« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/1/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a political party is an organized attempt to gain control of the government, and the Democrat party seeks to gain control and keep it through a one-party state. That is when you know you are dealing with a totalitarian party. The Democrat socialists like AOC and Bernie Sanders have fundamentally taken over the base of the Democrat party, who Nancy Pelosi and President Biden had to bow to and are now doing their bidding. The administrative state exists for the Democrat party and has since FDR, and it leaks and undermines Republican administrations so even if they win elections they still lose. Also, Kevin McCarthy gave a speech in Israel while Biden still has not invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States, and secularist Democrats just do not care. McCarthy is speaking out about the Iran regime’s aggression and its threat to Israel, and at the same time the Biden administration is ignoring Israel while helping Iran.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now: broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
The The mark living here or number. Eight in seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one. Eight seven seven three, one three. One one I continue I own journey through there's philosophers and political scientist
and so forth and so on, and do my own thinking and reasoning and went on. in these different thoughts to you where we, They can try and make sense of some things that are taking place in this society. Let me read a quote to you: then we will jump into the other stuff soon enough little party is an organised attempt to get control of the government. A political party isn't is organised attempt to get control of the government. Let me do it without causing a political party is unorganized attempt to get control of the government e shack schneider, who was a political side,
fairly well known, the middle of the last century, Thing is in many ways it correctly political parties and organised attempt to get control the government, but things are low different. Today in several respects. But let me speak to the main ones for the democratic party. A political party is unorganized attempt to get control the government and keep it for. The democratic party should attend. get control the government and keep it and have a one party state at why they tried to change the voting system, try they try to pack the supreme That's why they do what they do in the states
and that's when you know you're dealing with a party that is totalitarian turn and make the democratic party is. You also notice the oh see types. Bernie sanders type, these democratic socialists that's what they call themselves. The Democrats jealous of america. That the organization there propelled them. Office and scores of them as a matter of fact in the house there not real democrat party apparatchiks. So what are they doing?. They are trying to take over fundamentally the base of the democratic party, because they figured out their running in the green party. The reform party, whatever party, doesn't work not only
knighted states for a variety of reasons. I don't get it So the real battle is within the parties, and so the marks, have battled within the democratic party, and they are the base of the democratic party that policy had about two And Biden has about two and now they are actual participants and that's the democratic party base. So they have succeeded, the american marxists, Come in the base, the democratic party even there, The majority, They have succeeded in securing
support of the ruling class, the democratic party may since MR producers, I think this through I mean by this. A political parties and organised attempt to get control the government and I added and keep it if you're a democrat. for one party rule permanent one party government. I ve been working on this. since woodrow wilson and early nineteen hundreds, but most especially franklin, roosevelt franklin rose without wrote long ago when its in one of my books that he wanted create permanent change because its not enough to win an election and then the other power becomes in and things are you developed, are no longer relevant, are no longer in place, and so they
came up with this idea of a massive, powerful entrench bureaucracy. That's the permanent government. Scholars called the administrators state. politicians call at the swamp whatever you want an administrative state or swamp exists for the democratic party. One republicans in office. These are leyla are more particularly what they do. Is they sabotage they leak, they undermine that's what they do. That bureaucracy is built.
Not exclusively, but mostly by the democratic party. So even if republicans, when elections, they don't win the day. Now there are reports again like Chris anew, like Carl rove, like Larry Hogan, like asa hutchinson, like Chris Christie, who are perfectly happy with that they liked the trappings of power. As long as again have some changes on the on the edges, where they can point of themselves as really import. figures when, in fact, they are not even here cups in history, then those who take it on like a reagan and a trump and so forth, who pay the price. And the scientists in Florida who is now being stopped.
by Nancy mace, and just let me say, a footnote nancy maize. Chris sooner asia, Hutchinson truth is they in their yoke would not begin. his time on Sunday shows on cnn MSNBC and b c, a b c or c b s a their trashing their own party in members in their own party I say, wouldn't get any attention cause they irrelevant. If I were you, state today, some lock it of statement about a con, that principle or about a conservative, governor, conservative, senator or donald trump, or what? What have you I would be invited and meet the press face. The nation. And every other show they could think of. When I
besides the establishment. Fifteen twenty years ago. Remember MR reducing they were begging me to come on their shows. I said no. Because your intentions are not pure, your intentions are political, but that's not the case, Its he may, Chris sooner s head, turned pensions are self aggrandizement right. That's that footnote. Let's get back to the bigger point. so we're facing today, a democrat party, it has a base, if not more, that hates america rejects the constitution. rejects the rule of law, is marxist In very many aspects of its ideology that has
Centrally conquered the ruling class within their party in that the battle that has been lost in the democratic party within the democratic party. But now that's the battle we face. many of us anyway. As non democrat. Now, having said all this, I talked about the permanent bureaucracy. They also stacked the courts with ideologues. We start the courts with people who say they won't be realised. We stacked the courts with people, say I'll. Take it Case as it comes and apply the law, they stack the courts with people who say up to each case as it comes and I'll advance, the radical left
activists agenda, which makes it of course very difficult to overcome, makes a daunting motherfucker. But as such, this entire system is now stacked against us, the permanent bureaucracy, the judicial activists. It, stacked against those of us who are constitutional conservatives stacked against us. This is what I've been thinking about over the course the weekend. I think that's what's happened. And so they continue to empower themselves and trying their agenda through their bureaucracy. The regulations, bureaucratic dictates and fields
walls and penalties, and punishments. Executive orders. Live an entire massive governing apparatus that has no constitutional basis: And completely blows out, the idea of a representative government and exists to not only empower itself but to continue to grow and grow and grow and the democrat party and this Permanent government are one and the same, which is why Biden,
Previous democrats, who proposed mass suspending massive dead, more programmes, more agencies, more bureaucracy,. Because I had empowers the democratic party in empowers the permanent bureaucracy. and they can advance their agenda, whether therein officer out of office. I'll be right back then No, you guys are wearing federal reserve staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that. Learn how to. check the retirement. You worked really hard for. I think a great ways to diverse. I would god and specifically a gold ira. That's right! Physical go! In your eye array, my favorite gold, I write companies are augusta precious metals. He got a call.
these guys and learn how a gold ira can help. You saw a few Two hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate. guide to gold I raised tell the mark said you and I'll give you a free gold coin when you open a gold. I re car augusta precious Those today eight seven seven more gold. I re. That's eight. Seven seven for god. I re, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get rich disclosures august oppression Metals, dot com, what a great company! I want you to show you how Bernie sanders works being a marxist as he is any it Camp to cut government spending obese nine people out on the streets, working people.
