« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/3/23


On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what’s happening to Donald Trump is a disgusting disgrace. Bill Clinton and others lied in front of a Grand Jury, committed perjury and obstructed justice, but the independent counsel chose not to indict him because of the damage it would have caused the country. DA Alvin Bragg has chosen to do the opposite despite no perjury or obstruction by Trump because this is part of the Democrat plan to bog Trump down in cases while the Democrat media piles on nonstop. They hope this will help President Biden by not having to defend his disastrous record on everything, taking the focus off the sitting president entirely. We need Republican District Attorneys and Attorneys General to do to Democrats what they are doing to Republicans now, scour state statutes and think of new ways to approach them in order to go after Biden. Also, you’re not allowed to criticize George Soros without being called an anti-Semite by Democrats and the media, which is what Adam Schiff did to Governor Ron DeSantis. George Soros has a more anti-Semitic history than anyone, but Republicans aren’t allowed to talk about it. We need the establishment RINOs like Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson to fight back against what the Democrats are doing, but instead they shoot arrows into the backs of their own people. There’s a culture war and a revolution being waged by the Democrats in this country, and the RINOs don’t get the big picture and would rather gang up on Trump. Later, The Chinese spy balloon that traveled over the U.S collected data from sensitive military and nuclear sites and sent it back to Beijing in real-time. Biden and Gen. Mark Milley lied to us and played down the balloon, covering for the Communist Chinese and allowed them to collect all of this intel while refusing to shoot it out of the sky.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground the members than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the The America mark Levant here sunlight carol, handing down I rich numbers eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I've got a little cold, as you can hear,. but we know all about to stop us the president's posed to speak it.
Fifteen to morrow night. We will cover live right here. And were working with the powers that be it west would want to clear out the bottom of the hours. Well so we'll get that done behold join us. That's our three Our own, it said that it has to happen. What's going on here. Is a disgusting disgrace, absolute disgrace! You know, I went back and I looked america. That bill Clinton situation where he lied in front of a grand jury We had others lie in front of the grand jury, namely presidential secretary betty, carry who I personally known cause when I first came to wash the reagan administration. she was a executive secretary.
At an agency where I began working she'd been a bureaucrat for decades and decades and leftist. And what are they brought her over the Clinton white house and she became my sort of way I do it offer for Clinton. And so he committed perjury? He persuaded others to do the same and or or tried to persuade others to do the same and obstructed justice. He obstructed the grand jury. Yours, obstructed the federal judge, Susan right, who came to wash them to oversee the deposition of bill Clinton and yet the end the council. My case, the lead On being robert re, very good guy chose not to indict clint.
the end of his presidency. He was leaving. And right before you literally left office. Robert ray had announced a deal that he had made with. Clinton is a pretty good deal for Clinton. The day he avoid being charge. Robert say he would have been indicted and probably would have been convicted and so ended and. That's all that was handled in robber re said it. He tried to avoid indicting Clinton over the lewinsky affair because it will put the country through and it will be a horrific, a horrific mark on our
Politics would hurt us internationally into would divide the country perhaps forever, so he chose not to do. not so with mr brag in manhattan. Now totally different circumstances. Donald trump as lie danny by hasn't, come Perjury hasn't obstructed. God knows what this this rogue soros prosecutors capable of flopping into his his charges with a democrat grand jury. But those are the facts. that it has not occurred under tromp or by tromp period. No, we have lemmings stepped back. Let me tell you something: this is
part of the entire democrat plan here, we're trouble be bogged down in these cases. worthy propaganda media, the american pravda will be focused on every District attorney and the special council, whose involved in these cases. That will bring on the legally analysts to discuss these cases. Meanwhile, Biden, his numbers, I hope, will improve and comparison because Having to deal with any other he's, not haven't you friend as economic record he's not having to defend is migration record he's not having to defend his national security record of military rule
but he's not having to defend any be complete, focuses off the sitting. President, some amazing thing he's taken our country into Hell. His party is a disgusting disgrace. And he's not question by anybody. Try china's on the rise preparing for and the border, we can't put up with How much more can we put up with millions of people coming across the border illegally. How many more years of this, so this is the democrat plan bogged down the republican The leading republican contender for the nomination, Warned him as badly as you can you want effect
the view that it will affect other people who are sitting on the fence. You need every vote. You get these days if you're gonna win these elections,. turbine goes without negation without a special council without a prosecutor of any kind. investigating his corruption and criminality, the millions that he took while the way somehow from they come the chinese regime and his entire damn family. That goes. You know without serious investigation or review, so it's gonna be trump twenty four seven. So this is part of the two. This is part of it too.
And they figure the gets the nomination, because this is poor members go up. Among republicans still, I weakening and for the general election, which is likely true, which is likely true. This isn't just happening. These things are in a coincidence. It's not that there is a single fund, golly sitting there plotting all this stuff either. the year Joe Biden when he talks about democracies at stake, when, says the most horrendous things about you and the most Renders things about tromp and also sharpened his knives with sadness and others. This is intended. He has sent messages, he doesn't have the speaks. specifically, indirectly to brag.
To the prosecutor lana, clearly the space What counts in washington dc under under very garlic and. Our countries never going to be the same again, Is never going to be the same again and you can see the giddiness of the radical left media. They ve been exposing themselves for years now. You can see the gideon, So the phoney historians, like Michael bash lush, you can see the giddiness of these former federal prosecutes. it tells you how they conducted themselves when they were active, federal, prosecutes. And even some of the disgruntled individuals who worked in the trap administration, you can see they completely lack character completely.
I mean there actually rooting for the marxists, actually rooting for the Democrats. In the end, the only way to resolve this folks. Is what I said on fox last night? It's republican district, attorney's and republican attorneys, genuine the states to due to the Democrats what they're doing to us, the republican prosecutors on the border, dates in particular need to be scouring. State statutes need to be thinking about new ways to approach the statute in order to go after bag.
It is said that you cannot indicted sitting president. I have always argued that too. It's never been resolved by the supreme court. I don't think you can, but you can make a speck although the situation, just as they are doing now, and let that work itself out through the courts. What is at the palace he likes to say and the rest of the Democrats nobody's above the law. So and item if he can look for me since to indict show buying, god knows, is plenty a mouth there he's violated. I immigration laws, among other things here, I laid the constitution separation of powers with executive orders.
