« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/11/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, government spending is like a heroin addict, being led by President Biden and the Federal Reserve. Americans have to cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper because Biden’s economy is collapsing, and consumers are being blamed instead of Biden for creating this disaster. Middle-class Americans are suffering, but Biden and the Democrat party don’t care as long as they get their spending and their programs funded by the taxpayers. Biden wants to be the new FDR and applies the same ideological socialism to a capitalist system, completely opposite to how Ronald Reagan grew the economy after inheriting a disaster. We have interest rates through the roof and going higher, and Biden’s answer is to spend more, empower the government, drain the private sector, and kill energy independence. Also, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was chosen because of her race and her gender, not because she was the smartest appellate judge or the best qualified, and the media wants to celebrate Sotomayor as the first female Latina on the court because she was chosen for symbolic reasons. Sotomayor had court staff members pressure institutions to buy her books in exchange for appearances and speeches, which is as extremely corrupt and as close to selling the office as anyone in the history of the court. Even worse, Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself in cases involving the publishers of her books despite a clear conflict of interest. Later, the Biden administration is known for being in full cover-up mode, and they are again with who brought cocaine into the White House to protect a family member or friend until they can find a fall guy or a diversion. Finally, why is the Trump trial being conducted during the presidential election?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the america mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven three once three, eight one one Seven seven three, eight one: three eight one: one american seeking deeper everyday essentials threaten corporate growth. This is Bloomberg now think about that. Don't they
backwards, american seeking cheaper, everyday essentials. Threatened corporate growth is the problem. Americans are seeking cheaper, everyday essentials It's a americans are cutting back on personal hygiene products and he troubling sign for the. U S, economy, Consumer focused companies now. So the thing you ve got Joe Biden About by now,. and he goes to read state to talk about a cake or any blue states, because other blue states, or in the cropper literally crap, all over the place. And so this story comes out only say society troubling sign for the us economy. The troubling sign for Joe Biden. and his ideology and his Approach to economics. And his re election bid.
I like the economy is doing this on its own. I've told you make eyes before. If you kill the golden goose, you don't get gold mags anymore. It's the way it works. Spite surging inflation shoppers kept spending Thanks to income gains and government stimulus, but its benefits are waning. Ladies and gentlemen, govern spending is like a heroine attic and the dealer. Its Joe Biden and the fed and it's been for years and years and years. The fact of the matter is you don't bill a real economy was sustained growth by profligate spending, it doesn't happen what you do.
And she destroy an economy that is trying to grow and that's exactly what they did after the pandemic. So they write despite surging inflation,. Shoppers cap spending thanks to income gains in government stimulus so for the democratic means more government stimulus that is more inflation. I'm going to drive us right in its pressure. Those benefits are winning now. Americans are skimping, even everyday items such as toilet paper, toothpaste, Never in my life I thought that His words would come out of my mouth, never imagined that americans have a scamp toilet paper, toothpaste, both ends of the body. These are essential. These risks. Why are the republican sitting this hard enough mister producer,
Times are going to Walmart. The costs go. See vs, walgreens and social. I'm checking out the prizes. I want to know. What's goin on get stuff for the family, so forth, and so on. and I see what's going on. There's also shortages. Are there any politicians who do this when's? The last time Joe Biden shuffled into a warmer now, they'll laugh like this, found K, partly others about Karen. it's just another way to tresham middle america by go? Obama did It's just another way: the trash middle merk, extremists, maggie the way to trash middle america, white, supremacist, middle america, they come up with different phrases. One more outrageous and vile than the next, but people
This country and are cutting back on toothpaste and toilet paper choose me and other hygiene products. next thing. You know the whole country smell like a democrat party convention more sites on the economic environment come on wednesday, but the release of. Consumer price index. They can really saw the index as they want all the unemployment. six. They want all the rest of it. I know what I see and I see a lot of people in pain. a lot of people I'll tell you it you've got like. Let's just take paper towels, you have bounty bounty as paper towels four equals twelve. I don't even know what they're talking about twelve equals. Thirty four
of toilet paper? It's like you. What the really really thick big roles. I've been a walmart and knowledge, or what do you want and now You get a whole package of a hundred and twenty. twenty equals one hundred and twenty. I am watching people and I don't blame them, go up to the little Signs that they have under each different type, the see how much they're paying per sheet of toilet paper per sheet of paper. Towels is to. Three point: one sense versus three point: seven cents which pays more, which went and then you get it decide. You really want to do a hundred and twenty toilet paper roles if he can afford it, regardless of how much it is pursuing People are sitting there standing there.
and figure it out or toothpaste. You know, too, for the price of this package of four for the price of that watch, the most they struggle over there. I look at that During the price of deodorant is through the roof its through the roof basic, tough, but the manufacturers and the fine. material that goes into these products. they have to assemble it, these extra costs. On top these, these disruptions supply chain for the little things Culture goes through the same thing. People who raise beef fowl.
Fisheries- are all gone through the same thing. This a crappy economy. It doesn't mean that you can't acquire things. It just means that their much more expensive than you dry by mcdonald's right here, right near me, And they have a sign up that says minimum wage up to Thirteen dollars an hour- that's a pretty. Damn good minimum wake. The problem is, you, stay ahead Ten dollars an hour Jude in charge from hamburg and fried chicken nuggets or a soda. Today, higher speaking away. Have you been to drive through lately, Mr Barroso? You can feed for people for people, not kids, for for adults. Let's put it that way.
Get a couple hamburgers side of fries and soda ten bucks. You gonna go through that drives renewed and pay forty hours for fast food. I don't play the fast food company, Their under enormous pressure and then the diner I go to When the ladys, who waits there and she's that these are terrific people, but there in their fifties and sixty she's always- and they are Very happy very pleasant how's your day, workin on has your book coming to very, very nice, and I always able your day normally thing she said to me today. Price of a gallon and gasoline are michael
one or just one up twenty cents again how this affects her she's, a waitress she's, a waitress. She lives mostly on. the warrant a whole lot of people in this morning, actually social make a ton of money this war. This is what people who get guaranteed Guaranteed salary guaranteed health care guaranteed pension striking for a little bit more or in the federal government. He closed the federal german, for a couple of weeks. They act like you're you're, choking off their sisters. Such this subsistence.
