« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/14/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden federal government was guilty of suppressing the speech of American citizens and conservative ideas, silencing topics like COVID, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the 2020 presidential election. A circuit court reversed a decision today despite the U.S. government acting like an Orwellian ministry of truth, and the reversal gives the Biden administration the green light to continue censoring political opponents. This censorship case is one of the most important in our lifetime because this is a monumental overstep of executive power and beyond the Constitution. What the Biden Administration has been doing across the federal bureaucracy and imposing on social media sites is exactly what a totalitarian regime in China or Cuba have done and would do. Also, Kevin McCarthy is getting a lot done as Speaker of the House, but we have another problem because Democrats in New York are looking to redistrict and remove Republican seats and return majority control of the House to Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats. Meanwhile, the Marxist Democrats seize on topics like transgenderism to push their woke ideology and call anyone who opposes an extreme MAGA Republican. Later, Ukraine is the first part of a much bigger war for Russia and China, and they need to be stopped now before it’s too late. The George McGovern Republicans in Congress are ignoring the proof of what is going on and we need to prepare for it now before our kids and grandkids are killed. At the same time, Democrats want Iran to have nuclear weapons and are continuing what they started under Obama.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader The.
The The america mark live in here. Our number eight in seven three, eight on three, eight one, one, how eight seven, seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one spend all over tv, so I won't spend all day on this, but it is a major event. When you were cyril, murders killed ten people.
abuse them sexually, apparently, torture them real sick of as an architect. What am I, You must reduce what am I told you, america, never trust the architects. Oh I didn't know you get the point And so this guy's a really big pig rex human. Any these been charged in these four cases, but theres many more of these sex workers as prostitutes, they're, all young women and think they're under twenty five, I've been looking for this guy for a very long time. knowledge is an amazing thing disguise big fat slobs. Or what does he do? Mr? It is her. He leaves pizza and pizza boxes on the side of the road. Near where he murders and berries these women
and just to horrendous. Obviously, it's fantastic police work. Obviously, And it's a horrendous thing when you lose a daughter this way. First, they go this institution and then their sex, tortured and abused and slaughtered terrible thing. Now this is their he's arrested and I I love the defence attorney comes in says, Michael. It says he's innocent are you kidding me that shocking Mine citizens, why does he says innocent users in innocent? Oh. so the dna. How does happen it was planted there? a white supremacist
This guy's dead, adorning the problem is he's not dead isidore. Now because its new york, you don't have the death penalty anymore, new york, to mr produce the problem of getting rid of the death penalty. In my view, that is, this guy should be put of course, each innocent until proven guilty abyssinia thinking. You realize I myself was d and they constipated news network to the meat in america, the actually Donald trump more than they do this mass murder derives. Administrative but that's the situation there and will keep an eye on it as it has developed. We're time. Take a long time for defence to get their act together. In each case,
Fourth inside keep in mind the. Government only has to convict on one case to get a life Me cholera. They get a life sentence, I wanted to start. The program off was something that's upbeat, indifferent. Don't I ballet dancers, a bead, indifferent And so I ve never understood this belly dancing thing either only we note it or tv people? Really, and, with their belly out it's at a tract of two. You must reduce. You know. I had to circle care your belly. Whatever That's just galicia. On the issue of american exceptionalism to assented judiciary committee in october, twenty eleven. this is so important.
Because I'm going to move from this disease. By a panel on the fifth circuit. Invite- the district trudges decision in Louisiana, stopping the government, cold in it's tracks. The government that has been involved in the greatest destruction of the first amendment and promotion Censorship in american history and we're gonna dig, in addition to this, but first this. the stage you don't need me about the late great Didn't Scully cut curry tango, even a little more fundamental, than the one that stephen has just put forward I asked them What do you think is the reason that america is such a free country? What is it in an hour constitution that makes what we are
I guarantee you that the response I will get and you will get this from almost any american, including the woman. He was stopped. into a supermarket. The answer would be free, speech freedom of Press, no one reasonable searches and seizures quartering of troops in those marvellous provisions of the bill of rights. I tell him if you think that a bill of rights It sets us apart, you're crazy every banana republic in the world, has a bill of rights The president for life has a bill of rights bill of rights of of the former evil empire. The union of soviet socialist republics was much better than ours. I mean it literally. It was better. We Eighty freedom of speech and of the press big deal, they guaranteed freedom of speech of oppressive street demonstrations and protest, and anyone who is who is caught trying
suppress criticism of the government will be called to account wool. That is wonderful, stuff, of course, just words on paper What our framers would have called a parchment, aren t And the reason is that the real, institution of the soviet union. you think of the word constitution, it doesn't mean a bill. I mean structure person has a sound, constitute a sound structure. The real constitution of the soviet union, which is what our framers debated, that that that whole summer in philadelphia in seventeen eighty seven, they didn't talk about the bill. That was an afterthought. Wasn't it that constitution of the soviet union did not prevent the centralisation of power in person or one party and when happens. The game is over, the bill of rights is just what our framers would
a parchment guarantee. Such a rare genius. and so well said now this cut. Nineteen go Sometimes I go to europe to talk about separation of powers and when I there. I find that all I'm talking about is independent. So the judiciary, because the europeans. don't even try to divide the two political powers, the two political branch The legislature and the chief executive, In all of the parliamentary countries, the chief executive is the creature of the legislature. There is never any disagreement. Between them and the prime minister as there is sometimes between you and the president when the disagreement by just kick him out. They have a note Confidence vote a new election and they get approach Mr who agrees with a legislature and The europeans look at this system and they say work
pass is one house it doesn't pass the other house, sometimes the other houses in the control of a different party. It passes both this president, who has a veto, power, vetoes it They look at this, and they say it is. It is gridlock am- I here american saying this now days and there's a lot of it going around. They talk about this Functional government be because there disagreement and they and the framers would have said yes, that's it Actually, the way we set it up, We wanted this to be power. Contradicting power, because the mean the main but be set us as as hamilton said in the federalist when he talked about efforts at it. He said, it seems inconvenient, but in his mouth As the main ill that be sets, us is an excess of legislation, it won't be so bad.
in seventeen eighty, so he didn't own, an excess of legislation was so Unless americans can appreciate that and learn more to love the separation of powers, which means learning to love the gridlock, which the framers believed would be the main protection of minorities, the main protection. If, if a bill is to pass that really comes down hard on some minority. They think it's terribly unfair. It doesn't take much to throw a month. wrench into into this into this complex system,. So americans should should oppression, and they should learn to love the gridlock, its therefore reason so the Legislation that gets out will we'll be good legislation. Absolute genius. Now I play that for you not only because it Lifting and it puts things in perspective.
