« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/24/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is creating another phony issue to upset Black Americans to try and create a permanent smear of Ron DeSantis. A committee of scholars in Florida put together a thorough course on slavery – and the left is trying to say DeSantis wants the school children to learn that slavery was a good thing. Does that make any sense? Democrats can never run against their opponent - they have to lie and try to destroy them. The Democrat party can’t survive without racism - anti-Black racism before, anti-White racism today. It was the Republican Party that led the Civil War to free slaves. It was the Democrat Paty that supported lynching and included it in their platforms. Also, we have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food, what kinds of homes we can have, and what kind of car we can drive. This comes from bureaucrats who we didn’t vote for. We’re going down a slippery slope at a high speed. One day it will be too late because the Democrat Party will control all the instrumentals of government, culture, and social media. Later, killing our fossil fuel industry helps China. Underfunding our military benefits China. China treats Biden with disrespect because they own him. Finally, Robert Malley is the man Biden chose to negotiate with Iran. Under President Obama and VP Biden, Malley completely changed how we approached Iran. Before Malley, the position was to prevent Iran from getting nukes. After Malley, it was about how can we manage Iran and its nukes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the america mark levine here our number eight seven, so and three eight one. Three, eight one, one aid, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one: Did you know that rhonda santas supports slavery. I in fact rhonda santas, once the school.
Children in florida to learn that. Slavery was a good thing and learned all kinds. Of course, skills from slavery. Stop right. There Full of you who are rational, Zeb, make any sense to you. Is that so I grant decided to steal see. Democrats can never actually run against their opponents, they have to lie about them and try destroy them. The scientists doesn't believe slavery was a good thing. And a committee of scholars who put together a very thorough course on slavery, among other things, and led by african americans, cloning to F Americans, in particular they didn't say that slavery was a good thing.
What they said was an essentially has horrific as it was, and as horrific as it is. People learn some skills that they were able to you? later in life? That is what they're saying now is. A pro slavery statement by the scientists and his government. over a hundred ninety bullets in this. Curriculum, I went through a number of them. It is the most thorough discussion of slavery. I've ever seen it doesn't make the united states look good, it's not pro slavery, it doesn't, it doesn't play down slavery. Quite the contrary. It is in your face. It's very blunt
Here's scott journeying cnn senior political commentator on CNN yesterday cut fifteen go. Was raising the may that how little comic This apparently has to do this. You can read something twitter one day and be on an airplane. The next to make nothing literally out of nothing. This is a completely made a deal. I look at the standards even look at an analysis of the standards in every instance, The word slavery or slave was used even read the statement of the african american scholars that wrote the standards, not rhonda scientists, but the scholars everybody involved in their says. This is completely a fabricated issue and yet look how quickly calmly harris jumped on it. So the fact that this is her best moment, a fabricated matter, is pretty ridiculous and I've been with because the democratic party cannot survive without racism, anti black
racism, through most of his history, anti white racism today and then they protect under republicans with they in their party did to the country, and I write this extensively. My new book, eugene robinson, who did not look at the standards, Telling about normalizing unique horror of slavery in florida curriculum And a navarro who is a psychopath into languages, She's on the view, she clearly didn't look at all the stands, a sheet and looking anything and she's trashing screaming at the sad this for a while watching slavery. He did no such thing. And there are others, of course, come our harris trying to exploit it, because Kemal harris doesn't have anything. Certainly nothing substantive.
They turned to come harris, maybe turn to herself the trying exploit this, which is our rageous. So Florida has not done what they say. Flirted dead, rhonda say this didn't write the standards. He pointed the people. There is nothing wrong with the standards. If you go through a look at all of them. Including this one, one of one hundred ninety two, and so this is a complete Leave phony issue that they're trying to use the upset black americans in this country to create. A permanent smear under santa. So this is what everybody thinks about when they hear his name, and this is what the democratic party does. Every fascistic and marxist regime to ever exist on the face the year did what the democratic party is done, and so they
from controlling the language controlling the thought process. That's what this is about here. She is, as an example, cut for teen go extremists pass To prevent them from learning our true history, but bands in this year of our lord twenty twenty three. And while they do this check it out, they push forward revisionist history. Yesterday in the state of florida they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery,
They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us and we will not stand for it. She's a nut, she's, a race baiter, and I think enough of this country. Now has embraced race baiting that its problem. everything she said is a lie. Would she fact trap. by the new york times the wash and posted a factor that they go, When I look at all the standards. Including this one and so. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us and we will not stand for it. This is how she hopes they get votes. First of all,
harris cheer party that in sleigh black people, it's my party that led a civil war to free them, and it's my republican president's lincoln grant, among others who did exactly that. and it's your party for a hundred years after the end of the civil war, whether its policy versus ferguson segregation supper but equal. He called your party that prevented black people from voting in the south, with a variety of of obstacles created. Your party did that my party opposed it Nineteen, fifty seven it was our president, I'd eyes and our republic, who pass the nineteen fifty seven civil rights act in a way guy Lyndon Johnson, who watered down in nineteen, sixty
Another civil rights act passed push by eisenhower's. Well, your guys watered down that one too, Linda jobs Lyndon Johnson, wanted to take credit for being a civil rights later, while he was leading the southerners in the senate to water down these bills. Nineteen sixty four, the civil rights act of rage, percent of the republic of the house and the Senate voted for sixty nine percent of the Democrats in the senate, voted for any percentage smaller than the Republicans voted for it in the house same with nineteen. Sixty five civil rights act that your party that took the grand kriegel a westwards. India by bird and made him the leader, your party in the sand. majority leader, I majority later your president, Joe Biden, a man whom you share.
a man to whom you are vice, president of the united states, who are posed integrating our public school system where blacks and whites calling it a jungle for whose children only to go back a hundred years. Your mandate there and you told us that so eloquently during the debates but you're such a hack you're such a power hungry, nothing that when they offered your vice president eager barely control yourself? That's the truth, They don't teach that in school, Anna Navarro, you moron, they don't teach that in school. Do they gene robinson, you clown.
They I'll teach idea that in our schools do they was a Democrat who was present at the confederacy. Surrounded by democratic generals was a democrat general during the confederacy who, after the civil war for the coup, Klux clan My republican president Ulysses s grant said the united states army into their south. destroy the clan and almost dead. Your party, the democrats in the mid term elections, took her house. I cut off.
funding for the army to go down south and finish the job. Anybody know that now you know, how do you like the teaching history and I come on- I'm not that I'm not done. The democratic party that supported lynchings, including including in their platforms, it franklin, rose about what a bill put on his desk. I buy partisan bill of federal law, love wintering. He refused to sign it. That's your party have about that history and was Joe Louis.