But the average person is not on the government, though, whether through well for employment. recent represented by the trade union. Which is the vast majority of the people, their suffering. Middle and low middle class people are suffering. and the people in washington in the media, don't care to people in washington and the bureaucracy dont care, Joe Biden, doesn't care he's telling his economy the damn, Pray party doesn't care that just create a couple more programmes and not blame republicans from blocking they don't care.
the strange that the consumer is under, have been exacerbated over the last couple of months, said: morningstar analysed, error, lash, the reduction of food assistance programme business Lower tax returns and using up extra savings and stimulus funds from an impact she said so, in other words, for bloomberg and for more star the problem is we're not Bending enough money. The problem is we're not track and up the economy on a heroine enough. Now is my friend, Craig shirley wrote yesterday, comparing the again in the Biden, economies, ragged arm ex verses by non ex reagan; amis, which. Lied almost a hundred percent on the private sector and the market capitalist system
by not mix which trashes the market system of the capitalist system and relies on MR hundred percent redistributing wealth and socialist economic principles. There is no comparison, no comparison When ragging came in office, people were scrimping under the carter economy. Much like the Biden economy, same principles. But one reagan came in, he blew the Off the whole thing, massive cover economic expansion. the economic expansion in fact was so massive. Twenty five percent of the nation's economy?. By twenty five percent by the time reagan left office, the whole And it shall grew by twenty five percent mass was the reagan economic growth plan that either
after george bush's fairly poor presidency. Bill Clinton was still benefiting from the policies that were put in place to turn the regular administration. and the media were focused on homelessness, sky mitch schneider and why When you see they were there I know network tv they go to Homeless, shelter they go to a food line. what did you to believe that right, he created all this poverty destroyed. All this well didn't care about. Little kids didn't care about older people didn't care. People were in bread lines, depression. It was a lie me, while I just read we were blown by, which is a liberal new site, said Andrews, no cameras at walmart, no cameras at costco, there's no amorous at sea, vs walgreens, there's no cameras at the gas station.
there's, no areas. I've average american families having to struggle nothing. No discussion about whatsoever, On these main media play for nothing, And I want to salute the united autoworkers. That's right! I want to salute the: u s w Joe Does a represent your interests, in fact Joe Biden? I represent the interests of any private sector unions, public sector unions, minus the cops and the firefighters sure. That's the teachers He has no respect for the air fell seo the mother ship to go out there endorse Biden, his sickening to me. He's destroying the auto manual, Acting industry he's just the steel industry, is destroyed.
The coal industry. he's destroying all of our hard industries where men and women, get third under their fingernails, of which they know not damn thing in Washington d c: back, then, if we, and anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year, according to fidelity. We didn't expect that then, something that could help. If you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go In your eye ray the world goal, council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold. Now, what is it? You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call a gusting get
the ultimate guide to gold. Iras feels good to know. There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call. A gust of precious metals and aids. In seven for gold. I re that's eight seven so for god, I re eight, seven, seven My god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. Press this metals tat come now. The same report from Bloomberg indicates that people are buying less food than before. Their cutting corners on food, both the amount of food and the quality of food in america.
maize, consumer spending report showed inflation, adjusted household outlays for all goods and services of off oh stalled, their stuck. Personal hygiene products, including staples, not staples for news for papers. You know staple products taken a hit. unit saw toothpaste, laundry detergent, toilet paper down. People are cutting their purchases in the last fifty two weeks through june. Twenty four. And they expect a very tough remainder. The year for consumer consume consumer. Good companies thing about this point during gamble, shipman volumes of decline for the past four quarters, goes for rival, kimberly clark corporation, so prices are subsiding. That is their going down.
And are going down big time. I are actually going up, what I'm saying is people are buying a lot less. It's going way down I'll, be right back if we, and anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect. That, then, something that could help if you Evan I re or for a one k, physical in your eye array the world gall capsule says even central banks are buying tons of gold does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to my in family. You should call a gusting get there also, a guide to gold. I raise feels good. there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids.
Evans, seven for gold- I re that's eight seven, so. For god, I re eight seven, seven My god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta precious metals, dot com mark levin, thunberg from a right away. Now, eighty seven seven, three, eight one, forty eight one one. There is a lesson to learn and almost everything. So if we take the time to pay attention, in the same bloomberg, article. A gentleman by the name of MIKE laser chief Transformation officer and senior partner consultant profit says. fuller, just saying, I'm going to buy less because it's gotten too expensive. And he says one a very precarious position, not only the health of the consumer, but the health of the economy
this is why I study what I study. I know what I know and I write what I write. Franklin roosevelt in here Did a horrendous recession. A horrendous recession. Franklin rose about did not inherit the great depression. He caused the great depression, By doing exactly the wrong things. with a horrendous recession. When we were coming out of the pandemic in supply
it's part of the last year of the trump presidency. The economy was beginning to bloom, like flowers like buds on the plant, and he comes Joe Biden and he takes a hacksaw to all of it because he wants to be the new franklin, roosevelt as your In the democratic party eight to mark, so the new franklin rose about what should I say, the old franklin rose about Joe not nearly as intelligent by an applies, the same ideological. Socialism that franklin rose did to capitalist system that needed breathing room, they needed capital and instead they got the opposite.
Reckon inherited a horrific recession. His response was to slash taxes. To slash regulations. To grow the economy. That was his response. The federal reserve, massively increased interest rates to cope with the horizon. inflation caused again by carter, and the Democrats. But reagan saw what the fuck did in both the fed had to do in order to do so. Inflation, but he didn't want to come. Depression on the fiscal side. We have the opposite going on here. We have interest, Wage going up and up and up and fed said they're gonna go higher many people living off credit cards now But her horrendous interest rates- I saw one- did a twenty nine point: nine percent. How did I see
Send me these cards, which I'm not gonna, use, of course, but other people have to. And binds answer is spend. Empower the federal government redistribute wealth rain, the blood out of the private sector. smash mouth and undermine the successful elements of the private sector, energy independence and deliver it to the in his chinese, the automobile industry. The oil industry, the coal industry, the steel industry and that's exactly what they're doing.
And we are in a very precarious position. Is this gentleman said we're teeter, teetering and were Joe Biden has hoping with the help of the media. He got muscle through That they can pretend that none of this is going on with all these people in our country. They are campaign. At this, the thing the democratic party. Represents essentially two broad groups. Now. The extremely wealthy white and not just why athletes to many of whom are black, but mostly why, You know the manhattan types, the greenwich village types the brower county types I go on and on and on you know who I mean, those people and the very, very poor.
The democratic party has given up on the middle class as march put us in these classes side the play along. So people understand what I'm talking about its own green now, so the vast middle class they ve given up on and then they they character assassinated. And they have people on MSNBC who character assassinated and they'd, be we cnn who characterise asinine. Why? Because the These are the propagandists for that A crab party, the democratic parties, have said many times now. Stick with me is the state party. You can start hearing the back bench spew this stuff, stick with me. And the media is the state media. This is why they are connected to him and the vast bureaucracy that is protected from all this protected from all is not part of a markets
The czechs are paid no matter what. Are there not laying off people in a bureaucracy they're letting our people in the private sector? But the point is when it comes to the private sector. The only way the government can survive. It's like an alien in the body, it's like Cancer cells in your body, it has to keep eating the white blood that has to keep the varying the white blood cell. Well, you know what happens eventually right, the body dies. You can't survive, but that's a fair. I would argue example, what's happening in our economy.
and why is this done? Power have said for twenty years, people wanted them power. What is usually paying do what he does on behalf of the communist party against his country's people, power Putin's power born power, Islam or nazi regime power care about the people and neither does the democratic party they don't care about the people. Just because they say they do look at their actions, look at the consequences of the wreck. and when they say tat the rich they dont mean all the rich. They make new rich new billionaire new democrat dark money, donors, that's what they do. So they destroyed people who coral quote: get rich.
