« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/30/20


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, despite the FBI not having a shred of credible evidence against General Mike Flynn he was railroaded into a coerced guilty plea. It’s now known, from the FBI's own notes that they had a goal of trapping him into lying or getting him fired. Then, the media is obsessed with counting coronavirus deaths so that they can blame President Trump. The left in Washington and the media chant that the data and science must be followed, except when it comes to blue-state governors like Andrew Cuomo who sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes. More than 25% of all deaths in New York are from nursing homes. Later, the Gallup poll organization reports that Trump's approval rating has gone up, although this program believes that Trump's approval rating would be between 50-60% if America had an honest media. Afterward, Gov. Ron Desantis demonstrates strong leadership in taking a bold step in re-opening Florida. Finally, Dave Rubin joins the show to discuss his new book, Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here,. There is a truly independent institution where learning- Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening.
And my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale further sponsorship, now broadcasting them only underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our era. Apparently, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one create one model. As you know, we ve been pressuring on all our media platforms here for the so called press Don cover. What show by noon when he knew it.
In the case of Joe Biden again, I want to repeat we're not talking about an affair, a one night stand or anything of the sort. That would be bad enough. Don't get me wrong. They call it sexual assault, actually call it rape would Joe Biden is accused of rape. That is a big deal, when this woman comes forward with her name. She now has five individuals who corroborate in one form or another, her statements, least contemporaneous statements. She is demanding that the University Delaware Release Senator Joe Biden papers as he has donated To the university delarue, I don't know why.
Maybe they have a lot of need for Kindle and they like to have fireplaces, I don't know, but they won't make it available, and many people, of course who are pointed that board our Joe Biden Sink offence job. I known sad state, but, as you can see, it's important to keep this up, they keep the pressure up and Joe Biden is going to be enough. You on the morning, Schmo show that'll be a a joke. The morning schmo has made it abundantly clear that he supports vine and opposes Trump plus he's asleep. While so, why should he be questioning binding. I will see how it goes, but I already know how I think that'll go.
I'll be on Hannity tonight at nine p, DOT M eastern time. Six hundred and thirty p dot M Pacific time I'll be on Hannity tonight. By the way is more documents come out on the Michael Flynn CASE, It is just shocking. I want to remind you of this, the FBI, let me not to the Obama administration, I don't know how Barack Obama gets away with this, but he does cause of these sycophantic press. The. FBI was spying on the Trump campaign. The Obama FBI. I was spying on Carter page there Fbi was spying on Michael Flynn, the Obama FBI was leading to the press, the Obama,
the Irish conspiring to trigger the twenty fifth amendment to remove the president of the United States, though bomb is happy. I director call me you stay discredited document paid for by Hillary Clinton campaign in the DMZ to threaten the present lack one when coming met with him. Obama's FBI director wrote self serving members which he then removed to his home and linked to the press. Bomb FBI director in the Democrats, succeeded in pressuring for the appointment of a special council the criminally investigate the present president tromp was the victim of the coup effort, Mahler appoints openly partisan, democrat prosecutors to staff, and regardless of the media and the Democrats.
Report at the president was totally exonerated any, never asserted any privileges over any witnesses or any documents that we come to Michael Flynn MIKE Flynn. These concealed documents, which have finally been released this week, show quote no derogatory information. Hats, according to original FBI, notes no derogatory information on General Flynn, so they re going to close their case. Documents indicate that were released today, but Peter Stroke insisted that they keep it open. So they did call me also told Congress. The agents didn't believe Flynn headlong.
Now, to cut to the chase, Flint spoke on the phone to the russian ambassador kiss because Flynn was the incoming national security advisor to the incoming President elect nothing wrong, let alone criminal took place in those phone calls. Nothing salary, H, obama, deputy attorney general, who was the acting attorney general during the transition. She said they Logan ACT was relevant. There may be a law An act violation, Logan ACT which has over two hundred years old, has been used twice to unsuccessfully prosecute people. Nobody uses Act so she used as a pretext the F b I knew of the calls already, and they knew there is nothing wrong with the car.