Go back, wendell willkie for president a republican against. Rather roosevelt when he was asked. Why said because rose about won't? Stop lynching in this tree. He refused to sign that bill. Your party, nineteen, thirty six that invited all the white members of the olympic less to the wind also except one, a black man you may have heard of jesse owens owens was asked about this graffiti said, Hitler didn't snob me. I didn't see. Hitler rose about snub me here.
talk to me and he invited everyone to the white house. But he didn't invite me. This is the democratic party that and a hundred more facts that your fine and the Democrats He hates america, you wanna go further. Mr producers is helping. Eugenics was Thing the so called progressives were pushing pushing hard. Why because these marxist believe in the perfection of society through experts. But society could never be as perfect as the progressives wanted. As long as there are people, they believed who were inferior impositions that they didn't think they should be. If you want a more perfect society, you gotta clean up.
population, woodrow, Wilson, was not alone in this regard, but he was the president and he and his fellow Democrat Margaret sang replant parent, supported eugenics to use against quote idiots other people and black Wanna hear more when he was president of princeton university bragged that not a single black was admitted to princeton when he was president of princeton. You want hear more republicans before woodrow wilson, Theodora about how about howard taft, these segregated the federal government. This Greg aided the military
you know Aris, aggregated em, a Democrat woodrow wilson. Anybody been taught us. Woodrow Wilson blocked blacks from getting senior positions in the federal government fact he forced most of them out. a black person who wanted a position in the civil service for the first time ever photographs for weeks. To be presented along with resonates g Why. I got a million of them right now I'll be right back then, If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go, In your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is that You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get Ultimate guide to gold: I raise feels good. There's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Five, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven so, for I re eight seven, seven we're gonna die right, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press
This metals tat come. I guess the only way to get into this debate. On august, twenty third most producers to have run for press My boy would, I have loved the next stage I wouldn't focus my gun and most of the fellow republicans, I'd focusing on Biden and Harris. There's a long litany of things I could have added, but there in the book tat tiny section of this book is unbelievable. I'm telling you you'll see, but the democratic party is black blocked, asians from it. hang harvard college. In the most recent acts of racism and after the court ruled.
Then we live in a colorblind society were supposed to the democratic party there surrogates media. their surrogates. I run these universities and colleges were very upset. Why cause the racist? That's? Why. If on decide to someone that stage, this thing comes out because of a torpedo by the year by the bloated one Christine on I say, I don't need a lectures from buying and harris about race, considering what he said. About juncos if we anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something it could help if you have an ira or four o one k, physical gold,
in your eye array, the world gall council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call a gusting get. Ultimate guide to gold- I raise feels good. There's another savings option: diversity is the key call a gust of precious metals at eight seven, seven for gold- I re that's eight seven, so for god, I re eight seven, seven my god. I write consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press. his metals dotcom establishments worst nightmare. My club then call now eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one all I can do is This enormous amount of research
try and lay it out in a compelling Interesting way and put a between two covers And given a name and offered to call the book. I can't do any more than there and. I'm just concerned. I'm just concerned. The people who really know what we're dealing with a democrat party people think we know, but we got the you will. Those of you who are priority- I want to thank you. Because, obviously so engage even though its summer time, even though there is a thousand other things going on. But when you Go what's going on in this country, losing it is an understatement. Losing it is an understatement.
Or more than losing in many ways we ve lost. We now the bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food. We now have a bureaucracy that tells us. Where we're going to live, what kind of homes were going to have. Single family homes are going to be banned, the combustion engine is going to be banned. We now have a bureaucracy telling us what kind of automobile weakened. One day they're gonna tell us we can have an on The slippery slope we're goin, now that slope had hypersonic speed. And one day will be to shoot me one day will be just too late. It will be too late, because the Democrats.
I control all the instrumentality of government pauline Mentalities of the culture which they do now. they're gonna control, social media they're gonna control speech, which their working on diligently right now. There won't be a court in the land, independent anymore? Can saw you wanna won't matter in the first This book, I compare the united states, eggs place in communist china, fascistic russia, because in written for the left and you're gonna see some similarities needs here. They are. there are going to scare the hell out of here. You know they have elections to over. There. But they know who's going to win in advance, so they pretend
they pretend there having elections, but they're not of election We're about an eyelash away from that of what's taking place, took place in the last election. This is why you know how to talk about this. Why they're trying to destroy the careers of lawyers who litigated against every allegation? Was an accurate: some of them are quite cocker mamie, but some of them who are significant, particularly on the law on the constitution,. So the electoral process is amiss. It's gonna, get worse, and really for the Democrats, the city The icing on the cake. Why These changes are being imposed on you right now, all these costs Now, all of a sudden, your washing machines, not good enough. Your dishwashers, not good enough. Your air conditioning unit, ura europe
water heaters, not good enough. The combustion engine Can I go where these coming from bureaucratic, even vote for this? Your representatives didn't do this, but they ve changed our constitutional system to an unconstitutional says with the help of the courts, but it all started pretty much under half the yard, but it's really hit Speed right now, when you read this book you're going to find out who exactly Biden met with. Lose advising him on a regular basis, you'll be shocked. What's motivating this guy. But I've ve turned to my wife who standing here and I say to her. I don't think.
That even my audience is gonna to gonna jump in summer time. Many people dispirited. They see what's being done to dump trump. They see what happened people on january sixth, until about peaceful protesters, many of you were frightened, This whole project might be for not named I'll get out of the writing business. And we'll get over the whole damn business. Unfortunately, I am soaked in this stuff every day and all night. every day and all my maybe I'll start running novels. I don't think I can be of a shot. People just get lost in things like everybody else,.
But I don't think I can, I don't think I can. I fought hard to get enough copies spock so each and every one of you can get one. I fought hard to make sure retailers would carry the carry him to make a convenient for you. I promoted in early, because No heavy amazon algorithm works, the more priorities you get, the better the discount, so that's going on. I have decided to do three books, signings, and I should tell you I don't I love. In the book signings, but it it can be a dangerous situation now. What I mean, it's not.
It's not as easy as it used to be a particular way. I'm gonna do some tv interviews. do as many as I normally do. I'm just not. You think my wife was standing and then the cynical people out there will let your wife now she's very tough on me and my books. The only one is tougher is me. So I'm done, I ask for every time. I asked her about america, marxism. I said I don't know, this might be too complicated. She said now this is important and on this one I get advice from her and so forth. She insists it's the best book I've ever written ever.
But I don't think the early searle sales are indicating that much excitement our. I can't tell you folks everything. Fiction side are early, sales are beating everybody else. Below them away. But they're not at a standard that I think is necessary. To engage this enemy. The democratic party I've talked about this before I'm not the first to say it philosophy Been saying it for five thousand here ideas guess consequence. So called climate change as a D growth movement, it's a communist movement to an idea at first half a century ago, and here it is, Ruling and ruining our lives
Marxism was an idea, an idea. Hundred million people lost their lives with billions enslaved, starts, have an idea. The american experiment is an idea. Constitutional system checks and balances. duration of powers to ensure what's happening country today wouldn't happen or a country today starts out as an idea. I said a friend of mine today, zingiber driver, but he's a friend and I said to him. What does the democrat party built-
I don't mean redistributing wealth infrastructure, so what does it build? Its lasting at humane. It promotes unalienable right. What is built does nothing what with this country be like today. If there was never demographic, we wouldn't have a civil war. We wouldn't have segregate For a hundred years we were had eugenics. Go down the list. We much different country, much better country. So should they be held accountable, should they responsible for a list The camorra harris normally she lying about the sadness. But how dare her get up there
At least say my party was real. Possible for slavery in the united states of america, for at least is persistence. What does she at least admit that. Or so many. The other horrors that have taken place in this country as a result of the democratic party. We cannot allow this to continue anymore and at times Black racism known a tie white racism at times. Material in the thirties and fortys antis, Much today now pushes ache. economic marxist movement, it's behind, not us not the average sitting. And go to work every day, breaks or ass. I gazed consequence. Their ideas are impoverishing us in the past. They ve killed us.
