« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/31/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the trajectory of the GOP is very dire. Notwithstanding the debt ceiling deal which is expected to see a vote tonight in the House and is likely to pass. What will the conservatives in the Senate do? Slow it down? Offer amendments? We will watch and see. Could the House GOP have gotten a better deal? They could have if they’d held out another month or two longer to take some time to peel the onion on some of these scandals that seem continually make headlines and keep emerging. Rep. Andy Biggs this morning talked about the displeasure members of the House GOP are feeling with Speaker McCarthy, and the debt ceiling vote, saying he doesn’t know what the future would be for the Speaker. But former Speaker Newt Gingrich says that the debt negotiations are like a game of chess, not checkers - telling Sean Hannity last night. According to the former Speaker – McCarthy was able to shift power away from the Senate and the White House – which is comparable to what happened under Gingrich’s leadership in 1995. Later on, Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States called in to talk to Mark about just that, the idea of a convention of states, an idea that Meckler says would never fly with Washington, DC. Meanwhile, Christianity and Judaism are under attack with the LA Dodgers making headlines this week, not open to discussing the re-invitation of an anti-Catholic drag queen group that it’s partnered with, blowing off a meeting with leaders from the Catholic community; and woke is killing our country as Christian based Chik Fil A adding the position of VP of diversity, equity and inclusion to their employee roster. Finally, Julie Kelly, Senior Writer at American Greatness called in to talk to Mark about her access to the January 6th tapes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting only underground than the bowels or they even bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the america mark Laverne here are number eight seven, seven three one three, eight one, one, eight, seven. Seventh, he ate one three eight one one case: but there is a vote around eight p m tonight. I'm told on this, sir, on this deal
it's likely to pass the house and then it goes to the sun. Now there, conservatives in the senate are there not our buddy mike Lee ted cruisers ran porcelain. Tearing there's some others gaiety vance. You know the list. What will they do. Now they're gonna be in a minority, but they can slow it down. They can slow the vote down. They can offer amendments, there's other things. They can do in the senate, that you can't you and the house. What will they do So a watch that see what they do or do not do, to reiterate, not that I really need but underscore to make it abundantly clear. I would not vote for this. Why. because I think they should have for another month or two
that much time it was not going to be a default Will they get even a better deal, but here Where I differ from some, these attacks on cuba, mccarthy are actually bizarre. So to think about the small In four months time, this guy has a numerous bills passed through a very, very tight house on parental It's on the wall and securing the border one after another,. And they go to the senate and they die in the senate, for the republicans really are due nothing's do nothing to especially in amerika. He must today
A majority do but an initial proposal dead, increase past it, send it to the senate. The white house had this It is done absolutely nothing. They could have voted on it. Why didn't they? They did nothing. And I know we had forty three republican senator signed a letter, but there was no Jumping up and down demanding a vote on the republican propose. And buying sat on his hands, hoping that the Republicans would fray and they didn't and that southern negotiation such as they were began, truncated form. So the only one carrying any water are, the republicans in their house and Mccarthy.
And so his negotiate, just negotiate. This deal that comes back. Some people are happy. Some people are unhappy. Some people aren't sure what they are and so forth, and so so in this process, what the house passed was never going to become law because the center wouldn't take it up. Invite by when to it, and the house republicans can enforce this on their own. So the. It then it could. They ve got a better deal and I believe, if they'd been more patient, they likely could have. Now we have these committees in congress, one had a by Jordan, one headed by calmer.
who really working very very hard. We have julie, calling on it in our three to try and Peel the union on some of these terrible scandal, giving up now later The power to prosecute anybody, not in ways that they would use, and they ve covered a lot so far, Whether the american people are and should not as on other issues, and so when you consider there's a very small majority, republicans in the house for the responsibility
is that the house has under article one it's been pretty active and it's been pretty conservative, but in the case of this it's just not good enough. Now I see our friends, including one while debate tomorrow, night there so thrilled and away. This proves how terrible more kevin mccarthy. and you hear this from sun pseudo conservatives and actual concern. I think to myself. Well, who else was going to do anything? It's perplex? Nobody else could be speaker on the republican side.
Those are the facts you can ignore the facts. Those are the facts. Nobody. You can go over there and negotiate with binding and get the best deal in the world. You're not gonna get enough people in the house of representatives to vote, for this is the system. Today, it's broken This is the system today it doesn't work. It can trash Mccarthy all they want why it's a freebie. it's a free, be already said. I would not vote for this. I also said during January that it mccarthy Something that I disagree with our say, sir, and I said so, but Mccarthy's, not the devil here.
This system has been going on for decades. Finally, we're going to draw a line, how the system cannot be fixed inside Washington. And anybody who says it can does a liar their ways to try and deal with it weighs and try to box it. Better ways to try and limited, but the. A credible when the house, again with the senate and the presidency and will be few ways to stop them thoroughly few ways to stop them
which is why I'm having mark Michael around this programme in about an hour, had a convention estates talks. You know what's required here, at least on the political and constitutional side is something much more fundamental. The rather than beating beating our endlessly endlessly about this, and we can beat it somewhat- I got it. Would it be great if the debate convention conventional, aids day in and day out,. So why don't conservatives raise enough? He crack open liberty and tyranny. For many many many years ago, here's what I say here: what can be done? What can be done
I don't pretend to have all the answers. Moreover, the act of writing a book places practical Limits on what can be said in any given time, but I do have some thoughts. They concern. It must become more engaged in public matters. It isn't nature to live and let live to attend to his family. The violet your time with his church and synagogue into quietly assist a friend, a neighbor, even a stranger. These are certainly amabel qualities. They contribute to the overall health of the community. But it's no longer enough statists counter revolution. Now, I would say the marxists, that's where we ve come to. turn the instrumentality of public affairs and public governance against the civil society. They can longer be left to the devices of the statists, which is largely the case today.
This will require a new generation of conservative activists, larger number shrewder and more articulate than before, who seek to block the state as counter revolution not intended not not imitated and gradual in steadily reverse course: more conservative before will need to seek elective appointed office, feel the ranks of the administrative state hold teaching positions, and public schools and universities, and five since in hollywood in the media, but they can make a difference and infinite ways. The state is to survive. Birthright ownership to these institutions and the conservatives fight for the modem and, where appropriate, eliminate them or they are destructive to the preservation. improvement of the civil society, in other words, don't surrender the bureaucracy,
The different agencies and divisions departments dont surrender the culture to these people infiltrate them participate in them take them over. I think this is very, very important. And I point out here that administrative state course I write for details of the vote, but these are the proposals sunset independent federal agencies every year, subjected congress, affirmatively reestablishing require federal departments and agency to reimburse individuals and enterprises for the costs associated the devalued, sure their personal privacy from the parents are regulations that compromise the use of their property, eliminate you
in four federal government, employment and so forth, and so there is a whole laundry list of things. And fortunately, In this system today, most of them cannot be adopted because alexis to talk for warned about this. Basically, the endless complexities you ve challenges rebecca this courts, yet bureaucracies making law you ve congress. That is either and if we attentive in a way that is contrary to constitutional limitations. Have a media that basically is a mouthpiece for the state when the democratic control and the Democrats,
Even when they're out of office, so I was thinking, there's gotta be something bigger than we can do. It has to be something else. There has to be another way, and there is she. Ladies and gentlemen, we have some people out there who who believe they can invent new ideas, invent new principles that are less thousands of years, that the great thinkers hadn't thought. and most of these people are in there lay twenties early thirties, mid thirties and many of them having done a damn thing, except right about their ideas.
