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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/22


On Friday's Mark Levin, President Biden visited Saudi Arabia but neglected to ask what their policy was on abortion, gay marriage, and the LGBTQIA+ community. Of course, this is tongue in cheek because people are beheaded for those things in Saudi Arabia. Biden loves genocidal autocrats, yet the media, which treats Republicans as pariahs for their positions on these issues, have been silent on these human rights abuses. Biden called for a Palestinian state during his time in Bethlehem with the wealthy Jew-hating terrorist Mahmoud Abbas. Many have tried to promote a two-state solution however the Palestinians' pre-conditions were unrealistic which is why former President Trump moved forward with the Abraham Accords which brought other Middle East nations into the conversation allowing Palestine to come to the table once they are serious about lasting peace.  Then, statists, or Marxists, in particular, the enviro-statist thrives on a threat that allows the government to take away one's liberty as we saw during the pandemic. Similarly, DDT chemical spray that prevented malaria had prevented the deaths of many, but it was said to be the cause of cancer for many children and was eventually banned even though a federal judge deemed it was not a carcinogen. Later, Gov Gavin Newsom is going to war with parents over the promotion of adult sexual material being taught in CA public schools. Newsom has doubled down on Critical Race Theory, pornographic literature, and cartoons in the classroom under the guise of social-emotional learning. Afterward, the federal judge presiding over the case of former White House Advisor Peter Navarro raised an eyebrow at the FBI's arrest tactics for his misdemeanor charge. The judge questioned why Navarro wasn't offered self-surrender at an FBI office like most other white-collar offenders are. Sportscaster Stephen A. Smith joins the show to discuss how certain athletes avoid his program if he's critical of them. Smith added that he is a capitalist and seeks diversity in his audience and programming. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by hills, they'll, college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes- have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom,
good for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters at hillsdale for their great sponsorship? The no broadcasting from the underground commend both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the our number eight seven, seven three eight one, three eight one, one how's that sound much producer
eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden, question for Joe biden- have a question for his administration. Why the position. of saudi arabia on abortion, securities. can you have an abortion in the first fifteen wigs first twelve weeks bush on the man. Now, though,. Your head off. There is no abortion in saudi arabia, about train, is. The l b q a a plus community, I don't believe they tolerate that either gay marriage. Is that okay? No, I don't believe they right that either. We heard any objections from all these organizations in america who treat the
I welcome party and the supply In court as pariahs. Do you hear them objecting at all to what, by Doing Saudi Arabia. Which is kissing. The ass of the prince, was really effectively the king over there. None. Biden has never met a genocidal dictator; he hasn't liked have been willing to do business with, and I mean, business with, Oh Biden was with Abbas at a press conference in bethlehem. Today, a boss is a terrorist you're, not a modern he's. A terrorist. And he awards terrorists who kill juice.
and if the israelis in prison that terrorist or kill that terror The family receives a huge life. And pension Abbas, a crook. He runs the power danny territory like a mobster, family members are very wealthy, he's very wealthy. They ve nothing close to democracy. It say club I, if you will that family members running various sectors of their various, so called businesses there, as well as longtime allies. So the way he runs that area they can never have prosperity, the money that comes in to the PA the palestinian authority. First, Goes through his pockets. Combine is proud, because Donald trump
cut off the money, but he Increased it from Oh two. Half a billion dollars for a proud of that. And today he was in bethlehem at this point, conference where the boss, nor bethlehem, we know it and the best land owing to Mr Buzek,. who was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was born in bethlehem. bethlehem used to the majority christian city. It's now a majority palestinian city christians are smaller and smaller minority there and then, it's the way the middle east works, whether it's christians or jews. Jericho Jericho's in the bible, juice, Their life on the line, if they go to jericho, he brom hebrew. He brown
they buried there, as are so many of the other great Ancestors of the Jews. He brown has only eighty five jewish families left there. There was a slaughter that occurred about half a century ago or more and the idea. Has soldiers everywhere in order to protect those. Eighty five families did you know this? Now you don't know this. He read the new york times. You don't know anything sob, Beth LE him today not to talk about the rights of the christians in bethlehem, but the palestinians deserve their own state living side by side with the state of israel and peace. They just want peace. That's all all this talk by palestinian authority.
By their media by their professors by their propaganda by their terrorists by their mouth pieces in america, of pushing The Jews in the mediterranean sea fetch Talk, they don't mean it after all, State that would be right next to Israel will the be there? Will the Syrians be there? Hezbollah, Hamas. Will they missiles where they have nuclear missiles? Were they have aircraft? When will they have this state and how well his will be protected? You see, ladies and gentlemen,. When you think of Israel, think new jersey, because that's how big it is. That's it. So here is cut five, now: it's president of states my commitment to that goal of a two state solution has not changed
In all these years, two states along the nineteen. Sixty seven lines were mutually agreed to swaps. one got a nineteen sixty seven lines. Israel cannot survive with a nineteen sixty seven lines. Can't survive. One thousand sixty seven lines: obama push the same thing. there was a war in nineteen sixty seven, because The arab states led by Egypt nasser in syria and others we're building up their militaries. To cut off israel economically, from the sea from the land from the air. To surround it, attack it and destroy it. Was the six day war.
The israelis, attack their enemies. First, they had no choice and they won in six days Now, what's changed since nineteen sixty seven. and shortly thereafter the Yom kippur war. Is that Israel demonstrated it can defend itself. Israel demonstrated it had on a military. Israel demonstrated that it wasn't going to be destroyed, It's muslim and arab neighbors. And that's when the left in america began to turn on Israel. no longer was Israel. This poor victim. Israel is now a growing strong democracy.
With a real military. And it wasn't going to be pushed around anymore. So the left in america. Turned on Israel, the democrat party has turned on Israel real. It's taken up the cause of the palestinians That is a fake name that the palestinians gave to themselves under Yasser Arafat. And I would be the same leadership. Whose ancestors work with of hitler to wipe out the jews who asked ITALY If they could assist in wiping out the Jews now. This living in peace side by side, two state solution, you see what
happened with the Gaza strip right. Is only one country that wants peace? peace does not serve the purpose of Cause of Abbas and Hamas and their backers, the iranians, the syrians and so forth. So there never will be a two state solution and you know who realised that donald trump donald when it offers thinking about a two state solution? And then he found the palestinians were impossible to deal with So they changed course. They said. Let us deal with the arab states. who want to deal with us and want to deal with the israelis and let's stop making the Justinian cause quote: unquote the centerpiece of middle east policy. When the palestinians are ready to talk,
And they're really ready for peace, they know how to. Each me said donald trump. We want to help them we they help to make an amicable we offered to help them make an amicable. But they have to be willing to seriously talk about peace and they won't. And he gave birth to the abrahamic course. The united states, Work with both Israel and their different arab neighbors. To develop these peace plant. That is all It's been abandoned Joe Biden and so bomb of farm policy, national security advisor. And here we are again. So there is in bethlehem, go ahead:
equal measure of security, prosperity, freedom and democracy and the palestinians, as well as israelis, palestinian people, deserve a state of their own that independent Sovereign viable and contiguous. Two states for two people, both of whom have deep and ancient roots in this land. Living side by side do not have deep in ancient routes. In this land you consider two hundred years ago, deep, deepen ancient roots indigenous people. Living in Israel are the jewish people just turn to your irreparable. The indigenous people in judea and samaria. which is where judaism was born,.
Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Where was born. Was in judea. which Biden in his party. And those who want to wipe out the Jews call occupied territory. You dealing with a very stupid man when it comes to Joe Biden stupid when he had his wits and now he doesn't even have his wits. as I will demonstrate next cut it go. I my background in the background of my family is irish american, And We have a On history, I have
not fundamentally, unlike the palestinian people with great britain and their attitude toward irish catholics over the years for four hundred years, some. it's an unbelievable besmirch meant of the Jews in Israel. These really were never called on coke, like great and in this sense there. not colonizing the lands in which they were the indigenous. But I would be like saying that native I can send our country colonizing their reservations for colonizing lands that were once theirs. the jews are the indigenous peoples there. My father used to say where the palestinians in the bible, they don't exist in the bible,. Palestinians were better ones.
Then you moved into the area for jobs, The area. A relatively inexpensive land, four thousand other reasons. But they never settle those areas, they don't have any ancient connection to those areas and the more the Jews dig with these geological, digs the more it's beyond obvious. And so when you have a man like Biden, who rejects what trap achieved. When you have a man like Biden, is fundamentally stupid. Man And when you have a man like Biden, who has no sense of modern or ancient history,. a very dangerous situation, very dangerous. The saudis have almost no claim to saudi arabia. Saudi arabia was carved out of nothing by the british, nothing.
Same with the Kuwaitis all these monarchs. Their histories don't go back three four thousand years. I just want to point that out right back, it's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills dell's died, instead of liberty is so important and primus. said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always have our great heritage of liberty for fifty years Some primus has featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day hills
publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six Two million american households and businesses receive receiving primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today. At absolute no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of them primus. My friend said he'll still, and I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription, levin for hillsdale dot com right now, l, a v, I n re hillsdale dot com. The reason why president trump had so much success in the middle east is because he was a leader, a statesman and he accepted reality. More and more you'll see with the marxist left and the democrat party. They believe their belief systems and their ideology aright. Substitute reality for their ideology.
their ideology is destructive of the human being, with the our own country or in foreign countries. If you accept reality, trying apply our principles to reality in our principles are based in reality,. You'll, have more success. But if your idea ology, is all you care about whether comes to the border, but they come spending whether it comes to debt, whether it comes to oil, whether it comes to ancient history you are destructive you destroy things. You impoverished people. and that's what we're up against right. Now when we come back, I want to talk about what Set in two thousand and nine and liberty and tyranny enviro statism, this whole issue of climate change and what it's doing to our country and to the world I'll, be right back the
It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over whether america is great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills digest of liberty is so important in Primus said, the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always have our great heritage of liberty for fifty years, in primus, has featured speeches given at hillsdale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day. Here publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly hemingway of Chris rueful over six, Two million american households and businesses receive from Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolut, No charge, I always look forward to receiving my copy of them Primus my friends and he'll still, and I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free sub
She's gonna, live infra hills, delta, come right now, ellie, Vienne, pray, hills doubt that come in a world of a blip rope, potholes clues truck full of hot comes to shuttle asphalt mark within call him. No seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one one, You know folks, american marxism sold one point: three million copies in all formats: pretty sold one point: five million in it. Chapter eight. I talk about statism. This is from two thousand and nine seven. Thirteen years. Things have changed in this country. Even now. The way thirteen years. Statism are statists. It's a word that was mostly used by Aristotle and I reintroduced it. I think
in parlance now. But I have abandoned the word status for the word: marxism. For the reasons I've explained on this program and in the book, nonetheless, this chapter chapter, eight is called enviro statism. Science broadly defined and you'll see why I'm discussing this in the moment? Is it door to knowledge, Although the statist- and I will change that word- not a marxist- is fine, accusing the conservative of slamming the door shut. It's actually the marxist who abandoned science, just as he abandons the laws of nature, reason, experience economics and when he pr it's what can best be characterized as enviro statism. his pursuit after all is power, not truth, with the assistance of applied or sympathetic media
Marx's uses junk sign. Misrepresentations and fear mongering to promote public health and environmental scares. because he realizes that in a true, widespread health, emergency, the public that's the government backed act aggressively to attract to address the crisis, despite traditional limitations on governmental authority, thirteen years ago? Well before the current Virus. more dire, the sweat, the more liberal people are usually willing to surrender. The scenario is tailor made for the marxist, the gov. so far it becomes part of the societal frame of reference only to be built upon during the next crisis, so the pathway, G of the marks health scare works like this. An event occurs, cases of food contamination are discovered or instances of a new disease arise
is increasingly the case. Government agencies such as the food and drug administration, the centers for disease control and prevention or the environment protection agency or not profit organizations such as the center for science in the public interest or the sierra club release, a new study identifying a frightening new health risk urgent. predictions are made by cherry picked experts, so called them. Except without scepticism- are independent investigation and turn it. like a cacophony of fear. Look at next climber to demonstrate that they're, taking steps to ameliorate the dangers New laws are enacted or regulations promulgated that are said to limit the public's exposure to the new, so called risk for this book. As was stood. The test of time, has been mr producer pretty oppression
get two thousand nine. The examples of this path ology, are numerous and include such scares. As our sweeteners bird flu, swine flu, dioxins, call I listeria, Ebola virus. formaldehyde it's trashy or a or empty bbc. salmonella, the tomatoes and jalapeno peppers and cfcs or a carbons. A blog and a huge panics, far beyond the actual scope of they health threat. economists, george reason relates how, Advances in science make it possible to detect minor levels of content, it's in substances which are misused in two, The case is to destroy products. The modern environmental movement was founded on one of the most egregious frauds in human history that ddt
is a human killing poison when in fact it is a human saving, wonder chemical, a chemical! Pound developed in nineteen thirty nine for the use as an end. Insecticide ddt, critical and protecting american soldiers from typhus epidemic and malaria during world war. Two. Nineteen forty eight paul herman mueller, received the nobel prize quote for his discovery of the highly efficiency She's me: the high efficiency of ddt, as I can Poison against several anthropology daddy, tease, usefulness and combating malaria and other insect borne diseases was unprecedented. San jose, university. Professor J, gordon Edwards, who is a long time opponent of banning ddt, wrote in two thousand. Where hundreds of millions have died, from malaria, yellow fever, typhus dung plague. Encephalitis and so forth.
the other diseases and in the fourteenth century, the bubonic plague, transmitted by fleas killed one fourth of the people of europe and two thirds of those in the british isles, yellow every killed millions before was found to be transmitted by mosquitoes More than one hundred epidemics typhus, civilizations in europe and asia, with mortality rates as high as seventy percent. But by far the greatest killers been malaria transmit it by mosquitoes. Nineteen, forty five, the goal of eradicating the scourge appeared to be achievable. Thanks to d d t Nineteen, fifty nine, the! U s! Your portions of the soviet union, chile and several caribbean islands, where nearly malaria free. As result of ddt.
journalist and best selling author, Malcolm Gladwell, recounted the successful eradication campaigns waged in italy, taiwan, the caribbean, the balkans, of northern africa pacific, australian, india. That in india, where malaria infected an estimated seventy five million and killed eight hundred thousand every single year fate, talent had dropped the zero by the early nineteenth sixties zero because nineteen forty five and sixty five ddt, save millions tens of millions of lives around the world he wrote, perhaps more and any other man made drug or chemical before or since Years ago, new york times editorial page writer, Tina Rosenberg, explained that today astronauts with no memory of malaria often assume it is he's been only a tropical disease, but malaria was once found as far north as boston Montreal, Oliver cromwell died of malaria
Spare leads to it in eight plays, Malaria no longer reflects the united states, canada, northern europe in part because of changes in living habits. The shift to cities, better sanitation window screens but another reason was ddt spray. from airplanes all over american cities and towns, while children played outside and so active as ddt that in nineteen seventy, the national academy of sciences announced that to only a few chemicals. Those man owe a great debt as to didi t, I'm calling them, A little more than two decades ddt has prevented five hundred million human deaths due to malaria. That would have otherwise been inevitable. So what happened. Nineteen sixty two rate Carson, an opponent of pesticides succeeded in spreading widespread hysteria about dd effects On wildlife, and especially children in her
book silent spring carson decried the broad use of ddt As reason, science, correspondent, ron, Bailey, rae carson, was an effective popularizer of the idea. The children were especially vulnerable to the carcinogenic effects of synthetic chemicals. The situation with the respective children is even more deeply disturbing. She wrote the court. entry go. Cancer in trouble was considered a medical rarity. Today she wrote more american school children die of cancer than from any other disease and in support of this claim cars. Reported that twelve percent of all deaths in children between the ages of one and fourteen are caused by cancer, statistic is essentially meaningless unless it's some context which she failed to supply, turns out the percentage of children dying of cancer was rising because it causes of death such as infectious diseases, were dramatically declining.
