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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/4/22


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, privacy rights aren't under attack, the Constitution is. This Supreme Court decision basically clarifies that what the U.S had done for 50 years was illegitimate and the court has decided to correct it. This gives power back to the people and legislatures in each state; abortion remains legal in most states. The modern argument for private property rights stems from a Planned Parenthood lawsuit in 1961. Their lawsuit was dismissed; however the dissenting opinion was the theoretical cornerstone for such right to privacy cases. Then, Joy Reid helps to spark hate when she and her demagogue guest’s spew half-truths. Reid suggests that women are required to ask their husbands before getting an abortion on their body ignoring that it took two people to make the baby (which isn't solely hers). Later, every single candidate that Trump endorsed in Ohio won. This is a big deal! Trump's economic and foreign policies propelled America forward. Trump's endorsement carried JD Vance through the finish line, but JD Vance is no Donald Trump. Afterward, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin joins the show to discuss her campaign for Congress in Alaska. Palin added that Alaska's energy-rich resources can help America lead in energy production and Biden's reluctance to do so must stop. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by hills: they'll college fervour, one hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills, down, mission, learning, character, faith and freedom.
For listing in my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters. Had hills Dale for their great sponsorship, now run them wrongly underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one through
eight one one, we'll keep asking what is this privacy right, I want a privacy right mark. Why do you oppose privacy rights? I dont approach privacy rights people saying you know with the justice system- is so terrible their attacking these justices, but what the really attacking, ladies and gentlemen, is the constitution. as they always do theirs. We nothing in the constitution about abortion. if these justices were crazy, I They would you sure, ruling that said a boy, Is unconstitutional every state nationwide right this way Can cut the other way, but that's not what this draft opinion, says. It says, honestly, But we ve been doing is a legitimate and, of course, the right.
But you ve been hearing all day and you heard all night. And you're hurt all yesterday the privacy right. The privacy right now. I want to explain to you how devious. this whole set of decisions. These whole set of circumstances came about for the single purpose. Of legalizing abortion, and I want to be clear about thing before I go on. Roby Wade set up. Try me just try masters three periods the first three months to second three months in the last three months. the first three months they say a woman should do whatever she wants. The last three months rose, says State has an interest in protecting the baby.
Because the baby's viable it an absolute interest in red, relating that. As for the second trimester, it's much more ambiguous, leaning towards the woman's choice Day we don't even have a debate. That science tells us even a viable baby. What Second, before birth, in It's like California, in New York, in New Jersey and others. Abortion on demand what's called partial birth. Abortion is permitted. In fact, it's legalised in many states. Many democrat dark blue states. Go way beyond the road decision. the Casey decision, which came later pace
we went further and so look. The issue is viability, viability. Because the science changes so this sort of our case- Nineteen. Seventy three decision is based on all sides, the first three months, the second three months, the latter three months. We now know. that babies in the womb suffer. Payments over it. But now that matters today. States have gone much further than that abortion a privacy rights, a right to choose period. so these governors and these legislatures are not honouring Rovers Wade or the Casey decision they ve gone. Far more radical on this issue and the court then says you know the road decision, the Casey decision.
We had no basis for these decisions. There's no federal decisions will leave it to the states. People in the states in their legislatures will decide. Does that sound like eliminating abortion to you today eliminate abortion in California? Did they eliminate abortion in New York and New Jersey and Illinois, and so And so on that they eliminate abortion on demand. No. It still exists, we're safe protests in cities that have the most radical abortion laws- In the world. protesting? What exactly. And many these people haven't even read the first draft that was leaked and then, Cracks and Biden and the media are telling us to ignore the fact that
weak, ignore the damage to the institution of the Supreme Court. It deserves deserves to be damaged if a wall, the results. Are we want. now what is this privacy right. We all believe in privacy, rights. What does it mean? Where does it come from? So we're gonna have a. Sort of a little law School lesson here. in the history of this subject, for those of you who are interested whenever I bumped into people, they. They enjoy this this The discussion. the modern argument for right to privacy began in nineteen sixty one. Sixty one years ago, in it
Oh see justice, John Marshall, Harlin's descent in a decision called PO verses, omen, Po P, o YE. First, oh man, you, L, L, a man, you're, not gonna, hear this anywhere else. So stick with me. The case was. By plan parenthood, on behalf of a carefully selected group of people, a married couple, A single woman in a plan, parenthood obstetrician, and his name see Lee Buxton Supply And parenthood suit was directed against a Connecticut law that prohibited the sale and use of contraceptives. This was an old law that was never in force these groups, are looking for old laws dusting off the books that are now in force, but there are there,
Supreme Court dismiss the case and nineteen sixty one because the laws had not been enforced against the people and parenthood case, the lords standing there was no damage. Nobody enforced any law against them purchasing contraceptives and it's a sick, traditional principle that there has to be an actual legal dispute to be adjudicate. nonetheless Justice Harlan His descent I believe that a statute making it a criminal offence for married couples to use contraceptives his an intolerable and unjustifiable invasion of privacy in the car, Back to the most intimate concerns of an individual's personal life, but it didn't happen, it never happened. But Harlan wrote that for a reason.
Because he wanted it to be a majority part A decision in the future, people would raver way around starry, decisive in precedent. If he did. Harlem provided an extensive rationale for his position, which became the theoretical cornerstone for what call the right to privacy. Where did Harlan, derive his notions about the privacy right. a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, Melvin Wolf spelled w you owe EF he claimed, for first raising the idea with Harland in the ACL use a make us for a friend of the court brief in that decision and perverse as almoner nineteen sixty one explained his strategy, forgetting the to adopt the so called privacy rights approach. This way judges dislike breaking entirely new ground.
Considering adopting a novel principle, they preferred a rest, their decision on earlier law if they can and to show that the as in case, involves merely an incremental change. not. A wholesale break with the past Institutional lead again, Sir forever trying to persuade courts that the result they are seeking would be Jest the Itty bitty step from some other case, decision, rests solely on ancient precedent. Since the issue of sexual privacy had not been raised, he wrote in any earlier case. We employed the familiar technique of argument by analogy, if there's. Exact counterpart to the particular case before the court. There are others that resemble at in a general sort away and the principle Supplied in similar cases should also be applied. Perhaps We'll extended a little bit to the new one, so there was no case.
But Harlan wrote his descent anyway, and Wolf was involved in supporting The plan parenthood case anyway. because I had a bigger scheme and mine- is Europe to find out. So well Understood that the court will be open to re writing the constitution by printing, To uphold it and although a Harlin's was a minority opinion and had no immediate legal effect, its impact would soon become clear. After that case poets decided in sixty one plant. Parenthood officials were added again, they found it. I D get arrested, so they could. another challenge to the Connecticut LAW in a night. Sixty five steps up, Judge William all Douglas one of the most radical members of the court in its history and he Doktor, Harlin's reasoning, in the majority opinion in the case of
Small versus kinetic you ve heard this mentioned over and over again the nineteen sixty five case, Griswold versus kinetic energy. To privacy became constitutional law Douglas was appointed by after nineteen. Thirty nine is most famous for being longest serving justice. and too conservatives for writing one of the most parodied phrases in Supreme Court history. In order to strike down this kinetic law- and you might ask- is why do they keep going after this Connecticut LAW, since it wasn't in fourth prohibiting the sale of contraceptives Douglas wrote that specific Guarantees in the bill of rights have penumbra for I emanations from Those guarantees that help give them life and substance. Whereupon numbers and emanations in the constitution don't be Perished, if you don't know what they are
the number is an astronomical term describing the partial shadow and an eclipse or the edge of a sun spot another web design. Having something that's unclear, uncertain at emanation as a scientific term for gas From radio active decay and also means an emission. so somewhere in the emission. Somewhere in the eclipse, the Edge of the constitution Is this privacy right. now before I go on. You might say, Mark, I believe, in privacy rights. So do I. So does every state We have criminal Code Cromwell at the federal level and in states that prevent certain things. It happened in privacy, as I mentioned the other day. just because you murder somebody in the privacy, your home, it doesn't,
To be murder,. Or few rape, somebody in the privacy of your business. does it mean the privacy rights, texture, or you could Caroline or whatever you do cocaine the basement of your home, it's not protected, it's a privacy rights. Were you abuse children? Then your bedroom That's not a privacy rights that we have all kinds of laws Lloyd, certain privacy, don't we a basis on contraception, which was not even an issue more When I return, then
It's no secret that Americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country. No, it's over, whether America's great at all whether America deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus Helstone Die Just of liberty is so important in primary law. said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective, reminding citizens always of our great heritage of liberty. For fifty years in Primus, has featured speeches given at Hills, Dale events by the smartest conservatives, thinkers and writers, these day, hills while publishers, people like Victor Davis, hands and Molly Hemingway Chris Roof over six p. two million american households and businesses receive Primus, absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolutely no charge. I always for the receiving my copy of him Primus? My friends, it down. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription.
