« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/7/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading across America and the left and the media are blaming climate change. It’s not climate change, it’s the incompetent ruling-class ideologues who don’t know how to manage forests. Also, more leaks are coming out of the DOJ. The story that Mark Meadows was trying to make a deal against Trump is a lie. More leaks say that federal prosecutors informed Donald Trump that he is likely to be indicted in the documents case. This is all being done to re-elect Biden! We’re dealing w a corrupt, politically driven DOJ - how much more evidence do we need? Later, FBI documents allege that a ‘businessperson from Ukraine’ sent a substantial bribe to Vice President Biden. All of this news is stunning and it’s shocking how quiet the media are. There’s a full-fledged cover-up taking place being led by AG Garland. They are going after Trump, not for some documents case - but because they work in service for the Biden crime family. Finally, Chris Licht is out as CNN CEO. There’s no reason for CNN to exist. Once it gave up on straight news - they went hard left under Jeff Zucker and destroyed the brand.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the the. america mark levant here are number eight. Seventy seven three eight one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight ones: the eight one one. What's going on site, from canadian wildfires, poured into the? U s is bright by reports on the east coast in the midwest covering the cap,
about nations in an unhealthy hey, sending school recess indoors, prompting people to fish out pandemic era face masks. While canadian officials expanded evacuation orders and ask other countries for help fighting then four hundred twenty fires nationwide air quality with what the euro, rates as hazardous levels of pollution, then it into central new york with massive tongues of unhealthy air extending as far as region, And indiana and bottom our officials, Mord residents, to stay indoors when possible, limit outdoor, exertion, Debbie, funk sport at eight lose surgical math, while there Debbie whether mask- and it is why The fire season started early this year, so very early, exhausting fire fighting resources across the country, smoke the blaze in various parts of the country, has been left
In the u s since last month, but intensified or the recent spate of fires and quebec, where more than one hundred fires were burning and consider that Control and it goes on. and the more entertaining about climate change, the fires were started in one case by campers and most of them by lightning. the morons are going on about climate change, always an opportunity, boys and opportunity No, it's not climate change, its the competent in class ideologues who don't the manage our forests, they ve been saying for decades. Nature will take care of nature. Let nature deal with the old growth than the and the dead for
trees and limbs led nature deal with it, while nature is dealing with. What's the problem we have the interior department, the. the ag department, all walking the clearing of dead trees and an old growth, blocking logging, which is this modest way to take care. That sort of thing. When you have very logs in charge of life and death situations, this is what you get. You also get brown some blackouts. You also get shortages of water and shortages of electricity. This what they do. Why cause the and I There's nobody is talking about the lack of competent forest, Management are wildlife management.
We go in and clear their stuff out, especially can Canada is a big damn country. doesn't have a lot of people either I have a lot of people either. Now we have clocks on monitors on tv screen Showing us where they smoke is worse earth. Cams drones, climate change, nothing to do with climate change, it's called lightning, it's called. That's who throw cigarette potsdam who don't out of put out campfires fires idiots, and so we have these disasters. We have these disasters. He go look at the liberty and turning over and I read it to you page after page.
If your page of how the media in america and that Mccrae party one and the same site every In anything is evidence from climate change. Much be must be nice. We don't we need science, you just make act. nations and allegation. He just you just say stuff. People. You must surrender your way of life. We must destroy capitalist. Oh yes,. We must do all these things to prevent. A change you must give up your cars, stove Ass lawnmowers year
washing machines, dryers, H, fact, system your window, air conditioning systems must give up your toasters, give it all up, give it up and give it up fast, look what's happening. Look what so. I have no time to think about what they're saying, no time to think about what their say. Preposterous, and so you have these horrific events, they get worse worse, because the idiot who reads canada is an area. The idiot leads, the united states is an area, that's the problem, the most in
But and it should illogically driven ruling care class in our history, I mean we ve had fires before we didn't have technologies that we even capable of coming close to slowing them or cutting them off? Or what have you a whole lot of human resources and a lot of buckets and a lot of buckets, and this happened before. But there are ways to limit the damage Their ways to limit what takes place but instead. The idiot said the interior department, the idiots at the agriculture the part of the area to the ba the idiot seti, the equivalent agency, Departments in canada led nature. Do ok.
Mother nature can be a you know. What and she's doing. so it's burn, maybe ban and they smoke the pollution. The fog is enormous, as the various air strange. bring it towards the east coast in the mid west of the united states, the airstream coming out of canada. No, no, you don't understand, see automobile. No, it's not you understand it's. It's americans stack industries. Now it's not it's! None of these things, Not so very urban climate change. They throw this phrase out and that phrase Is everything and anything, because
it's been used by the marxist left to destroy our economic system and to continue to attack. Prosperity and your way of life. The things that make your life easier Many ways make it freer make a tolerable. Cool during the summer, warm during the winter mobile soon get from point a to point without a whole lot of hassle, they're all under attack so you can live in a nice home under attack all of climate change. I'll be right back then, if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something Could help if you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go In your eye or the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it? you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call a gusting get. Ultimate guide to gold. I raise feels good there's. Another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. In seven for gold, I re that's eight seven, so For god, I re eight, seven, seven God I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. Press
metals tat come I want to get into what's happening the donald trump here folks. They also want to make something clear that the that they story on mark meadows trying to deal is a flat out. Why. it is a flat ally. so you're getting a lot of these leaks. Now people, forced to testify under penalty of, a man and things of that sort, but in terms of Him in his lawyers trying to cut a deal with the special counts That's a lie and that's been reported. And so the reporting as a lie and I'm can they came out of the prosecutor's office and there
king, like a sieve,. and I think, a lot of these leaks coming right out of the department of justice side of the deputy attorney general's office. We're gonna get into some of this. I mean, after all, The leading the battle against. This have been leading the battle against bill bar in the Legal analyse who been carriages indictment, Donald trump over the documents case said disgusting disgrace. So let's start our friends. It just a new Whose Feds uniform trapeze target likely to be indicted is d. O J rebuffs prosecutor misconduct claim trumped offences, submitted secret evidence, alleging prosecuted, tried to sway witness testimony by discussing federal judges, federal power,
Scooters have notified this John solomon himself, writing donald trump that he is criminal target unlikely to be indicted, eminently a pro bono, alleged class. I documents, even as the justice department declined, delay, charges to give time. Lastly, it allegations of witness tampering submitted by the former and its legal team according to multiple people today, who are familiar with the case. Now one of the president's lawyers is it jim justly right, MR producer, Jim trusty, pardon Jim trusty I know, gems, good guy, he will be on my sunday shown life, liberty and Levin, and I think you'll want to catch him the source. Directly with the case tall, just the news that d o J declined to delay the plan indictment of trump too
to gain allegations that a senior prosecutor working on the case try to influence a key witness by discussing a federal judge ship, with the way This is lawyer that allegation is still pending and his secret case before. Chief. U s district judge, James E, bows burg, jurists to overseas their federal court in washington in the grand juries that convene in that court house. This two said: here's what you also need to know Joe we, both bird, was appointed by old mama he's radical leftist parties, you need to know that and the prior judge Who was also appointed by obama was another radical left, his partisan
didn't rule once in favor of any of Donald trump's lawyers motions not one another day. She left the court she retired, as the chief judge, to be replaced by this guy bowsprit. She wrote that attorney client privilege did not. play with respect to one of donald trump led councils in the document case. Based on these so called I'm fraud exception. It was a very controversial rolling not to the media. Of course,. and that lorry resorted to testify in front of the grand jury and bring his notes. We don't know cause the order, was secret. Think about that. Federal indictment. Crafted by special council, jack smith could be handed up.
