« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/30/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, Republicans in Congress should fight and get the best budget we can, but in the end it will take a Convention of States. Even Ronald Reagan, the most popular president in American history, could not significantly cut the Federal budget because that is how the Washington machine is built – how can we expect Kevin McCarthy to be able to do what Reagan couldn’t? Mitch McConnell is escaping all criticism for this budget disaster while the House breaks their backs trying to fix the mess he allowed to happen. Nothing will stop Democrats from spending us into oblivion unless they are fundamentally stopped by the Constitution; even then they may not adhere to it, but at that point it’s all over anyway. Also, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Gregg Jarrett about his new book, The Trial of the Century.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground command both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The
The The america mark Levin here our number eight seven seven. Three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, one one. I pray So he didn't posts stuff Over the holiday week in riga, this budget in the in the dead,
the debt shillings over exam ready yet. but even more than that. Twitter and so forth, they just not the right place to have a discussion about this and that, despite the fact that I put I'm not one of these social media warriors. I watch p for who were in their thirties in their twenties dead. These damn iphones on a hundred percent of the time I was doing this weekend was finishing my the editor, my project. which I think is more important and constant twittering, because ten days from now on I mean you don't want anybody said. so I took a lot of time today going over this. And what you are hearing as a lot of superficiality in many respects, I read the heritage,
foundation objections. I think the present The heritage foundation is a twitter guys, never met him. I've never spoken to her, but it wasn't particularly persuasive ire What a read what the new york post row They were the day. I think that was particularly persuasive. I read what our friends at the washing examiner road. I didn't find that particular persuasive in favour of it. I watch this damn bishop on the steps of the capital. He certainly wasn't very persuasive, he didn't say anything other than grouse even more somebody! I respect a lot. He supports it. Do gingrich. I guess, he's a sell out in a liberal too. He supports it
none of that matters to me, none of it. I don't care who supports it and who opposes it. Just like you. We have to make up our own minds. good enough anymore to say someone so opposes it. So I oppose it. someone so supported. So I support it want to read something to you. from twenty fifteen. An entire book on the debt. Plunder and deceit my book on the debt chapter, two George mason university economics, professor doktor water williams, rightly. Scribes, the underlying pathology driving the nation to economic and financial ruin, is a moral problem it will become an in moral people demand. the congress forcibly use one american to serve them,
purposes of another. sits in a runaway national debt or merely symptoms of that real problem that will, stated that nearly seventy five percent of today's federal spending can be described as and was taking the earnings of one american to give to another. Through thousands of hand, our programmes such as farm subsidies, business bail outs and welfare factor, thomas sol. Senior fellow the hoover institute, there was a time when the purpose of tat Was to pay the inevitable costume government to the polluter left. However, taxes have long been seen as a way to reach Strip come in, The UN's others, social experiments based on liberal ideology, and I added consequences of the rising generation, meaning the one behind us the consequence it is for them and future generations.
This moral, politically expedient An economically ruth, ruinous behaviour and policies are unambiguous. And inspire statistic after statistics which are only ignored discounted used by most of the media, academia and, of course, governing statists. Now When I read something to you, they came out earlier this month. I haven't seen a single, so called conserve columnist even talk about it, let alone write about And this will be my new book because I went through a quite extensively, but it's not. The whole thing is about the Government accountability office is probably the best office in the government
It has the role of looking at the finances of the country. And you may not know this- three weeks ago, released the nation fiscal health roadmap needed to address projected unsustainable debt levels Not a single one of those conservatives in the house who is this have even mentioned this. not a single one of those conservatives. Prior to this deal even talked about it even wrote about. and yet I gotta keep hearing them go on and on and on. That's the problem of washington. Here's the facts from them. Ready bureaucrats, not normally talk like this. The federal
Government faces an unsustainable fiscal future. That's the first sense. If policies don't change, debt will continue to grow faster than the economy you're the nations fiscal. How found one large annual budget deficits drive growth, as the government borrows to finance. Spending that exceeds revenue to enter, costs rise and make up a large share of total spending is overall debt in it rage increase over the long term three risk. include delays in raising or suspending the debt limit, and events such as natural disasters. The federal government faces an unsustainable, long term fiscal future. The end of fiscal twenty twenty two. Now that would be Timber thirtieth of last year, dead, held by the look, was about ninety seven percent of gross domestic product project,
It is from the office of management and budget, and this maybe I'll. and geo all show that current fast policy is unsustainable. Over the long term, debt held by the public is projected to grow at a fair. Their pace than the size of the economy, and they talk about by twenty fifty one, my twenty fifty one, the size of the economy, will be twice. To me, the size of the government will be twice the size of the economy. Now think about that. Increasingly large deficits, they say, dr unsustainable debt levels, unsustainable debt levels, this dire. That's the government, the government watchdog.
So what does the steel do?. What does the steel do? Putting aside names and people, robbing me in writing mayor going Tv beating their chests first, let's It was some political reality. There some people who would never support anything. one guy who voted against even the proposal that publicans put on the table says I could never Report this he never supports anything. So it's difficult You have what a five member majority or so give or take in the house, representatives, to accommodate somebody like that number, mccarthy's working with a very, very thin majority. As I said.
And I would guess about a half a dozen of them were prepared. About down anything. It is very unlikely that Biden that binding. which simply sign off on what the republicans past. Because I would endanger his presidency of his party further and further. That's then it is number three. It's strange: how silent mitchum economies, About all this and the senate, public and generally other than the conservative mike leads. crews handful of others, but where is that public and leadership in the senate. They sitting back and waiting for other people to carry to carry the load They don't tell us what it is that they would. It wouldn't, except.
I it would matter a mere you, but why don't they? So it's left the house. The centre republicans, are awol a hundred per cent. Now, when you hear or read what they say, they have accomplished sounds pretty good. The problem is it's not good enough. I'm not going to sit here and go through my notes with you and some of it Perhaps in some other. loopholes at her in this. Kevin Mccarthy is not. Somebody who wants to go along with Biden her wants to see
What was taking place in this country. I know why anybody wants to be speaker these days and what's interesting is the twenty or so so original opponents, Mccarthy, they couldn't come, again together twenty one people to vote for anybody, so they are themselves in the back for moving mccarthy to the right. Partly by their own definition, they didn't move and far enough, but they had no kennedy. None. I happen to think he's an earnest man, so the people who try To me for tracking him again get laid. week. They thought it was doing a great job. I asked a couple. These people
of the twenty before last week. What are they tell you on the shore? They think is doing a great job, but this proposal does not go far enough. It simply dozen. If a two year dead cap that is raised by four trillion dollars, four trillion dollars in part of the problem. from Mccarthy and forbidden- is that some of the buying people are going around telling everybody how they intend to get around caps and other provisions that will have been agreed to and so Biden.
and the Democrats are not negotiating in a way that reliable. Thirdly, telling us what you're gonna do. We can hold out. my calculation, I took a sharp. Hence it all this and the amount of money that comes into the federal government, certain things To be pay that have nothing to do with general operating expenses, and yet they really do because they destroyed the tree. funds for such security medicare. So basically that comes out of general revenue, even though its not supposed to, but they play this game that it's not Well, let's put that, aside by statute, those programmes are to continue to pay. So what you really have here in the big lie you ve been hearing is evident.