The sickening irony that Carson's focus on children help kill the use of ddt, when malaria is the cause of death of millions of children living in undeveloped countries, Nowhere in silent spring day, Carson mention that dd He had saved tens of millions of lies a widely known fact by nineteen sixty two, but have no apparent Court to her or a growing legion of adherence where's, the media gobbled up carson's alarm, alarmism. President. Kennedy, formed an advisory committee to investigate our current claims. Congress held hearings, the infirm, the environmental defense fund and the sierra club brought litigation depression. the government to ban ddt and other Adt has never been directly linked to even one human Beth glad Recounts incidents of test subjects, literally lathering themselves, with ddt, the e p a which had established in nineteen, seventy banditti, tee and nineteen. Seventy two
its use worldwide soon plummeted, because the united states and united nations world health organization, with no law their provide financial support. for the life savings. Chemicals use. But even the manner in which the epa ddt was an abuse of both the scientific and legal process, and he Administrative law judge held several months of hearings on dd environmental and health risks. In the end, Edmund sweeney. That's the judge found that Dt is not a carcinogen hazard demand ddt. is not a newt, mutagenic or tower Territorial jeddak hazard, a man, I'm calling him the you of ddt under the regulations and involved here do not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish. other organisms, wild birds or other wildlife. This is the judge who looked at the litigation over saw
but judge. Sweeney's ruling was rejected by a administrator, william ruggles house, a republican. one thousand nine hundred and seventy two bandit anyway said, tended none of the hearings and aid reported. He had not read the hearing transcript before overruling judge, Sweeney's findings at that time recalls house belong to the audubon society. He join the environmental defense fund, which, along with the sierra club, A budding organization brawler brought lawsuits pressing for gdp ban. Two thousand to the american council on science and health reported that three hundred million to five hundred million people suffer from malaria each year. Ninety occurring in africa. Is the number one killer of children their overall then his resulted in the deaths of tens of millions, though I will be at
For reading this to you, I will be for reading, you cannot go against the narrative. You cannot go against de the move of society away or towards something. But I am raising this for a reason: an article in the new york times How one senator doom, the Democrats, climate plan- It's called a news article by coral, davenport and LISA freeman, attack on Joe mansion first I a plan that would have forced power plants to clean up their climate warming pollution. There is Climate warming, pollution. Then he shattered an effort to help consumers pay for electric vehicles. Subsidies to the wealthy. And finally said he could not support government incentives for solar and wind companies or any of the
There provisions that rest of his party And his presidency are vital to ensure a livable planet and where are the components for the solar and wind devices coming. They say senator Joe Manchin, who took more paying cash from the oil and gas industry than any other senator there you go. Became a millionaire from his family called business. So the goal to destroy him, not to engage in a debate. his family had a coal business good for him good for him. but we do better if he had an abortion business and, for she took money from the industries. The industries Contribute directly to campaigns, they have political, action committees in which they are free to run ads. They can.
Give money directly to any campaign but notice how they put the in Look the democratic parties, legislative plans to fight climate change. Do you ever see them write about, collins or lisa Murkowski are roundly blowing up republican plants the swing democratic vote in an even leader, vited senate, MR mansion. Let his party, through months of torture, negotiations that collapsed on thursday night. A year long, wild goose chase that produced nothing as the earth warms to the dangerous levels. the earth is warming to dangerous levels, who says oh yes, they said, planets nearly out of time. They write to prevent global temperatures from rising one point: five degrees celsius above pre industrial levels- I have no friggin idea. If that's the case, none. And I've written at length about this too. In the same book, liberty, inter these are liars dressed up.
journalists, layer area logs, dressed up as journalists, the all in the d growth marxist movement born out of europe nineteen seventies. so they are trashing mansion in the, work times there. Cast an eye in new york times. I'll be back It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country know it's over whether america is great at all weather. America deserves our love. That's why I'm primus hills. digest of liberty is so important in Primus said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always have our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years,
in Primus has featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these days stop: publishers, people, like victor Davis, Hanson, mollie, hemingway of Chris ruvo over six two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today. At absolute no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of them Primus my friends and he'll still, and I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free sub. if you go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli v, I n re hillsdale dot com, the almighty, your wife. What do I owe this wonderful visit? Well, yeah speaking of the microphone, tell the What we're doing we're doing
we are celebrating shabbat, jews around the world at sundown and Sundown depends where they are around celebrate shabbat, and they do so by the Women of the house lighting a candle- and The men usually do the prayer, over the wine right or reduce and then and the bread we break bread which we call ha, and so we do this. Every friday, every friday either at seven or eight p m. When I have a bigger break, it depends when I have a break that's why he visiting me right now. We are keeping the commandments. It's an excuse to have her see me about it's an excuse it's for you to have bread. I love bread. She's got me she's, trying to get me on his tough diet. I told her. I need your help. I'm gaining. much weight. And whenever she sees people they say, please keep mark healthy and in the kind of
and what do I say don't look at me, I'm it's him and it is me. So I work on it, and it's just a matter of time really. Put on my running shoes and go offer run she's a marathon runner sharon nine ten miles like it's. Nothing. I drive nine or ten miles when I'm tired hi. Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a lot more we're going to go over a lot more. We will be right back, so please don't leave us him in this segment, The podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage, and Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you! Thank you again for listening.
Thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the hello america mark Levin here the way of a connection messenger producer. I think we do our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one halo, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one stephen a smith will be my guest or three And I really do like each other I like, and we have similar personalities and away. Don't we rich thank we do I and I love it, show.
I love a show on E. It really is good specially when they got rid of that. Anyway. The other guy. Forget his name max or something or other kellerman yeah. He was annoying typical. Lip ah I want to get into some of this- He gavin newsom thinks he's presidential material. And went to washington the other day, maitre Biden wasn't there to visit the white house, probably meeting susan rice, who the hell knows ah has run edge in florida, he's a laughing stock and florida as he is in most of the rest of the country. Are they geese peculiar? Looking he's got like a Adam schiff neck? Not I mean rich. Its long giraffe like neck.
sort of out of sync with the rest of the body. But what do I know? What do I know? Maybe people find that appealing? I don't I don't fight. Appealing at all and the little dog What do you want? The hair in the back. walk around outside, but catches, you know, flies and mosquitoes and birds and everything. So he wants to export his tremendous success in california with all the nursing guess shutting down churches and and gun shops. I'll opening abortion clinics. It's border wide, open, illegal immigrants pouring into the state, tri state he thinks. That's what you want. Let us policy soldiers shermer that they're trying to do to the whole country, can you imagine this jerk as president It gives a speech yesterday and who is he attacking the santas?