Federal grand jury against the forty five president, as early as this week, or perhaps next week, tromp, argued smith is a partisan he is, and the federal case against him is being treated differently than one against Joe by who also has found a classified documents in his possession firmest time is, At president course, federal prosecutors deny politics god in their pursuit of tramp. Now on the delay, the indictment. as I read in another story, trumps team said: look delay this. You need to look into this. You need to look into this Effectively a bribe by a federal prosecutor to a witness. The deputy attorney general, the united states, said within twenty four hour decision now we're moving for it. she is a radical hack Democrat who served in the obama,
campaign and as a lawyer for the obama team, so and see what's going on here, obama's everywhere smith process Europe, team and ford trumps legal team in recent days that the charges against the former president cutting put violation of eighteen years code, chapter thirty, seven sex seven nine three that outlaws. They quote gathering range meeting or losing on code of national defence information, either just being considered, involve alleged false statements and obstruction of justice. These are these process crimes all claims the prisoners team of robustly contested in public and in private, but bill bars. Given them a lot of cover. Oh yeah. I think this is an easy one. No prior sitting american present has ever been indicted in federal court and if the grand jury accepts the prosecutors case touch often on pressing,
legal battles certain work, its way to the supreme court. While lingering over the two thousand twenty four election, which tromp hand illegal it's the geo p fear by as many as fifty points in samples. That's the gall this is being done to elect by. its being done to elect bite, and I don't care what all the other legal analyse tat. They say it is preposterous that this has become the case of this century and unprecedented case, where a former president is going to be likely indicted. Our documents.
And bill bars defences? Well, he kicked him off. You know you're screwing around for three months. That's a great argument! That's a great argument for interfering in a presidential election. That's a great argument for an unprecedented charging of a former president and watch the president. Now, what's the pressure that the president is a disaster Canada, multiple sources from Mary, with the ongoing problem of whom talk to just the news, condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Trumps laura's happen. And a robust defence based on months of legal research on continue this. When I turn I'll be right back, If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example,
average ira and for one k, balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that bill. something that could help. If you have an eye array or for one k, physical go In your eye array, the world goal council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it? you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend, them. To my friends and family. You should call augustine, get there also The guide to gold I raise feels good, there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. five and seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, so for god. I re eight seven, seven foregoing irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures and august.
precious metals, dotcom thumb. Mark law then show where we create the talking voice call and now, eighty seven, seven, three eight one. Three eight one one I go on in this article, which is important just the news a very good job. John solomon used to be one of the senior reporters had the assault a press, my first knew twenty five thirty years ago. He's a real the journalist its trumps lawyers have prepared a robust defence based on my of legal research, anticipating smith, my pursue charges, crumbs law, her bed, I do that a president had broad powers under the constitution to keep documents or declassify without any fanfare, doc And from his presidency and take them with him upon leaving office, that's the thing this process
Peter is really trying to create. sort of new law? This is unprecedented, and so when something's unprecedented. You really should not unleashed against a former pres, the united states. This is what this guy does. This is what he did to the former governor of Virginia. This is what the did John edwards of north carolina. This is what he plans to do to trot he's gonna, bring untested arguments. Against a former presently united states, not a former secretary of state or while praising the united states, as I explained before, president's different, he is the executive branch, not the vice president, not the sectaries day he's different, and that's that its intended. He and he alone has the power to declassify. If that's what he wishes to do. So, why
get into all this. If prosecutor this, What the legal analyst should be asking and talking about enough our attorney general. Why open this pandora's box? Why why Create or try to create new law on the back of a former president is now the number one candidate on the republican side and done by The current president and his party goes on, they will rely heavily on a. U s district court case in washington more than a decade ago, involving former president bill Clinton, that concluded a president had broad and mostly unchangeable power to determine which Five minutes from his present needs can be kept personally and that any documents moved trumps home and moral largo florida bed. Minister, new jersey fall under that category.
That is a very logical one, strong argument, so why bring this case in america, bar association report, twenty twenty two seem to agree. What trumps assertion that call? guidelines support his contention that present broad authority to formally just classify most arguments that are not statutorily, protect while they are in office prosecutors plan to counter that authority does not extended documents containing national defence information whose work engineer release could jeopardize national security, but that's not what happened if, if They purportedly introduced two grand jury witnesses, a recording, trumps office made in twenty twenty one during an interview with former chief of staff mark meadows biographers, in which the former
Incident allegedly talked about a document describe as clay of fighting in his possession leslie written by former trim the joint chiefs mark milly, that outlined a war plan against iran raw process, Is it not located in exact document matching trumps description? They family? classified markings written by others. Laying out and uranium battle plan that truck returned to their national, our cars more than a year ago, so he returned to the national cars more than a year ago. travellers have developed evidence showing the information from the plan was leaked to a major magazine by a senior military officer, I plan to use that as evidence that it no longer can be considered national defense information according to people familiar with both sides of the case, the one of the first dispute, It's likely to be addressed as evidence that trunk, the fence team submitted to both burg. That's the judge in a circle
core proceeding recently and deputy it any general LISA Monaco. This LISA Monaco is the is the main problem. She's the puppeteer and garland is the puppet. She runs the department of injustice, she's, I'm through our she's, a radical crackpot. She is no obama stooge. Then they loved this stuff. They love it burn. Down baby bernard debate- and I have no problem with that attorney generally some monica offers monday pledging is seen federal prosecutor working on the case, discussed a federal judge ship with a defence lawyer for a key witness, Monica a person from the trunk team. In the last twenty four hours, it was rejected
west to delay the indictment, so the allegation could be investigated. Why what's the hurry, why The latter was already in line for consideration by the binding white house for a judge ship. The process legibly raise the nomination while trying to get additional testimony from the lorries client. Or in the source is familiar with the allegation, in other words, they were saying you're in love. Be a judge, you know that can be pooled. That's the application like the mob, the deputy attorney drama, jenny bite. Of course, as now, I don't see any reason to look into that or delay. This now took the sky. and raise concerns among defence. Lord said it was an everyday inflows: the witness whose declined to china his testimony because he claims to have no other information about the movement boxes and artifacts, immoral largo said,
If the white house, the sources said, got it see, what's going on, see a corrupt, these bastards, I want somebody. Please tell me why Chris Christy's running for president. Notice I keep calling him the kamikaze candidate, apparently MSNBC or seen and mentioned today. Mr producer rush right about echo chambers, that's for sure tall! Yes,. he's they hindenburg in the form of a kamikaze. the new jersey, hindenburg and cozy canada, by the way is not going to just aim for trump, is going to aim for dissenters to he doesn't care if Joe Biden wins doesn't bother him in that the least
I'll go around saying he tramped care when this. I love it when these guys, with one percent, keep telling the american people, particularly republicans in conserves who can Can I win. Maybe they're right or maybe they're wrong. But who cares just one? Eighty opinion just one eighty its opinion. Far as I'm concerned. So that's what's going on here! Folks now. We have our friend Jim Georgia, was on the programme last night, I with the federalist sean What Jim Jordan demands that merrick garland forfeit records over the appears more largo raid house tradition can any trim. Jordan sent a letter to attorney general garland. Yesterday, demand
