« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/17/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has proposed a $7 trillion budget and refuses to make any spending cuts despite Congress passing a debt ceiling, and is now saying the U.S. is in danger of not paying its bills. We are spending and borrowing the most ever in American history, and Biden is saying we’re making the biggest cuts in American history by using COVID money and calling it a budget cut. Democrats are using the national budget like a credit card and Congress passed a debt limit to put a stop to it, and now the response from the White House is calling America a deadbeat nation if we default. Also, a new EPA regulation is attacking the trucking industry in an effort to phase out diesel rigs and replace them with electric vehicles. Our electrical grid cannot keep up with the Democrat push for electric vehicles, because they’re doing as much as they can as fast as possible while nobody can stop them. The brownouts and blackouts in California show how we cannot handle it, but Democrats do not care if we have to suffer as long as they get their way.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now: broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the America mark Laverne here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one hell, eight! Seventy! and three eight one. Three, eight one, one. You know I've got a plough through the propaganda media. All day, long, all night long
So somebody once asked me what is that like marking, I said: I'm not a hundred percent sure I can define it would describe it. asking a liberal. What a woman is, I think the best way to describe it might be. Sort of a colonoscopy without sedation mr produce. That's that's how I would think it might feel every damn day. cause- it's really unbelievable now before get to what I want to get too. I want to get the something else briefly,. Joe Biden at the white house to the fact come on mark Joe Biden at the white house today One explain something unravel the: u lies in the propaganda going on we try to avoid a complete train wreck Budget and on spending, which is easy to avoid it's not even funny, but anyway cup
on, go where the productive me yesterday No was all for leaders in the congress was civil and respectful. Then came the meeting. I think you're good faith, I'm confident that will get the agreement on the budget. American war not to fall. and every leader, the room understands the consequences will be failed. A pair pills. I ll answer. I want to focus on if we fail to pay their bills. This is for port because they keep saying well we're not deadbeats. We have to pay. Our bills Today is may seventeenth too sad day Eleven household, of course, for the reason I say, but nonetheless it may seventeenth, the federal budget goes from October, first to september, thirtieth october, first to september thirtieth.
Now stick with me on this because you're going to no more than anybody else and I I had to explain its twenty different ways. I think I've come up with a new one. So november after the republicans, one, the house, but before they were sworn in, so the democrats for lame duck in the house. What happened was the Democrats quickly passed a mass of spending, though, rather than fight that spending bill Mitch, Mcconnell and seventeen others of his moronic Rats voted with all the democrats to pass the bill, their policy put forward and buying signed it That bill had massive mass of spending in it, so there is the bill we're talking about right now in terms of the spending that is taking place now
Were seven and a half months into the fiscal year which my my Accusation means there's four and a half months left, there's still time to cut budget spending What does it mean when at going to pay our bills. Ladies and gentlemen, we have four and a half months left. They can turn this budget now if they want to. So it's not a matter being deadbeats, not paying your bills, we're not talking about failing to pay the bills. Of the prior seven and a half months we're talking about. What's going on in the coming four and a half months, You with me, MR producer. You just saying? Yes cause? You don't fired or what may be ok. at the other, mr produce, her you with me
that one's a level sharper here no offense, but there we are anyway. So that's but budget were living under right now, so there is not a question of being deadbeats, not paying your book The battle is over a new budget that starts on october. First, ngos through twenty twenty four two september thirtieth after this budget is over. Ok. so Biden has proposed. in trillion dollar budget publicans, have said no we're, not gonna pay for that work. Here to be your tax collectors, there's more fat, And waste and that build one can imagine. So bind doesn't want to cut one penny from that. So getting back to this year,.
They pass is monstrous spending bill and there pumpkins are saying. No. We just passed a debt ceiling They cover the rest of this year. It's a debt ceiling that insists that we reduce our spending, increases by one percent a year for the next ten years, and we will pick the least painful areas to cut well like what the seven thousand iris r s agents- let's get rid of them Biden, says no. The covert fun. We didn't spend, let's give them back to the taxpayers. You Biden says now: let's take out of budget, this ridiculous well we're gonna. Gonna pay for the for the student loans or those who took them and didnt pay for them. So there
public said now that should be in the budget. Either Biden says no, it's going to be in the budget, not even constitutional. Then the gorge, but nonetheless the bind says it's going so, which gives me cholera, so those three things alone the one percent going forward each year Have an enormously positive impact on businesses. Now What does that have to do it? Not paying your bills? Give us, I covered money. We don't. it ain't eighty, seven thousand new iris agents and this boon dog of almost a trillion dollars infringed student allows? Is outrageous Biden says now in europe? and say why we're gonna have to do something about this Inflation is out of control that debt is of the interest on the dead america's bigger than our defence budget. Let me repeat that, so. The liberals who listened very slowly
apprehend are at least try to the interest going. Forward now paying on our debt is bigger than the defence budget. so whether we're talking about the current budget situation or the budget situation and twenty twenty four bide, more cut spending. now, on top of that, it may be little confounding till you, because Biden keeps lying of says we can spending one point: seven trillion dollars the most american. His wait a minute. You're spending the most in american history, your barring the most in american history. How are you cutting the most in american. It can be doing both plus public answer propose. We really benign cuts, benign cut and yours Good I'll destroy social security, it'll destroys funding of
settle, destroy, funding of educate, all of which are lies which we know binds exceptionally good. And yet you say you one point: seven trillion dollars, while increase spending the same. brain sir, the same rocket scientist who so need to spend more in order to stop inflation memoranda. What he's doing as he's taking multiple year and the covert funds that weren't spent in the prior here. He's coming that as the greatest cut in american history, In other words, he's using over money as a baseline at future budgets, but is using the fact,
that we're not adding new covered money. Soon, I'm saying no covered money as a budget cut. so the covert money that wasn't spent he's putting in the baseline for future spending. Which of course, is a disaster. However,. by not spending that costs money he sang there over the course of ten years, he's caught cold, spending by one point: seven trillion dollar. so dishonest so deceitful that no wonder most people can follow this cause. You know you except at least some level of integrity from president, but you get no level of integrity from Biden so then
the gall to say we can't be dead beach with the pair bills. But he's not the only one that says that the low I q idiot who speaks for the yet it says the same thing. She talks the same way Its current Pierre cot, five, MR producer, go we not a deadbeat nations is heard this from the president over and over again. This is congresses constitutional duty to get this done with, as it relates to jet limit there you go, so this is repetition. This is the big lie as fascistic and marxist regimes, practice, repetition, just say it over and over and over again Words beat down everybody's intellectual capacity to confront it becomes a fact by the mere repetition
and so we're not a deadbeat nation. But we are when it comes to the Democrats, because there's link far more money than we have, which is why we have to keep going back to the well Over and over and over again eighteen percent increase for the epa, a thirteen percent increase for the department of education, a mere three percent increase for national security and defence. By the communists. Chinese are on the move and spending like drunken marxists. Now you understand, I hope now you know, what's taking place, not ass, being a deadbeat nation, it's not that. Publicans refusing to raise the. Sealing it already did it's the republicans, saying: hey you, don't get a credit card and just keep spending and spending and spending and then come back to us and say you have to pay for this through the. expired, you republicans at the vote for it and we say: wait a minute. Will re
but when I can arrange it as much as you want, we get to talk about your spending or what are you a debt be? What are you gonna do created before they are just such? I better not I'll, be right back then No, you guys are wearing federalism. staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy Into recession this year, but you can do something about that: learn how to protect retirement, you worked really hard, for, I think, a great way to diverse I would gold and specifically a gold ira- that's right, physical. in your ira, my favorite old irish companies, augusto precious metals. You gotta call these. eyes and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved
hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old my guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a free gold coin, When you open a gold, I re car augusto, precious those today, eight five and seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, seven. for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures and of precious metals dot com. What I've got Company a job- I am very proud of the progress that is made and you should be These destroying this country, one in this, at a time when geographic area, at a time, even the deep blue democrats, cities are being destroyed with his open
water system. As the mayor of new york ask him what he thinks You don't understand what the hell's going on as the mayor of EL paso. Another directive ask him what he thinks. we scratch in their head He dared to say what it is. All you must be: a white supremacist on a secure the border. Oh, you must be a white supremacist isa Capitalism? Oh, you must be a white supremacist, your posts, and I were free and perversion in our class from all it must be. A white chris jen supremacist? Oh ok, at the white house today cut to go, I'm proud of approach. Is my administration. May we reduce the deficit in the first two years by one point: seven trillion dollars two years, so stop see what I mean now he's gotten.