Their destroying our society, their ideas, made more murder the streets, more drug, cartel activity, more sex trafficking on the border, that's their ideas. Those are our ideas. Where were they rule? It's worse, nobody and to be in the big cities anymore, less they have to be unless they take chances, nobody's gonna, walk there. A main street and thought of who pennsylvania in Detroit michigan los angeles, color. Foreigner in chicago illinois. At midnight or one in the morning,
I surrender their minds whether you're black white or immature, less you're. Out of your mind, you're, not even going to drive a car down the streets because you don't want to being hijacked. What's that oliver, the democrat party puts power people puts power of country, puts their party above everything else. That's what communist slash marxist parties do. They are the country it's their way or the highway. And so I have a couple months, knucklehead professors here we shall get too. Who say that Biden should ignore. The court wanted an agreement that is tyranny. Their preaching in their tenure should be yanked stood there. celebrated will is deep thinkers, nothing deep about them.
In my view, the evil, but they believe it look at these hearings happy I was obliged iris was blowers material witnesses, fax texts, emails, laptops, democrat party doesn't want to hear a thing about cause. It will take their man down. And their man pussy, I q, of a come quite- is surrounded by marxists obama, types who believe in potent quote phenomena transforming america and Biden does too because he's figured out. That's how he became president through When will this crap when he became a senator throwin with Others segregationist today, at. with the northeastern marxists. If that means you go without.
The combustion engine in your car when when energy independence and you're paying how allowed for energy or food. That means your committee. You're gonna be destroyed by hud. If that means you're inconvenienced too damn back too damn bad. Anyway, so long way of saying, I hope, you'll take a look at those book, hoping it priorities in its forty percent off? I can We be her three hours a day five days a week, but you can get lost in this can keep it on your shelf and pass it every family member you have ideas, have consequences. We don't get ideas out there. It's over said simple. If somebody else writing books like this, then tell me who they are.
If somebody else has a book like this out there, let me know it is I'll, promote the, however, but they don't I'll be right back then, if we Anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that, but here. Something that could help if you then I re or for a one k, physical, go. In your ira, the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to me, Friends and family, you should call augustine get there. Also. A guide to god I raise feels good.
there's another savings option: diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids. Evans, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, seven for god I re eight seven, seven why gold ira consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com There's a question: killing america's fossil fuel industry who does communist chinese, then I can therefore forgotten industry there explaining the killing your own fossil fuels. Which is the the fuel that makes the engine where our go? We don't have many replacement. The grid, isn't:
capable of doing all the things that they're going to put on it. We're going to get burned some blackouts and everyone's can wonder what happened and not blame the private sector solar panels. Who does that benefit? Who makes those communist chinese. Electric cars who controls wholly relevant essential materials for an electric car, batter the communist chinese. Who benefits from the communist china under funding. Our mobile Under funding our military or communist train is on the move. Who does I've benefit? The communist chinese. Do you know why g treats pine and his cabinet with such disrespect, because he by he noses Damn thing buying undo the reply
Again, sir peeling, the onion piece by piece to the re best they can and I give them enormous amount of credit under the circumstances. Re really are doing the job, but the chinese tree by with this respect, those they own, the bastard. That's why we have asked the vat rama swami if you'd like to come on, they seem the shown a national interest. We will leave that invitation out there I'd like learn more about him and I think you should too. I have some real questions. I want to get past the year a fortune cookie statements about you know I'm the only one leading us into the future, so I want to know more, as I dont know alive, I'll be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage
and save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, our friends, Julie, Kelly, sent something to me from declassified out live think she wrote. This matter fact
And it is definitely caused me to rethink, judge eileen cannon and what she's doing at least up to this point list? To this point, my concern is, and was it she said, the trial. The documents case for me, and so the problem without of course, is to the middle of the election But in her peace, which is July, twenty three, she explains a few things on a red summit To you, this is very, very important. Amid can turns about voluminous discovery and restrictions relating to the viewing of alleged classified material. This is the documents case involving trump judge.
And instead of may twenty twenty twenty four trial day injects miss case against president truck psmith upon I turn general merrick garlon and over twenty twenty two indicted trump last month on thirty one counts: the wilful retention of national defence information. Trump and his aid. Walter nata, also face conspiracy, obstruction perjury charge Related to the movement of dozens of boxes, ship to morrow largo from the white house have two trump left office. Both pleaded not guilty. Judge Canada originally ordered an august trial day, but smith off his father motion to continue the trouts on december, eleven citing the need for trumps lorries to obtain security, clearances and burdensome requirements on
classified information procedures accept that often lent than the ordinary trajectory from indictment of trial, J, brat department of justice, Intelligence chief assign dismiss team wrote in the june twenty three motion. This guide. J brat is a big issue in terms of ethics, big issue, but more later,. defence counsel, father, said: promotion seeking indefinite delay baseline numerous factors, including trumps run for president penny law suits and political nature. The indictment. This extraordinary case represents serious challenged about the fact and perception of our american democracy said: attorneys Christopher wise and taught blanche representing trump Mainly would wear representing nata the coda funded. They rode on July, ten, the court now
I'd over a prosecution advanced by the administration of a sitting. President against is cheap political. Driver himself, a leading candidate for the presidency, the united states. Trumps team also pointed the challenge of seeding an impartial jury during campaign sees they said, prince to trial during the pendency of a presidential election psycho where an opposing candidates are effectively, if not really directly adverse to one another in this. Action will create extraordinary channel The jury selection process, unlimited defended, spillage, secure, a fair and impartial adjudication. Before the July eighteen hearing last week, the special counts smith file. They motion seeking an extensive protective water under the ciba geigy trimmer, the the classified information procedures act. A special council office indicated the government would attempt to prevent tramp tramp from
some of the alleged classified documents code, the defence Not disclose classified information to the defendants. the materials marked provided to Donald J, trump absent written permission of the government. This is the former president united states, Mr Putin, they're saying you are not to provide him with classified information. Unless you get our approval. Judge candid denied smith's propose predictive ordnance, scolded the government for Brazil an unripe motion brad. Sister he intended to confer with defence. Prior to following the motion, you have a duty to confer parties to confer Even if you're not gonna, make an agreement. Kennedy was having no part of it, the judge he said so. You tried to confer with the defendants on friday
before filing on emotion, monday, something that is presumably quite important. That seems a bit rushed canada, told brad on tuesday afternoon in her fort pierce florida courtroom. He can't I'm reading this also to show you how diabolical and evil and sleazy these people she also forced brat of the special council offers to backtrack on his claims That the government didn't plan on keeping certain documents away from the former president. It can, and now, when I was reading the section three protective orders proposed by the government is the government's intention to withhold certain portions of classified discovery from the defendants themselves, because you couldn't do that brat, not at this point
honor, judge canada. I thought there was a provision in the proposed section three protective order. They did contemplate potentially withholding certain documents from defendants themselves, as distinct from defence. Also brat. Yes, sorry aren't yes, yes, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. They tried to throw a screwball pass. The judge must reduce their I figured like other judges in d c. She would just sign the protective order and be done with it, which would have been a devastating act that the people who are trying to fight for their their liberty against this government wouldn't be will even see the classified information that in part, is being used against them. When defence attorneys argue the amount of unclassified discovery already produced by smith team, listen to this more than one million documents.
