« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/16/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump calls is to address the findings of the Durham Report. The press is using the first amendment to advance a radical left agenda through only one party, and has become a propaganda operation for Democrats. The media have taken the final step and become activists for the ideologues in the Democrat party, which is why they blew off the Durham Report almost entirely. If we do not have a truly free press it is difficult for political opposition to survive. The Democrat party created the vast centralized bureaucracy we have now, which now has an FBI that has become corrupted and an arm of the Democrat party and the Department of Justice. Also, President Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have repealed an executive order allowing China to bypass tariffs and sell solar panels, allowing communist China to undercut American workers. This is even more evidence of Biden’s connection to China, vetoing a bill that would have required the Chinese to dump less of their product into the U.S. and enable American companies to develop solar panels. Later, Mark speaks with Senator Josh Hawley about his new book, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting, only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the the america mark levin. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven three one three one one president trump possess to come on the programme at eight thirty tonight, eastern time too, rested durham report and discuss of its contents. That will take place and
seven twenty this evening eastern time we all have senator Josh holly, who says look manhood, is under attack. So great guests ownership that doesn't have a tunnel guests, and I that will be very interesting For me, it will be very interesting one. do in a country we do not have a free press, And by that I mean not the government, shutting down the press, We literally have a press as determined that its to use the first amendment, van, say radical left agenda And in doing so has decided that that agenda can only be established through one party, the democratic party, and then we have these mass media corporations
washed and composed the near its limes. CNN Msnbc aid. See and CBS NBC and the rest. That only higher radical activists That's not a hundred percent true, but the republicans they hire. Basically, in our covering you know, obituaries or out outnumbered in a significant way is what their being taught in journalism school and, of course, when you the Democrats secrete themselves within the media like saki now, red msnbc. You go down the list. a free press, free breasts by the conduct of the press. The press becomes a propaganda operation for the Democrats,
And you know this, you see it we do you see it in the disparate treatment of trump. Hillary Clinton, entrap and Joe Biden the tree. kids and hunter by you seed into this. treatment on how they report on Looking and democrats on capitol hill and even more the media have taken the final step. The media are activists, On behalf of the idiot logs and the democratic party. which is why most of the media, the vast majority, the media, blew off. The doorn report. And they used the same tactics. Oh, it's not a big deal, nothing new here, while he charged we pay by only one plaid dern offence took out often
So for them, then they bring the perpetrators on like this guy, I'm a cave long time, democrat His wife ran for state senate virginia a democrat. cape whose mentioned almost sixty times in the report. they bring him on to explain what really happened Then you have individuals like Joe Scarborough who, who use their platform to attack the former president because they use the slobber all over the former president. Now they don't like they bring, slob weisberger gone. I played his audio yesterday was hit man for the democratic party in a hip man for the left, They bring on his niece trumps niece, who has some issues? In other words, they bring on other reprobates now contain.
Said miss grants to explain the report. and always federal prosecutors, a federal prosecutors, are Democrats and who, supported by. So if we don't have a truly free press, it's difficult to see how we survive, because we don't. They truly free press again that the threat is it man the threat isn't republican, The threat is and conservative. The threat is that people who pose a journalist. Now on freedom of the press. explain the various cycles the press have gone through in our country, the early patriot press, which was a fantastic press. Constantly under threat by the british
so the under threat by those colonists who is sympathetic to the british. At these, men were brave as hell: very expensive to Brittany, paper was very gruelling, the type setting and so forth, And it was even more difficult to get these these printed paper out the colonists very difficult. But they managed to do it. The print press and the pamphleteers were absolutely crucial. They were patriots. They are patriots for the revolution, they were patriots for liberty, they were patriot. Today the media are not paid.
They thrown him with a party that hates america that's what they ve done. and they did at last, find I watched a clip. This rachel matthau a had cow. With sarcastic snarking no big deal here. We have a ro bureau of investigation, which can do itself, even worse than j edgar hoover's, f b I This was even worse. To quote the Democrats and white water she's me then Watergate ever was. you had a concerted effort The fbi and the department of justice, specially the epi you at a concerted effort to defeat the
I have candidate and once you got elected to overthrow the republican kennedy, we talk about insurrection. And obama all and by new at all, they were briefed on it. In january, before they left off the the attorney general, knew about it the fbi director lead. was involved in making the deputy, What's a spend golly in the operation, Hilary click, funded at she was behind him. The Dnc was supportive of it in a operatives and lawyers all over washington d c no about it, we're promoting it Tommy obama didn't know the maze, obama didn't know what his iris was doing to the
the party and so forth. He knew everything You know how I know he knew everything. America. as it was in the newspapers right, MR pollution. that's, how I figured it out yeah briefed on the newspapers at least twice a day like every president, does twice a day. In my opinion, I'll be right back then No, you guys are wearing federal reserve staff, said banking crises. Follow up could push the economy. the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to play check the retirement you worked really hard for, I think, a great wasted
so I would golden specifically a gold. I re that's right, physical go. in your eye array. My fate, god, gold, IRA company, is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you so a few two hundred thousand or more and of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate guide to go via arrays. Tell the mark, sent you and I'll give you a a gold coin, when you open a gold, I re augusta precious those today, eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, seven for god. I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures august, a precious metals dot com. What I a company, the press, the press
it extraordinarily well during the lies. Russia collusion, while they Working with the fbi and working with apartment Joe! It's not really hard to be reported in america. It to be rapporteur, other countries that hard to be reported. America. You sit on your ass. He gather information from the state and you regard should take. Now stands for the new york times at the washington post that one, the at prize and twenty eighteen for quote deeply. There's the pure her page deeply sourced relentlessly ported coverage of the public interest that dream ethically further that nations understanding of russian interference in the twenty sixteen press, and collection, of which there was none by the way and its can
Since to the trump campaign the President elect transition team and his eventual administered Can you believe this number one maggie handyman Joe Becker that oppose EU roslin held tom hamburger, Ellen knocker shimmer Adam enters gregg miller mark was eddie. They, except that the twenty eight impure surprise for nash reporting from columbia university president. Ballinger. Who himself, I believe, was a democrat. and what were the story? The winning work. February, nine, two thousand and seventeen officials say flynn, discussed sanctions with the russians imposed February
Eighteen, twenty seventeen whitehouse receive warning about flynn. There was an innocent man more one twenty seventeen f b, I was to pay author. Tromp dossier. March. Second, twenty seventeen session spoke twice direction. Ongoing washed in both wow. Bullets are for that one may sixteen twenty. Seventeen trump reveal secret in tell the russians made twenty three twenty seventeen president asked intelligence chiefs to deny collusion. While there was no collusion. June fifteen twenty seventeen trump's actions now a focus of mueller inquiry, washington post they got a leak, wow. June twenty three twenty seven eighteen obama secret struggle to punish rush, from Putin's election is not very effective.