To be throwing them out on the streets cut to go down on what slap and or two things, first of everybody in congress. It's got on this than the united states of america cannot default on its debt. by the way, a lot of that debt was accumulated under the trump administration. Ok, let's stop we're not talking about The following on the debt per se were term at following on the spending that took place in the prayer congress they voted on, including the colonel, but every Democrat it was set up against the republicans and I'll. Has thrown seven trillion dollar budget on top of that and there but those are saying we can pay for all that we're not going to pay for that. We will destroy the future of our children and our grandchildren. and so being the marxist said he is and believing in modern monitor a policy which is the federal government
and spent in bar as much as it wants. Who cares? That's his agenda. If he believes that government shouldn't default on its debt, the maybe he should help create so much of it. I do agree that the republicans contribute to this, but- Beyond this when it comes to a bidding war on the debt, the Democrats, when hands down every single time, go ahead bills, or else there will be caught. It cleared for big economic power. Once in the united states around the world, massive unemployment and a man The recession number two. So why did you For that, I why you supporting their budget, then why don't you guys? shade and cut some of the spending? So we can get the debt down and it will go ahead, is right.
What we need is a clean that ceiling will now you don't get a clean dead suing bill, because that means every single thing the Joe Biden is demanding is going to be approved by congress approved by the republic, to say why you said the republicans here to approve every single. Bending whether its redistribution to this teachers unions redistribution to them access on the left, the destruction of the combustion in the destruction of energy independence? Open boy? yours and all the rest, such what's being funded or not funded, so Should funny nineteen percent increase for the environmental protection agency, a thirteen percent increase for the department of education, three percent increase on the on the military. In the face of china's growing and the republicans must comply, or else we were to fall on the debt. That's what he said. I need a clean bill.
Do republicans get clean dead increases when it comes to the Democrats, of course? Not this guy's a liar, go ahead and then you can see, and negotiate? What a sensible budget is what the report can you see they want to skip to cycles? Now we can. No, she would have sensible budget. Is the republicans waiting to get sworn in. One polo see a lame duck in the house. The Democrats and the Democrats in this With the help of Mcconnell passed a budget, that's never happen and modern, american history Normally, you wait for the new congress to be sworn in. Could you have some respect for the voters who told you they wanted to different party in charge of the house, but they didn't do it. Now he says. Well, then we can negotiate on a budget. You rammed a budget through now returned the republicans. They must in fact pay for even though they involve for even though it
It has so much waste and fraud and abuse, even though we have massive inflation and your budget will include increase inflation. Even more that's what he's demanded I'll be right, back no, you guys are wearing federalism. Staff said banking crises follow up, could push the economy the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to protect the region. I meant you worked really hard, for. I think a great wasted so I would gold and specifically a gold. I re that's right, fist, Go go in your ira, my fate, god I or a company is a gust of precious metals. You gotta call these. Eyes and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved. thousand or more of fora. One k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their ultimate, guide to gold, I raised tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin.
When you open a gold, I re car august precious Those today eight five and seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven, for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get risk disclosures and august. Precious metals, dot com, what a great company marks nothin and are not upon shutting patriot and unavoidable jeddak constitutional asked you can reach him at eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one an illegal aliens literally slaughtered. Five people yesterday include A mother and her daughter and others in a house next door Because the illegal aliens from mexico in his
friends were firing a gun off their porch. and they were dared to ask. Please stop It was too loud keeping the baby awake. so he got mad and people in the house, and he slaughtering, then I have to early it liberal sable. Why do you have dimension that the persons in illegal I want you know out? Let me take two reasons: why number one five people will be alive. The legal ellen was not in america, he been deported four times before four times
Number to the people who say this really don't care about the migrant community. They really not I do not care about the migrant community, they pretend to care about it, but they don't because the migrants mainly pays the price for these murders? Not these left lists to run these organizations out of skyscrapers or these left us on television who is white is precisely who have no idea what you're talking about The community's that suffer as a result of an open border.
fish into our own border. Communities are the re people they claim to care about, who are raped, who are maimed Who are enslaved were tortured, were murdered. These are the policies that the left have unleashed in america. You know it's an amazing thing to be left us think about Hell you're mine functions. Actually it's quite dysfunctional, quite dysfunction. You hear day in and day out, what's goin on board. You told what's goin on other border and you don't care in ukraine
to be a humanitarian, withdrew, self righteous propaganda. even though people are suffering hardly on both sides of the as a result of the policies that you endorse. I had already I dont care. The king of england is. Specially this one, I'm sorry this guy's a huge live with the climate dollar restaurant Otherwise, I am very interested in british history, including the crap that dares jack scares me. Alright, already sick of it all right back to where I was the american left. The american left does the american left embrace life. I'm just curious they're the ones who promote there.
Abortion on demand right up to the last. Second, that's not promote life? Last time I checked now I m I have a caveat here. They dupe. They do oppose the death penalty, Comes to mass murders, so in aid. Perverse and bizarre way they will defend those individuals. but when it comes to innocent life, not so much, they hate the cops who are there to prevent or protect innocent victims. They hate the unborn, they wanted call them babies, they say it's a right to kill them perverse,
we have an open border. That's resulted in numerous des illnesses: sexual crimes, enslavement, children being forced in servitude near timescale, big piece on that now, maggie, Edmund she's busy chase trump, but you understand what I mean: do they like What what is it with that party? What is it with these people? I'm serious about it and what what is their deal and all they think really weird. You want to know the truth, specially their leaders or their crazy. I let's keep moving here Bernie
Hundreds is open. A cutting some spending, ladies and gentlemen, cut one go open to any spending cuts as part of the ultimate budget deal you up if we can move toward our cutting military spending when our spending ten times more than the people than any other country ah, how you idiot now we're not you idiot spending. Ten times more than the communists, chinese and I've when this before and you know, you're a liar that their numbers are fake and that day They don't break out these civilian side of the moon, terry their leads the Spending priorities for this for that country, and they don't include the amount of
Fusion with the civilian side- and he knows this- Israel is really contempt above us bastard go ahead, massive, cost overruns in the pentagon: I'm usually cost overruns and inorganic cheeseman. These massive costs, overruns and everything the government says. That's funny. This man. Of cost overruns would would be an argument against big, centralized government right, big centralize government, I guess you could say we are eliminate social security based on that theory and medicare. Based on that theory and In every other entitlement, based on that syrian, what about all the key? What money that was spent. I guess we I've done that, based on that theory, I didn't go on and on and on the government blows over too. hundred billion dollars a year in waste fraud and abuse.