Is a several month period where the government can continue to function and as time goes on, they have to re prioritize. What they're going to spend their money and the president can do that. He doesn't want to do that. And in the Democrats, you're doing with kamikaze causes you dealing with people, Would be perfectly happy to see this country collapse, so my own view is more time should have been taken and can still be taken to get even a better deal. It may not be the deal that son, who claim to be conservative, would want.
but I suspect it could be better and therefore, on the voting, when I there are taken. Take another look at this right back, then I know guys are wearing federalism. Staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy into recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to Take the retirement you worked really hard, for. I think a great way is to diversify good god and specifically a gold. I re that's right: physical guy, in your eye array, my fate, god I re! Companies is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold I or I can help you, sir, few saved a hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their own.
my guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, when you open a gold, I re car august precious those today, eight seven, seven For gold, I re that's eight seven, seven. for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures and august a precious metals dot com. What I a company, see the reason you need to think about Independent everybody else what this proposal does.
By what some of the common cause he's have to say at our deal than when a minute, it cuts some spending just not enough. I dont have any budget in my lifetime that cut one nickel from spending but bring Minor vainer, then was a disaster, but, alas, Ten years I looked at this, the really hasn't been any and their efforts to cap spam. And when they don't have an agreement to ninety nine percent, which is effectively a one percent cut. So there are their earnest efforts here. That ought not be attacked.
To try and do something about this budget, given the fact that you got a five hour majority or whatever it is in the house knows for the senate and are not In the end, the oval office just doesn't no foreign. No, you guys are wearing federal reserve staff. Said banking crises follow up, could push the economy, the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to check the retirement. You worked really hard, for. I think a great ways to diverse I would go and specifically a gold. I re that's right, physical guy, in your eye array my favorite gold. I write but he is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call These guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved a hundred and are more in a forum. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a
a gold coin. When you open a gold, I re car augusta precious metals. Today, eight cents seven for gold. I re that's eight. Seven seven For gold, I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures, gus depression, metals dot com. What a great company every hour trying to reach a mark on the air conway met. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one more glove in radio show continues as I watch this Unfold people. on television news out their product, confused as hell Everybody sounds like they know. Talking about said the sky. The bishop He's gonna like an idiot, but none the less. When you hear chip roy makes a hell of a lot of sense chips, a dear friend of mine,.
When used some of these other people, they make a lot of sense too, but the numbers are the numbers. and here's something you and I have always known washington- will never and ultimately can ever fix washington. Even conservatives who live and work in washington, DC or. Maybe they use to now. They move somewhere else. They believe washington conflicts, Washington, I believe, that's gonna, be very tough- is very tough to do. you can have an impact, has no question about. But the reason why I support convention of states, because
I am convinced that the only way. Fundamentally alter the trajectory of their country. not watching tv and listening to the politicians who reading columns. They all those who claim to be expert to all it's by taking the power. How of washington. And we're already organized to fight this. We have been for several years now Convention of states. and what we're going to do here is keep a list of every single member who votes against this proposal. And I'm gonna is marked mac. Why the big? Could he market convention estates.
to tell us how many of those members have been actively involved in conventional states. I don't mean issued a statement saying there supporting how many I'm a been actively involved. Because that's the real push back, it's not Kevin Mccarthy or any other speaker. This government in washington cannot fix it so again. Trunk could be taken out of it here there, how many but that you listened Some true today radio and tv how many politicians how do you view as your norstar? How many of them on tv or elsewhere today
mention convention of state, none of them. Maybe there is on serious as everybody else. It's not like. They don't know about it. Any bigs arizona wrote a book against it and directed it while he was the at present in arizona and when he left the sun is he left. It flew right through the senate, and the house was signed by the governor. Excuse me. by the governor, one through the senate and the house right here right here. One of the things that I've been pushing for through this convention of states It's not like this is new. We ve been talking.
about this for a long, long time, this book the liberty amendments, Truck is ten years old spending section, one congress shall adopt a preliminary fiscal budget no later than the first monday in may. For the file, Fiscal year and submit said budget to the president for consideration there always late, so it needs to be in the constitution section shop congress fail to adopt a final fiscal year budget. Prior to this, of each fiscal year, which shall comments on Acta. first of each year and show that president fail sign said budget into law, an automatic across the board. Five percent reduction in Entities from the prior year's budget shall be imposed Fiscal year in which the budget has not been adopted. Secondly, the congress would adopt this, of course, not section three.
total outlays or the united states government for any fiscal year shown exceed its receipts for that fiscal year, section four and by the way that some most states have to operate toto ways of the united states government for each fiscal year shall not accede. Seventeen point five percent of the nation's gross domestic product for the private calendar year section five. Total receipts are include all receipts for the united states government, but shall not klute, those derived from borrowing tone. lay should include all outlays or the united states government, except those for the repayment of the depth. In other words, we want to get paid down section six Congress may provide for a while you're suspension of one or more of the preceding sections of this article by a three fits vote
about houses of congress The vote is conducted by roll call, sets forth the specific excess about ways over receipts. Or outlays over seventeen point: five percent of the nation's gross domestic product. Now, why do I Why that provision. because if we go to war for attack. We'll need to spend more money than we normally do. Need three fifths of both houses. For a one year, suspension section Seven, the limit on the debt of the united states by the public shown increased unless three fifths above houses of congress shall provide for such crease by roll call vote section. Eight there image to take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification, so they can ramp up for.
But you see the rules haven't change, ladies and gentlemen, and A small majority in the house and have a big impact, but it cannot have a big enough impact. So the senators and congressmen. We did is we need to do that. We need to do this. Ok, gregg, let's see if you're really prepared to help us do what really needs to be done to go back and check. I think seventeen state legislatures have already signed, On the convention of states, virtually no public support virtually no public campaign. Could be a teen, maybe nineteen we need thirty four, and I guarantee you forgot to twenty. We get to the public's attention. She's maybe get the congress
But it also included in this amendment taxing authority. congress shall not collect more than fifteen percent of a person's annual income, for ever source derived person shall include. Natural and legal persons, by the way again congress would never do this. Look at it. This way, we be doing it to congress. Section through the deadline for filing federal income tax returns shall be the day before the date set for elections to federal office. Why why, Because you pay taxes and devote the next day, that's why my change your attitude? Not yours! You know what I mean. Section three congress shall not collect taxes on the display, the estate no more. This double taxation stuff.
section for congress shall not institute a value added tax or national say tax or any other tax in kind of The point here is: if you don't do that, nah say: ok, fine. We won't raise the income tax but will create new taxes. So now what. Section five: this amendment shall take effect in the fourth fiscal year after its ratification, so this is what is proposed. We have seventeen, eighteen and nineteen stay legislators who want a conventional eight, the second wave amending the constitution. We need thirty, four thirty eight to ratify And I want to know, that's pretty tough languages.
