« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/30/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. Thankfully, the Republicans won in 2016 - could you imagine what position we would be in right now if Hillary Clinton had appointed 3 Supreme Court Justices and not Donald Trump? Today was a win for Article 1 of the Constitution and a win for the 1st Amendment. The Supreme Court said the government can’t compel you into speech. Freedom of speech isn’t just that government can’t censor you - it’s that it can’t compel you to say things you disagree with. The 2nd Supreme Court case today said that Article 1 of the Constitution and the legislative branch matter. The student loan debt decision was a big win in restoring a balance between the executive and legislative branches. Already President Biden is trying to get around this just like he said Thursday when the Supreme Court said everyone will be treated equally in college applications. When the left doesn’t like a Supreme Court opinion they won’t respect it - they will find ways to get around it. Later, Michigan wants to make it a crime if you use someone’s wrong gender pronouns. On the same day the Supreme Court said the government can’t compel you into speech, Michigan Democrats passed a bill saying we will send you to jail if you say something we don’t agree with. Also, Hunter Biden got a cover-up deal, not a sweetheart deal, to protect Joe.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy. Now broadcasting on roaming underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader a huge day, the united states supreme court in a win for article one of the constitution, a win for the first amendment of the constitution, and so many heard liberals today, but the constitution one good evening. Welcome to the mark within show the great one is off tonight. It is me which is the only with you from marks a failure w phd in his home town of philadelphia great to be with you ate seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one I'm through I'm so happy. Last couple days have been fantastic God we want twenty. Sixteen, I mean really, thank god. Thank god,
from one and not Hillary Clinton. Could you imagine what kind of opposition position be in this country right now, if Hillary Clinton had appointed supreme. Justices Let's review what took place today, first and foremost, number one right off the bat this in florida. United states said hey. The government cannot compel you into speech the gun. Can't force you to say things that you vehemently disagree with. Bravo this course. Writing the majority opinion, in that case It concerned a webs Designer who did not want to your website for a same sex wedding. And he rightly pointed out the fact that the government can't force you to say things. It's Just that simple. It's just that simple. Another left, of course, is trying to spend this and to say this is an attack on public accommodation laws that is so far from the truth,
absolutely lie. This has nothing to do with public accommodations. This about somebody creates something one that creativity involves a pen in paper. in the words that come out of your mouth, an artist who paints a canvas website designer who makes a website a beggar makes a cake. You are correct. It is a work of expression. You are oppression and the government. Tell you what to say. We often forget the first amendment to the constitution. Freedom of speech is just step a government can't sensor. You can't prove secure. You can put your way for what you say when you disagree with it. It's that it can. compel you to say things that you Emily disagree with force you to say things that's also a very important point of the forum for the first amendment. That was a beautiful, beautiful outcome today in this case. Secondly,
The united states supreme court said article one of the constitution matter. The legislative branch matters, the executive, cannot you whatever the hell it wants and I decide to write legislation decided to allocate funds. That is not how things work in this country. The legislative branch can do that. The executive branch cannot, it was a wonderful way to restore the balance of the government. And it goes a long way towards restoring what needs to happen, which is to undo the attic control executive branch of government, the federal leviathan as market even cause it. We need you want do that. Then the executive has gotten way out of control way out of control, Ever since wilson and roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama, they keep expanding the powers, expand powers, giving all these agencies all this authority. All powers to make rules that can put your way in jail. Take away your money without
much as congress, even passing a law, the executive needs to be reigned in today's ruling on student loans. That was, big big win, for that was, storing the balance, restoring the balance between the executive and just wait: a branch Bravo, that ruling to an already The lawless robe Joe Biden is trying to go, get around it Already today he miguel corner the education secretary, came out and said we're going to find a way to get around this just like they did yesterday when the supreme court, rightly said everyone is going to be treated equally under the law, regardless of the color of your skin, right away. The left takes that the left hates they can't discriminate Aren't you realize yesterday how quickly the lefty tears were flowing because they were told? Oh you discriminated anymore, you discriminate against asian american kids.
and they were screaming. They were so upset. The court said they can no longer be racist. They can no longer discriminate. It's unbelievable. But right away. They also several work around that see. That's what the left us the left when they don't like a supreme court opinion, they will do whatever they want to get around it. They will not respect it They will. They will find ways that they can be creative and that they can find little machinations here and there to get around what the court said. I gave a great example: new jersey, where I live in south jersey broadcasts broadcast a philly by living south jersey. After new york state there there ridiculous, conceal, carry law was struck down by the supreme court right away? New jersey passed an absurd law that makes it so incredibly impossible to carry a concealed gun outside of your home, that it people just say. I can't even bother that the public spaces that you limit. I can't I can't do it. Be a bobby breaking the law at some point
instead of respecting rulings, the left worked tirelessly to figure out how they can get around it. And are doing the same thing student loans and give details about that throughout the shoulder night here, of info, but snow that from the top it's a ruling. They like well, then its precedent it's it's a settled law. It's settled law. You can change it. You cannot. Turn it. You can't do anything to what it settled but when it's a case they don't like a ruling. They don't like old and grew up there. We can. We can look at this to try to get around it by using this and that and will will try to twist ourselves into a pretzel to get around it like it's exactly what the every time, we had up until this court. This this court will go down. I think, as a corporate is restoring the balance. between the legislator branch in the executive branch and also what the fourteenth amendment really says and really means, and now
the left just wants it to mean the left in this country. The Democrats have used the fourteenth amendments to the constitution as their catch. to be whatever they wanted to be things that it had never intended to be. Gay marriage is great example, nothing in the fourteen amendments about that, but it becomes Catch all will use that for that. Why not? But when actually apply the fourteenth amendment, like the court did yesterday, in saying you can't you can't discriminate based on race, color We cannot look at somebody's color of their skin as a determining factor and whether or not to accept them or deny them admission to college, because that's it, Fourteen to memory requires scream and the yell maker. Scream and they yelled the left when, we're today restore the balance between the executive in congress by saying the president, does not have a very do this congress has the power the purse, not the president, congress can do this, not the president they scream,
because they don't want to actually ever have to go through the actual branches of government, they want to follow separation of powers. They want to do whatever the hell they want to do and they want no one to restrain them and they hate me institution, because the constitution restrains them and they hate this core this particular court. There's this clause is restraining them. Why do you they're, going after all this supreme court justice is the way that they are I may, last year after the league draft, a row, overturning row came out yet marching outside the homes of the supreme court justices in violation of federal law, the some whatcha The attempt to try to kill justice breath cavanaugh you saw the left in the cabinet with those phony charges against him, can the day was phony allegations. Now there after justice celine, ok, apparently he can have friends who have money. They go after Since time is now. stop relentlessly going after these people, because I hate this court, because this court is restraining them.
They want to do whatever they want to do. They want nothing to hold them back and they know these ideas can keep it get through congress near, policy herself, sat on the sooner loan issue, the president. Not cancel student loans, she said They use that as part of a case she's the president can delay payments, but the press cannot cancel stood alone debt, that's a misnomer. She said it. They could never get MR congress, but that's what the left wants to use the court for. That's. Why they're talking about packing the court now it's why once again, their resurrecting all their naughty plans going all the way. to do. You are trying to do pack the cord to get a many legislature that will push while the naughty ideas they actually canker, passed through congress. and they don't want anything to stand in. Their way it's got a new book out. coming out very soon, it's called the democratic party hates america is very We tried and it comes out september nineteen
pre, ordered an amazon or mark levine show dot com, the democratic party hates america. They also hate this court. They hate them. institution. They hate it things restrain them and they do not want to be restrained? They wanted to. ever naughty lefty marxist socialist idea comes into their mind with absolutely no one telling them. No, no one It's funny you on this issue of this. This website, this web maker, who said I don't want to do this website for you'd violates my my beliefs. I too want to enter into engaging an expression that violates my beliefs in my conscience. The left would love to prosecute. You if you use the wrong pronouns for somebody peseta Michigan just announced to build it well, What's your way in prison and Fine, you, ten thousand dollars. If you use the wrong pronoun for somebody to one I two things the left doesn't want you to say the process. You and put you away
It comes to the things the left wants you to say they want to force. You to say whether you want to say it or not. They want to force you to say it this case this woman says I don't want to make this website its. Something I believe in And they say you have you because we decided that peace is the speech that we like and so we're going to compel you to say it. And if she tried to see something left didn't like they lock her up that's. Why they're not about freedom of speech? I hate freedom of speech because again, freedom of speech were strange them if you can argue with their naughtiness, if you can, disagree on the fact that you know manner: men and women or women. If you can if you can say things like that, all that that completely destroys the indoctrination that the left wants for everybody, which is not tolerance, not acceptance, but compliance you will comply, say what they want you to say, if you don't they'll prosecute you
no force, you to say it, and if you try to say something that they don't like the who after you, today was a win for the first amendment, because it said the state cannot compel you to say things to express yourself in ways that you don't want to do you can't force a kid to say: the pledge of allegiance can the kid to stand up and and and the pledge and you can't force somebody make a website with the message they disagree and the left doesn't ever stop to think as justice course. It should a wonderful job of explaining in his majority opinion not all the things that people could say that the left would hate one? What if you had a a same sex couple go into to see somebody to make a wedding cake but on the wedding cake they said they wanted to say something disparaging about eighty? as you know there gay there. They're just unhappy. They want to see something nasty emma baker doesn't want to do. discriminating them.
