« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/26/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Target is targeting our chidren and the latest corporation to indoctrinate them by releasing an LGBTQ kids clothing line. Companies like Target and Bud light going woke and suffering financially as a result of backlash from customers who won’t put up with it. This is all about a war on traditional values, and the sick evil people behind it are making billions in the process. Also, Democrats are hoping that Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis will tear each other down and clear the way for Joe Biden. Instead of the argument being about issue or substance, the media will make it personal and try to create a civil war within the GOP. If we allow this to get too nasty between Candidate A and Candidate B, the only person that wins is the Democrat party.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader well covered, as the market then, shall then ferguson filling in for the great? What are the back with you on Monday, children are their target. That is what you need to understand about. Target stores and target is now. I'm trying to figure out what they are going to do after they have law. Nine billion dollars in one week following the boy cots
why many brave mothers out there I'm going to put mothers first, women. First, over there, l g b t q plus friendly kids clothing. Now, if you don't understand this controversy, a controversy, I'm going to explain it to you very quickly. So you understand this target has lost about nine billion in market value, and I I look at their stock right now, just to see where it ended up the day. Today it was down earlier when I worked today it was down another dollar and eighty two cents, a share one point: two: nine percent down to one hundred and thirty, eight. Ninety three: why is this happening? Because there are many
angry mothers, who are waking up and realizing that you can't just give your money to these evil corporations that are trying to destroy your children and turn them against your traditional family values. Now this has a lot to do with but light, and let me explain to you what I mean by that: what happened with butler After they decide it was a good idea to make a custom can and partner with a dude with a penis acting like a kick and having a dude with peanuts on a beer can. there were men who said no, I'm not gonna drink that bill more! I'm not going to drink beer that has to do with a payments on the side. The can want to be associated with that, then it became a social thing. In fact, there was a hilarious tweet that was put out
it said I copy this because it was just too good not to copy, and the way that it was described was just spot on. It said that in since the new insult of the year like, if there is an insult specific, basically this year. It is that you are probably in there and an obviously it's a joke, but its hysterical and I love it. It fit. If you shop at target you're probably are
I am bud light you're, probably a target shopping buy like drink and dude. That is the like the ultimate insult of twenty twenty. Three. If you see somebody that is a hard core woke, lefty yeah, you probably buy bud light at target. That is the official put down of twenty twenty three and by the way, that's why the bud light controversy is not going to go away and there's no way that bud lights can be able to fix it, because men don't want to be seen with this beer in the hands and associates them with a trans gender ideology. I was at a baseball game, mightily, baseball game in the night and a guy swung the bat twice and the other came in someone yelled out. It was hysterical. He probably drinks, but light.
And everyone laughed because everybody knew that what it meant, the guys on the other came right. It was hysterical right. This is a great way to trash talk, someone playing baseball now, it's bigger than that, though, because the amount of money that but light is lost is now getting close to a target is about to get to the bottom right level. But I didn't think it was going to happen, because I did not think that mothers would be willing to give up target and the reason why I said that is, there are a lot of concern nerve idiots, Evan, jellicoe, christian mothers out there, a lotta religious mothers out there that refused to really jump on board. The disney boycotts after dizzy was coming after your kids with the l b g t q. I a propaganda, if you remember the internal very
rose and audio came out from their meetings have called re imagining tomorrow at disney. They stop saying welcome boys and girls when you got to the park over the loudspeakers. Could they said that would be gender that that's what gender fluid so they started sang welcome. Dreamers of all ages. They even tell their employees is stop telling little apprentices who are dress like little princesses that you're a beautiful little princess. Why? Because they believe that may be mom and dad had force that gender on the child. So they said, let's not in force and are reinforced that but definitely what it came down to is. There were a lot of people that were worse since there are a lot of people with a dizzy boycotts said it just too easy for my life to not boycott dizzying its uneasy place to go visit. It checks,
acts of this coup. By our moment, in my mind that I deserve a right to have as a mother, which is that I get to ride the teacups with my child, just like I did with my parents, I get to ride spain mt which, by the way, is no longer there, apparently because some have that was evil and they got rid of it. For some woe, greece, and but it was a- I was shocked. How quickly mothers cave to the boycott of disney and disney. I think knew it. That's why I was worried that target wasn't going to happen. I was worried that mothers were going to say it's target, it's better than walmart's a better shopping experience. They've got me a starbucks inside. Thank goodness, mothers in this country have decided to stand up now. What was it that finally made women say enough at target? Well, it wasn't just the fact that they have a row out of their pride collection featuring lgbt
you friendly clothing for children. It is a fact that they had binding. Closing. Now you don't know binding clothing is for children, I'll, be very clear its where you can literally bind your brass if you're a woman so that you can look like a man, you can play, dress up like a man, they also had larger crotch. One piece swimsuits for young children: why would you need a larger, wider crotch so that you could cover up your manhood and then they had a tucking mechanism and this bathing suit for children, where you could talk care manhood to make you look like you are more like a girl. That's not all. They also decided to hire a declared satanist, who they knew was declared. Satan is to actually create different designs for pride month of target merchandise. This individual put up that he was proud to be a satanist right in that satan, loves trans gendered, so join him. I think those two things combined finally made mothers, wake up and realize. Well, if we're giving our money to target, we are giving our money to a corporation that is hiring satanist to design things for gay pride, their running our kids to be so sexual eyes, and you have binding and tucking swimsuits for young children, and if you want to see what target is actually doing, if you say will benefit
you're overreacting right, maybe maybe you're selling this too much. Ok! Do yourself a favor! I've done that's about a dozen times this week when I've been talking about this issue. To make my point clear, gotta, target dot com, slash pride, go there right now and go look at what they have on target dot com such pride for their gay pride month. If you look at it the main page there's somebody on the lab that you're not sure what to do to check, but it does have a shared on that says. Busy thinking about girls dreaming about girls right cause! That's what girls are supposed to do and they're going to reinforce this in the middle of the page is take pride being true to yourself and your community, something to celebrate not just for a month, but all year long, and then they have to do on the right. I think its deeds wondered is gotta gay pride,
shirt on that is rainbow. Ask and the other do is literally on his back. You can decide what you think about that cause. That's the most g right away. I can put it. You can also go to their outfits. They have kids and bathing baby clothing. Their baby clothing is pretty clear. They have baby ramparts. Would gay pride be kind? One of them says it takes all kinds: body suits
newborns a bad, throw up bed. That says I am proud of you all ways, always proud, meaning gay pride proud. They have a kid slave was a line dress that has the gay pride on it. They have a non binary, transgender jumpsuits, sleep, sleeveless romper for kids. That also has the rainbow with be kind. That's just the beginning, then there's it takes all kinds with all different types of transgendered stuff on there they have swim suits. You know the crotch one that you can tuck your stuff. There's another kid shirt. You can't tell it's on a dude or a chick. They designed it that way. Kids! Just be you yes, just be you now. Where is this stuff in target stores? Well, at the beginning, it was at the front of every store in the country at the front. We're talking about significant square footage, the same type of square footage that you would have dedicated to oh, for example, a christmas display or at thanksgiving
player fourth of july or or things like that, and what target decided to do was go all in like never before, when target decided to do was to then bring you and many mothers by the way bring their kids to target, they knew what they were doing, they're targeting your kids and if you don't think, they're turning your kids. I want to be clear about this, your terrible mother or father or you're. Just an idiot. You pick now, if you want your kids to grow up confused, if you want your kids to grow up confused about their sexuality, that they're, gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender, pan sexual and all these other things they've created out of thin air, take them to target and give them your money. But the conversation that we had in my house was very clear: I'm not giving them another! Damn dime, I'm not going to have a store where my family walks into that store, and this is what they have for my children. I'm not going to go into a store where they're trying to sell tucking swimwear for young children, I'm not going to walk into a store, go click on the target, dot com, slash pride on the book section and look at some of the books that they're selling for young children. They had a book. They call these board books. If you don't know what aboard book is it's for literally like newborn and infant children they're the hard thick board books like big pieces of cardboard for children, the first one bye, bye, bye
Mary, YAP finer, you don't have to be a boy or girl. No nobody puts baby and a pink are blue corner is what it says, the top and threatened by air jeering, illustrated by somebody else. It's a baby whose pushing with both arms, pink away on the right and blew away on the left by by by an airing. Nobody puts baby and pink or blue corner. This is a story. They say that you need to buy for your children. Fans of feminism, baby by war and brands will love this board book about gender expression and being true to oneself is in a boy is in a girl. What is it two yeah all caps question mark exclamation point: our little bundle of joy has arrived to dismantle the book, says: gender norms, a joyful baby. This is their definition of joy, for baby, refuses to caen
form to the gender by and airy, and instead chooses toys, colors enclose that make them happy when we read that for you again, that bye, bye, bye very book that they have right now for you to give to the new born kids aboard book is a joy for baby refuses to conform to the gender binary. Instead chooses toys colours and closed that make them happy. So, in other words, hey kid if your mom and dad put you in pink or put you in blue in your life, maybe you're older reading this book, their terrible parent, you should think that they are horrible parents. They are evil parents. They are out to destroy what you could have been because a force you to be a girl or they force you to be boy now. This is only one example, and I have a lot more and I'm going to give them to you, but this is just one example of what target is doing, and this is exactly
why target has lost nine billion dollars in a week following the boycott calls over their kid friendly clothing, this gay pride clothing. We also know this target is held an emergency meeting over their merchandise, because so many people
Saying no they're saying no, when you weren't a why one reason is that a trans designer whose satan is brand was all the sudden now, because I and many others have helped expose what they were. Selling have now quote, pool their stuff from target. Yes, transgender desire designer Eric cartel says: don't worry, I've seen a huge surge and demand for his pens, prince stickers and t shirts after the retailer target was bored. Suppose products aimed at backlash by some customers to its pride collection. Why are people not buying stuff because he's a declared satanist who says that come join me in satanism and if you're transgender, he says, there's a cure cure transphobia, not trans p. is one of his kids tee shirts, another one says to queer for here: yeah: that's a target bag with rainbows coming out of a space ship that says to queer for here. Yeah give your mind to target, because this is what they want. The first
It's the shirt you'll, see by the way when you walk into target with their target symbol with the gay flag. Is trans people will always exist, exclamation point and don't screw with target they'll come after you will actually do not target is targeting your kids aged seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eight eleven, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one thirty, eight eleven! I want to get your phone calls Ben ferguson filling in for the great one. By the way, if you want to yell at me, if you're mad at me, you want to share your thoughts. You can do it. Follow me on facebook, Ben ferguson on twitter Ben ferguson. They are Ben Ferguson, show get urban ferguson, podcast instagram as well. A lot of people on there that are younger will have to talk to you, Ben Ferguson, podcast.
