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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/12/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Senator Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor announced that the 1023 form confirmed there are 17 secret recordings of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and a Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden. The recordings were kept as an insurance policy by the Burisma executive, whose name was redacted on an unclassified document. This shows why President Trump was indicted on bogus charges; they knew the knowledge of these tapes would come out and covered up for the Biden crime family yet again. Also, Congress passed the presidential records act because they decided presidential records should not belong to a president on their way out the door and have only existed since 1981 and were enacted under President Reagan. Before then, a president could take anything they wanted with them, including classified information. Why is it that no other former President has been prosecuted under the espionage act despite the fact there have been other Presidents that have done what Trump has? It was never imagined that an anti-spy statute would apply to a President, but the DOJ under Biden and the Pravda Democrat media are changing that.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy. Now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the america mark levine. Here are number eight. Haven't seven three, eight one: three, eight one: one Seven, seven, three, eight one create one one: presidential records act. This is very important you're, going to no more than anybody else by the time I'm done.
Presidential records jack, it's amazing thing being here year show deny p m when we have all kinds of sports events and play And all the rest of it. Dinner, and so forth, now get into these heavy issues, and you still show up. That's too your great credit. not hearing very well my headphones? It should, despite my messing around with these knobs here in any event,. The president records act and nineteen seventy eight congress this law Jimmy carter cited in the law They decided that As an inch or record shouldn't belong. They present on the way out the door that they were too for this first time in history, they made this decision and they applied.
in nineteen? Eighty one forward. So it's really only been on the books for little over forty years and its really only been relevant for the west. for years, or so they are They made an arrangement, were richard Nixon. Did the government hate him several million dollars for his records for his papers, but before then a present a good take anything a present of one or two with him or her, including classified information. I want the tool bar and some of my colleagues and I dont say to be rude. I say this to debate them, because even Jonathan Turley loose been superb. Why is it that no president
and prosecuted for violating the espionage. Since nineteen seventeen, despite the fact. There was no presidential records act and forced into Nineteen, eighty one and one didn't pass until nineteen seventy eight. That is a president in classified information with them, why would they prosecuted under section: seven, nine, three e that prohibit Among other things, wilfully retaining national defence information and failing to deliver it to a proper official. What happened It was never viewed applicable to a president, Yes, baron was never viewed as applicable to a president or a former president which why I posted that last week. Let me repeat it so,
adventures and legal analyse can repeat everything I've been saying which they're trying to I said, donald trump. If he's found. Only one charge would spend the russians life in prison and die there? I said that on Hannity and that's been regurgitating. But let me continue with this point. Why is it that no former president even before there was a nineteen seventy presidential records act which took it. Active nineteen eighty one wires No president from nineteen seventy one tonight in eighty one was charged, with violating the espionage act retaining national debt information, because it was never imagined Not even dreamed up
ty spies statue would apply to a former president that, Number one should an interesting even heard that, despite all these days of. common on this and we're really help me as they bring people on with no constitutional background or historic background. Whatever commentary, There's analysts who just spew their stupidity, and then they bring lawyers. little constitutional knowledge whose people area seekers, their former federal prosecutors, and then we have constant international eliza come on who don't know what the hell they're talking about. It's amazing. It's amazing so all of a sudden they found the espionage act only, tromp, you see ever took a single sentence of national essential information with him. Never before
why? How do we know that we do? In fact we can probably opposite. There are Parts of presidential libraries, to my knowledge, all of them, but maybe just some but demand. Draw them. Considered off grounds general public, will have to get permission to Certain parts of the library and reach files. What is at the heart of that happen anyway?. So there's presidential records act just passed a nineteen. Seventy eight goes in effect, nineteen eighty one starts being applied. The reagan administration forward. Now here's some relevant parts of this law that people through around that you may not be aware of.
I want you to be aware of it We get along Yeah hammering going on you know, I only had thirty It's. I wish I had two hours. I could have explained it, but here we are on radio, which serves a important purpose. it establishes public ownership of all presidential records and defines the term press. Essential records for the first time required said, vice presidential records be treated in the same way as presidential records for the first time. Places responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent president. Your records ready for this one with the president. requires that the president and his staff take all practical steps to file personal record separately from presidential record. Remember these.
Should be for this was that these records were the property of the of the outgoing president. allows the incumbent president to dispose of records and no longer have administrative, historical information, evidentiary value, one the views of the archivist, the united states on the proposed as possible. been obtained in writing. That's not relevant here, but what is interesting is even if the archives, Disagrees the president can still destroy them. Establishes a law that any incumbent president record whether textual electronic held on courtesy storage by the archivist remain in the exclusive legal custody of the president Any request, or order for access to such records must be made to the president.
Not to the national archive. No wonder jack. The Ripper smith did not cite the president. record jacked? In his forty nine pages of indictments. It establishes that presidential records automatic. we transfer into the custody the archivist as soon the President leaves office. Establishes a process by which the president may restrict and the public may obtain access to these records after the press, leaves office specifically. The pierre re allows for public access to presidential records through their freedom, information act beginning five, Five years after the end of the administration, which of course had not occurred,
now's the president to invoke as many as six specific restrictions, the public asset access for up to twelve years. Clarifies the process by which former unencumbered president's reviews for executive privilege, pride of public order some records by their national archives establishes prick ages for congress courts and subsequent administrations to obtain quota. Special access to records from the national archives. there remain closed to the public following a wedge review period for the former unencumbered president's. You see the control that a former president has numerous documents. The procedures governing such special access require request content. To be governed by doesn't matter status, preservation requirements for official business conduct
it using non official electronic messaging accounts any and creating presidential records must use non official electronic messaging accounts. That would be like hilary. unless left individual, copies and official a cap as messages created or for its complete copy of the record to an official message. I got. This is why Hillary Clinton had deep. which serve in our home with a specific. Reason of violating the presidential record, acting getting around it prevention individuals convicted of a crime. Does a man doesn't matter. So president trump has a dispute with the archives. They say
I he took a whole bunch of boxes and even contained classified information. So what so? What While those records belonged ass well, the present a period of time to review those records to make his own determination to what it says, but what about last friday for me doesn't say anything about that. And even make a distinction about. So how do you square the president records act of nineteen? Seventy eight with the us. The energy active nineteen. Seventeen. You doubt. because the espionage act of nineteen seventeen was never intended to apply to our former president. There's nothing and I look nothing
in the original legislator record that supports what's being done today. There is nothing Many of the amendments that imply this nothing, you can't really square the two statutes and your one was passed in nineteen. Seventy eight And became applicable nineteen eighty one and not a single former president from nineteen seventeen again for the third time. I want the back benches to regurgitate this from nineteen seventeen the nineteen eighty one has ever been charged ever been charged. Under the espionage act period. But under the specific section. It is less throughout the indictment section. Seven nine three e
this is the most muddy exception. It's the one they cling to that prohibits. Wilfully retaining national defence information and fell to deliver it to their proper official. Now this further demonstrate To you, and should, however, I just want to get a warrant. How ray yes, it was TAT ate up armed fbi, swat team said to the president's home in florida. There are still many years available to have these negotiations what should and should not be considered should ensure not presidential or whatever five years, five years, but the archives. What the department of justice.
