« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/17/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we do not want common group with a Democrat party that is trying to destroy the Supreme Court, Electoral College, and hates the Constitution. Groups like No Labels is what we get from weak republicans like Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, Joe Manchin, and Chris Christie - people who do not want to engage in the culture war that we’re in now, even though our liberties and children are at stake. We need patriots and statesmen to fight for our country, not quislings who want to be called bipartisan even if it means the destruction of America. We stand for constitutional republicanism and they don’t, which is why talk of bipartisanship with a Marxist Democrat party is a ruse and we lose every time. We must obliterate the Democrat party, not appease it, because they the enemy and there is no common ground with anyone trying to destroy America and trash its history. Also, what the Democrat party has sought to do is not just codify Roe, but pass a bill with no restrictions or obstacles whatsoever for a woman to get an abortion, even though Roe gives the government a right to regulate in the third trimester. Kamala Harris was not picked to be vice president because she was the smartest or most capable for the job, but to be the first black female VP. Listening to Harris speak about Roe today only proves it more, as she is so clueless she can’t remember Thurgood Marshall’s last name. Finally, the Secret Service never interviewed Hunter Biden about the cocaine found in the White House, even though he was in the White House. The Secret Service has been poisoned just like how the FBI and DOJ have been, which are all now just tools of the Democrat party. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
The the. America mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one through One one, so we have a group called no labels. That says we don't believe in labels, the title: no labels must reduce. I think it is.
I would like to talk about, but I want to address is for a minute I watch this Larry hogan and these others sky John huntsmen mansion. And are being pushed by the media to the meat. Had been trashing tromp, they ve been true, To save this, my theory there, frankly as they want a crippled scientists and then take our trump and open the field. For more moderate republican whomever, that may be that's my theory and I Leave its true and socrates and the various aspects of the party. Are falling all over their falling for, but this whole thing about no labels They talk about, we need to find common ground.
We need to find common ground. America expects us to get things done. I take. It Completely opposite point of view. Common ground with who, for what. I have nothing in common with Joe Biden agenda open borders, undermining police choking Military, I'm nothing Common with this agenda, destroying them sports. Their agenda is a radical marxists agenda common ground by partisanship. Republicans early always suckers for this kind of thing, I think. common ground on critical re. Siri Democrat party supports it.
common ground on sexual, our children, the teachers unions and their an appendage of the democratic party. the war on terror, like the war on pro lifers, have anything in who come over there. The democratic party trying to monopolize her entire political system as communist parties do as fashion Dick parties do what should you believe? There's competition for elections, they all mine, a completely impotent welcome party out there, you see them invert states. but that's not what we want. Common ground with their own destruction, come ground with a part of its trying to destroy the supreme court common ground with a party.
Let's trying to destroy the electoral college, so they never lose an election common ground with a party the trash our founders with a party hates the constitution. Common ground. This is what you get from malaria holdings and the esa hutches since the Chris Chris, he's the christian nunez you get. a continuation of the same status in your face, starters aggressive. But it's the same. They don't want to engage in the culture wars more a cultural war, will fight back or we lose. It. Our classrooms, we lose our children will use our language blues. Our liberties, What you mean you don't want, engage in it.
Have to engage and we have to win it. If you're dealing with a political party that hates america. That is hated america. Almost since its inception hate in america. So much and let us have a war against them. Country to defend slavery, A hundred years after the civil war trying to block the thirteen fourteen and fifteen amendments. trying to block equality, and due process does not come up with this. Wasn't that long ago, when the democratic party was pushing eugenics specially for black people, Margarets anger, Hillary Clinton get the market sanger, which were proud of it. She was a rare.
Shall you genesis and gay? speech to the clan in the south. Why are we celebrating there what's the common ground and what is the democratic? already today promote a marxist agenda, Decentralized decision making in Washington much decide what of products. You can own what kind of servants, since you can hear what kind of if you're going to live with, you gonna be dead. To do tonight, inconvenienced Claudia life declining common ground. You We stand for liberty that our common ground for this work Right, wingers and extremists by those who doubt.
We stand for little our republicanism constitutional republicanism. They talk, they don't. We stand. for a man being a man and a woman being a woman, they'd oak, we stand A pre free press, they stand for a state, run press so this whole idea of common ground and by partisanship owed sound so swell. But it's a ruse. It's a ruse. And we lose every time and we cannot let. The usual establishment republicans the rhinos, the frauds fakes in the phones, We cannot allow them to this kind of you know
Again about common ground by partisan, that's what the voters want. The voters want, if its presented to them properly least most of us to be left alone to whatever kind of car we want raise our children now with them. Village or a teacher union and away from people to be, able to have free speech on the internet when experts to be able to provide us with their best information. We don't want equity. He qualities where we want and we want liberty. Common ground, let me be very clear about this. We must have. Literate, the democratic party not appease it, it is the enemy,
Like any other enemy, but it's more dangerous enemy. It say more. Complex and darting situation because. Within the united states. They uses liberty to destroy liberty, it uses the constitution and destroy the constitution, uses the word some prosperity created by capitalism to empower gum, and destroy capitalist. It's the enemy. There is no common ground Sure prepared to surrender. and I have some surface level. Accommodation is the viewpoint of the enemy. I'm not trying to be provocative, I'm very realistic. I am very practical.
The mark, your conservative activist, and what does that mean. Since I believe in our country and our founding in our founding document, the declaration and our founding governing document. The constitution, I believe, in these things, the ring it what all american should believe. So labels, they say, no label, they want to take out to say this and the working very hard on this. In other words, they want to weaken him a cripple him they wanted to. God donald trump and imprison him before we even get devote to such louis. Prosecutor said to the court last week, No, we don't want to move the elections will after she made it As you know, after the election will they seek to put trumpet prison Wanna put him in prison while
Elections going up. And you may come ground groundwater. That corner. So I have a completely different view of the situation and what must be done. republican establishment once Call by partisan, even if it means sitting back and watch and the destruction of america its appeasement, but we ve had enough of it. These requests links but sat mark, Google. It. We need patriots, we need statesman. We need leaders when people going to speak out. That's what we need. So when you look at these republicans running. Put aside all the propaganda, and by that I mean even from the other campaigns, the personal attacks
It's all done because each one of them wants to win, but you need to Kosovo look at each one of these people, not what they you to look at what you decided lucky, to make a decision. Whose capable of saving this country and who will say one thing and then sell us out the next day. If we don't win this election. And then immediately thereafter set our sights. On neutralizing, the democratic party, the futures dim. The democratic parties I said to you is more than a party to more than article parties more cultural party. It is the government party. Whereas I call it the state party back
State media. Back by the massive industry the board seems administrators state. These are all the signs and characteristics of totalitarianism. So I thought I would lay that I'll make it clear. The all be, it is all in the book democratic party, hates america, Susan about. making some kind of superficial arrangement with them? They have no, kristen that they're trying to destroy us. They call you names. They hate your faith. Drawing the nuclear family, I mean more this we're gonna take. No labels. Now we need labels right from wrong good from evil.
liberty versus tuna, we need labels. Right back much if we Anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could up. If you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go In your eye, ray the world gul council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold what does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re without augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet: and family you should call a gusting get there. Also guide the gold, I raise feels good to know that another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids.
