« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/8/22


On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Disney's current President and former CEO are making a renewed push to indoctrinate little children with the radical sexual agenda of the rights of adults and their genitalia. Sadly, other organizations that orbit children, like the teacher's union, have signed to help brainwash kids and diminish parental rights. Americans have a choice of whether they will let their young children be manipulated and must choose wisely. Then, if you're wondering why God and prayer have been pushed out of classrooms and why gender has been thrust in? It's because the Marxist left is perverting our children. These people are the saboteurs of America. These are the people destroying the family, destroying faith, and destroying Americanism. Later, President Lincoln did more for Black Americans than Nikole Hannah-Jones ever will yet she still calls America a racist nation. Lincoln died for being against slavery. Yet the media will say that making newly-confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson is an act of verbal racism. Afterward, singer John Ondrasik from the band "Five for Fighting" calls in to discuss his song" Can one man save the world?" which they've dedicated to the people suffering in Ukraine. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College forever. One hundred and seventy five years for purposes have defined hills. Dales mission learn
Character, faith and freedom. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to our brothers and sisters had Hills Dale for their great sponsorship. Now broadcasting on roaming, underground commandos than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building, we once again made contact with our leader a mark Levant. Here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one.
The Russians continue to slaughter innocents and I will get to that later in the program our own country, the CEO of Disney. Has been over backwards. And has just surrendered himself completely. To an extraordinarily radical Aggressive movement. The Lgbtq I plus or whatever community. Used to be live and let live. What goes on in your bedroom is nobody's business, but not anymore more. It must, I taught to five year old six year old, seven year olds and eight year old, according to. Disney corporation, according What's current ceo in its former CEO Eiger.
According to various producers, a Disney very sick executives at Disney, it is the new mission. Of the family, friendly parks, movies, books, television. And I want you to hear this, for yourself I think the american people had about enough of this. I really do here is Bob CHE Peck. Disney ceo cut one go by now. I hope you ve all read my most recent note in which I pledge to be a better ally for the energy BT, Q plus community Apologize for not being a lie that you needed me to be and committed to ensuring that our company lives up to its values, I meant every word and that's what we're here to talk about today
I know that we've got work to do and that work starts with listening I'm glad the company will hear from today's panel Lgbtq plus employs and I hope that you are as impacted as I've been by the voices. Then, if heard over the past few weeks,. I've. Read many emails that have been sent spoken. El Jpg, Q, plus employees and their allies, met with advocacy groups and convey my own leadership team. And I have been taken by the honesty, the openness and the urgency of their stories. I want you to know that your words have made a real impact on me. I understand that we have made mistakes and the pain at those mistakes of cost, and I know that our silence wasn't just about the bill in Florida, but about every time an individual or institution that should have stood up for this community did not
I. The leadership team are determined to use this moment as a catalyst for more meaningful and lasting change. Do you notice that. To the focus here is entirely in garments that involve little children. Isn't that would Disney is all about. Obviously, already kids too, but for the most part there focused on alimentary school age, children and even prevail the school children. And that the focus of the Biden Administration Lm preschool children, the focus? of the Secretary of Hhs Elementary School children. There, because of the any a in the a f t to the most radical organizations in America. Little children. Elementary school children preschool children.
isn't about the rights of adults and their private parts, this is about protecting little kids. From these corporatist. From governmental officials from petitions pushing radical agenda. It is a radical agenda. Brainwashing little kids. creating psychological issues, exposing them. Sex and sexuality. at the age of five, six, seven and eight about dont, say gay? It's about! keep your mouth shut in front of my kid.
whether you're straight gay or whatever, the hell, you are it's about protecting the children, And the CEO of Disney has just announced he has no intention of protecting little children. He is now tension. Of keeping them out of this propaganda. and this idea ology that in fact They intend to be at the forefront of it, because. In more than half a century. Children and their children and children. of those children have Bryce the Disney brand Disney brand? No thanks Lgbtq plus community. No thanks
to this latest corporate bob CHE Peck. This is about protecting them fines of little ones little babies? This is about protecting parental rights. Now you folks have a choice. You have a choice. What are the participate in this are not when I asking about government, run public schools. Now we're talking about Disney. You have a choice. Whether the go to Disneyland or Disneyworld. They continue to have the Disney Channel on your television, whether to watch their products are not. You have a choice now and if you want to
your little babies from being sexualized. with the ideology of a relative small group of people and corporatist. Who wish to impose viewpoint on your children who wish to produce your children, Sexuality at a very, very young age, which is so damn unhealthy. You have a choice. This has always been the intention of the hard left, a marxist left to manipulate at a very young age, at the time your children are teenagers and, by the time, the teenagers or young people and by the time they're young people, they're they're middle aged The adults that's a good, servants of the country True that they intend to control,
It is the government. You wonder why religion is pushed out of the public square, but Range ISM is pulled into the public square. You want to know why the pledge of allegiance is pushed out of the classroom, but the pledge to transgender ism Critical race theory is pushed into the classroom. You need wonder no more. you need wonder. No more. The american people have not asked for this The american people don't want this. The people who are sabotaging this country is brilliantly written the other day. self appointed, at least where the run corporations, whether they run school systems, whether they
in the Democrat Party, whether they run a media outlet, whether they think tank These people are the saboteurs of the american system. these people are undermining the family and faith people are destroying American is meanwhile when you ask them to educate your children,. They do not allow job a rotten job. Latoya ravenel a dish Executive producer during an internal re image tomorrow, Forum cut to go gender fires like a by romantic sexual I've, had a lot. So what what Why care what you again, if I, as do I run around, say what identifier just two: damn job.
I mean it. Ladies and gentlemen, Identify as I am just do your damn job go ahead. I urge them to fires like a by romantically sexual I've. Had I don't even know what a by romantic gay sexual is all these these weird thing So the idea and may I say perversions. By romantic a sexual MR produce. What the hell is that this brought it up. I have every right to you have an opinion and ask a question? He didn't bring it up. I wouldn't I have an opinion or ask a question. I don't know what he's talking about And why does it matter less, these viewpoints are imposed on your five year old, go ahead Learning and growing about myself this year kind of facilitated by how comfortable I felt on. Proud family and with my immediate team at this to be a it's just that I like this. Could
Of this dissonance between my personal experience where I feel so safe and so supported. Me like. I was like in the closet by like I'm real out now, we're like like outside of my team outside of tv ay, it's just it feels like the things that, We believe that we're trying to put into Shows are not what we're seeing in the real world, and yet it it's leaving in a still thinking, what I want to use. My content till I go deeper like talk about Non sexual as an age actual eddies of like I feel like a lot of people, don't know what that is. I have like how to dissertation ready at any given time. I wouldn't like, add the part the pockets of the elderly, Dick you community that you don't see. I was like I wanna get like dig. It bans the men. I realize I need to go back to my day, one a what no idea what he's he or she is rambling on about none, but I'm
glad that's a Disney executive producer. Aren't you mister, producing cut three go The show enters were super welcoming Meredith Robertson, like the our leadership over. There has been so welcome two like mine, not at all secret agenda, and so, like I feel like I felt like something all that, like momentum, that I felt like that centre. I don't have to be afraid to, like, these two characters case. Let's in the background as I like, I was just wherever I could just basically adding queerness too, like that you see anything cleared the combined.