Of Infra hills, dot, com right now, a v hills del dot com, Later in the programme will get into a number these other issues, Ohio and survey, you coming Sayer payments going beyond the programme. continue here with our with our train of thought? Sir, William Douglas Justice Douglas decision not only found a right of privacy in numbers and emanations. He had to manipulate the facts of the case. in Griswold versus Connecticut. it's all those people waiting around Griswold our waving around a lie in their perfectly happy with doing had Susan Collins LISA. Caskey among them Estelle Griswold was the executive director of Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut and
or see Lee Buxton the groups director gave information and prescribe birth control to a married couple. Griswold and Buxton. Not the married couple were later Victor and find a hundred dollars each or in other words the couple that you the contraceptives they were Image with anything, used to contraceptives, but under inadequate law. It's the people who distributed them. They were allowed. The distributor the relationship at issue then was doctor patient, not husband, wife,. Douglas framed his opinion around a presume right to marvel privacy. It hadn't thing to do and marital privacy, the to do with who is licence to sell these products? sixty some years ago. Double Expounded at length about this, to the marriage but used egg phrasing to describe the rights at issue. Never split. Sadly, stating that married couple
We have a right to use contraceptives even is the ugly spectre of sex police police, had intruded into anyone's bedroom and no police ever weren't tending to intrude into anyone's bedroom We will we allow the police to search the sacred precincts of marital bedrooms, for telltale signs of use of contraceptives you understand, Fauteuil need a warrant to do that. Is there any judge on the face of the earth would issue? I want to see some. His bedroom for use contraceptives never been done. This, Little phrase has been used as holy writ by judicial activists ever since two further span the right to privacy in a variety of areas. Including abortion stick me. The story has more fog's its nose
That Americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No It's over whether America's great at all whether America deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus Hills Digest of Liberty is so important in price. Slugs at the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective remind- citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years, In Primus has featured speeches given at Hills, Dale events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day hills publishers, people like Victor Davis, hands and Molly Hemingway of Chris Rueful over a six point. two million american households and businesses receive him Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolutely no charge. I always look or the receiving my copy of Em Primus, my friends at Helstone. I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription
Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli V, I N Hillsdale dot com Mark Levin, champion of freedom, you're one of the greatest champions of freedom in this country, if not in the English speaking World, Mart call Mark at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one by Nyet condemn the leak from the Supreme Court. Has any democratic leader shoe more Pelosi condemn the leak from the Supreme Court. Now Because they're gripe is, with the constitution itself,. And they despise it. and I would say to Susan Collins- was attacking support court justices. Saying that in the case of Cavanaugh, among others, but they lied to you because they talked about starry decisive. You lie
every time you put your hand on a Bible, swear fidelity to the constitution, every time There's nothing in the constitution not support your position. Susan. so we have Douglas. Who makes these outrageous comments in the wall versus Connecticut case, that the facts don't even fit. With the majority opinions position, this decision, Griswold is the holy GRAIL for the Democrats and the radical left. Why Is there any contraceptives now, because their building a foundation for abortion on demand. And I'm starting to think, and I will say the unspeakable. Apparently, the what these I'm a crash really want. Is population control. what else explains the obsession with abortion
For medical reasons, not because of rape But abortion right up to birth. What else can splain there, the science doesn't support it. for them? I think remember they don't look at his individuals as individuals. They dehumanize people through there mental ism. So babies are babies. Women aren't women less it serves their purposes. They talk about Protecting women's rights, they won't even define what a woman is: Their destroying their athletics there, Ready done that. So they're not standing for women, not one woman, not one hundred million women and a baby in the warm that is in fact, viable, there's not a baby. It's a choice this The dehumanization by the left. This is incremental is another left, these five supreme.
justice Set the fact that a woman's a woman, a baby is a baby. The constitution says you're doesn't say what it is: that is what is. We are not playing the game. And so they come under attack our let's move on that was, nineteen sixty five, the grid While decision. Just ass Hugo go blackened. His descent was not impressed. He was the first nominated the Supreme Court by after from Alabama. He attacked way Douglas had turned constitutional law and semantics Replacing the language of actual rights with the phrase quote right: the privacy unquote, he wrote that court somebody constitutional right of privacy. so there is some constitutional provision are provisions forbidding any law would it be pass which might abridge the privacy of individuals. But there is not there
are of course, guarantees in certain specific constitutional provisions. Designed in part to protect privacy at certain times and places with respect us night activities. So what is he talking about. Will you have a right to Half your house searched unless authorities have a warrant. You have a right to free speech, which is a form of privacy. To your own thoughts and belief systems. the right to Freedom of association. You have many many rights under the bill of rights? Privacy rights? but this broad concept privacy right is nonsensical Because we have many laws paid, impose criminal penalties. And long prison sentences. If you can,
Certain acts and private or public- now, you go black. Normally an ally of Douglas feared that using such phrases right to privacy could be a double edged sword. Here are one of the most effective ways of diluting our explaining a constitutionally guaranteed right. Is this? so too for the crucial word or words of a constitutional guarantee? Another word or other words, more or less flexible and more or less restricted and meaning Privacy is a broad, abstract and ambiguous concept, which can Italy be shrunken and meeting. It can also, on the other hand, easily be interpreted as a constitutional ban against many things other than urges and seizures, and he can loaded by writing. I, like my privacy as well as the next one, but I am nevertheless compelled to admit that government has a right to invade it unless pro But by some specific constitutional provision, then we get down to it.
Seven years after the issue of married couples and contraceptives was decided in the good Wall CASE, which really didn't even have to do a contraceptives, unmarried couples, this court, considered contraceptives and unmarried couples? Eighteen: seventy two decision one year before row. eyes instead versus bared. We caught Griswold frequently in the majority opinion Justice, William Brennan, another radical nonetheless found that Massachusetts Law- this was a lawn Massachusetts, could be over and on fourteenth amendment equal protection grounds Without having to rely on the marital privacy, rights created by Griswold, so they're searching around you see looking for something: ok, general privacy right not specific Joe well, privacy right.
