« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/8/23


On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Donald Trump confirms he has been federally indicted over the classified documents case. All thanks to a corrupt FBI, and a rogue Soros-backed prosecutor, the timing of this is not lost on anyone and it’s intended to impact the outcome of the Republican primary. If this is because of illegal retention of classified documents then they must indict President Biden. Meanwhile, the Democrats are at it again - this time with redistricting in Alabama. Redistricting is supposed to be race-neutral but the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, abandoned that notion. We have the segregating of communities by a majority of the court in order to make an additional black majority district for more Democrat votes. Also, 15 years ago the Democrat party opposed same-sex marriage. Today, Biden and the Democrat party says if you object to the mutilation of children you’re a bigot. Later, China is establishing a 'commanding lead' with key military techniques and Iran has hypersonic missiles - courtesy of Chinese technology. Just wait til they put a nuclear warhead on top.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground the members than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The The America, I hope you're doing on our numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three one one major topics today: lots of them para some past ways very.
a kind man very decent man. Every time I spoke to him loved this country loved his faith loved his fellow americans and was very very concerned about the future of america. and I did all they could in his lifetime to try and save us it's gonna. Take a lot more. Is it I'm afraid I want to talk about that tromp situation, but before I do, you may have heard of a case that nobody was really following involving redistricting. Now a bomb, a louisiana and it could affect the majority status down the road of the rich begins as well in the house. We district in is supposed to be race neutral. That's what the.
Detention compels that's what the supreme court up until today has compelled race neutral. if a state takes race into consideration and of itself can be unconstitutional. We reject proportionate, Representation, that is, if you have twenty five twenty seven percent of the population that saves black It represents one seventh of a state, then blacks get two seats that are predominantly black. Guantee, a cougar lonnie gwen ear used to support that position. She was a radical left us and Has been rejected as racist That's exactly what the supreme court did today.
Incidentally, if you pack all black her latinos or Jews, or whatever induce single districts. So they have a black. Congressmen are lacking. no congressman or jewish congressmen doing them any favours. Why? Because at one congressman, if in fact, that popular is distributed more evenly and surrounding districts. They could have two or three congressmen, two or three. But if their packed into one, they won district, something, the democratic party. and minority organisations- continue to fight for they can you do insist that they want these pact districts proper.
National representation because Typically, they vote democrat fact. it always they vote Democrat, the supreme court, in a five for decision written by cheap. Justice John Robertson, supported by Cavanaugh, as well as the three left us on the gourd, abandoned that that notion altogether. I want to give you an example of what actually, what took place in alabama. Because people who don't live in the south, where people live in about an hour you colino traces, they No, it's not it's not what happened here, not in the least the example I just gave you is alabama Six percent of the voting population ages, black so that
determine that they ought to have two black seats that seven and that's all they'll get ever. that doesn't mean the black people are properly represented,. Maybe they would have one other seats has done That's not a sorrow, is blacks so clarence thomas, writes a scathing descent, which is why the Democrats are constantly trying to destroy him his wife and have him remove from the court. The plain of sudanese cases seek a proportional allocation of political power according to raise, he said, colonel. twenty twenty census, black alabama for twenty seven percent of their states population. Twenty six percent woods voting poppy They should both figures slightly less than two seconds available.
Seven existing congressional districts, one district, seven, as majority black. These cases were brought to compel quote the creation of two majority minority congressional districts, roughly proportional control. Arguably, the majority fails to acknowledge that to minority control districts would mean proportionality or even that blue Taliban ends are about to seven. So this day, in that context, is critical to the issue. before, not least because they explain, stand of the racist sorting. The plaintive skull would require words supposed to erase neutral. but time is saying this we compel ratio. And racist sorting of the people in the state.
As a matter of mathematics, single member district intends to deal out representation, far short of proportion Now to virtually all minorities from environmentalists in alaska republicans of Massachusetts as such, creating, the majority. Black districts would require alabama to agree, suddenly, sort voters on the basis of race and nothing more. He says the plaintiffs eleven illustrative maps make that clear. All eleven maps refashion existing district to into majority black district robbers during the current black majority in districts, seven, they all the same approach, starting with black majority areas and poppy Nations in Montgomery county alabama. They ban district to east and west to encompass predominantly majority. Black throughout the rural blackmail in the process
the plants are careful to leave enough of the black bout for district. Seven to maintain its Majority then critically, the plants of district, turnout, district, two and seven. Stand a south western tender in the mobile county to capture dance highly populated majority black custer cluster in urban mobile. those blackmail. Billions currently reside in the urban heart of district one for fifty The district one is occupied the southwest pocket Alabama can This thing at this stage to populist gulf coast, cronies, mobile and baldwin As well as some less popular I area did they meet north and east. It isn't Spewed above that, the gulf coast region is the sort of community of interest that Alabama legislature might reasonably think a congressional. It should be built around, so we sit there saying when he sang really is the alabama
just slater was raised neutral because you have community along the gulf coast, and so this will bus stop that community. The contains alabama only coastline is forth just city in the port of mobile, its physically Its fiscal geography runs north along alabama mobile rivers, whose past us One follows: its economy is tied to the gulf to shipping ship bill tourism, commercial, fishing and so forth. So here you have the state of alabama, not turning these districts and do you know. spaghetti and all the respiratory twisting here in it following a logical, population and geographic lines. The plaintiffs time as rights to secure the majority black district to this law
staining compact an eminently said: about district must be radically transformed in the gulf. Region. The newly drawn district wandering retain only the majority wide areas that district to did not bizarre on its path to mobilise large majority black population to make up the law Population just one would have to extend eastward through largely majority white, we're all counties along them. Of alabama border with the florida panhandle deplore Stu not assert that white residence on the gulf coast have anything. Special in common with the white red It's in those communities and the debt it made no such finding the plaintiffs mass would thus district one To the left over white communities or the southern fringe of their state, it shaping constituents defined almost entirely by the need to make dish two majority black well off? retaining a majority black district, seven, so