Discourses pointed out what a fab a muslim person wanted was forced to put a zionist message when something in so many examples of when you would agree that you can't compel somebody to say something to create something, whether its work of art, one or website whether it's a book, a novel, a radio commentary. You can't force people to say things that the state wants you to say because in doing so you limit any objections to the state, and the first amendment is there so that you can objective stage so that you can disagree with the state and show this compels you to say things. You lose the opportunity to debate and disagree with the state, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one so a big day before the supreme court
lots of analysis for you more on the hunter Biden, whistleblower story: this is the mark. Levin show the great ones offered me rich, Zoe infer mark we're coming right back much love in the if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that, but here's something back help if you have an eye re or for a one k, physical go in your eye array, the world gall council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. I, what is that you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re whether augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get ultimate guide to gold. I raise feels good
there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call. A gust of precious metals and aids seven seven for gold. I re that's eight seven cents for god. I re eight seven seven forgot irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augustus
precious metals dot com. I am also going to talk to you about the chaos at the airports. This is entirely the use of the failures of the buyer administration, particularly the secretariat transportation. People reject this guy is a disaster and we are facing competence is the reason why the forty thousand flights delayed and cancelled over this holiday week at its unacceptable, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one this is the market then show- and I am grateful to be with you tonight. I'm is very, very busy friday after Major historic supreme court wins today. I'm telling you right now, judges opinion freedom of speech case is going to once and for all and the nonsense. Here's what I mean after act phillips. He was the baker in colorado, remember
after they went after jack phillips, and I went out to denver for that. I remember being therefore that case and it was very narrow ruling. This is because we're talking about it, pre trump, I didn't see no doubt four point: three supreme court justices: just as Cavanaugh justice, amy corny bear it just as new courses prior to that the court it gave a very narrowly tailored victory to jack phillips, but it didn't end the nightmare. It made it worse in some ways, because then they started coming after him with all kinds of things: a jack vegas, a transgender cake, whatever the hell. That is, I guess, it's a cake that identifies as a pie. I don't really know because beg us out and he kept saying now violates my beliefs. It violates my beliefs are so Anything you want in the store but just now I gotta make I'll win kegs. I'm Gonna violate my beliefs and create something for you that vital it's, my beliefs This ruling today with this issue, although others,
their cases pending even jack's case is still pending, believe it or not, should settle all this once and for all because the The justice course, which makes is that, since the They cannot compel you into expression. Since a say not force you to say things, that's the end of it. then it's not merely about religion, its first its freedom of speech, yes, I might be forced to say things that violate your religious beliefs and that should not be allowed to happen, but it might be political. You might be forced to say a political point that you disagree with you're, sure right now, there's some lefty out there, whose angry about this decision, but if they had a bakery or website company and somebody came in and wanted a magritte cake, say I'm not begging your magic I ate drawn from sir and then, and I would agree with their point that they should have to bake it. I would defend their right to say no, but that's it.
prince without right. We are consistent and they're, not working kristen and they're, not they they would scream from the top of their lungs of somebody forced them. The baker donald trump cake, but would this ruling today and this issue. They green that it's a setback for algae bt, q rights- no, it's not not in any way shape or form, not at all. It's nothing about that. It's about expression! It's about it russian and speech, but Do they always do which is lie? So they live yesterday about the affirmative action case and they ignored the fact that this case was brought because harvard was this screw emanating against asian american kids and telling them you can come into our school because you're asian, which is literally discrimination and racism, but they ignore all that, and I may lie about what next could happen: and they're lying about this one to underlying about the student debt
scam, that the supreme court, rightly overturned so but to tell you how they're trying to get around it assumes. You're back right here on the market, then show with me rich z, only come right back If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average ira and for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity. We didn't expect that then here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go, In your eye ray the world, go council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it you learn. Why many americans are turning to a gold? I re whether augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them to me. friends and family you should call augustine get there also guide, the gold I raise feels good
there's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Seven seven for gold. I re that's eight seven cents, for gold ira, eight, seven, seven Why gold ira, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta his medals dot com. Yes, it's true that mark levin is the fastest growing radio show in america. The mark Levin show is on at eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Yes it is the mark. Levin show the gray one is off tonight. It's me rich is the only from our hometown of philadelphia, your fellow la villa night, and I'm thrilled. I am thrilled with the rulings today by the supreme court, I'm so happy, but I have to warn you once again the lawless row. Joe Biden is trying to find a way to work around it, because the
I will never ever accept supreme court decisions that they don't like that. They do they immediately start define workarounds. So, let's, download. The court said today When this issue came up about bite in student loan bribe and its bribes world, it's it's a bribe to pay off the old days you know you had to stuff money into bank cash, get a cross table, somebody in a diner or something in jersey, but you know what and then they started wearing wires and blocking people up for that, so that went away, but they still want to bribe people the usa steal your money, but you were. For the majority two other people and say this is a gift from us, but their money, to give us your money at their stealing from you to give to them? And in this case it was now going to be millions of students out there who have a sign contracts, to take on all those tat were they know that if you don't pay the debt back, then they would default on that loan and now
bad for their credit and- that's a contract that they entered into as sober minded people assuming and what the butter administration trying to do a job, uncharted hearsay contracts or matter anymore, rip up. and I'm gonna just pay it all back for you don't worry about it. People are most were affected by this work. People that live in places like washington, DC in new york city, in LOS angeles, left he places where they have their master. degree in fine, aren't literature and gender transformations studies and they ve wrapped up all this debt for useless degrees, and they can't make real money, but they all work did colleges and universities and a lot of them write books, and these are the Foremost thinkers of the modern democrat party Two years ago, the democrats for ten did like they cared the work in man work man, the workin woman. You know they care, they pretend
I can't we're with year you know the guy's, a mechanical, the plumbers to people that bus there, but for a living and actually go out there and work I sweat, may build things that we're we're the party for you, where the party for the union's and ironing out James carville said it Our party today is a party of the faculty lounge. They the party of the intellectual egg heads and faculty loungers who come up what terms like latin acts, nobody talks like that these are, people who biting would help with his student loan debt repayment, bribery, scam there people who are very upset today, but if our party was the democrat party was years ago, I had pretend a party the work of man Why would they want to pay off the loans of some egghead works, a georgetown university? No, the guy who's paying that is, blue collar guy who's? Bus is bought every day.