Because they had a intercept on the russian ambassadors, communications, which we now know is typical. So they know Flint hadn't done anything wrong, let alone violate the Logan ACT so die. Its release today, and I quote the writer notes that since cry, fire razor was not specifically name. Crossfire is her was the nickname. They gave the Flynn as an agent of a foreign power by the array Crossfire hurricane predicated reporting the absence of any Roger information or lead information from these logical sources, the number of investigative avenues and techniques to pursue the F b I concluded for the direction of epic
Management crossfire Razor Flynn was not interviewed as part of the case. Closing procedure will Michael's were Peter. Stroke would put up with that. Peter stroke insisted that they keep the investigation open and they did and two agents interviewed Flint Call me was all good, but this in an interview come, he said something we, I probably wouldn't have done a gun away within a more organised investigation, more organised administration, the Bush, no bond administrations, the F B, I wanted to say agents and of the White House itself to interview a senior official? We know that to be Flynn, you would work through the White House council and there were discussions in approvals, and it would be there- and I thought it's early enough. Let's just send it black eyes over there that interview the allegation was
Flynn didn't honestly recall the content of this cause with the ambassador to Russia even though there is nothing wrong with the content of his cause and he was pressed to plead guilty because they threatened Charges, son with some bogus violation and they were financially destroying it in documents, least. Yesterday we know the programme FBI, Pre, planned a deliberate attack on Flynn and they specific Finally, wilfully chose to ignore mentioning eighteen, United States. Two thousand and one giving him a heads up a look we're going to compare What we know you have said in the past or what you tell us now and if we find any any false name by the way it could be a mistake. It could be just the person doesn't remember. We will charge you with a felony. They never told him that.
They never told him, he should have a lawyer and what is their go? Well, I called from their documents. What is our goal truth and admission or to get him to lie, so we can see, prosecute him are getting fired. So is. Pollack points out a bright Barneys quite right. This was never about Russia collusion than was it is about taking out Flynn. It was about taking out Flynn, creating controversy. I am telling you, ladies and gentlemen, when you look at this with the FBI: spying on the trunk campaign, the FBI spying on car, to page lying to the face a court repeatedly, the FBI, spying Michael Flynn and then releasing his name to David Ignatius at the Washington Post, a felony leaking information.
Or an FBI, senior official who didn't call me my cape stroke, page Baker Bend conspiring, To figure out how to trigger the twenty fifth amendment, to remove the president of the United States, using the Hillary Clinton paid for Dnc paid for fiction. Two threat really blackmail. The president, I would argue that will call me was doing and all this information has come out now. No thanks to the New York Times. No thanks to the Washington No thanks, they CNBC Nbc Msnbc. No thanks CBS or ABC, though thanks the CNN dimension them the New York Times the Washington Post. No thanks to any of them.
This is the greatest scandal in american history: the Obama administration and where's Obama, Has he been question about? Any of this Biden has the question about any this. Is it possible that all this took place. In the White House. Didn't know about it. Will they had a meeting in the White House in January. Obama was their Biden. Was there call me, was their yeats? Was there others, where there were many, these men, we discussed. How is it that the Democrats can get transcripts of the press, and discussion are well, he released them, but how is it that becomes unimpeachable offence? With respect to the poor the Ukraine, which was all perfectly fine and innocent, but there's no,
questioning whatsoever of Obama, Biden, Yeats and others about that meeting in the White House We still don't know what Obama new as part of the. Or investigation he didn't touch. It is part of the congressional. Starvation. They didn't touch, and even the Senate Republicans control they Senate Intelligence Committee. They didn't touch the perpetrators are treated like the victims of the victims are treated like the perpetrators. I have no inside information. Trust me when I tell you this, but if anybody ever deserved a pardon in every respect, it is Michael Flynn. If anybody ever deserved to be imprisoned in every respect, its James call me Muslims who worked for him in under him
right back. Then. If you Your family are finding yourself at home with ex time on your hands. These days, I know. Excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills now offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home demand an absolutely free of charge. Hills deals, and learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can do with Dost, thou, knowest, free online course that Great America. Story, a land of hope learning. It reaching our children about America's past is essential. For preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take Free online course the great merit story. It's a production, stood peace and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope on high principles, this court
and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you and your family for free right now, guerrillas. Pray, Helstone back, come alleviation for del dot, com, I want to congratulate the New York Times washed and so she MSNBC. I want to congratulate CBS Abc Nbc than that all sphere of the media. Ninety eight percent of the so called mainstream media. There's nothing mainstream about it. You didn't a single one of those facts that I just listed, not one- and you spoke a care less about the fate of an innocent man. You still could care less
About an abuse of power by the Obama administration, like we ve, never seen in american history,. The criminalization of politics, just because Donald Trump decided to run for president of the United States. What in the hell is the Obama Justice Department in the Obama FBI, doing pudding, spies a K informants in an opposing parties? Presidential campaign- this makes Watergate, look like it party a garden party. What in the hell are they doing? What now. They doing spying on MIKE?