Seven seven for gold- I re- that's eight seven said for I re eight seven seven my god. I write, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press. This metals tat come. I want you to listen, this represented promoter jaya Paul. She runs the group hawk in the house, the so called progressive cogs, in other words, these the clause and marxists, is what she said saturday during one of these left us organizations, net roots, nation car one go. I say something: somebody that's man in the street sun and has separated and a lot of demonstrations. I think I,
You know that we have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state that If the palestinian people deserve self determination and autonomy, the dream of a two state solution is slipping away from us that it is not that it does not even feel possible. It does not even feel possible and I want you to know that, while you, while you may arguments with with whether or not some of us What stage are fighting hard enough? I do want you to know that there is an organised opposition. On the other side- and it isn't the people that are on the stage,
so I say some say something is somebody that's men in this area What I find common ground with her. You want to find by partisanship with her, this constant attack on jews by the Democrats is really a sign, Of how vile of totalitarian that party, if you do not see it in the republican party, you do not. she's, not the only one- is omar. There's time leave. Here's omar cut to go. We definitely need
follow, who know what it's like to experience occupation. Whether it is in ukraine or palestinian people who have now experienced occupation and this place last, seventy five years- In other words, since the establishment of the state of Israel, the palestinians. The palestinians have found displacement, I want to get into this more. We return I'll, be right back If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something could help if you have an eye or for a one k, physical. In your eye ray the world goal. Council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is that
you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get ultimate guide to gold. I raise feels good there's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. five, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven so for god I re eight seven, seven foregoing irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures and august. The precious metals dot com for only show without warning label. For liberals, the mark levin show column now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three, eight one, one Definitely trendsetter, would you, talking to me, especially when it two clothing. Definitely transfer. More people on Fox? I weren't ties.
but he handed it as and where a tiny, more the gas network, and otherwise For that I hate ties. I hate him. They're stupid, We want it's a hundred degrees had it makes no sense to me it's like you see the old pictures people I swimming. It looks like the wearing overalls. In ten years, the sofa just want to reiterate something: you heard jaya Paul You heard all my you ve heard tat leap in the past year, Charles pleaded day with his. His comments. Like us. Yesterday, which disappoints me: I used to like the guy. but, unlike him anymore, you're going be. Fuck that upon you thugs out there. things need to be labelled, they need to be labelled, there's good, there's bad, There's liberty, there's tyranny: there's men, there's women.
this anti semites, like jaya, Paul, there's men, theirs, men, sportswoman sports. We claim that. Are these people, if only they are listening to the public, is too of self righteous movements of people it is. We ve been listening to the people Will you think I do here all day long The people listening to the people who have to do anything but Reach common ground or from c r t sexual children and all the rest, so either plainly differently of mine lines up with Scalia. We play there rio for you last week government is set up for gridlock for shared Four slow action, the entire constitution, that's how it works or doesn't. And there's a lot more down the road I want to say about. This
ridiculous, so this. Is the latest ruse its? latest ruse toward it is. And I wouldn't get caught up in a too much A problem politically in runners. Whatever you wish, you know, go for it, and typically these sorts of things well. I don't know if that's true, actually, winner put a major Party candidate perot, he actually george w bush drudge w bush and helped like bill Clinton. So I also think maybe some of that going on. I don't trust the democratic party their power at all costs.
They ve gone a long way in destroying our electoral system. They don't trust them, so it is quite conceivable This is something they want done, but given extreme radicalism of the democratic party, its. its overlay with american marxist its use of the criminal system, Go after people, they disagree with. citizens, swallows donald trump. There you serve opposition, their use of of espionage tactics and model Bring people in centering people from public social platforms. monitoring a million people accidentally, of course. three hundred percent increase in the monitoring of american citizens by this administration, federal.
Judge lays it out, but this illustration has been doing to destroy free speech in the first amendment so also trying to destroy the second amendment in other ass back to the constitution. The constitution means nothing, but we don't have twist people, freedom. As John Adams said means nothing if we don't have virtue. Freedom to do all kinds of that Freedom in and of itself is not great. Individual freedom, civil society is great. Freedom of some in some countries to murder While the right people to steal from people- that's not great. It's the civil society law and order. He just
System that is fair and equal, not perfect, very unequal, that's where liberty counts so None of these people ever come on here. They'll, never come on fox show them overcome. On my blade show they won't come on my west, where one radio show they're not going to. I wish they would I want to have this discussion with them. What does it mean? No labels, The suggestion there. And what do you mean by extremism, you and I were not extreme. We endorse our history. We endorse our farming, we endorse our independence, dec independence and constitution. We endorse economic system. We love Idea of a traditional family will of all these things. Why
extreme, it's the other side. the lights are matched all of their extreme. The republican party never supported eugenics, horrendous publican party sweet as it is. never supported abortion on demand, which really, it's a form of eugenics, have to think about it. The republican party. Didn't start a civil war port slavery and just a point Sighed again- and this is on the book great franklin, roosevelt. we have these phony historians, the really politicians or political partisans. The on t. They become
hardly stock? You series type events, doors current good. When you know she's all over the place, I hope she so fast tat. Her husband was a big time. Democrat work, berlin, johnson, as I recall the Get the what I consider this phony doc. Franklin rose were, and they cover up all of us how rageous, behaviors and conduct. You know what FDR did for black people. Our longest serving president here he did for black people, nothing virtually nothing, nothing. you, wouldn't even sign a federal aunt
lynching law and nineteen, forty, nothing, that's the truth, and yet what do the typical historians Today is a great leader of home, exactly he key He imposed on the nation a different kind of economic system. He empower this central government like nobody before that's where they live, roger. That's why they like Lyndon Johnson. It- was a horrendous human being horrendous, the dwayne women, the way treated black, the poetry, people generally. Sleazy man. But he's one of their icons. Why massively grew the government.