We hear behind this microphone. We ve been involved and grass roots movements with its the tea party, the parents, movement convention of states. We ve looked for real, concrete ways to confront the foundational problems in our power, Since our culture, we don't just right, columns, initially white papers, we don't just participating debates too, were blue in the face. We try to do something about even. they had the best deal you can imagine, even if we had the deal that they voted on originally adopted by democratic president, a democrat senate and
Tiny majority in the house, even if all There were dreams came true, and I wish they did because the fight at every level and in every way the trajectory of the republic is very die. I'll be right back. Then you guys are wearing federalism Staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy into recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to protect. Retirement. You worked really hard, for. I think a great way to diverse I would go and specifically a gold- I re that's right, physical, in your eye array, my fate god gold IRA company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call. These guys and learn how a gold ira can help you so a few
two hundred thousand or more, and I for one k or an ira, call a gust of precious metals and get their old. My guide to go via arrays. Tell the mark said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin when you open a gold, I re augusta precious. Those today eight seven, seven for gold, I re that's eight seven, seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures at augustus, precious metals, dot com. What I've got a company. What else do we do. attorney face pose all efforts to denude the nation which firming justification. That, is god given unalienable natural rights. The government cannot
confer on the individual nor deny to him, and yet the marxist seeks the authority to do both, which explains his contempt for or misuse of funds. Moreover, faith provides the moral order that ties one generation to the next, about which civil society cannot survive its number, nine in the conservative manifesto and, of course, Somewhere in the communist manifesto is marks, despite This faith and despises family. and you can see how this poison spreading throughout society. This debate, capitol hill. Tonight, it's important. But it has nothing to do with that too
a lot of things, we need to make the doing and push. Copyright the No, you guys are wearing federal reserve staff. Said banking crises follow up, could push the economy, the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to play. Take the retirement. You worked really hard, for, I think a great ways to diverse. I would god, and specifically a gold ira, that's right, physical guy in your eye array. My fate gold ira, re companies augusto precious metals, you gotta call. these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved a hundred- anymore, and I for one k or an ira, call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a gold coin, when you open a gold, I re car august precious those today eight seven seven
for gold, I re that's eight, seven, seven for god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures at augustus she's, metals, dot com, what a great company got your tongue of about four a ball and call a seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one right now for my gloves in In others, another issue here folks and that's the public, the people, Many of whom I disagree with, say populism anymore populace. I'm not into my back and, in two centralized ruling class authoritarianism, amended constitutional issues, the framers, your geniuses inheres. Why?
seventeen percent. This is from my yellow news, just nineteen percent of americans agree with, and this is our language, not mine, right wing republican. To answer congress should let the euro to form on its loans rather than rays, if ceiling, without deep spending cuts. According to a new yahoo news, you gov Paul, said the public, It is by two to one margin: the sort of. Partisan deal struck over the weekend by president Abbas In geo, how speaker camera mccarthy that deal witching, smaller spending freezes and reductions in exchange for a two year, had suing hike, is now moving through congress. Despite objections from the far right house, freedom caucus far right and not far right, the conservatives through the ever use. The phrase far left the choice, progressive. the news you
I survey of one thousand five hundred and twenty adults was conducted for may twenty five may thirty, both before and after. Mccarthy announced their agreement as such and inquired about republicans additional demands for deep cuts and subsequent negotiate Since over smaller cuts, rather than the specifics of the plan, one asked how they would feel about president Biden and geo p, how speaker Kevin Mccarthy growing smaller spending cuts in order to raise the debt limit, which could be approved with a. the nation of democratic and republican votes at voters at eight p m tonight. A clear consensus emerges across party lines. They write overall twice. As many americans say, they would favours such a compromise. Forty three percent as say they would
twenty one percent, while democrats were the most positive group by fifty four to seventeen percent, both independence, forty one to twenty percent and republicans forty three to twenty eight percent, also expressed more support Then opposition and the survey shows similar results to five questions about how house republicans should reactive, and refuses to accept deeper republican spending cuts And that scene response of full fifty six percent of americans say republicans- should either agree to smaller cuts that compares with democratic and republican votes. Thirty six percent, or agree to raise the debt limit without any spending cuts at all. Twenty percent only a minority of seventeen percent, so the geo pay We should let the yours to fall on its loans, even among Republicans just when he seven percent with supported to fall in this scenario, Healy,
why so many would favour smaller cuts. we one percent or a clean debt limit hike without belt tightening nine percent. So the fats where the public is. So this is why I am not a so called populist. Nor do I believe, the iron fist. she turned and the ruling class. What does the constitution tell us. Why we embrace it. and so as long as the public is in this sort of a mindset that creates a problem too. for really the rubber hitting the road, even I can
and you to believe a few months longer would have resulted in a better deal. But it also why I don't trash Kevin Mccarthy. I think it's a cheap thing cheap He's done a hell of a lot of goodies, then I would say he's, the most conservative speaker of the house in its close race, with no gingrich. maybe in modern times whose better, who else was there and they talk about. This is a first step Other steps, so, when we're trying to save this country, there's a number of battlefields and we have to fight on this- is one of them no question. This is one of them, but the constitution.
Action has been significantly destroyed and if we can get our constitution back even most of it back. Things like this are less likely to happen Why wrote the liberty amendments, which is why we spent a year discussing the liberty amendments, which is why mark macular conventions, states in their millions of members, many of whom are active do what they do, this is why former senator rick Santorum reverse course, as an opponent and now a supporter. This is
Former senator de mint, first an opponent now a supporter. This is why Tom Colbert retired from the united states senate. Probably the most fiscally conservative senator in modern times bar none and immediately joint convention of states.
And we miss him very much great hero passed away from cancer. I remember when MIKE farris mark meckler tom coburn and I had a meeting at the heritage foundation and we tried to convince them at the time to support the convention of the states. We were all successful. I don't know what the position of the heritage foundation is. Today I haven't looked quite frankly, but I just don't know I shouldn't have to look if they support it should be up power in a way right now, de meant he should be pounding away right now, all the conservative,
Detention should be pounding away right now, but they're not very troubling. To me. Here's representative Andy Biggs, who was the senate president in arizona prior to joining the house. In question by steve. Do see cut one go. We heard some people yesterday, at least one person said this guy's gonna go what Do you think's going to happen with Kevin Mccarthy, the speaker. Well, you know I can see that can't project what'll happen with Kevin. I know there's a lot of dissatisfaction, I've been focused on the bill and trying to get the word out on what I think are the problems with a bill, It's hard to say what will happen with Kevin. I'm more concerned, what's going to go on with the trajectory of the term, because does this represent a new coalition and the new trajectory where the speaker is going to go to
the Democrats more and more, to try to put forward whatever he thinks is gender ought to be, and that that's really concerning with to me, and I think it should be concerning two members of our conference will. Ultimately, you would agree that the republicans got more out of the deal than the Democrats, I don't think I would agree with that at all. So, if you- Any bigs what you do about it. you're not gonna, be able to remove Kevin mccarthy cause. You know very distinct minority what're you gonna do about it. And I'm somebody who worked with mark meadows if mark meadows is around these days going public he'll tell you. That he called me one day when I was defending him. He was under attack by banner. We talk about how to do it.
