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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/29/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show we bring you the Best of Mark Levin on Memorial Day. Democrat judges and prosecutors are going to lengths to derail Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election, throwing phony charges and special prosecutors at Trump in order to interrupt his campaign. Trump has more reasons than anyone to run for president. These attacks against Trump are unprecedented, facing one federal prosecutor and state prosecutor after another. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is a failed president, and the media and Democrats know it, but they don’t care because he has pushed the country hard to the left. Also, there’s a strange group of pseudo-intellectual ‘conservatives’ who trash Ronald Reagan and his policies. Is this the Conservative movement? Mark breaks down exactly what a Conservative believes. The problem isn’t our principles, the problem is the people we put in office who reject our principles. The problem is the evisceration of our culture. We don’t need to reinvent liberty or commerce. We need the right people to be in the right place, who will take on the enemy of culture and of government. Later, former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman revealed shocking information about Biden’s first U.S. attorney who was forced out. He was removed because he wouldn’t go along with the Biden administration who wanted to throw a very wide net and track down people from January 6 with no serious crimes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy. Now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. This is the best at a mark, levine show where we honour our fallen here. I was on this memorial day and every day, just to show you the extent I'm tempt or who for me and this programme, On two scientists marred eight thirty pm eastern time will be doing his first radio interview exclusively here after his announcement. I don't know what he's going to announce but is actually Oh maybe. I think he's gonna, be on fox tv at eight p, m eastern,
he will be on this programme at eight thirty. I just wanted you to be aware that funny. It's hilarious, we were we have a former? U s attorney the other day who announces that baseness I experience, which is quite significant. and you saw that he would have already indicted the bargains cricket sat back these I didn't say he said another the extent to which the demo Red judges and democrat prosecutors, we want to derail trump and they when they re off to say Does the party in the media to mourn that later is DE. We have a judge,
in new york now in another matter, checked, the judge in the alpine brag case he has said the trial from march twenty fifth next year, right in the middle of the presidential primary This phony case, right in the middle, the presidential primary. We have never seen anything like this ever. Then we have the the rogue derek At prosecutor in atlanta, whose way bring charges. Any time from the end of July, to mid august, Right around the first debate. Right around the first debate. then we have MR overturned an appeal, jack, the Ripper smith.
He's hang in IRAN and he will bring it at the most propitious time for the Democrats, his charge. I have no doubt he will. And I suspect what is focused on, ladies and gentlemen, is why are fraud given thee fund raising that we heard about the not the authors of violet law, but that is looking at it. Obstruction. In a variety of other counts multiple, multiple felony counts, cause this completely out of control and didn't give a damn. You new yorkers, you remember sheldon silver, MR producer, he was the speaker The assembly new york for about a hundred and seventeen years remember him while his, This conviction was simple actually, overturned,
Actually, I return who brought that case america jack the Ripper smith, the conviction of former Republican governor of Virginia bob magnano was complete Overturned by unanimous united states supreme court, they can, she brought against John Edwards North carolina were again try. Stretch the definition of various laws and so forth. The jury in that case found the defended. Not guilty and also on site, the counts couldn't decided was a hungary, but the case So pathetic the justice department decided not to re, bring it.
but here's what he knows. Here's what you know. Sheldon silver was a Democrat with a Democrat, jerry Bob Mcdonnell. case brought against bob Mcdowell, northern virginia with a substantially democratic jury, but even more important, a judge who didn't understand the law and, of course John Edwards ignored north the problem here is tromp would be brought. It would be brought in a case in Washington d c,. Ninety three percent democratic votes- I mean a fifth greater- could bring a case
so. You have to rely on a prosecutor whose virtuous good temperament and joy the Ripper smith is neither, as these demonstrated Member Andrew Reisman remember that little nerd that a little freak that a little fraud and drove I spent number. I am I'm doing the german vitamin. Well. He said the other day that Huey basement has been called a doberman but pair to jack the Ripper smith. He should go retriever did you know he said that Mr Medina. he's actually always been a your key eu working and I like your keys, but not as pro So we have that. Then I started
the bad things can present pardon himself. You see. Donald trump has more reason now than anybody to run. For president said, maybe Biden we regret the attorney general in there. I think the Biden family would be the. They got a family of politics and I don't mean to put down the gaudy family because binds much worse when it comes to these financial activities. In god he was never. President Biden is- and he, bought and paid for by the communists. Chinese seems to me some of us a bigger deal. Now that said, that said,. Tromp has more reason. to run and not get out,
than any of the others, because on a federal case. he does indeed have the power to pay. Himself has any president: has the power to pardon him or herself now you're here, all the, although pseudo in actual pseudo, professor pseudo lawyers, I guess who's, unlike also that's, not true, they should for once in their lives, put aside their politics and look at the constitution. leah shapiro, whose a libertarian law professor or was By all accounts, highly reputable no trump fan. Yes. This question, as the trunk presidencies draws to a close at the end to couple years ago, quest came up periodically during his tenure, snow research Can the pressing united states pardon himself in their new book after trot break
extracting the presidency. Jack goldsmith headed the office of legal counsel, the elite justice department unit. That's essentially the executive branches, legal conscious under present w bush and by bower white house counsel, at sea under president Barack Obama, acknowledged that self pardons may be possible, but six among other reforms. That congress should also make clear that is so partners not allowed, and it cannot the basis for immunity from federal criminal investigation course they're. Both dead wrong mike loaded, we respected former force, circa judge member mike oh I'll see had under george h, w bush recently argued against the availability of south partner light of constitutional structure course. but it has no idea what the hell are you talking about their both wrong,
a president, has the absolute right to pardon. There is no limitation and the federal in the federal area absolute right. How do I know if the constitution provides? No Mitigation, none whatsoever. All that article two section two says is the president quote: shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offences against the united states, except in cases of impeachment. Unquote, that's all it says. It doesn't say he can't pardon himself or anything of the sort so on old smith and bower, including no doubt spend hours and hours very sharp pencil In their basements in there in their box or shorts,. Trying to figure out how we ve gotta see this, how much like this clown large tribe, claiming
Fourteen amendments somehow empowers the president united states to destroy the house of representatives there. no limitation. And a shapiro rights this. questioning authorities purposely broad because it serves as a on the fundamental injustices and other cases where the laws and ass an that's President should use more often, but also for elected national healing after political crisis, storage, washing and use the pardon power after the whisky ruben, they, Abraham lincoln after the civil war Jimmy carter for dry, dodgers after vietnam, stand for law. Professor former federal judge, Michael Mcconnell, explain that two days before the constitutional convention approved institution to narrow the pardon power, because quote the president himself may be guilty unquote failed. It failed, despite support from Mr constitution himself
James Madison. As James Wilson, who have become, member, remember the first supreme court and was a delegate to the constitutional convention from Pennsylvania, specifically philadelphia, as he argue the president quote be himself a party to the guilt be impeached. Another word say, can be impeached and potentially removed, but that's the only the only power So the framers expressly contemplated the use of the pardon to clearly criminal concern. which, which the president is himself apart,. But importantly, they needed to have this debate in the first place because, unlike the british king, from whom they had Ass declared independence, the american president would be subject to legal process, but they considered impeachment to be a sufficient check and potential abuses, and they were-
Why? Because can you imagine. We have a thousand prosecutors in this country, the thousand. We have about while the fourteen thousand elected chief prosecutors, prosecutes And, of course, we have ninety three united states attorneys in this case, under buying appointed by the opposition. The Democrats proved by the senate yes, but they could approve it. Even if every republican said now. And so you can imagine a president will be subjected to the tension of criminalization, particularly by democratic? Do you like this? I want you to think about these things why the framers were so brilliant.