You have here is these segregating of communities by John roberts, Cavanaugh and the liberals on the court the segregating of content of communities in order to make an additional black majority district. and these stereotypical view that he traditional black majority Strict therefore will elect a black uniquely can represent the district. statistical evidence also underscored the struck the illustrative extreme racial sorting. Now the plaintiffs experts back the cosy. My computer. Generated ten thousand district plans. using a race blind algorithm programme to observe several objective district criteria, none plans contained even one majority- black, desperate
this guy uses a computer. He goes through it, every conceivable combination of interests for a cure. many other than race. Ten thousand District play is not one of them is black. After my generated another twenty thousand plans using the same algorithm, but with the no constraint that they must contain at least one majority black district. None plans contained a second majority black, strict or even a second district, with a black voting population above forty percent. He's saying this is how it would work if it was actually neutral the plurality of justices, Peter agree that, with the plaintiffs, they could not prove the first precondition their state. Why vote delusion claim any goes on
so rather than being race neutral. They must be re conscious. and just because you put people of the same skin many together doesn't mean they have the same interests, all these rules, brac lacks with urban blacks. same with white through anybody else for that matter, and so with this, supreme court did and what the media promote somewhat. The democratic party in various ethnic front groups, what are these districts which are based on race and race alone, even though its own constitution, And if you don't have an hour
as an example to then obviously the legislatures, fair, white, racists, he couldn't prove racism at all, because what the just wait, you're dead and what the governor signed off on had nothing to do with race. It had to do with logical geographic, Community and commercial line drawing but John roberts is desperate, desperate To receive a pat on the head from left in the new york times. Cavanaugh, I told you when he was nominated is not a constitution. As I told a friend of mine, I urge who kept calling me and tell me how wonderful cavanaugh was that he's? Not
and this is what happens. This is what happens And so you have issues now being raised in the wheezy and eventually being raised in florida issues being raised with a legit. Natures are not accused, then by knuckle. Heads in the media and so forth are not have accused of race based gerrymander, in fact, quite the contrary, you're being condemned for not considering race when they created new districts which their prohibited from doing. I'll be right back then, if we anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example,
Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something that could If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go in your ira, the world gold council says even central banks are buying tons of gold What does that tell you learn why many americans are turning to a gold ira with augusta precious metals they're the best? I recommend them to my and family. You should call a gusting get there. Also guide. The gold I raise feels good. There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. seven, seven for gold. I re, that's eight seven said for gold ira, eight, seven, seven my gold. I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, press
metals. Tat can transmit trust. Me trust me. I'm gonna get this prosecution stuff, as I did yesterday and theirs. or to expand on, but before I do, fifteen years ago was at fifteen years ago. Two thousand eight how long ago said mister? Would it fifteen years ago, Barack Obama, cleared and a televised discussion, that he opposed same sex: marriage member that american, Marriages between a man and a woman that there the ways to address this civil unions and so forth, but he wasn't fabric
His opposition to same sex, marriage hey Joe Biden said essentially that if you objective the mutilation of children you're a big it. So we ve gone from obama, posed same sex marriage to the debt, grant saying if you dont support the mutilation of a child, you're big. In fifteen short years,. I discusses and a little bit more detail when we return we'll be right. Back if we ve learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen, for example, average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that. Then here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go
in your eye array, the world gul council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet, and family. You should call augustine get there. Also guide the gold I raise feels good, There's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids, five, seven for gold- I re that's eight seven cents, for gold ira, eight seven seven My god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. Precious men. Start can mark within a proud conservative, no ifs, bans or violence call in aid. Seven, seven: three aid, one: three: eight one: one
fifteen years ago. The official position of the leading Democrat in america, Barack obama, Was he opposed same sex marriage. Today, the position of Joe Biden is, if you up who's? The mutilation of children without even parents, knowledge than your big? It. Joe binds also putting together a task force to prevent governors removing pornographic books. From the shelves of elementary school library, something about that MC grath party and Joe Biden in particular that gets a sick excitement. from sexual lies in children,. There's a perversity here then
pack them to administer. The media agree with its and say are of the same mindset but here is a new conference with the british prime minister. Let's go to. one must reduce ernie's. Ask a question by laura baron lopez, pbs news, our to which she lies. And which she lies, that the anti algae bt q protesters turned violent in California. We also what happened. They weren't violent. this was an armenian community, mostly in Glenda California, sticking up for their children. Rolling at school board meeting they weren't violent in the least they were attacked by anti fa and they don't want their kids to be exposed. The sexual rising to perversion.
To this ideology to this mindset. They want them to be taught not indoctrinate, caught: one go off: the country. Mr president, republican led seats are passing laws. Passing anti elgiva, tiki q, anti transgender laws that were shredded rights and medical care, intimidation, and that this is so outrageous. If there's an adult, their who wants to have their physical appear. they're gonna tell you changed, then change it do what you want. That's not the issue here, ladies and gentlemen, the issue here is children parental environment, a notification when you have the state that is the gun,
and governmental authorities in the form of teacher union members, educational bureaucrats And others making decisions for children that is not acceptable, nor is acceptable that a minority, the population people transgender or even lgbtq,. impose their views on children any more than sexuality should be taught a little kids by anybody about anything. The big debate used to be sex education, and by sex education. What was meant was straight sex right people objected to it they objected to it in elementary schools. I objected elementary school having nothing to do. without gb, dig you or anything of the sort. Now I
pretty old fashioned. Don't I MR, but is so p are trying to impose this on our families. Our little ones Do not have the brain function, that capacity they to address it to deal with it, you know, look at the democratic party and I will say this: push for abortion on demand at any time right up to birth, and they don't We want to protect a baby, that's born from a botched abortion. They voted against, but right up to burn. They say follow the science is that are based beyond the warm yes, a fully functioning baby.
