« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/15/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Rayshard Brooks case is not the same as the George Floyd case. Floyd was handcuffed face down and was not resisting. Brooks fought the officers, took their taser, and then fired it at the police officer pursuing him. The officer discharged his weapon to stop Brooks who died as a result. Then, the Democrat Party was the party of the confederacy and slave owners. The statues being pulled down are of Democrats, Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, Democrats wore white hoods and white robes and terrorized Black people. The Democrat Party elected a KKK leader, Robert Byrd to the US Senate. The Democrat Party should not get a pass on this. Based on the left's failed logic, every label of the Democrat Party affixed to any building, monument, program or otherwise should have the name of the Democrat Party name wiped off of them. Afterward, it has proven challenging to maintain a supreme court that is consistent with the Constitution. The Chief Justice is a liar and seems to believe in nationalizing cultural issues. Finally, former National Security Advisor John Bolton could have made a case against the president in a timely manner, but he decided to become Omarosa and make some money on a book deal.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in it Written seventy fifth year, Hills is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued thank
for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale Brother sponsorship now run them only underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America, marked within our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one
Seven: seven three one Three eight one one To get to the Supreme Court soon. And a lot of other issues out there. But before I do this weekend, I guess was about nine p m. I think it was Saturday night. I have Watch the lawyers for The deceased gentleman in Atlanta. Tell their story by what happened with these two cops. I had heard about this. I so what's going on here, No idea who Mister Brooks was no idea. What was taking place and the bottom line was that they indicated that this was a black gentleman who was shot in the back by police office. Some
about a taser taser, not being a deadly weapon. All they had to do is call uber. You know right away that didn't sound right. So now I and you have seen all the publicly available information, including the videos, And those lawyers were. In my view, very deceitful about what took place. Clearly, this isn't the George Floyd case Clearly, it's not the tony temper case whose Tony temper Manitoba him later he's a white man. So I am looking at the same videos as everyone else. And perhaps more information will become available beyond what we already know but here is the bottom line. The police officers recalled. The police officers.
Tapped on the window once Mister Brooks kind of look. Been answered it and then. Sort of fell back asleep, they tap on the window again. And they were able to get his attention get smelly alcohols. It turns out, they did a test And it was well over the year the legal limit. As he sat in the car, he couldn't state whether was his car. Whether was a rented car whose car was. The bottom line. Is they retire Into the gentleman, They were going to kill him If we fail to sobriety tests, I believe to them at that point. Mister Brooks turned violent.
He's a big man and he fought these two officers to the ground. Based on the video, not telling you anything, you don't know. And he was swing in heart and he hit one of them. And he also managed to see, One of the officers taser in the fight, was so physical that both the officers body camera? were thrown off their bodies, so you have Individuals in the area pour out there. I phones and taken video. Now they had warned mister. Ox that they were going to take several times. You could hear Mister Brooks Fleas with the taser.
In any kind of reaches around in fires, the taser. First of all the police officer can't possibly know if he's fine, taser, a fiery gun or whatever. The police officer who was chasing the fleeing Brooks fires is weapon three times hitting Mister Looks in MR books would eventually die the district attorney in Atlanta. As now king to charge the police officer who fired his weapon with murder of one degree or another. The police officers been fired, police chief resign. I'm not sure why.
And all were hearing and seeing is the perspective. Of the deceased Mister Brooks his lawyers, his family, the media. You haven't heard a thing from the officer thing from any body whose defending the office. But he's fired without any due process. What's this is it the George Floyd case, which was obvious meanwhile apparently to white girls, women burn down the when these restaurant, which had nothing do they need, Burned to the ground burned to the ground. And there's a worn out and trying to find out who those women are enough. Blood protest.
Everybody knows why black Brown, on yellow red, whatever interim mixed. When an officer stops you you cooperate, they have weapons. You certainly don't resist handcuffed You certainly don't resist arrest. You can work at all our later. You certainly don't assault the officers. And in solving the officers, you certainly don't sees one of their weapons, whether it's dead or not because officer cannot, Himself or herself to be incapacitated, because they have a weapon on their hip, a gun. Officer doesn't know you. He does your dangerous, he doesn't know from Adam. So are the.
The lorries from Mister Brooks repeatedly doing that conference accuse the officers of escalation. For me, it's quite obvious that Mister Brooks was the one who is escalating. That's the way I see it. That's the way I see it. I don't see this is a racist event in the least not in the least. I dont see this as police abuse in the least not in the least. So, every time an incident occurs. One individual is shot. It's going. A police abuse, the police should have the escalated. Luckily those videos exist. Because those videos don't tell the story to me that Mr Brooks, as lawyers said, they told at nine pm eastern time,
has, it would have been Saturday night. The videos taught me a very different story: evenly talking, the voices, Tommy very different story. None of this would have happened if Mister Brooks. Had resisted arrest. Had a sort of the officers hadn't. The taser. Hadn't fleet And turned in fire the tail. You're, all kinds of This is why taser doesn't shoot six feet. How do you know, though, officer no was a taser, but he looked about six feet. They just been fighting on the ground for four for quite a while for quite a while.
I do not see this Police brutality in the eye here that this office is going to be charged with murder. Is going to be able to get a fair trial in a later, we shall see There's a. Very, very bright man. Whoever it over the years, but an image of a quarter. And he's a professor and I want to get him fired, but. He's a professor at Columbia University rights for the Atlantic here and there and other publications. He writes very, very smart books
so no matter whether I agree with him all time, don't agree with him all the time he's a smart guy right, smart things and I have time to write his to read his entire peace in question That com, which was written, as I see it June eleventh few days back. But he tells us about a gentleman in the- Two paragraphs that I'm going to redo not do this article justice, so you should look at it on your own, but I'm because it reveals to me an individual, never heard it before tony temper was Thirty, two years old, when he died at the hands of the Dallas police in August twenty. Sixteen, suffered for mental health difficulties and was unarmed. He, hasn't resisting arrest, he'd, call the police from a parking lot while wallet, Cicada because I thought he might be a day to himself.