Probably, for the first time ever in the department of justice couldn't wait to sharpen its teeth. Bill Clinton had tapes in his socks drawer when he left the president. Those tapes re aggregate of a number of interviews he did with reporters. I guess and others that his presidency and judicial watch sued under the free Information and its judge, Jackson and obama point tee in Washington DC, who is a horrific judge.
Please direct the archives to get those tapes and we want copies of. judge jackson looked at the presidential records jack, not the espionage act, It's an records act. What you say. MR producers, as I have to go, I want to finish I'll be right back much. If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k, balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that bill something that could help if you have an eye array or for one k, physical go In your eye array, the world goal council says even central banks are buying tons of gold, but what is it?
You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend them. My friends and family. You should call augustine get there, also guide the gold. I raise feels good to know that another savings option? Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids, five, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven cents, for gold ira, eight, seven, seven, Our gold, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta. Press metals tat come. I wanna be very, very clear about this. Under the
Presidential records act in the first instance the records or with president, unless the president gives them all to the archives. But there's a period of time the president can take to go through. I came to make its own decisions. He's in no hurry to do it at no time has. Been a criminal of potential, But hangs over the president's head at no time Consumers have the record one. I personally the president. Our under his control, the responsibility for custody and management of incumbent president. Your records with the president.
so he has boxes any moves them around where we had a subpoena further, though pino were illegitimate. I'm gonna get and this in much more detail. Stick with me I'll? Be right? Back If we ve learned anything over the past two years, it's that unexpected things can happen, for example, Average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year according to fidelity. We didn't expect that, but here's something could help. If you have an eye array or for a one k, physical go in your eye array, the world goal council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that You learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there, the best I recommend them to my In family, you should call augustine get there. Also. Guide to gold. I raise feels good
There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals at eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven so For god, I re eight seven, seven, four gold consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at august. Precious metals, dotcom pool our moral terms. We deliberately atrophied tyranny called on multiple. Having show now at eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one Distraction rule twenty twelve federal district judge appointed by burma. Under the statutory scheme established by the president to record that the disease in a segregate personal materials, and I read that part of the statute to you from That ensure records is made by the president, I'm quoting her by the president's term, and it is sold discretion
Jackson, wrote in march twenty twelve decision and they didn't appeal at either since the press It is completely entrusted with management and even the disposal of presidential records during his time in office be difficult for this court. To conclude that congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what it considers to be. Personal record. She added and the judge did a president could destroy any record. He wanted during tenure and is only responsibility, was to inform the archives, jackson, also king that a decision to challenging present its decision, lie solely with the national archives and cannot be reviewed by court. If the archives wants to how is a decision that agency and the attorney general- can initiate an enforcement mechanism under the law, But it is a civil procedure.
has no criminal penalties. On the classification issue. Both president george w bush on Barack obama sign. second of orders, which remain in force to this day, declaring their presidents have sweeping authority to declassify see rich and do not have to follow the mandatory disk de classification procedures, all government officials do why cause he's the president he's the only one mentioned in the constitution. They don't mention all the year while little run around pipes all the layers of bureaucracy, because there weren't any there weren't any. So when nobody says, if he's found guilty of half these charges each toast but build, should have said if he was actually educated in informed about these issues was first of all
governments can have to get through a number of motions that are going to be filed, challenging this it's no press former president was a retard withering moving. or even holding class information or any other information from nineteen. Seventeen when the espionage jack was passed. A nineteen eighty one when they presidential records act, takes force in lieu of any Conceivable application of the espionage act. That's, the one number two. He should have carefully walk the audience through the presidential records which he did not do. Because he's in trump hate mode- and I would scared using him as a as a guest because he stared uninformed or bodily dishonest about what he sat. Number three.
Presidential records that gives a president enormous power because I urge the president to record Jackie all that but market produce did matter present would take These things with him, they have these presidential libraries and they would segregate class information from other information at the president's behest And even here there saying it said the president's passed under the president. Records act right spot It's for the customer management of income and presidential records. As with the president, The president established that take all practical steps to file personal records separately from presidential record. stab lectures on law that any incumbent presidential records, whether textual or I count on courtesy, storage by the archivist remain
exclusive legal custody of the president and that any request water for access to such records must be made to the president. Not the archive see you There they're even building a distinction. About the power that he has any? The record should be. automatically transferred in illegal custody archivist as soon as the present leaves office. But the president has control over the president, the former president, he could restrict access to the record. He can restrict public access to records. He can restrict the current president from having access to the records, hake and restrict the current government
from having access to the records with a few exceptions which are irreplaceable here inapplicable. Here. If congress, the court's subsequent administrations, would obtain special access to the records from. national archives, even though they remain the president's record. Even though they remain the president's records, they have to be a review. Governing such special access requests, they review by the former president. stability, is preservation requirements for official business. Can? did using non official electronic messaging accounts and that's where hilary got all gummed. But you understand so there are
Very clear issues here and some ambiguity here, but to go to port and get a warrant and for the judge to be so ignorant about the presidential records act. because the other side doesn't have to be there. Necessarily with aspects of this. And then to do a swat team, seizure of all the records, because they, The boxes were being moved even though they subpoenaed the records. You have the role it back. under what authority did they subpoena the records bs? jack. What. It's been directors would apply to this: their presidential records act applies, and you know and a search warrant Bring a simple matter to a court to try Jane the records you dont, criminalize it and then
Criminalizing you see, we get the obstruction issues that they can there's no obstruct and all the rest of it hundreds of years in prison, the trappers face. If you're a careful member, this guy got in trouble with this pre importing and eighty zero decision. One had to accuse the bob mcdonald case, Bringing it up and bringing it up and bringing it up in virginia is reversed by eight to zero a trial jury refused to convict John Edwards. I keep get up and bringing it up and bringing it up. Basin this guy's charges. Why? Well, in that case, Bob Mcdonnell they took an ethics law and stretched it and the jury went for it in the appellate court, went for it, but the supreme court. So wait a minute. You have to have notification, you have to due process. That's not what the statute says. Eighty zero and three
And he did the same thing with an election law. The fairy election law in north carolina. What are ya Get that the money that donors gave him specifically to put up is his girlfriend. An apartment, and so forth was an illegal contribution. Why Same thing, the idiot manhattans doing, while he did it to cover up the fact he had an affair and that is his girlfriend was pregnant. Therefore, it was a contribution to his campaign. While juries they went up and that no contribution to his campaign. Any laws that end here. Taking the espionage rack absolutely pulling it in Direction and on other sorts unrecognisable and utterly completely ignored
President chirac reject. Now I guarantee you trumps lords will bring this up, but they shouldn't have to the court that ordered the search shut the worn, the court should have brought it up special council, went to the attorney general and we're going to charge donald trump with thirty seven cats. The attorney general should have brought it up. former attorney general of the united states, who keeps going on tv. Making an ass out of himself cos Utterly ignorant when it comes to this and all the others who are commenting on this for the most part, who do not reference presidential record jack, and do not reference. The fat. That the espionage act has never applied to a former president. Why, and others are first want to take classified information. That is impossible.