I want to know how many these twenty seven so far, twenty seven, No because their fiscal conservatives, you know, I'm gonna, want to know how many of them not just endorsed this. This constitutional efforts under article five- this is exactly what george mason, I had in mind I want to know if anybody's lifted a finger to help it and that's why I want to get macular on here. as tomorrow and ask him because that's You should be asking all of them and I happen to know. Some of them are among the toughest talkers oppose it oppose it. So I think there's a lot of people.
could be held to account most of all by the Democrat. So, while republicans that have gone along with the spending all these decades, the Mcconnell lights. The question about that. I do not know any animosity toward. But who are trying to do the right thing and take the ball as far as they can, because the circle stance of which this government operates now in the way it set up is almost mind numbing I do support those who speak out and want to continue to speak out. Against a nation that is spiralling toward financial disaster, you know it's like,
clarence Thomas we ve talked about and at an inn, Scully perfect analogy, but good enough? They will come the constitution pretty much from the same perspective, not one hundred percent, but pretty much Sometimes they would have a different outcome. One with a one way. One vote another. That doesn't mean you hate scalia, her hate, clarence, thomas. You disagree with one or the other, maybe just grew a both, maybe but I don't know. and so I think, that's the situation that existed. and every one of those twenty know damn well. That we should fight that we should get the best we can
that we should do the best we can, but in the end it's gonna take a convention of states. I'm not the only one is counter that conclusion. Ladies and gentlemen, many many others have, you know came to the conclusion earlier on milton Friedman, I didn't even realize it went back and I free to choose. I will go into the back and he says. there's one way that we can control this, that in the oven he said, article five protocol, article, five, I'll be right back then, No, you guys are wearing federalism staff said banking crises follow up, could push economy into recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to play.
Check the retirement you worked really hard for, I think, a great ways to diverse I would god and specifically a gold. I re that's right, physical guy! in your ira my fate, God I re companies augusto precious metals, you gotta call. these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you, two hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old, my guide to gold I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin: When you open a gold, I re augusta precious metals. Today, eight cents seven for gold. I re that's eight seven seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures at augustus, precious metals, dot com, what a great company-
here. I sit scribble notes to myself. Think back to the reagan days ring and how to build up the united states military after carter. He needed to beat them we'd union, he needed a breed if back into the economy, with the greatest tax cuts. An american history. And for his time in office, carefully here too. The numbers today which are astronomical. Reagan was unable to cut the death fact. He added to the debt. He still, in my view, the number three greatest present in american history for everything he did.
the. What do I mention this now for two reasons: if Reagan couldn't get it done, what makes you think Mccarthy can? I think they can do better which is my point, but doing better, isn't even good enough and people are frustrated your foot, I a lot of people are frustrated I want you to try and join us. We convention states in number two. The reason I endorse convention estates, after studying, and reading it all times. I realized I couldn't significantly cut the dead. It's going to be difficult for anybody to do it cause he was enormously popular. He won fifty nine percent of the vote. Nineteen. Eighty four, no republican,
an ado that again any one more electoral college votes in any present in an american history, and he still couldn't cut, that, because the system in washington is corrupt, it is, to show and fundamentally built. To do the opposite of what should be done in how come Mitch macao escapes criticism to make me you can't these guys in the house brake on their backs, and this they just sit there My plea got forty three with colleagues in the senate to agree to what was proposed by the house, and yet my please and the leader the Republicans over they. Where is the leader, the Republicans where The number to the number three, the number for the number five.
This too is a huge problem. They don't go into there to see Biden. As united leaders. As united leader, and indeed The crab see there too, I'll, be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, the right for you. Thank you again
we're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one Some of you may not have been hearing the back and forth you work for living within the republican party. I want to give you a chance to hear mccarthy had to say in a chance to hear what chip Roy anderson first, mccarthy cut
go pray because at this point you guys only confirm republicans only control one half of one branch of government so for you to get what you got was great for the most part, because the republicans did much better in this than the Democrats did obviously engender your point, Joe Biden Lucy. That's not Mccarthy go ahead because they are You know a butcher
clicking on the big vote are going to vote now, you're going to need a bunch of democrats to say you know what I can't believe. I'm doing this, I'm going to vote with Kevin Mccarthy well, but normally, when you make, when you come to an agreement with two different parties, you have people in both parties vote for it, but the difficulty that's different than anytime before is the Democrats will tell you there's nothing in the bill for them not for the president. Numerous times he kept asking for tax increases, new government programs- and I just said no- and he says well, there's nothing in it for us to vote for his debt ceiling increase. We can go forward on. I'm not sure people want to go past that deadline if interest rates go up and others right. I think this is a good first step, but we can go much further and I have a plan for that coming forward, where we can look at the entire budget and tackle our problems, especially in a bipartisan way. This is reasonable. This is sensible, but it's also responsible thing to do. You know he's among the most popular republicans in the country.
And there is at least one common cause he's talking about making a man. remove him as speaker. So I don't follow the comic causes and again we to mark meddler he'll, be here tomorrow. I want to know how many of these common causes have supported, invention of states in a activists. Kind of why. I don't necessarily disagree with those who are opposed to this. but she can see where the guys come, farming. You see all the things that he's tried to do, and you can see here to do things that Reagan didn't do and trunk didn't do and certainly bush Do any
bigger their house with a handful of majority votes. So captain
yeah. Well, it's a different congress. It's a new day. It's not that you have to pass a bill to find out. What's in it, you got seventy two hours. This isn't one thousand page bill. This is ninety nine pages, and this is different than we've ever had before we're actually going to spend less money this year than we spent last year, and your viewers have heard me give this analogy before a debt limit is like the family having a credit card, but you've been charging it up every year and just keep lifting the limit this year is different. We now say we're going to spend less now. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to look at all what we spend our money on, because the mandatory spending social security medicare that's all off to the side, so I can only look at about fifteen percent of what we spend our money on. So what we did is elements like non defense: that's going to go below two thousand and twenty two levels. So that's a very positive, but the other thing we did. We put ourselves on a spending plan. We cap how much we can spend for the next six years with government funds. We also did I get that but
they cannot control the out years. One congress can control going to happen in the our ears so, for example, the dynamic to take over the house there and I can Hannah there and just one. that clear go ahead.