And why we have people who pretend to be brian holding high offices and other positions who try to substitute their lack of wisdom for the framers wisdom, whether it's the budget deficit or whether it's too, In class and from there, but important himself self never happened because we ve never seen anything like we ve seen today with respect to the attacks on this president, unprecedented. Absolutely unprecedented. To be facing one federal prosecutor after another, one state or Local prosecuting after a friend of mine said to me today, who sort of it. Prompt, support, or at least claims to be me said.
tromp brought this on himself. This sort of the bill bar any Mccarthy argument. He brought these things on himself, the way conducts himself, He brought criminal investigations on himself really. Brought impeachment himself to pray, civil suits on himself too. investigations to disappointed to hear this cause. It's preposterous. John Kennedy, never faced anything like this lyndon johnson Joe Biden. Be right back then No, you guys are wearing federalism staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy
the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to protect them Time- and you worked really hard for- I think a great way is to diversify Old and specifically, a gold ira, that's right physical in your ira. My favorite old irish companies is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved hundred thousand or more of fora. One K, one k or an ira call augusta precious metals and get their old, my guide to go via arrays, tell the mark said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin. when you open a gold. I re car augusta precious metals. Today. Eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven, for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures and august precious metals dot com, what a great company
back to the best of martial event. We honour those on memorial day who, given their lives, to defend this nation. You know give credit where credit is due, which is want anyway ford motor company, which has decided that is not going to scrap. M radio from its cars that year, that must reduce it. and we want to salute them. Because, ladies and gentlemen, the m band is fun, interfere with electric vehicles. certainly not in any way that matters. So this is just the way you know people walk. Why would these corporations graphic concern? There call corporatist for a reason What's funny is, if I
in that phrase for their term twenty years ago, I certainly renewed its its use corporatist, that's what they are corporate tests, They're, not conservatives proudly woke, These corporations, w ok, eat these corporation you're, probably full of workers rights. Now I know guys are wearing federalism, staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to play Take the retirement you worked really hard for, I think, a great way to diverse I would go in specifically a gold. I re that's right, physical, in your ira. My fate god. Gold IRA company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you, sir
few saved a hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call augusta precious those and get their ultimate guide to gold via raised to the mark said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin. When you open a gold, I re car august, precious, Those today eight seven seven for gold. I re that's eight seven seven for god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures and august oppression. metals dot com? What a great company here. Listening to the memorial day. Edition of the best of the mark, Levin show you know you're staying Joe Biden in his ilk, you said praise, extreme mega republicans, because it obviously works with focus groups. and the phrase has been pulled.
Dream maggie Republican, that's what does make stand for make amerika great again So Joe Biden is basically saying if you believe in making amerika great again you're an extremist and I'm actually not surprised by that, given the positions that the marxist Democrats have taken and given, destruction of every corner of this country and every. Enterprise that is made. Country great you're an extremist if you believe making amerika great again because they don't believe in america. They don't believe america ever was great That said, how can you make Erica great again, it never will great one of these democratic.
Our said it, I remember. Bernie Sanders agrees with that. the majority of democrats on capitol hill, believe it Joe Biden believes it. Even though is there was cuomo andrew coma, andrew coma Of w a b c fame. America was never gray while. Usually I met governor of new york, while That was never so great dont. You known america. So extreme mega republicans, so they admit, you're an extreme as if we believe in making amerika great again, which republicans do now. One of the Democrats,
And for making amerika great again, of course, now they hate them. Three, I don't mean you rank and file democrats, although I don't understand why you're store democrats, but your party officialdom, representatives, appointees power but media frauds, all of them. Those Democrats, believe america's great try. They push critical race there. why they want to destroy the nuclear family, the one borders wide open. They believe the rest of the world is great and we're not why they hey capitalism, that's why they push equity supposed equality, And that's why so many of them are and have been and always will be on the public doll maker.
A great again, oh, you must be an extremist, no, no modern extremists. Then you must be you believe in maga, everybody with terms. Check when our national conservatives who choose me ashen. I'm a constitutional conservative at as very specific meaning. You do now. You understand must put america first Don't all conservatives believe her rhinos and silver neo con. I'm too conservative sahel points the whole point of my book: liberty, tyranny. Yes, america, first, that's it! That's the ideology that brand new, how I can't wait much produce, but that for another day.
So extreme mega republic, it we share nobody ever experts. What that means. And you know it's amazing to me, Joe Biden. The best they ve got. robert Kennedy junior, and watch her name williamson whose irrelevancy nobody? Can you challenge Joe Biden now? Look look a job I Is obviously inflicted with level a dimension put beyond that look look he's a cop, legally failed presidencies have failed president inaction, but they love the fact that he pushed the nation hard left.
They don't care if this high interest rates the borders open, countries are now moving towards the common chinese currency away from a dollar, they don't care and by way if people are losing their jobs, how about that? Mr Agur stragglers on its third phase of firing, employees, don't bother me as always: he's fine, the right ones, oops the woke stairs anyway. It's too bad. But the democratic parties amazing that they, and one side of their mouth. I hate the country they make it known in the other side of them, they're out, they pretend their defending the country for democracy. Really, oh, yes, Is how I Biden is conducting himself like a dictator Oh, you don't understand. So they talk like marxists.
Many people do even people claim not to be even some neo cons. no use, I word neeoka claimed to be, but a really not Now there was a great peace, I find it here by, I did find it look at that Alan Dershowitz, austria journal yesterday. And I think during which doesn't get the credit he deserves. I know a lot of people attack always had done it Come a long way, america has come a long way from what I remember him. Forty ago. These more concern in the mid romney It's in the wall street journal, elon musk is right about George soros.