And I was even involved and telling me how to write it up because he asked me it's not this situation. Mccarthy- has brought conservatives into these different committees there. On the rules committee there on all these other committees. Everybody wants to say it's a dead letter, It doesn't matter corset matters, baynard, trashed, conservatives left and right. He trash the tea Hardy they gave him and he had this massive majority mass. In twenty two, we won. What was at sixty six sixty eight sixty two seats was unbelievable. Humbly will hit a significant majority. A carthy has a tiny. And I blame that on, among others, mitch, Mcconnell.
And he still sitting out there waiting around for everybody else, stacked and then he'll be MR critic, no matter what happens. but I am saying this not as a critic- but I'm asking you folks so you're you're, any big twenty do better. But how do you see reluctant to remove mccarthy cause? It's not gonna work? Oh, I will work While one of the things that we need to keep fighting for among many on different fronts, he wrote a book against convention of states. People are out there with all kinds of I feel like conservatives in some cases are becoming like marxist snuff. Forget about reagan forget about the principles of old.
I think this is this: napkin crowd forget about all that, although so much of what Support is right here in liberty and tyranny. I have to admit that, study this morning. Really was an all out sooner familiar now and summing congruity to which will discuss as time goes on, but that aside, when the framers of the constitution give you a mechanism difficult difficult as it is, should we be promoting it.
As a way to help us, especially if everything else you ve tried, fails from your perspective yeah, I think so I think so in this isn't just directed at a group of people erected and all of us, it's directed at all the republicans. One of my best friends on capitol hill is chip roy. He supports convention of states power. He was an early supporter Another one of my best friends when capitol hill is Michael, we but he smarter than mike.
I haven't checked in the last year or so, but mike opposed the convention of states. Why? It's black and white text in the constitution, it's impossible to have a constitutional convention is what they say. It's a convention of the states. You know before we had a constitution.
There was the word conventions which were basically meetings. That's all they were meetings of various representatives from various states to try and figure out what to do. There wasn't this all powerful central government that they had work and when they were responsible, sovereign states, nay said how do we figure this out at exactly what convention of states is a state legislator? Not the governor, not the lieutenant governor, not the court's signs off. They form a way to have a meeting in essence, to discuss possible. Ways to fix what's taking place in the country, and one of the big problems is. Ladies and gentlemen, the various aspects of our constitution had been altered without amendments.
And so there's some great ideas out there. I have some of my own. What do we do about this and will do as this would make learn the next hour. This needs to be discussed more by concern. I don't care if you call yourself a napkin, NEO com. Com, a prison com- I don't What kind of can you call yourself or sub identifiers? This should be a rallying point, other as. No, you guys are wearing federalism. Staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy. Into recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to protect the region. I meant you worked really hard for, I think, a great ways to diverse I would golden specifically a gold ira: that's right, physical, go in your eye array, my fate,
god? Gold, IRA company is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved thousand or more of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate. Guide to gold. I raised so the mark said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, when you open a gold. I re car augusto she's metals. Today, eight five and seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures and august precious metals dot com, what a great company This is most certainly not checkers. It's not check turtle and you to think through not just one step, but five, six or eight or ten steps. Consequently, I think. Kevin Mccarthy
pretty good deal and, most importantly, here, did the balance of power and the balance of leadership away from both the senate and the white house, and that. Frankly, historic experience comparable to what we did and ninety ninety five and other than other prominent voice. Former speaker, looking which I want to make a suggestion. Those centre republicans who are not happy with, was negotiated, and I know their several so I believe that we could have gotten a better deal. use. Your position in the united states senate. Use the rules of the united. State senate to slow this down, not just on my car, think
We black conservatives in the Senate to and I want to encourage. conservative groups out their sepia. I freedom works heritage foundation, club for growth. I have friends at all of them. Power, let's go. What are you waiting for? We have conservatives. In the senate, who can issue amendment after amendment after amendment and try and slow this thing down, are they going to do it or not? Don't keep pointing at the house? The centre has done a damn thing. The senate hasn't done a damn thing. I don't care about a letter with forty three signatories. Let's see what they do, let's see what they do.
Man, we ve got great great Programming ahead. Mark meckler Next are very very crucial, We call on our three. Some really break. Stuff general Six and beyond, stick with us I'll be right back. this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, that's right for you! Thank you again for listening and thank you so much
Sponsorship, your talk now run them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eight Haven't seventy three eight one, three eight one, one. Important reminder. If you want to hear. this programme. The podcast which means any time you choose to listen to a once. I do it.
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Levine show in you tube we're having tremendous success on both these platforms. Somebody said to me and mark, if you just did pod You could be right up there in challenge Joe Rosa. I don't think so. I don't think so. Let me ask you a question. Apart from all this nonsense,. If he could only hear me on a podcast than a big city, I bet you would listen to it. Wouldn't bet you downloaded yeah, I think so I think so. Let us continue here, MR producer, to a lot more say, we have survived
important news, new burdens offered safe harbour to hunter button messages appear to confirm florence peddling scheme. Again, I don't know what the hell it's gonna take. Nothing really for the department of in Justice to appoint a special counsel here is shocking new report Jonathan Turley good man is raising eyebrows about new messages that were uncovered that appear to have been The binding families alleged influence peddling scheme over there state they write coding, Right up in the new york post text messages show Joe Biden appearing to know about his embattled. and business dealings. The current in his brother, Jim Biden also comforted buying in another message, while indicating the Joe Biden was directly involved and what they were doing got that the background of the tax base.
Just as explained by turley is a twenty eighteen peace. Published by the new york times. It represented one of the first admissions by the mainstream media that hunter binds business dealings and personal life. Problematic in response to that article, twenty eighteen bodies- teamwork, Fran, Way to try to get it all, how much was changed. We don't know. What we do know is that Joe Biden then told his son. That quote, I think, you're in the clear now you ve heard that phrase before, but now we are more content. He said his Biden associates push the times to change aspects of the story. Joe Biden cos the report on the results in his message by now It's called a hunter with the statement. I think you are clear in any If you get a chance, give me a call. I love you. How would show by. No, his son is in the clear if he knew think of his sons, business deal.
the answer is that he wouldn't that long been a serious contradiction, because the current president is clearly lying. clearly line has much evidence shows when he says he was oblivious without said. I I don't doubt that europeans are, Action for his son was real, yet that doesn't excuse what appears to be a corrupt arrangement that ended up with millions of dollars of foreign money suspiciously. Making its way into these shall corporations almost twenty of them where the money was distributed among nine family members. Monica from communist china in romania and other place entered Jim Biden. The president troubled brother, Who also say long chequered history of trading on Joe Biden name in another message.
The times report Jim buying, offered hunter buying quote a safe harbour. Unquote, twenty said This really I opening here's the quote right out of the emails. The new messages indicate Early writes that binds were worried that hunter was in free fall, as these dealings were becoming known and revenue is declining. Jim bind his peers too. Rushing to get hundreds of work on the problem with the family, he assures him that they can find him quote a safe harbour. Unquote, and I quote, I can work with you father alone uncoil. I can work with your father alone. Hello, american ireland, how yellow nicely,
Messages may refer to the fact that hundreds pass compliant complaint was that he was giving as much as half his proceeds to his father snuff, facing towering financial demands. The offer for safe harbour appears to be where the related to a drug. Enjoy that hunter harbour nine hundred bind was on at the time that fear of criminal prosecution. Jim ban was asking his nephew d come back, but the reason does appear to be related to well being when you read it. Ex line. I suspect that quota can actually meant to be can't in the message is, I would make more sense, regardless the matter which word was the point of the message is the same jim and a hunter Biden where work Directly were Joe Biden during a period of corrupt farm business dealings.