In this family we may have a child that able bodied not married, no kids, but he's sitting on the couch collecting welfare, we're going to put work requirements on that individual, so he's going to have work requirements he's going to get a job and is going to make the life easier, but we're also going to look at places. We've been spending our money that we've wasted that we're going to return right, like all that covert money that we didn't spend we're going to bring it back. One of my favorites here is four hundred million for cdc. The global fund, where we'd worry, is that hard working taxpayer money over to china? We're not going to do that, we're going to send that back, and then we did a number of other things here. One of the things that's very interesting did that the president has been spending money wildly if he wants to put a new regulation in. We took a executive order of president trump's and now we're putting it into law and making a little tougher. If he wants to put a new regulation, he has to cut government if it costs more than one hundred million, and then we looked at things about cutting the red tape that we get so frustrated. We can't build the roads that take seven years. We now reform nepa the environmental review instead of waiting seven years now. The studies are only one to two years. This hasn't been done in forty years and then we did something interesting to make the government or make congress consequences for their lack of action. They have twelve appropriation bills and they have to pass every year and they never do and they come back with that omnibus now we say: if you don't do your job, it's a one percent cut across the board, so encourage members of congress, not now with the new congress, he actually show up you're all you're going to have to work. This is going to be the biggest cut by the congressional budget office as in history of where we're going forward to do all that we allowed the debt ceiling to go forward for the next eighteen months and we'll readdress it hopefully, with a republican president, a republican senate even make it stronger. Now the rebuttal, your chip, roy at a press conference today,
my colleagues, we very clear. Not one republican should vote for this deal. It is a bad deal. No one sent us here to borrow an addition. four trillion dollars you Absolutely nothing in return, but at best if I'm being really generous a spent freeze for a couple years. That's it that's about what you get and frank. You're gonna make things worse than my democratic colleagues know it. That's why their support A lot of them are not supporting it actually, but go ahead or gleeful. but there's a reason. Our democratic colleagues support this there's a reason that mitt romney supports this There's a reason that bill crystal supports is all the same starve?
there's a reason. Also, I guessed looking rich still more, I mean: that's why I said at the opening of the show don't get caught up in supports and who opposes use your own brain, your own noggin, allies yourself get texan emails. Did you this. You ought think that nothing is more annoying I'll wait till it comes out go. The reason that our served and allies are opposing it roundly declared for growth. Sorry against it, bear its foundation scoring against it. Freedom worked scoring against it wrong dishonest publicly. Both president drum said he We should therefore, rather than pursue, there's gotta lunacy at the end. The only europe's when you know in all due respect that, what he did during his presidency.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just being. extremely honest with you there not nobody else. Willoughby go ahead as Joe Biden on one's republicans default on the american dream by voting for this bad bill, that is, This group will oppose it. We continue to fight it today, tomorrow and no matter what happens, there is going to be a reckoning about what declared unless we start bill by tomorrow is going to be guinea is a way you know it's amazing america, even if chip- and his way, a hundred percent. It's not gonna save us. That's how far along we are here, it's a bad. This is. It's not going to save us cut five go.
there are two pounds here take up the bill. We passed its goodwill the sitting opened a Senate big pass it some of the present second speed mccarthy, should pull this bad mill down. We should stop too this bill up right now. I dont think even as a majority of the zone conference at this point, find out later today who should pay bill down and then we should do exactly what around me. I'm comin rescission right now. Carbon rescission or in the bill when rescission of twenty billion dollars they ve already, taken out in this bill- and they swept twenty two billion and just set it over, the department of commerce is ever play. Money be spent. Take that money. Take IRA's money and go tell Ellen you're gonna pay rebellion need to pay and working to sit down at the table and do the job for the american people, but don't tell me you're gonna put over a barrel for four trillion dollars, because you refused to do your job. That is one speaker
Are these should have told the press that the united states, where there you go now? What about the Democrats? Jim kleiber needs a party man cut six scope I know you said that you will vote for the compromise that bill negotiated between president Biden. Speaker, Mccarthy, tell us why well thank you. It was simply because I recognise that there are a lot of things at play here: number one before further The message of america is at stake and we ve gotta. Keep that projected number two. Governing and when you have two parties, as I have said before, fit them up, the house- is unreal, we can control. the one percent of the senate is a greater controls that needs but we ve got to find a compromise.
We found a very good compromise. I spoke This process with the president ever longer, yeah, I've never met anyone, government more competent for work. Compassionate vertical. I need to get out of it more their kleiber than you will go ahead, and I said therefore- and I saw her there are given sums deal, that was permit me to do it. And to get it across but Jim heinz democratic Etiquette, he didn't say things that worry tat. Seven go.
I came Jeffrey said to him that they're Democrats are mad because there's nothing for them in this bill. What do you make of it? The us, russia and america, there's there's two problems with the bill. Number one is none of the things in the bill are democratic priorities. You know what those priorities are because in the last two years, when we control the house, we kept insulin at thirty five dollars for seniors. We didn't have drug price controls, we passed the biggest infrastructure investment in our country. Ever we address climate change, those are our priorities and not a single one of them are in this bill. Now, that's not a surprise, given that we're now in the minority, but the the obvious point here and the speaker didn't say this. The reason it may have some traction with some Democrats is that it's a very small bill. It's a very, very small bill now had the bill. Look anything like what the republicans passed on the floor where they rescinded all of the money and designed to create an electric battery industry in this country designed to further reduce drug prices. You would have had unanimity against it, but the I r s money is a pretty good example. Why the speaker, by the way, wants to defend taking IRA police off the block so that more people can you can cheat on their taxes is beyond me know a whole people, don't
they are harassed by their government. You guys are all on the police state, but that's another story. Go ahead. The numbers right, nearly eighty billion dollar sent in that direction over a period of time, a very, very small fraction of that has been rescinded. So again, not a village going to make any democrats happy, but it's a small enough, build it in the service of actually not destroying the economy. This week make a democratic vote. We are all over the map and that's why Look at these things for yourself and that's why I think should take a little bit more time and go back. The countries not gonna default spiten wants it to the full But if anything has been demonstrated through this process set a minimum, he doesn't and.