Not anti semitic, either. individual. It says the hungarian born billionaires done more than anyone to turn americans against Israel, not disinterested because church system more than anybody to fund the democratic party in its various marxists, how posts. He really has done an enormous amount to. Destroy our cities. In my view, law and order You're, a mosque right starch, which has been accused of anti semitism, there is criticism, a mockery of george soros. Mr Sir whose jewish, Mr Muscat, not that, MR, must Firstly, queues soros is an active participant in politics in his chair ethnic shouldn't, she'll him from criticism. Further, no single person has done more damage to. Real standing in the world, especially among so called progressives. Then george Soros his
it shall support, is multiplied. The influence of the two. Age organisations that have done them. I was too shy to shift if wing paradigm, israel One of them is human rights watch, which was found Publishing human rights advocate robber Bernstein who live from Nineteen twenty three to twenty nineteen for years. Human rights watch critique the denial of human rights by all countries based on two criteria. the seriousness of the violations in any particular nation barely their nation citizens to protest and remedy such violations, but a nineteen. Ninety three kenneth roth became executive director turn it into an organisation that specialised in demonizing Israel, now roth, jewish, just like soros. His joy. By two thousand and nine, the israel
become so severe that Bernstein wrote, as the human rights watch, its active trim, for twenty years and now founding chairman emeritus, I'm there is something that I never anticipated. I must publicly join the group critics of this guy found human rights watch. Then all man at its point, any starch trashing at saying it's been and into a monster human rights watch. Had as its original mission. A priori open closed societies advocated basic freedoms and support the centres bereaved It's been issuing reports on the israeli armed conflict there Being those who wish to turn is rendre pariah state. That's what wrote about his own group, MR off supply. Human rights as a weapon against Israel's organizations One sided reports were used to justify selected condemnation of Israel. Are the? U n and its divisions, they
circulated on university campuses, and around the world, and despite are obvious and anti israel by supporters pointed to MR roth jewish heritage to light credibility to his anti israel accusations, I these people self hating jews. As you well know, and you have him in all their cities all walks of life Here's an organization and created by the goodwill of the free world defied violations of human rights, which is I'm a tool in the hands of dictatorial regimes to fight against democracies, absurd natanz sharansky, the former soviet dissidents and is really s memory, two thousand nine times a spade a spade, he said the real activity. This organization today is a far cry what it was set up thirty years ago to do throw light. In dark places where there is really no other way to find out. What's happened, regarding human rights.
And twenty ten, Mr Soares sadie plan, to give one hundred million dollars called the largest give. By far that human rights watch has ever received. The new york times reported the paper accorded missed Sir us code. Every wednesday morning at eight o clock, a group at human rights watch got together and discuss these issues with the managers. He said I was an active part to spend in that group and a human It remains an important element of my foundations, current activities The other organization is J street. Despite its claims progressive proteids, raw and pro palestinian organization case it is done much to turn most progressives. Some level dummy. Rats, including members of congress, academics and media. Figures Israel last year. How right Say it israeli newspaper reported the service, contributed one million dollars to J street super back coach.
At times larger than any previous donation J street action fine received not the only jewish american criticised, MR soros rights, Alan Dershowitz, in January article by the jewish new service, farley weiss President of the national council of young, Israel wrote sources too, and try to shut down criticism of the billionaire by claiming that anti semitic gus sores himself as jewish, but now financed more destructive attacks on Israel and the american jewish community then soros this, soros. Also had his pernicious influence on american domestic issues. Just funding left this candidates for district attorney politicize law enforcement and, unlike MR musk says there
which I haven't compared MR serves to magneto a marvel supervise villain who, like MR soros, survive the hollow I wouldn't make that comparison, because I never heard of magnetic by the way. Neither at I but I agree. MR mosque. MR sorrows acts contribute defraying, they quote fat. go civilization on quota, MR must have shown no hostility towards Israel or the jewish people. Son wing, anti type semites he said are focused on MR soares and promoting eight. I, conspiracy theories about the jews controlling the world. Critics sir, I should join supporters in condemning. Such misuse of jewish heritage dismiss you shouldn't deterrent, legitimate criticism. The malign inflows mr sorrows has on the world, irrespective of his being jewish he's had a horrific influence on this country, has sorrows and why I bother going through all this, whether you, america,
because MR sorrows, his rooting for Joe Biden, president sir This is a big funded. The democratic party, Mister Shaw, has an enormous influence which he's purchased with his multi billions of dollars on the left bernie Sanders is the kind of issue that George soros. I would even argue chuck Schumer, but George soros. Hey america hates is real his work. enzo billions of dollars. But if you raise any questions about George soros, you are attacked as an anti semite by the day crap party media, the democratic party and the Democrats.
And so I am asking tonight something that will never happen. Well, Joe Biden condemn George soros, yes or no answer, though about shimmer know about policy How about any jewish democratic congress? No any more than any black democratic congress other than the republicans. Will condemn louis Farrakhan. Now. extreme, maggie republicans, america coming out of the mouth of Joe Biden. it was a racist segregationist when he stopped His career, pretend to be a civil rights activist he's such a damn liar an hour sat there with extreme magda republicans A party of sorrows I'll be right
it was. Love No, you guys are wearing federalism staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy. into recession this year. But you can do something about that. Learn how to protect Retirement you worked really hard, for, I think, a great way to diverse I would gold and specifically a gold ira. That's right, physical, in your ira. My favorite, old. Irish companies is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these. Eyes and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved, thousand or more of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old My guide to gold, I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, When you open a gold, I re car august precious. Those today, eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven seven.
For gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures at augustus, precious metals, dot com. What a great company, back to the best, a mark levant we honour those memorial day who, given their lives, to defend this nation changes the german, and see the end w lives in florida. MR producer, because we live in Chicago. In a director as a great piece of town high, its title guess Democrats stay out of florida a crash seemed a labour under the delusion, asked of us long to spend time with them. There will be lost without their nagging your just their smell weather.
when there are long stretches of time without I'm karen screaming about how you should wear a mask at the park. Is whatever pronouns they or their kid decided. They felt like on that day, no one, mrs them, is better without all of them, so she groups from the alphabet, mafia, the anomaly c: p, the algae, bt, q, aren t you ve done your ex wisely community, etc. Fellow left us to stay out of somewhere. I say great stay. They out I don't care where black people gay people or anyone choose the vacation or move occasionally or movement with you. So what does it matter to me?. I'm sure you're, not emotionally or otherwise, invested in my family's lay your trip trip to the boy because I did not receive either a phone call or a check, and I'm a we disinterested trysted anyone else's moves. That being said, my gay moves in the endeavour. Lay c p issued travel warnings about going to florida, maybe
I go there more than doubled Pc peace hundred fourteen years. All that time, did some amazing and important work, but that time is long over. They defeated the democratic party than became the democrat party by. embracing the concept of segregation is a bastard I'd form of tolerance. They did for the same reason. Every group of that sort ultimately shifts from fighting for equality to fighting for equal. That is, money goes on about the and the wolesi, p and so forth, and so well, we'll be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again,
listening at. Thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now run casting a monopoly underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script filtering, we once again made contact with our leader. This is the best of the mark. Levine show where we honour our fallen. Hero is on this memorial day and every day, When I have more fun, let's have some more fun: many render cars or trucks losses the dinner table millions and millions of you across the country very exciting, michael girls in the late Michael garrison, I'm looking liberty and tyranny.