But abortion on demand partial burst abortion. And said to be all right. The bureau. I should have a trial without their parents. Knowledge at the direction of their stay is said to be a right. I want to remind you. This is the same political party a hundred years ago that embraced eugenics. I want to remind you that call Besides progressives, it was the progressive era, but they were a merry. remarks as back then the project a marxist ideology and doctrine. Nay, supported eugenics to call the population of acts and other minorities and people who
considered inferior and Cried party today stands behind abortion on demand, for everyone Daily, whenever limiting criteria. and now we ve moved from that to this. So if we want to defend children, our own and others from Drugs and surgical procedures that were ruin their lives or change their lives for evermore without any recourse. Were now standing up against pine and the Democrats in the state- and let me be a further clear, its They republican governors who are opposing this, not one game dynamic,
right governor has stood up, not one where the Democrats, senators nowhere worthy democrat house members. Nowhere. And then their Sarah gets like these southern poverty law centre. Moms celebrity parents for education, domestic terrorist group, hey groups. because that's what the democratic party in their surrogates do want. Obama posed opposed same sex marriage fifteen years ago, they didn't call on these things. One go
I ask this week and I urge you bt pew protesters for environment in california and also recently, and I spoke to the parents of a transgender girl in texas who told me that they are afraid and then they are considering legal leaving, not just their state, but the country. Sir. Why do you think this is happening in the one person is thinking about leaving the country can type, people who've left the country for a lot of reasons. But this is not a question. This is a statement. This Pbs this what you're subsidizing it's sick have they all circle around the state? That is the government and soup this go ahead like the ones that I spoke to to those families who are contemplating leaving the country because they don't feel safe anymore,
First of all may be quietly when we finish this, you can give me the number that family Call me The president in the solution has back and I mean really you're really cool. And you want the number quietly while the people who have suffered from murder rape and mayhem as a result of your immigration policies, you want their numbers to. I don't think you have to call them all. Mr president, even during your three day, weakens in their wilmington overhaul, hopeless beach. You want their numbers. what the numbers of people who rage, it reached the age of majority who, once through these processes in which they never did. You want to call them Tell them the administration has their back to course, not it's disgusting. In fact, here too
testing the way you lie the way you exploit disgusting cut too As president, I was proud and abandoned band on transgender troops. military transgender troops are in our military. Anybody know tiny tiny number. Ladies and gentlemen, we're having trouble getting troops. Rizzo way down were not met, making our. our numbers for the number we need in the army, the navy, the air force the marines were below our numbers. these destroying the military go ahead. For marriage act Through the civil rights protection shrubbery, cheap l b, t t americans
spit it out more on, go ahead. and circle meaty human rights around the globe Our fighters, for is there problem with this. I'm missing sent locked the fbi says over fifty percent The hate crimes in this country against Jews, night algae bt, q. Somebody's walking down the street in their gay. How do I know if their by? How do I know. if their training and had I held a Y know. I saw on the five today they were warning but the word woke me they said Rhonda scientists better have a definition for the word woke since he says wilkerson
has died in florida. So let me help them out my friends. There. and what I sent on one of them. Well, is the advancement of the american marxists agenda. whether sexual exploitation of children, train gender ideology, c r, t aunt. I free speech. The list is a long one. through the prism of marxism that I explained at american marxism that so pressure so oppressed. Our friend got five likes to use at free that's where it comes from marxism and that's what I wrote in my book. So if you don't embrace their agenda, you will be finished in one form or another. You will be labelled, you'll be censored. So marxism is woke, ism walker misery very pass. A word.
The original use awoke is unlike half a century ago was. in urban term involving blacks and race, but it certainly That today it's much bigger and much broader tis home axis agenda and one people will wake up and realise that marxism as anti black as it is, anti everything else in this society. It opposes individualism the opposed The ability to rise up individuals to rise up become successful. So that's workers. Welcome is the advancement of em, in marxism on all fronts. Their knives defined at the back ventures can regard. I'll, be right back then,.
If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical, in your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that? you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my in family. You should call augustine, get there, also A guide to gold I raise feels good There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Evans, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, so
For god, I re eight. Seven, seven foregoing irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com you remember what they say by low and sell high. I have an idea: america are put together a few other people It may be ruled by sea and administrators I understand there is a billionaire in new york. Has it. As and unknowns w b c, that he's thinking about buying Seen in his well have you heard that how it managed to sharpen the near post, but I think I can do it. pull together a few billion everybody's, a mine, we by cnn I Even charge a dollar you to run it I'll, do it gratis.
And then I put all my friends in his hosts. What do you think of that? all my friends in his hosts bring back and other What we know is not my friend I'll run him at three in the morning three in the morning, just because I could humiliate them But can you imagine the lineup solid conservatives. Yes, yes, I mean I've been around broadcasting a long time. America b and testicle lineup, but you never know. Maybe our by w are in new york put together a consortium, you never know the world. A third tremendous possibility I'm very fortunate to have
Many allies and friends we could do this, I'm not. poor sky and the world either just be honest with you something I'll play with something I think about must produce. I want to get everybody's hopes up. You never know so job Fine turbine. Are you a crook Joe Biden basically said would Nixon said. I am not a crook but the Truth is Nixon. Wasn't a crook in there, There's biden, bagginess cut three, Give me some results. A bunch of malarkey. where's the money cut for
the convinced annotation, trusted the areas of the task, because you notice the suggestion justice department what they should do or not do to bring any charges, are pretty george. I must now you're, not honest, and that's not what you ve done. You brought up january six and thought that trump should beeper. so you're, a liar number. One number You don't even have to say anything you a picture of it. ernie general, who says corrupt as they come here. mob lawyer and I'm gonna get into this next hour in great detail will be right back segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage.
Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the american monarch, living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one. One when the wall street journal cuba, tahoe secret chinese spied base, focusing on the united states,
King or pay havana several billion dollars for eavesdropping facility, I'm tellin you folks, just a manner time. I'd like to hear what the republican but the pseudo conservatives Forget about the Democrats, I'd like to hear what they have in mind to deal with this. I hear nothing. Every time I bring up, we need to Spend more and muscle up our defence, I get crickets or push back. China. Cuba reached a secret agreement for china to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island. nay brash, new geo political challenge by beijing to the united states. According to EU us officials familiar with highly classified intelligence and ease
I think, for certain cuba, roughly one hundred miles from florida, chinese intelligence services to scoop up electronic communications throughout the south. Eastern united states, where many military bases are located After? U s ship traffic. I guess real estate, vows and key west might start employment visuals With the matter said that china has agreed to pay cash strapped cuba, seven billion dollars to allow debility eavesdropping station and that the two countries have an agreement in principle. your member the year, the conference asian with Kennedy administration in russia arm accurately the soviet union, the so called missile crisis, My way understand a nuclear war when Kennedy. stared down khrushchev. This gets like no attention
Maybe it's a one day story them Ro doctrine doesn't even exist any. Our enemies are all over the central and south american areas, russia, who not ukraine, russia and china, and by the way, IRAN, The revelation about the my incited sparked alarm within the buying administration because of cuba. Proximity to the? U s: mainland washing, regards beijing at us as its significant economic and military rival, a chinese bay with advanced military intelligence capabilities in the. U s and backyard, get me in press and a new threat. But I cannot speak to this Civic ring poor were well aware of, and have spoken many times to the people's republic of china and their effort to invest in it. Structured around the world and may have no, it
purposes, including in this hemisphere. Kirby said we monitor it. All they do is monmouth. We monitor Maybe we monitor closely, take steps to counter it and remain confident that way. Able to meet all our security commits at home in the region and around the world c c, mumbo jumbo this problem. This does nothing has the opposite effect. She's me, I cursed, Let me tell you something pal. You're not put anything in that island. We're gonna, make sure of it. so I recommend you don't try. And one of the ways we do that as you, if we had a big enough navy make sure that none of their ships can get through a.