Of oil and gas rich off of automobile rich format, but they wanted a whole new democratic party group, a billionaires We'll get rich doing what solar panels proposal the ocean, killing the whales They transfer tens a bit dollars of your hard taxpayers money to them and then they, self righteously. Tell you why they care about you. The little people. This is how I explain it all in a thousand other things in the democratic party heads america, the proof is beyond debate. It's beyond debate- and I noticed amazon slashed- do about forty percent of discount. That's a good thing. America.
and the more priorities. There are. The more discounts. But I want to tell you what I mean I don't wanna bring up target thing again, but I have no choice. The daily beast- a k, a beast reality is a democrat party pro. Ganda Pravda, like operation, try mock them. They used a mock and do pravda and all the putin's russia government controlled, Platforms, that is the daily beast. Despite all the tyranny, that's going on the daily bees it is in lockstep, with the tyranny, but here's here's an example, a useless to point out how they conducted. There's target thing it's back to since over so here,
she's measures with the post today, exclusive mark, Levin meltdown Talk radio tighten mark live induced pre sales of his new book. The democratic he hates america last week by crying call cancer, culture unquote in claiming to It was censoring his tone over its inflammatory title only for them tell it to reverse coarse and carry it course and realities book was never in danger of not hitting target shelves on Wednesday. Evening, levine blared on twitter. Their target will not carry the democrat party hates america because of might offend scratch employing fans borders book directly through amazon without going through democrat party corporatist The next day the fox news weaken host claimed target has where's course will be taking my new book in its stores upon its release, and it goes on.
Before I went on the air. I contacted a very senior vice president and simon and shoes. And I went through the scenario again they order thirty thousand books correct. Yes, then they contacted you folks and said forget it. Putting the book on the shelves. The title is is to provocative, correct, correct. then, after we spent a day on radio, maybe in our time think about it. They reverse course they contacted you they will put the books on the shelves and apologize for all the confusion and back and forth direct correct. and at no time where we talking about target dot com. As I correct that's correct, A further question, ladies and gentlemen: the daily beast is supposed to be a new site, even though we know it lies through its teeth. I said to your knowledge that the daily direct contact. Our folks had Simon shoes
She said to my knowledge, no. and so they want the whole world. To believe that I cried The controversy one in fact, spending to controversy That's how it works. That's Works in marxists and fascistic regimes that, I worked in a nineteen thirty. I tell her work in the early nineteen hundreds with a proper Is there woodrow wilson? That's the daily beast, that's media! That's media matters. That's the near Times which covered up the holocaust, as that washed impose. Naturally, they are. As they lash out as a group against. Easy to set this aura.
You know clarence, thomas and we'll get to that in a minute. That's how they conduct themselves, I tell you, MR producer: this would be their slant. It's my fault, ladies and gentlemen, but this is why I hate them. This is why wrote the book Now the daily beast reality doesn't have enough of a viewer ship from you to include the men, the book or in any book, but it's illustrative what takes place whether was meet the depressed under truck todd or All these other programs. It's the same thing. I don't have the juice Priority or sales by critics controversy. I don't have the juice anything and they know it
But they also know what they say here will be repeated by four five other munchkin operations, but it doesn't matter. I call him out to prove a point. And what's hilarious about this, when you do get the book and read it you'll see they want right into the trap every single day. I'm time. because of who they are. There I back, then, if we, anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year, according to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit. Here is something that could. help. If you have an eye re or for a one k physical go. in your eye ray the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold,
does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re without augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet. And family, you should call a gusting get there, also A guide to gold. I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. evans, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven, For god I eight seven, seven why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com. by the way, I won't have time to jump into their soda your matter, but we're gonna jump into a big time. Mccrae party reaction, which is non existent them, Craig media reaction, which is non existent, isn't amazing, no cause
peach meant by air, its choked in my throat no demands for a new ethics rules based on what she did and what she did. Is so outrageous clear, violation of ethics and conflict of interests. They trying concoct against clarence thomas on a daily basis. Against SAM alito against neo gorse it by this pro pubic, this Phony leftwing, san francisco, based group of people best in the end or throw reprobates who are funded by dark money. Oh yes, That so called journalist operation, shockingly the one that has exposed the latin exe. Is the associated depressed Oh now, what are we gonna do.
are we going to do? We can't trash a peace as the left we need them. They. the biggest wire service on the face, the earthen there, so useful when we need to attack trumpet the scientists and other conservatives, but here, sir, but he stepped out. Brian slots go and Eric Tucker. To reporters they're gonna have to go. They need learn from maggie habit, they need, learn from journeys peters, they need learned from philips bump. Art and straight lines are that way. You'll get appeal at your price. Then we have received on this coming, it's like the politburo here metals to to there. to their newly minted marshals, and you get one you know one did you know you just gotta lifecycle, mom and keeping them.
but have watch these mob documentaries their frankness. But I think we one it's called the Biden regime. I just wanted to say if and he who I like Ukraine, who I support thanks. Gonna, get into NATO right now, there's smoke and sent them he had joined NATO right now, which would trigger article five a complete world war com like in having american troops and so forth, I mean that that's a little over the top. this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship, pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground, then both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the hello america mark levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one folks! Let me see, ass to you that the white house knows who brought the cocaine into the white house. unless the fbi, the secret service and all the rest of them are completely pathetic. It's for cover up This is what they buy. Demonstration does full cover up mode
This is what their known for I mean from the communist chinese to tara, read dollar estimate, since my intention that they know who brought that into the building to their family member, a friend or donor. Or a senior Person over there at the white house at it, that's it. And so the stonewalling synod continue until they can find Far guy or something else had diversion. I want to be diverted from this justice soda. My your issue so to my oars, not particularly brecht, Democrats, say what they will against Clarence Thomas miguel estrada such a If group of red blooded,
americans and they trash them because of their race. So to my or was chosen because of a race and Cause of her genitalia, she was smartest appellate, judge. now some of you might say, quickly in the media? How can you say that it's amazing to me think about this? The meat wants to celebrate her. As the first is the first Female latina extra on the court. And then, when you notice it. They say. Why are you mentioning the fact that she is a female latina. I'm sorry I'm an added dimension it, but you are. But what I am also mentioning is she wasn't the best qualified.
She was chosen. for symbolic reasons. The reason jackson was chosen for symbolic reasons. That, certainly not to say that aren't really smart minorities at the federal court. But they're really really smart minorities at the federal carlo. There's no question about that: she's, not one of them. She is now want, how do I know what is it based on Listening to her during oral arguments, when those clips are released ray in what she says, which is typically some kind of a political screen in her writings. doesn't come close declared standards, nothing, not even a mile away from clarence Mrs thinking processes.