Spending money without authority trying to eliminate college get without Party. Clearly and article one that all but. To the house in the senate, but he doesn't care, he doesn't care. So we need some really smart, courageous prosecutors, republican prosecutors and republican parts of the country with republican grandeur and republican judges, who will take it to bind and the Democrats. Again, who will do to them what they're doing to us, because otherwise this isn't gonna stop they created terrific precedents on a peach man on criminal investigation like the mahler investigation. They create these precedents when it comes to philip
A strange tradition armies when it's done to them they squidlike stuck pigs. They're trying to destroy the independence of the supreme court, the trying to pack the senate the trying to get rid of the philip after all, so they can impose their will forever more. It try, nay solitude and election system like they're having california, so we can never win. Why do we put up with this? Why are we using the same tactics against them that they use against us. If we don't do that, there is no future for them. Welcome party, let alone the republic since also wore on the republican party. The Democrats, as I wrote in american marxism, seek to make them bubblegum parties, so weak and so insignificant, as it just doesn't matter, throw all manner.
They want one party rule straight there once the first chapter. One party rule: that's what they're trying to do and they want to select the nominee. The republican party should be If the Republicans had one tenth one tenth, Of what the democrats in terms of fighting for their agenda, We'd be a hell of a lot better off. The Democrats are vicious their violent. their lawless, their rogue, and yet they preach about democracy I don't know of any genocidal maniac One of these countries who doesn't talk about democracy, whether g.
Her castro are you name, it. in Venezuela. They all talk about democracy,. Because nobody ever defines democracy? Some ambiguity word democracy. His marxism, democracy, Bernie sanders would say: yes, he's a democratic socialist. What does that mean? It means nothing, absolutely nothing. so. This effort is to destroy the the guts of the republican party to destroy the constitutional construct. Ultimately, to devour the nation. and obviously to destroy donald trump. And just remember this: it is you.
Though they call over and over and over again white supremacists, he review not even white. it is you who they call racists. It is you who they hate, I back, then let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts, are we supposed fine sanity in this mess? I was talking with augusta, Precious metals and they said tons of people are go to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important ever to own gold? I guess what view Hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement or Gustavus We pay you and pure god to learn how gold I raise can protect. You reach out to august, precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail.
This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge Retirement I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals at aids seven seven for gold, I re again eights seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before Investment and serious disclosures I'd august, a precious metals dot com. It covers a little bit more than I want to get a few other things like this chinese bible gobbled up. Kind of sensitive information. Our whole bunch. and a job. I lied to us, as did milly as drastic.
and they lie to us all. The time. And they didn't shoot down when they could have shot down. Are they shouted down over montana, these senator from Montana that matters said he could have wouldn't ahead anything as a traveller on the continental united states, gobbling up technology and information. We all knew this to be the case. But it's the lying. That's unbelievable! and. in tell from several sensitive american military sites. This is NBC news? No friend of ours More when I return, let me ask you what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are, Absolutely nuts. Are we supposed to find Sanity in this mess knives
talking with augusta precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important over their own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement augusta will act. We pay you and pure god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to augusta precious. those today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank, is this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge Retirement, I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals seven seven for gold. I re again eight seven, seven for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before
investment and see risk disclosures that august up precious metals, dot com. Nobody says it better than mark Levin. What mark Levin said because nobody could say it better call. In now, eight eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one. We it's not allow the. The idea that you can criminalize politics whether its. January six documents phone calls or
What's going on in my head and that that is acceptable, I want you to step back and think about this. We have he former presently united states who is running for reelection and his leading in the polls for the republican nomination enough that last, but that's beside the pie think about that you're, a local prosecutor eat only don't you here about the national implications because year you're living in a rather small world, but if he do think about the national him
patients, it's pretty cool right! You can bogged down a candidate who can bogged down a candidate in a frivolous case. In which he could be convicted of account, given the nature, what goes on in these Am I correct cities. And and help get your your man elected president. state said is buying or remember. That is what's going on here, america, that is exactly what's going on here. This is a war on all republicans Conservatives are, let me put it differently on. people who are not embrace it the democratic party in the radicalization and destruction of this country that is what's taking place outside
one year, vehicles listening to me, people at home over dinner. Listening to me. People who will be listening to me over the podcast. You have to let this sink in that this is what's taking place. Four separate grand juries. Everything is criminalize that phone call, the present Tromp pad in georgia a. Non disclosure agreement that was signed- I don't even know how long ago was signed a long time ago, documents january sixth. You know the year the project
in Washington has pulled in secret service agents. Now too,. Then so is violated attorney climb privilege because a and obama judge said he could. He's gotten wait: staff. Other service personnel at the morrow larga, which the huge facility, other lawyers and so forth, tumble livable, and to do what the I'm done an obstruction case; none of this is going on with. With buying I mean, I don't even know if the independent. Examination at his situation has even started yet there's no Leaks from this guy, we don't even remember his name.
Mr medusa who's, the special council theoretically investigating Joe Biden and its documents. I don't remember his name I mean I google it when would amount to sacked, but that's not the point. It's not. The point here is: Dana bash on CNN yesterday, with Joe tacopina about whether or not again as for another judge, cut three go. I want to ask about the judge that we believe- gonna preside over their jobs in the case in manhattan. Is a disgrace he's Usually pro defendant, but when it comes to trump pro prosecution, and so of course, The Democrats call him a no nonsense, judge and they're all dead, in cameras in the courtroom, but they don't have cameras. Quiet room there, while they want to make an exception for trot are all saying that he's gonna have a gag order.
Tromp? Here's a man running for president, the united states, they're gonna, have a gag order on him. Why on a constant attack by the Democrat that I'll. Tell you everything you need to know tomorrow. If that's what this rules and by the way. there's nobody better at unravelling this stuff than me period. I've been in With independent councils, I've been involved in litigation? been involved with: u s, attorneys and district attorney's. I sat is chief of staff an attorney general united states, any damned for hoop It's my show tomorrow. Well, then, you know they're a damn fool, just pointing it out. They do so at their own. Stupidity. Go ahead, MR producer. I want to ask about the judge. We believe is going to preside over the arraignment, the former president, your call,
was lashing out against him. His name is one machine and the former presidents. that the judge hates him and was handpicked by the dossier for this case. For that reason, or even ass for a different judge,. We're gonna take the indictment of value all our legal opinion. Why she's asking him there he's trying to put him on the spot. I assume they might as for different church, but more, Firstly, they might ask for different venue, which would wind up a different church. This is the way the media play these things. When I do interview, I don't do this, but this is what they do. they're, trying to catch them because there on the side of the democratic party and the prosecution, even has four different judge.
When, in fact, what they need to do is ask for different venue. that's something. You don't announced the sunday before the tuesday on television that something you deal with with the judge in the court Because no judge wants to hear that outside the courtroom. Dana bash knows this, but she's, not there To report the news, she's air, to create controversy and to hurt donald trump guide, sure everyone most vigorously. This is a case of political persecution. Had he up and running for office right now after the presidency, which the way the poles of shown, since this is an out is numbers have gone up significantly. Had he not been warning for privacy, he would not have been indicted. Studies have demonstrated that there is an area where he'd been indicted. Let's talk about judge, because I want to create a controversy. I want
I want you to answer my question before tuesday in front of the court. where such motions are to be made in a proper fashion. And why else is she doing this america. Because she wants to create a geiger on truck. That's why a gag order for trump, because the job say what he discussing all this on tv for go ahead at all you average will you asked for it. Why just said we have to get the indictment and then we will evaluate every single legal maneuver. I've no issue with this shirt whatsoever, whether here I diagnosed every good reputation but one like, but my client right. An issue with everything he's been politically persecuted. Make no mistake about that data when you send the right or the left or your support.