august, one twenty seven, eighteen, seventeen! These are pure to retain it up truck crafted son statement, on russian contact washed pose this Fourteen twenty seventeen daddy, The trump trump pursues Putin's leaves a russia, a russian threat, Unchecked, washington post look at all the mirages created by the media. may seventeen twenty seventeen trump appealed to Made a hard inquiry into aid. By the way, I've got it as long as my arm and unfair the press where safety are. Wilson, before him kennedy and Johnson all interfered investigations, but nobody cared joy. When twenty seventeen trump son heard of link to moscow
before meaning new york times Joel. Twelve twenty seven, jean emails disclosed trump sons, glee at risk, and offer new york times. Look look at this. This crap. december. Thirty one twenty seventeen unlikely source, repelled russian meddling inquiry twenty twenty seventeen trump admitted dismissal fbi, east pressure, twelve twenty. Seventeen president shifts rationale for firing if direct and calling on the show by wash the new york times. These Stories I got awarded seven, twenty seventeen undisclosed on forms cushioning Two russians: why I'm at a cost? mercury shortage? I may two russians today to MR, but it can. I give myself appeal later twenty three twenty seven team in trying to avoid power,
takes combing shaped an election. May I teen. Twenty seventeen see their mostly angry. That call me, just on hilary, although we protected hilary. you can see alley one after the feis a warrant would Carta page. If you read the report may eighteen, twenty seventeen tromp transition said to know of flint inquiry before hiring. Oh, my god new york times at september, twenty seventeen to sway vote russia, the army of fake americans, new york times So none of that was substantive, but was relevant. It was all bs. It didn't matter to anything because it's all part of a wheel, spokes of which came From russia collusion that never existed. the cia had no evidence had ever existed the B, I had no evidence had ever existed kind,
had no evidence, which is why they moved to ukraine. It never existed it the dirtiest of dirty tricks, launched by Hillary Clinton,. and it is an interesting that nobody is Fronting hilary today, whereas hilary today teaching at columbia. call me was teaching at the university of virginia bouquet of land. The big media gig. Down the list, heather all rewarded back idea by big media by corporatist they're all awarded for their dirty. work. And yet here we are. People who receive the pulitzer prize. The jury is a senior reporter for pro pubic, a kent armstrong, So should editor nonfiction but critic at the washington post, carla,
low lozada editor Vice president news, the indianapolis star, Jeff Taylor, editor, chief national geographic susan, Goldberg steam roberts executive, editor, kletke, washington, As you can see, the pure surprises handed out by by fannys to ponies So the question a magnet have remember you get a return, your pulitzer yes or no. Now I know, guys are wearing federalism Staff said banking crises. Follow up, could push the economy. the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to play take the retirement. You worked really hard for. I think, a great way to diverse I would god and specifically a gold. I re. That's right physical in your ira my fate, god I or a company is augusto precious metals. You gotta call these guys and learn how a gold ira can help you,
few saved a hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old My guide to gold, I raised tell the mark, sent you and I'll, give you a free gold coin: When you open a gold, I re car augusta precious. Metals today- aids- seven for gold. I re that's eight seven, seven, for god, I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures and august a precious metals dot com. What I rate company, marked love in brief one, the great one bottle of entirely now: eight seven, seven thirty, eight one, three, eight one one, but let us be clear america neither did the crab party nor the media trouble by what the FBI's been doing this producers ceremonies right. If hill Clinton were republic in the media will be line
let her door right now, but if it's a fright but there's no question what's going on in this country and its frustrating is hell. Is it not and the fbi's only got worse till I got worse since twenty sixteen It's in your interfering in this presidential election. And a huge way. There's no, she'll council on binding, and you want, is certainly deserved. They have no problem with the twenty shall operation. Shell corporation no big deal. The millions and millions flowing into the the binds coffers wash through. These shall corporations destroy to deny and members of the family. Why cause there?
most of it. The communist chinese government. Now that should be the end of it right there right that should ruin somebody's political career without today,. would the state run media not today with pravda and not today with rob democrat party powers, everything baby powers, everything? That's all And their many similarities between the democratic party in the communist parties around the world. There really are, and you can see it party first. The people suffer they suffer. Blame somebody else blamed the cow Police. Spain's blame the rich, democratically it does the same thing:
the democratic party more and more blame the Jews as tallied. an omar and a yo see and the other anti semite reprobates andrew cave was all over cnn, which pays him. Trying to counter the report. I choose not to give him voice because nobody listening to see an end or MSNBC nobody. Veronica Escobar and I believe, she's of the escobar drug family south of the border and I believe she has brought it Escobar, nonetheless, as a democratic from Texas said, she was on cnn, cut five go have not yet read the germ report, but I definitely had an opportunity to talk to look you some of it. I've heard reports about it. We ve spent
an awful lot of money as an american government honourably. We know it in six million dollars. I think heard the mahler spent like thirty five million dollars, but funny thee, spending debt, pushing Leftist democrats are concerned about six million dollars. Six million dollars a city with a rounding error for these people? the very worried about his six million area, where the six we waited. What Get us in exposed, The entire fbi, you, for the day dress institution that is go ahead. Essentially proves wrong doing, but the fact that germany short what these are the Democrats I'm telling you this is where they they come down there
down on tyranny They come down on empowerment. is empowering themselves. This is where they stand for, and they are now going to do anything anything. to the fbi except applaud it and give it cover in the the, I knows it. Christopher re knows it. What I said on Hannity last night holds true today. It's always how true. The democratic party created for the most part for the most part leaves spear bureaucracy. We have. Push by the early progressives, who were the earliest of the communists, they believed that experts and the scientific application of knowledge, that is political science.
Would improve our society. This is why the early democrats and progressives favoured eugenics and a more perfect people. you had people like John dewey early on was very pathetic to stolen you, otherwise, imposed. There was not only pathetic to stolen by was propagandist operation for stolen. Mean they thought this was very cool until I wasn't very cool until it wasn't so now they print Why did you call me? You call me a mark You call me a common view: you better put up your dukes their fellow can. You prove and I'll have to prove that you say it every day. You are it, that's what I say to them, but listener. She's got her talking point she spewing them. She, And care at all about civil liberties,
doesn't care at all that the fbi has gone after the catholic church. in care that the fbi is gone after pro lifers. She doesn't that the epi eyes targeting parents, not at all. Doesn't care that the f b I worked with the earlier twitter and other social platforms. to monitor americans. to censor americans in violation of the first amendment at the back, So the bide administration choosing Here that the ep interfered with at least one two three elections and our fourth: now it's all good, Because the fbi is it got operation that works effectively. In essence for the democratic party, as does the
department of justice they're not gonna turn on it. There was no oversight, serious oversight done at the fbi. When the Democrats were in charge, there were plenty happy with what's taking place and their plenty happy today with what's taking place, which is why the republicans have to get smart? They gotta removed the Mitch Mcconnell types they gotta get smart and they To understand the times we live in and what has to be done, the happy eyes Budget needs to be slashed. its personnel numbers need to be slashed, so authorities need to be reigned in. It needs broken into various pieces, so you can have such power under one roof, and I Here and now the media in the left sang, and yet when it comes to, and yet when it comes to you, no local police.
defined the police? Your opposed and, of course I am because The local police are about crime, fighting. Too much of the fbi is not at the door action of a corrupt leadership it's only gotten worse, which is why trying to destroy crop before the election. I'm just being honest. I'll be right back then No you guys are wearing federal reserve's I have said banking crises fall out, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to play take the retirement. You worked really hard for. I think a great wasted. So I would golden specifically a gold. I re. That's right. Physical, go
In your eye array, my fate god. Gold IRA company is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call These guys and learn how a gold ira can help you so refused Two hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate. Guide to gold I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin when you open a gold. I re car augusta precious, those today eight seven, seven more gold. I re that's eight, seven seven for gold, I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures, gus. Precious metals dot com, what a great company Ladies and gentlemen, I turned my project in one sided way.
I turned my one year project him insanity to the publisher. And so there beginning process of reading And the reaction of my editor was only. You come right out of the gate. Swinging is different than any of your other projects. I said yes, it is because the time is different can't go beyond man, I'm not allowed to contractually enemies. There are three out. I even said that. This is a no holds barred project. brass knuckles are on. Names are named. histories laid out there.