But out of a concern, rolling today from the fifth circuit court of appeals, which covers louisiana It covers the case of judge daddy The decision of judge danny. That was issued last week, a put the brakes. On the most abusive violation of the first amendment, the most beauty of use of censorship. By the united states government in american history exe size by buying in the democratic party. And he gave chapter and verse and his decision. He said the government- has used its power to silence the opposition Should we cope with nineteen vaccines opposite in a cupboard, nineteen masking a marked out
opposition to the lab leak theory of covert nineteen. opposition to the validity of the twenty twenty election opposite At present, a binds policies, statements. A hundred by the laptop story was true in opposition. Policies of government officials in power were suppressed quite telling. That example, a category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This target. suppression of concern, Rid of ideas is a perfect example of Point discrimination, a political speech eric citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country. The thence produce thus far depicts and almost to stow paean scenario, Carbon nineteen pandemic appeared perhaps pesky the rise by widespread, dad and uncertainty united,
States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an orwellian ministry of truth. The plaintiffs in this case provided substantial evidence in support of their claims that they were the view. Dreams of a far reaching and widespread. century ship campaign by their own government, and then this happens today. Cbs news, a federal appeals court on friday, it's a panel of the court. This is two hours ago, Early paused, a lower court order that limited communications between top. Administration officials in sodium, so a social media companies about content posted to their platforms, three judge panel, the fifth circuit court of appeals granted the justice torments request to put on hold the jail.
I for preliminary injunction from newest district judge terry dowdy, while we proceedings continue. It also agreed that expert that expedite the administrations appeal to them Administration, ladies and gentlemen, that commit act of violence against the first woman. Now it is typical, not atypical, but typical per circuit court. Another court this sort of thing. In a fairly regular case,. The more you're talking about the most grave in american history. The silence the citizenry The issue after issue an issue. from one government agency to the other.
Through social media and so forth. That's not your typical case. In Scully opponent, outworking of the greater constitution on the face of the earth. Try have proof the soviet concept ocean three of my books. The relevant parts. but it's not gonna manner. because a charm Adam said. Liberty, without virtue is tyranny. I don't know who these three drugs are on this panel, but what they did this evening was a disgrace? I don't know what the ultimately do. more to come. I've got more to discuss here, we'll be right back much love in the
if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit something that could help if you have an ira or for a one K. Physical go in your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it. You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get there. Also a guide to gold. I raise feels good There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids Seven: seven for gold- I re that's eight seven said For god, I eight seven seven forgone irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta
precious metals, dot com suggested scully explains that the key to our system a separation of powers, as my the school explained and is This view is quoted. The federalists papers said, asian powers through several branches, and they went beyond that. They took the legislator branch and they broke down into two. They went beyond that. They protect the authority of states under tenth amendment The checks on power- and this is incompatible but the democratic party demands sing compatible. But american marxism, its incompatible. But the desire to centralized government. To impose
Conformity of ideas and views on the american people, that's what this case this censorship case. is one of the most important cases in my lifetime and yours. And why this federal district judge in Louisiana is a hero and why there's circuit judge the fit circuit. This panel. Should have immediately backed him up. Rather than saying, we need to take a look at this now. This is the. Monumental, right back? if we ve learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something that could Up, if you have an eye re or for a one k physical go, in your eye array. The world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it?
You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my and family you should call augustine get there, also guide the gold I raise feels good There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Five: seven for gold- I re that's eight seven cents For I re eight seven seven my god, I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta precious metals. Tat come my levin in america's passionately. Cerebral voice. Talk talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! I want to share something worthy related to, and I just discussed and want to eat something. So she, professor magda, stronger
Asked or university and hamilton canada that canada ancient or ass a language and totalitarian regimes. This is why the binding ministration, the democratic party, doing everything humanly possible now to control speech to control, debate to control words. This is why. agnes said totalitarian language, totalitarian regimes were told, Terrorism promotes persuasion by means of altering peoples section of reality shows explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on a fiction. In other words, language is weapon ized to serve the people, of a political party, a movement in ideology and a regime
And in this the communists are not alone, rights can notes that in practice only a few people, can be persuaded that black as well. But many, learn to say that they do You things in prescribed, colours and to call them. prescribed names example, not long ago I mention, I gave it away. Did I missed since from my book chapter five Not long ago republican senator marker rubio introduced an amendment to a bill quote we have clarified for the purposes of maternal and inferior programme resources that only women can be pregnant was Treated by the Senate Democrats did you know. and take the word socialist state explains that, while the word socialists became suspect, social lingers on became a fixed, prefect,
two words such as justice, institution policy, democracy, solidarity, as if there were any incidences of justice democracy. There were putting in a vacuum: Obviously, this authoritarian practice that I point out now widely exists in the united states as the english language science, knowledge experience specific words, are being redefined, band replaced I tried to impose on the citizenry the police values and thought processes, the american marxist and the democratic party briggs Or academic freedom debate the competition Ideas on college campuses, pre speech the exchange of information on internet platforms, entertainment. From comedy and plays to television a movies via lodge on scientific knowledge about women, men, gender sex. public school seminars and training,
israel texts and learning bureaucrats. Edicts and regulations, corporate environmental, social and governance e g workplace there Three equity and inclusion d I walk generally and more all used to control the public serve the ideological, political and economic purposes. The denmark a party and its extremists base. You may bear frederick hike was a great economists, but even more philosopher, he put it this way. Most effective way of making everybody serve, these single system of ends towards These social plan is directive is to me Everybody believe in those ends. Although the beliefs must be chosen for the people and impose upon them. They must be their beliefs, a generally accepted creed.