There were not one million documents and moral largo, but they have collected in. the further side, including documents I intend to use more than one? million documents and nine months of video captured by mara largo security cameras to start when defence attorney Are you there's gonna take a lot of time to go through your honour, its extensive time to review special councils office brac counter that defence only needed a watch. Roughly ten days of security. Footage identified by smith's team is relevant. The judge quickly interrupted the defence would have to review all the footage to be properly informed about this. But the footage I mean it's not the case that they're going to zoom in on whatever appeared the government isolates is critical. You see, What I mean, Mr Barroso, by how to control this prosecution? Is they We want to see what they want. Amnesty. Yes, yes, yes, we,
I have months and months and months of videotape, but they only need to look at these these three weeks over here. The prosecutors don't get to do that. It's not the first time judge Canada appointed to the bench by trump and twenty twenties asked with this guy brat judge cannon presided over trumps law so last year seeking the appointment of a I master to handle the thirteen thousand pieces of evidence taken during the guys nine, our rate of moral, argo and august twenty twenty two, which result in the seizure of a hundred two files. What with alleged classified markings as well as personal, there's banking records and medical files the judge, admonishing brad in the d o j in in general, for leaks to the news media and the mishandling of privileged material in the early stages of the investigation appointed special master in September. This was opposed by any mccarthy. This was by the bar they trashed her
Said they'd never seen anything like it. She did exactly the right thing exactly, The government is leaking information related to the documents that they say our top secret and otherwise classified, and she was looking for an objective, independent way and person. The hall, the material and through the material she was overruled by the circuit, but she shouldn't have been. she said, the investigation and treatment of a former president is of unique interest to the general public. Entry is sir best by an orderly process that promotes the interests and perception of and his cannon wrote in september five order. The quotas for that restraints on criminal prosecutions are disfavour but finds that these presently the circumstances. Coffer brief pause to allow for neutral third party review to ensure just process with adequate safeguards. I was too much for the former federal prosecutors
they disgruntled former attorney general. Another legal analysts not I've, got a job, I think, seem to think they said judge cannon, then deny department of justice motion, put her order on hold pending appeal and through some shade, the justice department in the process. She said the court agrees with the garden The public is best served by even handed adherence to establish principles of civil and criminal procedure, regardless of the personal dna. The parties involved so also true, of course, that the even handed procedure does not demand unquestioning trust in the determination of the department of asked us to honour eventually was overruled. An appeal by canada does not appear bound by other the circuit, courts, reverse or intense media scrutiny
Danny her ability to be fair minded as an appointee of the defendant in this case. That's why I took another look at this after our friend, Julie Kelly wrote this as to not agree with the date by the way, but that's beside the point. It sounds like she's been duking it out with the government in the courtroom On friday, judge kennedy introduce seven pedro order in anticipation of a may twenty trial, while the judge denied trumps overall argument for an indefinite delay, she also rejected smith proposed December twenty twenty three trial. They here's what she said. She's a government's propose schedules, a typically accelerated and inconsistent with ensuring a fair
priya while they don't want a fair trial. I went to think over a million documents over nine months of videotape trump's got four or five lawyers working on this as you're going to find out later, the independent- or, I should say special counsel- has a phalanx of lawyers working on this. He has all the the computer and technological expertise that he could possibly want They dump it on tromp, they dump it on his co, defended they dump on these people. Tat were ready by december. She said the garments proposed schedules typically accelerated and inconsistent with ensuring a fair trial. The judge says, as it stands, the government's timeline spends less than six months from the first discovery production june, twenty one, twenty twenty three to trial at the very least more than one point, one million pages of non classified discovery produce thus far. So
unknown quantity of which is described by the government, is not content. At least nine months of camera. Footage with disputes about permanent footage, at least one thousand five hundred and forty five pages of classified discovery ready to be produced where more to file a plus additional content from electronic devices. if the source yet to be turned over. The amount of discovering this case is voluminous and likely the increase in the normal course as the trial approaches, but smith and his office said now. We want to do it in december because they don't care about a fair trial. There are hunters, then our prosecutors judge canon establish dates for both the government and defense to meet related to discovery. The classified doc,
requirements, customer pre, trial, motions, politicos Jos, goes and has written about this judge cannon also designated the case as complex. A caterer is asian. That smith's team argued against brats co, counsel David. Our backing to learn about David harbour, more or my sunday, sean fox and actually one time, special, So the disgrace, former fbi director James co me what you're gonna learn sunday is the interconnection between smith and his top prosecutors and are a colder and james call me and Patrick, lays all staff, and many thompsons holds and more marksmen breakin his ass working late into the night. This guy here about one time, special counsel to disgrace former happy, I james call me told the judge that trumped should be treated as a private citizen, but tromp is not a private citizen.
the former president, united states, trumps, lorries, they are doing tuesday. Series are part of their defence, perhaps even a basis with emotion and dismiss, will address trumps authority to retain government papers under the presidential records that there is no presidential records act for the average citizen. we're going to maintain the position that the presidential records act governs, because that is what governs how the president manages and disposes of information In his possession during his term of office, trump lorry coastal candidates, lorry sound pretty company smith and team, now waves at the presidential records act, the alleged violation initiated the investigation, early lesters, nothing to do with the indictment of hair. Nothing course. That's a lie. National archives and records administration a jewel.
kelly rights notified tribe in may, twenty, twenty one that some governments records were missing. Trumps age turned over fifteen boxes. What they believe met the requirements of the pr aid to the archives. Archives thank claimed, classified materials fabric, inside the box and send a criminal referral that it adjusted. That is really out of step with the fbi opening an investigation of march twenty twenty two its allegedly identified a hundred ninety seven papers, reclassified markings, a subpoena, was served on trumpet. May twenty twenty two results on the production of thirty eight more records reclassify markings not satisfy, would try team obvious, obvious cooperation. In the matter washed. In F b, I feel office sought a search warrant to seize national defence information, trumps residence after the I read. The government claimed to have found a hundred to more documents were classified tack, markings clooney, twenty seven files, Transaction, I want to remind you that street
we'll FBI agents strongly objected to that search warrant into that's. What team trumps council also seems prepared to dismiss pick, a dismissal based on the unusual circumstances, the investigation, how much time or Eric. now wanted here will continue after the barn, but this very very important. Nearly the entire we was conducted in a federal court house in Washington dc a haven for these trumpeting judges and prosecutors. Here the grand jury in washington d c, the grand jury similar to the trial jury, was comprised of voters living in a city that voted. Ninety three percent for Joe Biden DC chief judge burrow. How a former senate Democrats, therefore appointed by Barack obama, twenty two vocal riddick of trumpets and support his hand out all the behind the scenes proceedings
a highly unusual step. A piercing attorney climb privilege would trumps Loi evin cochrane under the fry crime fraud exception. and her orders still remains on the seal. That decision allows smith's team to compel corcoran trumps lawyer. His grand jury. Testimony if the communications with his client trump, the new york times reported that evidence collected from cochrane was critical to the shape and outcome of the investigation. Keep this in mind we're going to take a short break, keep it in mind.