which so many of you have read. It was the first lay the chief speechwriter from president george w bush and he wrote a book on heroic conservatism and he said if republicans, run in future elections with a simplistic anti government message, ignoring the poor the did in children at risk, they will lose and they will deserve to lose so it's argued for a compassionate conservatism and faith based initiatives the federal government plays a central role. This was bushes guy. The time. and then william, crystal on David, brooks they used to both work. For this I entered a magazine that is since destroyed itself and they Promoted something called, and they did it repeatedly- national greatness conservative.
which also involve a significant role for the central government at sea. To me, if you're going to come up with a new idea, which is really a new idea for last. You shouldn't call it national conservatism. You got there rhinos using the phraseology, and then you have others like National socialist fill in the blank the great The about america Founded by a national government wasn't by a national any there, these desperate colonies, the came together, they formed a federal government. With very, very limited powers course they spelled out in the constitution. Although
departments had exists today, although apartments at exists today: Some of the functions existed but, for instance, the department of justice, did not exist, it was created by Ulysses S, crime. But an attorney general. A leading attorney general goes back some time same of the secretary of state secretary of the treasury. Yes, there was one and it was the sector, hasty And they did what they could to separate power is balance, powers and all the rest of it, but there is this apparently irresistible george, even among. pseudo conservatives for much much more centralized power.
Do something that they want done. He bits to go after the private sector or whatever it is that is outside outside the EU trees placed in the constitution. So many ways there no more constitution lists as the marxist left, have some different ideas, so it To me, if they have different ideas, they have to defend them. because why should we support them otherwise, unlimited and tyranny. We're gonna have fun. This is fun, isn't it. I say on faith in the founding reason: cannot I itself explain why there is reason science can by itself explain whether science man's scullery in application of science are products of reason. in its science can explain the existence of matter, but they cannot explain why there's matter, they can explain
Assistance to the universe, but they cannot explain why there is a universe they can accept The existence of nature and the laws of physics, but cannot explain why there is nature and the law of physics they can. Explain the existence of life, but they cannot explain why there is life they can accept. In the existence of consciousness, but they cannot explain why there is conscious. Science is a critical aspect of human existence, but it cannot address the spiritual nature of man respect. Science is a dead end, IRAN, which The atheists refuses to reason raised itself informs man of its own limitations in doing so directs him. The discovery of a worse greater than himself he supernatural force responsible for thee.
Since have Natalie human existence, but all existence which suffers, always existed and will always exist from, the supernatural reveals itself and the creator got man ex gods guidance through faith and prayer diagnostic. Perhaps the supernatural, but it's not so sure of the form of its existence. The ds accepts that created the universe, a man's condition but left, demand to sort things out through reason. man is more than a physical creature. Does Edmund burke, argued. Each individual is created as unique spiritual being with a soul, and a conscience is bound to a tree, Send it moral order established by divine providence uncovered Observation experience over the ages quote: here's what he wrote there is, but one law for all, namely the law which governs all law the law. Our creative
of humanity, justice, equity, the law of nature and of nations than I am This is the natural laws that penetrates and being in which the founding fathers adopted, as principal around which civil american society would be organised. The founders were enlightened men, but dont men we of the age of enlightenment They were highly educated, well informed men who excelled at reason and subscribe to eyes but worship, neither they comprehended them. The their strengths as well as weaknesses, the declared of independent seiners, where congregational s presbyterian, anglican, unitarian, roman catholic, two founders, thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin are widely blue. they ve been deists? but they were men of varying degrees of dynamic
patients, but not by accident, but united and emphatic in the belief but the crater was the origin of their existence in the source of their reason. Is it Some of that there is no natural law, and me and could no moral order and unalienable rights from his own reasoning, found by supernatural or god. Now are, of course, those who argue this case, including the atheists and others, who attempt to distinguish natural law from divine providence. It is not the view adopted by the founders This position would, it seems, led man to arbitrarily create its own morality and rights. Create his own arbitrary morale, and rights right and wrong. Just and unjust. Good and bad would be relative concepts susceptible to circumstantial applications.
Moreover, by what justification would life liberty in the pursuit of happiness be unalienable rights if there is no natural law. Its reason alone cannot make them invaluable. What then, Natural law, if its origin is unknown or rejected, nothing more than a human kind. Direct under those circumstances and individual made if it from the moral order and unalienable right around which society functions while reject their divine origin? That's my point: is that all The people were disbeliever, it that's fine, but that's not what the nation as they can, Action within this society. But the society wouldn't exist for this moral order given by god, The civil society cannot org, it's not self choose me, Civil society cannot organise itself that way it would become unstable, vulnerable to anarchy.
Tyranny imperiling all within it, especially the individual abandonment of natural law is the adoption of tyranny in one form or another. As there is no humane or benevolent alternative to natural law. That is just the chapter on faith in the founding. What about free? What about free markets that we like free markets What are we like? The marxist doesn't like free markets, the fascist doesn't like free markets. The economic socialist doesn't like free markets to you for the most part. What's coming under vicious attack, I think by the. That concept may be others I could be wrong, will learn more next week. There, the market is the most transformative of economic systems. Phosphorus creativity and inventiveness
producers, new industries, products and services, as it improves upon existing ones with. Millions of individuals freely engaged in an infinite number and variety of transactions. Every day, it's impossible to even conceive all the changes as for changes occurring in our economy at any given time, the free mark creates more wealth and opportunities for more people, any other economic model. But the concern believes that the individual is more than a producer and consumer material goods. He exists with a larger context of the civil society which, for an ordered liberty. the conservative sees in the free market, the harmony of interests and rules and cooperation that so underlie the civil society. For example, the free market promote self worth self sufficient, and she shared values and honest dealings which enhance
the individual, the family and the community disk an aids against snow race, religion or gender. The truck driver, I does not know the skin color the individuals who produced the diesel fuel for his vehicle. The cook Not know the religion of the dairy fund who applies milk supplies, milk, restaurant and the I passed near does not know the gender, the factory workers who manufacture the can national aircraft that transport system, nor do they care, but See folks under others systems they do care, they mandate they ban and so forth, and so on. When we look when they government gets involved, you see colossal disasters. For the most part, the community reinvestment active nineteen. Seventy seven completely destroyed the home financing and housing market killed. It.
