« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is about to hand over nuclear weapons to Iran. President Trump had theIslamonazi regime hanging by a thread by enforcing sanctions and blocking them through NATO and EU countries and it was working. President Biden and his administration have shown nothing but weakness to Iran, and now they are pressing ahead with their nuclear agenda despite being on the run while Trump was president. Biden is publically attacking Benjamin Netanyahu. We should be working closely with the one Democratic country that will do all the heavy lifting, that will have its men and women on the front lines in the fight against Iran. If Israel complies w Biden’s demands they will commit suicide. Also, Democrat media mouthpieces like David Jolly are attacking Casey DeSantis to smear Governor Ron DeSantis, calling her ‘America’s Karen’. There will not be a single women’s group who will defend Casey Desantis, because Politico and the New York Times have already attacked her too. This is why most governors do not step into these culture wars, because to do so subjects you to relentless character assassinations from the media. Later, a war with China is inevitable because they are a regime itching to go to war. They are an enormous threat to America and it is only a matter of time until Communist China makes a serious move, and in the meantime, they are building a massive Army and Navy. China is on the move geographically and in our hemisphere and we are not equipped to take on their threat.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the The america mark levine here our number eight seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven Create one three, eight one, one little noted story: well noted story. I was put it on friday and basically dropped you folks,
we are worried about nuclear weapons. We talk about the past we'll use of nuclear weapons against us the an administration is about to have nuclear weapons, sleet islam or nazi regime in iran, and I'm not kidding. In fact, there was a superb report on fox, as I said on friday, and you need to listen to this, because this this, two other than me and our fox nobody's discussing this. I wonder, you can awake, would say how they. How did this happen? There too busy Character assassinating Kate casey to say does not back to that. I noticed Most of the women who are attacking casey two scientists are, as Is Bela Abzug ever was mister, but their slops, their pigs.
most of the men, their slabs and pigs, to their jealous. They don't say a word about doktor jill. don't talk about how doktor jill and Joe Biden hooked up. Even there's a lot of controversy around that. Isn't there press Not a word now they defend hunter Biden. just look at their priorities and by the way the only karen out there is, will be Goldberg. Her real name is Karen she's, the current case, Besides, this is a professional woman. She's, a mother, she's, ok, Through survivor, she's, a wife, brilliant beautiful everything else virtually every woman in the media is not.
the few exceptions here and there, of course, but not an you got MSNBC, that's all all the time. Go to cnn, it's all uglier, all the time. It's the truth. I think that's on their resume. Anyway, I want you to listen to this very important about IRAN. Go right now we're awaiting an update from the pentagon, as new evidence emerges out of a run of the regimes: nuclear weapons development. These new satellite images, you're looking appear to show what experts say. Isn't underground nuclear facility. That's actually! so deep beneath the earth's surface, underground may be totally impenetrable by. U s weapon systems chief national skirted corresponded jennifer griffin joins us from the pentagon with new device Entire jennifer hide chilean will new evidence shows worrisome, progress at this nuclear facility, so deep in the earth
It's likely beyond the range of conventional. U s, weapons, as you mentioned the noose, is in the tsar gross mountains in central iran. Not far from IRAN, Current uranium enrichment facility at natanz these new. So photos and videos from planet labs over central around show what experts say is new construction, That started in late twenty twenty shortly after a fashion Air blamed on sabotage destroyed, part of the old natanz facility for entrances have been ugh into the mountain side too, to the east and another two to the west. Each is many feet wide and twenty six feet tall today. Israel's defence force chief issued availed warning Funny we also closely examining the other ways to nuclear capability, without into details there,
Civil negative developments on the horizon that could prompt action. We have abilities and others have abilities, on is believed to be, as close as it has ever been to developing a nuclear weapon. Experts estimate that the new underground mountain facility is between a and a hundred yards below ground, which is the maximum range of any current conventional weapons. They ve been constructing an underground facility over the past two years or serve two, maybe three years facilities, much deeper than other underground facilities that we know of including forego and our chance now, it's unclear. What's in these tunnels at this mountain site, if IRAN to introduce uranium into the site. We would have to inform the idea. The idea has responded to any questions about the site so far. Experts here that the site is going be big enough to allow iran to potentially enriched uranium at it and uranium is what fuels
nuclear weapon, since president trump pulled out of nuclear deal five years ago, IRAN has said it is enriching uranium up to six. Ok, let's stop there. That's the one shot, the kind of a cheap shut. The troubles me don't leave. You now leave the spot. There miss producer. Donald trump had that country. That is the islam or nazi regime hanging, read by a thread he put these. Bone crushing economic sanctions on IRAN, any enforce them nowhere to sell their oil. They couldn't get basically rules and so forth into the country. We have blocked and we locked them through NATO countries european union, that is other countries. Even china and russia dare not cross and it was working and the people in IRAN.
The one thing to do the vast majority of them with this throwback regime, they rose up Thousands of them were murdered, raped, tortured after a young teenage girl. was murdered by security forces, while she was in their clutches. And then comes in Biden, he turns its back on the violations of the sanctions than he. If the sanctions for the vast majority of the sanctions. Then he sends in america, hating obama, moron. the negotiator this guy molly veronica deals left and right shows every weakness imaginable to the islam or nazi regime leaving
Impudent and the russians to negotiate for us While there are plain robot dope with binding and his We need that more on blinking over there at the state department, courtesy off. And a bizarre looking. national security council chief sherman. The iranians are pressing ahead. so trump had them on the run he had them box. Then here's the thing, Michael doran is he. A brilliant, brilliant man writes about these things and he wrote he's not too long ago- and he pointed out, the obama deal- did something: no up administration ever accepted the obama deal with a ran, was premised on the basis
ran. We get a nuclear weapons that the middle. These would be nuclear arrived. There wasn't a damn thing we could do about it. We should treat this is some kind of a regional issue. not an international problem, even though the iranians view themselves as purely regional anyway, Build icy, be aims. If that your attitude, national and by the way, why a basis in our hemisphere paces in our hemisphere. If that's your view, At its regional, so is Chile obama surrendered. and then he had one propaganda. After another around him lie. To the american people through the media. I have this number. My books because and came out. One of them couldn't keep his mouth shut. He stay or brag into the washed, impose it's unbelievable. And he talks about how the media types were saps laptops, how they would. take whenever they put out and run with it, just as they
today same dumb, bastard. So buying comes any double down on the year on the up policies and more than that, all his negotiations with the enemy the iranians are in secret. Congress has no idea what's taking place and he still wants to come up with a deal. A verbal deal, not even a written deal. and again violate the treaty clause of the constitution, the united states. This is the problem. This is why a huge problems with bob corker. Ben SAS, all these I begin to went along with obama. to turn this into a statue, invite we, the treaty, clothes and even worse, greece under this statute, would have to vote to stop by
In other words, the onus is put on congress Rather than the other way around and, of course, of sympathy, Buster would kill that in the senate and only to get into the weeds. But I m showing you how still came to be this. Call the only democratic seriously opposed to this in the senate was Menendez. Humor voted against it while he was organizing the democrats for it, a pack. But suppose they represent. Jewish is really interests in washington, DC, sat on a sad eyes and J street. so was solve, hating jews basin What did it, of course, such obama did. More on in the white house. No more, I didn't I ride out who now runs the Agee adsl special assistant to the president.
he supported it to anyway. This is a grave to the united states, and I want to tell you something when those Sanctions were imposed on IRAN presently united states withdrew from the agreement. I was at his home in new jersey, MR producer did I ever tell anybody there and then group of people there and he was having a number of people. from his administration elsewhere. And he summoned me ovaries mark come over here, said: okay, sir, come over the cinema to do something I think you approve of ice and what's that. I'm signing the document to get out of this iran deal said you are.