Because it's an hour never and we have to pick sides Between those who love the country and those who do not. So this will, Probably be considered a provocative book, but it's not intended to be. It's intended to lay out everything laid out bare. Even the title. which in due course, which I hope will soon be able to tell you, but A reason to at this point there is no way to even pre order, but I just feel that.
we're dealing with entities. I want to destroy our families, destroy our way of life, destroy our country, and this needs to be dressed extremely bluntly and calling out names Calling out what's being done. Calling out when it is so we will have to wait, but you know You do a project like this and you turn it in. You can never be sure what they reactions. Gonna, be. You know, I know my reaction is high Don't do anything here fast. I don't leave other people to do my research, I never will never have All right, my own words draw my own conclusions, get my own opinions and.
And will do what I need to do to try and get point across. and so yes, to quote. I ain't, it is fantastic. I'm out swinging, and she also added this increase. Really exciting which had never heard her say before, because I mean it's a nonfiction book. It's not a novel. I know what she needs. It's exciting. In a way that. really restlessly enemy to the ground. Really wrestles the enemy to the ground. So. Mr Barroso, you do know that title correct here, so I think I think it's an important title. The title. The book healing the title. All my books. There are important Liberty and tyranny.
Liberty, amendments Mary told the freedom of the press, men in black Of course, american marxism and so forth I shall return this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again.
We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the now broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are numbered eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one eight seven, seven three, one three eight one one Joe Biden. Where is the evidence that Joe Biden was bought The communist chinese, it's all around us, it's everywhere. and there's a new peace today.
In vetoes by partisan bill, protecting you, a solar panel makers from chinese competition, so by Keeps forcing us into industries that are controlled by the communist chinese. So let's take a look at this from fox. President Joe Biden vetoed by partisan resolution yesterday. That would have reversed his executive action last year, in which he ordered the department of commerce not to enforce tariffs on chinese solar panel manufacturers for two years, In other words, they were trying to force him force. Him enforced those tariffs by an expert That the impasse by democrats and republicans explained that the legislation which recently passed the house and Senate would Democrats support cope
against american innovation really late. you're by implemented the twenty four months moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel at high circle and from tariffs designed to protect EU us companies I move the white house said: would facilitate investment in domestic solar panel production capabilities? I hope you are following this. Passage of this resolution bets against american innovation. He said It would undermine these efforts and create deepen sir for american businesses and workers in the solar industry, there form voting it. That makes no sense in its intended to make no sense. By now that he doesn't intend to extend the tariff suspension when the Chinese we're a month more time expires in june. Twenty twenty four now executive action in june, twenty twenty two came after the commerce department, so
similar would investigate whether chinese manufacturers we're routing solar panels through countries in south east asia to avoid this term. and in december, the agency published its preliminary findings, of which show that, for Large solar companies had in fact rather products. cambodia malaysian vietnam to circumvent duties. The department of commerce since expected a release. Its final findings later this month. So what happened in response to december's, finding bipartisan group of law makers led by bill posey rip begin Florida endangered, well. The democrat Michigan introduce the resolution to strike down, binds action in january, our Tariffs were necessary to protect fledgling you, a solar industries. There dumping all these solar panels into the united states, which is morphed the chinese, solar industry, senator
ex got introduced companion, legislation that was close by sure by JO mansion. the resolution which utilise the congressional review act. But what is the congressional view act? This is a law that that enables congress. To stop or to review a regulation or to revoke it, the resolution which utilizes they congressional view, act. A law that allows congress to revoke federal regulations there eager pass them I'll, send a twenty two twenty wanted to out to vote on April. Twenty eight in the past in the senate. Fifties sixty forty one or may sir so Mc Grath Republicans said: enforce the tariffs these guys are dumped in the solar panels. Appointed a president veto, the legislation kildee said failing to see,
to those who engage in unfair trade practices, heard somewhere workers and manufactures our workers, and businesses will never be able to p globally, unless we hold those who violate yours, trailers, a cannibal. Now I'm a free trader, except When it comes to enemies- and adversaries have explained this, for twenty years, Do not believe in free trade with people who want to destroy us. people who want to harm us Even free trade with our allies You agree with me some of your disagreement, but I think we can all agree sure, just allow the communist chinese to monopolize these industries because they, want to compete. They want to control. and besides, who cares what they want? It's what we want that matters, and yet Joe Biden
whose by no means of free trade. I want you to think about this. Now, it's very important one. obviously communist china and so panels battery material. All the studies are free trader unions, go to hell. How do you explain that he's gotta backwards It comes to communist china. He's a trader he's our union. When it comes Everything else So marks are socialist, any believes and beg union tell me the money that he received didn't have an effect on what he did. And has done coyly at our house. Clearly it has so Only the Democrat says the president's position and today's veto fails to hold
I know cannibal on hurts american workers. How many of you have heard about this? The junior about this must reduce its nowhere Fox has its literally nowhere. all overall communists companies, communist chinese companies. Control more than eighty percent share. Eighty percent of the global solar panel industry, controlling the supply chain. In all the manufacturing stages of the product Turning to the international energy agency, and the chinese solar industry has been tied to forced labour. and his jeering province, and by the way, that's where the we are to throw the wiggers Arthur The resolution was endorsed by pro terrorist groups, but also and
by the weaker human rights projects. Course: environmental groups and green energy groups, including the solar energy. mysteries association opposed now. Why did they oppose it? They hate capitalism, which is what we try to practice in this country. Even though the Democrats interfere and they don't Madame how you get your solar panels, they don't care for, in my view, their opinion. Is they don't you? damn if you slave labour, in china or elsewhere, not just put the damn panels up. In my view, that's where they're coming from pretty shocking. So he vetoes this this bill so again when people have you don't have any evidence the idiot over there at cnn and political, and what do you mean? You haven't
illustrated there's a connection he just vetoed. A bill that would have required the communist chinese, the ship less of their product dump less their product in the united states and to enable- can companies to develop and build solar panels. He sold us out when it comes to. Kabul which is necessary to make these batteries for automobiles much coming out of congo and now Control over eighty percent of the cold war in the world. and those mining activities. cause an enormous amount of pollution and the eu in child labour slave trade. Labour in the congo. So the green movement has not
I am with child labor slavery. They don't say anything about it. medical immigration, movement parent? no problem with child labour, and slave labour, either because they don't say anything about it. They were open borders. Right back then remember the last.
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aleksi when you sign up for unlimited talk text, an unlimited data again get a pure talk: dot com use, promo code, lavigne, podcast, l, e g, I pod gas to start saving teddy was a pleasure to have on their show senator Josh holly of missouri and he's written a fan ass, the book that the left obviously will hate. called manhood. They masculine virtues american senator? How are you, sir, great. Thank you so much rapidly, I see, or he coming under attack for defending man would have you noticed now, of course, although I like You say you know if I'm not getting attack by the left, and I must not be doing something right and what is about the left. I mean we had a chance. About this life liberty and live in the other day, but I want to get into this even more thereof.