That we have emails, proving that hunt turbine was up for having to give so much of his money to his father only underscores the message. Joe Biden can no longer lies way out of this, there's too much evidence that he knew what his son was doing now over. It me yeah, I'd, mediocre right. This front group set up by dan abrams sort of the jerry springer of the yet in the legal field. Although that demean jerry springer, and I don't mean to do that. Is the guy squirrel glued to his head red mediocre right there not covering this? Why. Over owners. Nbc they're, not covering this. Why, over it.
cnn are not covering this. Why? Why? Because it's a cover up, that's why. But now we sitting around waiting for donald trump, the get indicted. We don't want a special council investigating Joe Biden, nothing We ve got emails up the wiser. We ve text messages up the wasn't. There is more than enough there's no one predicate. There's multiple products can open a special council investigation. I think that's what turley pointers And that ought to be the point of our legal analysts. It shocking how mobbed up, if you will the binds are that includes the head mobster job, I
It's incredible and what sad is he gets away? their stuff release for now, but we have a couple committees at all Digging in digging hard under under the current speaker, mccarthy,. When I look at this young lady terror, reed was raped by Joe Biden when she was a staffer. Almost nobody would listen to her. And others the sad story in them delhi wire she never felt safe in america. She didn't feel protected. She was being bullied by the bye mobs, mobsters Biden, rape, accuser, terror, red defects to russia for protection and safety. You know what folks I broke my heart when I thought about that, and when I see
young woman. She said to remarkable that Joe Biden rate me when I worked for him a congress and I'm supposed to be the fugitive. That is ridiculous and its unacceptable. So she goes to russia for protection from the Biden, crime, family. I wonder maggie habitant thanks no brown right for this. It's joy read with a disgusting view, clowns, nothing. I'll be right back then remember the last.
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look see when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, pod, gas to start saving today. Mark Michael are convention of states. How are your brother? I'm good? are you my friend, I'm good? Isn't me: ask you a question: the fight over the debt ceiling, even if we got everything that was in that initial, the other was passed. The trajectory is not fixed as it marked macular. Why do we not have it out? I worked with the original deal. You know my dad used to say it better in the sharp stick in the eye, but not a lot. And there's really the expectation that some people have or create that one
Clinton is going to fix. Itself is simple: Not accurate is well certainly never been accurate and lifetime mark, and I would argue that it's not been accurate in the entire history of the country. If you go all the way back to the washington administration, the very first administration, every administration since then, with the exception of coolidge, has grown the size and scope of the federal government. So those of us who love liberty believe we need a smaller and less intrusive federal government. We should know by history. Washington dc is never going to do that. Do you think the problem is that we have the wrong principles lee free market largely short, a constitutional conservatism and so forth. I do think that these these elements with our society- so long.
I have been eating away at the foundations that we need to get back and fix the foundations yeah. I pick mark away, I would describe it as a structural problem. In other words, what we've done is we actually have broken the structure of our system of governance in washington d c congress has done it. Presidents have contributed to it. Largely the responsibility falls on the federal court, who have exponentially expanded the authority of the federal government. That's why we have this big, bloated, overreaching, federal bahia. It's going to take structural reform to bring it back down the size and how do we get structural reform to bring it back down to size whether a few options
if your number one is: we go to washington DC and we begged them to do it. For us, and I laughed, I can't say that with a straight face because, like they're human beings, they don't have the incentive to make government smaller, that's a painful and difficult thing to do and it doesn't line their pockets and it doesn't give them more power. The second way is, we use the second clause of article five. We call a convention of states and we propose amendments that will effectively impose those restricts It's on the federal government. Members of congress. Republicans are pretty decent, many of them out there on the campaign trail when they're running for office or at all at press conferences and so forth, and say luck I want to get spending under control. I want to get the government out of control, I want to shrink the government, and so I support convention. States. I don't hear a lot of that. Do you know very little of it market
very few of them will weigh in, I think. Ah, you know they lack the the courage to do it and the reason they lack the courage to enact actually really drives me crazy is because there is a fringe on the right. That's against the idea of calling it can it updates and when I say a printer, I wanna be really blatant indirect about what I mean, maybe maybe it's five percent of the republican party that doesn't want to do that. There there frankly now what kind of groups the core groups, like eagle forum groups like concerned women for america groups like the birch society, and they parrot the talking points of the radical left on this, and so I think with the politicians, it's not that they believe those folks, mostly it's like wow. We just don't want to have the fight with them more willing to stand on principle for this issue, I mean a vast and unreal conserves who contact me on this budget stuff and so forth, and off the record of
worse than I say: well, why aren't you getting behind convention it? While I support- and I so well, that's not what I ask you. Why you're getting behind it. Why aren't you pushing why we need to change our principle I need to change the way we go about doing things. Yes, yeah. I agree if you work. So that's. My point is, a lot of folks are just simply afraid to engage in the fight or they'll say mark, while I'm in congress. That's not really my fight, because it's not up to congress to call the convention, it's up to the states to call the convention and while that's technically true, the fight belongs to all of us, because if what we believe in are the principles that we said, we believe in smaller government a limited government, a government where the citizen is bigger and the federal government is smaller. Well, then, we have to fight on principle, and this is the most
Bob stand for federalism that anybody in our system of government could take, and so they need to stand on principle plus. Aren't they citizens of the united states yeah. You know this is what I don't understand markets. This is the fight of our lives. We are watching the republic collapse all around us. We are proposing solutions in washington, DC, right now that won't fix the problems that hail us and I'm going to be a little bit even maybe more doomsday. If we were to elect a republican house majority in the coming election and and so would now you have the house and the senate if we were to defeat president Biden with a conservative president, I am not hopeful that that president and that congress would frank, our government, because history tells me otherwise- and you would have judicial challenges you would have sabotaged by the bureaucracy- would have all these things that take place because
In my view, the march has left now they know what they're doing they know what they ve conquered they'd know what they devoured and so the only way to force the only one of the young significant ways on we put it that way to actually effectively push back is a tough process, but it's process we need to get behind and that is to put back in the constitution with the court's took out people suddenly mark. but if they don't adhere to that? Well, if they don't adhere to that it's over. It's over nothing. We can do that. You know people who say that market we have a new term for them. I call them bunker republicans bunker conservatives and other was all they want to do is go to.
Bunker and hide out and they're not willing to engage in a process and are not willing to fight for the country and they have essentially given up and if they ve already given up, then they should, in my opinion, to be blunt. They should shut up and go home and high and what the rest of us save the country for everybody Do you fine, even many columnists writing about convention estates, I don't see a lot, no there's not a lot mark and edo back in the old days when, when you wrote liberty amendments in my face and I started this project, I made some assumptions which turned out to be wrong. I thought man. If we get ten states, people are going to pay attention. When we get twenty states, people are going to freak out and you're going to see it all over the media. This is going to be the cause celebs for every conservative in the country, but not everybody would get
bored I actually thought at by the time we get to the point. It would be pretty easy to get everybody on board. Everybody would be writing about it, but you right, except for the lap I gotta say, because we get regular attacks from the radical left in the media, don't hang up bark Michael. I got several more questions for you, my friend conventional stage you have millions of members. Is that my correct over five point: three million at the border, think they would drive somebody's attention drawn, we'll be right.