All no one very gennaro contractors, since the vast majority. Spending has nothing to do with the military. You ve got a budget puzzle of seven trillion dollars. The military about eight hundred billion gibbered, take of the seven trillion Not even counting social security and medicare, not even counting, go ahead. open to demanding that the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people stop paying are there sure about age. You pay their fair share, which is why were less and less competitive with the rest of the world when it comes to building Things in services and so forth, see the even the communist chinese. Don't think this way they say. Let everybody else raise taxes, lettering about body us lay off their people. We want to predators edge. We want to succeed, we we want to be number one.
the number one country economic nation on the face of the earth and the rich should pay their fair share. He says and corporations should pay their fair share. He says: what does that mean? Who's gonna go to him. The government and what are they gonna do that america? What are the bureaucrats and politicians can it? With the money that they have not earned, in fact, it's been earned in spite of the politicians in the bureaucrats. What are they going to do with the money? Look at how big the government it's the biggest employer, it's the biggest Pensioner, it's the biggest landlord it's the biggest tenant its
biggest consumer of energy, it's the biggest consumer of natural resources, It means more land than any collection of human beings on the face of the earth any once more Bernie sanders had his way a hundred fifty years ago we were, We have on automobiles. Today we wouldn't have electricity did. We would have light bulbs today. The industrial revolution never would have happened because it takes capital to make stuff to invest in things. But here's what bernie knows what marks now.
There is a lot more people earn less than a billion dollars than people who earn a billion dollars a lot more people, and so it always flies, and you make the point to hang them crowd. Hang him. But let's talk about these. These diners that's gonna, cut foremost producer. Go in What you ask the question? How much is enough? So let me give you an answer by the way that voice should be familiar to the chin lists christmas go ahead, If we should go back to the tax policies, the radical tat policies that exist under that communist president, like the eisenhower. What do you think about that? but if you make a whole lot of money, you're going to pay a whole lot of taxes, I I look. I think I may be wrong, but I think
can. The eisenhower days top marginal at the was around ninety percent less so took me less? I have stopped because poor chris doesn't know all the facts, and neither does Saunders and he's a liar that ninety per sent rate applied to virtually nobody, because people in the category of ninety percent. Almost non existent saucer temporary tax. To try and pay for the new deal more work to which had completely zapped federal government's ability to raise funds. So nobody's talked about a ninety percent tax under.
Circumstances that exist today other than a marxist, a democrat actual Bernie sanders. But let's play this out for a moment, Let's say: there's a ninety percent tax on the biggest corporations. What are they gonna? Do they're gonna go out of business. Thinking ahead of business, you can't run assembly lines, purchase material, pay, labour contracts. And pay shareholders, including pensioners,. And you're paying ninety percent to the federal government. That doesn't include state taxes, state income taxes. So you really too about a corporation pang over a hundred percent in income taxes,
He says, pay ninety percent, he didn't say adjusted grows. He said: ninety percent, that's the net. Ninety percent. so if you're in california, the high rate, let's say the corporate just for the fun of it, his thirteen percent, ninety per cent of the federal government jets just and fair State income, taxes alone, you're paying a hundred three percent. And that doesn't include all the other taxes that they throw at you, property taxes and so forth, and so on. So you either leave the country, the united states or you go broke. and everybody who works for that cooperation is out of business. This is what happens when you get a mental midget. Marxist eighty lag had a day, any state in knowing when trying to set national powers. He doesn't know anything about economic.
She knows everything about ideology. Ninety percent and it's too big wallace and smart enough on the spot taken. This- and I really significant way. I'll be right back much love in the No, you guys are wearing federalism staff said. Banking crises follow up, could push the economy, the recession this year, but you can do something about that, learn how to protect it. time- and you worked really hard for. I think a great way is to diversify golden specifically a gold ira. That's right, physical in your ira. My favorite Gold IRA company is augusto precious metals. He got a call These guys and learn how a gold ira can help you. So if you saved, hundred thousand or more of four o k or an ira call a gust of precious metals and get their old.
My guide to go via raised, tell the mark, said you and I'll, give you a free gold coin when you open a gold, I re car augusto she's metals today, eight seven, seven for gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven for gold? I re consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions, get wrists disclosures, augusta, precious metals, dot com. What a great company. Listen to this had five go sir you're saying that billions should not exist. So your are you basically saying that once you get two nine hundred and ninety nine million dollars that the government should confiscate all the rest, saying that we should go back to a very progressive tax policy like what we had on the light, I saw. It would mean that at all
billion dollars. Basically, it all goes to the governor. I knew may disagree with my mom. Doesn't fine yeah? I think people can make it on. nine hundred not a matter of people making it on nine hundred and ninety nine million. you don't have it in their mattress there. Now it's not in their savings account monies eider invested. Much of it is Can it as their wealth, even though its not liquid some businesses and its employing people or its and capital investments to. to develop new technologies for a health or whatever. So you can imagine what it does faster. This would be, I hope he got. Watch life, liberty and live in On sunday we did I pencil first time ever. I think of any show we did. I So Bernie sanders doesn't know how to make a pencil and yet luckily would disrupt the account
me any doesn't care the way they disrupt our energy system, they don't care the way they disrupt our border and they do not care. They want power, they promote their ideology, they don't care about your lifestyle in the least they want you Joe, so how is not about some guy next Haven't twenty billion dollars and today elon must doesn't have an account with fifty billion dollars in its invested in businesses which have to shut down and give the money to the government. Why so people can get more bloated so they can hire? People more irish agents to harass you empower the police state We ve seen this all over the world, so he says he would confiscate confiscate later.
in the clip. He would confiscate anything over nine hundred ninety nine million, where the hell does he get the authority to do that under the constitution, to confiscate anything in our binds Bring a whilst tax but don't worry it's only. Four people were much richer than you. It's only a matter of time once they set the principle, then you're that target you're that target they want your money, because believe it or not, there are enough billion heirs to pay for web Bernie sanders once it's not until the people are enslaved that their government that's what they want, then they.
The control of the right now there's segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again. we're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk, the broadcasting from the underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one eight seven, seven, three one, Three, eight one one national
the radio stay radio. They heaping call that that they clearly are part of the state. more people are getting away with murder answer The killings reach a record high more its across amerika, going unsolved Ass, her bathing the grief of families already reeling and worsening the largely crack trust between police and the public, especially communities of color most affected by gun violence. Amazing. That kind of crap leftwing profit, and from state media. the reason more murders are going unsolved because there's less cops and if people are upset about it. Then they should stop voting for city councilman and mayors, who want less cops. That's the bottom line.