quick brig, then ferguson for the great. When markets, then we'll be right back then, no, you guys are wearing federalism. Staff said banking crises fall out, could push the economy, the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to protect the retirement! You worked really hard for. I think a great ways to diverse I would god and specifically a gold ira. That's right! Physical! Go in your eye array, my fate god, gold, ira companies or augusta precious metals? You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you so refused. Two hundred thousand or more of fora, one k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate Guide to gold via raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a free gold coin. When you open a gold, I re car augusta precious metals. Today, eight seven,
seven for gold! I re that's eight, seven! Seven! For god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures august, a precious metals dot com. What I've got? a company or a back. It is the market, then show then for filling in for the great when markov ended so nice to have you with us and if he does join us. We're talking right now about targets stores target had an emergency meeting. Why an emergency meeting, because they posted nine billion dollar lawson market cap in just a week after they face backlash for their pride gear, which included tuck friendly swimsuits in a bunch other indoctrinated generally
the products they had this meeting, because just like budweiser, there were learning quickly that there is a certain line that you can't cross and if you do, parents and normal adults sit back and allow their children may manipulated or turned against their values. Conservatives I also say- and I say this
Finally starting to wake up and realize- and part of this, I think, is because the lockdowns that they are starting to realize wow, like we've totally given our kids over to these people, but I also say this in a very cautionary way: be careful, don't celebrate too soon, because we screwed it up with disney and they still won disney has a spreadsheet of gay lesbian transsexual in our transgender, bisexual, pan sexual. They have a spreadsheet and quotas for the year to indoctrinate your kids and guess what disney plus is still killing it and disney stock is still killing it and the parks are still. For right. Now, I'll have more on this woke meeting, and was it really emergency meeting Ben ferguson filling
from our continent, will be right back. No, you guys are wearing federalism, staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy. into recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to check the retirement. You worked really hard, for. I think a great wasted so I would gold and specifically a gold. I re that's right fist. oh god in your ira, my fate, regard. Ira company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these. eyes and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved hundred thousand or more of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate guide to gold I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin When you open a gold, I re car augusto precious, those today, eight five and seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven!
for god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures, augusta, precious metals, dot com. What I, if a company he's driving the media, mad mark, Levin call in with your outrage, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: let's talk about targets, emergency meeting and welcome it's the mark of entropion ferguson filling in for the great one, and I want you to understand why target decided to have an emergency meeting. It wasn't because they thought they got it wrong. Wasn't because they're going to stop doing now,
it's a month of gay pride, but basically two months right, because it's not even gay pride month yet and they've already got their massive square footage of gay pride propaganda for your family. To indoctrinate your kids with out there we're talking, probably hundreds and hundreds of thousands of square feet is what they have dedicated to gay pride month stores, it's not about selling products. It's about indoctrinated, your children, it's about! turning your children against your beliefs. I posted this up on instagram. If you want to see it by the way I put a ton of what target was selling on instagram, you can follow me Ben ferguson podcast there, but I said men did our part with bud light. We made it socially unacceptable for in man, culture.
rink woke beer, the target battle will only be one with strong mom standing up for their kids and that's the truth, because the majority of people to go to target or not men, its women, women and did you know this and an eye tat. We. This debate here today and there's a million statistics back it up, but did you know that women are actually the number one spot spenders in families makes sense their buying They are more buying power than the men. Do yes, men will by big think sure will buy a car right. We'll do things like that, but women are the predominant spenders of the dollars that come into a family house, I am not criticising women for that either. I want to make that clear, but women traditionally, especially when they have kids, the ones, are spending. The drama and allow the mind it comes in the house, meaning women have far more buying power or that also translates into boy cutting power than any man? Does we got lucky with by the light
bud light. Predominantly the people that are buying bud light are men, the people that are drinking it were predominantly men and men did our part with, but like we saw it we said no we're not gonna we're not gonna, buy awoke beer and be associated with a dude with a penis drinking by the light. We're not gonna. Do it but target battle was gonna, be warner wars with if mothers decide to be strong and stand up for their kids or not and for their families, because I again, I will go back to this. I've never been more disappointed in the modern conservative woman than I was with the failure to stop disney from what they are trying to do. Your children, it was all they are. The videos were there, the audio was ere, you know what there were trying to do. A dizzy and mother said: take the memories, my five grand my three grandma, my ten grand going to disney world. I want the memory I'm willing to Oh my family out for a tea cup memory, I'm willing to sell my families.