is cut and called out by the washed and post he's gotten called out by evenly radical left fact, trackers to stop saying that, because It is probably a lie, but he doesn't air because he knows most people, don't we the new york times most people, don't give a damn what fact trackers up the say: Most people are not engaged on what's taken place just says: he's a liar. I wanna get better go ahead, The budget will reduce another three turning so the next decade and others a trillion over the next decade. So then, I guess we don't need to raise the dead ceiling. Doing MR, but is if he's reducing the debt left and right and fees were goes that by one point: seven trillion dollars over two years. There were No, we have to raise that that limit. How.
does anyone make any sense now want to talk about? Deadbeats worth one point: seven trillion dollars at the hall: deadbeats torture. and our grandchildren and generations yet born that's dead, beat you wanna talk about deadbeats over three fifty trillion dollars. trillion dollars and obligations. If you're corporation You have to put him on your book, retirement health care, all the rest of it. Three hundred and fifty trillion dollars. You wanna talk about deadbeats, that's a deadbeat, but when you have republicans in the house who are trying to get some small level of spending under control,
to call them deadbeats lying so bees in this white house, it's unbelievable and they get away with it because the media are corrupt. There are every bit as corrupt as the state run media in iran, as the state run Gideon Syria, as this run media in the north korea as the state run media in russia, as the state run, radio in cuba as the state run. India and china They run radiant. Massachusetts I crack no, you guys are wearing federalism, Staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to check the retirement. You worked really hard, for, I think a great ways to diverse
I would go and specifically a gold. I re that's right, physical guy, in your eye ira. My fate. God. I re companies is augusta precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved a hundred and are more in a forum. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their autonomy. guide to gold. I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, when you open a gold, I re car precious Those today, eight seven seven, more gold, I re, that's eight seven, seven for gold, I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures, gus, depression,
metals, dot com, what a great company do you ever dog back there, your radio, you must be listening to my clavecin pick up of owning call eight seven seven four year, one three, eight one one and you know they hear the blame ever Mccarthy. The majority republicans in the house, that's like the icing on the on the psycho babble cake. In other words, they ve passed in greece and the debt ceiling. They have linked to two very modest carts going forward of the sword. I just told you about that will not affect all the other spending. Unfortunately, it will not.
So Biden says you're trying to slash or social security lady, since they don't have the power to slash your social security. They can't slasher social security. I mean it's, it's a bizarre staple actually, but anyway That aside, and don't forget what I told you before the government's collect and three hundred and five You have four hundred billion dollars a month. So it's not like that's not going on it's just not enough for these pigs for these marxist pigs, it's just not enough for them because they have to bill Bureaucracy add more iris agents in. We their salaries, their pensions, their medical care, build more. You know it's just it's chest endless.
thirty one point: seven trying in the hall and he dares to call people who are trying to trim future spending not eliminated, trim it as deadbeats I want to be an example how fraud can occur in this country when it comes to voting, and I want to educate, friend bill bar, I want to educate. Naysayers out there about how this sort of thing can happen. county virginia, is one of the wealthiest counties in america released. It used to be. used to be run by republicans now run by democrats, and that's all Are these suburbs are going now,
why should a portion apportion anyway? So my wife cause me and she said we got and I think it was ballots. We got three three ballots here: s a ballot. And one for her unsolicited one for our son. Chase and one for a daughter, jenna. and waiting for two more to shop for two other kids chase hasn't lived in virginia for over a decade. Janet doesn't liver virginian. She hasn't for a few years now chain. Loaded first in California, when he lived there, no votes in tennessee jenna votes in maryland.
But they got unsolicited. I think they were ballots, MR producer now, if we were democrats. And marxist and crooked, kids. Would vote in tennessee marilyn and choice virginia and who would know the difference, because that, A crash never check their voting rules that will be voted. Suppression there early, not gonna, check over the republican state like tennessee. That would be voter suppression, the incompetence alone, a government at all levels results in for the incompetence of government at all level results and fraud most
These states dont, want to update their vote, arose. and this is why and when you try to force them to landmark legal. Is lawsuits. Other groups are brought lawsuits, cassettes required under federal law. They resist you, they fight you, because the democratic party once fraud, and they want fraud institutionalize they wanted enshrined in our system, so Never you say wait a minute: that's fraudulent, hey, wait, chuck it in front of a judge and a judge didn't find that because they changed the rules and a lot of these judges are schmucks, but they changed the rules plus. I guess it depends what you mean by fraud like the Is so they must be sending our god knows how many of these things.
Their voter roles are not updated. That's clear! There is no question. If somebody has and vote in utero county for ten years, you can assume there, not their country. Mr producer, I would think so. But this is going on all over the place. If you try to address it in a tractor What are you a white supremacist now? What are you a white schmuck? Yes, but she is by the way elon musk. Iran must remains a hero. I admire him enormously now huh takes on george soros in any I may criticise george soros you're, an anti semite, now being jewish, as you know,
Call out the anti semites the relay pay so much like those in the democratic party that that embrace louis, fair, come or leonard jefferies, teams uncle or to and all the rest of them? But that's not what happened here here. Which is a character I dont want other this character is and what europe Some of this, because it's more than that, there's other things going on, but the irony is this: the democrats and the american marxists will defend soros at any price. because George Soros is their sugar daddy he creates media matters. He gives dark money all over the place. He influences elections. He influences prosecutors, as all this stuff enormous sums of money. He gives it away by the tens of billions. There's an old man.