Lyndon Johnson didn't have an epiphany, suddenly from a racist. Right into the ninety dearly, nineteen sixty two, a sovereign leader with nineteen, sixty four civil rights act. That's not what happen even his own biographers Gee, that's not what happened in yet. That's the propaganda that turkey, the new york times. The most reliable state media imaginable. It is a mouthpiece for the democrat party. Simply no question about it and always has been always has been.
We read things in the new york times, the regurgitating through other media outlets. This is what were fed. Or another cooperation on the face of the earth me, or otherwise that could survive. The bloody history the near tat no, but it has to be protected. Why cause it's a crucial. It's an essential propaganda the democratic party. The democrat party is the state the near. Times has pravda it's that simple: they play the game, they play the game, but that's who they are So to me, it's not a question of no labels to me. It's a question of more labels. Accurate labels from us They call us all kinds of stuff.
When I sit here behind this microphone- and I took it, marxism, economic social, is that these are factual, their definition of its not spin Not propaganda, it is what it is. In fact, I tried appeal away this the propaganda. Don't I. Nobody was calling these people marxists until you folks got american marxism and we talked about it for about a year. Now, senators and congressmen who are pray to use. The word said they would use progress. Radical progressive radical liberals. What are socialists now the use and we have to become Aware the language.
Why we- and I use certain words- certain arguments and even put the title on a book, democratic party, hates america. This is some That needs to become part of our mindset. Never explanation. Other people of our understanding of what's going on in the country. no labels is just a place where the gutless mansion Simon other frauds and phone, you want to go throw us and with the left, these people, cancun elected huntsmen wanted to be a president president failed. Then it became the bastard was enacted china for here, the time under obama just because that, guy Has no principles, doesn't mean you, and I. To join him or even agree with him
Language is crucial: what's happening here with the whole, no labels propaganda. Campaign using on tv, which is a very more percentage of the body politic, but it We pushed very hard by the media now then trying to control how you think there to control what you say. There's a lot of People out there who who are not listening to me, in all this in any radio, don't watch any tv, they really not engaged, and when they hear people say, people are sick the two extremes they're looking for something They want to get things done common sense. This common sense that their drawn to it. Like flies, are drawn to a venus flytrap their drawn to it.
We have some serious work to do in this country. We need to elect people, have the guts the gumption talents, the wherewithal afforded to you name it- to engage to beat this back to push this back. That is What's happening to our country and whose doing it. No, we don't need less labels. We need more labels Be right back then, If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances, fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that bill. Something that could help if you have an eye re or for a one k, physical, go
in your eye array. The world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold by what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get there also a guide to gold, I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids, seven seven for gold. I re that's eight seven cents, for gold ira, eight, seven, seven Why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, Don't forget I will be on. hannity tonight, penaluna dimensions. Nine thirty pm eastern it is the first
day of the rescue like now, it's the first day of the room. Prime time line up sean is. He's shown a sort of the year. The steady eddie there, and so he's on at nine to perfect time and. he asked me I come on every week twice a week is not not side trying to every two or three weeks. Now on life, liberty and Levin. On sunday. You note that I took game Chris Christie because Christine. did defends christopher re. They were friends when they both work did that men of justice under george w bush tells you lied about christie, and I went through chapter and verse Of all the outrageous, ages behaviour by the fbi when Chris Ray as Chris raise been sending their since twenty seventeen it still
going on it's going on in a horrific way here. red send those Swat team members tomorrow, largo, he Hasn'T- objected to the. mary garland, the infamous memo against in this country. You go down the list he's, don't they Glue Abiden directs him to do a garland direction to do a jack Psmith direction. To do and Christie says. it's fine! Well, you know what he should join. The no labels movement. Then he says based on a provocative question. He could beat. god trumps ass in a year, she came first Can you imagine the sky putting on shorts and going a cage without assured MR producer,
And by the way he be winded and about twenty four seconds, but A stupid communism that just shows. As a punk entire candidacies, based on torpedoing one of two men, trump or disable. That's it. so the presidential candidate that political says I'll be right back, this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the whenever I'm looking for my glasses. I can't find my damn bless another here, MR producer, I put him somewhere. I can't find them give bulk I'll be back in the wars, like Joe Biden try. with maria barked aroma last night, what we do about russia and Ukraine cut three go
That would end the war in ukraine in twenty four hours yesterday. How would you do that? I know Zielinski very well. I felt he was very honorable because, when they sm about the perfect phone call that I made he said it was indeed very. She said it was. He didn't even know what they were talking about. He could have grandstand at all. I felt threatened. That's not going to be enough for putin to stop bombing. No, no! No! No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that I know zielinski very well, and I know Putin very well, even better think a relationship very good with vs, and I would tell Zelensky no more, he got to make a deal. I would tell Putin if you don't make a deal, we're going to get my lot we're going to get more than they ever got. If we have to, I will have the deal done in one day, one day I have to agree with that. I agree with a lot of that and I will tell you it's just it's so refreshing, eddies,
Like five levels above Joe by each just incredible, it really is. Not compare lad, what come on Harris said at the rainbow push coalition dimension should go anyway,. This existed anymore. you're not existed anymore. I don't mean here, we don't hear from chessy jackson is even around anymore. I don't know, nor do I care. Cut forego in this moment across our country we are witnessing hard hard won freedoms under full, on attack by extremists, so called leaders must stop, or second you know that craig party, probably in an ever, take a break.
they always project what they're doing on to anybody and everybody else. their dismantling our republic. There handling our civil society there. Mantling our voting system, their dismantling, our culture, This is who they are. That's what they believe in So when you stand up against it say, wait a minute. It is you, it is, we you see who are the threat. What a hard fought freedoms that she talking. personal. She hasn't fought hard for anyway. She's a dingbat. And that's why she's in trouble right now. She wasn't picked because she was brilliant accomplished. We know why she was picked by well tell you why she was picked. He wanted the first black woman its present. That's what you wanted!