destroyed many families for Many families to lose their homes destroyed Freddie may and fanny mac and everything that they. Asked it in terms of loans and, of course, savings and loan they want under. Addition to your own problems across the country, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. So nobody saying there shouldn't be and I'm not going to be the whole chapter regulations. even Adam Smith said there should be taxes, there should be regulations, but Susan regulation, better tended for the actual purposes of government. The civil society to redistribute wealth not to subsidize industries. Not to create monopolies, and I there
The great things about america said to Tocqueville was the centralisation of government meant that the thousands and thousands of the villages and towns and counties in cities would make decisions for themselves. immobility, enable people to move from one or the other should they wish to. I don't have all day. So let me keep going immigration. The state is targeting. I argued for a comprehensive immigration reform reduces to this american a nation of immigrants. The farming One of the nation came about because of immigrants who brave dangers to come to this country and risk everything to build prosperity we enjoy today, certainly this true, as far as it goes To say this, as a nation of immigrants is to say every it is a nation of immigrants, mexico, the
laura, said most immigrants to the united states, designation of spy fish and other immigrants the application is, however, that both legal and illegal immigration, no matter how extensive another moral imperative justifying the transformation. That civil society, this is so once again, A declaration of independence provides on the associated states in relevant part that to secure is unalienable rights? Governments are instituted among men, deriving just powers from the consent of the government. It is the right of the people ultra or abolish the government and the institute new government lay its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form. As them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness of the government that we, the american people, consented to the current state of legal and illegal immigration in the nation. Do current image
action policies and enforcement practices affect the safety and happiness of the people. Of course, no society can withstand the unconditional mass migration of aliens from every when are the earth there? innovation of the nation's territorial sovereignty and the your language, mores, traditions and customs that may pass Olaf, harmonious community of citizens, dictate that citizens should be granted Only by the consent of the government now by the unilateral actions or demands of the alien and then the aliens who will throw off their allegiance to their former nation in society and pledged their allegiance to america. the historical basis for making immigration decisions, has radically altered the emphasis This is no longer on the preservation of american society and the consent of the government aliens themselves, decide who come to the united states, through among
other means family reunification, There is more, and I want to get too more from lebanon. Turning to dust off the book of some of the New generation, ladies and gentlemen, they pronounce themselves as anew, probably have never read the book. If they did, they haven't retained. It. the protein or know much about what came before. Don't merrily, give a damn so a very very old people who came before Abraham isaac, Jacob, Moses Jesus, so many other But the new bees know everything I'll be right back
much love in the remember the last time you got a quote, unquote free found. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free?
samson galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again good of pure talk, dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g iron pot, podcast to start saving. Today, your listening to the memorial day edition of the best of the mark of info now wait a minute. It is only a little more that I want to get too can read the whole book to you. One of the things I regret is really the lack of a strong form team right? Now? I don't if its due to universities and colleges, I just don't know, but there are some outstanding young men and women. There's no question about it, but there is not enough. One of these there's people who try to position themselves and they seem to think
We'll talk later that trashing, another guy he's gonna get them where they want to go. It's not going to happen, and I will put this marker down. and you'll have to read between the lines as a father and a husband. I will not tolerate any one. Prize to destroy the reputation, the character and the integrity of any member, my family, not now not ever that's exactly what holly was writing about
Right back, remember the last time you got a quote: uncoiled free phone. You started out feeling great then came a hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data. Again, good appeared
fuck dot, com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today back to the best of mark levin, we honor those on memorial day who have given their lives to defend this nation. I have never preached america, should again involved in every war and every battle every corner the earth there would be stupid forever they call them? I suppose tardiness along a war is going to last before they end. revolutionary war was a forever war. I suppose. But that doesn't mean you don't believe in national security and intervention. when the time is right and what word best defines.
What our national security and defence and military posture should be. What one word he read live in turn. Chapter ten, you know what is it? Prudence. It's not an ideological thing when it comes The security, united states, prudence. And so chapter ten is entitled. self preservation, not defence, not nash, National security liberated terminates entitled self preservation. That's the goal. The conservative believes that the moral imperative of all public policy must be the pressure, Nation and improvement of american society. I love it when I'm lectured about this. As I wrote about it. Almost twenty years, whenever was Certainly, the object of american foreign policy must be no different than
does recognise that america had to be strong, politically economic, culturally and yes, militarily, just serve I've been thrive and a complex ever changing global environment, not only their time, but for all time, history bears this out. After the revolution revolutionary war. The founders realize that federation was inadequate and conduct foreign affairs, since each state was free to act on its own. There could be no co here national security policy, because there was standing army in each state ultimately was responsible for its own defence. Then since economy was vulnerable to pirates, who are terror, in trans atlantic shipping routes and by the way taking. The men who worked on those ships into slavery and bring him into the central part of africa. And of course, the british and spanish empires were looming threats.
the authority that national governments to raise and maintain a standing army and use military power within the framework of a republican. System was among the first matters addressed by the framers when they presented the finnish constitution to the states for ratification. and after reviewing I've litany of european interests in conflicts in north america job J and federalist fourth wrote it would become the first chief justice, listen carefully The people of amerika are aware that induce went to war may arise out of these. come stances as well as from others? Not Obvious at present and that one as such inducements may find fit time and opportunity for operation pretences too, our and justify them will not be wanting. In other words, though betimes we have to go to war
And we don't always know when or how these situations are going to present themselves. So it goes on In federalist for wisely, therefore, do consider union and a good national government is necessary job. Putting keep them This situation is instead of inviting war while tender. press and discouraging build up here? forces strong enough say you don't provoke the enemy. situation consists in the best possible stated defence, Unnecessarily necessarily depends on the government and the arms and the resources of the country they wanted. Stated purposes of the constitution is code to protect for the common defence. But where does it get us. Do you know better than washington that america must establish alliances that have as their purpose the protection and well being of the nation without delay
from material aid and military support. France and other nations the decisive battle, a yorktown wraps, pollution I wore itself might have been lost, washington was neither an isolationist nor an interventionist? Yes, he was sceptical of alliances that one america's best interests. He made them washington preferred diplomacy to war, but he knew war was sometimes unavoidable and by Indeed, as general press, and statesmen, washington. She, as public life, pursuing the preservation programme of the american society, washington, Example is what flexibility. The means to achieve the immutable and mutable and which is the national security. The united states. And again. The word is not,
Conservative or liberal in this context, not not con or what is the ceremonies boomer com the hell ladders, but nonetheless, its prudence. Prudence is the word Only america cannot export democracy everywhere, so montana, especially nor, nor should it attempted for one thing: it is impractical Their cultures and regimes that are not receptive to such overtures also the loss of american lives and the enormous financial costs and chasing such unreal Against what threatened, preservation and improvement of american society it would de moral, the population and desensitize it to real threats. danger that society, however occasions when democracy building is prudent, for example, the
pain recovery programme, better known as the marshall plan of nineteen forty eight had among it. Purposes that promote and preservation of democracy through the provision of of, billions of dollars in economic and military aid to several european nations defeated in world war. Two, We learned the lesson after one, which was ok. We Right these countries now, let's walk away. And then we got world war. Two we got hitler in particular. among other things, it would indeed help prepare the spread of soviet communism, what remained a free europe which clearly in america's interests. More recently, You can talk about other areas of the world as well. Now. The conservative believes that unalienable rights attached to all human beings, but it is,
necessarily the responsibility, the united states and enforce those rights. How can it be however, we also believes that there are times when evil perpetrated By regime is so horrific that to ignore it tears the moral core of amerika civil society. You can see this with the holocaust and things of that sort, Though there can be no single doctrine that defines the elements of action or inaction in every case, once again, prudence must dictate if and the cost of american lives and treasure is worth intervention on these grounds. the conservative does not seek rigid adherence to any specific course of action neutral, letty or alliance print the war defensive, posture nation? building or limited military, strikes. The benchmark, again is whether anything Civic path will serve the nations best interests stiffened. To imagine it
theory under which a society could other I survive. and so even though my agreements russia versus ukraine and so forth. The disagreement I dont think, is in the application of prudence and trying to determine what is or is not an america's best interests. Differences in the outcome as I said before, thomas and antonyms scalia original. Looking at the constitution. Applying the same level of stroll adherence and history call adherence and coming up with a different result and at that point left with persuasion, persuasion, but what I'm fining, ladies and gentlemen, as this among these, while back benchers, I guess. If you don't agree with them
to go to war with you. In other words, I can't believe we came up with that conclusion. I used to think he was That is the difference between the new generation in the older generation there. So there's so passe there. So reagan and of course, these are, the mumbling of, though I q individuals for the statist that The marks, as foreign policy is another opportunity to enhance its own authority at the expense of this Society, so we understand sir, well elements I wrote back, then a Barack obama's global vision needed to be dress when he says the security of the american people as an extreme linked to the security of all people. What is By security of our people in the world, how We cases american security related to their security is clearly not an average.