it makes the individuals as far as possible, acts pontanus solely in the way the planter wanted. Rich. Emily professor of ethics and free enterprise, leadership that the citizen explained its through our language that we think about ourselves. Our relationships to us. it said the social order. Ceramic words. not merely delineate objects individuals, events, reactions, words also create mental images. Emma added to its beliefs, their color? How people see themselves and the world around them, and he writes about the totalitarian asean. urgent ideas that can be seen work in language of the progressive and radical left in America today. Indeed mikhail heller and in scotland was raised in the soviet union, explains language is the most important and
powerful weapon in the hands of a state, that is to say, to transform human beings. The creation of a new language serves two aims to obtain, giorgio oil, put it an instrument with what to express the philosophy and thoughts that are permitted and, secondly, to make all other sorts of thinking impossible. The new languages. Consequently, at once, Communication and an instrument of oppression- the word third conceals reality. Rates an illusion. a surrealist impression, but this. In time and preserves a link with reality. and puts it into code, and the soviet union heller recounts, The soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the com. State wished. So we
Speech lost its freedom. He said, moreover,. official dictionaries. Change to reflect the communist party, meaning of words the same doktor nation tools occurring. I ride in the united states today in the democratic party, is at the foreground of this movement. Now Public rear radio, for example, recently reported dictionary. Com has uploaded thousands of entries. And added hundreds of words and its largest release today. Action of the ways in which society this is, and pr and Which have evolved even engine the past few months, the ditch dictionary announced. I did it up, it more than fifteen thousand entries and added Fifty brand new terms. Many that revision still what language related to identity and topics like race in ethnicity, this city, genuine sexuality, health and wellness. They said
a work of dictionary. That's the year, the dictionary company dictionary dot com the work of a dictionary, is more than just adding new words. They said it's an ongoing effort to ensure that how we define words, we, changes in language and life. John Kelly senior editor dictionary dot com He said our revisions are putting people in all their rich humanity. First networks really proud of that. an mp are added that some of the major site I changes to existing entries have to do with race and ethnicity. Capitalizing the word black, but now white. In reference to people which the company who says it is doing, is a mark of respect and recognition. That's a lie, capitalizing other cultures and ethnicities example. So entirely new terms in this category include afro latino
round face philippine ex white splain latina exe another dictionary, why change replaces references to homosexual with gay, gay man or gay women? and references to homer action at a homo Charlie with gay sexual orientation company, said these updates were informed by recommendations from the organization glad and effect than fifty entries This also refine the phoenicians for a number of other words. Two algae bt q identity, such as a sexual dead name pride and Self. My writing repressive regimes. Repetition is also used to force the acceptance when internalization of new words are worth with newly
creative meanings and land. It is used to identifying condemn enemies of the state, in other words the publican, Where's, constant and unrelenting brainwashing and propaganda, This is just a tiny taste to this chapter mayor, said this was her favorite chapter, therefore, actually language control and thought control now, as we circle back why? I am so proud of this book. We can pick any issue we want today and you're going to understand the philosophy behind what's being done us whose to us and why you're doing it to us. And this, I believe, is the only book available that does that period all of these efforts, all these things are being done. Our theme. they totalitarian regimes. Do
with the binding ministration coming. Full circle has been doing all across. the federal bureaucracy and imposing on social media sites. Some more forgot than others, as I believe I has no problem with. It is exactly a totalitarian regime in communist china, a communist huber. Are any these. Other countries have done would do. And then there is one other thing. Woodrow Wilson was one of the most successful accomplished racists in american history and a piece call progressive democrat in more than that is you'll. Learn in the book. Insisted that the most effective swiftest way to change america
Is through the judiciary top down. Not to waste your time with the public, but the elect branches of government- all that's fine, don't ignore them!. But judicial neutral fear is the best way to do this. And we ve seen it in a number that trunk cases whether they be state and local judges, Judges in Washington DC, but today, We saw on a panel in the fifth circuit court of appeals when it federal judge had the guts to stand up to this totalitarianism, which is very difficult to do quite frankly, whether its in america or china, cuba. It's me more difficult to do even in america today.
Where he puts everything out there in a hundred and fifty page decision, nothing's hidden We lay it all out chapter and verse. The greatest threat to free speech in american history. The greatest censorship pain by a government against its people in american history. We judge pat on the first circuits as well, but take a look at it. The meantime we're lifting your injunction we're staying, which means what minutes to the status quo. So the bite ministrations tonight free to exact what it did before. if you're in the election put pressure on private companies. Promote propaganda sensor, truth use
wash techniques. And the media are out, there sprang it's a victory for the buyer demonstration, a victory for the bag demonstration. and this charge, this hapless judge in Louisiana and one way of our report. You know you, should try appointee. After all, proud that he's a trumpet pointy. I am proud that he On the bench by voting, ninety eight zero, if An obama appointee would have been shocked. They don't believe in free speech. I know I started with Scully in the constitution, judge dally. and a brave decision they want to go down in history, stay up against a tyrannical regime.