Now use out for the can Pena into throwing my toddlers in front of disney plus are my kids in front of disney plus, like you know what they're doing and you have to understand, it's not just to indicate kids to turn your children against you and your values target hired a satanist to groom your kids a sexual court, if really want to call it like it, is that what they did mom be ashamed to hold a target bag and to have a target receipt in their person. same way that men were ashamed. To hold a bud light target clearly knew what they were doing. They weren't partnering with a closet, satanist designer for this gay pride collection. It's all honest social media, stout heart target. Once you, your kids, to ask questions too
get once your kids to walk up to the the the binding clothing in the crotch extended crotch one piece, swimsuit worthy tucking feature, and they want your kids to know it because they put it right next to shirts at re things like busy thinking about. Girls are the girl laying on a pillow? She that's, not that's a sexual shirt. We all know it because you're mine instantly goes there right when you have an attack, Two female looks like lipstick, on nails, on laying on a pillow and is busy thing in my girls at sexual, and they want this sexual eyes, your children. This is why they have the big display. This Take pride with all four letters with hashtag take pride with it with the target symbol in the gate, transgender flag, colors. Now you may say will hold on a second, then they're moving. Some of these displays so you're not telling the whole story that we're winning you're right
in the south, because in the you want to talk about bigotry from target, here's what they think of you. If you're listening to us in the south tonight, they've decided to move these displays from the front of the store into other areas of the store into the departments where the these products would quote normally live. In other words, target said alright, we'll move it from the front of stores, there's less backlash, but we're going to keep selling this and were they selling here's a good book for your kids, the hips, this the board book, the hips on the drag queen k, the hips on the drag queen goes,
swish swish swish, that is a drag queen friendly book for your kids. They also have a pride baby, a p body suit than has every gay pride transgender symbol, sign, bunny, rabbit son star. Whatever bumble b. You can put on it. So when you get your kid, you can immediately. Indoctrinate them into this culture. That's what this is and that's what they're all about their emergency meeting wasn't about saying. Ok, we screwed up. What's pull this stuff? Are our people don't want right now there saying: ok, how do we repackage bye, bye, binary unerring? How do we re package, the the drag queen story book that your hips goes? Swish, swiss, swish right? How do we do that? How do we get trick see
Kate is a guide to modern womanhood, which is to drag queen due to payments is, when you about womanhood to sell these, are the books they selling it target during gave I'd want, they ve also got the. I have something to tell you. That's mayor pizza boyfriend are now husband, apparently he's telling you how to tell you something about being gay. Read this to get smarter. It's another gay pride book they ve got for your kids. A quick and easy guided consent is another book. They ve got for your kids, a quick he's, a guy to sex and disability. Yes, these are some of the. This is a great when I love this forgot. They ve got a book called Oh, ah poppy how to come out in a walmart parking lot and other life lessons o poppy, that's where the books that they want you to give your children, the queen's english referring to drag
does the algae bt q? I press dictionary, so you can learn all things about being gay there's also the alphabet soup book the essential guide to algae bt, q plus inclusion at work. We are we how we fight for our lives and other where their books sorted. Here's a book to indoctrinate your kids male there's a check. The box, their female looks like someone took an eraser to try to get rid of it growing up coming out and finding my place, a trans, gender memoir, Someone sent to me online, I dont know who said it, and I will give you credit if I saw it if I knew who was
I don't know, but I'm going to read it because I think it's a great point. If you're eighteen and you think you're the opposite sex, you have a mental illness if you're, eight and think you're the opposite sex. Your mother has a mental illness. It's hard to disagree with that. If you look at the facts here, You look at the cold, hard facts and other once said today I went to the bank and told them identifies a millionaire and then I'd like to draw my money, they laughed and asked me to leave turns out just because you believe something in your brain. Does it make it true, and you can't force others to pretend it adds? Yet that's exactly what target and exactly what by like try to do another one set of have a dollar for every gender there is I'd, have two hours and a bunch of counterfeits. You have to understand what this is all about
This is all about a war on traditional family values, a war on your kid. They want your child's mind and they want them to hate you and your family. That's what they want. There's also a money side to this that no one wants to talk about, and that's the fact that the is the gender affirming care was turning into a multi billion dollar industry. When you give it child these sex change procedures, that prematurely alter and mutilate a child's body where their sterilised and event that child from ever being able to have a family of their own, that is, child abuse and the best part for the doctors that are doing this. The sick, evil people there In this they are making millions and billions in the process. When you
right, tell dna, and this is just a fact and if you don't believe me talk, go look at the videos put up by vanderbilt university where they were doing the transitioning surgery. They said the body never changes, so we have to constantly fight with that body after we do this this care right and guess what the hell of a lot of money folks in its lifetime care, because for the rest of your life, your body will never accept the transition. That's why you ve got a pump people full of in an incredible amount of drugs. For ever you can cut things off, and you can add things you can do all of these things. Ok,.
You can do all of these things. It doesn't mean that your body says we agree with you that you're a man or a woman, because you think you're, a man or a woman, but the people that are getting richer, the doctors, because they know that every kid that walks through the door that they can mutilate, they make millions that human being is worth millions and profit And when you look at target what tap- and they are now say it again to mothers out there, you better get your act together and you better realized that the convenience of target in the convenience of disney plus is. Is you are what what you're saying? Is that conveniences worth taking your choice? and away from you in essence and destroy. their lives forever. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! thirty. Eight eleven Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great when mark le, then we'll be right back
Ben. No, you guys are wearing federal reserve staff. Said banking crises follow up, could push the economy. the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to play take the retirement. You worked really hard, for. I think a great ways to diverse I would go and specifically a gold. I re. That's right. Physical go in your eye array. My fate god, I re companies or augusta precious metals, you gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you? So if you, two hundred thousand or more of fora, one k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate, Guide to gold I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin. When you open a gold, I re car august precious Those today, eight seven, seven more gold. I re. That's eight seven seven
for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures at august precious metals dot com, what a great company or go back the marshal then show Ben ferguson filling in for the great when markets, then I got. I just say that there are it'd, be one of the thing you need to be prepared for if you decide not to buy bud light or you decide not to go shop at target you are now officially NBC news- has declared it an economic terrorists, we're just making this crap up. As we go right every year, conservative and you're running for office, your automatically racist yeah, but the santas random running for president out I'll go if you're black don't go to the one going to florida down there, yeah they're are terrorists.
I know you can't. I got a travel advisory, don't go down there. There's a bunch of conservative white people down there. You're not safe, don't see tiger woods, putting his house up for sale. In fact, there's leadership in the end Is he be put out that warning that actually live purposely in florida? Just thought I'd throw that out there. Yes, it by the way- and it's such a bad place, MR producer. What was that crackheads name that ran against the santas for governor and then he got busted afterwards for yeah andrew go and see if he leaving Florida. Now I ve almost became the governor. Just you know the crack and stop the kind of got in the way added to their such and such a travel. vice down there that you can't go, but now they come up with this and economics. Professor went on MSNBC and said that what's happening here is that you're either there coward or a victim of economic terrorism? Literally? Yes, if you are one of them,
stopping the purchasing a bug, lied and target. Also the humour of them bud light then analyzer, bush budweiser When an ally avail, gb tissue for years and years, but they chose this one individual thing to target and blow it up. Just send to that point, though, if your target and you came here. This is a slippery slope because. Anti algae bt q movement for not going to stop here, they wanted to every company out there that has any sort of diversity on or if anybody tried to sue anybody through this. Like I'm not suing target or you, if you call a lawyer this week, Mcdermott I'm suing target. This is where they make. You know what up. This is the
you know what that they make up on that day, I got I want to share these corporate. I don't want to see them. I just want to give them my money. I'm not suing bud light because they're not did what what what where my damages be right, back, drink, crappy beer with the name but light on it. That would be my damages. Could that get thrown out of court? What is my damages with target if I'm trying to say they're gonna have to have a damage right. What would that be that that I can't go to my favorite store anymore, because you guys are wanting my kids. You start talking there stuff. No one suing target. I play that for it MSNBC then read you another headline. The far left associated press member europe terrorists your economic terrorist. Now, if you do this remember the far left says you depressed spread conspiracy theories. That means law is about target customers behaving violently after it was called out for spreading. This misinformation right fact check the disgraced outlet the aping then see.
Currently deleted its rise. Without noting an update and or a correction to their story, the associated press has removed on credit aim without telling readers that the target that target yanked, relocated, algae bt, q plus merchandise featured predominantly and pride month displays a response to the threat to workers and quote violent confrontations between customers and employees. This is the problem that didn't happen, And then, where they do, they pulled it did they issue a correction? No, they just deleted it in the middle of the night so that that part disappeared after they were called out for lying. So my question is the real terrorists here. Is it then Maybe that's lying right to drum up a war here, claiming conservatives are trying to sue target and the associated press is claiming that we're violent acts.
we must send their stores, which didn't happen. They had to delete it and then done their lives from MSNBC clues and inclusion initiative. There's something really quite scary. Here it comes from the target, see I signed the reason they were back not is that were worried about the safety of their employees. So look one or two he's, a true. It could be they cowards and they use that as protection and a smoke screen, so that they could make a cowardly decision or it could be there, Chile genuinely concerned about the well being of their employees and have had credible threats at a case. When target caves into this, then it says At the moment you threaten the employees of even a very large cooperation you get to control. Its policies. This is because terrorism, literally terrorism, Creating fear among the workers is enforced.