What the smartest capable the most experience. Go ahead. Extremists have an agenda, an agenda to divide us. as they may, not pretty funny I gave you three missing that funny supremacist. Isn't that funny critical race theories and that funny we don't wanna divine anybody want to be left the hell alone. son. You stand up the marxism when you stand up the racism when you and up to the sexual rising of your children when you stand up to their teachers union when you state their phony experts, like value in Washington dc there are them shutting down social media sites there are the ones using the law power.
more than once, trying to divide. go and agenda to attack the importance of diversity and equity, ending nobody's, attacking the important diversity except the Democrats. Now, ladies and gentlemen, who was it there were standing in the harvard. school way doors, Our patients from getting entry, the Democrats, not us And by the way, and nineteen in the nineteen twenties harvard did the same thing to choose, so did you so do princeton all these sanctuaries. If you will for the democratic party the left ivy league, they did it wasn't it plumber. What's the electrician at a truck driver back, then wasn't the butcher, the baker
candlestick maker? It was them. They did equity, Nobody fought for equity. equity is a marxist principle. Honestly not talk about equal the under the law. That's so yesterday,. Go ahead, then unity of the rainbow coalition, these extremists, wrote legislation and brought litigation to the united states supreme court court of In twenty one, stop. She forgot his last named didn't she must reduce the cord of thurgood. yeah? She then, through good marcia, chief That is why the court of third good.
Nobody says of thurgood marshall thurgood, I'll be home just strike hard fought, hard won rights around the legitimate responsibility. A government has to ensure that the people have unfettered access to the ballot. I have no idea what this means She's talking about the voting rights to nineteen sixty four, the court concluded. The one section of the act had run its course. That is. That there was no evidence of systemic racism against blacks anymore in this so recovered. Under the voting rights act stay half a century earlier.
What had happened is the sum. Rights debating that run by the Democrats. It kept expanding its application, even included some counties in pennsylvania. Why they wanted it? federalized the elections, so the court looks at the data that is supposedly used by the department of justice and says. Given proven anything. There is no systemic, Racism applied to the ballot box and bone the proof is in the pudding You don't see, reed's thousands, tens of thousands of people complain. that their denied the right to vote. We saw this in georgia where they said so what the georgia legislatures to and the republican legislature in tray clothes, some of the fraud loopholes. Liberalizing other aspects of the world
they said will deny people are right about, there's been a survey since then, and data extracted from them That was taken a year ago. It's a lie. It's not true! None of our happen, none of it in fact, The blacks were interviewed more supportive of the system that the republicans and put in place than the white people by tiny large, but nonetheless, so she southern start screaming, because this is what Democrats do they don't want Jim crow to be over? It doesn't help them. The thing that damages the democratic party moses. If we get along. If there's no real racism, sis democratic government oriented racism. If we get along then what's the problem,
The democratic party we are a free people who can think for ourselves act far south park. disappeared in a market economy. Theirs, The point of having a democratic party. Is there Tat five go lindorms decision last year when the court spoke away, a constitutional like that had been recognised from people of amerika from those women, gentlemen, lady ladys engine Nobody took anything away from any body except the radical abortionists who take life away from little. Babies cannot defend themselves and don't have their own little baby. Lobbying organization, Natasha industry has grown around abortion plan, parenthood
china by the genesis, Margaret sanger. abortion clinics, abortion doctors, The whole industry that's been built around this, but the main reason the Democrats, supported, as I explain you and is in my new book- is Cause the most reliable by far, Voting black, they had not blacks, not jews. Although the reliable single women without children. This is how they prefer Did the Republicans winning a landslide in the lex last election mid terms? This is how they ve, Progress in the suburbs. that's the only block.
The wind will do anything you can. On student loans, because a significant percentage of those those individuals and what I should have said is young single childless women. Because he is using tax thousand power government to strengthen as bait. But she's up their screaming about abortion. but the democratic party has sought to do twice now. That codified row codified, north korea. Didn't worse, the north korea in many respects we fifty states whose territory. the democratic party tried to pass a bill claiming cut israel-
Road does not provide a. A filling a black in the third trimester, if you want a board just abort and have a good old tat, no jesse. The government actually has a right to regulate that. That's rope. Two preposterous decision, but nonetheless democratic bill said ready for this no obstacle of any kind, whatsoever, including with a minor nope don't notification, which exists in almost every state, no parental The vacation was upheld by the supreme court in the pennsylvania case. no parental notification, no waiting period, nothing,
no limit on when you can have an abortion right up to birth- that was in their legislation again in the democratic party hates america, they want you to believe they just wonder the status quo. Another didn. So she talks about a woman's right to choose and this is the other thing. That's amazing to me. I know I did We believed in women per se. that's what we learn from justice jackson. That's what we learn from the Democrats. We don't use the term. The phrase the word woman. Anyone could be a woman, and what can be a man, What could be a woman in any one could be a man by so what This women's right. Whenever it comes to we appoint
The first woman x Y see, then we supposed to believe in went right or of legislation to protect women from victimization networks. To believe in one. There are a thousand other instances where the Democrats take credit for this or that involving women. you're not supposed to recognise one. They destroyed the entire. Athletic system for women and girls without peep from the furnace movement, but that a peep. Go ahead to the right of everyone to make decisions about her own body, not having the right of any woman to make decisions about anything. Maybe it's a little bit more complicated.