He was taking it for the media because he was putting it up and after he signed it handed me, the pen, MR budget. One of his famous harpies and I took that sharply. and I gave it to my steps on David, mostly. Because nobody has worked harder. Nobody. To confront this arrangement deal than him as far as I'm concerned and the people he worked with ambassador, freeman and so forth, but I know he's worked day and night to try and protect his country from that enemy. I didn't deserve the pen. He did.
Let's continue go recently discovered. The country has produced uranium at eighty three point: seven saint Pierre? Our aid is three point: seven percent, in other words, eighty four percent, you not nuclear level, it is of the visual material. Ninety percent. I've been warning about this now for weeks and months. Here we are on the precipice once they have it They'll, never let it go and we can get it To appoint stay with me go ahead. Ninety percent threshold needed for weapons grade uranium. So what is the buying administration only one country whose that has the will and the capacity to take this on, because what
they reach ninety percent, indians will start arming, not them just themselves that will start arming, are in other enemies, just as they have with their drones. This is very relevant to us as if not, but if they decide to put this, since then as well. What are we gonna? Do. yeah! That's so far away have seven thousand. I get another forever war. What the hell are we gonna do yet? Oh my god, I'm so sick of this to tourist state, skilled and main thousands of americans. It's a terrorist state, snow, no nazi state, what if they put this I was in venezuela To do anything about it.
It's like the chinese, have a spy facility in cuba. There are now in our backyard spoke. What do we do about this? very, very important I'll be right back then. If we and anything over the past two years? It's that unexpected things can happen, for example Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that then here's something that could If you have an eye re or for a one k, physical, go in your eye, ray the world goal. Council says even central banks are buying tons of gold by what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold, I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them. To my. And family you should call a gusting get there. Also a guide to gold. I raise feels good
there's another savings option, diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Evans, seven for gold. I re- that's eight seven said, For gold ira, eight seven, seven my god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta press metals tat. Swine I mean is that, apart from the obvious, Why may bring this up apart from the obvious? Do you know who Joe Biden has been attacking publicly. He's been sleeping against privately who he is Hemorrhoid Ex who surround him had been attacking.
The islam on ice regime in IRAN,. The regime in communist china, no dream in cuba, venezuela, no. The regime in russia now the democratically elected government, A benjamin Netanyahu would you want to work with the israelis in that yahoo, who is the churches of its time to deal with the threat from a ram more when I return. If we, And anything over the past two years: it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average irian for one k balances, fell twenty percent last year, according to fidelity. We didn't expect that bit. Here is something that could up. If you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go
in your eye ray the world. Go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. Does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold? I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet, and family? You should call a gusting get their own A guide to gold I raise feels good there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals at eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, seven for god. I re eight, seven, seven My god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. precious metals tat come america's most powerful conservative voice. Mark love in show dial. Now eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one by the way amazon has cut them
for your price of the democratic party hates america by thirty eight percent. Forty percent. Now those of you awarded in, and so I didn't get forty percent. You will get what the highest discount is when your book is delivered, so I want to encourage it. jump in folks, because sometimes the more priority said, are purchased at forty percent. I've seen them move at the fifty five percent on my books so I thank those of you who have running considerably behind I'm just very honestly, the american marxism, and yet I think this book actually that it's a fantastic book. I don't put down any of my books, but I just think this book is really. I don't even know how to put it. It's in a league of it's own, And I'm really hoping that you'll jump in its released little shop at you're at your door.
I think once you get into literally the first chapter, can be taken by this put dont, be it I don't read the sour pusses on the commas, or will we have a fix when we're not going to we're here and we're not going to roll over and play dead here? We're not just get into a feed opposition. Here when just be depressed. the negative- all it's not gonna happen, I mean, if that view stay off my social stated and stop commenting weaver country You say we ve children and grandchildren to protect from I'm party with a border to secure. If you don't want to help, I don't be new. You know who I mean get out of the way, but don't don't interfere I mean that's worse than what target was trying to poor. Quite frankly, did this you
superior. I can understand why you're dispirited, but we shouldn't have campaigns spirit ourselves require party hates america is the book. The Democrats fear the most the corporatist fear, the most The media will attack the most. Then you'll know why, when you read it the coverts mild compared what's in it compared to what's in it, Tremendous amount of time and effort put into this isn't a cut and paste job, there's no ghost writers. None of that me myself and I all three of me. So I want you to listen to this, so here. we are facing on that can have nuclear weapons. Let me just say this: I have touched on
before north korea deals. With their public administrations, democrat administrations, tens. billions of dollars in aid food aid to how prop up the soviet era? at regime. We even We been convinced south korea there we were gonna, take their nuclear did the same, ukraine, by the way any cut That has half a brain, and so now I don't give up your nukes. That's what's going to protect you that they use them, but the fact that you have them Now saw careers naked, they don't have any news. Just like you could, they get. They don't have any noakes if they had the nukes. Instead, I haven't given them back to russia on our. Suggestion, among others that bill Clinton, another genius. there would have been an invasion. But that's not the point.
we should be working closely with the one country, the one democratic country. That will do all the heavy lifting. all the heavy lifting. That will have all of its young men and women on the front lines. That will have all of its pilots vulnerable now, I have all its towns and cities attack, but stead, Joe Biden is attacking. Netanyahu and his government, duly elected, duly elected. In addition, our word for autocracy, we believe in democracy since the moron says the more and I would say this the state of Israel. If you comply with the debate
so Joe Biden. You will destroy yourselves, you will commit harry, carry, you will commit suicide and they know it. You remember before I get to this, but I can beggin was Prime minister in israel- and there was this incredibly stupid, senator about an name of Joe Biden who was in the foreign policy committees. He, chairman of the judiciary, communal all these powerful posts them and from wilmington and scranton course. He was. from Scranton. He was born there. They couldn't get out of it. Fast enough to go to washington, which is sad because grants a beautiful boy aren't coming up, so he threat the prime minister of Israel back them and ask begging on policy.