Flynn and then on masking microphones calls with the ambassador to Russia to this David Ignatius at the Washington Post. That's a felony, the inspector general. Then, when the FBI sought warrants to investigate Carter, page, which was always a back to a way of trying to get a hold a trump because remember everyone who spoke to that opened when he spoke to that opens the door to all kinds of texts and emails and other people. The inspector general found that the EP withheld exculpatory evidence, and then the deputy FBI direct conspiring with a deputy attorney general the United States, to try and figure out how to convince enough cabinet members to read the name a duly elected constitutional president with no evidence at any time, despite the interception
bite despise, despite the warrants, despite all know it It's at any time of color with Russia ever and yet over half the people need states torn into a recent poll still believe while the lives because of the media, James call me, Make J Edgar Hoover? Look like a choir boy, it is aims, commies name who should be used henceforth as an example of abuse of power and corruption at the highest levels, not J, EDGAR Hoover, but James call me. And I want to these bastards had seen the inside of a prison cell, yet not one of them. General Flynn lost everything he lost his house reportedly has spent.
Four and a half million dollars to defend himself, and then they threaten his son. They threaten the sun. Would nothing so it gives in, like any good father would, quite frankly,. Where the civil libertarians their cheering the Democrats or throw with this, they hate our gods. Folks, they hate. Guts. They hate our country, they hate our system, they are power hungry. They are rightly these
as a collective. They are narcissistic illegal maniacal, it's incredible. I words Mackay today he works for CNN Cnn, who do they hold in contempt? One of the greatest attorney General ever bar billboard Who do they impeach the victim? The president of the United States, Donald Trump, who dared to run for office when win he's the one who was spied on. He and his care He and his staff in his presidency. There are the victims and he's impeached. They don't like as tweets. You know, ladies and gentlemen,
If it wasn't for pressure from many of us, including in particular this programme respecting Joe Biden, do you think Joe Biden name would even be attached a terror red? No, not in the least not in the least they have thrown everything they can trump for. One thing they can throw Adam is the word right. And that word has been used by terrorists, but the sex I saw that occurred to her and Twentys when choosing Stanford Joe Biden I back, if you. Family are finding yourself at home with ex time on your hands these days. I know, and
in that way to fill it. Take a free online course from Hills, Dale, college hills, dough offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge, hills students, learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can too Hills, thou, knowest, free online course that Great America, story, a land of hope, learning it Meeting our children about America's past is, he and shall for preserving liberty and the future register now to take this free online course. The great a in story. It's a production. Masterpiece ended it's a picture of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles. This court, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are available to you and your family for free right now, gonna live pray, hills, drawback, com alleviation for hills,
that come with it was a good didn't, like is nine sense of humour. Today they still. I would like to go marked where they now at age. Seventy seven, three, eight one, thirty eight to eleven, Yes, yes, indeed, you got here, we be. I want to tell you something that we're doing here. It was one radio network. More than thirty seven million people in America struggle with hunger every day and now they need how more than ever, people never before needed assistance are in trouble because the economies,
closed down in so many areas and all because of job losses caused by this pandemic and political decisions. This is the feeding America emergency radio fond. Today. I want you to give us Here are some help give them some help. You can help by donating to radio cares dot. Org radio cares dot org by texting. The word feed, two nine five, eight one, nine it was, then the donation link right to your phone. Now. These closures in this pandemic continue to resonate throughout the economy in the country. We now have over thirty million people in the last five weeks with applied for unemployment. Compensation. Thirty million people, the sitting Americans very hard, every community, all across the country, more more of our friends,
neighbours who find themselves in a desperate situation, making the fight against hunger harder than ever. I'm not Calling on the government to do more on calling on us our own decisions are private, individual decisions to do more by donor. Radio cares, dot, org radio cares, dot, org or by texting. The word feed to nine five, eight one nine and we'll send a donation link right to your phone saw her you'll participate in this I have, we all are and will the extent you're able to hits radio cares, dot, org or texting. The word feed to ninety five thousand, eight hundred and nineteen. We don't need the government to tell us to do this.