They need the left mercilessly attacks, clarence thomas. They can't attack his Elegance they can attack. the way he reasons the way he explains himself in his opinions, you, sir, Can we sort of mayor. And now we are in this I get going here. I want you to think of a couple of things. There hasn't been a word from a single democrat in congress today. There hasn't been a word from a single democrat phony journalists, Today, about what I'm going to tell you. yo see, has not called for the impeachment of soda meyer. Now that the rest of the slugs, what do they call themselves must release Quiet on the slugs, the rest.
slugs haven't either where's little dick Durbin absolute, munchkin of a politician? Where is he. Run it or I wager where's rascal, not a word. Why is it cause our Bunch of democratic party marches hacks. That's why sensible one mark. Why there you go you go? This is a big deal. She is so come up in conflicts and grafter. a griffin for the people. Four colleges and libraries seeking a bold face, name of a guess lecture few. bigger than sonya soda, my or the supreme court justice who rose from her? rose from piracy in the bronx to the nations highest court, which were born in the bronx must reduce.
And you rose from very modest means: did you you should be in the court to. She is better fitted to from schools, purchases of hundreds, sometimes thousands of books, cheese written over the years So the some sort of my own staff is often prodded public institutions. Now this staff is on the government. Para prodded public institutions have hosted the this device memoir children's books, works it. Burned her at least three point: seven million. Since she joined the court in two thousand and nine. I wonder if beachy reality, you know. The daily beast reality. I wonder if they've done a story on this, they flat out lied about me flat out, Is there some details of those events, largely out of the public view, came by the associated depressed
more than one hundred open records request to public institutions. Solving tens of thousands of pages of documents. Afraid, rare look at soda. My your and her fellow justice is, beyond their official duties, So you see, even they can't do a straight store. They gotta dragging the other justices, but trust me at least As far as we know, right now,. So am I or is as close as being As somebody her office is energy This has ever been case, the documents reveal repeated examples of taxpayer funded court staff performance tests for the justices book ventures. which workers in other branches of government are barred from doing. I remember when I speak right, member, that guy with the eyebrows. He had a resign because of a bulk sale. By union donations, or some such thing, this right
any we come close to what sort of my or has been up to stick with me, but when it comes To promoting her literary careers ceremony or is free to do what other gemmen fish was cannot because the supreme court I have a form a code of conduct, leaving the nine. Justice is to largely writing enforced your own rules. Ok hold on a second. This is Thing to do with the other eight justices, nothing and so take the laurels that I gave Brian slots go and Eric Tucker. I take them back his you boys, you ve. The story, the story of your careers and you keep watering it down but that's what I'm here to do fix it. This is one of the most basic tenets of ethnic laws that protects taxpayer dollars for misuse, said kendrick pain, a former deputy chief counts of the office of snow ethics and carriage general council for the campaign, legal centre, whatever the hell that problem with this
Cream quarters citys There's? No one there to say whether this is wrong. That's not the problem at the supreme court, the problem, that sort of my or used her position and make millions? That's the problem supreme, Stanford's had been deeply involved in organizing speaker engagements intended to sell books that his conduct, prohibited from members of congress and the executive branch or a bartender ethics rules, blah blah blah when Saddam IRA's invited to participate in a book programme chamber, Staff but they're trying to say there is Supreme court's staff. recommend the number of books for an organizational order they On the size of the audience so as not to disappoint attendees, who may anticipate books being How about the event. That's a quote. Unquote says the court
that's a way for her to make money without having to be transparent from the group that she speaking, she knows exactly what she's. The documents obtained by a p show that the justices conduct span Their conservative liberal split their conduct their they go again. Book spit assails appearances by the justices, reuse and hopes are raising money at schools an invited major contributors to the events. Ok, let's stick to the fat these guys there like what is that. Oh c d, where, whether whether heavy color attention deficit, I can't focus mr produce. In twenty nineteen is sort of my your travel, the country to promote or new children's book, just ask live community college officials in Portland oregon jump at their chance. host an event.
They put in long hours and accommodated the shifting requests are certainly yours. Court staff, then there's the public costs hosting the events sword saddam. Ten fold. a ceremony or eight emailed with a different urgent concern. The organizers had not brought enough of her books, which attendees had to purchase. I have on hand in order to meet certain my yours after that sweden will you after her talk. I mean focuses is right in your face for. and with one thousand people, and they have to have a copy just ass to get into the line. Two hundred and fifty bucks is deaf not enough. The aid wrote on Lee roadstead staffers at the molten county library, called families, purchase, multiples and people be upset if they are unable to get in line, because the book required is sold out. Daily beast reality: this
a phoney push to sell books. Can you understand the distinction? Now you can punch mouse. It was not an isolated push, a sort of my or prepared for commencement weekend at the university, California, Davis law, school, her staff, officials there on buying copies of sign books in connection with the event before visit, the university was cards in staff, suggested a book sign must reach. I think she more books signings than I do. I do top pops form when it becomes a pops for. but we're on the private sector. Here we're not. I have never. The supreme court staff of sis mean anything. clemson university in south carolina school officials ordered by sixty sign copies before when he seventeen appearance sort of Our staff noted that Goals voted around four hundred: they just keep jack in the box ass. You see
This can stay university, a sort of my order come the campus trying Eighteen spent more than one hundred thousand dollars these ever memoir Israel, government institutions, my books, kenny with shop in libraries, one at a time. and what was her fantastic book. Her memoirs, my beloved world to distribute the incoming dear students, how much you wanna bet she had staff helper right that book just to surmise the books were shipped to the supreme court. Copies were taken to her chamber, is by court workers and signed by before being sent to the sky so she lists the separate, but I thought a one off books, you know senators sense
justice timber. Would you please sign? I got that that makes sense, she's getting boxes and boxes of books from the publisher to sign for the university book so that she demanded as a requisite. To speaking stunned, another justice on the bench that does anything like this as best as He may try to sort of fudge all this Sort of my or whose annual salary this year's two hundred eighty five thousand four hundred Does not alone and earning money by writing books? That's not the point. There. They go again such promotional efforts- damaging the supreme court's public standing further by placing it The visual justice above the institution itself.
Michael J deluded. Why do they go to him? Who cares what he says? He, like blue, a mental gasket. Suddenly, yours, publisher, penguin, random house, it, played a role in organizing or talks some cases pressing public institutions to commit the buying a spit specific number of car, is requesting that attendees purchase books to obtain tickets emails show. Publishers had several matters before the court in which sotomayor did not recuse yourself. Let's get this straight. so so to my hour, has tons of books too Went to her office at the supreme court when she signs, so it's a washed her So am I your has governments staff how pursuit of these meetings should be these speeches and obviously prods the people and
Firstly, these government institutions public institutions to cough up the money there now Her publisher, penguin random house, has, several matters before the supreme court. Now you can have a case a has a matter before the supreme court. In its your publisher, one of the justices publisher. That has absolutely nothing to do with, say anything related to the publishing of books might have some do attacked. Who knows which is a much closer car, but not this. just as soda judge says so to my or would have we in cases in which penguin random house was a party in light of her claws It's an ongoing relationship, the publisher, the supreme court. In a statement in inadvertent omission, feathering penguins part patient, in several cases their attention. Why is that?