The pine was hoping originally was that the republicans with fold the mccarthy couldn't get Majority together even to make the proposals that they did and that they passed it in the house. that's not what happened. Obviously,. and then finally, he puts his team together to negotiate at the eleventh hour now, truly. The democratic, don't call anything victory. That doesn't massively increased spending mass will increase the central government and just continue to push push push. But what I'm trying to tell you is this: there too factory that we're on as a result of the way the institutions of government had them. Stirred eyes are going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to change,
Because, as I have said many times in many ways, we live in a post, constitutional america in one of the people, texts me most, and I won't tell you who it is- is a absolute rock, solid concern and we're. Dear dear friends, I get these texts all the time. The skywalker this this guy was that this place is broken. This is this. This is a. I agree with him. It's a dear friend of mine, does not support conventional state, so I think them So how are we going to get out of this. How are we going to get out of this.
she. The problem is, ladies and gentlemen, let's say we win the next election and the one after them one after that. Nothing will stop the Democrats from going right back to this. Nothing. Not even a brother chip with a speaker have nothing will stop them. unless they are fundamentally stopped, best as we can in the constitution itself and even then. They may not adhere to it, happens it's all over anyway, I'm here
It was love in the remember the last time you got a quote, unquote free found. You started out feeling great then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll. Get a free
Samson galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving. Today, the head of the commonest chinese military has refused to meet with second, I asked him sector defence, you want to know why? Because you're planning for. I don't know how many more ways they can show us. and yet nobody shorten about the defence budget here We ve got a lotta libertarians. or maybe national cards, I'm not sure what they seem to think. something's wrong with defending our nation that we need.
Wait until were actually attacked, a country, they might prefers actually attacked. and of course, I will result in enormous carnage of americans So the communist chinese are on the move. and the An increase in defence, which is three percent, is pretty much all. There's going to be. So one of these fellows, who call me good guy, These fellows, who call me and said, look. I am raising defence, if we take it at a domestic spending. But the Democrats, I'm gonna, go along with and the economies chinese don't give a damn how we do it so that concerns me
Because this is the number one obligation of government and folks, You're not being interventionist or support forever wars, or whatever you want to make sure you protect the united states from its enemy remember the last time
You got a quote: uncoiled free found, you started out feeling great then came. They have the activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because the proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, sam,
in the galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today, he's driving the media matt and mark levin colon. With your outrage, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one centers making his formal announcement in iowa, so we want to begin to that. Listen a little bit go ahead, Joe Biden back. Who is based men in delaware. I mean he spent so much of his time as president on vacation. We might as well make it permanent, Now it is great to be back. A few weeks ago, we were in state, we weren't actually scheduled to come to the domain area, but before we d can't back the florida. The way
It was so nice that we felt we just had to come back and everyone a little bit of a visit. We appreciated that the I want to thank pastor newman for hosting us here at eternity church. Thank you so much the and thanks to your god There came reynolds and all the legislators in I was who work to support her agenda. They ve done incredible work and say guarding freedom in iowa and to Mention you know that they they get allowed dawn, really bald people. Dad I otherwise the floor of the north. But I'll tell you it very well. Maybe that florida As the iowa the south east was setting the standard, you all should be proud about what they are doing now. I wish the elites in washington d c would take a page.
The iowa playbook, but instead they have ignored what works and they continue to on this nation into the abyss. country is going the wrong direction. We can see it and weak, you feel it. Our southern border- has collapsed. The man dick in drug cartels have more control over what goes on at the border than our own united states. Government. Millions of illegal aliens have poured into this country, including criminal aliens, in even in It was on the terrorist watch list, the massive amounts, Fence and all that the cartels are bringing in has tens of thousands of our fellow americans look at the economy. The vine administration is doing all it can to make it harder for the ever family to make ends meet and to attain and maintain a middle class.
style. Markel of the massive borrowing spending and dead and record printing of money by the fed. That's falling on the american people are dying, is lost almost twenty percent of its value in the last four years. Look at Energy, you would think that, with these economic problems with inflation, you may want to tap into more domestic energy, but no Biden is deliberately trying to me cap or energy production and he's try force americans into electric vehicles which will make as more reliant on China, who provides most of the materials for the batteries. We have a bureaucracy that our founding fathers would find. Unrecognized It is an unaccountable weapon eyes: administrative state, unevenly wields authority, depending on its targets to differences. serve rules depending on whether you are a member in good standing of elite society or not
inter worry republic in he would have been in jail years ago to say this, and I will. Sat at mister, produce, hollowed out by spiking crime. Do too weak ideologically driven policies that intentionally criminals to roam the streets we ve also win. The steady advance of a new form of leftism that has infected institutions, cross our nation, this form of cultural. More says: m, so's divisions in our society and devalues mare an achievement. This woke ology represents a war untruth itself. We have just george years of attempts to impose medical authoritarianism on our country, including pray that invite into ten.
deny americans the right to put food on the table and earn a living if they decline to take an m. Are Nay, kovac shot, the lock down in the mandates, have done incalculable damage to our country and the effects are still with us to this very day. As we commemorated memorial day yesterday, we are so we mindful of the thirteen service members who law their lives in afghanistan due to Joe Biden dereliction of duty, these failed policies result from elites in the political class who ignore the concerns of the american people and who put their interest above our nations interest. How is it that five,
The seven wealthy counties in the united states of america are suburbs of wash in d c d, cedar produce much of anything besides mountains of debt and loads of hot air, these leads or not enacting an agenda to represent us? There posing their agenda on ass, the other federal government vehicle. america and envy our own education system all for their benefit, and all to our detriment, but it does not have to be this way a mirror in decline, is not inevitable. It is a choice we must choose a new direction for our country. We must do The path that will lead to Revival of american greatness: we,
we must restore sanity to our nation. We need fiscal An economic sanity, stop pricing hard working away, it out of a good standard of living through inflationary, borrow print and spend policies. Brace american produced energy, so we can be completely energy independence, We must now looked up, their latest quote dead deal and I can tell you as our nation was careening towards bankruptcy before the debt deal, and it will still be careening towards bankruptcy after this dead deal this green lighting, four trillion dollars in new debt and less in two years it took us almost two hundred years to get a fortress,
in debt. In the first place it locks in inflated We, the level era levels of spending. Any leaps. Ninety eight percent of the eighty seven thousand new, I r s, agents that Joe Biden instituted. This is not going to solve our nation's fiscal problems. I can tell you in Florida we run budget surpluses. We have a one, boy, two trillion dollar gdp in florida, we'd be the thirteen largest economy in the world. If we are separate country and yet with one point, two trillion economy are state debt Only seventeen billion dollars was second lowest per capita state dead anyway, And these united states, and so it can be done you just have to be, owing to make choices and stop passing the buck teeth.