That's ruling and mourning over us right now, and the best the furthest circuit court of appeals, this panel good, do say in our. and a busy, I won't take a look at this when we have time in the meantime judge at the The district court level stay here- temporary injunction so boys go out at buying, go out and buy the ministries and sensor away threaten away and they hero, and this in addition to that judge, is a man No, and I don't know a lot about elon musk. If and put his billions of dollars on the line or a bad investment twitter mocked ford on drudgery, poor he's mocked for it, mediocre He's mark for it all over the place, this man, is money where its mouth is
and if he hadn't done this, we would know any of it. We had a higher those independent journalists. We would have known any of it. Credible as MR pollution, This sort of thing interests you and I it seems to we get a lot of people who they love this. I hope so I guess I don't think you're gonna hurt anywhere else, but a few What's going to be a complete comprehensive. Appellation of a discussion of this sort. brings in philosophy, the constitution, the rule of law, history and, what's going on today and x, means that the democratic party hates america and is destroying america. Then I know you're gonna love my book, the democratic, but he hates america no you're happy would amazon that coming grab your priorities. Forty percent off a beer
That was then, if we anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit here, something that could help if you I have an ira or four o one k physical in your eye array, the world gall council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet. in family you should call a gusting get there also, the guide to gold I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids evans, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven! So For god, I re eight seven, seven
my god. I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com. another victory in the house and Kevin Mccarthy's leadership. That's right Fence, author of eight for authorization bow was passed they pull out all the Biden radical. Elements that it and undermining our defence. I want to get into that, will be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the hello, hello, hello, yellow my wife had there in my beautiful julie and do in great all is good Four things been in the hospital long time and she's heading home. Finally, we were great Life liberty and live in the sunday, my man, LEO terrain am, I and chris roof nets. Chris roofer
The opening statements a killer, an element in it goes with, No, sir, I'm gonna do something. I've never done before. Every they wearing my clothes. But various motions that I would be failing in this Common case involving jack, the Ripper smith. we go through each point of emotions, violence. I ask in his opinion, in l up to you, the american people, what these motions mean. Because all you hearing from former federal the press, kids, we hear from people who actually litigate stuff like this, for the defence for the defense There's two sides of the same sledges inside So, ladies and gentlemen, today the department
ass? This fill with arrogant bastards by the it turns out this. Smith, there's another one nor make famous on Sunday night. It's the counter intelligent section of EDA department of justice prosecutor. He was the one that was really initially and always and So the issue there is, who are these people. and what exactly are they do so? get into this in some depth and with Chris a roof. Oh have you through fo, as sort of the godfather the counter revolution to the counter revolution to the revolution, no. What do I mean by that. He and there's a few other scant microns hours and some of the others they ve been working. Heroically, patriotically.
very little attention for years An exposed as marxist underbelly so very, very important. Mccarthy with four five or majority, is getting a hell of a lot done, but we have another problem: the tunny mentioned it last night on the programme. Commerce, horn from the twenty fourth district in new york in new york, Claudia I'm, sorry, claudia attorney. She Seeks to achieve, The governor there in the legislature, democrat seated, change the district, doing their reduced strict again to take out sixty eight republican. Which, of course, would turn the house over the democrats and hockey Jeffreys- and I know it, I came. Jeffreys has no accusing republicans of hating women, hating minorities.
he's a vial little bastard, you another truth, was a chip off the yunkers black. That's in the book to his uncle It was uncle is what his uncle said and how how keen came to the defence of his uncle he's very quiet about these days. I broke that on this. Program and expand on it in the book, and so it's something remarkable. When he's talking about how the republicans are going After all, these people, I've had enough of this. I've had enough. I take a break. knuckles today to this party. So we have this national defence authorization. which pretty much lays the foundation and the priorities and goals of what we I do from a national security and defence perspective. What Joe Biden
the dictator has done he's directed a department of defense. To pay for travel for abortion. Now Their prohibited from spending money, your money on abortion, so they they think they have a work around just like with the stew, longbill. They think they will work. There is no work around he's violating the constitution is violating the law. So I. agree with this guy tougher field. To this extent, all Biden and the second in france have to do Is go back to the status quo and revoke their decisions? Are not supported by the american people we should, paying for transgender operations. We should be promoted critical race theory and our govern in our military anywhere. We
But in our military, especially, we should be flying whims around the country to get abortions. The military. Their destroying the military can we get them. Every courage that we use in all volunteer military. Nobody, to get involved in this. and so this fella tiber feel. this made some very awkward statements for which is under attack, so they try. Take him out altogether courts. I don't take out Joe Biden as it is. jungle, com and years ago, windows. They were talking about integrating public schools and his kid. She didn't want them to be part of a jungle. You know Jake tapirs very soon memory, jake When you have a pea brain, you have a very short memory. But any event on this aspect.
what he said, the senator respecting what job? and was doing. He warned the binding. illustration that if they don't pull back from this radical the agenda with the military that he was going to do the things that he's doing now and I support them. That is, I support him. Holding up the appoint, Of top officials in the defence department, until it. Department. Does its job folks on defending our country, and I expect the the since bureaucracy to be up in arms. So what so? What. Better to let all these these endeavours, rules rise to hire, ranks and destroy the military from within.
he's trying to do, is saved the military. All these decisions that bind made on his own unilaterally and that it is imposing on the united states military if there? reverse now, don't never be First in our military will never be a strong gets complicated because the senator said some very stupid things with respect to other matters. But on this matter, he's correct, he's correct And that's really why they want to take him out again when you take on the culture wars, whether descent, whether this guy or anybody else. Target. Not just on your back that between your eyes, twenty seconds Quite frankly, these attacks on the said this.
the one percent or is in the two per centres in the four prisoners on the latest poles, but want to be present. Almost none other than a thing to lift a finger on these culture war Nikki Haley done something and I missed it, mister producer and I'm not attacking I'm just curious name. Three things. You got chris crystal whose defending the culture wars thinks it's perfectly. Ok, that it's actually. Conservative to allow women schools to indoctrinate Children are radical left wing marxist democrat party agenda, particularly when it comes to sexuality, my Chris will drag your fat. to a phoney gimme, a call them cower. Maybe what I'll do it
get a hold of you. You now say who bring em on and then let me come on your show too. Maybe that's the way to do it. While the rhinos, like my body here, is my body but don t deny the fact that anyway,. So. Here's cover mccarthy. because I'm gonna be push it, do you think would Mccarthy's doing would have been done by Paul ryan, no damn way by june, albania. No damn way, no way And go under this bill, many women and uniform who make sacrifices for our nation every day we see the biggest pay raise in decades? We all know they deserve Nickel programmes that are forced our troops at the expense of a readiness are now eliminated, cutting
technology that is essential for the future of this country and to keep item around the world in the right, of china and russia. See more investment and we ve watched in the past and spares will say more than forty billion dollars is bill. Retail wasteful spent question that you never asked me that I wish you would like Democrats vote no technically by partisan them, but for Democrats vote with us are the rest of the democrats against a pay race for their veterans. Against deterring china for safe future Are they against rooting out wasteful spend? because they all voted against it today,. They can claim a lot of things. This issue. They claim why they voted against the voted for just last year to good thing:
the republicans, are in the majority, but is more important that we keep our promises to erica into our men and women who serve to defend us now, here. The response from hakim jefferies. The really is a reprobate really is in so many ways they now. as the person with that, while that poison as you'll see in a moment cut to go our view of the national. France authorization act is that it is worth Fully irresponsible that extreme Agora public and stop right there, they feel they uphold tested, Tested in every way that that phrase works.