in the corporations to sell the things you want not sell the things you don't so bad. By the way. I just going to ask how this this I'm going to take the bait here. If I'm now an economic terror. Literally, terrorism, those are his words on NBC economic, terrorism, literally terrorism. How am I herr rising people, if I'm refusing to go into the store that is selling the goods that are try turn. My three sons ended checks and telling me that I need to buy them. One piece swimsuits attack their manhood it, the tear arise and be a literal terrorists. If you're not acting out as a terrorist. I I want to get all your phone calls in here, eight seven, seven three eight one. Thirty eight eleven Ben ferguson follow me during the brake, been ferguson. Podcast been ferguson, showed twitter, facebook instagram much more coming
This segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The market then show up, then forget thin, filling and put a great one. I'll be back with you on Monday. I want to be
a clear about something- and that is this tonight- corporate amerika wants to break you. They want to break your family, they want to break this country than they want to destroy what used to be a traditional We know you may say I ve been well. That's a pretty generic statement there back it up with facts. I was back it up and eyes or bush their market value has plunged staggering. Fifteen plus billion dollars, since a higher to deal with the pain, is dressed up like a chick to partner with them, for transgendered pride, put this dude or the penis on their by like cans for a special promotion and then use that, due to the penis too, then talk about womanhood, even though its it
dude. Now, after you saw what happened to anheuser bush, you would then, if you were a business person, a business man or woman- and you were the leadership of large cuts, either you would say, you'd go internal into hey. We got it plan like that. Couldn't get anywhere close to what I just having an hundred bush. Let's use shelve that for a while that sort of smart business man would do or woman or board unless you're trying to break the american family and that's exactly what they're trying to do proof of that is target not only to target, say no, no, no, no, we're not going to learn from Anheuser Busch, because we want to break the american family and, in essence, we're going to do it too, is what they're saying they're saying we're so big, we're too big to fail. We're target that we're going to dedicate maximum square footage to the front of the store to indoctrinate every child that walks through a store
with a mass, a billboard that maybe you're, not a boy or maybe you're, not a boar girl. You don't need to be by it you're not by. or you don't have to choose we're going to give them books to say this are going to get them board books and say this we're going to then get satanists to design clothing and design bags. That say things like queer we're queer or a more beautiful woman laying on a pillow say I'm dreaming about women, not men, women, we're going to sexual eyes these kids and we're going to indoctrinate these kids to hate their parents in appearance values and these they will hold on been. That's just two examples. Ok, that's fine right! So then to that when you'd think why we have to get screwed up and then you have target losing, billions dollars and market cap you would assume, then I will maybe then you could say others would learn, no, because they're trying to destroy the traditional family. How do I know this? There's a drag wayne, whose name is apparently patagonia whose now permit
wooded. North face north face is a brand. Many of you know it's hiking camping outdoor granola, a brand. I have a north face, fleece and in fact, I think ever but I knew in high school or college had north face fleeces therein outdoor out, fitter. They what sees controversies and they came out with their one minute advertisement. The one minute advertisements is a drag queen telling you to come out for summer now or understand everything you are about to hear is coming from a drag queen in the gay pride colors, and this is what it sounds like It's me patagonia johnny. I realize homosexual incident today, I'm here with the north east of here here to invite you to come out
that is wow. This is nice. We like to call this little tour the summer of pride, this tour and has everything: hiking community art, lesbians, lesbians, making art. Last year we gave our shade across the nation and celebrated pride across the nation, with hundreds of you across the nation this year, we're back back back again with two new stops: atlanta, ga. Why? Because you're there in salt lake city, where public preview of cars this year, all these fabulous speakers will be coming from inside this tv to a nature near you so come outside and celebrate the beautiful lg hgtv community. a real I've. Gay, yes panic,
when you're promoting north face summer of pride, encouraging your kids you to come out and enjoy being gay, because that's a real live gay person. These companies are not backing down. Anheuser Busch is fifteen point. Seven billion dollars has evaporated since a that was vain and they're not backing down. They haven't fire, they put him on labour. We ve not heard by my getting fired because they believe in this target. They had their among just see meeting as they described emergency emergency meeting, not to get rid of their gay pride merchandise, but to move around and some bigoted stores in the south right. We're still sticking with its work. backing down argot, holding an emergency meeting of risk, commercial pride merchandise, the damage, control mode coming as it desperately tries to
void a so called bud light situation, a target insider telling fox news. Digital quote: we were In thirty six hours, told to take all of our pride stuff and move it into a section that is a third of the size from the front of the store to the back. I think, given the current situation with by light, the company is terrified, fox news control that was my douglas here reaction whatsoever first of all, of course, are trying to avoid a bad light moment. Bunce share prices fell by twenty five percent in one week or so, of course, I want to avoid anything like that. Second thing, First of all, we ve got to be clear about it. They call it pride merchandise. Nobody has a problem with with the energy bit of this equation, the problem that has arisen in america is the teeth it and they did quite wrong for company target, first of all to say pro when what we're talking about is clothes that for people who,
if that they are trends specifically for men, who believe that women to wrap all of this, our pin pride, I think, is a great insult to many people in this country, as they were selling a bathing say that had that had instructions on how to touch to tie so without getting to an atomic local? This is about. This is about women's bathing costumes adapted for a man. Now This also goes to the other things I've set for a long time on this. It is worth noting in transit transition? The extent which it is women who are repeatedly inconvenienced. Not I just gotta stop there and I want you to think about their murderous, meaning it was an emergency made to avoid in hazard bushes emergency meeting, to avoid it in the south right. Ok, what's up put the door right, what
which let's hold an emergency meeting: yes and we lost nine billion and a week following this boycott. Yes, but let's not bullets, let's not get rid of merchandise. What is disguised the merchandise and some southern target stores where the corporation said? Okay, let Well, let's let in these locations, maybe move your massive june prime month displays that you do by the way on an annual basis they get bigger every year and this year as we, all when would talk friendly bathing suits and all these other services, gender fluid and these books for kids.
What's move them into the store and kind of hide them a little bit right put them in where they would. I guess well it's it's amazing that they would actually put these in areas where they would belong right, because that would be unfair to the products right there supposed to be non binary right, gender, fluid right! This is merchandise fluid. How can they do that at target they're doing it, because they're still going to start there, there's they're never going to stop. I went into target and looked at the women's one piece swimsuit with a gay pride flag. It literally says on it in large letters, tuck friendly construction, extra crotch coverage target is labeled, some of their tags, tuck friendly on bathing suits for dudes, so they can be chicks and they're. All betting, that the mothers that are listening right now are going to give him, because you love target stores enough. That you'll say fine. Who cares if the kid are asking questions
sure did say, live, laugh lesbian. Who cares just go for it? Let's get your phone calls in here, one eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven out. They do believe that the EU women listening are gonna was out because you did with disney You knew it disney was doing, and you're still gave a mere money. You're still taking your kids, their parks, you're still bind disney plus you're still binders include you're, so bind dizzy. urgent ice are still making a killing, because the women were the ones and by the way men. Don't just say you know, statistically, men are not the ones that are predominant. Spenders and family. Women are the ones that are the predominant spenders. Women are the ones that decide where you go on spring break and on sprints and summer vacations. It's not the men that are usually traditionally doing that women are the ones that decided we're going to keep disney alive.
The men, by the way, are the ones that said screw you to bud light. I'm not going to associate myself with a transgender beer because that's who bought it, alright, let's get to your phone, calls miss producer where you may go first, let me get a mat in chicago welcome, you're on the market. And show been ferguson filling in for the great one high. Then thank you so much for taking my call on the long term listener, and you know what this a first time, I've wanted to call into the shop. Thanks to you and my heads, gonna exploded got sobering so much so we thought it's all just try to be concise and clear. You know you hear these these professor cholera. The terrorists will play it's like marks as they're all marxist. We all we, we know what they are. We know what they're all about, but the main point for for the call
I read something today that really made me think about us. About the whole, the old trans day and all you know the whole subject: europe you talk about today, somewhere, where the it's like. It's it's like their trial. the media and the left wing, a part of that three they're trying to soften us off with a target. the kind of make does he just kind of you know. Try to normalize quote unquote. This whole train a bomb in asia and that's what I think it is because I saw you, others thirst, some stop that still hasn't he materialise and there there there's thoughts that it might similar of the asian, that's got, you know, really graphic material a lot of very important folks out. There were guy silly.
in saying that the media has not broken lapsing story. We don't know honey that clients are. We know that some does the media have that data they've refused to report on it, because there's too many people in that, it's too damning to do. But I gotta go back to this and the target issue here. For me: big corporate, Patients know what they're doing they know it after a hazard bush and they got a warning after disney plus, and I think the boardroom conversation It is here to say we're, hey look if disney got away with it, so can we they went bigger this year than ever before, at target patagonia going bigger north face bigger this year than ever before, at north face they're going bigger than ever before, and hides or bush with what they did an end there not apologizing when it happens, are saying no no will double down. I will I wouldn't be surprised. If these other woke comes
he's in ceos continued to do this because their hoping that you're, finally to say screw it, I'm just gonna by whatever makes my life the most convenient and there's no we can win this battle because just too hard and these companies are going through- and I won't be a sharp anywhere but keep boycotting sawdust get my. Funny, because it's just too easy for me to sit my kid in front of disney plus and say alright now be quiet, so I can get some peace and quiet. It's too easy for me to just go at it, gets right, thereby my neighborhood. It's too easy for me to aegis, easily planet trade, Then I'll make everybody happy dizzy. Worlds are not going to try to think outside the box and go somewhere else that, What they're betting on is laziness of the american family. These corporations are willing to lose billions to control. Your children, the question, is: what are you willing to lose when it comes to convenient to save your,
Dron, because they're telling you what they are willing to lose targets, with billions. Analyzer bush is going to lose. Billions disney is willing to lose billions. We're not millions billions folks of dollars to to control your child's future, their life they're, mine and sexual eyes. Your kid! So the question I have to ask. What are you willing to lose? Are you lose the convenience of going to target Are you willing to stand up for your family and say I'm gonna make me a little more difficult for a moment. or you just gonna hand. Your family over these court to these corporations that are hiring Satan is to design your kids close at target. That is a fact they.
hired a well known satanist, who said Satan, loves, transgender, join me, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty eleven Ben ferguson filling in for the great when Markel, then, if you like what I'm doing please follow and, like my podcast into a pod guess everyday. I love you to join me there. The Ben ferguson podcast download it more. We must ban, remember the last,
You got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise in eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll, get a free, samsung,
let's see when you sign up for unlimited talk text and unlimited data again get a pure talk: dotcom use, promo code, levine, podcast, l, e g iron pot, gas to start saving today. Welcome action, as the mark of anchovy, ferguson, filling and for the great one target has fallen off the clap. Yes, the stock has dropped over twelve percent in the last week, as are the low it's been a year, and what this means is, at least in the short term there. American through have spoken hey, we draw the line when you come after our kids, but don't worry the other side's fighting back MSNBC says you're a terrorist you're, an economic terrorists. Have you don't buy clothes and shop at target and if you don't buy but light, or north face right with their gay patagonia out month of hang out outside NBC now also been met.