it refuses to secure for its people that which america believes it should, what then more over! Are there not times when the security of other people conflicts with the security of america, obama said and americans must lead by reaching out to all those living disconnected lives, despair in the world's forgotten corners. What does it mean to? a disconnected life of despair. If included. Among the disconnected, for example, are the meal It's a starving people living under the iron fist of north korea and their kind this regime. What do we do about that? Americans I supposed to reach out to them, but disconnected lives of despair appears to mean much more than denial of liberty to people in france corners of the world to a ban may I say, messianic attitude that is, basis in reality. So you see from my perspective, this is
I challenged John Mccain and our friend, often marco, Ruby, others, but more mccain and more lindsey. Graham, you see the choices in between Do you agree with actual european? That's stupidity. Obama. But if the next president can restore the american people's trust, if they oh, that he or she is acting with their best interests at heart. With. Prudence and wisdom in some measure humility than I believe the american people will be ready to see america lead again, and so I ask how would this restore the american people in whom in what? How is bring them to a staggeringly, unrealistic, global task, acting in their best interests, Where is the prudence and wisdom at such a reckless overstatement of humor possibilities which completely ignore
history man's experience now, and so it goes on and of course, in the same chapter, I wore strongly against surrendering to international governing organizations. and this is from liberty and tyranny. When did this come out? I think it's two thousand and five something like that. Mr producer, I'm looking at the copyright bead right now by find it, but you folks, many of you had it two thousand nine. So it came out the actually was finished fifteen years ago. It takes time to publish So the choices in this stark well off. Have you not agree with me about russia. Ukraine and obviously you're a neo con. You only. we me about abandoning nato about obviously
you're lying now. You know mickey mouse stuff and bad mickey mouse stuff. The old days the old days mickey mouse. The modern days,
that was love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, guess sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just style pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get
Free samsung galaxy, when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today, you're listening to the memorial day. Edition of the best of the mark, Levin show history important, even recent history, ro liberty and tyranny, which I just read from you. He came simultaneously with the tea party movement. You may remember that famous picturesque air pale and holding it under her arm. And it became the thomas pain, pamphlet For the moment, one and a half million copy sought, when I liberty and tyranny. Our friends said convention States just launched convention of states- I know idea, the mclaren launched it and, together with that book
I tell you there and that organization. We created another Many revolution with American marxism. That book amp came out slow. Before the parents moment, but embraced it and explained it. and I think participated in launching that movement. Mark legal foundation, so many great lawyers there and so many great other groups. We launch and litigated all away to the supreme court, the school choice movement, which was under it by the teachers union and so forth, and so on. for the lilla. The wish to climb a ladder due at the hard way toward the hard way trying to prove your country trying contribute to your country. Get off a social media, stop
yourself in the back. Seminars are fine but they're? Not all that there are said to be it off your fat ass and do something that's how you try make a difference. And I ve been able to use this microphone and tv to advance those causes as well. But, most of all, because of you this fantastic audience in radio, radio more than anywhere else, twenty, I've been here thanks to you, you live in night patriots. People in this audience you ve done all others. a thousand times more Thank you for granted, trust me and don't, at this sunday, eight p m easter. You don't want MR dvr, it if you can archer lie they pm sunday evening My friends,
twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college, you, have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn. My challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss. but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome, com, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. now broadcasting comes from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader like this is the best of the market mark show where we honour our fallen here. I was on this memorial day and every day Joe Biden put out a flop, people put out a statement I just concluded, Doktor meeting was speaker mccarthy about the need to prevent the fall avoid a catastrophic catastrophe for our economy,
we reiterate once again the default is off the table and the only way to move forward is in good faith toward a bye, partisan agreement mother areas. Disagreements, speaker and I misleading shares terms. We can re and trim and graves, and our stance continue to discuss the pair. For some other words, what the hell's guy isn't that Long and short of it must reduce it. Yes, indeed, america, so there we have it and Tim scatters announced for president, as you may know, so he is immediately attacked by the morons on the view, of course, andrea Really, this sunny house than she got a head on her like you cannot imagine sheen husband and her family live in this mass for state its worth millions. Only in america
Only in america can people with no talent, none be able to use our capitalist system. Come enormously wealthy, though of luxury in the country, not just in the country and the whole world and then trash everything and everyone around them then you know, then you know that people are spoiled rotten and the people on the viewer spoiled. Rather, cars are largely stupid people who have no sub, And certainly within the last ten years have accomplished absolutely nothing and, of course, their contributions to the country are zero. What is Karen Colbert contributed to the country, nothing.
About sunny house than what does she contributed to the country, nothing about the other dulce there And I never lad what does she contribute through the country? A lot of methane, I think, must produce that's about it And yet they're out there there on the attack plan and if you don't form one like TIM caught a term scott is a wonderful person. There's no reason to attack him. You may have noticed he's a black man, any republican and easy that's the problem it doesn't even matter what is of user according to them. Here is sunny helstone.
cut nineteen go after the police, shootings first words ana navarro now. She in particular should be boeing at the feet of happily and freedom in this country, She is a certified moron, in more than one language, I, my god, nineteen go. After the police, shootings in against african americans in twenty sixteen he did. Some speeches of such a poor were incredibly impact for about what it's like to live in amerika. What it's like to live in the south that remember he's from south carolina in this skin of illegal or systemic gracefully in overtime. You is there not hearing from teams, got there not hearing apparent at least he's one of the issues that some scott has. Is that he seems to think, as I made it, everyone
make it ignoring again. The fact that he is the exception and not the rule and until he had and stop talking about, transparency is thomas in there and you know what sorry and in a virus. You are actually good here I will salute you on this one occasion. To see if I'm wrong. I correct myself so infrequent. but nonetheless I will but listen to them. sonny hostile. He ignores systemic racism in america,. I mr have I want you to contact her people at the view. ask her to come on the programme. Well, we can have a short discussion about america and racism. Uk. I'm quite sure. None of these people will come only show, so maybe she were in
clarence thomas and look at the hatred. Look at the hatred. Hats! The view only exists because one that ABC syndicated must reduce sunlike there. The words abc one of the major corporations in the world. I guess it's as its part of the disney. I guess it is so it's the same corporate environment, and so these people A b c and disney, they provide a platform like this These are haters. These are nasty people like over at MSNBC bc, their provided platform by comcast who, If you off every month by comcast and.