Because they're defining that phrase as white supremacist extreme mega republic. to all of you, who support donald trump or voted for donald trump, extremely republicans, they. treating you like a clansmen which actually was their party. Or neo nazis, which actually was Joseph Kennedy as you'll. Learn in the book. Not us. So if you want to military- and you want some and funding for a military that has as its job to defend the the states of america rather than the radical marxists agenda. You must be, stream mega republic. This, the party that use these labels four hundred and fifty years, not that one but others to lie about
their opponents and a lie about themselves. And so how came jeffreys issued typical marxist. Now once does he talk about military readiness Once does he talk about muscling up the military to confront communist china once this talk about, the ninety nine point, nine percent of the members of the military or not, Transitioning in Having abortions By into this world, grab map once does he talk about them?. Transgender individual, what is in one tenth of one percent of a thousand percent of our population, its men at school. But the marxism Democrats seize on it.
as a way to destroy their society. they seize is on. It's not live and let live. You know you want to do that, to use a fine do whatever you want bad out. That's not good enough for them They seem like they seized on all these other issues, so we and endless hours talking about transgender is because it is a An ideology: the marches ideology that's being imposed on us. Ten believable go ahead. a by partisan bill that is Essential to our national security taken in over Weapon eyes did in order to jam their extreme right
wing ideology down, the throats of the american So here we have it wing ideology, extreme manga republic. And what is that extreme right? wing ideology. What is it a military shouldn't, be spending money to fly. women. And we know what a woman is on this programme: pregnant woman for abortions then you're getting around the prohibition on fair. Taxed. I was being used for abortion. The military is not supposed to be involved in these issues at all. so they drag it in turn, buying in its administration and the republic of they're trying to push back out neither Stream mega republic goes, but here's what they know when his rich gonna learn. When you read the book, the demo a party hates america, here's what we know you not the biggest
And most reliable group of Orders is for the democratic party. Mr vanunu. Take a guess black. No, no. Single women with no children. Single women would no children whether omber Control they don't made up within individual marilla? They ve had abortion that matter single women with no children. They get the biggest.
Percentage reliable percentage of that vote- and I want to talk about this when we return I'll, be right back much love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty per cent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure talk
You'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. We democrat party, listen to me, sees every through the lens of power, so communist parties, sort of fascist parties. it's about the centralisation of authority, so they can control you control society. Reengineer, the human being reengineer, the human mine, I could you not I have a whole chapter on that now, but why? hockin Jeffreys later on in here goes on about abortion and abortion. Why Pelosi says abortions are issue? Why.
They support abortion on demand right up to the last minute. If change, fleetly from their past positions. You know rare and whatever now as abortion, abortion and abortion all the time just as a hundred years ago, it was eugenics and eugenics and eugenic saw, the time noted create a more perfect society. But their number one their number one voting base, is unmarried. Single women with no children
that's why they take the abortion stance. The company is looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk customers. Pr o'clock just had a dated at every plan in his, including a mobile hotspot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Just twenty bucks a month folks! This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year, while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure
Can you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Mark lovin brief one great one model of thailand: now aid, seven, seven, thirty one, three, eight one one and I never thought I'd sound like parents, her grand hands, but you know Fifty years ago there was a democratic ran for the president's, whose name was George mcgovern. And George Mcgovern went on and on needed a slash. The united states military. course he oppose the war in vietnam. He blamed america, Much of what the soviet union was doing. It was tired, he said
These long wars. Anyone on about all this They could be used here at home. there's a george mcgovern wing of the republican party today. Would you say MR medusa, Right wing of the republican party of success, where we are going to see a mass of world war, we are going see a world war. Three, because I mean it's china. is on the move? abies bigger than ours becoming more. Powerful than us. They don't have any problem filling their their numbers because it not a volunteer military. Soon they're going to have more nuclear missile launchers than us. therein in hemisphere building.
Terry bases, spy basis. there in various pacific islands. There during us. Cyberspace attacks on us the way ahead in terms of killer satellites which were blind eye military in any battle shudder satellites taken out the old gps system. Passionately take out our entire electrical grid with firing a single nuclear weapon. And we're on our heels. To make sure that abortions in the defence bill that transsexual operation in the defence bill. The important to learn from history, you know
sort of mcgovern republicanism, not new pact, its old. existed in the nineteen twenty two thirds after world war, one people retired a war, you can understand. Some of its great leaders include trawls ones lindbergh trawls lindbergh. If we were attacked pro arbour, his position, he became a hawk, but it was all too late. Joseph Kennedy. Was sympathetic to muzzle leaning, sympathetic to the third reich You'll learn all this and the democratic party hates america's well. It was appointed ambassador britain from the united states by after any, he our country, he back channel, to advise,
to hitler. I wonder if Jake, now this MR producer, and always on all over tougher failed, but maybe he'll Spend some time on this, but he won't businesses party. That's our country went through that. We were not prepared for hitler, japan in ITALY,. We went through this again in the nineteen fifty with robert taft, Mr Cox. If they used column wasn't as bad as the mcgovern wing other, a working party is today wherever things are, Well, that's not an american view. It's not a conservative view. blaming America for this war that war that battler this, but you fundamentally do not understand american, the american people. If that your attitude. what's happening is propaganda,
All despise Joe Biden, we know, is an incompetent boob. We, nobody did in afghanistan was outrageous. We really. fear for military with him as commander in chief. But you don't bilbil doctrine around Joe Biden. Either build a doctrine around the american people and so What is Ukraine have to do with us? I don't know Just because we help disarm them other nukes and ninety ninety four, but what does it have to do this? what did the sedately and have to do this? What it austria have to do that, but did any of those countries had to do this? Nothing, nothing.
What do you think she's looking to taiwanese just took hong kong? What happened? Nothing. this planet was military to take taiwan. These built. Military bases in the form of islands. the south. China say well, that's so far. Why what set up to do that? So I don't know ass. The austrians are the japanese and the south koreans and the taiwanese, but more than that Half the world's economic activity goes through that spot madge Having the power to shut better. But so far away, but you support forever Wars and its support any wars. And I'm sick and tired of the lies in the b s and the knee jerk stuff about it too.
