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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/4/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, for over 100 years the democrats have controlled the bureaucracy, aggressively using progressivism to gain control inside of the government and the media. Today the corporations that own these newspapers and cable TV networks are to blame for not policing their industry to protect it. That’s how ridiculous propagandistic op-ed’s make the pages of the New York Times and Washington Post who suggest that America, our protests, and everything else are racist. This is a grave injustice. Despite not having a chance of ever winning states like New York, New Jersey, and California, President Trump has spent the majority of his time during the pandemic to ensure that these states had ventilators, field hospitals, beds, and other supplies — regardless of the failures of those governors. Meanwhile, in a swipe at Trump, former President George W. Bush called for national unity. Bush never called for unity when President Obama, James Comey, and other rouge FBI leaders tried to set up Trump. Then, the media continues to destroy Joe Biden's accuser and give him cover.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here there is a truly independent institution. Where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening.
And my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale, further sponsorship, now broadcasting them only underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant. Here I number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one went by the way, my beautiful wife back at you. Thank you. Let's start today show this way I watched the president for
nine thousand one hundred and twenty minutes, as we all did on Sunday or many of us. I thought he did an excellent job. Lots of questions, fair question. Some of them are tough in the present United States had thought moves. Really seamlessly from one subject to the next needs trying to get across to the american people. What he's accomplish, because he can't get a break from the media for the most part, and when you look at what is done with the governors with the private sector data, I mean we have very few president's vat challenges like this very few, and it's so a typical what we're dealing with here. It would be nice, If more than half of the country rallied around the president, I think there's a silent majority who really do appreciate all that he's doing appreciate, what's taking place
And so many people are suffering in fighting, but the problem is really with the media in the Democratic Party, is of a different kind today than it's been in the past,. It will never rally around this present. It will never rally around a republican president. In my view period not from this day forward. It is a power hungry, Duration, the media have sold their collective soul. The Democrat Party, the Democrat Party, owns the bureaucracy. And this is after a hundred years really more than a hundred years. Progressive progressive as it is a poison is a cancer and it has taken hold in every election mouse critical, every single one.
Now I want you to hear the president's responses about two minutes when he was asked about who spoke about the prey- Then I want you to hear some of the responses or one in particular, and Secondly, it has been when the press continues to expose itself as a highly unprofessional, highly partners, Highly left wing operation and I blame these court racial set on them. I blame eighteen to their own CNN. I blame Comcast Headphones NBC and Hinder MSNBC. I blame Amazon that owns the washed imposed. I blame a billionaire, Mexico, the rounds of big chunk of the New York Times and so forth, and so on, no policing of these institutions, every other business, their self policing,
professional policing, except when it comes to the Democratic Party press, then any effort, to them- and I don't mean police state, I mean to police the real standards, ethical requirements and so forth is treated with a false call of unconstitutional violation of the first amendment which they respect for nobody else by the way There's an entire peace in the New York Times today about the white supremacist who are involved in these protests. And leading some of them in use It, is an opportunity to organise. Maybe that's true and they are dying. Article despicable group, they always happen, but there are millions the Americans, a percentage of whom are. Testily that have nothing to do with any of that in the New York Times
Eggs really, no clear distinction between the two and it doesn't want to. They did the same crap, but the tea party. And then you have our beds writers, saying that the protests are racist. Now, if you re. In our view, the New York Times with a reverence that the left does. These people on trains and planes and silver. You believe this crap its propaganda. It's not pro Ghana, that there's evil in the country of course was evil in the country, but everyone product these things not evil or white supremacist people have seen is concerned with their. Institutional Right with their small businesses with their jobs and the word about this country.
So it does a grave injustice, grave injustice to the truth when this effort is made, To pain everybody would that branch, it's disgusting, but I want to give you an example: Peter Greece is a writer for the New York Times and is often been at these corona virus press events with the present, and so as I do from time to time? I collected all these newspapers wasted money, but nonetheless just to point something out too, and I go online, obviously, as well. But every now and then I want to see what it looks like told, a newspaper in your hand, oh what they're saying so if you bought the New York Times And you want to eight nine there's a headline across almost the entire part of the page by Peter Baker called track. An outbreak? U S, fall out politics, death, economic
Well, any predecessor failed to move Trump. What kind of a headline is that it goes on Washington in Trump at a quick reaction on Sunday after former President George W Bush called for national unity, he attacked Mr Bush. National unity. Mr Trump make clear, was not on his agenda for the day, even as the death toll from the corona virus pandemic that has ravaged sixty seven thousand and tens of millions of our work american struggle to get. But what kind of writing is this? He should be right. Should be writing press statements for Joe Biden, let me repeat it because It sounds like a left wing Democrat rant. President Trump trumpet quick reaction on Sunday after former President George W Bush called for national unity. He attack Mr Bush. National unity, Mr Bush may clear was not only Agenda Frick for the day, even if the death toll for the corona virus, pandemic that has ravaged country past. Sixty
One thousand and tens of millions out of work american struggle to get by. Let me stop here, I'm going to read your morbid: let's talk Turkey, let's be very blunt there. Fifty states and territories and the District of Columbia. The president of the United States, the vice president, United States history, This force and his administration has spent far more time when trying to assist New York, New Jersey and California than any other states in the country than any other states in the country. Because I've had the biggest problems. A republican president who has no hope of winning New York Natures, your California, none states filled with Democrats, Americans.
I'm playing the New York Times Game here, fill with Democrats. He sent ventilators, he built hospitals, he created more bets. He. Flooded. Then we're military personnel here, and whatever resources the federal government could cobbled together they give to them. He did the same, Think for New Jersey and the same thing for California, we have three truthfully incredibly incompetent governors, incompetent governors, any company governance, before these guys They ve spent their treasury dry, they have massive debt massive job obligations. They ve cut short their health care. They can corners, earned our hospitals for decades. This president, didn't let them choke
He saw Americans in harmony, acted and acted, and we get this right Baker that this present it doesn't want, unite the country he cannot. United. Country. As long as we have propagandist like this for the Democratic Party. The only show criminal investigation against a man, innocent man is actually the victim violation and paid against an innocent man and then have this ridiculous trial, their support have their attacking those kids for attacking. Is businesses. And this guy has the Merv the gall to write about tat doesn't want unity. Of course, we want unity, but he s to defend himself there. No reason for George W Bush to release that very, other than self. Aggrandizement It in that video, which I watched
He has himself somewhere in the middle of it on nine eleven. This is a family that is voted against drop. This is, Family that has tried to sabotage from this is a family. H drop, you might say, well, agrees and ok, but that's, not unity. Now. This Bush opened his mouth, not at the big The virus not what Trump A vicious assault on impeachment constitutions under attack, the FBI sense, eyes into his campaign. Lies that face a court. The FBI directorate call me Is this Bengali in charge of most of it? George Bush an issue, a video. Then he didn't make a statement. Then, let's go on with Peter bakers, peace, third paragraph amid the death and the station, the president was busy not only assailing Mr Bush, he was.
