« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/15/22


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, lawmakers seek solutions to tampon shortage - did you ever think you'd read a headline like this in America? Democrats say this is just a longer-lasting effect of the pandemic-related supply chain shortage and increased costs due to inflation. Democrats are now suggesting using the Defense Production Act to increase tampon production. Then, Democrat Party doesn't fit into our system as a constitutional republic, it's an alien force in this country. Politicians and bureaucrats are seizing power and using the government's power to take control of private companies in the name of the Defense Production Act. Oil executives say that the U.S policy to decrease demand for fossil fuels will only ensure that no new refineries are ever built in the USA. This all but guarantees higher prices since domestic production has diminished. Later, Ronald Reagan tried to strengthen the currency and squeeze inflation out of our economy. In today's case, President Biden is causing inflation by spending massively and printing cash just as fast. Afterward, Attorney Harriet Hageman joins the show to discuss her campaign challenging Rep. Liz Cheney in Wyoming. Hageman says that Cheney is MIA and nowhere to be found in Wyoming, but easily found advancing the swamp's agenda in Washington, DC. 


june 15, shortage, tampon, defense production act, economy, inflation, oil, gas, Oil Refinery, gas prices, stagflation, JAN 6, JANUARY 6, loudermilk, bill barr, barr, border, border patrol, scotus, supreme court, kavanaugh, harriet hageman, hageman, mitch mcconnell, mcconnell, Mayra Flores, flores, texas, wyoming, LIZ CHENEY, CHENEY

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills. They'll college for over one hundred and seventy five years for purposes, have defined hills, douze mission, learning, character, faith and freedom
for listing in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters, had hills dale for their great sponsorship, now run them wrongly underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader air number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight
seven, seven three, eight one, three, eight one one- Tat is going on As there is every day, but I this heading caught my attention, I said You ever think. He read a headline like this. Ladies and gentlemen. You ever think you read a headline like this washington times. Lawmakers seek solutions to tampon shortage. Lawmakers seek solutions to tampon shortage. Tampon prices are now up ten poorest. And year to year. By a friend carried picket. Now. I know what. Biden will say about that Tampon shortage america blame it on big tampon. Don't you think, rich speak tampon their monopolizing again.
Profiteering. Congress has taken notice of these tampon shortage around the country rooted in the supply, Train crisis in the high cost of fuel and raw materials. The shortage of feminine hygiene products surfaced. Is abide administration is still grappling. With a nationwide shortage of baby formula. Representative here that clark, new york, democrat member, the energy commerce committee They congress needs to do something about the supply chain dynamic Miss Clarke confirm that these shortage of feminine hygiene products has gone quote beyond a whisper. Among her female colleagues in congress. So now I think we have it I think we have a definition of women. Must producer But who use female hygiene products.
To public health issue. At this point she said it's crazy who could have ever envisioned. It but we're gonna do everything we can. She said we have to get the defence production act to move into that space. We'll have to do it because we just can have a significant part of our population. It's beyond, inconvenience it's a health crisis. That's why they. That's why they have the defence production act in the first place, MR produced by the papers, decades ago. Just in case there's a tampon shortage. Time initially reported on the tampon shortage, so they got the year take out. The scope last week and highlighted that the scarcity. Of these products has lasted longer than others, such as toilet paper and cleaning items. This the pandemic.
Inflation also cause tampons to become more expensive. So we need a tampon programme. I think particularly. For the impoverished. You think that's very, very important. I think TAT On equity is very, very important. Senator maggie hassan new Hampshire democratic, expressed her concerns about the lack of feminine hygiene products And sent a letter to tampax there make procter and gambles chief executive officer, John mauler. Caught I've seen troubling reports about low supplies and even empty shells of tampons is concerning indications that, instead of increasing supply companies, increased. Tampon prices. Companies like yours that produce tampons must take immediate action to increase that
ample, supplying and unnecessary price increases. I've never used the word tampon so often in my life, mister Somebody out there hoarding campaigns. Practice, gamble, send an email, the washington times accompanies working to fix the shortly we understand they said straining for consumers. I think it's more frustrating when they can't find what they need. We expect this is a temporary situation in the town, Packs team is producing tampons, twenty four seven to meet the increased demand for our product. We're working with our retail partners to maximize availability, Chaz significantly increased over the last several months. Joe Biden tampon shorter. Impacts women across the country. That's not good! For democrats, election prospects. This november said national public congressional committee spokeswoman
To run sinclair in a statement, and so I think, It's gotta be big terrapin. I think big tampons behind us, just as big meets behind me problem, big oil. Big agriculture, big pharmaceutical and stuff going on out there or not tal conspiracy, monopolist's the monopoly Tampa monopolist's. They want to drive up the cost of paint pants, The oil companies to enjoy Fine, two years ago, eighteen months ago now they want to drive at the price of oil and gas and big meat. All of a sudden they want to drive up there. Oh my authors collusion conspiracy, aiding
a bedding betting in aiding these big. Monopolist's, an oligopoly lists working together. What's goin on. Who benefits Thought they would benefit. When the vast majority of working americans are suffering They crabs thought they would benefit the marks But they would benefit europe A terrier you're supposed to rise up. And overthrow big me and big hereupon and big oil and pay grocery store mpeg. This and big that just not the government. You're supposed to be unhappy with capitalism in your country. You're supposed to be suckers and stop it.
And believe abiden and his surrogates In the media have to say about all this. There is a reason why, Panzer in short Supply and the prices are going up with the red, such Particular the headline. There is a reason why gasoline prices are going up and soon there will be lines mark. My words. There's a reason why electricity prices are going up and there will be brown out some blackouts mark my words. And food shortages mark my words, you should all the back benchers do and it's not. Ukraine It's not even the mark. Her beauty. It's the ideology of the democratic party
I've been thinking a ways to put this a different way. The democratic party doesn't really fit into our. Constitutional system And all of you out there listening, who have microphones tv cameras and ghost riders unearthing trying to steal I'm talking to my audience. The democratic party doesn't really fit into the constitutional and smaller republican construct. It never really has. It insisted on slavery. I tried to divide the nation physically and permanently. It insisted on segregation. It now insists on reverse racism and segregation.
Now it promotes various aspects of marxism and economic socialism. It doesn't fit in it's not. It's an alien force in this country. It doesn't support any american institutions. They not introduce bills or sign executive orders. In our farming principles, now there is a war. At war with our history. With our values and our beliefs What's going on everyday around here somewhere, consequence. You like a nation, pencil Wealthiest on the face of the earth, where their p have a better in any other nation on the face of the earth buller war with, and when that happens, what happens? people lose their jobs. Businesses are closed. Prices go up. Energy is on affordable food. Is Scarce.