I felt like I was like. No one is that's enough I'll, be right back much love in the folks, I'm here to talk to you about something very serious. Have you felt something changing in our country that too many people no longer identify themselves as Americans first, but instead group themselves by race, class or sex that were losing the common idea of justice, the melting pot that unites us? I'm talking about citizenship. Folks, and if we lose the idea of citizenship, then we don't have a country, but there's something you can do get educated and then teach others, and my friends at Hillsdale College can show you the way Hillsdale New free course. An american citizenship will help you learn about what's happening and why the courses taught by our friend Doctor Victor Davis, Hanson, who will equip you to help restore our country. You can sign up for free at Levin, for hillsdale dot com, you'll, learn about topics like the history of citizenship, the deep state and even the great reset. Please sign up today to take hill's styles free course at Levin for Hillsdale dot com, that's Ellie, VN, Free Hillsdale, dot, com, Levin for Hillsdale DOT, com traffic, carry burn to be done as Disney corporate President Disney corporate Press, and we want to give a hat tip to Chris Rufa for gathering up these things and during this internal re imaging tomorrow, form.
She says in part, this cut forego when I Free form, it is very much in the brand ethos of free form should be the tip of the spear, when it comes to inclusion and- and we like you will try, I mean we jumped up and down. We celebrated that nobody stopped ok, inclusion. Are they, including evangelical Christians. Are they, including Orthodox Jews, Are they, including Muslims, who are they, including. They talk about exclusion, I'd like to know any Evangelicals have not been asked participate in this any leading orthodox jewish individual. two groups
are muslim individuals and groups. Have they been asked to participate in this? I don't think so. They talk about inclusion, they don't mean inclusion. Indoctrination go ahead. start at the top, please I was at freeform it is very much in the brand ethos of free form should be the tip of the spear. When it comes to inclusion and- and we let like you, look, why I mean we jumped up and down, we celebrated that nobody stopped us and it felt great and and heart. I think nobody stopped us because we were you know we were targeting GEN, Z and millennials. We were tired of her younger
I think more open minded, and Open minded you the, complete political position, Disney by these executives, producers by these directors and more destroyed the entire purpose of Disney. You wanted Brady Propaganda Mill start your own company, not Disney is a public Company, it has investors, we call them shareholders, ladies and gentlemen there's some huge share entities that they don't big chow. of Disney most of them are quite radical left. do you have a right. If you look at chapter seven of American Marxism if you own any shares a Disney where the through mutual funds iras for
in case or whatever or choose to buy handful to show at their shareholder meetings and be heard-
we'll be stepping one foot in their park ever again. It's a damn, shame how they destroyed, walk his entire purpose in his wife's work. I'll be right back folks, I'm here to talk to you about something very serious. Have you felt something changing in our country that too many people no longer identify themselves as Americans first, but instead group themselves by race class, her sex that we're losing the common idea of justice, the melting pot that unites us talking about citizen ship folks? And if we lose the idea of citizenship and we don't have a country but there's something you can do get educated and then teach others, and my friends at Helstone College can show you the way Hills deals, new free course. When american citizen ship will help you learn about what's happening, and why the courses taught by our friend Doktor Victor Davis Hansen, who will equip you to help restore our country, you can sign up for free at Levine for Hills, Del dot, com, you'll, learn about topics like the history of citizenship, the deep state and even the great reset. Please sign up today to take hailstones pre course at Levine for Hills, delta com, that's Ellie, Vienne, Free hills, Del dot, com, Levine for a hills, delta, com, liberties, voice, Mars love Fan talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven three, I won three, eight one, one so coarse. If you try to predict
You're protect your little ones, you're a little kids. From all of this something wrong with you another. There isn't there's going to be a backlash dollars if not we're doomed. If we're not, we are doomed now call Hannah Jones, in my view, is a fraud, a phoney in a radical leftist. Hush poor, whose pushed false history with the support of the New York Times. Of course, as you know, if you listen to this programme, the New York Times as a habit- Incredibly, destructive and danger force. after Ukrainians. holocaust survivors. That's the Cubans.
We're lucky enough to escape Castro. The Hannah Jones is on something called scene and plus with somebody called Chris Wallace that take a listen cut. Twenty one go and to say that they they were twenty thirty year. The country was brutally suppressing blacks, but the greatest generation wasn't well. They were they weren't. You know you're telling me that a far better geared coming off of warm in Indiana or a kid who came from Brooklyn
with India, have a larger population of the clan in the United States. The clan was re reading and there was no one in Europe. We don't really doing here elsewhere. In the glad you nothing twenty. As many of the more know that mean I don't know, evidence you have of that, want it and let you have a virus, and I didn't. I tell you that they were you're saying what they want said. Many of those generation was brutally suppressed in democracy, for millions of America and that's factually inaccurate how many of their generation? Where do you think that the only people in that year on castrato have you and that's a brought a broad brush that you're willing to paint the twenty and thirty year olds who defended democracy? I'm not talking about the leaders majority vote. The laws are not talking about the country on talking about the young people who risk their lives, It's on the beaches of Normandy. They were brutally suppressing african American.
One. I think it's a it's a strange point. Apart to I, don't I don't think of a thirty year old, a thirty year old is not a young person, but thirty year old is a fully grown person who can serve in Congress. Who can be the mayor who can act and act law, in thirty year olds, the vast majority of white While the vast majority of all people were not members of the clan. the vast majority of the people in the United States, even in the south, never owned slaves. Okay,. doesn't excuse it, but a little bit of truth would help with Nicole Hannah Jones cut twenty to go. We will
This, I think, if we were talking again about another country and say well: well, yes, the government was violently suppressing, but but everyone else they weren't, they were glorious. You don't you don't do that. This is an argument about what our country was allowing these were our countrymen and they were fighting by the way in a Jim Crow military. They were fighting in a in a army in the Navy where black people were segregated were black people didn't even have equal rights in the military, they were serving it and we all allowed this. I don't understand. Is this trying to parse all who gets guilt or who does not allow this I'll? Give you an example. Harvard today's discriminating against Asians as a group asian students who are applications to get into Harvard College had better grades Better test scores the most other ethnic.
whoops? Why? Because they keep these stats, but Harvard Is practicing a form of affirmative action and therefore a You're being discriminated against, the way Jews have been discriminated against. How do I stop that? Mr producer. It went to federal court. I believe it's in the Supreme Court now, but I went to federal court and the court upheld it. How do I stop that. And how come the call Hannah Jones never mentions? Never. She talks about the United States, military.
The United States military is all over the world now defending people who don't look white in many places who are not Christians in many play, Like in the Middle EAST, like in Asia, like an Africa, what about there. Our borders are wide open. But even when they're, not our immigration policies. have enabled more people are coming to this country. from the third world who are not white. Which is changing the demographics of the country? In fact though Obama and Biden have cell I did that in recent past. What about that.
What about all the twenty and thirty year olds? Not Mention fifteen year olds and Eighteen year olds and sixty year old, who fought in the civil war and the three thousand casualties on the side of the union. and the greatest war in american history when it comes to Casualties, what about it. when the vast majority, the men who fought that war. Didn't own slaves, whether they were the north or the south, pretty incredible, pretty incredible. The falsehoods of the sixteen nineteen project are well documented. All you have to do is google it by Greats
scholars who are historians. And the misrepresentations, the purposeful misrepresentations of american history, Nobody denies that slavery existed. Why would you. What we deny and rejected the marxism that attaches to it now seeks to destroy every aspect of our history. We reject that You know, ladies and gentlemen, The first draft of the declaration of independence. Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner who, who, despite slavery in this term, contradiction did exist. tried to end it going forward.
