« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/25/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we cannot afford to cave into Joe Biden and the radical Marxists with their out of control spending and budget. We know the radical spending ordeals are all to increase the size of the Federal Bureaucracy that will then help the Democrat party and punish Republicans. The Democrat mob is threatening violence if they do not get their budget paid for, but Republicans in Congress have been good so far at standing firm and we need them now more than ever to hold the line. The left isn’t upset about funding Social Security or Medicare – they’re upset they aren’t getting the funding for their radical $7 trillion budget. Also, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley has a lot of guts and has put his career on the line to expose the preferential treatment of Hunter Biden. Senior leadership at the Department of Justice slow walked the investigation into Hunter’s tax crimes because Democrats control the levers of prosecutorial power. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is throwing the book at anyone involved in January 6th but giving reduced sentences for Democrat protesters using Molotov cocktails. Later, Mark speaks with ZOA President Mort Klein about the Biden administration’s harmful strategy to counter anti-Semitism and hated of the state of Israel. Finally, Mark is joined by Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center about the Department of Homeland Security using federal funds to attack Christian organizations and comparing conservatives to Nazis.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the.
The The America mark levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one aids, When seven three eight one three eight one one, you know. let me just say this to the republicans in the house and the senate, we can hold the line now we're Biden
spend spent trillions and trillions of dollars and put this country and, of course, to bankruptcy. Forget about oh for faith. Quit I'm talking about bankruptcy, The endless printing of money we've already follow, with inflation. It received these all black and white films were wheelbarrows people pushing the morale of paper. That's where we're ahead. It. With interest rates, interest payments by the Your government that are now larger than defence spending. Since, when did we surrender this country to a o c marxist left. And the inane biden who rules executive waters who spends money without authorization prick. where's up to a trillion dollars on student loan forgiveness, since when do we do that.
And let me tell you something else: the lies coming from the treasury secretary. The lies coming from the media, even the phoney business reporters there's about three Fifty billion dollars gave her take that comes into this government every month, no matter what washington does that's on our backs: the taxpayers, small businesses, individuals, big business, federal income, taxes, corporate income, taxes, capital gains tax as you're paying you're paying you're paying you're paying every week you're paying every two weeks repaying every month, you're paying every quarter whatever. whatever schedule your on back like that money, that coming in it is coming in and they act like soldiers. immediate action of a trust fund. I thought it did it there's no trust fund. They stole it.
And you pay and social security separated apart from everyday, ass it supposed to be a trust fund now saying. Many cares about what they told us where's the money. This exposes them resident. And they get up behind their microphones, they say social security won't be paid and you should them? Why? What happened? That transport and medicare won't be paid Why? What did you do to the transplant? What did you do it? My money? I thought this was insurance. and the veterans benefits will be pay wait a minute. I thought we had a deal. you serve in the military and they put money aside for you that's supposed, we added a general operating fun. What's going on.
June, one is not a deadline for anything. That's number one number Two we cannot afford, as of people to kay, Joe Biden marxists at some point. have to draw a line. I their stand a little better, there's a little better that as I posted reagan, to save him get eighty percent. You want. Ok, let's get eighty percent, let's make sure, bind the Democrats done. because we know where they want to drag the country, and we- these massive spending or so we go through our intended to empower the democratic party to it. The size of washington, washington, serves the interests of a democrat party. The bureaucracy serves the interests of the democratic party
Aren't you sick and tired of subsidizing increase projects for the I for the intelligence agency, When there's no accountability when even today we are giving a finger determined calmer, Who wants to see that it be I document about button, or at least know what's in it were supposed to go along and subsidized stuff? Well, maybe the government should shut down. Maybe that's the only way to cut spending. And I will say this up to today- the republicans are done. A good job getting out there and explain the american people, whose responsible for what to put the blame, exactly where it belongs, on Joe Biden fate at the feet of the democratic party.
But I'm noticing today some buckling that the marks of the democratic party You're out there saying or we're going to take to the streets, we were the first to find that clip is to produce her was and we played it. So the mob is frightening, that if they don't get Money they're gonna be violent. That's only gonna work few more times if at all, people are sick and tired of it. God knows I am. We can do this america, we Do this conservatives we can do this. Republicans. For once in your damn lives, try to hold firm, try it. It actually work. so one of the reasons we like trop and yes, one of them Since we like to say this,
one of the reasons we like reagan. It's called leadership called statesmanship. Don't be scared. Do the right thing, and usually the right thing happens- will keep an eye on this very close eye on this I know something's going on because right now everybody's ducking us they don't want to come on the show, whether they be the self appointed. Constitutional conservatives or whether they be conservatives are moderate, they're all duck in me. That's ok,. I'm not going anywhere, and I thought the decide this Appearance on my show last night was very good and very important. We will allow any serious canada
not anybody. You know I am running for bread. Now on the programme what we do here. It's called free speech. You don't like it doubtless will also lay their campaign sites as we do in every single case. We put down trumps clips up there. What time, because I like donald trump but but he's going to three nah, sir, the mobs. going to impress ass, I'm gonna do what I have always done, and you know it's interesting. We took a close look at a lot of comments here, mostly botz, mostly mostly people non people. We don't know how they do it better able to do it in a rush used to talk about this when they use to try push him off. The air people suddenly sign up for social media there. Suddenly there they have no his They have one line. They have no history of and there they are by the thousands.
And some of you are suckers. Not in this audience I'm about online. You got this guy's lucky piano a k, a michael luciano are mediocre. I any grabs a few other comments. Anybody can do this. It's not journalism, it's just that left wing swine bob doing what he does look at this people are upset and market decide to sign a linked to his donation, paid we linked to a page that one immediately to his donation- page- I'm not gonna, sit here, Split hairs and worry about any of it. So what. Candidates have to be strong enough to stand on their to feed and fight it out where we do what I do, and so that was picked up. By the sludge report, whose gone radical left, who hates trial pages
This hates republicans hate you, then that was picked up by the daily beast. Another left wing poisonous website that was picked up by the having can post another, so you see how the mob works, and yet I was contacted by the real inner circle of the tribe people. So when our word about any of this, it's not us. a few shooting from the hip, but the best they could do our common history not loma, whose a lunatic in florida rebuilding my mark. Can I. On your show, my well, you endorse my candidacy, my work is that you over there at an ever get lost loser.