Learning that target how to remove their transgender pro satan clothing. Saying it's your fault, you bigots in the south. a controversy over pride month. Products is causing headaches for retail giant target. It says safety is behind its decision to halt some sales. Miguel Their explains tonight target one of the nation's largest. Retailers is pulling some products that celebrate pride month ought store shelves citing threats,
employees that company says. Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the centre of the most significant confrontational behaviour. Like people, the retailer, removing algae bt q brand at prowling from their stores and website whose products featured saint panic thebes target, also reportedly reviewing its adult collection of talk, friendly swimsuits that allows trans people who have not had gender of farming operations to conceal their private parts. Those items have been at the centre of misinformation: misinformation hours at miss information. It exists. It's there, it's clare, it's there. It then their damned starts and thought a website. How is that myths information by the way where the shirts Satan? firms pronouns,
remember the last time you. You got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, samson,
alex e. When you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving. Today we have marcus banned you from a show. We have a special number. You can call to reach him page, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one more comment: if the mark of insurance, ferguson in for the great one mark event, he'll be back with you on Monday, if you just join us for talking about corporate america coming after you, your family, your values, trying to destroy your family and turn your children against you, it's clear what they're doing they're, not backing down. The question is: are you going to man up or woman up? Are you going to worse out and just say screw it? I love the convenience of places like target. He's gonna, keep giving them money while they indoctrinate my kids screw it. I'm just gonna give this
In my money, even though they're clearly trying to destroy my family, my traditional values, I live by lights, cheap, Scott, even cheaper. My final buy some bud light they're, hoping you're going to wuss out now at target one of the people that was design their clothes had one of their shirts, and this is what it said with panic horns coming out with a transgender fluids On the horns on the on the temple of the head, it says: satan respects pronouns. Now NBC news. It has done a story- they're angry they're, bemoaning the fact that some of you aren't happy about what's happening at mbs at target, I'm going to play for you from the beginning this piece, because I want you to hear this- is what NBC news thinks of you. If you don't shop at target, this
later in the day and early in the day, MSNBC actually declared. If you're not shopping at target, you worry economic terrorist. You are literally terrorist if you're not shopping at target? Listen,
controversy over pride month. Products is causing headaches for retail giant target. It says safety is behind its decision to halt some sales miguel almah their explains tonight target one of the nation's largest. Retailers is pulling some products that celebrate pride month ought store shelves citing threats to employees. The company says, given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the centre of the most significant confrontational behaviour like people, the retailer, removing algae bt q brand at prowling from their stores and website whose products featured saint panic themes target also, reportedly reviewing its adult collection of top friendly swimsuits that allows trans people who have not had gender affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Those items have been at the centre of misinformation. Adamant
formation here was that kid's work. targeted with this stuff? They realize if they can threaten enough people, they can scare and of people in real life location That may be support for the algae bt. Q community will diminish corporations high impressive, carries skills right target is hardly the only corporation under attack. Last month, after a transgender influence are promoted but lie, conservative commentators and some celebrities called for a boycott sale, slugged, nearly thirty percent. I think there's this really small group who have been out sized voice at this moment in time and its heavy and its have hit discrimination and its violent, yeah, you're violet urine outside you're really little peons here, you're a euro area. You know, european on you're a little person, this expert says, and I'm want to read it for you, the exact transcript, I think. There's it's really small group.
And I dare you to I- you know what make me mad and watch how much of my money you get. I think, there's a really small group who, as an outsized voice at the moment in time it's of hate and its of discrimination and its violent. I tell you it's violent speck, her up a little bit. Listen to this man. It's a baby and its of hit discrimination and its violent tonight were parades and controversy. With pride, it might be days away pride month days away noticed by the way that we have a veterans day for events. we now have a veterans month, but we got a whole day a month, propaganda pride collection area right, in fact it's outside of the month, because these are all this controversy. We're talking about is actually, in the month before gay pride montoni, where extending gay pride march to what six weeks now seven weeks,
How about our veterans issuing a pride month from now hell? No, that's pro america! Let's give them day and most of averse people go get drunk eat chicken wings hang out in a boat forget what the holiday is about, but mutton man, damn it We need a whole month for them pride things no no not a month, let's give it six weeks, seven weeks and our stores, that's what let's, let's put the displays up before the month, even begins weeks in advance. I say what I said earlier. I must say it again, because the point that needs to be said- You'Re- not homophobic. If you want to protect your kids from people who are in documenting your kids and kindergarten and before and you're, not home affairs.
big if you dont want people forcing your kids into sexual ized sexual orient tender in general identity obsession like targets, doing you're normal k, you're, not crazy. It's not under affirming care to mutilate children all because health care- and I put that parentheses, health care providers wanna make millions of dollars off of your kids by just drawing their lives by permanently altering mutilating their bodies by sterile eyes them and preventing them from me able to have their own families you're normal. the way. If you want to stop that, you're or more by the way, if you believe there are two generals, because there are two genders and the proof of its health care behind this, if it, if you could actually change me,
a woman than a man would get pregnant. Men don't get pregnant. You are no. Why can't go to vegas, and I can't bet? No one will take my bet, not even in vegas, where they'll, let you bet on virtually everything. I cannot go bet that a I a logical man will never be able to have a baby. No one would take that debt. The reason why no one will take that bet is because they know that only women when it comes down to money dollars and since they know that only women can have children, they just want to ruin your kids life just because they say this is normal, doesn't mean that its normal. This is child abuse of the worst kind.
one eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, thirty, eight eleven, let's get some your phone calls, and here let me go to Dan in illinois. Line five year on the market then show Ben ferguson filling in high. Oh Ben, are you burn. login harrier mark good. Why do the headlights on article after purple, carson, left, fax, advertisers returning to a pm slide, which made me laugh The choice to leave because I don't like the product factors would talk of car said. Well, I don't like to change. That was your has a bad light because of their advertising. So they want have standard and I just love we have now found out. There have indeed been crying and wine, and especially when you have this that fosters pocket
if I I mean it's, it's hilarious to me the outward terrorists, if you'd, if you, if you don't shop MSNBC at if you are not just a year and economic terrorist Literal terrorism. Is he described a literal terrorism if you don't go and shop where they tell you to shop, listen carefully, yeah. I think, there's something really quite scary here. Even if it comes from the target see I sang the reason they were backing off is that were worried about the safety of their employees. So look wanted things are true, it could be a cowards and they use that as protection and a smoke screen so that they could make a cowardly decision or it could be, you're actually genuinely concerned about the well being of their employees and have had credible threats at high taxes. Place when target caves into this? Then it says: at the moment each written the employees of even a very large cooperation you
to control its policies? This is he can terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers enforced. The corporations to sell the things you want not sell the things you don't so it's very worrying. I do wonder that target as a corporate social responsibility, and here I mean beyond its commitments to diversity. I also mean to the broader business community if it gives, even here, everyone else and everyone else's employees have to look out that now being looked at next. Yes, there it is. your literally a terrorist. You are a terrorist stephanie and pensive welcome line four year on the mark of info, been ferguson filling and how are you.