Is thirty. Three years old, he was in Philadelphia. He drafted the first and subs copies versions of the declaration. A committee refuted and so forth, but we're already at war with Great Britain,. And they didn't believe that they could afford to lose a single state and there were two States, in particular that we're aggressively opposed to any changes. When it came to slavery and they they were Georgia and South Carolina. But in his initial draft, Jefferson wrote in part. He meaning the monarch, has waged cruel war against human nature itself, Violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended
captivating and carrying them into slavery and another hemisphere or incur miserable death in their transportation. Hither talking about Africans. It's often said the british eliminated slavery long before the United States, true, but they were in the business of capturing Perkins and shipping them into their colonies, especially the United States. Jefferson went on to call the institution of slavery, piratical warfare. And an assemblage of horrors I criticized the crown he said. Imagine the crowd for exciting those very people to rise in arms among us and a purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them by murdering people on whom he also upped them, thus paying off
More crimes committed against the liberties of one people with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of others. His point being. He's referring to seventeen seventy five proclamation by Britain, Lord Dunmore, which offered freedom to any enslaved person in american colonies? Who volunteered to serve in the british army against the. patriot revolt and that in Thousands of enslaved people to seek liberty behind british lines during the revolution. And so he sang on the one hand, they imported slaves into the United States and then, on the other hand, encourage them to rise up against the people, who are Rising up against them. So why didn't the founders abolish slavery right out of the box.
fella by name a John row, put an interesting piece together. first of all, they didn't think they could make the change overnight and it was clearly the case given the fact that some of these states would have pulled out. John Jay, who never owned a slave and was anti slave and was the first chief justice or the United States in one of the authors of the fair let's papers. What are we didn't author? That many. Because the long and tragic history of slavery in the colonies and suggests that something so entrenched in society will only so more chaos for advocated with a snap of a finger. they feared a slave rebellion as the kind I just mentioned. and in fact, in Haiti they saw that a revolution took place where the slaves rose up and they feared that.
You don't have to agree with all this, I'm giving your history. A main reason is they wanted the United States to remain united in Georgia and South Carolina. We're going to bolt. In fact, they so via the practice they announced their intention to split from the other states. If slavery had been banned and the FAO is fear that a divided America would transform the United States. Not do I country, but into a place that could easily collapse. And they wanted the United States to remain united. But the founders did implement some measures, they would call slavery is spread. I'll bet. You never heard of article six of the northwest ordinance of seventeen. Eighty seven article six
Ban slavery in the North West territory in all its eventual states. And it would eventually become the template for the thirteenth amendment to the constitution Banning slavery and Continue to pass anti slavery legislation, including the site, the slave trade acts of one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, and one thousand eight hundred and eight Prohibiting the importation of slaves, that's what it was called. Later signed by President Jefferson and eighteen o, eight Jeff some thought that these measures might have an immediate impact, but they didn't spirit masters abating. Jefferson said that of the slave. Rising from the dust is conditioned mollified the way I hope preparing under the auspices of Evan. Total emancipation and they thought this
Would suffocate slavery spread, but it took much longer. It took much longer. And they did other things in the constitution, south insisted on counting slaves. As individuals for the person of approach for the purpose of apportionment, the nor said. the abolition of said you can't you can't do that treat them like chattel, and then you want to count them as people to empower yourselves in the Congress, that's where the three fifths compromise came in. And in the constitution, the elimination of the importation of slaves by eighteen, twenty eight, a big problem with Britain. Was there still a relatively big country and control: their borders and bread Was taking advantage of it.
To undermine the new nation as well. I can go on and on about this maybe one day I will, but I won't now so far more complex history most of be a been taught or most of the meat will explain. Certainly not a defense of slavery, which is really the. Repulsive thing you can do to another human being short of just. Torturing them and slaughtering them. but in many ways that is the definite. of slavery, isn't it. a my people, my ancestors. We're well aware slavery. And they had slaves in Greece, Rome. Said the Middle EAST. Today, there slavery in Asia and the Middle EAST, Places in Africa and, of course, Communist China is a slave state that all
corporations are happy to do business with.
I'll be right back much love in the folks, I'm here to talk to you about something very serious. Have you felt something changing in our country that too many people no longer identify themselves as Americans first, but instead grouped themselves by race, class or sex that way losing the common idea of justice, the melting pot that unites us? I'm talking about citizenship. Folks, and if we lose the idea of citizenship, then we don't have a country, but there's something you can do get educated and then teach others, and my friends at Hillsdale College can show you the way Hillsdale New free course. An american citizenship will help you learn about what's happening and why the courses taught by our friend Doctor Victor Davis, Hanson, who will equip you to help restore our country. You can sign up for free at Levin, for hillsdale dot com, you'll, learn about topics like the history of citizenship, the deep state and even the great reset. Please sign up today to take hills, styles, free course at Levin for Hillsdale dot com, that's Ellie, VN, Free Hillsdale, dot, com, Levin for a hillsdale dot com. The car handed Jones, those who push this ideology and critical race theory. Marxist theory- have done nothing for blacks.
Men and women in this country, black lives matter, has done nothing. For black men and women in this country, nothing. Abraham Lincoln. Died as a result of his position. On the civil war in Aceh, actually slavery. Just remember less than twenty five percent of the white people. The south owned slaves and five percent in areas of the north Please don't get me wrong. but the vast majority of the people in this country knew it was wrong and they did something about it. Something big Then almost no other countries ever done. Abraham, Lincoln did more than the Hannah Jones and
radical left, ill kids can have the weight rich and her tackle left Elk did more than all of them put together by ending slavery. He embraced America's founded. He embraced America's framers he quoted from the declaration of independence, the first sentence of which could Aren't you Brown Jackson rejects here, race. The constitutional quoted from the constitution. He loved America He explained that without the framers of the constitution and without the declaration of independence, would have been no moral basis. Official A basis for ending slavery in America.
that the men who wrote. The declaration of independence and died to defend it. The vast majority of them knew that slavery was wrong and they set the wheels in motion. For their children and grandchildren to accomplish what they were incapable of accomplishing and that's what they did. That's what they did That's Abraham Lincoln, who knows Well Hannah Jones, also trashes. And they trash Martin Luther king because he didn't believe in critical re SIRI either, and I will move on other this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk. His great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk that
To find the plan that, right for you thank you For listening at, thank you so much for this sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting on roaming, underground commandos than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of a non prescription building. We once again made contact with our leader, my fellow Americans mark labelling. There are a number of a seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one Oh yes, yes, yes, Course the greatest threat we face today. Somebody like Rand Paul. You see.
Because. Ketanji Brown Jackson the wait fifteen minutes for his vote rest of the senators that voted by the way. This is fairly typical. To understand, there's not a vacancy yet on the Supreme Court. Do you realize item ACCA. judge, Jackson. Doesn't even have a Seat to sit on in the Supreme Court, because Stephen Breyer hasn't left here yet confirmed her in record time in the In period. The word days were reminded when these kind of jest we done without hearings voice, votes and so far, but you know that's like one hundred and twenty years ago, Anymore, the Democrats have destroyed the entire confirmation process, but I want you to know
They really they've destroyed it, but only for Republicans, not Democrats. and what was done to poor Judge Jackson is just unacceptable, unacceptable. And of course, it was only done to her, because she was black. The Republicans lost their opportunity to part. dissipate in a historic moment. other opposition to Clarence Thomas wasn't because he was black. It's because well he's an originalist. Through our position to a host I'd be a score, I've been already. Candidates it by republican presidents have nothing to erase no, no, no, no, it's that they lack empathy and lack empathy to be judges. The right wingers
It doesn't matter if they're corner quote historic nominations their quota, controversial nominations, but if the republic subject to the rule, Listen continuity, brown, jacks They're now giving her the initials k be J. You know it's very cool. Well then,. It's purely racism, it's was done to her was file, in what was done to her. she asked questions about her rulings, which are appalling, which are weak on child pornography, pornographers. and those who use child pornography. I thought: she got it pretty easy to be to be. Wiggly, honest with you, Nona. This was his stark and they may Oh yes,.