she's, not the only one we're going start dealing with them, one by one. I've got one come on next week to, but all that said stand firm, stand firm. You might like the results. Meanwhile, the buying crime families out there and I want at least thank cv evening news for doing something about it, but very what does asa hutchinson Going on tv, MR producer, he says. time for new blood at guy's been in politics, his whole life time for asia. The whole juggernaut moving anyway. This irish whistle blower has allotted guts, mendous, amana guts he's put his, tire career on the line is not a grafter. It's not looking for anything
Try the whistle blower rapid the Democrats would have nothing to do with it. Name's gary sharply made his name and face known. Unlike the fraud fraud, whistle blower in the ukraine k Eric wherever Is she in the new york times like it's nuclear secret, not washed about now not answers names? We got the word from Adam schiff. She thought for years now On this case, we can say his name: sharp shapely rather is his name, which is it, mr, but as we are, both a linkage rather gets. equally, as a j, p ellie. Why and I have to take up but I want you to hear this. Choose me and the Democrats don't even again I they have no problem with it at all the ira,
this fully weapon eyes the fbi's fully weapon ized the deal J is full the weapon eyes the h, Since fully weapon eyes, most of the governments weapon ized against you and me- which is another reason why you dont buckled abiden, take your eighty percent, get eighty percent but dont, eighty percent- that's our home other story and depend I want that. Eighty percent is: maybe you shouldn't give that either. We need to know the details, but stand firm, be strong. You'll win the day. I'll be right back then. I know guys are worried that reserves. have said? Banking crises follow up, could push the economy, the recession this year, but you can do something about that: learn how to protect retirement you worked really hard for. I think, a great wasted
Supply with gold and specifically a gold ira, that's right. Physical guy in your ira. My fate, The gold IRA company is august precious metals, you gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So a few. Two hundred thousand or more, and I for one k or an ira, call a gust of precious metals and get their old my guide to go via arrays. Tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a free gold coin. When you open a gold, I re car august precious. Those today eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven! Seven. For gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures and august oppression, metals, dot com, what a great company One of the way you figure out there you go! You click
The who the individual isn't he looked back and if it's almost bare their motts, so the It's her out analysis all the money. What do you crane you russian bastard you, don't you not persuade anybody here, nobody Ancestors russian, but has nothing to do these people trust me factor to flee russia. That's neither here nor there, but these found, sites I mean they just keep at that's where all the money went to ukraine, we're talking about trillions, trillion, trillions of dollars and we'd, better stay focused and we're gonna get screwed big time. How about we d find me the gun How much money goes towards. The races and industry pushing c r t any e g and d? I also our bureaucracy and all
funding it throughout our society? How about we get that money? it's our money. After all, subsidies to these phony. Climate change, green new deal, companies, some of which are in even, are even real. But he's yet more than an hour spent tens of billions of dollars on that. an hour later we can pay social security recipients. Clear as I can amerika there I see and propaganda less or whatever the hell that at its name headed Grasses from seattle and all the rest of them, The reason their wedding themselves is quite simple: it's not because of social security medicare. They don't give a crap about the american people. These are marxist, it's because, where funding their game agenda, that's why.
Where funding their game revolution, what climate change? Will these ngos, whether its direct grants and contracts to these people, your money, It's going to funding the destruction of our own country, the empowerment of the gun. Red party and their massive bureaucracy. You're telling me that the federal bureau. Rose. You can't even taken; rather they have to expand it. Spanning the fbi, expanding the ira, expanding the intelligence agencies or they ve done such a swell job expanding. yes, and I'm not talking about age and the border patrol I'm talkin about that fat. You know why sitting on their asses in front computers in washington d, c, working without
What are you trying to censor us all? Yes, holders, nothing that caught there's nothing! I caught In a seven trillion dollar budget, there is nothing that cut and then they they put a gun to your head. If you cut the message spending an increase defence spending- we're not voting for this, which is precisely what needs to be done with the rise of communist china. the marks of the democratic party in the media. They reveal themselves every single day, the democrat party else itself every single day, some planning on doing this, but I did it and I'm glad I did when I come back Gary shapely the arrest so blower, whose now out with his face, is voids out front, and he is
devastating story to tell I'll be right back now I know guys are worried federalism staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy into recession this year. But you can do something about that. Learn how to pay. Check the retirement. You worked really hard for, I think, a great waves to diverse I would god and specifically a gold. I re that's right physical, In your ira, my fate, God I or a company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. Sir few saved a hundred thousand or more of a four k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old my guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, when you open a gold, I re car, augusta precious metals today, eights Seven for gold- I re that's eight, seven, seven
for god, I re soldier financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures and august oppression metals dot com. What a great company marred glover for most passionate conservative on radio talk with him now, seven, seven, three, eight one for you. What one hears they know what he's talking about, but we'd better pay attention to, and right now, and then I'll move into this irish, The islam or nazi regime in tehran today successfully launched a practice launch a. Ballistic missile, that is a missile thy, can carry warhead and hid its target. I don't know first hand, but I suspect.
their meetings within the israeli government. As I speak on what kind of pre emptive activity to take. That can happen any day or any weak. course. I would ask those who. Who are out there is that any of our business far away. You know it's eleven hour flight ten and a half hours on a good flight Range of our business wise at any of our business. Now. You know I'm asking that for purposes of discussion and debate that today, maybe next week.
Just wondering we get out a nato should get out of all of our military arrangements have been natives a tree. The military arrangements with australia, the philippines, japan obviously south korea. We have military arrangement, not treaties with Israel and other countries. Nato is a treaty pretty much kept the peace since the end of world war. Two nineteen, forty eight. The reason is little: european countries can defend themselves against big bad rasher, big bed. nine or anybody else. the idea there, which has worked, is that by everybody the countries in the resources and their defences and so forth. Much less like that any body will be invaded.
It is not a member of nato. so we should pull out of that. Even those work, even though findings weigh up thanks to donald trump And so what happens then? Poland's attack o none of our business that's exactly one candidate who was running in florida when that ran decide to send me to help moderate some debates and some congressional I forget his name, but he was sort of her ran paw acolytes. Maybe he was a boomer com or an ash nash and national, maybe both Anyway, he said well poland's invaded that poet from, and so there you have it caused, because the logic. The logic take joint one direction is very bad.
He said why don't we have had done america's national security interests? Isn't that always the debate? That is what is prudential, that is the debate. So you can't say that your policy, that's the debate, carry shapely Say: senior criminal investigator supervisor charge of a unit that had been on the one hundred Biden case, but has since been pulled off. I want you to listen to this, says on CBS evening nine evening, news last night to their credit interviewed by Jim Axelrod, go ahead gary shapley is a supervisory special agent for the irs. Where he's worth. Fourteen years in january, twenty twenty he was assigned to what he calls a high profile investigation who's. This to be investigation at cancun,
confirm or deny that the subject of this investigation winner, because. Or the tax secrecy laws don't allow it shall we can't say it, but CBS news is littered. The investigation was the problem of hunter Biden by the trump appointed jewess attorney in delaware. Seeing your mind administration. How do I stop there? I love that the trump appointed? U S, turn trust me. If this Us attorney wasn't doing what Biden wanted he begone without consequence, because by knows who's, gonna he's gonna call cause the promptly the attorney general himself would fire. So, let's stop playing games. Go ahead proud to let it run its course without interference. Snow, restricted in his investigation and anyway, but CBS news is obtained. This letter shampoos, lawyers had to congress monday alleging regularities in view juice handling of the investigation.
Please seeking legal protections from congress, so he can share specifics of his allegations. There was multiple steps that were or slow walked at the direction of burma justice. Had you Encountered that before I have not know these deviations from normal process and each and every time it seemed to to always benefit the subject. Shapley says he decided to blow the whistle after a heated meeting last october, with federal prosecutors, that it was my red line meeting it just To that point where that which was always turned on- and I consignments, my conscience anymore, did you let prosecutors know you're unhappy. I don't think I I can answer that hunter Biden has denied any wrongdoing. Like civil servants prs agent told us, he is a registered republican that his whistle blowing is being assisted by an advocacy group with past ties to the g o p.