It's amazing thing: the people who set up bureaucracy or the red tape weather the day of the year, the irs or whatever, really takes. ours is not days of thy weeks to get near matters resolve they have no, Since when it comes to snuffing out another life, none has to be done. immediately The demand She, or is it it but
is this is this is who they are, and this is what they do I'll be right: back: mud, love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, PR talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks! This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to pure talk,
You'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n podcast guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk. Today there is a very peace in the federalist basis, I don't know. I think I've spoken to him once in my life David, her sunny he's terrific. we're not going have time this single, but after the bottom of the hour, just to show you how this works, Joe, laptop meaning Biden, the cultural or to the military. again you have individuals who are prepared to fight for the culture
which means the country, your family faith, morals, our institutions, trawler means, which means everything. And tub reveal when it comes to the military least he's any strong for his coming under attack commended of course, by the administration, the media, Paula, media. As well as rhinos. Some of our friends in the military who want those promotions so wise, So why is he doing what he's doing. He's not anti military and so this peace explains? Why is doing what storing uses, it explains. Hu, it is his wrist
it's about what's taking place inside the military, you know it is destroying the american military, literary bresse D, They are just as political as ass by administration official who talk to them. Bad general kelly in general matters. Generals aren't out there condemning this. There is still the case. Kelly attacking trump bizarre
I back, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge before this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added data, every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure
what you'll save an additional? Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today marked with him speaking to about four or five americans who are really the rift at aids. seven per year, one three, eight one, one: alright, here's this peace by sorry since february, alabama republican tommy tub, reveal has been using a senatorial hold to block personnel moves by the? U s military, they require. Send a confirmation. the media and democrats array upset at tub. That he's quote way. Green unprecedented campaign. I quote and embroider our vital national defence policy in the culture war,
Joe Biden claims republicans our code, injecting into fundamental farm policy decisions. What, in fact is a domestic social debate on so Issues is bizarre way. Totally irresponsible? That's the broken english that job Spears, don't know much about tommy tuberville, and neither do I by the way the president has backward was Biden. Trade, defence, lloyd, austin, not any republican who broken forty five years of policy last year by year. the effective reimbursements for elective abortions by military independence is It is true to say probably truer that the press is the one holding up north promotions, by unilaterally trashing policy that has been in place since ninety eighty one. The implications of most where is covering the military hold, illustrates the radically right
where'd shift an unprecedented fanaticism. Republican politics. This too is backward. Biden who supported the hyde amendment a law banning federal funds to pay for abortion from nineteen seventy six to twenty nineteen? Isn't it implore. The hard left cultural lurch of the modern left by not merely gone along with the hide, a member as a means of compromising republicans clean eightys and ninetys till the past couple of decades fourchan debate wasn't neatly divided by party and by purportedly a devout catholic paddy conservative, working class, delaware in voters happy mighty and you for the future president wrote a letter to constituent bragging it voted against abortion. Funding on fifty occasions Like most things, Biden says this was probably untrue, but he did vote save the hide amendment repeatedly over the decades
by also voted against allowing medicaid defined abortions even for victims of rape and insist. He support Jesse helms amendment, then what approach when using federal funds for abortions and abortion, research and training mine voted numerous times to prohibit the federal employees, health benefits programme from funding, organs for government workers, dividing was consistently quote. Injecting the fundamental farm policy decisions. What in fact is a domestic social debate on social, issues on quoth? He didn't merely support banning public funding abortion in the united states. You run an amendment to the foreign assistance act for years refer just to bind amendment that barred who s foreign aid from being used in any research related to abortion. Nineteen eighty four Biden supported the mexico city policy, vanish funding for private organizations that provide abortions advocate today,
criminalize abortion or expand abortion services. On june five, twenty ninety- not we, after whose twenty twenty presidential campaign kick off by the public, He its support for the, but for the hide amendment, the very next day some criticism from primary opponents, the spy, was kennedy, changed its position and denounced the hide amendment. Can you believe that. What it's worth virtually every pull on the question of fund a public funding for abortion, even one set off for misleading framing of the issue, fine most americans support banning taxpayer funding for abortions Support doesn't mean much in my book. He says her sunny, but it does put rest the idea that top prevail. making on some kind of fanatical position outside the mainstream. Then
Today by the man who choice, voted for partial birth, abortion bands and once support, overturning roby wade back state funded abortions, on demand from conception to crowning. For any reason, eugenics and sex. To abortion. For first time in history, wants to implement the policy in the It states military, are indeed. the are indeed, why is that. Because Joe Biden has been a chameleon politician. Is entire life It had become presently united states. He steel Bernie sanders We want something like this bernie.
And I can win anyway, but you don't have to I mean, incorporate you're idiot ideological agenda, gender into mine,. I must have the support of the Press as a kid, a marxist within the democratic party. to win the nomination and when the election. When he won the nomination, ladies and gentlemen, it went from there to create member that hundred ten page policy document. He appointed Bernie sanders supporters and other democratic socialist, that's what they call themselves officially throughout the various committees. They came up with this. This document. And he didn't change work. He said the whole thing is now instituting it crossed a government. Bite is being lobbied. Here's some news or break
it's also in the book by the Progeny of new deal bigwigs Putting roosevelt himself hopkins and others to be like. franklin rose. Ruddy me bigger secret meeting. He had with these phony historians, including Michael dyson,. Told him to do the same thing. what Biden found was speaking increasingly popular man, elites. He's always wanted to be among the tell agenda because he's a dance he's moron. And he also knew that, whether it, a pain from his basement. No matter what his physical, talk condition. The twenty fifth of memory will never be used against them here stewing too much
radical left and he's there. Guy. He's destroying the united states military he's, destroy them patrol an ice he's destroy the department of justice and the Be I'd beyond onward already was, but he's the one at the launch, the culture war at the pentagon In its two top rash there who are destroying our military from within if you're communist china you're a big It always does France fan. Big general milly fan your big Biden fan. They cannot believe they're, good luck, they can believe they're. Good luck when we unilaterally disarm. Oh you, laterally.
If used to increase our military to keep up with theirs,. He cannot believe his good luxury. It's amazing, isn't it This type of thing curse, jake temperament. about his comments about, nationalists and so forth, actually Tougher bell sounded, like Joe Biden evolved to me. I don't like it. but the democratic party in the state media. They'll shine a light on one and not the other. Today, Where's, your binding, the great social rights leader and a here, Come Allah harris screech as she does and did about what the republicans or die. How were destroying the military and how? When the house republicans pass.
The nba Trans rights, abortion rights without funding for abortion. They are hurting our national security, their turn, the country apart. Their stealing hard gain freedoms, they say. I don't know, I don't think most of these civil rights leaders of the past and I think, most of the like community thinks that range. Gender rights was part of the civil rights movement. That men being women and women being men was part of the civil rights movement, but I don't think they think that for a minute, But come all will say it anyway. Just a little footnote,
and I normally wouldn't even tell you this project to expose this operate. It's called mediate? I call me Oh great, It's a one way site that attacks, fox fox hosts conservatives, republicans trump, the santas me others But I thought the last night was practically pathetic and I accept some constantly pesetas, to be exposed. I do my monologue, as you know, and passionate. Apparently I'll even notice was a piece of paper in my hand, and I quickly dropped in quickly picked it up. Then they essentially say in so angry that I dropped piece of paper has quota Stunning revelation in that story: wasn't it must reduce.
for many of you have commented on this. Others tell you. The minor neurological issue. So from time to time. My handshake, sometimes my head will shake not a lot just a little. trust me it's more annoying to me than it is to you. and. As the out there, southern there's some medicine for this. So I take it from time to time, but not all that's why the piece of paper dropped. Nothing to do with anger or anything else. maybe you s! Why Over there medio great, I get real jobs.