college isn't soon alone debt. Why making him pay for their their debt Why didn't you pay off his harley? Why don't you pay off his house? Why don't you pay off his credit cards and then grants wine about well, because education is transformative embargo. It's not what occasion is isn't doktor. Nation is what it is, when people go to college. This is where they get indoctrinated. Twenty one, keep them in school public schools window? Nathan there and then they go to college and they get further indoctrinated. And when the left comes out as a jew and they go well without an education, then people will not have the opportunities in life. That's not true. yeah people go to trade schools there below go right at a high school in just work, and they thank you very very well, but they don't care. Indoctrination piece of it. So there's that Then. If the Democrats also argue that if you go to college, you can earn more money, will then the case in. Why are people who didn't go to college pang, officer loans of people who went to college racket? long dead and
can make more money, The other point of this, too, is just a fundamental question unfairness. Of my sooner loans. Do I get a refund going at a rebate, in the mail. Maybe I can go out and buy a jet ski or something like that. No, I get nothing. I guess on gots. As my people say, I get nothing it's not fair, but it those you politically just how far the democrat party has gone They don't even pretend anymore to care about the working man. The working woman I don't care those people, They came from voters and twenty sixteen Intellectual egg heads the people who have the signs on a yard. You know hate has no home here. We believe in science, except when it comes to biology those people. The party that's a democrat parties constituency now and then want their loans paid off. They just feel entitled to it. They feel entitled to a lot of things to the courts sorry,
article one constitution matters. You can't do this and your ear justification for this. Under the heroes act, which was passed, after nine. Eleven theirs thing in this act. It gives you the authority to do this. Nothing you're here reaching here pal year, reaching in a big big way, we do not only does it not give you the authority under the heroes act. It does allow you to just you, sir. The congress in this when there is not even a national emergency, even claimed, because guess why genius you end, the covert emergency? The day after you announce a student loan, debt repayment scam you can't even citing emergency, but that It means that their done because biting came out today and slammed the supreme court's decision. They announced a new way to try to get around it. now today and he wines about this, and he says these are
Looking officials just couldn't bear the thought of providing relief for working class, middle class. Americans. those imposed on the people of the working class in this country, the middle class organs. pay the student debt for other people that are better have advanced degrees in fine degrees and literature degrees they want, pay their loans. Why should they have to. Who's, paying their loans who's paying their their their their car payments. Nobody biting sent. A new relief programme will be grounded in the higher education act instead of the heroes act, see what I mean, what they do with them. Its do because they hate this country Our party hates america literally the title of marking you blow coming out September nineteenth, but they do they hate this country, so they hate the law. They hate the constitution. They dont want to be restrained figure out. Ok, let's try something else. It's kind, twenty two, because a report- today asked molly Cordoba the education secretary and said well if
you could have done this before? Why don't you just do it before Isn't this also gonna be shaky legal ground? Because if you can do this under under the higher education back. Why didn't you just two hundred a higher education act? Why did you use the heroes act, the answer is because they may still and do this under the higher education act, but they're going to keep trying. Because what they don't want to do is go into twenty twenty four and not be able to bribe people. so they know this isn't going to work. They know this is not going to work on legal grounds, but didn't care they're gonna. Do it anyway? back to court and we'll start- process all over again waste more money. More time they don't care The president announced that the administration will seek to ensure no one with an undergraduate loan will spend more than five percent of their disposable income to repay their loan. There will also be a temporary on ramp repayment programme by
said. I think the court misinterpreted the constitution, hopefully Why? Why bye, bye, noticing article one The legislative one and not just focusing in article two of the president, because if they did just focus on that, but also find out, you don't have this power, use every tool at our disposal to get you the student debt relief you need, to reach your dreams, They were making payments is covered. What What are they need to reach their dreams by now, most of the people are talking about here have jobs if they don't have a job, that's on them has been, there's been hiring boom, but this debt doing them. That's enable that at that moment them reach their dreams, and about other debt that keeps you from reaching your dreams. I got debt. what about my debt that doesn't count. That's right! president criticise republicans in congress. Reposing is programme and they had business loans for given during the pandemic, the supreme
who founded the statute biting relied upon when issuing alone forgiveness executive order did not give the secretary of education the authority to forgive billions in student loans for tens of millions. Americans Joe, roberts writing, for the majority said quote. This precedent requires that congress speak clearly before a department secretary can unilaterally alter large sections of the american economy. secretary asserts that the heroes act, grand seem the authority to cancel formed and thirty billion dollars of student loans principle. It does not We hold today that the act allows a secretary to wave or modify existing statutory or regulatory provisions applicable, well to financial assistance programs under the education act? to re write that statute from the ground up and if
Immediately when they run and start figuring out, What can we do now so sen? Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts comes out and says: the fight is not over. The president must must have more tools to cancel student loan debt bernie sanders. The same thing says: this cannot stand. What we need to do right now is a plan b to cancel student loan debt. Ultimately, what they want to do is make college free, but free doesn't mean anything. You know that somebody is paying for it. What the government for it. you think about how we ve got into this place, where tuition so expensive desire. Friends, now, kids are younger. I've got an eight year old, a six year old and three year old no we're saving for college of my kids aside. They want to go in but my friends, you are sending their kids a college now and I'm here an eighty thousand dollars a year for tuition. ned, not even a lot Exploring revenge eighty grant and
We got here because of all this free money, the government throughout over the years, all this student loan money begging, it's so available for people to go to college. There was always a willing marketplace. No matter what colleges could keep raising their prices firing, a bunch of faculty members, you don't actually teach, building beautiful buildings, luxurious, athletic centres, keeping faculty members, millions of dollars a year and the athletics department, make it raises tuition, but it wouldn't matter because the government which still give loans out So did a matter that was never gonna, be appoint the marketplace for people set too expensive tap now, because the government would say: oh that, did they raced tuition wealth and will give you more money. give you more student low money, but she had to pay back. You'd have to pay it back. That's that's the point. And right away. They go after the justices personally
representative, alexandria, costume cortez. The leader of the squad, says justice, Alito accepted tens of thousands of dollars and lavish vacation gifts from a billionaire who lobby do cancel the student loan forgiveness after the gifts alito voted to overturn this Scotus is corruption undercuts its own legitimacy by putting its rulings up for sale. We a vile that is she's, accused the justice of coming up with this opinion because he was bribed. That's what that's what you just said: truly vile. This is an unlawful. This was an unlawful move by the executive and thankfully, the court said no. But does it for a moment there done there not done so Selina Kagan argue that the supreme court has dramatically overstep in its ruling
Presented every respect, the court today exceeds its proper limiting role and our nations governance from the first page of the last today's opinion departs from the demands of judicial restraint. at the behest of a party that has suffered no injury, the majority decides contested public policy issue properly belonging to the politically accountable politically accountable branches and the people they represent. Do you know what it is? The the court was departing from the judicial restraint in in her mind, which is that it was applying judicial restraint against the executive and saying you don't have the authority to do this, legislative branch has to do this, not you,
It was excellent ruling, but mark my words. They are not done they're going to keep trying. They will still try to push this through eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one this is the mark. Levin show it's me rich in for mark, coming right, back much love in the if we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that. Then here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one K. Physical go in your eye ray the world gul council says: even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my friends and family. You should call augustine get
Ultimate guide to gold- I raise feels good. There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call augusta precious metals and aids. in seven for gold. I re that's eight seven set for god, I re eight seven, seven we're gonna, die right, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com the big big big night and lots of talk about Biden's of the money was literally about to go out the door? Oops? Sorry, but it wasn't your money. Joe, was our money, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! This is the mark. Levin show it's me rich zoe in four markets, save some costs. Shall we, let's hear from you Opinions o roon he's in hammond, louisiana, hello, urban.
have a good week in la these three supreme court. Genes will wind for america and gone I await verse row now when for america, but what we- we can crawl a little bit and celebrate, but those who play off gains the superbowl coming up in twenty four and the democratic gonna use those four cases: they're gonna weapon against us. we will not win the presidential election, unless we regain independent voters with kinds in michigan pennsylvania our and george, you would be nice will we in our red, say state and as a victory for the conservative, but we can we don't have enough people to take the electoral college, especially in those states. so. I would recommend that we approach those independence, which include:
college educated women in suburbs we lost since two thousand and six when we had them and go over each of those cases. First of all, roe vs wade just pushed it back to the states. It did not outlaw abortion which are against correct each state decides. So if you don't like it in your state, change your legislature. Secondly, with a student alone, I think there's enough of out there they pay their way. We need to explain to them now did do not get that for you. But like any other democratic programme, once this things in place, it just gonna keep regenerating adopted not going to just have to worry about that? I don't think this suit alone thing was that popular outside of the Democrats? I don't think the average person thought this was a good thing and I think working class people think this was a terrible idea. Yeah and I agree, but it did swing enough. Young college kids,
Pennsylvania? Didn't I don't? I don't think it had anything to do with that? I'm really! I respectfully disagree with the map. Point urban. I don't think it is there any reason why young cow young, a lotta young college, kids vote democratic as your brainwashed and then they one of getting a job paying taxes by house to pay taxes. That's what they to realize what's happening in them aid they start voting Republican less I'll, say, demographic show that it unusually large percentage of that demographics, usually don't both as much did show up at the polls. Motivated for some reason generally that died. Demographics barely makes fifty percent as war you're, not for national action there into other thing. You know, politics is, is foreign to them, but they did. It did pulled a lot from a demographic to the elections it rallied them again.
I will listen. We will see an and thank you for the call and have a wonderful weekend enjoy the independence day, and it will see. I believe that we have to celebrate the winds for the constitution, romance with this is this? Is a win for the united states constitution, and we should celebrate that regardless of any political implications. In my opinion, eight seven three one three one one. The mark levin show our number two straight ahead. This segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage. I can say If your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, that's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship. Your talk now run them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Did you hear that? Not even as the absolute craziness that justice alina kagan throughout their today with regard to the student alone, debt repayments, scam, unbelievable welcome back later here. This is the market even show eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eight in seven three, one three one one mark is off tonight, so it's rich z, only in for the great one this kagan wrote the following today in her descent, imagine the horrific. This is referring to student loans, that guy
repayment here, imagine horrific. I tell first organization sets off a dirty bomb in Chicago beyond causing deaths. The incident leads millions of residence, including many would student loans to food the city to escape the radiation. Must find new housing, probably new jobs. still I so hard to revisit the true face housing and still their student loan bills are coming, do every month to prevent widespread loan delinquencies in default. This terry wants to discharge ten thousand dollars for the class of affected borrowers is Legal Of course it is whose exam He would congress provided for so I actually, when I saw that earlier, I didn't know if it was real.
