty twenty in the middle of the pandemic and the reason why report and simple. You know what the compounded rated inflation is since the day the Joe Biden became president, its now eighteen percent, yet your pain, an average of eighteen percent! More for the average thing you buy over the day that he took over. And if you take a look it just the first two and a half years of the vine administration, the compound The inflation rate is ten. and higher than the four year. Pounded rate of the trunk presidency, in other words, two and a half years
fine has done ten percent. Worse than four years of drop, the average american net of inflation, six percent worse off under binding so far the average american under tromp, seven percent, better off so yeah quality life and spine can lie about by nam x, but a lot of people about what isn't in their wallets Am I the end for the great one markel, then I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com
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the broadcasting from the underground command post, the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the president has said all along that he has never spoken with his son about his overseas business deals. But now the white house is putting it a little bit differently at first, it was ian Sams he's the spokesman for the white house counsel's office, and he was the first to say that the president was never in business with his son. I asked him about that when it happened back in june, why the phrasing was different, and he pointed me to a question and answer that happened that same day, in the briefing room where corinne jean Pierre was asked. If it was still true that the president's never spoken with his son, and she said that day, nothing has changed
fox is jackie, heinrich reporting there, as we see that the white house is story is starting to change a little. As the walls have slowly been closing in on the buying crime, family, where's. in a year, a shift in message, remit is cited, is subtle, but it is there because wow Can you at a certain level, ignore what your line eyes must be telling you as we take a look at all the various different pieces says we ve talked about through the first couple hours of the the show this evening. every time you turn around, there's more. time, it's a but wait. There's more and that's because as more information comes public more sources are being revealed in more sources are revealed the emperor
she corroborates without their sources in agencies or not in any government agencies just witnesses with knowledge That is how the walls, slowly but surely clothes in miss is going somewhere in. Maybe a will be the impeachment inquiry which, how speaker Kevin Mccarthy over the past couple of days, has been floating, we'll see where that goes, but nothing else Average american is becoming far more informed and I'll talk about bad through the course of this. Our as well brian in for the great one markel event. It is always an honour and a pleasure being here with you and the house Brian mud show Eugene, oh and west bomb beaching check out, be brian module podcast, where ever you get your bad gas can also check out my my blog be bride. My Joe appreciated, if you take you read those stories share them without
and help inform the masses alot of content that I put out each and every day, and you can so follow me at brian majority, radio anywhere socially. Any social media side you will find me: outcry, mud, radio s, let let's talk the but wait. There's more so to turn a kind of tie up a lot of the pieces. Could there we ve learned in the house oversight committee's investigation so far along with some of the newer details, we ve learned as recently today, as we talked about the art sales information coming out that there appears to be quid pro quo. Associated with the art deals with a presidential appointment. but we already knew that when hunter was in doing dirty business with crack and crackers.
he was doing dirty business with croaked energy interests in ukraine, charisma in china, the stuff energy h, K, limited entity that was the actual name of the corrupt chinese energy company state, energy, H, K, limited. We know that he did it using his father the then vice president with oversight of those countries every step of the way ass, it turns out the dirty deeds or isolated to crack the or an isolated to whores. They weren't isolated to ukraine into china because as we have had more details that have been revealed by house oversight committee. James garber, who recently led a detailed overview, how their investigation has produced the detailed bank records showing far more intricate, An extensive influence peddling than we had previously gas torn out
the investigation, thus far has produced a detailed overview of the over twenty shell companies set up exclusively for the purpose, lean greater than ten million dollars to the violence, fifteen of which were set immediately after Joe Biden became vice president of the united states this something else, as they talked about its important for these investigations and it's important to get the facts because every time we get more information, its action, bigger. There there's never been a point where their hand when a new whistle blower a new document that and produced and be investigation into the binds got smaller every time there is more to the story. It seems you bigger than what had been rumoured organ previously ones. More fascinating aspects that has already been discussed with the shell companies. Is that a fit
here were immediately set up after Joe Biden became the vice president of the united states. This was new information of white. What they tell us. You is what. While we know that the chinese and ukrainian thing didn't happen until later in the open The presidency, in Joe Biden spy residency. They had laid the groundwork for shenanigans right along Joe got the job of vice president and it's time to make some money right So there's no telling what we find out so the next level information. Did they just how fifteen shell companies that were immediately set up after Joe Biden became vice president and nothing happened with them until we get to bring and to the chinese interest into the corrupt ukraine.