Or detract of donald trump. This should really bother. You This vision, really or of what we believe Our justice system should be about should not be weapon. I do if the political opponents said the wizard edges lying out because of the victim. I have no reason to believe is just by five not been before him on this matter, so I. we have to let this process play out that she doesn't want to She wants to influence the outcome and this why this is so discussion are they bring lanni- gave us on CNN Lanni Davis has been a lawyer for, long time in and around washington days when he used to represent Clinton member him nice enough guy, but he's a hack, a democrat party hack. And he s been Michael collins lawyer, so
They bring him on cnn and there Going to tell you his background as a democrat party hack cut five go, You just heard what he said that Michael Cohen cannot be trusted. You have said quote everything that Michael colony, testified to is surrounded by documentation and corroborate And so I want to be clear: do you have and have you submitted? to this day, documentation, evidence beyond Michael Cohen's, testimony that donald trump director, or at least caused Michael cohen ticket to conduct there. That shouldn't be the question. should be, is take a painter right? U s tack appear. He told you. Michael Cohen, is incapable of telling the truth. Any is incapable of telling the truth and you now. I'm gonna have a civil law suit from Dershowitz Dershowitz,
and I will be rooting for Dershowitz in that case, because. The woman who accuse Dershowitz of all kinds, a nasty things related to the Epstein manner. you can tell when somebody's innocent by the They respond. He brought a case he's been loud about he's, been upset about it and she pulled back said it she couldn't misidentified him in So it was not going to be shaken down period. and that's how you react. That's how I would react. And in the case of cohen, he was on tv. He said that Dershowitz Rejected it, even though he knew the facts did manner, there is contemporary written information from from cohen that. Money came from him not from donald trump, and they did it because he was trying to protect his climate
and so for these trend, ingratiated himself with the title You can see what an idiot he is he's that dumb guy said dumb guy a weasel this way and a power fully. line. He gave us on a let's see how much we learn from ninety davis. Here cut five go in this business: Do you mind if I ask your direct question and then make a comment, and I wish to take up here first of all the answer is yes, Michael corn submitted a lot our communication. Now to this group of persecution, for so why, earlier so on, its middle, the documentation. All you want documentation of what, submit the documentation about. his other lawyer making abundantly clear that Michael Cohen was response more and not donald trump did
submit that documentation. I'm just curious go ahead and there other documents from other people and other testimony from other while some of its direct involving conversations with now designing Davis know this he's not part of prosecution. Is one client, Michael current, and if this as discussed in the grand jury. Why is ninety davis discussing it now? Meaning is quite may well have told him added or the prosecution may well have told him about it So why is ninety davis out their repeating it lenny? Can you answer my question? Place in call, if you want, are you regarding training information that was shared in the grand jury room Because you don't have that right! People who testified do because you weren't there.
somebody must have shared with you. And now you're sharing it on CNN, I'm just here leaks coming out of this. This prosecutor are constant. The relentless. and there's been barely a public statement. It's all anonymous leaks just like in washington, just like in atlanta. Since the game, it needs to be exposed, my question, lanny Davis is you're telling about what other people said. Parenthood, the grand jury. Other documents from other people choose me were presented the grand jury. Did your clyde tell you these things? Ok, so why are you repeating it on tv? What about them.
It is only right back, then. Let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts. Are we supposed fine sanity in this mess- I was talking with augusta Precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important ever their own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusta will act we pay you and your god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to augusta. precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures. This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids seven! Seven for gold, ironic to learn how to bridge retirement? I get your free gold coin, that's all just a precious metals,
aids, seven, seven for gold! I re again, eight seven! Seven! for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before investment and serious disclosures august, a precious metals dot com Risk christy's on AV sees this week now he's a blowhard of the worst sort he's the, hindenburg republican power to is the org I have cape may new jersey, nobody gives damn what he has to say at least no republic conservatives, but he's there is a foil Ray bc to say they have a republican excuse me republican. He must be a menace and green room before the show must produce her where they have the cookies and the doubts and the biscuits in their oh, my god, double and triple down with him: cut sex go
george, you got limited resources as a prosecutor and you prosecutorial discretion ps system where they say, there's a crime. You must charge it here. Prosecutors are allowed to use your discretion that I This is an appropriate use of my resources, given everything I have in front of me On the other hand, all these provide from the trump camp is baloney he's gonna be jars lot from the trunk camp there, big boy. What are you talking about? all right enough from the trunk? I wonder the kid: was he spanking, our gang mister bellew member spanky go ahead: He's you'll have to be mug, shouted fingerprinted.
He's we face a criminal trial. Did you send a mug? Shotted must reduce mug shouted aright. such a great job for new jersey, the big guy. He can't run on your record. Can you be right back this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
Sponsorship pure talk the broadcasting from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with a leader that the hello america mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three one, three, eight one, one well it appears at any time now the to actually criticise george soros. You accused anti semitism, which is very strange
george soros was born a german. It's not like. He was some big jewish philanthropists today, some big israel supporter, quite the cat. Trade backs radical left wing organizations radical leftists and you can go for yourself, not the cooks that even this Thirty minutes interview that was done many years ago with him what he did during the holocaust as a teenager, and what his father did check it out go to start Adam schiff! is a complete slime by we all know. This he's always been a complete sidebar. Adam shift is being interviewed by jan per he.