While the rate at which murders are solved or cleared, has been declining for decades. It has now drop the slightly below fifty percent in twenty twenty, a new historic low, several big, so including Chicago have seen the number murder cases resulting in at least one arrest dip into the law to mid thirty, range. We saw a sharp drop in their national clarence rating. Twenty twenty says, professor philip cook, public, Policy research and professor emeritus a duke university university of chicago urban labs he reached close to fifty percent, at the time nationwide, which was, the lowest ever recorded by the abandoned hasn't come up that much sense makes the? U s among the worst sobbing murders in the industrialized world, germany, for example, consistent
we clears well over ninety percent of its murders. Now, why is that? They don't say I'll say, no deep fund, the police movement and in germany is there so those responsible. The reasons behind the dropper multi faceted cook and other experts warned that more We're getting away with murder in the? U s is driving a kind of doom loop of mutual mistrust. Low murder clearance ray impede future investigations which in turn potentially drive up killings in. Communities, where lack of arrests undermines deterrence and sunday, does that police will not cannot protect him. Oh you think you need a phd in need. In academia. The figure that out. Community sector, especially impacted by gun violence, believed that the police are ineffective or indifferent and israel
author, less willing to cooperate, says cook. So that's the answer. Are you serious, indifferent. Don't you think the reason is there is less of them. That's the truth and I'm hoping to show called the first forty I give her watch. I must really you ve never watched the first forty eight What's about these real motor situations in there, Long story is a real real cases, typically at tulsa or new orleans lantern. Some of the other cities, and so you see these efforts at solving these crimes, but if
We have enough police, you can't solve them. And when you have murder going through the roof- and you have enough- please you can't solve them. And so they all stop voting for people who don't want police sower, national shall pubic radio gets it wrong and while. Ironically, I was reading this story. Yesterday, Joe Biden, the Democrats, in the media. The night before that is Saturday night had their big media back, and there have been a grand old time laughing it up and I'm thinking to myself No one. This man does not take the presidency seriously in the media. Do not take.
america seriously in the circumstances america's having to deal with seriously. People are getting away with murder reaches a record high people are being murdered in a record. I people are suffering. Get inflation through the roof. I mean I could go on and on and on, and these people sharp in their penguins. it's in there and then gowns. Even this woman from hollywood had their people follow, They are holding her gown from the back member that one of the leftists And their enjoying their meals, and they they don't even recognize how bad this looks and they don't care, because what are you gonna do about it. They literally don't care. This is going on a wash them units for later The bill you live under billionaires to burn,
But he has more power than washington politicians in the media, the toy you hate them. A p americans fought news media for dividing the nation, the associated depressed. When it comes to the news media in the impact is having on democracy and political polarisation in the united states, merganser likely to say it's doing more harm than good. If you watch MSNBC for half a minute there, even more than cnn and seen in is atrocious emerson. We see is a disaster of law. I q, Democrats and former republicans. That's what it is. That's what it is and they bring on every radical left wing
academic, racist, her big it. They can imagine. By the way, you know what I did in great pain, mr produce. I read this guy ellie miss those book. It is horrendous, he calls the. the white men on the supreme court. He calls a man, she column, white, supremacists,. There is no such thing as reverse racism,. he goes on and on the guy is unhinged- is a vile nasty hateful s, hoping. And he is a regular, fairly regular. slide on. I myself as the typically on. Joy red programme, those prize air cause she's much the same but to have such
number one ignorance about american history and number two hate for the country you live in romania, jackass, like you, can succeed, And exercise your freedom of beat rights, while condemning the people who enshrined it, it's just incredible to me. This is the news made. This are the news media. Today, though you, the three waters of us adults say the news media is it should be the news media are in the press is, but what do I know he creasy Political polarisation in this country, In just under half say they have little to know tat In the media's ability to report it. Is failing accurately and their right there right, the Paul release beef world press freedom day. which prairies on Wednesday shows
cons have significant concerns about misinformation, all play by the media itself, along with politics. Since in social media companies and spreading it. The many are also concerned about the growing threats to journalists, safety, a breakdown entrust may prompt many Moroccans to reject the mainstream news media and it's not mainstreaming, often in favour of social media and unreliable websites. I guess they mean conservatives. While slim majority of american, say they have some degree of confidence in the news media and their ability to report the news falling frailer. Only sixteen percent are very confident yeah, but those include phony journalists from their family. Forty five percent- they have little to no confidence at all. Now, if you run the cat, Stu painted news network or a few run Emma S, Alice d.
Few run one of the networks, or you run the new york times or the washed and composting. You read that you are just the way you approach the news, your adjusted yoda release your text messages in your emails, those who are mocking So we can all take a look at them and see how pure and wonderful you are, but you won't cause you're frauds and phone is inaccurate, we'd love to see those MSNBC and cnn texting emails. We love there, the new york slimes and the watchman campers maggot, berlin, why don't you release years voluntarily shows how fantastic you are. germany and his peters. Why don't you do the same thing? Philip? Let's is less them again, philip bump.
The bomb stir. Why don't you do the same thing? Cause they walk as their frauds and you despise the media for good. and cause they're contributing to the destruction of the country. Publicans view the news media less favourably than Democrats yeah well yet more democrats in the media than republicans sixty one percent. Again saying the news media is should say are hurting democracy, compare with twenty He presented, democrats and thirty six points. of independence. More republicans, thank them. Whose who strongly influenced by the? U S, government and the political views of the journalist g no doubt about that cover recent presidential elections, the corona virus pandemic protests against police killings of black americans
And other events convinced Janice fort that the media can't be believed one station, a cover story that others ignore. living viewers, not sure hummed trust, but the media. Was busy parting saturday night, you know, like the fall of the roman empire settled while the nation burns I'll, be right back much love in the don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks,
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apply you can see this site for details, despise the media and immediate or give a damn. Now you know at the year the congress just for itself. They passed a pay raise without calling it a pay raise, they skirted the constitution. This is how corrupt there. see. They don't think they make enough money. Now nobody told people to run for office, but he s them to run for office. Congress is unconstitutional, pays scant gets members. Thirty four thousand dollar raises so I believe they are in about a hundred seventy five thousand, but more than that have the best health care in the face,
the earth and pay almost nothing for it. You pay for it the best pensions on the face of the earth and they passed nothing in it. Are you pay for all that. Incredible and then, of course, they have the time these powers when they retire like that idiot, senator from a blunt From Missouri, then he goes joys joints, his son and his sons body to be lobbyists and wash and soda trent lot by those who never heard from him again. But that's what he became And james before it is a very good writer over the new post, thanks to a backroom deal House members cannot claim automatic reimbursement who two hundred fifty eight dollars a night for lodging expenses and seventy nine hours a day for meals in washington, even if they don't spend a dime.