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free samson galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving today. Mark love in research are of conservative media call in now, eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one. One now mark mcclure iris, day a text from my steps on david earlier today telling us that at a pressing
in france, rhonda santas endorsed article five convention of states to deal with, in particular term limits in the budget. Now that's pretty good yeah I've got great in fabric, has long been endorser of the convention of states project so he's out there talking about it. At vbac, ramaswamy has openly come out and talk about it. Putin, Nikki, Haley, had sort of gently talked about it kind of she's sort of milk toast on everything from my perspective, but she talked about it more. In the background, I think we're going to fetus become an issue this presidential campaign, but I think that's good and I think it important that it should be an issue. Do you get invited on many podcast shows to discuss this? Any significant podcast shows did
mark, certainly nothing at the level of you, of course, you're the very pinnacle of conservative media. I do a lot of media by I would describe it mostly, as you know- and I know as with any negative conduct, local or regional right back in your second or third tier media, and I love those guys I appreciate the fact there I do here. There are the best, the up but very few. What you would call national names have me on, which is not something that they see as eater importing or on their rate are there I don't get any opposition from those guys it should they tend to be focused on whatever the hot item is in. The news is today and national a mimic, the national media, so everybody right now all they're going to talk about is the debt ceiling, fight and also mark. I think you and I are having a discussion here- that soup
unusual in the media, which is what the solution we all know the problems, and so we can lament the problems. We can point out the problems, but what you're bringing up is a solution, and you don't hear much in the media. Imagine if we were united behind this effort. I mean Some of us are tell this story. It colbrand senator from Oklahoma. passed away, real tremendous hero
Tom coburn or somebody that I had met when he was in the senate. We had a couple of conversations in his office. He took that he was one of the most impressive people. I ever met the guy. That was a supporter of the tea party movement, but never talked about it out loud because he didn't want anybody to think he was co, opting it like. So many did a real, humble public servant and towards the end of his career in the senate. One night, my wife patty, was watching tv. She was watching fox news and she started shouting that senator coburn had said he was going to work for a convention of states. I didn't know him that well, and we had certainly never talked about that. I called his communications director on his john hart with his communications director John, I said to John you know. I I just heard on tv that senator coburn is going to work for a convention of states and John said yeah. We did too then we'd have laughed about it, because cobra was just a free spirit. He did what he wanted and when I eventually talked to about it he said. Look you know.
leaving the united states Senate two years early. He knew that he had cancer. That was likely terminal, and he said I just don't want to spend the rest of my life doing nothing. I want to fight for the one thing that I believe can save the country, and so he literally left the united states senate to come to work for convention of states. He spent the last five years of his life traveling around the country working for convention. I say that I was privileged to travel with him and learn from him toward the end of his life. I remember and my wife patti works for the organization shelves raise the money and she tried to take them off the road. I remember her saying you know Tom, you need to rest, you need to relax and he said I intend to die with my boots on. I don't want to hear you talk about that ever again and- and he worked until the very last mark, because this was the only thing he believed would save the country. And I remember the last time I met him at your event in Virginia. And I gave him a big hug. Let me a photo which right here.
Skype, put everything on the line when he was in congress. The house, the serenity fought like Hell, like some of these other guys. and then he realized the system is too broken. That's why I don t kevin Mccarthy. Right now to be honest with you mark, I think he's done pretty well what he has. I would have waited this add a little longer. I would have voted for this, but they're they're, all kindness of, stuck in this system and they need to wake up to this fact. The protein those who keep saying in a we can do better weakness. That will help us to better help us do better help us help you that's the message on trying to get across no reply. We agree with you and an appeal by them.
the same way about the court, the m originally from California, now metoxen vice like I've known mccarthy. For a long time, I was thrilled that he was becoming speaker. He found a way better than I thought he would do and I think well, I wouldn't vote for this deal. Well, yeah, I dunno how much better they can do. I admire the guys that are saying we should still fight. Also, I look. I get that and I'm glad there are folks that are step of spine in congress, but every single one of them ought to look at themselves a look at the state of congress and ought to say that's not the fix we can be in her fighting. We should fight as hard as we can, but we should fight for the outside solution. That's driven by the people. Every one of these people were talking about marx as they believe in federalism, but article five is the ultimate act of federalism, calling a convention and they all need to get behind it. One of the things I love you talked about last night is about like keeping a list who, in congress, which of our quote unquote how I think,
threats are publicly in support of conventional state? They need to speak out and they need to speak out now and not that I want to get into it. Some of them are not now Most of them, some of them to me is a head bang right, only men get it and on the other they earn plainer early complained to me about. We can't get sober what're, you gonna do about it. Here I mean a permit. Bark got one of the most amazing things is Who say there against their way, always do that, I'm aware of in congress literally, I think three of them and when you ask them what their solution is, when you say what you just said. Well, what are you gonna do about it? They don't have
solution or they say. Oh, we need to elect a republican house of representatives or republican president, and I just look at them dumbfounded as a really so how's that work out for you in the past and if they're honest, the answer is it hasn't and and that's not cassandra want to see republicans elected. I want to see a republican majority. I want to hear republican president. It's just. We have to have reasonable expectations about what they can do and what they will do exactly what they can't and what they won't do is restored federalism to the united states of america, a hundred percent right. Now, let me ask you this: do you think we should obtain
in our principles and find new principles- is that the answer they're looking at principles on which the united states are are based are actually eternal principle and very turtle. That means they never change and they never go away, and we actually know from our history that they work. This is the longest lived constitution in the history of the world. The average constitution last seventeen years were pushing on two hundred and fifty years. That's an extraordinary feat, and it is because it is a principles based constitution. So what we need to do is abandoned them. We need actually returned to them. I think that's very, very important and that's why, when you look at the constitution mark mac, there's also a lawyer, they dont support pop accuracy and they dont support autocracy. They support a representative. Limited government with a different branches, have different functions.
the different branches haven't individuals were appointed differently, And so they need that they weren't creating the perfect document. They created these methods for a man but they didn't, want the constitution amended or easily, but they say they gave it to us because they didn't.