His sons, no better brags in there. You can go down the list so. And must call somebody is actually very about what he calls him. You want the truth, We comparison to some cartoon character o my lord elon musk must be a white supremacist, a neo nazi. now he was fine when he was an outspoken democratic vote for damage knowledge, he buys twitter, he exposes what the devil at party the fbi and the meat doing what twitter and he Even a shock has whoa whoa whoa said democrats do, and this is my party not anymore.
And so the democratic haven't at all kind of good. Until this multi billion are the richest man on the face, the pointed steps in and that's what it took them richest man on the planet to buy this crappy site. For though I like it more now so I joined him, I joined it again. We rejoice So now you see, George soros is a victim of an. Let me committee about George soros short cirrhosis hate it, By the israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu he's hated by two thirds to the israelis in Israel. he's hated by orthodox true he's here it by religious. You, George soros, supports a group, for instance, called chase tree jason
is a radical left wing hate Israel group led by jews. Now all of you indifferent fate. You have people like this: it's not just judaism, catholics, habit. Protestants habit, muslims, habit, buddhists, habit, hindus habit whatever. So the point is George soros isn't a practising jus. He doesn't embraces. His birth. He spends enormous sums of money undermine the state of Israel, but is the bay sugar, daddy that the marxist movements and the democratic party have. and these phony independent newspaper positions or platforms have and he's been in in various elections, as I said, and of course, he's been involved in this
our cities with the types of prosecutors he supports. In my humble opinion, so the idea that Democrats, whether there dressed up as phony journalists, are not step into this debate. where you must cause cause add sorrows and they run the soros defence, media regurgitating posters so predictable, and the idea that the new york times is worried about try semitism when in fact they promoted area day in their pages there hey,
israel audiology their cover up. What the holocaust are? You kidding me and say what you bastards at the washington post by the way. Are you kidding me elon musk is no anti semite. They hate him because they can't get to him. What are they going to threatened him with while they could threaten them like they? Do trump tried to destroy Him and send them to prison right, that's true, but short of that. What are they going to do to the guy? So we can. I want you to hear some of this discussion. I shall return much love. No, you guys are wearing federalism.
Staff said. Banking crises follow up, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to protect the region, I meant you worked really hard for, I think a great ways to diverse I would go in specifically a gold ira. That's right fish, Go go in your ira, my favorite, old IRA company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these eyes and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved Thousand or more of fora, one k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old My guide to go via raised. Tell the mark said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin, when you open a gold, I re car august precious, those today, eight, seven? Seven: for gold. I re that's eight. Seven, seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures at augustus, precious metals, dot com. What a great company
we don't have a ton of time, but I do want to get started. Here's elon musk on CNBC yesterday interviewed by David arbour, whoever that is cut. Nine go we're coming up on an election. I mean it's a ways away, but it's going to all start in trump is allowed back on the platform. He hasn't actually come back right, but one would imagine if and when he does- or there are others who will say two thousand and twenty election was rigged. Is that something I assume I saw something you believe I will I think that the answer they and their they asked was is is new us to do. I believe Biden one ass. I believe you aren't you voted. I did actually do regret that I mean it man
I wish you good to have just a normal human being is present. That's what I will, I think, be forgotten. in others that that old, saying of like we were, we're better off being run by by people picked at random from the phone book and the faculty of harvard he has started. There's you know it's interesting about that. He sounds a lot when he speaks like william. If Buckley junior does he not mister booth, very much like william met buckley june, and that is a quote that comes from bill buckley. Similar quote anyway and build buckley was right. right about so much by the way I go ahead. I will the answer, and the answer is, is new us to do, I believe vine and wine
I believe you aren't you voted. I did actually do regret that I mean it. Man. I wish you good to have just a normal human being is present. That's what I want. I think for good You know, there's that old, saying of light, we're better. We're better off being run by by people picked at random from the phone book than the faculty of harvard you have said that there are some very wise and, and I would say if we could do that, for the president, is that? What you think it would be official you're, obviously you're not happy with bio. We all just want and all human beings whatever as it is whatever it is anymore. What normal know what I mean like you know just so you want somebody's competent relay helpful? I think definitely somebody's again if the is underrated, since the president is effectively chief executive officer executive, also, the country
It actually matters. If there are a good executive officer, now cut ten go, in a you- do some tweets that seem to be, or at least gives or to some who would call others conspiracy theories world. Yes, but I mean honestly Where stop stop stop conspiracy theories, russia collusion amid theirs. there's your biggest conspiracy theory, yet the eyes. In all the I mean is the greatest threat to oppress. central election in american history. What took place. and the media predicted never happen I'll get to that later in the show go ahead there is have turned out to be true, which ones Like the hundred and left off, that's true yeah,
You know that that that was a pretty big deal. There was twitter and and and and others engaged in active suppression of information that was relevant to the public. That's that that's a terrible thing. They haven't that's like interference, yeah cut their power. can eleven go. You learn new tweeted. Thing about. George soros before it is. I want to make sure I quarters properly, but I mean you know what you were put basically reminds me of. My data is like calling on people were so smart like network a couple years out of yours, you said he wants a road, the very fabric of civilization and sores hates you, man like when you do something like that. the industry, thus vibrating. Ok, let's stop vision. It wise Defending George soros. And I think he learned musk is one hundred percent correct go ahead, Why share it, especially me? I mean Why? Why share it.
So this is really what I wanted to focus on american we're down to thirty seconds this hour, and I want to pick it up at the top next our weather when we return. Why sheriff? But he's exactly right about George soros. When I return I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor bud pure talk, pure talk, offers great coverage and concern. if your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. That's right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this.
Sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin. Here are a number of eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one you've heard it seven seven? Three? one three, eight one one hour: let's pickle pick up where we left off, shall we? Yes, we shall so David farmer the putative, journalist had CNBC enable few good journals are not many but a few good, but this does not want any
interviewing rio and eliza isla, should come on. My tv show. How to conduct an interview of a guy like that, I'm not there to cherry Hey can pick em apart. I'm there like the rest of us to learn from this guy. It would be like having Let me just giving it to be like having a thomas edison on a hundred and some years ago. and looking for reasons to pick on him, To pick on him, I want to learn from crazy Anyway, let's start from the top cut eleven go on youtube, we did this thing about George soros, The fork is, I want to make sure I quoted properly, but I mean you know what you were put.