When is she if she has a sunday show now right, rich somethin, like that. and by the way, this coming sunday, I'm up against Anderson cooper, I'm so nervous. I dont know what to do. Mr produced. He used to work with sixty minutes as well as cnn, but CNN's doing sunday line up, and so there to throw their number one anchorage me yet see how that turns. and I hope, the hell out of it day in and day out, night and day on cnn I'll get my ten seconds every year. You know every other. Our on fox just saying, but am I worried about it because you sir unbelievable here's adam shift,
You see now rhonda sadness as an anti semite rhonda sand Who was literally the first to press to move the An embassy from TEL Aviv to jerusalem when he was a house members like the first three weeks he was in the house. Rhonda santas, was a huge following quickly among orthodox jews and ran descent. Has really been a best friend of the jewish community and the state of Israel, as well as Netanyahu Adams has been mama that none of it and, of course, and pass he worked for Biden. Who is a Was it Israel haider? Did I say that? Yes, I think I did so listen to this. Whatever you do. Do not question money bags, the sugar daddy for the democratic party who funds these
These prosecutors, who are destroying our cities, funds, radical left wing, democrat organizations and, of course, democratic candidates. him? You don't touch and, like I said on my show last night I don't know Stand by this guy gets away, would never being examined by committees recital get it got twelve go governor rhonda sent us another leaving republic can also use them similar language and kindly indictment the weapon adaptation of the legal system. We saw that language over and over again in the responses of a number of republicans, he also called alvin brag, a cook sorrows backed manhattan prosecutor. What. That statement say to you about rhonda santas, while obviously said that wrong dissenters, goebbels, doesn't say to you, MR producer. even worse. Maybe he was the h guy
what it means. What kind of a question is this from this moron jen pass saki. What does that say to you Adam? What do you think Adam Well, it says around the centres will say anything do anything in hopes of the coming presidency. Now you gotta understand the effort to throw donald trump and multiple prisons, the corrupt democrats in the corrupt republicans who go after him. They will give the sad to snow cordery that they want Chris Sununu, they want a a a rhino. They won an asa hutchison. They wanted Chris Christie, that's who they are in other words, people from me, george bush gerald ford camp, that's what they want.
perfectly fine with the rise of marxism. Let me tell you when's. The last time Chris Christie used his serve his place, on a b c news to call out this can marks of never lost sight of such he made the crew. Funk had also a lot about the state of the gnp, and that is you have to attack the justice system. You have to speculate about this, the guy that was attacking the supreme court and this decision? Is this? The guy who wants the pact? This in court where they re a lot less. Listen to this a hall. I despise him despiser going you have to assume the worst
and in that statement as well, you have to disregard the law say you won't extradite someone accused of crime in order to be competitive in the republican primary. It's not in order to be competitive in the When did they help seeing tromp? He would say he would extradite him you moron, but is very low. interesting to me. You see now reduced this is in saying this because he believes it because he's principle, because if he feels what's taking place disgusting there's not a publican alive, who doesn't despise? George soros. not a conservative alive who doesn't despise. George Soros there's not a breath. Alive who doesn't hate George soros, because george sore, this is a sly more and he uses his.
Billions and billions to elect other swine balls. Like you, Adam go ahead. On that and tries to tie George soros to this, which is this not so thinly, veiled, anti semitic element that is very popular within certain portions of transfer. Criticising soros is anti semitic, Well then, why is in criticising me by these left us anti semitic, MR producer sitting here thinking a wise and. attacking leaves elden nor in the region, again, as as the republican for governor of new jersey, I said that anti semitic or why. In attacking my buddy Ben shapiro, anti semitic or my body, prager anti semitic.
No soros using said, sir. Why isn't attacking Benjamin Netanyahu Anti semitic? No! No! You don't understand now. I don't understand in the least this guy's a pots and he's as this question from jen, precisely because she knows in advance, what are you going to say? It's time smeared the scientists do not question george soros. Your choice is welcome on this programme, as are all the other a hold on the Democrats side who we have no ability to get here. On my factual, it's amazing to me They want to destroy this platform, they want to destroy fox. I.
invite them on when I have them on and they won't come on, but all that said George soros his more anti semitic than any jus ever renault, MR, but go ahead. Readers background readers, bankrupt I'll be right back then, don't fall for their free phone ideas from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick. The lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest. No contract cancel or leave any time get a new iphone ultra fast, five g, sir,
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sarah, how could be sanders? Is there she's putting out policies to fix many, the things that hutchison didn't. Are you saying that donald trump should withdraw? Now I was just going to be I urge you to leave the field to asia. I mean this guy doesn't have a chance, so this is how we intend to draw attention to himself. does anybody know the great things it s hutchinson has done so that we should all get on the esa hutch. And juggernaut. He's getting all those tv time much like. Chris sununu and the cape may orca The rhino hindenburg may, I think I will say what I want, but there's aid
how to send on abc this week and notice. That's also the network that Chris Christie worked for. Staff, annapolis and the executive. That abc are working very hard to achieve or that you Republicans nominated he's a hutchison may be Chris Christy, I'm sure chris, you know you know what that guy trump and other I get she has baggage has been created by Democrats doesn't matter, and you know what this guide the sand. sammy sleaze and anti semite area, one air. Let's go cut. Fourteen go to earlier this year. He said you were thinking about running for pressing have you made a decision? Are you running? I have made a decision in my decision. Is I'm going to run for president eyes, states and neo nazis
A b c were not a single republican. Her all Sforza go to sell box who are report. Begins like, like christy in the rest of them, may go on a b c and meet the press? They go on CBS. They go on with those those sir, that this jobs on the view they go, they gonna end. They sell Twa books because they hate you. Not a sir, what's with this name a sir mister, What's coming towards our family name can read about you idiot asia? Maybe it's pronounced ass far ass. I like that better answer. Isn't he goes on a b c news this week to announce Had made a decision, I'm running for my god, aces running
President. What country hours I care, what a fool swain there! And nobody cares, but it won't matter. He'll keep popping up go ahead. A swarthy later, for all the veil I wanted to make clear that to you, Jonathan. I am going to be running and the reason I as I've traveled the country for six months. I have traveled the country for six months. Anybody meet him. for all. I know you know he's gone to resorts. The guy's travelled the country for six months, wow how presidential travel that you know. Hoboes carrier travel the country for six months. You were there, MR producer. Oh yeah hoboes traveled the country for six months.
about the leadership of our country. Convinced that people want leaders that appeal to the best of amerika and ask him We appeal to our worst in style. Here we go sleep he's into fortune cookies. He found one. It set as this answer if this Yes, sir. Here's your line, leaders who appealed to the best of their country. Not our worst instincts. That's a killer. Pass the shoe see the shoes he passed the year. past the egg rules. We need to read more, we need it the more the heir of the fortune cookies. What's next. Here's your lottery number that on this go ahead,
that inspires me when I see everyday lives and erika is anything inspired him he's monotonous. I travelled the country for six months. And I must say I am inspired myself. I really inspired myself together. They forget the worst sense things go at the best and things no instincts Hannah. I know what I'm talking about. I really do go ahead. Give us good leadership. Common sense, consistent conservatism and activism about our great country, and that inspires me, and I believe I can. What are you going to do about the marxists who are destroying the country and devouring our culture? Can you imagine sky doing anything about it. What are you talk bad. You sound like a mega radical. Can you speak up?