Want the violent revolutions. George mason told us that correct the maker and inserted the second clause of article fiver suggested it on September fifteenth seventeen eighty seven. He addresses everybody assemble it two days before the end of convention, basically over at this point- and he says we have a terrible problem with this document, we gave the power to congress to propose amendments, but we didn't give that same power to the people acting through the faith I'm paraphrasing here and he asked the question. Are we so naive that we believe that a government that becomes a tyranny would ever propose amendments to restrain it's own purity? Now they all understood human nature. They were great students of human nature. We have no examples in history of tyrants deciding to return power to the people that they're tyrannizing, and so he suggests this and Eldridge carried, proposes the language for the second clause of article five, given the faith of power. This is incredible because mason's notes reflect at this point that there was actually no debate. It says: nin, calm, latin abbreviations for no comment, no debate, no comment and it was unanimous
certain its power in the constitution, they all understood mark that we would absolutely undeniably come to this moment and the states and the people would have to stand to savour republic. So some important understand our history exactly right. We've lasted a long time as a prosperous and free people, but now we're up against it. I'd say the last several decades. Actually I'd say since franklin, roosevelt and before actually, but were definitely up against it. Now, there's no question about it. So marked maglev p,
I want to find out how to join or how to help convention of states. Where do they go regular convention of states dot com? They can click on to find a petition by metal. Allow them to let their state legislators know that they're in favor. That is important in states that have already passed as well. We had a rescission attempted alabama. We pushed back this year so in every state, that's important! Then they should click on the take action tab. This is the most important thing mark look. You have been in this fight literally, since you were a kid and you ve been taking action. Your whole life not just talking but taking action, everybody out their need to take,
it should they need to be involved in the fight if they clicked on the take action tab, they can get involved in a meaningful way. How many states do we have so far? While we have nineteen that I would pair efficiently in the dock, at kansas make number twenty they passed it, but they have something in their state constitution. That says that they have to have a two thirds vote. Instead of a majority, that's unconstitutional under the supremacy clause, the united states constitution, so we're going to have to litigate that one, but I would say we're at twenty right now. North carolina is pending. We passed the house where Really about past and senate that will make it number twenty one and leave us with thirteen states to go so amazing how little attention this gets, except derived from the left that scared to death. When other you mentioned this things I've been doing you been doing. What do you mean of sort of a new crop of some kind of conservatives, You say you know you all time, conservatives and your principles in your way of doing business. They haven't worked. So
Time for national populism and all the rest of this stuff like, I feel like I'm doing remark. I feel like I'm doing a marxist. You know It's a history. Forget the past. Forget the guys that came before, and I'm not even talking about me forget all the great
Forget all of them today is the day. You know what I mean viola wrote. People are not conservatives mark, because conservatives fan for conserving that which is the kernel, those principles upon which this country was built. It doesn't mean that you don't move forward, but it means you maintain the eternal principles you conserve, that which is good and great and beautiful in the country history, and then you build on top of that, you know mark on the tea party movement started. This goes back to two thousand and nine. I remember one of the things that really bothered me, so this has always been the same as there were folks in the tea party movement that pretended like people like you and others who had come before sputnik. This, like we were the first conservatives ever in the united states of america, and one of the things that I understood is that conservatives always if they understand what conservatism means stand on the shoulders of those who came before them. Philosophical giants. Political giants warriors that were willing to step into the arena
There there is no ability to have this fight if those people didn't come before us and I think it's really important that we acknowledge him read their works, listen to their speeches, understand them and and then move forward on that foundation. When you- and I I telling have about a minute when you- and I started this looking at this article- five convention states- I strongly opposed Until I read about it and thought about it, you we'd boasted in. I should wait a minute what the hell am. I doing. this exactly right. Go ahead, the mark While I was on the record, I I did a conference at harvard law, not a bastion of conservatism. It was co, hosted by a liberal guy who's a professor there and I was sort of neutral. I just I dunno it's an interesting idea. I can't imagine you could actually do it.
and I did what you did. I spent the time I got involved. I learned from people who understood more than me and then people like you and me and like ferris and calm coal burning, rick central. So many others got on board now. I am absolutely convinced that this is primary way that we are going to save this republic. I might thanks for everything and be well, and we want to have you back so tell us what's going on out there when you need to you gotta, take you mark up like you, my friend and gum as you too, as a great hero right there, you not all talk is action. I'll be right back then remember the last.
You got a quote, unquote: free phone, you started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samson galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise. Eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, syn
it's on the galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today the. What can you do? I recommend quickly, if you're congressman's, a republic, Call them and tell them to speak out and support conventional state taken back there. Heads against the wall only want they can blame, Mccarthy, all they want, they can talk nirvana all they want. We have a system potentially within the constitution. that can go a long way in helping us. They can go a long way and haven't nothing's perfect.
But it can go a long way in helping us that's what they can do and that's what you can do. Mention of states that car mr producer put that link. If you want on all of our social platforms, that's please go to convention of states that come on the big believer in this. and others. Five point: two million members think about it. Jim demand, one of the greatest Conservatives in the senate he got fed up and he left. I'm colbrand one of the greatest concerns in the senate. He got fed up and he left. We ve had other great conservatives in the senate, other great conservatives in the house, but they ve been on it. The push the ball, a significant way. They been on a. In any significant way, I'll be right back
I. The no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one three one when this early dodgers thing is really unbelievable. I mean there's. Is this really fringe group there even fringe when it comes to drag quaint?
And there they are dragged or dressed up his drag queen months, of course, that a fence, catholics and the catholic church they don't come dressed as drag queens as imams. Do they missed, but is. No, that might be problematic. They certainly don't do that. So, in other words, they don't you don't get dressed up as dry queens and offend the muslim faith. Maybe they don't give that a shot, see what happens with the allay dodgers if they would embrace there.
Problem is, ladies and gentlemen, Christianity is under attack in this country, as is judaism under attack, and you can see in the culture and you can see it with a likes, the los angeles dodgers. Few years back, it was football taking a knee Disrespecting our nation, the men and women who fought for our nation. Going on and on about social justice. could you not america? You're not freed actually do anything, and now we have baseball. Baseball that about five years ago. You know people want to be. Spock as they do. You want to go too far, but now we have. This too sancho s dodges his second biggest city in america
at least for now low people trying to get the hell out of their as fast as I can, of course, No assigned universe, dodgers rights. Facts are not open discussing the re invitation. Anti catholic drag queen group religious advocacy group says catholic vote. One of the largest lay catholic advocacy organizations in the country said they spoke to the dodgers administration this week about the teams partnership, the sister of perpetual indulgence. Drag queen collection. We sent them a letter last week asking for a phone call, a meeting in part because their nets that they were listening to all sides- said catholic vote. President brine birch nor knowledge they'd not spoken reached out in any way to a catholic leader, religious or lay like ourselves. So we did receive.
An email in response to our letter and that turned into a phone call that I had yesterday, the top level dodgers executive, birch continuity said that's At that, it's been very hectic there and he's been very busy and that he had little time to talk with me but wanted to reach out in response to the letter. Birch told Action is digital. He urged the executive me were carefully groups and reconsider their partnership. The sisters are perpetual indulgence, so keep a minor. This is an attack on the catholic church toward it is these very dry queens being dragged, consider a dry queens being nuns. As I said.
If these were drag queens being imams, I don't think they'd get away with it. So I said he writes swell if there is still a chance or you my reconsider decision, please let me know we will be holding add campaign. There were planning to launch this week. Birch said the dodgers executive said he cannot do that. So what they did is they originally the dodgers pulled back. Then they took heat from the radicals. Then they went back to it and now they're blowing off. Of course, the catholic community. That's right. discriminate bigotry, you're here about an honor marcellus d on hereabouts from joy, red, johnny about it from the morning schmo and mrs schmo. You watch those networks,
No idea, what's going on in this country and then ever hear back, be ok, MR producer to another department store chain. Near post focused targeting children as young as to a transgender pride merchandise me seriously. tuesday the department store trains website, was selling a boy's teacher, the display the words. So, Could it be me and featured a blue, pink and white happy face the colours of the transgender pride flag? Shirt was removed from box website just hours after fox bids.
Reached out asking if it was aware the merchandise the company did not provide a statement by press time, they wanna thinks gone on. They have marketing people hr people, other types of executives push stuff like the sea or others again. What the hell are. We just do. Of course, some of the ceo therein on show support with the kids pride graphic. shared our toddler in you t shirt is sort of a adorable for everyday whereabouts. Description for the shirt stated other description of the shared setting. meant for boys ages. Forty seven was away, one sizes smallest to tee toddler, another pro algae, bt, q, shirt. You realize how small this community is and how ubiquitous it is at the same time and other pro algae bt. Q should for boys that are still current
on bugs website doesn't have any words but features various ice cream confections bearing the colors, the lesbian flag, transgender flag, the gay pride flag, the bisexual flag and a milkshake with a letter queue for queer I I'm so out of it. I don't know what flags were talking about both shirts on boats website. So we online retailer instant message. However,. and click on severally items and our page will a piercing bulk no longer carries this light and instant message did not respond. Do fox news, digital requests for comment doubt both say pride section on its website that features an array of algae, bt, q, clothing and products, some geared towards children as young. As for.