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You'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code, l e g, I n pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk. Today, however, minafer were carried over after the bottom, so cut. It short all these investigative activities, the grand jury barrel. How who I believe work for senator but patch lay here one point anyway: she's a radical left, his trumpeter obama, pointy she's, the chief judge in washington and she's, the motions rolling on all these trump motions and ruling against him in every single case, an epidemic a grand jury. She gets all this done. He would get see indictments done, then he decides smith. At the last moment, I'm going to move this, the south florida which struck everybody's we. Why did you do
you can explain it in a minute? What we. You know a company's looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure talk and you'll see.
additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I end podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Constant too, should man mark within pulling out every seven seven four year, one forty eight one, one night wrapping us up really Kelly points out all activity on and washington friendly. Judges to the government, Yesterday, relationship by the way between the judges, washington, d c in the department of justice. You don't see that is much all over the country. You see it almost exclusively do you see we're almost every judge comes out of the building. They all know each other
Last minute, smith, special council smith, change venues from washington, the southern florida, the proper jurists since the alleged crimes happen in palm beach, there are times also reported that move in the investigation of florida. required little more than prosecutors. Reading the early grand jury transcripts through the new grandeurs or have federally It's hard for then a summary of the most important point, a couple of points, the new york times as the mouthpiece? these fascistic autocratic bastards, is no problem. its number one number two obviously just reading the early grand jury transcripts too Grand jurors, who have federal aid it's hard for them to send me the most important point: that's not this thing is hearing testimony. Of course, a month's time
sores called? They said? There's a? U s attorney manual provision that states very clearly that occasion be presented to the grand jury in the district unless venue for the offence lies and that district. Now, why is that ladies and gentlemen, any prosecutor, country any federal, prosecute then he's. Let me restate that any so called special council, because any product We can't do it special council, whereas if the word about state lines, any special council ever point, if the republicans. Have a grand jury and Emma republican friendly area to indict a Democrat you're supposed to have
the investigative grand jury activity and so forth in the district, where you allege that criminality took place. So why didn't smith to the I'll? Tell you why? Because he took one of the most, blue strongholds in the country, Washington dc with a most left wing district court judges Appointed by Obama and Clinton and biden in the country. Is that not the sleazy us think of everything. In addition to these other sleazy activities,. One of the lawyers said the judge. There is no.
Scenario under which most of the statues charged against president chump would ever have been set in the district of columbia ever. Now, as co defendants. Attorney. That is not, as attorney also suggests. Government broke establish rules, related venue, said I've series, questions about how an investigation has been pending for. months and months and months in washington, DC ended up here in the southern streak of florida. I must really curious, as we see discovery to no one. Was done in washington in there what was miami. There's a motion for abuse of the grand jury process in this case. Yes, there is file it. you got a lot of wonderful motions. You can file and expose these bastards.
And their Elijah's one potential problem, Julie, kelly rights and keeping cannon schedule to see how an unprecedented case involving a former president current can It exacerbated by unclear governing statutes possible. Miss And by government officials election implications, privilege Israel jury buys and massive amounts of both on class fighting classified discovery to be ready. Try on less than ten months and said said it should go to try and less than six months. Overshadowing all this, of course, is a department of justice crashing credibility among the public as well as such, recent letter informing trump that he's a target of the special council on january, Six investigation will CBS is reporting. That truck might be Are you tomorrow, on january six pathetic How they looming in dynamo impact cannon, schedule rights Kelly.
Her already low tolerance for more shenanigans by the de oj remit? to be seen. One thing our appears to be certain. The fireworks in this case are only just beginning hope, Julie, Kelly's right. What she it's your seems, very precise, So to me budged gouged cannot. So I want to get in facts or get a dish. Information. think things through again. So it is the way it is Of course. The other point is this: guy brat is accused by the lawyer Presently, trumps, co, defended of extortion imply in English, telling the lawyer for his co defendants. There's you can get your client To testify against tromp, we think it's likely or get that judge ship that europe seeking that is extortion.
It's under investigation in secret. By judge replaced how a new chief judge, but Well time, timer on the bench who was appointed by obama, that's why this for smith has been very, very active. in washington. D c is that's where he gets his best shot. We see him looking for something from the new york times. You sent that to me re mister producer, an article I was looking for now here. It is now the context of this here's a new york times peace today by glenn thrush, then protests Alan fewer adam gorman only took took only for them too
To run interference for smith, inquiries compound justice. and pours resources in scrutinising trump jack smith. Despair a council overseeing criminal investigations at a former president trump ready for this- implies forty to sixty career prosecutor pair and supports their. It's got a whole offer. Augmented by rotating care cast of happy agents, technical specialists, agreement, people familiar with the situation, closely question: what's that the special council part of it I council is to pick somebody outside the system because in appearance of a conflict or an actual conflict of interests which in the current ahead of their parliament of justice and the Biden regime. So what
ex Matthew picnic somebody used to work for erica, his regime. you're picking somebody who is choosing forty to sixty career prosecutors, ETA, the department of justice, whether its main asked, asserts appendages well as paralegal some support staff and f b. I agents nothing special independent about any of this, except by a point, the sky. The way he did. Ireland ensures that is it own fiefdom. Mass firm filled with awe headhunters out to get forty to sixty prosecutor against trumps little band of four five lawyers we could get for our recurring and sixty in six march? Why can't drop It is first four months they report and the job, but they don't. Reporters
disclosure financial disclosure, by smith, was late and was only put out after indicted trump, by the way you know a staff. You know how your time since forty to sixty prosecutor Judy watch has a lawsuit going on over the fire request. Asking to name them, and you know Jack Psmith. My name is prosecutors, mysteries. He won't even name the people who are working for which is compelled to do but, of course, soon, followed in Washington DC and everyone else to sit on their asses. They drag this thing out. Can you imagine we have a guy what connections Derek holder and worse and I'll get it all. This just stick with me Well, together for sunday, we have a guy who
be answerable to congress answerable to know, oversight except garlon, which makes a mockery out of this whole thing, a grand jury filled with democrats whose names are not known to demographic change in washington. Dc are all involved in this. We ought to sit back and watch it no say in any of it in his first four months on the job ready for this Starting in November smith's investigation incurred expenses of nine. point two million dollars in his first four months, america. I think mahler in two years That's something like twenty some million dollars that included,
Point: nine million to pay the? U s: marshall service, to predict smith's his family and other investigators who have faced threats after them. Were present and his allies single them out on social mean. Are you kidding me? I talked about this with you and on tv and brow and star was treated. We have no idea where jack smith hangs out. The me yeah paparazzi, were therefore can star morning noon and night attacking him. Packing is faith questioning him. Have you seen anything like that? With regard to this, I hope smith, nothing. At this rate, the special council on to spend about twenty five million a year that is enormous Then here's, the new york times the manger were these efforts in their concur in expenses, his troops on behaviour his own,
hey you're, Mr Mr producer, and the scope of their work gets bigger and bigger in terms of quantifiable costs. Scratch gradually becoming clear since the new york times: listen body, who believes this bastard operation at the new york times, is. Embassy luck as he or she can be. If you The new york times, you know I've, said this hall. In the course of world war, two you would have known a holocaust was taken place till the variant. If you read the new york times during stones reign in nineteen, thirty, two. You wouldn't have known that Stalin slaughter knowing the ukrainians, that's the new york times. People want to work for this cooperation, the near tat. This cooperation is blood on its head.