in documentation related to the api eyes raid of president trump's, mar a lago home. The raid, which took place on august, say twenty twenty two unprecedented again get a warrant and armed f b. I swat team on the former president so think about this. Hillary Clinton gets away with it bill Clinton, Look at this, the re took place on august, say twenty twenty two was reported, The aim of retrieving quote any document trump ever saw red are created for the entire as for years, is commander in chief unquote, not too broad due to the unprecedented aid The binding d o j conducting a raid on a former president of potential twenty twenty four rival house judiciary committee, republicans sent letters to guard fbi, director ray and then white house chief of staff ron claim
Demanding records pertaining to quote the execution of a search warrant and the decision to seek a search warrant for trumps estate, the affidavit released by the fbi later that month justifying the agency's warrant application to re. Try splatter? Residence was near ah redirected so Here we have once again the fbi, the department of justice and some hack judge. interfering in the way we govern ourselves interfering in an election. and they won't reveal information to we, the people to the electorate to their citizenry. It's inside job. november. The d o j appointed. U s attorney jack smith, actually garland did as a spell
council to investigate whether trump violated federal laws related to the handling of presidential records. Unbelievable and no special council, no special council investigating Biden the shell corporations. Millions at hours coming into the family from canada and he compare the two. Are they even close to being equivalent to judy you're, a committee quote previously requested information and documents related to the. Guys raid on president trumps residents and its subsequent investigation, Jordan's lighted, I reach, because you have not proved the information and in light of your appointment of jack smith, a special council, we writer, Question on reductive copy, the memorandum outlining the scope of Mr Smith's probes regarding president tromp in any supporting documentation relating to his appointment as
the council, now there's no reason to conceal this information we now what know, what authority you gave to this guy. In addition to the unread active memo outlining the scope, a special council smith's investigations turn seeking any other document describing listing delineating the authority and jurisdiction of the special council garlands deadline for forfeiting such wreck so the committee is june. Twenty, according to the letter, they want to know the scope of this investigation. They shouldn't have to fight for this information. It should be made public, it should be made available to them. It should be made available to the american people. This guy's gonna issuing a report, one day indictments are now indictments shouldn't. We know up front the scope of his investigation. Why are they hiding there.
jordan's tuesday letter that you a letter yesterday to deal jays second, within the past week, requesting edition information related the fbi's moral, argo right, the cat some in their knows that these guys, I'm through day last week, jordan soon a separate member girl expressing concern about the fbi's track record of bias and reckless disregard for the truth and, of course he lay What the dorm reported indicated released last Might the bombshell report found the f b possess, no real evidence that then candidate trunk colluded with russian government officials when it launched its investigate same fbi, the same department of joy
is that lied about russia collusion that tried to set up trump before they're at it again they're at it again. Meanwhile, republicans recently announced plans to hold contempt hearings for re and, in fact, if you go to mark Levin social sites, whether twitter, true social or any, of the others. I have a link there. A copy of the draft that determine comber the house oversight committee has put together and that will be used and be voted on by the house represent I'll, be right back much love in the if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example,
average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something could help if you have an ira or for a one K. Physical go In your eye ray the world go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold by what is that You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my feet, and family, you should call a gusting get. There also A guide to gold. I raise feels good, There's another savings option: diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids, Haven't seven for gold, I re that's eight seven cents, for gold, IRA, eight, seven, seven why gold ira consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com
There were some of these people who are joining The republican battle, the president, would get the hell out and put the regos aside, including Chris Christie, but he's not alone, there are other people who will, you know, have no chance in Hell. I mean the problem is the serious candidates, I'm not saying all of them should get out. I'm saying the serious kennedys you're, not gonna, be heard during the debate and the guys at the fifty year are going to become incredibly, rageous and provocative and personally attack for the purpose of drawing attention. that's exactly what christie did in new hampshire less time we spend Was money almost time came in sixth, but try to destroy
marco ruby out. So he gets step up two tier number: two. He never stepped up the true number two, but he did grave damage their work. Do you even remember what he said to robia? I don't. He has no laying christie, and there are others who are some of whom are my friends. they sound great their great people. But he's going to vote for. I hate to be the messenger, but in every now and then univee slapped into reality. Slapped Andrea and Chris Christie is he's a chameleon. He had his head so far, our president trumps, but now he's an enemy alley wants to strain. Things are really quite.
Stupid lots more I'll, be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you. So much sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader that the mark Levin here are numbered. in seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one
one one. I want to continue where we were most of the first hour, because there is still a little bit more information before we move on. That's the great thing. That a three hour programme. We can actually go through stuff, some People have won our programmes to our programmes. When labelling and they're gone- and you know, you're, not the oligarchy. That's not the benefit of conservative talk radio The reason shows have three hours whether was rush hannity or me, or some of the others is so You can engage a smart audience: smart people, principled people, are not interested in superficial. surface level,. Interviews- her cut enron and hit and run employ
She can determine quickly if our hostess able to carry three hours- or they can only do about forty minutes in an hour- would come I saw so many guests just the way it is. However, the federalists exclude the bill bar confirms representative jamie rascal lied about buying family corruption investigation. now you know I was a fan, a bar, and I'm not now, because I think his conduct is utterly appalling. Where he's trying to give cover to the indictment of donald trump over the documents and I think this is a lot about trying to get even. some people who wrote essays. Twenty five and international review. Who also never like trump same thing, just want to prove themselves correct court on quote:
Dealing with a corrupt department of justice, a politically driven environment of justice. I don't know how much more evidence we needed is Swirling around even Helen keller can see it official report now the points it up, but we didn't even need the official report. The doorn report its corrupt, this health, and that should be they. The focus Have our resentment our contempt, not the victim, The bar confirms representative jamie rascal lied about buying family corruption. Investigation, Jamie rask is the atom shift of this matter jamie rascal was on both, I repeat, both who impeachment panels. Jamie rask and was on the general six committee, again rask in is.
is on the judiciary committee, he's a phoney former federal constitutional professor saucer coward, he's a coward Christy's, a coward. None of them are come this programme. Margo Cleveland, whose excellent over the federalists. Quote: it's not true. It wasn't closed down. William bar told the federalists yesterday in response to Mccrae represented jamie rascals, claim that the former Many journalists have picked prosecutor. Had ended an investigation into a confidential human sources. Allegation that Joe Biden had agreed Five million dollar brought on the contrary bar stressed, who was sent Delaware from further investigation now think about that jamie rascal caught in a flat out. Why. And he's a main source on and off the record for the corrupt media. The wash
the compost in specific, think about that nestor constitutional. Professor! That's number one number two we're talking about a potential five million dollar bride. How that? How can there not be a special counsel, appointed. Potential five million dollar broad up, the thirty million dollars, or so in communist, I need money according to Peter schweitzer, ten million dollars Said, according to the house oversight. Neither does anyone acts, access, totally information, their trust three department were blocking the wire transfers they had to go to the banks. Now we have this document, this form ten twenty three and you get a fight over it.