But though a house murmurs compacted up the thirty four thousand dollars a year, an additional tax dollars, it's not a pay raise big Politicians are entitled to use false label. For everything they do. There's a petty party in washington. You weren't invited, but you'll pay the bill. Congress are whining that they receive only a hundred and seventy four thousand a year more than triple the U s, salary in higher pay than ninety three percent of americans pocket, and that would include that socialists. Bernie Sanders is always wants to tax everybody else and it's a part time. Jobs. house of representatives is in session about a hundred and seventeen days this year that didn't alexandria, Cassio cortez from moaning that close congress structures itself
sk glued and push out their few working. The last people who do get elect she's another commie fraud congressional salaries are far higher than the average americans pay in part to cover the extra costs are spending time in washington. The members wanted more after republican captured the house majority. In november, the Democrat controlled house administration committee rushed through provision in december to boost members back see. When I mean this is what they do that institutions. Twenty seventh amendment ratified Ninety ninety two, though, prohibits any law called varying compensation for the services of the Senate is an representatives I quote from taking effect code into an election of representatives shall have intervened. The new
windfall was labeled reimbursements, reimbursements, not varying the compensation for services and took effect thanks, a tweaking. The members congressional handbook no debate or vote on the house floor. Neither the Senate nor the president had a say in the matter. Member mo brooks been a fantastic senator mo brooks representative denounce the clandestine secrecy of the process in a press conference. last friday Hakim Jeffreys, then Any pay raise a credit was just reimbursement. He said, and he used the word by paul some five times in one minute to sanctify the new measure inside the
away by partisan, bestows instant absolution house. Republican leaders did not oppose the windfall wouldn't dare openly high good, sound, because only twenty percent of prove outcome with his hand on its job. Seven eight percent disapproval Congressional leadership is portraying the new windfalls, practically a typo, onto w to form the up to thirty four things, Now, as your benefit is part of a budget boost to quote, provide a living wage on quota. According to a summary from the house appropriation committee Democrats, the new benefits system does not require the submission of receipts to reduce burdens and addressed a potential security risks. Will the house is cheap? the administrative officer, maginnis, but kind last year. The gold, hiring, eighty seven thousand new iris agents and employs
Are you you're form, ten. Forties and the shake more money out your bank accounts and that's hundred dollar rule they slipped in there. From then MAO or pay pallor whomever over the course of a here. If you receive six hundred dollars could be from a family member whose Embarrassing you you're gonna. a ten ninety iris form. Whom I re you are going to want to know if you pay taxes on unbelievable answer ghetto Did the congress don't fall for their free phone ideas from from verizon? Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract. Cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and culture,
Cell phone bill in half: that's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose, a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed, it all back by a one hundred percent money back guarantee gotta pure talk that come in or promo code, levine. cast l e v, I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions. Why you can see this site for details. Mark Levin, the champion of liberty and true conservatism, call mark now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one one. I will be on Hannity tonight, proximately nine thirty pm eastern time by mike
installation at six thirty pm pacific. Which in turn would be a p m central. think I have a right something like that answer it is a great site. I don't mention frequently enough? in panelists, paneless drops the hard truth about Biden speech at the white house correspondence than another watch. This will mean lord, and he said pathetic nature of that scene was lost on everyone, Scott jennings, who offers four scene and of all places. I think he worked for bush, but I could be wrong. pointed out how pathetic it was for the press to clap along the way president making fun of the fact that they are completely in the tank
and mister producer go then the line that will stick with me. is in a lot of ways. This dinner sums up my first two years in office. I'll talk for ten minutes takes, questions in cheerfully walk away. I I'm just gonna Journalists in a room he wasn't life. With you, he was laughing. I mean The reality is, I think, he's mocking the press, the guy does not take questions that he's up their joking about it, and I just. clapping their laughing about it. I dunno Because I think he owes I'm a I'm pro reporter and I think that presided states The talk to these reporters and not marked them. While that is. That is a remark Statement on cnn, because they don't agree with your scott sky- was a special assistant to bush by the way. I saw a car role. What's the other idiots name, o kristen,
this christians, who have an issue america, people in new Hampshire. Can you help me back? I talks Like a mile a minute I Chris matthews used to speak. he is filled with cliches. Nothing substantive out of a guy he's, got no statesmanship qualities he stands for absolutely nothing. He's not willing to fight for any principles Spyware were facing with the american model So in the democratic party is not willing to fight for anything. and if he's not trashing, two sectors whose trashing tromp until this if he's going to get into the race in a month or so.
As somebody wanting him to get into the race Like a nineteen, seventy four thirteen year old haircut here for a thirteen year old, MR producer, he looked at this guy he's a mess. But he talks very, very fast, like use on a sugar higher something. Then there's karlov. Carl rove hates conservative I understand that is his he's colleague, but I never speak to him. more than that. I am speaking about what I, I've of him over the years
Carro we used to defend car role when he was under criminal investigation. By a u s attorney, I think it was in chicago or somewhere he was dan web. I don't remember. But they talked about frog walking him. Who was that carvel or something so he escaped the escape their clutches but he's just just as its establishment So they keep pounding impounding pounding further guy funny thing is about guys like this: they never back reagan, either in one I've. Confronted him on this, not in person. I don't see him. I some once on an airplane. I was up. words I've seen pretzels on an airplane more than I have Carl that's. Okay,.
I'm not telling you anything. I would sit on the radio before We say no more about it. But he insists insisted nineteen eighty, he backed reagan. No, I didn't use part of the republic establishment that ultimately back reagan, if got the nomination, but he never backtrack. Neither did Mcconnell. Mcconnell was the same, neither did sooner the old man. Until reagan was inevitable. hang go through. All these people, Chris Christie, would never back reagan. He was a jersey, rhino she's me in new jersey, orca may, I say, must produce a chris. Where did Eyes watch out for those massive windmills in the ocean: they're, not good for them,
I've seen the sperm world. Killing the sperm whale. May I say that, with all due respect. So you have this effort this nascent effort within the republican party of people. literally stand for nothing, you're not going to attract five percent are the primary electorate if you're not prepared to take on the hard left, I'm not talk, negotiating with them embracing them. This is. Do or die moment in american history its do it I'm this eight, a such a singer. Can anybody think of one reason to support him? No, of course not It's interesting asia hutcherson in this nancy may set of south carolina. Nobody ever heard it before. I.
A few of these others, chris sununu and so forth. The only reason they draw attention is because their self hating republican, south hating republicans. and by republicans I dont mean rhinos. I mean the original republican party member. The republican party was founded in eighteen. Fifty four by am others abolitionists. So that's what I'm talking about. And they would be receiving any attention, but for the fact that they are self handling.