another. You sound like you know which you he san like me whenever so there's that one Growing field of nincompoops and nobody's frightening because stand on the stage there there they'll be twenty seven of them twenty seven item. Twenty four one in five, I'm shooting data, nothing else to do. On the contrary. For six months. For god's sakes, I can't keep trail on my country These motel, you have no idea, it's just too much I wanna know smoking room, smoking rooms, unbelievable hash return offers savage, I mean that
read the bread they give man it's it's like this multi, graham bread. I can't multi brand brown travelin six months. The country. I am really very inspired by seeing and so forth, but I can't I can't take it anymore- seeing here on you see, sir, when I ran renouncing here. What's his face, I'm announcing that I'm gonna for present and make an official Pentonville heart and make a decision on them What am I gonna do that? The months before. Through the nay. I can't remember, I think it's on august april later in April, I'm gonna make it official and I'm running so. the announcing lad on public broadcasting system, so I can reach that bad.
european of the year. The majority. Types, you know I'm going to I'm going to reach out to those people, because. Really for wines, here and I I really think that the People are longing for somebody like me enough. I p The strong and the best instincts, not the worst since nice, a great country we are we, when a more I'm like you can be elected governor, it's a great country At that stage you idiot haven't, you Are these idiots? Do we need they at the blood and one from new jersey the guy on the sugar revenue answered this guy question. whatever your rearing line, sundays, I just said, for god's sake, I back don't fall for their free phone ideas from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks,
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actions apply. You can see this site for details. Large love shall apply national, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one you see this is what separates the men from the voice and from the girls, The court has to produce a being up with the current terminology on this these six flares, I'm gonna tell you use you get my drift, though. At times like this, we can really tell somebody's principle or not. And obviously Chris Christy's not and he's not alone. As well as those who are out there criticising
tromp right now, their missing the point. The countries under attack can't these people fight back These were rhino, sorry asses. establishment. Sorry asses, they understand what's taking place here, that the democratic party is effectively trying to abolish the republican party and try Determine who the republican nominees petrie get their backs up? cause, I'm the circle, the wagons, none stead, they shoot arrows and back to their own people, climbing on the backs of their own people. Illimitable christie does it it's no small feet and he really is playing to the media and, speaking of theirs bill bar another heavyweight same thing now. He knows what's happening to the country. He knows who is doing it he's not a dumb guy, like christy.
Yet areas on tv ass, I don't really think that their the trumps should testify. He has no self control is no self control. even though this is an abomination, in my personal view, trump, did not testify. He has no self control. You know the case. At length that case has a real case. He should a turned over the documents, have him dead rights january six, that's a real case right there. I'll tell you! Oh yes, oh yes, sir. mainly constitution supposed to criminalize january six stuff congress decides who the electors are.
baker, electors, real electors, electors chosen by the legislature, electors chosen by lottery, by the media by whatever congress has the capacity to do that. That's their job, not some No name prosecutor is appointed by the opposite party. People have lost their minds, their emotions have taken over. can never hear enough a bill any more. I can tell you that much fella in christie in the rest of them. Do they not understand? What's taking place in the country has arrived
illusion, going on there's a culture war going on permanent classrooms to protesters, including pro lifers, the abuse of the legal system, the change in our economic system, the open borders and other. Do they not get the big picture? Yes, I I gave the big picture mark. I got the big picture, but you know Donald trump treated me very poorly in the end there he really did. I don't think he was a great to bill at the end or the pants, but it's a funny thing: In the battle we have here is bigger than bill Barr or even bigger than pence, and by the way I like pence now I'll, tell you why pence's def
Then built bar pencils not running around trying to cripple trump. Take him on the issues. Don t worry disagrees with agrees about January sectional at perfectly fine, it's perfectly legitimate you have to like. It but when you're really court on culture, And giddy even air the way It really is. I don't like it We won the country comes first, and the countries in trouble. and he's not alone to that fact. Lab. Oh george, Conway george. Tend to be a skinny guy, but one year as wide as you are tall, you might want to think about neutral systems or something maybe you could be a vision. what's the other one, a vegetarian george do something knock off the tasty cakes anyway,.
he's another one that they drag on cnn and MSNBC or wherever, because we can't wait for georgia's comments. There, so profound. What's the last thing, George said, I don't know what it is Oh my god when he says it, is unbelievable when you is what I dont know: buddies, unbelievable george com: is really good. Eric Adams, mayor of need city may have heard of him he's. Also concur. Did the destruction of the city. May I say that I think I will on w abc. He has. He is he not nick he's an effective talks good game from time to time does nothing. This Ways are horrid the store
you're completely out of control, people are leaving the thousands to go to florida, and but Eric items is worried about marjorie tell a green, actually, worried about not a o c in the other. foaming from the mouth radical nut jobs. No, no he's worried about marjorie taylor, green, you know. Listen to this I've go a while there may be some rabble rouses. Thinking about come into our city. To my message is, clear and simple he's talking about. You are illegal land, always not. and we started, but other americans. I see be maggie extremists. Your do they ever call
lives matter rabble rousing today, every colon tee for rabble rousing. Mr, they recall gang members, rabble rousing known and you see. In new york city. He can say stuff like this and be praised. That's our eric he's toughie. That guy is unbelievable. Go ahead Cities are home, not a playground for your miss place. Anger. I can tell you talkin about more on when you talk, somebody had taking your home away or threatening your home. He looked around. Lately mayor, maybe can't see through all those bodyguards, Jav go ahead. This large city in america, because we respect it's the safest, large city in america. Let me ask you something about a statement like that. What does that mean? It means nothing. I don't even know what that means.
The safest, large city in america know it's not the biggest sidney. The barrack use be the diamond of america. People loved new york city. They wanted to go to new york, city, hustling, bustling business, all kinds of stuff, Ghana, I'm serious these together as a kid all, the time I used to visit their all that I'm on w abc I've, been there and years, I'm quite serious I've been in my home city of philadelphia in years, either no plans to go. I want always says: let's go to dinner in Washington dc us what thou for, I might go on there. Don't worry, it's the safest, big city in america. What kind of stuff. It is that is it s safe city now? Are the subway
citizens subways now public trans, it's not safe. About the store honours. They happy with the safety. No help at the people who live in that immunities. I lay happy with their safety no but don't worry, it's the safest pig sitting in america and were worried about march retailer green cards in it go ahead or in new york city? And although we have no specific threats, people like marjorie jail, agree who is known to spread, miss misinformation in hate speech,
she stated she's gonna, we don't have any body new york who spread hate speech. Do we, MR mayer home? You know I'd hate speeches time at the matter. New york is fill with left wing, marxist goons, who spread hate speech and violence. So this is eight cheap, political stunt by another failed mayor, Eric Eric. Can you hear me Eric? Yes, And are you another rabble rousing Eric Eric punch? You get off your ass and do your job you jerk. I'll be right back then, don't fall for their free phone ideas from variety and eighteen to your T. Mobile folks,
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actions apply. You can see this site for details. I have not forgotten. I want to get the chinese, I believe, ladies and gentlemen, is a big deal, while all this that's going on in our country, all the distraction, so hobby. Let me start myself amid sentence, you remember, we get hit by nine eleven. And before we were hit nine alone, you remember the issues that we were folks now we were distracted and we were attacked. And the ruling class. washington, politician,
as the media. The ruling class short us that this would not happen again. We're going to focus on the significant issues number there. From where they were impeaching donald trump, we talked about this at the time at length. While the corona virus broke out MR produce remember, and I was the focus of the corrupt media. The crop Democrat This is where they dragged the nation, even well, into the spread of this virus. That was the focus. Then, apart, you can see some of the consequences. the communist chinese are on the move there on the rise, our millet. It is not sufficiently supported our board
wide open inflation is raging. This administration is destroyed, our energy system and more kids are being taught about sex in sexual perversion,. and transitioning, which used to be a psychological issue, but now I guess it's say civil right. Jonas kindergarten and first grade debate how to be racists and how to be victims, a theory that was
both staff in the nineteen seventeen, but his back and is being imposed on the first amendment, the bill of rights, the right to protest at abortion, clinics as being criminalized and, of course, the democratic party. The media are trying to take out donald trump for four billionth time, but its bigger than that even trying to take out the republican part of that Take out the country and to control it like California, the democratic control that state through trying to California nice. If you will the nation, that's exactly whether done, and there are not too far away from actually accomplishing there.