Basically Biden says blackmailing, you know: you're, not gonna, kill if you keep getting support, if you don't toe the line, a little bit more and begun, who fought the nazis as a guerrilla fighter who fought the soviets as a guerilla fighter who had to fight the british who were Were preventing the Jews who to escaped the holocaust and so forth? I going to their homeland? Is the indigenous peoples you. He says and I paraphrased abiden people have survived for over thirty five hundred years, while others have perished. And what he meant by that is the romans are gone. The
Gone molly's ultra powerful military forces. There are gone He said the jew survive. Survive them in the nazis and he says to buy you think you're through against me and my country and my people. Again on paraphrasing, but it's pretty close Gonna get on my knees and beg you due respect- that's not gonna happen. That's never going to happen. And so there is another concerted effort by by this time is going after Netanyahu. Now they like the. Article socialist. Parties in Israel, because just like
radical socialists in america, a k, a marxist. They also at our country. Just this they will sell out israel using tread right. Well, we haven't to their nuts Fact he got so bad that the obama administration interfered with the election involving that now some time past he overcame them, but that's what they did Here's by not seen on yesterday cut forego. What will it take what Bibi Netanyahu to get an invitation to the white house. Well, first of all, the israeli press. Can become aim. We have other contacts, I've been using is fair to say. An unusually supporter, Israel forever of course, he's a liar. He is. In an unyielding support of Israel.
has invited Netanyahu to the white house Everybody else. talk to the iranians to talk Got a year ago, Congo line of cabinet members going over to the common Regime G and China needs threatening us for war, but there's something about this there's something about this. The vicar davis Hansen is written about. Of all the countries in the world, specially allies, the Democrats don't treat any other country like this. Biden doesn't talk to any leader of another country like this. None.
What is it about this one? Little country, this jewish state with democrats think they can conduct themselves as white drop them. Did this ever here. Stood viscerally. What was going on. Does anybody believe of the state of Israel didn't exist today that the iranian still wouldn't try to build nooks, and those missiles. Los angeles and chicago in new york and everything in between and around course, not of course not go ahead, couple of years for as long as I'm been around and arms Baby, I think trying to work through none egg and couldn't stand this guy.
Netanyahu's too much with gentlemen can't stand them either, but he can't say it. he's work well with the most radical elements. In his rise have the Democrats he never condemned to leave her out yes and continuing anti semitic comments. He never told me tat something matters on which we can all learn you. Genius people in my audience, let me tell you what you gonna hear in this book: democrat party, hates america You can see the strain. Most of you aren't jewish, but you understand what I'm saying: you're gonna see their strain of thyssen tis running deeply.
throughout the modern history, the democratic party. I don't care that their jews and the democratic party. I don't care that they get seventy percent of the jewish. That is to pity that is secularism for the most part like secular catholics, which is what Biden umbrellas here to the most radical people to ever, promote abortion, catholics. That's not the view of the catholic church. So you get my point. Crap party will push comes to shove, despite the fact that they ve gotten support from Left wing organizations left wing politicians, Jews and non jews ready. has demonstrated hates jews We wanted the democratic party, obviously but obama.
You know he's hired by jewish organizations and slobber at all over by jewish, and I don't care factor the facts. John Kerry, Some of the things he said have been grotesquely outrageous by. In the points of sky mally, whose now under investigation for issues related to classified information, while what about trop hake, it's called the presidential Jack the president's, although different, then robert and, by the way,. Ministration won't tell congress or the people, but this investigation is all about. It's amazing, as I'm speaking of this Mister bellew, hits on fox. That's a complete coincidence cause I started it and they picked. But it's true. The guy's placed only what's the issue, I mean he's
with the iranians he's and with the russians his. purity clearances under review. and we don't get any more information. That's the nature of the democratic party in their government. Anyway. What to read something to you. Actually, let me finish the clip than I want to read something to you. Go administrators through His existing problems in terms of his coalition. He has. I am one of those who believes in new rules almost security, russian two state solution. Ok, so stop right. There. Their facing down and in a nuclear armed iran. the enemy. lebanon is loaded and control by her Bela the go ahead:
it showed me, the Gaza strip is filled with Hamas, Caesar or iran related type groups. saudi arabia has now jumped the shark thanks to button I would china and russia alliance was being built with Israel, but not lightly. and he doesn't alike the israelis have done. He doesn't like they voted for. He doesn't like what parliament has done the canal said in terms of bill a coalition together. He doesn't like the fact that you actually I've orthodox jews who are represented in the coalition. You actually people, we live in these phony settlement areas. I call them phony culture day and summarily aren't ceremoniarius end more than texas is a settlement area.
and so here is passing judgment on what the people did democratically. He's an election denier shut in Israel. He's an election denier election dinner. You don't like it You don't like none yalu, it doesn't like the oars that's jos here as well. The people who live in the indigenous areas of Israel in a like it, too, Its solution? Is final solution for this country. What two state solution. Anyway, you gotta hear more the stick with me. There's a point here will be right back. If we ve learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something
could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical in your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it? You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re without augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my and family. You should call augustine, get there. Also A guide to gold I raise feels good There's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals at eight seven seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, so for god, I re eight seven. Seven forego diary, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals dot com Here's what transpired june twenty second nineteen. Eighty two job- I was a senator from delaware,
confronted israeli prime minister menachem begin and during the Senate formulations committee testimony threatening cut off aid. Israel has exactly with, said a nineteen. Eighty two don't threaten were cutting off your aid and will not work. I'm not You were trembling knees, a price drew with thirty seven hundred years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid. When we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens He came to our aid when we were striving to create our own. Country we paid for it, we fought for it, we died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And where necessary, we will die for them again with or Your aid, unbelievable.
Now, let me out who you cease to extremists to right wing according to bind and obama. He said it again. But we also set in november thirty twenty twenty two: here's, the guardian. Dinner cautionary former you're sebastus runner, george w bush. An errand the miller! U middle east peace negotiator going. Several administrations have called for what they did I've been unprecedented, controversial break from act has largely unconditional military diplomatic support for Israel, if quote, the most Dream government and they history, their state, unquote, pursues state aims of some of its members. Then there was the washington institute made thirty one, twenty eighteen. Two thousand I look cool trim and benjamin Netanyahu is held on the powers the prime minister is or a prior to this government. There were present The prime minister's community governments making that
the most right wing government formed The biggest right winger and twenty twenty two he's the biggest right In twenty eighteen, more new york times, John mary. The israeli prime minister publicly supports a two state solution, but his character election, is the most right wing in its raw history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme I guess what surely after he spoke. I think it was the aspen industry does much matter shortly after he spoke. The Abraham accords broke up left wing publication. Twenty. Sixteen the right. Wing government ever do exist in the state of Israel in its history net. whose government may twenty three twenty sixteen writers have to weaken and to judge developments, which are expected to be finished in an agreement between now, and we remain the most.
Right wing government in Israel sixty eight year here. ST twenty. Sixteen I've got a two thousand and fifteen two thousand and fourteen twenty thirteen. The this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and. save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The we haven't taken calls in a while, so I will take cause in the third hour. You know folks and talk
about this before in russian. I actually to talk about this off line Worrying doubt as a reprobate she's, a weirdo he's a left wing columnist for the your ex limes. A newspaper that hatred guts newspaper. Has the blood millions, the blood of millions on its pages. Marine doubt writes a piece about her republican sister who four biden but she's leaning, At this time, she's very upset about a grandad Joe. these treating his seventh granddaughter, not even recognize and she is ignoring grandeur and so forth?.