We can help our fellow citizens on our own the deaths. The drudgery poor keeps re, close re, close attention on the number of deaths in this country, not because of any compassion about it, but they want to blame it on Trump. When you look at all the links up there, it's like mediate. Psych David Brok now runs the drudge website, I'm sorry to say, and its link after link after link, there's no hope according to that homepage, no hope where all doomed it's over and its transfer? Of course, our tears, nine and ridiculous and have been decisions made many decisions made at the local at state level that have been costly and I don't just mean financially
and leading the battle in many of these areas to get the facts out, they get the truth, and since New York was the red hot and they read hottest of hot zones that in New Jersey, We have focused a lot on that and the information that comes out of there and we ve pointed out that on March twenty fifth, how Zack, her aunt em Deanna, J D, commissioner, the Department of Health, the state of New York and Sally Dress, one registered nurse executive deputy commissioner, a March twenty fifth. They issued a state dictate that the direction of Andrew Cuomo can I have a drink
me and its two nursing home administrators directors of nursing and hospital discharge planners, please distribute immediately covert. Nineteen has been detected in multiple community through New York state. There is an urgent need to expand hospital capacity. New York state to be able to meet the demand for patients would covered nineteen requiring acute here now. Turns out. There was enough there were enough hospital beds and are enough hospital beds and most of the hospital beds that the federal government has provided the direction of the present weather, weathered the military army core of engineers and so forth have gone unused. Almost all the ventilators that had been provided by the federal government have gone unused. As a result of this directive is being issued to clarify exe
Recommendations for nursing homes receive Residents returning from hospitalization and for nursing homes. Something new admissions hospital discharge. Ending staff. A nursing home, should carefully review this guides, with all staff directly involved and resident emission, transparent discharges, doin Global health emergency all nursing homes must comply with the expedited receipt of residence returning from hospitals to nursing homes, residents redeemed approach, Four returned. The nursing homes upon determination by the hospital, physician or designate that met resident is medically stable for return. Hospital
Discharge planners must confirm to nursing home by telephone that the resident is medically stable for discharge. Comprehensive discharge. Instructions must be provided by the hospital to the transport of a resident to the nursing home, but here's the kicker no resident shall be denied readmission or admission or admission to the nursing homes solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of covert. Nineteen.
Nursing homes are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident, who is determined, medically stable, to be tested for covert nineteen prior to admission a readmission. There is no way that these nursing homes could protect their residence or protect themselves if they wanted to test, because there is no reason to test you see they had to take the patient at the direction of the hospital. I want to draw the attention of this to the so called news hosts on all the cable channels. We really are to start doing your homework and the next day the Wall Street Journal solely and only the Wall Street Journal wrote an article this news article at an opinion, a news, article headline New York. Madness excuse me
read that New York mandates, nursing homes take covered nineteen patients, discharge from hospitals, state sites, urgent need to expand hospital capacity. Doctors say doctor group says decision represents a clear and present danger to all the residents of nursing homes. And in the piece it says, the decision will draw pushed back from some nursing home officials who warned that such moves and danger residents, who aren't infected by the virus, because discharge patients may still be contagious, a group representing doc who work in nursing homes knows and am D. The society opposed to queue and long term care, medicine.
Said in a recent resolution that admitting patience was suspected or document covered. Nineteen infection represents a clear and present danger to all the residents of nursing. Now follow the science follow the medicine followed the doctors. What did Como do but did suckered do what did drizzling do nothing? They ignored these people. And now they're investigating them for violations, because you see the decision to send them there in the first place perfectly rational, perfectly logical. What's the problem, twenty five to thirty percent of the people as best as we can tell so far, who have died from this virus.
Where nursing homes, senior citizens, care or assisted care, living facilities. More than that centage of the frail and elderly have died, who aren't in those facilities? That is the aggregate number so could well be significantly over thirty percent. Governor dissenters in Florida other than sending people who have tested positive for the corona in a nursing homes and assisted living homes and other senior citizens facilities did the opposite. He put out orders and directives and try to prove assistance to these facilities to protect their patients and their residence and.
Florida has a much smaller percentage of outbreaks in DES what makes New York so different, more chinese visitors from all Han no more european visitors, maybe. The very dense area right got. Eight million people seem to be a lot less, though that is people leave that corrupt mismanaged city and state is right, dance, populated area, but the other densely populated areas to the didn't. Have this kind of outbreaks. This is one of the bone headed decisions by the politicians in New York that have caused grievous harm to the people in New York. Mr Costa, and are we able to find that article that I wondered MIT mighty it's one eye recap.