As a diner, because he To say this is the clean armani, but at least he is a leading conservative. Certainly our great governor, And so he wants to put his pencil neck above all the other potential candidates a freak, show over there on the Democrats. And here is cut thirteen go, but I do believe education under assault in ways that I never experienced in my lifetime then? I think we're living in his release, these sorts of our freedom, expression. You're, an idiot speak you're, an idiot. education's under assault, been under assault by the union. Thugs. who run the any aid they ate of tea and back checks like you. Parents he's already announced he's going to go to war with parents,
as I believe you should have options and alternatives that he doesn't believe there should be competition. I hope men and parents in the inner cities are hearing me, it doesn't believe your children should have a chance at all in Turning to schools- and I said, governor ducey, in arizona. For signing what is the most historic School choice bill in american history, quite frankly,. The virginia governor young kin. his limited choice to public schools. He makes it clear, I'm public so governor that not good enough. And I notice that the media are trying to jackson. It him against trump that He wants the maggots support without the maggots leader they try to do. supposed to scientists against trump? The media
are looking for trouble. Ladies and gentlemen, things Again, the You are looking for trouble. They want Want to lash out against these guys. Duncan's, been governor for about fifteen minutes. I think he needs to focus on Virginia right now. That's just my opinion. just my opinion. He's been a very good governor for fifteen minutes to by the way, superb Newsome newsome was And the board of supervisors in france and san francisco, he was the mayor of san Francisco. He was lieutenant governor of California, the governor of California, the entire pier, the states going to s and as luck at the homelessness look at the drug use, look at the crime. Look at the illegal immigration? You got people, to get the hell out of there as fast as they can third, fourth, fifth and people closing down their businesses and getting out of their newsome says.
I believe that your occasions under assault by yo, yo schmuck and the people's support you you're that jerk that shut the scores you're that jerk that one The kids go to school, while you're here If you're gonna score, think we're going to forget that I'm up with a name for this guy I'm column, gruesome, newsome, I gotta come up with a name anyway. Go ahead. The meme of the moment It is no longer the moment but critical race theory. this guy tucker. They, you think that's funny, pow something called critical race theory. What are you illiterate These critical race theory, adherence and promoters and worshippers they can yet their stories straight. The media the democratic politicians on the one hand they embrace it, they impose it on their own The two ships they impose it on corporations,
Knucklehead in the white house has been doing and then It doesn't exist. What critical race theory. The maybe they have the people who write these books about critical race theory they have them on and then what critical race theory so damn corrupt go ahead. Trying to just understand what it is. Tell you what it is! Schmuck it's going to be painful or what. It's racism, it's Farah khan, racism, dressed up as scholarship. You may not have heard of it you're the only one in america who hasn't heard of it, because your kids don't go to the schools where it's where it's taught ciao watch watch. How he's like a not even a third rate, a tenth rate actor look at. Luckily, luckily,. He moves and grooves here go ahead. it's happening
has to be happening in california, but on the governor account. But I dont know what it is most, Appearing on the basis of how everybody's jumping over themselves to ban it, the real meme of the moment seems to be no longer see tea seems to be some called social, emotional learning. God forbid. coincidental, forty two children's books, banned forty two voices in gentlemen, children's books. There called pornography you moron, Non graffiti first, the guy talks in the staccato way. I mean I've never really heard him give a speech, because this speech this highly talks, he faint. Let us talk, that's been all over the place for a year. Wow what a leader this guy would be, but not for our country? Maybe another country go ahead by. Forgive me. voter education in florida, because
social, emotional learning, no, because it in crude, perverse, Did sexual asean you for that. I thank you. for that isn't this the guy. This is the guy and I'm thinking he had an affair with this campaign mounted on its coming back to me now, his best and I think it was who was his campaign mandatory at a affair with his wife, who was his deputy chief of staff and then they, campaign manager immediately filed for divorce. That's what happened this thing. They call you know her adultery go ahead. wow Democrats you're going have to do better than this. One mine not more on for another minor moron act Think Joe Biden has more gone form than this guy.
And you already have californian the bag? You don't need this guy's not can bring anything in the boy too. the dumber is at Seems to be a problem in the entire democrat party, actually. The round. The said this is more makes more sense in twelve seconds. Then Gavin does in a minute or two cut. Fourteen go Can we actually agree that women get pregnant and not men, because because they don't seem to say that I mean it's just it's just unbelievable, some of the stuff that you're hearing about that. So no some of the ever heard of that. That we have. a woman now in the supreme court who denies Knowing what a woman is but she's a start because she's, the first black woman, but denies being a woman.
he denies being able to explain what a woman it. Your whole party supports this now that debt where party will not define what a woman is, and they will, define what a baby is. Why? Why? Because they're nuts they're insane Because they're pushing their agenda the most Radical ideologues. Within the framework of that party is what drives that party. In the area whose in Saudi arabia right now that I'll kill you, if you get an abortion that kill you you're gay that I'll kill you. If you top. This offer add that on. He's hand pumping, with the guy hand, pumping with a guy. And his party says almost nothing and these these groups were. El Q community on this nowhere, their silent, tacking me, I guess but they're nowhere else. They rather attack Republican
you said who can define what a woman is and can define what a baby is and that's why they're hated? What do you mean that here? about the books is Gavin. Newsom new doesn't know how to read them maybe he knows how to color in them. I don't know. He knows a ban. Forty two children's books have been banned, sounds pretty bad and water in those books. I don't know if he got up in front of a school board, try and read them the shut you down. That's how filthy they are Okay with Gavin his kids don't suffer from me just like It didn't have the miss school just like he's: never missed a good french meal. You know what I can't wait. I was going to start mister produce. Remove me called republic four biden? You know because I think It's actually slaughter him at the polls? It's going, Publicans for Biden led by mark levin.
But now I'm thinking, maybe I should start republicans for news, cuz. I think we'd slaughter him too. Kind of Democrat who will give republicans problems is a moderate democrat. Not a california cook. I booted yes Buddhist chase is spending one billion dollars of your money. And what do they call transportation, equity, MR or something like that. To fight racism in our road system. racism in our road system. I don't even know what that means roads were built through already communities, black communities rebuilt for my community too.
didn't know bomber say over and over again you know you didn't make it on your own. What about the roads that we do now, which is it? there's so confusing we want so our roads are racist, inanimate things our racist racism is everywhere. and how do we know this because The most privileged and widest people keep telling us, british Biden Biden it has a long history of racism and segregation, as he tells us democrat party. If we are going to go back and eliminate the scourge of racism than we must eliminate the democrat party. Come to think of it, it's the party racism today in many ways, isn't it I think it is
the right back was love in the verizon. A t and t and t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you don't use, stop paying for things. You don't use instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your current provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking. What was that It's really going to be that good. Am I going to drop calls slow internet. I can t at first hand the gee service is that good switch if pure talk was that easy so lists and don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to
Take the leap and start saving money every month get a pure talk. Dot com select a plan then enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's eli via podcast and save fifty percent off your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast so already out of the box. Newsome has set down his markers that he support sport augur fee in your kids library. That he opposes parents having say in their kids, education. that he believes in social emotional learning in the classroom. Which is a psychological way of brainwashing her children.