An actor they were involved with- maybe we don't know yet, though, and by binds one the other things we found out as we ve talked about the buying crime family, it's far beyond just hunter ensure right because the end negation, reveal that a minimum of nine binds nine or on the tank is port international influence peddling scheme and, as was detailed by into consistently about a third of the financial equation, meaning that what they were a third Actually, the operations that were going on ever sees at any given time interesting as well, and yes, tat choice he's. Communist connections were detailed to have been heavily involved, but it didn't stop there because. we also did know until recently that the binds had been in business with that corrupt romanian convicted of
option in romania and so one of the more important documents twenty came out, I think it's all a month ago now was a thirty six page memo, but the house, if my committee release where the information first became public and it contain hard facts. The actual bank record you, can actually see the bank records it's right there for anyone to say one more fascinating. Things has been like with actual bank records you can look at and from the department of justice. Not having done anything from the fbi, specifically under the day, o j, not to have done anything to them that. Have theoretically radically been reporting news not to have done anything, but this right, it's really fascinating rain. again to see how the figs has been in long, including with their allies and news media, which
and to me is, is fascinating to see insider thee. media outlets, formerly known as business insider just goes by insight, or now it's a well left if sinner entity. That is the one that had the exposure today on the Biden, our dealings you're, beginning to see. Maybe the media start to do their job and the only reason they will do their job is because they our go and hold on these walls gonna closing the buttons- and if this is gonna happen, we need throw him in them overboard before we get to november, because and you get into november. You start to run up against hard deadlines for any democratic candidates for president to get on primary ballots next year. so that's why this one time right now is so so important for accountability, but speaking of it
how to building the fbi they're not accountable, we're not entitled to the information you, no one more fascinating things it's happening. We ve taught extensively about the by crime, family and walk if a fbi continues to cover for the buying crime, family activities which is, of course, what provoked the f b, I whistleblower to provide this in it with the disclosure form that checks rashly release in the sinner last week, vague ten you stonewalling and provide eu truth in an otherwise. So, for example, You likely recall that we have at the field office, unread sperm, virginia bade the memo that was targeting catholics. We, we briefly touched on this last our wealth one of the things that happen. Really didn't gay much attention. There's a freedom
of information request on that that was made by catholic boat to obtain the information about The whole situation because remember up to this point always christopher re, testifying, say yeah that was really awful and see it stopped? I may that go away right away Did it actually happen? Are there actually any individuals that were specifically investigated? What activities of the the I carry out related to that. Well, when catholic vote reached out Without freedom of information request. You know they were met with by the fbi. This is a quote. The public is not entitled to the records The public is not entitled to their. I mean that is fine. Isn't it again leave all the vine crime family stuff. Behind the
legally targets. Catholics violating the Institutional rights of all involved in then has the audacity to say that the public is entitled to the records because views. I thought the government worked for on behalf of us. I mean silly me right again. We're not realizing the federal. intelligence and investigative apparatus it just become in a thorough posts constitute no dictatorial regime, and so my message for the f b, I would be this: you're not entitled to a single tax star. For many of us in this From firing the entirety of senior leadership within the bureau, I had a vote right now. All I would absolutely vote to de fund everything associated with you unless stomach changes were guaranteed immediately and that would be tied to that money. Because not only are we entitled to those records, we are entitled to our constitutional rights. The federal bureau
designation operators, as though we don't have them and now has the audacity to tell us point blank that they don't exist. What shouldn't exist is the fbi is currently constructed, and then you take a look at what today has brought and there's. This is something that's interesting. There's a doubling today, the house judicial committee for the the eye to provide the information to the committee that they refuse to provide catholic vote. This is a record made by Jim Jordan in that committee, I saw. They had not complied with that so well. They as bowser is a little time left in the day to day. Well, they comply, or the fbi just continue to lie again. That is why I say all this ultimately Matters to you when you have robson. That is so pervasive. Everything with you