I need a right away because when we come back and we found it, we posted it. I just need to acquire it now, other visions that made New York in New York, city, red hot sounds, and it just amazes me: you these people in the White House Press corps. Why my going over this again because they and these he's a liberal websites like the drudgery, poor, medium matters and immediately they seem to believe that the present the United States is responsible for people who die while the viruses and the chinese government But there were serious mishandling that took place in many of these cities and state I'll be right back then. If you family are finding yourself at home with ex time on your hands these days. I know
excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you can too Hills, thou newest free online course that great merit. Story, a land of hope, learning it Each our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the Future Register now to take this free online course. The great merit, story. It's a production. Masterpiece ended it's a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. This court. And dozens of others on a variety of topics are available. You and your family for free right now, gonna live
Fraid hills, Delbert com alleviate for hills, Del dotcom right we first broke here. In addition to this decision with nursing her arms had assisted senior citizens facilities in New York, the decision by the governor. There are other decisions. The subway seated, the massive corona virus epidemic in New York City, Jeffrey Harris, Department of Economics, Massachusetts instituted technology since been updated, and here's the abstract or the point near exit multi pronged subway system was a major disseminate or, if not, the principal transmission vehicle of corona virus and fair
during the initial take off of the mass of epidemic. That became evident throughout the city during March. Twenty. On the near shut off of subway rider ship in Manhattan down by over ninety percent. The end of March correlate strongly with the substantial increase in the doubling I'm of new cases in this Barrow Subway lines with the largest drop in your ship during the second and third weeks of March, at the lowest subsequent rates of infection and the zip codes trans transverse. By the traversed by the roots maps of subway stay Turnstile entries, superimposed upon zip code level, maps of reporting a virus incident are strongly consistent with the subway facility hated disease, propagation risks Prickles seeding of infection appears to be the best explanation for the emerge have a single hot spot in midtown West in man had already so he looks at all the data
subway use, and then he looks at all the data for when the. On a virus broke out and where broke out earliest and most intensively any tracking it on the subway system. Any saying because of the dense loads, that is, population, and each one of these cars, which became even more dense. The decision was made to cars the schedule and slash the number of cars are, were putting use same with a bus, system by the way that it had the effect had the effect. A being a major disseminate her of the virus. You haven't seen. This is the new Excellenza washed and car posts you seen a few back, benchers plagiarists who who still this stuff. For me, that's ok, but you haven't heard about this much on cable or anything else
So you have a couple of things that have gone on where real Vesta Gator reporters could figure this out. You start with. MIT document to national If economic research working paper number two, seven, oh two, one social, science research network first prepared April thirteenth up dated April twenty fourth Department of economic And he had a lot of input from. Wars of other experts, but now they don't This these are charge. You won't find a media I'd, be. Charge, you won't find daily on cable tv because it my point anger at the bonehead to run New York.
The word decisions made political slash, governmental decisions made which intensified this virus in New York City, in particular, burrows in New York City, at particular sites within barrows of New York City that can be identified by comparing the intensity of the original break out with the locations of the subway stops and the decisions and the decisions. By the mayor and the governing, so we need to take this into consideration. When Cuomo says hey, we relied on the signs from the president and his people. I don't know what you're relied on Cuomo, but I know what you did and the actions you took.
Endangered many many of your citizens. Many many of your citizens. This is why you look at these different governors and the actions they took. Descent these and other I'd say: well, they don't have a New York City, but when you You have a New York City, yet the b specially mindful aching wise decisions, not sending people who are corona virus positive in nursing homes and not making these sub. Cars even more Jensen. They otherwise would be from the westward one podcast network.