The time law enforcement arrived he'd already been handcuff by the security guards of a nearby store. Even so. The police officers made him lie down on his face He's down on the grass and one of them Preston me into his back. And he remained in this position for thirteen minutes until he Forget it. And during the harrowing recording Final moments, he could be her pleading for his life. A grand jury indictment of the officers involved, was overturned. Not many people have seen this video, not many people know who Tony Tippit is in them. Have something to do with the fact that Mr Tip is white. During the protests and agonizing discussions about police brutality that have followed the death of George Floyd under. Arguably similar circumstances, you rights, it is too soon
I'm acknowledge that white men are regularly killed by the cops as well and that occasionally the cops responsible are black. Has happens. One of the Dallas police officers at the scene of Tempest death was an african American. There seems to be a widespread assumption that, under similar circumstances, white cops kill black people, but not white people, this disparity is either the product of naked racism under underlying plenty of that emerges under pressure. Plenty of evidence indicates, however, that racism is less important to understanding police behaviour. That is commonly supposed. Was shot dead by police, for black was shot dead. By police, while waving a be begun in twenty, Sixteen Daniel Shaver White was waving a pellet gun, a motel window and suffer the same fate in
fifteen officer, Michael slugger, shot Walter Scott Black in the back and kill them is who is running to evade a traffic ticket, the following year, Andrew Thomas White, was shot in the neck by a police officer and killed us. He climbed out of Anne S. You ve had crashed, trying to evade arrest in tone Fifteen SAM do bows black wish: dead, as he tried to escape a traffic summonses. If car The same year, Michael Parker, White washed, Dead in the same way, while trying to scape a ticket for moving violation? In twenty, sixteen philander Castillo Black was shot dead in his car by a cop as he reached under his waistband for his license and registration during a traffic. Stop the same year, Dylan Noble White washed Dead under almost identical circumstanced, also, all ten. Sterling and twenty sixteen black women Dead in front of a convenience store, as was, detained before unruly conduct. The same your brain and Stanley White or shot
and a convenience store for trying to avoid a warrant. So the. Section. The police regularly kill black people under circumstances in which- People would be merely discipline is, in fact a misperception, and it goes on in his ultimate point is training tactics, That this is the main problem. He says he has the race issues, he says, don't get me wrong, but the big problem is not that. And so I circle back when I see the shooting, two brooks and now Paris to me that first We any shooting is be treated as a racial incident. Is extremely worries and this cop. Who shot Mr Brok? There is no way he
should be charged with murder, no way I don't have violate protocol or whatever that's a different issue. I dont, The protocol but murder We all saw. That was not murder, I'll, be right, Maude ban at hills
College faith and learning are integrated in pursuit of a common and and I've been talking a lot about four pillars, so they Helstone College Mission, learning character, faith and freedom. Today, I'd like to focus on faith as the founders of our nation, New God is indeed the first authority and emotive toward which all learning moves hills they'll understand. So we come to really know things through reason in faith and their students or try to pursue truth through both founded in eighteen. Forty, four by Christians, students of all face are welcome and hills they'll college and always have been. How does the college teach the essentials of the christian faith and religion? All students must take its course. The western theological tradition as part of hills, Dell's, rigorous, core curriculum. The college offers majors and religion philosophy and religion, and christian studies kills those campuses a welcoming place in which to discuss and practice. Faith respectful dialogue among Christians have different denominations and with students of non christian faith is just one hallmark of the stellar college. Now to learn more visit, Levine from Helstone Back come that's alleviate for wholesale back on LIVE Infra Hills, Dale, Dotcom, trademarks, mother! This is in the daily collar. Sabrina Fulton Mother trade Mark is running for Canada, Commission Florida,
So she disagrees with demand to define the police that We called for, in the wake of George Floyd death according to the guardian the mother trademark stands: it's ok. I think we need more police. She said we need police, were better standards in place for better ethics and and better Rick Habits but I want residents to feel safe. I want to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community. And He sounds like a real stand. A lady I'll tell you because all the pressure right now It's really lunacy. It's insane it's gonna play out because Cops are resigning sorry taking early retirement, recruiting are way way down. And these big cities are gonna have a tough time getting cops. So
People who claim that's what they want, you gonna get it You gonna have your nirvana.
Meanwhile, a lot of people who don't live in your community who claim to represent you in sports and in Hollywood stricken have all the protection in the world at Helstone. College faith and learning are integrated in pursuit of a common and I've been talking a lot about four pillars: are they Helstone College Mission, learning character, faith and freedom? Today, I'd like to focus on faith as the founders of our nation, New God is indeed the first authority and emotive toward which all learning moves hills deal understand. So we come to really know things through reason in faith and their students are taught to pursue truth through both founded in eighteen. Forty, four by Christians, students of all face are welcome and hills they'll college and always have been. How does the college teach the essentials of the christian faith and religion? All students must take a course, the western theological tradition as part of hills, Dell's, rigorous, core curriculum. The college also offers majors and religion philosophy and religion and christian studies hills those campuses a welcoming place in which to discuss and practice faith respectful dialogue among Christians are different denominations and with students of non christian faith is just one hallmark of the stellar college. Now to learn more visit, Levine for hills down back, come that's alleviate for hills! Del back, I'm leavin for hills. Dale Dotcom is the town hall. You can join in heading seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one some Maison really out there is. We remove statues tv shows and movies and authorise them
Point really some time ago, now about that Minecraft Party is Absolutely ignored. The statues of statue, but the Democratic Party is still with us. And you're gonna see people spend in the media. You gonna see them spin and the Democratic Party. For truly gonna, confront our past right, four have an honest discussion about racist right. Then. How do we avoid a discussion about the Democratic Party? I don't want to hear about how wonderful of democratic Party was in the nineteen seventies and eighties and none other course. Nineteen seventies, they made robber bird, their majority leader in the Senate, but that aside. You have the Democratic National Committee choose me. The democratic National, commit the democratic
National convention, the democratic party- now it say capital d C, It's not Scripture. Of a governing system. It is identification in this case of a pilot, Go organization. That was the party of the confederacy. It was the party of Slaveowners. And yet because we have truly a fascistic media. Which controls the flow of information, because we have got less mba, NFL players, gutless owners, Not commissioners gutless got Factors and in in Hollywood, all of whom are Democrats or vote Democrat to ignore this.
The democratic party was the party of Confederates. Those generals who statutes for being pulled down. They were Democrats. Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. Now a AP says the Democratic Party didn't birth. The clan and that's been repeated in regurgitate it everywhere else. Of course, I did. Of course it did. Democrats create The clan demo rats war, why, hoods. Why robes. Will mark. We had the ninety sixty four civil Rights ACT, the nineteen sixty five civil Rights ACT, known as the voting right fact that was I was by a democrat president. Yes,
and a smaller percentage Democrats voted for. It then Republicans. And just because the Democratic Party favors Mass, a big government, the centralisation and control of individuals. Doesn't mean the Democratic Party should get a pass. Pulling down confederate statute the party, Lected robber bird as its majority leader in the nineteen seventies, I'm not talking. But the seventies. I'm Talking about the nineteen seventies. Take a look at the Democratic Party platform and nineteen twenty four. I'm not talking about eighteen, twenty four, I'm talking about nineteen twenty four.
In every case,. In every case, where a governor stood for segregation, it say Democrat. And so what are the democratic? Try to do what they always to rewrite history, but they'd be Republicans today. No, they wouldn't. Embrace your history, embrace it. You look at the eighteen. Fifty seven Dread Scott decision, which really. Enshrined by the Supreme Court, slavery. An abomination in every respect and this court, I might add, as I explained in men and black and activists court. Well, it was Roger tiny. Roger tenuous from South Carolina was the chief justice, the United States, a Democrat the pleasant versus Ferguson decision in eighteen. Ninety six, oh I know you don't get this in law school. You know get
college- you don't get it in high school, you don't get it only s pm get it in Beverly Hills and highly Hollywood. No, no. No. All Democrats. The mayors of these cities order, but it's ok, they're progressives now really. And how exactly they helping minorities. So we can see what complete hypocrites we're dealing with here. Complete hypocrites Democrats. The irony is ninety ninety five percent of African Americans vote Democrat while because these Politicians care about us: no, they don't their manipulative.
If they cared about you for half a century, they run most of our major cities. They were funny way a show in it. Is the hypocrisy that we have to This, each and every damn day these media figures, most of them are Democrats. But don't tear down that name. No, no, no! No, don't disagree, those signs, no. Don't do any of those things know, of course, not course. I think the Democrat Party label should be ripped from every public building should be from every book. Every movie. Every television show. Those generals are long dead.