Busy assailing Mr Bush. He put out a tweet that takes about fourteen seconds. But another predecessor is well embracing a fringe conspiracy. Theory to accuse former present Barack Obama masterminding a hoax to take him down. That is a free. Conspiracy theory, I dont know Peter Beggar, as Mr Obama, Ribbon under oath as yet in question is, is wreckage been subpoenaed the way the President TAT it was Administration, after all, it was his b, I his department of Justice, was the head of the DMZ, but it's a fringe can piracy theory, ladies and gentlemen, amazing in the Obama Biden administration. All of this lawlessness took place and neither man has ever had to sit any kind of serious question ever
suggest they should achieve conspiracy. Theory, MR too, also attacked a prominent congressmen Dennis the news, media and threatened to withhold aid to states hard hit by the virus unless they bowed to his demand on immigration policy see how they write. When Obama's in office. If you dont, bowed his policies on immigration or the environment or end quote does or on a thousand other thing. She didn't get money either. So, unless Trump, Ports are whole gonna moves hard left in play the game of the left. The formerly moderate governor of Virginia. The only way could save himself was the move, hard left and other wash them. Praises the man unless tromp does that you see there's something wrong with him. He doesn't support
unity, but Peter Baker really means unity of ideology with the media, unity of ideology, Pelosi Shimmer. This is why trunk can't stand these people their nefarious. They had dishonest they occur Peter bakers, all those things and more, And more, when I return I'll be right back if you family or finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days, I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills, students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with Thou Knowest free online course that Great America. Story, a land of hope, learning it
reaching our children about America's past. Is he, and for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take free online course. The great America. Story, it's a production. Masterpiece ended It's a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This court, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available. You and your family for free right now go to then for a wholesale back, come alleviate for hills del dot com. I want to continue this because many of you don't read the New York. God knows I travel is possible, but unfortunately I would obviously to you- and I have read this crap, but I want to go with this article by Peter Baker,. Two major news, article. Then he meaning the present a plan to end his day with a long appearance on Fox NEWS. If not its speed
into the country as a whole, but to his political base, six months to the day before them Amber election. Headlines, a a virtual town hall on the pandemic at the Lincoln Memorial name for another previous pray Who, famously once warned about a house divided against itself, cannot stand there, any news on there whatsoever. Luckily, trashes Fox news, locally, trashes Republicans Conservatism in trouble. Ninety six percent support. Among Republicans, are we trashes news? Colleagues Martha my column, Brett Bear just blow them all. Because they they try to isolate, segregate an attack. So far. You ve had no news, such is the day underscored once again that Mr Trump does not view the presidency in the same way as its previous occupants favorite.
Combativeness over conciliation, even in times of need, national crisis permission, Drop, it is a formula that has worked and one that fine, it is most comfortable and can offer you know. I know the President, it enough to know. That's not true that hatred he is. He is here, get frustrated with the media and others any fight back, but you not just to show the complete lack of context in here. Three by this Peter Baker, combated a reconciliation in times of national crisis. Ladies and gentlemen, those you ve read on freedom of the press, doing what war one Woodrow Wilson locked up as political enemies wait a new and espionage act. Nineteen seventeen shut down newspapers that opposed him.
And re segregated the civil service. During world war, two empty are Ended up a hundred and twenty thousand Japanese Americans and Americans have Beneath descent and sent them to in internment centres in the interior of the country with a military, or I remember the order, nine zero six six and took the private property way for them. He also unleash the IRS against newspapers in newspaper owners who he disagreed with, and political opponents, Democrat and Republic. I guess that's what he means by unifying America, there's Abraham Lincoln, of whom I am a huge fan. But during the civil war, Lincoln through
Is sectoral war shut down over too Newspapers, mostly in the sap at some of the north, if they didn't support the north in the civil war, he put journalists in prison. In a very low tolerance level, very low hello, tolerance level for dissent. During the civil war, in you might say, you can't blame on that's fine appeal, Baker has no idea what he's talking about none I want to continue this because somebody has to do an autopsy of the New York Times of Mr Baker, this chest out is big mouth open. He thinks he actually know something. He knows nothing. Anyone these pushing out this vomit as it tool for I'll, be right back if you
family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Hills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home demand an absolutely free of charge. Hills. Students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can too hills, thou, knowest, free online course that great merit story, a land of hope, learning and teach our children about America's past, is he Central for preserving liberty and the future Register now to take this free online course. The great America. Should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America. As it's a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This court and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you. And your family for free right now good,
Then free hills doubt that come Ellie, the iron pray, hills Del dotcom voice of sanity remaining saying world Call him now at eighty seven, seven hundred and thirty, eight one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and ten. What frustrates and annoys the president. Supporters. It's this lies and propaganda. Spun. Trump regularly scorns the notion that he should be more presidential. Dismissing that concept is weak, boring! That's not what he's talking about he's talking about past Republicans, who would taken on the chin and not fight back, but down
Europe is not a conventional Republican he's, not a conventional politician. That's why he's been elected. The media would never treat Barack Obama the way they treat Donald Trump, never ever and if Did Barack Obama would react the way that he would react to a friendly fawning slobbering media. But it is at moments like this that his departure from the norms of his office becomes most evident. Mr trap, we spent the weak. Camp David in his first get away. Since most of the nation began, law, peeved down and three March seem peeved posted by Minute video message posted by Mr Bush, or why wouldn't it be? I looked at it. Why would time this refer now. Why don't you do it a month ago in six weeks ago? Why don't you do it over the last three years and wise his picture
the video guy doesn't say a word and now he says something. Well, Mr Bush never mention Mr Trumps name. The sitting president clearly took the message as an implicit rebuke, any twitter message Mr Trump Paraphrase Day, and let us not forget, by the way that they use the trash Bush and Bush never fought back. That he lied about the war in this play down. They didn't do this. He didn't react fast enough. The nine eleven happening here. To be investigated, you know they hated pushed it. Let us not forget how they use Republican Pass republican President's against sitting republican President's You know Reagan wasn't like Eisenhower. Forty one wasn't like Reagan Bush forty three was not Like his father trumpet Like any of them, you know that kind of crap, good job, Peter Beggar, true to form.
This, the trap also reposted messages attacking Representative Adam Shift, democratic Californian, the leader, the house managers who prosecuted Isn't it at a Senate impeachment trial this year and founded in federal money to bail out states that maintain sanctuary policies protecting Illegal immigrants, what is wrong with any other note, there's no content. What exactly did Adam shift saying do? Adam shift is now preparing to run and other investigation. And what Adam Shift said and what random shift has done is on Eric and in his harm the country greatly. Mr Bush's video message. Was online is part of a twenty four hour alive stream project. The call to unite that also featured Oprah Winfrey TIM Shriver, Julia Roberts, Martin Luther King, the third Sean Quincy Jones, Naomi Judd drew Yang another. Now one of them voted for trot now, one of them.
But it's unite. America, Georgina United, that would us in this idiot Peter, doesn't even get it the irony former president then also delivered a message in others, the United States? into a camera. What looked like a video chat from his home mister trappers. Decline to call on his predecessors to help bring the country together during the pandemic, that this is unbelievable, unbelievable. And it goes on and on about Bush Bush never been fan of his fellow republican President Trump defeated his brother. It is video message, though Mr Bush recalled the difficult days after nine. Eleven eleven is largely kept quiet since
With a couple of notable exceptions, such as a speech in New York and eulogy from a cane there were seen, is implicit rebukes, the incumbent The Bush family will vote for, but, let's just be blunt, showy George H, W Bush was a very decent man, one because of Ronald Reagan, whose reckons third term period, and then he lost when he was on his own. The second time. George W Bush, one against and Al Gore, who was a disaster in an idiot and even then close, call and all dependent on one state Florida, and he wanted fair and square the electoral college while Mark and our trump then get tee a popular trump one.