Basically reminds me of my data is like calling on people were so smart. Like network a couple years out of yours, you said he wants to erode the very fabric of civilization and sores hates you man like when you do something like that the true, thus my opinion, ok, but why sharing sure it is actually becoming. Why sharing when people who buy teslas may not agree with you Advertising on twitter may not agree with iron sluts. Let's let step elon. Musk has already demonstrated that he's a free speech guy now the left hates his guts, because the left is about totalitarianism and they dress it up. free speech, but the left us and for free speech show me when and where maybe the nazis, are marching in skokie all time leftist, but they dont. Today they don't represent free speech. The whole Reason that media matters exists is to destroy conserve our talk, radio fox the whole reason mediocre
it exists same thing there obama out there that his biggest worry is there he's on news? What theirs? Twelve percent of the left and the rest of us- that's obama's big worry It's a fraud and a phony in a anyway so continue please, and why not just say hey. I think this you can Well, may we can talk about it over there? You can tell your friends, but why share it widely? I mean what are those freedoms we to say what are you? So, let's stop right he's like thinking. Why am I sitting down with this jack is a kind of a stupid questions. It's gotta be gone through his head he's a smart dude. Why why share it with everybody, because I think the guy's destroying the country, and so I gave my opinion, should I not
Should I care in the corner, like everybody else? Should I worry that maybe I'll be colony, ty semi, which is what they're doing now and he's not how and by the way, Anti defamation luggage trump. Then let me tell you about this group at one time. They had a purpose not today, because a guy that leads this was a former special assistant to Obama they destroyed. This such as what they ve destroyed. It is more on. Who runs the eighty out embrace all the See our key racists hell embrace all the time right, racists. He worked for obama, who am, I view, was an anti semites. the way he treated Israel, yahoo and that idiot carry he put out front for that. That incident speech that he wants gave yeah
yeah, I said it day ago. I want to try to keep records to yourself mark rather than speaking out, because I don't want to cause it's america, that's the whole. Damn point you eddie And so now the head of the idea of a very troubled by you on my ass, I say to him: go screw yourself, go ahead and understand why you do because you have to know it's gotta there, it puts you end up in the middle of up the part and divide in the country. It makes you a lightning rod for criticism. I mean do you like that you know well today saying he's an anti semite. I don't think I'm like this guy's unbelievable emedia, like being called an anti semite. What's wrong with you, you like being hated you like it hot deal. I can there's more where that came from anyway, rather than say, aren't you appalled that
give your opinion and your call an anti semite ford in this instance. Folks, I've called people had taste. I might you deserve it. You know when they call jews cockroaches, you know that's an anti semites, but George soros. If George soros weren't born a jew, I would argue that he's in anticipation of this said all those who receive funding and dark money from George soros, I dont care. They should reveal themselves go ahead. yeah. He said I'm definitely not, unlike I'm like a pro semite. If anything, yes, I'm sure he is, but this is the left. This is the marxist left in the regurgitating media. This is what they do to you.
Cut twelve go what I'm try even came up that when the annual meeting I mean you know, do your tweets hurt the company other tests, loners, who sat on the three with his political position because and I know it because I don't know dummy are their shareholders who disagree with apples, political positions and this whole. Gee movement? Are there other shareholders disagree with black rock and their biggest free movement. He noticed she is right, MR producer. Yes, it's basically socialism. marxism and group ism anyway. Does he ask any other corporation about that. All these corporations letter completely woke all these corporations that bad black lives matter. Does he s?
disney. Any of these questions here bear bear bob iger years. He has what is it he bob iger? Yes, what is your political position that? Don't you think they harm? Yet let me tell you something: I'm going to ban you from the hollow president's. If you ask me another stupid question, don't ask me another stupid question or I'll ban you from our ice mountain or whatever the hell. It's called not only that you won't be permitted to buy our twenty five pound soft pretzels for one hundred and twelve dollars, and we will block you from getting into the forever and our thousand dollar passes. That's right. Go ahead. their advertises on twitter that lindy, our green, will come and say you gotta stop man or you know. I can't get these as because of some of the things you tweet. This has to
The dumbest interview in american history, the dumbest dinner gonna marry mister produce? Will you do you even know how to do we even know how to reach out to you, I'm mosques, office and offered tv radio. What would you like? What would you like, because this this the seal on musk, is like a genius years and I q through the ceiling? This must have knocked his eye to download twenty percent and so had to leave in order to you know so would regenerate? Oh, my god. What who got me into this, my assistant solely headache ever and he would you do here. Elon musk cut thirteen go look. I'm a big believer that that that that people need to more productive when their input,
and really, The hall sort of work for one thing is like. I think it's too that's it. I wasn't it honestly folks, How the hell do you get any that and don't call me because I'm not interested this is rhetorical, how do you get anything done working from home? What you do is a singular. You know type job. you don't need to work with other people per day, When it comes to software. When it comes to engineering when it comes to develop, when it comes to this, what makes technology progress- what makes science understood is when smart people,
share their information with each other, not by email but they're talking things through whether its it at work, whether its at lunch at work, whether its after work when you get together. Very very important for the things that he runs besides, it doesn't matter Anybody agrees with me or him he's pay the bills. We body can be Joe Biden, workin out other basement when major policy the house of representatives, to vote by proxy You literally had democratic weren't show up for months, not that they were ready ending the people back in their district, some of them are vacation yeah yeah yeah, totally I also share in rome for me: yeah yeah, that's right and twice as even better gap,
tub democracy supposed to work or representative government you can all work from home gray. That's wonderful, go ahead prince, but I can't I think that that the whole notion of work from home is is a bit like the you know, the the the the fake marie antoinette court. Let them eat cake, it's like it if it is a fake quote, I'm all for it, because I could use some cake right about much to produce. Let them eat cake. Oh thank goodness, where's, my cake. I want to eat it. I like cake more than candy. Have I ever told you that mister producer? Why would I
hell you anyway, I I like cake more than candy, you wanna hear something else. I like bread more than cake like a sour dough, bread with a crispy in a crust or italian bread or a nice big soft power, even like white toastmaster ass, my wife not, but I like it. I like resought the only bread I dont like his when it tastes like a brick like seventeen, graham bread. By what's with you. If the grain in the bread- oh it's good, for I don't care if it's good for you to my teeth stuck in my throat, I do like grainy bread, Mister producer. How about the other mister producer see like grainy bread, he'll eat it good for him. How about MR call screener.