I'll be right, back much love in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, pr o'clock, just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code. Levin podcast to make the switch to
I talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in promo code. L e e, I n and podcast make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. I want to thank you folks, after my life, liberty, levine programme, so many of you know what amazon com he gave Chris roofer huge push, which is good, the guy is, he really is. Historic in many ways and what is done as our others, but he serves shout out, it's written a fantastic book, if you ordered my book as well. The democratic party hates america. I can already see the growing Opposition out they're, not even among democrats, is much more get there. The media, yours,
What I'm talking about, but Republicans can we all get along the book. I mean I would democratic votes for that well this will get a red it, because when anyone talking about people who are registered democrat and voting democrat. Although I have to wonder why, under these come stances, particularly Of your country, because their party does not. Now this is, this is aimed directly where it needs to be aimed. And I want to tell you something, even though Simon adjusters attack from time to time You didn't objective anything I put in this book. They didn't objected the title of the book. there are a hundred percent behind the book and they will take some s for backing the book.
Because most of the publishing world and most of the author well are not made up of people like you and me. So like a hollywood, if you will, but the media, if you were so, were that's a big deal and I want to thank them Were published under the threshold additions, which is one of two, of their conservative units, they liberal units. Do it's not like worthy reptiles at the zoo. I'm just saying. And then truly done a fantastic job, they really have the people at threshold. Second, a man second to none And when I finally finish this book in my life,
This point must reduce when all the editing one o clock this morning. And I had to get it out today overnight it because the There's none of these publishers on their own printing have their owner printing shops. We're in line to give this new printed and we're printing. I hope a lot of books, so they go off the presses I'll be right back. I friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, don't call
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easy now: broadcasting, I'm lonely underground the members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark levine, here I'll, be on Hannity tonight nine thirty pm eastern give or take we're on prime time all the time here. Did you know that mister producer, where prime time, six to nine pm eastern time? That's prime time here will be a begins. Baseball love against hockey in the
up against it off all comers, and we do just fine friend of mine, Arthur Fergus, arthur those back. I go back with a long way in the regular minister. He was one of the lawyers Tin sony thing was: seventy six may was before they were. Seventy six in the buckley version, filet o case fighting the first amendment and free speech against government. He and senator Buckley at the time, among others,. And he said I want to send you a list of things. I think should be on the first day agenda for any republican who wins the presidency, god willing, he says, subject to many additions. Of course, And I thought some of this was very compelling number one day, Miss all yours attorneys
including the southern district in new york. Georgia be We waited for salmon created unnecessary conflict, just fire them number to revoke The security clearance is for the fifty one so Old national security experts, the former experts who sign that letter about the laptop And politicized intelligence. Last time I was dying, there was conflict because of delay. Get it done on the first day, eliminate it. Number three immediately revoked these security clearance for marriage garlon. miss all, but one of the senate. For me, in the department Justice in an all every other department. Could you have to have someone who had something so pick the least offensive You get your team in their policing fire them all.
dismiss all the top brass immediately at the department of justice, but one. And all of them in every other department, clean em out immediately. Number four obey the law to release all the covert nineteen communications, all of them that took place in the executive branch revoke anthony She's security clearance immediately. This is on day one number five. president should direct the release of every piece of evidence and all communications, including internal department of justice emails Concerning the hunter by an investigation gifted part, Justice, ten days to scrub six e information- that's grand jury information make sure there. What has to be removed is removed on the first day, number six
directed investigation of hunter binding determine what criminal prosecutions may be pursued still same with Joe Biden. focus on, among other things, on they give tax violations and the failure to file ex returns on those number seven. These so called radical catholic memorandum. Miss anyone who approve the issuance so that memorandum, as well as its authors, by the way I got to thinking Justice Anthony Scully, would have been on this investigation list as a possible white supremacist domestic terrorist. He attended a catholic church in great falls Virginia and one in Washington that used the old latin. and that of course, as we know, was the.
Was the basis on which the fbi determined that there must be some kind of white supremacy, goin on here number eight directive private advised by the fbi to social media. cease publishing items be stopped. Set for national security information dismiss the eighty one agents. Acted as well as also peers who directed or approved the actions and release. All their emails involved, all of them number nine. By the way you think Chris Christie would do anything. Data Hutcheson, we're doing. I think there's only two of them. Who would do this trap and scientists. And when I direct all communications, including all internal communications relating to the parents as to make to terrorists,
The memorandum and dismiss everyone who approved it or was involved in any way numbered Advise the top three hundred fifty corporations in america that they have three, days, to dismiss all employees without proper residency authority papers, after which do you J will prosecute companies for conspiracy to violate our immigration laws and pursued despondent. How many lawyers who refuse number eleven, And I was there, no one who want to cry the border, without contemporaneously, presenting him or herself to the authority. Will ever be granted permission to stay in the united states. This is my body arthur fragance, by the way, former federal prosecute. There are twelve detail all the extra iris agents to the border.
Those eighty seven thousand presently can cut them himself. They gotta defend them. He sing it. Send those agents to the What are perfectly the southern border. pact as hearing agents reclaims of asylum which determined immediately upon entrance to the united states, then what the obama administration is doing is releasing them. Can you come back can three years, please pretty! Please, never! Thirteen the department of energy to change the available lonesome accessory department of education to change it Alone amounts to eliminate the increase in college administrative costs beyond inflation and go back ten years to do it. There were fourteen presented, build a congress to double the statute of limitations for wrongdoing relating to pandemic funding. That's a great one,
Number fifteen put together a deal, The department of education d, o J department of justice task force to criminally investigate colleges and universities that. Eight, the civil rights of their students in factly start with port. state university and continue with every school that tries to backdoor racial preference use the summer rights laws and seek debarment were available. That is the them from, see me any federal funds, sixteen, The department of education to treat trans men as women as it logical to play women sports as a violation of title. Nine of the civil rights check. you sure executive order to protect college sports women. In the interim seventeen you like in these mysteries. If the scrubbing for sources and methods we leave,
The advice given by the military to bug out Biden, leaving Afghanistan by said, they told him. It was ok to depart. that was a lie. The blood of thirteen it's on hands and I might say of thousands of innocence in afghanistan who are suffering stay in there. Hundreds, if not thousands of american say this is people forget this people forget this. I think that's a very, very fine list number things I could add to it. Quite frankly, I think if Of our folks gets in there. I might even son of a list. These are good ideas, Why don't you go to the just thinking of a school and the social sites? Mine
And put together own list, maybe your top five things trumpet scientists her whomever my when should we win would do for should do if they come into office. The first day, the first day. I personally would pardon hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who have been unjustly prosecuted by this administration. You know how they give broad part. And then start signing arguments giving these four I felons the right to vote? They just pile up Documents signed sign, sign signs to what I would do. Try with them.