Where would the middle class and the family that holds up the middle class heart? The isn't that the bottom line, that is the bottom line b, I think that's exactly right and whether we're talking traditional masculinity which they ate or for that matter, women. The people are now say that biological men should be able to take over women's sport. Biological men ought to be a girl rooms, rubbish insanity, but it's a religious article of faith with them now and I think it's part of their broader marxist cultural marxist agenda, you written about, mark and covered. I think That is what they are animated by and so Where are they taking us I mean. I know this marks as they. It is funny they never give us a blueprint where When will we know? This is over.
well, I think when we reach the the destruction of the traditional family, as we know it, you know I think, back to that. Smithsonian exhibit that infamous smithsonian exhibit from two years ago, funded with our taxpayer dollars. That said, that the traditional family as a vestige of of a white patriarchy, and that a a the bible, traditional faith as a vestige of white patriarchy, I think what they want is the destruction of our history, the destruction of our cultural inheritance. The destruction of traditional features or family, and when all of that is destroyed, and they are fully in control in power. Then it will be over made. None then all it out the marxist revolution, but but for culture, rather than for the economy, attic, that's really what their aiming at and we can't let that happen, and in it It is amazing to me senator holly then will we actually have a few courageous governors. Senators like yourself, president. For candidates, perhaps who
up to this cultural marxism, their attacked Why these moderate sort of rhino types it Why is he taking on disney or why's he fighting with this? Why mean why? Because you and others are trying to save the country right, but I just bothers me up here. I think that the others are saying of the of the republican leadership to class univee professional bc, republicans who are really justified or caucus Yolanda, and they don't have any appetite for this. They don't want to talk about the fan I don't. Wanna talk about culture and all ever they don't want to talk blue collar work in america at their disinterested make use your wall street gets what it wants and that their left alone to enjoy the cocktail circuit, and I just think of the day for that kind of their business.
What the day for that kind of republic isn't right! I mean that that was always nat, but now it's it's definitely I mean now it's like! No! No! No! No! No! If that's, why you're? If that's what you think it means America than you are sadly, sadly mistaken- we're in a time of fighting over first principles and on that it's really what we're battling for here, Mary Very true, so, let's talk about you look man who had you talk about your own life itself, But your grandfather could take your father, your family. Can People who I raised in families that really are not new your families or those issues taking place in their families. The fathers not around today, still step out and survive and even thrive. That is following the europe. christian, which is basically luck, work be accountable.
Love somebody marry that person have children, raise a family and take advantage of the freest country in the face of the earth right there, is the prescription and the answer. Yes, absolutely you know, I you dont, there's no such thing as perfection and poor, and particularly for For men, maybe young men who think lot you know I didn't have the advantage of a of a father. I didn't have a role model and that that is many many men today or maybe you maybe you did have a father, but you know he wasn't very good one. That's a that's! A lot more men today same is true. You know at the end of the day, we our own choices in our life, are ultimately what determined the trajectory of our life rights, and maybe we were dealt at a tough hand. Maybe we weren't, but whatever hand we were dealt in terms of family influence, mentor, etc, but we can do. think about our own lives in a week and make a decision to change our lives, and we could make a decision as men to take on responsibility to provide for the people that we love to protect those who depend
on us, and if we do that, we can change our own destinies. We could change the destiny of our family and we could think suggesting this nation and that's really the message to help me here from this book, it's one of of hope and and possibility, but only if men will step up and really it's on each one of us individually to make that choice. And now, when the left is teaching younger and younger children to abandon traditional family, to abandon the nuclear, to abandon their parents and when they're, trying to keep parents away from the classroom. This is why isn't it because parents woke up and they so away what the hell's goin on here with my kids, I get a step in seattle Did decided That's one of the main battleground snap, and you see this with the pushes schools mark towards them this trans ideology where it's about tree
What kind of conditions at all you are pushing an ideology in our schools on kids to say that you know if your, if europe, boy, any wanna be a boy to send the wrong with you. If you're a girl- and you want to be a girl there- something wrong with you, you need to be constantly pressed to abandon the very conscious of gender and the way they do it mark is too is to separate the child from the parents is to do a behind. The parents back is to deny access to what's going on, they did the same thing with critical race theory. We saw that during covered until it is this insidious effort by the left and by bureaucrats to try and separate kids and parents and to deny It's the ability to know what's goin on other kids lives to make choices for their family, and this is why I think it's conservative there's hardly knew that is more important than protecting parents, ability to know what's going on in their kids. Education have control over that and to be able took to have the right to
their children do not have them raised by government or some cooperation somewhere, The book is manhood. The masculine virtues america needs we're. Gonna posted all over our social side should go directly to amazon dot com. The book has come out today a fantastic book. The book is called manhood. I wouldn't care You d get it have you kids. And so forth. My question to you senator and if you can't I'd like to hold you over to another segment here, which is you grandfather who you you, We obviously admired greatly, Michael sure do you is what would your grandfather say about. what he sees today did he say to do about it because I your grandfather was a lot like my father. First of all, My father might use a few fuel there is nonetheless where war too, that I don't think he beaver
pleased about what's taking place, but the next question. What do you think your grandfather would say to do about it? We'll be right? with senator Josh Holly, fantastic new book man, The masculine virtues america needs. I want to encourage you to Amazon com, any major bookstore it's out today,
I'll, be right back. Remember the last time you gotta quote: uncoiled free phone. You started out feeling great, then came the hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy phone. Without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks a month and get a five g samsung galaxy from free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company I'm proud to stand behind because the proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and you'll. Get a freeze.
samsung galaxy. When you sign up for unlimited talk, text and unlimited data again go to pure talk, dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving today with him thunder or my favorite color, no eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: The book is, it's a great book manhood well, mannered manhood mask and virtues america need. You know I want to circle To your grandfather, senator He would think today, but before I do something wrong. When a senator has to write a book like this. Don't you think yeah I mean it It's an extraordinary time mark we're having a conversation that include stuff like I should Men be allowed on women sports
should it really good for men, to be medicated when they're little boys in school, then you know should should we, maybe it's not such a great idea to to shovel this medication down their throat when they're kindergarten, where that is like, actually something that is contested and we have to we have to Argue for it, you know that we are in a strange and disorienting time but we are- and I just think the best thing that we can do or one of the best things is. We can tell the stories again about what it looks like to be a good start. Man. We can recover those role models from our history from our face tradition, weaken we can hold those up and say: okay, this! This is what it looks like. This is what I should aspire to. Now your grandfather tell us a little bit about your grandfather, what you think he would think about what's going on, but I think he would be- I mean just completely, the final than the wilderness bye bye disk, what the
the saying, and what are our so called cultural leaders are trying to push on men and women. Frankly, my grandfather was the first general and of our family born in the united states his bed with a norwegian immigrant. My grandfather was a farmer. His whole life he was born in kansas, nor central kansas out on the farm or he he'd, never lived anywhere else? His whole life he farmed ah every day of his adult life and was proud of it and ah from him, I I learned you know the the simple but the foundational things really in life. I mean just about the value of work about the value of family, about the value sacrifice you, my grandpa lived, a a a quiet life. he's not a show? We personally didn't travel the bonds, but what he did, he raised a family, a six kids and then I think I got six, in seventeen grand kids and he he he.
Voters entire life to making possible the lives of other people. You know he worked, he provided he protected. He sacrificed into me. Those are the foundational his virtues character, qualities what it means to be a man- and I learned those from him and This is a very complicated question, I suppose. So maybe it's not fair, but let's see how do we be in turn this around. How do we begin to that? That that men in family start today control over or what happening to their family start defending their family gets right. I think that the most for saying that a young man could do in terms of changing the direction of his life in the direction of this country and in terms of leaving a legacy, the most powerful thing you can do mark, I think, is get married and have a family and that's exactly the opposite of the message: our culture center,
actually to whether both men and women, frankly that they say you keep all your options. Open, don't get tied down. Kids will only you down the ruin, your career, their ruin, your health, etc, etc, and I think the opposite proves to be true, that if you have get married, a family raised their family with a woman, the to love, you will change, world. You will change the lives of the kid you raised that the lies that they then will image that's how you leave a legacy to. How does this get turned around? I think it gives turnaround with ensuring say, I'm gonna put my family, my wife. First, I'm in a sacrifice, my interest for other peoples and then its emollient and in their neighborhoods than in their communities and a nation, I think it it turns around with men, saying hole on here. We must stand up for what I know to be right. I'm not gonna be told what to do. I'm not gonna be an androgynous.