That's what destroying the greatest enterprise In human history gives you gives you the opposite. What ideology is that we're supposed to be following marks. Americanized form of marxism. Where does our work? Does it see people course not?. Just remember this headline: it tells you everything you need to know about buying the Democrats, the corrupt media, to corrupt. Proper sorry it and all the rest of them. A headline you'd, never thought you'd here Lawmakers seek solutions to tampon shortage. It says it all:
I back much love in the thugs. It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over whether america is great at all whether america deserves our love. That's, why am primus hillsdale die just of liberty is so important in primary law Said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years, in premises, featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservative thinkers and writers Day, helstone publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six point. Two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today at absolute
no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your freeze, scription go to Levin for hillsdale dot, com right now, l, a v, I n for hillsdale dot com, the where to start on the economy. You know where such a grand nation on such a grand scale, so many smart people forget about the dummies for a minute and people taken on the dorm turn about the producers. The brow, The annex the shipowners. It's always been american strength, our technology, our technology, I think, to myself. Imagine groundless
beating the hell out of one. Industry after another. Rather than smothering one industry after another, with executive orders,. With a politicize securities and exchange commission with a politicized environmental protection agency. With phony audits,. With social engineering. And all the rest of the crap, Instead,. A president in an administration and congress, Embraced our strengths, the people. Then embraced our strengths. It's ok. We want to unleash Eric and know how moroccan. Development, american productivity.
We want to unleash. When it comes to energy production. We want to unleash. When it comes to the supply chain, we won, Unleashes all across the country where people were Invent things and create things that can possibly be known in advance. Snow known in advance instead. We get the defense production act, the defense production act. Which is supposed to be really used? A war timer unnatural, Disasters something natural, binding. Is pulling the trigger on the defence production for everything and what that
It gives enormous power to the central government and the accuracy and the politicians to run our companies. They can run. The country. They can't even hold a legitimate hearing to run, Companies then I qualify To run anything but their mouths. Defense production act for tampons. For baby formula. Maybe even for oil seriously, the problem is we have this debate duration is fill with no bodies and know nothings. Any dialogues Probably very young, with a very low I q, almost no real world experience,
particularly in the areas that they want to control like a fiefdom. Epic times chevron ceo. There may never be another oil refinery built in the united states again. Sharon seo mike words said in a recent interview. He doesn't believe another oil refinery. Only big bell again in the united states sank. Policies are a key reason why average gas prices continue to rise. There has been a refinery build on this country since the seventies he said, drawing Einstein strategic decisions conference on june, one when asked about more refining being added in the gulf So I personally not believe he said, go beyond petroleum refinery ever built in the united states. Again. Capacity is added by the bottleneck in existing units by investing in existing refineries. What we ve seen over the last two years are shutdowns, we see
refineries clothes. We ve seen units come down. We ve seen refined Being being purpose to begin oil refineries, in other words, to try meet the new standards and we live in a world where the policy, the stated policy, the united states government is too deuce demand for the products that refiners produce ye said the federal government's current policy is to reduce the demand for oil, it very hard in a company we're in. I spent how they pay a period of a decade or more. In other words, it's gonna, get much worse over the course of the next ten years basin. What this administration has done and is doing- I'll be right back, It's no secret that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether america's great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus hills dell's die
just of liberty is so important in primary law, said. The issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years In primacy is featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers these day hills publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly Hemingway chris rueful over a six point. Two million american households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolute No charge, I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus, my friends at helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subject
If you can go to Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli v, I n re hillsdale, dot, com, mark, Levin, radios, hell raising and electrical call. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one. I have a new replacement theory. Mister producer, I hope, all the reprobates her listening. That is Replace the Democrats, what do you think of that? That's my Placement theory replaced democrats backgrounds. Smith, cities all races, replace them, They kill in the country Biden threatens oil companies with emergency powers if they don't boost supply, amid inflation spike
so abiden saying I am doing the interpreters for by now, given his endless gibberish. What I'm saying is where Going to expand drilling you're to increase supply in those areas where you are drilling act, I could you not. I kid you not, and and you to stop corner called profiteering where's the money supposed to come from. For them to do this, and, moreover, while they're doing this at the same time, transitioning there's something that doesn't exist. This new energy. Now you have to wonder, ladies and gentlemen, let's say you're in your car now and you and your truck. You're listening at home, you listening at your business. I don't know where you are.
Millions of you listening wherever you listen. And when you hear buying and the others say we ass transition to clean energy Do you ever ask yourself. What the hell do you want me to do? I'm driving my vehicle. I need to get gasoline. I have a home, it needs electricity. Or needs oil or need Natural gas were needs propane, whatever need. We must transition transition to what a moronic Hey I'm dr on my car. It's now I'm in, a box to fill it up. But it ain't transition, you're breaking me. You're breaking me washington, d c, Tentacles everywhere, trying to control everything. This is what you cause you.
Driving up the price of fuel Inflation you're, driving down the value of my income? inflation, you're driving up the price of food so to get The grocery store it cost me a bundle, tat shop, the grocery store, cost me a bumble, but a bundle and what a transition transition to what theirs. I think that transition to they can talk about electric cars. All they want. The vast majority of vehicles. Today are not electric. Everybody does have a new car, we can't afford a new car at sixty thousand dollars a pop. The reason they go after vehicles and gasoline, ladies and gentlemen, is that the Best way to control you, mobility, lifestyle, don't drive so much. Why? Like driving
it will drive up because again what Each so much beef, it's not good for you, but I like beef our budget on and show their cattle bear. The cattle have you and all these other things going at great speed. No, but I won t be ok, drive up the price of beef. But I like a single family home. I want to live, and this is what everybody, a single family home with a white piglet right now, and I we want dance areas. We want public transportation, you know so the virus can spread faster, but anyway that's what we want, but I don't know that. That's not my dream of what I want, ok, won't force it on you, make the price impossible. You know reagan used.
Our economic system, to destroy the soviet union. That's what he did. And the Democrats took a lesson from that. While use our economic system to destroy our economic system. And to gain control. But they don't understand the american people. The american people are resisting the and people are saying we're not buying your crap. You did this not big tale on that big baby formula, not big meat. Not big farmer not beg of you this and how do we know because eighteen months ago. Things were gone along just fine other than the virus, but I'm talking about the economy.
The economy was sustained. Through it all was sustained. It was growing, we didn't see massive spikes in anything You guys come in office and everything's going to hell, because You paid him bought for by your ideologues, If propaganda in the media. And this is what you do to us. Because, ladies and gentlemen, the demo, turn given driven by experience. They're not driven by knowledge. They're not driven by facts. They're, not even driven by science. Its ideology all day every day, every aspect of our lives- economic, the classroom whatever it is the media by
and threatens oil companies with emergency powers if they dont boost supply. Amid inflation spike. It sounds like my door and then as well. So that's how we're going to get more Action and lower prices by threatening oil companies. What next thing take em over what is this cuba. President Biden may resort to fox reports using emergency powers, If american oil company stone increase output at the refiners, ladies and gentlemen, canada build a new refinery, not really because I've taken honestly nonsensical at this point, but they govern it goes through the government red tape, it literally a possible to build a new refinery, its literally impossible to build a new nuclear power plant, its literally impossible to have a hydro electric plant are taken him down what where are they supposed to do so? On the one hand, it you,
Do more and I love Regency powers they're already pushing these companies around like they push everybody else around telling them what to do when these. Companies were left to their own. What They do, ladies and gentlemen, they created. Racking. They invented it. We're producing every other country in the face of the earth we re energy independence when you embrace capitalism and entrepreneurship. That is the american people in their ingenuity it works when you have raised- attention to by politicians and their bureaucratic fails. Let me put it this way: our bureaucracy is a unique in america. It's not smarter than any other bureaucracy. It's not smarter than the communists. Chinese bureaucracy smarter than the canadian, the mexican bureaucracy. Why would it be? How so.