Livable bar one on record worthy federalist, following statements rask and made the press Monday afternoon soon after obtaining a closed or meeting what house oversight committee, chair james calmer and the fbi and what's law makers Review the FDA ten twenty three form summer: I a detailed allegations, then very presence, Joe Biden agreed to accept money from a foreign national, perfect palace. Decisions rascals to the media. What I learned he claimed, was at a turning bar name: scott Brady? What's u s attorney for western pennsylvania to set up a group of prosecutors look at all the allegations related to ukraine rascal genuine authority, giuliani surface these allegations British team looked into the empty ten twenty three and in august determined there was no grounds to escalate
an initial assessment to a preliminary printed, usually preliminary investigation, and so they call an end to the investigation. He lied. He then reiterated his claim that this was under attorney general. William bars, handpicked prosecutor, Mr Brady, what's it tromp appointing there The ones who decided he said there were no further grounds for investigation. Rascals claimed adding if there's complain. It is where the attorney general bar the trump justice department and the team that Trop administration appointed to look into it. And then rask in double down on his claim that it was ambrady who closed down the investigation is showing a press release saying that at all Twenty twenty bar in his hand, picked you us attorney, signed off on close an assessment into the FDA. Twenty thirty three form, but that's just not according to former attorney general bar. Instead the confidence
Human sources claims detailed in that form. Where and to the delaware yours attorney's office for further investigation according to bar that how There was just one of rascals deceptions there, Ranking member that house oversight committee also falsely suggested that the negations, where related the investigation of information really Julie. buddy giuliani, had on earth the buying family, corruption in ukraine, not so according to an individual familiar with the investigation who told the federalist that form the summary of this statement, where buzz unrelated Rudy giuliani and not derived from any nation giuliani, provided so this rask interest lies in lies, ally's like ship. Are there any democrat who actually speak the truth anymore Are there any media phone,
Journalists out there who actually believe in their professional want to print the truth. This corroborates that house oversight committees representation that the june thirty twenty twenty four stands on. A joan was not part documents, giuliani provided the fbi and january twenty twenty. In fact, a house oversight committee, the form in question quote contains information from you the ice confidential human source dating back to another form, rated in twenty seventeen, which completely moves giuliani from the mix rascals office did not respond to a request for a time You know why the cowardly come on the show. now you know why he won't come on their show, he'd be for lay like a flounder.
And by the way. Now you know why christie won't come on their show. He'd be filet like a sperm whale. These new revelations proves significant, for two reasons. First, there's the underlying scandal: the piazza alleged failure to investigate the form ten twenty three: an fbi supervisory intelligence analysed Brian Auden's, open of an assessment in august, twenty twenty to discredit that information which caused invest. gate of activity to cease so finally killed it. They attacked, knowing that these form originating in Brady's. Western district of pennsylvania proves explosive because grass is whistleblower allege that in september twenty when he get, I headquarters placed the information contained. An assessment in a restricted access, sub file that only the particular age and so on. For the information good access, how then, could the fbi agents in delaware further invest?
the allegation- in other words in the western district of pennsylvania, that u s attorney's office they hit information from you turning attorney's office in delaware. This is a massive scale on top of a scandal, those allegations further deter by comber yesterday are shocking quota trusted confidential human source, obtain information from a foreign national claim to a bribe. Then vice president Biden, I told the federalist so didn't just pass on information from some random third party. He spoke directly with the individual who claimed a bride Biden. Fbi headquarters. Branding that information is this information without undertaking appropriately, radiation is outrageous, specially the delaware yours attorney's office, was directed to further investigate the foreign ten twenty three.
The second scandal is equally as large, because a reaches to the top of the fbi, Christopher ray ray may well have been in the dark about at the headquarters, falsely labeling the FDA, ten, twenty three form as misinformation and creating it away from other agents, so the western, a district, a pencil, agnes secreted away from the usa. I office in delaware. Think about it, but. In the entire from the highly credible longtime fbi sorts has come, from giuliani, reeks of a cover up shoes me and suggesting bar and Brady closed down an investigation into the allegation
the former was instead sent the delaware for further investigation is a cover up bar. Has it sent the delaware choose me? There's information western pennsylvania. They closed down that information, so those people the? U s, turning downward, don't have that additional information The more the fbi leaking cover up machine spins for president bind the words the bureau look. Senator grassland told the federalists. Enough is enough. It's pastime for the I d come clean and show their work if they have any hope of salvaging their own credibility. Me comber one further. The chairman telling the federalists, the fbi's attempting to cover up the Democrats are doing bidding by lying to the american people, the f b. I must produce this record today
so recite committees, custody and if not, we will take action on thursday tomorrow to hold MR ryan contempt of congress, I believe this this is the same as behind apartment injustice that is going after trump.
I'll be right back much love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free found. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll. Get a free
samson galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again gotta pure talk, dot com use, promo code, levant, podcast, l e, the iron podcast to start saving. Today, there's more There is more why we have three hours trimming calmer. What's in this document, he seen it over a break. Why they report? F B, I dock alleges business person from Ukraine sent substantial bribe to vice president Biden. You know I I read this stuff and I tell you this stuff and it's stunning and what's shock is how quiet the media are. What shocking At attorney, general united states can sit there and cover up for binding.
while he's unleashing all the resources of the federal government, that is the department of justice and have been against binds opponent or likelier a passable opponent possible up. in may calmer and senator truck rashly may bombshell claims. Reviewing an fbi empty ten, twenty four the documented formats allegations of an alert. Bribery scheme involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now press Joe by any foreign national committees. I was informed tipp his dated june thirty, twenty twenty Yes, it is ukraine, Konrad told just the news, this form ten. Twenty three involves a business person from ukraine, actually sent a bribe, a substance show bribe to then president Biden, the buying fan
frequently visited ukraine for its respective business than vice present Joe Biden served as the obama administration. Ukrainian quota quote point person on your farm policy. He visited ukraine's six times while serving, as vice president six times to ukraine. Hunter Biden joined the board of ukraine, energy company bresma in April two thousand and fourteen two years before Joe Biden, stated he forced the firing of crane prosecutor, victor Shokhin investigated the company that hunter Biden was working for. Joe Biden approved an official statement about hunters, paris, my board position, email show and despite hunters like experience in ukraine or the energy sector here and eighty three thousand dollars per month from the energy company.