We says this on hold on and the Democrats, why? Why are you doing this with the geo peace stuff? You never do it with the Democrats. Tommy Eric, whose name shall not be mentioned by the new york times or any media outlets in the ukraine impeachment. Ah, you weren't even give us his name, let alone his affiliations, and we learned he was a big time democrat, but go ahead. I'll, follow Why do you want to navigate these waters? I don't want to do any of this. I took the oath of office and when I saw the egregious ness of some of these things, no longer became a choice. For me, it's not something that I want to do something that I feel like. I have to do this has told us. Aid can come in on specific cases, but is committed to supporting whistle blowers in general the d o j and the? U s attorney's office in delaware declined to combat.
Declined to comment and you can have any papers. There's got to be any oversight because we have our methods here. Sources, methods. Then there is this from blaze, media, irish chief response to allegations of whistleblower retaliation. He said I as follows: the direction of the department of justice, so you can see what's happening here, america, it's this Senior so called leadership at the department of justice, the attorney general, the deputy attorney general and all the rest of them thoroughly. Iris whistleblowers, one you just heard, one being a criminal provides very special agent that one they claim they just Department has interfered in a high profile criminal investigation, while the attorneys representing the supervisory agent been careful not to name the subject believed to be hunter Biden. The responding allegations of internal retaliation against iris so blowers
the head of the ira at the house, ways and means committee a letter on may seventeen denying Accusations, but he also suggested the department of justice is responsible for actions taken against the whistle blower who came forward last. Quote, I want to state unequivocally that I have not intervened and will not intervene in any way that would impact the status of any whistleblower wherefore wrote the committee the S, whistle blower. You reference alleges that the change in their work assignment came at the direction of the department of justice, as a general matter and not in reference to any specific case. I believe it is in port. I emphasise that in any matter involving federal judicial proceedings, the ira follows: the direction of the department of justice cheeky, you think under this current budget battle the departed justice should get more money. America, specially the prosecutors, mission. Corroborates lorries for
supervisory agent disclose last week attorneys mark a little interest in love. It talk where's the entire investigative team handily non urban bro, was removed from the case Today, the ira's criminal supervisory special agent we represent, wasn't from that. He and his entire investigative team are they all republicans. America are being removed,
the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high profile, controversial subject about which our clients sought to make whistleblower disclosures to congress. He was informed that change was at the request of the department of justice, so they inhabit america now what now? What they control the levers of federal prosecutorial power? They control the levers. I did a special on blaze, my buddy Glenn Beck, and we spoke went about what could be done. What must be done, and I will repeat what I've said before we are prosecutors in our towns or counties. We have prosecutors in our states. Why aren't they onto this guy hunter Biden.
Every fancy committed as a potential federal offense, but no local or state offences seriously. I mean they got Allen. Bragg was twisted the law into a pretzel. He got Tisch. What's her name again, leticia James tsh tsh, these trash trash, whatever mean she should be disbarred for what she did, but so far no republican prosecutors stepped up. Now, one. pretty incredible affairs me by the way these are interesting times also for us here mark Levin, radio, show syndication we might be involved in a squabble in the next few weeks. I will let you know. I will let you in on all my platforms. We shall see. We shall see,
How do I back then no, you guys are wearing federalism. Staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy into recession this year? But you can do something about that? Learn how to protect the region. I meant you worked really hard, for, I think, a great wasted so I would gold and specifically a gold. I re that's right. Fist, oh god, in your ira. My fate God I or a company is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call. these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved hundred thousand or more of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get there also. guide to gold? I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin. When you open a gold. I re car augustus precious metals today! Eight
five and seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven for god, I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures august, a precious metals dot com? What a great company So the question is ladys Jim. Why would Joe Biden money from the budget for when you know that grants demanding now. Tax increases in the middle of an inflationary period rather Slashing taxes, so the economy can grow and the fed, to do what it has to do with rising interest rates to control the current under the monetary system. The Democrats, to put us in this position are now demanding tax increases How many of you have
a view can afford a tax increase right now now it's not gonna, just be the rich, so how many of you can afford a tax increase right now, on top Maybe seven thousand iris agents roaming that country side looking for people, the brutalized, how many of you can afford a tax increase right now? What jaya pal And I am and all the other individuals that's what they're demanding. communist china is on the rise, their spending like drunken marxist, because that's what they are and are on the move. There on the move and bernie sanders enjoy polynesia. They insist trillions bar trillions, more and redistribution of wealth,
also trillions more for radical left wing groups not to secure the border not to build up the military or trillions more to empower them now that won't go over well, I don't think so much! That's not really very helpful. Do you think the economy and so forth. The promise buying decided he's a chameleon he is a said many times Street level political hack he's a chameleon. he pretends he was part of the civil rights movement. Now he was part of these segregationist racist movement. In the early seven we were For that we don't want any records for his civil rights activist So he's a liar on top of everything else,. many decided he wanted we present, so
came Bernie sanders. It's not hard to do. When you hear generally stupid human being with a low. I q. It was desirous of having a light. A legacy like FDR wants to be after more like eleanor Roosevelt, but that's a whole other story that I discussed earlier in the week or last week now mine bite is going to tell us you see Nothing to cut, we can't cut anything here. We're on a mission mine is embraced the four month, the former thea, the marxist agenda,. the people around them as radical as hell Only credential is physical, ideological and or gender.
boy I wouldn't want to be in their reading- they reza maize for qualifications in the binding administration. Would you, MR producer,. I recently had my you know what removed. And in that way I went to harvard himself: oh we'll put that guy got to the top of the list. Of course I'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, the right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much
Sponsorship pure talk the broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, one one. Can be a hot tub summer. America Very long hot tub summer lee atlanta dossier, will not relent these.
Special, so called council in Washington dc he's queuing up his charges. And it's here we're we're gonna have to launch and mount the greatest defence. Quite frankly,. There is also going to be an effort, I think, And remove this programme. one or two or three markets. I'll know more soon enough to alert you to that. The timing is obvious. The timing is obvious, but we will alert you to it soon and of course,
we don't take that lying down either like russia used to tell me, and I've told you what rushes to me, which is Don't let anybody come between you and your audience, and I won't do that. If you want to know where the latest rhino position is. Then you want to listen to Carl rove and readers materials. Nobody knows rhino, isn't better than Carl. I have to give him that the king of the of the rhinos twenty years. so he's out there telling everybody that trumpet the scientists are fighting. just a little tiny percentage. Twenty twenty five percent You really need to look at Nicky, hayley, TIM, Scott and, of course, the year,
the hindenburg new jersey. You know people like that. Please all over place telling america there. You know his record is a disaster. A disaster weathered the mid. terms. Whether was bushes second term actually be. For that in two thousand six, where we were blown out of congress and he took down good men like rick's, and torn the pennsylvania and others I dont know. I dont understand it. I really doubt I dont get it he's. The biggest establishment guy you wanna, know image. Mackinaws thinking, listen to him. You want to know where. The rhinos are listened to him. You wanna it's just the same thing, so he dismissed.
