« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/13/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Constitution is the most remarkable governing document and was designed to protect the people from two forms of tyranny, mobocracy, and monarchy. If your purpose is to fundamentally transform America, it must also be to destroy Constitutional Republicanism and the Constitution, which is exactly what the Democrat party and their masterminds have in mind. The Left wants to make the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution about slavery, with people like Elie Mystal lying about not allowing black people to vote on the ratification. The Constitution and Marxism are like oil and water and cannot work together, which is why Marxists try to go around the Constitution as much as possible and call it racist. Democrats are taking statutes and rewriting them in the executive branch and using them to legislate, claiming they are authorized by Congress, and are using them to fundamentally change our lives. This is the suicide of America, and the worst part is nobody voted for it because the system has been taken over slowly over time. Also, former Vice President Mike Pence speaks with Mark about what President Biden is doing to undermine Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and empower Iran with nuclear weapons, and also discuss the 2024 presidential election. Later, Nicolle Wallace is the worst of the worst, a former Republican that ran to the Democrat media to trash her old party and destroy it. The Democrat party is the party of big police state government and rejects the constitution because it is a totalitarian party and growing stronger. Finally, Mark speaks with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney about the growing threat of Iran and giving tax dollars to China for climate deals.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the The america mark Levin here our number eight. Seventy three eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one, three, eight one when there's a tonne to get into the night and we will unravel the ok scandal in the white house there trying to quickly broom it to cover up cover up.
Are we getting into that moron legal front. You ve got this. This buffoon distract smith, so called special council grand jury this when the january six grand jury, barely jerry, cushioning tested in front of the grand jury. There's a leak about that. As for the documents case parent Lee smith And his crew cronies. Are opposing holding the tree, after the election, they are demanding that the elections be held in December right in the teeth of the press. and her legs, so that task, What they're all about it exposes them. Life liberty eleven this sunday, I'm going to go through a host of motions that I believe press The trumps lorries should begin filing now in.
Send torpedoes one at a time at the side of the good ship lollipop, the department of justice and this guy psmith. And I'm also going to. I think he Visser, eight chris hurray Chris Christy. It comes to his defense. A crystal raise, a good guy he's, put all these reforms and place. Christopher wren is horrific public servants He doesn't answer any questions, including questions he can answer. He needs go. We can't have people like that. More on that later and, of course, From time to time here all the time we discuss the guns jewish, but from time to time we take deep dive and, I said, get and all these other issues
before we do. Every now, and then we have to put our own course. just followed news and I honestly don't like to just follow the news so I thought how about a little discussion of the constitution are fantastic constitution? Call the family over call your kids over. Cause you're about to hear is something you probably haven't heard, as I dig into this. Just as from chapter seven of the democratic party hates america the time This chapter is war on the constitution, the? U s; constitution, is the most remarkable governing document ever written, creates a fund The federal government protects stayed in individual liberties. At the same time a you
Golly divides the federal government into three coequal branches with their own responsibilities and whose, Members are chosen and fundamentally different ways: other designed to protect the people from at least two forms of tyranny: mob accuracy, monarchy that will be modern day dictatorship. The constant. She is a document that takes into consideration the extra the diverse nature of amerika, from its more deaths we populated areas to its rural communities from its commercial centres to farming areas from its fishery. Stewards mining towns from people of deep fade to people, no faith. From a highly educated to the barely literate from the rich the poor and yes from white to black people and every other skin color does a self correcting document allowing for amendments to address imperfections in
foreseen events should a significant portion of the body politic and the public demand them. The constitution is a truly incredible manifestation of. Thousands of years of human experience in progress, yet in a period of less than five months, but if your per So to fundamentally transform america, then your purpose muscle- Sabena destroy constitutional republican, as does the constitution must go either all at once or by parts. and that is exactly what the democrat party and its mastermind seven mine buying and his party our endlessly relentlessly looking for ways to bypass the constitution's obstacles to centralize power, and I'm gonna, give you
big example later in the programme today, big example that just happened. And their propaganda aimed at condemning republicanism patients has grown increasingly shrill, unhinged and desperate. In the past, the democratic party and its academicians insisted that the constitution, actually in body there idiot school agenda and compelled the outcomes that they demanded they solid. The judges, injustices who abuse judicial review and the promotion of activists. today they make open their disdain for the constitution and no longer seek to disguise True intentions, for example, radical leftists Ruth caulker Professor Emmerich college of law, the ohio state university is a lot is elected.
Two of this modern assault on the constitution itself. Katy. This attack is to try and linked the constitution to slavery. She writes in the opening salvo of her ass, a title: the white supremacist constitution. That the united states constitution is a document that, during every era, has helped further white supremacy. White supremacy constitutes a political, economic, in cultural system, in which whites, overwhelmingly control power and material resources. Conscious An unconscious ideas superiority and entitlements are widespread by the way she's right, of course and relations, and why dominance and non white subordination? our daily reenacted across a broad array of institutions and social settings.
she says rather than understand the constitution as a force for a progressive structural change. Should understand it as a barrier to change. From its inception, Institution and trying slavery the degrading a black people by considering them to be property. Rather an equal members of the community. The civil war amendments do not only our slavery only pro But at a limited man on state action, radical reconstruction, was short lived as white supremacy quickly evaporated any political gains that black voters had achieved. The supreme court is interpreted The civil war amendments consistently. She says with their white supremacist routes,. the then serve as an effective instrument
help eradicate the the badges incidents vestiges of slavery constitution has become a tool. I bought the band voluntary race affirmative measures, as the federal state local government level and also to preclude congress from enacting strong abolitionist measures. The court she right has enshrined the views of Andrew jackson, a fierce proponent of white supremacy into its structure. This is the kind of anti american, racist claptrap, ladies and gentlemen, that passes for constitutional scholarship, these days, We must all you know who that is right. Mr bloom. He's the guy endlessly on MSNBC. israel while we're I'll person extreme leftist carson
For the radical magazine, the nation, their freedom, guest on MSNBC and authors book. Allow me to retort a black guys guide to the constitution and, like bugger, he declares that the united states is and always has been a corrupt society. Constitutions, nothing, but an accumulation of demands of immoral white people. enshrined in a document in imposed on the nation. Windows, media tour, promoting the book he declared on abc roundly ridiculed view, tell us Sure, constitution is kind of trash. Legend talk as adults for a second. They went on it was written by slavers colonists and white people were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn't ask anybody who Like me, what they thought about the constitution, moreover, this Document was written without the consent of black and.
people in this country with the consent of women in this country. And I say he writes or said: is that it the starting point, the very least. Can do his ignore. What those Risen, colonists and massage in a slot and Terp the current the tunisian in a way that makes sense our modern world, now mister pretentious unhinged rantings are typical again of the guests put by them. Cried party, media, MSNBC and so forth And he's among them, the improvements that he pushes on the constitution. Others leftwing claptrap agenda that he pushes. Now, just underscore this point that we talk about a week or two or three go we're in the car. The tunisian is slavery, mention nowhere.
where the declarations slavery mentioned, originally been in a draft. But they had to remove it to the georgia and south carolina we have been able to have unity in their war against Britain, Nowhere in the declaration is manufactured declaration talks about. unalienable they rights and so forth for every human being, every human being and. When he says mister their blacks, We have any say this our that I research says that anywhere from five to ten states, five to ten states, black people voted. In voting to ratify the constitution, the united states.