Sometimes you see stuffy, oh that's to ninety. Eight. They can possibly be reassuring, did be daddy bomb example here Then came a government step in some extraordinary circumstance like that declare an emergency and how people not just maybe their loans, but also, maybe other things too Does anyone questioning that no no one's question tat But what a murderous here, even citing here with this, the covert emergencies over you end, they ended it. You know by to see this was the pickle that the bush administration was always in. at the very same time, there I argued for student debt loan repayment, in covert covert was the justification the very same time they were doing that they were. ending title ready to at the border Returning around and saying, there's no covert emergency at the border. Therefore, we can kick people out of our country who are crossing the border legally, citing covert nineteen
So they all have to say now: there's no covert emergency but at the very same time they are in court. Arguing Covert emergency gives them the ability to cancel billions of dollars and certain loan debt. And I knew when I said this last year. I said this- the problem for this administration they have, magic courthouse in in a room one there there arguing for judge your honor forty two needs and the we don't need it any more covert currencies over and everybody can just come on individual southern border and then, across the hall there, your honor? We use that covered bad thing. We oh stood alone debt, so we have the right to cancel stood alone, We can have it both ways. Miss was their problem. That this is an administration that when, when it works for them, they go with it when it doesn't they just do the exact opposite of that. That was a great example of that, but in this case that the justice is is is citing
Early bomb in chicago city, gets nuke. We can all agree that reasonable people can agree. The government can I'm out with an emergency declaration deal with that. We ve done this before. But there was no emergency here to cite for binding, which is why the heroes acted and apply, and even if there was an emergency can delay it president can modify things to a certain extent. but simply just can't erase it all that requires an act congress, especially when there is no emergency, but that of all the opinions that might have been the nautilus one that might have been the nineties one. Although justice, jackson, her dissent in the affirmative action case, was also pretty astonishingly stupid as well. She out there and said, in her dissent yesterday with let them eat
Egg, oblivious news today the majority pulls the record and announces color blindness for all by legal fee out. First of all, this does anybody does anybody remember, that asian students felt that we're not being treated color blindly, because is that even work because they were being denied emission harvard because they were asian We see they forget that if you're, oblivious, you usually are an undertaking, acts that require focused efforts such as pulling your record tuna, went to I've gone skydiving twice. Oblivious, you just don't pull recordings paying attention for that, but bits number one jack spends a lot of time, of course, in her descent recounting all the racial sins in america. She has a lot of that.
just clarence thomas you're, the majority opinion. So very simply, I am just really happy about the fact that we can live. What were declaration of independence promised the idea that all men are created equal and deserve equal protection under the law? Imagine that huh Imagine that discrimination discriminate the democratic right now or angry because they can't discriminate. They can't discriminate. That's what they're upset about their upset about that fact. They can't discriminate. Rich Larry national view had an excellent point of man. He said head. Spinning logic. Jackson asserts that ending discrimination in emissions will delay the day that every american has an equal. Opportunity to thrive regardless of race, ignoring raise, makes it matter more. discrimination. is anti discrimination. That's where she's arguing here but
whenever you think about these cases. Remember the three left these on the bench. They are really political advocates and what they are doing is their setting up the democratic party to have the next culture issues the next culture fight. Did you ever think in your life? We the place right now. We were having fights literal fights over gender, affirming care for minors, which we, of course, shopping body parts of children giving them drugs that the FDA never approved for gender transformation. Puberty blockers for kids little and that we would be in the middle of a cultural fight over this. Did you ever think that I never did left keeps moving the goal posts all the time. If the call earlier said to me. He said the suburban women yeah she's talking about suburban women. All the time I hear this all the time, the suburban moms remember much in twenty twenty being about transgender care for children, where you had the demo
that's openly advocating right now for the idea of a book logical mail, competing against a biological female in college and then beating her of course, and taking her place on the team wasn't even an issue is even on the radar that we would have a debate over whether or not Parents have a right to know if the Kids are going to school and johnny he's telling everybody he susie. in new jersey right now the attorney general of new jersey. When three high school districts. Those districts of past policies that say that if a child identifies transgender request to be called a different name requested where different clothes- then the parents will be notified now is I want to be notified. Kids, I think my child is having a mental health crisis and I want to do something about it. Won't help them deal with it
But the soon as yours, jersey says, we know better than you, so we're suing to say you as apparent dont, have a right to know about you minor children. The fact that they are saying that their transgender. every democrat in america, every democratic congress voted to allow biological men to compete. and women. Every single one of my one is that there are suburban women, who are college educated there very highly educated, who find all this to be repulsive repulsive. They don't like the idea of Thirteen year old kids get their bodies mutilated. They don't like the idea of their daughter who so hard for years and my sends on the swim team and on these teams. They work it's amazing year round. Their swimming
early morning, practices getting in the cold pool at the start of the year, the sort of season Saturday morning, swim age. When is a swimming in all these different swimsuits everything else they so hard they work. but they sacrifice they sacrifice vacation. They give this up. I give them college and they lose their spot, biological mail? You think sits well with moms and adds in the suburbs, because it doesn't using moms and adds in the suburbs. don't want to know if there, child is identifying, is transgender in school You think they don't want to know this. The poor tat. The collar made earlier in the last hour was basically we- those people, I'm telling you the Democrats are driving those people so far away from them, and this student loans think was just another example that this dealing this fund.
people, yellow construction workers who were rebuilding ninety five and fill it, fear, use you I think that they want to be paying a student loan debt for some for some person, who's got an advance on it. the thousands hours or research. If you think they want to pay that. No, the Democrats, pushing people away because of their nothingness an end and the cultural fight we're having right now, in gender fight in particular when it comes to children, were you ve got this idea, children should have surgery on their bodies, amputations, and take these very, very experimental drugs that can cause lifelong consequences, and the Democrats are fighting for this. As a civil rights issue, youth, that wins over suburban voters, look:
Of course, there are some out there, but their voting Democrat anyway in order, if you're out their fighting for this. If you really believe that you have already had the hate has no home your son, you in your yard that debt that nothing's changed their you we believe in science sign, even though, when it comes to biology, you clearly don't talking about those people, did. I was an event somewhere in so many countries are rich. You know what this they name: some expensive, prestigious school in philadelphia area. They said these bombs are all about this train gender stuff. I sit here. They were voting democratic before they're, not who I'm talking about. I think voters who even voted for Joe Biden in twenty twenty have seen. All of this and our repulsed by it, the blue are people that may have voted forum have seen the student loans, scam and repulsed by it and, let's not forget the economy. Let's not forget that with inflation, we are talking about some of the most devastating inflation numbers in terms of how
should this is costing you and me, how much you- and I are both pang right now- because of the inflation under this presidency we have lost money we have lost money over the years, the highest level syn the financial crisis of two thousand eight, that it's happening to us in this country, you will think that matters to them. Actual of earning powers continues. Real inflation, adjusted earnings are down for a twenty six consecutive month. The longest stretch in u s history. By far twice as long as the global financial crisis- and this is ninety three percent of by the ten year. Your story. Appealing to these voters? The Democrats are driving them away, Some seven, three, eight one, three eight one one this is the market even show common ripe,
more than four eyes Eighteen t t mobile if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily, save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast, five g data produced twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? U s its phenomenal! I'm on it pure
uses the most dependable five g network in the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, levant podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty, a data just twenty bucks a month pure talks, amazing you, as customer service team, will make switching very easy, so choose a veterinary company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, levant podcast for unlimited talk and text, but plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to purity,
dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month with pure talk. Oh yes, big day, big wins in the supreme who are more news around hunter Biden, though yes, more allegations around the whistleblower. You know I refuse to say this is a sweetheart deal. I won't say it: it's not a sweetheart deal. One hundred Biden got you know ways. We'd ordeal hunter biting guy was a cover up to prevent, his father, the president of the united states of america, that's that's what happened here I wish to call with joy. ass, my audience in philadelphia and socrates will tend to be phd, where concern every night. I that's in please, please don't say sweet. Our deal is not to cover up the thing about it. First of all, one is, if you really wanted to bust a criminal enterprise. Do you give em a plea
agreement misdemeanours like this and make it I'll go away or order charge the hell out of somebody we now they're gonna, be terrifying to go in a prison. And their name names. you think about you bring down a criminal enterprise. James Colmar said last night to Hannity. He said this is organised crime. The binding family, organised crime will you bring down organised crime by looking at it the same way they when, after the mafia rico, there's all l l sees that are named all these people who were named all this money coming in from overseas Governments not interested in any that really Then you know the kind of guy hunter Biden is hunter Biden would sing like a canary warm up. Those pipes be singing like a canary, he would name names. He would drop times on people Joe to avoid prison is a guy like that. Does not survive prison.