I and emanations may It's in the Fourteenth amendment and the fifth amendment, the equal protection clauses. Married. People could obtain contraceptives and Massachusetts only from doctors or pharmacies by prescription, while sing People could obtain them only to prevent the spread of disease So chooses law was challenged when William gave a speech at Boston you? It is another law that was never enforced. So a guy by the name of William bared, give speech at Boston, university, about birth control, overpopulation and the cops their specifically hoping to get arrested. He exhibited contraceptives and gave em over vaginal found to a young woman in the audience, which was illegal
And so bad was charged and convicted. It was overturned by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court overturned. By the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court on First amendment grounds, but the U S Supreme Court took up the case anyway. Brennan found that the statute was a prohibition on contraception per se. Oh, that whatever the rights of the individual to access contraceptives may be the rights. Must be the same for the unmarried and married alike. But, ladies and gentlemen,. the young woman, got the contraceptive far. The decision was overturned by them. To choose its Supreme court,
So the rhetoric in this decision again match the facts I was nineteen. Seventy two. this was just again a building block for the case, There was presenting itself nineteen, seventy three you see row verses Wade was in the docks. But before I get to that wise this decision so crucial. You ve never heard of this decision before because Brennan said if the right of privacy means anything it is the right of the individual, married or single to beef. Free from unwarranted government intrusion, ready. Into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision of whether to bear or beget a child. Contraception is
beginning a child preventing pregnancy. But he adds the word bear. Bear beget a child. Right to privacy means everything and nothing there's. No constitutional basis and no tangible form, but what's come is the Supreme Court seized. From the legislatures, these determination. and so now Brennan inserted the phrase to bear or beget a child. In the opinion. The case was about contraceptives which affect the beginning of children, but Brennan. Explicitly added the concept of bearing a child as well. He was suddenly laying the foundation to extend the right of privacy to as the right to abortion. This occur At the time when rovers wait, a case involving abortion had twice
already been argued before the court, but had not I've been decided. Notice- how the judicial activists work, inserting a word in a majority opinion here and there and certain, phrase. A dissenting opinion The wild biding their time until five, As this can be convinced to join the case,. And so that's how you got a privacy rights, so called manufactured in the constitution for abortion. One phony contraceptive case after another. One distortion of the facts in war. Case after another. And then you wind up with Rovers Wade. Which is a very long opinion without any cards, international basis, what soever
entire thing is manufactured from day. One. In my view, the motivation isn't women's rights. The health of the woman which virtually Every state provided for now. In my view, it was about population control,. Elation control. What Six explains the obsession with partial abortion, which goes further than rovers, has weighed and further than Casey. As for women's rights, again, the same Democratic Party. That is destroyed? Women's sports. By embracing the latest american Marxists agenda item. Transgender rights. Which is a war on the nuclear family people are,
free to do whatever they want with their genitalia. in terms of surgery and so forth and so on. Adults. but to call it. A movement is shocking indoctrinate children about it. is, for one reason, a one reason. Only children don't go out don't don't have the brain cells Our conclusions. No it's to brainwash them. and turn them against their family and their parents. The nuclear family. It's right there The communist manifesta tried in plain English, Plain german, but it's been interpreted the entire issue about abortion. was, and is a state issue. And the states have gone much much further than the federal cream court everyone, but, What s folks, who believe
that the Supreme Court does have a role and making determinations about abortion. If the Supreme Court ruled That abortion bizarre constitutional. And decides that the privacy right belongs to the unborn baby, science is unequivocal that act contraception. The likelihood is your a baby, born that's what happened: Unless there's a medical accident, switch the position. What people who now say there needs to be a federal constitutional privacy rights, were they Argued that the Federal Supreme Court should be making these decisions or the states should be making these decisions.
This is actually a very modest open. In its first rap, very modest. It Not outlaw abortion anywhere at any time at any place It says the states will decide and why is it that only if the states or more radical that's Statistically protected, but if states, when a rain it in that's, not I have said the people in South Carolina, Mississippi or Pennsylvania. Culturally conservative state do not necessarily share the same view and their legislatures legislatures in California, in New York, Illinois and so forth. Are they free to impose their views and their positions on cow for New York in Illinois, or California, New York and Illinois allowed to impose their views.
Pennsylvania Mississippi in South Carolina. I don't hear me there- sits inconvenient to travel to one state from another. With illegal aliens being planed trained driven. hundreds of thousands at a time all across the country. By now, offered organizations by immigration, front groups by federal government and others. Back, then it's no secret that Americans are more divided than ever, and it's not just over what policies will improve our great country? No, it's over, whether America's great at all whether America deserves our love. That's why I'm Primus Helstone Digest Liberty is so important in primary law said the issues of the day from a constitutional perspective remind citizens always of our great heritage of liberty for fifty years
in Primus, has featured speeches given at hills, they'll events by the smartest conservative, thinkers and writers these day hills. Publishers, people like Victor Davis, hands and Molly Hemingway Chris Rueful over six p, two million american households and businesses receive him Primus absolutely free, and I urge you to sign up for today at absolutely no charge. I always for the receiving my copy of him Primus, my friends, it I I want you to have a free subscription as well to get your free subscription. Levin for hillsdale dot com right now, Eli V, I hills for Hillsdale the now notice. What I told you, what happened is half the demo That's the radicals these organisations Biden thinking
they were damn that this leak occurred from a institutional perspective from a political perspective, they are thrilled. And when you here and now that I have explained this to you, the propaganda from Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders who now Destroy the Senate, eliminate filibuster rule. Would you here these people are saying when you hear Joe Biden as. When you understand, in the draft opinion, Alito himself said that this, Decision does not apply and I'll just cite effectively to the privacy right. we're all those bogus cases will remove, and is precedent, but abortion is different, because it actually involves another life and supporting the demagogues and propaganda that will come from the phony professors from the phone Legal analysts from a phony
Politicians and the phoney president even though they say that it still not enough again what happens years incremental ism, and I want to make the point I'm want to emphasise it. This is a modest opinion. Should it hold a modest modest opinion. This second The podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage, save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
Sponsorship pure talk the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one will have Sarah Palin on next hour before I move on, and I'm not gonna play a bunch eclipse and there is a lot of them. MR producer and company work very hard porn together, we ve taught about this guy Ellie missile before haven't we rich. The nation, which has a crap magazine toys Anti American, in my view, he's there
this correspondence and is constantly on the joy reach. Her. on MSNBC. we are well on two may now. as we move along. The rumour why she be removed by March Joy Reed, I think help spark hate in this country. but she also helps part violence and so do the other hateful vile, Demagogues she knowingly brings on her programme too, their poison she's, not alone, that entire network. is filled with these reprobates starting with the morning, show right into the night. Let's take a lesson, cut a go plan parent versus Casey. That's the one that set up until eighteen. Ninety three. When that, when that ruling happen, women had to ask their there their husbands for permission,
What to do with their bodies? They had to have a man's permission, since you are a award of the man, Numeric, hey, let's, let's, let's slowdown! First of all that wasn't true in every state and secondly, the view wasn't. You have passed your man for permission. The view was that two people to create that baby that person shouldn't get a woman shouldn't get in, Portion without at least informing that individual. Of what she was doing specially, if they're married. I know that such a horrific obstacle isn't it. But you see the way they keep turn, but it's a woman's body, its woman's body, saucer babies, body the system, one case which two bodies: it's two bodies. she doesn't talk about viability? Could you doesn't care about viability. She could care less. This is what I mean by
Dehumanization that the left, projects under this body potter Politic, it's not a baby. It's not a baby. It's a woman's body to choice. Two very radical rat position, go ahead, that is all I wanted, but that's also being thrown into the bus. Your thought about the decision itself: a leader's fundamental legal reasoning is that abortion is not a fundamental right because it doesn't go back to the founding, because the founding fathers didn't recognize abortion as a fundamental right and he's right about that. The founding fathers didn't recognize abortion as a fundamental rights, because the founding fathers were racist, massage it is who faces who didn't believe that any rights any all. Why? You believe that. So legal analysed.
so they did it because they were racists and anti women, to be for abortion on demand, is to be pro. since when did the marxist since when do the Democrats, so under these head cases, represent women. The tens of millions of women in this country your line up behind joy read in this clown, Ellie stop the DRC face Line up behind him really. Now you doubt the vast majority veto, listen to how he is screeching, doesn't about the law, the constitution- and I have said this before. They Do not believe the constitution is legitimate. They do not believe the country is legitimate that it was found. by drug faces.