Because we already know that that's impossible, but even if they did it doesn't matter These two laws cannot be squared. The criminalization of this really has been hijacked when the presidential records acts specifically does not provide for criminal penalties. Does it applies to a former president who used to be able to take off records with them and they hell with anybody else. It presidential records which was very carefully drawn up to ensure. That the president, the former president, both would have said Again, authority.
Never contemplated the use of the espionage act with respect to classified information. Never, and then this happens. Why? Because you have in administration- and a prosecutor were looking to do exactly what they did Just as they will in atlanta georgia, we have another democratic the criteria. Who will, among other things, I predict pretty obvious, actually. in charges about trying to obstruct the transfer of power and violate the the joy election processes because of so called fake electors? There's no such thing as fake elected. You send your own set of electors, because the elections close and you.
sure what congress will do, whether the count your electorate so the other parties electors who was done hawaii in nineteen sixty two Catalyst pointed out such a crime. less of course, goes to criminalize everything. And then I want to add this if I'm wrong, which I'm not but let's play around, if I'm wrong. Then my pants must be charged with this. seven. Ninety three violation: seven, ninety: three of the espionage. While we only had one document doesn't say you have to have two or two thousand he be charged with a crime, I'm wrong, Joe Biden must be charged with multiple crimes under the esben. Jack ever set under seven. Ninety three: he must.
although there is a correct argument made that you can indicted sitting president that secondary that's beside the point causes Actual council stilton writer report, if the specialists but council ever gets the workmen, her age. You are, but the fact of the matter is pen should be charged Biden should be charged. Hillary should have been charged. You get my point, are the espionage was act was never intended to be used. This way, never ever and that's the other thing the bar should say and Andy Mccarthy, and my my other colleagues, Mr Turley, all of whom I like, except for bar now, so I think his conduct has demonstrated he has no character.
None I'll be right back then, if we ve learned anything over the past two years. It's that unexpected things can happen. For example, average irian for one k balances fell twenty percent last year. According to fidelity, we didn't expect that Then here's something that could help if you have an eye re or for one k, physical, go in your eye array, the world gul council says even central banks are buying tons of gold. But what is that? you learn why many americans are turning to a gold. I re with augusta precious metals there. The best I recommend, them to my friends and family. You should call a gusting get there, also guide to gold. I raise feels good There's another savings option. Diversity is the key call, a gust of precious metals and aids. Five and seven for gold- I re- that's eight seven so
For god I re eight seven seven forgot irate, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com, I challenge everybody on tv and radio not mention the public records act and not looked into it. To do that, I try Bill bar to explain how he squares one or the other. Watch, how they squirm and they try and figure out some specious arguments as best they can. I channel from the do it. I challenge national review to do it again. Watch: are they try and put the puzzle pieces together, but it doesnt work. It doesnt work because it
The presidential records act makes no sense, then, with its reliance on civil procedures, with its constant references to essential authority. Just telling you this. Ladies and gentlemen, its so I do not mention once they talk about retention of documents. They don't talk about destruction of documents. They don't talk about faltering documents, they don't talk about loss documents. They take pictures of documents in the bathroom and so forth to do what to create the impression of what I'm not saying that I would like to see from above president pence charged by making the point. That of your view, that seven ninety three. Is what you hang your hat on, benny, To be chart, I get there
They're not going to charge him then Joe Biden, it has to be charged. We can have a debate over whether you can indicted sitting president. Let's have a debate. But what are they waiting for. They were too big rush when it came to donald trump. I mean they, they send out the troops, they got the work they did this. They did that witness. galore documents, galore leaks, galore Don't see that in the bag and K she didn't see that in the pants case at Hillary Clinton A clean bill, a half she should have been doing life plus in a federal prison large jumpsuit, she wears an irregular occasion. what fitter very well in prison and by the way Why do we even have women prison anymore? We can define women.
so she should be an immense prison. Now. Here's what I want you to help me do I don't have time to watch tv all the time MR producer gets me clips from time to time. Let's tracking see which legal analysed it bar if the others now The reference at least reference. The presidential records which. The special council would even do, let's see if the truly dom low iq media, to stand the distinction it funny congress passes this statute and nineteen seventy eight and doesn't make a single reference. not a single reference to the espionage act. Why is that. Because it had no application
intended to that's, why it's a civil process under the president or reckon I more, I hope, you're fine, this fairly intriguing, we'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again.
We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the ladies and gentlemen. The massive news, which explains almost everything, Senator gradually was just on the senate floor, MR producer, let's hear what he said just a moment ago: go The ten twenty three produced Committees redirected Reference.
that the four national who allegedly bribe Jovan hotter by allegedly has audio recordings of his Conversation with them seventeen such Chordates according to the ten twenty three The foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between am and honour by. according to the un twenty three The four national possesses to audio recordings phone. Walls between him and then vice presidential by the recordings were allegedly cap as a sort of insurance policy. For now showing case city got into a day spot. And it goes on america. Now. You know why they didn't want to release the document.
now you know I present tromp- was indicted indicted thursday on bogus charges. I said bogus charges under the espionage act. Now. You know why, because I de the fact of the alleged existence These tapes would come out because, even though they The fact that this information from now classified documents to cover up for Joe by an abiding crime family Somebody and others still knew what was under those reductions, That was the original whistle blower? firstly, they ve told truck rashly what's been rejected. Plus of information about. just tapes. You heard fifteen
and robbing honour to involving Joe the eye yeah that Joe Biden didn't know that his son was involved in these corrupt businesses is put to the big lie. Now you know why Donald trump was indicted, like president in history. now you know why bill bar and the others look like this gases that they are now there's more. The first impeachment donald trump stick with me, putting together the first two people. impeachment page donald trump. You and I were scratching our hear ukraine. For god's sakes, we read the phone call it was Be cause trouble Tiring aid, crane to investigating the guidance
It was because she s thumb talking, violence. Having now. To do what they do you grain there was no quid pro quo. That's what the Democrats claim that What their phony whistleblower claimed, who had worked for buying and who had worked in the obama administration because The f b, I know they know about the allegations. There were awaiting Joe Biden. Now it makes sense now it makes sense the first impeachment these charges not just to distract. But the trying to enormous damage- and let me tell you something.
There was a donald trump and random senators. we're the leading republican nominee, they'd be doing things. That will be considered today, unthinkable, absolutely unthinkable. Now you know why the media are all in. Covering up the lab chop. Knowing Tryst whatsoever, in that form, ten twenty three. They treated the whistle blower, so called in the ukraine matter, like a god. Can't even repeat his name. Even I was known Whistleblower here and the whistle blowers from the fbi iris, another mattered, there's retribution from that garment of justice and abide administration that type mob
are the attorney general the united states pushes put down. Doesnt show his face referred, Is to explain anything and then have their willing dupes bill bar and the others. Donald trump is toast. if even after these charges, are true. And soon knows uses exactly the same words is billboard Is it the rhinos or passing around talking points or something. And now Nicky hayley has reverse course. trashing donald trump on the indictment completely river course. I guess the polling doesn't work. Who knows who knows.