As for blacks, being viewed as property under the constitution, where. Another lie the three fists, Enumeration that I've talked about many many many times, tat blue in the face had to do with representation representation, words. The south wanted account slays as individual citizen for purposes of gaining more seats in the house of representatives. It was the north that said now. That said, no, you can't treat people are property and then treatments, people for purposes of power, You're so how's, and so the three fifths compromise came to be wasn't that they were three fits of a person they knew they were people.
Even among the slaveholders is diabolical as they were. It was for Addressing the number of seats. It will be in the house of representatives. Would it The constitution, of course, is the thirteen fourteenth and fifty amendments all passed by the states by three fourths of the state. Abolishing slavery. Confirming the right of voting on freed black slave and due process and equal protection.
The now it certainly wasn't perfect the way this was implemented, but our governing document is not a document of slavery. The document of freedom, a document of freedom for those two individuals Who did more for black people and mortar and slavery than any other to human beings on the face of the earth?. Certainly in the united states, the review, frederick, douglass and Abraham lincoln. Neither of them have a national holiday birthday by the way. On July. Fifth, we one minute you said. Why won't be able to finish it's alright? I want to continue a little bit more when we return I'll be right back. ban. If we
and anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something that could up if you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go. in your eye, ray the world gul council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet, and family? You should call augustine get there. Also guide the gold. I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Five seven for gold- I re- that's eight seven said for god. I re eight, seven, seven, My god, I write, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press,
His medals dot com, the frederick douglass, had been a slave. He became one of the great civil rights leaders in human history. straw, narrowly intelligent self taught incredibly literate, fantastic writer, And had enormous influence during that period. especially in the north,. And he and Abraham lincoln, became very good friends. He's very sceptical of lincoln early on that site. Become good friends. The number that's what you believe that the declaration of independence is races, that the constitution is raises, there's nothing racist in either those documents; quite the contrary, their fabulous
Arguments of liberty, freedom. And the men at the time who were fighting slavery in. racism. They invoked them constantly. It's the modern day american marxist who trashes those documents. Not because of slavery, a hundred and fifty years. Hundred sixty years ago, they trash because Those documents stand in the way of their marxist agenda: the constitution, in the march has ideology like all in water. They can work. The constitution any the issues Democratic party today advocates they can't work, which is why they go around the constitution: encourage you to grab your copy of american marks.
Somebody before you do that how about this book the Democrats, party, hates america I'll be right back. If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, Average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit here, something that could help if you have an eye array or for a one K. Physical, go In your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend, them to my friends and family. You should call augusta and get there also. The guide to gold I raise feels good, There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids five seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, so.
For god, I re eight seven, seven forego diary, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at august. precious metals dot com, if the world seems so confusing mine will be glad to clear that up for your common now at each seven, seven, three eight one three eight point: one as a sign of they talk about the electoral college too, which is absent. Nothing to do with slavery of any kind in it. but for the electoral college, Abraham lincoln, wouldn't have been present in the united states. The electoral college has everything to do with Trying to determine who have all aspects and parts of the country participate in the republic. If you had a straight line popular vote, which is what the Democrats one
That's what you have then States have the ability to win their popular row, given there. Population numbers all the way The states will be cut out, Tens of millions of people would have no say in the government. They'd have no representation but I don't want to do a course on the electoral college right now that can be that can wait for another day to amazing. How were able to use this platform? Isn't it talk? Radio was fantastic, others congested Things off the news and run within five: that's fine! time will take gaggle guests, we'll get from time to time. but it is a remarkable platform. specially for somebody like me who Wants to get into some of these issues freely deeply, and I think that Why we ve been around for twenty one years in our up
saw kinds of sports predict We on the east coast and in the later hours of the programme, the mets and the yankees in all kinds of teams, but all over the country and region, Power through a no show is ever going to be able to compete with those sporting events other than this were just the nature of the beast. So why did I get into this? To begin with to talk about? The Democrats party, hates america. My book in part. But what triggered it is what I was reading this peace From the daily collar Democrats Tempter ran through new constitutional amendment
creative legal maneuver? They are constantly looking for ways to torpedo the constitution laura dugan congressional democrats or attempting to add the equal rights, a member of the euro to the constitution, about For a century after states failed to ratify by introducing legislation stating that it has an, been ratified. Accordingly, at times I will just, It was rather congress pass the e r nineteen seventy two. They seven year deadline for ratification. Congress proposed to the state. But only thirty five states, ratified by nineteen eighty two. Falling short of the required three fourths of the states. That will be thirty, eight
but this moron Kirsty jill of ran a coy bush, the Access broom, Hilda Democrat new york, senator kristen jeweller branded democratic missouri representative corey bush will lead. This proposal, which ignores the deadline, states that the euro has already been ratified. As the twenty eight, the amendment and urges the national archivist certifying puppet, publish it immediately. Accorded at times. The lawlessness is incredible in it. for us. It's already done the earth, the area The twenty eight amendment? We just need the archivist public percent. According to the new york times, he sits begin began pushing it's kind of amendment. They too have. Federal grandeur in washington, DC they'd be charged with something
Women's plain text states that women have: Equal rights to men throughout the EU s, but legal experts view the measure as way to push through pre abortion measures as well as policies are racing sexual distinctions, public, restrooms and other traditional. Sex segregated place. Ask a question some honest question: why are these damn it? that party officials elected an unelected at local and state levels, Buried in the educational bureaucracy or the media, why are they such perverts. why are they such child abusers. Why aren't they celebrating men as men and women is women? Stiva joke in russia, the men are men and women or men. You can you say that anymore, because it can be anyone. What do you think
This must remain a democrat party that is obsessed with. by sexual sex. With all forms of sex sex with god knows what. Body, mutilation. mutilating children. a boarding babies at the last minute the party of eugenics, a hundred years ago. What is it about this party? It's sick. nourished, reduce or let us, let's take swing at this curse Angela Brian, let's invite or on the programme what you say, I mean
I mean I'm gonna get it, but the point is It should explain herself she cared living abroad. Oh, where she talks to herself, we need to have an explanation. I would also like to discuss the contents of the year a what exactly is meant by this that men and women are equal for our purposes. We're not equal for all purpose. In fact, equal for a lot of purposes and that's a good thing. You know one day a book is gonna, be written about this country when it's all over finally collapsed, destroyed from within, made weak and then destroyed from without bear enemies, just like rome and as I've told you before Rome lasted a thousand years. We have been
Got to three hundred years and we're on peggy feet absolutely shaky but that they will come. Which is why I and you fight like Hell, because we have children and grandchildren their future matters with it. generation. Is going to this country where other jenny patients fatah promoted, defended. Is sitting beyond belief its thing beyond belief,. she had this amendment they're gonna dusted off and they say all we have to do is tell the archivist to sign off on it here they come. About fake electors. These sound like a fake amendments, mr produce, Can I get away with that.