There's a granite or bronze statues taller than. Crap party lives. Maybe we should change the name, maybe Going to change the name of Battleships and carriers- and maybe we should change the name of the damage Part of what we call it. I don't go down this road. Where people try to hide our history, you would think if you really concerned about aspects of our history. You weren't prick. And it didn't exist, you'd want Out there for everybody to see Who is that general there? What did he do. The mob setter poured down these statues. They won't be explain it.
But who is a general. Whose general brag? What did he do? I in the Better to pull it now,. Where's the acl you today, used to defend nazis, marching in jewish neighborhoods, nowhere to scare. But I shouldn't be one of the leading voices in this. Now sharpen should be one of the leading voices. The end w c p should be one of the leading voices. Tis o o Don't hide our history. We wanted out there in the public square for everybody to see. That's why I wanted out there, but no. Will mark you wouldn't want. Statues of Nazi officers here would you well
We never had nazi officers here, that said out, do you not believe any Of the death camps, the concentration camp should be bulldozed, not one number, none other. We have a phrase and Judaism, it's never forget Never forget. People might forget. Liars. My pretend that those camps never existed, but there they are, for everybody to see everybody. Because his lessons to be learned what happened here dad? What happened here? Mom, let me table, this place,.
In the United States, who is this general dad? Who is this general? Let me talk about this guy. It's not a perfect analogy, but it's good enough. I also know history. I also know the french revolution. The communist revolution in Russia. The Communist Revolution in China. You look at the Taliban and ISIS. Destroy all history, all of it all. The world begins today. The world begins today. The world begins today Let me ask you a question in ITALY
they tearing down all the statues of all the emperors some of whom were brutal. Many, if not most, of whom, enslaved thee populations that they conquered. Should we do Those down many big have gone to ITALY to look at them. How about the Colosseum. Were. Christians were brutalized brutalized. In a thousand different ways, so we that damn sure iterator for Italian should you tear down. You look at the: u gotta Jerusalem, Jason. Examples in you see second Temple. One hundred thousand Jews way
Back then, were killed by the Romans. Realized women and children. To me, them on crosses facts, Many crosses reuse. They were running out of trees, and so they had to reuse the cross. Should they forget about their history now. They fight for their history. They want to know all about that Temple and they pray at the Temple again, not a perfect analogy. Histories, history, there's no fix society. None. Some are better than others. Some are even great, like our own, like girl,.
The flag, the american flag and the national anthem that flag drapes, the coffins. Men and women, who died in service to this country. That national anthem. Is the anthem of America to unite America,. I'm sick and tired of being told that kneeling during the national anthem are kneeling. The american flag has nothing to do with our military has nothing to do with our country, its police Brutality. That is a lie. Those are Arts who say that, like J J, what Please moron Opera Nick are the rest. So you not only tearing down confederate statues
tearing down the country. The flag and the national anthem, we know what you're doing we're not stupid. We know what you're doing. And the vast majority of Us Not tolerate it, that is, you can take. Sports and shove. It I'll be right, Back then, at hills,
College faith and learning are integrated in pursuit of a common and I've been talking a lot about four pillars: are they Helstone College Mission, learning character, faith and freedom? Today, I'd like to focus on faith as the founders of our nation, New God is indeed the first authority and the motive toward which all learning moves hills they'll understand. So we come to really know things through reason in faith and their students or try to pursue truth through both founded in eighteen. Forty, four by Christians, students of all face are welcome and hills they'll college and always have been. How does the college teach the essentials of the christian faith and religion? All students must take its course, the western theological tradition as part of hills, Dell's, rigorous, core curriculum. The college offers majors and religion philosophy and religion, and christian studies kills those campuses a welcoming place in which to discuss and practice. Faith respectful dialogue among Christians have different denominations and with students of non christian faith is just one hallmark of the stellar college. Now to learn more visit, Levine for hills tell back come that's alleviate for wholesale back, I'm leavin for Hills, Dale, Dotcom in I see these various poles. I don't know the accuracy. These poles glitches stipulate the correct
just to play along. If that's true. This country is facing a quick demise. Just look around you. Absolute lawlessness the endless race bathing These censorship, the disrespect for for what's come before, with the imperfections pointed out. God knows The attacks on the founding The indoctrination now in elementary secondary colleges, universities, the media, which is now propagandist operation for the left They succeed in November. It will very difficult to clear away back. Just so you know To keep that in mind when you're upset about a presidential suite
Mr Barroso, you reached out to Lebron James, is varys surrogates correct to try and invite him on the programme. Any response, nothing. Have strong disagreements with Mr James. But I've treated him with nothing but respect. And I wish you would come on the programme Many these guys on the left Whenever the race, whatever their profession, they hide, they hide lonely interviews with people, agree with them are in their comfort zone. Access to millions and millions and millions of people you in my audience
but they high I'll, be right back from the West one podcast network, he's here now, broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader of an eight seventy seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one. It's quite obvious that the extremely difficult to maintain a supreme court here's to the constitution,
You see for Democrats in the left, they know exactly what they're getting when they appointed Briar was sort of my or Kagan. I will vote against them that their nominees will be in for tough fight, but they won't be personally destroyed. They won't see their character put through the grinder. None of that stuff, because Republicans don't do that, but Republicans Who are nominated typically lie. I don't mean to the Senate, allied to the president who's going to nominate. John Roberts is a liar. Sorry, I am speaking as we like to say. Truth. The power John Roberts is a liar. No Gore such as a liar and they'll go,
such has been moving left. A number of opinions now particular when it comes to criminal law but now when it comes to the culture. For some reason, the Supreme Court. Five members six members of the majority seems to think It should nationalized cultural issues national eyes a cold moral issues and have first and the less say why. What because you just not moving fast enough. They want same sex, marriage, useless, slow off. The mark here take this? Oh ok. Then it's not just that it's it's been gone out for half a century. Does anybody believe.
Those men in Philadelphia and those in the ratifying conventions of the various states would of. Instituted a constitution that empowers the court to do at this court does from time to time. There's no way this is, I wrote, book. The liberty amendments. So three fifths of Congress or better, yet three fifths of the state legislatures. Acting within twenty four months could Find a decision by the court null and void because right now, there's no check the court's. Simply powerful simply to political. First book. I wrote a book called men and black. Stunned people went up to the New York Times less. There was number three on the list Before my radio shows is big, it is as it is today
published in two thousand five fifteen years ago in nothing's tank, despite the appointment by the president. Of certain individuals is justices SAM Alito, done a very good job. But the leading light on the court is clearly Clarence Thomas, followed by a leader. You'll notice. The state of activists on the court. Comes to these big decisions almost never break rank This has been gone on as long as had been watching the court, which is a long long time. Folks. So the the the arc of court than history is always moving in one direction.