Or one million dollars a year well son was a member bruce bore Joe Biden threatened with old, and you know One billion dollars from ukraine of ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor. investigating bearish. Twenty seventeen hundred salary was cut in half when job Left the white house got that A former obama white house don't for mike mccormick job, Allegedly promoted: u s: support for ukraine's natural gas industry only day save two hundred buying joined by christmas board. You ve got more conflict right there right there now where? U s attorney David wise, refuses to allow mccormick to testify before tax income
probe and a hundred Biden mccormick told the new york post. What's it all about Every conceivable link is laid out right here. He threatened you? U, they get rid of their prosecutor, withholding a billion dollars and ate the prosecutor. Investigating charisma, poorest, myers hunter pays him a million dollars a year for nothing for nothing, scooters, corrupt, corrupt or naughty, was investigating honour and buying. that is not hunter. Bereavement company hunter workforce in buying, put an end to it and why I visiting ukraine six times six times.
Money, flows in the bag and family. The hunter. Then he takes on the communist china responsibilities, money flows into the Biden family by the millions and millions what we stupid? we're not still, but we see what's going on here and these foreign governments, job He's not smarties a moron, it's right there in front of us. They haven't even aden this well, but there is a full fledged cover up taking place. by the attorney general, the united states led by that get pretty ernie general of the united states. There they're going after trump, because our some big document case, but because they work in service for the buying crime, family.
That's why Jonathan Turley, I think. Stands all this most of the other legal language? Do not you gotta, look at the big picture here. Gotta, look at the big picture. here that in the weeds wearily document, he went on this day at the back, a man and a national matter. That is the point. I'll, be right back. Remember the last time
You got a quote: uncoiled free found. You started out feeling great then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free samsung,
alexey, when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving today my group thunder on calling now seven seven four year, one for you. What one hour I shall we be, Like think I have covered most of what I cover things will be changing, all through later more. I have no doubt about that shoes me no doubt about that. I see Howard CNN, Chris licked, I get it guess his name was who used to work for the goofball honour? What is and be see. Who is that a goop of Stephen? What's his name colbert.
Thank you worked on that show and of course I figured if he can work for that clown and funny show like that then made. he can save scene and here's the promised land. There's no reason for saying not a mud. Turn a clown around upset. there's no reason for see an end to exist once again, on straight news there had to go, left right or something it. One. Our left under mothers occur. Jeff mothers occur who destroyed the brand as a new station does it moved conservative, there's fox and there's newsman. No end and so forth,. it has no lean. It has no purpose anymore, and so That's why it's flailing around? U story,
Have some of these hold over it? Didn't they fired Darcy today, Mr Dusar, Oliver darcy, let's hope so for their own sake. And then you have this scene and internal survey shows viewers lost trust in the network over sensational covert coverage, samuel bulky over there at the federalist they lost confidence in its left wing. Spice and histrionic covered reporting courting doin twenty twenty two survey Mission by the network itself, spy collecting bogus awards for fact checking and special achievements. Replacing a premium on investigative reporting, my right or not, Dollar? Ok, well, legal! They never fail to maintain the trust of the american people to the point where its own internal survey exposed its epic shortcomings, partial cop.
This survey was cited by some affords max tiny, who noted that the three the causes of mistrust. We're liberal buys the Chris cuomo situation in the networks, covert coverage courting a tiny. The report showed respondents across the it illogical spectrum lambasting seen in dire and overly drill arrogant sensational reporting pretty bad in utter. Detachment from the real world legacy. media, Tony's rewarded, the untruss trustworthy network, for example, scene and chief medical, corresponded doctor. Sancho gupta, who was central the network's covered sensationalism in fake fact, checking received an award for excellence, We in political journalist was praised for action Information me wildly cnn team, the reported from chinese quarantine.
received an award named after reporter murdered in the greek some war. And socio chris licked faces a lot of criticism and now he's gone outside sources. Confirm trust in CNN is declining. there. You view a ship's down twenty percent, since they had hired like people lost trust. It has no lane. Msnbc has worked hard to get the commie lunatic crackpot drug using anti fur, be alarm. Viewer ship, as well as the white levels, particularly the enters, and they have
so far succeeded. It's not a very big group. That's their base over there which is why you have people like Joe scar, who was himself out thousand liberal. That's why they bring in how sharpen here cook bilaterals your attention like. He's gonna say flies to something better, better, say: bees to honey, mister bitters And that hong kong align reprobates and maniacs and grants and malcontents so they have that lane. Excuse me, if you will so there's nothing foreseen, It is a wasteful carbon footprint.
And so now it doesn't know what to do, and I have a suggestion close down like any, truly failing business. Nobody cares what's on cnn, Jake tapir has spent a fact. Let me, let me explain something I know I pointed this out yesterday. The ratings for sunday, europe, sunday night, a pm, eastern, we had a lot going on in this country terms a viewer opportunities you're, the first game of the NBA finals. It's always big! Starting up my time, eight p m eastern. Who had Nicky hayley on cnn with fake tapir a k, a jake tapir in a town hall format.
Yet had all the other big sunday shows on the networks, and of course you had my show on fox life liberty and live in life liberty and live in. Table one the night and it wasn't even close, weird, in point to two million viewers. she and when Nicky hayley had five hundred thousand. MSNBC had four hundred and fifty thousand, it wasn't even close and. We're pretty much when every fact we do when every sunday night, and usually add cnn and MSNBC together in we beat them by two. As you can see there, you five hundred thousand foreign, fifty that's nine and fifty thousand total on those tuna.
X, I had one point to two million: that's you folks, thank goodness not even close. Despite the kelly town hans over. Nobody wants to watch cnn. No, but they don't have anything. And yet you have hosts making. billions of dollars? That's because huge conglomerate einstein said going to bring in the guy who was the executive over discovery and other aspects of verse. Cable was to save it, save it to do what save it to do. What So my recommendation is just shut down: you're, not gonna, just shut down. Go back to my earlier recommendation, biased news organization? Unlike the rest, charging the rest of the media. That is why cable came into play in the first place. Hundreds.