But upon clicking many, the items in error- pager piercing belk no longer carries the sight of its friggin believable. I'm not done. I just pulled some of these together today this one or break your chick fillet sparks anti woke outrage for vp of diversity, equity, inclusion post, chick fillet which is closed on sundays? As you know, for religious reasons, the chicken sandwich chain, long beloved by conservatives for its long standing opposition to same sex marriage sparking boycott cause afternoon seeing that it has hired an executive in charge of diversity, equity and inclusion. So that's at home marxist deadline, a base company named Eric MC reynolds to the post,
vice president of De I two years ago, social media users took note of it. In recent days, igniting aggregate denunciations on twitter from cancer, It is alleged that the firm is gone work make Reynolds has been employed by chick fillet, since two thousand seven is promoted, such a vice president de I november, twenty twenty one, but the recent algae. Take your controversies involving brand such as but light target and calls did you about calls to another, have triggered scrutiny of other corporate actors, like my daughter says that I'm runnin places to shop I'm running out of time, it's a shop she does not want, expose her kids told all sexuality when they're gonna looking for clothes. corporate amerika embrace of de I, which seeks to diversify workforce, has been criticised, and rightly so, and so
there you have it so you have belk calls target the allay dodgers chick fillet. With the d I and I'm sure, there's more to come The right back was then They were dear friend, Julie, kelly with us. I had given her the levin award rather than the pure prize, because geology No, the pure deprives isn't worth the paper. It is written on assuming its written on something. and it breaking knows that I read honour well. Thank you.
From breaking news that I wanted you to tell us about robbing the tapes of january six and soon for granted it so far, thanks for having me on. As you know, there are thousands of ours of surveillance, video capture by security, cameras inside and outside the cap. It all on january, fifth and sixth, that the government take it or leave. The department of justice has helped under wraps from the american people and even january fix defendants. Marjorie Taylor, green working with speaker, mccarthy, promised to make those videos public. I believe that they will at some point, but in the meantime, on I've been given access along with two other reporters to look start looking digging through that huge troop of surveillance, video than announcement was made today by
The retailer green on twitter and I believe the first clip will first set of clips will be- ought to start airing tomorrow, night by John solomon, so you John solomon, who's, the third another reporter, and he he hasn't really One, it is name other, yet are a very he s. A solid investigative reporters done a lot of good work on january, sex business
big deal, though, isn't it you haven't had access to this before have you? I have not mark- and you know my first article demanding the release of this footage, was two years ago today march and may have twenty twenty one when the government filed an affidavit telling the court that they needed to keep even marked thirty and forty five second clip under protective orders defendant have to sign this crazy and protective order who they they can't even see the evidence against them without a paralegal there or someone else, they can't copy it. They can't download it. They can't share it. That's how tightly controlled this video, his band since january of twenty twenty one and capitol police also have tried to keep it under wraps. This has been a real battle in a in a court, and now I really command before mccarthy and marjorie taylor green for at least for now, allowing us to access it and hopefully, at some point making it all available to the public.
I know: you're you're, incredibly intelligent person, your lawyer step back and look at thomas, like there's two desperate views that Kevin Mccarthy isn't it comes to under brutal assault when people don't agree with what he does and then, on the other hand, when I talk to people like you and Jim Jordan and comer and others, it's like we've never- had a guy like this before whose done these various things and so forth. So in your own instance, I guess it's refreshing right. There has been given
I'm not a lawyer, though thankfully I think it's help. Will you show reporting on January facts I face, should give an honorary law degree from interaction the university of girls at work, but it is refreshing and I'll. Tell you what, though, mark- and you know this january six as a huge issue for the base- a are appalled at how is that of that has been weapon ized against their countrymen, trump donald trump himself and certainly his voters. We now have more than a thousand defendants who have been criminally charge, Matthew grave to deceive us attorney, threatening to double that caseload. They are or resting new people mark every single week. At the same time, Matthew bracelets, totally memory hold the riots that started three years ago this week, far more destructive and dangerous, and a bigger threat to the president and republican lawmakers than anything.
What happened generate back, I was told by a former yours attorney: grant torment. Who was the us turn you for you tat, and I had a more my sunday shall wait before this one. He said something brand new that didn't get any attention whatsoever. He said. nose as a matter of fact that the former? U s attorney before graves, was not going to round up hundreds and then thousands of people to undertake this campaign by the department of justice and he disagreed with main justice. So they replaced him with grapes. Had you heard that before I had not? Was he referring to Michael Sherwin act? Logo for us attorney
He could be at the time of january, sixth, okay, yeah. So he said he wanted to focus in on. You know, may be a score people to scores of people, whatever the leaders of this and that, but they wanted him according to thomson and thompson is a good man. He was he was turning again from you, tom everything and he said- and he said now- that's not What I'm doing? That's not how we do things here and graves said he do. That makes a lot of sense to me now absolutely absolutely massive faith that a Biden campaign, adviser and enthralled by Joe Biden he fake out the dirty work. Rounding up camp, the porter during their life I'd hold on one little bit and when I have you over the brake, we'll be right. I fringe
only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. I'm a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot com you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story, study the writer So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie. and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today
my blood, then, above all, right now, seven, seven, forty one, forty eight one wants to come back and arrogant. We ever friend julie, Kelly, tremendous journalists, have access to these tapes. You're gonna have a lot of tapes. Going to be able to handle all this, I'm sure you're going to be up morning, noon and night going through them. Well, here's the thing: the access I have to go to washington, dc and access. The footage is a very complicated system. So it's not anything for people and- and I felt this way to mark just upload the cape- let everyone see at the start not the case you're talking about hundreds of cameroon, and so when I went in, I had certain time frames and certain areas of the capital inside it out that I wanted to look at and boy is it is over welcoming. You know you could sit for an hour and looked at a certain area for maybe two minutes.
And it can be spell bounding right. I mean you're you're looking at and go away. Let me see that again and have the play re, looped and so forth, but I wonder He couldn't soda, tie them into some of these cases. You know whether in this guy or that gal did x Y Z, and I see that a woman today in a bench trial. Trot, was a sense to two years and she literally didn't do anything simply said: let's get power of whatever she said about policy, She literally did not do anything. Did you know she didn't, I think, that's Pauline bower, two and a half years. I believe she got from judge trevor mc fat and I think the trump acquainted judge
I think you- and I have talked about him before the judges are out of control. The prosecutors are out of control, Matthew grave to death. Us attorney is out of control. This is something that's never happened, which is why mark they want to keep these videos documents records completely out of sight from the american people, because that the story they sold that from the beginning, including the january six select committee, is a total fabrication at every level and that's why you see these kind of these outbursts today by group called the sedition hunters who are you know, tracking people down trying to destroy their lives, they're mad that we're going to get access to these tapes? We're going to turn this narrative on its head, the american people are going to be pretty shocked. Then,
age, at some of the cliff and in contacts with new reporting that they're gonna see over the next several weeks? And when it comes to this january, six committee. The members are you look at the sky. Rascal he's is rather was they come, he was involved in the impeachment he was involved in the january six committee. It was an in promoting the idea that the present the united states can unilaterally issue debt. That is her raised at through bonds, which is so preposterous He taught constitutional law for a period of time at the american university and I This is father, as you know, was a communist with e with, with the with an organization it he it in washington, d c sympathetic for the longest time to the soviet union. Not it's not obliged truth in this.