It's our whole group here, you like you like pretzel, bread, okay, I don't mind that but grainy bread to me the less grange the better when they say look at that and they have it like in emblazoned on the seven grains. I got there, okay, not for me- and sometimes some cent or used to be to get certain things at a store that we like him. We go into this this area, the store dunno. Why I'm telling you that just felt feel like coming to this area? The store? That's got all the special foods. You know
like if you have this disease or that disease or you get fungus between your toes you'll, want to eat this area near you who you know whatever it? Is it so you're a vegan you're, a vegan or vegetarian? Ah it it. If you have dietary issues that section of the store I'm always sent to that section of the store, I feel completely out of place there. You know why, MR producer, they hippy types or although there are walking around how I got. ganic! Oh you do yeah, okay, good for you and I'm thinking the organic stuff tastes, the worst, the worst and then, of course, you're supposed to hate processed foods. Why taste? The best? It's not good! For you! Do you know why processed foods were invented in the first place by geniuses at the turn of the last century, because p,
in the cities were starving. They were getting stomach cancer, the meets were rancid unscrupulous people were pudding, saw dust in the food, the in it up, But the fruit would rot and everything of people, reading rotten, rancid food and, as the city has got more and more dense, more and more populated the capitalists. the sharpeners come along and the invents stuff processed food. Now, yet the hated my I got processed foods. Yes, yes, is that okay, now it's not it's not good. For you. When people been that one hundred years, it's not none and no process for one of my split, so we go back no meat that good for you, that's right, just vegetables and now they're, pushing insects, insects and
ex insects. Good for the environment is not good for my environment. By the way, you know what else I figured out how credit cards you know, the problem with a credit card is mister producer. It produces evidence. So if you buy something may be you, you buy heavy duty, chocolate dessert or you decide to go through the fast food dr threaten you use your credit card and lets say if your wife pays, the bills are refused than before. You do it's evidence, sir
amber, always bring cash I'll, be right, back much love in and remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you've been duped here, sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free. That's right, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of verizon, a t and t t mobile, here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they're proud to stand behind me and you just I'll pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get a free.
samsung galaxy. When you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today. I only have a couple of minutes in this segment. So let me just say something you can a lot at a fast food restaurant. You can learn a lot at a fast food rescue like why would you ask for a receipt tether receive a receipt for what they apple pie up? Do you need it, for I know why the guy wants a receipt. Greece is the cheapest tax, the dutch they collect them all over the year. They they were shoe box or something or a drawer and harmony. They collect like fire. Four thousand receipts and they add up to about twelve dollars and there's my tax deduction right.
a receipt is also evidence. So, if you're not supposed to be in a fast food restaurant, Don't ask for a receipt. It's not worth your thirteen sent the doctrine. Here's the other thing that annoys me. If I were in a fast food restaurant, which of course I never em honey- is telling my way. But if I were the senior citizens discounts, I can tat liberals, just by their looks by the clothes they wear, what they do with their hair. If they have hair, I I can tell them ninety eight percent of the time I'm right we'll be in a in an airport and I'll say to my wife that lady's, a liberal and she said, you know, said she's a liberal. and I can tell him he's fast food restaurants. If I were there and there ones, always scream and for the deduction. I want my discount on the coffee. You want what,
everybody's lying waiting for this you enter or whom I read the finnish. I want my disco but you're, not sixty five. While under federal I can be, I can be forty two federal law for what are they begins with all ajax choose me here at sixty. I want my discount on, and these are people who will vote to raise taxes by millions of millions of dollars, and I went right. Does Canada coffee?
I'll be right back, remember the last time you got a quote: unquote: free phone. You started out feeling great, then came a hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk, if you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy for free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise in eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll get
Free samsung galaxy, when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today, you're listening to denali, to create one great one. You can call it now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! Well, as I sit here in america, that's why it's very important to be the cleanup hitter at the end of the day here, shows his reporting joanne mauler congress moves preserve am radio when cars member, I told you about this- that one car manufacturer after another is removing a m radio for technological reasons. Of course, the frequency interferes with the electric vehicle, I'm not buying it
this is the way to take out conservative talk greater when I was the first to say that was very controversial. Really. You know something when you call out things that are obvious. There not controversial like an open border Why is it open so that controversial the truth about partisan group of law makers wants to make it a legal for car makers to eliminate am radio from their cars. Arguing. Public safety is a rick's ask. Acts Yossi is first to report, so his freedom, speech. Why it matters am radio, is one key way that government officials communicate with the public door naturally asters another emergencies? Officials, that if drivers don't have access, they might miss important safety alert information you like a lot of these amber alerts come through a station on I m radio.
Some manufacturers are eliminating. I m radio from their electric vehicles because of interference from electric motors, that creates annoying buzzing noises and faded signal? Will then why not leave it to the dry? where the passengers on whether or not- turn on. I m radio I argue that car owners can still access a m radio content through digital streaming packages. smartphone apps, though such airbus is sometimes requires subscription digital streaming packages. I don't know, do you think people can use digital straw, Packages to get they and radio MR milosevic. while I am might seem like a relic of the past. Nearly fifty million people still listen to it. Like the fourteen and a half million people in this audience accorded Some figures provided by the national association of broadcasters, the proposed legislation to be introduced
By senators, edward mackey, communist massachusetts, ted crews, patriot, texas and others, would require all new vehicles to include. I am radio at no additional charge you. we're always having to fight to keep what we have. We always set the claw our way back for liberty, whether its pornographic books in the schools. We have to remove them. To the way it was five years ago, your for book banning you wanna push racism out of the classroom, see our tee o your first. down history were always on defence. I mean it's important to fight back, but the left, the democratic party and their surrogates are always fighting fertility. The case of e models that have already eliminated am radio from Bmw, ford, Mazda and so forth.
Carmakers would be required to disclose the lack of ammo access to consumers. I love that the law Also, directly government accountability office. The study, whether alternative communication systems are as and as infective in reaching the public during emergence the important. They m radio doing large scale. Emergencies cannot be underestimated in it, as without a doubt, and without in IRAN. can save lives and kept our communities for informed. You know, that's a quote from Josh got heinrich bergen. County new Crazy he's leads pact should Bela maps. Maybe I better stop trashing him until this is resolved, must produce. when the cell phone runs out, the internet gets cut off or the television doesn't work because of like trinity,
parity, your home, you can still turn on your. I m radio and by the way, those of you who purchase those sort of those whether I am radios like right now, my god storm crisis, its florida, they come and go. You know they were each which crank and you move era. That's for em radio. Other sponsors include senators. Tammy Baldwin communist constant, dead fisher, republican, Nebraska, representative tom kane republic, in new jersey, Robert and as well cause I communist new jersey, bruce western paid dark and saw gluesome cap parlez communist washington state. So they haven't been concerned about this, because I do not favour destroying communication avenues and platforms
I don't know if the market does it, that is you stop listening or whatever? It is. That's one thing, but for a corporatist and corporate boards to do it. That's another thing, quite frankly,. New of over fifty million people who are listening to am radio not alternative ways to get there Radio buddy, I'm radio and you start- and off they. I am banned in in automobiles and so forth. That's not the market! Quite the contrary. No look, I don't know what the future holds had on what the future holds. For me, I have to make decisions in the next year and so about what I'm going to do. clear and I wanna I do want to expand on podcasting and will make decisions would want an eye about radio and we have a fantastic relationship
Rated admire the president westwood one suzanne grimes and teresa gauge a terrific senior official on. They treat me superbly absolutely wonderfully Kyoto is, is the umbrella organisation in their board. I'm not big fans there's, but that's a whole other story, but regan. let's get the door on one here and fact, I've never events into the chairman of the board, the ceo of cumulus in my life, and you know it. That's, ok, it's fun What people say around here is It has one raw. What is leave him alone? It's true when you live in tv. They leave me alone when I do their show. They leave me alone. When I do my factual, they leave me alone. I know how to conduct myself and you get the message out.