Spoke. Tromp understand this and you trumpet the santa supporters better start paying attention to this because What's really happening is. Their fielding all these other candidates because they want to take out trump and dissenters they figure trump is he's gonna, be tried by the Democrats in the prosecutors they figure to scientists be destroyed by. Some of the media and others? If not trump, in here. Nicky Hayley taken the shots, others taken shots, not a trumpet dissenters, so they fit tromp as a wounded man walking. And that the dna in atlanta and the special Counts on washington will deal with him and while he is trashing to scientists and scientists is just trying to push back Then one of them will slide through does that makes
Do you, MR bloom? I think that's puts taking place. If they're sitting down with their strategy, I think that's what's taking place that's not to say TIM! Scott is in a good guy. We're gonna have on the programme. I assume at some point sure he. mickey hell. It can come on the programme at some point, all of them rascal. in fact come on the programme at some point. Who knows, but that's a different issue. We ve already had- and I wonder to others The natural gas morgan will continue to have them whether people like it or not. We're gonna continued a link to their campaign sites. Whether people live and I guess I do they show for the broader audience. People ask us
Why don't you have so and so on? Ok, we will, if they want to come on, how do we follow up with them? Ok, there's some link on our sights over their mediocre right. lucky luciano, very squirrels. People have already spent too much time on this, my cat. He didn't linked to the campaign page Because he linked to the donation page. Tells us a lot. What does that tell you nothing, and we will continue to do this- for reach out to us. We don't tend to reach out to the candidates if they reach out to us. We have them on two weeks ago, at present trump on the esta come on this, weak spot of his announcement. We the rhonda, sampson tablets, interesting.
there's really very little reporting on the substance of my interview with round said because the Article of media do not care about that. Moreover, even my favorite cable channel Would have thought last night that only Ray Gouty did an area we afford. five million people. We did in any veto to saying just mentioning. And I will continue to do that. So vague, talk call tomorrow and donald trump wants to come on good. If I get a call tomorrow, Nicky hayley wants the gamma good. If I get a call them Tim sky good decide to good effect, go well with you. I don't know why. You're here, I ve been doing this for twenty years and were very, very interested in hearing from all the paper
Who want to be present united on one of them is going to be, hopefully, as opposed to Biden. That's the hope right. That's the hope. Don't run any campaign, I'm not pay by any campaign, and I'm not going to be in the box on the internet. We have a lot of fun with them today, but I've enough time to mess around with them anymore. You very, very mistaken and you're gonna get sucked in He read or believe anything that comes out of media right. It is a day Abrams operation, it hates trump, it hates to say this: it hates you so they say the path. Then they send it over to the drug report. Then he posts. Drudge is a sabbath drudge at the draft report is now campaigning for the indictment of donald trump. He calls it indictment watch. Then he puts the
preposterous photo of dissent. This on his sight. He doesn't do that bout Biden. He'd never do that about Kemal Harris. He doesn't that about hakim, jeffreys or schumacher anything else, he's a sell out, he's a grafter he's gone and then you have to you know then its pick the what was at the independent I gotta go the sub just the strangeness of because it is very interesting to me. You know it's sick about. Alice I enjoy it. Is that weird, MR producers, like these battles as there's something wrong with me? I care that's true or on a second folks from getting there in one second, which one was it flat out, lied, commodity I put it aside. the so called, Independent, maybe something like that.
any one of these. These leftwing sites, british one said that each Inner circle is furious, would live in they trump inner circle and I spoke and they bring it all off and said. This is not us. Bloomers, not us the guy's eighteen years old he's not us the ones that are quoted in the article there, not ass, we don't have any problems and people are played. People are played, But we shall overcome and we will continue to press ahead. We will continue to battle forward and right showed the arkansas man who put his feet on Nancy policies off his desk during the capital protest was sentenced
Four and a half years in prison. can you imagine that we have people who attacked cops, they don't get four and a half year With people who shot other people, they don't get four and a half years, rape, other people. They. At four and a half years, but here's even a bigger one, you ready for this one. Both keepers founders store road sends to eighteen years for seditious conspiracy and generally six attack a dc jury. A dc judge, seditious conspiracy,. Julie Kelly's told us, this is what they want to use against trump, and so they. Tested it out on these guys in a work, seditious, conspiracy, the longest. That's sentence handed out so far quote.
from a well it's another landmark in the justice department sweeping january six investigation, which has led to convictions against the topic. So too far right, extremist groups, that authority say came to washed and prepared to fight to keep presently donald trump and power at all costs. Who did he shoot? Nobody. Who did he mean nobody? Who did he knife? Nobody? How many molotov cocktails did heathrow none. The binding justice department wanted him in prison for twenty five years. Twenty,
five years. They say, remains a threat, a threat threat the what now also marked the fans white supremacist MIKE defensive, it I'm looking at the facts, I'm looking when I see and let us let us take a look at this with little billboard depths. Let's see, then we have this from national review long ago. Less than a year ago from it is the foundational duty of government is to maintain public safety and order, without which neither liberty nor prosperity is possible to eventually get to their point magic story, the sunday twenty twenty was the outbreak of riots and protest following the murder of george floyd more than a dozen
people were killed in a billion or more dollars and damages were caused, including Interaction of many businesses. This cried out for a vigorous response. Apparently, viewing the causes a righteous one, democratic prosecutors at the fiddle. they local levels have been scandalously soft on the many I am committed in the course of those rights and protests. Large of offenders were let off scot free by progressive prosecutor, Even those whose crimes cause death had begins sentences no longer than ten years. This man was just given eighteen years with his feet on the desk four and a half years. even those whose crimes caused death have been given sentences no longer than ten years and in doing the progressive district attorney's The justice department have imperilled publics. in our cities and undermine public confidence. and even handed administration of the law
surprising that urban crime and violence of spiked in many cities after the law fail to restore order or punish these people. Vitamin australian- it's just added last year to their shameful spectacle by retroactive, they reducing the play bargain sentence in one of the most high profile of those crimes. Which two white shoe lawyers in brooklyn threw a molotov cocktail into a police car boy that deserves at least twenty five years. call inferred matters, and you raj Rahman, were welcome cited attorneys in early thirties when they joined the protesters mob, it makes twenty rama caught on tape, throwing the firebomb into an unoccupied police car and matters was arrested with much more improvised explosives in your car. was videotape trying to hand them out the others. These are ably serious crimes morrison than those committed by
a tiny handful at most of the people charged in connection with january six. Not apologetic rahman told reporters later. The only way they hear us is through violence. Madison Rahman pleaded guilty last year to one count. possessing in making an explosive device a charge carrying up to ten years in prison both of them work. Why would quite properly be disbarred? Federal prosecutors sought to charge them still more serious offences for distribution, but in asia fucking reversal, they have now agreed to erect and a prison, since that is the federal prosecutors of eight in twenty four months a year and a half to two years for a child, is carrying a maximum of five years, even for a department of justice that has bent over backwards
to be lenient towards left wing protesters. While throwing the book throwing the book a right wing protesters. A retreat from a previous play agreement is a dramatic display of favouritism for a left wing political violence merrick ireland asked for twenty five years, for that one man who never throw a molotov cocktail and then back on a previous. Please deal reverse themselves and asked a more lenient sentence of one and a half to two years. For the gentlemen, that is the thugs who, through the molotov cocktails And the woman who had many morn was distributing them I'll, be right.