This cooperation help to install fidel castro. This cooperation is now the mouthpiece for binding I semi us our proven the book and. Thomas Friedman in his ilk as Eighteen, jew and radical left us with J street in their ilk, mark say the truth. so this guy's on spending binge spending like a drunken marxist. Forty to sixty career prosecutors, parallels and supports their forty to sixty takes a lot of people to concoct charges
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talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n pod guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, and so I m going to have banned alive. What they do. january sex, but there, if I I bring these things up with you, not gonna, get much of this on tv, not all, but most of the people who come in come at it from the government side, either there never properest or their former federal prosecutors, and this is what they do. This why. I cannot stand Chris Christie he's a former federal prosecutor and he's all is all good with this no big deal Chris Christie over the weekend, trashed him scott he's trash to santa.
of in he's trash trop, something old crone trash has been trump is at fifty or more precise. Chris, these at one percent, on a good day. Why is Chris? You see bs on sunday ways on face the nation he sent a ratings draw because he's benedict arnold ease, bennydeck christie. They want to there to trash. The Republican feel why united vital asked me why I love the way so donald trump promised about. This guy was the governor new jersey leave the worst under foot. pension system in the country and is attacking trump on the death? Like you, just snap, your fingers and fix it.
I don't remember Chris christie speaking out when the house Republicans we're trying to take it. Abiden did he come out I back the house republicans, Mr Medina. Remember this chris Christie wants to have it every way possible. He wants the rhinos to back them and they will what's the never trump or his tobacco any well, then he This is as a conservative sap. He doesn't like the cold. The war is none of us too, but somebody has to fight it. So it is not like that either his acted fiscally and otherwise a new jersey is a disaster, so I would It is, and I have a lot of wonderful friends in new jersey. I have relatives in new jersey with a mother in law in new jersey and we love her. You don't want. As new jersey goes. So goes america. What trent makes the world takes? Really, I don't think so
I'll be right back my friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. The broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are a number eight, seven, seven, three eight one: Three eight one, one eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three, eight one, one, Joe Biden, overrules pentagon names of female ambled had the navy all this talk about because define women, and yet they keep taking greater for appointing women these different positions.
So a porno woman who was not recommended by the pentagon fine over, the pentagon- and he appoints a one that woman. I think the only people who can take care of buying physically and mentally or fly helicopters, taking him back and forth for it vacations forty percent of the year? In other words, everything in his life should only be allowed to be done by a woman period, no men whatsoever. Any surgery needs women period, tat, simple. You know they. They go after this guy from Alabama the centre from alabama. What's his name, tupper tankerville. for putting a hold on these senior pentagon positions
Lady is by the way I am against the military babet, because on for the military in this stuff with the culture, crap needs to stop right. Chris Christie, but they talk about what's good for them horse, and yet he does. This by wise. But every left wing cook thing woke gives them first woman. I moved to do this. That's all good for the good for the fourth not properly funding the military, that's good for the fourth somebody I went. Get the something else, and so I share, and that is a pull this upcoming a second. Robert malley. Have you ever heard of robert malley america? Most of you have not there's a peace here
in the middle east on line that is endowment for the Middle EAST. Truth emmett ended Damn good piece endowment for middle aged truth, so wonderful group, I know them personally. The pieces by hussein Abu car. Months or aspect, jewish, hardly robber in the call from the third world. This is the man that bag chose to negotiate with the iranians. On behalf the united states, mr produce. May seem odd that a single mid level, yours government, bureaucratic, collected a large club, a passionate critics in washington. The capitals of most important middle eastern allies, yet this is exactly what robert molly the current yours special envoy to ran so impressively managed to achieve it, comes understandable once we recognise that
He almost single handedly managed to fundamentally alter the course of american foreign policy in the middle east is why you need to hear about, These people nobody's telling you you don't see it tv. You don't hear on radio. That's why I'm here peter schweitzer zone. With the weather friend Jesse but those who deny have mon yesterday. I let me keep going by the recent news of a possibly career, ending mishap. That is and a malaise official career, one on under the progressive farm policy agenda irreversibly changes america's position in the region, this departments. Recent announcement, the robber mally, the usa envoy to IRAN being put on leave after security clearance, was suspended due to the mishandling of classified information, is the first time molly's forced to take a break due to questionable dealings as a matter of fact and the
as an eight molly was forced to resign from the campaigner. Then candidate, bracknell house, benito obama after we discover that he was talking to officials in the islamic resistance movement of Hamas to return later to the obama administration. As the senior directive of the council and one of the main architects viewers Policy in the middle of my colleague, people anti semites stereotype zine. Meaning there Ain t, Israel or anti jewish homeland. Why do we candy coat this stuff christian democrat. Then listen to somebody else now: always family history, professional record and stated opinions They usually showed contempt for traditional us foreign policy and of all readiness to call for new controversial approaches are the very reasons made molly arising star in the liberal farm policy established and a loads figure among conservative circles.
Molly was the right man in the right place at the right time to be part of the progressive turn in the american political establishment. He writes malaise a man of the third world in many ways coming from a strong third world is lineage. Molly was always straightforward and admirably unapologetic about his family. History is fine. Simon Molly was an egyptian born jew and a staunch arab nationalists who work for them. Sir regime nasa, even as lead, States in expelling their native jewish populations have declared a permanent warren Israel, with the help of former nazi officers. He dedicated his life to the anti imperialist and anti american causes of third world national liberation. That's an asia, africa, latin america and the time when the third world have a promise of it plainly new human nature. The mouse Pollution of nineteen forty nine followed by
algerian war of liberation and nineteen? Fifty four and masters defiance of nineteen fifty six invasion of suez unleashed a wave of sapphire ex acceleration, and enthusiasm among all revolutionaries, Europe's postwar malaise, isn't disillusionment with stalinism and left the ranks of passionate left wing activists and the intellectuals in a state of revolutionary pathos, a long dark night of the beautiful soul, Algeria, the mecca of revolution in the third world, the national liberation and eighty imperialism suddenly illuminated the darkness on which the revolution had fallen. France fond and jean Paul saturate and the entire french left heralded the out of the sands of north africa and John.
those in asia, africa and latin america, no man and a new socialism. Our emerge to end history once and for all, for nearly three decades. That shares with the third world was the cause that mobilise the left more than any other cause in the world. Stick with me. Is it necessary to recall this air of international revolution if we are to grasp a glimpse of a life simon only you more than many investors. Life is being as identity in the third world. Now is political I've started in his youth years in egypt when he joined the egyptian communist party, which was mostly dominated by bourgeois george della taunts We spoke arabic that had strong base of young students aspiring intellectual some figures in the egyptian labour moment. Now. Seem to have come from a modest background and couldn't further his formal education beyond high school. This is
He found his way into journalism and an early age and went to send to cover the? U n, on behalf of an egyptian newspaper or began a journalist here that defined as life like many of his generation a beginning. The war in algeria was the key event: the rat allies mowing spirit and become the franco phone journalistic voice of the third world, so their term at his father, really unbelievable. This is our point. Guy who's been negotiating with a ran in you're all on putting the family and national liberation front fln on the world map phenomenon. It became one of nurses official propaganda in new york, despite the latter's hastily to a Jews and communists. Thanks to his revolutionary could maybe Maui maintained as egyptian passport, despite the fact that bastard made egypt's population of eighty thousand jews stateless.
And while he was in new york, he met who soon to be wife, Barbara Silverstone, a new yorker who work for the? U n delegation of algeria's, f, o n, and it goes on. The concept of imperialism devised by lattimer leinen, was one of the most significant and developments in their history. A marxist thought played a huge role in the marks: vacation, the third world and revel. It Lucian is of idealistic western youth lenin's. Imperialism gave birth to words, Marx's theoretical innovations and so forth. Simon Maui spared no effort, propagandizing the causes of third world dictators and absolute estates were adopted. The our of anti imperialism and anti capitalism and anti zionism happier.