So anything these jerk faces did his illegitimate They created a civil society free speech. Each due process, property rights. Of Association of Free Press. Warrants in order to search people in their homes. All the civil liberties that are used to print does the bill of rights. Even though they did their thrall jerk faces and unless I get the result, I want. This whole thing is a legitimate burnt down he's thee legal analysed. You see for the nation go ahead. I believe that women's rights, their own bodies, the founding fathers, didn't believe that now it's all right, what's a thing, could it be according to the founding fathers, according Zahm Ellida Marital Rape, a thing.
Boy, this guy is sick as they get marital Rape, what does this have to do with any of that? Ladies and gentlemen, the court says the RO constitution. We justices nine of us all I'm subset we don't have a say on this: state legislatures if state governors. your voting rights in the various states. Criminal and civil laws in the various states. We shouldn't be taking positions on these. We shouldn't be nationalizing these decisions and look at response from this head case. Look at the response. The racists in the media power there massage Edison the media today, their bigots, like the host
But who show you repeatedly appear when He goes after and did homosexuals and choose. Are you aware that jerk face yes, we're racism, massage in the media today go ahead. That's though, she's three that SAM Alito is is, is accessing look either. You believe not accessing their history, You're not read what he wrote: He said you are in the wrong place, go to the states. Go ahead. Fathers in their infinite wrongness were overcome by the Fourteenth amendment, which guarantees equal protection to all people in this country or yet really real, Damn ass, you jerk.
What are babies viable? babies in the warm? Are they not people now they're just choices? Ladies and gentlemen, now There are salami sandwich, that's all they are. They don't mean anything. just to humanize, once the science say about a viable baby in the warm? Is it a baby, something else. What about it? Protection clause when it comes to them jerk face. Doesn't matter they dont vote. You see, they can't speak for themselves. They can defend themselves there. Just the choice is right: Do it, then, whatever you wish to do with them. That's what jerked place ass to say here. But he's no razor she's. No massage earnest go ahead.
leave the fourteen amendments exist should guarantees women rights to their own reproductive system. Just like I'm as reproductive systems, women have a right to their own reproductive citizen system. Once you're dealing with another life. There's another life at issue jerk face. And that's why you won't admit that it's another life, not even in the last second before birth, jerk grace. And where else on the face of the earth. whereas on the face of the earth. Our babies treated like this, but People of any race of any religion, of any background Communist regimes, shortly certain fascistic regimes.
But almost every culture rejects what jerked faces saying here: go ahead. his own reproductive system. If you don't believe that, then we are living in in a situation where you Eddie I don't know I wasted time on you. Maybe you're, a foil, that's why Ohio power of Donald Trump is unquestionable questionable. People love him. I adore him. I adore, Donald Trump. Why because he takes on our enemies. Because he doesn't back down because you Eggs promises and he keeps them. He gets up every morning comes under attack from some Damn Democrat elected prosecutor, these frauds on the general six committee. Any
fighting. He pushes back. He did more to secure the southern border than any president. In my lifetime, the United States, military back law enforcement. and, unlike so many who claim to speak for him or his surrogates he's not ass. A first is not an isolationist he believes we should be helping the people in Ukraine. And when he sees in humanity on a wide scale, as he solid it in Syria, as he sallow with ISIS. There is a solid where they Republican Guard so called and ran. He took action. Where's many of his mouth pieces so called. Of pieces and Sarah gets disagree with him. I have port, a trap and all these actions.
when he admonished NATO. He came up Attack but he was right. And his sanctions against Russia I'm done by by his tax cuts. Reinforced our capitalist market system. Then you know who are enemies were. needed bout, a number bend over backwards. All this smaller trying to impeach him and remove from office twice. All of this. With a coup all of us whether criminal investigation. For no damn reason whatsoever so identify with him and we support him. God knows I do. now in Ohio everything candidate? He endorsed one
Can ignore that that is a big big deal. The media were lying in wait to try And say: trot business over another move in Pennsylvania, North Carolina one, so no printed to his chest. But that was never in doubt the power of Donald Trump. That's why the Republicans running and buying public, a nomination for the Senate. that's why so many of them sort, Donald Trump endorsement. They knew it was the gold standard, And I was very and am disappointed. They didn't endorse a candidate who I, For many many years when many of us had already endorsed before April, fifteen Josh Mandel.
To this day. I believe Josh Mandel would be a fine tactic senator from Ohio, We endorse J D Vat ladies and gentlemen, is how J D Vance one period. he was in third or fourth place far behind until Trump endorse them, so that Sally one. And went on the strength of his arguments. He didn't went on the strength of his personality, when, on the strength of his record, of which there was none. why am I saying all this. Because I listen to some of his victory speech. and he goes on the attack against the group. Club for growth. Which has been around a very long time and is here, Like many many solid people of the Senate and which is backed up Tromp, as a matter of fact,.
but not just them. The things he said And his surrogates said about Josh Mandel, a combat veteran, a tea party activists and so forth, and so were horrific, Romantic club for growth in their ads put their separate, and, apart from the mandate campaign, is everybody knew I contacted one of them said. Why are you doing this? You think you're helping. Protests you're, not helping protests. this guy TIM Ryan is bad news, he is a bad duty, pretends to be a moderate he's. A radical leftist he's voted with democratic leadership, a hundred percent of the time and he hates trot. He needs be defeated. He must be defeated. And so, when I heard Van saying some of these things, I thought to myself you better pull this Republican Party in Ohio together you
Do not be so damn cocky. Because you really can win this re style, Trop, one, the race for you, that's the fact. That's how you came from third and fourth down to number one. With a relatively sizeable victory. But you Thirty two percent of the vote. This guy Ryan got seventy percent of the Democratic party vote. Seventy percent fancy- thirty two percent of the vote. He got a plurality. The other guy got a super majority. and she's going to need every republic, and certainly every conservative he can get? And if he's gonna doing a victory lap. because he won and taking on this guy Ryan, but wish them, and the republican primary he's. Gonna have a tough time. he's gonna have a tough time so made
I have answers, get your ego. under control, if your ego under control unit The republican party. This is exactly what trumpet. After the primer, United, the party gave a major speech and get a spring. I remember the day it happened, which was Sickly reaching out to conservatives all over the country and they agreed and supported So it's very very important. We can't lose their seat asking me what I vote for the guy. I mean concerning the choice. Yes, yes, I would. but it's his job to rally the troops and it's his job to tell his surrogates to get there ass under control. And a shut, your mouth and a try, pull that party together I'll, be right back
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had been with the working people they ve never had dared under their fingernails. you see these guys in politics and in the media, or In the case of J D Vance talking about the donor class, the Cairo Fifteen million dollars from one billion air Peter TEAL It was his body help set em up to make millions stopping a hypocrite. Fight on the principles Focus on the right enemy and make the case broader population, You're gonna need every Republican voted and get every one of those sixty eight percent. You didn't get to defeat this. TIM Ryan and you're going to need some Democrats Gus baby focus. try and unite people behind the message you want Trump, that's what Trump did I'll, be right back, stop paying
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If your talk is simply smarter wireless, this is a ministry of truth. The mark Levin show it now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one allows interest rates by the way, Hausa. What what did the FED do today, just put it this way. Anyone out there who wants to get an abortion this with the greatest amount of sadness. can get an abortion tat simple paid for by the government. That's our modest this decision. It. Our ladies and gentlemen, the FED. CNBC has raised rates by half a percentage point that is the biggest hike, twenty years fight inflation, rates are going up.