Hu, I point this out because People don't believe in the constitution. They believe in using it somehow. So that's what Drew my attention to this whole issue is that they're trying to circumvent the rules as they always do without delay For a college or whether it's the amendment process or whatever it is to impose on us. There will be Joe Biden he's in Finland today. Is he the worst screw up of all time or what cut one go? My second question on that now to MR president, mean Hearing this answer that no one can guarantee a future. Are you worried that the politically the ability in: u s wheel cos. in the alliance in the future. Let me be clear, I do say we you're too, we couldn't guaranteed in future
you can't tell me whether you're going to be able to go home tonight. No one can be sure what they're going to do, I'm saying as sure as anything can possibly be said about a marriage in foreign policy. We will stay connected to NATO. Connected to NATO, beginning middle and then a transatlantic partnership, that's what I said but obviously earlier he wasn't clear honour. The question wouldn't have been raised that all cut to go. no Can join nato while a war, a war is going on we're in a donation is being attacked. Cause, I guarantee you, let me help you out here. I agree with relish trying to sir, they're, not in nato, there, not a nato danish right. Mr bloom. Ah so, Crane is not a nato nation, but I made when I think two days ago, in some
actually supports ukraine against russia, strongly. That a request to join nato now is ridiculous. Does that triggers article five. which means NATO's going to war, which means the united states is going to war with troops. But our air force and all the rest of it now, why would we do that. We must do that and we won't do that now. The chinese are, hacking our computer systems, while we're sending a congo line of Biden, many members over the china trying to appease them. Do you realize has a people step backwards? how little we know about what's being done-
For our lives, our country, our family, our future, we idea what's being discussed behind those doors. We have no idea what the binding, strange is trying to give to the communist chinese but correct Compromises are trying to me: we don't have the fog idea and by the way, neither does congress neither discussed this whole ranting saw being done. verbally congress has no idea what's taking place, and the Democrats in congress don't give a damn. We're being sold off it Now being told that arise. I'm gonna get nuclear weapons is a damn thing you are, we can do about it, so try manage it and contain it. An alleged I agree with us.
we're not going to have solid relations between each other, and you can't join me for dinner at the white house baby. This reprobate phony, president of our treaties, have phony. Has era one each guy loves that guy who's tortured people killed people imprisoned people. that's more his style, I guess, but there's hate Netanyahu and the conservatives in Israel is constant and its relentless, because they will not buckle to the pieces in our country. They simply won't I'll be right back then, if we anything over the past two years? It's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that, but here's something back help if you have an eye array or for one k, physical in your eye array. The world gall council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call a gusting get The ultimate guide to gold iras feels good to know there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids, In seven for gold, I re that's eight seven. So For god, I re eight seven, seven Why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com
mine is with world leaders. In finland. We talk about this business depression Maybe it's me. I remember one reagan was president for eight years he was so proud of the country. So proud of the people he represented overseas. the so proud a law enforcement? The military, proud of the flag, proud of our history, based market capitalism like nobody before. He spoke very negatively about the enemy very positively about the american people. He didn't divide us in groups. Group seeding divide us racially. None of this
maggie extremism stuff for the left. He was proud of his country. He was respect for the people who put him off. It was probably the greatest honour either read, certainly provisionally, to work and administration fray ear. He embraced the private sector Didn't try and tax it out of existence. insisted on treating each person as an individual human being. How does he of racists to be turned one against the other. he was a tremendous leader with a smile and a statesman.
He set out to destroy the soviet union, that's exactly what he did look at this, for overseas and in our own country, in through thanks usage. Mendous success thanks a genius statesman, a genius economist, genius economists, it's absolutely disgusting. Some of you are too young to know what it was like Firstly, the live through that administration you're living through this river democrat party. That. Is fanatical about abortion. Now, how sick is that? Even if you, both even if you have to have it as a. a personal lust women,
beyond a department adjust, that's utterly and completely out of control, with respect to trump, with respect to parents, with respect to pro lifers with respect to the catholic church and so forth. The democrat party is all with that none of this, would be going on under reagan, he would put her in a heap. He put an end to it. I see the actors are on strike now: sag hate that union to my union work by this microphone? Unless I'm a member of this sad union bunch a sad sex so there are striking. The writers are striking, I'm supposed to give a crap tomatoes. Boycotting themselves. I will not make up only and I will not go to one of my movies, fine by may strike. For the rest, your lives ask if I give a damn I'll, be right back
this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk, pure talk offers. Great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much. sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the fucking back america mark levin. Here, climate change, the same. People who hate this country, hate capitalism who hate you.
Have you noticed, are the same people behind climate change. How can that be tavis, claw, The change is just another ruth they ve tried many. They tried global cooling. global warming? They sit on climate change, they ve tried communist style class warfare, you're not buying it. So they decided. Ok, let's claim they capitalism. in prosperity and growth, Damaging air and water and the environment, in fact their deadly and it say in international emergency and that if we don't quickly, Destroy our own economic superiority, weed Do these things and do me yesterday. Then the nation cannot survive This is where they have dragged us.
and you actually have Joe Biden Lt today essentially saying this. Which only motivates our enemies even more listen to this cut. Five go: Work in the locks to to tackle climate crisis, which you leaders on for a long time and in order to literally preserve our planet, It's been a leader: do we get Thing from Finland must rule, is it isn't like like Phony bridge sign leading to it twenty new jersey were tried to make the world takes trend, doesn't make anything not anymore. Anyway, go ahead, central thread remaining faces and we don't have a lot of time, but I confident if we continue to work together, we can deal with it, so
an existential threat? That's a new word last few years that they keep using the existential threat. Is climate change that's. Why we had to ban the incandescent light bulb policy because it's it's a life threatening product, the light bulb. Now we have to use ellie days there always ugly, but whatever. Which is why we have to eliminate the combustion engine and fossil fuels, because everybody's dying from other not What are you a scientist who biologists and. Stupid as politicians of all keep lecturing us about this stuff and are in charge of it. This is a religion, this is an ideology. This isn't science. where's the settled science. I want to read it. I,
Said where's the settled science I want to read it. long there with the chapters on the mask and the large towns cancelling store Where's the set of science. As you and I watch our country being destroyed. and we have little say in it. We have no say in it because it's being run by the bureaucracy and they're not for election, not now not ever, isn't it great to be a mark. This you build these massive bureaucratic empires, Your load him up with, like thinking radicals you from elections, civil service status. They have union status. On top of that, you couldn't move
These people out office, if we're life, depended on it. and its incestuous the hiring practices, just like my faculty. Congress didn't pass a law eliminating the. Bastion engine congress did There's a law and say: thou shalt dr automobiles at use. Gasoline are diesel. Fuel kind never voted anyone any of that what do they do they do exist. A jeweler brand and the other puke are doing with the constitution. They are taking statutes. Re writing them in the executive branch. Essentially
issuing regulations and saying we are authorized by congress to make these decisions life affected. quality of life decisions. Who nobody border on? What kind of representative government is that it should actually central threat. Don't you know. I got the oceans by now we're gonna be so that we all be flooded prince neither shining she'd, never happen. Now we get these damn whether report. Oh it's hot out there, it's hot hot, you know where it's hot las vegas, it's a desert, you idiots, Hot in florida, I'm here I know twice a year-
It should every its record setting so damn light bulbs and guess those and a damn cows and another thing: Try to call minors this steel workers there. The problem is there wineries, we're gonna shoot em down, as I said, with a book, is written about america There is a book called the suicide of the west tremendous book. this, is the suicide of america. And you and I didn't even vote for nobody voted for exactly what grand ski the italian communist mark see the
German communist came to the united states, infiltrated our country trot. They all said. Slowly but surely secrete selves under the culture into the government,. No bottom up revolution, no middle out revolution, violence if it occurs grape Not going to most democracy so tat this system over over time overcome the title in the book of records that time. They taken over the media, which is the state run media show me, show me the difference of opinion between chuck anyone in the government ever when there's a democratic I got analysed they.