the eye that was allowed to persist prom. the steel dossier the pfizer award request the entire trump. Russia collusion, narrative. To where we are today right down to the targeting of catholics, there's no accountability. Where, where does this all go, pick up there? This is brian mud, for the great one month, then Welcome to the wealthiest brute s emma enjoy the big boat the vibrant sounds of real fruit. DR various ahead
calling rosy ah made with real fruit for a taste, is bold as you well less. Fruit still form It just shows what a bad position we were in the two iris whistleblowers highlighted that, in fact, the f b I knew of hunter binds laptop in two thousand and nineteen we're can about a letter that was october of two thousand and twenty yeah, I mean a good luck. Is it that is rough of jason smith, he's on the house oversight committee right, in four end for Markle, been discussing the revelations associated with the binding crime family and talking about the lack of
on ability with the justice department, including the fbi and one that seems to be starting to happen- is that its catch up with all the walls close and undermine dr dry family. It's got to the point where people cutting new, these organizations that are historically sympathetic to them still already. To show signs that they might actually. I dont know report the dates. but also as a burden To us us right, our american types. I found myself as a real is two years on the side of optimism and in that context, do you think the? U S, justice is motivated by partisan politics. To that, is a national pole. Question posed a few days ago: by sinclair media are idea. Think that yours department,
This is motivated by partisan politics. and in this national paul. What did the respondents answer? well mealy? Yes, eighty percent eighty percent bondage to that paul they believe the? U s. Department of justice is motivated by politics. Thing is interesting. In addition to encourage, because its assigned the most people, regardless of political persuasion, lately. their eyes open enough to see that our This department is an operating on the level. similarly indicates is the extent to which people are also uninformed about the buying crime. There If a civilised and to that end at the time This ball was released again this a few days ago. Now I just did a spy check of the usual suspects a news. What was that
story with NBC news top headline rob grand jury to hear testimony from aid who was with him on Jan six, top maybe news headline genes. Grand jury, convenes top cbs this headline trump adds new attorney to link team for twenty twenty election probe cnn peddling at that time. For this, standard for teaching black history sparks outrage mean accurately deviated from trump to take a crack at florida, which is absolute bull crap, touch on that here in the second half hour, but I mean hey. What I I didn't see on any of those homepages by the way anything to do with the whistleblowers anything to do with the hard evidence of buying corruption, anything to do with justice department collusion americans already know enough to know. The justice department itself appears beak runs. Building in with just a little information, especially if the mainstream cigarettes are doing. It is the key
could see. Things happened fast, I'm brian mud and for the great one margo them You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen. There are no rights, seventeen, seventy four one, one one! today there are, those in our nations would prefer to erase or even rewrite the ugly part of our past. Those
what to teach that enslaved people benefited from slavery. Now. This will not surprise you but she's for crap nancy. The vice president is is full of horse pooh, so I'm not gonna get into all the details right here, for I want bribery. For a market then, in my it is for I have covered this. Sensibly. In fact, if you want all these facts related to this, daily q and a add mcewen aid. Today, what actually change with bores black history curriculum? Here's a hint. the issue. These slight change in any of the changes in the curriculum were extremely minor. In fact, there really only to ban any even said boo about, but one in particular
structure, and includes how slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. Ballot in particular, is it just a matter of historical fact. It is almost verbatim. What He be asses memory on this the conditions of anti bellum slavery, it's almost verbatim what pbs teaches on this subject, quoting pbs Many enslaved people developed and passed down skills ha shut the front door on that one state of florida, their board of education. Almost quotes, PBS on our another baby. It's cool but Florida, all those racist as trying to whitewash flavour.