violations going up. The value of money is going down. The value of your salary. Other forms of income, your pension, going down. The supply chain has been damaged by inflation and Biden and company. you're, starting to see more shortages on the shelves war on fossil fuels and capitalism has had an effect because We talked about the other evening. Fossil fuels are everywhere not just in Europe Vehicle notches heating, your home or cooling, your home, virtually all material Used to build your home packaging car board paper
assembly lines, tractors, harvesting, wheat on and on and on. The Federal reserve increased its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point in line with market expectations. The right move is the largest since two thousand and is in response to burgeoning inflation pressures. Federal german Jerome POW the FED Chair under law the commitment to bringing inflation down but indicated their raising rates by seventy five basis. Point at this time is not some The committee is actively considering they re by fifty. This is a big deal. Along with the move and higher rates, the central bank indicated it will begin reducing asset holdings on its nine trillion dollar balance sheet. Now. that's on the monetary side, on the
school side. The deficit spending. Triggered all of us and the wall, on fossil, triggered all this the leak? From this cream court. The reason why the morning Schmo and MRS Mode, I want you to focus on. That is because you ll see how contrived this is, how Ass, the protesters came out how fast the manufactured signs came out, how fast the devil- Rats run lockstep, whither, pressing it and press releases using exactly the same verbiage. how fast or media kicked in the place saw contrived our this, and I will challenge anyone to dispute it. any woman in this country. Who wants an abortion even if this it becomes. The final opinion will be able get an abortion. That's how modest this
opinion. Is that contrive the reaction is. Even from drug face. Honour joy reads, show shoes is he professor jerk face now he's gesture face? I think. Now JANET Yemen. Is these sectors treasure? You wouldn't know it you never here from the woman, but she As with the Wall Street Journal today- and she made at least a partial confession: cut sixteen go. What's yours ICANN, how Responsible government spending was in helping contributed. Probably there we're facing now on this front. To look. Inflation is a matter of demand and supply, and This spending was undertaken in the american rescue plan. Din She'd manned by
I do think- was justified and appropriated to the time. Given the risks to the economy. He gazed. boy. She sounds like a smart one. The first confession from anybody in this putrid administration this disastrous administration that is dragging this country under the toilet that In fact, spending that was undertaken in the american rescue plan. Did Demand but it was justified. You see cause hundreds of billions of dollars, motorways, fraud and abuse absolutely justified millions and millions, if not, billions want to teach and critical rice theory is justified. As all that, infrastructure building going. Ladies and gentlemen, what infrastructure, We are building. But it was a huge success.
Binds inflation crisis? Is a huge success? Cut seventeen go when you look at the labour market now, and you see, I wonder what it must How she talked when you hear when, when it in Rosanna, dynamic or whatever name was on Syria and I live here. You know when you we sounds like a female Joe Scarborough cut. Seven at the top go. when you look at some labour market Now- and you see the seated in san- this is really a measure of a huge success. I waited wife. Huge success you missed target yesterday We can't keep up with the rate of inflation and they can keep up.
The price of fuel. She admitted it was their spending that it. The launch? There's some shows up the walk that back. because they have all these geriatrics. You know in the administration, and I have no problem with people geriatrics, but You have to know what you're talking about be able to complete yours, this is actually able to caen in our manage massive bureaucracies. Here's what happened. The Democrats, one on spending spree and FED, didn't react fast enough. taking the money supply. That's what happened. They kept interest rates as close to zero as possible, while crap party was spending trillions in trillions of dollars? Borrowed an enormous amount of money and
Everyone was paying a very low sub. Dies, interest rate. And so the roof off the house. And they don't have to get back there, Is it daylight in a dollar shore? The Democrats I feel like they should spend another five to six trillion dollars. We ve been a depression today we will be in depression today, if the damage- its had succeeded? Now they blame everybody else and they grab more power Jager I institutions and do what they normally do. but we ve been a depression today and if we're not careful, we're gonna be in a depression tomorrow,. Not trying to scare me. I'm just tell me the truth. If we don't like even accept what is it? Was this It's not Russia.
It's not big oil- that it's not big, meek, not big agriculture, that it's the big man Jerk in the oval office and the Big Mouth Cornwall Jerk, who is the leader, the Democrats in the Senate and the Big Mouth How many face job she's had in the speakers said that there were? possible for those three stages in their party, then how we gonna fix it they cared for. Their area logically incapable of fixing it. they want to raise taxes in the middle burgeoning recession. It all right taxes in the middle of a burgeoning recession. You need more money in the produce, Part of this economy, so they can produce stuff even though the prices are going through the roof, so they can People work
take money out of their hands, so we can redistributed to some left wing, Organization, this is what they don't want to discuss. Joe Biden has a new phrases use. the extreme mega agenda or the ultra mega agenda. And he's been saying it over and over again. Because they sat him down and a lazy boy chair. this morning, while he was eating his own me on Keeping down is his chest. with his bare born with his teeth, in soda water on a little table x to his chair. and they kept Saint Joe remember, Ultra Maggie agenda sate over again I'll try
ultra mega agenda, Ultra Maggie I did not Maggie mega all true I go. Let no, no, not mega. Let all true mega agenda licit job. What. We're trying to explain something to focus pay attention, try mega agenda. Can I have some sugar with this oatmeal I'll album Back then, stop paying for rise in eighteen. Eighty, two mobile social initiatives stop paying for there are thousands of retail stores across the country that you never go to stop paying further added hurt that you never use pure talk doesn't charge you for any of that garbage. Instead, they give you excellent fight. she coverage on the same five g network is one of those big eyes for a half the cost.
Average family saving over eight hundred dollars a year. Now, I'm the switch, and it's the best decision you'll ever make. You can keep your number keep your phone or get a great deal on a new phone like Samsung Galaxy, five g for less than two dollars a month. Unless It talk text and six gigs of data, just thirty dollars a month or choose unlimited data and you'll still save a fortune, go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin Podcast, Ele Vi En podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com
Promo code, Levin Podcast Pure talk, is simply smarter wireless, the most importantly, no one making less than four hundred thousand dollars will pay a penny more in federal taxes are going to protect and strengthen social security. Medicare not put it on the block every five years. Let me remind you again: I reduced the federal deficit. All the talk about the depths from my republican friends. I love it. I've reduced it three hundred and fifty billion dollars in my first year in office, we on track to reduce, by the end of September, by another one trillion, five hundred billion dollars. You know it's amazing about this. He courageous this massive debt and deficit with their true In two dollars in spending the Republicans block bill back Moron bill and
He brag about the fact that he's cut the deficit Democrats cut deficits. when they're trying to spend trillions and trains of dollars did you know Just hear the Treasury secretary say: yes, their spending their money suspending its Hopkins inflation or european but who are less than four hundred thousand dollars a year hit by inflation with a gasoline prices, the food prices, the automobile prices prices for everything that this schmuck unleashed many pretends. I will not raise your taxes, one penny, it's already raised them fiscal policy go ahead Whatever I don't want to hear, Republicans talking about deficits and their ultra mega agenda on air about Ultra Maga agenda, go ahead.