By doing this centre bite, it doesn't have to declare his income, and I have to say where it may is money no chance of prison times. So there's no chance. Yes and all my name's there's no chancy criminal enterprise gets exposed. Its obstruction of justice is a cover up to protect the press. of the united states of america. That's what says so call it like it is. let's see dj, is in saratoga new york dj you're on the market of ensure with me rich. How are you, how are you europe, your great voices? Ok, this is more widely. By the way, I am a suburb woman and I am republican I'd that guy just needs to take a hike with the women in the summer. We
I talk to everybody and we do every place. This is what we are dealing with. Lazy spoiled. Brat is exactly what we are dealing with. I used to be part of child protection team up in vermont, and that's when Bernie sanders had his reign of terror up there and of what this is all about. People are not seeing is. This is about control its march rule dave go when they talk to pay? I would work like ale off to find a job for someone minute. I would find him a job. The state would step it and say: oh no, no! No! I won't take that job are well done take away. Your subsidized housing will take away it'll help we'll take away. Your medical Isn't that somehow I drive you from working yet what
I and the group repeat: we went private and we started finding jobs for people and once we got some over being afraid they loved it. They said- oh my god now, if, if I'm working, they can't take everything away from me, and that's what we have to do now. We have. I agree, DJ I have to run. I agree with you you're exactly right. We gotta get back to making people work you're so right spot on my dear I'm happy, you survived the communist reign of Bernie sanders in vermont good for you, but here in new york, you're still dealing with communist lunatics. This is the mark. Levin show we're coming right back verizon, eighteen t t mobile, if your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily, save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now, get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast five g data
just twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? U? S its phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk, uses the most dependent Five g network in the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy. So choose a veteran one company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text were plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to pure,
fuck dot com and use promo code. Levin podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month with pure talk mark levin to grave one, the great one, monolithic, kyle and now eight seven, seven, three, a one: three, eight one one. Yes, indeed, eight seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one: one democrats, the democrat party, hates america. I can't think of a more aptly named book than the great ones new book coming out september, nineteenth the democrat party hates america, and they do and the culture war nonsense that you and I are looking at right now. The culture war is Insane, it's insane though the equality act, every democrat voted to allow biological men to use the women's locker room every single one
mrs from national review, John Mccormack? Writing this? The equality act is proof that congressional democrats are more aggressive in the culture war than republicans that unanimously, through their support behind me, equality act and algae b. T q plus plus I ate every letter of the alphabet rights bill with all kinds of applications for religious liberty, women's sport, its and women's. Only facilities such as shelters and rooms within just last week, sponsorship of every democratic house and every cent Democrat accept Joe mansion of west virginia alters the status quo by adding tree. gender status and sexual orientation as classes, under the nineteen sixty four civil rights acts? Title too, really spans the number of businesses, the countess public accommodations, for example, explicitly list shelters which
means that women fleeing domestic violence could be forced to reside in shelters with men, salons, from clearly cover waxing businesses. I pity the poor woman who s to give a brazilian wax to a dude explicitly states that, with respect to gender identity and individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including restroom locker room in the dressing room that is according to the individual's gender identity, not their gender. Gender identity as a different thing A totally different thing: I do understand that there's gender, two born with measured gender identity, which may not be the same thing in there in their world, cardiac would affect religious schools as well as public schools, because it supersedes the religious freedom, restoration act, the religious freedom, restoration, active. Ninety. Ninety three shall not for
add, claim concerning or defence to acclaim under a cover title will provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of covered title. The religious freedom, restoration act, a law that restored a balancing test used by the courts in religious liberty cases, passed unanimously by the house where we sponsored by then congressman chuck Schumer. when you think about where we are right. Now, then, is proof The congressional democrats are far more aggressive. culture, wars and republicans when Also Democrats first pass the bill in two thousand and nineteen university of virginia law, professor douglas laycock, a liberal religious liberty, scholar who support same sex, marriage, told national review that the equality act would crush religious dissenters,
the equality act goes very far to stamp out religious exemptions. It regulates religious nonprofits and then it says that the religious freedom restoration act does not apply to any claim under the equality yak. this is not a good faith attempt to reconcile competing interests. It's an attempt by one side to grab all the disputed territory and crush the other side. This passed in two thousand twenty one, but lacked the to pass in the fifty fifty senate, due to filibuster and Joe mansions and willingness to support it, but the senator crash- only need to replace pierced in cinema in arizona and lacking comments in montana, ohio and nevada, to have the votes necessary to scrap the filibuster and passed? Equality act. And that's exactly what they wanted to. In Michigan they want crime now for you to use their own pronoun approach crime that will send you to prison. I talk,
you are a tutor dixon earlier today, she's fantastic. She ran for governor of michigan against gretchen whitmer, who clearly is planning to run for president states. It's either gretchen whitmer or that gabon, the hair newsome, for maybe the two of them will be a team together, but I mean Joe and he he. This is great. He does this interview yesterday with Nicole wallace that fraud and MSNBC who pretends that she used to be a republican, just angry, and the interview ends by just gets up and walked off the set while she still making- and here the cameras are still rolling it's been done and just gets up and leaves presuming area the bathroom, something like that The question is: will bite and actually be the candidate, and, if he's not, campbell ours is deeply unpopular. She's negative seventeen approval rating negative seventeen. So you know Gavin the hare nursemaids just chop and at the bit gretchen whittemore, strap and at the bare feel murphy anew. Jerseys people love this and
they all try to approve. to prove how nutty they are shout naughty, the other person so Have to go eventually appeal to the progressive coops in the various dynamics. primary states, egg and say look at me. I'm a naughty. Is one yet recently passed bill in Michigan could make it a felony to intimidate someone by intentionally using the wrong gender pronouns michigan state house of representatives has passed a bill piece of legislation that criminalize is causing someone do feel. and by words, so that's it About this now the very same day, the united states supreme court came out and said the girl We cannot compel you into speech. Government can force you to say things that you don't agree with in michigan may actually pass a bill. That says, will send you to jail. If you say something we don't agree with.
we'll find you ten grand if you say something we don't like. So that means- and if you see some and you refuse to call that person a cc them a man, a biological man who is that their gender identity is woman, but you were used to call him her You refuse to do so. I'm not doing it. Am I playing this game. Live my life according to truth, inside in reality, I refuse to play this game, I'm not doing it. I'm I'm sorry but I'm gonna, say cameras. There is still a man under this bill. You could go to jail for five years? a fine of ten thousand dollars. You the totalitarian state that they are trying to create in his country. Force you to do things. They want to punish you. If you do the things that they want you to do. is our freedoms. Zoning free about that
the Democrats are engaged in. I think the most radical culture war, I've ever seen in minnesota. They passed a bill on abortion that allows abortion throughout being our pregnancy. Even the term nine months. They are so far down the road of the culture war in this country, and I am, I think, that turns people off. I think that wines of making people say this is nuts. Near sitting urge atoms, call them woman, a plantation owner, annex heated, exchange that he had with her plantation owner. It was a community conversation. One was complaining about rising rent cos, he told her that she's treating him like he's on a plantation, the mayor of new york city said to this woman. Your treating me the mayor, like I'm on a plantation because you're yelling at me about your rent, cos the freakin mayor he's the mayor. Yours
to yell mayors. That's the whole point of being the mayor and its new york you're supposed to do these things eight seven seven. Three one three, eight one, one. No he's, not me, babies is so much ask. Can we gives everything has to be racist. Does everything have to be exactly like that let's go to brent in los angeles, California, on K, R, L, a brand. You are on the market and show the working. You're rich. I give you know, courageous righteous and constitution. Loving supreme court justices chose the camp and a no democrat affirmative racism are. You I have a wickedly woke george wallace Democrats, Joe Biden, lock and michelle obama, Elizabeth, worn, alina kagan and AL sharpen our screeching screaming and bidding creation today, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever and how they are
asked lynching, martin luther king and frederick douglass at the lincoln memorial, no on or moral american may. Any long pretend that the content of democratic character is anything but demonic, Well, my friend, I think it's why it's driving people away from the democrat party in a big big way, and I like how you said affirmative. What would you call it affirmative segregation permitted is an affirmative racism to where, to put it, I mean it is racist. What they did to those asian american kids at harvard was literally the definition of racist, says, saying you can't come here because of your race, brand thanks to the cause of the market in show appreciated. My friend Tom is inherits burg pennsylvania on serious ex m hello, Tom. Are you the one they form of action recalling the lonely gonna work. If I get forms of action
at the workplace till I work for our committee for general mills and we the higher people by a quota, could have so many women, so may minorities so many years, so many that it did who was the best qualified he had to hire by the quota that they gave. Until we can get that out of the workplace just get in and out. This is only a band aid. The whole problem Unfortunately, all these companies now are doing this d. I stuff, you know, diversity, equity inclusion and they are enforcing employees to go through all the reeducation camps in the trainings. That's would be tough to do because corporate america believes that this is the answer to all of their problems and they keep hiring a lot of these woke kids from colleges who then infect the corporation like a virus. Hence why you get something like you had with bud light and don't move any?