But to me now so much of it does make sense, and they know that trump surely get elected will now dig and dig and dig till he finds the truth. They now. Then, if you shoot at the king as the old saying goes, you better not mess. And they have used atomic gone against the former president so far they ve missed, so they bring in a guy from the hague. I hit man, who's been used, more they bring in their hitman from ahead even looks like a man. I got
grand jury, is going. They put out a third in florida, and I wondered and wondered why the indictment of thursday- they don't even wait till friday evening, when I'm here in place where they usually drop issue all the time why thursday. Why thursday, because. Republicans on the committee, I got to see that document, but I was red active now today on Monday evening, We know what some of the information was. I was red acted, so we can launch tramp tramp, tramp
We get along its the press tramp tramp tramp tramp trying to dumb down the american people because they know it's coming tape recordings. Alleged tape recordings: now I ask you, america, I ask you, might citizen, I ask you honestly Do you not appoint a special council now how do you not appoint a special council defined the tapes generalised until the american people fighting for their selection. But look at this show corporations which tens of billions of dollars poor. Through to the binding family or you care prove Joe got any place, so the stupidity of the media
they didn't want to give the wire transfer information. They had to go to the banks to get there to get the transfer of information from the banks that it britain christopher ray what contempt over a period of two months at any rate and give them all the information he had the necessarily salient information the gaming allegations, tapes tapes, where was maggie irishman, oh shit, Tv trashing trump where bill bar. He was on tv treasury trump, every democrat and rhino and trot paid, or on tv, most of them from
see daisy interviewing DC, then I we have this pretty incredible. Don't you think american? The indictment against trapper? I guess I don't care how pharaoh they are. I don't care how long they are. The president record jack in the espionage act simply do not square with each other to legislate, purposes are completely different and there are contrary. Since built in to the press natural records act, This was never intended to be a criminal matter ever and these four federal prosecutors and the other losers would come on tv format. Any general. All these facts la don't care when they tv or
Potato which give them what they demanded. That's not the way. Presidential record jack works and it's not supposed to be the way: the espionage works against a former president of the united states, so they took it. They took the provision of the espionage act which does not, choir intent? In effect, they applied strict liability, strict liability, he has the records we want them. He won't give them to us and data. They didn't do that to Hillary Clinton, the position of the department of justice, not whether former president, whether former sex pay of stay? Was we don't bring those kind of cases, and yet they just did. And how do they not bring one against, and I the man, and I don't want them to how do they?
bring one against former vice president pence, if its strict liability, How do I not bring one this the issue of whether you can indict a former president. How do they not bring one against? Joe Biden aware is that special counsel. Notice, no leaks and one other thing The lawyers they seek to disbar is Joe clark who worked over the department of justice. He's in their target area they want to take him up. He made a point. Look at the indictment! Look at that for Nine pages almost word for word is that line Which the media have been using from a lake, a lake
an audiotape from a reporter involving donald trump. Who they say was talking about information that was classified. We're trop allegedly says I can't be classified the document as a former president and Joe Clark, a superb return, points out how the hell is that in the indictment chart, they don't say they got it from a newspaper. They got it from the course of their investigation, which means the special council and the department of justice lake it so donors paper they like that which is a federal offense. It's a phony. I said yesterday I life liberty and love in look around you. This is what
tell a terrorism, looks like look around. You democratic parties, dragging us into this hell. That's precisely what's taking place. But don't worry, there won't be any talk about the tapes tomorrow. There won't be any headlines across the front pages of the washington composed who, Rightly, fired there see, oh by the way or their front page. they are slides other friends page of any of this fish rack crap that they call newspapers. It'll be the arraignment of donald trump by the bag. Demonstration They disgrace us, as a nation I'll, be right, back mud, love, eyes and verizon eighteen
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again, when you go to pure talk that calm and use promo code, levant podcast you'll save an additional fifty percent or fear first month with pure talk such stupid emails during the break. It's unbelievable So if you leave the country first Caribbean island you'll have a stake in the country anymore. The cuban lovers, or just beyond belief as this virus supporting ukraine is olenska, had nothing to do a bourgeois, that's the prior prior ukrainian regime that was tight with Putin. so please don't try that claptrap here call some other show. I'm sure they'll be excited. There's enough here there Enough here that we note, we Really need to emphasise about one Damn corrupt the fbi,
apartment, justice and the Democrats are how dame corrupt the bag and families. We don't have to have our minds, make stuff up and then spewing out and everywhere. I must be it not here, go somewhere else. a sap and me with your stupid crap. The lucky I don't name names they really are, but this is shocking. This is amazing. so, let's play some of this. Mr producer, let's start with bilbil One go is this cheap argument that comes up for the president's allies in his legal team that this should have been handled under the presidential records act. Not this sp an act of espionage act, charge in other federal statutes that were used here. it started out under the presidential records act and end the archives trying to retreat
documents that trump had no right to have stop right there. buzz every right to debate that issue class fight or not to pursue. It is not with the apiary. Department of justice in a crime well venue. The waiter pursue? That is a sum of india, so stop at your bull, crap ya, go That was really worried about where these classified and very sensitive dark and how do they really worried about the classified and very sensitive documents? They didn't know what trump pat they'll yo, you make any sense, as a matter of logic, by the way bell, do you have any, did you take any? like I said on my posts over the weekend, did you ever read any class? information when you were being shoalford back and forth from home in the department of justice. Can we Your driver's about that? Your security? Did you.