is his finger, and everything of you notice that he sure does and he's gonna have some explaining to do when some of these could come out. Now this make fatten these so called trumped judges in these other judges and so forth. I soon friends council kept asking for film and so their clients
We really got to see much of the film and they were convicted without it. Isn't that correct? That's true and I will again command Kevin Mccarty, who I believe the first group he prioritized over journalists was defense, attorneys and even some defendant. When I went to look at the tape, there is one defendant in there looking at videos that he has been denied access to, and this has been a persistent problem in these cases. I, the the d o J, blew past one discovery deadline after another, claiming that there was so much digital evidence that they could not provide all of the discovery to defendants and the judges repeatedly. Instead of tossing these charges out of court, here's what they did mark, they arrested people first created evidence later and even judge mcfadden said that in the summer of twenty twenty one with the o J blew another discovery deadline. He said this is not how the constitution works. You don't charge people first and then get the evidence later, but did they do anything to stop the o j? Did they dismiss a single case? No
They lack the oj matthew, grave merrick, ireland, LISA Monaco were running the show get away with all of it completely stepping all over these defendants, constitutional right, I'm really describe lucia. My uncle was a radical leftist who worked in the obama administration, which is showing a nation. This. And I believe, she's the invisible hand behind everything. That's going on there because she's, a true blue marks, a city lock, and I can just sense the cheese behind all this. I think you're the case a garland he's boards at all, but he's kind of a mother type. If you not, I mean kind of abiding type that trade that there's somebody worry and she has a lie: energy, and I notice that less and less is name appearing in the media less and less so she put her feet. on tv less and less than she called the testify. Bigger ethics,
Likes her role more as the invisible hand than otherwise you get that sense. One hundred per cent leave to my colleagues Long time obama loyalists. She was his last homeland security adviser. She was a key architects in russia, collusion hoax. She laughed when aga tromp one she went to sea and then, as a contributor, consistently bashing. Tromp. Republicans and she is now the dep he attorney general martin, but if that see them who republican senators voted against her confirmation to tat land mom. She that rule forty eight yes ran paul untied crews, forty eight republican, both LISA Monica Monaco, got not a single question during her confirmation hearing about russia gate or her involvement in any of it passed with flying colours. That's why this department of justice and f b, I are not afraid of republican, save no reasons.
That is the the the system. The the confirmation system isn't working in a par with judges. It's now worrying because, when Wednesday grams on there putting his thumb up every time- yes, yes, yes, yes, because he That's the prerogative of the president to give it to you Well, then, why even bother haven't sent involve right? If that's the way to to work just say. Yes, all the time and you're gonna be yes man in a rubber stamp. We don't need the senate say to be involved, will truly kelly. I wanna keep reading what you're doing, and I had like to have you back as more and more information comes out of you don't mind: where did they go? I left beyond any time. Thank you. So much and people can pick up my book about january six on amazon. Also, all my work as an american greatness and greatness dot com, and I post a lot of breaking news that they did today on twitter Julie.
understood how we killed you welcome here, any time you take care of yourself. You tell my thanks so much for having on god bless you. We're running out of time, and I get a key role on here. Ladies and gentlemen, james calmer, unhappy last night, this guy's a real patriot, real patron. And started about the the ice stalling, which is all it ever does. I saw. Never nunez on shoes me on television, the state today too, and he said, holding contempt. Oh halfway, measures here, because this guy will, he will rope adobe right to the end, cut eleven go Well, today was a deadline. He was given three weeks to produce a document
and go into detail on what exactly they did to investigate the validity of the document as far he won't even admit that they had the document sean he's. Given us the run around for three weeks he's just stalling. He said: there's good faith effort, they haven't produced anything they haven't even admitted they have a document. So we don't have confidence in director wray we're already in the process of drafting legislation to hold an oversight committee markup next week to hold epa act or in contempt of congress. Very very important cut twelve go They had the document for four years. We I don't know if they've even investigated it? That's my fear. That they never did anything. Would you What's happened with the irish with irish whistle blowers claim, is they were? This day and then there's a pattern within our federal government of which, looking at any.
Of wrong doing by the binding family that. people in the government. Bureaucracy have told rank in vow, government employees to stand ale or to give them the fallen and don't worry about it. That's basically direct array, is told me. I have demonstrated a pattern, of Joe Biden travelling all over the world and weeks after he leaves a country whose family starch mysteriously getting wires from that foreign country into shell companies. That dinner wired back to the individual family validity. Ask not normal behaviour and I want to follow up with the they ve they dragged out. James call me he's got a fiction out there. His whole life is a fiction but listen uh. This he's on CNN cut thirteen go historically previously into last for years. It has largely been those on the left who have been critical of the affair. You were a republican from
the your life until you say the party left you why think so republicans have turned on the fbi. I think it's largely because donald trump and those around him have seen the fbi as a threat and so they've taken a let me, let me tell you something: it's a sad fact that, during part of it's history, the fbi has been corrupt. It's a sad fact that, when you've had corrupt president chavez, corrupt f b, I. And same with directors of the fbi. J edgar hoover was director the f b I for a very, very long time. It's a conspiracy. You see that Jaeger hoover spied on martin luther king at the direction of John and Robert Kennedy, conspiracy, conspiracy, that the epi I was you used by Lyndon Johnson to spy on believe it or not. I goldwater and then Hubert humphrey
I go down the list to call history very simple: I have it in, and freedom of the press lays it out hook, line sinker its commies. There call me who, in my view, should have been charged And should be doing time to bring call me at the time that everything's fine, there's a conspiracy theories. Are there Just shows you how much we are now we're, not knots so the fbi did which winter we saw at the fbi has done with these women
lars. We saw at the advertised under donald trump we've seen the api. I interfere in our elections. We saw the api idea with the pfizer court. We've seen a lot. We saw the at the I spy on the trump campaign when I'm making this stuff up plus there's the dorm report. That's right. James Comey suggested tack. of trump trump has been a victim, that's for sure I'll be right back then don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon eighteen, ten t mobile folks just another trick
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the gg getting through china's national security chiefs to prepare for worst case scenarios. I am telling you for the four thousand fine they are preparing for war. They are preparing for war, and very few people in congress are even talking about chinese liturgy giving has communist top national security forces officials to think worst case scenarios and prepare for stormy seas, the rule, communist party hardens efforts to counter any perceived internal and external threats. He said the complexity and difficulty of that national security issues we now face have increased significantly that here too bottom line thinking and worst case scenario thinking
get ready to undergo the major test of high winds and rough waves and even perilous stormy seas. I don't know what else this kind can say to tell us that, wants war. Then I read somewhere someone who was it. I dont, remember, read so much, who said what is in any of our business. They attack taiwan. What is it any of our businesses. What is it any of our businesses. China's ally, russia, tax, ukraine.
And then I ask: what does in any of our business, then is the logical if they attacked poland, romania, but should any of our business. They attack south korea. What's it any more business? What's it any of our business? If iran attacks Israel. More on this tomorrow, no question about that. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you Two great honoured always be here, We salute! Are military police officers Firefighters, emergency personnel are trucker friends, the men and women. the freedom fighters in ukraine and taiwan and elsewhere. Thank you. God bless you and god bless you for being here today and I'll see you tomorrow take care.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-02.