From each other's work forces its top down. This is all top down washington centric, regulations, treated as laws with fines and penalties, including possible imprisonment, and not a single vote was cast for this. If you had today, a public vote on whether to eliminate cars that run on fossil fuels. It would lose overwhelmingly. If you had representatives that vote, on a piece of legislation and whether the outlaw the combustion engine
It would lose overwhelmingly, they don't even bring it up to about. But if you have a bureaucracy. That issues regulation, because the supreme lord said under the sharon decision and others I won't get into disappeared, but they they lay the foundation and on elected body of justices of lawyers,. conferring enormous power on an elected body of bureaucrats. The only people who don't say you and make such an existential threat. Ladies and gentlemen, those of you who drive To work and work your ass off every day, whether it's over track or a vehicle of any kind of car you're? The problem. Don't you see how hot it is. Now just see how hard it is in nevada.
in the middle of a damn centre, for we have air conditioning for at least for now, though, the broad outline the blackout, what a whim Group, a wimps would become so hot, oh my god, You know what I say down here in florida, MR produced everybody to chile, isn't it? What do you mean? They don't get the irony of chile
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you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk outcome. In a promo code, l e g, I an podcast guest, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today a pleasure to have my pants on the programme. Vice president. How are you, sir, marco, then I'm doing, Thanks? Thank back on. You know, people in those something politics Funny thing: there's all kinds of battles: attacks going back and forth. That's the nature! Politics. but you and I will always be friends- you are urban tourism goes way back. We go back. I don't know how a long time actually and long time marked definitely getting old mike. I can tell you that and though you're the truth is the truth. That's the way it is there's no naive,
about politics. Is politics sets the nature of the beast now Well, that said, MR vice president, I have a couple of questions for you here, yeah far away. Why is there almost no focus on what Joe Biden and to undermine the state of Israel, mostly cause, he hates Netanyahu is standing up to a ran and he's gonna cut, here with a ran it's going to ensure they have nuclear weapons and just try and manage it. Won't that be a disaster for the united states, you'll be a total disaster, and and quite frankly, You know we had a rather more isolated than ever before, amid the abraham accords, sickly were historic? Are we we put incredible pressure after we out of IRAN's nuclear deal, but from want a privilege, your bind? Him Straight literally, been going hat in hand and begging. Therein is to come back.
the deal and if I told you a rainy, a dissident group just two weeks ago, it is now come to light that bind in this region is, is good, going back to the well there begging to come back and let into this and, as you said earlier today, their sell out the, u s and Israel but to around- and I called on Joe Biden has cease and desist any and all that she with ran over re entering the around nuclear. here, we gotta stand strong all across the world to contain china to contain a The reason why mark and I appreciate your strong leadership on this issue he's an why, as the leader of the free world, we need to continue give the military support to the ukrainian armed forces to repel them russian invasion. It's all about projecting american strength whether a tin, whether it's in the middle east or whether
in china or whether to ukraine and the Biden. Administration has been projecting weakness across the world. The disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan being exhibit a in the world's becoming more dangerous as a result, because weakness around is evil you, I dont understand they farm policy. You mean if I understand bad farm policies and we can understand the rational or consistent foreign policy here. What he doesn't ask scan is a disgrace. it's doing our ally israel's disgrace. He is He is engaged with a ran, won't engage with Netanyahu. When you look at what still wonder: what is this foreign policy? I don't know what is foreign policy as well? It's is before, and we'll see of the left and and it's one of the reasons it one of the reasons why you know people like Ilan omar, get away with the saying that he's not gonna go in and endless into a joint session speed.
The president of Israel, I mean you know, we all know you know her law Long history of anti semitic remarks she was kicked off rightly kicked off the foreign affairs committee, but but I got it It's it's, not just the! U on mars, not just the squad. This is the politics of the left that are constantly. Morally a we are creating a moral equivalency between those that would seek to destroy our most cherished ally, Israel, and an end, the jewish state of Israel that that's been fighting for its own existence in the end it who, after it was restored to its historic homeland and nineteen and enforced You know I have said many times. I say it again at christians, united for Israel, when I'm in washington on on Monday mark that if the world
knows nothing else. The world should know this. America stands with Israel and it is one of those passionate things that have called me into this race. For president, you know, as you said, you and I are new to this. but I I think american leadership in the world be willing to stand. Our allies stand up to our enemies. Show that american strength is absolutely essential. I'm going to be a voice for that in this campaign or I'll tell your listeners around the country to find out more about us go to mike pence. Twenty. twenty four dot com, but were fighting for that strong american leadership in the world, fiscal responsibility on the sanctity of life and traditional values at home, that the conservative agenda you and I have been standing on for all these years mark now, vice president pence, When I talk about communist china. What in the world are we doing to prepare
this country, that wants to go to war with us we're Sonny. congo on a cabinet secretaries over there on bended knee, we don't know what, Discussing in closed door meetings, I mean I feel like this country, the people are non. The government's unravelling the country does not make sense for another america. people are the yeah, the american people are still strong. Let me promise it's this government this week. I don't think you can describe secretary lincoln's trip to china or or or or or began at your trip to china as anything other than that asian term. Kowtowing towering mean, did you see how many times you edit yeltsin, bowed to humiliate not even heard counterpart, not even here. Or part in china and then would secretary blinkin went over. I read that he didn't even have a commitment to meet with ye before and over it
is literally within days when china is busy buzzing our aircraft in the south, china, sea, cutting off american warships and just a few, weeks after they floated a balloon over strategic, landmark the united states it it just I mean I I have to tell ya I. I never saw a worse example of of a appeasement foreign policy in in recent years than than sending over our secretary of state and other cabinet members to meet with china and kind of beg them to like us again. You know the I will tell you. I've met president g, I It knows too knows where them, I'm telling you what I've taken the measure, the man the only think it. Is china understands understand, strength and what we ought to be doing is not real building our military to building a military fitted to the challenges of the twenty first century. and only be if we build a meal.