I'm just curious. Among other things, I suspect you did what guess what You violated the espionage act, go ahead the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were frankly, and so the government's agenda was to get those protect those documents and get them out, and I think it was perfectly appropriate to do that. It was the right thing to do the right thing to do. They didn't know it was there general warrant for all of the rooms around his house, many he hardly say even if half of its true he's toast, So now they cite each other as legal authority of our sights carthage, mccarthy side, so new sites, no bar. Ok, convinced I'll, be right. her eyes and eighteen t t mobile. If your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure talk and easily
save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now, get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast, five g data for just twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month. What about the coverage? You asked it's phenomenal, I'm on it pure talk uses the most dependable five g network in the nation. Just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks, amazing us customer service team. What makes I drink very easy. So choose a veteran one company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text were plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks a month again when you go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin, podcast, you'll, save
additional fifty percent or fear first month with pure talk here. Listening to our knowledge, some courage, one, the gray one. Can you can call it now? Seven, seven, three aid, one: three, eight one, one: let's listen to this in full. Now, MR producer cut one go well this. This cheap argument that comes up for the president's allies and his legal team that this should have been handled under the presidential records act. Not this sp an act of espionage act, charges federal statutes that we used here it started out under the presidential records act and end the archives trying to retreat documents that tromp had no right to have, but it quickly became clear that what the government was really worried about where these classified and very sensitive documents. I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents, and this is very interesting, he's to be a lawyer. He's made multi millions of dollars being general council for corporatist. He was
many general, twice documents that rob had no right to have. They read some to this is interesting to me. Keep it right where it is, MR producer, Now this is from the national archives. I didn't make this up that this president chirac jack establishes procedures for congress, courts and subsequent administrations to special access to records from narrow the national archives. I remain closed to the public following a prick review period by the former the president's the procedures governing such special access requests continue to be governed by roy and provisions of executive order. Thirteen four eight nine. So it our ongoing america. Can you tell her I'm going with this, MR producer, so one A special council decided To use this information. In his indictment
Charges against the form prose the united states did he find this procedure is not exempted. Giddy follow this procedure. Stop malicious procedures for congress courts and subsequent administrations. I would be the bad administration troops. special access? I'm quoting the kurds from narrow that remain closed to the public. Following a privilege, review period by the former and incumbent president's seizures governing such special acts are requests continue to be governed by the procedures laid out an executive order, one three, four, eight nine. The department of justice goaded donald trump did they know they didn't need to follow. a further mark, because now we were using the espionage but you're not supposed to use the espionage. This
Codified in federal law, this was passed by congress. you're reading something into the espionage act that does not exist, there's something here, in the presidential records act that does exist This is why they don't square with each other so barge s blithely says to shannon bream. started down under the presidential record act and that's where it ends under the press ensure records act. It's not mentors drift into a criminal investigation. There aren't where's. My mechanisms in the presidential records civil enforcement mechanisms ways to get it in front of a federal judge that your next step. Not a warrant at a swat team, alarmed at the agents at the former president's home
well he's running for president again, go ahead. For frank, and so the government's agenda was to get those protect those documents and get them out and not be way. Excuse me, such a nice. The government were really interested in that, rather than prosecuting donald trump for the four It's time they had a way to do it under civil procedure. So that's not the wrong interest, but that was their only interest. God. I wish I could debate this case. Such a loser go ahead for it to do that was the right thing to do, and I thank the council under the espionage acts that he wilfully retain. Those documents or solid counts now know they're, not silent, counts. Wilfully retain the documents
the former president of the united states, that's exactly what this statute was written for and home. It was written for not a colonel, not a private. A general, not an attorney general, not a secretary of state but a president, a former president. go ahead. I when I would argue this is a dispute that are for oppression president before this law was passed, had a right to take it's information? No, he didn't, ok, so how come nobody was prosecuted under the espionage asia because nobody retook it they no idea, if that's true and back in fact, we know it's boss- was bill Clinton, prosecuted, under the espionage agenda. Took recording that included classified
information What am I a sack drawers when it became a former president? What she charged now was parents charge now is bad and gonna be charge. No one. True bell. But don t dragging on our cause, they want a year after the mouth this guy. What he has to say go ahead We have to wait and see what the defence says and and and would prove to be true, but I do think that even half what would he ended, mccarthy said, which is, if even half of it true then he's toes domain, write that down. Can we chisel that in a government, building somewhere must produce wait if half that is true, then he is toast, and these guys, Our athena, they wouldn't litigators right, mccarthy, was innocent, the eu, is that how works have watched
Emotions filings, you're gonna, have constitutional challenges. I soon enough staff. toy challenges. You're gonna have statutory interpretation challenges. You can have all kinds motions being filed a challenge this crap? So what you mean it From its true, does it makes a poor pairford true. I feel sorry for the audiences that listen to this stuff and don't know they just on up. And they keep running these guys lupin, I'm through lupin on through the bar Appear on any news programme go borrow. You're on santa grams in airport radar at this point is excited. He doesn't care. I was invited on four different shows. Last week I turned them all that I got things that do. I dont have tat parents, bill bars, fraternity is not going to do MR bidders but, as I said for my own,
my own thought that he enjoys the green room. Food go ahead, The very detailed indictment very, very damaging and and this idea of presenting trombones damning, they move boxes around and what does it mean obstruction obstruction of what structural agenda up? What are the obstruct? They move boxes are: oh, ok, two boxes around what else the question is they file this fund. Choose me: did they follow the civil process? That's provided for under the as an initial record jack. No, no! Why not, because they criminal, why? Why does all kinds of cover classified it? None of it's now what the statute says
kinds of classified information, therefore even criminalize it can't find and the presidential record, while they from mad to thee too, Spinelli, they don't get to do that. There's a whole system that spilled into the presidential records. If there's a dispute criminal. None of it why we bringing in former federal prosecutors or the former any general of the united states, one bring bringing people who are involved in a presidential records that people integrated under that, maybe some of them What might still be alive, who wrote it Not at all you don't understand now I dont go ahead. Oh a victim of a witch hunt.
Baculus, yes, he's usage. It's ridiculous tromp, the victim of a witch hunt could never be true. Now we have a whole doorn report. Didn't this bonehead appoint dorm? Yes, did you read the report? I hope so But the idea that he's the victim of a witch hunt his chest ridiculous, so how easily he he paced removing from me in straight of in civil matters, which is what is supposed to be under the presidential records act into most overnight a criminal case criminal justice went black. They wouldn't communicate with the trump people anymore. Why? Because they were you and unconscionable preparing a criminal warrant judge, should raise questions there right away, but he couldn't why cause he's an imbecile.
trashing, the judge and south florida. Why cause I don't want her to entertain any these motions are undoubtedly going to be filed and if she does though brain essay maize choose. My almost said. The brain and the same people. To tell you that she's a trump appointee, and yet she did the special master thing and she was And denounced for we never do that. They choose me. I agreed with what she did. A partisan which I am, I believe, liberty and the other side does not. She did that because This is such an unusual case in fact that such reckless case involving a former president any potentially in her view, in my view, actual but potentially correct, that I department of justice, footnote doorn report.
Then she thought it would be a good idea to have a special me. Why you know when I was a former public prosecutor in the southern district? We don't give a damn what you were in their sovereignty, I get new york. I wait. Don't give up about. Boy over there who wants the former attorney general, the united states. Could you don't know what you're talking about to MR produce. We go see this as different and separate from what he would turn the russian hoax bodies from the durham report. You see these as to totally separate track. Yes, because russia, there was nothing there is. There was no beyond the area. Russia, gay climate, was an effort to knock em out with a false claims here, the government sponsible age, so ridiculous. This is much different. Government acted very response. That's what
In writing a former president and potential nominee republics. Very responsible ignoring the rest of the process and other federal record jack, the administrative and civil process. Very, sponsible actions the endless lee? to the media or very responsible down its that's the way it works, the the failure to charge Hillary Clinton, the initial position back then, the department of justice, just ten years ago We don't indict for obstruction on these counts. Oh ok, except when it's trapped, wait a minute. And of course he didn't mention pence in Biden, because if it bill bars right, Listen to me, america, bar any mccarthy and the rest are right. Then mike It has to be indicted, but he wasn't it
Right, even putting aside the debate over whether you can indicted sitting praise, I don't think I can, but put it aside. There by must be indicted if they're right, cost seven. Ninety three e. Basically as a strict liability provision, you got the documents, You didn't turn him over. you didn't handled properly, you didn't secure, Our boy trigger Paul, but that's it and by the way, do you think they expected to do that with a former press and the answer is obviously no and for another reason to the former president was present, and so assuming. Even repression is recollection. He knows. What's in the documents, how can you indicted for holding But he wouldn't give amid. Then you follow this up a process. Ladies and gentlemen, this happens every day there are civil powers that the gun
It uses they dont immediately when they don't see why you know anyone to sort out we're gonna criminal side, and you do it with a sitting former president who's running for president again pathetic I'll, be right back more than her eyes and eighteen t t mobile. If your wisdom, you're overpaying, pure and simple, pure chocolate, easily save your family over nine hundred dollars a year right now, get unlimited talk, unlimited text and ultra fast, five g data produced twenty dollars a month, twenty dollars a month or about the cover jew s, its phenomenal, I'm on it pure.