But the ingenuity in our private sector that repeat every other country, by emulating their governments. By free will and motivation and the more get system and profits did he say Profits, yes, I did by surgeon we're not an autocracy. Word. Democracy says the idiot Well, we're not either but he's an autocrat. There's no question about it. And so was finally done, as you no doubt hurt Two p m today used in time. The federal reserve raised interest rates by seventy five basis. Points sets point: seventy five percent, almost one point the this increase were broken, all kinds or recommend was breaking all kinds of good records. Well
it's broken, all the bad record,. The biggest increase in nineteen ninety four. Almost thirty years ago,. And the federal reserve board chairman Jerome pow signal another big move next month, intensifying a fight to contain rapid inflation. First, there was no inflation, then Transitory then come live with it and now its rapid. And its everybody's fought, but marxist spend a holocaust that bending drunks congress and in the oval office, Everybody else's for all of a sudden economics doesn't apply. All of a sudden if you spend what you don't have, and you have a printing press that and create inflation really To the weimar republic, oh I guess you can never Black and white movies- I talked about this: And white movies, where you see in germany.
After world war, one people having. So much. For money so worthless. They had wheelbarrows wheelbarrows. There are moving around. Much like venezuela, much like zimbabwe not long ago. Well, that's what happened. And power said another. Seventy five basis points likely he basis points and then maybe twenty Basis points. Unfortunately is something that had to be done. I told you before. That the federal reserve was thee. Drug dealer from the for the drug addicts and congress thee. People who are fiscally irresponsible.
This is on Biden. This On policy, this is on shimmer. This is on aoc in the and squatted marxists. This is on them. And I might add who contributed to it, as I have said before, that nineteen repeal who For just another trillion box on infrastructure, why geniuses geniuses led by Mitch Mcconnell. He's such a great leader that Mitch. He's a great leader, much mcconnell,. Leader of what I don't know Right back, then,
it's no secret, that americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over whether america is great at all whether america deserves our love. That's why I'm primus hills, I'll die just of liberty is so important in primary law. Said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For two years and Primus featured speeches given at hills, dale events by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers these days, stop publishers, people like victor Davis, hands and molly hemingway of Chris rueful over six point, two million americans, households and businesses receive him primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for it today. At absolute no charge. I always look forward to receiving my copy of em primus. My friends at helstone I want you to have a free subscription is well together,
free subscription, guttural of infra hills del back, come right now, alleviation hills down that come jennifer, gran home is the energy secretary least, that's what they call her She is in normal parlance before she blames russia, china and summer driving for high gas prices. Cedric richmond, a former radical democrat hack. Dnc adviser on cnn inflation is the fault of the republicans for block binds five too. Victorian dollar spending bill. And, of course, the way to make the entire country the entire world energy, Secure is to me
to clean energy. Nobody knows. What that means? I'm challenging jennifer grand home tonight. Please present us with the blueprint. On where we go take clean energy as you call it, and what you mean by that. I've got millions of people listening to this programme, many of whom are in rush hour all over the country there in russia. And they just spent a fortune on gasoline or they're going to spend a fortune. Because they're sitting in traffic. And so jennifer, I'm asking you: where do they go to get their clean energy? Electricity? Electricity is not clean. Energy. Ladies and gentlemen,. Electricity has to be produced Know electricity doesn't create fumes
The fuels used to create that energy does create fumes. Why do we have to keep following these economic science illiterates into their how whole they want to drag us. I'll be right back this signal. The pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk pure talk, offers great cover and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk. Dot com to find them and that's right for you. Thank you.
And for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The imac and mark Levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: u s! Retail sales declined in may as inflation stings consumers, the the producer price index us through the roof again as the cost of manufacturing. So. We ve now move from
inflation to stagflation, as I explained the other day,. Where the economy is now stagnating,. Thinking about all these phony experts, I'm telling you what's going on, I'm seeing it you're feeling it you're living it. We don't. Statistics coming out of washington telling you what's happening. Inflation dries up the cost of things. Stand. The value of your of your money It also creates shortages. When Ronald reagan was president, he was faced with this after winning the election against Jimmy carter. Vulgar, would increase the right And regular we had to the monetary side, but then reagan slashed taxes. The greatest tax cuts in history across the board.
That occurred in august of Nineteen eighty one. So what reagan was doing as who is trying to create production economic vitality a strong consumer market. While the fact was trying to And then the value of the currency Ring inflation out of the system. We don't have that. Today we have a knucklehead. Any oval office who caused this problem. The fed didn't respond properly to it, but he caused. In some republicans contributed.
Those nineteen centre republicans. Can you find their names again, MR producer, for me so called Infrastructure bill so. All the economic. Indices are going in the wrong direction, all of them. Biden keeps going on about how our. We yeah yeah, we we've, The deficit by three hundred million, the lowest ever ass fast fastest ever. Ladies and gentlemen, he drove the deficit up higher than any president in history. Then he takes credit. When it comes down, it doesn't mean the debt comes down. It just means. The increase in the debt is slightly less because there spending another three or five trillion dollars
understand my point. Done anything call job krause growth is a figment. Of his imagination. The case delusional. Most small businesses, canker people who work for them and if Work for them cancun people to stay there. These bidding wars going on, so labour prices are going through the roof. Labour prices. Material prices, protests prices and you The economy has stalled. Inflation. Stagflation. So, from a monetary point of view, were we have stagflation and from a broader economic perspective, I argue we are in a recession.
That's where we are The great milton friedman explained Many times over Positively, in my view, It was monetary policy that took us from a bad recession under hoover and moved us from doing depression. They went on for ten years on needlessly. As an opportunity for the merit marxists. Two vastly expand the power of the central government and to do grave damage to our constitutional order names after. If they are in many ways, was an american dictator. Though I use the irs the way use the fbi. The way he censored information. And on and on and on, but they loved, because he was a radical lefty, We also had a war going on.
Certainly starting a nineteen forty one So we got a pass on many things. You now rated. So our great president, certainly not by me. The problem today is, we don't have. Man in charge of fiscal policy who, To be in charge of fiscal policy,. Instead, we have one of the dumbest manned ever serve in the senate,. Became. One of the dumbest mend ever be vice president and is, in my view the dumbest manned ever be presently united states bar none bar none not asked the dimension aspect, dumbest. Can that's. The situation. He's got a lousy cabinet even. Indeed, let the lemon over their cnn.
Question Biden's fitness will say the press they're. Turning on by ladies and gentlemen, the press. Once a different candidate and twenty twenty four because they know Biden, has finished. And they will trash any republican. They ve already started. Trashing santas They've already started trashing him. And they ve been trashing just in case. And whoever it might be. That's exactly what they're gonna do what manner because remember there not on the side of truth justice, the radicals. Here is the lemon on cnn cut fifteen go we we interviewed the president, we watch him and press conferences we watch him do interviews on, he was on Jimmy came all the other night and, quite frankly, I had trouble following him.