there was appalling what was done to Qatar Brown Jackson, J. Yes, absolutely! Meanwhile, keep trashing Clarence Thomas demand that he refuse that now that he resigned, nay Betty. He be impeached that this Second, black person on the Supreme Court is no damn But he's gotta go. He's not historic of court, but Kb. she's stark. unbelievable, fantastic and nobody. It better than Susan Collins who interviewed her for ninety minutes and said. Chief editor through that interviewing. Everybody knows Susan Collins knows best. And I don't remember I don't.
they call had a Jones defending Clarence Thomas. I don't remember her defending any minority candidates. Nominee. By any Republican no watch at all about, Their minds being colonized by the white dominant society, Dare Republicans ask her about her rulings. How dare they ask her about her support for critical race theory Tender minds the whole american enterprise, how dare they ask her? What a woman is, how offensive. It was verbal racism, ladies and gentlemen, verbal races and then there's TIM Scott
A black man from South Carolina, how dare he be a republican black man from South Carolina and he didn't even bring himself to vote. For this historic nominee, what kind, a black man. Is he. Absolutely unacceptable, p, too has had his mind colonized by the White man, be critical race theory. Lord goes. well, let's first listen to what Kamala Harris had to say. About all this today, cut eight go. So indeed, the road toward our more perfect union is not always straight. And it is not always smooth,
but sometimes it leads to a day like today that reminds us what is possible what is possible when progress is made and that the journey, while it will always be worse, ok, just be quiet all right now we have Biden at the White House today, Biden. And when he came to the Senate, through in with these segregationist and the racists, who opposed Gratian he didn't want to send his kids into the Korok quote: Jungle. Those words never resonated during the election, because the corrupt media so much in his camp. want to dig up stuff like that or the laptop or you name. It.
Because we need a historic moment like this. with the most radical. Extremists visual on the list of individuals that Joe Biden received was nominated to the Supreme Court. in a historic moment,. Joe Biden cut nine go. I know it wouldn't be easy, but I knew the first day was very easy. You moron, what are you Talkin about hey? I know it wouldn't be a z. Is he Whence his dentures are kind of moving around and his big mouth. He, no, it wouldn't be. Esau was so terrible. Both were what the hell are. They talking about, go ahead I know it wouldn't be easy. I know the person I nominated will be
a painful and difficult confirmation from those she wasn't. Could she had? They asked for her answer for her record. Nobody per finally attacked her. Nobody attacked her husband. Her children, nobody Personal allegations against her, you jerk, that's right. You jerk go ahead. tell you: what Judge Jackson is put through Well, beyond that there is virtually abuse. The anger first Russia's, the man who tried to destroy Clarence Thomas, this is the man who tried to destroy by Bork, this is the man who tried to destroy Miguel Estrada. This is a man who tried to destroy one Koala nominee after another. This is the man who blocked Rogers Brown a black woman from the D C circuit court for two years.
It will be hard. I will be tough. the verbal abuse and she was put through. What's a woman Am I a biologist at all? No one of the dumbest answers. In confirmation history, but then there's Korea Booker see they're all trying to rewrite the history that took place here. Cut tango, and so I think this was more than just a normal, a hearing. I think that when people store, All viral hobbled colleagues that have been most of them, but when some of them kind of went to live with, Sing that were steaming, insulting and demeaning and degrading a or just frame filthy, frank like what pal like what like. What
And this is how you're going to be treated to ladies and gentlemen of any race background or whatever, particularly if you're a person of faith, particularly fear, a parent. You know, Your kids gone through all this transgender in Rene shouldn't in and sexual asean. If you up It was critical race theory. This is the way they treat parents or go to school board meetings and so forth, and so on never done until we hear from the Amici out syndrome on NBC News. The idea that this woman shooting that this person. Is a report of any kind, is laughable, she's a hack and are free and a phoney right, you're. kind, go Is a key question here: garrets reporting
if they're the senator's aides, close the door and and would not answer, questions during this historic vote really does say something, and it really is and somebody's begs the question of. Is this going to be yet another hurdle? Another unusual thing that's happening to judge Jackson as she tries to make history and, as she will make history, as Garrett said, this vote will happen. She will be confirmed based on the vote count, but it is in some ways an unsettling and unsettling development. In some ways it reminded Rand Paul being late for all, I know he was in the can as producer, but it's unsettling. It's. a very unsettling. The obstacles that they put in front of judge and we ve never seen anything like this, I dared to hold a hearing. They look at her record. They dared to question about the opinion. She wrote an essay is that she gave to try pornographers and
who use child pornography vague to go there yesterday. Did they did ask her about her her pro positions, critical race theory- oh and then they dead, Ask her the worst question of all. Can you. Find a woman we've never Never seen anything like this, there are hurdles that had the go over. and now Rand Paul they had to wait. Fifteen minutes to finish the fifteen minutes to finish the road. Another Colonel they put in front of her, there is not even a vacancy on the Supreme Court. but the inconvenience her she was ready to go out on the south lawn with Biden and Harris they were delayed. Because Rand Paul obviously hate black women that The conclusion you must draw from this says
Media Center of NBC News previously of thee pubic broadcast, And cooperation p b s. and she knows she knows. There's a racist behind every tree. Oh yes, there is a poor judge tracks. Had to wait fifteen minutes, Brutal questions about her record just on, but we ve never seen anything like this. If you are Right now she wouldn't be treated this way. Just has Brett cabinet. Black man nominated by Republican, she wouldn't be treated this way just as Clarence Thomas Brilliant scholar nominated to the Supreme Court just remember the light Bob. What, but now.
They dared to have a nearing twenty hours of questions over four days. Maybe three and ask her the tough questions. What's a I'm not a biologist. That will go down in the annals of history as the tough. Question ever asked a nominee and he asked it away, Historic nominee. so rather than have a hearing, and rather than ask questions. You should have been a parade, a parade.
I'll be right back much love in the have you ever played the game? Would you rather with your kids? Would you rather be a donkey or an elephant? That was an easy one. Why here is another easy one? Would you rather overpay for cell phone service every month to a company with leftist values or pay about half with pure talk and support a company who cares about your values, it's time to ditch, Verizon a t and t and T mobile pure talk has the same five g coverage as one of those big guys but saves the average family over eight hundred dollars a year. I made the switch, and so can you you can keep your number keep your phone or get huge discounts on the latest iphones and androids. Unlimited talk text and six gigs at data is just thirty dollars a month or get unlimited data and still save a fortune. So do this go to pure talk, dot com find the plan. That's right for you. Then this month enter promo code, Levin Podcast, that's l, e v, I n podcast and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo Code, Levin Podcast. I musket how many emails a day, even though my email address is by now I've had it a long time
grades of hundreds. From family and friends and sometimes strangers, I don't know how they get it. Always promoting something. You need to listen to this. You need to read this. Can I come on your regular shirt? Can I go on the tv it says I like? Oh, my god, never ends. What you think of my article, why did they do that and if I don't get back right away, it's while you really should you know but my friend. You're, ignoring me, or this is spectacular. Why won't you list folks We have two years and one brain and As much as I love everybody sends me there, and so forth. It's the rare email that provide It's me with information. I have an already seen or.
Contains an audio or video or video that is particularly profound. But the people think I do all day. I search for these things. I study them. I crack books, I try to find things at the research. consider me interesting to you, I'm not saying I appreciate it. But it's simply not possible to read what listen to everything else. And even get my jobs done, it's just not Possible. And so it goes. Breaking rocks, I got it I got it, but it is kind of funny Strange kind of way, When we come back when we come back, you cry,
I hope you're, not bored with this topic. Because it's very very important What did the Russians do today. Bali only slaughtered another, fifty civilians that we know of. Civilians that were told that they could leave to try and get out of the eastern part of Ukraine before rush Just starts bombing indiscriminately again.