She, just as we have a list I mean everybody has to do. This even even members of congress. I mean. Is an amazing, the court that they put these rulings down and you're supposed to be the perfect citys. But now we get this. Person closed a sort of my or who insisted on anonymity to discuss the justices book. We said that sort of more europe had not will not profit from elsa. Remember beyond three point: one million: that's her advance! That's very cause! No nice, Mr Miller, She's not taken one penny beyond three point: one million. Mr bidders. Now one She continues to earn royalties at least four hundred thousand dollars, since twenty nineteen from says of her children's book. Just ask wonder if her children's book has pictures in it, MR producer, that are wholly inappropriate.
And yet in great demand in our elementary schools. More when I return was love in the you know, companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news for new and current pure talk, customers. Pr talk just had a dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be veteran one and only hires the best customer service team right here in america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network. In america just go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast, to make the switch to pure talk.
you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today, justice soda, my your whenever this one, costs associated with an event that a portland community college. Not a very wealthy community college They had a raise a thousand dollars the host the event. Co hosted it with the martyr. A county library. They raised fifteen hundred dollars the car. to the event which was controlled by So am I your staff, her locked legal assistance lee sword to try These thousand dollars by the tunnel was held in twenty nineteen naomi el communications and Lee on behalf of a sort your wrote
Please show me the screen where people can purchase books. ray staffers. They prepared to make the tickets available displacing just ask on the port or all of the justices books when the free tickets were quickly Does she s library officials to publicize those who could not get tickets could still meet the justice if they purchased a book. Again, if she's in the private sector, who cares, sotomayor is the poster child for corruption and conflicts.
Interest, you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk customers, pure doctors had a data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hot spot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to pure
Can you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. Listening to our knowledge of great one regret one can you can call it now? Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one all roads, all roads, that led to the destruction. America go through the democratic party, all roads. The doorn report comes out with these horrendous stasi, like tactic by the fbi, the department of justice by obama, Biden, white house by Hillary Clinton and they trash dorm
I've ordered this three hundred some page document and while there were excerpts before and virtually no hostess read it We know media person has read it. They go to the back. To look frequently. I read it. Over the course of the last three days. This is A condemnation of federal law enforcement, I'd nothing! I've ever read of my life, If you read this you'd be shaken. Maybe the gentleman whose video we played audio ever on this programme near POE. tat an exclusive. and he went to the fbi to- Days in europe, the man on the buying Really coding, joan by Joe Biden with time, to this trend.
Communist state run energy company, that's environment, so much of the Biden family. He warned them about. It is beyond he warned them about a whole bunch of it. And he put this video out- I believe a worse last week on the fifth he was indicted yesterday-. Indicted for felonies that if you use convicted first of ease- back to the united states of is convicted extradited. he'll serve over a hundred years and federal prison. we have f b? I agents who become whistleblowers Follow them very brave men. I think a one case, a woman.
Their careers have been destroyed by the Bye administration. We have virus officials who obstructed by the department of justice, Which means that the attorney general knows exactly what he's doing? Don't let that stupid, constipated look on his pathetic melting face confuse! You is a mob lawyer. Twenty years for the Biden mob and. What did we learn there? He can go on the shell corporeal. All the rest, I don't need to do the list freda or as Biden would say.
Only to do the thing you know the thing: it's pretty incredible. What goes on with this pathetic operation? Meanwhile, Donald trump fighting for his liberty, But the reason I bring up the doorn report is because everything is happening today. Nothing has changed from the russian collusion lies To the leading to the media, to the abuse of power to the top giving away individual or individuals to protect of other individuals like buying. I ordered this on amazon and I got this book. I encourage you to read it this report. Rather, The job of a special council is not only to bring bad guys to kneel it's to put out a report for the american people. That's what you did. What do you think that
the trash this man dorm even some the third conservatism libertarian. Why did indeed indict anybody read? The report read the report, its chapter and verse, detail after detail, In most cases, when they could find out, they name names. You know why this report took so long. cause you add a man and team toward a pull teeth, who had to deal with it, I'm in a just solution than the fbi, nobody, better, had I d than those people here to keep going. around one barrier after another, had to avoid one trap after another. The report because this report,
you exactly what's taking place tat. I know deference, accept a double down. They wanted the truck before and are going to have to have again ignore that fat, slob christie and its twin bill bar. These are footnotes the footnotes, the footnotes. History is shoe pity. the nations under attack. These systems are under attack no, sunday night, I did life liberty eleven, and I want to thank you folks again. We were number one overall viewers. not just sunday night, but all sunday, as all day, saturday
Tell you why it's very simple I haven't changed. I haven't changed since I was thirteen years old, my belief system and my principle. There is some new. he's out there. Conservatives are whenever they call themselves who take their little shit. So these are political midgets. They don't matter your keys. And the other reason is you come over to watch cause I've most loyal radio audience every ten simple, I dont a p. I don't change her trouble peel to all the moderates, I don't care. yeah, one life, the live, how you gonna live! It turned out many people- you don't agree with sectors that my partisanship with who for what.
They want to destroy us, they want to destroy me, my family, you and your family there, destroying our country by. Some ship on what on what. And a blatant by partisanship anymore, than the commonest chinese, believin, Bi partisanship, so say, mentality anyway. So the trump lawyers last night money night made a violent To judge cannon and this master reinhardt right It's in miami, as I recall canada's and for pierce. I believe both in florida. Response in opposition to the government's motion for continuance from proposed revised scheduling order, so what they did something we talked about. On life liberty and live in two sundays ago, which is.
Why is this trial or anything associated with it being conducted during the court? this presidential election is gonna be done after the election. There ought to be after the election there's no statute, statutory limitation issues, no prob snow, its problems and operas procedural problems. arguments are going to be destroyed, lesser destroyed by the government. Could they have on, and so they said, the judge, fountains and purposes or we have presidential election here in our client colonies, Focus on that, rather than. focusing on how to protect him from a rope prosecutor, wants to put him in prison for the rest of his life plus Complicated constitutional evidentiary procedural issues here. We have many motions that we have to develop once we gather all the information at the government has mean I've had
to do this and they have unlimited resources. We don't. and then finally, there also challenging again. As we mention this holiday. Idea that classified documents anything really that they need to remain secret and should not be used in an open trial. Ps on that. That's not our works. That's that actually the worst spies in america the way works is. You read in the lawyers and other secure. a programme on a truncated basis, an apparent on the government to demonstrate that every single sentence and paragraph in every document that's labelled somehow that's classes.