Why do we need affirmation from marine doubt or left this like this and trawl so much attention to them?. It's all over the place. Did you hear what Maureen Dowd said? No, why do I care find out who cares. Do you know moraine out and her sister, who cares. You know I did everything on this. several weeks ago, wasn't on fox must reduce as well as here just condemning them. Joe Biden hunter Biden Joe bind further disgusting disgraceful behaviour with respect to this little girl. And it went viral on then you know what the Report was mister producer. that I was angry that more
Lost this cool, it's called Ashen, but you know the left will do whatever they can. Their propagandists. And I don't remember being cited encoded over and over again by conservatives on tv and radio. Do you, MR bloom? Don't we seek it, but it's we are to stand thing I'll? Give you another example in my opening statement. some call a monologue unless nicer my folks, a landmark legal father, not mine, pete hutches and the great presence there call him and I said, you're good government group. I want to know. where sixteen months leaks from the government.
To cnn the new york times the Washington post, involving the trump case. These are violations of rules and laws. Ladies and gentlemen,. So it's really good amount of time on a journey, opening statement last night, all new information. All new information. And based on your reaction is very important, but it's very important because. Of our system of justice such as it is at this at this point that people know about. Is that people act on this republicans congress presidents lawyers, who I don't talk to that because I don't like I just do my own thing.
And we will know them from day to day I'll be honest with you, but that's aside, you're, nothing about it, mr produce the beard. All the research that they need. if my name were Maureen Dowd they get very excited about. Did you hear what Maureen Dowd said? It's really quite remarkable. And this information needs to get out there as much as possible. Now there are people who sang rhonda santas. I think Molly Hemingway said something like this from wrong. I'm wrong, but I think she said he's running an old style campaign. You know he's not up with the Already the politics, I think You know he's not a populist or whatever Am I, by the way populist or socialist, but that's a whole other story.
we understand our history, and I think I do Constitution despise populists However, democracy, a constant version despised p, majority rule, which is why you the bill of rights. Look at the vote on your inalienable rights, populism and. A pure democracy do not conform with the declaration of independence. He writes from god. They don't come from the majority. That doesn't mean. We don't believe a majority rule when it comes to a whole variety of issues facing us If you look at the vote, we don't do. A national popular vote is called the electoral college and it's the crash- want to get rid of it as fast as I can. But that's an aside. I don't rhonda santas is running a poor campaign. I think it's difficult
to know what kind of a campaign to run against donald trump. Mr producer, now you and I think the people whose They know they or to put it out there. How would you do it? What it, would you do not all but an of a lotta republicans, like donald trump did during his presidency. Eighty sign of it right, if not a hundred, but certainly eighty Trump became more more conservative as present it. Then he ever was a candidate or before he was a canada is a private citizen. But that aside, People also see that the scorched earth persecution of trump. There's an attack on a our justice system that can be used against them and so I people see this. Their support for trop, as a support for our justice system
Right or wrong, I'm explaining this for those who need an explanation. Third, people think the last election was stolen from trot. how the hell did Joe buying it eighty million votes. I think there the biggest number before there was sixty three sixty five million, I've got seventy some million the highest ever, except for one. People want to know how it happened. While you know in the courts let me just say this as a footnote. The court's deal with you bring the evidence to accord they're not gonna they're not going to do the investigation for you at so the trinity, the pine wars, knew this
even though the clown, yet I trapper legal, analyse, run tv. They know it too. It's almost an impossible task. Why Because the democratic change, the rules, The pandemic is camouflage whenever a drop boxes. for what the and the. Placement drop boxes, but there was that. Four hundred and seventeen million dollars in dark money flowed in to the election from Zuckerberg. Apparently Legally, what the how's that, can't prove there is anything wrong. I'm just telling you about what took place it's wrong is how progress it's not criminal, because they changed the rules now and then you have. And sylvania supreme court and other courts making decisions while working. and the voting time say what
the power to do that. Even another state constitution stop us. If you will. You don't have the sign your ballots, you're, absolutely back! Why? Oh yeah, you not sign up! Where do most people fail to sign their ballot? In the cities, for some reason or another democrat stronghold,. And you have the data meter, what the data I don't have the sign and we can extend the vote then there's voter harm. Collecting ballots when the elections are over. That said, no one, all these things. No one ever existed when around dragon one is to massive landslides. Non existent when George bush ran for president georgics w existed when George w bush one. His two races for president.
And all these rhinos in the car rove types, the other, the pole right- that no big deal no big deal and then he got your bar disrupt our former attorney general. All over the place fluctuating there was no evidence right now, even though the u s attorney and fill, you said he petty tried to pass it on to barney. Would that guy's a liar you know, has he is I'm solomon s eyes ass anyway? So that's what happened to the last system. The reason why republicans the pass at the federal level never never supported these kinds of changes. The reason why they tried to kill this and did hr one right there soon It was pushed by Nancy blows in the reason why she wanted to put in place as they saw how successful they were.
I couldn't prove to a single court, and then you have these former federal process set about former federal prosecuted. They don't know, but guess about this stuff. They later gate- that's all I do is what caused it we shall question changing all these rules and by the way, When are they John Robertson, his his psychics cavanaugh and bear it I gotta they screwed us big time at the next election. It's a big problem, so circling back those in a random santa's. He just running an old fashioned campaign so as Donald trump running an old fashioned campaign. What's he doing that's new fashion he's running an old fashion,
campaigns gone out on the stump he's put at terrific videos like reagan used to, and I think they're great readiness to do radio hits even is his phrase making america greater. It's a phrase that was used pretty close nineteen. Eighty four election reagan, bush same phrase very successful. But what is it that he's doing that so spectacular in terms of his campaign? Nothing. This has nothing to do with the way to save this is running a campaign or trump is running a campaign. People know all about donald trump and people hate the people who are trying to put him in.
Reason they hate the people who want to see him die in prison. They hate the people who impeached him twice. They hate the, people have criminally investigated em in at least four states. They hate people who spied on his campaign, they hate the Democrats. the problem, if you will for the other candidates, is they don't? Have this don't get me, wrong. It's a cancer, but they don't have it. There are lucky enough to have it but they don't have that kind of anger and frustration and passion working for them which is why, when you're plants like chris, dna in hutchinson and others, and you know my pants
wants to come on. The show is going to be on the show a little later this week and I think his buddy MIKE short, gave him some advice and I get to start hating trump, very dumb advice. That'll get you nowhere. Now, if attacks you than you attack back, I would anyone attacks me. I attack back, who am I to say, baxter scientists to say that they should have back now. But it's not going to matter in that respect. That's why it's so important to do everything you can to get your policy agenda out, particularly if you're a governor, successful governor to get out your positions and to keep them Away pounding away, if Trop attacked you take a few swaps, swaths adam and keep moon. And then, maybe maybe
can work away at the latter further, but the diamonds are not going to stop, and then we have people. Say he can win the primary body he can't win. The general could be true could be false. But people are going to vote for trump in the primary believe you can win in the general connected to persuade them like the idiotic peace, that peggy nude noon and rob. so completely out of touch in addition to being the illogical and her three She throws you vote for. Chris Christie. Among us, But really names him it's pathetic Meanwhile, the editorial pages trashing descent on immigration. On a great immigration ability sign for the people of florida.