they they day they did, they bring us. The joy reads: the world there's nothing joyful about joy, reaches a nut factories worse than a nut, she's, a big it. Am I a humble opinion and she not the only one over there I mean who would give a platform The scarborough will you take me, or I am with you, Joe? Ok, they broadcast out of there socrates and jupiter, but that's ok I've done that out, but they pretend they're not that's the difference. The look of a trash, this guy tim Scott. This is this But we have to deal with. You know this is us. We hear it north carolina choose me in the north charleston south carolina had rallied. I cut seventeen go, I have a world, but the closest thing
magic in america is a good education, but today the far left. as us, retreating away from excellence in schools We liberals are letting big labour bosses, fat, millions of kids and failing schools, the replacing education with indoctrination spit calvin rid locking kids out of the classroom and now they're, locking kids out of their futures And invite in amerika Crime is on the rise and law enforcement is in retreat. The far left Ending cash bales, their demon, I zing demoralizing and the funding the police. I grew up in neighborhoods
Some people ended up incarcerated or similar cemetery now scimitar, similar to the cemeteries. Well, we needed more public safety. not less. We could not have innocent people at risk. Police officers getting ambushed in attacks And seniors locked in their homes, but sun goes down until the sun comes up It's gonna be formidable in the sense that there he speaks about these things from a position of experience and so they're gonna start gunning for him. You gonna, they're gonna, put there I hate on him. You know where they do our petty, clarence, thomas and who simply won't toe the line. Cut. Eighteen go Joe Biden and the radical left are attacking every single wrong
the latter that help me climb and that's why. I'm announcing today. and That I running for president of the united states. exciting. Isn't it. The net exciting was to reduce he's really a good guy, really a good guy, very nice man. While they write back then A few years have proven that unexpected events can strike at any time and when they do that
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and they are just so swell about lifestyle choices And what is michel know about lifestyle choices? Nothing. But it doesn't matter and her name's on the book, so it sells at ton. They like orbit The view I have no doubt about no doubt about that. And she's with the increment peace with the ankara and, of course they ve been with netflix netflix. That's been in financial trouble long time because they ve developed their own tv programming, So to speak, because he obama's are very, very well known tv producers and directors. and so they ve made millions from doing that. Hollywood's taken very good, curly obama's
What are they have five homes, including matters vineyard and. They have a home somewhere else, for they build a a wall. You know so that damn ocean wouldn t china, the pie Pretty they're spending a lot of money on landscaping. They know they don't want that kind of script to take place now, and they give speeches of oh yeah, specially barak. They figure. He can't stop talking like Clinton bill Clinton, so we might as well pay him and his co paid a lot of money and he deserves it. Of course, he does deserves a faint gambling and so they're worth like a quarter of a million dollars, the obama's the our extraordinary marxist revolutionary. They are strawberry linsky ads are the about.
and so Michel figure everything she touches turns in the money, and so they got a great idea. Let's have a Michel juice plan, just me juice. What happened to the organic garden? Excuse me, there was all a hoax, I mean it it. It was destroyed. Of course the trumps did it, trumps. Just yes, yes, and so I am looking here from foxes. Former first lane, Michel Obama's touted health, drink, pleasant. p o easy. I, what does that mean pleasant. Oh, what a Y know, what fairly high. Standards set by the obama administration into Bloomberg report found oh, do tower to discussing with twelve independent health professionals and organizations, the boy
By news organization found that pleases, current flavors least earlier this month would not meet the required and to be served at elementary middle school. But do they make money? That's the issue! These marks revolutionaries, need to know if they're going to make money off the drinks. Please it's not like cool. I you know, member Jim Jones must produce a drink. The coolly. Drink the policy under the obama, eras, school meal regulations currently under review. Your supplementary middle schools me only Water, milk or one hundred percent fruit or vegetable juice, with no added sweeteners and the regulations do permit schools, the dilute juices with water and none a pleasant for current flavors meet these criteria according to the ecb
There were one concern over. They quote non nude nutritive. I feel like I'm being treated other way. non nutritive sweeteners and drank such as stereo leaf and a monk fruit extracts Stop it considered unhealthy the world. How organization. Previously publish its own report on Monday and rising against the use of sweeteners like steady to control body, wake I say this, I'm gonna do something that's kind of shock. You I'm going to come to the defence. Michelle Obama, let it come to the defense because michel once the fat, not the kids,.
and you know when I see her when she fattened up the kids must reduce membership fees too. Fat is united. Michelle obama is going to announce this right now going to give her an honorary position. Had fatty, united, a review mission obama is perfect for you. I would think. nutrition experts are more critical, the former first lady for running a brand that may ultimately be less healthy option. She's. An ill, sir, by advisers. Oh those damn advisers. convinced her to start by targeting six to twelve year olds, with a flashy ultra process, beverage them Be any healthier than diet soda gerald, my mandate, a nutrition professor, told boomer your son
smell Gerald. You not understand. What's going at the centre for science and the public interests, nutrition director Bonnie, lemon added kids are also Of getting the intact fibre and fruit as under the process, fibre added to lessen pleasant, lizzie lousy, slowly whatever it is anyway. Michel welcome to F you I'll be right back. There Of francs on behalf of delicious oscar mire, one hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position, her meyer one hundred percent be francs. Are one hundred percent. Frank, delicious this summer, tuesday just choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it ask her
you're. Listening to the memorial day edition of the best of the mark living show, you know that some breaking news on my sunday shown fox, and apparently wasn't breaking enough for the news, on the constipated news, networking and marcello city now, New york signs washed and composting, even my news, colleagues, my bodies at my favorite network, none of them picked up on a did. They, mr british. To find that strange that nobody at all picked it up pop up the conservative news outlets. Did you seen on any other, MR reduce not one and we are the highest raided shown. The weakens most of the time on fox
Hopefully we will be tomorrow, but that said no bragging, just pointing it out at big show, and you could tell I think MR producer, one brick torment, former yours. Turning from utah somebody said that caught my attention, I picked up a little bit because I actually listen to what my guess say before I'm trying to interrupt them. Now I want you to listen to this We can do it here. We have multiple platforms once it, some of the assistants Breton who was a? U turning utah, really really top lawyer very sore spoken, so check it out at twenty to go. you make a very good point: the use attorneys nominated by the president, not the attorney general and confirmed by the senate. They are presidential appointees and they serve the pleasure of the president. Despite what the practices may be. The last couple of decades you're may
The point is a very important point that the u s attorney in Washington d c. I believe his name is graves that he has his own authority to act that either. the sit around aware about with the criminal division of the public integrity section or the. U S, attorney's office the attorney general or anybody else has to say, open an investigation and a minimum and to bring an indictment correct. Exactly right, as all that authority and I'll tell you something else that I learned relative to this need. outgoing? U s attorney at the time of the january. Six had identified. a very small number of individuals that should be prosecuted and had indicated to d J. But that was his intention They forced him out because He did not have the same vision that they did in terms of what they would turn the junior, six prosecution into
I think about that and who they put in in their place, and it is someone that will toe the line and follow it. Washington DC wants, and and and that is the greatest injustice we have, because now we see that they will do make decisions and use their power to based on politics rather than based on the facts and the evidence which would result in a lot of people being prosecuted and put in jail, including the Biden family. Did you pick up on that talks, the first Biden has tourney, was removed, because you wouldn't go along with the programme that mister graves did go along with enthusiasm Cynically, which was to throw very wide net to try people all over the country. Really committed. Serious crimes, jaywalking type stuff and Lee
by the ministration, one of the really brutalized these people and I think Try and harm. The mega movement trying harm conservatives try and harm republicans which their start doing today. the greatest investigation in the history of the fbi. Are you kidding me. He says the virtuous attorney was pushed out because you wouldn't go for it, so they brought in this. This hack. He also said by the way, during the course of the programme that he would have already and indicted the binds had. Absolutely no just case for the twenty shell companies had no business whatsoever behind these companies and they had no reason to take the money from the communist chinese or the romanian government or front group other than.