Jury, we build a three hundred and fifty ship navy. We we deploy american forces that we're going to ensure peace through strength. If we continue on the path Biden's goddess on which his military budget cuts, literally political correctness at the pentagon and in america on a trajectory of cutting military spending, I I gotta tell ya: I I don't want to think about What our armed forces may have to face in the days ahead. We need to meet this mama with american strength. some questions on the economy domestic! Can you stick with us? Another segment. Absolutely
we're talking to vice president, my pants I'll, be right back. You know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge before this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers, pure clock, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile, a mobile with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america, just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure talking.
save an additional, fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today might grow fonder on the right column. No, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one! Vice president mike pence couple of questions, climate change seems to be the all encompassing ideology for every left wing hare brained agenda. tell me how many lives are we going to save? Mr vice president, by getting rid of incandescent light bulbs? If people are eating them or something am I missing something I remember we save them and by certain comes at a gas stoves or next ride? Market is ridiculous. It's insanity and let me just go and tell your listeners my wife does
have a private jet either. I know that Just everyone knows that, in response to John Kerry, that's not jack. What a dumb response muslim groups, the the internet, You tell me he flew around on a private jet. He said I don't own a jet and then we get his wife does, of course, but it's so ridiculous. I want to make it clear: I don't have a jet, my wife doesn't have a jet. We fly commercial and proud of it during the flying commercial back to what tomorrow and what does he do? What does he do his final over as confirmed by the Senate he just orange around on the government die I've. Never that lawless than you think you guys could have rid of gotten away with this mike. I don't think so. Well, well, look we look on and I have great great sensitive to do this, but we we had cabinet members. I ran into problems with travel.
neither am I right the and we made changes so look at it If the media didn't have double standards, they had no standards at all. You know that. I'm a good heavens, this cocaine business, that's breakin in the news this week, but now the secret services and they're not gonna, keep look even a magic mile during the trumpets administration amid adjusted. here's what I know a I think yeah go go. You're tellin me. Yeah, let's seasoned secretive, serpents fbi top take now. In the face of the earth. somebody leaves cocaine and the white house No dna, no fingerprints! No nothing! I don't believe it. I just don't bother! I believe our secret services in basilica, that they can't get bottom of this. I really don't believe it. I dont see that's possible and noticed job
and set it and about it? I don't I don't. I don't get it I really need. I worked in the white house just about every day for forty years when I was travelling across the country the world and Here's a news flash for your listen, there's a lot of surveillance. the white house mark. You knew that a lot of screening everybody the works for the white house other than you know, other than those of a selected apt to go through a drug tat bright to work. It's what I do. I really I don't at it, but I pay what the american people do. I was I was up in an event today. It I told you, I have no were seen any any inspired so much of this cross, the country in our time and and going into torrent money for more familiar with the american people, know were better then this that their tired of all of us of this.
the two standards in the national media and for that matter, this this unequal treatment before them. That they saw during our administration and sense- and I think this big change comment- and I knew not somebody to believes we need a, we need new leadership and the republican party, but I guarantee a guarantee others. Already. The americans, though, that we need new leadership in a white out and war get it and I'm gonna do my part. Every single day make sure that happens. Now. What sure campaign strategy. I mean look at the sky. Chris Christie now he's a negative numbers and he seems to think trash. everybody else somehow gonna arise in the polls. I mean tell people s very high sea run on your own campaign, run on your principles, tell the american people what you're gonna do what is your? What is your strategy? It is ironic that broad conservative agenda that frankly drew me to the republican party, I'm back in the days
ronald Reagan. I, when I was a teenager, I was active in the democratic party, but as I listened to the boys ronald reagan and his commitment to a strong national defence american leadership in the world. A commitment a government and less government less taxes in traditional values, the right to life like I joined the rain revolution. I never looked back and I you think we're having a healthy debate in the republican party today whether our party is changed, but where there were still about those things, will I think, we're still about those things. I think those are still I'm was american ideals there. Also there also ideas that have been carried republicans to victory over the last fifty years. in one election after another, so we're gonna keep tell us that story now will draw the contrasts. You said at the start of our conversation, you know, elections are about choices and in politics, you'd. You draw the difference on the issues, but I promise you market stick to the issues that have a little bit about alone,
the idea of a candidate forum tomorrow- and I am looking forward to it will have a lot of those going forward I'll get a place where we get on that debate stage. So again, here This is covering that our General online company, so Yeah we're look or luxembourg to it is going to be a great day and will work and around the clock to make sure that we will not work where I enough in the polls easily qualify for the debate were we're working real hard garner. The forty three, and donors around the country that are required? That's why I mentioned the website my pants twenty twenty four dot com people can go there, give a buck and make sure that were honest. It does that's what I wanna, I don't wanna. I don't. I don't think I think negative personal attacks have no place in. public life you know me. Well, that's not tried to carry myself that way over the last twenty years in various roles in congress has governor vice president, but I look forward to good vigorous debate about the future of the party in the future, the country because
Lord knows the of the american people need change and its only gonna come from the republican party. Standard bearer that we put forward a means a question that really is not do much, but I'm just curious personal point: will you know when I go to some very servants, particularly jewish events,. That the same damn thing, salmon silence and going Would you like some kid in a locks? lemme get ya like you're on the road you have tea stuff. You say to say: oh my god, not that again, it is I'd ever ever, go into your head, I'm just curious, but oh well, I have occasionally matter fried chicken that I've seen enough of the better part of it.
part of the joy of it. You know we spent almost the entire week or around the at the July and I were we got in and out of a lot of great places and also a lot of place called a pizza ranch. that way. That's just a great classic mission in I want across the heartland dub. I never met a pizza I'd seen enough, but I gave my interpreted jacket that I could best when my best to your family, mister. Vice president, you take care of yourself out there. It's it's a little rough. You know my pleasure. Oh god, I remarked is great me back on a market. Then, shall we appreciate your boy here, clarion voice, for conservative values in the country and we'll talk against a priest you take care of yourself. You he's a friend of mine, I don't just tat friends, I can't do it. I can have disagreements with friends, and I do all we have disagreements within my family, but the enemies democratic party, I'm just being honest answer:
these visuals, I think, this race to electro by I am now convinced Chris Christy's in this race to electro Joe Biden a course of deny it when he goes my body to you at shower, denied vociferously What come on my shower agnes! Confronted by the way, I don't care Guy comes on the show or not. I guess excuse me, cholera. I guess MR producer farm advising him and I'm staff, whose staff of one two three I dont don't go on that show it may get. It may get a little ugly and then we don't want that. But that's probably what's going on, don't you think. Smart advisers, you think, well let me do it this way,. you have an open invitation, open invitation. Chris Christy, I dont understand his campaign plan. If he wants to go,
republican nomination. That's why no he doesn't attack delete. republican candidate, don't mean on policy. I mean just personally and vicious. and he once had in his head so for a president trumps, but it wasn't even funny vienna, but decided. Now I gotta take a different position if I want to get anywhere and continue to be paid, these reject Fees for speeches- I don't know what that guy does for living. I know it It's our books for living his first week of books. I think they were what twenty two hundred misdemeanours We sell twenty dollar books a day s no brag. That system and he sold twenty two hundred and he was on The prey was on all the usual crap show their his friends. Peggy noon and as endorsed and one that we have many votes that get negative twelve but that should have you win iowa, oh, do
hampshire, by campaigning in the green room, said the green room at sea and entered the green room at a b c, often down all the donut have had, is at work, meda the police, the man of that donor. I mean I test John Kerry, but at least the guy likes to fly around a do stuff course on our dime. He is detestable. Isn't me? Oh he's detestable, But Christie doesn't go out there and do that I don't know, I don't know who keeps popping up. What do they keep putting him? Is it for laugh. It's definitely not for ratings, certainly not for substance. Yeah, I'm convinced that he's a year. Then he is a torpedo in addition to the hindenburg geek, both these by torpedo and a bird misinterpretation.
be right. Back much love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires. The best customer service team right here in america, most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast to make the switch to
I talk and you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g- I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, starting to think about something. Mr producers I sit here is the I never stop what a fire it. Take my three hours of programming and move it up to say. Five o clock maybe be five to eight. What do you think of that, or maybe forty seven. that would shake up the industry, may we pretty much can do whatever we do. We want to do
Cause of view, the loyal audience happier something to think about don't get me wrong. I'm not moving now or doing anything, so just something that stirring around something. I'm thinking about. I've always had the hardest three hours and radio. Why several reasons and a great deal the country come up against sports. Now, we'd, like those teams from time to time, we really do. But there's nothing harder, Portugal and m radio, then duke in it out, but baseball basketball. Play off hockey. It just is what it is.