Just not a matter of the said, this running a poor campaign and so forth, and so there are certain things. After going on that, honestly trump can't change for the better worse or decide. This can't change for the better work. so, it's tough to build a challenge. Your campaign around that not that it's impossible to defeat tropic, just tough, a bureau.
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you'll, save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in or promo code. L e g, I n pod guest and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today after the bottom of the ala, our I'm gonna make the sky david job the infamous He's a real slime bar punk spent much of his life working in the. In this sewer of capitol hill, rhinos and work for one guy for many many years had his head so far up as, but that he could see through his nostrils And so when I, gentlemen- and he was a german retired, jolly for the sea. Anyone Conservatives never liked them and for good reason, and they wanna for re election? He lost.
ask as a change the district somewhat autumn. And he's had a hate on four republicans ever since so is abandoned the republican party, he true she's trump, and now we trashes descent this relentlessly so, of course, endlessly on MSNBC.
About a more you know accompanies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you, for this is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk, decided data every plan in his, including a mobile hot spot, with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you consider pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and a fifty percent, more five g data plus mobile hotspot, just twenty bucks a month folks. This is why I love your talk. That also happens to be veteran owned and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on drawing the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk, dot com and then a promo code, lavigne podcast, to make the switch to port
What can you'll save an additional? Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, l e v, I n podcast, and make the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today it will serve a liberal plot holes. These are truck full of hot constitutional asphalt. Mark Levin call him now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight wide one here The guy former representative, one termer david Jolly, whose constance kicked his ass out of office. I think what is against the form? Governor of that, I'm not sure I won't say of of Florida took that see, but I could be wrong. So he's handed a seat from his former boss who retires lose. He's been on a head on and tromp for years now: on a head on with the scientists.
I want you to hear with this guy's said about casey to scientists, and I will tell you something, mr jolly. you're lucky did say something like this about my wife or be knocking at your door. Mr tough guy. You're, not attack somebody's wife. You have no class you're pathetic puke anybody in the democratic party. You really do you not funny. You're stupid to produce. Would you please do me a favor to a google search on this? In the name of this cause? Wife, Let us see how he likes it and just a minute, mr jolly it it with these people, with these jolly names, Joy reed. A bay har david, jolly they're, all sack losing pathetic morons had to media.
Speaking of with their prevention, the neanderthals air listening every radio watching tv I just heard him say that's. Why am I here last up, for they had pictures of Jen abrams the founder of the site around both with and without his hair peace. The before and after shots gotta be kind of freaky, though Here's mr jolly on MSNBC with Mr Kay part another a whole. If he asks me, no ratings But that doesn't matter on MSNBC and CNN got twenty five go Let me see the scientists is a fairly compelling political figure in florida now nationally or many she's. The brighter side to Florida is angry, governor or other issues. It I'm a minute so slowly. so users this
It is his wife to trash descent. The angry governor. You wanna see angry watch Chris Christy. You wanna, see angry look at Nancy. Rose, want to see angry and an demented look at Joe Biden me, the angry fleming governing the angry this and they all talk. First, I'd go from Tat has to produce, should go ahead, Scientists is a fairly compelling political figure in florida now nationally or many she's. The brighter side to floored is angry. Governor or other she's become america's karen, and I think that's the ultimate disconnect here with a campaign is to embrace more constituencies to get to the white house. America's karen skies and obvious massage nest, wanna be a woman's group. Certainly not on the left. will not be a woman's group on the left.
Will defend her, not one. They ve thrown women over the edge, After in order to get what they want from a marxist perspective, so can't define women even though they can they won't they're, destroying women sports all over the country. All the phony women's rights. Remember all these groups, you don't hear from him now they're track Trashing case dissent is the first time political did it. times. Did it. And trashing what. I admit: she's no Joe Biden, material buying. Joe Biden a sleazy adultery situation got to know each other and some report is out there. You might be familiar with that kind of conduct. won't name you over it MSNBC or cnn. Oh yeah. I know a lot comes over transom and ignore most of it, but you
people are low lives? This guide How do we know his wife's name? Mr producer. Do you know anything about loredano hope why his wife is Laura Dinah, her he's not even good enough to be a karen many people say. I understand many people think that a karen. More like a broom he'll die sickness tradition. there's nothing wrong. A broom held us out there. You understand, she's more of a broom hilda, then it Karen. there may be Dave jollies, the karen. You know what I like that better. Dave jollies the coroner s lsd. What do you think k part johnny go ahead? The messenger than rhonda scientists, but if all she is doing as amplifying the wrong
message. Do that, clarify and grande santa says issues mutually loser who serve one term congress. Now, why would join We keep our bring on David, jolly particular insight, none the intelligent. You heard stomach she have any class now when you look up in the dictionary classless there's a picture David jolly, thankfully clothes. I understand David jolly. Go ahead, oh this! This ideology, the the santas doctrine, if you will that our culture wars are the most pressing moments and we are going to invent these culture wars to terrify or inventing reinventing culture wars, ladies in general, So those of you who have been pro- hosting allowed the county in school board. Meeting across amerika Democrats, republicans, Jews
christians, muslims, atheists, gay and straight those of you who have organised to protect your children from the perversion that's being taught to them, from these sickening pornography in their little kid libraries. That's a diversion according I jolly and I guess, broom the jolly. I don't know that diversion america. So what parents are saying, is nothing at. This is why most governors will not step into these culture wars. This is why they never did. Because it is hardly knows he's a coward because to do so subject you to this from the media, what character assassination member one chris Rice theory, we were told us that being taught. I remember Joy, less real change, supping being. What do you mean now? It's what's wrong.
Go rights. Theory, don't you want to know what americans did white americans data, blacks, yeah? I do, which is why ignore critical rights theory. and so you step into these battles that culture war. This is what they do to you. This is how they beat down republicans This is how you get. Peace was a crap like it the jolly and his broom hilda. Get invited on tv, their drifters. They get their thousand bucks in appearance. What you would even owed David jolly is abiding play this now, what remember who is then there's many called terrorist set mayor, but anyway Here's a cape, argo temporary, not If the message that resonates so as I like to say it doesn't matter of- is presented in heels or boots that the santos doctrines are losing more and we're going to learn that clever, but it's just kind of doom instability. Can you tell from anything.
What does he does? His only does he see like chris Christie? Look for a job go ahead, gets out there. Terror, I think, David's beaten. You interns taken my breath away during a second easy, easy easy. This guy capable as another anyhow Dance for minority rights stands for women to stand against massage any standards mega stage against trump stance, where women's rights glass ceiling and so forth, and here they victimized the first lady of florida. With their slanders John. Kay parts never even met casey descent.