A: u s, neighbour, blockade! That's how you do it. This is an extreme. Do you My warmonger and NEO com. This is where we used to do certainly in our own hemisphere, to protect ourselves, but not anymore. U s official described the intelligence from the plane. Cuba side apparently gathered in recent weeks as convincing They said the base would enable china to conduct signals intelligence. Spinelli world as signet which cutting The monitoring of arrange communications, including emails phone calls satellite transmissions more that's about it, needs embassy, and why should we had no comment cuba's The seat in response to requests for common haven embassy africa has had not, sir, what tissue
decline to provide more details about the proposed location of the listening station or whether construction have begun? be determined. What, if anything, the bad administration could do to stop completion guess, stalled, you're one taken with them. Nineteen sixty two cuban missile crisis. Remember on Kennedy today, would be a republican there's. No question about. And so the article goes on with irrelevancies, pretty much and, He just what they ask yourself I mean, Journey way out of this damn thing. then there this from voice of america, the away we call it. china, establishing commanding lead with key military technologies
chinese research on some key military technologies has so far ahead that the united, Dates and its key allies may never be able to catch up. Do a new analysis by the austrian think tank, an australian think tank. It's called the australian for teaching policy institute s p. I they use its findings yesterday Based on a review of the top ten percent The most highly cited research papers concur in china leads and nineteen of twenty three key categories, Cloning, some that are likely to play a major role in beijing's push for military prominence, not prominence its dominance in the end pacific and beyond, mark mark. I stony oconnor my stella warmonger god's sakes quarters commanding lead and hypersonic ex electronic warfare and a key. Merci capabilities, the f b. I study found further warning quote
China's leads or so emphatic they create a city. Again risk that china, my dominate future technological brow. There is in these areas this is further found that for hypersonic last night Ten leading research institutions are based in China, while china is how home to all ten alternate top research venues for under drones, I like ballistic missiles. Fly at hypersonic speeds but travel along a set trajectory hyper son. weapons are highly maneuverable. Despite flying at mach five. Five times the speed of sound and the gap between china and everyone else are significant. Was some technology Like hypersonic china produce more than seventy three percent of all high impact research more than the EU
than the next eight countries combined mark back. I think we're spending enough artfully. It must be a neo com. But enough for these forever war, every case must be analyzed on its own. The test is it's not ideology. What is odin to do in this situation, to sit back and watch. The analysis also found indications that china's using western research institutions to its advantage more than fourteen percent high impact chinese authors, those arose were excited. Most often did their post graduate reining in the united states, Australia or britain, noting the poorest It is close to twenty percent per year, Mergers writing about hypersonic detection and close to eighteen percent. for I presided warfare in
the words one out of every five the chinese, so called scholars was edging. in the united states, Australia, brit remaining, An edge we and our allies in a few areas, s p, said the use leads in high impact research on autonomous systems quantum computing acquired. sensors, some areas of artificial intelligence and in protective cyprus purity mobile steal that chinese and then the Dance on that When you s research efforts should combine with those of our in britain, the so called actors partnership. The gap closes a bit more. though china still retains a considerable research advantage. The institute also said it hopes. The findings will strengthen some cause for the three countries to expand. dodgy cooperation to other countries such as
and why wouldn't way The hell are we waiting for. It is a huge resource of income, Billy, intelligent human beings. The! U s! Austrian britain entered into this agreement in september, twenty twenty one to address mutual concerns in the indo pacific. Most advancements in artificial technology, quantum computing and cyber defence. One of the most prominent pieces of the three country alliance included a: u s: australian plan to build australia at least eight nuclear submarines, member that the french went all my good. They went all my kindness he was defence and military officials have repeatedly voiced concerns about china's expanding military. The advanced- Knowledge is fuelling the expansion in march
defence intelligence agencies. Chief scientists told reporters in washington. Beijing already has the world's leading arsenal of hypersonic missiles. The, u S is developing its own hypersonic met weapons, but all of them remain in testing a development. You know why, because obama, And believe in them, so we didn't do it. but in believing killer satellites, so we Do it who put in the space force too I get out as its own. Terry service, so going on these things. other. U s! Intel officials have also warn that china's ability to leverage advanced technologies, so Your concern in February directive, Intelligence era haines warned that the high altitude, by balloon. China sent over the continent of the united states
could be the start of chinese surveillance efforts all wish. I thought that too, that's where we are I wouldn't mind if the eleven conservatives on their house for shutting down voting if their purpose To get more support resources to muscle up the? U s! Military that I could see. that I could say, but here we are, and guess what else we learn today, america. Iran has a hypersonic missile Where would IRAN get that they got the technology from china. Jolly a matter of time before they use a hypersonic miss on put nuclear warheads.
Can blow out the state of Israel. they can hit the united states, what gonna. Do then what you going to do then. What does crawl into a feed opposition is. None of our business is so far away This places or show for what do they have to do with us, One of the reasons I played part of ronald reagan speech on d day. was so his broader message might get through to some individuals to which he warned he warned about a country, What pretend that these problems overseas warrant, their problems are wouldn't come to their own shores. There were prick.
and there were not viewing war a war to all over again and worse. This time, genocidal maniacs, would nuclear weapons. North korea has nuclear weapons. We were promised by republican and democrat administration, said, appease their country and gave them tens of billions of dollars and aid to try and prevent them? From doing this, we were told they wouldn't be able to do sure, where we that we removed all the nuclear warheads from south korea. South korea doesn't have a single one right now they used to. I guess I guess they were wrong,
if they were wrong I'll, be right back much love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free found. You started out feeling great then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t or t mobile here's another thing you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk. The wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free,
samson galaxy. When you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l e ethiopian podcast to start saving. Today I want to congratulate Kellynch conway. of long standing. I want to congratulate her. For dropping they're dead It has been a parish, George conway. George conway to me Looks a little bit like Chris Christie or bill bar just a nasty guy and get the job he wanted in the year. Trumpet Restoration, so he went to war, were trump and crazy. Do much then. I'm aware of accept sharp on amazon lsd in the council. hated news network.