And show your people say well look at look at the second era. Look at the third at really how about we switch. We would try, but that's not the real reason. Just Can any younger is two different things and do them differently. Life's all about. I don't have a ninety five job. I'm not only. Union salary- I pay a crap blow to this sad union the hell they do they go on. I go out. I great that certain show shows huddle represent me its welfare on paying to these millionaires. But that's interesting, don't you think must reduce then are are wonderful too. Sir she's, the big mockery mock, who helped keep things together around here.
She showed me the top five podcast in talk radio. Did you see that list. How can I be number three, I dont even talk about the podcast going to talk about the past or maybe with Reform whatever it may be, I should start talking about anyway, just thinking out loud I'll be right. Back.
he's here now: broadcasting on roaming underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven three one three, eight one, one, eight, seventy and three eight one, three eight one one I listen to this The co wallace used to be republican a very conservative advice who did John Mccain? Am I help sabotage the vice presidential candidate sea of Sarah Palin then, of course, she flip over to the democratic party, which is willing to pay any grifter begin, who will attack there
instead of him in the back. and apparently it's been very good for her private life. It's been very good for her wallet and there she is, but like most. People of this sort, the so the work- and she is. So she is Brennan on lucky he's not in sing sing or fort wherever, where they were nice prison. In my view, my opinion. cut twelve go. We had so many jobs new cycles because of the sand, The garrison republicans seem intent on railway, but at its core Taking the republican party would just go away even as in effective, as it is just get out of the way. Because we radical democrats.
We need to be the unit party, we need to be the state part which they are. we don't even want distractions as we drag people of amerika kicking and screaming into our paradise. That's behind walls. Shaft and well armed guard, oh yeah our paradise. We america marxist. Yes, if the republican party, just get out of the way it doesn't matter. that their anemic, it doesn't matter there shouldn't be. Parties so surely be one where sit tight. Playing with the republican party. And there's mcconnell by parties. We don't wanna hear from that guy anymore, dewey. What a leader he's great go ahead, The fbi manufacturing claims
plenary zation one frankly, the manufacturing claims political politicization. There's a three hundred page report done by career civil servant. prosecutors and even fbi agents exposing paid After page after page of corruption and this nothing buffoon says at its being concocted. It's really truly is unbelievable. Go ahead, white trail since to endanger us from these kinds of groups, terrorist foreign and domestic cartels and gags? Actually, actually missy. May I call you missy better than messy, actually missy
the f b, I has distracted itself going after the catholic church going after pro lifers going after parents I'd say: it's agenda has really expanded. And some people are calling them out. That's what we're support to do if we want to be a free people were not distracting them from doing a job you idiot and what the hell A job well done go on the fbi's payroll or the deal These payroll. Kind, a moron are you anyway. You have no self respect whatsoever, go ahead a chance that will wake up and have a real conversation about the real threat of today's current republican party. That's what I wanted to get.
The real threat of today's republican party here why she said there could she knows, what's coming MR producer, doesn't a full throated, expos ay, with brass knuckles against democrat party and what it's done to this country really, since it since it was established, but today, yesterday, ten years ago, twenty years ago, fifty years ago, hundred hundred fifty years ago, the book, as over four hundred pages Did the final edits you not the publishers said to me, MR pollution. We have to get it to printing stop stop though they love the book. Only five of us actually read it
Wrote it and they can't stop praising it, and this is not all my interests her course, my one, my wife, has my toughest greater. I might toughness greater. I said how would you compare this to american marxism? She says no comparison, I said, kidding. He said that this is far away superior. the way I wrote it the way I approached it, but you see they want to take out the republican party. And so they support the christy's of the world the round these are the world. The support them recover. keys in the collins will support those people number camels, acer, hutchison, not tromp, not the senators.
And others. This is who they are, so they wanted turn that they believe in committee ceiling. T why they want to pretend to believe him, Bi partisanship, pretend to believe in your interests now make interest security interests all your interests make. It can that's who you are or what you're doing they want to control? U yours processes, with changing words outlawing where. And punishing people that don't go along, so I have concluded you ready that we need to take out the democratic party. It's the only way it needs to be obliterated
be broken up into a thousand pieces. It's the party of slavery, it's the party of segregation, it's the party of the confederacy, it's the party of Jim crow, the party of eugenics. The party of abortion on demand the party, a big, centralized police state government, the party that rejects the constitution always has rejects. The declaration of independence, always has its the party of black racism, white racism, anti semitism and tie asian ism. This is what it does is, who would it. It's a totalitarian party. That's what it is. It's getting stronger and stronger and stronger, because now it's finally do our federal law enforcement. We used to be able to do
then on understand up, not anymore their brave whistleblowers. When I was a justice, It was a stand out, stand up operation, not any more you're attacking the api. I know they're attacking us, then it's time to have the guts to say so, but Nicole wallace could she act Lee is quite stupid, and I say this with all due respect, Mr Blair's. She is a face for the view you understand what I'm saying and that's. Ok, that's good right, Everyone on the views just gorgeous, aren't they. May I say that I. Not their ugly. What do you want me to say besides Women anyway, I'm good
started the biologists to make sure one way or the other, but regardless. She wants to know when will wake. I quote in every real conversation about the real threat of today's current republican party has, goes to the one ten years ago, the one fifty years ago, kind of propaganda, bull crap. Is this the report The party doesn't threat anything or any one in that part of the problem it doesnt have teeth, it wants to cut deals. It wants to go along to get along. It does want to be. you'd as extremists by the media, which views it as extremists, even if it does nothing.
He doesn't understand the culture wars. How do we know that the Chris Christie types make out a face of the idea with the pocketbook issues? We can do that big boy we can do both and in your case you did neither You left a message: new jersey in new jersey, the mess you didn't change, the political. Situation in new jersey. He did nothing profound. statesmen, like. You spend a year at defending yourself against a bridge for crying out loud monument use more time defending yourself again, damn bridge then said: Kennedy ever did about Chappaqua chappaquiddick, That's not my fault that serve now, you're sloppy your staff instead They should have done. That's on you stop playing Everybody else
Right back much love in the The last time we had representative claudia penny on program there. still her election and she muscles was an easy, that's for sure, and she rubber, since the new york districts, for how are you great hurry you it's just an honour to be on your shower- varies it's an honor to have you on the show you one of the few people in the united states congress, one of the few who's calling out Joe Biden his administration, which is selling out to the iranians, who are about to get these nuclear tip
I see, be a missiles they ve. Eighty three percent now clear material several. And shorter than ninety percent needed when he came in office? They had five percent from policies really work choking off iran, they our meeting with Aragon fill me with anyone any butcher, any anybody he stiffening. Netanyahu and I, think you were right on and what I read on bright bar. Can you explain to me what's taking in the american people it's taking place here, First of all, the bad administration is obsessed with getting back into the j c p away, which, as you know, the joint comprehensive plan of action, otherwise known as the randal, their obsessed with that they put a week guy up, Nimrod Molly, who was there on by two ran to negotiate the steel and actually he was just removed and is put on leave because you violated security clearance is so he's been suspended. So we know that that corrupt right
ere I with a guy who is not really Negotiating in the best interests of the united states and Israel and our allies in the Middle east, So now we have the situation where the vitamins racial say: let's go ahead and allow the iranians to enrich up to ninety percent, which is weapons grade or at eighty seven percent. Look look back to the jesse away. The ram bill only allows three point: six, seven percent. Why are we even exceeding the water ran deal too Let me even more ability to reach. The gun, the middle east, to be a continue to be a sponsor of terror, is really there are up against it and it's all because it Joe Biden doesn't like the fact that Netanyahu, is actually a conservative, reasonable any common sense and I think they're trying to blame this. I'm you know some of it. It's a scapegoat issue, but there to claim all Netanyahu is meddling in the judicial system in Israel, which is really a false argument.