Subsequent generations to clean up here now, restoring sanity means we can have every major institution in our country going. ideological joy rights. We have to be guided by reality by facts and by our enduring principles. Merit must trump identity, politics and no american should have to compete in the woke olympics just to get a job or just get into school We also must return normalcy to our communities. We our a sovereign country and our board, Must be respected, we cannot
foreigners pouring into our country illegally by the millions, and we cannot allow drug cartels to play. In our population, with fentanyl three, law and order must be maintained as a short break folks. I would say this so far. It's fantastic speech but I like our guys, I don't like their guys. There is a big difference. You now, tell terrorism is becoming more obvious. There's the corruption of the by the marxists continue to be brought about. Buying family thinks that they above the law, so does christopher raise matter of fact, she's gonna vote. The hold him in contempt of the direction of the speaker of the house can Mccarthy more level
It was love in the remember the last
you got a quote: uncoiled free found. You started out feeling great, then came a hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone. Without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, syn
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I get the. We also must reestablish integrity in our institutions, and that includes our military. I'm a navy veteran, I'm proud to have the crowd. You have done a tour in Iraq and it was something that I had of opportunism. Was a blue collar kid growin up now my mom was a nurse. My father worked for nielson,
television ratings where they put the tv boxes on the nielsen families. Back in the day, I was given nothing. I had to earn what I got. I may I worked minimum wage jobs just to get through school, but I able to put myself in a position to have a lot of opportunities. I gotta made a lot of money about this, after nine eleven. I felt that people should serve, and so I volunteered to do that you know you look back, the loss of potential income, but wearing the cloth of country and serving an honourable institution. That's worth More than anything money can buy, I know so many people feel that way throughout the years pains me when we see revered institutions like our very own military, become our concern with matters that are not central to the mission? Whether its
warming or gender ideology or pronouns morale is declining and recruiting is suffering. We. I need to eliminate these distractions and we need to get focused on the core mission at hand. We also can have true constitutional government if the most important issues in our society decided not by our elected representatives. Vice by some nameless, faceless, bureaucrat working in washington d c real establishing integrity to our institutions means we reinvigorate our constitutional system by returning government to its rightful owners. We, the p four there should be no social or economic transformation. Without
presentation. we met Reassert truth as the foundation of our society Common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue in our society and I'll tell you in florida. We prove that all of this can be done. We check facts over fear? We chose. Education over indoctrination. We chose law and order over rioting and disorder say to hell the line when freedom hung in the balance. We fears to allow our stay to descend into some type of its toby
where people's livelihoods are destroyed, their freedoms were her tail. No, we protected people's rights and, like governor came reynolds, we ensured our kids had the right to be in school. In person really announcement speak in florida weak those freedom over. She is, and we are better for doing that now we can look back at that and say well of course, when you want to do that, but at the time we faced relentless opposition, we faced opposite And from media from the left from bureaucrats even from some of our fellow republicans, people told me governor what you're doing and you're cutting against the grain you're getting hammered you're, not To be long for this world politically, if you keep doing what you're doing
you know leadership is about doing what even in the face of it tomorrow, seven year lagging. We have signed legislation prohibiting the use of a central bank digital currency in our state, because we represent, we understand what they're trying to do with that. We ve all been the first day to eliminate d De I from our universities- and they say it stands for diversity, equity and inclusion, but the way its practice its ideology being imposed on all these. the tunisians. The way its practice d
and better stands for, discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination, and that has no place in our public university system. The way we have taken action to ensure that florida runs the most efficient and transparent elections anywhere in the We are a man and growing good shape. Mr producer state and the speech goes on and sounds terrific by the way. You know, what's going on in the california senate, ladies and gentlemen, the california senate, The voting on a bill to expedite transmission projects to modern the electricity grid. Meanwhile Joe binds about twenty years behind he's attacking the electrical grid
and one of the things that is in this this deal that they struck. Is really going to be helpful for the creation more or the system or energy does it don't blow out of a lot of the red tape involved in? getting leases and drilling? so that is a very positive thing for me: right I. the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the america mark. Levin. Here are a number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one, eight seven
seven, three one three eight point: one: I sent a little funny covered by your tongue too. Weird, isn't it psychology son, your mouse, broke It my tongue so hard to date, tat bleeding some trying to speak The best I can almost one in four stitch believe somehow stopped. I tell you folks who really coming. I've come more to tell later this week to. I heard a lot of what rhonda scientists had a say today and I will said pretty good gave jolly is a one term republican congressmen from flirty. I think he's left his party no use to work on capitol hill and he's left wing cook, which is why I said msnbc
part of the reason they and he's on there. And you say something that I warned you would happen. She's thinking Tromp out of the way in dissenters moves up when I try and take the scientists have alone. I want somebody like a chris sooner her Chris Chris. in other words, somebody who none of you course little attack them to the way they attacked around me Mccain and the other right But here is how to news busters on emma sell us katir go you I've talked a great deal about dissenters, authoritarianism in florida. Nevertheless, worth mentioning that's, that's, that's just stop us he's really precious coming from these Democrats.
Joe Biden just said the other day that he had the power to unilaterally raise the debts, which would be the biggest grab a power. American history by one branch against another. Ever. Go ahead this week. That here would quote aggressively, go off the pardons for one six insurrectionists I say this with conviction. Other groundless answers as far more dangerous than donald trump. If bulgaria specific reason, Donald, is willing to ignore the world's ignore the constitution and donald trump never ignore the constitution name. Once. never ignored the constitution. He must have confused Biden. You moron no there's nothing worse than a republican.
It has gone to the other side, others bad republicans. Please don't get me wrong. I mean the stable republicans hate nobody more than why. I can go to these capital, how parties, not that I would I wouldn't play can't then that. Some talk show how I love that stuff, some tv house- let I can't stand it anyway, but it's like somebody who's in venice. Ochre another, not a smoke or something like that. Choose me. there. There obsessed in this guy is obsessed I meant for january sex, but donald trump is a transactional figure and I'll do whatever it takes. and ran this answers I believe, actually in his ethos, is a cultural warrior who wants to take us back a hundred years and believes you can use that constitution. Doing that and take us back.
rid years. Mr jolly, it's not so jolly. I guess mr jolly doesn't mind if his kids, her grand kids swimming is either are taught about? having their genitalia, replacing their genitalia sexuality or looking at pornographic books? When their seven years old, that tells us where MR jollies minders. as well as much as other many, whom many run it's the same guy yet again, who I question the ratings every sunday. Yes, it is. Pretty amazing isn't yes, it is very amazing, is manner fact fact I want to say about the place too heavy you know there are. There are groups like this mediocre I'd, media variable with my interview, a trap so upset
that some guy named cobby it's a guy could be a gal. I have no idea now. Once but twice he was upset? He took to the page, so. If you will media which has found a bite, abrams, you can't miss him he's the guy that it has where our glued to his head and very upset. That's the way I interviewed trump. Now they are little slowly up, take their course. They suck up to scarborough they suck up the biden they suck up tall, the usual rat thanks and end reprobates. My going interviewing tromp was to lead him speak, not interrupt him in that speak for him. So the people could hear what he had to say, not what I had to say and that's it
do my interviews. Which is why we're number one on sunday night usually we're number one on sunday and saturday night and we're number one another weaken, so keep doing what you doing mediocre right in your dusty moms, basements and I'll do what I do, which is energy, people for the purpose of actually letting them speak. Was a time when I was growing up that there was a good thing, that's what we did, but today now but the real suck ups, sir, over their meteorite another. Another site, the daily beast, have you ever seen that socialist minister, MR cause greener They call themselves the daily beast, but I prefer the daily beast. Reality then, are huffington. Compost and you'll see when the mediocre
ike eyes put something downing, but you guys and so a trap through the. In the center of the left, but we enjoy it. I don't even look at people. Send me this. Please stop Then I go online wine wakeham a little and are really enjoy social media that much our posts. Things I ten the stick around ten artery comments. Sometimes people sent me, I'm really not interested. It just happens, time to time There was mister jolly cut. MR producer, this is breaking now go.