With over three hundred electoral college votes. He wasn't relying on one state. The numbers were wrapped up big in California and they always will be now who's. California is gone. So what exactly was at article about Peter Baker? In the near a news article much. There wasn't a single positive word about President Trump and that peace, not one, he managed to trash fox. He managed to trash the fox viewers, not one. And that's not the only place in the New York Times where their slamming the present the United States today, just today. Those are not yet I mean you can turn the pages. Why get these things from time to time? To take a look. This hour, I let's, let's look at the Washington Post there really so
siamese twins, these two pathetic newspapers have been siamese twin since they both covered up the holocaust in the thirties and forty. So, let's, luckily the front page smack in the middle near the bottom states out front filling federal void. Dan balls should be Dan has no balls Ba Elsie by the way Christ ships. Balance of power pinning Washington against the governors now folks, maybe Some of these blue state not job governors, but this president has work more closely with the governors in any president in modern history period. Any president.
The history, the United States, has generally been written with the states in a subordinate role or cast in a negative light, but no longer know what kind of sentences that it's a sentence written by a hard core left. This who doesn't believe in the entire constitution, who doesn't believe in federalism. The story of America's confrontation with the corona, pandemic is one in which states and their governments have been dominant. Now, let's just stop a second there, Mr Balz Just name be Elsie, so we'll call him mister, no boss. Mr no, be a Elsie. Let's ask a question.
What, if the president had acted? What, if the president hadn't filled the void? What if the president has provided the ring source. What if the president hadn't coordinated with the governess? What if the president hadn't pressured foreign countries? Many businesses to produce masks and other p, p, p, p p. Depending on what newspaper you read New York, been lost, California had been lost. Both of those governors also skip for any, have had to praise the present United States for the support he's provide both of them. You would see, much more horrendous human tragedies,
in place in New York City and New York, environs, Northern Jersey and California, not to mention other states. That's what you would see right now, but day and noble He didn't see it. That way. You know, because he's been in Washington is entire professional career writing for the washing compost. His entire professional career and if you want to buy line on the front page, you better toe the line baby. It's that simple. As Washington has stumbled, governors of both parties have acted to fill the void. Washington stumble another new story Washington has stumbled by what standard by day, no ball standard. You ve got a centralized power, be a hard course. It is progressive. Be shouting out: orders nationalizing businesses rolling up.
Governors, which would be exactly the wrong thing to do. That's why they're dead- she went on for ten years, but then no balls No cardy doesn't understand any of this. Way over his iq, which is is a binding on the front page of the watchman compost. Washington stumbled. Governors of both parties have acted to fill the void states, a pleaded Washington for help and sometimes have gotten it in sometimes have gotten it where's. This clown been. You know I don't know if Dan no balls is one of them, I would doubt it eats. He sounds like a highly moral has gone stand up guy, but you know that have a little bit of her an odd thing? They goes on in Washington on their computers. Have you heard about this, MR producer? All these people looking at porn all the time I'm not saying Dando balls and by fact out defend him, I'm sure it's not him, but their armies.
Not watching these pressures are not watching anything. The really not digging into anything. As often, however, the tensions and disagreement between the state leaders and the federal government, especially with President Tromp, have come to define the crisis. Now they haven't you idiot as Trump dallied dallied. Not you understand. This is where the campaign is Trump dallied. He felt take lead. They failed it nay, properly fell to move early killed, more people Cause more mayhem and everything else that that results from what in place and, of course, the economy is in serious trouble. Over thirty million people applied for unemployment that cause tromp as handled this right, economies on him, the viruses on him, the Democrats who are hiding under their desks in their very
mansions at the nap a valley, winery of Nancy Policy and all the rest, there are, I mean, can attack M, ladies and gentlemen, they they want nationalization. Centralisation dictates up the was zoo as Trump down Governors moved on their own to order the residents to stay at home. Mr no balls, I have a question for you as a constitutional matter. What authority does a press? and have to order citizens of states to stay home, and can you name one president who's ever done that under any Come stances. The spanish flu of nineteen eighteen. I am aware of no authority in the constitutional president. Has the power to authorize residents to stay, its citizens to stay in the residence or for that matter to shut businesses.
And it wasn't that long ago, when Andrew Como very inarticulately was slobbering They are that president doesn't have any that Para. That's hey sideways! Rescued me money! Federalism. Today, no balls doesn't even know what each time it- and this is peace on Federalist when the president threatened for states to live. Those restrictions governors resisted when trumped supported, protesters demanding that their states be opened. That's not what he did. It was the true administration, no balls who put out the guidelines in the present. It is said that states need to look at the guidelines and, wherever possible, open the bees so authoritarian. This drives left nuts, because fascism in support of big government Meat paraphrase very go. What is no vice when it comes to the Democrats will continue
unravelling Dan, no balls at the Washington compost when we re I'll be back. Then, if you, your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know, and in what way to fill it. Take a free online course from hills. Dale college pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, Hills students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with him thou newest, free online course that greater can story a land of hope learning. It each our children about America's past. Is he central for preserving liberty and the future ready stir right now to take this free online course. The great America Story, it's a production
Stood peace and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This court and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you and your family for free right now, gonna live. Fraid Hills, drawback com alleviation for del dot, so weak out with the near its lines here: Baker, fraud, Or the washing compost Dan Balls or, as is often called, the by me down no balls Ba Elsie. Of course, we dont use profanity here. We'll go onto his spectacular news, peace and washed and compost. This display of state power is very much. Founders intended when they establish the nation just ass. They could
Checks and balances at the national level among the legislative, executive and judicial branches. I guess he thinks people read the poster idiots. Maybe they are. Over time, the federal government has regularly usurp the broad authority given to the states often to wipe away. Problems are correct, historical injustices. He doesn't even understand history that the federal court called the Supreme Court was the court that ruled implicit versus Ferguson. And also upheld slavery sky this spring, the balance of power has been flipped with states forced to compensate for failings at the national level. See this this feeling that that feelings in New York, not feelings in California, not feelings in New Jersey or Illinois. Michigan, no feelings at the national level, because Trump is the president. You see.
This- is the narrative solve your liberal Democrat you'll love. This newspaper, like you, love the New York Times their grand growing those federal, deficient reflect an absence of readiness and sometimes a lack of interest in confidence on the part of the trap administration, the deficiencies compounded by a president given to issuing conferred thing advice attacking individual governors of making wildly misleading and outright false statements, as when he suggested that scientists should explore injecting disinfectants into people to combat the virus. We ve been through This is a lie. That's not what he said is certainly not what he meant, but they can help it. This is the big why her big lies in this case. I am going to continue with this. After the break It is very, very important to understand why the President lashes out against these people. They are utterly corrupt. Their intellectual frauds.
They are party apparatchik and they are key painting against the present the United States for reelection. The present is running against the Democrat Party and the Democratic party We'll be right back from the westward one podcast network
He's here now, broadcasting I'm really underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leaders have Markleham anywhere. I number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven seven create one three. I want much like wrapping paper and even look at me. Look at thirty minutes before the ship. I've got doesn't of things here that I want to talk about, but then I decide I got it take my time and do what I've gotta do bouncing around fastened Do anybody any good. You want to know why they corridor from new
down the Washington D C and pretty much everything in between pushes the news pulls the news prized. The Democrats sides with the Democrats celebrates the hostility against tromp your hearing it. I just told you what the New York Times Peter Baker, one of their top report, is a disgrace and a disaster in a liar And now you're saying Dan Balls Ache, hey I dunno ball same exact thing. They could write the same exact article and this is what people are reading. This is what they see and hear propaganda. Dan Balls, a k a day, no balls he goes on he quotes Governor Pritzker among the worst governors who sends His family, on a private jet to Florida, when he's telling regarding to hide under the kitchen table.