and he has Problem with critical race theory, Fact he so supportive of it, He won't even admit what it's about but if he thinks he can get away with that, because he lives in a one party state. he's got another thing coming. He thinks in one thousand dollars in and Florida is going to make a difference. He's dead wrong. Gavin newsom is nancy Pelosi in a suit twentieth. He's nancy Pelosi in a suit. well put that in your mind's eye, because that's pretty much what he is, as you know, producer in my opinion is. Assault on freedom of expression, he says just individual liberty,
two new some. What do you think of that. And it has to do with more than dropping your pain. in public. Or changing your genitalia. Or what you do with your genitalia? Liberty is more important, Deeper than that governor, you may not be aware that since you been Political hack, your entire life, and I know most of us- don't believe that pornographic books should be. the public schools or any schools. We don't believe that kids from kindergarten garden third grade should be sexualized That's why disney land For you feel free to do what it does. but disney world in Florida does not. Let me ask all your parents around the country, or would you rather raise your kids in an environment created
that believes in tradition, And believes in age, appropriate education or in Haven't nuisance education system randy, Mantis education system are gavin newsom, but here's the thing I don't like newson's going to be the nominee anyway I have no idea who will be I back the verizon, a t and t and t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you don't use, stop paying for things. You don't use instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your current provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and, I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking. What was that It's really going to be that good. Am I going to drop calls slow internet? I can t at first hand the gee g service? Is that good, switching to pure
What was that easy? So listen, don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to take the leap and start saving money. Every month, gotta pure talk, dot com select a plan than enter promo code, levine podcast, that's ellie, veolan podcast and say fifty percent of your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes. So good, a pure talk, dot, com and enterprise. What code Levin podcast when mark levin speaks the ventures, take notes. Color now have seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one that wow look at this judge questions FBI, the tactics against trump adviser, Peter Navarro. This is an political of all places.
Federal judge overseeing the contempt of congress case against former trump white house adviser Peter Navarro. Press concern today about the decision by prosecutors to arrest him last month, rather than simply summoning him to come to court. We ve talked about this, isn't the first time it won't be the last time, but it's wrong every damn time they do it. Arrow has complained bitterly about the fbi, tactics in arresting him at reagan, national airport, Departing for a speaking engagement in nashville tennessee, acting that he was handcuffed, that he was food and water and permission to make a phone call to his lawyer. Can you imagine this is like russia, the the agents handling. The arrests said in an official report that he called them kind nazis. While you were and so kind by the way he's like a statue, tactics.
Navarro faces two misdemeanor contempt of congress charge to misdemeanor contempt charges. Refusing to comply with a subpoena from these special house committee investigating the stormy of capital on january, so A special house committee. It is a pelosi. Stalinist Democrat party committee. The viral contends he was following instructions from trump not to comply to preserve executive privilege. He contends a lot more than that. Actually. At a hearing and of our own case today you s district judge emit matter. he ain't here. Emit mecca signal He agrees that the treatment of the longtime white house trade adviser at the outset of the criminal case, was unreasonably harsh. He
that- and I quote it is curious- set a minimum why the government treated Mr Navarro arrest and the way it did. it's a federal crime, but it's not a violent crime. Knows it's a misdemeanor. Met a former federal defenders said it was puzzling, the prosecutors didn't just ton of our. He was going to be charged and allow him to walk into an f b I office as some white collar defendants are permitted to do. No, as most white collar defendants are permitted to do it no criminal record. The allegation is nothing to do with violence. He's not a flight risk and how they treated him almost as bad as how they treat others with the swat teams. Look what they did. The John eastman who's. A lawyer. I don't if he could ever defend himself he's a nice guys, a little guy. How dare humiliated him? Look how humiliated this guy. I forget his first name clark, who waited to depart,
just a fortune to stand outside the middle of street with boxer shorts on when he asked if he could put his pants. Neither friday was going to hit them or something. the judge said it is a surprise to me that self surrender was not offered. However, he proposed nope equally response. It do not demand any explanation from prosecutors and therein lies part of the problem. Why did you do this fire that Image, I would have said who ordered you to do this. Where did you to do this this way. and I don't want to go all the way up the chain to see who was involved, but not this judge now now navarro attorney. John raleigh told the judge that the the ice treatment of our on the government's decision not to charge to Trump White who aides comply with subpoenas.
suggested animus toward navarro our the part of the prosecution team? He also said the decision may have been influenced by Biden statement Those who defied the committee should be prosecuted. how come we're not hearing that criticism anymore. The then placed in leg irons by the fbi when he was arrested. Said his lawyer, but clarified after the hearing, the shackles for use by deputy. U s marshals! When he arrived at the court house for his initial appearance last month, why did they do that. Is he run away the guys in his seventies, It's going to run away from the epa I mean: how stupid is this. It also emerged at the hearing today, That navarre rejected a plea deal offered by prosecutors in the case proposing the drop One of the two charges are not seek more than the minimum thirty day jail time and this
What they're doing everybody excuse me? It's cholera! Don't worry This is what they're doing everybody. I will let you I'll give you some time, so the media can report eight hundred people, most of whom have done jail time people want to get it over with they want. get their lives back. They have families where they have illnesses. I see one woman who's sixty nine years old and has cancers was just sent to jail. Was just sent to jail, MR producer, because when all of a cough button, yes, cancer. She sixty nine. She was just sent to jail the epi used as evidence of her danger that she had Stood on facebook, a picture of resolve with a weapon actually gone into the capitol building shouldn't hit. Anybody can chew.
anybody didn't stab anybody. I mean she has cancer. The hell I mean it's just it's it's so completely out of hand right now. The arrest tactics, you don't see, Democrats being treated this way, you don't see antifa being treated this way, you don't see black lives matter being treated. This way. Excuse me that's a whooping cough. What can I tell you Mr producer got more here. We have lost my spot and looking for it desperately here, Nancy Pelosi. my god. What did I do with this rich? You have the one cut of Nancy Pelosi. There cut fifteen And we offer help to american people who treasure our freedoms, And it were overwhelmingly with us and our and to defend them, what
And having store and x, you can travel to buy a book you, travel to seal concert or play if they wait. I want to travel with your husband he's a drunk dui. Remember that. He seems to be able to travel. I have another one bring me my car. jesse war is trying to get to the bottom of that. He wants to know if drink and Paul was now you know, screwing around I'll leave it to him to figure that out but anyway. What does this mean. If republicans will let you buy a book Travel to buy a book travel to go to a concert. You see marxists marxist democrats have to lie about the despair It's the issues that we are debating.
because they have no respect, For their voters and their base whatsoever you think and believe it may be the right. Their voters and their base have a very, very low. I q the respond to something like this, that the republicans prevent you from traveling to get a book there Public and want to prevent you from travelling to go to a conscience or a play republicans want to want to stop you because they have word standards. We have to as legislation, she says for a second time to do. What while abortion on demand? Of course because it's either that or you won't be able to travel and get a book. by the way. Did you see that picture of her and two others on the beach mister producer? What's going on there.
she looks a little like TED Kennedy, I thought anyway. So, although I TED Kennedy had bigger. You know a bigger. bigger head on the top of his shoulders. I was going to say I thought I think he did memory recollection properly, so suppose he's on the floor, and she said either you support abortion in the last second, the boarding of a baby I decide if you will or- you oppose people traveling to buy a book what's next Stop us from traveling to buy a book Last time you read a book, you moron, And there is hakeem jeffries who wishes replace nancy Pelosi. who has a lower I q than she does He wants you to know that the Protrusion of the supreme court is now
illegitimate, because it doesn't agree with him there, Words are legitimate. The court is illegitimate. sixteen go. Or two and justice and freedom are under assault. Right now, yeah by you, you jerk go ahead. Rat all right wing, illegitimate supreme court majority and their extreme co conspirators here in the house of representatives. Let listen to this language. Which is intentionally intended, To provoke violence against these justices, if you believe Certain justices are quote radical right wing, illegitimate. Extreme working with co conspirators in the house.