If we comer subpoenaed the documents that he requested and we have jurisdiction over the f b I which they seem to act like we do not personally called the director wray and told them he needs to send that document today is the deadline. So let me not just tell you, let me tell director christopher Wray right here right now. If he misses the deadline today, I am prepared to move contempt charges in congress against him. We have jurisdiction over this. He can send us that document. We have the right to look at that republicans and democrats alike in that committee and if he does not follow through with the law, we will move contempt. Charges against christopher wray in the rye doesn't matter what he says. The speakers percent correct as I've said over and over and over and over again the fbi agents the constitution, either the department of justice there, absolutely right oversight and a separation of powers. It said simple,
and christopher, raise a cover up artist. Don't let that dumb look on his face. Make you think that while he's done, I'll be right back then You know it's a pleasure to have read chaired on the programme. Why is he smart is a good lawyer. He He understands tyranny when he sees it is not afraid to stand up to it. How are you my friend, well. Thank you. It's good to be with you. Are it's a pleasure, you ve written a hell of a book here, the trial of the century, what the trial of the century, which one You know there have been a lot of famous trials that have been dubbed as such, the media over the years
bloomberg case, Julius Ethel Rosenberg J simpson double medication, which I covered for nine months in los angeles. They they pay. comparison to the nineteen twenty five scopes monkey trial because it steak- those- are cherished free speech rights. America was at the precipice. There was an effort. It was succeeding to ban books, for example, on evolution and they weren't going to stop there. They were gonna. a variety of science, books and other books, and in this of tennessee. They made it For a each year to teach out these state approved text books, a chapter on the cornerstone, stone darwin theory of evolution, because they feared it would undermine the store the divine creation in genesis in the bible which it didn't.
their harmonious and clare, The girl was incensed over it. So when a young twenty five year old school teacher, was hancock criminally charged intercontinental scow go, came to the rescue, the greatest trial lawyer who ever lived and he we descended scopes. It became known as the scopes monkey trial, which was derived from an evolutionary misconception that humans evolve from monkeys her other primate. I I pulled a couple of years ago to the courthouse in dayton. Tennessee were the trout a place it's closed now, but buried in eyes of the basement, and I. and access was the original trial, transcript onwards The trial of the century is based. It tells a story, about how the courage of the young school teacher and his great acclaimed lawyer, clarence darrow, Jane
the tide in america that was on the point, and you know efforts america, my, we have very different place today. Mark. Are you any people. So it's just like to centres and far too, which, of course not No nobody's made that accusation ready how's, yet but I am ready for the book I just came out today and bookstores nationwide. You can order it online. It did get some good reviews, From publishers weekly he and others said it was colorful and dramatic and entails an important story. Cherkis gave it up dollar review, which four per somebody like me, working at fox news, is unheard of although you may have got one for your acts or who the hell, I don't recall,
Let me ask you, take this almost step by step the major elements, this trial, so for, and it is intriguing and you say you got this transcript. Did you get a trench a whole trial, or did you just go back to the books and break it down and take a look at all? I got a complete. and grabbed the original transcript, while The trial it was printed out every day. And it was published at the time in nineteen. Twenty five in newspapers around the country and throughout the world, people following it, it was then put together in one volume, and I got my hands on that as well as the hand, written long form notes, judges quote porter,
no no taking throughout the trial, and- and you know, I use all that studied it. For months and months I wrote the chapters on the trial. My co author, don Yeager did a lot of the background digging into the history of the town and the characters involved. We put it Well, together- and you know most americans- I mean because you know history, and the law, but most americans have never heard of the trial. the century to amazing it's amazing, data, my father's birth, nineteen, twenty five, and so what happened? This This big trial tell the people, but the jury did tell the people what happened after the trial, Well, do you realize that he was facing overwhelming eyes and he was standing alone to take on popular opinion banning
books on evolution and criminalizing. The teaching of it was was quite popular America bunches states to pass these laws so their use you now and not in home field advantage in the courtroom was packed with supporters of the great fundamentalists leader, William Jennings Brian, who was so happy that he got the law passed. He volunteered to be the prosecutor to convict scopes and the jury was composed of devoted church members. I don't begrudge that at all. I go to church, I'm very devout. I'm only knew anything about evolution. Three had read no other book except the bible, the bridge citing judge, who is an ordained minister he'd been critical of evolution. In its rulings from the bench consistently favoured prosecution at one point window,
ways questions of fairness. He was held in criminal contempt of cord and the judge prevented dear from putting on a legitimate defence of his choosing. He had assembled a great exe. Answer team of nationally renowned scientists and theologians to explain to the jury, how evolution does not undermine the bible, but the judge would have none of it. To allow any of them to testify before the jury. Adele then did the extraordinary is daring. It was consequential. He all the Security is nemesis, William Jennings lined the witness stand as an expert on the bible, knowing that Brian's ego would never allow him to resist chair and applying took the bait he stood up.