Also trying to dumb down your outbreak and outrage. Back the joe buying at eighty million votes in the last election, that's not possible. It's not possible the fact, How you can go on and on and on so this is all a big deal. The change in our language, I've been talking about now for some time. I talked about a last week as recently. The censorship of our language, the destruction of academic freedom,. Free speech on college campuses- and me this racism and anti semitism on college campuses and others
My twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la In four hills doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie.
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. Easy now broadcasting on roaming underground commander than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader market of any clear reminder tomorrow. Hasn't it speaking at eight fifteen pm eastern we will cover alive, were blown out the break at the bottom of the hour. one problem We stand align. Please be aware that and should a judge put a.
Motion in place are an order in place. I should say a gag order. That will be a shocking disgrace that a man, for president can even speak about the events that are taking place to try and stop him. I put nothing. Pairs. May create party whether they have they have their operatives as judges and black robes oars prospect. Leaders or whatever else it is it's it's. thing you need to really understand that's taking place in this country folks, one day I'll be does the year? I have no doubt about it. One day it will happen. So just please focusing on what's taking place. They want to take a picture trump
Because they want to humiliate him, they wanna humiliate you Don't allow them to humiliate us, it is they who are the fools enough and the. is the spy satellite and see news. Courtney. Cuba are Coolby, I hate their name. Coolby thought you, MR producer,. And carol e lee chinese, I believe, that flew across the united states was able gather intelligence from several sensitive american military sites? Despite the bide administrations efforts block it from doing so created current senior yours, a fish, was on one former senior administration of fish right, thereby lied to us. He lie
It was through his false teeth. Yes, he did. He lied to us. They played this town. China was able to control. The balloon saw could make multiple passes over some The site at times flying figure, eight formations transmit the information collected back to beijing in real time. The three official set real time and only divine lie to us. So did the sector defence and the head of the joint cheese this guy milly, whose he workin for You think I'm kidding around. He calls the communist chinese. His is counterpart. Don't don't worry. rob psycho we're not gonna attack. You will let you know what we did when it. What does this
They are able to control the below. The chinese could make multiple passes over some of the sites at times, flying figure, eight formations and with the information collected back to beijing in real time, the three official said: the intelligence, china collective was mostly from electric signals, which can be picked up from wept. Systems are include communications from base personnel rather than images. The official said, because I've satellites for that, the three officials, so Two to officials in the administration, in one form or official because are upset the three official said china- could have gathered much more intelligence from sensitive sites. If not, The administrations efforts to rule move around potential targets and obscure,
balloons ability to pick up their electronic signals by stopping them from broadcast unremitting signals a let's stop. There. The communist chinese have a balloon, and this guy you know I can collect this evidence, this information you're trying to Lock it in some ways. You do not have the technology to stop. It. Oh MR producers, and that the time to shoot it out of the sky The defence department directed NBC news to calm and senior officials made in February that loan had limited added value for it. against collection by the chinese government over and above what china's likely able to collect truth
things like satellites in low earth orbit. This is unbelievable to me. china's said repeatedly. The balloon was an unmanned civilian airship that accidently straight off court, they lie and allied both governments and that the eu, cover, reacted by shooting it down and remember what happened? Sector defence to reach his counterpart in China. They wouldn't take the call their stealing our technology. They send a balloon into our airspace. That's gathering technology, on other information that belongs to us. About our major nuclear sites,. And their mad at us and will take a call from us. can we be made them and refused to take a car from them.
After the balloon was shot down in february by administration, officials said it was capable of collecting signals, intelligence, the balloon at a self destruct mechanism that could have been very remotely by china, but the official site. It's nice. If that didn't happen, because the mechanism A function or because china decided not to trigger it, that's nice People are now using. My phraseology must produce her totalitarian. I don't know, did you folksy. My show last night on fox rice, what's taking place now totalitarian Live in a tyranny that we are doing it out now. With these marxist, these american marxist rushes, to call this kind of thing and echo chamber, the echo chambers now
In play, and I'm glad it is, because I've been calling the legal system totalitarian, I've been saying now that we live in a tyranny and you better you better recognised and our An entire balkan american marxist. in february to NBC news was first report that the chinese bible and was flying over the? U s while everybody was confirmed, they weren't sure what it was, mr, but is a lot of people on them choose, they ve been drinking. It was February, after all the warm parts of it try their luck in there looking on their sign of themselves,. How the hell they Chris Christie get up there. What is he doing up there, but it wasn't. It was a communist chinese balloon or which are whether below no it's, not a weather below.
communist chinese gobbled up a lot of information. Biden, defence department did not shoot it. until well after it went off the coast, then Biden pretend You know, like he, sir, he's why in europe. All of a sudden. There should never thing out of the sky. Wait a minute wait a minute! That's my! Whether pulled out of some kind if there were any balloons, yeah were going to shoot them all now because he's a tough guy. What do you think about this being lied to like this? They knew in real time that thing was. Gobbling up. Technology and information about our nuclear sites are nuclear sites. U s. Military commanders had determined downing the balloon, while overland posed an undue wrist of people across a wide area due to the size and out into the below.
member member one loyalist and said that nobody believes that its montana, its montana. There are almost the number of people, montana, minuscule. And it wasn't even over the populated sections montana such life I'll, be right back then if you only small business, you know the value of time. Innovation refunds does to leave me. Easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employer, retention, credit or e r c gotta get refunds, dot, com to get started, and in less than eight minutes see if your business qualifies for e r c assistance. The organs,
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no alan brag used to have federal funds in the Donald trump investigation from our friends, a bright bart And I didn t have an brags office reveal to house republicans and frightened letter obtained by bright barred nos five thousand. lobbyists in federal fund set going toward brags office amateur I bet it's far more than that. turn surface was enrolled in three federal grant programmes which how it came and two million dollars to the men and office for its case work, but the spoke They claim that no grant money had been used to pay trump investigative expenses and that's response to rip republican letters I mean even if it's ten dollars.