He doesn't even know who she is: Julia johnny and others terrorist set mare. Nobody knows who they, how she is she's there. Just like me Their potted plants that they have on amazon bc and there's so proud, the exact Zat MSNBC,. NBC. We there cobb care surrounds all kitten. Cambodia Many wonder why america's divide? Why won't they come together with us? I partisanship look at how magna's dividing us look at how foxes dividing us look at how vain and talk radio dividing us air. We are just having a discussion trashing for the four thousand time. Casey dissent is, why does she's bro
she's, a cancer survivor, a fantastic wife, a beautiful woman, a professional incredibly articulate and affair and so they seek to degrade her in demean her make any good. So we have marxist puke. What that's why. republicans are afraid to step into the culture wars, as if not going on america right, of course, not. wasn't going on a target, not with budweiser era. Now. What disney! What's wrong with you this is, how they beat you down this. Is you get brainwashed. This how they changed the language. This is how they change the culture they and the brave souls are standing up to this. And if the had any the people, whether its baking cakes.
our teacher, challenging the school board. You name it they had to be crushed, It's not a matter of live and let live it's a matter. We live and you die. That's our attitude. and see the media there pushing very hardener, brine, camp and and england yanking to run now. The media always need something, so they can for interfering. Elections relentlessly, anyway, terror set mayor, do we know who she is mr reduce, or can you, Google, her name? Oh she's, contributor. What does she contribute? What does error. Maximum set layer well accomplished I assume she's a woman. Maybe she can't define it lockdown? Yes,
Are you are you're a woman? Go woven into my eyes for a hot second america's karen David chow. I called her called her this you know. Serena waterford wannabe needs to cut it out. We see you say, wait a minute, a serena waterford one. What does that mean rich owe a stepford wife? Well, she would know Terrorists are a step forward, and so this is a racist attack by an african american lady on a white lady who was the first lady of florida. The whole karen thing the whole step for wife. I guess thing to what it is.
And by the way you have, you have see fans. What is it handmaids tell the house that I guess we re different books, mind don't have pictures anyway, You have seen fanfares watching the euro sea fight. did you see what I'm response trunk up early huge? They love Dana white, I salute you. And is Israel ivory at his last night, big big fighter tissues, I'm tired. There was, whereas watch so there's a south african, the white guy, who wins a huge fine and is going to face Israel This from nigeria black africa at tonight, I that's it great fighter: He made the most racist comments about the south south african.
Finally, I will never support this is real punk ever again He was one of my favorite fighters. Now you a loathsome jerk to really dragged the whole arena down into the toilet, like that with sickening I'll, be right back in the companies looking for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news and for new and current pure talk, customers pure talk just added dated at every plan and is including a mobile hotspot with each one, with no price increase whatsoever. Now, if you've considered pure talk before but haven't pulled the trigger, take a look again just twenty dollars a month for unlimited talk text and are fifty percent more five g data plus mobile hotspot. Yes, twenty bucks a month folks! This is why I love pure talk. That also happens to be vetted
known and only hires the best customer service team right here in amerika. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year on during the most dependable five g network in america. Just go to pure talk that com and then a promo code, levine podcast, to make the switch to pure talk and you'll save an additional. Fifty percent of your first month again go to pure talk that come in a promo code. L e g, I an podcast the switch to my cell phone company pure talk today. What he had to destroy somebody who believes in something differently with And went with campaign of character assassination have I tat- gave jollies wife over and over and over and over again must reduce no. I just said she's, not a currency is more broom held what's wrong with that. What's wrong with that.
Why isn't casey said decided to celebrated whether they support? to say it is for governor for president, why why'd she celebrated they did the same day, Saint maloney trot here's here's to women who so our class the field, certainly the democratic area as perfect, those self made women intelligent, beautiful support, their husbands. casey, casey dissenters, heads for cancer bravely raising three kids, He has to deal with all the crap strong at her husband and her polluting it. Men said her husband. a strong good women and the left.
Hates them the way they hate strong, good minorities like clarence, thomas and others who don't fit the bill. And tell- and I want to tell you more about this as well as so many other things, As I screwed up one o clock we'll be right back, the ads John farm income in the united states was a loss of eleven hundred dollars. Sixty percent of u S. Port comes from one company wholly owned by the Chinese, and farmers are more like to commit suicide than veterans. Folks, we got a problem. I'm listening duration, farmer and founder of mine We offer grass bad and grasped finnish beef and lamb pastured pork and chicken and wild caught alaskan sam ships straight from the
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the broadcasting from the underground command, both the teeth and the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america mark. Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one! seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I think we found a real karen near MR produced during the break looked at everybody, references, political. If they want to know the truth, not the horse. Politico this is from june for twenty fifteen by kate bennet, My jolly summer wedding, she, this guide jolly.
Is so into the medical left media that event Its merit- and nobody cares about it- it's in there on their website, but let's look let's follow through, since he attacked casey dissenters as a karen, I'm just reading what they wrote represented. a jolly well wed lara donoghue and indian rocks floored his home district on July, three, this twenty fifteen ali, whose forty two divorced from his wife of fifteen years carry jolly, was finalized last year, This meant that much younger donoghue now twenty nine and twenty ten wait. A minute So he met her when she was twenty four. he was thirty, seven must reduce. Well, then,.
When both worked at a lobbying firm van school gag associates, molly was gonna use boss did you know that must reduce at the time donoghue was listed in the coveted number two. They would be as now, why spot on the hillside rule fifty most beautiful people list noting the accompanying interview that she was a beach lever But a running competition would then marry jolly over. Who could care. The most foul balls at the washington nationals again jolly caught to quite the athlete she only two jolly and danny Hoo hoo spokesperson, did not respond to requests for come at were engaged fairly. The spring
Wondering what to get the happy cup or how about a campbell holder politico, he never did have standards so now who's. The karen here, ladies and gentlemen, who's the current case. It the sand, But a professional career, she was working for around at the time they were dating. I guess who's, the karen, I think Dave jollies, the current, what a punk? What asleep To attack another man's wife or you are my now, I'm John I'm doing what what I need to do, I'm going what I need to do. Have a platform here I a microphone.
start trashing candidates, wife and that's a whole another story. You know Hillary Clinton she's there and a date she's a sleazy as they get that's fine case. It does this is not on a trap is not. The jollies are, you know that alleys, romania, must reduce the scarborough. The difference is gave jolly wrapped rob the crib virtually. Joe did not, I don't even know whose over whether its joe or make it doesn't much manner Nonetheless, there we are the jolly summer wedding soon after the divorce from his wife. He marries again, of course, I've marriage twice, it's all over the internet, and you know you know it's funny about that
My wife's maiden name is strauss and I dont know if it's google or wikipedia what they keep calling heard: Julie, price, livin, prince truly prince living, but whose Julie prince. I had no idea at the time I said, while I married Julie prince who jewish I remember us contacting Wikipedia and others trying to get them to correct it. I mean, if you're, going to slander me personally at least get my wife's name ray and they ignored us. They think it's funny. It's not funny. It's not sad. It's stupid. Turns out there's a directive by the same name, markel event and I think it's his wife. whose name is Julie prince mister.