Good, then how are you during welcome your thoughts? Can you hear me? Yes, I can't go out. I personally I personally called target and spoke to one of their corporate representative and I express my dismay with what was going on and I was not rude, but you know I got my point across also at the end, you know they're standing at a crossroads which path are they going to choose and the girl said she would forward my conversation so that my part to target and I won't shop there and I also told her. I had a red card and I was going to cut it up and that would um make it less likely to get your five percent discount
what would I need to ask you a question and I'm going to hope, you don't find what I'm about to ask you like rude or anything? How old are you I'm sorry? I am he five okay, Watch women in my life, I'm forty one, ok, argue and dick. And complain and leaves sporting teams and events and cheer over. Another mother. When another mother said I've seen parents move kids from schools over a child and apparent and what they say. learn or bullying or coaches and their kidnap, getting playing time like you know that the same don't mess with mama bear like you like. I have me even with my wife arrives. her before we had a meeting about something as a cake, you're pretty charge you're pretty hot on this. Can I go first then let me handle it and and and and in that I think I'll be best for our kids cause you're really upset
this. I understand that, but let me go and have a conversation and let's even get some resolution. When you see that I actually think that there's nothing wrong that that's like moms, protecting their kids right. so explain to me how those same mothers that do that are not willing to protect their kids from corporations and are trying to turn your children literally against you and indoctrinate your kids like that. and I I'm not trying to be mean demands, but I'm just being honest. I cannot understand how Mothers who are willing to do the things it is described to protect their kids are willing to hand their kids minds ever to youtube over to disney plus walk them into target, put them in north face. I don't understand how moms are not mad as hell over this. You know men
we threw down hard on by light, but so far gives these still exists and is thriving. You know dizzy. Stock went down a little bit, but ultimately it came back. If you look at this here and now, they're killing at their part, prices have gone up their booked out solid there bruises are booked out salad and that's moms, who are spending their money. There. Well, they have their remake of the little mermaid common out and from all sides with my eighteen. Year old that loves, ariel, said why my princess, I leave it at that
bowling area was walking around the pollack one black one white, I dont care, but I think this whole transformation is really when forming everything gone out of control. I appreciate the phone call. Thank you ma. Am it's really good at turkey? One? Eighty one. Eighty seven having three eight one. Thirty, eight eleven Ben Ferguson, filling in the great one. If you like what I'm doing here, please follow me on social media and download my podcast, you, a pot gets everyday, been ferguson podcast wherever you get. Your podcast me coming up Ben. Remember the last time,
you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise. Eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free, syn
Son galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving today my automatic it is about ferguson filling in for the great remark of any such an honour to be sitting here. You will be back with you, don't worry! On Monday. I want to get to your phone call thing about the target controversy now louis think, fournier welcome. You are on the market, then show been ferguson worthy high, then tat you love large bob mark learned your first, I'm collar gotta talk to you, sir. I just want to mention that my wife, a couple of years ago, brought to my attention when target was doing so I just want to give thanks or for her because
god designed the woman, the mother to give birth to provide to protect. We were spending hundreds, thousands of dollars the target. We don't shop there anymore in all of our families, not the shopping target, but I I want to just highlight something all in all ended citizens involved with this Yes, literally, target literally involved by the way. They are two statements to design the clouds. So literally satan's involved back in the garden of Eden. If you gotta, We have a lot of you no are always ass to do where actuality has to do with perversion has to do with darkness. Well, I'm a person whose burying the Torah, the bible, forty seven years
In addition, we are not dealing with flesh and blood here, our government, the world situation, it's pretty dark, but I'll leave you with this, the light shining in the darkness and we're we're not we're, not blighted we're see. What's going on, I saw eighty seven No no word a red had set marie's on. Well, evidently, was Dear Marie were fires and we're gonna fight where to fight the good fight. Yeah great point louis. I appreciate the phone call when they go to bill in virginia, feel. Welcome you on the mark of anchovy, ferguson, filling in high management, a great show, thank you fulfilling the mark another guy had memorial day. Look, I just want to say I'm a little bit disgusted with targets lack dedication here. They need to bring those displays back in the front of the store they need a higher drag queen to meet people at the door, giving out little
rainbow scrunchies to the same love. Trains on make sure they put the scratches on the boys and give little rainbow had thrown the girls lady to really call who put down here. They need a higher domo albania, their national customer sales are representative and put em. All you tube and all over the television. Really really quadruple downgrade shows that they mean business. I really come come boy here, because you know what here's my thing- and I know where you're going with this- I got a heartbreak. So I'm going to jump in here, I'm going to say this. This is the point I was saying earlier in the show targets not saying that they screwed up there just disguising the products and move them thinking, keep indoctrinate they're not giving up their planet. Game here, they want europe our mind, they wanted to destroy your family. They want to turn your kids again to their not backing down there
it's pulling back in the south which, by the way you want to talk about bigotry, can anyone to just be clear about how big it is. Targeted to say that about the south. That's bigotry folks, then ferguson In the great only right now my friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story, study the writer, so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit LA
and for a hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge pickwick every course you lie And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. Easy now broadcasting and only underground commandos, than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, our market. Then then, four billion for the great one markov end here will be back with you on Monday. It it's so nice to be with you. We ve got, we ve been talking about targets,
wars and why it is so important that mothers stand up for their children would target specifically we're going to talk about that coming upon a bit later as well, but before we get to that
I want to have a conversation. I want you to listen to what I say very carefully, because I don't want people to put words in my mouth. Okay, and I want you to understand the conversation that I'm about to have with. You is extremely important conversation if you consider yourself to be conservative, if you consider yourself to be a libertarian, if you consider yourself to be a Evan joke, a christian voter. Okay, I want you to. I want you to really understand what I'm about to say to you is is a very important conversation that we must have and one where I want you to understand that I am not picking and or endorsing a candidate. This is a conversation where you could say candidate a and can it be. Can I ask why I don't this is not about the two people I'm about to talk about it's about a bigger conversation that we need to be careful and we need to have ron de santis has announced that he is running for president Kang. I don't care about that aspect of this right now. That's why I'm saying I'm just stating the fact donald trump has already announced and is officially running for president united states of america. It's obvious to me that this is a two man race between candidate, a and candidate b, and there is something that the media is hoping is about to happen that the listeners of this audience, the listeners of my podcast, the listserv, every conservative talk show in america are about to have a civil war between choosing candidate a and candidate b. Now, if you work at candidate a and candidate b, both candidate, a and candidate b, I think, would serve the conserve
five movement very well. I think, can it a and can be both have track records of being staunch conservatives, I think in fact the biggest issue is the fact that there is not a lot of real hard core differences between canada, and can it be so then what happens? Is you start trying to destroy candid? A? If can it be in you? Try destroy? Can it be for can a and have your supporters go for the juggler in any way possible? In that scenario, the only person that wins is the democratic party. The only person that wins- and that means right now is Joe Biden, and I have.
I started to watch on social media and I have purposely stayed out of the announcements because I've experienced in the past what happens and I've worked on a couple of presidential campaigns, either vi outside advice for different campaigns. I have witness what happens when two conservatives go to war
on the local level and what happens when one guy wins and one guy loses, and I've witnessed that they usually the losing team, is angry and they're so mad that they're actually willing they get sick. If it gets too personal to say, I hope that person loses and the Democrat wins just to stick it to them. That is what the Democrats are hoping you're going to happen. I've witnessed on the state level I've witnessed in congressional seats. I've witnessed it in governor's, races and senate races in congressional races. I've witnessed that at every level, where you have a throwdown knock down, drag out fight that turned so per cent know, instead of it being about issues and substance that the real winner is not a republican and not even the Republican who wins that primary is the democratic party. It's the hardcore, woke lefties. What democrats are hoping is going to happen right now is that in the republican presidential campaign that candidate a and candidate b go so personal, that that, and in one team gets so angry at the other team that when that team, whichever team loses
the they that they will say? Well, alright, if I can't have it, neither can you and I- and I I say this to you as a cautionary tale, because I I know- and I've talked to Democrats I was talking to- I got called by a reporter. Actually, oh, I dunno probably an hour after the santas announced, and they wanted me to say something on the record about it about this. You know civil war, that's breaking out in the glp, and I said I eh I'm not going to give you a comment, off the record. I'm not gonna feed what you want, and I know what you want. You want there to be a civil war and that's why you're calling it a civil war and you're hoping this happens, because then Joe Biden, winds, re election.