But I can tell you now: conservatives constitution constitutional. We don't want to hear this crap anymore. We don't want to hear it. You want to know the truth here you go here, you go, you want to know the truth. The george w bush presidency ready for this, MR medusa. was a failed presidency eight years and what did we get? What did we get? Can you think of three things? Can you think of one big thing. The george w bush presidency was a failed president. You know that he never vetoed a bill or if he did, it was like one bill. I was it. He was constantly Ran a compromise with the left and they
its leaders want same with his dad than other failed presidency other than the appointment of clarence thomas but george w bush, It was a failed presidency. They didn't do anything. He will be the john tyler of the year of the two thousands. look how loyal everybody was to him through two thousand and the battles in the court and o four would carry. It would be nice. If his people were as loyal to conserve as consumers were to him, but it doesn't pay to work that when does but that's a fit Presidency, after eight years, she really can't say what was done in a positive way. You really can't. And I don't say that, as a personal attack on three was a very nice man, I met him once maybe too,
ice in the oval office with a group of other talk. Greater katy was hilarious. He was also very nice, so this isn't personal, but it did nothing happened. We didn't advance the ball. And when you have people who are prepared to take on the culture like it to scientists and our trump, they I'm under blistering assault from these people. it will be taken on disney for another question, should be wise, disney trying to destroy the state, a flawed and their classrooms. that interview. I do with Donald trump played onto sundays. We broke up. Obviously, what I found most interesting about that interview isn't or softball was when you left him speak today. The com in presidential was how flaunting
was on all these subjects. I don't expect him to get a break From media, I don't expect him to get a break from. The preview bears a left wing phony journalists wherever they are. I don't expect it at shows for you not for them I mean if I want to be nancy maize. I guess then they'd be interested, but I'm not. I don't wanna be. But when you listen to him how he moves effortlessly through subject and subjects and so forth, you see the presidential donald trump, which is what they I want you to see it's the same thing with the scientists when I interviewed him their comfortable. There are their guard up.
They can talk about the issues in a significant way and I think that's important for you, for you. I'll be right back then: don't fall for their free phone dea's from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract. Cancel or leave any time get a new. phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be to you can which right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose.
A variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed data. Back by a one hundred percent money back guarantee gotta pure talk, dot com and are probably code. Levine podcast alleviate podcast, and you will say fifty percent of your first month and I found twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code love, then pod cast risk actions apply. You can see this site for details. Florence summit, hysteresis friends, come worry, you're, a liar. As you know, is a Democrat he's an economist: That's actually moronic, but nonetheless any is now predicting stagflation something we ve been talking about here for a year now, why did I know they were going to get stagflation because
if you really look at the numbers- and I don't need a phd in economics to do this- I just need old noggin you get I was going to happen for two reasons. number one. The fed is tightening money number two: reducing spending money through working at cross purposes,. The fed, has raised interest rates and will continue to raise interest rates. As long as there's inflation but kind. was a spending money and will continue to spend money because they can't control themselves. And so you have these two entities working at cross purposes,
The result is stagflation, that's the result. Now stagflation is very, very difficult to break, because you have to start to put the You know the foot on the gas pedal on spending Even more, you need to slash tax no way Biden or the Democrats are going to do that we're gonna, be stuck for a long time here in stagflation. You saw the last quarter that was measured. The Bp was one point: one percent factors, they're gonna state, and I bet you they adjusted down next month consider one Biden inherited the economy was bustling, along with we were coming out of this covered ninety pandemic,
was bustling along the ridge job growth There is economic growth. There was no inflation. and let me tell you something else: these things Biden's doing, whether it's with immigration or anything else, you don't even feel real consequences of it for three four or five years down the road. The economy is massive, it's still massive. So really takes time for this to penetrate, for it to resonate throughout the economy, the fact There are millions and millions of illegal aliens roaming, the countryside. Where are they. I know we see a thousand, you know where millions and millions of people, supreme court ruled and nineteen. Eighty two: they have a right to public education where's pairs to law that they have a right to emergency health care
going to flood our institutions, just our infrastructure, But where are they today? We don't even now I'll, be right back. I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot, com. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss, But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit LA
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our number here will take calls in the last half hour, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one. One seven seven, three one three eight one, one october, Mccarthy's. He's really leading the way and so many respects. He was in Israel either jessica. Echo is coming back and he gave a speech. They cannot set their their equivalent of our congress and Joe Biden, Still has not invited Netanyahu, the company united states, hard core Biden supporters, including the secularists of my faith, don't care Care- let's listen in just to a little bit of this cut twelve go.
But as we welcome peace, we cannot ignore the threats to peace in our region,. Threats have one primary cause: the road the iranian regime, The turmoil in this region and instability can be traced back to that source continues to fund terrorism, arms proxy malicious intent susie nuclear weapons. I ran, to destabilize? I wrap it. To entrench missiles in syria it impacts as the terrorist organisation hezbollah in lebanon, and it is fuelling a brutal civil war in yemen and among all this aggression, is to encircle israel with hostile forces. We cannot
Allow a ran regime, evil campaign to succeed. Sure turn around dangerous behaviour. Our nations must continue to stand together. the united states, interrogated Israel in talk central command, and are continuing to carry out military exercises together, As long as I'm speaker, America will continue to support fully funding for security assistance in Israel, tat thirteen go. We have come so far in seventy five years The promise of years ahead is justice, compelling
The best days for Israel and on our breakable bond are ahead of us, my greatest hope Is that our special relationship can serve as a foundation for greater peace across the Middle EAST. The progress Towards peace of the past few years, simply been remarkable, saints The abraham courts, colleagues, since in cooperation are beginning to replace conflict and intolerance, As a result, a future where your children can enjoy a just, and lasting peace is not they foreseeable? It is attainable com, who supported the dramatic breakthroughs. abraham accords lie We, we passed by partisan resolution, abrading this seventy fifth anniversary of commending the abraham accords as well.
I And out a news conference in Jerusalem today to a russian reporter cut fourteen go I loved the gulf's gideon always to russia, we know that you don't support the current and limit and uncontrolled supplies of weaponry, And aid through ukraine, so can you comment? Is it The ball is in the near future, policy regarding sending weaponry to ukraine. Will change I am not sure that the sound here's a good did. He say I dont support aid to ukraine. No, I vote for aid for ukraine. I support Aid for ukraine, I do not support which are country has done you do to ukraine. I do not support your killing of the children either, and I think for one standpoint, you should pull out and I dont think its right and we will continue to support
as the rest of the world sees it. Just as it is fantastic and I have friends who oppose aid ukraine, but support aid for Israel. I don't have enemies. Who support aid for israel but oppose aid for ukraine. and the arguments they use in many respects for opposite positions, overlap ukraine's far away, who Israel's firewall While we don't want a nuclear war with russia, well neurons about
Get nukes, I guess we don't want a nuclear war with iran. And I can go down the list because you. people are mostly irrational. They can. Universal eyes, their points, are you first lies the points we continued support. Ukraine, as we are nato should too. We should continue to support the state of Israel and we prepare for war with china once again,. we want initiate a war we want I'll go war. We.