Don't forget life Liberty and Levin this Sunday, folks, eight pm eastern time, it's a fantastic edition of the program we have Stephen Miller on who actually has time to speak and David Mamet. You saw a little bit of him last week. He's really the have you ever played the game. Would you rather with your kids? Would you rather be a donkey or an elephant? That was an easy one. Why here is another easy one? Would you rather overpay for cell phone service every month to a company with leftist values or pay about half with pure talk and support a company? Who cares about your values, it's time to ditch, Verizon a t and t and T mobile PR talk has the same five g coverage as one of those big guys but saves the average family over eight hundred dollars a year. I made the switch, and so can you you can keep your number, keep your phone or get huge discounts on the latest iphones and androids. Unlimited talk text and six gigs. That data is just thirty dollars a month or get unlimited data and still save a fortune. So do this? Go to pure talk, dot com find the plan. That's right for you. Then this month enter promo code, Levin Podcasts, that's l, e v, I n podcast and you'll save an additional fifty percent of your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo Code, Levin Podcast, the cat got your tongue cough up, a pr Boman call eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one right now from MIKE love with no ladies in general. What's interesting is what the media often ignore or
where is conspiracies, often turn out to be true. What took place in Michigan the kidnapping the effort to kidnap the governor of Michigan, didn't they sound preposterous to you when you first heard that MR producer they're gonna, kidnapped the governor Michigan and do what, with her that's going to change how Michigan is governed with the lieutenant governor and all I mean really. And we've been reporting about this along the way. Well, as our friend a right scoop points up zeal, guilty verdicts fan Whitmer Kidnapping case. The jury rendered ended verdicts today, in the Whitmer kidnapping case against four men who were accused of trying to kidnap the Michigan governor.
member, how that was exploited by the media, the Washington Compost, the New York slimes, the trump Haters, as behind this nah and That's right now the FBI. I was behind it. and their supporters What is this federal grand jury find. No guilty verdicts to the men were pronounced, not guilty. Mistrial was declared for the other two and, of course, the His attorney's office immediately said and we're going to go after those two again I'll. What. You're, seeing in a federal jury on Friday. That would be today found two men: The plotting to kidnap Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, not guilty of kin, A conspiracy in a mistrial was declared for two other defendants Adam. Roxbury Croft Daniel Harris and Brandon can Concerta face.
Charges for allegedly conspiring to kidnap the democratic governor Concerted were found not guilty of kidnapping conspiracy. The jury also found Iris not guilty and other charges. sure I couldn't reach a verdict, Fox and Croft. After what you District Judge Robert Jonker declared a mistrial for those defendants. All four defendants who pleaded not guilty faced up to life, in prison if convicted of kidnapping conspiracy. An examination of the case by Buzzfeed. News also reveals that some of those Performance acting under the direction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation played a fire. larger role than has previously been reported. in secret. They did more than just passively, observe and report on the actions of the suspects Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting its inception,
Extent of their involvement raises questions as whether there would have been even better conspiracy without them Buzzfeed written about a year ago. pretty amazing, pretty sickening. These men could be serving twenty years or more in a federal prison because the FBI set them up to kid the governor of Michigan, which never made it's like it's the insurrection language. so here we have hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Washington right Mister producer. Hundreds of thousands. and it's an insurrection. Do you think hundreds of thousands of people for an insurrection that they might be armed to the teeth tat there Would have been all kinds.
a violence. I don't just mean breaking in The building and hitting cops intra, I mean Firearms. Tear gas shootings me an answer, action seriously. That's an insurrection, checking Capitol building. We are members of Congress, we were in fear of our lives. none of them- were threatened with their lives. Now, one of them again I don't defend this, I never have people try to words in my mouth because that's what they are they're Kremlin They're from task and improvidence just pretend they're, Americans. But you get my point.
We've gotten seven hundred and fifty arrests were going for eight hundred nine hundred, but it's trump. They want That's why this January six Committee Ukraine. We got time this January Sixth committee, Kylie Kemple. at the Federalist Nancy Pelosi's January. Six committee is following the same pattern as the evil. John DOE investigation, Eighteen months after Congress certified the twenty twenty elections House- Speaker, Nancy, Pelosi's, handpicked picked six commission is still forging ahead with partisan, theater Committee has seized bank records of peaceful protesters Tina made up evidence to tarnish republican leaders. Spite federal law makers, phone records threaten press freedom. Now, admittedly, trying to criminalize GEO fundraising on the issue of election security. Mollie Hemingway reported last month, the ants
This committee has been exploiting the capital ride for political ends since it happened, but I pass as Democrats. Abuses of power become more brazen and they call to mind some of the most egregious instances of neglect The rule of law and civil liberties in our countries, recent history. The years long and still ongoing Russia collusion hoax comes to mind the committee's com, it has drawn parallels to Watergate, as well recently with its attempts to subpoena opposition records, which would include Financial records from the Salesforce database as Well personal, sensitive information about republican donors and other party supporters as the repay in National Senate committee. Road in a make us brave what the cells, subpoenaed demands, as for the company to hand over the Holy GRAIL, the aren't sees internal digital play, and dizzy but there's an comparison.
Massive implications for national politics and the rule of law with constant in Miss John DOE Investigation of former Scott Walker and his supporters. Member remember their think. Back at all. it back and twenty ten when gum Walker was still county executive of my walk in running for governor based on a report that point funds have been stolen from an annual military event, open an investigation which came to be known as John DOE one was caught. As a provision for these legal proceedings called John DOE investigations. I grant juries their intended to determine whether a crime has been committed and, if so, who committed them. Unlike Andrews these are not, conclusions drawn, these are not conclusions drawn not by a jury of peers, but in the asian sound by a single judge. Now I can
enforcement subpoena witnesses, but they can issue a gag orders that prevent those witnesses from saying anything publicly about the investigation, granting an inordinate amount of secrecy to those overseeing it. Six people, six people, work, evicted as result of John DOE. One by this point, Walker had secured the governorship and by twenty twelve facing a union fuelled recall effort Gee weathered in one and a half walk or one the recall action. However, a judge gave the overseeing district attorney the green light to grow the scope the John DOE Investigation, except this time at target and walk around self principaux Breaking campaign finance laws, the DA Is John Chisholm, the same da, who became infamous in November Twenty one the criminal he led off with exceptional leniency, murdered six people and injured more than
do to others when he plowed an suv through an annual Christmas parade. the overreaches of the investigation, were extreme and chilling prosecutors targeted, not only Walker conservative organizations in the state, but also his supporters As Kimberly Stressful documented in her book, the intimidation game, a twenty thirteen peanut going after one target Eric O'Keefe, who direct The conservative Wisconsin Club for growth that help a Walker, recall election victory shows the insane breath of the investigation. And included all about keeps correspondence going back to April, two thousand nine, with dozens of people. whose own names were listed on it. first page among several visible political figures, were also listed- lots of small vendors to fundraise, for the club, the government would have been hard ass to know that club had such associations- and it goes on and on this
penis demands for shocking. Not only did they expose spying and cover a grand scope keep would later learn that in a single day, prosecutors, Ed, subpoenaed, twenty nine different conservative organizations in Wisconsin, but they are included gag orders that prevented the recipients of the subpoenas from telling anyone except their attorney? What was in the search or even that they had received them The gag order would have been bad enough for people like O'Keefe, but he wasn't the only one whose communications were summoned, others had them seized in the former predawn raids. One of Its occurred at the home, a political sultan, our J Johnson except Johnson and his wife were at all only person home in the store dark hours of the early evening was their sixteen year old Son, who was prevented by troop of our law enforcement from calling his parents as grandparents. We live less than a mile Erin, a lawyer. The sun was told that he was also under the gag order and could be hauled off to jail. He told
anybody what happened thing happen to Johnson's business part of Deborah Jordahl. deputy sheriff, showed up at her door at six, a m with a search warrant and just like John, since the Jordan children were also subject to the gag order. Like this committee that harassed, carry consequences, both personal professional for the target, so Keith Johnson enjoyed all all experience, it's to their businesses to the cloud of suspicion and the law also their records and digital assets. On top of all carried the way to the knowledge that they can go to jail. fact. The investigation also com the quantities for the states, entire conservative movement when it goes on and that's exactly what the damn credits and the two reprobate repute are doing
As committee, that's exactly what they're doing. They're turning the legal system upside down,
right now, much love in the have you ever played the game. Would you rather with your kids? Would you rather be a donkey or an elephant? That was an easy one. Why here is another easy one? Would you rather overpay for cell phone service every month to a company with leftist values or pay about half with pure talk and support a company? Who cares about your values, it's time to ditch Verizon a t and t and T mobile pure talk has the same five g coverage as one of those big guys but saves the average family over eight hundred dollars a year. I made the switch, and so can you you can keep your number keep your phone or get huge discounts on the latest. Iphones and androids. Unlimited talk text and six gigs at data is just thirty dollars a month or get unlimited data and still save a fortune. So do this go to pure talk, dot com find the plan. That's right for you. Then this month enter promo code, Levin Podcast, that's l, e v, I n podcast and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast, laughs, headlining, closer Pennsylvania. Testimony explains how leftists money infiltrated election offices in two thousand and twenty. I strongly encourage you to read it over there at the Federalist.