Screw loss and a weapon. If you believe that their attack in liberty and justice and freedom- and I would ask- and what's difference when liberty and freedom- you idiot anyway, go ahead attacking freedom, but this legislation and house Democrats, Or going to do everything in our power to defend a woman's freed out? What how hell and I worry that pal dumber than I even thought: not ever use the word woman, a when's freedom. Here professor, He do the other day, professor did he do from you see law, school. hear what she said forget her actually. It's bridges year, professor,
Images didn't which he said. Of course men can have children, trans man, and if you don't agree with that, you use reporting violence Obviously hakeem jeffries is supporting violence, and trans men who can have babies, you jerk You're supporting violence justice jackson. Now there Honorable justice jackson, The biologists to tell her what a woman is that she, MR producer, she can go into a public school library for seven and eight year, old and they'll have pictures of a woman naked. could find a right their treatment Fourth grade reading class, some would defend their rights. The first a moment he said mother, idiot.
and justice jackson may want to confer with hakeem Jeffries. He apparently knows what a woman is. Use the term he didn't say birthing people said a woman. They're, very confusing these insane bastards. Aren't they go ahead to make on reproductive health, decision can make her on reproductive health care decisions when she's not reproducing anything. It's an abortion. You eddie it now doesn't even make any sense. Moreover, There's another human being involved. It's called a baby, a baby dummy, but he does go ahead, a woman's freedom tower. It's not a woman's freedom, get it straight pal, go ahead, people per animal got up. You eddie I'll, be right.
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take the leap and start saving money every month, get a pure talk? Dot com select a plan then enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's eli via podcast and save fifty percent off your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and enter promo code. Levin podcast, the representative Veronica aka, pablo Escobar Democrat of Texas he's very lucid. She has some proof, things to say creating go when Four republican: we are dispensable where disposable they want. You control us pablo. May I call you pablo. I think I will. Because, obviously, gender isn't.
Is racism by another term. She called men, women and women men. So I guess you can use proper right, so silver, From now on, your name is pablo, I say that out of respect pablo ask. Democrat from texas women for applicants. We are dispensable, word disposable. They want to control us. How stupid do you have to be To be a Democrat in the house of representatives, this is my question another one, Another one with the women, the women that so so today we don't use women any more women. women for republicans we're dispensable, we're disposable. They want to control us. Yes, every I accept that you're dispensable disposable? We want to control. You know it's interesting, that
divine abortion and what they do to babies, dispensable disposable. I feel like it's nineteen eighty four alice in wonderland something's, going on here. Where words either have no meanings or meanings that are senseless or up means down and so forth. She says played again: eighteen go ahead: women four republican, we are dispensable where disposable they want you control ass, I like so. She uses women for the record. And she says women are disposable and dispensable. That's publicans view them report believe in life ripple kids will defend their wives, they will defend their mothers, they will defend their daughters, they will defend. Women.
it can define women. They love women. They appreciate women, they don't. biologists. They don't need proc college. They don't only any. We can all. and what a woman is you Democrats are degrading. Women. You're degrading degrading women's rights. and of course, when it comes to dispensable and disposable, that's how you treat babies, including female babies, I may say, and you're despicable- and that includes you, Pablo Escobar I'll- be right back Ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you, Withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's right! Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report: any behaviour they think a suspicious. It's true and I shocked when I read the secret war on cash from swiss america. The new
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These now run casting a monopoly underground command both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere. Under that britain, steel of unarmed strip building, we have once again made contact with our leader love. Then I have been remiss, ladies and gentlemen this sunday, less than three short days away. Actually, exactly one to two days away: Saturday and Sunday, at this time the eight pm eastern time hour. A brand new or, as we call fresh life, Lorraine, Levin on the fox news, channel, eight p m eastern time, five pm, pacific time and all kinds of times in between and around bottom up middle out,
tremendous gets guests least fanatic and Larry kudlow. We have a lot of ground to cover and, of course, my opening statement. Some thought monologue, but I prefer opening statement. I hope watch. You know when you did at the time for commercials, it's really only forty minutes. They must make a lot of money off. My show must produce from guessing. I don't know. Couple of times they ran these erectile dysfunction. Commercials I have objected to those. I have objected to those That's the wrong show. Maybe, beyond some other guys shove, but it does need to be on my, but nonetheless we have to I guess said of course, will have my opening statement. So I hope you'll join us in a few minutes, will have our friends stephen a smith when the programme If charm, at a shoulder operation, rich. Those are not easy. Those very, very painful. As matter of fact,
I mean I've never had one, but I can assume I can assume that's the case Have you ever had one of those rich now never had a plate put in your head had either have you I'm just curious once I didn't know True, I have to admit, as a man, I've never been pregnant or given birth, as my wife pointed out, you have yes, Well, you're, the one alright Let us say this is not too funny. It is actually very sad. The russians are force, deportations of ukrainians over two million. So far, including about three hundred thousand children.
they're deporting them from their homes their. them off the streets. they're taking him out of orphanages,. They are forcibly removing them, they are forcibly turning them into russian citizens and their sending them two camps. Or too far off Locations in russia, this is what hitler did. This is what Stalin did here's. What mouth did? That's what putin, Me that's cholera,. The unlawful transfer and deportation of protected persons as a grey breach of the fourth Geneva convention on the protection of civilians in his eye, war crimes, said secretary state blinkin,.
The russian embassy, the russians, have learned from our from our I can Marx's here. Listen to this. The russian embassy in washington called the competent attempt to stoke rousseau phobia? top of everything were russo, phobias. Why? since attempt to vilify the armed forces of the russian federation is apparently An with dissatisfaction with the success of a special military operation. When a rambling idiot, the people who are filled it out. families being separated, confiscating the ukrainian passports, their issuing russian passports for imposing citizenship on them. Each disgraceful. There I witness reports from survivors who so the russian authorities had transport tens of thousands of people to detention facilities
troll by moscow back separatists were many, are reportedly tortured. Good lord portrait, women raped How can we're not hearing that from the from the peut noise, in the media median in the republican endeavour Wrap parties, you know the putin's with the hammer. I took we're not hearing about this. This programme appears to have been planned early and matches similar operations. Rush under took another wars, including a chechnya. Cloning of chechnya and it's. It's horrendous, they shut down, Their press in russia port against the war, say anything hostile, about the war there, let's get ten years in prison.
You say anything hostile about the united states in our country, in your journalists, you get a pill at surprise and a peabody award and appointed. to walk around aware, so your colleagues can see what a genius you are. That's problematic. Excuse me. Pablo Escobar, a care veronica, Democrat texas. She was on her myself stated a very busy because everybody wants to know? A pablo has to say She says by needs to ask the saudis for oil, because we didn't transition to green energy fast enough. Pablo deserves to be in a patent, so I think, cut tango. I was just thinking cars when the president excuse me, excuse me congress. It congress it congress it
cause a congresswoman congressmen. Dont use man don't use women, it's it congress, it congress eddie, I'm going going to saudi arabia to meet with other middle east, the leaders, as well as the as the king and the crown prince, but a lot of this has to do with domestic politics as well. I mean gas and gasoline prices in our country. Right The inner, the president is juggling some historic challenges right now, challenges, unlike we have seen in our generation or generations before she inherited a country and that that was grappling with covered. We now are seeing global inflation and global increases in gas prices. In those gas price increases,
footloose war on ukraine decking. What are these people? They it's it's like they wind them up, spew the same lies and stupidity wind them up, go ahead. go. We should have acted far more quickly to transition away from fossil fuels from our dependence are, in fact our addiction to fossil fuels in this country and across. But, ladies and gentlemen, are you addicted to fossil fuel? Are you addicted to it. But he just use your smart. we're smarter than these clowns. I go to congress who the hell elected, Pablo Veronica Escobar anyway, who, like this area. Just a mouthpiece that spews stupid talking points get them all, and I said Putin's war, I gotta
Global inflation, global gas price increases and, in addition, we didn't transition away from fossil fuels and because we're addicted to fossil fuels. And your solution, you're, the problem, America, you're addicted. You see the fossil fuels. We means you, each of you and course. The increase in inflation is a global situation, is really nothing. We can do about it an increase in gas prices as a global situation, except that you're, the boy four, because we didn't transition fast. it's the other thing transition. There hung up on my word This transitioning, whether it's transitioning in your pants or in your skirt, whether its transition, the economy, whether its transition, everything transition? Hey, how about we slow down? Take it easy and stop the transitioning.