So he was on him ass well, ass day,. which is owned by comcast, In philadelphia, and he celebrating what he says is the imminent indictment of donald trump. You gotta be pretty set. Don't you think america. You must really hate your country So obsessed to promote thee, litigation with the accuser. in the rape allegations out. The jury never found that there had been rape. The georgie was behind some of that georgie's behind the lincoln project. Imagine being this guy. an insatiable appetite not just for food but for his attacks on donald trump. There is a mess. Hosty today cut seven girl,
If the word that you could use here, that was probably advisedly used, and the george investigation is that an indictment is imminent I think its highly union mean basically telling him there are likely to indicted. Why did you go to law school to figure that out cutting edge. Ah disguise unbelievably intelligent, isn't it I think, where'd you could have used, was imminent or not. At the imminent in been in tears, go ahead. She does that really mean it's going to be tomorrow, doesn't necessarily mean that next weekly, but it bothers me, no no eminent means it means it's coming. It doesn't mean tomorrow the next day. Doesn't mean shuddered at sunday, known than imminent. The wording minute go ahead
who are a believer in the rule of law and have a hankering for the rule of law? A sandisk? I am. I have a hankering for the rule of law and a hotdog. I mean I must tell you, green for the rule of law. This is the rule of law. You jerk, are you kidding me, go ahead, Gear and its amphetamine christmas- it's gonna, be sooner rather than later. No wonder they invite him on profound Absolutely profound, in some areas, George. There's a george conway or con man or george wrong way, complete irrelevancy.
I write back the remember the last time you get a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a
free samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk: dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today mark levin of grief, one of the great one bloglovin kyle and now eight seven, seven, three, a one. Three eight one one alright I am break some news here for you. Let's see, this is from donald trump on true social, corrupt bide administration, as inform my attorney said, I been indicted. seemingly over the boxes hoax, even though Biden has one thousand eight hundred fifty boxes in delaware, insult Fourth, with even more boxes at the university of pennsylvania and doc,
And strewn all over his garage floor worry parks as corvette and which is secured court on call by only garage door that his paper then and open much the time I summoned to appear at the federal court house in miami on tuesday at three p m. I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former. Presently united states receive farm votes in any sitting, president in history of our country was currently leading by far all candidates, both democratic republic and impose the twenty four presidential election. I'm an innocent man. This is Need a dark day for the united states of america, where cod- Are serious and rapid decline, but together we will make amerika great again we ve looked for the news in for me behind this nothing? Nothing has appeared yet in the federal court docket
Blow reached out to these special councils office, they have not responded yet again nothing, is any in any media organization, except the president has said. so. The president has said: he's been indicted. And we are here for another hour and a half we're going to monitor this very very carefully. Obviously, and If he's been told, he's been indicted and I suspect, he's been indicted, truly segment. so there you have it. I do not know the particulars at this point. Nobody does. And we will learn I'm sure, but before program, is over certainly by the third, our we will have the particulars
Port to you and to discuss at some length, of course, like awkward that bananas pie hannity on fox to appear on his programme this evening. So I will. And its moments like this, where I need to get out there. Son, radio and tv. Big to these matters were we here is a document case. There was turned at noon: espionage, Kay. There was turned into an obstruction case. this obstruction so called. Is related to responses to what is this investigation, in other words, This matter never been criminalize. There never would have been an obstructionism.
and this creates a horrific precedent, a horrific precedent. At many levels number one went Donald, left the white house. He was still president. He was still president at that time. Number two: in this issue of obstruction. you notices this? Where prosecutors always go obstruction? Why cause they set up people? That's why. We need to know if this is every single document you have. Of course it is, and then you find another document- oops, ok, obstruction. Hillary Clinton destroy thousands of emails
were destroyed in away by her people that they could never be recovered. They weren't just deleted. They were destroyed. so the entire digital platform was eliminated, her but also destroyed her cell phones with hammers. She was never charged with obstruction There is never a search warrant issued for her home, where her. where her server was placed that she was illegally using on government business per unsecured server. Gee also used and unsecured server one she was overseas in
belly the beast of many of our enemies. She was never president, despite our best efforts, despite her corrupt efforts, with russia collusion which mean she doesn't have the protection of a president of former president. armed fbi swat team ever showed up at her door. Never she obstructed justice. She was not a former president. And she was in charge with anything. and yes, there's a parallel. That's a parallel. The case of donald trump. They criminalize this case as fast as I could.
Isn't it there's the amazingly a grand jury in florida, lenin, dykes, the president within seventy two hours, very shocking? Don't you think federal. Diamond, don't tell me Biden didn't know about this. the attorney general united states who pretends his hands off the attorney general. The united states, his hands on he appointed jack. Smith throat prosecutor, knowing full well that Jack smith. Over reached in the case involving the former governor virginia, for which the supreme court unanimously overturned the conviction, he knows are any general at this same guy over reached with John Words and north carolina when the jury refuse to convict that's the main he chooses. Moreover,
I'm talking about the independent council statute, which lapsed years ago. This is the special council regulatory appointment, the appoint Is made and was made by the attorney general and in this case. The special council report to the attorney general ultimately and directly The case with the independent counts. Symmetric karla knows exactly what's going on, he knows exactly what's being done. And the violations of normal prosecutor, fix and procedures, our unbelievable. The endless followed as leaks by the special council's office to the washed imposed, among others,. The abuse of power by going behind the attorney client privilege going in front of a judge whose rolled in your favour over and over again a judge upon it obama,
who handles all the matters relating to the grand jury is profit. Peter insisted on question. The attorneys questioning the attorneys getting attorney client privileged information, which means you don't have a right to count. They call us the crime fraud exception. I call it a fraud period. The ruling should never have stood and shouldn't stand and am sure will be an issue on appeal. This prosecutor has refused to release. Refuse to release the memorandum that lays The extent of his point, Authority why shouldn't we? The people know there's no confidential or secret about that, but thence. Council wanted have access to that, so they can make a determination weather need to use it in.