beautiful barking reminds us was gone on labour law and us for years, but we a quota we had to meet this doesn't know something They ve been on for years and saying much when you go first. They please job The quotas, and now this task force in higher or lower for different races, indifferent stops at all, about where we are all equal or it's gonna, going make things worse, ah said Tom. Thank you for the call appreciative everywhere, much joe always in chicago illinois. Listening on serious ex m Joe you're on the market and Joe digital. Alright, no joe, what try Jim is calling from california on K, R l, a jim you are on the market of info. Illustration of you know everybody our tricolor. She did so well. You know about Joe Biden, hunter Biden, Nelson's codman to the things we're doing here's. My question, sir, let me escape
we're going to do time for something that was going to happen to these people or to just going to get off the hook. What do you think I can't predict, but I I just will tell you that James comer, who is the chairman of the oversight committee, is guys like a dog with a bone he's going out. He came out last. Ninety said they believe the bidens have made about forty million dollars in foreign money and they found new documents, new tax records. So all this is is: is there trying to bring it out? But, yes, this is a coordinated cover up by the united states department of justice. The hunter Biden plea deal is a way to stop this investigation in it's tracks to protect the president. That's what's happening The republicans in congress need to do something that the only hope we have is a if it's with them Jim, because otherwise this will be covered up by the united states born of justice, because, let's face it, we live in a police state that is not hyperbole. When the united states, when the federal government used its law enforcement division for politics- that is the literal textbook
definition Jim, a police state when the guy it uses its law enforcement to either go, after its political enemies which its doing going after former present donald trump or to help its, Go friends which its doing by covering up for Joe Biden, that is the literal textbook definition of a police state. Thank you for the call the mark. Levin show I appreciated so you asked to be one of them do time. I dunno my friend. I can't predict anything, seems like they always get away with it, but I'll stay. Domestic, I think, combers great jordan's great these guys are trying their really try and thank god for them. But we special counsel he's Gary shabbily the whistle blowers come out and said the department of justice has completely robes tim even the new york times on. I think it was paragraph one. Do you Twenty one, the other day confirmed that yes,
united states attorney for delaware, David wise was denied. Try to bring charges in washington DC When I try to bring charges in california main justice blocked him stopped him. So you have, this is a coordinated cover up can predict would have but I can only say, thank god. We have people, Jim Jordan and james were there eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: this is the market even show with me, rich z, only on twitter, The only were coming right back in her eyes and eighteen t t mobile. If your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now get unlimited
talk unlimited text and ultra fast, five g data for just twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? You asked it's phenomenal, I'm on it. Pure talk uses the most dependable five g network and the nation just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, levant podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data, just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing. You us customer service team will make switching very easy, so choose a veterinary company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, levant podcast for unlimited talk and text, but plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks a month again when you go to your talk that calm and use promo code, Levine, podcast you'll, save an additional fifty percent or fear first month with pure talk. Oh yes, indeed, big,
The US supreme court today big day also a big day and hunter world. You know why hundred bite into such an eighty at this guy Remember the laptop, which was called russian disinformation numa. That old thing right, russian disinformation think think with me for a moment, shall we two october of twenty twenty, when all of a sudden we were told The laptop was rushing dish, information, the media censor, the story, big tech, which. With the media and the government They wouldn't let you share the story, member all that right One hundred Biden is now in court showing John Paul mac isaac, who is the owner of that computer repair store this poor guy has had his life ruined by this slimeball creep. Hunter Biden but order to do that the claim that, yes, she owns a laptop entire thing? The entire scam were Joe Biden winter on stage at that debate. Against president trump said, fifty
former national security, deep state, hacks all say this: is russian disinformation. they knew was a lie: the fbi, They knew his ally, big tech. Was alive. They all knew all these fifty one hacks day they were all in on it, but why do you think they went to all that trouble causes a lot of trouble personally fifty one former national security officials to agree on anything there's a lot of work. Why think they want to all the of you think it was to protect hunter turbines pictures because all these. Pictures of him doing cocaine off the rearing of russian hookers was just gimme that traumatic and that devastating horsemen They will do what they always do because they would spit turn around and say his brave man who overcame his addiction. and Joe Biden stands with him. He be unstable, Joe Biden alla time. Let me say it's a it's terrible
terrible that they would use this man's addiction against him in this manner. No, they did all that work to cover. This are because the laptop links, Joe Biden today. criminal enterprise it's all there and they can hide from this time around all there we're ten like its russian disinformation. He owns it now you're, the scumbag, is also not allowing his daughter to use his last name. He won that writing court. deprive this little girl of using the last name binding. Shameful Biden want, acknowledges granddaughter, pretends that she doesn't exist and She can't even use the name it and which, in some ways, is good ver because she won't be associated with this crime. Family but what a slime or move visceral girls done. Nothing. she's an innocent victim in all this, but at hunter Biden, the guy, is just such a freaking slime ball. So he will not allow his own biological daughter to use his last name, but he will give her some of his worthless, crappy artwork as part
this paternity settlement, unbelievable. Big our number three coming up here on the market even show with me, rich z. Only in for the great one come about my friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated. American look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer, so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la,
and for hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course sheila and resolved to be more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today. He's here now, broadcasting the monopoly underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leaders, are three year on the market and ensure that everyone is off tonight. It's me rich as the only in for him or I do the afternoon. Dr show socrates twelve tend to be phd marks home town
And one of his mighty affiliates is a great friend of mine, a truly as my mentor and really honestly, the reason I gotta stop radio sure story years ago, I was the chairman of a republican party up north jersey mark came to speak when he had his book. Men in black just come out, and gave great speech that night sign books and he and I hit it off and then are now beginning to radio. John, very, very grateful very appreciative, and what I love about mark show always is the fact that he understands the constitution and applies a constitution of things better than anybody else in this business. Does that's for sure? Why do people Copy him they can do it because they don't have a grasp of the constitution. So. That's why, when days like today, and I have the upturned fill in for him when there's too, I think huge important decisions is one of them being landmark. Really truly the free speech case, it's
It's amazing to be here as a student over then I understand the struggle the supreme court has had with that when he wrote men and black, we were talking about then and activists court of rome. Judges who are active politicians and trying to write law from the bench and we went through it all in a placid dread, scott separate, but equal all the way, ruby, Cora much do you know that it's ok to in turn, japanese, german and italian americans without due process? Is our risk Supreme court decisions, roby weight? Of course this court, Now, at this moment in time, is doing more to repair the damage that has been done over the last several decades and thank god donald trump one in twenty. Sixteen, now remember. Twenty sixteen m are being on the radio fairly soon we gotta go. this guy.
Even if you hate him, you hate his tweets. You don't like him, you're, a ted cruz supporter or whatever was you, are never trump or stop you to vote for trump, because the supreme court matters more. Anything else, three justices later we have these landmark rulings. We ve overturn roby wade because it not belong is a federal issued. The supreme court wrote that opinion in roe v wade. They wrote legislation from the bench they created this idea, this science, they wrote. You know this. Trimester in this of privacy, which they sat in other cases in griswold connecticut. That's one thing, and then all the way up to the idea right now and what we're dealing with at this moment reaffirming the individual right to say no to your government. I will say what you want me to say Today's ruling injustice course inches riding was fantastic
tour into justice, sonya sort of my oars descent. Excellent excellent way So just as shown you sort of my org is agreed in the case of three or four creative villainous, virtuosity religious freedom case what course edge is that the first amendment prohibits the state of colorado, from forcing a website designer to create expressive, designs, speaking messages with which The designer disagrees case? Gay marriage. Now we see the left is all focused on that point, which is why you hear biased news reports say then: a setback for gay rights houses, a setback for gay rights springboard didn't say, gave who can have websites? this was a landmark ruling or the supreme court said, no gay couples can ever get a website
I'd say that will be a setback for gay rights. If that was in fact, what the supreme court prove, what did the supreme court ruled that no are their web designers out there who will gladly make a website for a gay couple. You bet Are there ones that will overcharge that gay couple you're damn right they will. what are the ones that will make one further gay couple for getting a divorce. Yes, indeed, absolutely so the supreme court didn't come out today in a setback for gay rights and say it. If you are a same sex couples you can Have a website devoted to her wedding what they said. Was you can't for somebody to create a website for somebody? If they disagree, he violates their beliefs, preserve them. Their entering into expression, are entering into speech two very important point This ruling is a landmark case. It really is it codifies the individual's right to say. No, I'm not saying that. No, I'm!