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so I had its scope is not like that. They call me I'm a be doubtful few weeks. be better than ever. In a couple of months. and that's where I gotta listen to me- The moral of the story is stop exercising, I'm serious I can't do that. I can't do that. Got exercise, but I thousand I can take it a little lighter. I can do that, but I've never used a basketball dinner. Yes, sir, I played on a plate and went to fill up the university and not caroline of division. Basketball for the legendary clarence big house game not just saying this to say this yours the only sports show. I really like the particularly since, what's his face, isn't there any more of an? And I don't want you to comment on that, but it really is because. You give it a lot of thought. I can tell you prepare before the show. I don't know how you know all the states and all the different sports how stay motivated and so forth. What do you do?
well, I mean. First of all, you know, if you don't care, you can't expect the viewer and the list of the kid that's number one two. I think that the ultimate of ev I had to tell you what want trade. I would hope that it It does show successful and kept it number one in the sports wanting a. Number one for the lad a year, the counting and that our prime minister, it will be very, very fair in all at the time you and I have spoken a yes, we do speak offline and we speak off the air, and I and I've know you for years and obviously we talked and got a lot of respect, love each other. I here's my attitude, you know, make sure that everybody understands whether we agree or disagree that we're gonna pay both got one that I dont collaret or for a state and- and I give my boss of the lot of credit for this because they allow me to be a control of such things as that No it's not going to be a one sided thing. You know. Sometimes we get into you know political stuff. Is it you going to hear people from both sides with
That was what angles you're going to hear. People from both thought you've got. Would it have? You know a capitalist equate, the view like myself, because I m a proud capital and are you that differently we going to hear both sides. So what I try actually I'm a black man- and I now and I want white folks to come on the show, I'm a man. I want women that come on the show, the list. The one I want people to look at the show and make sure that at some point in time, when they hear our dialogue best friend back and forth, that they hear some semblance, what's going on in their mine at what positions they represent an hour, they feel that way, even if Here the second dissenting point of view: it lee Your heard their side as well. That's incredible important to me and I think that's what ultimately this, except for the show Let me ask about lebron James. Do you know him well. I know it well enough. I mean we have communicated to mike over the years, but obviously we met and we talk don't several occasions than a bad there were.
Is it girl, when I was very, very critical of him and as a result, very reluctant to talk to me per se, but he's always a gentleman he's always respectful We sit down one o one and talk anymore. No, that's catcher freeman? Do you know him vaguely, I mean said hello and goodbye and path, and I his exploits on the back but I don't know him personally. However, I'm very familiar with it the dishes and are very familiar what how adamant he has. Then I get lebaron shapes Let me ask you this. What the brown james he's makes a statement, the other they make it their own promo and work, people on me took the position where the hell are you saying one thing difference of opinion. I want to come back to america and he seems to reverse course, or at least clarified what he meant. Which was I meant emotionally, does that make? it's to your right.
I'm not really I've been on vacation so that why people have an early commenting about it at most assuredly would have thought about it. The next day I would have you basically said that that was a foolhardy statement on his part. Now, Tell you that lebron James. Obviously, if the phenomenal play in a phenomenal athlete in an incredible role, model a lot of different ways, but that doesn't mean we agree with everything that he says, and they have been ages from time to time when he said that there will be the basel flat out incorrect, not taking the plate in the case of grit a greener. I mean, I don't know how you can deduce that we're not talking politics here from the standpoint of by them, as opposed to try boys. Clinton Obama anybody else, but if you're president of the united states, I'm quite sure that there are in abundance, that you want to get out of jail? Who may have happened to have been prison by russia. We, of course we want brittney, griner back home and safe, and a lot of people feel like that
against is excessive. But to think for one second, that the united it is not doing enough. I just think that that's a line that none of us that americans should cross because we don't, the stand, the intricacies that go along with all of that, because we're just not in that stratosphere- for me personally when I spoken about if you mock- and you know everybody was- you know talking about- let's get a home, let's get home, I'm a strong advocate on but that I desperately want her back in the united states, also reminded everybody. I it sure it's why to be as our spoken as we ve been, glittering that we talking about Vladimir Putin, And if notion- and I've said this is well, this notion and if it will abroad day instead of britain a greener that somehow I love low james would have been home by now. I everybody again good. We let me put it you: could Yet what does god I mean
the world does. This dude was telling everybody Knowing anything when everybody was, it was worn and the world that either about bomb he's about to invade ukraine, he did it anyway and that bullpen and public in russia. You don't know what this guy is capable of. So Good, what we thought he stuff like that, unless our level of expertise, all we could do- was follow the administration and the state department and and ill follow their lead, because, Where their expertise lies not and I think that the broad days would have been wise to do I, even though he was speaking about roger he was, about whitney brown brittney griner must be fairly. I just think that but need to be careful because we don't know who might be listening and we don't know how it may force or compel them to react. That's just personal opinion about it, stay over the break of god.
I am because I want to ask you a bunch of other questions, your see to see that I live in, I sat there mean that's very intriguing. What you just sit there and I bet a lot of people didn't expect it I've come to. Learn that you think for yourself what might come more stephen ace may probably right back plastic conservative tire mark levin, show call in now, I'm at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven stephen a smith first take espn best, show really fantastic steven. A my question to you is this: the pga in this live we're taking sides in this. I felt like a kind of agree what tiger woods what you take on this I don't agree with him. I got a problem with him and I got a prophet. Would all of these? Oh and all of these holds associated The key aim that are up in arms and hears what my position it last
I checked into the capitalistic society think about, phil mickelson said originally, because I brought this up on first take several weeks ago and a lot of ignored the point that was being made feel mercosur. Was talking about live golf live golf tournament and why he wanted to participate in it and about how it was going to bring attention to what He had has been doing who it's got. Well, my point is the correct answer their question. I said: won't be going off. What are you talking about? What he he we thought about the treatment, players, Funds that are available to them their living expenses all torn all that all the revenue that they generate for the sports and how they can? and stated in an equitable fashion
throughout the year, and what does that mean in ecuador as seriously I'm not trying to be argumentative, but these guys live high off the hog Well again, he was saying only a few of them like I'm, not a golf aficionado mark. So let me let me throw that out on front street. You gotta get one of those or that when an old guy going to talk about it, I'm saying they for what he said. I only asked a simple question: turn the mark, levin you know what I play for the nba really treat us like trash. We got these two players that are paid handsomely or the other four hundred and forty treated like garbage, I know know but stephen a look at baseball, got single a double a triple at those guys are barely getting by then. You got a big legs, and you have made how do I know it's out of your way to it? There are guys in them in major league baseball, getting four hundred million dollar contract.