turner, I've, seen and never did a great job. They didn't okay job. They didn't ok, job. They weren't radical left, they had, they had liberals and so forth. That's different and you will be struggling for the first four five six months. You will struggle, but then you'll come out of it You'll come out of it, but they don't have the patient through the intelligence to do anything of that sort. they get rid of this guy oliver darcy. He is a year. He is a Brian stouter wanna be he's a year. In my view, is an electoral fraud and phony start
this concern and then you see winds up. That's what you need to do. Now there is one other thing they could do, but I can assure you not going to happen, and what is that? Mr producer. Turn the network over to me the whole damn thing. I'll, put a line up on that network that second to none. But I can't do that, and I won't do that. Some happy where I am
I'll be right back much love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and
The free samsung galaxy, when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving. Today the Ben Collins is an NBC news, senior reporter, or so they claim so they claim he's on the morning: schmo show where every reprobates shows up birds of a feather periods, this is a news. Guy is a senior reporter for NBC. Cut eleven go if you would
listen to rhonda Santos is watch with beyond musk on twitter, which a lot of you couldn't, but if you can find a way to get on there, you would hear nothing, but just a beard, acronyms thea. She d, I see me this is given all the same. It is. Is that what I don't exactly so that digital currency thing that they think it's going to be like a rival the bitcoin, but it's. well different language, because they have funneled themselves into this really specific space where they just say everyone's out to get you all. These acronyms are out to get you and they're they're all placeholders for different things. The I does not mean dea means black and gay people. Frankly, that's what it means. It's a it's a fear of the other kinds of reporter. You sound like a reporter sounds like a mouthpiece for the democratic party. Does read your binds executive orders. Does he not
with dea and e s, G and the rest and for a course he does he's another slime ball. If you take on the culture, the marxist culture, if you take it on whether you're a parent, a pro life or pilot, vision. This is how they treat you. So, in other words, he's against black and gay people run scientists and against black, and gay people are not against black and gay people, black and gay people. be damned concern about the democratic party in the media in this country and the they're using them in the weather, stereotyping them back gay people believe in Annabelle rights, black and gay people believe in equality rather than equity, blackened People believe in the sovereignty, individual, individual freedom and free will, in fact, black and gay people, Chablis,
more than most people, and so a pen collins's, knowing NBC new senior reporter. He's stereotyping, black and gay people. As radical marxist, you see their part of groups, they can't think for themselves. They can act for themselves. Their part of this. This group think. this growth. Think so rhonda scientists is trying to stop the sexual icing of children in elementary schools. What the hell is that
There are black and gay people, it there's one on paper. We were gay people call this programme and the report with a sexual eyes. You know what's taking place in elementary school. Why is it assumed that gay people support it? Why is it and soon the black people support when many dunk? If most yes, g, Do black and gay people have pension plans, work for a living work hard to save their money and expect to get return good returns,
Therefore, one cage- and I raised and other pension plans. Yes, that's what they expect will of corporations push by a company like black rock, are forced to invest. Their monies are urged to invest monies are left wing political, ideological programmes. It's not gonna a larger your pensions, so this is Ben counts. I owe you one, MR producer, Why does a presume to speak for black and gay people? The radical left, a reporter sleaze bob and counts, probably an appeal at your prize. They give our pillar two prizes. Now, if you don't let yourself, we gotta pure surprise girl, good he's gone through a dried period.
As always, we have a killer third hour in the programme. We keep our feet on the gas pedal. We come, More in three hours, the most hosts cover in a week, not gibberish,. Not meaningless. Moronic talk. I, we do not that sort of thing the reason I listen I'll be right back My twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills dot com. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss
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He's here now broadcasting the monopoly underground command both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader american art living here. Our number eight seventeen anyway, noticed america, how radio hosts tv hosts authors, conservative scholars at all, except how, when I rode american marxism, they were afraid to use the word marxist socialism. Such access.
Even some of my friends on fox and target, none on social dumping boxes. Candidates wouldn't use the word. Marxism not now Marx's radical extremists, monarchs now Well, he ve made a lotta headway. Haven't we since I came out because now everybody uses the word, marxism, recombinant communism and that's a good thing. That's the purpose a pushing the edge of the envelope in writing. These books it has to recognise what they Going on what's happening to us in that look, we discuss see our tee and in that book we discuss the tree, Gender activism, and in that book we discussed The climate change war on capitalism, immigration and you name it. Really successful book, I think one point three: five million copies to serious book.
and I see here that making kelly on her programme and ever talk about podcast, but she is a hell of a big podcast. She said Party, that's in favour of letting minors chop off their body. Parts was after left. Wing politicians tried that such a bills? How could anyone vote for painting the Democrats she's a straight shooter. I don't listen the package. You think I should listen to her podcast mr producer. It's on sirius Xm, sirius xm. I think we will. start. Listening to her podcast I understand is very, very good. I understand From people in my neighborhood had a walk in the dog, they say: hey, we heard there s knowing nothing person. I just now.
Somebody also told me that she said that I don't like her. What is not a matter don't like I like are perfectly fine. I don't really know her that well, but why would my liker like a thing not to like far as I'm concerned, So now I am perfectly fine. So there is that mr produce, you know. Else I've come to like Dana persona. Member of the controversy I called when I said I don't think she likes me. I come and fifth grade here. While the more I watch, the fund the more, unlike her seriously he's. She's hammering away there.
And she sits next to the guy who's on her left. What's his name got field think is named got field. He pretends he doesn't have a pronounced, my name, so there you go. I can do the same thing. I remember gut field, When he was more liberal, was a trumpeter and he came on the show during none of you on one of his books, one of his last books, anything in this way, I, like the guy, got five ashley did you know. I was wrong about him and wrong about that and he is terrific. Terrific. Tat all show is terrific. Jesse waters is a good friend, I think the judges absolutely outstanding and I Thank think the liberal position that they feel I like the sky like a now
What is his name? All of a sudden, I forget. I like Harold ford. don't always agree with him, but I, like em tar, laugh tar laugh. I always used to despise her. She get under my skin, not anymore she's, gotta good sense good sense of humour nano. Remember everybody assets enough, but I like that too. And of course, my man Hannity. You know steady eddie, if you will hannity pm eastern he's. He really is kind of a blue collar guy. He works as well. If he shows up for work, whether to or tv does his job here motivated
He does it for three hours, a radio in one hour tv ever hell. I don't know how I do it, but I do it because I love it writing. Books is probably the most difficult thing I do and maybe the most rewarding thing other nineteen o. My lord. I have to wait. What's today, state mr the seventh right two weeks, I can make an announcement two weeks. Two weeks I can't wait for finishing the final at its now stand. Book is ninety thousand words alone. To give you some context, american marks, and was about at max. Seventy two thousand work.