Quote. What I can say is we ve had very little leadership with regard to the corona virus crisis from the federal guy. Said Ellen I governor J B Pritzker, the first Governor recently reviewed the history, a presidential leadership in times of crisis coat Each of them understood the importance and power that the federal government has to move the country in a single direction towards victory. I've seen nearly none of that out of our president and yet no balls could have quoted. Newsome could have quoted. Cuomo could have quoted Murphy out and didn't call any of them, because Pritzker fits his narrative. Now I want you to think a second about what these fools are: pushing the centralisation of decision making on one as an example, I wonder up this economy or that economy a president, whoever whomever the present his staff, his experts can't possibly know.
The details of what's taking place in Idaho Oklahoma in Texas in Florida. York in California, in Rhode, Island, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kentucky Georgia, Wyoming Oregon Washington state. The Maharajah Arizona and on an honor, they can't possibly know the governors they have quite Isabel bureaucracies too, they have health experts to, in fact, when it. To health issues. Governors are much more involved on the day to day basis than President's of hospitals? They have hospital beds, whether they Expand hospitals. Number them. Our eyes see, tease honour. These are all decisions made at state level, except What is the present gonna do project his views on
all these states, all these localities, One under the country to the others are very diverse countries diverse geographically, the people are diverse, The economies are diverse at all. Many farms are there in Manhattan and I believe there is any battle. Believers any. And how many shoe manufacturers are large. Can And I believe there is any this why we have if these this is why we have governors and state legislatures signed it logic, thing. It's a fact. It's a big, diverse country, it's not like one of the scandinavian countries or one side, Fits all- and you have stayed centres so big- that they're making decisions and part based on counties like in Florida. That's been hugely successful.
The really successful governors are not quoted anywhere is massively long Dan, no balls piece which goes from the front page to eight twelve takes up the entire page, but for a photo would trump and Cuomo. States verses, Washington is one of the headlines. So you really have to be a propaganda to write something like this. Who else does he quote. Larry Hogan in Maryland, whose a loser is a buffoon quote him. Quotes officials from the Obama administration Cherry pick certain professors. So this is not a serious piece of journalism. This is a serious piece of propaganda. And people in and around Washington DC, the read this paper.
Workers. This is what they're getting from day no balls. What's happening now with the various states crucially important, it's actually a wonderment. Look it up compared to other countries. Some states and better positions and others for a whole variety of reasons. Does it matter and their opening up faster, more broadly than other states,. Some states and cities are in shape either, because Nature or because of the mismanagement of this virus early on, but whatever the Riis Presidential Fee in directives to all the states.
All the counties of the city's would be a disaster. It would literally, The disaster right now. Thank God. We have federalism. Thank God. Can you imagine every state being treated like Michigan arrested being treated like New York would be absurd. And by the way, some of the blues just starting gradually, reluctantly to open up now. Are they I'm not following the science. Nowhere in here in either of these pieces does the present it get credit for anything. Absolutely nothing. Zero, all of a sudden there, no balls of the Washington compost is big on governance. Certain governors are very, very dark: blue states and one republican government crises effectively putative Democrat who trashes trump.
Type in your ex lives, peace by Peter Baker bears alike. George, W Bush, but Hell use George W Bush a pinch and George W Bush is enough succour to do it puts out this video. We really need to unite now. Oh you don't it's. You do say her should unite. How for the president behind the press. We gotta unite against the president. All these failures. Federal level on all this, and all that. Either way those of you who are liberals can I can. I help save your money. If you read the Times you don't need to read the washed and post, or vice versa, the their redundant their redundant.
Now, let's swing back to the New York slime, shall I think I shall folks a final. Do this nobody's gonna do? I know, there's a lot of stuff out there and I spent. From three in the morning, all the way up to today pulling out I wanted to get, but this is just to important you turn to J eighteen of the New York's limes tromp pick among them. Just supposing ban on joining conservative group by some all. That's really a mush of some word one they talking about by Rebecca, ruinous and Ben protests. Has the Senate this week considers elevating a politically connected judge to an influential federal appeals court. The judges stepped
Do a fierce it illogical debate about illegal group shaping president trumps rightward overhaul of the traditional, oh, my goodness, a first what's had a right were right, word overhaul of the judiciary. Again, these are propagandists and demagogues if you're supporting people whose what the constitution- that's, not right, wing or left wing, nor is it political or ideological. That is what you're supposed to do Rebecca and ban. May I call you Rebecca Ben how about Becky and Benjy Becky and yet Benjy do not judges taken over? hold. The constitution are, then that's postal fidelity to the wording into the context into the intent Was I rightward? That's right word Be that's a Balzac, the judge now another smear, this guy, just and Walker of the? U S district.
When in Kentucky had joined more than two hundred federal judges, a majority them appointed by MR in signing a letter that defends the right to be affiliated with the group. The federalist society. This is a an article that is the top half of the entire page, with photos on a eighteen, the Federalist society. What's wrong, with the Federal Reserve are they marxist, no democratic socialist? No there. They violet group now watch their problem. It is an organization whose member libertarians and constitutional conserve, my God gag. We can have that.
They're moving right where they're gonna move that country right wing, white, supremacy, white, private- oh my god,. The letter, a copy which was obtained by the near to them in their daily to clowns. Written in March in response to a proposal by the ethics advisory arm of the federal tradition that would block membership in the conservative group because a proceed bias. So you see your purse. To be biased? If you believe in the declaration of independence and the constitution, my god they're biased more how so, while they will even unalienable right, stable, even limited government, they believe what the framers wrote, my god, we can have judges like there's no way federalist society. What thou, meanwhile, look at the reprobates the Democrats put on the court left, wing, hack professors, left wing, a hack lawyers
Look at this Berman in Washington, D C and Obama pointy. They never talk about leftwing judges where they want to move to court, Port, the american civil liberties, Yonah and other groups like that The american civil liberties, Yonah and other groups like that, and this become quite controversial. And the centre for judicial ethics and and and your annals via Paypal, very very strongly now that you should not be members of this group and this guy, this judge it wants to be relevant, the sign a light over two hundred other federal judges. No. I can be a member this group's what they're trying to do is destroy. The federalist society is what they did they wanted to. Dr Fox NEWS. They want to destroy consumer talk, radio. They want to destroy protests by average Americans who have small businesses and want to open
ravage Americans who want to get back to work. We have to destroy them whether they call themselves. The tea party we gotta, destroy, gotta, destroy tromp, got it. Twice family guy to destroy everyone around trap is a media, and it's just Guy, why wants to remain a member? The federalists? Oh my god, you gotta and who headed the CIA that voted for a communist under Obama, etc Brennan ISA. How do I get restless very sharp, and I was years and years ago we don't worry about that. Now it reasonable and for public would view judges holding membership in these organisations to hold address and serve liberal or concerted interests. The panel said in its proposal what a joke. We have a member of the United States Supreme Court Hollywood make movie after they pretend she's working,
and the gym. She's holding on as long as she can hoping the Trump administration goes. They give a net r b g, o r b g That all Ruth Paine begins raw. Like a sea like AL, J, J, F K o when you get three I dare say you ve made it all our g. When I am our BT, she was general come Will the Americans criminal liberties- I mean american Civil Liberties Union. Did they objective that no one believed the New York Times had a problem how about the federal advisory bs BS the day objective that none the least. The federalists society promotes the constitution in the declaration. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what it thus among lawyers and the New York Slimy wants to make a controversial.