I want to hear about decency honor of our help on ordinary people. The bottom line is that for decades the trickle down economics has failed, as income inequity grew to historic levels. Under the Republicans, the mega Republicans the mag republished on mega yeah, you mispronounce it because you're a moron. trickled down doesn't work. He said: did you just say that MR producer. Then, why? The way of all these government programmes. Mass of government debt, mass of government spending. If trickled down doesn't work than how does trickled down work from Washington DC. I'm just curious. The Guess tricksters downers. are in Washington D C. Redistributing wealth. Capitalism is about trickled down. Capitalism is about via On Terry Commerce interactions,
everyone in anyone can participate. But he talks about looking out for the little guy. He does want to hear about that that you're here about what we decide, you'll hear about a clown and you have always been a clown. may I say, with all due respect. The fact of the matter is simple:. Inflation hurts the people at the bottom of the ladder more than anybody else and as Works its way through the law we're classes them classes, the upper middle classes, there are the ones I get hurt, the most in that why you take this very very seriously, any never has any has no plan to fix it, because it requires him to stop by me I'll, be right back ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question: did you Withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky. That's right
Banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report. Any behaviour, they think a suspicious. It's true and I shocked when I read the secret or on cash from Swiss America. The new or against cash is really a war against the constitution against. Freedom, loving Americans, so you need Read the war on cash, get your free copy by going eight hundred six three zero fourteen. Ninety two, eight hundred ex three zero fourteen. Ninety two or visit sway America, dot com, this war cash is growing daily and also includes, All forms of digital money please get in the secret war on cash free Tom I listeners, calling now eight hundred Six: three: zero fourteen: ninety two eight hundred six trees, Fourteen ninety two
Swiss America that come now broadcasting them only underground command, both the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Sarah Palin Helen will, beyond with us in just a few minutes: smart within year this from the Post Maloney outside a great site. He raining plot, to assassinate: U S General in Berlin, foil by Israel's most side. The Mossad had been operating in IRAN at the time when they captured and interrogated months sore rest solely hood, in during an interrogation that he'd been ordered to assassinate a. U S. Channel in Berlin, a journey in France. Any work
at the israeli Consulate in Istanbul. Israeli officials pointed out that the threat oh by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard CORE applies not only to Israel but the other nations around the globe. Officials also noted that this plot is part of a larger target list witching. Recently foil plots in both Kenya, Colombia. Recently, who admitted that he was ordered to establish a terror cell, doing drug cartels to assassinate as targets Consider the israeli defence forces. The plot was organised by a member of unit. Eight forty, a sea operations unit that organizes infrastructure for terror groups within western countries. the iranian government was reportedly willing to pay over one million dollars for the assassination of these targets. The operative, who is part of a ranch could force was reply. really paid a hundred and fifty thousand to quote prepare for the assassinations unquote
The reports from the: U S, UK and Turkey, IRAN has been using international crime groups to carry Its agenda in countries around the world, these plots Blue the hiring Ellison Dashi Cartel to abduct or assassinate uranium defectors in Turkey. Has been ongoing since twenty fifteen, I wonder who the General S. but it's my understanding that. But they had a price on Pompiers head. Member that MR producer, that they had to be up security for him, but don't worry we're negotiating with them, so they can get nukes. And now this- and I notice, when I'm about to read to you, not discussed or link who, by some of the most prominent pew mouthpieces noise within them
public and party, the Democratic Party or the media, the Kremlin. escalated its rhetorical dispute with Israel over WAR war to history on Tuesday morning. By reiterating an expanding on the falsehood, riddled comments made by Russia, Foreign minister surgery lab wrong about this. posted collaboration of Jews during the Holocaust with their own see killers. Mrs Yahoo, news. Any pose fired on Anti Semitism published on the telegram social media network. Russia's foreign ministry tried to equate Israel support for Ukraine. The Jews, whom it alleged, collaborating with Nazis and World war, to argue incorrectly, that history is unfortunately familiar with tragic, apples of jewish Nazi collaboration. And, ladies and gentlemen, this
same piece of crap, this lab who's been ripping off the people of Russia for its entire life. Who is another one with dimension Ah, he said that Hitler has. Jewish ancestry never had jewish ancestry, so so linsky. Whose family suffered in the holocaust he's a nazi. And the Israelis. Are defending the Ukraine President, because you defend nazis, And by the way, Hitler was a Jew. Coming from the Russians. on to accuse the current regime in Kiev, headed by ukrainian President Vladimir Zalewski, who is jewish oppressed, I such complicity, wallets
think that Israel, that it was the red Army that stop the Holocaust and the destruction of the jewish world. The post went so far as to suggest that Israel, which has not played a prominent role in supporting Ukraine in its war effort me too naive to realize that, after cancelled, Russians. The ukrainian leadership will inevitably move against the nations jewish population. While the nations jewish population in Ukraine is being slaughtered with the rest of the population. Just so. You know. Was a remarkable turn of events concerning that, when the war began israeli Prime Minister, Natalia Bennett, so a broker a cease fire. They miss Netanyahu. The way we miss Trump, Sir help at first Israel offered Ukraine Material Support laced last month that support it has been more limited than of european nations, of the? U S
that is large and because Israel's precarious GEO political status, in other words, Israel needs the airspace to attack rainy and positions in Syria and elsewhere. and so the Russians have given them the all clear with a wink at a nod. Israel's been in this precarious position, really created by Obama. Who allowed the Russians to go in to the Middle EAST for the first time in a half a century. allowing them, in other words, essentially inviting them. And so the Israelis really care hit these positions in Syria, If the russian air forces present It's not entirely clear why the Kremlin they write. It has decided to invoke one of the most controversial, misunderstood aspects of world war, two history as a means of
Swaying, Israel, presumably other nations, Try to invade Ukraine such an attack. A bit inevitable. Given that Russia's right initial rationale for attacking it's much smaller neighbor was the need to not suffice. Ukrainian leadership, which is ridiculous. level offered his own thoughts on the matter on Sunday tone in italian outlet, wise Jew. People say that the most ardent anti Semites are usually Jews. and, as I said, he also repeated that deep on claim that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was partly jewish. So it is the russian leadership Stalinists who are doing this.
And I haven't heard from are seen a single one of these Putin's ass kisses in our country. Denounced this Just as they seem to overlook. Torture, the mass murder, the Wagner group the Syrians, being brought in Chechnya and being broad, and they seem to two over. All this and if bring it up. You must be a neo con warmonger. That's too, Odin Wing of the media, social media rights, oh tv, media and all the rest. morons in humble opinion? Now this one is really pissing me off. Ladies and gentlemen, you can have a good steak or even a hot dog.
Without what MR producer ketchup catch up. By the way, President Trump agrees with me, we both our stakes well done with catch him, and it's funny because nobody can say anything to me with present trumpet setting in the areas. But I like that And by the way, when you meet with him and you have a meal with him. He is the car. just host them thought for house as his Maloney, the first lady. It's very special. It really is. But I'm looking here and I'm sorry. That the cost of ketchup is going through the roof. Now the increase- and you know, that's my redline! Quite frankly,.
while the other prices; ok, that's bad, but ketchup. What else coffee. Coffee prices are going through the roof. You know I go to this diner, often wonderful, diner,. I dont know how these guys stay in business. I dont know how they do it. They have a lot of senior should come in there. They have these blue light specials. You may remember those. An egg or to a piece of bacon, some potatoes and a cup of coffee for five bucks. How do they do that?. I mean that's the price of a gown, a gasoline today, even more in many places of your eye As
well, it's been a while, since we ve Doktor Sarah palin- I really a door her, I'm glad she's running for Congress. God knows we need her, so Pale and how are you my friend, doing great? How are you doing Wait can you imagine how long's it been? It's been years right, something like that We are working on it. I remember when you got in trouble because you announced all. My radio show that you were not to run for president and you all kinds of hell. You remember that we'll, never forget that there is more to come. Me from my inside the pool call machine then pretty much anything else iced? I still it baffles me still. I'm going give you you'd like that. First mark you up, I have great respect.