Insisted he would testify, hold your point how'd your point. We're gonna take the heartbreak and by the way, feel like you're there. When you read your book, you feel like you're right there in the court room, it's a fantasy. ladies and gentlemen, and get it at amazon dot com. It came out yesterday the tree the century by Gregg Jarrett. It's well worth reading the trial the century by great gregg, Jarrett and we'll be right that I fringe only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look, every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss. but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer
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Take your time you walk people through, so they understand complex issues. You do exactly that with this book is absolutely fascinating. and folks, a view not clear on what happened in this trial. Even though you hearing kragan- and we talk about it, You really need to read it. You can get it at amazon, dot com, any of my social sides, the trial, the century gregg, dare I say, tell us about confrontation there. It is the big confrontation. Magic moment of the trial darrow appears to have lost because the deck is stacked against enemies in the lions den. If you will it close the prosecutor, William Jennings bridle epoch, legendary fundamentalist later to the witness, stand, the judge was fearful the second room courtroom. My collapse, show
moves it our doors to a platform left over from July. Fourth, festivities, show there they are darrow face to face. I've got a photograph in the book three photographic, but one of them is darrow face to face with buying and each. Our Judas Brian's interpretation that everything in the bible should be exempt literally- has written and What we know and feel logan's now and even the pope knows that there passages in the bible bitter parables, their allegory teachers, important moral lesson to put their spiritual, not literally Thousands of people are looking on. You can see the picture of it. wash examination was told it was mesmerizing. He dismantled The veneer of brian strident bali
You should either more brian fumbled trying to answer the tough, questions the more sentiment in the crowd that loved Brian began to shift divisive laughter from the crowd there, inflamed brian's, panic and He destroyed his nemesis. He was thoroughly discredited. Brian had clung to a righteous justness that he mistakenly ascribed to virtually eat, tried to force his religious ideology on others by Acting this misbegotten law, and he was so broken that laid down for a nap a couple of days later still in dayton, just down the street from the courthouse and he never woke up. He died and I've got picture of his casket flagged raping being it onto a pullman car being taken up to washington d c,
wine in the tracks to pay their respect for this great man, and he was a great man and I admired him his clash of gold speech at the democratic convention in eighteen ninety six one of the greatest speeches ever delivered, but it was a sad epoch. For four once great man that he clung without compromise too, Something that you know logins and all major religions now concede exists. Evolution presuppose is creationism, that's what pope Frances said there. in conflict or harmonious so do I lost the trial, but historians would? Why did he want it? And you know work. Why did he when it? Because he shifted public opinion it spells
the beginning of the end for the banning of books. It stood up for the importance of freedom of speech academic up ah intellectual empowerment. It stood for the indispensable proposition no one should be told how to think- and that is the bottom, from the trial of the century, Now, what do you say to listers out there who believe that the bible is in fact the word and yet you say that evolution and The bible or not they're, not in conflict, to good point yeah and you know darrow's point in I'm paraphrasing here in his argument before.
Judge and jury is justice. People should be allowed to exercise their religion freely. People ought to be able to learn freely. Let them make up their own minds. You know science and mathematics History, who should not be subject to a list. this test of the bible. The bible cannot and should not be a yardstick for all learning in the world, and I was really- the point here- let people decide for themselves but but dont foreclose their ability to. And you know evolution whether you believe it or not, is a. Or stone should a fundamental element of science. As I say, ninety eight percent of theologians agree with darrell's argument, and indeed the pope did
you know, he built on the works of previous popes, pious, the twelfth and John Paul, the second and Oh you know I go always sought common ground. They think we today in society can also seek common ground. The pope said, sean of nature does not interact with the notion of creation. our I, my friend, that's gregg Jarrett. The book is the trial of the century. I know you're going to find it fantastic, absolutely compelling One last quick: why did you choose this case? I know you think it's there of the century, and I think you're probably right, but of all the Then she could ride on why this why was a teenager when I discovered- sterile, and the trial of the century
my father, add volumes of book on his densely packed bookshelf, and you know one summer day, I don't know. Why did It- and I explained in the preface I plug that book from shelf and I sat down and I started reading it. I couldn't put it down. I love. Works always have The more I read it, the more I admired arrowes passion for the wise, sensitive justice, his unyielding commitment to civil liberties and intellectual freedom and by the time My finnish did, changed my life. It shaped the contours of the remainder of my life. Had inspired me pursue illegal career and, at the end of this book by great writer, irving, stone nineteen, forty one here we tell the story of the trial of the century, but it's a short chapter. It deserved more and for the last fifty five
years. I've wanted to write this book and I and we did and did a fantastic job. Folks, I encourage you to go to amazon dot com right now. Get a copy of this book it'll be on your steps tomorrow. That's the trial of the century. Talking to greg. or any major bookstore should have it as well. But you can get an amazon immediately, the trial, the century amazon, can we ve also linked to an anomaly social sites gregg. I hope to see a one day soon. My friend you too, I miss seeing you and listen. Thank you very much for having me on. You. Ve been very kind in your comments about my book and I do hope. People. the time to read it. I think they will take areas god bless. Thank you. Do too, I think you will like that book. A lot.
clinched? There was one of the great lawyers wartime. All interesting is why can we talk about until I have the book in front of me? The book that influenced me, I believe it was written by The christian and sea along those ridden professor who was an atheist for virtually his entire. and then I believe we was british gonna have to have to take another look at this because it's been so long and suddenly, maybe not so suddenly. He started to think about many. He reasoned from his perspective,
Which would be mine that there is a god. I had a gentleman on cheese numbers name. early days of my fuck, show very very early days. This guy is one of the smartest people. I've ever talked pierre, de professor writer? The independent institute smokers. I recall lives in paris, is an american excel. but very reliable. That is. could have a good conversation. Then every now and then helene known another, and this gentleman he is he's an atheist or an agnostic, but he rejects
Those who say evolution is one hundred percent and explained in great detail. That is impossible. The man came from apes and explains why. Tell you what I will dig into the archives and trying to find the interview and try and posted. if I can posted tonight are posted tomorrow, say said: social media is not my strong point. When I tabled our dear pure talk, you know. This is a fantastic spot, Your people, these are patriotic people. You know the radio business vast majority. People are very, very good. There has been journey of owners.
Program directors, general managers, producers hosts and so forth. but every now and then there's one. Maybe to the one is a complete ass. You think she also. I think she can silence you course. I could never happen here. The gnp is going to hold the appeal director ink tempt their tying up. The vote. that's exactly what they should have done and I don't think it would have been done without mccarthy, quite frankly he's been very headstrong when in a good way about pursuing corruption in this administration.
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b data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and I found twelve for twice Bucks a month and save on your monthly bill pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levine, podcast restrictions apply you can see this site for details, The show goes first need a fourth our question about it. MR producer, Mr Karl screener. Let's take a collar through well me go ahead, gimme one that great care allay eight. Seventy, the answer in los angeles, go yeah and regarded the dead sea. I think chip roy set at best, but my question to japan Why the hell with me saying this last week in the week before
the point being aims? I wasn't saying why I didn't hear you: why was why was mccarthy negotiating anything they passed the bill two or three weeks ago Why did they not make the Senate vote on it? Now? with died. Why don't you, as I was able to measure our power turn to fast, who runs the senate space we can have a conversation. You ramble on the senate. Macao I want to ask him a question: why why? Why was mccarthy negotiating heap? anyone by I dont know Speaking as a negotiating with the present on the debt sailing, can you name on. I'm gonna, ladies and gentlemen, I have to go. I apologize. time to give a full answer. I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-01.