Sadly, while I may lose some of you I'll be when right in five or ten years, but it's too late, then my and children be pulled up into the draft. And it won't matter nobody. My Granddaughter too, by that time, public dinner. The draft and nobly be shown in a war because of the stupidity of this generation. This, too city of Joe Biden and his administration. was arming IRAN. And undermining Israel, the only country that can take a ride on whose doing think about north korea in their noakes. What can we do trumpeted something about it. Whose undermining our military from within.
Not muscling it up, because he is governed Democrat and you, my government, against all three of you out there you to be very supportive ever tougher, ukraine. Of course, when we talk about ukraine the little bit apart from history and apart from this being the first battle of a bigger one, because that's what it's pets, how russia sees it, that's how china sees it so they can Stop in ukraine it might stop the whole thing. Russia is not happy with ukraine, china does it The damn about ukraine there looking to taiwan looking well on taiwan's, why they built hypersonic nuclear missiles Do a taiwan?
why they involved in central and south america that has nothing to do with taiwan. Why do they have a deep water? Back now on the solomon islands, where my great uncle thought? What are they have a deep water doc? on the west coast of africa facing the These costs to the united states where gap wake up. I don't give a damn what the mcgovern republicans have to say: There are driven by ideology, are not driven by ideology, edgecombe, proteins, you see what, Happening you gotta prepare for it, but we will have a big or in a lotta, your grandkids you're gonna, get killed
now ukraine what's going on in ukraine. Let me see, if I can how many would go to church. How many we gonna sit a synagogue. How many we go to a mosque? Do pray? Do you believe in god? Do you. We should do you believe in the ten commandments. Do you believe in morality,.
When you see what's happening to the people in ukraine will have not attacked russia. You have not taken a single russian child out of russia and dragged the border in the ukraine and now the story here that russia is building presence there round. Up the citizens in these towns that they ve taken? In addition, the children in their shipping them into russia and they're putting them in war, presents the children I told you before they're putting them in. Facilities, and then they are adopting them out russian family. This is known as breeding. more russians and of ukrainians.
When you look at what they're doing these towns and indiscriminately slaughtering people an apartment, buildings and so forth when it Targeting movie theatres and targeting other locations. when you read the stories of, however, Security citizens, who have done nothing to them When you see the the video of the tree aims of their people, trying to escape ukraine for poland. With only what they can carry over their back and trying to the crying children when you ve, seen the mass graves they come. These towns when the ukrainians, if the ukrainian state them back. We do have a phrase for this. Mr produce, she noted is never again never again.
Now our generation we're watching genocide tried before our eyes. I don't care If people want to spew Putin's project and in his lies about in ski the jew being a nazi, we ve These voices, before fifty Sixty eight years ago, most of the people who Like there, by the way,. twenty, how they never say a thing in defence of Israel. Never, but very worried about the linsky being a nazi. You know: does it make Hence to any of you seriously and then, when I bring those such I'm not for putin's, I just don't think it, but they are for putin's. There are literally repeating his talking point.
I'm not only a jew on russian heritage. So what. Look don't what my heritages. this is an evil regime. God knows how much money we ve spent immediately Has it been loss in our We confronting the russians. If Ronald Reagan did what the. What the isolationist republicans want to do, govern republicans wanna do we would never do Did the soviet union. Who was thoroughly engaged? I think he would have funded the ukrainians up. Teeth even more than by tweet in Afghanistan. That's what he did in Angola. What he did in nicaragua. There's no
he's not believing window at here if he meant it. Would defeat the russian army, which is an aggressive, warm I've, gotta cut off from here now. But I'm not gonna sit silently behind this microphone, while those trains are moving, while those children are being taken by those people putting in prison. Now, not me, I what the others worse yet. Certainly not going to celebrate it, and I am certainly not going to be an apology for okey arose. She wasn't another war behind it differently. Profound, too many of them here in this country. Right now, to be honest with you right
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I talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code, l e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Can I laugh other in this profession. They'll say talks about this. You're not funny, they can't even write a book, so they have no book to talk about or People who write books about themselves me rescuing spray was it, but it was really about our dogs, but this is a tenth. I don't write books about myself there not about me people, people How do you do it, but don't write about yourself? it's not about you now this spot the demo
a party hates america. I will promise you this four hundred page, seventy pages of notes. If you want to go back and check, you will learn more from this one book than you ever did in four years of high Go and four years of college combined at the spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, but I'm serious about this. You will be going to go. Why wow Don't forget sunday night, a pm eastern five pm pacific some p. central so more than so on sector. Baby? I right now. If you don't know, you're gonna, be there Sunday night, an absolute killer, life, liberty and levine with our body LEO corral, Chris written. So I'm telling you it's a killer
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or three refunds, that's innovation, refunds that come or one eight for three refunds. He's here now, broadcasting permanently underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, america, markel of any air. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seventy seven, three, eight one one: one if I should be low mischievous, MR producer, maybe should have Coronel west on here to talk, His candidacy. Me why waste time with Chris Christie anyway, he is a balloon.
filled with flatulence. May I say it that way: Let's see if we can get corner west on the programme. and then I see mansion is meeting with a group called no labels, but that's not really accurate if they're called no labels, that's the name of the group is now must reduce. So we have a group That's called something that doesn't make any sense, but maybe we should talk that up to now labels Try and get mansion on here to www. There might be tougher, believe it or not, while we're at it Did we ever try and get Robert Kennedy on here. That's remind them that they were getting back, none of them when will give it a shot.