Number one is justifiably label that way and number two ought not be presented in open court. That's on the government, that's not on donald trump. We have public trials in this country, that's required by the constitution. Now what? If it's some kind of classified information that should be in open court to dampen That's a judgment that the government made. The government made a judgment knowing full well that certain of these documents, presumably should be part of a public trial. and they indicted anyway. Another saying, please judge, put your finger, though, put your whole damned body rather scales of justice in favour us. This is why you rarely see death penalties for spies,
had to be tried in open court, we don't have special spy courts and they have every right. To not only see the materials but. Adam presented in open court towards jury front of a judge, To challenge them to raise questions about them. Like any other document, Did you know this america? It's true That's how irresponsible this indictment is. So they well yeah, that's why, when, when I read- and I discussed with you- that the President president trumps lawyers agreed to his go along with this I said what the hell are. They doing turns out. They didn't or at least they reverse course. And there's numerous other things these lorries can do and I'm going to talk about it on sunday to that file motion to dismiss the indictment on the presidential records with a pr
We called that governs the relationship between former presidents and the national markets, and the department of justice said so and argued in the traditional watch case or the Clinton sacked your case. Only in a holding their which, ever been challenged. Now, holding that the department of justice at the time, demanded and set a precedent, on his own, unilaterally, what is or is not property under these The archives act. Now they consume president civilly, presumably, but you can't criminalize this and there's no criminal Tea in the presidential record jack, so that's emotion. I'd file. Then I'd file motion. We ve talked about this to dismiss pay on the general warrant concept now legal analysts, many of whom were former federal prosecutes
probably violated the constitution. To paint we don't stay with a general warrant is or it's been so ordered. It doesn't matter what matters to me. This master. Not a full blown judge reinhardt allowed the government. To seize the documents were in moral, argo. But because of the nature of the warrant,. They seized documents that never belong to the government. They just seized documents. I we're packaged in boxes. So, in other words, this job Authorized the swat team, so mara largo to rummage through everything everything.
Including, presumably,. the drawer that had private clothing of the first lady now the war. did not incorporate the affidavit by reference and it didn't allow the collection of a sense of ownership. Like you see another search, So this warrant is defective, so I would move I've file a motion to dismiss the search work as eight constitutional, general art, that's what I will do what elsewhere, I'd file, emotion, dismissed grand jury brute abuse prosecutor This kind of this is the real torpedo that should go into the side of the good ship lollipop.
and I will explain a mortgage. I've run out of time. You do. I owe you a commercial distribution. Let's do it will take. Ok then I want to focus on this cause it's important, I these things publicly, yes to convey information delors, who I dont know what this point who were involved and in this case.
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I talk and you ll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g. I an podcast, make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today by the way. This next motion, I want to discuss with you it's it's two crucial. The russian in the next two and a half minutes it's where we have left the segment. But I want a laid out and clear data for you because you haven't heard it before These things are on the move, so I want you to be informed What can be done and should be done now check that government. Our answer fell by. otherwise the stalinist will come after you folks, don't miss the next. Our and want to get into great detail on the next motion that should be file there needs to be some explanation,
the lawyers there, whether they be defence, counselor prosecutors are former prosecutors. No, no exact what I'm talking about I'll be right back my friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be Am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss, but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la,
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No, assuming president trumps team now has the whole unredeemed could affidavit that was supposed to be attached to the warrant. I have no idea whether they do or not they would Motion dismiss the search warrant lower case called francs francs. I'm badly after affidavit war, have material omissions or misstatements a fact. suppressing the search warrant ends the whole case, so great This on this motion, One area of miss statement would be the communications between J brat, who was the. But if they had a counter intelligence for the department of justice and having corcoran, who Has been one of the lead lawyers for president trump on this matter,
I'm in a justice has given different accounts for what. two corcoran said so attacking that could prove helpful, plus. Putting the j on the defensive to explain J brad is credible is a good strategy, so that's why you want to see this affidavit. Nice to the motion. just so you know if somebody files a most? If somebody succeeds I'm getting a warrant. The leads these things had took place more largo And they say: oh I'm, sorry misunderstood what someone so sad or I didn't have all the facts. Are that case folks? Just for you to say, good faith is not an exception, as you can imagine, because the government would be arguing good faith all the time. Good faith is not an exception.
And so there are emails, I'm guessing that J brat as written with others. And if they show animosity towards present trump, that's very, are important in these guys are arrogant and biased. We saw this in the doorn report and the dormant so odds are there's a paper trail of high ranking officials, Celebrating their unique politicized treatment with trump, so that goes to the issue of what it was presented to the judge was honestly presented to the judge I into their mouths lives in getting this general warrant, so that to me is very, very important. Eyes to a motion dismissed for grand jury, abuse and pray.
Get her on the card. Is this interesting mister, blausser, everybody's eyes, rollin up into their heads he'd gone. Here's the thing. This is where J bread in the report It extortion of state, Woodward is relevant. Stanley woodward is the lawyer for wat, not town, and a? U t here, the long time aid to president traps former these are the navy veteran they work for president trumpet the white house continued with them into the private sector. Now this motions very very important why because stanley woodward accuses.
Same guy J, bread of extortion. But what does have me. Stanley woodward has applied for and is being seriously. save for a superior court judge ship in Washington DC. It's a competitive process. Mr brat, apparently in so many words, said well, I am aware that the you wanna, be a judge in Washington dc napoleon pure situation. If your client would testify against president truck that's extortion, Stanley woodward, who is a very highly regarded lauren Washington DC. What course,
was very upset by them. This matter is now supposedly. Being reviewed by an obama appointed chief charge, the motions judge in d in secret everything's in secret, it doesn't need to be done and see No more than the attorney client privilege issue should have been done in secret. Not judges ruled. but only the government gives to cherry pick and put into a finally, what it wants to put into the filing or leak what it wants to leak he can't get. It is not acceptable that acceptable now.
There should also be, in my view, an attempted discovery on this depositions, particularly of mister brett. Now this is a time think judges don't like to do that here in the middle of a trap, but this is a very soon This allegation, ladies and gentlemen, varies extortion. by somebody in the special council office the lawyers representing somebody that they want to turn dates witness against donald trump, so it should start with, Demand for discovery to get the judge station preservation hall, don't let them destroyed things, and he you by the judge. I would argue of the internal communications of the department, the see if there's any bias against trump.