Are you in great admiration, so yeah, but thanks a lot. I got the crap out of me, but I am sorry, but it is funny when you think back on not let me I ask you something you decided to jump in. You see the country's gone to Hell So he said you know what I'm gonna jump in here. We ve got a fight for this now what what is it that you want to do it Get in and do you have a good shot at this race, yeah If I want to get a clear here, I want to make sure that the better Government doesn't mess with things like our Supreme Court wrapped rowing anyway way. You see where well vs, waitin, not infringing on state thrice. You I just com somebody is many reinforce, says we can get need to be there to cast that boat. who ensure things like they tried. But
Yeah, whether I have a a good shot or another, there they're thinking fifty candidates- it's raises the roman doorways gonna do not leave ballot. Fifty and mark you just really appreciate it its mail and only valid no hand counting to tabulate gotta go through dominion, computer through a county anything and dumb? I, like yesterday, Mark I receive poor out in the mail. I didn't, even after any valid One one about daughters who definitely period haven't cling residency in Alaska says he moved outside. We, Anything outside of Alaska out try same Rakowski Well, you know who wrote this bizarre election plan that we have right now going on with the ranked choice voting
women up in the mail we both know that was with Macao, keep a try. Billina. Whenever yeah you do what you I was shocked, yeah yeah. I have a shot at it. It is then there are the oh. You know this kind of voting system, but the rest of America keeps track was going on in laughter for didn't happen to them. So it's like a free for all what she's, hoping as exactly what's happening that there's a bunch of candidates, her name I d or daddy's name. I d propels her to the top And that's what she's hoping while I hope they re going to get this. This position in the House of Representatives Alaska will be well represented because it out Mercury ski basically represents San Francisco. Pretty much comes to the issues? and she stabs Donald Trump in the back after Donald Trump is delivering for early,
SK, Scan, Alaska, natural resources and so forth, And then she stabs the Supreme Court in the back she's. Really quite radical, isn't she In the union, the pole, Kitchen, when they don't govern as they've campaigned that drives me crazy. You Don T say: is it that much to ask that you do what you say: you're gonna. Do you run of the republican agenda? You don't worry republican. You rented a republican though it primarily lose saw you turn around and you get the Democrats support and run the way to end up with TAT, which she did that's when she got back into the Fishing that her dad gave her twenty years ago, yeah. I know you're not running against. Her is Sir a lot of money in this race. A lot of money pouring in fear, opponents and so forth. Oh you know, I'm sure so there's a couple of established mean in this, never in my ear, campaign I've never once worried about or hustle,
the dollar's ethically than my governors pain, but I went, I think it was a I without, ten to one or one of those ready says if I'm wrong I'll get clobbered court, but I have always unjust without even worrying about the money into me, and all this is the other bizarre thing, though, Mark so everybody's voting right now in Alaska, because ballots are pouring in even though people aren't asking for the ballots but they're being mailed to everybody as you know, them until June eleven, would you both now and then as yet, like six weeks of work, the donors money campaigning trying to fool people have already voted, a bizarre system appear yeah and when you vote that early something could happen in a week or two or three and to lay already voted. You can't take your ballot back on. These systems are really bill. for fraud and abuse and so forth, and so let me give this away under Joe Biden
I'm sure Laskin are suffering like everybody else, but he has the meat cleaver out really for states like Alaska, relative low population, but in your case, mass of geography we have minerals, yeah boy- are, you have that kind of state that the demo rats target most of these p but who pass laws come from the cities. There Democrats in many cases like Schumer and Pelosi, they don't even know how to use their hands or fish or anything of the sort so I'm guessing, alas, is really under the heel of the federal government. It's probably gonna get worse. Don't you think By far the best, Georgia of land appear is bad. Its own by it is controlled by the feds, and we have no clue what Alaska have to offer in terms of energy independence and security in stock t forget you shouldn't. We need to be Feeding the rest of the United States with that what it is that God has provided a sub appear were we have
we have so many. Naturally, Verses- I am always talking about him but dont on it. People in they need to understand what we have to offer so sitting out here, Mark I'm in my tracks in my driveway looking out, my yard. My big backyard is a big lake that just the ice just blew just two days ago, I'm looking at the most prestige, about glaciers. Might you thinking the Yahoo from pretty It called hold on hold on one minute: I've got one heartbreak. We want to bring it back after the break. Sarah Palin, Sarah for Alaska dot COM, SARA spell out the word for Alaska dot com. Sarah, for less good that the ladies and gentlemen, the? U S, constitution, authorizes two forms of legitimate money, gold and silver, but are governed abandoned gold and silver over fifty years ago. Meanwhile, golden silver prices have skyrocketed over the last year and the growing pilot
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the Constitution, man, Marshall, calling seven seven. Forty eight one, forty eight one one were talking to Sarah Palin who's running for the single house, seat in the state of Alaska, where Murkowski and her surrogates have screwed up completely the voting system, but she's still hoping to muscle through it can help Sarah for Alaska that particularly those of you listening to me in Alaska. You can Support her efforts, Sarah for Alaska dot com excuse me, Sir payment on people up they're kind of sick of a six week. Election That's a long election. Ah yeah, I think I'm you know, I don't want voters to be discouraged with how bizarre the new single voting or whatever it is as this process I don't want to be discouraged and think about, doesn't count and right
me turn about borders impression when we put these new rules in place that dumb, I think, alaskan borders because it, the question was on the ballot, whether they should be adopted. There were heard we we know that it can be this word- I think it discourages people wanting to be involved, which is probably the intent, so I'm you know still as bizarre as it is. We got to get people to show up and we gotta get people to run for office and not be ready to take on that work. Housekeeper the Welsh. It's either that Margaret what we're going, you're the radio and shooter tv in you, don't talk the talk but don't give up their walk the walk and really be involved and support those who are willing to do whatever it takes to fight, but what's right, I watch these Alaska shows. I love them. Conclude. I could never live that way until I'm going go out and get your century of shooting badge you change.
Dear, I mean I'm, there were whoa, I like nature when it outside and I'm inside of you know what I mean I can't help, but I'm from Philadelphia, you don't like me up there all the time and I had a politely pass. I thought I can't get up there It's beautiful, I invited you up here, I'm inviting you up here and yet worthwhile. It might be a little house on the prairie and ah it is, though, it's clean and it's while in a lot of ways. So that's all good that you down, now that yours anyway, and the families torn well, your kids, there do in some a couple a moment. Oh, my goodness, they both fallen far from the tree. It needs apples and they women taxes and we love it that the text is a lot like Alaska and Texas. A little sister state fell, Finally, may I bit ly aright
it's a pleasure to have you folks. We really could use Sarah Palin in the house itself, four Alaska, dot com, Sarah F, O R, spelled out Sir for Alaska, DOT, com and she's right. be dissuaded, dont, be discouraged. You got a vote and vote for hereupon, not down up, as endorsed in fact endorse? Your immediately did me You sure did didn't you talk to completely in we're almost page- then it is rare, rock and roll for the good people in our state, demeanor nation hope, hopefully both get back in there well, if I don't hurt, if it doesn't hurry, I'd like to endorse your too, because I've done it before, and I would again. I approve both like hey Mark, also, yes, money. I'm talking about that those terms, populism, And federalism you did. The best show on that. Allow for foreign aid is just what we want to that end. In about education
value in what it is that your explaining the people and how the left hijacks are and I'm really know what that was. The verbiage. People get confused, but you clarified for. Thank you. Oh that's very sweet of you. Thank you and by the way I haven't done at watch this next Sunday show it's a killer, app the man I'm the only guess me myself and I thought well, I think, you'll like it Alright, Sarah God bless you. My friend you take care, are that's era for Alaska come surf? Wouldn't it be a hoot if she's in the house, the last time I said, hope MR preferred her mister a producer like never. don't think. I've ever said that the boys and girls over media who seem absurd to me, which is better Sickly sort of air- and in incestuous relationship they have with media matters one try,
Tat do the other in the stupidity, realm get very concerned about the way I ice. Gone Hannity. Yesterday, Mr Buzek,. So I thought I would play it just piss them off. one go people said a lotta thing about this: a springboard issue, I'm listening to these Democrats couple of things, the damage. I dont believe a woman is a woman right, didn't they just nominates somebody get somebody confirm who couldn't define what a woman is without a biologist, its clear, if you follow the logic which is very difficult A woman is only a woman if she believes in abortion or gets an abortion? That is what you have. Conclude from the Democrat Party, Chuck Schumer screams at the top of his lungs. which is a very ugly seen say. That this will not stand this, the one: that's what will not stand truck the car.