But the idea that these automobiles, I when we have a frequency, brought their building these a cutting edge, automobiles. They claim we get these batteries camper batteries. Mankind has never seen anything like this. Before Terry are used for the automobile, my god, it's it's its second to none. same kind of material used to get to the more it's unbelievable and we will have the technologies cutting edge. What about it? Where are we going to do with them? Any fears were not sure what to do so. One thing: you know people listening anyway, let's get rid of the year. I am now I'm not buying it. I'm not mine some glad to hear about this because Or what do you want congress to do to impose its will? They m stations and so forth?
say it's not safe for murden, cheaper prices and whom I did impute that, but I have a bigger reason for this. I may speech guy and I believe the walk Corporatist should be shutting down effectively. Conservative talk radio and that's what's happening if they get away with this in the name of. Are we can't fetched a technology? That's what's happening, I'm not mine, I'll, be right back then remember the last
You got a quote: unquote: free phone! You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samson galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of a rise in eighteen to your team, Ober. Here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because their proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say markel event and you'll get a free, safe,
on galaxy, when you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today. The show goes way too fast for me, of course, I'm the host and hope you are but listen all three hours or substantially. So I And you have other things to do, but I do appreciate you very very much out there this sick, the nine slot must consider the toughest in radio talk. Radio. For most of europe against an awful lot of professional sport teams, particularly during the playoffs basketball hockey right now, And, of course, baseball's getting started in football a little bit, and then there is servers. College sports, there's dinner does all kinds us, that you have. I know,
We appreciated very very much, and I we particularly appreciate the affiliates out there who promoted. who make the community aware that we exist what part of your lineup that's very, very important. Many of you send us liners to read, which are more than happy to do. and we appreciate that a lot. So those of you were pie Your team, we like being your team and you mentioned in your audience who we are Are there were in the time slot this It's the way you runner irrational business. couple out there. You don't know how to do it and that's. Ok. And they won't succeed. Whereas most of you will, and we will fight as best. We can keep em a viable platform and we will Also hear expand our podcast the months ahead gets very exciting news for you, sir, on all applaud,
And repression ahead, and you know what's funny, though it's not funny I'll, take off her or to hear, and maybe a couple of weeks a year. I don't have any time. Mr producer, do I. You got house who take off ten days three weeks, semi they'll give it a second thought. I can't do that. First war, I get bored, but secondly,. I've got too many responsibilities, so you know life is saying: maybe your appeal back here in their doctors, I may be able peel back here and there I just get my brain. has to keep roll on baby. I asked the constantly be engaged in just the nature of the beast you ve got. Some people like
like bill Clinton who has a sex habit. I have a sort of a brain habit. It just keeps what's next, what's next, what's next said sorted this the way it is MR producer not to catch of car, but that isn't it Is there a collar that I should speak to particular and irregular american. Just normal americans ok come on K, s, l and don: where are you calling us from dawn. yeah that remark. I am now they were you corners from yemen, it's not going well. Can you hear me down. I can't hear done there,
Alright, where are you done? Okay, I'm in virginia, okay, try and say something because right now, you're cutting in and out yeah. The big Tampa game were active but it's not working. I'm sorry we lost yet a bed. Can I can. I will take some calls next hour. He wasn't from or again he was from Virginia I'm just let the boys know in the year were behind the scenes working. And so we take some more cause. One of the things I want to talk about the big time is the war on the top. Industry, right now by the Democrats, that's sen obama. They want to eliminate diesel rigs, they want to go to like like magic. size of the batteries, and these guys are drive and across the country they have to stop every.
Every hundred and fifty miles. I want to talk about this. What I think the trucking industry should do about, I don't mean be provocative. Her controversial shortly be taken my way regardless we'll be right. Back my twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. Am a better educated. American look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one! Oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit la
in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie. And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. Easy now broadcasting them only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader in america mark levine here our number eight cents, when three eight one, three eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one
the clothes the last hour, I mention that the trucking industry truckers in particular under attack whether reared unit, are independent of no consequence you're under attack. The only way you can put food on the table as if few days reliable trucks that can take you good distances before you keep filling With these also what they ve done as their driving up the cost of diesel What drive you out of your rigs. I want you to think about the cost. The rig, ladies and gentlemen,. These are massive vehicles. Now, whether you're, independently on your own rigour, yonah few rig sir you're, not. Owning any regular and employ e in your employer. Replace rigs are fundamentally alter them. He could lose your job. The ring.
since the a recently proposed new tell pipe emissions goals that could require up the two words of new cars, sort on the? U s: pay twenty thirty, two to be battery powered electric vehicles. Now we talked about that, but this also relates to these big eighteen wheeler. Power by small business owners and union workers are like the tracking industry is on a collision course the democratic party over federal and local. First to phase out diesel rigs and push the shipping industry to electric vague, So that's what they're going to do is cut off the food for the autumn, for the attracts cut off the food, which is their fuel. Now. Those of you who work with your hands, you workin industries, like the tracking industry, or the oil industry some aspect of it or you're. Farmers
and ranchers you work with your hands your target, you're under constant unremitting attack by these Democrats. do you understand that they destroy came a few weeks ago when the epa propose new tell pipe Emissions calls I could require, as I set up to two thirds of new vehicles, sort on the use to be battery by train thirty two novelist, think of that seven years from actually six and a half years from now our electrical grid, king up with this, we don't have enough charging stations. People can afford these. This kind of frenzy, they are in a hurry because they do not want anybody to stop them top executor of one of the key. Please largest trucking companies declared that he p, The proposed new regulation on carbon emissions are practical, excessively expensive and could have appeared,
found negative effect on the industry that moves most of america's supply chain across highways. These regulations are not practical for four reasons: costs, infrastructure, testing and data. And, of course the driving range says mike Aki, a vice president, Chicago based J c. k, c trucking told just the news. You said a new long. Haul tractor typically cost one hundred two hundred thousand dollars, while a comparable electric tractor. Listen to this electric tractor. That is a cop we'll truck four hundred and eighty thousand hours and that's when the low end cheek. That's a three hundred thousand up charges setting cos prohibitive for the overwhelming majority of carriers, his company is one
Countries largest refrigerated trucking operations and special, rises a moving temperature sensitive freight such as fresh produce meat and dairy products He says a lot of truckers support the transition away from gas powered vehicles, but don't think the? U s. Power grid is ready for a majority of electric fleet they're, not. You see the bran out some blackouts in California. There now for anything and they all care you have to understand. They don't care. If you suffer on while the epa changes are still in the proposal. oh stage and I really the planning of doing it, california. Regulators last my voted to ban the sale. Ban the sale of new diesel big rigs. By twenty thirty six and twelve years, and require all
to be zero emissions by twenty forty two. This is California is a dying stake, because your politicians are sick, how california is going to produce enough power to charge These trucks, her husky, said last time. I checked. California had the two hot summers on record: saying, don't plug in your election. cars in the summer time, but how we go the charge these trucks because they are going to say, don't plugin your electric cars during the summer time, and if you don't like it, what did they say during the pandemic? too bad. You gotta be a righteous supporter of the environment, even if it cost you your career Another prominent voice in the tracking industry touch.