But you'll understand all this role all come together when the time comes. When I can speak deal so totally different kind of book, I wrote in a totally different kind of way. It's a lot more plain english, even though it still has a significant aspects of philosophy, but not just that already talking about value its post Questions going to be once you hear the title: are retailers going to hide it in the back or even have it even present it to another interesting thing, we'll see if the reagan library. We make an offer to go. There were the number one month generator for the reagan, library of any author ever see. If they'll have us mister produce, they may not
We love the reagan ranch which says too small to do that sort of thing. I'm going to do very few book signings and I will tell you why safety, it's that simple to dangerous world out there, safety, maybe they'll, be two. Maybe two tops three, maybe one I don't know we shall see, but I happen to agree with megan kelly Apparently I often do, which is. Why would you vote for Democrats when they're talking about chopping off miners', penises and adding those penises to a minor girl? Hey, that's my party for me. I must confess.
that, if you're a pervert and new perverts, know who you are that, if you're a pervert, the democrat party is your preference. If you're a pervert democrat parties, your preference, if you believe in sexually bloop using little kids, officially officially. That is ensuring that there's pornographic box in elementary school libraries. ensuring that you teach little kids about genitalia what they want to do with their genitalia and if they think god gave them the right genitalia your pervert, sorry pervert. and if you do those things your pervert and a pervert is very close in some cases to being a file, I'm not saying they all are.
media matters mediocre. I am just saying the possibility exists. Would it be nice good old days where we were debating whether there should be any sex education by the time kids like in ninth grade miss? producer now is whether they're nine years old for god's sake, give a little kids ray rich. Ten and seven, do you think they should be exposed to these perversions? Of course not do you think your kids belonged to the government Marks does, and so did the teachers, unions and so does the democratic party and soda the southern poverty lawson what do you mean? What do you mean your mom
as for elaborating, oh my god, that's that's fascistic, no, its, not fascistic. It's actually the right thing to being the right thing to do. So new mexico, democratic governor michel, low han signed a bill to permit minors to access cross, gender care and abortions without parental knowledge or consent as written, by the daily wire in her making Kelly discussion, the governor new max she shall forward. Looking don't have any republican governor. They would sign anything like that. No, do you all the democratic leaders in congress and throughout the country speaking out against this, not one.
Michel, Lou, hans, signing a build, a pro quo, permit minors to access cross, gender care and abortion without parental knowledge or consent. Minors can, even by beer b. They can't even by beer but thing get crushed tender care it abortions, all kinds of coal staff for their parental knowledge. This generation is going to be remembered for some awful awful things: the abuse of children, abortion and mutilation of little kids wow that south park wrath of sabra. That's a whole civil rights thing right there
oh, it's sickening is a matter of fact I'll be right back then Council of francs, on behalf of delicious asker mire, one hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position her meyer, one hundred percent, be francs are one hundred percent frank, delicious this summer, tuesday. just choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it ask her Let me ask you a question. Let's say we had in the united states embarrassed ambassador of the quarter, ain't james at his england, pointed by Joe Biden.
That ambassador approved a grant. For about a million dollars to He legitimize. the governing system in Britain and to overthrow the current tory majority. First of you think that whatever happened, no, of course not that's nuts. Secondly, if it did happen, would that not be a national embarrassment? Would that not be an international scandal? Will, of course it would. but if that ambassador is binds ambassador the state of Israel from the united states and canada where does exactly that site off on a one million dollar grant, their purpose of which is due De legitimize Israel, and
we're throw the Netanyahu administration come on, receives no attention whatsoever. Adam credo, writing at the great washed and free beacon. The buying a minute creations outgoing ambassador, Israel personally signed off, controversial one million dollar grant to a programme critic said was meant to deal get ives Israel according to internal state, to buy Communications obtained by the washed and free beacon and that's through the american first legal foundation, which is doing a hell of a job, my wife, my wonderful wife, Julie, work. Therefore Period? U s ambassador day, Israel time as nine sets, and I d s knives approve the funding project any Henry twenty: twenty two internal action memo continuity, Of internal emails obtained by the american first
go foundation for a fire requests for information about the grant. Emails detail: how niger personally cleared the state department to offer about million dollars for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the west bank. There is no west bank. its today in some area I mean, do we call native american areas here in this country, the west bank, to ease bank now and the Gaza strip. Those applying for the great were instructed to prove the israeli government for documentation of legal or security sector violations, and housing landed property rights that cash, what essentially empower activists groups, critical this rather bird flu. False claims that data systematically abusing palestinians and stealing their land with your tax money and these groups could would not
profit monies advance, an agenda that progress rather get set, fuels the deal agenda, musician, These are on the international stage by incentivize, during a disproportionate focus, of course, on that country. Now, what do you think of that state department spokesmen? How do we use the word spokesmen anymore shouldn t spokes? He spoke to her smokes. It spokes filling the plank alike it now. I finally airplanes male female other sea. There miss miller Male female other state department spokes my wooden on knives environment in the programme saying as a general matter. We do not discuss internal government communications and why is that.
Because we have the shadow government aid ninety percent of what goes on. We have no friggin idea. What's goin on none or water republic, wirelessly department initially indicated to the free beacon that the grant of been cancelled and later clare the state in say no grand was awarded. For this funding opportunity, the spokesman, however, would I clarify what exactly? That means a revive, the free bacon with updated information about the funding proposed when the free beacon has a copy of it, the actual form and the funding Ongoing opacity surrounding the programme threatens to reignited congressional battle with the state department. They will not show Is your money. They will not show the information. How do you get away with this. kind of government is this you and not? Your fair share in taxes yonah paying
fair share. We want more more your money, what he opposed to the poor. What are you re racist? where were you dont want to pay more? So here we have this anti semitic activity going on from the imf. acid or to israel under the binding administration- and this is a democrat problem which seeps into the rest of our culture and society, and he goes back. Decades goes back more than half a century. The democrat party. Hey, though I am voting Democrat, why the little guy? Oh yes plus. I want benefits what I want something for nothing. I am voting for. Democrats see
Neighbor my year, he makes more than I do. That's not fair. I want something for nothing, but she didn't learn it. Ah, I wanted, but I couldn't why, because the system is against me, The system is against what system, again true nimrod the whole system it's been. Burma gets me from the very beginning again. If you work hard in school now, I was adopted, while that could have been a problem I'll, be right back mark lovell radios principles of patriot call now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one. Thank me very much rick albert park, new york
w abc. How may you hey want to back up what you said about the fires have being caused by climate change, Not only are they not caused by climate change, but also not caused by global warming. If there are caused by climate change and fires every year, this climate change is always happening The warring. Having happened then try to obtain the toy. Sixteen twenty two june temperatures have been falling the word about one year and right now: it's not global warming. It's cause climate change taken have always and you're in actually, right and by the way, how does climate change cause campers not to put out their fires. How does climate change cause lightning? I think it has been around a long time. Don't you, sir. Lightning was around before the industrial revolution. That's what I hear. Lining was around before the founding of the united states of america. Lightning was around.