Iraq uses the most dependable five g network in the nation, just go to pure talk, dot com and use promo code, Levin podcast to get unlimited talk, text and plenty of data. Just twenty bucks a month pure talks. Amazing us customer service team will make switching very easy. So choose a veteran one company that cares about keeping jobs in america and saving you money go to pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, Levin podcast for unlimited talk and text were plenty of five g data for just twenty bucks. A month again, when you go to Your talk that calm and use promo code, levine podcast you'll, save an additional fifty percent or fear. First month with pure talk producer, I get this new posts, I am on w abc right. Well, they keep running ads.
And I'm not in the ads. I've notices for like four months think we need to talk about that. I think the copy editor screwed up They copy editor has to fix their tell you very strange, but what I tell you next how we're gonna have a lot of fun with this believe it or not,. Jim trusty, who I think is a fantastic lawyer, who is no longer representing diameter. I have no idea why I think I do. there's somebody in there that jason overlords away and that some he needs to get the hook. That's Body needs to get the hawk. and then alina have our whose very good you seen her on fox When I hear from her Eric holder Eric holder, apparently is a sick, a fat.
Their Adam shiftless, among others, and. and jamie rascal who wilma come on the show because regurgitate what they say that, if trumpets convicted and elected again, he should be impeached and remove. So, in other words, if the american people side. They want donald trump who s attorney, saw first in the department of justice under bible. Get to determine, even if he wins the election weather I should say in office because we Democrats, under no circumstances can allow trumpet office why Because now we know, among other things, not only the most hated public official because he takes on their bureaucracy. it takes on their media, but because he was onto something when
came to that phone call about charisma. He may even have known he was on all of us, but he was on the and we will play that audio again have said, gradually some people come and go during the course of a three hour programme, believe it or not,. on the fire on the information they came out today. It is absolutely shocking. We will also hear from representative dan goldman Who is he he's a low life Explain why we will hear from Kevin Mccarthy, apps around the cnn report or make a proud and. I want to make sure we have time to hear from my back we'll just call him back. He knows who he is. schools and other phony sunday house I'll be right back I know
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Acs dot com, slash Levin, he's here now, broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the legal analysts, because I despise them or anything I disagree with them, except for bill. Barr bar has done- is not as illegal legal. The bar is giving aiding. comfort to the democratic party as well as the corrupt democrat media, and He has succeeded in that respect. He has succeeded Jim trusty was on good morning america friday and
george Stefano plus, as an objective reporter, who used with head the war room under bill Clinton. Because that's the way our media work today cut five go, to have this conversation with him? He very quickly pivots to concern about the country. You know it's not a real selfish analysis. It's this is a bad moment for our history. This is our country turning the corner and, as somebody that's been around criminal justice for over thirty years, I agree with them. It's it's a rubicon. We shouldn't be crossing, but doesn't the president? Don't you believe in the principle that no person is above the law that the president committed the same time? Someone else did shouldn't he be charged. Let's stop right here is a guy that's, never read. any the underlying legal issues definitely not even prepared, and it doesn't matter. He doesn't want to be prepared It's called the presidential records act, not the everybody's records hacked
the presidential record jack. I don't know or just Hillary Clinton above the law, the job. I by the law go ahead. some is below the law. That's really we issue. Here I mean you, ve got these investigations in delaware that are a thousand times more serious by a sitting president who is authorized his d o j D, try to sink the candidacy of his prime opposition, while that guy has unsecured documents that he stole out of a skiff dozens of years ago. So, look, you know we're not talking around sovereignly. That's you talking about. That is a ridiculous thing. There's this issue
Nice try. There is an issue that anyone that reads any newspapers would agree is a parallel track, which is the delaware documents scandal of Joe Biden, where there's a special counsel rob her that's investigating it. You know that there were documents that were sensitive that were marked classified found in a garage near a corvette that made their way through chinatown through the penn Biden center. There's, eighteen hundred and fifty boxes that have never been fully looked at at the university of delaware. You have the ultimate unclean hands of a current sitting president, who had no dea classification, had none of the protections of president trump and who literally had to have stolen stuff from a skiff. Even dick Durbin has commented about how this was an outrageous possession of classified material by vice president that that pint point Joe Biden. So that's what we're talking about you can scoff and act like there's nothing to it, but the whole country knows the basic notion of unequal treatment and fairness and that's what's an issue with this prosecution. It's so
take sunny so right with you working a bare sit am oh, you are. I can't tell you so sure can't tell when you're standing or sitting lindsey gram, be sees this week mediocre. I was very upset about this. There upset about everything bunch of previous person, buffoons. cut six and by the way, notice notice, trusty gram lena her by who else otis those who go on the shows had to defend as if their host as a democrat. And then they packed guys I bill bar on the head, oh bill here. What do you mean bill? I know the answer like this, isn't where china or anything you they asked him for back him and see what came back like took not for this crap
Is our buddy Andy Mccarthy says: if he's guilty of half of this I mean he's toast, so you know that's that's the end of it and that's the year and that's all it really needs to be said. Is that pretty good mr reducer lindsey gram. also always stephan apple, go this morning, Donald trump, has said repeatedly repeatedly that he did nothing wrong. Do you believe that for years. What I believe we live in america, where, if you're the democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton, secretary stayed you can set up or private server in your basement to condemn Business and when an investigation is head of actual activity now let me finish: How will you I was ridiculous? well yeah I'm, the answer? The question from a republican point of view that may
it'd be acceptable on this show. Yes, I don't like what president trump did in certain aspects. I don't like that. Joe Biden had classified information on the garage. Don't lie that my pants carelessly to classified information- I don't like any of that, but what I don't like is a system in america, where the secretary of us, state, whose democratic candidate? for president has people Take a hammer too. social media devices and break them apart, Apply beach bleach bit too hard drive to raise emails. classified information to get own felons computer anthony winner you haven't even mention that most republicans believe we live in a country where hilary Did very similar things and nothing happened or press trouble will have his day in court, but
be charges are absolutely ridiculous. What do you like, tromp or not? He did not commit espionage, he did not disseminate leak or pro an information to a foreign power or the news organization, the damage this country. He is not a spy he's overcharge. Did he do things wrong? Yes, he may have. He will be tried about that, but Hillary Clinton wasn't you're all boss committee. perjury in civil law suit. Lost his long licence obstructed justice and a dozen ways, and here Prosecuted there you go. You can't say that lindsey next up a with shannon bream on fox cuts, having any chance that he would say
A plea deal especially if there is you know, he's either got the state indictment in new york. He is facing another potential federal indictment January six charges. You got the georgia, the special grand jury, those and I If there are any, could come in in slowdown. So who is he taking a plea agreement from we just listed everything? It takes a plea agreement with the feds, then he's got georgia he's got new york state and he's got manhattan. So what's the point, And why? Should you take a plea agreement here? fight it to the end and that's what he's gonna do go ahead. fine you please some of this away. You got a focus on the campaign which is in itself an exhausting, very consuming process. Now, I could never imagine. I know I would never advise that, especially when he's not done
thing wrong, you take a plea, deal to make something: go away. That's an admission of guilt here never admit guild Because there was nothing wrong with decline, fine documents taking documents with you negotiating with now are the only thing that was wrong was gets into a home other issues which I have discussed in the past. The declares vacation two documents, when the american bar association in peace in october, twenty twenty two and that as a left wing, so copper national organization, I resigned from it a long time ago, even the able set for them this is an ambiguous area. Whether trump data did that they classified you're on a diet somebody test out illegal theory. Perch a former president whose the leading candidate to run against the current thugs. in the oj J and the united states urine.