Only gives them no hope to dig into this no question about that. It certainly gives them the hawk to dig into this. If this image puts a gag order, and I've already talked about this. This would be another first against the system, How can it be running for present united states can talk about allegations that are made against him? africans. Is america, america, or is it south america or incident, with a k Meanwhile, another judge shields hunter binds finances reports, the new post from public and child support case. They protect his finances, that's not gonna be made public mark.
Can have that with the son of a sitting president, you believe these judges, it's sick, I want to move on to some other areas before run out of time. The power our and we're almost at a time, social security we talk about, a lot here as well as many care. We talk about the trust He is and what the trusty say why to bring me bad news again. This is vs fox thee. trust is so security. Many cared so security retirement, fun could run out of money as soon as twenty? Thirty, three by my calculation? That's ten years, MR producer it's a year earlier than previously projected to accelerate contort insolvencies largely the result of a three percent downward revision.
gross domestic product and labour. activity over the next decade. Findings from the so skirting medicare trustees report show. So this trustees report just came out now. Here's the deal when the Democrats destroy the economy there destroying these entitlements. When you look at a currency what's happening to the currency, the communist chinese are now stepping in, and the car as to now runs brazil, the communist, or not, he's a democratic vote is a communist. He just said The entire brazilian economy is now going to be based on the chinese. currency and not america's currency and is not the only one. This is something that is extremely worrisome. This is a transition in the real sense of the term from an american
america superpower economic status to an america second level economic sense And this is gonna harm us and ways you can imagine. This is, it's going on this, but you won't hear meet the press are face, the nation or- Abc this wait. You're not gonna, hear this stuff. They don't want to talk about it, their mental, midgets? They don't want to get into it. It's just appalling. This is stuff that affects you directly in the mass media. Don't give a crap. It's all focused on what they want to focus on the acceleration towards insolvent. I, unless major changes or may be for twenty thirty four to shore up the entitlement programme re for this more than
sixty six million americans would see a benefit reduction of between twenty three and twenty five percent, and I also You think you're going to see a massive increase in the tax. From these entitlements that will exceed twenty percent on you. Folks who pay payroll taxes. In writing de santas is being attacked, unfortunately, by the trunk campaign over this veranda This is right. his ideas, an idea we ve had for many years, and I brought this up and george sore whose media matters got very upset because they oppose social security, medicare soros. And they group that he funds media matters want to see social security medicare collapse. We know this because of their opposition to any kind of reform.
Now this is serious stuff, it's gonna affect each and every one of you and Joe Biden starts by attacking rick Scott, who wants to take a look at this stuff. You're only wanted courtroom recur in and we played for you. Joe Biden sit on the floor, the senate. And he literally wanted the cut them. Please said a decade or two ago, but this isn't about cutting them This is about changing certain variables in these programmes for future generation. One other point. as I was made several years ago and I think what dissenters voted for and I would have voted for it too, was the right he's the retirement age to seventy. Two grand father in all current beneficiaries and those who will be beneficial?
areas within the next ten years, so anybody fifty five and all because it's not catholics as it won't be viable. It's not going to happen if something like that isn't done, and waiting for chuck todd to explain this but chuck todd is an idiot Medicare, meanwhile, faces an even greater financial shortfall in the coming years, and he he, I told you about this. I turned sixty five in september. and I didn't want to become part of medicare honestly as a patriotic thing, I didn't want to do it. I've been paying into it since I've been sixteen years old. I didn't want to be part of it. Already have my private health care, and they said you must be part of it. as somebody mean I met, you must be part of it. The private health care can be the secondary, the backup
but you must be part of medicare. I said I don't have to be. I don't need no uma. I have to have a medicare except I have a medicare card, I'm in the system. It's the first one pay. I was willing not even the do it. These are the lame brains and we're dealing with, but the Funds reserved quota corner the trustees become depleted and content, and programme income will be sufficient to bay. Eighty nine percent of total scheduled benefits through. Words said it could result in eleven percent pay reduction to health care, for I know you know what happens when that happened. You gonna see doctors leaving the practice you going to see others, hospitals going under a mean between the illegal aliens, are, don't pay anything and reduced reimbursements. Nobody can survive. This
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to it with your payroll taxes, it matters and Joe Biden claims it Joe Biden, claims republicans want to cut it this over a bright bart press. Binds administration announced that it would cut medical Van determined, uvira, medicare advantage after the prey and it is frequently claim that republicans went to slash medic current social security. centres for many care and medical services announced this week. They would cut medicare advantage by one. One two percent and twenty twenty four, which is not a significant cut as what the administration proposed two months ago,. Bloomberg report of the agency will also phase and controversial changes that determine pay
whence based on the severity of patients. Health problems that policy. What Effect over three years instead of one year after the proposal drew fierce criticism from the industry, and this is what Do you do these things slowly, step by step, nobody's paying attention the media, don't care? The public doesn't know. The changes add up to a near term victory for the industry, which had argued the buying administration went too far in its initial pricked proposal, but the policy may mark the start of a peer, slower growth for a market that has doubled in size Biden has proposed these cuts to medicare advantage, as you frequently accuse republicans of wanting to slash show security. Medicare is part of a potential compromise to address the coming
that ceiling deadlines. So the republicans straightforward. We need to reform these programmes, we need the reform them today, so they can apply. I too fewer and fewer people later and later in the system, in other words, take as much Cut out of this as an cut at take as much as the key the pain, how this is possible take as much of the pain out of this place, republican. Such a senator danes, montana time, cotton, arkansas kevin her in Oklahoma, the chairman of the republican study committee of have called out by its apparent hypocrisy and, of course they reported, by the sponsor the bill and nineteen. Seventy five that would sunset and re authorize all federal programmes,
He then turned around and slams senator Rick's gotta florida for proposing pretty credible violet. Now. He poses as the absolute defender these programs, while will is going to slash them. Not reform them, slash them, and this is what he does. Things are not done in the light of day there not proposed before congress they're not considered by our representatives. You and I we have no say about it. If we even know about it, this is how Joe Biden conducts himself poor rachel care yeah, but nobody cares. I mean the all the all come the election, I'm voting, Her Biden, why I'm a woman of the suburbs, yet attacked whenever I say that by some women in the suburbs we're not talking about you. I'm sorry about your neighbor cos
That goes on, but Joe Biden, such a nice person, Joe Biden, I mean he's out of hatred against the extremists, he's for democracy. Also g g say It says exactly the same thing: I want to tell you what's going on in Israel, we talk about these things. I said because it relates to what goes on here. The left an hour. Country, the left in israel are very tight. The meat Israel, justice, corrupt, is the median america, if not even more corrupt. That's it The prime minister of Israel, your name is Benjamin Netanyahu and you're fired your defence ministers, part of the coalition. and he's a member. Your own party it'll could party and you I am because you're out of the country and your car Didn't minister makes his speech
packing your position on judicial reform and thereby Carriages me the mob to continue to rise up. And burn down the israeli society. So he pressed, then a buckle from left wing military reservists, his bright by reports, especially elite pilots, not get this hurry, it used to show up for duty, while the government pursued it to judicial reform, who actually had military personnel who wouldn't shop for duty to defend their country. These are people on the left. If they didn't get their way, this is unbelievable that Israel's defence establishment is fought back. You know now now who fired this guy.