They and just the news and a handful of others are doing a fantastic job covering what's been happening as well as blaze the daily wire daily caller in what happen in this past election. In order to fix it. I know I know the media for the most part want us to move along. They don't want to discuss they want this to be taboo, but it can't be taboo normal happen again. here. You have the governor who's, a radical left wing kook in Pennsylvania,. calling in these groups. Basically to facilitate them. Getting marked Zog Money. To infuse these democrat areas. Great deal of money coordinating with local election officials, and Tom also offers he's the governor imprudent
please five of the bluest counties. them to apply for the grants and so forth?. it's just it if this is corruption, systemic corruption, on a massive scale, but we simply do not have an honest media, they are corrupt as hell, Even some of the conservative media won't won't report Stuff and won't talk about this stuff. It's it's! It's shocking! It's appalling!. But here we are. Where is your meteyards cinder? I could seem she'd be all over this right. Mister Bellew, certain Joe Scarborough Andrea Mitchell thereof, frauds fools and phony that's. Why me in Town West Virginia, I love Morgantown West, Virginia Attali. We have dear friends, Who live there? The free links.
And it's it's a very nice town, island. I like West Virginia, it's yours, stupid senators. I can't stand either of them Holly. How are you thank you for taking my call. I can't believe, I'm speaking to the truly great one, my wife says that sometimes Toshiba smart woman and I'm not going to pay for that correct. My. And you think you on I hardly go. I said that by actually eight seventy eight out of us Angela, the answer: that's why one? Ok, this good yeah, I corrected my thing and I I want to say a long time ago, probably more than thirty years, I read a book on the channel cultural revolution, and
When I heard the ceo of give me give me the apology, it sure sounded a lot like a confession from the chinese revolution. Wow you are, that is brilliant, absolutely brilliant and the indoctrination sounds a lot like a Maoist. China, too, thanks for your call with the ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask you a question Did you know withdrawing your cash from the bank can be very risky? That's banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report. Any behaviour they think a suspicious. It's true, and I shocked. When I read the secret war on cash from Swiss America The new war against cash is really a war against the constitution, against all freedom, loving Americans so, you need to read the war on cash. Get your freak happy by calling eight hundred six three zero fourteen. Ninety two eight hundred six, three zero fourteen. Ninety two
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it Swiss America dot com, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the Britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american Martin Levant. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one a reminder: please, this Sunday, like every Sunday, eight pm eastern time, life, Liberty and Levin he can't watch alive. It is one watch it lie. But if you can't please dvr the programme, we can dvr right now, set it for every Sunday, a pm eastern So you'll never miss it. We
fantastic show this Sunday. I think these programs, through, I think the guests through it's not just a quick conga line. We give people an opportunity to speak. It is a completely different format. As you well know, any funny? The other week, MR producer and I were conall, laugh because media matters- and this is boring. This isn't gonna work, member, their rich. The number one tv show news talk, show whatever call, it news opinion show on Sunday Nights period and theirs. A good shows two on Fox that the precede and follow my show by the way, is solid and fun lineup. I will also be on Fox and friends Sunday in the eight pant issues media, M eastern time hour. I don't know anything beyond that
I have reduced my appearances just because I need from time to time I will not be here monday- a model, Vacation by any means. I Just another minor procedure, if he will, That's Monday, and I should be back here Tuesday in the saddle. I do not like leaving you folks and then Friday is the first I'd pay, suck or Passover. and so I won't be here for that either, but I'm here on the other days I mean I don't take ton of time off- has certainly don't take vacation time off. of it's family or medical or you know a religious matter then? Yes, I need to from time to time, depending on when those days occur,
so just so you know. I won't be here Monday, Mr Cost It is going to be the host Monday right, rich. Alright, he does. A job is a great guy, and he's one of us. You are one of us. Aren't you Richie just kidding he's one of us. We can't have lives around here. I mean how would I get my work done. We have the smallest crew of anybody. I got mister producer The producer he works the board, and I MR missed. Your call. Screener. Who's really the assistant producer, Text, the phone, you think, that's easy, it's not, First of all, they don't work half the time and secondly, he takes a lot of abuse, so we call in here to speak to me, tell him how much I love him.
who needs it. I think psychological he's having issues no Maybe he's not? Are Ukraine. How's this thing going to end. Is it going to end You know, ladies and gentlemen, I've been telling you my view now for weeks, if not actually going on two months, and that is. What needs to be done here is Vladimir Putin needs to go and if he goes, that may bring this to an end. there's a gentleman by the name of George Freeman at a site called g geopolitical futures, dot com. I was unaware of it. I saw it on Insta, pundit, Glenn Rental, great site and collect Glenn Reynolds as a great guy. And the gentlemen rights in part, as we consider how the war in Ukraine will end, we must first understand how it began.