By the way is ms mckenna on the witness protection programme when it where's Mitch Mcconnell, with all these things going on in america, not the it bothers me that he's laying love because usually mumbled something stupid, but. Am I missing something is he's somewhere It just shows you how ridiculous The Senate republicans are not all but most Just shows you how pathetic there it's our guy met she's a greatest later average, whereas mick mick just kind of our Joe Biden, these hanging out in the basement summer, John Kirby, is an annual wasn't it. He fought in many wars, was a great leader, actually didn, He's been doing mostly pr furs career in the navy, as he's are you now
careers. They spoke city it for this idiot present, but thank you pushing up the ranks so he's enamel now must produce retired. I believe. I don't know what he knows about ships quite frankly. anyway, sojourn curbs on the constipated news. Work now work today, the cnn I Just one underscore this point cut forego but I do want to make this point: absolutely believes, Diversity and inclusion equity in the united states military is important. We are a divorce diverse force because we represent and defend of the united states can you shut up a second you moron all volunteer military tonight adrift gotta fill your numbers with whom, where you can, regardless of their complexion, They want to serve, they needed,
patriotic. If it's a hundred sent black grave concern under one. Why great events, Thirty three in a third president white in forty eight percent black. I know and on- and why these people diversity. I love it. One white guys keep talking about diversity. has she surrendered his position. First as an arrow, then, is a polk city at defence, now spokes idiot, the white ass, I suppose, No stay within genome resigning, a lack tina should replace me I'm redesigning a and gender african american. Jewish person should replace. Does he, of course, not he's not given up it? Looked like a patent.
Fine believes in diversity purse holds onto a seat for thirty six years so noble? I could even take it that much believes in diversity, he's president and he wants to run for a second term, Step aside, ready body unless they force amount, that's all different issue but I believe in diverse look at jake tapper. She say: I've had enough diversity, because I'm step, of course not look at the view. Oh my god, make sure you haven't. You had a meal, but I will be burke, there a k, the real karen sunny. What's your name again,. I was here and I see, and what did she go herself son. You know what the funny thing is, the only other per
I know them sunny is a guy from india, good guy. But there's no diversity, there's a guy there. No is there a woman who was a guy? Now is our guys becoming woman. Now. What are we call a place like that? Mr produce? I think we cover me think assent. No other fly on radio. I could do it in a podcast, perhaps there's giant kirby, but John Kirby is not done cut five I you see the president signing a national defence authorization act better, that limits transgender, writes that rips our diversity training you to be a mouthpiece for glad earliest gb. Take you. Why get there.
Off the air. You moron. Get off there, you jerk mouthpiece, The democratic party. The republicans, don't you know their against everybody? What an idiot kate! What's your name. Well done what is its like? A mustard kate put on to use. I can't stand some just going, but you see John. Firstly, John, you see. president signing a national defence authorization at that level. Its transgender rights. How so, how so. They have certain standards and the military, some of them are physical. Imagine there
I'm sure that kate, his reporting on the military. I'm an old trail. Who else We discriminate against that rips out diversity, training. This cnn, that's watch crap, nobody listens to them Do they have diversity, training at cnn, tommy many transgender holster cnn. How how many trade gender, a I see it and I don't think we'll blitz recounts does. We must reduce how many trip. How many transgender hosts either none. How many transgender sugar reporters? None Dana, don't go there bouquet and What kind of diversity training do they have over there? It they constipated news network.
I don't see a whole lot of black people on that memory? I'm just being perfectly honest with you. I see a lot of yet. I see a lot of wimp males I do not see a lot of blacks there or latinos- I wrong that rich seriously and watching a lot, but I don't see a fact: go to america, Stay what's goin on, while they do have a number of minorities. There You have the widest person, whose reserved a present of their gnp society Kind of name is pysanky by the peace but of course, saki. Isn't that a drink track and that a japanese drink saki very weird. I go ahead, cut five
The opposite of what you said: the president's imports when it comes to report access to reproductive rights. Here right here, I can take on board On demand ere, I gender ism, diverse, training? That's why I'm are all about that. Try kay, Yeah got us on that. One go ahead I forgot to see the president supporting legislation that would make it hard up. You idiot you mouthpiece for an idiot president, this guy, to us, why were surrendering in afghanistan is a liar. Eliza to us about the communist chinese, eyes towards about a ram. He lies twice about military readiness, but you must like them, the cameras,
Kate colleague, like she likes a sour o admiral oliver free me, admiral, where. Here's the truth about the republic achievement. Here's the truth about the democratic party, one here, where the truth Add the democratic party, the democratic party, so what's a ran getting nukes. not all democrats but the marxist among them job. I. Supports harangue. Getting loosely might think this is crazy. I do, but let me explain it. Michael Duran wrote an entire piece on this he's a brilliant man. He said, obama and now Biden. policy before that was no nukes for around. The nuclear deal obama signed without going through treaty process thanks to people it bob koker emissions
colonel and Ben, says the most republicans back the only one who said no quite frankly, we want to send knows tom type, but here's the point. The position before obama became president was no nukes for iran, mama changed all that one, said yes nukes fur and will slow down the process they can em in ten years. And what may in that region. we'll just vanished the region. We don't want to go to war there. You know, like my cart, like Mcgovern republicans they wore out with it. Of the islamic nazi regime that is killed and maimed americans and threats To destroy the united states happens to get intercontinental Stood missiles and put nuclear warheads on their. Why do we care at seven thousand? My ever why? Oh geez anyway,
so bomber changed everything. That's why Netanyahu kinda konrad, since a wait a minute even consulted us, where in the neighborhood large enemy, but are threatening the boys. The face, the earth and, if they get one look, don't take out. My entire country, so tiny country. We can't citizens, while obama is negotiating with the islam or nazis handling of billions billions of dollars, so trump comes in. Remember him these so called anti semite puts his foot there. Tis man, we're not doing that. He ripped up Obama deal because he says no we're not going to support iran getting nukes, whether it's ten years or ten months. And he chokes them economically. The way
and the old soviet union chokes them. And he warns the european union be warned them. if you buy off amendment so forth and so we're gonna put sanctions on you- is that so Trumpets and isolation is by the way, does it sound like he's a mcgovern I welcome these not and never has been. In fact, he was attacked by my gun. Republicans, oh and in the media and on radio when it took salami for god's sake, Evocative now it's not I could have you dip anyway, And so you have a break out a piece he says: I'm sick and tired of the palestinian authority says: trap of sick and tired of them not really. Any peace bowing down to them. They don't want it, we're gone around them, and so the abraham the court's happen, five
muslim arab countries in Israel, the abraham, a court. And they would have been more but for Biden. Taking up his homeless position at the oval office, So by comes in and reversed everything trumped does whether it's on the border, economical and reverses. This he sends in a israel hating swine. Hold over from the obama years in obama, anti semite than I want mediocre right, the media matters, repeat: there have only been saying it for many years must reduce ten fifteen and bite is no better. Why does nobody can say what he wants? He's no better by actions today and yes, and the day before and so forth,