so for that's anyway, if you want the facts, just the facts check out my cue, nay the day today? What act? change with forward is black history curriculum. You can get it the brain your blog and also the podcast I did on this today as well, the things that the router whack the crab body in general right markov in the gray one his new book what is sure to be a number one best seller. In fact, even I'm pre order right now. It's already a number on best seller on amazon, see other democratically hates america it's out in september. Pre order get your copy now makes Sure you don't miss out on this, make sure that it is the number one best seller in the country so that no Nobody can ignore it. Despite the censorship? Efforts of
to tease like target that try not to carry the bug despite every one of marks. It's becoming a number one best seller, just stay shenanigans throughout their makes, make sure had Priore your copy. You can pre order it on amazon right now are go to tony and clifton new jersey, tony to the shall pay Brian thanks for your night with us. Thank you so much it's a pleasure. It say it's always a valid for to win. I am blessed with the opportunity oh you know. I love you presentation like you said one question: I enjoy the one of the whistleblowers blowers idea into a lot of his testimony and something struck me, and I will To go back and listen again, but maybe you recall people say that in his investigation, who is actually doing another investigation
and then the name hunter biting came up. I don't know if you remember that it was as if they were split quickly targeting him in his investigation, and I thought that was amazing. So he briefly in his that yeah? So you know what you say is is an interesting and important, and actually I'm going to eat. You picked up on something there. That is, is highly instructive and it pertains to this special council. So, for example, let's take the to die. cases right, so we ve got they d trump close by I case, and we ve got the thing Radical investigation that exists with Joe binds classified documents you have The attorney general general merit garland, appoint two special councils on this right, going to invest in the appearance was all these things are. To be equitable, ok. Well, they warn and the reason is
As you saw these special prosecutor, we tromp oversight was given the rod authority by the attorney general. So what he was. entered the authority to do was to go after those trump dogs, but also if there is anything else, you see wink, wink, nudge, nudge, the youth, I think my could be removed Lee interested in our bad or when troubled stuff in I like J six, go, get him on that too so you actually had jack smith given the broad authority to go out there and yet the docks case, but then anything else. You see as fair game in trump world and so now we are- you know his face, an eminent situation with what likely will be,
Insurrectionists charges brought by a grand jury in and that whole deal stemming from that same special prosecutor that investigation, while the theoretical special prosecutor, in the binding docks case was not granted that authority authority was limited to the classified documents and that alone? And so that alone kind of gave you the idea, and so, when you start talking about over the these investigations and talk about ziegler, ok, while he was in necessarily investigating what he came across pertaining to the buttons. Now what can we do with the information and the evidence and when this has been presented on high, what do we find out from all of the so blowers involves so far. They shut it down not only were they not granted broad authority too continue to follow the potential cross. times wherever they would lead them, which is what any good and
The gate a body would do, but you surely had fbi Shows from on high you d, o j officials from on high make that stuff go away, so of the details- and this is fascinating- we start to take a look at some of the inner workings of the actual the money of the irs whistleblowers, for example they actually told they were going to interview on turbine back in twenty twenty and this thing was put off by their bosses and they ended up being told They were going to sit outside of the house. And wait on hunter by rather than actually owing to the house, and conducting The investigation, which is how this would ordinarily happened when you are going to be interviewing a witness and guess what honour by never came, imagine that so they never have that our view by no means the election, whole thing goes away.
there are so many things along those lines, and so yet you pick up on an instructive in an interesting detail about how these corrupt entities have worked with under the department of justice and the authority of investigators that are involved and what's been granted by those who are positions of power, let's go two LEO colorado springs leo. Welcome to the show thanks for airily. I told her, of course, green or a couple of things. One is when they start the wheel, instigation, the forensic accounting of all this between the Biden cartel. It's I've said this before it's going to end up being hundreds of millions of dollars couldn't go back to his his days as a senator and Nathan. He's just been lining his pocket But the other part that I came to a realization after seeing him stomach,
in the fall and during their sayings is kinda hit home. I'm that he's not going to live to see the next election he's gonna end up fallen stumbling hit this head, because one of the same words will be, German time, I'm not going anywhere them from office and the reason I say this is my parents suffered with dementia. My my mother, more so she went in, one day. She was still here talking as clear. When I next thing I know she was in a I'm old folks home and she passed away less than three months later. It was just bang bang boom, and I said that's going to happen here and once camilla becomes president? God forbid the next alike. It's gonna be a shoo in it doesn't matter who we put up from the republican inside well high I never take any of these things, were granted
I am cautiously optimistic because its nest area about what might happen cheer, regardless of who the nominee as I do believe, by the way that the arguments that tromp can't win, or whatever else say I don't buy that, and I have statistical analysis that can back bad, but a couple things: head on and some of what you said. It is true every time we have had more evidence has been produced. The money trail has gone bigger with binds. So what's the view of the possible telling, and what a surprise me, the least, if old, Joe had been undertaken, some capacity go on back to his early days. Is a senator know what? But until now, Is there any evidence of that? What we know to this point, we were in the neighbour if twenty plus million dollars now so there is actually.