Russia invaded the geostrategic for GEO strategic reasons having Ukraine as a buffer state safeguards. Moscow from above From the west and for economic reasons, which have often gone overlooked,. the transition from the Soviet Union to the Russian federation? Wasn't exactly lucrative? It may have Please, total wealth by rush remains a poor country. It's gross domestic, Product ranks just behind South Korea respectable. placement, but hardly where superpowers superpower should be, and in terms of per capita gdp. Russia ranks eighty fifth, so between Bulgaria and Malaysia statistics really tell the whole story, of course, but in Russia's case they fairly accurately presented country. is poor than it appears mass superficially by a top layer. The super rich elite. life in major cities like Saints St Petersburg and Moscow is luxurious for the wealthy and bearable for the rest, in the countryside is something else entirely
individual regimes can't be solely blamed for russian poverty. the size of the nation, the difficulties in areas such as transport, associate with its side, make Russia difficult to govern From the time of his eyes, it's been the state rather than shared economic prosperity that is kept Russia together off This has been achieved through the security services which are tasked with maintaining state power, not with building an economy. It's little wonder that the country- boasted the problem also produced a president who cut his teeth in the KGB. rightly or wrongly, Russia's size and inefficiency tended to demand a strong hand. By the way, I don't agree with all his I'm just giving you what is what, is a point of view that I think is very very interesting This created an expectation that the state will be strong, even if the people are poor, it was pride in the czars and installing the so called man of steel, but for ruler to govern Russia. They must demonstrate strength, a strength
sexual in Russia speak of democracy and human rights. The people want protection against invaders from without and again impoverish and chaos from within course. What he misses here in my humble opinion, is all the people they slaughter. My guess is they oppose the regime that is busy slaughtering their ilk. Is President Vladimir Putin has made various gestures at improving Russia, but he learned at the KGB that without a strong hand, rushes ungovernable- and you know that- are two types of strength, the kind that makes other countries tremble and the kind that keeps homegrown enemies and check from who's. The Kazakh stand Putin's has tried and the only way he sees fit to rebuild Russia brick by brick. Ukraine is the biggest brick. He believes he had to take it. Russia, becoming restless. Dissents were being arrested. This that is the foreigners, were dismissing it strategy, empower, forced him to act
But the problem was that his instrument of action, the russian army- was his fact of as Russia itself. This has not always been the case Brutal his military service could be. There was a certain pride in it. The rush the army today seems disorganized an imaginative and uninspired, the deployment of force, preparation of logistics and command of the battlefields on all levels. simply wasn't there was a different sort of russian army. A bureaucratized ties, one more afraid of the desire than of losing to the enemy. Putin demanded a rapid, defeated the enemy, but to rule by strength. You must see clearly and strike decisively at the center of gravity. Ukraine had no center of gravity. Only a widely dispersed lice inflict Light infantry force. that provided no single point to destroy, although that may seem like guerrilla warfare is not, and you can surprised it's enemy with resilience and unpredictability. The attacker can If I were brutal attacks on the population, but that leaves the Ukrainians with no choice but to fight
The russian army wasn't designed for this war. Hadn't planned for this war. Brutal counter civilian action to take and Putin will take it. The problem is that Putan cannot stop. Nor can Can agreement with Ukraine that he will keep. This is the key that I wanted to focus on every deal except for surrender by the enemy is a revelation of weakness on the part of it. we country in a week ruler there Alternatives are ineffective action because the force he sent to war was the wrong force from a country that didn't have the right one. can reach a genuine ceasefire, but if he does he's finished not being able to, feet. The Ukrainians and held in contempt by others destroys the myth of his power. Continuing in the war endlessly reveals the same thing. This goes on huge primary task is to pretend that the defeat is not happening because anything less than victory is a defeat. Ray agreement must send a betrayal and
happens, we're gorillas they get stronger and longer the war drags on the crucial. Question is whether Russia has strategic reserves. The army has been in the field for over a month in weather, It's still cold at the end of a mystical line. That is problematic. been fighting a highly motivated mobile Light Infantry force, familiar with the terrain and I go on indefinitely. Russia has to rotate its forces stood surgically. It must send more. Instead, it's executing a bloody withdraw you don't for the same ground twice unless you have to, means that Putin's war plane a shattered. The resistance has been effective in his troops. Need a relief he cannot provide. Putin will faint of all fain in other directions, perhaps in the Baltic for Moldova, but he lacks the fur. It's the fight on another front. He can't sustain this war easily, especially in the face of NATO soldiers who, so far, I stayed out of the fray. Even so, he says cannot predict what a leader will do in the end, but for now it's clear to me beautiful.
the power and blame everyone around them. but every day the war it goes on. Putin gets weaker. Ukraine not be able to resist. Nato should not be united. American economic warfare should not be so powerful. It's growing more desperate, Is mumbled about nuclear weapons, the sign of utmost desperation, but he knows he and anyone he may love will die in a nuclear exchange, even if he, pared to commit suicide rather than capitulate. He knows in order to launch, he must go through several hands each of those hands knows that they counter strike will kill their loved ones. Therein why's the weakness of nuclear war retaliation is one thing initiating is another Putin's trust me People any doesn't know how reliable anyone would be in this situation, nor what the Eric and might do if they saw preparation for aid launch this important point?
gives up his position. He is compromised and perhaps lost the there are circulating we must continue to fight until he's forced out and someone else is not responsible for the disaster takes over and blames it all on Putin. I think that this can't end. is pulled from the game. Hallo hallo, that's been my point too. Oh, there can be some deal, but Putin won't honor. Says obviously, a moving here away from geopolitical analysis into the political the former tries to minimize individual influence, while the latter emphasizes it that gives forecasts and inevitable in precision by given that situation on the ground and given russian internal dynamics. It does seem that all the forces coming to about Putin's dictate a certain direction the war will end, but the war is evolving in a way that creates unique pressures on the russian political system, because The nature, the system, the pressure pivots onto Putan,
This is not the only outcome. Ukraine might collapse. Russia, my collapse. The russian army may devise a strategy to win the war. That is respected might be reach all these are possible, but I don't see much movement in any of these directions. political end is what I would bet on with the Russians taking the short end of the stick and I would thought this on the first day of the war, but I think this is likely the shape of the last day. I it's certainly possible, and I don't think this This can come to a real, legitimate and a lasting, and until it is taken out- and I I also think I would add to it GEN. One is written Ukrainians need more weapons and, by are weapons. I mean more powerful weapons, they need their jets and they need tanks and then feud losses for the world.
in I'll, be right back much. Come on come on. I'm deck shepherdess joined by Minister Mouse, Monica Badman, my there. We have a really fun show. We want you guys, adjoin weed talk to celebrities and professors and lawyers and doctors and very smart, interesting people. And we find out how messy their lives have been. How many Twists and turns it took to get to where there at a general exploration, Andy messing. This have been a human being and, of course, Monica as you'll get updates about her lilac projects, love life, you name it
So if you want to join us, please follow armchair expert to get new episodes. Every Monday and Thursday plus find your other favorite podcast free on Spotify, the fight went there. The place was packed, it was loud, as can be, they were great, and so it's an honor John. How are you my friend great? It's a pleasure to talk to you. This is a fantastic song. It's not your first patriotic song. turn, these songs around very, very quickly. Tommy is this the way you fulfil in you know your support for these. These great. All these great causes on and, conversely, try to expose the opposite, really you know most songs, you craft it takes kind of months to write the hundred aligned to get three thousand and fifty
Kino can sing along with you, but we have. These. Events in this year are going to lie Afghanistan. That was just such a moral debacle that that song, that I wrote was just a scream of anger. The song a little different- certainly I think ever since Dolinsky turned our plane ticket and said I need some ammo that we thought it was a different guy, but you know mark. I gotta give you a little credit on this, but my friend I was actually watching you passionately. speak early on about Kolinsky, Said we're going to know this guy's name they're, going to say this guy's name in one thousand years, and and that's stuck with me and I was thinking about it for a few days. It- and I was thinking note, will they know his name in a thousand years or will his heroism be in vain, because I think we are on the sticking point of history and and after that, the song kind of wrote itself. I wrote it on a Thursday. I recorded it on a Friday. Put it a
on a Saturday and by Monday you know people were work were playing it, so it is just kind of a first term of creativity but boy. If you're looking for inspiration generational, I agree, I think he is Churchill in and Back at one of the great experts on Churchill, thinks he's Churchill, and what do you think I see where again in her my future turn him. You know certainly one and can change the world alone, but we ve seen in history. One person fortitude conviction, courage read the rest of us to the right side of history, but you nobody thought weeks later we still be talking about Ukraine and Salinity Milly said it would be over in seventy two hours, but this guy actually might pull it out, but here are still yet to be written and you're exactly right. You've been better on this than anyone. If we do not support this guy, I still get the sense we're standing on the sidelines, hoping he wins, but if we do not support this, this guy it'll be
the equator debacle than even Afghanistan. So, let's, let's hope, that's a good Wendover over evil, but history to be written, although it people want to hear your song, where did they go to hear your son. You still with us John is John there, MR producer, Now the garage you there, I can you hear me John. Oh we'll call John back. We will. Thank to John Song on parlour and get her Mark Levin show You're lucky MR bidding her and Mr Call screener will put the song and Lincoln on their twitter accounts. You know I'm not They already did. They're, becoming kind of famous in and of themselves, rich and Richie
What we'll do is, will try and get John back for after the bottom of the hour and bring him back as I I want to talk For this man is a great patriot and here's the thing it's important I have people who know how to affect the culture beyond.