What a bunch of totalitarian summing, honest to God centralized decision making. I cannot allow these protests. And you can't be a member- the Federalist Society about. I know- and this fact talk- radio dangerous times I'll, be right back then You wanna know the most powerful source of revenue money. Most amount of money is donated from what group to the Democratic Party in democratic countries do no must reduce the trial lawyers, not the union's there. Any aid comes in a closer to that
lawyers, and so here we have paging through, in cholera. My hands, Fabian Washington, surely washing composting near slimes teams dangerous the top of the editorial page today, exploiting a crisis Mr Mcconnell should not use the pandemic to advances towards reform agenda. Having tried and failed to make Democrats meat as conditions for approving additional small business funding last month, you see this. The Democrats. Well that all these conditions, when its Mcconnell, don't you know. Send a majority or Mitch Mcconnell appears internal staging, yet another partisan showdown over federal corona virus relief when the upper chamber- Turns to Washington on Monday today, That issue is aid to reeling state go governments, possibly hundreds of billions of dollars worth which Mister Mc Canopy
This'Ll linked to allowing state bankruptcy only to meet with resistance from both Democrats and Republicans? Now majority leader says: he's opened to aid for states, but only if its tied to legislation limiting employ and other lawsuits over Ledge Corona virus safety failings at opening businesses, safety failings. You see for the new Ex limes, the only good business is a dead business because they were dead and somebody build them out. This is the washing compost same model. That's going to be my red line for the next negotiations, colonel said democratic or throwing cold war. On this latest ploy to ploy terribly so the Senate Majority leader may a powerful business lobbies behind these? Are not powerful businesses we're talking about America. These are barbershops and tat too parlors, massage parlors, pizzerias
Franchises, like you, Pierre Stores and Fedex stores, that's you. But he still risks vilely. What is or should be a cardinal rule for both parties during the crisis do not exploit it to pursue pre existing power See agendas? Oh, I see so energy policy is an arms length list, a policy They're, the ones would slow down the money. I didn't really. Problem with it, but they're the ones to slow down the money to all these entities and are met. Mcconnell says, wait a minute. We need to protect some of these bit. You know many lawsuits been filed so far as fast as we can count against. This is a very size. Almost one thousand, because slip and for ambulance chasing Democrat Party.
Slipping trial liberty, addressing tyranny, go about, might show now at seven seven, three, eight one, forty eight one body. So what if dare to rein in the NBA chasing slipping for Democrats, contributing lawyers, while they Exploiting a crisis for special interests, big business for not suing just big business- you ve got small I'm lore small suing little business. The pro Ms, ladies and gentlemen,. There are many ways to destroy our our country and our system. Some are nature, so are man made.
If you're going to shew businesses that are trying to open, if you're going to sue businesses that tried to fill gaps with p p, P, p, peas and all the rest of it. Then you're doing destroying yourselves from within. Why to protect the trial lawyers there they only group that in its and amazed thing. I just read you this peace by Daniel no balls at the Washington Compost. Problem is federalism. He says the problem is the president's not taking charge them when it comes to towards reform. The problem is Mcconnell wants to address it at a national level, why because, when you destroying business, it has a national affect interstate commerce, it affects interstate MR carve out in the constitution, but we can't,
Exploiting a crisis, so this is what you get out of the Washington Compost hard core leftism the not going this, then here we are in the middle of a crisis right, that's what they say. The editor, underneath, let's hear from MR began an almost broke, my next look. What kind shouldn't be noted their not done what Trump the cap- and this is what gives energy to the cooks in the Democratic Party cause the Washington Post he's not reporting. It's not even a pining about things that if it is pushing an agenda in its Whose pages you can't tell this day, no balls from the editorial page and unwashed imposed are Peter Baker
Two months ago, a three judge panel, the? U S: District Court of appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the second most powerful court in the land issued a ruling that would neuter congresses ability to investigate presidential wrong doing two weeks, so their backing Nadler their backing pillows. It goes on and on I'm not going to waste my time on this, that's their second editorial. And then their third editorial is the balance of faith and safety. Now this is pretty fun. Coming from the editorial page of the Washington compost from surely faceless editorial page writers are very religious people? Don't you know they don't know, Oh anything about evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews, you name it on and on about eight they doesn't matter. Religious expression is protected. But it should not endanger public health,
teeth is out there being everybody's brains in, do they say: hey look. Protest is protected, but it should not endanger public health. That's the three editorial! So if you're reading, they washed encompasses what you're getting day in and day out, trashing tromp lying about the fact. Turning the world inside out, followed up by a nice heavy heaping. You know what of editorial writing. By the way, if you haven't tried, Super beats soft choose you're missing a soft choose, a marked plenty mean softwares. I thought it's a powder. We can get that or you get to know why Should you super beats. Soft choose combined non GMO beats with a powerful new and greedy grape seed extract. Don't don't me stay with me because it actually take great the grape seed extract.
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Terry tarried, when she was in her twenties, was a beautiful young woman. She still, in my view, a beautiful woman but she's very heavy she's gain some weight. Hence the headlines. An accuser ways, her response, you see them is reduced. Ways her response: why would you that word. In their know, this isn't idle chit chat by an accuser ways, a response and EVA photo right there that trying to do Try this one of the media are trying to destroy this woman if they can't destroy they're gonna, try and push by now. As already piece in the new Ex lines about plan B, I told you there would be. But regardless of what I said, this poor woman now is under attack because their betting on Biden. As present another pushing Michelle Obama
pushing Michelle Obama to be the running me. This committee that he put together once Michelle Obama, I guarantee there's backroom talks. Michelle Obama and if he picks me Obama you're allowed to criticise UK criticized it could attack Maloney tromp can attack her clothes. Her shoes, her purse, the woman, those five languages is fluent in five. One. Just as a self made multi millionaire and she's beautiful and they hate her. When is the last time they wrote a peace that was. Solely in holy complimentary, Maloney, a trump they take these Democrat The first lady, some of them may look here, make whatever and they promote them all. Mrs car you're, so smart or if their very liberal, like Betty
Lord. If they had issues, I can talk about what oh Betty was great was unbelievable. Pro abortion. And probably our aid other shit, I've never seen any effort. You know that sort of thing they hated Nancy Reagan hated her. But can you met Michelle Obama, their own she's, in line to be present at the unbelievable, the first one? of Color vice premier, maybe the first woman of Color press. They ve got the next twenty years figure or at least sixteen. All of a be exciting, like nothing else, all Michelle Obama and by the way, she's me. Hundreds of millions of dollars. I've, never understood the big yuk yuk Yuk about Michelle Obama didn't think she was particularly outstanding, may put it that way. They always complemented or clothing. I never like most of it
Maloney knows how to address. They never talk like that of five thousand dollars per me, while Michelle Obama get five thousand dollar purse. None Fan of the Obama, is either them in. What is it with the Democrats in the husband becomes present? Then the wife wants to be president, like Hillary Clinton, Psych the parole family down there and whatever Argentina. So there's there's the Wall Street Journal, this poor woman terror read the me to move it, me too liberal movement. That's what it is Hallo, it's the me too ro inside of me to movement. That's a joke. Liberals are not opposed. Necessarily to these things are, after all, some of their leaders are the biggest wrapper.