You notice, by the way that I did everything I could to keep kind of a's name, and can it be his name out of it, because the more I keep their names out of it? In this conversation, the more I think we actually understand what I'm talking about here. I believe that canada day and can it be both have a mate. think things to bring to the table. I think that candidate a did an amazing job. As president united states, american, I think, can be done an amazing job as governor of his state. In florida, I think that these two men are so close together that that what worries me the most is the only way to beat one another to go so negative and get so nasty
That, actually, it could destroy all of our chances of getting rid of Joe Biden, because let me state here, as I said to this journalist that called me- I am in favor of beating one person. That is Joe Biden. I think that Joe Biden is one of, if not the most corrupt president in political history. I think the way that he has compromised the united states america, with russian oligarchs, giving millions to his family, taking millions from romania taking billions in loans from the chinese trying to do business with the worst actors in the world, including the former mayor of Moscow's wife, who gave millions to directly to him. I think he has compromised in ways that have done irreparable harm to this country. I think the way that he is-
loud for the representation of the united states government, the hands, the d o j and the fbi to go after people that are just doing their jobs like reporters that actually ported who are not conservative, actually more liberal about the twitter files and the and the iris, showing up to their home the day they are testifying to congress. Tells you how to control. We are my enemy. Politically. Is Hillary Clinton,
the same Clinton family that we now, though, the f b, I the d o J shut down, not one, not two, but three, not three, but four different investigations into them. My enemy of the people that made the decision to raid a former president's house by the name of donald trump. My enemy is the democratic party that no longer exists as a communist party, my enemy as the communist movement that is masquerading as the democratic party. That's who I'm wanting to beat you have to understand. I've already picked my candidate in twenty twenty four I've picked the conservative candidate who gets the nomination because I want to beat the living hell out of communism. Now I say this tonight and I want you to understand why I'm saying it- and I want you to understand that the I'm telling you of a cautionary tale if we allow this thing to get too nasty. If we allow this thing to get too ugly between candidate a and candidate b, the only person that wins is the democratic party, and it's not just the presidency, it's our integrity. It's our national security. It's our children! It's our national debt! It's the debt that we're going to put on our children. The list goes on and on look at our national debt right now. What we've done to our kids and our grandkids? Yes, republicans are partly responsible for it, no doubt about it. But if you really look at it, it's very clear that Joe Biden and the democratic party has no problem. Bankroll
In this country, because when they bankrupt this country, there's something that happens when they bankrupt this country, they get more power and more control, that's what they get when they bankrupt this country. They get to seize control over a battered weak country that has weak people yearning to whom I enemy is. My enemy is the people that aren't willing to protect our southern border. That's my enemy! So let me be clear: I am endorsing the Republican who wins the nomination and before then. I want us to spend as little money as possible trying to beat one another up. I want to unite the party as much as I possibly can. Until that moment, we're one of two men wins, because I'm running at the only thing I care about is keeping our eye on the prize, and that prize is election day of the general election in november of next year. That's all I care about theirs is going to be a very long race. Foes folks, look down at your watches right now, look down at your car,
I now look at the dates friday. May the twenty seventh sat twenty twenty three elections, twenty twenty four folks, it's a long ways away and what democrats are hoping is there's going to be an all out civil war within the republican movement and they were going to be b. Republicans are so angry republicans that are so mad the when their guy doesn't win, because somebody I promise you will lose, I don't know who it is, but somebody's going to lose and when they do they're hoping that they'll be such bad blood that you can't see past that you say screw it. Let Biden win just to stick it to them. That is what they want to happen, and I tell you right now: if we go down that road, we will lose and twenty twenty four, which means our kids lose and our grandkids losing our country loses. So I'm not going to be talking a whole lot about the two candidates in the primaries. Early on what I am going to talk about the issues
Issues that I care about, I'm not going to be beating one man up over the other man, I'm not going to be throwing punches or jumping behind unless something significant changes. If someone does something really stupid, I'm going to call that out, but we have to be careful to understand. What's at stake here, we're running against Joe Biden, not against one another and the you can see it already, how it's ratcheting up the vitriol, the anger the nastiness between conservatives has already started. I've watched this happen too many times the only person that wins when we go down that road, the only team that wins is the communist democratic party think about it. We don't need to have a civil war within, especially when we have kind of a that's an amazing candidate, and can it be that's amazing: can it we don't need to have a civil war over two candidates that that ninety nine percent of the time agree with one another? That's my cautionary tale. So when a reporter calls hoping that I'm going to stoke the fire of this primary, I'm not going to do it and I'm asking you don't
if the bait either Ben ferguson filling in for the great, when I'll get your reaction to that eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven! You can grab my podcast. I do every day, I'd love to keep up with you, Ben Ferguson, podcast, wherever you podcast, we'll be right back much love in and So if you want to know why I wanna be Joe Biden willingly give another example: Joe Biden tell the average you women's team, now, Sir James,
fifteen that he has four grand daughter, despite actually having five, this scumbag won't even admit as a grand child in arkansas yeah the character of this man, his family. The way it treats its family Joe Biden is the president, which is its incredibly cruel he's, not just corrupt he's. Cruel, no child deserve could not be acknowledged, their existence or their family of their dna, and yet Joe Biden tells you alice you women's teammates, for granddaughter, despite having five. That's, why I go back to what I said a moment ago. This is who I want to beat that is who I'm up against that's the only person I care about beating is joe by I want to make it clear: I'm going to say that a lot, I'm going to remind you whenever I get the opportunity, that's what it's all about one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven! Let's get to some of your phone calls. Let me get a bob in California.
You're. The market then show been ferguson filling in high bob. How area. I mean how are you I'm gonna grad? Yes, I'm a young good, then I agree with what you said about exactly what is happening between the Democrats and with their trying to do by splitting the civil war issue I think regular was fairly eloquent when he came up with the thought that a thou shalt not speak ill of fellow republicans- and I I think, ah that was a good, a premise to operate from him and serve him. Well, I think also, ah, if I can get back to where we were. for what really upsets me. Is there a lot of these spokespeople, an expert
better on the progressive channels. They're, probably the first was to were cancelled people and ask for boycotting. Promote boycotting because somebody either said. I can't do this because my religious values, or just basically they may have say the statement out loud that they took issue to solve. The hop hypocrisy. I think it away left is so deep. There don't think they know their hypocritical. Oh, I think they do they're not dumb. There are there well organised, completely evil and extremely calculated. The laughed is well organised, extremely smart.
and corrupt as hell. They know what they're doing this country. They know how they're doing it to this country. They know what their plan is for this country will get. Look at the border is a great example of this ok here. So let's go to listen. this? The woke propagandists, who, I believe, are the real terrorist right? They want to silence their enemies. They try to do They did that it social media, they did a twitter, they did that with matt tabby when they cynthia irishers housewives, testifying before com all right. If you are in their way, they want to ruin your life. They want to come after you, how many times, unsuccessfully they come after Markle, then look at how they come after them. At that I mean the list goes on and on the people that come after, I don't need to go through the whole list. You know it, but they know what they're doing the border is a great example of that
At the border, they knew what they were doing with an open border. They knew what they were doing the chaos and they wanted to fundamentally change america. Do you wonder the real reason why I believe the left wants to bring people across the southern border? It's not just because they want to give them citizenship it's, because they want to bring in the right citizens who grew up under socialism or communism who have grown up under hard core government. Powerful governments, because not only will they vote for the Democrats, so actually vote for them as communists and socialists, they're importing socialist and communist people that have grown up under who don't think it's that bad and if you give them citizenship, they'll vote for you for ever and they know that mark of anchovy right by
or really hate him. Great one is on the air at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one is, I know they came in and I love getting your notes. You can semi your notes on, social media and facebook, then ferguson there on on twitter Ben ferguson, show on instagram Ben ferguson podcast, but I just had a mother that said Ben. I think you're overreacting to target and okay, not every her point was. She said. I'm paraphrasing this was basically look not every patients perfect target understands that they need to expand on to those support, algae bt, q plus rights and they're, not evil. so stop calling them evil and be kind to others? Ok, let's. Let me give an example believe you're wrong. Not
he did: target partner with a satanist who says saint loves pro downs on some of the they are trying to sell, not all, Did they sell books that attack Conservatives and now, if you dont, go to target they're, calling you a economic terrorist but target has also partnered, and I want you to think about this, as a parent Target is also partner with an organisation that is pushing for kids genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental that consent several weeks ago, on my ipod cas. I told the story like trying to find my notes. I can't find a quick enough and I apologise, but if you want to go back, listen to it, there was
mother whose child was taken away and parental rights are taken away because she didn't want. Child to have mutilating, sterilizing surgery, we're seeing this house and around the country where the courts are siding with the woke parent the rights of another parent. Now this mother could see the one child that they had. That was not trying to go through this transitioning, but the other cheek. was taken away from her and er rights. We then had this happened father in america and another case where the father was not allowed and parental rights taken away from one of the two of his children and not about have contact while the mother basically castrated the child will target and this is evil. I do believe this. I believe that target is, is evil
Organ is now partnering with an organization pushing for kids. Gender should be secretly change in school without personal consent, target corporation said about this group. The g assay in group. We continue just port. Their mission target corporation is party. With a k through twelve education group, for which focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their childs in school. Gender transition providing sexually explicit books to schools. for free and integrating gender ideology quote at all levels of curriculum in public schools. That is their statement of what their job is, what they want to do. Gee CN leaves them men and creating a farming an antiracist spaces they claim for algae bt q. I was students, we are prey
of tempest years of collaboration with geo s asean and continue to support them can target said after this was brought to their attention. The retail giant provide an all donations to the organization. Now this organs, She calls not only for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. It provides educators. Instead, on how they can make math more inclusive of trans and non I am airy entities, its freakin math folks. They were then do include they them pronouns in quote, word problems there demanding and in fact, in another example, organization, geo, assay and recommended that teachers intervene. If students They can graphs about sex engender too sure it includes the ideologies supported by g Where cn when state
job, creating their own surveys. If they Include data for biological sex teachers need sure they include both intersects and other and other as choices quote unquote My pronouns are, and they have a long list of recommended inclusion, including transgender pronoun, in all math problems. E m ears, the list goes on and on. They say as well quote, and the students want to include data for gender. Variety of choices need to be included, such as age, gender, gender flu female male non binary, trans woman, trans man and the lesson plan continues. This group offers lotta recommendations from a teacher discuss incorporating gender ideology into science as well saying quota.