seek war, but they seek all those nice. It's beyond clear. You can hear it, you can see it, you can smell it, they ve made it clear. Bernie Sanders says: that's the one area, the budget we should cut because their waste. Not waste and the welfare system, so that waste and the massive economic Socialists welfare state that Bernie sanders supports. Of course, there is. It's the one area he would cut because he's a marxist, he hates our country, saucer coward. He wilma debate me he's all thanks, but I don't want to play there: They were really on omar on em,
some bc suddenly. Union omar in past years would have been expelled. from the house of representatives because she is a blatant, make a blatant big. And bigotry is becoming the corner. The realm of the democratic party and a democratic media. and yet there she is on MSNBC on saturday, whereas what should be cut. Fifth, I mean go. Mccarthy I think, is struggling in what it means to be a leader, and most of us knew that he was a coward and will try to sort of give me very angry because he kicked her ass off the foreign affairs committee. Then sound
a coward me. Go ahead. if they were asking for because he doesn't have that bomb, he doesn't really have no policy chops, he's not known for having policy ideas that people shut up. You idiot, listen to you, he's already done more than most republican speakers. Done more than Paul ryan over dead done is done more than john banners ever done. then we have ass hat. I mean asia hutchison on CNN yesterday. He's another one like this and see mace. Sue no same Clown, show. Please on cnn, because that's where he goes to take his shots cut. Sixteen go
As a small government conservative, which you just repeated here, what's yours on leaders in your party run a legend I've right there, so Dana bash. plays into this stuff. Could she knows what acer hutchison is said in the past This is how the crap news network conducts itself, Asia hutchinson knows this, so it's kind of a fan, dance that they're doing do each over it's the charter. If you were mr produce start from the cut six, as a small government conservative, which you just repeated here what's yours, on leaders in your party, rhonda santas among them, who are, actively using the government to change social policy and wage saying or see, the question is,
sore razor where, if he were a conservative, if he were a concern about the marxist left in this country, destroying our culture He would know exactly how to answer in the answer would be that's not the right question. Dana. The governor Florida is responding to what disney has tried to massive corporate corporation, whether corporatist boards, mostly democratic, mostly left wing and their rights, employees should not be able to determine and direct what's taught in Florida school systems. They want to set policy, they should run for office there. the problem Diana we're in a cultural war. We didn't started, but we have to win it. Governor yankee Duncan demonstrated that in virginia, others have demonstrated it, as has
the santas. Aren't you little kid should not be saying sexually graphic books and their classrooms or in their library. Nor should they be taught sexually graphic, thinks. Let alone without parental knowledge or approve they should be taught about. Genitalia what you do a genitalia or whether in fact The genitalia they have is what they identify. With this these pushing their business. He did pushing pornography immorality and perversion, and our classrooms And as a small government, conservative. It is the responsibility of the states under our constitution, the exercise, what's called police powers
to ensure that the tax dollars of the citizens of florida or arkansas wherever are not spent in such in such a way. So neither disney nor the teachers unions nor these these serve grip. Those who are making money off this kind of perversion and so forth, be free to do so saying what critical rice theory our children should not taught to reject a color blind society that martin Luther king preached. and I have a dream. On august, twenty eight nineteen sixty three at the base like a memorial and instead preach racism. That if you're born a certain ratio, racist, if you're born and other you're a victim that dehumanizing people based on physical characteristics, The governor Florida says no to that disney says yes to that
so you have a conflict and you have a battle. Moreover, disney has profited. From half a century of sir cities at no other corporation in country are probably on the planet, receives its own town. its own city with its on fire department with its own police force Joan environmental regulations its own, Owning bases its own tax authority and on and on and on. and so this is an occasion tool to fix that your buddy, These is honoured. Talking about corporations, don't pay their fair share. Here we have conservative governor who sang this, cooperation, certainly doesn't pay its fair share. But let's hear how acer hutchison answers go well, as be more specific about disney? I don't like what disney said
The legislation that I would have supported in florida, but is not there. What government to punish a business when you disagree with what they're saying position that they take effect the view of a republican then we're gonna be in all kinds of trouble and our businesses and pollution if they start punishing his genius genius. What what do you mean? our business, which once specifically It may be, you been sleeping in little rock for time or wherever you are, but they are destroying businesses. It's just that consumers don't back these corporatist anymore. We don't blindly back them. Anymore. I mean if there's corporations like goya, who are out there, who are solid, who believe in competition and entrepreneurship we will back them, but corporations who are true destroy our children's mines and throwing
money behind them. Now that's unacceptable and you talk about punishing them. The cooperation that has benefits that had been convey, to them by the state. The state is the power to take them back practically one their extraordinary, like the powers that disney has so you're, not in a punishing them you're levelling the playing field and, by the way, isn't he free to say whatever wants to through its spokes idiots through its chairman, whose another radiate a left wing democratic. Every flirts, we're running for president Clinton, run your moron and make sure you put on the goose the alpha when you do it, maybe the many out, so you can actually practice but your preach. So what are you talking about? Punishing them,
That means every corporation in the country's punished unless they get disney benefits. This is hiv aids, Hutchinson who doesn't even understand economics, let alone governance go ahead. more conservative speech or position. So I don't understand the concern or you don't enter if you want to run for governor of florida, give it a shot pal, you don't have a health snow. A chance in hell are one and the republican nomination, so you just out their drug. I mentioned to yourself you're the reasonable one, I see an end to be used as a fire. Like the other clowns I'll be right, animals love something recently that actually shocked me. We are aware The report say about sixty percent of certain newest meets come from one chinese company and some other animals are given something called rack. Toper mean which is banned in
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One day wanting to turn on the television or the radio you're gonna turn on your computer. Looking at your favorite bookmark new sites. And you're going to see charges brought against president either in georgia or washington d c. One following the other, some point in what will be and what is the greatest interference? and a presidential election american history Lee special council, does not have the authority to do what is trying to do but nonetheless the judges are so it illogically corrupt, left wing activists,
and others have fallen wine, local prosecutors, doing the same. Just giving you a heads up and then they're going to be those, those rhinos you know of whom I speak, going to lurch and jump with excitement When I return I put them sunday, romo right now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, eight one, one well more explicit. Today than in the past, the knicks lines, which is the repository of criminal law, by the department of injustice, the special council, prosecutors and investigators, maggie haberman, Listen swan, Ellen fear, the fear
Vesta former president trumps efforts to overturn the twenty twenty election Maggie doesn't understand how the constitution were. She can talk fast. She can shop on cnn she can when a pure tour for nothing. But she doesn't understand federal prosecutors so been drawing down on whether miss. Tromp and arrange for political aids knew that he had lost the race still raise money of claims that they were fighting widespread fraud on the phone results accorded to three people familiar with the matter so wire fraud there. Looking at here, That's how radical this prosecutor is his jack, the Ripper Psmith in error. Case he's been involved and he's push the edge of the hour weathered the former governed
virginia, whether its two former democrat presidential candidate for more caroline as in matter and now he knows who have a jury. That'll do whatever he says, because it'll be Washington DC. First of a grand jury that does what everyone central of a jury that does whatever you want so wire fraud, So they knew they lost, but. They lied anyway, They raised money off. That's the theory. You gonna after a presidential candidate, any who was also the form the present and you come up with this. You you, you develop these theories. You go away outside the box it so its unheard of what's taking place here.
same with atlanta, georgia find me some votes Oh wow, can't say that. Why can't you. prosecutors are looking at the inner workings of the committee, save america and at the trunk campaigns efforts to prove its baseless claim. The MR trumpet Cheated out of victory, that's the second time put this in the article they never wrote twenty. Sixteen that way or Hillary Clinton in our endless obsessive, in the statement said she actually won, but for russian interference? They you're right about her. That way, do you maggot. The past several months, prosecutors evasion, multiple batches of subpoenas and a wide ranging effort. understand save america, which was set up shortly after the election. Is MR trims main fund raising entity This is so outrageous.
these criminal leaks to the new york times just unbelievable national round a subpoena, so somebody is feeding her, the specific data sorts clearly jack smith and the people around its office telling you what, Or it could be, the deputy attorney general, the united states, the head of the criminal division, the public integrity section could be any of them, be a perfect investigation. and I think president trumps lorries should call for now. I don't think their scarlet order, but I think they ought to make an issue out of this. That's enough already, the your criminal violations. This is obstruction these league, or obstruction of justice, but more than that it violates his due process.