Back was love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free.
Samson galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again get a pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, levant, podcast, l e, the iron pot, gas to start saving teddy here was npr on this and its prey Lorries charge with seven felonies molotov cocktails attack out on bail. Surveillance, camera, recall it all woman in black tee shirts stepping out retain minivan, the light alighting of toilet paper fuse the. of a beer bottle filled with fuel as it was thrown onto the dashboard of an empty police car. They didn't know of his empty. The De vandalism, in the early hours of may thirty is why to brooklyn lorries are fighting federal, explosive, charges and could face as much as life in prison.
Had been sitting in a new york jail until tuesday night after a government effort to keep them behind bars failed. An amazing we're people sitting in prison in washington d c for over a year now one's been convicted for eighteen years and another four and a half years federal I ask you to have an accused rom on thirty one or matters thirty, two of arming anyone that night, but they have indirectly cares the to defend Says: characters in their favorite trump administration narrative that suggest that months, violent protests were just an eruption of anger. Listen to this This is and Pierre. This is how they excuses now when it comes to the people the right way, There's the white supremacist us capers they wanted. A third of our government, but not these two lloyd now the narrative has been created by triumphant justice, department,
Well, there's more than you watch me compost here we have it. Let me see right here to produce this printed it out for me Fifty six former prosecutors right to appeals court in support of bail for attorneys accused to throw molotov cocktails police vehicles The bar the former process scooters, they circled rang and again against the two. The terrorist threat molotov cocktails and handing them out whereby we want five years. When I write I guy here again, eighteen for grant our lab and I've got a jerk put us on energy policies, test four and a half years That way, I, ladies and gentlemen, They back remember the last time
You got a quote, unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samson galaxy from free at tried. Unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise in eighteen to your team over here is another thing. You'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say markel event and you'll get a free sam,
and galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v. I n podcast to start saving today, conservatism with passion the mark for the show. Color, no eight, seven, seven, three, eight one create one one: no, no, no mister producer, you sent me a text remind me how people can get to our podcast. mark levine showed com, and I thank you linked to a specific location there. We want to build up our pod casters as big as possible as well. So you have alternatives. As I said, it's gonna be a very
brutal summer for the president and perhaps for this programme, so we will see in one or two places, because I believe that people should be honourable and that they must. They must abide by the by the agreements that they have made or they'll be exposed for what they are. Tat, simple. I want to continue with this because it such an outrage. This was in the washington post. Let's see little bit back fifty six lawyers who are not connected to this case of these two molotov cocktails people or trying to weigh in backing the defendants for the sake of upholding existing bail practice prosecutors, Reckless you're subject: brooklyn: u s attorney's office already,
said that matters and rahman are a serious risk, refusing to where did their careers and family ties as mitigating factors, a spokesman for the office to call- the common on tuesdays filing by the ex officials, how many former federal prosecutors. Signed on to help the oath keepers guy. and why is he viewed more dangerous than these two? Why I'm curious this courtroom I reject the government's argument that factors existing prior to an alleged offence, such as strong and community tie stable employment, stable addresses lack of criminal history. Insufficient to defeat the presumption and support a balance. involving dangerousness the defendants hold on camera firebombing and wide pity vehicle. They ask
sought to incite others to launch similar attacks and attempted to distribute other molotov cocktails to other protesters and further into this objective. What about it. But you don't understand rahman. At the time of her arrest was representing indigenous defendants in a bronx housing project who met This had attended princeton university. The wool about that. To lord. Surely they were well aware of the consequences of what they were doing now, while so they made the calculated decision to make throughout our top cocktails and the hand them out brief, submitted by the former prosecutors, seeks to influence the federal appeals, but how many of you think these former federal prosecutors did this just
spontaneously, much like the former nash security people with abiden letter. Fifty six came forward. You know that hunter biden- Have definitely a russian russian plant had a winner or blinking illustrations and then blinkered. I wasn't me was the other guy anyway, they get away with these filthy scummy dirty tricks all the time and so these two lawyers are walking their walking. And this is how new york law journal put it as october twenty twenty one, a low earlier low charged molotov cocktails case plead guilty, prepared, fight terrorism, enhancement sensing? Do you think for a second, the terrorism enhancement sentencing would have been dropped.
washington dc against any these protestors. They're not even happy that this guy got eighteen years, happy the other guy got four and a half years for putnam feed on the desk and nancy policy. It's unbelievable! They please. Guilty to one county possessing or making a destructive device. So what happens mother lorries. One amount on bare, so the department of justice takes the plea. Agreement shows me and rips it up and gives them a better deal. You wonder why thereafter trumpet the J in the fbi. you wonder why they sense what teams out to drag people in to washington d c and throw them in the goulash there
months and months. At a time you wanna wonder We wonder why they throw the book at each and every one of them. And shame on the damn court there, all those damn federal judges, shame on them. I don't care who appointed them I don't care how many of my no you have this making the same information. I have. Same damn, information I have and the prosecutors go into court and they say look at this tweet. Look at this facebook post look at this. They met in north in northern virginia? Look at this. They were going to do this. They were going to do that. They were going to do this. They were going to do it, but they didn't go ahead and charging for the crimes actually committed, but seditious conspiracy and the federal judges they buy into it. Oh yes, yes,
We can have then in washington only in new york, seattle portland, when the court's under attack for over two months. Yes, yes,. We can have a: why should an area where else we can have it as long as you're part of the left and tea for black lives matter. Or to lawyers who are helping poor people from princeton. Yeah and we know you came a molotov cocktails. We know you were handing them out. We know you through wanted a viagra, yeah yeah, we know, but they were trying to help the poor. and the united states department of justice ripped up their play agreement to give them a better plea agreement. I should head judy counting on a truly colleagues
me on tonight, but I dont have room next hour. We have some two great gas, but that said jolly quite incredible and its infuriating The way the media coverage to wearing white supremacist, one worthy of cape capers grow and the other group to lawyers, one helping poor people, one from princeton, with the support of former federal. Kunis, they didn't mean to throw a molotov cocktails at an n vehicle, it just Flew out of her hand. And they didn't mean to hand them out to others to use. They were
so generous, redistributing their molotov cocktails. Why should they keep them for themselves now It is an excellent national review. Editorial said they ve been weak, crossed the board on almost all these cases, as they put it, the Biden, justice department's shameful, pandering to throwing riders the bomb through these people have done billions of dollars in damage a dozen or more lost their lives, lost their lives in the debate. Just is what they do with madison roman, then embarrassing,
numbers of offenders were let off scot free by progressive prosecutors, even those whose crimes cause death death have been sentences no longer than ten years of the judges, washington DC, where this today even care, they don't care. Nor do they care that the portland courthouse was under assault day after day for sixty days, much like the court. ass, they operate out of in Washington and those people got almost nothing course. They are. He watched the news they read about it, but the radio locks and the steward republican appointees go right along with them correct, along with, We need more money for the courts We need more money for the european high. We need more for the department of justice. We need more money.