norway, Jews, look alike, so I believe that's what the mix up it. But we ve straightening out my wife's, gone by the name, Julie, prints. We're all over the internet, for some reason are photos are all over the internet routinely shop at sea packets all over the internet, such as the fact checking of the up democracy, party media and their phony encyclopedia type operation but I thought you'd want to know about lara donoghue a k, a laura jolly. But jolly apparently gets his jollies by attacking other women sounds like a psycho. To me to be perfectly honest with you, that's how I do, but you know what it's good that he joined. The democratic party stood that he's abiding
poor, it's good, they cape heart and the other clowns, buffoons and mouth content, come on with the rest of the congo line is guests because they don't really fit. They'd only really have a place in traditional america. I don't think. and you and I were supposed to Banned in all of our principles, all of our moral he's and belief systems, Cause apparently, lot of these people have, at least in some respects,. know anything about this guy's. Personally, I don't want it, I'm just reading what some political they found, this absolutely critical of core They had to interview one or both of immersion. Somebody who knows them with no about the whole beechnut, don't they, MR producer, and how many through balls? They current national game,
taiwan that Dave, jolly heaves and Athlete that guy nobody has ever seen anything like him. Nobody catches, foul balls like like dave, jolly, probably been hit in the head with a few too. I think just I'm just guessing all the sleazy operations, Johnny K part thought it was so funny. Couldn't stop giggling like the whole hole is guy gets no rating. None but he's a writer, you know really is Austria among the best he Maureen doubt is unbelievable turn peggy known. I make that best. They're there, ere. I bet I never seen anything like these writers before never,
Another reason I didn't play the audio of the more on to the left of cape part. As the video goes, I love as the crows fly or the crows in the east and west north answer. What do you mean anyway? Is cause she's, a nobody, absolutely nobody or not for this crap, but I I feel, like I gotta deal with it, because it's so outrageous. In my view, now, we have Joe Biden. Sorry sorry upset your dinner. Many of you Binding is everything you and I say he is he's nothing. The Democrats, the media propaganda say yes, the praetorian got. I now have people, MR producer,
using the phrase praetorian guard to me as if they just figured out to use praetorian guard on the media. You know our at that. You put together this model. We do this for fun, america, it's not an ego thing, it's not a bragging thing where's that china worth oh where's your monologue where europe montages I'd so Bodies writing now, I'm a right that china's preparing War and they are China's preparing for and we ve been banging the pots and pans here. You long time, listeners been posting on it. Then levine tv on it did a couple of fact shows on it there preparing for war and we're sitting on, ass when I ready psychologically, when I ready politically
we're not ready militarily, because our men and women and uniform the bravest among us are not getting what they need we're running out of ammo and so forth with ukraine. Folks, We were in afghanistan for over twenty years, member remember ever hearing that we were running out of equipment to you, Mr Barroso, but why I'm present united states. I met my oval office, I'm talking to everybody, let's get boys. What do you mean we're running out of ammo as pay would say, let the
dumb bastard run out of ammo. Why are we running out of ammo she's, my french? I don't like using the word dumb, but now, and then I have to so for your listening pleasure. Yes, China is preparing for june thirteen twenty twenty two january, three, twenty twenty three january, eleven, twenty twenty three february, ten, twenty twenty three june five, twenty three, MR producer, tells me it goes back much further. There's another five or six. We agreed that's enough, but here is some of that fear. Listening pleasured come And go it's only a matter of time. Tore at war with communist china, matter time? Because of But because of them. Not necessarily even over taiwan, but game play these things in my own mind, tat play out the different alternatives.
If they attack taiwan and we do little or nothing Should you think china's gonna take from that. If they attack taiwan, then we front china worryingly, China's gonna do about it. I fear war with china's inevitable, but because I think it. I think it is a regime that the trend to go to war, but it talks about gene. China right, cheek and china, while I know I'm, I sound like a broken rigour with china. That's just too damn bad but China, is an enormous threat to this country in china. At some point, it's gonna go to war. It's just a matter of time. if china, where did he go online and google it all you want, is now
in preparing for war. They have five times as many people as we do? They now have nuclear weapon, The technology they stole from us. They re serious air force They have a navy, that's larger than ours. And they are pouring an enormous amount of money into this, and so They present their defence budget and people. So, although only spending this we're spending a lot more. everybody knows who uses their head that finish chinese, don't tell you what their budget is. The communist chinese are on the move, nor on the move and space through the movement on the the skies. sovereign skies, the united states there on them, Geographically, in our hemisphere, western africa which faces eastern united states
on the move, with their phony islands in the weapon. Rising. These islands Have more nuke launchers than we do. They are modernized their nuclear forces. We have not which we can all talk about: waste fraud and abuse and the woke ism that's being pushed it. The pentagon, which has a disgusting disgrace that, doesn't get us where we need to be. If we're going to men and women in harm's way, those men and women need to be the best prepared, the best armed and the best protected of all- and I deeply concerned about this. there. We are not ready for war with communist china and what the hell do you think they're doing. Communist china. Listen is preparing for war as a matter of fact they are prepared for war there just muscling up further no debates over there. The period colonialist, let's cut a twenty percent, nothing
not a word they're, moving forward, one gets in the way they clarified enough. I'm back life. Thank you, MR producing so janet yellin? What's what these names here nearly here the woman talk in her name is yellow and have you noticed that MR reduce her ankle can you spengler she bows three times down? communist chinese finance, minister and he doesn't bow once I want caesar. What's with her he's thinking, that's right, value ugly american, keep bow and bow and bad so, mine is so unimpressive atoms in in his own way. they send this unimpressive cabinet member over who followed
there are unimpressive cabinet member, this idiot lincoln, who always talks like he's constipated to me, there was any way he talks like David jolly looks stupid every time by and by the way, says wedding, inflection point cause. You know, memorize that phrase like memorized bottom up middle out every time he says he's headed inflict. I think, ok, the guy, we had about moment. Don't you think? That's his inflection point, MR produce. I mean the fact is year, eighty years old, there's not a put down in any respect. Things happen. But you know, president, where they happen all over the place, get my drift would say this to the present to be as helpful as I know.
He's wearing those masks, you know for sleep apnea masks with the hoses. I recommend inspire. I have the inspire only by this have administrative. It goes on the. right side of the chest suggesting case anybody needs it. the later. Whatever you see on the left side of the chaff, because in the rights that it has been fantastic. But they can afford Joe to be you know, out, chose taken for, percent of his time chose been on vacation while he's been president people are complaining about it? Not me, I said or be ninety eight point. Seven percent of the time I'll be right Ben. I friends
twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be, a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn. My challenge to you. Take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss For the beauty of the bible in the genesis story, study the right, Cs Louis explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one or one there are many more to choose from and all these self paste three courses feature helstone faculty and scholars so visit. then for a hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty free hailstone courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course. Sheila
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome, alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today, the care and you make up a pejorative name or use a name to describe any stereo type of a woman who's, not white and you'll, be pulled off here. Or you will lose your job at work. You can thrive on care and you have a grand old time, thereby grand old time and the pit who throw it around the most. Are these white liberal democrat it's really kind of sick? Isn't it.