In appealing these matters, and course. Jim join has asked for it. His well said the You sure committee, what's the secret, what's the secret. I want you to listen to tim parlour door. Former trump attorney handling, which rusty and others. The documents manner. On CBS news yesterday, I want you to listen to this cut twenty to go there Attorneys have raised questions about prosecutorial misconduct in this case. What did you witness
A lot of misconduct by that look like so I ve been report. I went before the grand jury myself. I was not subpoenaed. I went involuntarily as in the place of a custodian of records and I was really stunned by what I saw in the grand jury room by the conduct of the prosecutors and they made many attempts to try to get it privileged communications. They were to ask me about conversations with my client. They would make improper references to the jury trying to mislead them about that. At one point, it got to the level where they're asking me this again, and then they returned to the grand jury to see refusing to provide this information not refusing to provide the ethical rules prohibit me, even if the answer this question is helpful, I'm not allowed to give it. Turning to the jury, innocent and she knows it, she knows
it's an improper question. It's an improper influence that then led to an exchange where he tried saying wall, The privilege has exceptions, it could be waived yes. Well, the presence so cooperative, Why would he waved privilege and allow you to tell the grand jury about his conversation, lighted say cross on legal red line that that cross the major red line as far as implying guilt to a jury based on the invocation of a constitutional right the kind of thing that, if that had happened in a trial court, the judge would have immediately stopped, recent probably declared a mistrial and the kind of thing that, quite frankly, an attorney a prosecuting attorney, who wilfully does that type thing would potentially face discipline, and I think that they probably will when this case comes out. I am more information here reporter nick sworder on twitter.
President Tromp has been indicted on early seven federal charges. including a legal retention of classified documents, obstruction and conspiracy. The united states of america makes sick, the my stomach. And I know his lorries will fight this and they must the supreme court. I hope the weak links on the supreme court in specific, the chief. Asked his roberts Ann Cavanaugh. I hope thee Comprehend, what's taking place here that maiden he's running for reelection as a Democrat that has Turning general, who has targeted parents pro lifers, refused to enforce the law when it comes to the border is gone after it,
again state legislatures. Who's, the most radical, partisan attorney general in american history, a corrupt fbi laid out by the doorn report and infamously rogue secure. Who was brought back specifically to try and take our trump. This whole families are linked to the Democrats already particularly the obama's. I hope they understand what's taking place here in the timing of this is not on any of us centrality affect the republican primary the outcome of this election. I don't know how many of you are, but the
Among us, you ve never seen anything like this before. Have you no, of course not. Neither have I
stick with us I'll be right back much love in the remember the last time you got a quote, unquote free found. You started out feeling great then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll. Get
free samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today the was there really any doubt that once The da in manhattan- da in Atlanta? U s attorney's office, the department of justice in washington in panel, a grand juries unease? mc grath cities. Was miami for that matter? Was I doubt that we be reaching this point, ladies and gentlemen, that as you that there is no justice here, Entire thing was predictable early predictable.
illegal retention of classified documents. If that's it. Our chair, MR producer,. they may have to indict job. I do understand my point. He doesn't have a leg to stand on he's, not even a former president at the moment that he. retain classified documents. So they will have to indict Joe Biden. If that's the case as I told you many months ago, the position of the department of justice, as we don't indict sitting presidents. I believe there is a fury building in this country. Believe it's gonna manifest itself as a violent act or actions, but there is a fury and anger. Building in this country,
holmes across amerika broken no, what injustices people know, but the democratic party is doing. We're Joe Biden is doing and they are sick of it. Sector? There stomach We're gonna spend the last hour the programme on this. I hope your stick with us. I'll be on hand, you didn't. I have no idea what time they vast medicaments aw come on the kind. reason decline. Countries unravelling this is another, example. This is a prime example of what we're talking about. taken place here. Is not only unprecedented empressment, because its donald trump, some pressure because
Democratic party hates this country is happy to burn it down I'll be right back. I fringe. one in twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be Am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss. but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la
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Eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one: our countries teetering its teetering its. to being pushed into tyranny. Spring dry, in a tyranny by the democrat barney. tis about the rule of law, america,. This isn't about trump violating any law. America. They went eighty seven thousand new iris agents, A new building for the fbi: they want more f b agents, they want more prosecutors, authority chase, down trump supporters all over the country, including those who were not violent. On january six.
illegal retention of classified documents. Is this a joke. You can indeed a former president on a legal ancient of classified documents that you now have better On your possession obstruction obstruction of what ups action over the investigation, why was criminal investigation in the first place thank conspiracy, Oh yes, you see told his lords and he told his staff not to do this and not to do that you gonna, go after a former president, does the leading republican to run against the sitting president under whom all this activity takes place, and you know it's funny job pretend you didn't have a hand in this. When the national archives went to the white house councils office,
and said that we want to refer these matters to the department of justice or not, but we need or authority to do it? In other words, we need to go to their client, the president united states Biden, and he signed off on it You mean buying, wasn't involved. and of course, as I said before, under the special council appointment regulation under the department of justice, it's not the indictment Council act, there was a statute. This special counts reports to the attorney general, the attorney general appointed is no different than a: u s journey for those purposes. So, let's Pretend that this political, that the Democrats are buying this, the idea that this prosecutor would subpoena hundreds of people thousands of documents on a document case
a shocking, particularly when you consider how they bent over backwards to protect Hillary Clinton, who wasn't, even in an ex president, how they destroy thousands of emails, how they Destroyed her prior cell phones with hammers. How long is never actually read the emails that they destroyed? They looked at the headers, no warrant, no fbi swat team. They ring their hands, The legal weighing less than the other obstruction obstruction. That's what makes this different abstraction makes it different from what.
not truck, didn't, sell, classified information. He didn't give it away to the enemy. None of that stuff. That would be abstraction. Now you see, he didn't respond to thee quickly enough, claim I'm sure, I'm ready. Yet they charge him with federal felonies for his handling of documents just stepped back and think about that america. There is no. concept of proportionality, no concept proportionality. The whole goal here is to interfere with the next election.
Buying things trumps, the nominees so they're gonna, try and take out from now here's the thing. None of this. We ultimately resolved, probably until after the elections. And so they know that the buying crime. Family will not be the focus of the media. The me exist. All Democrats, the meat Exist, they get conservativism republican, this They exist for one purpose purpose only to take our trump whatever be the shall corporations, nobody or care. What about the millions from a common chinese military and wound up with a bite. Nobody or care.
Never even hear about it, nobody, that's not by accident. None of this is by didn't an aircraft carry of the entire federal law Foresman and intelligence agencies moving moving moving in one direction. No, Portion alley whatsoever here, no circumspection whatsoever a former attorney general a bill bar and others going on tv. I think I'll get indicted for this, And- and I understand, because
Screw around whether department adjusted, ok, good answer so stupid so absurd. I think this did it. Finally, I think.