Where do just, they won't secure the porter yeah more money? That's the answer. more money or worrying to shut down the government. So sorry at the damn thing down already. I don't care. What do you think of that? But what will it do to the markets will want all due to the markets of we dump and what will it do to our republic? If we don't get democrats want to budge, then don't bug just at the republicans and make your case. I can see the tide turning you're doing fine until this morning, get out there and make a case
I'll be right back much love in the remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free found. You started out feeling great then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just dial pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll,
a free, samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, levine, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today. Now Joe Biden soft on anti semitism and our house. To put this, I a great gas who is a very close friend of mine, the president, aversion away Zeiner organization of American. All that means, as zionist is to support the state of Israel nothing more, nothing less, and the buyer ministries has caved care As you know, the radical muslim Hamas front group
found, a brilliant philadelphian, a secret meeting with Hamas supporters but nonetheless it has a big role. Big role in the democratic party see our place stuff. Nobody else is going to tell you it's at supper. supported by anti israel groups like J street, which is a bunch south hating morons, which, Dershowitz wrote about the other day and americans for peace. Now another front group ay and care and others. Self hating, jews and drew haters alike press the Biden administration. To water down the term anti semitism the most prominent. part of this is the non legally binding working definition. No. You wouldn't have this if it came to other minorities, blacks, hispanics,.
native americans and so forth and so on and are not putting them. Not just single, wouldn't happen with jews its. Negotiation when it comes to the democratic party even yet defamation leg to the back. Pocketed the Democrats. Why as its leader, green bladders obama, Biden, former official at the white house, he's a seller is a sellout he'll go after elon musk, but look at this The conference of presidents, a major american jewish organizations which lobbied for a strong Definition said that the group wholeheartedly applauds the bide administration's continuing, embrace and so forth, but the decision Do include dueling definition, true criticism from smart people, so shame on all these groups that buckle. Why cause he's at them? credit amazing thing, so maybe they donald trump is. The biggest problem is wrong
President in american history bar none bar none terms of its security turns of its capital in terms of peace agreements. Terms of its sovereignty He cut off the hundreds and hundreds of millions coming from american taxpayers to the palestinian terrorists under the teller forest which binds ignoring as ignores most laws. He doesn't like unimpeachable offence by the way, and yet tromp is the heritage Biden is the anti semite, not trump. I don't care what they say. The fact of the matter as these undermine the government there, the iranian regime, and now this checking airport
Radical anti Israel groups other right back I. The broadcast from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the american marshal of any air at number. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one. One just reminder you wanna subscribe for free for free for free to our podcast could a mark levin show dot com, that's mark l, a v, I n show dot com, click on audio rewind and select your favorite platform or
Mark levine show on your favorite pie, cares platform and locker down again Mark Levine show that com like an audio rewind and select your fate platform. This is going to be an extraordinarily important site during the where's the summer when we're in battle has his present trumpets in battle. also are you to channel you now? Can in all my four podcast interviews and special on you too folks, you tube dot com at I live? Show you tube dotcom at mark. Oh I e the iron show we ve got all kinds of creative, if there is very, very wonderful, very unique we've worked on it, Search mark levine show in you tube, that's mark a show, and you too, MR produced, you again posts. Actually, we have a direct link to the podcast right. they're on my social sites. So go to the direct link. In just hated there. I don't off the eu
to base by will put it there. If it's, not a great honour to have my friend more klein on the programme, more klein, really A great patriot american And he's a trap, defend the state of Israel but he and I see things the same way, which is to defend one, is really defending principles or the other, and the people who hate Israel, hate america, the people who hate america hate israel, now, no more, is the president of zimbabwe and that's a fantastic organization as well. Zionists of America, which simply means they support the state of Israel. Apparently, that's controversial these days. The buying administration mortars- I understand, has been putting around with something regulation involving anti semitism, and now they cut the baby and half they. They apparently buckled took care to J street
the ideal and other phony organist Patients are even worse. Is that correct, and can you explain this to us? Yes, mark an honor to be with someone as extraordinary as you are to the united states that came out just a few hours ago with their program of how to fight jew hatred, anti semitism, instead of using the normal, respected, accepted definition for antisemitism called the ira definition they instead added to it as a valuable tool. no other definitions by nexus another's these other definitions that there now promoting as valuable and important day. If you oppose the jewish state of Israel to very existence, that's ok! That's an anti semitic! If you treat Israel differently from any other country that finance items
at all, which mean united nations, for example, which has overwhelming number their critical criticisms of countries overwhelmingly against israel, but that wouldn't be attempted according to the new definition of abide, When a journalist who killed in Israel and better journalists, journalists are killed him we're in war situations all the time no country has ever condemned, for that happens when Israel has drowse killed the whole world threats condemning Israel, which of course is that they send this and there being treated differently. No to this report allows
it falls short of the entire israel. Politicians can no longer be allowed a copy called, thereby semitic. It allowed call the campus programmes on college campuses that promotes boycotting Israel. Now, that's no longer semitism, so we can try to miss readily. This is a very dangerous said definition that he put out in adjusting. He put it out two hours. For this very wholly they can I culture brewers, nor the israeli public won't be able to respond. But I'll tell you. I got many officials in Israel Let me females early famous officials horrified by this definition. In addition mark it does not say anything about the most important aspect. system which is not radical. Islamic anti semitism and radical blackened play. Some does Michael, was far again until the end of the anti semitism,
squad and congress eli. No more was she to plague who opposes this was very existence. That's ignored! All he talks about abiden is white, supremacy know which is not an important source of anti semitism. It certainly there, but it's not the most problematic teacher so the binding administration, more klein of president Zelaya away, has watered down the definition of anti semitism to accommodate them. they get said the: u n, the air, the south hating secularists hoof Goodbye soros. These organizations at islanders, which is so beautifully written about J street and so forth, to kowtow who care adsl, and and so the word anti. semitism doesn't really mean what it used to mean just watered down any puts out a video today. Acting like again is the great leader like ease the gray
leader, the black community, when he was a segregationist. Now is our great late. the jewish communities going to protect them from the whites premised, which are a problem, but not a problem like others. Would you just said correct In addition to a more than watering down the definition, including a definition that dangerous and frightening that will protect the major drew haters in congress, the officials in the world and on campuses, it protects the now. You can't call him if I submitted according to what bide with breaking. In addition, in the same sense when he condemned by some system, the bible in this report condemns This I'm a phobia. Homophobia, transphobia sergeant in other words, might make it is anti semitism, no longer unique, pipe coupling it
combining with these other phobias and these these other We don't have merely the amount of of dangerous hate speech and attacks as the Jews to fifty three percent of all hate attacks in america. According to religion, sixty three percent against choose, not not against muslims or christians or or any these other groups Toby's really watered down. A terrible way, and let me pay from the dangerous here I must say mark he wants hate speech can be abolished. This is very dangerous. Of course. I'm a guy we're all against hate speech. No one should use it, but how will he be defining hate speech here had says we have to abolish hate speech. That means, if I attacked louis Farrakhan, that hate speech They say that means I'm a racist by attack the radical group black like matters that racist, the fight ran a radical islam. Is that racist? It's very dangerous? What he put in this report by wanting to abolish the or hate speech, which means
if anyone's idea of how they will define it, and this is really another dangerous aspect of this whole report. china. The words the same radical left us said have been running this administration. Did this a pretty much? Did this tommy more klein of z away. While I have you, the president of Zaire, of america. May I ask you, this house has by an administration been in terms of of israel when it comes to IRAN, Biden, appointed obama's, close friend robert. Now he could be the leader. she had her one. Iran mally is known as an extremely strong supporter of about the wrong and a strong supporter of naked sitting in dealing with Hamas, which respect that
long shows you're. Not here is, in addition, all of the strong sanctions that obama that donald trump has put in place against the wrong, which was happening with tremendous effect fighting ignoring those sanctions against IRAN, allow you ran to raise and sell billions of dollars worth of oil and other equipment strengthening around giving them. They have many more funds, these funds around users to give the hamas and hezbollah and other terrorist groups in the middle east and south america, though he has been a disaster when it comes to IRAN, has also made it clear to Israel. He does not want israel to use military action is now stop iran from getting nuclear weapons. A ran has threatened the united states more than they threaten Israel. This is a danger to allow around to get nuclear weapons, but obama. A blind eye to this. It is a very
four obama, you mean Biden, but I get the point by more klein. I gotta have you back what what if people want to reach you or regional organization? Where do they go, and MR producer puts it on our site where the dynasty organization of America? Oh, I'm sorry, political group in the united states, please go to z wait dot org. You can read all the things I said and many other things the way that org
will tell you always to get involved with us. We have a mission to Israel coming up next month. If anyone's interested going to our website and to sign up, you can go with us, and I must say it is, I must add, is deeply troubling that the anti semitism envoy, Deborah lipp staff, has openly endorsed this terrible report. Just as she's defended george Soros justice, she has defended and ignores muffin or bosses horrible actions against Jews movement of Boston, authority pays arabs, lifetime pensions to murder, jewish people and lips. That never says one word about it and you want her to my attention. She wrote a great book about the new york times and the holocaust and the the child of of how of holocaust survivors. Isn't I correct carriages? My parents, you survive is about which I was born in the displaced persons. Camp germany. I came here when I was four years old.