Before any human being walk the face they are, this is Science, any more than so much of what the Democrats tell us, isn't science, they don't believe in science, veto excellent cause. Thank you, my friend. Let us continue, I mean rick. There was rick, I Just let us go to MIKE. Sunshine, Marilyn, the great w I may, I might go right ahead place more levant like you were taken. My calls in the lunchroom regarding the criminality, the vines, John Adams, you said that we were a nation of laws and not of men, but now, sadly, no name Biden, no one Call me no unnamed became brennan, no one. No one
those like going to going to see the inside of a jail cell. So we are now a nation of men and that that is very sad. now? What you mean, as we are now, a nation of non pregnant individuals. Yeah man without uteruses, that's right, correct, if you have a way of putting things better than I appreciate your hundred pounds, right mike is gone now from sunshine Marilyn. I wish I lived in a place at seven like that. Please could leaves by which I like, and then one called jupiter mr produce. And peoples of jupiter named after a planet. I said it could be worse. We could be named after uranium. Stable a problem. Don't you think, must rid his but Jupiter. Why are people live
That's it isn't, isn't uranos a planet? Yes, yes, brought it back into the year into the planet world. It is a planet. Your anus is a planet, so it could be worse or you live at Jupiter florida. Where do you live your anus excuse? You. Choose choosing we're gonna name all the towns after the you know,. Let's take another call, showy veto, staten island new york, w abc. How may I help you, sir more hawaii, how certain things It's what you might call well argued. I just want to comment. I wanted to comment on nod, Christy Joining in, I think, they're they're, my
My honest opinion is: is it just to disrupt things? They don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected, I'm especially courtesy of even being considered it to a vp spot, a the young not raising about christie Christy's, one of the nastiest blowhard. the political scene whenever use on the political scene. He accomplishes very little. one of the nastiest blowhard tilney attacks, trump for being driven out What I mean is this guy looked at a mere I mean I know than merriment must be substantial: fuck him. Am I looking at a merry that? But you get my point right. Yes, we get killed me one would want saw him arguing obama afterall storm sandy. I d depths that by totally destroyed him and exposed him to me as a Ford? Isn't it interesting that he speaks
well, obama than trump. Isn't that interesting, whose put him up to their sir somebody's put him up to this. I'm gonna give you get free hartogs. What do you think of the embargo? And I see this guy come in and one of these all you eat places they go or wait a minute. Not for you path are, I am I thank you for your call. Much appreciate, let's continue showing Dan. Lock port illinois. On the mark, levant power, user, Veronica, and you thought you do my my question is: why is it that you may get classified? Who takes possession of it? when I was a girl and then how did you learn that violence basement violence garage? recording server, hello, curtains, town with networks inability. It seems like that tribes.
coming up with species in the weeds arguments. I mean there's a difference here because because trumpet ass to give them back and he refused. Therefore, an anomaly that he misled them. So we have ups. russian we have all kinds of process crimes here. All kinds of problems here really so buying keeps his mouth shut and keeps his documents hidden from his his Senate days. It takes the documents from the skiff. I mean. You a question. My brother isn't taking their diet it's from the skiff, its when you are: u S, senator you're not present itself a crime. Isn't that a crime? Yes, It's like espionage to me. I couldn't be espionage, wait a minute. You mean the binds who have received millions and millions from the communist chinese from from the right,
from the romanians from the ukrainians. How dare you, sir,. that reminds me of the movie, the falcon and the snow man that will be. There was a great movie. I don't see a lot on, but there was a great movie. Yeah, mark. One more comment: if you do other than I read your last book, call it get off the big phone that's right. I said it lies here. Good man. Thank you. God bless us. I will use to listen up our grand. I love those lies to good title for a book, but what goes in the book is not than the goes in a book. Why guess? I could be writing left us right. Let us continue frank for worth texas, the great w b, a p, please go frank: pay mortgage and honor your opinion on something
I think that the board of the house instigated the us news media for election interference. I think it might open up george to brain dead, Joe craig had owner and the deal janni FBI yeah we're really to water and there's nothing. I can do about it well. Well, the news media is the focus they would have to at least report some of it and some of them mighty out. Maybe maybe I don't think I don't think there's any thing we can do from a governmental perspective with me back to the media and I'm not sure, there's anything we want to do given the first amendment. I think The way we do it and you are starting to see It- is the bill competing media outlets, And you're, seeing it with the daily wire the daily collar blaze, bright bar.
so many others, I can't name them all. So I apologize to those I've. I've not mentioned, and so you're, beginning to see the development of of competition. Newspapers are dying if they're not dead, yet. Certain cable channels are dying. You can see was cnn. And there is much more competition and I think there, going to be much more competition. So the way you support the conservative competition is to watch our. I my brother, frank, great call from texas, the republic, a texas. Let us content. the shower I'll be right back then, don't fall for their free phone, the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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For an hour, is a left. This lawyer who helped dc shut down churches during comin and now she wants to be a federal district court Judge- and this is the problem This is why you see all these rulings against trump while she had to confront, sent. Josh holly today on the senate kidding canadian! Always terrific had tipp twitter. Seventeen go what I was doing in a capitol hill, discharge was defending the mare, my client, against a Institutional challenge to one aspect of the covert nineteen restrictions, we understood that strikes ni apply an extra scope for you, we lost case, while it was, and that the restrictions did not meet the standards of strict scrutiny, minimise unconstitutional, meaning that they,
not survive strict scrutiny and it's a matter of public record that the district of columbia did not appeal that decision. Why why? Why were they struck down? Excuse me sender, Why were the more the restrictions that you defended struck down as discriminatory? Why were they because did not satisfy? Why didn't they d court concluded that There were restrictions that were not neutral of general applicability, yeah yeah yeah, that's legally! Why didn't they? Why didn't they on the facts? You know the facts. You were a good lawyer. Why did you lose? We lost because, the strict scrutiny task. The court concluded that there are Elections were not narrowly tailored cause of a compelling governmental and because senator oh, come on judge. Don't maybe do this doing through for you, you off, because Our bouser was going to mass protests herself personally.
With thousands of people celebrating them by the way, which is fine. We have. We have the first amendment united states. I want to be clear. That is totally fine. You want to protest, go for it. I think that's totally fine that wasn't. Here? At the same time, she was doing that she was prohibiting churches, religious people, from gathering socially distanced outside wearing masks and the disease. Court said you can't do that that discrimination. You see how they won't answer. Questions like what's a woman You define a woman mayor of washington d c is a big. It. and she was discriminating against church going people person. Now, if you're writing or your protesting against the country. That's ok! Much like the governor, the law
parts out there in california newsome a little dabbled doing that looks been out for Forty years, but don't tell newsome gruesome newsome Now this one wants to be: u S. District court judge she's been nominated because she's demonstrated how fantastic he is in defending the indefensible. I would defending my client unlikely said he and others what we needed it over there. You don't have to you can I'm not going to do it or you can resign and protests understand. I'm defending my client, we didn't with strict scrutiny, says these strict scrutiny. Test applies to, among other things,. the application of law against religious institutions. It looks at the first amendment pretend Since it says you have violated in most cases the constitutes a strict scrutiny tests. It's the highest test that the supreme court is concocted has created.
scrutiny now everybody knew it was unconstitutional what she was doing. She did it anyway, Nobody knew at newsome was goin out. There was unconstitutional. businesses that they preferred were open churches synagogues mosques were all shut down. Gun stores were shut down, ABC stores were open. Warehouse stores were open, like the virus, can wait a minute hold on that's warmer, we're not going in there. But the church were gone and there let's go on their got it so pathetic. They follow the science member. They follow the sign, though they follow politics. The Democrats were the last to follow it's the only science. They follows political science.
we salute? Armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers, their freedom fighters in ukraine. And taiwan and the rest of the world, and we Celebrate you, the american people, that patriots list this programme, we are deeply blast and thank you. How about you join again to morrow same time, same place, I'll see it have agreed.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-09.