most of whom have a lot of money and completely out of touch they ve come up new ways of talking about people that obama put down. at that fundraiser in San Francisco. One was two thousand eight somethin like that america. They ve come up with new ways. You now you but there have faith and like your guns and that's it you're Karen's now you're maggie extremists value year. What why right this white dominant people. Here they come up with but they mean the same thing. You know. What do they mean they hate middle, regardless of race. They hate it I'll, be back
You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast aben. Follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen. Then the thunder on mobile, seven, seven three. According what wanting kids, let's take a call, MR producer, MR call greener to whom shall I speak friend their phone w abc line south windsor connecticut. How are you great mom
Thank you for all. You do in your voice, speaking truth to power. I wanted to get by the way I notice my cholera was under control, but tonight did you notice it and well in coughing as much? Well, that's good accidents agenda! Do you in talking to my uncle me she's one hundred and I'm a russian jews emigrated from a russia to us, escape the programs and sunday nights. We have dinner and then after dinner we talk history and ah the the progressive movement in the twenties and thirtys was driven. or ground, because is the american people recognised it as such an anathema to the culture Drove him underground, if I'm correct and they change there, to liberal to camouflage themselves,
Under the liberty banner, and went down my spine in two thousand and eight when the hilary was on stage with obama bombing. She broke, proclaimed herself, proud, progressive, the here on the back of my neck, stood up because I said to myself: they shield that way. So did they hear on the back of her neck, penny would go ahead. It is quite a bit more than that is on mine, I'm sure how dare a yeah she's just she is she, a karen I'm not sure anyway. I dunno she might be a jolly for all. I know yeah, but you know I am saying to myself. I do they feel comfortable enough at this point that the you're has descended so far that, yes, they do. They can rear its we had again- and my concern is: are we? Are we gonna rejected again or as the culture
why do you think I wrote this book? The democrat party hates america they're out in the open their attacking everything, their attacking science, people's private parts. their attacking the classroom, our children's mines for attacking parents; third, I can provide first, are attacking the catholic church. Quite frankly, there attacking or that choose their tackling the whole nature of citizenship and the border, their attacking our can system about all this stuff. That's going on and academia out in the cold. In places like you, don't even think about looking into its gonna, be in the book. This book is a hundred thousand words long? I couldn't have I of writing a hundred thousand word long book. I think my longest put before this was sixty eight seventy thousand worth. in the longest books. Category knows my warm peace, but that said, there's
the cover, and I think I wish I'd books they give out. I give you one. I think this book, you call a soap, I think this book is gonna laid out hook, line and sinker. It's not enough to talk about. This ideology, this school, what's happening whose behind it, whose organizing at what what umbrella Is it true that the soda overlays, the entire effort, I'm not talking about every element- knows every other element is doing. They dont need to. They have a common enemy, it's us and they operate through the Democrat party, which is more than a political parties more than a cultural party. It is the state party, it's the party of government, it- exist for the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy exists for it. Just it does and marxists in communist regimes or even fascist, Regimes same thing: the government and exists with an independent bureaucracy in these regimes. There.
Accuracy is own paid for and controlled by a party and that's exactly what happened in our country now for For years they ve been building up this bureaucracy. They will shut down the government not really, but even figurate, lay before they will allow one penny to be cut domestically from any these departments. Why? Because they own them. they're not going to agree to that anyway. Great call my friend prepared it who's next may producer, way, if you go to amazon dot com right now, I just looked thirty eight. sadly that is forty percent effectively off the pre order price of the damage, our party hates america. Don't kick yourselves by the kick myself anyway, but you know what I mean: don't kick yourselves
your party, yet birthday's, coming up. We have holidays coming up, but even if you don't, you gotta jump in you're going to wish he did if he didn't and we're going to hit the ground running and when you can lock in a discount like this forty sent some might say. Well, I didn't get forty bit, but you will that's the way amazon works. If you can lock in this camp lock it in, go right ahead. Scott Yes sure got a new target right. I had my brother. He has good hear me what I wanted to thank you were, But I wanted to thank you for standing up for Rhonda santa's his wide and quite rightly. I didn't get to hear the entire proportional
of what you were saying, but I'm hearing many of the criticism from on dissenters from the republican side from the conservative side from many that support that former president people that I really liked and sebastian gorka. I hear him on the weekend teaches about back, I'm not talking about other hosts. It's not fair. There are not there defend themselves and honestly, I haven't heard I'm just too busy I will say this: I don't have a problem with criticism of any the candidate but The problem with the way it's done and I May then known wanting criticised a scientist. I dont, like the kind of You know it's one thing for me to mock people and so forth, but I dont like it when they got when people running for president in the republican party, and so forth do get out. I got no problem with the duke it up.
But I'm just not into the other stuff or their talk. I, like it Adam cleansing the Santer such a four year track record. I beg you ronald reagan. Why can't these people say the santa's is fantastic, because he is a very conservative should save the fantasies Then tat, while you cared for everybody to say everything. I will tell you now in florida, he's a fantastic governor. There is simply no question about it The idea that you try Panem paint, who was that christie? Let's hear you know Mr patten, who is that governor in Florida that Christie Chris here what is happening? Everybody's yelling at us now, google, at first I needed or duck doc it even better bread is highly critical yet charlie Chris least somebody figure it out, and you know what
It's got nothing to do with him. This state is a beautifully run. State he's under attack By the by the people, destroying our culture because standing up to disney teachers, unions all other perverts and so forth these two and a hell of a job he's not even by the The gay organizations feel like they have to get involved in this fight. He he has nothing about gaze to gaze with gaze anything else, something to do with gaze, of course, but. point is that the trench donor community quite friendly such a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of the population. They try to x universal eyes and expand their argument, but there's no the universal eyes or expand or a country that says, live and let live. Just don't indoctrinate my children. You gonna cut this often add that go for it and I want to pay for it. I know about it, and so
don't impose it on my kids. That's all asking too much, and so, when you jump in the culture war, the way dissenters has and few others have you take these attacks, so he spent a fantastic owner my friend. Thank you for your call: copyright, then don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick. The lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract, cancel or leave any time get a new. phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure
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Cut nineteen go and by the way, this agenda saki, who is the quintessential exam of the Democrat he goes into the media and they give a big job although she's gonna network that has no viewers cut nineteen go. Occasional internal fox time and see what happens over to see not occasionally every night every night I Precisely was kind due to have a triple down economic service. Mr produce go ahead, The crowd should still be appearing on fox, or should they lay should boycott fox only appear Jen, pasok issue, like providence, or there their unfair and unbalanced definitely unbalanced over there. am I I've asked study. I please
you showed a pm eastern time on sundays. Please please pretty, please not saying a lot going, It contributes to the mental health crisis in the state, so, on the basis of one's own personal additions, I would not recommend it. My staff is quite literally tried to have interventions with me about it. They say I'm too obsessed with it, but I need to understand it. I don't want to know what they think. I want to see the patterns and what you see are patterns that emerge. You know he's a psychopath in some ways couple psycho. Have you noticed that MR producer acme camp at lesson? he's gonna governor on his mouth, much like coming to Chris Christie, who needs a clip on his mouth, as well as around his waist. But that's all funny, don't you think speaking Chris
Christy he says his election is a big deal and everybody wants a man whenever they cut Mr bidders, we go. Oh you know ass the when and by the way Will have some announced with this week: they're are going to show people that the entire. Cancer is wrong that there is a broad and wide demand for our candidacy and yes, yes, we ve got. One black guy one. Why guy one hispanic I want strike, I one one guy we got a few women ought Well, my supporters very dear. escrow. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to salute all you heroes out there. Thank you. Please did I percent off. I can t saying it go. Look at amazon, democratic. He hates america check it out. She remarked.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-12.