Somebody because you'd think it can transition easily from the presidential, Echo to the espionage jack even I dont square, with each other euro indict somebody What I like a matter of first impression, recall so a pill bar anybody. I says. and the reason why there saying why he's guilty of have the issues he stoves is because this Prosecutor, pile on. He piled on the seven ninety three, a part of this statute, which is the most ambiguous and weak as part of this, Imagine he piled on. He didn't charge trouble actual espionage and spying. He in charge trop destroying documents, hatred in charge, trop with authoring documents in charge, trap. What any of that.
He had a document should he wouldn't give them to us. despite our many efforts to get them. Try with a similar process go ahead But wait dual tier system of justice that we're seeing here when Biden family is being treated completely differently than the trump family. So to please Exactly what they would want right I mean this is very simple: we saw rachel matter I'll, say it on MSNBC arrests, Dnc as he calls it. You know. Maybe he just say. I won't run for office in plea out that way. No way, it makes no sense you play when you ve done something wrong or when you have no shot through buggy attention. The vague brahma swami on CNN yesterday with Dana bash.
No, I q their cut fifteen go. I disagree with the elegant I just think I do not believe those allegations because of I think the intellectual dishonesty and that indictment, so either the federal court is actually, I think, based on the I sent into the Clinton sock nor case work, effectively. Judge jackson said that it is at the press. its home language, not mine, soul, discretion as to what is and is not covered. As a presidential record. I think the court will acquit him, but that's beside the point judgment that President my Biden made and if comes judgment was bad. president Biden. Spot argument is worse for actually bring about it's a cushion? He should have done. What trump did? President Biden didn't bring a prosecution department of justice reports into the president of the united states into this is a fairly okay, but which is why think the media needs to hear trump? Could excuse me, biking, can stop it no question about it. He could say, no, don't do it.
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that they are buying had any role when it what's or not,. didn't. You see the billboards Biden took up all over washington dc info the investigation The attorney general charge Biden accuse me trump, I told the attorney that's not how it works in Dana bash- knows it she's a fraud of thanking a phoney go at evidence. and ass, you can show me some that president Biden has had anything to do this prosecution, where he put two layers and between what was no respect. I think it is shameful that I, as a competitor to president trump in this race, have to ask questions that Media isn't asking the job of the political media. If it has one job is to the? U s government accountable. We know that instead we're doing the bidding using the media during the bidding of the. U S, government asked the question did to the bottom Of what Biden told garland, and what guy
Told Jack Psmith: if the same should put the other foot you take their word at face. Value, do not take their word now get to the bottom of it. Lets actually restored journalism in this country. That's good! actually missing. You know like in this guy more and more and other key understands farm policy, and I don't mean because he I agree or disagree, I'm not in clear if we agree a desperate so needs up on that a little bit and he can disguise no fool. He is no for haste, in circles around Dana bash, go ahead. Thank you for that. We are absolutely asking these questions good and we now want to judge them. Who did you ask. and by the way, I would tell the republic why even shown up on the scene, and they have absolutely no writing, though, ratings what's backward chain, the name to know rating cnn bahraini by the way
representative james com, you gotta love this guy catherine heritage report. It CBS she's great how ethiopia oversight issues subpoena performer hadn't bind hung about business. Partner devon archer for deposition this week. nah media comment from march his attorney their focusing in. This is why you push to have the republicans control their house. Ladies and gentlemen, when they control the senate, they do butkus. But under me, I see when they control the house? This is what you get, and this is good you're here by commanded rights. It says to vienna. Here, before The committee on oversight and accountability that said baby devon archer Democrats would never do this.
Fatty grand jury I be pulling in all of bill bars drivers heavy did you ever see him reclassified information with any those striped folders on it? Yes or no, his fbi, detail and all the rest, then I'd say you see bill how we It is the screw. Somebody like you I'll, be right back then I fringe twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills dot com you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss.
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our committee's redirected reference that the four national who allegedly bribe Jovan hotter by allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation with them, Seventeen such recordings According to the ten twenty three The four national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between am and honour by, according to the ten twenty three, The four national possesses to audio recordings, a phone call between them and then president Joe Biden, the His recordings were allegedly cap as a sort of insurance policy. For now case that he got into a tight spot. Got that folks.
allegedly seventeen recordings now Information was rejected by chris reign, the fbi where they provided this form. Ten, twenty three to the house republicans on Monday night, No, I tromp was indicted on thursday because they know it's just a matter of time to this information would come out. and it's come out here on Monday evening and One trumpets arraign, phrase inviting the president in miami. That's all will be focused on, of course, not the fact that the Current praising the united states is a crook, I bet Then there are no rights, seven, seven, forty one, forty eight one one cannot Mccarthy, I see and reported gets innocent I'll. Tell you what this guy
been so underestimate, country great seriously, you'll have to agree with everything the man. Does you don't even agree with everything europe significant other? Does I'm telling you he's map the floor with people and now he's makin a floor with the media cut fourteen go the idea of equal justice is not playing out here and so that's a real concern to all american. So as a person, See maker looked officials, we want to make sure its equal justice for all. We want to look that italy weapons zation. Now what are you were cnn right? Ok, so let's talk about this even further, because when somebody weapon rises, government and they actually get removed from governments, take Andrew o k, o k, former deputy mme none other may answer. You print that at second reading
if they do not want context for any of it, they don't want the public hearing about the crooked corrupt marxist democrats, who are just drawing our country. They don't want anyone to hear it. I have to say it now, trumps Kelly, that's it that's. What do you think go ahead. pleading law enforcement of conspiracy of obstructing justice, that's indifferent! are you prepared to defend as the former president and what other actions will the house take in judiciary committee in terms of funding or you Prepared to defend your your network, CNN had answer your question. You could ask me any question you want, but I'm entitled to answer the question of you can't put words in my mouth, even though your network and higher Andrew mackay, you have this iron. Currently he's clues. Acute coming We notice that mister reduce it.