answer presently, the owner operator, independent drivers association, choose the bite administration of acting hipaa, The go by promoting epa rules, while men changes to achieve environmental goals. He said the other thing that extremely frustrating is. They went talk about these things. We hear this word mandate. tell us all. The benefits are great, this stuff's going to be, and then they say and you're going to do it darling, you're gonna. Do it anyway, realistically were more into To incentives here talking about some that? Actually really does deliver benefits for all around you. Don't have to mandate stuff like that people gravitate to it in those days are over now. Here's where I want to give you a thought. You truckers out there.
But some you aren't going to like this. Some eu consumers aren't going to like this. I would encourage people not to hoard but to acquire enough food for a couple of weeks. Enough of anything, you need medicines for a couple of weeks. go through your medicine cabinet. Go through your your drawers. Go through your cabinets, go through your freezer, your refrigerator, any type of cupboard you have pantries and so forth Any kind of toiletries you need, you know what go through it. I have a couple of weeks worth about all consumers. But I think truckers need to now make their power numbers felt.
Amid the radical marxist, make their power numbers felt through riots through demands, borg, more government tax payments, more taxes from you and me. The ego illegal alien front groups, they make their powerful algae Eighty q community makes its powerful the teachers unions they make their powerful. In other words, these democratic strongholds make their powerful and they don't care. What have. to the community to the country. I do care what happens to the country, which is why I'm telling people their prepare. Then I think you need a demo that you don't want to surrender your diesel vehicles.
That you ve had enough of the government, that is, the democratic party, purposely purposely driving up the cost of diesel fuel and making it impossible to make a decent wage. But you're not going to accept the fact that you have the purchase vehicles. I caused half a million dollars. because these people are lying about climate change. That its man made in there's anything you can do about it. We talked about this figure the other day that eighteen, ninety five to the zack day in April of this year,. then it was warmer and eighteen. Ninety five than it was when the exact day in April this year, somebody just Cited to randomly check it, it's not that they were playing. This and they just randomly check the days swim
thousand times more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of automobiles. Didn't have a lot, automobiles and eighteen. Ninety five did we almost had none. in Europe they had invented them a little earlier. But Stage weren't any. We also had trains that spewed all kinds of pollution. They went from one end of the country to the other and yet, and yet we're still told that that emissions from tell piper vehicles, not the sun, not not things out of our control and and light bulbs and.
indeed dishwashers, and all these other things that make the industrial society that make your life easier. There are the cause of climate change, were not having climate change. They can't even agree on what it means. This is our grabbed by the marches. They hate capitalism. There d growth movement. They think The americans are too fat too happy. They despise our country, which means they despise. You they're, making us poor. They're making us poor and their target is not the wealthy. Their target is the middle class working people here, the ones feeling it The democratic party needs dark money, they need billionaires, they don't need you, they don't need you that's their view there trying to shrink.
Class, they want more people on the government, doll and those rights the government doll they won in their back pocket. and their more than happy with billionaires as long as those billionaires are with them and getting rich off these government programmes. Welfare for the billionaires. So the trucking industry really needs to, in my view, start to get radicalized. and I know many view- truckers or listen to this programme- a thing I don't know about that mark. I understand. But I dont know: how are you going to defend yourselves in your life and your livelihoods? I dont because the war when the combustion engine is the war? That's all Truckers in the war on diesel fuel is aimed at. Thirdly, a deal because most people dr automobiles, don't use these of fuel the same to you.
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who turn about millions of dollars pouring into his family's accounts laundered through shall corporations. Then, of course, the corrupt democrat party media exposes itself time and time again that it's no big deal bears the evidence. The evidence of what that binding committed a crime that he had anything to do with. Oh, I see to Sonny it's present in the communist chinese reporting tens, is a dollars into divide and family coffers in the bible Emily said sub shall corporations to spread the money out. My nine members and there's no connection how stupid do they think we are its they're, the ones that the same. Once this administration is crooked in every respect binds crooked. Their policies are crooked. Here we have from fox bind administration coordinated with liberal dark money back
On transforming the food system, email show. The bite administration coordinated with Eric kessler, the founder in principle of the arabella Pfizer's consulting firm, which overseas behemoth liberal, dark money network on key agriculture. policy issues. According the emails obtained by fox news, digital they in turn, department of agriculture, communications obtained by americans, public trust and share with fox news digital show. Like kessler, kessler heads this, this radical left, in my view, marxist front group. That's the umbrella group All these other radical left marxist group show that this
Kessler was involved in initiatives to quote: transform on quote the: u S, food system, they want to transform everything tat. We all start that death the trucks. They feel the these a hostile know anything anyway: they show that kessler was involved in initiatives to transform the, u s food system and crack down on the meat industry for high prices crackdown on the meat industry for high prices, crackdown on every industry for high prices. It's called inflation is she inflation. Needed a street in korea because companies that created the farmers didn't created the drug,
he soon created Joe Biden Democrats created it milton Friedman, said the only entity that can create inflation. It is the energy that, as a printing press, castle was the only individual on the email chains who wasn't a failure. with the? U s, the. These emails reveal that Eric castro this radical guy who spends a ford In dark money, he and these groups to get by an elected, democratically, elected and so forth has direct access to bide and cabinet officials. It plays an intimate role in shaping this administrations agenda. Ap executive director, Caitlin sutherland, told fox news. Digital irony hate this guy as the ark. fact an operator, the largest dark money network in the united states, cast
Cosy relationship with secretary vill sack of agriculture rays Questions about the level of influence. His foreign funded are Bela network. Has on the buying administration and its policy, she said: isn't it amazing, how much the marxist or in the money. how much money they wanna make, how much money they want to keep on joy, fifteen twenty twenty one agriculture secretary time, vis email kessler may matlock usda senor advisor for food systems, resiliency matthew, mckenna former senior adviser de ville sec spreading. His excitement about food processing initiative that he noted Three were helping to quote directly led gentlemen: well
Very early this morning reach one of the emails thinking about the processing plant. you are helping to direct and lead veil sack wrote in an email. I could tell you from the spots. I've received a day. There is exciting the possibility of this helping to create, more dynamic and competitive market. What is it that rush used to say follow the money follow the money The remainder of the July twenty Twenty one email was rejected. I believe the pipe the pipeline will quickly. Kessler responded. This is striking a real cord and filling a huge need. I wonder make a money off this so they want to transform our our food. Every system what did go, more than half handful of people.