Always moving in one direction. Now, what am I talking about? whether a number decisions by the court today. All of them bad. Our body, Daniel Horwitz, see so good at this has summed it up. Conservative review. And he says within thirty five minutes today attending an eastern what's, thought was the most conservative Supreme Court of all time about all time concocted, fundamental right to try Gender ISM in there the text of Labour LAW, Iraq. The second amendment and interfered with a state death penalty case, but decline. The interfere with a California law. Criminalize is law enforcement cooperation with federal. Immigration agents. Taken a totality these so called conservative legal movement which has promoted the idea
Of appointing better judges, rather than fighting the entire concept of judicial supremacy, failed miserably now in. Horwitz his book, but my early Bergmann and black. I talk about impart a nun Things but the judiciary acts and how Congress does have the authority to limit the scope of the court. New game, which is written that some time after arrow, men and black Horwitz is, has A few years back. But weren't considered outliers and all they must be cooks. Nowhere. Have here's a brief summary of four very important decisions and orders issued by the court today the job This is denied sociology or, in other words denied a case- two gun rights groups in ten gun cases, where
Aids have denied citizens the right to carry arms under any circumstance. Just this Thomas descended in the denial of the search in the New Jersey right to carry case. It was By just as cabinet it takes full justices. Greater here a case and it's not which of the others What also have agreed but didn't sign onto the descent, despite the plane meaning of the constitution. Ten years if the Supreme Portela decision and was circuit, courts split the supreme. It refuses to act. Because you see, ladies and gentlemen, Second amendment is one of those amendments that the left in the establishment- don't like that back there in parts of the bill of rights. They just don't care about, so they cherry pick. And, as you ve seen Second, amendment is crucially important, particularly The breakdown of society and if, in fact play
Departments are disbanded, you have nothing left, but the defend yourself. What else did they do in the United States versus California? At all? The Supreme Denied the petition from the Department of Justice, And which is very rare to overturn a night circuit ruling upholding California Sanctuary LAW Caliph, when you prohibits law. Go law enforcement from coal, operating with federal immigration agents, The Thomas and leader would have granted the appeal, so you re of two original assign the court. That's it and what has become a growing trend next, one of scottish interference with the few remaining capital punishment cases, justice is remanded a Texas capital case because they believe the accused did not have sufficient council leader descended dry by Thomas and on this one corset.
Then the one that's getting all the attention today Excuse me. Now I do not have well how China virus. I have. Whooping cough: no, I don't have anything actually. Any decision written by justice course it the court The title seven. A B civil Rights ACT, which was Passed in nineteen sixty four before anyone could fathom transgender ism apply, transgender rhythm and sexual orientation see just for fun up The sixty four civil Rights ACT is very, very important and basically, among many other things it pro If the discrimination. In hiring and firing unemployment of individuals based on sex. In other words, whether a male or female, not sex, orientation- that is
What you do with it, Genitalia tell what JANET tell you you have got it taken together. These decision show the court believes that it is an inalienable right to transgender ism in illegal immigration, but not that second amendment the core believe it can tamper with every state, criminal and capital. Conviction on every evolving novel grounds it somehow believes a state can criminalize foundational federal immigration powers. World upside down and oil. We have one consistent originally on the court Clarence Thomas Justice, Alito, a step or two behind by far The most devastatingly consequential case of the day was the trains gender discrimination case, Gordon Quote boss. Versus Clayton County
writing for the majority Gore such claims that when the statute uses the term sex, it can apply to. Actual orientation And gender identity. What an employer who fires and individual merely for being gay or transgender violet title. Seventy says of the Civil Rights ACT, a nineteen sixty four, he was joined by the four democratic point is as well as chief Justice Roberts. While it Good to know that gender and sex, or indeed not separate things, As the Rainbow Jihad lobby, he writes as indicated for so many years. In other words, he sang. That's not, what that community argues. But either way, this ruling is absurd beyond belief. I'll tell you why. Of course, it does is not just intellectually dishonest, its actually disgusting.
He rewrites the Rights ACT. He rewrites this section of it. He plays word games and semantics and then he says he's the originals. And all the reporting on this today has been that this is a historic decision, That this is a horrific violation of separation of powers. Not that we have a cord out of control, that ignores the legislative history ignores the legislative intent ignores the actual legislative text. Violates the will of Congress violates the people. That represents Congress. But this is historic. And let me tell you what else it's going to unleash massive litigation again Businesses in this country. Against religious institutions in this country.
Against educational institutions with a religious spent in this country- Because now not your sex. That is your genitalia, that you can't be fired for it's what you do with it. In other words,. In other words, going to gonna be all kinds of moral and other Of conflicts that take place and so would corset, And Roberts have done with the four left us on the court. Is created. Another road decision. Another road decision. Big- on propaganda and platitudes shore on specifics. Written with, absolute intellectual dishonesty and now
like the rest of us, have to tackle it and deal with it. This is how you disunited society. This is how you show absolute disrespect for the rule of law. I mean, after all, court isn't going to comply with a statute that Should the people comply with a court decision. It is an insane argument. The goal Its uses. We try to be very, very clever and so. You won't get the facts in the media. One good thing about Supreme Court opinions can actually read them. And understand what the judge of justice is coming from. Course its decision is a rosy way decision that it? he will be ridiculed over time.
Does the road decision, even though people like the outcome, has been ridiculed. And so the court again as a politburo. Not a court of justice as I said in chapter one men and black, these Radicals and ropes. Is it me once said years and years ago, the american people will never be able to regain democratic self government and less shape public policy until we curb activists judges. And as I say the problem is these people lie. When the President of the republic, and especially recent conservative, they lie Because they so desperately want to be on the Supreme Court, where they can tell you and me what to do, and in this area social or cultural issues, this The court has nationalized federalized
Daimler every one of them and in no instance to uphold Traditional faith or traditional morals ever. The court is impatient. It's in a hurry. So I have some states passing laws that doing actually what the Supreme Court decided today and it, but it's not enough. You see. And then there's always this Because you're, a judge or justice doesn't mean you have a massive ego. Is matter fact, usually means you do your honour, your honor people are trying to make their case an oral argument, but your honours. The keep interrupting them because there smart. Why listen. When you can badger. Which, I believe, is one of the reasons Clarence Thomas does not speak at these oral arguments against actually, here with the parties have to say, after all, a trial court.
Motions there aren't Dorothy kinds of dispute to have that a judge has to work through at a trial. I what's the Supreme Court twenty here with the parties have to say apparently not more For what the law clerks right there with the parties had to say shame on justice, corset. Just another. Just another phony, by the way justice. What a truly stupid opinion- honest to God. It's stupid. I know in a work Wonders for your legacy, I know the New York Times is gonna love you, but that I had a bad standard. Given the fact that the New York Times covered up the holocaust does with the New York times- has to say I'll- be right. Was then spend report.
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What are we talking about the last few days and weeks time about police reform and police reform police reform? Ok got it, Things we can do, I am sure, what else don't we talk about criminals, wow criminals in other out there, we don't talk about crime. We don't talk about personal responsibility and accountability. Proper behaviour in a civil society, I keep hearing these marks as professor on tv to we gotta, ass, the system- this is data- want to address the system wanted to address the system they support. Things that challenge the system.
Things are challenged. Democrat mayors, things that challenge big, centralized government They don't want that, because That's who they are on the left. So they continue to oppose, and you ve heard me fight this for years and years and years, starting to pick up on the right school choice. This landmark legal foundation was one of the leading organizations, so for school choice successfully. How about some creation of prosperity through capitalism and entrepreneurs can have that not on another. We're going to challenge the system. No they're, not they are the system on the left I'll be right back.