a consumer who spends all my time in front of a screen, I'm going to get a job, I'm going to keep a job, I'm going to be the can it and I'm gonna have a say in my neighborhood in my government, their targets turned round them his manhood, the scotland, virtues american age and go on my social sites in go directly to amazon dot com, any major bookstore, to bug very worthy of your time, in time to read it to spread the word? It's very very important, and this is how we save the country may escape but other questions this report that came up and the durham report and the meat the downplaying it. This is a humble leave above report, the pernicious news of the fbi
the corruption of the fbi, the political position of the epp behind it only goes one way they go after Democrats. Choose me republicans behalf democrats, This is fundamentally like eight eastern Germany, stasi operation, in other words, really has to be stopped, senator no! Yes, it does, I think, with, You're report to me mark would it brings home, is that big eruption at the fbi has really become a threat to our republic. It really when you have the f b. I actively interfering presidential election when you have lying to secret courts the other side isn't even in the court, then I'd get represented and the fbi lies to them in order to get wiretaps on a prison initial campaign, presidential candidate associates. You got a big problem. We ve got a big problem and, as you say,
It all goes one way I mean you can look at that. They passed on investigations in Clinton foundation with allegations of money laundering, other things. Oh, no, no, no doubt of that, and then they opened and pursued actively This investigation into the russia hopes that was a hoax were no evidence. None existed to open it. Negation, they found not in the end and yet they try to break down. presidential campaign and then tried to pick out a presidency wants tromp was elected over this is this cannot be allowed to go on and they're still out of, senator buying, should have a special council at the information if kid is overwhelming at this point, then you like the what tromp. They go immediately to five alarm. Fire there was a wired and and and an fbi swat team at his house, and you know you, just love. For quite some time. I was chief of staff to an attorney general. There is no way my an eternal meat would have authorized that to be done there any
We are presently the united states, none, I think, they're still completely out of control here. Do you? Oh yeah? Oh, absolutely now they are absolutely out of control, and you can see I mean here, their priorities mark their priorities are sending swat team to the homes of people who go and protest peacefully outside of plan parent. In our view to that your law abiding citizens needed that you may end up with a swat team on your door but on the other hand, if you're Joe Biden and you sell your office for foreign influence as multiple was, Explorers have now alleged if you're hunter, by and you make How many millions off of of selling access to your dad or than that better than no, it no interest, no interest at all, won't answer subpoenas here they ve been subpoena. By the house to turn over these whistleblower document, they won't do it. It is. It is truly Jordan remark in a lady s, question whose really running this country- and the answer is the fbi
like to run the f b. I hierarchy with like to run it, and we cannot allow that to happen. You know senator having talked you sunday at length can do you now, I didn't, know that well say you're, you're, real, where's forever for liberty v. very positive force country and the republican party in the senate, and we don't always have to agree a matter of fact. I don't always agree with my wife, but you are a n. The way Scully and clarence Thomas didn't always agree, but if he approach things for the same perspective, It's very very important, and I think I think you do with with most of the People who love this country, You have been in the senate for a little bit now. Is that all you, back to digital b is more frustrating the. Not. What is your experience there
You know I'm it's an honor to serve and it's an honor to get their represent. The great people of this great state of missouri tremendous tremendous privilege every day, and I will say market that getting to get to do little things that bad seem little in the in the in the eyes of washington, but are huge and in for the people of who I get to represented their lives, whether that is bringing home a loved one. Who's been stuck overseas or helping a veteran get the benefits that are denied him. That stuff doesn't get press coverage and that's fine, but that is that is a huge privilege to get to see real people's lives changed. But I will say this that the senate itself, at the is a broken institution. I really think that we're we're living in a time when congress is a whole that can't really speak to the house, but the senate, I know, is in a period of deep dysfunction, I see it, I mean everybody sees it, it's not like it's a mystery. You! You can see it that that we don't have leadership that wants to address the problems that the country really faces, or we don't have,
the senators who want to actually do their jobs and legislate. I'm amazed at how often senators to anytime a problem comes up anything there's time and needed to be addressed as say. Well, let's give it to some bureaucrat: let's Let's create a new bureaucracy and given to those people and let them do it. We all want to make the tough choices. When I want to take the tough boats- and I do think it you know, we can do better and we've got to do better and I'm not saying I don't serve with good people. I do serve with good people, people of goodwill. I just think that we're in a moment of crisis in the country- and you can see that reflected- I think in our leadership Institutions and our representative institutions, some the book burghers manhood, the masculine virtues america needs. I encourage you to grab your copy, ordered on amazon dot com right now, you'll get it tomorrow, if you're on the internet and you're on any of my social sides, we link right to it, make it as easy as we can. I think it's the perfect book
four men and boys in this country and for moms to remind them what they're supposed to be, if necessary,. Or if you're, a good man and you feel A good man, it's just that it's just a a positive book, and I encourage you to get at senator holly. I want to thank you, and god bless you. My friend, thank you, Sir sort things for how to me. Are you Take care yourself next hour. We
in a trap at the bottom of the hour, will be right back then remember the last time you got a quote: uncoiled free found. You started out feeling great then came a hefty activation fees for line requirements and, of course, the binding contract don't fall for it again. Folks, only pure talk gives you a free five g, samsung galaxy found without the feeling you ve been duped, just sign up for pure talks. Unlimited talk, unlimited text, an unlimited data plan with mobile hotspot, fridges, fifty five bucks, a mug and get a five g samsung galaxy for free at tried, unlimited everything at a fraction of the price of arise at eighteen to your t, mobile here's another thing, you'll be on america's most dependable five g network. How do I know? I'm a customer make the switch to pure talk the wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because the proud to stand behind me and you just I a pound to fifty and say mark Levin and your
a free, samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text and unlimited data again get a pure talk. Dot com use, promo code, Levin, podcast, l e v, I n podcast to start saving. Today the breath of fresh air. There used to criticise amiss idea, but I've got no one and is It's absolutely in the right place. We don't agree on ukraine, but we come at issues really from the same position and that's for me and when I. When I get to know somebody want to get to think about them. Say cover mccarthy phantom mccarthy, then he would come on this programme. Unsolicited tricks, in the issues to explain where he stood
I daresay he certainly the most conservative speaker we ve had so New newt, gingrich unease, no thing. Conservative, the newt, The people who were shooting spitballs from the sidelines have contributed almost nothing to this country, been terribly wrong. They really audit, they were at present themselves plain themselves now, but they want their cowards. Others have peace and bright barred that sort of the the other side, but Josh holly's writ About and manhood. paul more than half of americans, say motherhood is most Porn role for a woman to fill in today's world, so american One fathers were fathers and mothers who are mothers. They still want men who are men and women who were men. The damage
A party does not want men who are men and women who are men need to start to pay attention to who leaves what do they? guys are in the bad guys are whose evil whose good we need. hard to pay attention to this, and by that I mean call them out for what they are who they are- and I am quite serious about this. Over a media matters, somebody sent me a link, so there I am foolish enough to open it and the previous best, Slime balls media matters on the page all of the hard left dark money dogma. In our Democrats there troubled. When I said that donald trump is the most victimized politician in american history.
really weird, don't you think, MR producer, since they and others unleash wholly hell against this man, trying to drive him into his grave. when you pointed out there's something wrong with you there so upset, because I pointed out that the great threat that young black men risen face. in our country in our cities or other young black men, black teenagers, are killing black teenagers at an alarming rate. This is how most die, who were murdered in some needs to be done about it. So media matters, which is mostly lily. reprobates premium it's they thought. This was controversial statement, there's nothing controversial about it, the fact that Democrat
so marks on the left, like these propagandist, won't mention it that's. What should be and that's what should be appalling as about fact- and it is to me it is to me- so I wanted to point that out and then we have John Kennedy had to have enough time. Mr producer, not enough time when we come back John Kennedy, senator John Kennedy is he's a jump to peace, terrific. from louisiana unease at a hearing on the year, the family, a verse signature bag in these other banks, and he just takes a term And then we have john fetterman. John fishermen, whose Also, the hearing on bank fairies today and
demonstrates the heartlessness, the democratic party and, quite frankly, fireman's wife, democrat party media impact wearing this man to the Senate heartless to him to his children and have the watch this and heartless to their people. pennsylvania from whom they concealed most of this and, as I think we then a fantastic senator by the way, either would have been a fantastic scenario to represent the people of pennsylvania. Right now effectively, they have no representation. Ferryman base the votes. The way that Schuman tells them to her I just can't process things as a result of stroke that he had and the result of obviously his his serious depression. It's not funny, it's not worth a joke its.