He was his answers, are not succinct. And I understand that he is an issue of this study as a child- I interviewed him several times leading up to the his later when he was running for president and president united states, I've been reviewed and he has trouble sometimes connecting and his answers sometimes don't make sense, and so Want to know, as a journalist as an I reckon does this president had the mental and physical stamina to run again as president united states considering the reports that are coming up and considering my eyes and my ears, I hear. Him I can see him every single day leaned his career. This was done lemon and actual report. Don lemon. Has created enough distrust, and rightly so, that he's not a report each morning says things like this
Two motives: number one to get rid of Biden and number two is new bosses over there at cnn have had enough of all the opinions, so they say. So down women's, not stupid, he may be a radical goofball, but he's not stupid. And where the hell are you gonna work, I mean sin and is already sort of the lowest of the love. How much lower does it get taken it do? Work at media matters and monitor my show, I mean how much lower does it get that's about as low as it gets
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Raskin. Dizzy lazy in the rest of them almost panel, it One big league, rama, vindicated by police, just the news drawn solomon. It's been alarming. Decries january six panel effort, The smear him. This committee does this a lot. And these federal judges in washington dc you're just not going to get a fair break. Balanced motion to dismiss the charges against him was were rejected. The motion was rejected by the judge. Nor the arguments that were made were absolutely fantastic and his brave, but it did manner, doesn't matter Very difficult, if not impossible, for somebody like him to get a fair trial and the dust
the colombian them when they ask. I have. The venue moved. The very same judges, a ruling on it and say no so you're stuck. Represented a buried loud or milk republican georgia, so difficult being falsely accused of conspiring to generate six capital riot, But he's fighting back to hold the house january six committee accountable for its Don't call reckless behaviour the joy every six panel subpoenaed loud or milk last month over a concern twond tory, gave us congressional office buildings one day before the stop. The steel rally. The cap, Police chief cleared the georgia republican of any wrong doing on monday, keep em the police chief, is appointed by eva policy. Mary told just the news:
they that he found out about the committee subpoena through the news. He still has not received a copy of the letter. Can you imagine that their are people in contempt, and they don't even share the letter with them murmured the other A book and said the same thing. Jim Jordan, Kevin Mccarthy, They licked the subpoenas to the media before the target of the subpoena even has a copy. He found out through the news. So I knew they weren't out for the truth. He said their chests Trying to push a narrative- and I believe truth, ought be known. So we push back and we said, let's get the truth there after the subpoena. His family and staff members started receiving significant death threats later I said at the way you don't That idea.
Noting. I lay the blame to this at the feet of the january six committee for going to the press about their false allegations. Instead of Talking to me, this is a colic talking to me individually and privately, either people who were on the tour with loud or milk are afraid for their lives. The kind man told editor in chief, john solemn and cause a man dad. So there's a responsibility. This committee has to the safety and security of people, because this reckless behaviour could cause someone get seriously urge. Later said, he has not heard anything directly from the Democrats. Also criticised the media for not accurately reporting on republicans. We need these journalistic outlets actually act like journalist, not a wing of the progressive left socialist democrat party. By the way. One Balkans car.
The likes of air sea and her ilk social Lists. Their missing the mark, their them. There are marxists. But that said, the Pack pick up behind these reprobates. They'd call itself something akin to the democrat socialists or something like that. Target these. These left wing democrats in these primaries. They defeat them. And then they have these seats for life cause. I know nobody else can beat them. It's like taliban in detroit John Conyers seat was a crowded primary at the time, but she got the backing, of the Democrats. Socialists. As did a yo, see in some of the others. That's what as occurred, this guy louder milk? I guess we should ask bob bill bar what he thinks, because he's now le
You not only MR producer. Now, if this were a real hearing, whether we have is the: u s attorney, tired mixed swain from Philadelphia. Sitting next to his former boss. The S attorney general retired, billboard, swain being called by the republicans bill, Barr being called by the Democrats. Cuz he's now a friendly democrat witness and that letter that I read to you last night from mcswain saying the paraphrase up just repeat. Saying that on election day and afterwards our office receive various allegations of voter fraud and illegal irregular, intellectually irregularities, As part of my responsibilities as u s attorney, I wanted to be transparent with the public course investigate fully any allegations.
Attorney general Barr, however, instructed me not to make any public statements or put out any press releases regarding As for election irregularities, I was also given a directive. Pass along serious allegations to the state attorney general for investigation. The same state attorney general had already declared that you Mean trump could not win either I agree with that decision, but those were my orders. I would want him the testify sitting right next to bill Barr, who denies all of that, and I have No, it's mixed wayne is telling the truth. I. That is a fact. So they were both under oath underpin perjury. That's all Yet the truth instead They'll bars flopping around out there like a flounder. Well, like many flounder sort of all in one very cocky.
He's gone from impeachment to being celebrated threats of impeachment. To being celebrated and they'll, be others I want people to tell the truth. Don't get me wrong? What actually occurred, there's no need there need to add to it. Then you know take left turns right turns in. In other words embellished I no need, for that say what took place. Now he's enjoying himself like dizzy lizzie She's enjoying herself. And and others Johnny Bolton. Where is John bolton these days, MR brewster's, around. Haven't seen him haven't heard from a maybe that's a good thing. Bill. Barr wind up doing that one. You never know
like the guy, but when you do all this other crap. I don't believe in it,. I served in many high positions in the government under ronald reagan and you've never heard me or talk about the people other than in a positive way. Five, composite with the say. I don't say it. You ve, never see me write a book about them. And how wonderful I was, and brian and righteous. I was. If you have to testify, you testify truthfully, but what's with all the embellishing. Hey what you out for tromp again, you ain't trump, should run. I don't think, there's you think you know I'm not getting in all. If you dont like trump Just not getting into it, it's not the right thing to do. I mean he plucked me out of
Any lawyer he wanted to make me attorney general, the united states. That's the way a class act would respond. In my view, I'll be right. Back the verizon, a t and t and t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you don't use, stop paying for things. You don't use instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your current provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking. What was Coverage really going to be that good. Am I going to drop calls slow internet, I can t The first hand, the Gee service is that good switch Pure talk was that easy, so listen, don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time
To take the leap and start saving money every month get a pure talk. Dot com select a plan then enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's eli via podcast and save fifty percent off your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and enter promo code. Levin podcast to mark Levin, show the pool feed for the conservative media. Diver now paid seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. While, ladies and gentlemen, you remember I think it was for border agents on the horses Two whipping migrants we whipping anybody. Remember that. I'm a Joe Biden saying they will be punished. Worst presidents not supposed to say that but
who told us prosecutors go after everybody on January six, remember that too, but then he said, but I didn't you them. Independent, of course, well. Sources told fox that Dhs will be releasing details and coming days, but that. These agents will be punished. They're going to punish them administratively, even though they've been cleared by an inspector general of all criminal conduct. Weren't whipping anybody. The only person whipping anybody is Biden the only entity or the media as they try to. The people in their anger, with everything And then complain about anger. The journalist who who took the
the video who recorded it. Said at the time that he didn't see them being whipped, That nobody else saw them being whipped. Said I saw them swinging there aims, but they weren't whipping anybody, but that Matter so here's my point to you: here's my point: When you can railroad big people, you can railroad little people. What do I mean. When you can railroad a president trump, amber present a trump. When you can railroad. Certain people in his circle then When you can have show trials, Judges or partisan approach, accusers who are out of control, because
Targeting your political opponents our when you refuse to and in full the law in many instances against people. Who committed heinous acts, violent acts you let them out the back door and so forth, depending on Politics and what the writing about. They're. Not u dealing with the lawlessness, period, its lawlessness, you're using the law to destroy the law. That's what you do. Real using the larder destroyed a lot so when you can railroad quota called people you can railroad border patrol agents Even though the eye witness who took the video said they didn't whip anybody. Even though the inspector general conduct an investigation and said, They didn't do anything, certainly not worthy of criminal action.