Going gets tough, the tough get going now at eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. Let me tell you: what's going on in New York for tickling Brooklyn. And nobody will care be my great annoyance. Beyond the commune has been targeting Orthodox Jews and hasidic Jews in New York, Pritchett In Brooklyn now, four years. He says horrible things about them,. Because the blows is a marxist you remember, he used to support Noriega. Excuse me. We not Norway, Ortega and the and the effort in the sandinistas.
His wife is a big left us, but he's always been a hard core left us so far left even Cuomo can't stand. So DORA got arrested three proud of and he wants to cut the police budget from about six billion to four point: nine billion, just a fig He grabbed of the top of his head. But he really has a hate on for the Jews and his city. As I speak, you know what he's doing MR producer He is welding, the gates of the biggest work in the jewish community shut. So the Jews, they can't take their little kids to play in the park because That would violate his Edith. When it comes to the war on China Virus, now
What he did for. As two weeks with the protesters and writers MR producer, Right, effective support, a black lives matter, he's gonna name streets after black lives matter and every borough. Is that what he did when the trains their cause and the marching going absolutely not Absolutely not psych these governors. These governors, who it would arrest people they dare to go to church, but if they A plan parenthood or they go to it, coming Liquor store. What have you that's? Ok, stores no way How stores yes,. Gun shops. Now abortion clinics, yes, but it's actually happening now. Joel Fisher
posted. The actual welding that's taking place at the gate, its Barrow Park in Brooklyn. So you're little kid shouldn't, try and break in and actual use. The park it's a thousand people gathered yesterday at Brooklyn Museum. Protesting that system supporting Black lives matter jewish community, their welding, the gate, shut, shut. He writes authority, job Pollack at bright, Barthorpe authorities appear to have been singling out parks and jewish neighbourhoods of Brooklyn for enforcement, while large pro as has been tolerate in other parts of the same Barrow Central Park, was Full of some bathers on Sunday, according to the near posed.
And tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Brooklyn for demonstrations and support a black trans individuals, while many but war masks. There are fewer Attempts at social distancing despite corona virus me. The Plaza reportedly told contact, tracers people employed to track, movements of those confined itself. We confirm to be infected with the krona virus, not, I repeat, Not too ass patient proactively, if they ve been in, Lives matter, protest. See this isn't about following science about five, Marxism. The plaza appear to apply a double standard for months keeping the city's religious institutions shuddered, while In places where people gather, often in larger numbers to remain open, You also seems to have taken particular relishing closing down jewish communal observances in aid personally oversaw police efforts to break up a Jew funeral procession then called?
the jewish community, specifically on twitter as having broken the rules last week to like priests and three orthodox Jews soon, Governor Andrew Coma, may I d komio for a lead. Discrimination based on their lenient attitude toward black lives matter. Protest over there Oh George, Floyd and police, steady. But cracking down a religious services they pay. The populated the courts with the. Gore such an Roberts types. Complete sellouts what a joke now where's APEC. Now Where's the anti defamation lead nowhere Where's the american criminal? Nobody union Kay the ACL you nowhere. Where's J Street, nowhere they're all attacking Netanyahu. And the government in Israel are all tacking Donald Trump, but we're going
how's the system. Ladies and gentlemen, Derek red marxist mayors, destroying their cities. Governors impotent destroying their states using police powers for political reasons. Against the police certain circumstances with certain constituency groups, for place in certain circumstances, Fort constituency group. But what challenge the system. Ladies and gentlemen, not corrupt mayors, not corrupt governors, not corrupt economic policies in these cities, not corrupt Teachers, unions in these Down for the revolution, no you're not you're the system. The left. The Democrats you're the system you around the school's IRAN Hollywood.
You're on our cities, you're the system. You run our courts. Some point: that's going to become clear when the rest of us are going to lead the resistance against this. Whenever this is, You know if you haven't tried super soft choose, so beat soft truth, there really great, I'm telling you the truth. Sober, beat solve, choose combined non GMO beats with for no ingredient grape seed extract. Seed extract used and super Beach choose as pink ethically shown to be two times as effective. Supporting normal blood pressure as a healthy lifestyle alone. What does that candy? That's that's a chew starts. I. What does I call Mr Produce star that's. What they remind me of when I truly is there really good
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like trade defence, esper. Some of the other knucklehead ex generals and generals out there. You ve made it now impossible. For the President of the United States, the trigger the insurrection ACT, which, his first pass for the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, which is, used by more presidents in the last century then haven't who's that for a whole variety of reasons, and now I want to thank them. Because they undermine the commander in chief of the present the United States, and they made it enormously difficult. They get control over our streets from right away, cities and breakaway governors. Thank these generals weren't around during the civil war. The north. What a lost That's right. I said it. That's right, I said lawlessness reigns.
A criminal justice system is under attack military is under attack from within forgot sex. So you're seeing anarchy. Using the burning down a buildings, now here's the thing. Most of the people commenting on tv and online ex journals. They don't live in these communities, they have no idea. What's goin on these communities. Most em, don't set foot in these communities some who were raised in these communities, fled these communities and have no intention of going back. That's why Lebron James is stuck in my interview. Why not go back. Why not live in these communities if your multi millionaire athlete multimillionaire actor an Ex general.
If your Chris Cuomo Don lemon and all. Why aren't you living in these communities? energy policy? Why are you in a winery, Chuck, shimmer. What does that full live in a batcave? I have no idea, I know where they don't live to be a fascinating. Ass, the gate of journalist project. Define out where all these athletes actually live. What coming is no doubt in Sis quickly, races, communities define I we're all these broadcasters lit. Find out where all these Hollywood types there, where we know Hollywood, but just to make them Fine, I we're all these politicians live. Even politicians are represent a number of these areas. Where do they actually live. Would that be fascinating. Mister booth. Where do they also in their schools that they go into these communities and send their kids to these? It now.
But we got a fix, the system you know and how do we do keep electing A la bronze putting together voting group. What are they going to do vote for Republicans not? Damn one and it soon. And constantly we need to talk about the sub coming election. Because, in the end it all Did defeating Trump. And taking the Senate. He's control the entire federal government. That's the goal. Will they talk about changing the system, the truth, they are the system works, outsiders the constitutional lists worthy Outsiders, you see it she was done by the Supreme Court today. How come there's no talk about criminals and crime. How come it the cops,
We can have debates about loose killing home in our cities. No! No! You can't do that more port, We pull down confessed statues and now can approve a single human beings. Life then matter the system we gonna burn down the system. But you are the systematic I'll be right back I am posting something I hope you'll go on my twitter and Facebook and take a look at on posting a right. Now, you know the reduced us can record. You got Give me you give credit here: they
Simply cut the gates open and sent their kids into at least one of these parts, the major park, so I hope you'll take a look at that and unpaid the following: the juice of survived over thirty five hundred years and faced horrific evil, and I Though easily survived to here, but that said the cities being killed of course, pen. Why are you Have you join Maya, Twitter Facebook sites admonished all the time, not mentioning this enough. If you're not part of the liver night family, you really should be. I post. A lot is poor mister producer, I said anything to him and asked him the postman, and you know going through the back of MR producers was mine, what isn't he learn had opposed this himself? His wife, must be all over him on. He's been doing a long time anyway,.