Then there's another do get paid five. What maybe five million I've got to be a bit the thesis one. I think we pay who is looking for Okay, if you You got the equality. Capitalism I'm talking capitalism, if they're thing, we want to do this because we're going to earn more money with these eight tournaments, then we'll do what the forty eight tournament on a p da, I wouldn't know you're saying but fair and allow what'd you yet Let me ask you this I've, always what what did you favorite sport? Do you have one basketball and boxing, and then football. What about ufc ufc, but I love the ufc for a different reason. Huge fan of Dana white, that's my guy! I love white. I thought that in twenty twenty one
Should have been named the sportsman of the year, because I think, And he was more responsible than anyone in the world of sports for bringing us. Back, could normalcy based off of what by doing colbert here, with down? He refused to relent he? going when it kept thornwoods torment and when it, what pushing it puts an. I think Dana. Why is what boxing need, because he'd make sure we got the rights we want to see when we want to see them as opposed to you, you don't need promoters, then, What have you and and prevent us from seeing the mate the marquee fights we want to see when we want to see them. That's what I love about the? U of c Dana white. For me, I do. explain the main psycho at. Why am I hooked on the? U of sea cause? I can't do it because Guys capable don't things, I wouldn't. What is it, unlike stuck on at the fact that that part of it part of it is the fact that
you know that they mean business when they step into the octagon? Promoting and did you get to go in there and run around a ring? Forty five, you gotta in octagon, for the usa and IRAN. It is figuratively It's kill or be killed show up and they usually deliver what protoss, It's a big! Read and plus you get the fight you want to see when you want to feel if they're gonna make it too got caught up on a on a camaro nights card. Okay, there's a call tomorrow night and a fought tomorrow night and in a pub What clamoring? For whom Is to go up against one another. Dana white will have that fight. He was exactly the way in, but then you wait five years. That's the difference. Let me ask you a question another one yeah, you have a unique way- and I mean this with all my heart abridging Races, bridging
diversity. People are true. It's the way, you speak, what you speak, how you do what you do tell you you're different in a good way. Thank you. can't you do something outside us. In addition to your sport, you should do something outside of sports. You know one of these night might with comedians you know, maybe you should be well. something I you here's what I would I'm not at liberty to speak, but in a matter of the next two weeks, or so You can have me back on to talk about just that cause. I can't they anything at this particular moment in time, but I am sure we will be doing more than just bought in the weeks to come. I can be guessed right. Yes, you can I scare off half audience. What no,
It must be that the whole point and that that's what I'm about it's like wait a minute here. You know that I'm a black man and and I'm a registered independent. You know I'm not a rhino, I'm not a republican, I'm not I'm damn sure, not a progressive and make no mistake not that, but I believe from time to time on case by case basis. You know everybody, how the point is so for me. I don't get caught is swinging one way or another, and I'm not the principle or anything like that. I just think the prism of history tell them what is the field of any immediate the of a moment what you like, for example, when you are black, do I am very sensitive to the fact that, even though I am not one that you have allowed, People will look at black conservative and you're, ready to excoriate them and call them sell out. I think you got people that look at conservative. Then they automatically assume they're racist. I don't subscribe today that theory. I don't play that. None, that's nonsense! Let me say for let me hear why you believe what you believe and
what to do whether I agree or disagree with you, but just because I might disagree with you and I'm here to tell you. I disagree with the great more than fifty percent of the time, but guess what it doesn't stop me from listening to your show, and it doesn't stop me from recognizing that you do a great job at what you do and you make very, very, very valid points which, by the way, I got a memoir coming out in january, and I mentioned that about you in my book. Well, let me ask you a question of being an electric come on my sunday show when I bought comes up yet. they so you'll be able to come on. My fox show Alright, man! Alright, you heard it here. I'd love to have you absolutely not a problem, because I'm done So when you know two or three weeks, you're coming back on what, when you can say it right, yeah, this will be fat no who yet- and I
ensure your you will want me back on and he'll be one of the first people I close to. I promise and I'm going to love it. Alright, that's about it. I I love sports, but I'm not smart enough to talk about it. I think you gotta know your limitations. You know, I think you, leave me. Can I don't. I don't think anybody will question your intelligence, that everybody would question your interest because you're incredibly passionate about what you do there for those in the issues that you discuss, of paw, paw, more important, and that's where your focus is preoccupy. That's what your focus! we occupied on did absolutely nothing wrong because at the end of the day, even though everything the microcosmic thought he was talking about big money and all this other stuff really and we're talking. Games and the people who played them. You talk about real life issues that affects every american citizen in this nation. As far more important is what I know better than that.
I am a man will thanks for coming on and hope you feel better soon. I appreciate I think you have a great week at youtube, god bless. I love that guy. I just a great guy. The american public scanning pinch right now. these are marxist policies like shutting down the keystone pipeline. Have you paying way more way more for gas and oil also raises the cost of grocery bills and every other thing depend on government. But one thing you can depend on his pure talk because purity, Still gives you talk tax plenty, a data for just thirty bucks a month or not raising the prices, no power, increase I told you before him a customer. The five he coverages the most reliable network in america. It's fantastic. As customer service right here in america keeping jobs right here in america. The ceo is a patriot he's a veteran, so
stop giving your money to her eyes and eighty in t t mobile and all these while corporatist in their employees, stuff supporting their causes. Switch to my guys. Pr talk, it'll benefit you. I appeal to fifty and say mark levant pound to fifty say: mark live in europe. an additional fifty percent off your first month, but pure talks, no risk money back, guarantee hell I'll know, money back guarantee you're, not read this not for a second thought. count to fifty and say mark levin sign up in an additional fifty percent your first month. Right back much love in the massa great k and s teeth in a great affiliate for a long time. How are you
I'm doing great. Third. Thank you. I wanted Thank you so much You shall I listened to every day. I learn more than I do by war watching a lot, the news networks and I don't watch mainstream. I watch the touching not about room brilliant. So brilliant to speak out and say things. Well, you know once you start giving them information their head. So I just wanted to thank you for thing you do I really appreciate everything while you're very, very sweet, and I appreciate that god bless you Martha. Let's continue. George new york city on the mark, Levin up How are you.
Yes, that's me I'm doing fine, but I'd like to say is when they trying to get rid of all the carbon dioxide. They don't realize plants breathe carbon dioxide and the exhale oxygen. So if you get rid of all the carbon dioxide, all the plants will die, and then we won't have enough oxygen that that that they're creating for us that's the way Two weeks ahead may not think. Two weeks ahead, honestly, I'm going to say something that will seem provocative and it's not intended have too much or too little carbon dioxide. It is what it is. George, thank you appreciate your call continue jill Henderson, hunter, hunterton, new jersey, satellite? I'm sorry, go right ahead, the talk with you. A couple of things I want to say is on. First of all, I always loved the music you play before you come on in india.
The break. You picked up the best music and So I love your rants. You crack me up and I just sit in my car wherever I am and I'm just like you go mark hugo mark. I do. I just feel a lady that you know didn't you hear a pablo escobar saying that we Republicans want to dispense with and dispose of our women. Didn't you hear them? Yes, I did she's, not right is a and another thing I er listen to me. I want you to take Lowe's phone number- I want you to take else. Phone number jill we're going to call you next week, as I interrupted. You were at a time mark I'd I'd images
ladies and gentlemen, every friday in your honor america, we haven't missed it once here we go the
The forget bugs this sunday, eight pm eastern, wonderful life, liberty and Levin. Please don't miss it. Stefanik buddy cut kudlow port and sherry. We salute all you heroes out there. We pray for the ukrainian people. Our prayers are with the tramp of family. That I know is suffering right now. Can I say
again. I griffin. Can I smoke agonized self again I pepsi Goodnight Andy. Can I little barney goodnight, all our fabulous dogs? Can I add can I mom? Can I leave? Oh god, I joe in america, have a wonderful, weak and god bless. You be safe and I'll see on Monday. Take care.
Transcript generated on 2022-07-17.