Since the straw that broke the camel's back. I think tens of millions of americans just do not believe in their system anywhere, because the democratic party is destroyed. I think they ve had enough. They think this is a pip squeak issue, just like the call to the landscape that the democratic congress, and now there
crap executive branch of used. It doesn't matter what you think, a donald trump and his tweets in order that so irrelevant this. It's so unrelated the what's taking place in this country. This guy's defended as strong as it possibly can. He's defended against one investigation after another, his taxes, his businesses, his chin. His non disclosure, green and then, of course, the handling of documents when he left the white house who would have thought or the bureaucrats thought at the national market. And they thought right into the lap of the white house and they can't wait there.
Salivating and they threw it over to justice. They throw it over to just justice, knows what the do at that point, then only the President de gaulle You know what you need to do now known. The espionage act was passed to nineteen seventeen by a racist corrupt as in it by the name of woodrow wilson, spin amended since. The very dangerous law in many respects, very big this law. Ninety eighteen, the following year. They amended it. Basically, fine sedition, is anything that the government did not agree with in woodrow. I'll send used at the lock up his enemies politically, mason adversaries and that's what he did: the espionage
No irony there, how america? No irony there Presidential records act does not have a criminal component because they knew when they passed at president's vice president's cabinet secretaries. They screw up on this stuff. That's what they do. And then there are negotiations. Theirs resistance to turning the information over to the bureaucracy goes back and forth. It's a relatively new law was passed after Nixon. So that tells you the mindset that the presidential record I was never intended to be criminalized. and so we have the espionage act. And we have, which will start often a very.
Rageous way. Nineteen, seventeen in a way have the presidential records act. So really both of them have been abused here, both I have been abused and misused, and then we go to obstruction obstruction of what why you can't obstruct these wrote prosecutors now. relates to the criminal investigation, which should never have taken place in the first place. Right should never been launched in the first place. Special council should have been a special council, but they had a special council should now
been a special council, so many of you that let me just speak to republicans out there and Democrats who voted for trump, because the rest really no matter. Independence Democrats republicans, we voted for tromp or didn't. not talking to the radical left and so for you know how you feel you know. What's going on. There's tens of millions of, and I leave. This has pushed you and me. To the point where we have absolutely no faith in these institutions, none whatsoever, none.
You look at the treatment of hilary and you look at the treatment of the binds. I'll be right back then, full of francs on behalf of delicious asker mire. One hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position. Her meyer one hundred percent be francs, are one hundred percent frank, delicious this summer, tuesday Just choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it ask her every candidate running, for the presidential nomination of the republican party needs this they got against, what's taken place here and on expect christie to do it. Kirsty is a disgusting disgraceful moron? He knows
he's doing- and I know what he's doing too, which is why a coward and won't come on their sharp but trot put out Four minute video. I want you to listen, go Sadly, we a nation and applied, and yet They go after a pause President a present got more votes in any sitting. President in the history of our country. By far. Much better the second time in the elections in the first and they left him on A box is hoax, just like the russia, russia, russia, hoax and all of the others. This has been going on for seven years that they can't stop, because it's election interference at the highest level. There's never been anything like. What's happened, I'm an innocent man, I'm an innocent person. They ended the mueller hoax, the mueller report. And then came out no conclusion after two and a half years that was set up by it
then democrats, but this is what they do. This is what they do so well. They went devote their energies, honesty and integrity, better for our country. They could do a lot better. They can do allow great things but when you look at what's happened to our during the last three years, we're energy independence and we strong military that was at work we we're doing so well, we were respected all over the world. The biggest tax cuts in history, biggest regulation cuts in history. And what did you do? You have impressed, where an election was taken yet more votes in any sitting. President in history. By far, never anything even close and They come after me, because now are leading in the polls again by aligning inspire and against the republic used by a lot. But we're leaning against by and by a lot a tremendous amount.
and we went to a level that they figure in the way they have to stop us is by using once called warfare. That's what it is. This is warfare for the law and we it will happen. We can't let it happen. Our country is going to hell and they come after, donald trump When I see the justice of morbid weapon eyes in the fbi, we generally this continue to go on because its ripping our country to shreds. We have set Problems, and this should be one of them- is a hoax. The whole thing is just like russian russian russia, just like the faint dossier, fake dossier resolves, You saw the during report. You saw the more report. It was all a big house. You had to impeach vince they loss in one, and we have tremendous support,
but that was a hoax and a scam and now they're doing it again. It's just a continuation. Seven years, even after I'm out but it's called election interference. They drive to destroy a reputation, so they can when election, That is just as bad as doing any of the other things that have been done over the last number of years, and especially during the two thousand and twenty election so I just wanted to tell you I'm an innocent man. I didn't nothing wrong and will find this out. Just like we ve, been fighting for seventeen years would be wonderful if one could devote our full time too. maybe amerika great again. That's exactly what we did, but now Countries in decline. We're a failing nation, and this is what they do. I'm an innocent man. We will prove that again, seven years improving- and here we go again very unfair but that's the way it is. I just want to thank everybody. We are
doing something very special for our country, we're putting america first. I always put america first, and that's why we were in a position on fourchan- our position is no longer valid because things on such a poor job, But we're in a position where we're going to make america great again, I innocent, and we will prove that very, very soundly and hopefully very quickly. Thank you very much predict. This will unite republicans and conservatives like nothing else like nothing before I watch nitze mace on fox who have criticised in the past. And she was outstanding. and she said you know. I've had my differences were president, Rob but this is outrageous and she said I predict
when we would start to get to the bottom of this Biden, Warm ten twenty three in the five million dollar bribe that this would happen that they were charged trump and it has happened exactly the same day when every committee member got to see this document. and she and others have seen it has said this raises so many questions that the document is damning. No wonder they try to destroy the whistle blower, They train destroy all the whistleblowers, I'll be right back then there are no right calling seventy seven three one. Why one please don't miss life liberty, and within this sunday we won't have the key lawyer in this case
James trusty on the programme. Was mark over libya. That's a p Am eastern time this sunday, if you're, not. You can see it live, then, by all means set your dvr right now and, of course,. I won't have a killer opening statement. and there is a lot to say about that: I will be on hannity at nine thirty pm eastern time in about an hour as well, you folks are tremendous patriots. You ve been demonstrating to corporate amerika that you're not going to put up with their crap anymore parents. Taxpayers across this country have been demonstrating the school board. She and I could have put up with their crap anymore. ray pro life,
being a clear that you're not going to put up with with abortion, predict abortion on demand, a partial birth abortion you're not going to put up with that crap anymore, and so you re Your protest tat you ve made your voice is heard. You have voted. You're, doing everything you can legally civilly legitimately peacefully. To save your family's children, your schools, the neighbourhood, your communities through economic system Citizens, europe, and yet there Forest, that's fighting the democratic party there. Crime and criminals. The illegal immigration, the
Direction of the dollar and our currency undermined your pensions and healthcare system cause you names. Undermines the military sal out of the communist chinese, Then we have a government in washington d c that answers information during a pandemic that works with. massive silicon valley corporations. to identify you as an enemy of the state, to To to de platform, you d platform, the former president.