I would also do another thing. I would set up a task force to investigate any and all corruption at the department of justice. In the federal bureau of investigation. And you know who I would appoint to run them is reducing me. I'll be right back much in the act. Dawn farm income in the united states was a loss of eleven hundred dollars. Sixty percent of u s- port comes from one company wholly owned by the Chinese, and farmers are more like way to commit suicide than veterans. Folks, we got a problem, I'm listening interracial farmer and founder of mine,
uber? Is we offer grass fed and grass finnish beef and lamb pastured pork and chicken and wild caught alaskan sam ship? Straight from the of rural america. Come stand shoulder to shoulder with us by putting the family farm at the centre of your supper table was for you, you mean, besides save in the family farm and enjoy the highest quality meat on gods, greener, dazed, warming, to hang them For you to I'd love to go to my box dot com, Yeah right now and get a free gift in your first order, gets it gettin matter given is good. one box, dot com, slash young monk box. Slash young. I guarantee your fixing to say one just so happy. I got mine I have the laughable thinking it is this. Labels group- I can't get it.
What's the name of your group? And when they were no labels, but when boss strategy, namely a group and we don't have any And in no labels You said you know, labels exactly. Jackie were no labels, so you called no labels. That's right. No labels. now wait a minute. You have like a mailing address, or oh by what do you have? Well, what do you say? No labels. but we don't have a label. She recalled we don't have a labour nowhere cobb, nothing. We have no labels the labels and then They expect us to be a juggernaut everybody's, going to vote for stand, concern
The liberal were nowhere when you mean nowhere What do I have? The two were no labels, we don't stand for anything except no labels. We just want to get along its like a rodney king. We just when you get along, so I should go for you because you know labels and you just want to get along exactly. Well, what do you stand for? Nothing? Nothing. We have our thirty point agenda. Yes,. And what jeannette agenda? Nothing. Its common sense. Nothing is common sense. And not only that we ve been out there talking.
The people that you agree with us. They gruber what nothing you ve talked to the people. They agree or nothing exactly. It's common sense, what's com and said nothing. They already have twenty one percent of the support. They say they might have really from who we don't know. Why? Don't you know? Because we know nothing and we a label people, wouldn't this be a great government have folks we want bi partisanship to do what nothing and we're sick gridlock gridlock on what
think, but the whole constitution, separation of powers, three branches at each other's throats. Legislative branches by camel the individuals are elected differently. They have different constituents, the courts or lifetime appointees. President runs vice president. As for the entire tree and so forth. The whole system is set up, checks and balances. Then we have the states under the tenth. Amendment decision is pilfer gridlock. Can't get anything done because the framers didn't want you to do a whole lot. they didn't want you to do a whole out at the federal level at all, just the basics. That's why. You understand what I mean. You're, obviously, a white supremacist, I think,
In believing labels chaperone, So I support mrs that label. We believe it will. I don't see how I can vote few cause your white supremacist. I thought, you believed a no labels, we I believe in no labels, but I spoke to the folks common sense by partisanship. We believe your white supremacist. They say no labels. Can we label a man, a man based on his genitalia, a woman, a woman based on her genitalia While we don't use the word man and the word woman, why no labels now live the labels. Ok,. Completing a few citizens, man said no labels.
Linguine or veal chart no labels. By the way, what your name, when you wanted to be, you see how stupid this is. I am voting for them why they stand for nothing, so basically, there unprincipled They have no morality, they have no ethics, they have no substance, You voting for them because your voting There are common sense and what they think should be by parties. Now, why would you do such a stupid thing? Why would you do such as stupid? now see I get interview these people come on, but I would interview there did they call themselves. No labels is alive
I back are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast aben. Follow this show their apple. Spotify or wherever you listen. There are no rights, seven seven per year, one, why one here's breaking news from just the news. John solomon, a recently retired fbi supervisory age. Talk
where's behind closed doors monday. Today that the fbi tipped off. Joe Biden team and the sea service in late. Twenty twenty better! and interview hunter Biden and criminal tax probe corroborating allegations from two iris whistle blowers if they do not. impeach Mary garland, I mean isis saying: there's not love there. I don't know why. I would say that if so ridiculous, if they. A peach garland then they are basically celebrating his lawlessness. I mean they're impeached named peach, tropic the drop had criminal investigations and diamonds are They're scared to death. the fbi agent, who worked alongside the iris whistleblowers on their hunter Biden case
When he was assigned to the wilmington field, office gave his account in a tree. dr interview, people that house oversight and accountability committee. Fresh evidence of alleged political interference in the treatment of Joe Biden son called obstruction of justice. he corroborated several aspects of the account iris whistle. Our very sharply and a second, asian gave congress last month. That law enforcement plan to conduct a surprise interview in early we're twenty twenty one hundred buying about alleged crimes was foiled by the tip off. The agent, whose name was immediately made public and he's going public proudly tomorrow. The next day said the bureau toolbar Joe Biden's transition office and the secret service, creating a tip off That's what the plan interview then
before the interview of one hundred biden, secret service headquarters and the bind transition team were tipped off The planned interview said comber, chairman of the committee, on the day, A hundred by an interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach hunter, but they had to wait for his car. As a result of the change in plans, iris, snippy, criminal investigators- got to any real hunter Biden has partly. Investigation, he was never interviewed. Just justice department's efforts to cover for the vines reveals it Tiered system, I wish our guys would stop saying that You have a two tier system of justice in a corrupt. carbon of justice. You have no justice, you have cover up and you have abuse, but those are to take their not tears.