Several former defence ministers, including opposition figure, benny dance, not benny, ganz disorder, the benny hill of Israel. He was a general they have a lot of John. You know you think of a general. You think of a tough page the attic I and so it over there, many of the generals extraordinarily liberal and political. They came out of the entire. Socialist movement in Israel, which is what founded the government of Israel on the formation of the government of Israel, like the italian government, that's right. According to the times of Israel, The prime minister's office is delaying alliance official fine because of my compromise national security. There are talks under way to arrange for go out to apologise and keep his job believer.
go on is reportedly agree to apologise for the timing of his speech, but not its substance. Has netanyahu pause. The judicial reforms anyway, and the crisis suggests that Israel, the fence establishment. The israeli version of what american concerned was called. The deep state is challenging the democratically elected leaders of the country in the name of democracy. Yes, we must destroy democracy in the name of democracy. Folks. But his rose. Deep state appears to have no more enthusiasm that America's deep state and allowing democracy to actually function. When there's a interpretive government in power that seeks to level the politik, playing feel go on as living up is:
local namesake, so it says anyway, jaw pollack, wrote the pace and your policy a superb analyst and he's right. These are cool These are many coups united many strokes, and these are my he coups toward a major could they have hated Netanyahu. The wave left in the media in the establishment hate trump in this country. They ve been trying to put Netanyahu imprisoned for years. He was indicted. He was charged with these ridiculous offences. Justice trumps kind to be charged tomorrow, perhaps in a future were ridiculous offences. I mean really it's it's a falling while white heat took cigars and champagne. Why oh, yes, yes, yes, and not only that he had a positive,
positive press from a news website. He did all mine ano yeah, lock, em up throw the book away. Here: what are we debating in this country? A non disclosure agreement and they Turn it into the financial crime of the century when there's nothing to it or a call to to the speaker or whoever it was, and the secretary of state in in ga heh, heh, frank, yeah, Donald trump. you're, ok, you sure you can't find more votes. Go go, go at find some more about, so we can win this thing. Would you frank hey? What are you I determined to do he didn't safe,
I think either you find more votes or fill in the blank. He didn't say frank, you know, break the law and get somebody frank. He didn't say any of that stuff, He said what I've heard since I use the word precincts. Had thirteen years, can we go out and find some more votes it so close, whoop, who I'm calling the? U S, attorney's office. Does it mean elite Molly criminally fine votes, I mean, create votes after our trump sign, a Democrat and then, of course, in washington Ah, he wouldn't give us the document, so we had executed warrant and we need it send a swat team down. There are more largo, even though the secret services and the documents were under lock and key. We know that because, where the fbi, we asked them,
Another bald on the door and they put another both on the door. But he was tardy in giving us documents so well, then, let's get a warrant and let sex cute it at six, a m in the morning with armed fbi agents. Oh, but he's an ex president. Now, let's do it. Any evidence is destroying the documents know any evidence he selling the documents now any Evan, giving secrets to foreign government now, but we want our documents together. Check out show by change the subject, you know? That's the other thing on this show we were the first to say they all do this stuff, and then they did. They were born buying you got one here? He got document. There is gonna marbles, bud in togo, and a garage judge got him, his lawyers got him everyone's got, but he didn't mean to scan documents from this
skiff at the united states at all. Well, let Joe lunch bucket showed us that no big deal no big deal there. Oh camp. Sorry, then we have january's. they set up a stalinist committee and they have a few cake sunday in our lives, whatever it'll happen, a dizzy, lizzy and adam through his book is selling miraculously it's. What is it week? Three? He must be up to at least twelve books sold mostly to mental patients, but anyway there they are. feeling out cherry picking, piecemeal information just sickening or look at this and look at their work.
It's highly produced by an a b c news producer, and what does that they're trying to get trump for they're, dusting, off old, confederate statutes and so forth? He tried to steal the election. He did yes, Well then, this is a matter that goes before the united states congress, not a grand jury and other jury and not a hack, democratic ass, cater appointed by a hack, democrat attorney, general working for a hack Democrat president, America's coming apart. It's coming apart. I'll be right back more than this so it is brought to you by racetrack. What's better Then one slice of pizza from race track to get you going, how about
two slices of pizza and when you buy once life you can get any other for one dollar. That means you could buy one slice of pepperoni for now and get the new bacon cheeseburger pizza for later for just a bank or just get to see This for now racetrack whatever gets you going only at participating location. It's the much less MR producers? Not a lot here, three minutes and want it quickly like, don, what's going to be happening to morrow. Tomorrow is a history, day for the wrong reasons. The leading republican candidate for president, former president united states.
his likely going to be indicted on multiple counts, for doing nothing. The facts didn't change when the? U s attorney's office, the southern district in new york review them. They wanted trumps head, but they decided they couldn't get it The facts didn't change. When the prior district attorney cyrus vance looked at them Facts didn't change. One. radical soros dossier, Brad came an office claims He was gonna, get trapped, but look at the facts and decided now, but suddenly trumps, Paul's we're going up and they changed meaning braggin his cohorts, not the facts, not the law.
but you're going to hear and see them more as one of the gravest gravest miscarriages of justice attack on our legal system, such as it is Barely in existence anymore Lee Criminalization of our criminal system, where the prosecutors are the real criminals, though the real there. The real hacks, And you're gonna see a growth of this. This kind of. Google tool used by the Democrats in their cities until republican I ask you to step up and push back. It said simple and unfortunate. most. Republicans are too weak willed.
covering the president's statement at eight fifteen p m tomorrow, night eastern time. Will we blowing commercials and network break at the bottom of the hour. I want to salute all of you and want to thank all of you for being Patriot set. You are listening to the programme and I'll see you tomorrow, goblin.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-05.