You know they got the orders from on high Fine, some raw, fine, something punish them and have passed kick them out of the border patrol. That's. What's goin on here the border. Ro the thankless job there. Overwhelmed their overworked there being a whose, by this administration. As is ice and are the men Patriotic employees at ice. So when you can do that, and you now here's the other thing, you know the media are going to carry the water for you This cavern author. They just indicted this trend six year old. On charges of, I guess.
Not murder per se, obviously but attempted murder or something of that sort. Just indicted. And yet on the sunday shows they said nothing. And the Democrats until last night sat on a bill that would protect not cavanaugh, but his entire family and that of all the other justices. And the attorney general still hasn't charged a single person for violating that. Eighteen? U s code section fifteen o seven memorize by everybody. Once we found it, Actually, my wife founding gave it to me. You're not even allowed to peacefully protest, because the peace protest, is seen as a threat and attempt to Interfere with pressure Drug justice or court official
To do something they would otherwise do so. You can understand why their treated differently than other people there its post me politicians, even though, in the district of columbia, judges act like politicians, So this is what you get lawlessness. And even here good news, cabin oz, nay, Speaks speaks out against protesters details, horrific experience. Roe, v, wade, leak. Now the media have helped. Pour the fuel on the fire with this, we know the Democrats have especially Schumer and pelosi. I mean, if we didn't know better we'd say they want violence. Would me. We didn't know better. Of course,. The neighbors say these are people who come from out of the area. They have a staging points in a parking lot fairly near by the organised.
Group of protesters typically meet on wednesdays insanities around seven p m, causing a nuisance for families with young children. That's people are putting their kids to bed, that's there's little. Kids who live on the street. It's a horrific experience. The neighbor told fox news. My great, if you have kids of any age but some believable stressful, the kids are very upset. The kids have to be sent inside it so loud. You can't put your kids to sleep. They pick exact time and they don't care literally there's no way on a wednesday night. You can put your kid. Tibet. There have been instances of verbal abuse and intimidation towards the neighbors, not just justice, Brett kavanaugh,. They have drummers? They have a megaphone and they chant they yell all kinds of things, told neighbours f you Few children things like that and Abuse of toward the neighbours and intimidating or maybe
People need to do this to. Attorney general Merrick out unaware garlic. Garlon Carlos his neighbour I'm not encouraging, and I'm just saying here, This to go on. He allows us to go on. He won't charge a single person. They go the street. We ve been told that because they will move eventually when a car comes down a street there, not technically blocking the street girl, but they are, technically violating federal law. Expressing frustrations with a lack of enforcement. The neighbors said that there are noise ordinances and their community, but protesters don't have to abide by the same several that sound like the rights of twenty twenty.
Different rules for different people, depending on who they are and are you know damn well if this had been done in front of the Home of any left wing justice for the great ruth paine against break. Of course,. Be no tolerance for this. None. And marilla garland was a erica judge in a public heart Judge DC. I don't think he would have tolerated Is the attorney general. Well. We ve also been told us that this is behaving within the bounds of the law. And the only law that can be enforced as the federal law that they're not supposed to protest outside the home of a judicial officer, but the federal power. Has declined to enforce the law federal partners, all so, this is coming from local police cars, but he s talk that way, and I want to thank them for speaking Kind of concealed under the neighbor.
Neighbor called our political leadership prevailing to intervene, as they stressed that the disrupt protests affect each community member due to their homes being situated within close proximity, one to the other. There is nowhere to go to get away from it. I think people are very concerned if there is action taken that this will escalate in a way, that's very unpredictable and very unsafe, and that's what discouraging is the fact that they're just doesn't seem to be any one in a position of leadership or authority. Who is considering those issues? acting on them and trying to look for a solution rather than just allowing this possibility to escalate. It really is quite unbelievable, not you think, and the media. Then a lot of camera crews, obviously for the new, so they came
more drums more noise. They were very, very loud, very, very aggressive. They dance in the streets as well. I mean it's very unnerving. Consideration given to the neighbors were expected to just take it. And very low, Being done about it,. We also been told you can engage with these people. They have no silver, They will have no regard for your personal property or personal safety, so don't engage with them. So Skype being told that these people are not safe. Takes you away your sense of security. We have now Idea who could embed themselves in this group of protesters. The whole neighborhood is suffering. And so we wait for meritless garland to do something about this, which means nothing will be done. It's amazing, isn't it how things are dropped by the media except january? Six.
American citizens who were left in afghanistan. We have no idea, what's happening, Nobody cares! Nobody! Nobody. The war in Ukraine goes on. Ukraine is losing, people are being slaughtered. The media barely even talk about it anymore,. Look at the southern border. Who's coming across the southern border, what are they doing? The little kids, Only mattered when trot was there, of course,. It's has if it's not even happening cause, I don't reporter. An assassination plot it And stay supreme court justice, what an app and, let's big, deal Besides, he was about to overturn rovers way: wade, that's, ok.
I'll, be right, back much love in the verizon, a t and t and t mobile are charging you a premium fee every month for data you don't use, stop paying for things. You don't use instead of paying eighty nine dollars a month to your current provider pages twenty dollars to pure talk for what you actually need. I made the switch and I'll be honest. I was nervous at first thinking was coverage really going to be that good am I going to drop calls slow internet? I can tell you first hand. The five g service is that good switch. A pure talk was that easy, so list, don't sit on the fence any longer, you're being ripped off by greedy wireless companies. It's time to
take the leap and start saving money every month get a pure talk. Dot com select a plan then enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's eli via podcast and save fifty percent off your first month. You can literally be switched over to pure talk service in less than ten minutes, so good, a pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcast the way the republicans in the senate, who voted at a trillion dollars to our debt, who basically contributed to this inflation because they wanted to be seen as by partisan they're. All who you we expect to be rhinos. Each Mcconnell was one of them, one of them Tea. But the others were roy blunt of Missouri Bird north carolina Shelley, moore, Capito, west virginia she's. A disaster bill Cassidy louisiana disaster
Collins main you know kramer north Dakota, my crypto idaho, Deb Fischer nebraska lindsey, graham south carolina, lindsays on ten size of every issue. Charm Grassley iowa. John hoover, north Dakota, Lee Murkowski Alaska, rob portman ohio, James risch, idaho, romney, utah. And solomon alaska. Tom tell us north carolina, John wicker, mississippi wicker is a disaster for mississippi I don't know all whose retired a blunt retiring, burs retiring, Let's see here, which more than more portland, retiring. And Maybe one other. But these nineteen republics they control, to this inflation.
Nineteen o them, including rakowski, but all of them, because I want to be seen as by partisan, thereby stupid. So I don't want us to forget these nineteen republicans because they. They feel so self righteous. The rhinos always or self righteous, How can Mcconnell lead a party in the senate. That is far more conservative than he is. I just told you he was one of nineteen who voted to add to our debt and therefore create this inflation when they voted for these by partisan infrastructure. Anything with the word by partisan, like a democrat and the answer is he Has tons of power through lobbyists. Through washington operatives. And through major corporations he's a high,
He's a wheeler dealer: what my candle does can't tell me a single major thing: he has done Less ten years, why stop garland for any Republican leader would have stopped garland. Wasn't that hard? Actually, What is Mcconnell done, defend the constitution. In the last decade, Colonel done today, the cause of individual liberty in the last decade,. What is Mcconnell done? Help secure our border in the last decade, Why is he still hanging around? What is he ninety eight years or I don't know what he is. And on top of that he cannot communicate economic communicate with the american people are mumbling lab, vibrant them like that Like that voice on peanuts, member that.