Took me three years of teaching middle school science before feeling comfortable enough to come out to my students as a trans man, we are starting a unit focused on how a dimity impacts the practices of science, including the ways its specific groups marginalized by norm. ideas, the teacher states and the internet the unit. I shared my personal experience of the ways that trans people are often a race by the language used by scientists and medical professionals describe bodies, patients and how practices to date target has given. at least two point: one million dollars to this organization, which offers districts and students guidance on also how to high gender transition from parents. If you don't think that targets coming after your kids, if you don't think this is this is not about so product. If it was about making money, they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. This is basically saying we're
we give up billions and profits to win the long war, which is to take your kids and your values and destroy them?. There are literally giving two point: one million dollars so far too. A organism that is giving a how to guide to high gender transition from your own parents that sexual exe rotation by the way, for example, its policy for district said Local education agency shall ensure that all personally identifiable medical information relating to trans, gender and non binary students is kept confidential, in other words, we're gonna high for your parents. So let me get this straight. You you need permission very apparent to give a kid. In our gi pill drill, a tyrant online advertising to leave but everything, ouch, you hide from the parents. It goes on to say so
four educators shall not disclose any and for me and that may reveal a student's gender identity to others, including parents or guardians. So this is a mission statement of we're taking away the parental rights and giving them back to the government and taking them away from the parents this, socialism and communism wrapped up in transgender ism. This disclosure must be discussed. with the students prior to any action. In other words, there are literally have a less implant of how to tell a kid how to lie to their parents and target is paying for this. parents on the left and right by the way, thank goodness some have come out, express outrage over school policies and practices to keep their child's gender transition a secret in some cases. By the way, it said
Schools were actively deceive the parents in California, for example, current easier lost or job after refusing to comply with the districts. Gender policies which she said whatever required her july, two parents directly quote. I knew immediately Like him, I got in my heart in my soul that there was a decision I had to because you know these two things were totally budding heads said: jessica, tapie who worked in a unified go district in california, other innovations by the when the? U s are similarly pushing for a social transition to be concealed in public schools, which has been increasingly embrace by democrats, for example, the defunct Biden foundation whose website is currently not active, they partnered with gender spectrum, which provides districts, gender support plans to quote methodically, develop a system of concealment from parents,
Target paying for this a colorado, school district use. This support, plan d, women and methodical system in place to keep parents in the dark on their childs gender transition in schools according to new doc, have been reviewed by fox news quote when one student elects to transition during the school year. This school should, scheduled meeting with a student and parents, France, guardian, provided there, involved in the process to ascertain their desires and concerns its instructions said target. Not only is now facing backlash for its pride merchant eyes, but now they are being called out for part. With an organisation that is teaching the students and the administration. how to lie to their parents. So don't tell me that you
at target and look the other way. If you heard what I just said, you You know it and if you keep shopping there, you're either supporting this or you're a coward. Now, if you support this shop there every day But if you claim that you stand up for children's rights, parental rights, conservative values and you go to and you know what I've just told you you're a coward You want to hear a heartbreaking story. Go back find it. You can do the men ferguson pike s. I tell that story. There's two parents and children were literally taking away from them from the state because they were trying to protect their children from having surgeries. since ruin their wives, sterilised them and they couldn't see their children.
Because they wouldn't go along with this crap. I may go to your phone costs, one eight, seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty eight eleven will get your cause Ben Ferguson, filling in for the great one will be right back then: don't fall for their free phone the us from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick: the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract Cancel or leave any time get a new phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure
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Are you calling them out great question? I do think at some point. Debt chip and Joanna Gaines are going to have to come out and say something about their magnolia. I think it's called her her or hearth hearth and hand. I love chipping, join again. And I dont know them personally. I know some people know them very well and they they say there just incredible people. I know some things: I've done for some people behind scenes that are pretty amazing, which I will keep private, including some help they gave to a good friend of mine and in a time of need with that being said, I am with you. I understood I get this at some point. Enjoying the gains are going to have to come out- and I understand they want to stay out of this because right click where, where a lifestyle brand right, we are we we.
we're. Magnolia were not political and I get that and they have I'm sure, a major contract with target for this inner with magnolia and they're trying to navigate this They are probably thinking. Look if we come out and say something we're damned if we do it every doubt. There is a certain point, though, where I think you have to draw a line in the sand and you have to say and this is a decision that they are going to have to make Do you want magnolia homes right chimney
Gains, if you don't know who they are, the the famous for fixer upper awesome show love what they do: they've done of the silos and in texas. It's incredible. If you've never seen, amazing people go on pilgrimages and girls, weekends and in all sorts of things, and it's really cool and they do a lot of good in the community. They've done an amazing amount of good for waco and and I'm sure, they're similar we're just not political act. We just want to hope this goes away instead of it, but I do think at some point. There's a line drawn the sand and right now I think that's the point with target like at some point. I I believe that they, after they need to say something they don't have to, but they need to. They need to say that this is not align with their values and that's when the that's, when the media will come after them and try to destroy them and silence them and shut them down, destroy their entire businesses. They built right, they're, going to say chip and Joanna Gaines and
And a magnolia homes as anti algae, bt, q plus, and you shouldn't stop their new, should ban them and never by their stuff right. The same thing that we're time and on the other side, but if it's my brand and and I'm a little different cause, I'm all in ok, I'm all in is a business owner barbecue restaurant I'm all in. I am unabashed full about what I believe in why I believe it I'm all when I own a gun range and gun store, I'm all in I, but I stand by the second amendment. I sell the second amendment. I protect the second amendment. I support the second amendment I advocate for law, abiding citizens being able to protect and defend themselves imo when you know where I stand politically and
running a big business like they are, I'm sure they're saying we never had any intentions of being political and it really does suck that target has put them in this situation, but I'm not I'm not defending them. I do have some compassion for the situation they're in there I did when we did our deal with with target. We had no idea that was going to become to binding and tucking. Swimsuit but I also do believe that there is a blessing for people that stand up for what they believe in. I think conservatives would rally around chip and joint games like never before if they did stand up and say oh to target in their deal would target. I think, there's a massive opportunity there for that to happen. I think there's an incredible opportunity for chicken Joanna gains to up an end to show and lead others and to say hey? I know we have this big, but we're ending our partnership with target chimera,
gains have plenty of money. I have no doubt that they're gonna be just fine, but but the fear is something they want you to fear they want you to, fear liberalism. They want you to fear the median. They want you to fear that going bankrupt. They want you to fear your life can be ruined by them and what an incredibly powerful message to other business owners conservatives, other family value orders been says: there's no doubt that magnolias family they oriented theirs. doubt in my mind that Jim Jonah gains are against. I have no doubt there against and hate would targets doing, but your brand is being sold in the same place. Make no mistake,
as all this transgender woke ideology, make no mistake, K it's there. It's clear, make no mistake about it and I do believe that they need to be held at least be on the record. Now they may say, hey we're staying out of it. If they want to say that's fine, I will look different or product, I'm not I'm not trying to force them into a corner, but it would be nice to see companies like to say: hey. Our brand is not going to be exploited by companies that do this and exploit our children that try to turn our kids against our parents and our values, We will put are values that had a profits, probably a better way of putting it. I dont, by the way, wish any a will on I and I understand the position therein, but at the same time, if your will
to make money target and look the other way. What does that say about your brand. some point, we're going to vote with our money and rats support people who stand up for our values and those that shy and those that walk away and those that talk their heads and the other way, we shouldn't give them our money. That's great im with you markov, Emily back with you on Monday, keep up with me. Then ferguson, podcast, listen wherever you are I guess he said.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-28.