This testimony of the house ways and means committee back at me sharply described. The tip of her december seventh rates and twenty twenty was, A major setback for the investigation. one of several instances which political favouritism interference occurred? we do get a republican back in the white house. These guys should be getting the year. The metal of freedom. I was informed that fbi headquarters had notified secret, serve Headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions, the fire One day, shapley testified: hey chris, christy, very chris. Should I get back to my name for him, which was crispy cream. Hey Chris recurring crispy christy,
This is your body. Was sir director, the fbi Since twenty seventeen. He said the alerted the alert afforded hunter buying and his team and opportunity to obstruct the investigation. Shackling as irish colleague, or slated the test for public for the first time, Wednesday Natalie. unbelievable, not curse. The Democrats are going interference. In iran in into france, the party, a tyranny. Does that sort of thing they don't want anything expose their all in on the fbi, the epa doing what the democratic party wants it to do so Then there is no oversight needed interview with congress. On Monday aid said the retired fbi. The said pollack, Malta, a witness interviews were planned. The Biden family probe four december eighteen, twenty twenty with her
and shapely assigned to interview hundred biden bullet late on December, seven, twenty twenty shapely fbi agent learned that fbi headquarters had notified good service headquarters about honour by an interview and that the buying Transition team was also notified countries original investigative plan mullet. Next day the f b I agent and shapely, were instructed approach, hunter binds house, Stay would haven't two hundred by contact them and structurally Jane said is agent said he had never before gotten hundred Biden, never approach them in the interview never happened. This is all fine by crispy cream, Christy. and I want him to come on the show Chris Christine really do. They also want all from free membership. Mr bidders, her nephew fat, is united,
Certainly, the steer the requirements, he meets the merit system. That issue is wide issue. Our talk Your arms, like ultra short on your body, You're slobbering all over yourself, even when you're talking. if a massive head does they go with your body. Basically, you look like them One thing which has had the michelin dummy, Michelin, man. kept. In all honesty, I mean this true flayed, the michelin man looks better than Christie just say it He looks like he looks like rep ray. C, o donnell, but my right right light there like identical again.
It's going to go in the ring or the, u f c and the cage he says he's going to kick. Trump's ass, that's fascinating!. Can you imagine people saying that I mean whenever they don't like you're gonna, like throw up whatever they been eating, the guy he used to come and without a shirt. he's gonna waddle and there they hear they got a finer perish. Where am, I guess, we'll be custom made. I don't know. MIKE. Why do you keep criticising and because he's a bully I dont like bullies, bullies so bully. I must really what you want me to do here. Oh. Do I owe you a red? Yes, are friends, it hills, I'll, be on hannity at nine thirty pm eastern thereabouts remember MR producer, I was explaining. and I mean this:
In all sincerity that The vast majority of drag queen side, the men dressed up as women are pretty fat and their unattractive. Don't you think. I dont mean just as dressed up women but period, but I think you have to, and you know how commission and yet I think Chris Christie would be a good drag queen? Don't you I'm not trying to be rude but again psyche. Member of a few. Fits all the requirements. His size big head, his Massive lips and ears, all out of proportion,
I don't even think he'd have to commit serious. I'm try my best, you know wouldn't have the where fake stuff up top is what I'm trying to say. You understand what I'm saying. Mr producers laughing you do understand what I'm saying it wouldn't take a lot. They wouldn't take a lot taken big tarp, cut a hole in the top polar over his head. He could wear that little bit, lipstick feels, as I say, doesn't mean any stuffing. You forget my drift and they go out there and talk peggy normally does. Have any preference tactic?
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So why would they just energy the guy The secret service has been poisoned like the appeal has been poisoned. They are the two. the democratic party, download tribute jaywalking to throw a twenty year at. Now, just as a matter of reason, if you're a copper detective out there. Wouldn't hundred buying me the first person, you area, the guy's benaco kid he's had great difficulty, pray the habit. They claim is broken it for a year now, but that doesn't mean you actually has huge. By europe to this you up to your eyeballs in this stuff, you tell him secret service. Let alone your eyeballs and all of it. Cause your son as the go between when it comes to these corrupt deals
Hi near money distributing the money sending up these The companies. don't wanna here five years from now that the new york times admits that bind was corrupt and all right enough for that crap I'm sorry. We were wrong about the way we cover the holocaust, meaning they didn't Oh yeah, that one came out, but it wasn't even that apologetic We're sorry that we were the mouse. peace for jobs stolen in america. While he was slaughtering ukrainians, something the russians like do apparently. Don't be. We miss our o, o Of course, they helped install fidel castro in havana. Oh. Your time. Sorry about that. Yes, of course, for so sorry- and they I went up for buying with the lapland they'll do whatever they have to do. is there not a newspaper, their cooperation. They use,
media like activities to advance cause to advance and audio at the sixteen nineteen project. And the races hack that came up with an eye skewer her in the new book pedal. I have more information there on her than you definitely ever heard. But she's embraced and her project is Thousands of school district whoops, no labels. I'm sorry she's, not a marxist. She's, not a re society mean to say that no labour not a she what our peril share? Whatever She may I don't even know what to say any more is to produce it. I use hand signals now. Have you seen signal. So, rather than speak, I had my hand go up and down, like speaking ever, try that MR producer. So
if you can't say words at least may be, can people trying to figure out what you're trying to say. So we're running out of ammo. Now the mcgovern wing of the republican party blames it ukrainian war, persuading russia. Am, I won the refining and afghanis and for twenty one years. What. we're running out of ammo. Why we running out of Emma yes, sir criss crossed the background of any the tasty. Kick I christina pray. What do you think? Because we haven't manufactured enough frankie. They mean to head the joint chiefs of staff. Folks. we're slashing in key areas in defence spending.
Spending enough on the fence. Why? Because the Democrats binder want to spend it and the George mcgovern wing of the republican party doesn't want to spend so it get a majority to agree What do they do at the white house? Mister producer, they blowing tramp tramp tramp tramp manner. He he ran am allow its low blame it on trap. Now, I think, will blame it on by his approach, I didn't get the Charles barclays audio. You can get it online red next day holes don't drink. But, like he's like this guy, he go to hell. Let him drink all abide. Lady wants idling drink, but really because people agree with you. We should all you heroes had their. Please take
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-19.