not doing that it violates my beliefs. I have a right to say no, the first amendment only says the government can't sensor me in the first moment also says you can't force me to say things that I don't believe in and not just speech such ass. The words came out of my mouth. It's what I create tom, a writer, for if I am I'm a novelist, you can't force me to write things in my book. You can't force me to write characters. You can force me to write. Plotlines website again forced me to make websites website on which I disagree. nor is left lefty. And there's a lot of em in silicon valley and save them. I want you to make a website that says. January six prisoners are political prisoners, dotcom, dot, net dot org whenever anyone tell you no demand that you force them to make their website maybe the first ones to say no. all justice: gorsuch did today was a pull. The ability of the individual, to say no to the government, the government
impel you to say something to express yourself when you create something. That's not the same thing is: if you sell how and so on walks in your holly shop, and they're gay, and you say sorry, I don't sell hoagies the gay people, that's not what this is about. It's not even close to what this is about. That's what the left wants you to believe it's about, but you're too smart for that. That's why you listen to the show now in the descent, by elena kagan then joined with Khatami round jackson, justice soda my or call the decision profoundly wrong and argue that its immediate symbolic effect, will be to mark gays and lesbians as second class status. Just as coursage was not impressed. He wrote the following: excuse me It is difficult to read that assent and conclude that we are looking at the same case
it re imagining the facts of this case. From top to bottom, The recent claims that committed the descent claims that colorado wishes to regulate me smith's conduct, not her speech. forget, colorado stipulation that miss myths, activities are expressive and the tenth, sir its conclusion that the state seeks to compel pure speech The decision grants a business a right to refuse to serve members of a protected class. According to her claim, that's the claim of the descent grants a business a right to refuse to serve members of a protective class. So what she does, of course, as she goes back to the idea- and this is an old, the less men doing this all day its nineteen, fifty in alabama and somebody walks in their black and die the owner says I dont serve you because of racist, Jim crow laws and democrats past. Where you got it, in the back or
serving you in a white solely nets are needed. Nothing like that in this case whatsoever, nothing That's the fear that Democrats like to conjure up right. They love to conjure up this idea, but at any moment now, republicans will take us back to that time. They love to do that because needs stoke fear all the time in the demo. It's called you wore the day or consistently launching its all that scaring people they are dishonest. That's why the democratic party hates america marks a new book coming out in september, the democrat party hates america justice course. It responded to this notion by The descent in saying that this would grant a business right to refuse to serve members of a protected glass class. As we do no such thing, in colorado itself has stipulated that miss smith. Will as this colorado aunt
discrimination. Law requires work with all people regardless of tool, orientation. It is these sad that would have the court do something truly novel by allowing a government to cool as an individual to speak contrary to our beliefs, on a significant issue of personal conviction, all in order to eliminate ideas that differ from its own. Now think about back for a moment beautifully written. I love this opinion by gorse ich the government. Obviously, when we think that the first amendment we think right away, censorship becomes He drew a censorship, can't sensor, you, to say what we want to say. True, you also. To hear things you have already hear things to. You, can form your own opinions and support the first two men you think back to win
had all the covert nonsense to censorship. The misinformation this back, then, when big check would slap labels on things and they would hide things and they would say you can't read about this vaccine side effect because its misinformation or it will cause vaccine hesitancy or something. That's it. denial of not only the first amendment rights of the speaker, but also you, because you have a right to hear lots of different opinions and then form your own conclusion, That is also a fundamental principle of the first two men. We forget that Just words that come out of somebody's mouth, it's also words that go in somebody's ears or words that they read or music that they hear something like that. It's both an active partition, pinch and somebody who's on the receiving end as well. So when he writes that point- and he says that the state seeks to compel pure speech and that that is
and would have the court do something truly novel by allowing a government to coerce an individual to speak contrary to our beliefs, your beliefs trying to significant issue, a personal conviction and then in doing so, to a limit ideas that differ from the government. To them doing so there are depriving you of the right to hear a contrary idea that your government doesn't want you to hear. say, for example, it was about cove it because it's a great example that right the government forces you to write an article that says the covert vaccines or the greatest things ever they force you to write that you don't believe that they forced me to write it and then you depriving that person of the ability to have an idea that differs from the governments idea and you eliminate the ability of somebody like me to hear
competing argument, in a free country. That's not how we operate, that's how they operate and tyrannical countries in china in Hong kong, long gone but well yeah. I guess so. It's part of china, north korea. Cannot hear ideas, then far with what this state wants you to hear. Later horses, famine in some places that assent gets so turned round about the facts and opens fire and its own position. He says, while stressing that in colorado, company cannot refuse the full and equal enjoyment Services based on a customer's protected status, that is two shores, us that of companies, selling creative services to the public, does have a right to decide What message is to include, or to include But any says, but if that's true than what we are debating here
I am more on this. For you, this is the mark. Levin show our number three. The great one is offered me rich. Is the only infer mark we're coming right back then The hit series claim to fame is back on abc from executive producer If love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu the friday night, pre independence day, We have a wonderful, independent say with their family.
Your friends enjoy. God bless america. She parade american patriotism, absolutely let's go to Alex and on calling on the great job. You ever see a new york here on the market and show with me richard low, Alex. Good evening, sir, I'm curious about something this is ruling by the supreme court concerning free speech and the right to free speech. well, I'm concerned about is with children with minors, people under the age of eighteen. Or what have you in other words, during school, a sale sayer eleven year old, school or tall bureau the teacher says. Well, you know we have a new policy here. We are two names. Your name, maybe jack, but we're going call you jack alight and the child says well. No, I don't. I don't like that. I don't want that and they take some sort of you know
stability towards a child and say well, you're, not part of the school, now you're not behaving it answered The child retain able law right in law, as a minor in terms of their violation. This brief speech I ass I met my penny s. In fact, I told you an attorney today from the alliance defending freedom There are the the farm that represented a woman sitting, one of the supreme court over the free speech case, there's a boy who had a that said there are only two genders and gotten troubled the school there, presenting a little boy to say he has a first mon ride to wear that shirt. In fact, this course. It should end his opinion, actually sight of the fact that we don't force kids to say the pledge of religions. If a child does not want to stand up to put to you the flag salute, as one say, the pledge they will have, we don't force them to do that. So you, Children do have a first amendment right
Now I would see, there's there's this certain limits within schools and safety and things like that, but when it comes to political expression, of course, they do in the event of a kid runs into a situation like that. Yeah What's gonna end of going to court and beyond. If you will but hopefully they'll prevail,. I assume they have recourse through their parents, a pure council nation contact honestly and organization likely lines for defending freedom. If they get into a situation like that of every child is forced to express themselves in a public school in a way that violates their beliefs, they they should get somebody like that, involve because I think they can help them. So thank you for the coil I wonderful independence day. Thank you very much. Let us go to tony, is in Clifton new jersey, emigrates. Have you ever hello tony? Thank you for being with us tonight. I know I'm in good hands could create market My mentor ten great
my mentor and here's. What I want to tell you. I want to tell you that just quickly I grew up in the world. Error- and I already president nixon lightning from my leg time, seeing now which to me that, with my textbook case and now it is like a whole new textbook case, I m excited when I see all the things happening in a scream court and I'll be on it, I'm fearful when I see the governor Becoming so school, I'm did think me at times. Dredge like it is a north korea stay here, but I'm excited when I see what's happening, my report and when I look at the trial, the buying via the crime. The child is going on. I know many lives you get discouraged, but in fact, Watergate took three years and its authority, which is the body
burglary at a hotel, and he open that and ate with it would really done quite beautifully it with little rushed at the end. But people need to have an international system because we have great people, but I have to tell you were living in the best of times in some way and the worth of time. Well said my dear well said tony have a wonderful independence day. Thank you for calling the show appreciated. The hundred biting case legacy will be worse than watergate. Nope question about it back at fedex office, we know running a business is american. Sometimes every task feels like a sprint design. The product catalan pick up the new boxes, print the business cards, notaries, the least, put out twenty more yard signs. It's a long. Luckily, for you, medics office is here to help turn your ideas into reality. You can stop running yourself in circles and start concentrating on the important things like the deciding what
for lunch visit, your nearest location or office, diabetics, dot, com to get started, fedex office, plasti conservative tie the mark, Levin, show call, and now at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one one. Why do democrats hate liberty, so much Never asked yourself that question. Why do they hate it? This is why I don't say liberals, I don't think liberal is actually the correct word leftists or status as maher call them years ago. I think that word works as well status. They love the state, they love control, they love power. They love power over the individual, the individuals, a threat. to their marxist socialists utopian nonsense and really is why? Why is? Why does what is left hate liberty, so much.
Big part of the reason. Why is because their ideas, when you pushed back on them new challenge them they collapse? like the house of cards, that they are they collapse. Theirs nothing about any of their ideas. It can actually be backed up by data science. None of it, I'm not my mother's climate change with a transgender what whatever it is, but control exists and tyrannical systems, because you can't push back on the state. And if you do you suppose them for what they are just crap. That's why they control every action of the individual. That's why they do this look in new york city after wood fire in coal fired pizza. Now. I know you ve heard about this, but let me just say from my perspective on this point: I'm a time telling american zeal and my mother side of the family also came from ITALY. There are two sides, small italian.
and when I think about going after the food, my people, you know these four came over here on the boat. The italians they faced. A tremendous amount of discrimination is country to this. the largest mass lynching in american history was of italian americans italians in orleans, We have columbus day it's because at the time the government said we've got to do something and to let people know italians. Are there good evil. So what's pick us somebody we can honour whose italian and make it about american holiday and that's it, columbus day, it's not to celebrate the oppression of indigenous peoples or the spreading of smallpox or any other nonsense elect throws out. My culture gets push aside all the time, but they came here. The emigrants call is very cheap. What was very cheap and that's what they could breathe in the old country, so they started cooking with that left close after these things much I think we have to your gas stove, because it without control they eat you have to succumb to what they want and they
always find a way to get you to to bow down before them. They, they will not stop on the gas stove stuff mark my words on this. There was a story how gas stoves create a chemical E p, a under the clean air act has the authority to regulate that by banning gas stoves they will not stop they'll go. to these pizza resuming a damn big difference, we're talking about a hundred pizzerias, it's not gonna, make a difference, but again its control. Some left he is offended at the thought of coal burning in a pizza, oven or wood burning pizza, oven because somewhere tree is crying even though they only eat trees or plants or bugs or whatever heavy, and they have and so the left to control, everything climate change, nonsense, new jersey. nor building these massive wind turbines up and down the north east coast from main all the way down to south carolina
these are hideous hideous things massive ugly, brutal loud in their tilling whales and killing dolphins, but they don't. Here about dead whales and dolphins, because dead whales don't vote dead, Grants vote not dead. so they don't care. And climate changes are religions that and you bow down before then. Come a time in this country, mark my words where, if you speak out against climate change, that will be considered to be a threat to national security and they will be able to clamp down on your speech because you are threatening everybody else. you're threatening mankind, humankind. Excuse me lectured my just introduced humankind, even though the word humanism, ward mandate, but nevertheless You are threatening humankind. Challenge there orthodoxy on climate change. If
we read me, they hate me they're, going after meat now, so that's the next thing they're doing they're going after that too. They hate me they're killing cows and are slaughtering cows. They want to have a meat tax, they want to kill cows, they hate it. It's about It always is with these people. You saw that during covered, you saw the lock down the mask the vaccine mandates all of it it's about control over the individual. They do not believe in individual liberty. If you want to understand The real struggle today to this day now, where we are, it is struggle between individual and the state and the left wants. No individual autonomy whatsoever. The only time they ever say you have a right as a person to do anything with your body is when it comes to abortion and that's it otherwise, you Would they tell you you drink what they tell you. You do you're told you get a shot. If you need you get a shot, doesn't make you do It all, and you see
Would they want you to say, and you dont say what would they don't want you to say That's how it has to be. Call control and individuals a threat to that, because an individual can challenge them. Groups can't individuals can your group's tend to succumb individuals and to stand out and challenge them. It's why they want to shoot that down and have nobody challenger orthodoxy having to transgender for a great example this men are men, women or women. I mean this has been a thing up until five minutes ago. Waters wet now. Suddenly, it's not so hence becomes whatever left tells you it is. And that is how it has to be. A great example was colvin when it comes to the lab legal theory. I knew was a lab league. You knew a lab league, everybody knows elaborately. The only question is: was it intentional or not? I have my doubts. I still think it probably was. I think it was a bio weapon. I can't prove that, but I can not prove it.