and she has the nerve to defend this administration, which won't lift a finger really fighting nant real anti semitism in his trial, to appease iran right to the end more where people go remind us, real aid that our r g enormous amount of information about this and other issues concerning the middle east and All right. We ve. Let's put it up on our website, I mean on our out social sites it's very easy to remember: zeo, a dot o r g Z, o a dot o r g. I think you folks are going to love it out there more klein, gobble see my brother. You take care yourself, god bless you! Thank you so much our aid and have a good holiday while they write ben?
This is re rarer. Ladies and gentlemen, while we had two great yes you're, one of my dears buddies, rent bozo, the media research centres with us, it's a great honor brand, but we have a bit of a news breaking story with wheat with you. Don't we recruit it's something that and schneider can credit dan schneider and his team have been working on for quite some time here's? How goes off? First of all, the good thing about the tragedy as applied Ok, so during the obama administration that there was a programme that was begun call the targeted violence terrorism prevention grant programme. This was wrong the department of homeland security, men to to root out domestic tracking dominion and moved out domestic terrorism. There republic is
conservatives, who were a very cautious about this in their sceptical, because they believe that this administration, the obama administration could use it against republicans hangings, conservative, while ultimately it was, it was done when Donald trump became president he got rid of. It came back again came back at the end of his administration. I was in full force under the Biden, the patrician, so everyone is trying to find out from the department of homeland security. What they're up to on on the matter of france and the dhs, but is it lies? Jewish Keith new yorkers goes to congress lies through his teeth about the border in other manner. Thanks Can you trust him? Shall we looked at this problem? We found that they have distributed. So forty million dollars to eighty different groups on this front, we story one of them of what it was that they were going with public money like these,
ass. They were unresponsive, they wouldn't tell why do what you're doing what we found out of at least one case so far, but we have found out really might issue. Let me go through this in december of twenty twenty one the university of dayton in ohio. Wait just happened to be in Jordan, strict put on a seminar on domestic violence to one of their programmes. This is what they have had on the head speaker, who compared donald trump to pol pot believe the genocide its leader in Cambodia. They had one speaker who can heard around the santas to do most of the holocaust, but then they had this one speaker, michael loaded pomp, who did seminar. He advocated
for a more aggressive approach against conservatives. To deny that to shut down their websites to close their meetings and to physically prevent them from assembling in public moot. Let me repeat: upraised physically present prevent them from assembling in public, who are these people they're, trying to prevent from assembling and brought in public? They presented a pyramid. Of organizations on four levels: each level by the higher one being more intensely uproar. Fascist broke, proud for pragmatic. The first level include a heritage foundation which is perhaps the most prestigious think tank in america. It includes fox news, which would mean you. It includes the christian pack casting network. It includes the republic in national committee. So therefore every Republican is.
Link to what is about to happen on this chart. The second level now gets more intense. Now it starts targeting groups like turning point usa, Charlie Kirk, bright barred, a party patriots american conservative union there now going after them and a ban as several more. The third level is pro nazi organizations, extremists and the port. What, nazi organizations, so there you have the pyramid of where the with domestic terms, in america is, and it starts with the heritage, a nation, this kind, london thought is not just any old person. Lowten thought is burn a keeper who very extensively in defence of this, such a pair of your he's written extensively in defence of the earth liberation front
laugh which we as a parliament organization it may be. I recognise that it recognises if a terrorist organization and he's a speaker at this sort of ramp, this whole thing together. They today finish it. They stand and application to the department of homeland security using this and were granted three hundred gave us thousand ash just one example, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Isn't it brent what's going on in this government? Would they ve trillions of dollars their spending? There must be so much more, this an end and its unaccountable dirt met. We no idea where the money is going to give this programme on. My guess is: is tiny. The person whether or not an amateur. there are eighty different organizations such as one there organizations. Why is it
may when we came out with at story this morning, the universe date scrubbed its website. The third lesson down here at around puzzle work now music means I gotta take a hard break There is also an element here. I wonder where the sky, further, and that is the tar of christians, christian groups with brand we'll be right back. I french, only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot, com, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story, study the writer
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The thunder, although right now, eight seven, seven three eight one, three eight wide one grandpa's our media research center tell us about the targeting of christians and christianity Well, is it in here as well, the first layer attacks, the christian broadcasting network, see great network what what in the world has see began ever done to get itself self link, Upon a triangle chart with nazis: what's because their christians and no other Why is it that on level number two you have mega white mega on their because this mega, because its trump supporters they ate questions mark they went away.
You choose a bind it anyway practicing and who are defending? Did you go to jail? Christian tradition in america is under sought. Look when he went to colombia, power, oratory, otto whereas his last week and Joe Biden said that that ray Tourism is the number one domestic threat in america. Look what he was doing. He wasn't just attacking why people he was attacking the values of those white people, the perceived a values white people as being racist and when you're talking about why people their minds. I is evangelical. That's who they're thinking about that's who their targets, when they say that donald trump and mega or not- and this is a constant refrain- Joe Biden they're talking about mega as christians- that's how there soon
the mega some quarter and now you're, seeing it in this document in this conference. This is the narrative now and you're right. It is marxism. This these are marxist tactics and their their decision has been made, but we're going to destroy christians, they're, going to destroy conservatives and is going to destroy the public this one document top it's over. Half of you not be the united states, being a wind with the values that you MR it is so let us make sure that we link to- our sea, into this story in particular, were on with it grandpas. I can't thank you enough for what you do. Brandt god bless you my friend, are to take your mark have a good day. Alright, take care of yourself frightening! I'm going to read something to you. After I read it, I'll tell you who wrote it like that? Let's do that.