corroborating evidence points to at least twenty million dollars of what appear to be illicit gains by the buying crime, family and perhaps more and in time. So I do think it's important to stick in a just spaces, I, with the backs, let's go to mark in independence, Missouri mark welcome to the show hey, brainer! I totally agree the republicans in doing a solid job investigating rapid fighting corruption hope they keep goin. but over the same time they went before the positive agenda and also made you follow me. Eventually pointing out just what a dastardly bunch? These Democrats are that they want nothing short of turn they want elections to be meaningless, said are using the hoax of climate change. Come whenever a water heaters gas, those just workers and during the first year, there's a binding. Yet a democrat. Soon it ass a good, so many oppressor regulations on us and that's what they're What do they want to face? We get us anywhere
I'm coming after coal oil, natural gas in new killer and repressing electric cars, I would I have some money coming here from the chinese are making big profits on cobalt mines and in africa I mean we're up against evil. In this democrat party and and republicans, I guess they are doing a great job, but I would hope they would take a page from mark Levin's book or many pages and just point out what a group We are up against some em in more question for you, because you know you what what you're saying has merit for sure your wanting a more positive message or a message about what they're they're going to say, or do you have a preference for president next year? Are you about Malta? Do you think that he is leaving out the appropriate vision.
de, I think your first term he showed is what it was with: tax cuts, regulation reaction, making the borders secure, but the abraham accords low in applying a dragon americans asians strategy. We did so many great things in place. We keep at one end of the year. I think He also wants to brain swapping, dilapidated democrats, you being a blank and market, and I appreciate that an so here is gonna, where I'm going without so you are actually gained the message and if you listen to tromp, when he is, is out about Ah, you will get the positive message, yeah. He is heading the binds in whatever else, but he is also constantly laying out here a vision for the future and What he believes needs to happen from a policy standpoint as well and That is your answer. So the of what goes on right? Now you have a vacuum: a power vacuum. The republican party, because
is the leader of the republican party. When Who are now led by an incumbent president? There tend to be that jockeying for this should now. Obviously Donald trump is I am very much in a leader possess leadership position within the republican party. Given commanding lead at this point in the process, but until and unless he is the actual nominee you're not nets. You're, going to have their just adopted as be overall message, but if you think that's the right message then. Ultimately, that is where this is trending towards the next election, and that will be a big part of what is going to be run on by the time we get to. I dunno For next year, I am brian mud in for the one month, then don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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then it closed the border we're going to get rid of all the criminals that have been allowed to come into our country that are causing us tremendous, prevent terrorists that are going to cause us problems so many years to come, we are going to create the greatest economy, we're going to become in energy. Independent energy prices are going to go way down, that's going to take inflation down, Europe is out there with this message. That was a recent interview with fox businesses, maria or to roma and you'll you'll hear more that the noise then used to went out for the most part, but you are hearing law that vision from him right in four markel abandon target. The walls closing in on the binding crime, family, corruption within the d o J and all this its frustrating, but it look like its work in all that, while in not only are these
sagacious, beginning to produce so much evidence that it's hard for now. Even some mainstream media outlets to ignore it, but also there is a backup. that is growing among the american people. Now it's one to be a historically poor president. It's another thing to be a historically poor president and have your administration arrest, the former president, opposition and the next presidential election. It's all other thing to be a historically poor president, whose administration has arrested the former president and top could dinner for export Election, all while ample evidence is pretty showing that what you have done in conjunction with your son, too, personally, profit off of be second most powerful posts in the country is a bridge too far. It's a bridge too far, and it's not working politically so trunk does appear to be
benefiting politically from what's happening here. You know there have been a lot of talk like after the the hush money I've been in new york and then, more recently, after the federal indictment of the docks charges after that since I met you had kind of like the rally around trumpet fact, and you saw a boost in republican, primary point and audit Democrats that are rooting for trump to be the nominee because they think he is the most beatable. They are all excited about that for what we ve seen more recently and sabena real little bit different. There. Actually is the potential with This is all playing out and the two tier system of justice. For a national rally around the trump effect, so today the messenger harris ex pull that came out, chose tromp of four on binding had nationally two weeks ago,
that poll showed the races being tied on election day Twenty twenty that poor proved to be you're right actually showing by not four points on Tromp Biden, one the popular vote by four and a half percent. So what we seen as a huge aid point swing over two years ago. Four of those points just in recent weeks on what we had pointed out here of white, obviously poles hypothetical match ups for november next year. At this point I mean a whole lot. It is a temperature check about how this stuff is all point out and there is a backlash that is brewing Hence the binds interrupt his on the charge. and he might be in charge of the races. Well have a great night but a pleasure rhyme. Again for the great one market, then.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-27.