But let us remember that sir, that's Mcconnell, that's what he did that during the night, not engine is peter Schweitzer points out. The ties between. His family members. By marriage. As I understand it, would the I'm in a chinese Regime and that front group let fry company freight business that their involved. I mean it. The amazing. It's amazing what trump goes through and he didn't do anything and these other people, whether it's by the calm or the Pelosi, tell her that the drunk husband of hers make millions never examined I'll, be right back the folk
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the broadcasting coming from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Mind, love the guy mark. Levin hair are numbered, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one we're actually going to take some calls in the final half hour of the program. Half hour. Harriet Hagen men will be on the programme of why arming she's running in the republican primary. Against never tramper, and ever honest. In my view, That would be dizzy. Lizzie training.
Who doesn't even get to wyoming very much anymore. She does most of her fundraising in northern virginia With the likes of a barber comstock another's romney I tell you, people go to the dark side. I can't control that. My save this for this our cause- you ve been hearing about it, but you haven't heard from me daily collar Republican Myra, flaw ass, you this. By now. She want this south texas district, one by thirteen points. Actually, the Democrats had carried it by thirteen points. He held fifty one percent of the support. The incumbent Democrat Dan Sanchez had forty three point. Five percent of it wasn't even close and the two other candidates on the ballot. One Democrat one republican so she was able to avoid a run or sugar. Fifty one percent of the vote- that's a big deal.
Know it's a bigger deal republican hadn't, one that congressional district hordes ilk in war hundred and fifty one years. The district is eighty four percent hispanic on the Rio Grande valley area Four percent: that's a big deal. And she ran on a pro trump conservative agenda, not a romney Mcconnell Brett. Phony republican agenda, a conservative agenda now she's gonna The part of the problem is that this holly Districts have changed in texas and not so much a problem As a general matter, but She'll be running again in a we're different district. Against a Democrat. This was
Special election, the new thirty? Fourth, there stricken it leans. Seventeen points towards the Democrats. According to five thirty, eight. That's a blog site, five, thirty eight and so. It's still a little too early, but we are seeing movement now, hardly. It's funny thing. Doin the black lives matter riots. I think, MR producer, you may recall I said Is turning off a lot of people? Blacks, whites, asians and hispanics. A lot of, people are not into the riots they're, not in the burning they're, not under the violence. There nonentity funding the cops. They're not and any other. But a lot of people came to this country because they fled poverty.
They fled corrupt, immense. They fled the violence. Collusion between local police forces and When drug gangs, in central and south america. He fled communism. And kilburn Nicaragua in other parts, Of the hemisphere. And so when they see and hear what the democrat party is doing, they rejected a lot. People who came to this country came legally. And they don't appreciate, what's being done. Because they relatives they're trying to bring into this country legally and it takes if they A process could take ten years.
So they're not sympathetic to this, and they also know among those coming across the border. I criminals kidnappers sexual predators Drug cartels, surrogates. And then finally,. Inflation cuts across all races. Creed religions and ethnicities. And they know who created this. They know who created this and, of course it wasn't Putin's Even though vine and pure night. Suggest that it is because
Putin's war against ukraine, so you see the way it works, is Putin's war against ukraine has driven prices up. Because we didn't react by rolling over printing. It didn't happen. Once again, for the four billion time gasp started going up long before Putin invaded ukraine. Inflation kicked in again long before Putin invaded ukraine So, while the radical democrats in the media and the pew noise in their hemorrhoids all say the same thing, their awful a crap. They're all full of crap. We were energy, independent. We were we'd independent, we were corn independent, I might say I know, but this has a worldwide effect when one is have to do with us doing anything whose, ukraine off on the black sea. We didn't do that. We didn't do that
Also reports, were you won't hear this from the pew needs, whether amorrhites. That the russians are stealing all the wheat Being grown in ukraine. Plus ask any farmer, it's kind of tough to grow wheat. You're docking. Shells from enemy here. From enemy fire. But the pew noise. You know. The pew noise and binding agree on this. It's in the most amazing thing: isn't it now there back then
once a pleasure, harriet hagman with me this evening, she's running in the republican primer in wyoming against loose change. How are you harriet wonderful mark? How are you doing very, very well I'll do better. If you actually win that primary one is the primary again, it is open, Sixteen early voting starts on July, one ones last time, cheney was and wyoming for, say a three day period. Does anybody even know, oh god, I dont know that anyone could identify a period of time. When was jenny would have been an waving, patrice holiday. I I couldn't answer that question. I'm not sure anybody else good what has she been doing lately, given the high rate of inflation and fuel wyoming is an awfully big state, so people need a lot of fuel,
what does she been doing lately to try and help out the people of wyoming? Do you know absolutely nothing thing that chieftain doing lately is pursuing a political ben, get better against president tromp in helping the democrats to deflect attention from ITALY, Asters policies of this administration and nancy policy in its not just like the big, They were one of the largest oil and gas producers in the nation where the largest coal producer in the nation, a fossil fuels, are absolutely critically important to our ability to provide services. Dad They provide a good paying jobs. She's done in wyoming she's, focusing on the swampish in Washington DC and I've. Big deal california with while the hundred representatives. You know you need your representative to actually say something spending all this time on this cockamamie committee, appointed by nancy policy,
Are you don't know about going? I'm sorry! I go even one step further. I think that she's actually muted from being able to say anything because she saw aligned with the Democrats right now. She can't come out and criticised yo by come out an attack him for what he is doing to our country into our state. She so deeply embedded with them. She has Stay alive with them, she worked with them every single day, so she's actually picture which lie which side she doubted its, not ours and Why did she get elected in the first place was basically because of her name. I mean she has spent most of her career and life in and around washington d c, and as I would, she hopes will carry or through again I think so, I think that that is what happened. I think that, clearly what happened is your knee? She came A cure and she's articulate, you know she is she the seller, a good, a good story,
the things that you realise about less chinese, that which always very much more mature interaction with people on the campaign always has so incur. Traps. I do to two and a half hour town halls, where I, we'll do an opening statement gives them information about my background and I'll answer, our questions for two hours. Liz Cheney has never campaigned that what way what she'll do, as she comes in visits with a few people, she'll talk for maybe fifteen. Minutes edna knelt they what we ve got another about. We ve gotta get on from here, or she will only go to a home where there are two or three or four people, maybe five people. She only exposes herself in a very He controlled way and she's always done mac, but sure when should have come to the state, shall go to dinner to the radio station or show Go to the tv station and make it appear she's out meeting with voters and she's out at town halls she's out having round table discussions in oh, I was just meaningless constituent yesterday and I was just talking to the people in income.
Spurred last week and makes it sound it kind of does it's almost a bait and switch it. If it is, you could appear super being here, but it's not reality of your being here now she had a hate on four donald trump long before january. Six, didn't she she any any rumour about him. She would embrace- and I think the river working party in before The committee had enough of her which is why they voted her out of the leadership position. I don't ever remember that happening. I mean there's not pretty much the case she just has had a head on and ever tramper day. One you know it's interesting in she tries to embrace being a conservative and people will table she bordered with president trump ninety two percent of the time, but the things that really counted, whether things that shit. Posted than she opposed him hard on show where I started really question.