There ever were Lyndon Johnson with all respect John Kennedy, his father TAT Kennedy, perhaps by perhaps You gotta go to one at page of one of them: National newspapers to find something interesting and then you go to the full page of USA today, which really Should be USA tomorrow since its printed, and it means the news from yes, That's what ever sixty thousand dead and nursing homes right their top of the page right side. Dire shortages of supplies, testing still a problem. So I read this peace.
And I'm thankful that writing about it, since we ve been hammering away at this. I don't know how long since March twenty sixth year over the near slimy the washed and composts there behind the curve they weren't listening, I don't work day and no balls was Peter Baker and it goes on to pay for right down the right side and I'm reading an unreasoning. An reading, and I dont see Andrew Cuomo's. So how do you write about all the deaths and nursing homes are not talk about the decisions made by Andrew Common, his his health guys sucker now their mothers occur. Or not read about Rhonda Santos, who did a hell of a job protecting his elderly and the asking homes. Then they called the R P, as if they have anything to do anything if they're, not selling insurance, what's the point.
More than two million Americans live and long term care settings. Cloning a nation's fifteen thousand, federally regulated nursing homes. Twenty eight thousand nine hundred assisted living facilities, the Senate, CDC more than sixty. Seven thousand Americans have died, but the long term, industry has been practically ravaged? Why is that, while the virus doesn't like old people, it doesn't like people with weak immune system. It doesn't like frail people. We know this. Some reading this sum one out now wait a minute what it one. If you have a governor who literally said this corona positive Patients leaving hospitals in the nursing homes and other such facilities. What then, there's not a word about it on page one, nothing not a word about it.
So there's new spy, his job and there's news by cover up and censorship. I'll be right back then I'm gonna have a heart to heart. I tell you this for these. I tell you something for reason. Necessarily come out and just explain it in detail. What station are market company I'm talking about. But I strongly want to encourage you to download, are podcast platform.
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p prepare and I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S slash joy
he's here now: broadcasting permanently underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader markland anywhere. I grant eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven, seven, three, eight one! We ate one one. Let's finish up our review of the newspaper: shall we I think we shall hear in the topic. Metro section, washed and compost takes three reporters: an Maremma, Rebecca TAN, an errand Cox Hogan. This would be the hapless governor of
Marilyn Hogan resist pressure to quickly reopen Marilyn. Yes, you see, the people want their their state. Open and Hogan is resisting it, And so we get cease magnificent headlines out of the washed and compost and Hogan lives by The headlines in the washed and cop I would never vote for that cloud. She gonna have a Democrat. Have a Democrat. While its hold another Democrat. That's not a choice. That's not a choice!. And I say this with all respect and admiration And had cancer any he survived it, but good lord you lose about a hundred pounds or something for your own health people. Talk about your health are going to take
have you their population, they smoke, they eat there, there's off their gluttonous at glutinous, gladness. Then I say that item of the deepest concern for the governor, MR produce Jesus I mean his has doubled. As a channel minutes. It's ridiculous. He really needs to take care of himself. I laid the foundation In summary, we just drawing me it's too bad. We ve had to great hours, if I say so myself, so here's the present last night. Talking about, among other things, the press that he said worse Press than Lincoln and honestly, as somebody who has studied this Lincoln had bad press
If you really did like it even shut down, the newspaper and arrest of the journalist who is secretary of WAR, Stanton Stanton, but nobody's had as horrible press is Donald Trump. I can't think of any president at this. This has been a grotesque media it really has been in there so invested in this It illogically in every other way they wake up every morning, trying to figure out how to screw him and they're encouraged to do it, because most of these news outlets hate you and hate. This. Tree, which is why they constantly embracing Bernie Sanders and that anti american Anti individual anti constitution, Anti declaration agenda. Can anybody writing by talk radio? Mentioning me, as I am happy to debate you on this very subject.
And so here's the interview last night, I thought it was pretty darn good show. I really do and I thought the president did superbly well and I thought the Brett Bear in particular: is actually Martha. Maccallum was very, very good tat. One gout raided with a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen. Closest would be that gentlemen right up there, they always said Lincoln Nobody'D get treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse. You there you see those Prescott infringes they come at me. With questions that are disgraceful to be honest, disgraceful, the matter of presentation and their words, and I feel that if I was kind to them, I've been at Bay, walked off. The stage I mean they come out With the most horrible, her renders biased questions, and ninety four. Ninety five percent of the press is hostile, and yet
You look in Florida today? We hundreds and hundreds of votes going up and down the intercostal tromp drum. We have tremendous support that the media is. They might as well be a Democrat Party and why, I don't know we fixed our Jerry, we fix the red, you know. If you look at the dossier, you take a look at what's going on with other say, have choice now and we have accountability were able to get rid of people. Don't treat our virtual. They D been trying to do that for forty four years, and because of civil servants in the union's you could do I've weak, seven weeks. Look at how all these things are running. We rebuild our military, we ve done. We had the greatest tax got biggest text got in history, all other things we ve done. Waiting for five weeks, seven weeks, look at how all these things are running. We rebuild our military, we ve done. We had the greatest tax got biggest text got in history, all other things we ve done and yet very hostile person- and you understand, I think, maybe you're not going to say it or- and maybe you shouldn't but
What is ever seen anything like this, so I really appreciate the question and I very much appreciate the sentiment behind declaration, but I'm standing up there and instead of asking me a normal question, the level of anger and aged get a mosaic. What's your problem, whether liberal hard core Democrats who are out to destroy you, that's their problem. They work on circles, there always walk to the left and circles. It can happen that what was Stars Kern, good ones, attitude about this. Now she knows everything now course: her husband was a close confidant of L B, Jane she's been a liberal democrat, her entire life, but there's nobody is brilliant his doors. Nobody would cheat, Accused of plagiarizing wanted by the way- I don't say that I don't know one hundred percent, but I seem to recall there was a problem with you check that very quickly and missed your call screener. I don't. I want to correct it if I'm wrong, but I seem to think she was a q
Something, but that doesn't mean she's Gilda, you know, like terror, red and buying has cause you're a Jos doesn't mean anything cut, CNN, go all presidents are upset with the way the press treats them. It's part of democracy. I mean that's what Churchill said. He said you know democracy and know it's not perfect. It's not all wise, but it's me there's other governments, we ve tried this better than any of them want an answer. Why Better than any other system is that the best we can say she was or not rich, she was, and I don't want to go in a deep dive into her background, but I, but I thought so anyway, go ahead when you look at this, even if you're just limiting to press trump. Finally, that's John Berman everybody, peace dumber than a door not go ahead residence. How does the treatment that president tromp risk?
is compared to that which Lincoln received Lincoln would have been argued by the other side by the north, who had been argued against by the Democrats when he did those great debates with Stephen Douglas. Look, it's not cheat. She doesn't know cushion research, this she's going to great debates, Stephen Data, the sheet. She has no idea how like was treated by the press, because she never. Examined it, go ahead boy, I'm one of his debates and say in the republican paper. He was so great. It was carried out on the arms of his supporters. The democratic paper might say he was horrible. He fell on the floors and they had to carry him out in shame. So he was used to that kind of by four created media, but he would hardly stopped near based on what she's, which really does it, require research, but she hasn't researched. It is the key was very divided along the line.