biggest stark money guy in america is dead great I'll, be right, back right now, seven, seven, three water one get ready. Those of you who are on hold and those of you want to call in the tree. Is soon as soon as you hear me call out some call where's your somebody's name. You do a fast style, speed, dial, that's what you do, because we're gonna take some calls in a moment. And I wanted to tell you that. The programme I'm doing that should air tomorrow. Of in tv will be my one thousandth levant tv programme, one thousand shows.
those of you who have watched those of you who have supported us with your subscriptions. I cannot thank you enough we want to welcome those of you who have not to come join us. It really de minimised in terms of cost over the course of a year Ninety nine bucks spread over twelve months three hundred and sixty five days, and it's not just my show you get this all the programmes we really are an independent digital network. I hope you'll continue to support us. We have fantastic coasts, And that's that MR producer, here to whom shall I speak, yeah. Say the collars again as a serious rush from colorado springs. Russia, you from colorado springs, springs. Caviar, by the way,
Your name is rush, r you s are, u s arises How are you rush? Your urologist go right ahead, however, discussion of the restrictions on these big hung out attraction transport trucks, not just the mountain of emissions are important, whether the emissions are concentrated in the horizontal and vertical space, and you didn't think of it, especially a like los Angele whether there's a on top of a all from getting dispersed vertically and then a questionnaire Concentrated area in the end, are in a valley right. That's your point. Sixty four miles an hour. Does he mention yeah? They have missions, but they're spread horizontally and they're spread vertically, so it just doesn't mix.
To have always restrictions on church, as long as they could go. From city to city and and drop it off from the outside of the city and then use hybrid trucks to deal the deliveries well, I appreciate what you're saying rest, but these people don't care what you say or anybody else says it disagrees, and I remember that the time on meat, the depressed when check, todd who has a very low I q, one chuck tie I came on the year and proudly beat his chest. I we're not gonna climate deniers on the programme when anyone talking to climate deniers. People can believe in climate change. All they were. What we're talking about is what effects the climate right, russ, exactly and I ve been trying to get a hold of current mccarthy on you,
program. You said several times that yet building coal fired electric power, I said rachel a week to per week. China has withdrawn from me. climate change agreement, there After the visit of rosy to taiwan hand, they have not joined. They won't talk to John Kerry india has never joined none of us, the two most populous countries on the face of the earth- and I just think To suspend the integration and action back because that climate change program. Three, eighty nine billion dollars these bad being shouldn't be spent on now
China has a withdrawn, From the agreement and the emissions of six percent, During two thousand twenty one and another one percent and two thousand twenty two, so no chance that I'm one point five degree: a global warming threshold, it it's going to be surpassed before twenty thirty hm By the way, what is the precise temperature? The world should be climate change programme? well, what is the we're? Haven't I problem with our phones, MR producer, what the exact temperature that is called called the right temperature rush it's one point two or if it hasn't been one point, two degrees already and there's just one
point five is worth supporting threshold a trigger all these things are today. um yeah. Let's happen to climate change. It's not gonna happen quickly, That is something we just have redesign climate change programme for the united states. I my friend thank you for your car By MR producer who's next, let's go. Salisbury Marilyn serious exxon, danny when a mood for asylum. To meet you. I live on the eastern shore viewed of two I should like to add that, to you I have not heard anyone
In talking about person, did you know our bore Go to start a lot. I am how the data that that anyway, gas war should be. See at the white house sign that will decide to do that. Why have you on it? But what if you're, going have to look into that there's a lot going or whether we definitely do not want to go digital for one very simple reason: if they go digital government will know everything were doing and if you think there control now they'll be able reach into your accounts, and you won't even know it. So you're a hundred percent correct about that. That's for sure, and people are pushing that in its same people who do not believe in liberty. Thank you for your car, my friend, yes, change, that
at sea to a digital system. Can you imagine I, Mr Barroso, I mean they attract. Their staff, though, will determine I mean they can pull it out without you, even knowing frazier. without even knowing monitor Everything that's going on. You don't want your currency digitized anyway, I think I'm covered everything. Didn't oh yeah I'll, be right back I don't know what it is, I began down memory lane today, like many of you can relate to this.
So we lost our barney three years ago. Today, some people lose their children in the most horrific way. I understand that and I am in no way no way making a comparison, but in my own life you know this thought was so important to me and helped me when I write books he be at my feet. He was hilarious. He was happy and and and yet it's hard to get out of your head and millions of you will understand what I'm saying that last day, when you're with him- and you have to give the the okay the signal to, as we say, put them to sleep
look on his face in his case. Had happened so fast took him out at ten a m? sat down on the grass and he couldn't get up he had a very rare cancer, usually for bigger dogs. He was only about twenty to twenty three pounds in Tumor had surrounded his heart was squeezing the hearty had trouble breathing in the cancer spread in his bodies, where I think The name of it it's complicated name and it's rare in it and it's terrible Becomes on and apparently the dog passes within a month or six weeks, and so we all went and he was happy is a lark.
Then in essence, you pull the trigger. enormously painful, they all of you, know anybody, but he named Marty. Marty was much bigger, but not a big dog and they got along really fantastically in this pairs thanksgiving. Two and a half years later. not suffering from the same thing he had had cancer treatments for about two three months. Was succumbing, is breathing in their way. We had to say goodbye to him, and so we have to two new pops We decided we would get too so they could have company.
ronnie comes out of puerto rico and we my dear but his background, but we do know that, after the litter. Several of them died there's a lot of roman, around puerto rico and toby's a little guys back ten pounds. And he was rescued at away dog. Now he spent four months four and a half months of his life in a cage, and these dogs have the most fantastic temperament. the most fantastic attitude and from day one they were dirty, each other Well said, mister produce for a photo, so he can put set on the social side.
so? You go down memory lane and about around a little bit right. So I thought about my mother a mother's day and then my father, then you think about these things. What's life, how about some people? Now I don't know we do the right things with our life we're having a good time and if we not so what right we're one person And look at the people who came before us and all the people who will come after us. How many of us will even be remembered three four five generations from now most of us won't be
member, who your great great great great grandmother, was her grandfather, great great, great, great grandfather, some might mostar and as. or does it even manner and yet so crucially important that we leave to our grinning grandchildren, a country that's better than the one we inherited. Our immediate ancestors and those before them, they lived analyze. Most of them. To ensure that we would live a better life, they put their lives on the line. What world wars, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, somebody fantastic people, that's why I think I and you are so concerned about the future of the country.
and are committed to doing everything we can to save it for our children. Trying to bring it down. I feel like where families Tell you what was on my mind- and this is one of the reasons why we have to spend a little time we have on earth contributing to the kind of life that our children and our grandchildren are going to have, because that's how humanity continues not your binds legacy, not the mark. This ideology, not the democrats in their socialist economic agenda, but we, the people, children again children. I want to salute you on. Thank you all gobbler each and every one of you and I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-20.