it's blocking like me, and I absolutely admit this, and so when you have a fantastic singer and songwriter like John addressed and others who are prepared to do this, it's a big deal so we'll be right back we'll get them. The research jar of conservative media call in now eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one and we'll be right back with John and draws. In fact, we just found him a five for fighting in his fantastic song his great patriotism so, on when you do.
Something like this- you might you probably don't care about your critics, you, probably none of that really manatee get many critics by the way Of course I mean you know: Youtube took down my Afghanistan song, you know they. You know. A lot of folks did not like have blood on my hands hums, but you know I I I'm blessed. I'm at I'm on the backside of my career. I have some security. I have to worry about paying the rent, so I have the luxury of kind of speaking my mind and not worrying about a few mean tweets, but of course that in reply to the rest of the industry in this council, Cultural World And have you always been patriotic like this? You know I don't have military in my family, but you know, certainly after my phone Superman, China kind of became one of the songs from an eleven. I I started course running with many of our our troops during the Iraq war and very quick quickly. I learned how the
power of music can be so healing for them and I do a lot of u S, O tours and surely understood very quickly whatever. Bitmo- and I remember, having this experience and get most sitting on the short literally in the floodlights of the prison they're singing to these Nineteen year old, kids kind of in a prison in the background there was a big guard in a store tower. In a and a cuban guard with a with a m fifteen and U S, flag was silhouetted by the moon and it was a lifetime moment and I realize on that side of the fence, I'm not. and on this side of the fence. I am, and these kids in front of me or protecting that, and I really to find the next twenty years of my life. We have supported the troops and and freedom, and all these things we tend to take for granted in the west. guess you know Gary Sinise. I assume. I'm with them right now mark we're in Colorado Springs, carries out there
Some cops and we're doing an event for a republican candidate for Senate Colorado springs tonight so He certainly been quite an inspiration and I'm an ambassador for the Gary Sinise Foundation and he said I gave you regards. Ah, you know he's a big fan of yours as well and boy. He is the Bob hope of our generation Isn't it amazing absolutely amazing. Well, so are you John, and I cannot thank you enough- this is a fantastic song as your other one was and I very much appreciate it so keep up the great work, you're very inspiring to millions and millions of people. I appreciate you for the inspiration for the lyric. You know I don't know if Levin and on traffic will ever get up there with Landon Mccarty like alone, we got what we got one under our belt buddy that's very kind of you. I can't imagine anything to do with it, but you're very, very kind. I appreciate that take care God bless brother. You do
and he's got the. Can one man save the? Can one man save the world alright get that on the internet? We will link to it and I encourage you to get it plot. Please share it with as many people as you know, I people in Ukraine, Definitely share with them, and I we have people listening to the program who do so. Please do that I think that'd be very inspiring.
too many many of those folks are. I producer. Ladies and gentlemen, our number is: what is it eight? eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one want to see people get turned off. When I don't take calls, I can't help it. I can't Open, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one one subject. Some I'm going to tackle big time this Sunday on life, Liberty and Levin, is immigration more to the point and open border and. Peter Doocy today follows up. with Jen per on this issue, of giving free phones to everyone. I mean. Can you imagine this country, is just collapsing in I'll, be Why do that
to make a point, and I read a piece the other day and by Golly. I can't even find it's ok. The gentleman who wrote it, I'm sorry, but go to a piece you can google, I guess the word saboteur and elites and it'll probably Papa. It definitely got me to thinking it's not that the idea is completely new, but I like the way he explained it. When it's this, the people, or who are destroying this country. Are the self appointed elites. the self appointed elites, whether its? our school systems. Whether it's in publishing houses,. Whether it's on television think tanks, The vast majority of the american people who are out there working for a living retired after working for a lemon or have in the military police have a you name.
Don't want to fundamentally transform America. If we are to vote today among the american people, And the question was: are there more than two genders. The overwhelming overwhelming majority the american people would say, of course, not. If they were told what was in this Florida law that bass, Play it says, and fundamentally you are not till those five to eight year olds,. To sexual Discussions or information. Do you think the vast majority the american people would agree with that? The answer is yes. You think the vast majority of the american people would say secure our border. We don't know who's coming across the act on the nations welfare system. Healthcare system long Where's system school system
is enormous and we have look out for the american working people in middle class. make the vast majority american people would agree with us. Yes, they would. You think the vast majority, the american people hate. meat processing companies they meet. You think Fast majority american people hate oil companies. I know they're, not popular, but hate. Think there were Possible for not drilling. That's their business, that's what they do. What do you fear the most government the Internal Revenue Service. knocking on your door, sending you one of their letters. I can't think of anything more frightening than that.
The fact of the matter is the American People don't support American Marxism, but what they, do on the far left. Is they use elections? First of, they cheat and lie. Whether it is their media. Their politicians or their lawyers. Which is why they haven't put a single proposal out there to make elections. Or secure to have integrity in elections. They push the opposite.
I gotta go. I had a lot to say, but time's up I'll be right back much love in and the folks. There is really outstanding reporting going on in the systemic abuse of the legal system and the voting system that took place on twenty twenty. each one of these battleground states. You now have the attorney general. a virus zone and whose put out. Their letter just go online and find it his As the attorney general of Arizona in Georgia What they found. There is absolutely unbelievable. in a movie has been done and will be issued on that
Day: bosses movie they further expose Zuckerberg and the four hundred and seventeen million dollars that he poured into the democratic party ranks through the back door by effect. Play controlling these local boards of elections. and now you have explosive testimony in Pennsylvania. The Federalist is reporting on All this money infiltrated a Pennsylvanian vein, how the governor and other Democrats were working with these people, defeat the will of the voter in Pennsylvania. I want Get to this more take a look at the Federalist piece on what happened in Pennsylvania. Take a look What the attorney general of Arizona had to say about what happened in Arizona take a look at. What's going on with the Louisiana attorney General trying to was further. What Zuckerberg dot did what happened in Georgia and the and the votes that that started. The
In after the election. And keep in mind the same media that covered up hunter buying in his laptop is covering up all of this? Thank God. Independent conservative media, ladies and gentlemen, every Friday and your honor we play America. the
The the
it's, the
I shall be back on Tuesday, but one the great mystery. call screener on on Monday. So, please don't forget Sunday, eight pin eastern time, if he can't watch live, please Dvr life, Liberty and Levin. Very compelling show, I think, you'll agree after you watch it We salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are true your friends and our freedom, or friends in Ukraine can each
I d get. I really can I Pepsi Goodnight Smokey an example in I e g in identity. So many I'm again, I little Barney take care yourselves, America. We shall ever come in. I dad
Transcript generated on 2022-04-10.