The same advisers obama had pretty much and they go back to that same position. when buying came in here, Banana regime in tehran at five percent. nuclear material. You need ninety percent. today. They have eighty three percent because a tromp thought. when troubles leaving office. The iranian regime was teetering. The said rob. Up against the government that they despise there. He was dead and now Biden. As a first all that the iranian sir flush with money he lifted the sanctions. They turn the other way Iraq Bout, the sell them. An enormous amount of material and so forth in our state department, a sort of in which tells me that this comes from. That comes from blinking
their sleazy way of trying to further yet make another deal. The iranians are going to make any deal. So what is by doing. He smearing Netanyahu. When we come back, I want to read something in the wall street journal editorial page back then I frame twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why the challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn. My challenge to you. Take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss
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My crap party in their map, marks a surrogates like me. Oh right, the media matters and you have. They come under withering attack. Why? In not allowed to go there. So I say obama's in time for my daughter, we as a lot of jewish friends, Jews around and a minute, also did deftly. so did fdr. Here I look at the sky by night and see ellie treaty menachem beggin years ago treats We Netanyahu every time, be winds and election doesn't do this to any other country in the face of the earth. We know ally a democracy Basically gave a west kissed the murderous dictator of turkey, error, one happen to me, we g and so forth. so, and so
victor Davis Hanson headed about right when he says This is a little speck on the face of the earth, this country, at less than fifteen million people in the democratic party, the marxist, the radical, I I like us: they treat them why While I agree with and because their juice, that's, why, you wouldn't do this to a muslim country. Anybody else important editorial when I return
You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast aben. Follow this show their apple. Spotify or wherever you listen, mark laverne show national and eighty seven seven, three eight one, three eight one one. I must have been go. What's, let's go I promised, and up at almost went to court you want to get this happy at the sight of toil instrument
you're on your game tonight. What's rock ok drugs, keep you on your game or take you forget oh you're, the one where washington last week, maybe Why does President Biden rights the wall street journal editorial board, go out of his way to snub Criticized, Marching orders to the government of Israel at least rhetorically, the president and his administration tree prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and is coalition worse than they do. The ruling mullahs in iran, MR binding blind again this week in gratuitous pa. Fashion to invite Mr Netanyahu do the white house, and by the way Mr Netanyahu is not asking to be invited to the white house, its protocol, its proud of you, know, Alex soros
The sun, whose a bastard not a bastard son, but the sun, whose abashed it of George soros, he's been to the white house thirty times mister thirty times. And the prime minister of Israel now once. But tell your priorities, and I wonder how many communist chinese weak. Sure in their pockets have been to the white house, we know it one coke heads into the white house, and I'm not talking about his son and left to look behind you get my drift, who sick Mr Bonde decline again this week and gratuitous public fashion. As I said, to invite MR net now to the white house party, the prime minister's elected coalition partners. Tom nights, minister by departing ambassador to Israel chimes in that the? U s:
speak up to stop Israel from going off the. of course, I quote: each job, Makes headlines in Israel. what Mr Netanyahu is most vulnerable in late march, MR, by needlessly decreed that is called cannon. Continue down this road. On quote on judicial reform, minister. It already changed course and agreed to moderate the reforms. A domestic is really air in which the EU s president, has no business mister knives publicly Instructed Mr Netanyahu as with his chauffeur to pump the brakes. So why do they do it to this country. The only jewish state in the world. Why Just this country, I s media matters, I s mediocre right since ten abrams jewish, I ass, I asked pre best in the end, at the end
media mediocre. Why are you doing this? It's okay over boys the effect of this piling on is for the Israel. To see that the united states sides, with their opposition parties. This is no way to treat a democratic ally and no way to pursue. U s interests. Almost Netanyahu's le coeur parties in power, It has been for most of the past twenty five years, but they Israel's posed reforms would rain in its high courts unusual powers in the absence of a constitutional tipp, the bow too far toward british style. Parliamentary supremacy is for israelis to debate which I do noisily without MR binds commentary. binds. Israel policy is being counter productive, usa. Time is: international bodies has resumed and all of the west
arrogant, east jerusalem, a k, a there, would be today and sumerian east jerusalem and treated as occupied territory. This is now a liberal article of faith, but how is advance and by the way, even among some conservatives I hear was speaking the other day. How does this advance Peace to indulge palestinians in the belief that jews are interlopers in judea The western wall- MR by and undermines the netanyahu government hamas and other uranium proxies, are gaining power in the west bank. A k, today in some area, activating another Front against Israel, the new wave of terrorism against jewish civilians will set back the palestinian cause but advance array and are going on, I feel like, I've really push this issue the last week in many areas and what the hell you're still on that I don't want to see. Iran have nuclear weapons. Folks it'll be a disaster
As for the oval office, who's gonna handed to them. The question is: why aren't more people talking about it I'll be right back then? Don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen, ten t mobile folks just another trick. the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new. phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure, talk customer! That's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high.
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what the press says about you. You have a lifetime appointment just do the right thing, because this administration and these prosecutors are utterly and completely out of control so judge collins be tough As the tyranny that. Justice Scully talked about a swirling all around you as it is all of us, and you have the power the power to control the court room and the control. What goes on in a court room and dont be pushed around by the government. There is absolutely no reason for this travelled take place from the presidential election, even though the government is demanding that should tell you everything you need to know about their modus operandi and that they will interfere with this election. That's their bottom line. We go to America every friday,
in honour of you. Here we go the The
the the the
the The
I want to say hello to the gruber driver in memphis dragon, my buddy richer, am whose, from africa You very much. We get a lot of great patriots from that, and listen to this programme. Folks, please check this sunday very important life liberty and live in a pm eastern. If it can, alive, please dvr recorded of the show I promise and please, if you can start by amazon that come now get the book at forty percent
get your copies now will push back up the list, and I appreciate that We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, we pulled We appreciate our our truckers and the men and women, the freedom fighters and taiwan and Ukraine, I thought, all my little doggie family members and can I do Yet I must unite leo. Can I joe and folks you're part of their family, to god bless you and get it.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-16.