Simon Molly son is robert meddling. Eighteen, sixty nine. The malaise moved the paris where their husband founded a asia later renamed afric, here, a magazine specialised in promoting the car the third world together Simon and his white barbara, raise their son robert. Give him a multiple revolutionary tourism, trips and arab african and asian country His father was logging in and impressive twenty our interview of fidel castro, Many more error hours, we yasser arafat, raw, malice childhood was a cosmopolitan internationalist and third world is one that exposed from an early age to a vast world of anti imperialist passions and revolutionary intrigue. He played many of his father's friends, such as arafat himself, but also made in paris with other american children such as anthony blimken, the future euro sectaries state
while most of the details, we know of malice fathers character, and Time, Eric and passions come from his son. He didn't talk much, How his childhood influenced his subsequent development here one sees the robber molly to spend his entire adult life As a student as a professional, entirely dedicated a third world politics, The remains no room for speculation. As a matter of fact, both malaise group to a degree and his only published book focus on algeria, the central theme that define his fathers and his family's life. His book. The car from algeria, third worlders revolution and turn to Islam. Remains one of the most insightful accounts of the euro It illogical evolution of the third world is. professionally. All a robber malaise, subsequent career focused entirely on the palestinians. Syrian around.
Simon malaise activities, writings and involvement in the world revolution, naturally into many enemies, and it goes on. The earth robber mally finished his education is the most prestigious instead actions of yale and harvard re studied. Along with future present obama, so obama and grab lincoln yeah robert malley became a prominent anti israel voice, publishing constant articles in the yale daily news, deming, zionism and supporting palestinian terrorism. An article published october, seven nineteen, eighty titled examining the myth and reality of zionism malaise. The dynamism is the new nazis and paris indians or the new jews, whose reason is their only means of defending their cause and resisting neo nazi israel, already studied, along with former president obama. Whatever
recalled in his dreams of my father. As the days I chose my friends carefully, the more politically active black students, the foreign students that chicanos the marches, professors and structural, feminist and punk rock. Form its poets, we smoke cigarettes and war leather jackets at night in the dorms we discuss neo colonialism tartu. Imagine that in groups. Anyone knew more about neo colonialism, then maui. at sea now he's never left an honest convincing account of what a persuaded him to abandon his father. J anti imperialism, fascination commitment, the dreams of the final perfection of man brought about by the gaddafi's and arafat to the world malaise attempts to address this critical question in his book.
Others lecture about his father also stated by a thick mist of ambiguous romantic sense of disillusionment, and it goes on and great great great d. Much more damaging than anything that I've had time to read to you. This is the point man, mr produce. That Biden has chose chosen to negotiate on our behalf with ran. During the elections, mallow became obama's adviser middle east foreign policy and help the young candidate navigate. The most contentious here of american foreign policy imposed iraq politics him during the campaign. Molly was forced to resign after has reported that he was communicating with members of Hamas, so he had arisen in having done that. How does Get back in obama's, good graces, and always the point guy against this On four ran in the middle east, see what I'm saying.
at the time molly was still running. The icy jeez middle east programme, which had an office in damascus we're Hamas was based Emily admitted he regularly is in contact with hamas officials, the episode forced at sea, molly, to return, I see g, which was quickly becoming one of the most favoured foreign policy, think tanks or the progressives. You would expect a hate america type and we jump ahead twenty fourteen? Six years after the Hamas scandal, mally, finally join the obama administration is senior director of national security council So the enemy had a foothold in the national security council, I had one in the oval office to shortly after he became special system to president Obama middle east policy. By that time, his thanks. can already been systematically advocating for a pivot newest policy towards IRAN, through diplomatic outreach to reach a cup
heads of agreement over the nuclear issue and avoid the spoilers such as Israel and the arab gulf states. I let me stop there and just some. This is the guy with obama. Blinkem was at stake, vied with vice president, who completely changed how we approach to IRAN. The position before obama and these marxists in america haters. The position was, we will do it, to prevent around from getting a nuclear weapon that position Changed under obama, which was we can't baron from getting a nuclear weapon? will do everything we can to help manage the situation, which means push out. Development of a nuclear weapon, maybe by a decade, if possible, that's what changed. Everything.
and now you know one of the people behind this guy maui, I hope, when I do this radio show, when you listen for ten Keen twenty minutes, you will learn more in ten or fifteen or twenty minutes. then you will learn in ten months from any other programmes have because I'm a genius pick, because I approach these things differently. That's Robert molly! Now you know what happened with iran. and now you know why iran is gonna, have a nuclear weapon before this guy. leaves office, be right.
That was love in the crocs. The personalization possibilities are endless: purple clogs with butterfly trivets terms, yellow sandals with gemstones. Maybe the signature white classics decked out in beach, themed charms, it's up to you and, whichever combination you choose, it'll, be one in a million just like you shop, your favorite combo of comfy, classic styles and tibbetts charms at crocs dot com, but see our own stock come to see. Molested shown affairs. The democrat party you I'm going to keep,
since down for the rest of my life, no matter what I do I personally for myself or for you. Only three months before Robert mally join the administration, the p five plus one countries and ran a just sign. The interim agreement, the first step towards the joint comprehensive plan of action. That's the obama theo along the lines suggested by his think tank, which, without it Were formed after talks with iranian officials, the rest of history. The obama deal which Molly oversaw turned out to be the dawn of the big ending of the major unravelling of the american sponsored order in the Middle EAST. On the way, america spared no effort to ignore allies, disan harden friend emboldened enemies will be more this than up completed, but you need to know how we got where we are with iran, and a democrat party has
wasted this on us and ran will now have nuclear weapons they can reach our country. I'll, be right back welcome to the wealthiest brute s, Amar enjoy the big boat. Vibrant sounds of real fruit dr various forehead. Circling rosy, ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you Well, she's less brutal form were really fun. There are no rights going now. Seventeen seventy eight one one Poor molly represent and to the new american that is hell bent on doing its own power.
You do not need to be a marxist. Islam has to be so, although he is a marxist all, you need to be as a member of an upper middle class coastal american family who got the registration and the world's most prodigious schools. The triumph a malaise view. The world reflects no conspiracies. No mc gable, no hidden villains, flax our failure to see what has been going on in our own institutions and in the minds of our most intelligent people hussein Abubakar. I will back, are justice, fantastic peace, and we will have it, of course, the end of the show at our website. Mark levin show that com there's more I'm not to be able to get everything, does actually Furthermore, we now know who was behind buying hunter binds paintings
the business insider dot com, exclusive hunter binds gallery so desired toy. Chronic donor friend. Joe by name to a prestigious commission, so the sleazy asked scumbags in july, and the media that supports them. Sleazy slime boss. there's like a headed hilary not go to prison. How does hunter now go to prison? How does Joe Biden I go to prison, easy. We don't live in america your father or your grandparents, built. Will, even in america or the democratic party, is the government. insiders learn the identities of two hunter Biden, so called friends were also.
Hours of his art, Elizabeth Hirsch, not tally and kevin mars internal. Three documents reveal that sales of underlines our brought in one point: three million dollars. one by our identity are known, spent eight hundred seventy five thousand eleven hunter Biden artworks or the campaign trail. Joe Biden, pledge that there would be an absolute war between us, They duties in his family's private business interests by me. House repeatedly made reference to their war when responding to questions that the fledgling our career by. Why can't we just admit that the idiot behind the podium- is also Full fledge liar. They're asking a liar questions he's gonna keep goin twenty twenty one when any new york art gallery debuted one hunter, aids paintings with asking price.