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stir dotcom promo code mark. Blind sturdy com, promo code mark. I've got a lot more to jump into an I'm actually gonna. Take some your calls next hour to, and if any Out there knows Lebron James, tell a mark, Looking to have on the programme so we can discuss, when it is that he's promoting I'll, be right back from the westward one podcast network,
easy now broadcasting on roaming underground, the members than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of my money market. Here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three at one: what's the squeeze in the last hour, first of all, John Bull. I've known John Bolton for decades considered, I'm a friend, He has made a number of other people to help lobby the president for his appointment to national security adviser, which I was happy to do. Now. He knew that he had some serious disagreements with the president, but he also knew that he was there to serve the president to help the President implement its policies and give him his opinion.
As he shut and then the president will make the final decisions. John, is very strong ego, very strong personality. But also thirty was quite silent. I've never been more wrong in my life. I've been calling this a tell all book, it's not even that. When you serve as national security adviser to a president of the United States, he asked complete faith in you. Even if you both come to severe loggerheads. Even if you're fired or you resign. You don't turn around and then do great damage to the office of the presidency by setting a standard precedent. By turning on the present, the United States embolden thought the things that the president was doing When the time he was there were teachable were dangerous,
We all conceived- or any other word you want to use Then he should have resigned then and there, but he didn't And truthfully she really wanted to make his case. Then he should have signed a lucrative book deal just make a case. I've never seen anything more sleazy, quite frankly You sit in the most. Important meetings. You give get confidential information and advice. The president has your trust in you have his, even though you may not get along very well. I don't know the details. But I've never seen a national security adviser to present do anything like this and so he'll wrap it up and drama.
These differences with the president that we read the press appears and trumpet lesson and on and on and on. Visa child upset with his parents There are a lot of people out there who don't like John Lotta people, workmen at the Department of Justice who don't like John. They don't like the way he he spoke Treated them and so forth, and so on. That's the nature being and high office for a long time. But now he is exploiting the position he out he's exploiting. The president. He's trying to do maximum damage to the office to the president. Frankly, trying to get Joe Biden elected. Absolutely shameless
Martha rabbits is very excited: she's already posted he's the man, the president, doesn't want you to hear so end Constitutional issues, Martha rabbits, is just too stupid or for partisan, remember, Obama, the Obama's attended her wedding That's the kind of headline they give. I just sat down with John Bob and present a transformer trusted advisor for sclusively one on one interview. She writes with no question off limits, wash the special events Sunday at nine. On ABC bob knows exactly what he's doing she knows exactly what they're doing he was aided by the media. Now her beloved until they hate him again but hobby. He's what the common issues to call useful idiots. And unfortunately, Johns become a useful idiots. Even more troubling to me, because I Very close to this man for decades is his lawyer Chuck Cooper.
And he and I worked very closely together in a department of justice. An old friend, a good friend. Not anymore. When bolt needed a lawyer who did he higher Chuck Cooper. Chuck Cooper said it could have said nobody said yes. If the president is defeated in particle beyond me, On the hands of Bolton Cooper above The coop resolve. Often represents conservative causes. I want nothing to do with them from here and out period.
All these forces are arrayed against this president really arrayed against us, the american people Keep turn about the president's poles. They blame. The pandemic on the president. They blame the riots on the president, even though it has nothing to do with any of it. He doesn't give a unity speech. He gave six of the marks. Are they didn't do enough, but I, like the way tweets, Rich Lowry, says. They impeach this man. They try to defeat is candidacy. I tried a coup They try to criminal investigation, Obama, walk Scot free. He is sold himself to corporations left and right, and so is his wife. They gotta be three hundred four hundred million dollars. But they're down for the revolution, to other words their part of the left.
The universe, post a city and be upset with a phrase of the presidential do this should do that the lawlessness inside the remit, the lawlessness outside the government is unparalleled. And that for somebody like Bolton, who knows better to do what he's doing. Ah, he has just assassinated his own character. And sources lawyer. There's way too much at stake here: wants to be a morose, a fine baldness Amargosa go for. And if the lawyer wants to be a lawyer for a year. Four sleazy act like this, then chuckle. As you have hope, it's worth it. I hope it's worth the money again. But this is being hyped up by his publisher being here
up by the media. Causer all excited they think here is efforts to take out the present United States, you know even from being the National Security advisor to the probe? President has privileges to protect the office verse. Villages and there's a long place Events Balkan from doing exactly what he's doing. Exactly what he's doing. It's got a lawyer, a lawyer. Who supposed to advise them not to do exactly what he's doing doesn't matter. Shame on them. Unlike other house, I call these people out by name. Look I have A small circle of friends who I trust and family. And there's a reason for that is the reason for that.
I am deeply sorry that I helped him. But he had never display this kind of disloyalty cowardice before, but there various smile. Laugh up with Martha rabbits. Shocking Absolutely shocking I want you to listen the truck Todd, there's two media, Figures that I want you to listen to tonight, one Chuck time? One is brine stuff. These individuals inherited big job, particularly Todd Here here he inherited from TIM Russet. And boy who miss the days of TIM, ruptured, Timorously Democrat who were for fairly moderate Democrats, senators, who Work hard really worked hard to be a straight journalist, Chow
Todd is not a stranger. Chuck tied. His water De Brian Doubt his wallet or anti. These are people who lie enormous disservice to this country. And yet the righteous about it self righteous. Three ignoramus they're not bright, and they don't care I call them kamikaze report because they're in this too like buying and destroyed trump. Here is Chuck Tata MSNBC and I held on this on Friday, our friends and news busters anything Came to the lady, car. Had a Jones who's, the author of the sea, one nineteen project. The big lie.
The big lie: the trashes America's history, she's been called by Pulitzer Prize winners, but Chuck TA doesn't care Chuck Todd ADA, promoted agenda he and his death. At operative wife cut three go how do you make sure it doesn't thing? What is it That makes your doesn't fade. Obviously, what's he talking about How do you make sure a dozen Faye meaning the protests, the riots, the upheaval, the anarchy. How do you make sure? Doesn't fate start the top please cut three go. How do you make sure it doesn't thing? What is it to make sure doesn't fade. Obviously it's on us in the press to make sure it doesn't fade right. We have to hear their union Thus, in the press to make sure this doesn't fade, certainly up to the election. The old days. This guy would be given the hook.
As a complete fraud, but today he's given awards. Gives expensive speeches. How do we make sure doesn't fade? How do we make sure doesn't fade? Obviously it's it's on us in the press to make sure it doesn't fade right. We have to follow. You go ahead, Bob make make sure we know. Ok, I use betting, this money. What are you doing? But what would you say to the activists? Movement? now keep in mind. This is MSNBC on four there's, a news programme go ahead. I think the activists are going to do what they ve been doing. Activists are constantly pushing. I mean you look at what only one country activists use you supposed to be celebrated in honour, not the tea party, not the people, one of their lives back several weeks ago by activists, By peaceful protests, they mean
core left. They mean black lives matter, they even mean some of them Antigua, but that's what they mean. The anarchists, marxist movement, that will help elect Democrats? That's the base. Go ahead. Help to bring to fruition in the five years that is existed, even though we re media that covering them as much, they were still working in. That's clear, I think, what's important is for who can amplify these movements. We have a very short of attention span as well, and I think it is important for us to not just a month from now if these protests have died out to forget to go back and check where these problems follow through on where there are large onwards. We must instigate more this. That's where we in the media muster. If you have on freedom of the press,. Just read the first trap. It lays it all out.