Natasha will not stand. Then I hear somebody left wing, women, senators or birthing people syrup. people senators. I guess they up, and they say things like we're going to have a patchwork system. I guess there Familiar with federalism, the tenth amendment and so forth, we have a patchwork, system in our country for all kinds of things Then they say what a woman will have to travel to a state that allow Abortion under certain circumstances and so forth, and so on. These are the people who are bussing illegal aliens all over the country, every corner, the country flying Passing them a training them, it's no big deal, but apparently it's huge inconvenience if you're going to have an abortion to go to the next door state or something like this that Denmark party is insane. The democratic party is a war with our institutions had destroying them a meeting We Bernie Sanders, wants to destroy the Senate and his psychic Elizabeth worn, wanted
so the filibuster raw. Let me make something clear: this is Not the United States or the Democratic Party, this it's a United States of America dammit and we are the american people, have a say on what goes on in our country. you're damn hands off our constitution. They say the word about our children, their distress. children's minds and our elementary schools and middle schools, they say Care about women, their destroying women's sport, title mine and so forth. They dont even recognize womanhood, they say, care about citizens, their destroying citizenship on the southern border and elsewhere. The democratic party is to undermine this country. They ve been this court for years threatening its Dependence threatening individual justices had the straw The confirmation process destroy people's names. We don't have the time There's from these people and women of Amerika, you should rise up structures, just Seti represents one hundred million women. It has.
I represent one hundred million women that goofball Represent any women as far as I'm concerned- and this whole thing seems contrive to me: have you noticed how well organised it? Is they get their leaker? That guy puts out the first after all, of a sudden people, are showing up like they're coming right out of the woods they show up. They got there. DR signs they got there talking points and one other thing- that's very, very important. Well said today, humor said today these legal analysts have said today this will straw. Marriage same sex marriage had they read the opinion this is in the opinion unable to show concrete alot reliance on Rowing Casey themselves, the solicitor general meaning the lawyer for the government yes, I know now live so mediate, found this wow? He raises his voice. What a bunch of little pukes.
this stand, Abrams founded Media, the same guy that this court cam. Who has. gloody squirrel to the top of his head. You know his bald as a Cuba. Sorry you I know, but I dont glue squirrels to the top of my head he's got A podcast that nobody listens to, but. Set up this whole company. Why does these these cable programmes. and he wants you to really think he's a serious objective, journalist and lawyer, some idiot. Any hires idiots media hype, what a stupid name, again with, but we don't need a media. I, when we have media matters and we don't need a media matters. When we have the New York Times, ops, I kind of let it out of the bag. Didn't MR produce
Meet Tee, what Sunday show is gonna be about. It is a hugely important Shaw. Me myself and I. the full hour Supposing the New York Times. I want to strongly encourage you if you cannot watch live at eight p m eastern on Sunday to reach. When the programme dvr it in, Your friends and neighbors and coworkers and so forth time that the New York Times. Have a very deep. examination, its passing judgment. On all of Us President Trump. on his supporters? While its past judgment on the Supreme Court. While its passing judgment on fox and conservative talk, radio in various hosts,
near times, is a no moral position to pass judgment on any body. By the time, I am done you understand exactly what I'm talking about it's important that the the millions of people. Watch the Sunday show sometimes almost three million for a son, night show it's unheard of on cable that they here at all and see it all men I'm hoping you will join us, It's about time. We use our platforms. Specially here, the Ministry of truth. many, a ministry of truth on my Sunday sure to take a good look at that corrupt, Poisonous corporation.
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people on what exactly what the Democrat are saying. As far as like dehumanizing people, they are people, and the first thing that I would say to them is you know, mom's M R, Carey, a completely different genetic code when they're carrying a baby, they are carrying a a, they could even be carrying a different gender and I'm so. How can you say that it is your body in order it really one hundred percent as a different buying for its own genetic codes, own fingerprints, it's own gender, found blood type, and I've just now you don't. Let's are right to privacy and a choice. You see how they d human eyes. You see how they destroy the language. You see how they trade burn down institutions that don't fall on line, to be a moron to not now that that's a baby, and you have to be a more on to tell us that you can fine! What a woman is and yet in the end, It states that the Democratic Party, that's what
gotta, believe that chick define a woman that a woman's not a woman and less unless she wants an abortion. It's a woman's right house, It is all this re IDA I don't understand, because it it's never been about their body. I mean when you, if you have seen the things that I have been you know I mean I've seen a little twelve. We called are not we I'll bet Atwell weaker in it denies the thin. when for weeks. Thirty, two weeks, I've seen all that I've seen heartbeats five weeks gestation, and I mean it's not about your body. That is a completely for human being and- and we just have to I'd, love good and safe, because then we wouldn't have as much. Abortion. I don't think because going to educate young Muslims on climate, linear ties, which is always right, there'd be thirteen percent. Less abortions the truth is Mammon Europe, your labour nurse, if some once an abortion, they're gonna get an abortion in your exists.
Equally right, we need to stop talking about. These are rights That is not a viable baby and we need to start educating people pigs. Actually, what does an abortion do. and you have states that have loud, abortion right up to a second before a baby is born. How her renders is that Oh my gosh and be how can adults stand there and do that to a baby Not with you when I have been there are so many births and watched them go from blue to pig in You know a minute and a half, it's the most beautiful thing you ve ever seen. I mean they are, living breathing beautiful things in the morning, his whole people and then also how it affects the mothers there's so much data out their abortion and how it affects them, others for the rest of their lives. I mean, if it be you kids
tell me that if a man is telling them what to do, you know about it, not the case at all. You need to understand that you have the whole a human being, and my truck Shermer goes on the Senate floor at a press conference. claims to represent one hundred million women in this country who the hell does, he think he is one hundred million women support his radical the on abortion. They claim represent. Fifty percent of the country. Its insanity, to the women of my life. Reject this completely. So I don't know what he's talking about that. They claim to represent women's rights except one comes to women's rights having nothing to do with abortion, then they don't but damn anymore I I agree one hundred percent, I mean if, if you talked to any labor and delivery nurse they're going to so what we disagree excel, at least No not only have to talk to make a Brzezinski make Brzezinski. We need to ask her opinion, or else
but the wire and she speaks for all women. All insane women right, yes with the toy, there joy, reed, who believe This is all about racism. Why are there I want to? Thank you. I want to thank you for you not helping little babies with real lives. I want to thank you very very much. You know, folks, like most religious person in the world. I am a person of faith, I believe in God. but for me, abortions always been about knowledge, logic and humanity, We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, weasel. Our truck drivers, snake you. We salute the people in Ukraine, God bless each and every one of you- and I will see you tomorrow, you well.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-06.