even those young, the laughter, the middle left, our agreement, that this is a false issue, a lot of people to realise the israeli supreme court is got so strange hours and Netanyahu's trying to actually put an end to check here some really important reforms so, instead of having bureaucrats higher bureaucrats to be on the court, he said that elected officials, people accountable to decode, the governance of the people- have to be putting people on the court and neither common sense, good reforms that resembles something like what we have, because there is no real institution in Israel. They have what they call the basic law, so all the goods. Is it not in your trying to do five is undermining and especially using that surround deal, and I think that we are coming and to a dangerous space where we do not have with negotiations. We have John Kerry and other phonies out there are that are really harming the best interests of the united states on this. Ah, this really scary situation in the middle east, which is so important
for our nation and to the security of Israel are best ally there, binary, surrounded with these obama types who hate the state of Israel. Let's should be honest, who hate net who who loved quiz links on the left in Israel and these, these phony front groups in our country like like J street and so forth. Netanyahu's elective he's the coalition, that was elected, he's the longest serving prime minister in their history, and we went back and look Claudia, and we see that throughout the time that He's been prime minister earlier and now Joe Biden has hold him in his government's extreme. In every instance, he called menachem beggin extreme dealing with a truly stupid but nasty. Man in the white house survey added by ideologues under his watch. Iran's gonna have nuclear weapons. Israel's pro we're gonna have to go to war. Do you think I have the backing of the Biden pentagon
I am absolutely not, and I I gotta be honest with you. I just recently penned a letter with my colleague, a Democrat Josh gone hymer on asking the leaders of the united, kingdom, france and germany initiate the snapping sanctions that were or ironically, wording, randy all, but they were also caught up by the united nations security council. resolution. So that we can prevent them having made this expires in october, if we could get them to initiate the snap at sanctions we can have some hedge based on the weakness of the binding administration, is about something that we ve been working on. You know I also ever they were dealing with the national defence opposition act right now, we're in that were voting on this all this week in congress, put in a number of resolutions dealing with iran and Israel and other things too, to protect our interests there. You don't want to I put it in the nba back and twenty twenty one that was your has been disregarded, is they have?
The iranian revolutionary guard cor had we haven't reported on their status, and so I went ahead and my own report using open sources, and yet the bible illustration refuses to provide any kind of god, transparency on that aspect by law and it was passed in the law under a democrat wool at the time. So we have a really weak it with a strange and a very dangerous administration. As you say, not only is Joe Biden, I'm glad you said it not only is job and I think, incompetent, on foreign policy issues he's a meme. and he's not a good person. His legacy reflects that he's, not the kind of person we should have at the president present united states with any gravity as with any real understanding of what needs to be done to protect this nation. He has no courage. His instincts are all just political happy, and I think that's what makes me most nervous. As an american citizen and the way that are our foreign affairs are being portrayed around the world. I mean this is a dangerous situation brought if the iran deal is extremely important and and
trying to get back in and make this at this terrible deal again once you're one becomes enriched. If we, no. Turning back at an mission is to destroy Israel and by the way they don't talk exactly a friendly does today. Welcome you know the iranians, I mean what job right is so weak and so busy sabotaging the saudis them in their far from perfect. They have their own problems, but you know I do day engaged the saudis engaged with iran and china. Now we're gonna. Can we hold you over? I gotta take a break chase the saudis into the arms of the iranian to the communist chinese job it is destroying this country, she's he's destroying the world actually other, bag? I fringe only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be
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you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yap going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the podcast community, so switch to another podcast aben follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen. Mark love in the research are of conservative media call now ain't seven. Seventy three one: three, eight one, one body attorneys a great representative from the twenty fourth district of new york stole that election firmer account. After can, if they can't, we ve seen that before. some other questions for you. Why? Are we giving american taxpayers money to communist china, a green
climate fund? They have eighty two eighty five percent of the rare minerals needed in this country for batteries. Solomon, why is this administration giving money to come It is true that has no intention of complying with any green anything. But let me give me my. I will give my opinion on this because I think it's no coincidence that one of them I would argue the most correct resident in the united states. really in the modern era, Joe Biden? Who is completely compromise, by China, whose son Like I'm on the way I serve on the ways and means committee, you know we we were able to release the testimony of the whistle blower it showed that actually hunter binding receiving money from ukraine. Romanian interests, chinese interest. We detailed over seventeen million the west boris think it's a lot more than that and by the way, these whistleblowers we're just looking for the money. Are you looking for a hundred Biden like they're, always searching out a donald trump? They actually discovered and stumbled
Hon hundred Biden, while they were, is investigating. international porn ring which led them to this. We had a you know. The sars reports are that are illness or suspicious activity reports over one hundred and fifty of them that james homer, a discovered on the oversight committee. In the end, the ways and means whistle blowers wanted to link this together. This would have been done with anyone else other than the bike itself. I think a lot of it is to cater the the chinese. I think the chinese communist party has complete control over Joe Biden. Maybe they even have some tax messages from me. Cell phone that was given to Joe Biden or the or the chinese communist party to one hundred a joe, I dunno I mean these are not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but there's go out a compromise to three desires. No viruses are going on right now, representative, it's off would have thought this stuff was conspiratorial, one point, but it's not no. It's all coming up. Look. I look at it this everything If the item is in plain sight and engaged,
cover up with the help of department of justice. With the help of the fbi, you could, we could have criticised next thing. We know he didn't commit the crime, but he committed the cover up. We've got Biden, committing the crime and the cover up, and so you know it's in plain sight: Meanwhile, hunters entertaining and sell out at the white house with your garland in attendance at the party. In the end, the israeli prime minister, and then you don't hunter buying out a campaign Eight hundred gosh knew. Who knows, who is cocaine is left in the white house, the secret service. They don't know where that came from. So you know, I just think, there's a lot compromise with with president by the chinese communist party. Anything the latter donors on the left, I to keep this thing open. Any luck. We had over four hundred million dollars. I think, with even greater what billion dollars gotta, go to giving a green new deal subsidies to help the chinese communist, ready in the Democrats voted against it, they voted against us keeping the solar end
the panels in the type of things we could keep with our american manufacturers here in the united states, they voted those over to china, because the american manually sure is allegedly couldn't make. Those up fast enough will give me a break. This is not what that's about there's something between by men, china, that we see, but we We need to prove and we need to take back the white house in order to prosecute because we're doing everything we can to shine the light to provide the oversight to subpoena witnesses. We just don't have prosecutorial power and I I still think the republicans have to be as ferocious as the Democrats. Are they never quit. I mean Nancy Pelosi. Didn't just use power. She abuse power. We need to make sure we use our constitutional power to uphold. The iter many of our nation, which would which I feel that we need to do even stronger than we are now. We have a fight see majority in the house. I would compromise by humor over in the senate, and now we gotta fight the bite. You know you talk about. My election from twenty twenty, the Democrats have just overturned
de the democrats in new york want to go back and revisit redistricting to wife, the eleven republican seats that we have right now in the state in europe which would wipe out our majority in the house just with new york alone. So we have to fight at every level and that's why I started the election integrity carcass after my struggle in hundred days in court, mark Elias every day, which is in a pleasant thought and We gotta fight in a republican tap to stand up not only at the end. You know, mark we always well. I'm policy. We just don't went on process Gotta went on board and I think that you got a really be chopped. Our country depends on it. We are the last hope at this point in older I've been around a while. My son, I know served David, enable academy graduate decent served in the marine corps is now reservists. You know his steward my grandchildren future. This is this is the last. I hope this is ass best of regime in its where we're going to turn that if we don't save this republic.