This is exactly what's goin on these are social activists. These are statist progressives. Radicals. They ve been journalism. Professors, among others, have had enormous influence on this. And of our Ivy League is cool. Some clowning J Rosen among others. This the new journalism, which means no journalist. No free press go ahead. I did the corporate structure because I think that's also the issue we cannot merely rely on That the benign gestures of corporations to fix these problems, these our largest structural problems and government, has to play a role as well she's a loose person who works for the New York Times so The system, but we need government. I would love to debate any of them, but none of them would you invite Nicole, had a Jones on my programme. Mr Brittan, I mean, I know it's point labelling. Let's make an effort, it go ahead.
Yeah government may play a leading role, not just a role. That's for sure this into this idiot absolute before. What are you send? Your kids truck government needs not me. You know I'm just keep it going, gotTA, keep it down We come back. I want to show you how Brian stouter. Treats guest. I want to show you how it treats a woman is that, because you know damn well brine, start to work, conservative any was treating a A liberal lawyer who worked for Asia Democrat president or candidate. That's what you would be hearing but Princeton. There is clearly one of the dumbest and one of the nastiest people in broadcasting. And I'll be right back then
Generales, a senior legal adviser to the trunk campaign. I've never met or never spoke door were bright, Stealth, euro unseen and yesterday, let's get this started on CNN. Poland cut tango this pole with so skewed that the margin of error was fourteen points behind the only reason that stand and publish this is because its junk science, you know that- and you know that if your Paul had showed the inverse and show Joe Biden fourteen points behind you wouldn't have published to this poor and so many others always commercially that you're not you're. Unless you're not putting out facts, you are putting out activism. These does try your big news and why you're going and observe between Now- and I'm referred the entire media strategy all the way to election day. What others do have the attack in the media actually helps you
well bring your I'm actually defendant an occurrence lawsuit from the campaign against CNN for publishing false in defamatory statements couched in an opinion, peace, and so there is an issue that is more than a hundred who's out, where the last for Roma Junior. So let me finish our you re just going to interrupt me this whole time, or can we actually have a reasonable dialogue? This is why everyone calls you fake news, because you finally bring me on to actually talk about things and then yet you just interrupt me. Won't. Let me make my point. So minor Gama resulted in this divergence. Told I horse- and it is important to interrupt when you wouldn't know the age old adults rather than registered, particularly my hormonal voter doth, not alone histories land are all adults only only render the present that's actually really important. We should know what valises, while I mind wheeled around a level that words are you really willing to stand by such a junk science pole when it's all by the waiting, Trump and time now November, more
poles or our slowly. She went all loose end of marriage, obscene and the ball is in line with other least Ryan is not whether or not their registering. The fact is that, like clay, voters and registered voters are the ones that are going to show up in November. Third and those polls show President Trump either ahead of abiding by the eight point, margin that I just described from this report that was published June eleventh- or at least I within a much tighter margin, time to play. The second have for this, which I will but it's quite personal. Doesn't MR produce, I just don't think stop. There has the temperament the experience for the entire, agents to do it is doing, but then think Chuck Todd. Does he these guys got these jobs at a very young age and they got big responsibilities at a very young age, And they have been train and they have been taught by the worst of the worst Andrew
back, among others in the case of of Chuck Todd, and Jeff mother sucker in the hey so stouter. These aren't good teachers leftists he's gone all the hell. Problem. Is there at their gunning for Trump, while the second half of this, when I return, will be right back, do you have a dog back there, your radio, you must be listening to my club. Aim of owning call a seven seven volume, one three, eight one, one new nation of chop: misty producing, more attention paid to this than any city in America right now, nation of chop. Should get no water, no sewage, no electricity.
They should have to grow their own food make their own clause. Not and go just take a crime taping rapid around there I wonder if any the people that sure this on in Washington or in the meteor, whereby, if they like to live there, you see these other people want to live with what they call the systemically racist people I don't know who that is I find it very well, but we who they don't want to live with, because they don't. Second part of this Jenna Alice senior legal advisor for trunk campaign, but Brian stouter senior cars, on it for the bag and campaign. Colonel eleven go, it is over
Your pull that shows him fourteen points behind, and the only reason for that is because you refuse to go along with the industry standards and pull actual likely. Voters are registered voters rather than just rules, and you also only Polanco legalise illegal com republic ends of all around them. Don't run one of these acts. Don't you like me, sir. I see and hear of tyres and one from them all your sovereign journalist You call yourself a journalist, brain energy or job to report, the facts and and let the people decide your ratings are so bad and so in the tank, because we lack a nose but CNN publishes activist agenda against President transceiver rather than relate only to animals on cable. Reviewing the reins are so low wages, untruths matter, but on true? Why would you bother coming on
because you asked me that it's important that your viewers are for the few that there are that they get the facts and the truth, and I'm always has eaten one, why they are united and wishing back on going in a less about their seen in has one of the biggest haughtiness and cable since the riots since the riots. And same chuck tie that's why they say: how do we keep this going? How do we keep this going. In I just wish name different neighborhoods, were worth, did by this united me Mister producer. I just wish all the Thea, the Lee cheerleaders for riots and looting and pretend that its peaceful this wish those neighborhoods were unaffected. And the neighbourhoods of those just keep prodding this on. Who think this is swell who benefit from this you are the ones who keep tapping the ratings.
What is a good president Trump in a day at a time like this, Why is it that CNN cares about ratings at a time like this, you idiot. You are the ones who keep telling the ratings go ahead thing that present Tromp cares about facts and truth and, as a journalist, you should care about facts ensure than to stand by and large enough. I want to get the something else here and good for taking a modern confronting him. That's what conservative should do game? sterling- and this is from last week- but it's very important- is the Georgia Statewide white voting implementation manager- and I want to address this because Lebron James had something that was absolutely untrue. The other day he a conspiracy because, Stacy Abrams there's these long lines and there's gotta be reason or in other words its racist.
Because Lebron James has not educated about how this works, the counties decide in these counties. Many them are majority black counties. Where many of the decision makers are black. But that doesn't matter to Lebron James he's, I cannot stand still long enough to actually informer, sir but he's not alone. This is Propaganda, that's been out there for a long time, so Chris Cuomo, dumb as they come raw sterling that this goes on a few minutes. You gotta listen to a beginning to end again had Tipp NEWS, busters cut twelve go, and here is the tragedy of the travesty- that the president has created on this issue. We have a real voter since remember when any travesty there is the president is created. All roads lead to Trump right all roads, no matter what that's how sick this is insane go ahead
One is playing out now proof. Please put the picture backup nobody's look at my nose. This has been going on Georgia's primary a mess all day. An evening, most the problems have been in and around Atlanta. Why that's what we're going to discuss. People waited for hours in the middle of a pandemic. While we know why cause you ve, basically talkers attack african American right, the bronze tells us that's. Why case, well, let's move on to pull, Batteries that no it's slow down and listen, go ahead. Let's talk about exactly that for some context for people twenty eighteen, eighty seven thousand people are prevented from voting disproportionate number were people of color young voters, groups. Typically favouring Democrats, Georgia, has closed five percent of polling places since the Supreme Court invalidated the Voter Rights ACT.