Are those thinks, he's mental health issues, and I don't think it's funny I do want you to hear what he said today, not to laugh not to think it's funny, but the point The heartlessness of that party and, frankly. The democratic media and his wife people of pennsylvania do not have to senators who can effectively represent them I'll, be right back. I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity. So I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss
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the no broadcasting from the underground command both the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The the american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eight than seven three one three, a one one in about twenty. Five minutes, president trampled beyond the programme S to come on. He wants to respond to this dorm report, and were more than happy to help have and will be a great pleasure. Senator John Kennedy was in a hearing today on the bank failures anyway,
addressing the signature bank, chair and co founder of of their woke commercial. They awoke commercial. and he and others are sick and tired. Of the monies and the focus on this woke crap. I got an email today, america, from somebody who works in a corporation and next to her name, We need the person put vice president for global by and then apparent federal. Let said her hers, their close parenthesis. you. Can you do that must reduce it Why not is right! I mean it's a serious. Serious has a heart attack, as they say anyway,
here's John Kennedy, the little bit entertainment and yet very good at what he does. He's just reading out the chair In co, founder of signature, on their woke commercial cut? Eight go! if sure you're in the video arch. Yes, I'm in that video. You show that video to the public That video was designed as a moray eel boosting, but did you show us a republic who it was shown at the employ parties and you is shown for the I would they may have seen their yes and, and you were trying to invite people too their hard earned money entrust entrusted to you? spend it wisely in you show them this video that video had a positive impact on
lady. Your highly row enjoyed who enjoyed watch your language and rose repeating. What how much time did you spent you? U conducting pronoun seminar steady? what's your programme should madonna I introduced stay seminar organised by three hundred of my colleagues, just as I went to the other, informing me as you let you entered you. You spend a lot of time doing pronoun seminars during people about how they are to use the right, pronoun gender neutral programme out. Didn't I actually spent no time beyond introducing more accurate, show the seminars, but I will do it I actually didn't, spend any cut. Nine go for you made a really stupid bet that went bad, didn't it
and the taxpayers of america had to pick up the tab for years. Do couldn t didn't. I said There were a series of events on pay. The events that occurred there. as to where we are today. Not this. What an unprecedented this was deep down. will the marrow stupid you put all your eggs in one basque, you put: your eggs, one basque. An anguish unless she wore livin on the international space station. You could say that interest rates were rising and you weren't hedged that's him taking on this silicon valley bank you weren't hedged meaning. You didn't diverge the fire investments
and you know the the media today from the washed imposed in the new york times in the democratic party. They don't want you diversifying undressed to put it all in stock. And bonds and bank accounts they certainly don't want you to have any hard metal, sir or gems. bones or anything else, painting whatever do they and sadly this john fetterman. At a hearing on bank failures. Today I say again: it's not funny fact its painful cut And go this is its staggering is, it is staggering, responds responsibility and that the head of a bank could literally could literally crash our economy, astonishing that's like if you have, I mean like an, and they also realises that,
Now we have it in guaranteeing a guaranteed way to be seen at random, again fundamental number, my how so It is isn't it appropriate that the those kinds of gonna control should be stricter. To prevent this kind of thing going, or should we just go on and start bailing and sailing, whoever bang, regardless of how our there's their conduct is the and to give you an example, the republicans want to give her a work requirement for snap for a hungry family has to have This kind of penalties are these kinds of work, working requires shouldn't. You have a working requirement, resale your baby with billions in your bank.
because we were proved preoccupied win. Then snap requirements for works were hungry people, but not about protecting the tactic and the tax papers. That will be on the matter whatever, about a bank crash digression shed I know it is trying to get out, but it said when he gets worse. I dont mean in terms of neurology. gets worse. You ve got secretary of energy she's me the sector of education, whose training the take money away from school lunch programmes, the school or school district. The does our boys biological boys too, plain women's sport.
Have you heard the hue and cry over there? Of course not. and this is how the mobsters on the left, conduct themselves education is who a radical, buffoon and he's front by Jim banks, solid conservative in indiana who's running for the senate. levin go. My Stay recently passed a law at the state legislature that band biological mails from competing is against girls in scorn elementary sports because, obviously Biological males have some physical trace. That would give them an advantage in sport. over girls, the educate in department, your department, proposed a rule, change that would pull federal funding from schools at dawn, allow biological males to compete against girls, girls in sports, MR secretary, yes, or no
Does that mean that europe that your department will take away school lunch programmes for needy kids because aid or a school, won't allow a boy to compete against a girl in the sports so going back to the cynics. If I could, I ask me a question: are you, our do support taking away school lunches from kids who go. Schools were boys are allowed to play on girls' sports to europe's promoting a in the most rigorous intensive academic programming. Under the raised, the bar, I would love to share more use import, taking away a school lunch from needy kid. A kid might it might be the only war meal they get every single day, because
school while allow a boy to compete on a girl sports team, I'm proud of the work we are doing that say yes or no question. Mr secretary, I'm proud of the work. We are doing to make sure that all students medical share, the answer. The answer is yes, this administration would take away school lunches from kids. You need that much may be the only war meal that my they might ever get because of the radical agenda of this administration. I yield back a part of media, not in the least not in the least so the abide administration's official policy is, if you run a school district or the state legislature votes on what shouldn't be controversial, the biological. Boys must participate in biological boy, bored- said his boy sports. That somehow
this problematic, they will cut off your student lunch programme and they think that's gonna punished. The school district. When a punishes all these kids Anybody heard a single, so called sir, four pointed civil rights leader speak out about this. Now now, one. How about any these organisations they claim to represent poor people know now one. How about a member of the democratic party congress speaking? Not one man because their ideological agenda trumps everything else, free speech.
of association, the family, religion, open borders and food for poor little kids I'll be right back, then this emphasis This brought to you by cliff kid makers of sea bar the winwin energy, snack bar for kids, kids, love, the soft big texture and delicious flavors like chop, What ship and iced oatmeal cookie and parents love that each leave our is packed with wholesome ingredients like organic oats, with no artificial flavors or high fructose corn sirop, cliff kinsey bar is the winning snack to fuel active kids that every one in the family can agree on visit, cliff kit, dot com to learn more, that's see, l, I f kid dot. Com.