Of slavery. The Democrat Party supported slavery. The Republican Party was actually founded in opposition to slavery, He talks about the Lincoln Douglas Debates. They were running for the Senate now, even though there was an an election for Senator in Illinois how they were trying to influence the state legislature, so they were both run. And these Lincoln Douglas debates are absolute genius when you read them their magnificent, but should be right to say that democratic papers would oppose Lincoln and republican papers which supported because back then I believe it was the tail end of the party press period where the party was identified by the press, it they supported, and I've talked about this before it's like the Arkansas Democrat Cosette Democratic Newspaper. The Arizona Republic was the Arizona Republican originally,
papers like that today they their frauds. They pretend that their objective will course which they're not they don't have the transparency or the integrity to identify. It ought to be the New York Democrat Times and they Washington, Democrat Compound but then there never gonna do that. They never gonna. Do that linking complained bitterly about the press. And he complained bitterly that some of the press was. Undermining the war effort sabotage, and there are two New York pay. In particular. I write about this and on freedom of the press. Had information or said they. Information was fed information about troop movements and how many, how many troops Lincoln Plan to further forcibly enlist into the war. That is draft and he got out.
And for a long weekend, what Lincoln did as he ordered those papers shut down and he ordered the the publishers of two newspapers to be imprisoned and they were. And they were released shortly thereafter. Who do you think You think suspended habeas corpus and violation of the cottage Abraham Lincoln. Why Cosette tours in Maryland. Cut the telegraph wires. Merlin was kind enough to put its sloppily, half confederate half union. And they cut the telegraph wires, and so the communication links were laws for a period of time, and so he said the info train or to get these guys and he denied them habeas corpus, any locked them up. Lincoln US son of Congress.
From Ohio High who oppose them deported him to the south, did you know this mister Bellew deported the cops went to the south. They make a link. You know, I don't think Lincoln sent anything, and I understood there. The bar forget Lincoln understood everything get acted with an iron fist? He was that we were losing the country as a country, and you can explain it. These things are necessary if or you can attack him as well like what he did. Trump hasn't done. Any of this stuff. Ever it doesn't even in his mind, he lashes back at the media. That's been lashing at him endlessly and, of course, Lincoln, would speak up and
Churchill would speak up, they would all speak up and they did in. This is a matter of while our president's didn't like the press. Let me give you a perfect example. Also on freedom of the press says here. This is from. I would tell Berman bodies too too stupid read a and one who ought to read it a study from Harvard Kennedy, schools, shorn centre on the media, politics and policy, have told you about this. I've written about with respect to President trot on May eighteen two thousand and seventeen that you should a comprehensive analysis of news coverage just on the first hundred days of the Trump presidency, here's what they found didn't finance in a hostile press. They found a killer press that was out to destroy this man in the first hundred days of his presidency. Totally gotten worse,
and I quote from the report: six of the seven: U S, outlets in our study, CBC in an embassy, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and washed imposed are among those. The president has attacked by name all six portrayed trumps first, one hundred days and highly unfavourable terms. Seen in and embassies coverage with a most on this issue, what's unrelenting, naked, stories about Trump outpace, positive ones by thirteen to one on the two networks. Trumps coverage on CBS also exceeded the ninety percent negative mark. Trumps coverage Did the eighty percent mark negative my eighty seven percent by the New York Times, eighty three per, negative by the washed imposed. Seventy percent negative by whose pages of the Wall Street Journal Fox fifty two percent of foxes reports with a clue? Tom were negative. Forty eight percent were positive, so fifty two
some of the news. Not opinion was negative. Forty eight percent was positive, but that's thirty. Four percent It points less negative than the coverage from the other six outlets in their average, which is why they hate far than negative enough. Then listen to this line out of the assurance that this is a Harvard Kennedy. School production listener. This trumps coverage during the first one hundred As was not merely negative in overall terms, it I'm quoting that it was on favourable on every dimension. There was not a single major topic or trumps coverage was more positive than negative period, unquote out of a liberal institution trying to do its job.
Soon and John. Burma must be encumbered with this information, as is Doris currents. Goodwin Lincoln never had covered like that. Obviously, the confederate papers- yes, but we're not talking about the wise in New York Times a confederate newspaper washed in common, I don't think so said. The president is one hundred percent correct about what's taking place. Meanwhile, you had morons like this. How cinder. National pubic radio who tweets out there and others pick up on it. They are hawk alike, enact alike and they're. All incredibly stupid, which is to think Trump is very upset with the press that he didn't get as much negative attention as Lincoln did like the US,
fascinated he didn't say negative overall, said negative press, but they don't care, they lie there. Corrupt and right back then aims The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a fault. Presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and It's not enough. You'll get a max by
Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s Mister Rivers, or somebody told me, governor of Virginia, were so proud to have this man a man that war. Black face and then worry Clan outfit apologized and then can remember who was. Because he realized he was wearing the outfit. Nobody could see his face, wait a minute. That's not me I don't remember, I don't believe I wore that you don't believe. You don't know he's the governor.
Somebody said they spotted him on a North Carolina Beach. So the brake on mental. I dont know if true Emily, Look I'm gonna see if I can't take that we'll be right back aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook In and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about, more than talk a MAC fights full time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts. Cellphone play and a hell of a lot more
it's not enough. You'll get em By monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us, we conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S! program. America's pole, Riviere Cooling, now married seven, seven, three, eight one. Twenty eight one, one. Before we move on and there is a lot to do. I've been you over the last couple of weeks, the course of the last few weeks, but this fella handy lack whoever sees NBC News and MSNBC. While he's out now.
We ve been PAN and the hell out of him for a couple of weeks. Now, because he's a disaster in a stupid up add that he wrote we spend time on Two NBC Universal C, O Jeff Shell, three org, using a senior leadership team at the company, making the first major secular restructuring since Succeed Steve Burke, at the beginning of the year Lazarus Mark Lazarus, who currently overseas NBC Sports Group and the companies local stew, since for now oversee the company's entertainment businesses as well, including peacock. The new streaming service, which soft landed for Comcast subscribers last month, is the company's biggest priority for twenty twenty. This will become chairman of NBC Universal Television and dreaming a new unit that combines NBC entertain of yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Meanwhile tell him, the chief Caesar candy will oversee NBC News. Embassy in CNBC, chairman of NBC Universal Newsgroup
seating, anti lack who will be leaving the company at the end of the month. Now, when I wait a minute. Caesar Candy was held heading. Tell him under isn't tell a heavily leftwing, too so basic They just changing the deck chairs over there. The lack us out he said what, high point of journalism, and so they said, ok you're gone, not high enough, apparently Jake Tapir. There's another bottom dweller in his basement: some many neighbourhood in so many estate, Jake Tapir, former Democrat Stafford. Two Marjorie Margolis Nesvitski Democrats Congress, one the one full term was also these spokes idiot for hang on controlling bodies now objective is a journalist he's a news man. I know just ask him
Now, let's listen to how he poses a question about the Michigan protesters to Thee hacking, heck of a governor, Gretchen Whittemore. She may be the worst of the worse by the way. Cut three go. These protests came after president, triumphal, tweeted literate, Michigan anytime. So stop there such about tromp, not their freedom at their businesses, not their jobs trumpeted all this because he dared to tweet liberate Michigan, my god. He treated what liberate mission. He did why Liberal Michigan, oh you mean one Obama said get in somebody's face, neurons. It's! Ok, because it was our barman. That's ok! Go ahead!. No, I have a little put out the fire,