Given internal revenue service that run by the Democrats, that goes after the tea party in tea party group, you have democrat prosecutors in albany. In manhattan- in a land in washington d c,. let unleashing and obviously coordinated fashion, an attack. The former president. Even Always a private citizen, Does he decided to run again for election? The democratic party wants to put donald trump in prison. You charge people with crimes to convict them and to get them sentenced and they take them out a society. You understand.
Felony obstruction has a twenty year sentence. That's what they seek to do there. Trying to use the tax code in new york is the attorney general To put triumph in prison in new york. They're, trying to use january six in a lantern. potentially a rico charge, which is strange since it's a state case, but nonetheless, another obstruction case to try and put trump in prison in georgia.
They're trying to use a documents case then attach obstruction to it, to try and put trump in federal prison cell felony charges and on all the details, but I guess if they get what they want. They could put trump imprisoned for life. What do they do? Things like this. Paul Hillary Clinton's roaming, the the planet unscathed for russia collusion scandal that she launched unscathed.
Having destroyed thousands of e mail sent her cell phones during the course of an investigation has a possible. How is that possible. The way people I Chris Christie increase sooner and in asia hutches, who think this has grain, who think this is great george conway, who said it's christmas, celebrating hosts on cnn and MSNBC, who are orgasmic orgasmic. But I suspect this will unite true patriotic,
americans from all walks of life from all walks of life,. Other than the outliers, I think it will unite republicans, including republican candidates running in the presidential primers to denounce it. They want fair fight, even though it can be an ugly fight, even though Could be a muddy fight, but they dont support one of their rivals, think, secluded by democratic administration and the true there's a Joe Biden is a crook that the divine families crooked. But they have used their influence, they have you Their positions. Down communist china, which is happy to be shaken down in russia, the ukraine.
In romania- and god knows, who knows who else. For tens of millions of dollars, fine says today were where's the money. I think we should take em up on that. But those who investigate potential criminal violations refused to investigate button. And of course they ve sat on hundred Biden for six years. Although throw something at hunter, they come Up this form ten twenty three as long as they could Thank goodness for congressman comer. Now the whole committee has seen it in the report,
guns in the committee are appalled and disgusted by what they read. No wonder, no wonder. Binds attorney general binds director, the fbi sat on this as long as they could they sat on it through the mid term elections. They sat on it through the mid term. Elections a sat on a hundred hunters laptop that directly implicates Joe Biden, as does at least one with this spa bolinsky, whose come foreigners spoken out. You're angry, I don't blame you. you see what's goin on our classrooms to our children and they call you
When you see, when you say do you see what kind Filters in these elementary school libraries- and they accuse you of banning books, banning books. you're, sick and tired of your kids being taught racism, three critical, a theory you're born physic. This way, you're born physically that way, you're good europe. you're sick of it, and you call You call a racist, regardless of your race you're, tired of it. Look schools don't teach anymore. test scores or in the toilet. There. echo left marxists unions, I work for the democratic party are in charge of our school systems for what You pay an enormous amount of property taxes and have no say whatsoever if a democrat party,
there's number one issue: is abortion killing babies number to issue. The mutilation of your children once their born to civil right now to civil rights. strangers government, employees, educational bureaucrats, the decision on whether you gotta keep surprise. What are your son captors painters that gun making this decision, the culture is going to help day. Ten thousand illegal immigrants crossing across the border in these poor people raped and sold into slavery, children being molested. The cartels have
although the border democrat parties, all in a big deal, so good sent no another day coming across the country, killing a hundred thousand of our young citizens. Oh well, so be it. We need gun control, How about fentanyl control, how about illegal alien control? How about crime control? No! No! No! Of course, you're ticked off. And they don't wanna be trumped the old fashioned way. they want for more years abiden? They know he is dimension. They know he's an idiot.
but that's ok by them. In fact, that's preferred by them. they can push composure, o c and Bernie Sanders agenda is kept people around him. People around him, it would make Karl Marx proud. So the issue executive orders violation of the constitution. waves, a magic wand and a trillion dollars spent hardworking. american subsidizing student loans, but will so be it. I'll be right back then: don't fall for their free phone Yes from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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amazing that every time the government intervenes in our elections they helped the Democrats. They helped the Democrats She Hillary Clinton Should have been indicted and charged and imprisoned for what she did not even close car out of former president. But then the Democrats, when agreement had a. So the abuse senior brass says we can't do that. Can we. But the fbi senior brands here is a completely different mindset. Doesn't it trump Media tells us everybody hates trunk mitch, mechanically
trap as he put out a statement today? Mister producer, I haven't seen one of you. This is part of the problem: when the head of the centre, republicans sits there mom, You think Schuman would do they were buying. I'm in a slightly different location, so point of personal, privilege. I want my wife to know. I will be on Hannity tonight. So I would ask that you walk the dogs can act. cause. I won't be available at the poor thing, had walked away, night too, because I. I'm trying to finish editing my book. Then I'm gonna tell you the title of the book right now. Even though the publish it does not want me to do that for the night,
Twelve days, but I'm going to give you the title of the book anyway, you can't get her on amazon, yet and it is the longest book I've ever written, Then I have data even more to it: The democratic party hates amerika. Again it's not on amazon. Yet. It will be soon the democratic He hates america, not the democratic. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. We salute Truckers, the freedom fighters and taiwan and ukraine. And I were going to salute president trump. Let him know we have is back now see unhappy in thirty minutes, and.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-10.