You know young what he just No, what I go ahead, the eye for italy. In classified documents, did you remove them from your network? No, you continue to put him off. Give judgment against president ciampi here you also higher clapper clapper has come out publicly and when I was a kid, why don't you shut the hell up and learn something This is why cnn has no ratings. You even annoying liberals go ahead, a splendid in terms of. Is there any effort to define
the fbi, any effort to do funds the department of justice after what you ve seen over the last several this show your network hires clapper public, one of fifty one other individuals have reasons and used it politically to tell the american public that a laptop was russia collusion, even though it had all this information about the bite administration. Are you prepared to get rid of those people from your network, because my concern as a policy maker is that when you weapon eyes government and now your weapon rising networks? That is wrong. So we will. all of our power to make sure that the legal system in america gets the blinders back on and people are treated fairly. I have a real problem. Your network actually pays people did class nation and then lie to the american public to try to influence a presidential election and the.
Put him on your network to give another pen andy I found out. I mean I'm answering your dear you're very clearly when your network, you done as weapon eyes at the same time, I think Well justice is important, but this unexpected camp. Rapid cnn, it didn't matter what she said. Did you notice mustard? But what do you think of this now, but It has for cnn and she was very irritated. I'm sorry. She was irritated I mean she wanted her andred mitchell moment talk about a complete moron president, And a rallying Columbus Georgia cited, I really feel for this guy, who really do truly outrageous.
Cut. Sixteen go go ridiculous and baseless indictment of may by the by their administrations weapon eyes, department of injustice, go down is among the most horrific abuses of power in the history of our country. Many people have said that democrats of even said it this vicious persecution is a true Merci of justice change your bride job, I think of it. it is trying to. Jail his life, In political opponent, an opponent, that's beating and buy a lot in the past. Just They do and stalinist russia communist china no different. Two hundred percent right Seventeen go those present. a dollar my doctor fell under what is known as the presidential records act? He knows more about this than bill bar in understands it better go ahead.
Not at all a criminal act, everything its old judged by the presidential records and it's all fake indictment. They don't even once mention the Joe records act, which is: the ruling act, which is Hey squalls under one hundred percent and they don't mention it cause I'd- have to explain it. and they know that the mouthpieces in the media Democrat And trumpeters. they know that I have to be left others to explain it to the extended explained properly it off but dismissed, and so it was very evil, this prosecutor did in what he's been doing, go ahead the espionage reactors that sent arab espionage, we are a box. I gotta backs the espionage.
The espionage active nineteen, seventeen it was put in there. World war one action. by the way binds get eighteen hundred and drifting boxes, he's got boxes in chinatown dc ease, Boxes all over the place, he doesn't know what the hell to do with them and he's fighting them on the boxes. He doesn't want to give the boxes and then they say trump is obstruction and is obstructing nah it's a sad sad day for the country, and I said, he's right. It's a very sad day for the country. It's gonna get worse yet. Seventeen audiotape some alerting maggie Harriman a k, a maggot averment. She pulitzer prize for lying about russia collusion. They won't give it back by the way the new york times unwashed impose staff. They won't give it back much like
or durante who was a mouthpiece for Stalin. They won't give it back Clutched to these things. and I dont know how about. Armies- peters, must reduce their journeys. Peters will speak out. the other guy phil. What's his name. fill the bumps water off the log there, bob now he'll find a way to twist this all around about me the ogre right obviously is on the spot. There really watch very care. what clips he could steal from what network in order to post them. How about you? by the way George Soros son Alex it's gonna, be in charge now and. Presently he is more of a new job. and his daddy study at five kids, Therefore, don't talk to monopoly, so its left to this guy, this guy
a pudgy fat little bastard when he was a kid now Skinny, it works out, sir radical cook, reporting to spend this white house seventeen times. I think that's you More than care actually for the muslim brotherhood. and are going to use billions of dollars to destroy america, because is the ideology that the sorrows. billionaire family has is to destroy american order to rebuild it. It's a marxist ideology, there's nothing what about his so called open society, if you get my drift Alex, There's a new group there was, I wanna make triggered the name right or wrong. lie. Radio and national can be a second, Mr Barroso, could you sing now you'll see everybody I hold on a second
Jews, sorrows, the group called on I'm working it up. hold on hold on everybody. It's a group, Spend started by josh hammer and another guy anyway, its jews who are speaking out against a sorrow, because you know you can't talking nonsense. This is true, but you get it me all. You want course can attack unless you can even accused of being a nazi. That's all right. After Netanyahu. Last time I checked, teach georgia k but sorrows those A jew is a self hating bastard, whose funding these radical left wing groups are many jewish by birth. But that's about it. And his son, Alex is gonna, be in charge. Who can wait for that? Let's see here
So I'll be right back then don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick, the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new. Phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer, that's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high
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That takes place all the time to so that's it when answer that then we have another one here: people taking documents, no common sense. Why not return them first of all start clear that he took them boxed up and they went up a more largo and so forth, and why Poland one second. Maybe they tell a story that he wants to talk about one day in a way. That's not classified. maybe he just feels it belongs with him? Who cares there's a process for that? There is a process for that, and if the government disagrees with the former president who very, very broad authority in this regard? then there's a civil legal process that they can pursue. You don't get it, Aren't you dont send out an fbi swat team, which is why
never been done under the espionage act against any form of president while tromp was I don't care, you don't. Do it you're the right too, and other trying to put pressure on this judge that trying to smear her include the trumpeters the former as I like to call them. Actually former? U s attorney who started calling informers, I like it, including the farmers, they don't have a constitutional perspective of really any significant kind sides. heard that, starting next year the lexus company, meaning toyota manufacturing they're, not gonna, make any more eight cylinder vehicles. Mr produce. Because of the epa regulations that nobody past, that they impose
most of the vehicles that use the eight cylinders, whether bigger vehicles, trucks and so forth, but also their there's that their sports cars This is just the beginning to the end chestnut getting to the end. Which is shocking. I went I'll take one here, a lot of time. The Stefan san diego x and satellite go right ahead. The fine we're on a lot of time. Thank you all very much I'll cut to the chase nuggets Gloria. Why are bill bars, allusion that told his forty seven? It's those how about that leach! That's occupied! Sixteen honoured, pennsylvania I you that empty soon led doktor jailer, Joe notes, the real deal now pop
Bob cord, the sound of nothing worse than burnt popcorn, except popcorn- that's not all popped. I can tell you that right now, we saw it all you heroes out their sorry to find. I had a role here baby. We thank you. God bless you by the way will be here tomorrow. Please join us, we love. Haven't you see it.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.