He said that these are very good people about the protesters that we're featured in the video too. The executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America Hayley so far right. Why? Why are you quoting the Jewish Democratic Council of America, when I called the jewish Republicans? So look how they do this he's asking about protesters? He takes a wacko trump. Then he brings in the Jewish Democratic Council of Amerika. To push a narrative that he wants to push the tribe is a big it trump, the greatest president towards Israel in the entire history of that little country. A clear friend of the jewish people, Whose signing an executive order to protect jewish people on college campuses done,
more than Jake Tapir and his friends have ever done and seen and hates Israel. And yet listen to how this piece of you know what sets this up go ahead she compared those comments to President Trump referring to those marching alongside NEO, Nazis and Charlottesville. As very here, she compared what comments liberate Michigan. To the present or referring to those marching alongside NEO Nazis in Charlottesville, I spent lot of time. On this, too, we went through the audio. We went through the transcript. The media, have twisted what the president said. The present was on this radio programme some time back and we brought it up again and went through it again its clear exactly what he was talking about. It doesn't matter because Jake Tapir wants to have upset
something else, because Jake Tapir is a liar. He is corrupt, intellectually, and he is a demagogue. Go ahead. Is that how you see these protesters in that vein? In that extra out c c c, he makes all these statements he jumbled together, trashes. The present United States then puts a question mark behind his statement. This is a Democrat. A leftist working for a democratic left is controlled, so called newsroom He doesn't question whip me about Whittemore. He doesn't question Whittemore about her policies hit us. Question her about the responses to her policies in this, being run in the New York Times. Everything that the people who are protesting are NEO Nazis, clansmen, white supremacist, all of which are
Born and bred within the democratic parties, history have nothing to do a Republicans or constitutional court. There is the matter. And so she obviously goes for loves it. Go for some of the outbreak justness of what happened at our capital this week, we know depicted some the worse racism and an awful Its of our history in this country, the confederate flags and new, says the swastikas. The in our behaviour that you ve seen in all of the clubs is not representative of who we are in Michigan. It's not representative of ninety nine point: nine percent of the protesters, if Jake Type of got off his fat ass ours, he spent in some tony neighborhood in D C or Maryland and had gone to the protests,
Wearing a mask wearing is his proctologist gloves and actually covered the story. He would have known this. He's not a news guy, just sitting there pontificating and giving aid and comfort An outrageous governor you ve got Massive layoffs, a mass of business closures in Michigan. That's what the protests her about! Go ahead!. And the fact of the matter is, I mean we're in a global power. Now we know that you idiot, I think we know it whether one's loving through it a deal. You jerk lecturing us joining With Jake Tapir, accusing people were upset about this, what's happened to their lives civil liberties. Businesses in their jobs. When losing everything being told their NEO Nazis, like Charlottesville.
There being told the rabble line by protesting the only people you people, don't like protest Our red blooded Americans weathered the tea party or whether it's this. How do we know you're, not clansmen? How do we know? you're, not NEO nazis. As a matter of fact, Governor Whittemore. It seems to me. You're, crushing of civil liberties in individual liberty- well, Watch necessary to address this pandemic. Put you when a category, not the protesters that maybe Jake Tapirs, alluding to these. It disgusting people, disgusting people
How they trained smear you, the hardworking people, this country. Are they trying to smear our president? Had it smear me. It is. It is all just so disgusting and outrageous and tapir. Is condescending in these nothing to be condescending about he's a dumb twit twit. He's not reporting news, and he damn well knows it. That! I used to say. I never said isn't it was Adeline when he said. The media, the enemy, the people, but it's not a line that I was that excited about but I'll tell you what heaps proven right again. The modern
american media. That Democrat Party presses, I call it collectively- is the enemy of the people, not the first amendment, not freedom of speech, not freedom of the press. These people who are destroying freedom of speech. And freedom of the press and civil liberties at all the Sunday show guys do this I saw another interview with Doktor Burke's. I think it was. And the house was very upset: Doktor Burke's wasn't giving her the answers that he wanted and all these people make a lot of money. And they're sitting at home. They have cameras in their faces, warehouse That their news, people they're not actually gathering news there, pontificating they all sound the same in there,
Why did I mentioned that MR producer, who throw away all wearing blue uniforms? Oh. Really maybe they're like Charlottesville, maybe they're insistence that we share under our protests, rights and our civil liberties, their insistence that governors have the power, martial law. Their insistence that we centralize authority in an hour constitutional way where president combating his fist and snap his fingers. Maybe it is, they were like the NEO Nazis and the clansmen as we were, like the patriots of old, just sang.
Let's get for the goose I'll, be right back more than ever, the association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights full time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough you'll get em
By monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! What we did extensive research and we found that. Governor north them was not, I repeat, not North Carolina on the beach there was a different guy in a clan outfit MR producer wasn't governor north. So we want to make clear we're not going to spread rumours here, no way Jose. That's not where we're going to do
Julian Castro, was on a mess lsd. Yesterday you might say yourself: why he's a nobody this point, because his life, name's Castro there under that over it s, Hosty, and he had more to say about the protesters cut farmers to produce we go and always have seen, video and the images coming out of Michigan and other places. These folks storming the state capitol brandishing their weapons, demanding that the safety reopen. We saw the tweets, Adele Tromp, sent out a week or so ago about Liberate Michigan, Liberate, Virginia and so forth. What is in your ear ear finger on it was amazing, is if you took those images, and you compare them to eleven years ago- for sheer President Obama's residency one of the signs of the messages in the spirit of those rallies. Basically, the same thing:
Basically, the same thing, and so I think it gets out this long standing garage that many people have their impurities racial eyes and ears racially motivated, and I also believe that when you are also an opportunity to investigate some of these, these rallies. What they're gonna find is dead they are organised and perhaps also funded by the same organizations. Far right. We will go sections that have an interest in stirring these and please passions or I shall ask you Eddie it. These are people of lost their jobs, Losing their homes and have lost their businesses use shit there, because you don't have a worry in the world. With your racism, bowl crap,. Meanwhile, ladies and gentlemen, they say you don't want Donald Trump. He won't get like the country.
Crisis? Now you know why George Bush, but why really wonderful video they hate Bush, but the matter he put out a really wonderful video. What's with this tromp, he won't bring America together. Have you read the New York Times, of course not divide and conquer Have you read the wash about cars, not divide and conquer Gillis This person, on my cell S day what a nut he is the Jake Tapir, with the idiot other measures again, while those remind your Charlottesville, were now your show, reminds me of Charlottesville. How do you like that? You puke? Have you watch these shows America deal even watch these show and why do these cooperate? Comcast owns? NBC Seein MSNBC and my wife and I ve talked about I've got Comcast all over the place, we're gonna get rid of them. I want nothing to do with conquer.
Where'd. You get him the hell out of my house. Both our houses get him the hell. Am, I think it's ex finicky to think that, Same thing, I don't know, I don't track and I just have, we're gonna get around, I'm done with them, gotta get rid of Comcast, then eighteen take. On CNN, think I've anything eighty and who the hell knows: you're, so damn big, eighteen tee with CNN and what we hope, these big corporations. These businesses say there alone by massive corporations. The only one who's not owned by a mass of corporation except the corporation that he actually created is Fox. America, well big, yeah, but he created nodded
clowns at Att and Tee in Comcast best can I can recall anyway, it's really quite awful out there won't leave. People reminds me of Charlotte. On option and me got a guy. There's the governor of Virginia were black face. They claim they loved the guy cause, he's moved hard left Robert buried around the Democratic Party for so many a lovely because he moved hard left. Let the gas, but our troubles. Now, pack round, with such sickness whatsoever, that this guy H, George Black Hake, a body people, are sick. He's right and you are the enemy, the paper we saw it all you heroes out their goblet.
Each and every one of you and I'll see you tomorrow from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-05.