His eyes, half a million the white house said There's team had a process for carefully venting buyers Again, it is well known only to the gallery, not the hunter, and himself, the messaging seem to suggest that one binds patrons came from a rarefied universal collectors who had nothing to do. would the hurly burly politics? Neither of those things has turned out to be the case like most things, hunter binding fact learn the identity of to buyers. According to three people directly familiar with hunters what kind of his art career and while those It is indeed someone who got a favor from the buying white house. The time either since, however, is unknown that buyer in It can reveals Elizabeth nap talley nl a real estate investor in philanthropist hirsch, nafta, influential in california democratic circles and a significant democratic donor is given thirteen thousand foreign and fourteen the buying campaign.
when he nine thousand seven hundred to the and see this year twenty two she hosted a fundraiser headline by as president kamala Harris are also obtain. Internal documents from hunter binds gallery showed that it about perch Two hundred and seventy five thousand hours of art twenty twenty two months after a hunter binds. First art opening Joe Biden announced Hirsch Natalie's upon and to the commission for their preservation of america's here did your broad. unclear whether Hirsch's purchase underlines our work occur before after the appointment Membership of the commission is an unpaid position that soft and fur by campaign donors family members here, but it's a big deal, people one of the only commissions. Did hunter binding way in with his father about the appointment of not tally or not, and
kirshner tally by hundred bonds or work before after she was appointed in, address these questions, neither the white house nor on binds council could offer an answer. Hurting Tal did not respond to requests for comment. Administration. Official told insider that her appointment had been recommended abiding by former. bigger nancy policy, how broom hilda. They said that there was no connect. Listen, I confess I guess, you're, never gonna hear that. Bruce wine, astina professional ethicist, unlikely. Consider myself a professional ethicists, MR producer. senor judicial adviser to myself the directive, ash tree to me, chairman of a few fat, is united
really wanted to choose the most ethically appropriate course of action. That would not involve any conflict of interests real perceived than you don't buy. Hunters painting said mister instinct seattle, jack, and I could do that. I could be somebody like there What else do we know MR producer? But the binds today think we know a lot Near posts is another story, a friend miranda divine hunter. By put, then, vice president dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least two dozen times ex partner there, archers to testify. I guess next week. thereby nor dial in his father than vice president Joe Your phone in meetings with his overseas business partners conan detest money expected before congress. This week's now next week from devon arch, first sons, former best friend
Through his face in jail for his role in a sixty million dollar bond fraud schedule to testify o the Democrats, wonder what you gonna do with him. Please tell us what you know. cracker, primarily gad. I went away down. A down clown travel, a malignant clown, show extreme mega. One such meeting was in dubai late in the evening of friday december for twenty fifteen. After a boar, meaning the ukrainian energy company, Marisa, which was in a one hundred and eighty three thousand a month as director. While they wanted to paint a hell of a lot more than that millions, the wind turbines, hats power. I hope Would the obama binary. Archer, who, as a director, is expected to testify that, after dinner with the poorest, my board of the the berge, ah,
a hotel. He and a hundred travelled six miles nor to the four seasons resort in dubai, never drink where one of hunters, friends. While they were sitting outside at the bar that deem pause, husky, a sea bruce my executive found. I ask where they were born: paris, MA's owner my collar is humanity needed to speak. The hunter urgently. soon after worthy to ukrainians, joint hunter and archer at the four seasons bar and by scars Here's tony, can you ring your dad at the time? It was early afternoon friday in Washington dc harder than called his father. Put em on a speaker placed the phone on the table on it. News, the ukrainians to Joe Biden by name, has nikolai invading. nikolai inviting you also said words to the effect that the charisma bigwigs need our support. Vice
in a bind greeted the ukrainians, but spoke only in vague, pleasant trees during the short call another such interactions with where's oversee business barnard, shreds expected test fine well to have a special council pointed to investigate the job. I missed religion. We need a special council investigate Biden, garlon smith, all the goons, all. The greatest cover up in american history- we have the greatest crook as president in american history, but man in the oval office, whose a
the threat to our national security with china among other countries, and that significant and no special counsel, pretty incredible by the way is, as I think about it. Maybe I mentioned that. I brought extra mister producer number red land carpet, red land, cotton, rick, casper, the mattress. We help launch all three of those companies. Then they got so big this I don't know about contribute talk. Radio makes us nervous, so they did tv, they went tv to him went to fox. One of them went out only. I don't even see casper anymore due so there you have it. That's called loyalty
The business I don't know I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone The us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick. The lock you into a long term contract- that's gonna, cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract. cancel or leave any time get a new. Phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer- that's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high,
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Zone tv all the time because he's a red: that's why dad was economy, and so was he so who better to listen to cut, to go Under his followers would invited will any ten listening to you. I wasn't Tough policy on CNN yesterday go call the now speaker mccarthy toll in a former president that he supported the idea of expanding trumps, two in, but apparently he didn't commit to at two roar for about you, oversaw both of those impeachment proceedings, but your reaction to do I wanna tough question. Dana bash you're, a fraud for go ahead as it was in peace. shut up any we're done with you. Jeanne per saki. Stacy blast get one of them. where's the low lives and congress also Msl as day yesterday go. I wanted
Because now we have James climber CNBC yesterday go because now we are carrying gnp at the white house bravery. Today, the rapporteur s question, Chairman James comer today says the oversight committee. Excuse me has evidence that the president in the past, communicated directly with foreign business associates of his one hundred divided many times. Periods of the white house and the president still stand behind his comment. That he's never been involved. That has never even spoken to his son about this. I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son okay, so it has changed, cause you're, a liar and a cover up artist. President was never business with his son. That was not what the president said before setting never discussed his sons business with his son, now he's now
in business with you see how he had a propaganda work Now we have Larry how Larry hope in such a stalwart republic he's on society Her no raided sunday show guy. but you ve said also that you don't think I'll be the nominee are their kin, it's out. They have also been critical of the sand. Us either candidates out there that you think could have a shot. taking a month, I sure hope so: shut up, shut up, you're back stabbing fraud, go on. This show whether obama press secretary, her whole job is to get binary elected god forbid it binds. Reelected can thank people. I Chris Christie, acer, huh some larry hogan Chris Suno, we'll get the less you can think of all. Lisa Mc Caskey all is a good one. Complete moron see who else would want to hear from, but not really mister Benyon. How about this?
in sleigh had ABC this guy's a real head case. Washington state cut ten and again the good news is all around my stay. I can't turn iraq without seeing new jobs associated with clean aviation fuel. With new tie of batteries? exciting. What's going on right now in inventing a new economy and we're doing that right, wash and stay in people get great jobs because the so there's two parts the story. I shut up any it they're, inventing a new economy, more on who spent every waking our pretty much in politics as inventing a new economy. and are creating all these great jobs? Tell me what jobs killing, how come they never tell us what tribes you're killing. Have you been to the family dinner, table the jobs killing to talk to those people. What are we acting america? We lightning politicians, are we electing swamis
when I wonder what are we electing? all these false idols, it's unbelievable We could do another three hours here, but I can't we sort armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency person, other trot where's their freedom fighters all over the world. Ladies and gentlemen, sprint amazon that can grab your priorities. Now. Forty percent off You're gonna love the book. He remarked.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-26.