you're gonna love my new book when it comes out the democrat party hates america, it is chapter and verse. That's the tat. I am take The gloves off- and I want people to pay attention to this issue- is not just ideology Comes out of the atmosphere, this is this. eddie that embraces every one of these. These forces the marxist activities, these ty american activities. They embraced they promote them, they fund them, that's what they do, that's who they are, in an anti american party since the for the civil war with the confederacy was so every and segregate. It's time Tell the story rather than them tell lies about who they are question. I was a little disappointed not to put you on the spot. Darrell has been around a while to and he was asked about impeaching Merrick, Carl, said, I think, we're long way from I dont think we're a long way from it at all. I work an attorney general. I was chief of staff for an attorney general maya,
The general meets, never did anything wrong and they get blaming him for everything here, have a man whose them lawyer for the by the ministries and he's going after tromp he's pretty thing all the binds. He won't appoint a special council to go after them. He proves every damn thing: the special council during against drop. You need have a hearing. You need to go through the process. You can't go through that process. Unless you choose they got you drop a nickel, and there were firing impeachment against donald trump. What do you think about this I agree with you mark. I think we have to go through the process we have to push. The Democrats can t actually do we know we can probably get this done in the house. We ve got, The Democrats in shame them into doing something understand. I know I'll pay you we were able to adapt feeling about which a lot of conservatives objected to. Remember that we didn't both for any appropriations. In that bill we didn't vote. We spend in their bill. That was, that was a plan of what we need to do
If the corporations we bought the Democrats to the table, we had a pair of twos, they had a royal flush because they certainly weren't afraid of I've seen seat majority that we had the house, but what they did is immense People were upset with the Democrats and they knew they had to come to the table. Can engage in an impeachment proceedings against darwin force in a democratic in short, schumacher to recognize. You gotta do something about this. I think you're you have to push it, we're not pushing you can't sit there and say we don't know what the endgame is going to be, and I and all due respect to darryl. I think that he's worried that if we go through this process, we're going to get you know snuffed out in the senate. But I think its worthy may be looking into it and putting the democrats on the spot. Yes, did they care about. we snuffed out in the senate now the whole point of. Impeachment now is to get information on a daily basis. Stay focused on the corruption.
In my view, if this guy, this attorney general, isn't I'm bob lawyer, we ve never seen one before effectively and not going to least have a hearing or hearings and investigation here, then, when will you d actually up? I can find an attorney general bags of bank money in his hands. Is that what it takes? I'll be there I mean Jim during the chair, the judiciary committee. I think you said the person it's gotta be pushing on that, They could be it'd be begun to do, but let me also say why it would be good politically, not just procedurally, the kurds are gonna, have to type elections in the senate side. So big actually allow would, if we expose this, are they and actually roper people about against impeaching someone It's done what miracle ireland has done, which is disgraceful. Thank goodness. You never became a supreme court justice I don't know they gotta lotta kamikaze politicians over there. I want to say never now yeah yeah clause The attorney I want to thank you. We want to have you back. That's new york's, twenty four district.
No, I they tried to stop her another going to try redistricting out of existence, because this is what the Democrats do. God bless you My friend take care of yourself Thank you and god bless you and your audience. I appreciate how much are you be she's a great patriot. Very nice, lady, isn't she, MR with it, but a great tough patriot, my reminder Leo to and crystal roofer will be on life, liberty and Levin. On this friday, I can tell you. I got up at illegally, get up at six or seven. In the morning I got about three thirty this morning. To work on my opening statement for sunday and I have to say it's a kick ass:
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hector you stand by that testimony on it, you ve nine owned or Personally, Emily your family ursula, yes, my wife on the plane We want appalling nodded. Five years that I have learned on this. Article is not an inaccurate that your family on the plane, you flew on a plane, My weary second wife, all yours, here's the issue. This isn't some kind of partisan gotcha When we are asking americans to make serious sacrifices as we transition for the cap good, I'm not transition in anything that my personal life- and I want my car perfectly happy with where I am and what I'm doing go ahead self. Are flying around on private jets. That smacks of hypocrisy. It actually hurt your cause, MR secretary, with all our
On one another miraculously implored made the right at least to set the record straight here. I do not fly on a private jet either. Let's stop a second. I don't fly up. The jet either we of jet blue and american airlines and united no, and I come back because virginian florida constantly. But if I had a private jet and all that goes with it, paying the pilots paying the people who made mean it paying the place that houses it at all estimate, the mechanics and so forth and I'd be putting a love people to work, I'm not in stood a private jet. I can afford a private shit. That's true! I cannot some can. I have the problem of people flying private jets. I have no problem with people buying
both ferrari's. I have no problem with any of it, but here we are you see, because this is how the Democrats play the game. This is where they push us, give a damn, if some guy is a private jet unless you gave birth here, I love that car by the way the chevy traverse it's like the all purpose car now I have a lexus as you ve in virginia, but in fort I have this shabby traverse, and you know what it's a fantastic car anyway go ahead, dude, I do not fly. I fly commercially. by above his salary. Has this position to limit lose her eye afloat five times in the last two and a half years on mill air which you all why on earth, and were somebody travel no errors the military
he may fly on? It sometimes he's a member congress. You fly on it all the time. You're, not a cabinet officer, and what the hell you are. You have been confirmed by the senate. You married into wells. He married a melon your first time around than you married a high your second time around go ahead. Otherwise. All of my trips are commercial level alone on a private jet in a personal or official capacity. Since you taken this position. possibly once I dont think honestly, This one do you think she is a dictator, carrico furthest,
a question at all that the present she is the major decider of the direction and of the policies of vision of act effectively a dictator. Well, I'm not, I don't think it's useful to get into line get it. It's not useful. The car hitler dictator toto, a dictator, muzzle lena dictator castro, did their great friend faces that whether america that's great threat, not nuclear missiles from communist china? Not that there building for war against such not? I don't know it's this son, it's this sun god. There angry with that kind of a stupid jackasses. This. We salute all our forces police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are wonderful truckers, their freedom
There's a ukraine in taiwan and you the smartest most loyal the past of all audiences ivan idea, a meter over at amazon right now that democratic, he hates america, and they prove at every damn day, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-15.