That's why they leaking is a crime to protect the the target for the subject of the would be defended, and that's that why these crimes, because you cannot have a fair case like this I'm waiting for the legal analysts to follow me on this one, not follow me. It's a bad image. You get the point. Past several months, prosecutors of issued multiple batches of subpoenas. initial round of subpoenas, which started going out before MR trump declared his presidency in the two thousand twenty four race, like how specific she is, or they are, and mr Smith was appointed by attorney general merit list garland in november, focused on various republican officials and vendors that it receives image from save america, so what. More recently, investigators have harmed in on the activities of a joint fund. Raising committee made up of staff
From the twenty twenty trump campaign and the hour and among there's, some of their subpoenas was sought documents from around election day. Twenty twenty up to the present now mister. sir. How does she have the incredible details of this and for me, what the subpoena said when they won out who received them, they can only come from the prosecutor's office. prosecutors have been heavily focus on details of the campaigns, finances spending and fund raising such as who is approving email solicitations, they were blasted out the list of possible small donors. So what they're doing now is trying to shake people down. it caused him to be in such horrendous fear that they'll say almost anything yet I wrote the email. I wrote the fund raising will you want to save your ass yeah yeah. I do I gotta family, three, kids. are you, gonna save your ass,
What we want to know the justice department, with its ability to bring criminal charges, been able to prompt more extensive cooperation from a number witnesses. What did I just say. And prosecutors have developed. More information in the house committee did having targeted communications between front campaign aids and other republican officials to determine if a pariah A fund raising solicitations sent out after the election were knowingly misleading. According to the three, people familiar with the matter. The fund, raising efforts are just one focus met, miss investigation and MR trumps attempts to river. It's his loss at deposits, three times maggie Mr Tromp has every right to train reverse corn on quote his loss at the path that The challenge the election results to challenge the women of electors. Doing stay in that maggie process.
I have also been examining the plan to assemble alternate slates approach pro electors, I'm swing states, one by Joe Biden and the broader push by trumped a blocked, and we're delay congressional certification of certain binds electoral college victory. General sake: twenty twenty one leading to the stormy, the capital, but the rest. if it is sir regurgitation Spinning regarding geno cowls through their own cut in and throw it MR petition much like journalists. I would argue much like journal so called journalist. I think we can say By the way, please join us at nine thirty pm eastern time, Forty five minutes on Hannity, which is where I'll be
Pure going to interrupt you know the thing I want to talk to you about something. This role We too is about to lapse what trusting is The ninety nine percent of those who were stopped- because of this rule, in other words, the covert tests were led through anyway. but now what's happening, is the buying illustration. Is getting in as many peoples they possibly can even before it lapses? piece of immigration is to improve society, and the like. Of the citizens who are already here are weapons additives are supposed to represent a snot. foreigners all over the world. Millions and millions of foreigners have come out of this kind recent, binds, been present hundreds Hundreds of thousands of them are what they call it
alien, gotta ways. They don't know anything about millions in violation of federal law, because it's not being enforced. Where are they million? Where are they. They're using public schools, a supreme court decision in nineteen. Eighty two said they could be using. but because countries passed, a law about emergency services to illegal aliens. Some decades ago, law enforcement overwhelmed. teenagers are being treated as indentured. Servants are working in harare conditions. Women girls are being molested and rape sold sex slavery. People are dying a terrorist, should, across from time to time as thirteen you guess, sent no other drugs or legal weapons coming across the border. We can you keep track of it.
Which is killing tens of thousands of american drug cartels control our border. From there making billions of dollars in towns and cities on the border being ruined. Big city mayors are begging Biden to stop. Don't you think Joe by knows us, an explanation has given us one yet You think he owes the american people and explanation about he's doing and wise doing it, rather than send the cereal perjure liar my yorkists to congress to tell us the borders, secure, we're not stupid borders, not secure. Don't you think he owes a task that we have a right to know it
actually, what the hell's going on back then, Are we ready Let's see, let us go to can believe our kentucky, the gray w h e s w scary. hello MAR good evening. Thank you for taking my call yes, sir, You know I'm looking at the clock and I just don't think time for what I want to ask you. But let me just say this mark. How much and I think I speak for all your life just how much appreciate what you do and thank you for what you do You are a true true
Genuine patriot- and I think years and years from now, when history is written about this country, I think there's going to be a special place, reserved or you rush others, but you're gonna be right there at the very top of the talk radio hosts. Can I didn't know you gonna say all this really really kind of europe, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciated, but. You know when you look at the way russia has been treated. and you look at the way. Other concerns have been treated. Don't hold your breath, I mean amongst us maybe by we despised, we're hated because Dare to challenge these people day comes, and I hope that soon
see the venom and the poison pouring out. For me, report very reprobate on the planet. It's just the way it is this is I believe in family. I believe in free I believe in you. on this audience here the people I care about, I don't care about them,. But can I want to thank you? There was very, very kind of very much appreciated. Take care yourself. Let's keep going. Trish in new york, the great w b c go right ahead. Are you love you? I have a ninety grandmother born and raised in this country problem. She can't live off her full security jack anymore So we put money in every month to pay her friend food.
Everything and now she's gonna get the manchester shiver realise what's going on and to try to find help red gekko You know it's unfair and I feel bad because you also take care of my brother who has special needs. She and she Rita both. Could our parents died before they were forty or so. In her get dementia at this age, which is ninety eight it all, it is not easy or not be able people think not surrender slaughtered people go broke over this magic. all the money. This government spends and wastes quarter Trillion dollars a year can't even find maginnis was put to proper use. imagine if they didn't re these trust funds. Imagine if they would control themselves, but they can't thanks.
Com so you're going through and we salute all you heroes out there. I can. I thank you enough listening kind words and so forth. Just very kind. I appreciate it- god bless you I see unhappy in thirty minutes.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-06.