Presently trouble is scheduled to be with us an about turn attitude. I always use that phrase scheduled to be not exclusive to present tremble for because we ve had occasions when people are forgotten. they're out to dinner, they all my god. I forget that's why I say people are scheduled. The government busy. Ladies and gentlemen,. big things in small any of your kids drink chocolate, nook. sometimes kids, won't drink milk. If you don't make chocolate milk, While the governments, in your face now chocolate milk long, a school cafeteria mainstay could be coming off the menu they can.
coming off the menu. When I get From history of washed imposed, I guess wall street journal concerned about the amount of added sugars. Children are consuming the. U s! Department of agriculture, Is considering banning flavoured milk, including chocolate, strawberry, and other varieties in our entry and middle schools when it adopts new standards for school meals. So here's what's going to happen, they're going to ban chocolate and strawberry milk, but one comes to pornographic books when it comes to talking about genitalia. If that's really genitalia, I, if you stole from somebody else or for written, twa ways to have sex that Biden tells us his book banning Joe Biden tells us is censorship, so little kids, who are going to be told not by their parents.
By the government in Washington that they can have chocolate a strawberry milk or other varieties, but they can all about sleaze and perversion and all the rest- that's stupid- issues of the bag and administration. The issue is sharply divided: parents, child nutrition specialists, school Officials and others supporters of restricting flame now say it has added? I can't stand this in our constitution. Some people, what are they do for a hobby? They play baseball, they play golf, they watch this. They went away. I read. Do I read mostly the constitution I study at. It people studied the back of their hand, what most people don't, but you get the point, and if I have a question about some, I dig into history even go before the year.
Before we had our independent saga want english common law. Look at the french I'll do whatever I have to do to try and figure out some of these issues. And so when I see that the government wants to regulate or ban chocolate, milk or flavoured milks once ban certain dishwashers and washing machines to ban certain window, air conditioning units and age faxes wants to ban Combustion engine, its real jihad. You see the ban, things that are in your home, I think to myself. How did we get here? the founders Revolutionaries would Revolting today they put up with this see what they will be done to yourselves. Ladies and gentlemen and parents you're much
were enough to decide where your kids, you gonna drank, and how you communicate that to them we know to raise our kids, we can decide what kind of air conditioning units to put in our windows rate. Facts systems dab, and whether we want to drive a car electrical car or a car that runs on fossil fuels. We don't the stupidest people in america, that is democrats in Washington DC, telling us how to live, and where do they get this power from they got it from the supreme court? because franklin, roosevelt god very angry, and he demanded that cream court, stop knocking down is his face. Tasks socialist agenda, so he threatened to pack the court one of the rhinos on the court flipped anyway owens,
but finally to get in a names, but in particular Eventually, he would. I seven of the nine justices and he'd get his way, and so the country was fundamentally altered and the Democrats the media love it the tyrants love it and that's how we came to the point where the government control what kind of milk your kids drank in school chocolate. Now we say no president drop as next I'll be right back right now, someone's listening to songs about parties, travel and get away without planning one for themselves. They need a change of two real visit north carolina,
watch a pleasure to have president trump with us. How are you, sir, very good, bach, very good? How are you I'm doing great. You know, president trump, when you this three hundred six page report, we ve indicates everything you have said about what was taking place from the moment they undertook. This phony investigation there you are an innocent man. You know he had nothing to do appeared and you know he had nothing to do with russia, and now he had nothing to do with the still dossier and they pounding you on pounding you and pounding you on it, I mean honestly, how did you feel I mean when you say? Well, I'm an innocent man, what the hell's going on here. Well, you know strange, because I started hearing it about russia. People would come up young people usually working for the campaign, it's so nice to meet. You, sir You know, have about russia, users
thing going around and they had started it actually, a little before the ship jeanne campaign, but it really had a much bigger effect on the twenty twenty care bed, because nobody heard about it before sixteen. They meant to get the dossier before sixteen a minor change things I don't know I mean they couldn't get it out. I believe it or not. They couldn't get anybody. Take news me, to put it out. It took a little bit longer than they thought and I had one and so therefore, when it came out by buzzfeed, which is now I think, out of business. I hope they be, but Busby came out, in january, so that's quite a bit after the elections or did matter there, but nobody soldiers. god for two and a half years. It was meant to be an excuse for her losing I'm paying russia, russia right so excuse for losing something that a lot of people thought she was going to win. I didn't think so. and it really had an impact on the twenty twenty race. Along with many other things. You know that better than anybody correctly
and it was very interesting, but these are very sick people. These are very bad people Mr president, eight pure surprises were handed out in twenty eighteen related to this up to them at times in the washington post I maggie have women and so forth, and you know both say what are they gonna returned the puritans? Doesn't it's just show how complete lee and thoroughly corrupt and biased, and this the media are It is true and you'll be happy to know about six months you isoude the, future foundation, because I You got the russia story. Frankly, guys, like you, John and I dunno what they do glitch or it's equivalent, but Many many people gregg Jared look at Turley. If he has so many people, they could have gotten. A little bit eliminated, but nevertheless a lot of people say shit got that
Should I got me, a lot of people should have got that that got it right, but the people, the guy, it all, got it exactly the opposite of jack and I shoot the let your foundation I'm doing this more work as it also corrupt. What's going on with the special persecuted cycle and special persecutors is about. You, don't have the term special council, John, so nice, and then I brought it special plastic eventually, special persecutors thereon That's all election interference at all. The dishonest have no friend from the russia, russia, russia, it was just be the up, but I soon It's your foundation, mark and dig like us as a lawyer, because you gave up surprises. You have to take back because it just the opposite. What happened that exactly the opposite, so the worshippers, new york times and various others got up, and when- major litigation and I think we're doing very well. I gladly should ended because what happened today, I was so oppressed by the quality
report, it was an amazing report done by durham and of course, now he's under attack, because that the way the left and the Democrats are one and the same in the media, and but look at this fbi how corrupted is how rogue it is- and I say this the idea that, if it's not fix the idea that they get our work and then send a swat team to your home when they can resolve these matters, I was in a criminal matter. january next year- the one that offer ten thousand armed troops to protect the cap, during that should have been enough. There call off the to call off the prosecutors per so there's still at thirsted, there's something about you. They just can't stand the fact that number one you came president unnumbered to it can happen again, well we're leaving at every paul by a lot and, as you know, a wrong has gone down. Bigley kick issuing a death
a job like Iraq, which is frankly nice, because you know I am Assuming him and he was gonna- lose by thirty point or more I assume that elected and then he says a yard led to run against president cannot so I will see what happens he's on his way down and we'll leading widened by eleven. and ah I guess there was- another poll came at seven and another one eleven and another one nine. So that's a lot, but you'd actually say who would vote for him who would vote for? But these are people, these are really deranged. Go, and you have that with especial persecutors. Right now you have people again at the same got herself the same people I mean is frankly there. All and this group of people there all like friends in just a disgrace frazier they're allowed to do it now we will judge you by big numbers are not wholly we're gonna be able to turn it around. It was close up. The border will get the bad ones. You know we have people coming in from
mental institution, some jails all over the world, not just the four countries that I talk about, including chicago. I mean we're talking about all over the world. There and from Congo it coming in from He is emptying out into our country many many countries are literally should take their prisoners. There. People from All institutions are sending them in today Dumping ground, which is the united states to the american people, are not going to stand for it they're just not going to stand for it will get. It turned around fast This is an amazing. You got twenty twenty Shell companies the common chinese or point tens of millions of dollars into the Biden, Bangkok, through these shall companies which are intended to conceal everything yeah and I'm and in the end, in general. The united states won't even appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden. Isn't that appalling?