The other biting administration today released more documents on the Kennedy assassination. Let me ask you a question: why are there any documents related to the assassination of president john F Kennedy that are even so classified to this day, Classified documents in this whole nonsense, we ve been talking to our president trump Why do we have so many things classified missis hosted by our government right? This is supposed to be our government. Battle plans to attack a ram. If they were really going to attack a ran, a food to a pre, emptive strike and start another war which probably would have started war war, three d you think we have a right to know about that. As the people. Don't you think we have a right to debate things like ukraine, whether you support the war. ukraine, or not I problem is that article two of the constitution not give the executive the ability to declare war.
Today we restrain the executive when it came to student loan overreach By signing the legislative branches is, but the legislative branch also is tasked with with declaring war for, I'm concerned ukraine's war, its proxy war, but it's war, nothing in the constitution as a war has to be individuals in foods on the ground, shooting other people, It's a very vague definition of that. I believe we're engaged in a war in ukraine were spending over one one hundred and twenty billion dollars, and is there from congress to authorize this, no, not at all you think about classified documents and how they want to go after donald trump, and you think about why an individual wisely. in people. The government has so many secrets from us. They tell us ascending, alternative national security. Snap security, but isn't that what they said to justify spying on us, the
an essay many data gathering the abuse of the pfizer court. All these pfizer warrants that we're out their spying on american citizens. going into the trunk campaign, What did the doorn report really exports In my opinion, the durham report really exposed that we have in this country an unholy triad that exists between the media and the corporate media tracing the media is all about corporations, big tech and the government. I told you earlier. We have a police state. I know that you know media matters might say that that some sort of right wing, conspiracy, hyperbole, it's not, took political philosophy in college. I remember learning about what a police state is it when the government used its law enforcement or national security powers to advance politics either. You go after their enemies. Suppress speech, help their friends how people get elected that's a police state that's it. We have in this country The weather was going
you're trump and twenty. Sixteen with this phony russia collusion nonsense, weather covering for the hunter by laptop, which was not to protect him from having naked pictures of snorting cocaine off the rear end of a hooker. It was to protect Joe Biden in his business contacts in his business. In a fortune off this. It was this unholy, try and coordinated in this effort to keep you as an individual from having the facts to make a decision in the twenty twenty election when twenty sixteen election them People worked to try to bring down a duly elected president elected by individuals. You know you're listening right now, as one person I'm talking to you as an individual, you vote as an individual. We, the left, likes to put us in groups and boxes. This is why they're so upset by the affirmative action decision, because they want to put everybody into categories.
it's discourse which actually went through this when he talked about the various forms you check in whether you're pacific islander or native hawaiian native alaskan, and all these different boxes. They love to put us in boxes, but at the end of the day, we're just we are individuals, but the universe. Is great threat to them and their order. So they tried keep secrets from us. They try to censor us. They try to keep information from us and ultimately, what they try to do is take individual choices, so we made choices as a group safe that way for them anyway, and Finally, this country, which will celebrate in a few days, was really a series of individuals who said my individual liberty here is being squashed by the crown and idle. that someone push back on that and what my independence, but independence, is an individual's been something that we were so fighting for.
It looks at the decision today, for example, on free speech with their case The website and they go well. Our group is being disenfranchised algae, bt, q. Racist algae be take em. Surely I imagine, there's races, gay people, I would think You know I'm in there and then putting people in boxes which is always outlier, so Are there? No racist, gay people? What if a racist gay person comes into a to a a website shop and says to the owner of that is black. I want you to do something: it's like a pro clan thing and the guy says no, because that violates my beliefs, want to promote the clan My guy says one gay I'm so I Why you gotta make my website and wash discriminating against me. I may algae bt, gue member.
gimme a racist algae, bt, q, member and not discriminating and sugars races. Accoucheur out, you beat secure, I'm saying a map making your website you're racist, but if the but to look at the left's logically you you can only do that. Person is a member of a category so whatever his thoughts and views are relevant. What what course, which affirms that it was the fact that no actually if the person is an individual. Yesterday's ruling was that too, with affirmative action was that to your ear, you're, an individual you're, not a member of a group like asia is a huge place. I dunno, if you realize this or not, but asia is massive. Asians or asian americans, that's a whole bunch of countries and Bunch of countries are actually hate each other. Like china and india are not bodies there, both in asia and technically, indians or asians, and so are chinese people, but they don't like each other, their big enemies they share. border, they have nukes aimed at each other. There, not good friends,
they're all asians and their lumped together with a box. You check. That's the point. Left is ways trying to put people into categories and boxes. As an individual, you don't have the right to know things but they'll spy on you as an individual if they think that you might be talking to a group that be dangerous or those get up set you talking to the russians or something like that these games, But as we had into the fourth of July, we can, as we haven't independence a key. didn't mind the struggle. The struggle still is right now for individual liberty. which is different and freedom. Your freedom and liberty are two different concepts, and individual liberty from your government is why you have a right to bear arms mean you have a right to bear arms the creator, but to codify, because you have a right to protect yourself
If you don't have to rely on the state to protect you, you shouldn't rely on the state to protect you, it's an eye service that they may or may not provide depending on where you live. But you have a you have a fundamental right. I would argue a duty to protect yourself and your family individual right, you're, right, However, I do not speak, you have a right to worship, you have a right to not worship you have an individual rights of these things,. The government still like to keep you, as a member of a group, is easier to control you that way. Ask why there are so many things classified, why we're still declassifying things around kennedy assassination and then you think what they're doing donald trump and going after him overcome a fine documents and you'd know she stopped to ask yourself in the wires someone using classified from me I have a right to know these things: came close to invading ran it's kind of a big deal like it Oh that trumps. It noted that. Bravo to him, I think, but
That's why they went after him. I think so. Why do I have a right to know these things? This is not a government of the people in terms of poorer mean. Yes, it is, but it also means that individual I know these things. The struggle right now between conservative and the modern day left- and I refused liberal, is the point of individual liberty. Versus the government controlling us as members of collectives and members of groups about that, as you have into the long holiday weekend. Eight seven, seven three one three one one this is the mark levin show with me rich- is the only coming right back much love in the don't fall for their free phones yes from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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Oh yeah, friday night, independence, they weaken love this time right thanks for now use after you, and I really truly do appreciate it. I'm telling you right now the only thing I am unhappy about seriously get away Joseph tamar nineteenth against the democratic party hates america? My faith book title ever the demo. At party hates by mark, live in coming. On september. Nineteen in pre order at amazon, dot com or mark levine show dot, com, I like to read it the offer a couple weeks ago, yet surgeries, avi and ass for learning I had usable to read So instead, I'm gonna have to use a pop up book in the coloring box, or something like that, but I will pre order it, the democratic
he hates america. It really is, MR producer, the greatest title of all time. So I'm excited for. and am grateful young out me tonight. I just want to share with you. This quote from the the conservative who said this, if I can find this year, every going- I get this right here. This is the far right wing conservative said this today, so you left these take with the greenest solved here. I'll call. People. Think of that the president of the united states as the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. postponed He can delay, but it does not have a power that ass to be an act of congress. that was said by sea was leader course. It should try them some turned down about us in trying to find this thomas. I this is, this is awkward this I feel awkward right now. This is an I'm embarrassed
That was actually Nancy Pelosi. Who said that that was a former speaker. Woah. I was way off man is a conservative. It was my bad. What are you going to do while I ended on a awkward note, but otherwise I think it was a good show rich. As always, my friend a pleasure Thank you for listening. God bless. America have a wonderful independence day. Remember it is independence day for me on twitter, at rich z. Only thank you and god bless america
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.