What was going on with less chain was about six months before the dough member twenty twenty election when she came out and embraced, the idea that there were were rub a russian bounties on our on our soldiers in afghanistan. That story was eventually be bank which most of the allegations and accusations against president trump bar by that time. Most of us recognise that, whatever story, the was paddling. All you need to do is wait a week ten day, seven days or days whatever it was, and it would be proven to be untrue. It over and over and over again now the russian collusion narrative took longer to debunk, but a lot of the other things. Truly, it was a matter of a news cycle and then we were like oh yeah. That was just another lie and she knew that too, but she came out and embrace that and attacked him in a way that was very, very aggressive and I thought very much a graph, a directed at that twenty twenty election and I started really
First of all what she was doing, I just never had an opportunity to ask her about it if she doesn't come back too willing to talk to her constituents. So there were something good, absolutely she has had a real challenge to president from for a long time, even before the twenty twenty two action. How's your reception and why arming of taking on the list training at the grassroots level? Oh, my gosh You cannot believe the reaction that we're having here and wailing. Donald trump Jr here last night and This morning we had an event at nine o clock. On a week day in a town of six hundred and fifty people, there were two hundred people but showed up. And stay for an hour and a half I mean It has been rocking and rockin our signs flying over the state people in the restaurants that were interacting with a meeting with people are so incredibly excited about the election we have
volunteered volunteers. You carry them, leave the number of volunteers that we have the number of people who were walking doors. The number of people who are out there they want to buy radio advertisements are just do everything they can. They drive around their communities with our signs on top of their cars I think it's excitement and b b. I just really embraced us and embraced the message that we are presenting a message of hope and excitement all of the things that are happening, and I only it is just an incredible spring and who are really really really higher, excited forests and people. Anybody who wants to go and learn more about me. I make donations. She's got a seven million dollar war chest about sort of thing, but they can go to hagmann for wyoming dot com. They could learn more. They can see our writings. They can listen to our interviews with you, time. I'm on your programme mark. You cannot believe the reaction I get
but even the date loves you. They know that you are a lot of traditional scholar. They have so much respect for you and when I'm on your programme, I probably get work. Since then, almost anything else, though I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to visit with you. You're very kind, maybe I'll move there. If you get elected you never know, and by the way I too have been well. Been there. I should go there, its age a g m m a and for my arming, dotcom america. That's h, H, g m, a and for wyoming dot com. Of people, want to help with money or help vote tears and so forth, and so on seven million dollars in a state like wyoming she's getting a lot of big time outside money, establishment money, isn't she well, I this. Last, since I got into this rate, less than three percent of her money had come from the state of
So that gives you an idea, she's aligned with the mitt romney side of the of the crowd she's alive. I will refer to them they manage the decline party, part of the managed the decline party there disparagingly the quiet there being very pleasant about it and and they're nice when they say hello to you and things like that, but really what they're doing in managing the decline of this country? You know when they were when the Democrats take the steps that they do, that create the horrific inflation that were saying that the problem with our our border, the illegal immigration on the board of flooding of our country with bent and all they are all very pleasant when they talk about those things. But they really don't do very much against the democrats to fight back against and the people The people out here are fed up, they are fed up with the policies are fed up with what they're doing and their fed up with it. Like Liz cheney and mitt romney, while I.
I've endorsed you strongly I'd, think you'd be a fantastic congressperson, especially for wyoming, and we need you in the country. That's hagman for wyoming dot com, please vote for her and god bless. You will probably have your back before august. Take care of yourself, I hope so mark. Thank you so much. You bet I'll be right back the folks, Fathers days here and there isn't a better give trust me. I know this than alma how stakes visit all my high stakes, dot, com, type in love in alleviating the search bar and you can save over fifty percent. When you order that dad's once stakes package produced. Ninety nine dollars is limited time package includes sixteen entrees he's guaranteed the love like smokey tender, bacon, rap, philemon, yawns core may jumbo francs and the air chill bone with chicken breath in your mouth watering. About now and for dessert, you know Dad's like desert, karma apple, tartlet
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Like my listeners, swiss america has a very special offer: silver walking liberty, half dollars at the amazingly low price of twelve dollars and fifty cents. Each delivered you heard me right: twelve hours and fifty cents, calling now eight huh six, three zero fourteen. Ninety two: eight hundred six trees, fourteen ninety two silver walking liberty, half dollars projection. A thousand fifty cents each delivered while supplies. Last eight hundred six, three zero fourteen. Ninety two eight hundred six, Three: zero fourteen. Ninety two, eight hundred six trees,
the fourteen. Ninety two, when mark levin speaks the back benches, take notes color, no, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one! Let's go to mike up los angeles, california, X, m, satellite, Michael California, where the price averages six dollars and sixty cents a gallon, I'm told go right ahead. Mark lovely, show tat you and I can the I would enrich credit california, which louder and twenty miles north of los Angeles but anyway I was on a vacation going to driving out and mexico And on my way I have to pass through to border towns the slide it collects veto. On the other side, it mexicali the price. In calexico was six at a quarter and the poor.
Skin. Mexicali blew about three. Seventy five. And allowing for seventy five cents in taxes which they don't charge in mexico. About a dollar, seventy five discrepancy. I'm wondering what you think about that Well, here's what I think about it. That this whole notion That prices are where they are in the united states, because of Vladimir putin is a that's number one number two, I suspect They don't have the kinds of taxes and regulations in mexico on the oil industry, or the provision of oil. That we have in our states and in the united states, wherever they get whacked by states, they got whacked by localities and they got whacked by the feds. And it's all passed on to us.
The idea that you can pay less and mexico than in the united states, where we were energy independent just eighteen months ago, is really appalling, the appalling. So that's what I think of it. It demonstrates the lie of the argument by cute lloyd's who say, you know if we wouldn't put sanctions on Putin's the price, Wouldn't be so high not only do they oppose providing arms to the ukrainians, post sanctions on the russians. Who are slaughtering the ukrainians and when they're done, they intend to move through ukraine into the eastern bloc. That's what buda wrote effectively. So now, for them, Even sanctions are too much, but it has nothing to do appeared in your exists. Approves. It has everything to do a bind. The Democrats What they're doing to our economic system here go ahead?