well the numbers in june he is doing an amazing job com and jim, Jordan are doing amazing job in their committees, but now you look at that, browser shocking and not only it's just not china, many You just can't use a lot of people. never even heard about it. It's just the incredible what's going on and you don't worried about it in the mainstream media and it's hard to have a scandal when you a great about it right and you look at the Your time generate anything about it. They don't talk about it. incredible nobody's ever seen very I put up public today, very honoured by the fact that I think more, anybody ever expose. The correctness of the press have exposed the fake use but really what it is and a lot of the fair usage sure they put out her sisters. They don't put out like they'll, have something like this you're the crime of the century, and they walk right, any
think about it and they're all lockstep and that's just was bad, is putting out forty but the foresters. If they have something you just a little tiny bit and they make it into the biggest thing: but it really what they don't say, that's worse and they don't report any of the things that you just said actually here. Mr president, your taxes, you find answers. or family you every year fact of your life been examined by The Democrats has been examined by the media examined by prosecutors, Think anybody else could pass really come out as clean as you have they have literally nothing on you, zero, this is my question and such like
when you're with maloney a dinner. Something like that, the ever say to each other I don't know when this is gonna end. I dont know when this is gonna end I mean they ve looked than they ve. Look, there's nothing there. I tell him, there's nothing there, but they just don't stop no, and they continue onward and its worse and worse and is more and more pathetic. Actually, the good thing about all of this exposure of corrupt. This is that it takes away their credibility. For you know what they want to do. This people. They don't want voter idea, these people, the one open borders. They just people they're gonna destroy our country. Who could want open borders as an example, but a friend, mine said it was a very successful man. He said you are. The only man I know they could go through this kind of an examination. I made my sweetheart you're about him for years finally
they were given over what they shouldn't have to be by the way. I thought it was a terrible rowing by the courts, but that's ok. We give it over. That was the end of what you heard, but no, man has ever no person has ever gone through what I've got through and they have nothing in In my view, a very successful said if they did that to me with it ten minutes they would have found more stuff. They had even believe it because what you know. I run a straight chip by runners, chip away and I would have been out of there a long time ago cause it's never been. Anybody that's been invested, If anybody ever in history, that's been investigated, and inside out and backwards more than I. Market. You know that I think almost better than anybody. Two hundred percent you been investigated by then origins agency should be investigated by the irish sheep. It investigated by the fbi, the department of justice, you ve been investigated by: u s attorneys a truly absolute,
disgusting and sickening and by the way president trumpet great book out their letters to tramping go to forty five books. Tat come let's put that up there, MR producer, forty five books, dot com or amazon, dot com, it's a fantastic book, you know, MR president, you want to run you wanna get reelected. Despite all the these slings and arrows Why is that? What do you want to do again? So we need a tremendous job. We had the greatest economy era, we cut taxes boy than anybody, even including ronald reagan. He gave the big tax cuts. We gave a much bigger tax. Could we? because regulation cuts in history rebuilt the melted knocked out, a hundred per cent of devices they say the war stuff, but we not get as russia would have never happened with ukraine. The way china would have never happened with Taiwan, who could very well happen fairly sure and all the things I did, we had a good
he's the and we had no inflation. We had the most incredible time we ve never met. Anyone, but again I want to make amerika great against the phrase I wanna make america greater, get we put america first. We energy independence and now a pang of fortune for energy. we totally energy independence we a ghastly down to a dollar eighty six, a gallop think of it another, to get rid of those cars and they want to go to war electric that travel for an hour and a half before you don't mind: charger at all times. Just crazy now today are they want to get her to wash receipts and air conditioners. Now, because I have any electric they want to go to all elector for their heavy and the electric in california, all brown out and blackouts, but they want to go to all electric costs. These people, He and I really believe I've never used to say this, but they must. One day, not stupid people as anybody. They can't cheat like that when elections can't be stupid
what they really want to destroy our country and one. I could let that happen. So there make amerika great again That's why I'm doing this, You have the lawyers and place this time in the infrastructure in place and so forth to really duke it out on election day I think we will. We are working on that very arch. They use covered to cheat Melanie I was by the millions, millions and millions of male unbalanced, and, despite that, I get seventy five million votes more than any candidate ever get at any sitting president had ever god, thou shalt have I got the stables they got, the first of which is three million birds that you couldn't lose? I guess many five million votes class I mean plus I take me beyond that and they call the election different way. I won't get into it, but they called the election somewhere. You you're gonna be prepared this time. We also. I do think so. We have to be prepared. We have noted,
if we don't win or can I really believe our country is going to be finished? I don't believe I'm going to stop. I agree. I agree one hundred percent, so Was there anything else you want a dimension. I just love talk in the I can't help. But what do I look can you do? I have to say, fear, fear, listeners annually by the way you have the number one show on sunday- and you have the number one show in the weekend and I love doing it and we did it or the book and the book became my book Letters became the number one book in a long time. It has been and ever since we won a new show. I dunno, if you know the power of that show, but if you get on that show- and you have a book your book we're do very well, but you beer, especial man, david losers, because you really are special men and amazing man you're very, very kind likewise, and my best to your wife in your family. God bless you, sir. Thank you keep up the good work and we were already make amerika great again. We're gonna, do it, but thanks a lot.
take care yourself, the boy his letters to trump forty five bookstore come you're, gonna love this book. You didn't This book, I have a right here in front of me. His fascinating all these letters that were written him and his responses the years and you know all the people who would write em every walk of life, not just politicians and world leaders, sports figure. It's entertainers, leftists and so forth, and what they said in some cases, it's actually kind of funny letters to trump forty five bookstore com, forty five bookstore, com and or you can go to amazon dot com, either way I'll, be right. Back much love in the don't fall for the free phone, india's from verizon a t and t or t mobile folks just another trick,
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you're, not a boring interview, is a boring interview is there's the same questions. Everybody else So I could pretend I'm one of these reprobates on cnn and say all kinds of things: the president that you already know so there oh, isn't to elicit information. Their goal is to make a point. So, every year, when they go to these events, everybody say boy that caitlin was unbelievable. Where that Jim, he really because you want to be woodward and Bernstein who are? Two morons, who but an awful lot of information again deputy director, the f b. I wanted to take our necks. That's not how I do it
you heard mainly interview with Josh. You heard my interview, a president trump, who I absolutely enjoy talking, and you ve heard my interviews round the scientists who I absolutely enjoy talking. Excuse me as well as others Some of the others won't come on. You know the. new jersey, hindenburg, he won't come on. The sugar high The boy there in new Hampshire, new Hampshire, which one also known as people. In reply now healing as kiss ass interviews, Larry hogan. We hope it is in the dustbin of history. There will never be a footnote of a footnote of a footnote of a footnote of him. His father bizarre, play a courageous congressmen at a maryland,
who represented, I think it was georgia's county at the time, but but partner. Larry marries a sell out and there's ass, a hutchison shows up here and there, only does a shop and attack truck. That's it. The american people had enough of this. They know who the enemy. The enemy is No, we need to do it's just a matter selling on the right candidate. not gonna we're not gonna support. Or participate in any way, encourage the bene? Decrees there. It's not gonna happen it's just not gonna happen costly. trees at stake, and you heard president ciampi two hundred percent correct. If we lose and selection he's afraid it's over saw. My I've said that How are we going to dig out a year's this a year? of an open border
of equity, eight years of destroying women's sport a there's a our archer. We're not gonna dig out of it. how crucial this is now some generation step up and protect their families. Protect their country and they save it and all were asking people to do, is to organise and vote and to push back. the push back and by the way All this is happening internally. The raveling of the american experiment by the marxist left it means abroad, are going to attack they're, not stupid. Communist china doesn't want to attack donald trump president, or does or anybody else, yes I do like talking president trapeze is a blast- is also incredibly intelligent. If you let him speak
we salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel are truckers freedom fighters in ukraine, and and taiwan, and all you folks, none This is possible without you, god bless each and every one of you and I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-18.