To those are in black and brown communities, you get the point. People are concerned that what they saw about this, this guy's really Anne S Head I am quite didn't invalidate the Voting Rights ACT, voting rights, With respect to what's taking place is irrelevant states that have been under the thumb of the federal government for decades, without any proof whatsoever of corn, unquote, systemic racism. Always even under the original Voting Rights ACT had to have a way to get out from under federal control, but you see that's the problem. No, it's not! That has nothing to do with anything, go ahead, what they seem before, which is disfranchised disenfranchisement of minorities who tend to vote damage this guy's a news host so still enfranchisement of minorities had seemed of minorities that voting Rights ACT was an extended, even though most of it was doesn't matter it says in the system is rigged.
Now. Of course, you and flame people you provoke People? You up said people when this here this day in and day out from the dumbest When beings in the country who get maker get their head than get in front of a camera and Burke their way, To multi millionaire status go ahead, take. Well the reality we using in Georgia today as a function of the current situation. In large part, we did lose many bowling places because, as summertime schools were closed, churches opted out. Vfw halls opted out Enfolding County specifically, they lost forty locations and collapsed many those locations into mega precincts, which saw a lot of his amazingly long lights. We said this is not our fault uncanny, there's a Lana this. Is the state wide voting implementation manager and what he was saying. There's we told them that collapsing. Those precincts And having these super big precincts was a mistake, go
you find other alternative locations and those kind of polling closures and things are discussing are literally county decisions are made. The cannon level in the state has zero ability to tell them not to do that. Although the Secretary of State has is a a bill, salami interpret that for the race baiters out there. That means in in county, which is much of a land of most of Atlanta, were discussed makers. Are minorities. They made the decisions. Out here in the state republican governor and a lot of guys we told to do this they did in anyway, ok I'm talking language that that I hate. Because this has presented this way by the media and others. It has We confront it, go ahead. There are lines of over an hour at any time. During the day, you have over two thousand people registered at all in place. The split that Poland place or supply more machines. To do it now we saw today too, was
as an example and folding counted. My home country at a library door. Sir TE machines there were sent there, but the rules of covert spacing only live for voters at a time into those places, those the realities trying to get pole workers trade, because we loss of the majority of our poor workers, the average age of seventy, so we lost man is polar, so imprudent the counties recruited new poor workers that they had to train during cove. It is very difficult to do hands on training with equipment when you can't get more than ten people in a roof over. You have the same problem in two thousand eighteen win. You're just incorrect, we ve never had these machines before their brand. New machines are no. The problem is not twenty eight teen. Eighty seven thousand people were prevented from voting. A disproportionate number were people of color and young voters. I agree with you that you knew that you had anticipation of a huge turn out yet prepare for it doesn't seem you did and its
Can we being better if you're gonna be able to not handle the demand and it's nice? They do it in places. At the end of a Democrat. Those in those counties where we wanted in tangible Democrats are run by Democrats and they are the ones who set the elections more as they are the ones who hire luddites. I saw so the guy has repeat himself because Chris is slow. That's why my buddy Chris plant. Point him as freight O Cuomo, because that's what he is then Eddie. So these are counties run by Democrats. This county run by african american Democrats. They decide where all the precincts are going to go. They decide how many precincts there's going to be They decided in twenty eighteen go ahead.
You ve been saying for years as problems unfolded, Sultan counties paid hundreds of thousands of fines for violating election rules. They this repeatedly over and over again you can go back and look. I'm sorry fade away from your humble blown counties. A hundred fifty of them had almost no problem whatsoever and they all receive the same level of trade and secretary of state. We train the trainers, account his are in charge of training. The pull workers were gold and learn from this you're right this morning, sorted out terribly, Especially in fault encountered some locations in the cab Fulton. And Cobb and it, but for the most part, once we got that the issue is fixed always just didn't know how to handle this equipment. The lies are moving. At the same time, when you have one or people lined up an appalling location. Only only last six at a time when drawn same gave his look. I'm not looking to ascribe animas, I'm just saying, while allowing these just did it idiot for the last several minutes.
More than Animus race guy it it's done so the narrative is a lie, but it's out there sprang push by famous people like Jane Being pushed by freight, oh here, it's been put Stacy Abrams on and on, and on appalling. Really, but now you know the facts. Unfortunately, in this time of day factional matter, I'll, be right back, let's go to her. She roughly art the Great W B C. Has she watched eyebrow
Thank you for letting me talk to undo. Shall I love you? I always loved you and thank you for letting me calling my audio dejected about you show up. Had she has she no promotion? What's goin on up about what you have it, I want you to tell you that I didn't do anything special. I live in community for thirty five years. Brooklyn things one at a time, Brooklyn ballpark jewish community here represent park, is an advocate invite took in twenty one kids in my eyes, one at a time of people as much as I can. We feel about thirty people every day with what they get it. Has she they countries a big country. They want to know why you're calling me
I'm telling you I they closed. My part Hagen actually targeted. My neighborhood, where other parks opened mayor specifically keeps telling them to continue at the Dutch. Do is community and I felt bad because I myself, my children, grandchildren and hug me to nephew the nieces need these parts open for some very much into special needs. Children need to take their children out so well. What so here you have become yo. Whose ordering that these these sir, the these parks be shot he's using locks and chains he's using wellbeing. So you do about it But it s very simple. I call him executive idiot device you, but what I did was around four hundred pound guy, I'm gonna. Let those large me I'm gonna cut. Do you need to cut back on those potato lack? Is my brother, the white with thirty two years had elapsed before job. I bet I know, but you want to live right.
I want to live and I'm gonna them to wait. I probably heard I want you to know that I myself do one thing at a time that these blocks belong to me and my kids in my neighbors kids and I went what why you're doing it. I'm sorry I went I relax? I may protest. I made valleys with the kids. I had support for my neighbours in family, the police there stood the acute beyond. I spoke to the chief. I spoke to my local out from it becoming a guy. My assemblymen instinct had been. Why do you think the comical keeps targeting thee, how seated community he hates us? He really is jealous of us that we're not burning outlook stout. He sent the police and shares in which I personally talk to and asked him to come in the very good job. We support our police and he wants to hurt us and I myself will cut one pocket time. I'm gonna open up every single point of myself. If I have to go myself and got it myself, I promise you that I will get it done, because I've done at the thirty five years and I'm gonna
Done one at a time I got two more I wish I could do more. I just think it is really outrageous. That this marxist keeps targeting your space, the community, while he's encouraging black lives matter. Encouraging people to two March and MOSS, undermining the police officers left and right in that city. He's got a real hate on for you guys. I can tell you that That's why I'm hoping to get into the city council next year, I'm gonna increase the police budget, and not only am I gonna watch the police, I'm gonna get onto the deal b. We frivolously issues. Violations to jewish community for crack sidewalks for holding the sidewalk for not signing of job is actually torture me back and finding us and the man has no mercy whatsoever loan. You right now mark and promising your mom. Are you gonna run for office areas? I am running Watch. What your last name, my mistress,
the idea tat, we are going to vote for the City Council. I'm gonna be a charge her now haitian. If you want to knock on all the doors you you got, a drop, a few am quite serious from trying to help you get a drop a little bit. You got to take care of your health, but I look forward to it. Keep up the fight there, we're all behind you in this country. We salute our armed forces, police officers. God bless you, emergency personnel, firefighters! Thank you all. In America, thank you for listening long as I'm here, and I will see you tomorrow. God bless him be safe from the westward one podcast network,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-16.