There could be a straight due process argument under the fifth amendment, for dismissing it based on deferential, treat me Trot by the fbi, the the j- usually that's very difficult- to get, of course,. But this at least is a vehicle by which the entire story can be told. This is about fundamental justice, fundamental justice. Now, as far as I know, the travellers can be doing some of this already behind the scenes. I have no idea, that's not my place to ask and put any one in a difficult position. but this judge cannon needs to know about all this and she doesn't. and for all, we know, there's many issues like this. Many moments like this that
he doesn't know about their none of us know. And I would strongly encourage president trumps lawyers. To begin filing your motions: now you italy, will, wait for the judge to rule on the trial data issue that you filed on Monday night last night. You can file motions One of the time piecemeal are all at once. It was you To get this matter, these matters You need to start the fight now and you might seek. various forms of emergency appeal, there's latin for this. I'm not going to bother you, but it's important, I would also argue that Jim Jordan and Jim comber even other
What a fantastic job might want, one or two other staffers to start to look at this as well. That is these abuses of the justice system. We fund the justices, lynch abuses of power. The J brad extortion story is getting no attention, none. Why? Well, because nobody really looking her. No I've talked about a referral to the officer professional responsibility. I talked about it on my life, liberty and Levin show. that opium needs to investigate the MR. The misconduct. Document all the misconduct, the leaks misstatements by justice, department, attorneys and officials. I give
Thirty days, maybe a back sixty days, so they get all the The resources to move fast, whose also technic but crucially important matter that we need to be aware of you ready. this judge reinhard in florida he's. Magistrate who signed the search warrant Cannot be handling motions. So a search warrant. The issuing magistrate is who he is. Can't be the issuing magistrate and the reviewing magistrate. They can't be both. So a federal judge can and delegates search warrant litigation to him for recommendations that, bloggers need to object objectives
and precisely because that would be pathetic and I'm worried about that judge not because she doesn't have been tabled. I worried that they ve been pressuring her that she's over her shoulder the Democrats that the media than ever. proper is it certain legal analysts it a form, turning general. Don't look over your shoulder, be brave, be brave, has the department of justice disclosed everything that they're supposed to disclose to the defence. Have they I don't know if not, President trumps lawyers need to file emotional compel particularly documents in the raid. And other documents that are no longer classified.
And there's probably grand jury testimony from people saying Donald trump declassified matters that left his off And then another more moral that certainly exculpatory at least its mitigating information under what's called the Brady rule. The Brady motion needs to be turned over to Donald trump slurs forthwith, and there are tricks that prosecutors can play the gunman Play holding on information at the last minute so that defence counsellor the rethink their approach to the entire case. That cannot be tolerated. I want to remind you who this prosecutor is, that he cut corners and one after republican. Jenny, governor bob Mcdonnell datum, convicted. when a preposterous reading of the bribery statutes and this
We court threw it out eight zero and this guy jack Smith was headed. public integrity section. He was the big dog under the criminal division. He pulled this stunned with John edwards rewrite effectively the federal election laws to it, donations There were used to put girlfriend then pregnant girlfriend in an apartment building which these had a positive impact on his campaign. Same kind of stunt on brags pulling and the jury on six different counts, would not convict. In one case, it outright said not guilty the other five This was a hungary since learned that hungary. was eleven, the one that there was one juror, just one who wanted a convict
The other levin said no way, and so they. can tell really section again which jack psmith headed had dropped the It's because I know they had no case, and am I mind you, as I can And if you do my research, that this was the head of the public integrity section that one after. who is the democratic there's two, the senator Robert Menendez, that's it in hudson county senator from new jersey. And the jury, their unanimous, we found not guilty, because this Security cuts corners. He Urges lawlessness among his staff, he reinterpret statutes, and this applies to that's what he does.
And so very important actions must be taken of outlined, some of them in the representative, in the representation of president trump very important actions. Now the way it's headlined course, the new york times trump laura, seek indefinite postponement of documents. Trap started definite these a postponement until some time after the election. Now, what was it government's response be to this. motion. That's files has hey look your interfering with the election. This has never been done before our clients Four presently united states, he can't spend half a ton. running for president half his time, trying to stay out of a life sentence in federal prison. And there's no need to do this now. What exactly could the garments answer me
have all the documents come up with some answer. You know why, because they wanted in free with the election. That's why. And here's what they know and here's what I know if Donald trump is elected president, he can pardon himself on all of this stuff at the federal level, all of it so the way, Jack Smith and the department of justice, it is the by demonstration, looks at this. Is we gotta get this guy in prison during the course of the election. Now, what's interesting to me is when you hear republican, say, and you hear from the poorer regions of the world, you here From the christening knows of the world, the car robes of the world, in other words the rhinos. And they say he the only candidate who can lose Mr Miller.
Then why are the Democrats trend a cripple him during the course of the election? If he's the only candidate who can lose wouldn't Let him go with it. leave him alone, only one dimension, this and other it doesn't make any sense, right back then. Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then? You need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast aben. Follow this show their apple, Spotify or wherever you listen
Let's see here, MR producer, let's see all the media attention we have you known ratings they talk about. The show is that that was that it see here any report. So they mark levine show dope not one by one. They wonder how weaken on fox. We defeated cnn and MSNBC. We do this often I give credit maria part to Roma, to whose fantastic Neither one of us typically the win it, but that's not a whisper, and there we want. We check the daily beast realities. I didn't we must renew and over the we beastie alley. They didn't say a word about What news organization air
But they're, not the only one mediocre, correct dna grimace grew but he founded there were the pre boobs, who were sitting there, it all day. I'll be right. at the mark Levin tougher as hell. That's why I like mark Levin, I'm not sure a lot of people like him, MR toughness, but I like I love of color, know he'd, seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three, eight one one you know I never was a big saint appears, morgan, but I have to admit becoming one Am I the only one I'm becoming a fan of this guy? agree with him? Of course, that's irrelevant and becoming a fan of a sharp substantive entertaining really I don't know one, I don't want anything from them
really I'm getting l kudos to live. It never get that I'm not worried about that, but there is that you no magic. u s supreme court, that has fifteen members, and virtually every member that court. is a justice jackson, where justice, a your or justice, R, b g, in other words, extremists on the court. Who also are democrat, laptop. They have a problem in Israel right now, David Supreme court. That is radical, spin radical. Since the ninety nineties, when they had achieved just
much like worn burger, but even worse, who decided that he and a handful of his fellow justices have the power to write loss to amend laws. To reject laws passed by the people's representatives and they can us in a man if they had a system of appointing these justices. That involved the gene. This is themselves the bar association with a few Others thrown in there just for good lux, but between the justice in the bar association were, of course, these judges injustices come from. They decide who's gonna serve on the court.
There's not another system like that in the free world anywhere, why cause its totalitarian its march at Adam. That's what Benjamin Netanyahu, the le party and their coalition is trying to address. Attorney general in Israel, an attorney general mary garland was the or to make determination Nations about every single law, should or should not be enacted that, despite the fact that different ministries in Israel that the legal top legal people in those ministries, dont report to the ministry sequiturs our equipment,
evidence, but their report to the attorney general. Can you imagine that in our country, MR martens. the attorney general israel. Has such power she told Benjamin Netanyahu. He could not even talk about today Changes in Israel. Considering that he's been cha. with certain offences. Mimi. trial court in Israel's told the prosecutors in Israel who work for their security general, They don't have a case against the prior, the against ned yahoo, that lower court You don't have a case it's a bribery, and you know what the attorney general's office said. Mister producer. Were proceeding anyway. Who do you think you're? That's tyranny and totalitarianism.