yeah, that's sounds very plausible yeah. They probably don't have all the regulation. We do end up Certainly don't have the taxes on every girl and gas that they pop something in mind. There's federal taxes give state axis thing. All kinds of regulatory taxes esther- truck drivers, how much in taxes they have to pay to to move one part of the country to another to just move the fuel. It is endless. And it is repetitive: the same thing over and over and over again, but a lot of its hidden and that's what I'm talking about when it comes to the It comes to the what the the government does to these companies and so forth that are passed on to us like all, thanks for your call, my friend appreciate keep going so
the plant blow colorado, the great cave, yo r go right ahead. Primark thank you for taking my call. Alright, I can't even watch the news because the fire I came down the side of but Biden, I heard a motto: nude newscorp yelling at us likely it's an income groups in a really forcibly and then got me thinking? Kids, learn from their parents, they were everything from their parents and in my in the democratic left wing green fanatics put their money where their mouth are and just with the entirety of washington dc to forward when the white house, the pentagon. Other federal building up Residents will requiring all the residents to convert to do you call the public about transit system buses elder subway through whenever they have their and then even the military, the war vehicles, war, planes, jets, ships and subs show us people how easy,
you tell economic order, because a saving, wheel find the initial expenditure very quickly right then, when the entirety of american seen how easy it it will all far mine and implement these green changes. Makes me mad. Our leaders are Politicians I rubbed should have then demanding that fighting, keep our energy independence and tell Washington dc of green, and I dont know why. No one have made this demand. Will you The demands are certainly not going to do it, cause Washington DC, doesn't create anything except distribution of wealth wealth, stay, taxes, regulations and poverty at all. So They don't know how to do anything there, relying on the very private after that they destroy that's number. One number two There is no transition guidelines or blueprint for anything they just
feel if they destroy enough for the economy if they destroy enough. The middle class keep talking about green new deal and clean energy and the oil companies are standing in the way. Then they'll be able to have enormous power and the federal government. They'll, be able to have enormous power over the economy. As we are poor and poor and poor, They take no responsibility, responsibility for the working for the poverty, the economic dislocation that they create. None. I mean they were proud of it. Before remembering they were going to drive up the cost of electricity and gasoline and that's how we'll move into a new economy you're talking to obama, community activists who doesn't. I had a sharp and a pencil. You turn about buying where were they won't allow even handle a sharp pencil just in case you turn
people who know nothing about the private sector zippo, except that they hate it. Call sandy. I appreciate it Now pencils made, we ve done that before Mr Putin, who do we have that somewhere see if we can find Another call here, shall we? Yes? Yes, yes, dean in are the mark. Levin app new york or at a. How will mark thinks are taken? My car repression I appreciate everything you do on every think I bet you're while everything but but you know I I I respect the prisoner. You know, but I feel we need to say bad things about me in on all that, but you shouldn't be owing other children, here that they and their young. You know, but also Regarding my labelling or the american people, why? What kind of a present starts? Yelling at the american peeped out count me their centre? It's like he's.
Absolutely lost at all, whatever little, which he had left. He talked dawned everybody lake it doesn't make any sense, you know, and then he wants everyone to go into electric cars. They know that they know that they can Populate the world that all electric cars and all that they know it's impossible I do see a night if you don't let your car how about you know what I mean: now. No, I'm gonna happen now he's got an iron fist. You know he's not going to use a maiden My friend procedure called dean. You sound like a very, very kind man. Thank you skoda, blake, fresno, california, ex m satellite, as we move from one end of the country to the other go right ahead: on the crazy side of the country. Now I just want to bring up when they when they talk about this clean energy, whatever that is, they imagine what, when they pay,
about this. They still have this massive need to spread energy across the country and so to do to make their dream come true. They have to cut down a bunch of trees for power all boil in oil to pressure, treat him they want to do underground infrastructure choirs pvc com do which is made out of petrol pearls and even the steel for steel power poles in the steel wine. Cool, it's cool and iron know it's not the together to make your steel, so we think that they want to do requires ohio. Lumber cole if ever an rubber and then, if you want to go through rubber on there for the tires for their heavy vehicles that they want to roll around that cause the tires to wear fast, robert, you know every every we'll be. You really know how many a dough. I'm I'm I'm, I'm still trade
I do still fell by steel trade. I have a question for you. When they make plates. To go in their heads of a Democrat. What materials made out of it they may Those plants, I believe it comes from the rear, end of a cow there. You go I like the safe, occur. I will be right back much love in the ladies and gentlemen. I want to ask you a question did. You know withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's her banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report. Any behaviour they think is suspicious. It's true and I, Shocked when I read the secret war on cash from swiss america the new war against cash is really a war against the constitution against all freedom, loving americans, so
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Alex corral is one of over seventy thousand google career certificate graduates to google courage. Certificate program completely changed the trajectory of my life. I've always been interested in computers, but I never thought I could turn this into a career anytime. I got a little break. I'd just pop open the course on my phone that allowed me to have that path into a career that I'm passionate about train online for in demand jobs in eighteen. U X, design data, analytics project management and more visit growth. Talk, Google slashed certificates cafe, there have been twenty three pro life organizations, vandalized, firebombed or otherwise- attacked by pro abortion activists in recent weeks. Twenty three heard the attorney general say anything. Having heard the president say anything and you haven't heard anything but the conservative media say anything. In addition to a threat on the life of a supreme court
justice appointed by trump. Let's talk about january six over and over and over and over again on national tv. Pro life organizations literally. Physically violently being attacked across the country. Are they investigating certain groups behind it. They're not arresting people on me. The front of the homes and around the neighborhoods of these justices. This is just so completely out of control. I want to go to Donna, wash In pennsylvania, xm satellite donna. How are you yelp yelp? Well, MR call screener, I don't hear Donna I'm good. Hi, I donno. What's cooking
I just said tonight we were out for hour dinner and it's ninety three degrees in pittsburgh which is not unusual, sometimes the air and all of a sudden. It, sir, hot, and IRAN's tried at the manager conveyed to us is that so why loud and adjust their nor can keep up, and I believe that the rolling round in black, out I've. They're, trying to make sure we get used to this because they ve been telling Since coming- and we felt that tonight- Well, here's the thing: if there was a rolling brown on her black open, it would affect more than one building them. So Could it could honestly be that his system can handle it and that they can afford to do a damn thing about it?. At last I my friend, I appreciate your car bill. Grand mental california listening on their care, so foe.
Station or thereabouts go ahead bill. Hu, we have these delay earlier How are you bill what duke. Yeah? How you doing am due care. You don't do you, baby girl come sacramento. Are you doing Sacramento I don't know how we got bill from sacramento due account. May I hope I was talking to the garbage man- is garbage- did yesterday right there. I start doing electric garbage trucks people with every member knows the garbage struck mark all other working on a garbage struck us all yeah a whole lot in this. Whose loudly and he used to do. Is there a date,
Yet make enough batteries to run a garbage truck just one garbage struck the inhabited by charging him up. You know thirty Times a day just to get from one one of the streets, the nasa stupid age, it's just calculus. I omitted to get digital just to the power to do hydraulics. Now rightly, they ought to put their biden. Limo which is heavy like a sherman tank, namely data. Try that an electric like that trivia vehicle start there before they do the the trucks seriously not let him show by example,. And while we're added, he can wear binary, operated socks to stay warm. He can wear a propeller on his head, gets heart, you know, is one of those little solar, propellers, we'll do what they need to do walking around in in in in bermuda short all the time and then
Put pads on the wall, so you know he doesn't hurt himself. Alright, duke Thank you for your call. You get bill from Dilke anyway, guys Oh no, it's happy hour. Louis little rock and saw the great k a are in homer, the great tom cotton go ahead, Thankee mark, you got, I feel I feel that the mexicans are not the evil. People burden and the democratic politicians who said they were very weak a burden and the Democrats other evil people, because they are ignoring the immigration laws of this country, and not only that but they write it and facilitated the immigrants, to break our laws youtube not just from mexico, even though people are coming through mexico from-
all over the world from other continents bill are coming here and Biden won't even go to the border to look at his handiwork. You'll fly all the way to saudi arabia, pretends not going there. The begged them from oil for oil rather and here we have border crises, he won't go Vice president won't go. A policy won't go shimmer of their number, going happen all those cage, children what happened all the sex trafficking. The fence and all the rest. Don't they want to see with their own. The round three eyes, thank you for your call. My friend. We salute are armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are trucker friends, our brothers and sisters in ukraine who are under assault- and I will see you tomorrow be well- and god bless the.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-16.