their names other than to try and influence the vice president, and this all happened when Biden was vice. President. He said there was more than enough to them and if he had been the yours. Turning in Do you see he would have indicted now think about that? That's a big deal. In the meantime, the radical cook, the aid, in georgia. As said enough to enough people officially, of course the new york times got the information, and printed by other publications like too near post, if you will that their staff for the folded And he D, fanny willis, has been told, Work remotely between I thirty one august, eighteen that she is right
The judges in a downtown lana courthouse not to schedule twat trials between august, seventeen august fourteen, according to a letter to county officials. and so the implication is she's going to charge. President trump. So this is the next phase of the democratic party prosecutors expanding their criminal attacks on trump. So this not gone away, there's been gone on six or seven years. Now it's not gonna. Stop and then the moron in the? U s turn his office in washington. The special council held drop a shoe. How much you wanna bet they're on communication about timing. I met you, wanna bet! Why would they be snow law against it, so well stop at nothing,
and then unfortunately, we have people like bill bar and tie cod, not the baseball player, but the goofball, the another walrus, looking guy, I was a lawyer for trump and running around saying. Basically, the trumps gonna be charged on a document case and almost gleefully to bars doing the same thing. In fact, they're giving covered the charges their urging the charges are encouraging the trend. Lemme tell you why. Seville, Bari, hangs out in the same circles as As a number of these, these, wars were so offended Mccarthy, hake same circles as my colluding. James circles remember. He was first appointed by old man bush to be the attorney general
ok, I'm just making a point. That's a social circle. and so he and the others are very, very troubled by the document case. Needed to be criminalize there needed to be a warrants, are needed to be a swat team because cock only know what what tromp talkin, and what he was going to do with the information the former president and as far as we know, right now, I didn't do anything shirley nothing that damages threatens the country and then we have the. The dna and alina families. Votes or the fake quote, unquote electors she's a dna in Atlanta Even a fake electors are an issue, that's not for a d landed a handle personal.
But for any data hand or not for any prosecuted a handle? But if you pretend that it is what does it at that the key aim of the lamp, nothing. and then you have the usual rhinos there, who are all an area get em. You know, like rafts, has whatever the guy's name. Long, german name, your members name sex. State in the former lieutenant governor of our yeah go. The Democrats. Don't have people like this data this problem in their party, their party, is like I'd like I say it is a religious experience very poor one by the way I said like Jim Jones, but it's a religious experience. No, not a return on their elders, no, not the older generation. We can't lose another. We really.
What is this younger generation? What is it called? Mr president, we even know what name have they given it. it is agenda x. I thought it was something else. Maybe it's the algae, eighty q generation could have been at all I'll, be right back then, don't fall for their free phone. India's from verizon a t and t or t mobile folks just another trick, the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract, Cancel or leave any time get a new phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure
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even though it hasn't been finalized, when I'm pretty sure it is. Don't be a causal link below We released state is september nineteenth, I don't mean to a cut right but they know they know about to be the case the likely release day and I'll. Let you it's not something, into about it on amazon right now, but extremely anxious to get this out really anxious for reasons that have become clear when they need to become clear, but typically happens when I see something like that, as everybody looks at their own books or point one or we don't want to come out the nineteenth, but anyway plan. We shall see, where we close out the programme. I want to get to this. From our intrepid.
Friends over at the just the news johns, elements, place the house, the john built, a former president tromp, the justice department had not been involved in enforcing the presidential records act according to tat, promoting from a national archives and records administration? Official I help a big bill bars paying attention. That he managed. Not I'm not that he cares river I want to say that house intelligence committee released a transcript from an interview in march. Would now fisheries in which the agency's chief operating officer, william both sancho, testify. The agency had found, classified information and unclear. Why boxes on quote for all presidential administrations from reagan forward? Thus, the boxes of materials were in the archives custody. That time the agency made the discovery. However, both psycho who said he has worked for the agency for more than three
years also said. He was not aware that the department of justice any environment with enforcing the presidential records act prior to trap former vice president pants and present, by an all of whom were recently found. I've classified documents in their possession in response, the house delegate, stacy plaster member. We despise her delegate. virgin islands. Question about the ocean providing guidance to new presidential administrations for following the presidential records act. Both psycho said he was not aware of d o j being involved in that and they would audio, J, environment and that the next time the department of justice would be involved is at the if necessary. If there's a referral from an inspector general accessory said to do rested, gave no driving force conditions of the president or records egg correct place, get asked both anko correctly replied
not aware of any other instance where the department of justice has got involved in this, Representative, elise stefanik as sanger, whether there had ever been another case in which he had for any reason referred any previous, as an interval present, the agency's inspector general, The three instances of just happened, he said now from a national security cancer senior director cash patel, told just the news on friday, narras lacquer referrals until the trunk presidency demonstrates That equal application of law does not apply to trump and those who served in his administration he's right he's right. So I wanted you to know this because if I don't tell you nobody's going to accept, Piece of information there, big. ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, american personnel, are true,
There's the men and women the freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan, the rest of the world. View wouldn't be here without you, and so I'm blessed have you here and I know it's a gap see. Can everyone you, the smartest people of audience.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-31.