Imagine an opposition party filled former government officials, professors, including former supreme court justices and, of course, the media. Much like our democrat pie. That have organised elements, the military. Universities and colleges, the civil service, to shut down the government and even refused to protect the country If Netanyahu goes forward with any of the reforms of the judiciary,. Even though their facing down the islam or nazi regime in tehran. Right now imagine that party going overseas lobbying, Joe Biden and the other. Zeb state in the I believe collapsing.
Left wing socialist regimes in europe in our own to pressure inside their own country netanyahu, tobacco. So, yes, They can s. It would, in the other, coalition parties voted to begin the process of reforming the judiciary, and what does that mean. Bottom line for the citizens of Israel. It means democracy, it means. When you vote your vote counts, it mean These fifteen lawyers in. don't get to decide every aspect of civil society, and, by the way, even. teach decisions when it comes to battlefield decisions are when it comes to face their involved in everything, and why would they be there like up? The bureau, without any limits, who's gonna limit them, so Netanyahu decided to do so. Biden jumps Biden
With his obama hold overs their anti semites, they hate Israel. The only israel they like is when that opposition party I just talked about is to destroy their own country when buying about a two state solution that too solution is the final solution. So Biden has decided through his outgoing, embarrassing Knights, who is a horrific poisonous little puke. that they have. We, the will of the american people behind them, but the right to tell netting yahoo and his government. What they Jordan, shouldn't do when it comes to their judiciary.
And in an exit interview with the wall street journal. This guy knight, sir, I think most as railways. What the united states to be in their business say why no notice that my object focuses victor Davis Hansen has said so brilliantly on Israel and the Jews. They don't do this to a single arab nation, police, single muslim nation. When it comes to castro, they embraced him. They don't do this to any other country in the face of the earth, none they would ever do to France, britain The EU, NATO countries- never you know they did after that- arrogant, stolen election in turkey about two months ago. They call him, I congratulated him. Netanyahu, says she's. Me Biden says that
sk government cabinet is among the most extreme is ever seen, and yet I read quotes do last night. We, said that over and over and over again against net you're, going back to going back almost twenty five years ago, because he hates Netanyahu because Netanyahu is sort of a trillion figure historically, and I would argue today in buying, of course, is never chamberlain and worse he's a quisling. Nordic quisling is google, it is equivalent quisling hurts our country. He heard that country and you didn't there is a doddering, shuffling old bastard and he's always hated Israel, except when Israel agrees to commit suicide through the radical f parties they come and go and change their names over time. It
knock beg him, as I told you last able to senator bind his place on the judiciary. Should I don't come to you a bended knee this jus doesn't. I ve been in existence over thirty five hundred years, we have faced her if agenda me after another, including hitler, you think you're threats with our money from us are going to force me buckle under to you and I'm paraphrasing. He was more articulate. That's not gonna happen job It a street thug america and street thug. an entire article on axiom about how now he's losing it he's yelling at everybody. Terrorists were not passionate. You get these. These credence in these phony media outlets. Democrat party front operations,
as the communists have, and they are lucky lost at Levin's house. Everything I say and do is intentional, but I am passionate about this country and have a passion against the enemy to which are most of the people. I I point out on a daily: basis to Joe Biden, has lashing out against his own staff junior, for senior staff. His cabinet members, using the f word nonstop screaming at them yelling at them constant. They know go in there by themselves How long the media covered this up and still most media outlets ignore it. Let me just scarborough still has his head up. Biden says I just I just being honest. Actually he and his wife to its very unpleasant seen, but the
media. The corrupt democrat party media's no intention of running with its trunk: try genuine jr, trump's, narrow we're bag and right now, corrupt man, corrupt family. Their personal behaviour is despicable. Terror reed had a fleet, a russia I mean hunter buying is, is the most grotesque disgusting, punk. he just is Joe Biden, has announced the old lady. They want to put down casey decide to share, don't make me laugh or maloney a trump don't make me laugh and, of course, Biden
Going through the globe, different regions of the world is lighting one on fire after another. One but all the peace activity there was going on in Israel in the middle. With the arab and muslim countries under trump, it's dead where's, saudi arabia. Today there were the ran. What in the camp with china and russia they ve left. Us least they have got right. Isis his back in Syria isis it back. And russia's more aggressive than ever in the middle east, but the problems Israel. Just like the problems you In the united states year, the problem by mine you're, the proud. Three days in a row, said: ministries. Administration has trash. The state of Israel
three days in a row and I'm gonna tell you why? Because they, Do not one israel to attack a ram. even though a ran is eighty three percent nuclear material wept great nuclear material, and you know what, when trump killed that deal and buying took over, they had five percent Five percent now they've eighty three percent. What's it all about? What's her all about. Biden views Israel the Jews as second class citizens. He will talk about indigenous peoples till he's blue in the face their indigenous peoples that he doesn't care for they happen to live in Israel, should.
In some areas are not the west bank of Jordan. They never have been look at the bible which bide never does while he pushes the most radical abortion agenda in american history. Like the bible today is what the Jews are named after today, in some areas their homeland, just because they were pushed out by the persians. Before that the babylonians. After that, the romans doesn't mean it's not their territory, sick. but amount of time I'll be right back then, don't fall for their free phone. yes from verizon, eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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we want to squeeze in been waiting mountain view. california that great care so go. How mark to talk to you is: please continue with everything that you tell us, especially This term trial were not board, were not rolling our eyes. You the law. Now we do because you shared with us, you are giving us hope. Now. We know that something can be done and hopefully his You do know that if they don't, they ve got you and why Becoming educated through you, so you are very hopeful. Do not start you a swing, nor, let me tell you this: I dont have. This is going to turn out, but nothing for traits me more than when these phony former federal prosecutors and other new next guy. What do you ve read it indictment answer and even bilbil
I don't know how you get to that and I, how can I have another hot dog? Hello pow differ hasn't even got started. Yet again it doesn't they're going to win. It doesn't mean, though, stop this outrageous abuse of power and persecution, but they can fight, and there are grounds for fighting you don't at the just give up, and you get this completely partisan, almost completely uninformed propaganda from people who just prosecuted, people or from people who sat at the top of the pyramid at the department of justice and Now, if they don't know what the hell they're talking about or intentionally biased, I really don't know dead matter to me I know what I know and I presenting what I know and arguments that I know and I'm doing it. Publicly so they get to the right place, What aware that is, and whatever that means so were not all- is not lost
but what is being done here is a justice. that has been destroyed. Thank you very much indeed your excellent car. We salute our armed forces police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are trucker. Others and sisters, thank you. Their freedom fighters Crane and Taiwan, thank you and most of all, you, great audience who I know we're going to go to amazon right now, yet forty, I said forty percent or more democratic, Party hates me.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-13.