Six march twenty twenty, we may exe Here is the greatest intrusions on civil liberties and the peacetime history of this country. executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale, Governors and local leaders impose lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes they shut businesses and schools, public and private. They closed Which has, even as they allowed casinos and other favorite businesses to carry on. they threatened violators, not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions to. They surveillance, church parking lots recorded license plates. and issued notices, warning that tended said even outdoor services, this fine, all state social, distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct.
They divided city cities and neighbourhoods, and a color coded zones force individuals to fight for their freedoms in court and emergency timetables and then changed their color hundred schemes when defeating cord seemed a minute federal. second of officials entered the act to just with emergency immigration. Decrees, they deployed a public health agency to regulate landlord tenant relations nationwide. The they workplace safety agency to issue, a vaccine, vaccination mandate for most working americans they threaten to fight non compliant employees and warn that, service members who refuse to vaccinate might face. Dishonorable discharge and confinement. Along the way seems officials may have pressured social media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed. While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, stay lead.
Slayers in congress. the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws to often fell silent courts bound to protect our It is addressed a few, but hardly all the intrusions upon them some cases. Courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public health decrees for collateral purposes itself Form of emergency law making by litigation, here in the desire for safety, are powerful forces. They can lead to clamour for action, almost any action. As long as someone does something to address a perceived threat. A leader or an expert who claims he can fix everything if only we do, exactly, as he says, can prove an irresistible force. We do not need Confront a ban bayonet, we need only a nudge for. We willingly abandoned the nicety of requiring laws to be adopted. By legislative representatives and accept rule by decree.
Long. The way we will see the loss of many cherish civil liberties, the right to worship freely to debate policy, without censorship, together with four and family or simply to leave our homes. even cheer on those who asked to disregard our normal lawmaking processes and forfeit our personal freedoms Of course, this is no news story, The ancients warn the democracies can degenerate toward autocracy in the face of fear. But maybe we find another lesson to the council Creation of power in the hands of so few may be efficient and sometimes popular, but it does not. and towards sound government. However, eyes, one person or as advisers may be. That is no substitute for the wisdom of all of the american people. They could be tapped They legislative process decisions, do by those who indulged no criticism around
as good as those produced after robust and uncensored debate. Decisions announced on the fly are rarely is wise as those that come after careful deliberation, decisions made by few often yield unintended consequences. That may be voided when more are consulted. Autocracy have always suffered these deficits. Maybe hopefully we have re, learn these lessons to the who. Do you think rover? You know who wrote this. Associate justice of the supreme court corset. And the arizona verses. My orcas he's a fantastic justice.
As is a leader, as is thomas, those are the three, those are the three big, and that is a statement Of liberty versus tyranny, the likes of which, You want I read or hear in too many places said may be here and is one hundred per cent correct and so circling back to the first hour. I would encourage the republicans. Please don't keep funding the biden, budgets and the democrat deficits. You will not get support here for doing that. I understand you might get eighty percent, that's a good thing, but don't we. I would eighty percent means either we're not stupid.
We have a real government its how to control it's control in every respect, because the democratic run it we ve corporatist, sir, country who are trying to force their views on us. We in this on my own business here and radio. Although the vast majority of our affiliates it patriotic law abiding individuals. I want to remind you this sunday, and this has been planned largely for three weeks president trumps first. Our interview that I What six weeks ago with him we'll be right, Aired on sunday, a pm eastern time, As its memorial day, weaken. and you may be interested in watching than or if you haven't deviated yet him want to do that.
Two important remember what memorial day is all about memorial to home and for what look it up understand it? We. Through its for us memorial day as every day. We understand the best and the brightest are the most courageous among us. We know who they are, and we honour them every day here every day, when I get to my closing, if I get my closer, we don't forget We don't forget our police officers ever active duty, military ever. burn, see personnel, firefighters. We don't forget the mere the two
girls who drive those eighteen, wheelers or as a day and night to very dangerous job. Frankly,. Particular will all tweeting going on out there. We thank them so much. And we understand here freedom fighters are around the world. be in ukraine or their preparing, and taiwan. Wherever they are, some corner the earth. We're thinking about them too. I'll, be right back then don't fall for their free phone. the us from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick,
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The supreme to vary decisions one in particular. I want to focus on and that's the five for decision. Another decision was ninety zero. That's great too good decision, but five before shows you how close we are to losing everything. The supreme court- and this is how the media cover this this is how the media cover this since the associated depressed Listen! How, when the supreme court expands your liberty, expand your private property rights towards supposed to be under our republic. Look how the media report this. Supreme court on thursday, sharply limited. The federal government's authority see there too these water pollution in a certain wetlands. These second decision as many years, which a can
But a majority narrow the reach of environmental regulations- That is a loaded sentence that is intended to create hostility, he'd even violence, this in the next one there, could threaten efforts to control flooding on the mississippi river and protect the chesapeake bay among many projects, road justice, Brett Cavanaugh, breaking with the other five justices check, is jackass. What are we talking about here? Five for vote, the court said in an opinion by the great justice samia leto. Any is great wetlands Can only be regulated under the clean water act. Remember that's from nineteen seventy two continuous surface connection, a larger regulated bodies of water, and so the sack this I were property art. They basically had a little but water in their backyard and they wanted to develop and so forth. Are federal government said no. The epa said now what
about ponds, we're talkin about lakes, small lakes. and so you need to have a significant nexus to larger bodies of water, right, problem with what the e was doing. Ladies and gentlemen, is they were abusing their authority, So people what have what's akin to a More pond in their backyard and they would Envelop it in the e which sue them and threaten them with imprisonment, threaten them with imprisoned, And here is the radical left marxists natural resources, defence counsel, supreme court rip the hard a little law we depend on their protect america's waters and wetlands. No, I didn't nothing to do with america's waters and weapon. Nothing.
and it's funny how they say almost nothing about the majority opinion in the eight p report. A p is the biggest new service on the face of the earth And so they're putting out their wire story in all these little newspapers across the country that don't have enough money to have reporters and so are certainly to supreme court. They will print what the a p tells them. You got no substantive, explaining you. What the actual position of the majority was. Do you think the majority believes that water should be polluted because there When conservatives on my court led by that past, sam later, who took a wire abortion right, that's what oh see to wants you to believe Now who is the anyhow who wrote that slots? Let's see you. Mark sherman and jessica grass go well known for nothing.
Meanwhile was a nine zero opinion, a ninety, some you're, all grandmother, great grandmother. home was taken from, are actually condo cause. She had. Eight or taxes are couldn't and they took her home and they sold for twenty five thousand, even ocean, only old fourteen? It should me fifteen thousand. But they said you know we're going to keep the extra money and use it towards x Y, see some fantastic government programme. And in a ninety zero decision, the court's said: nana, you give her money back. That difference belongs to her. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel. We salute our workers, the men and women in ukraine Taiwan and all you folks out there thank you, This is radio free america, radio, free new york awry air. I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.