Now broadcasting only underground members than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, Markland Ere. I compare seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seventy seven create one. Three, eight one one. I want to remind you of something you can always listen all of our magnificent affiliates from seed a shining, see am an fm radio. We really appreciate their their loyalty, but some of them art will be preempted or even worse, they decide to push us late into the night and I've pretty much had enough of that
But I want to thank all those other affiliates who deal less straight. I very much appreciate all of them, but I want to remind you can always listen to us on our podcast in our podcast has become quite massive, quite mass. Such decisions are made to push the show late at night or to do other things you have ways to programme the show yourself. So I want you to download this or Levin ICE out there. All of you listening now so, what's what's the problem got the right or you ll event? I tat there. I want you to download this. You have to do any question. Nothing. It's just another way to listen to the programme. Go to mark Levine showed outcome. That's the mothership website that we ve had for years and years and years Mark Levin showed outcome idle taken to the homepage. Look at the middle top
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Or maybe you're driving somewhere with a show, is an Aird where you can't get the signal. Who knows what marklevinshow dot com? That's the website. Take it to the homepage. You look at the middle top of the page. It's audio rewind click that takes you to the podcast page. Then click on the platform. You want. It's that simple, your downloaded apple podcast, Google, podcast stitcher, we one of the biggest podcast in the country and it's going to get bigger one day cuz. I have some ideas that I want to. Do I put in place always to don't forget our social sites. Mark Levin show Facebook. I never talk about these mark. Levin, show Facebook or not enough or Mark Levin Show Twitter. You can be a follower. It's very simple. We already passed the two
Mark a mark Levin Show Twitter, so our goal is to really muscle lad up and same over at Facebook, but something weird at Facebook, MR producer, our numbers stone, increase that for our facebook screwing around with it or what. But we have picked up hundreds and hundreds of thousands of new followers on Twitter and Facebook, Twitter, especially. So I would encourage you to be involved in that you'll see. I have a lot of posts up there. I post a lot of information. I dont think just people and rape, a tv should, beyond their looking at what I post. You should be on their to eleven Knights ICE and we love your comments and keep him clean. We love to have your comments very interactive,
And that we get a lot going on here. I president Trump in the oval office today made some very, very important comments about Flynn and other matters, but before I get to that, we have a Gallup poll, it's pretty interesting. Fifty percent approve forty eight percent disapprove of the president's handily the covert nineteen situation. Now, when you consider wants you to think about this, when you have these demagogues and propaganda they who are claiming the present literally for debts for states that have shortages, because they chose solar panels over ventilators for not acting fast enough when, in fact, it's the Democrats in the Senate and the house which still haven't impeachment trial going off there,
away. When you consider all the lies in the propaganda used against this president, this is pretty remarkable. Fifty percent approve forty eight percent disapprove covert. Nineteen sir. This is gallop covert. Nineteen situation approval down from Sixty percent last month, overall job approval writing out forty, nine percent that significant that's pretty high? Look when you consider These stalinist, like media, that has been trash and this man from before even announced and A minute said really a monopoly media that very few exceptions and the russian bogus scandal and the Ukraine bogus scandal and now the effort to try and blame the presence of the United States. If you go and I'm not encourage it to the drug.
Port or immediate, or these other leftwing sites. You will see a propaganda campaign day in and day out against your president, that is disgusting. These are not news, aggregating sites. These are left wing anger. Dating sites it shocking, I know, but it is what it is like David Brok used to be a concern Allie runs media matters in his left wing cook, it happens. Gallop says American, divide evenly when asked whether they approve or disapprove of the way present Trump is handling the corona virus situation. In the? U S. With fifty percent approving and forty eight percent disapproving Approval of his handling of the cover nineteen crisis is down including a ten point decline among independence and sixteen point decline among Democrats, the muscle Democrats drinking lysol. Mr producer, don't you think not surprising, given the dominance of these events,
that the president's overall job approval writing nearly matches his approval rating uncovered nineteen gallops hall. On April, fourteen twenty eight overall job or poor forty nine percent the same as in March, thirteen to twenty two Paul, but higher than his reading of forty three percent, and so what's hidden in this is the president. Job approval rating has gone up from forty three percent to forty nine percent. A job approval rating has gone up If we had an honest media truly free media in this country, I think the guy's ratings will be well into the fifties if that sixty percent. At this point, I mean really, you want the breakdown who cares about the breakdown? You know the Democrats, hate Republicans lovingly independence. Hearse gets a frantic.
Generally speaking, trumps recent job approval ratings have been higher than at any point in his presidency. Did you hear the trumps reason? prove ratings, have been higher than at any point in his presidency. That's good and we talked about yesterday the enthusiasm gap where Trump supporters their enthusiasm with high and very well over sixty percent and Biden in the middle of forty percent range of high recall correctly. But up the fight like hell when this election, we absolutely art in every precinct, every town in every state, every time,
Here's the president in the oval office today talking about this information, that's come out against, while against the effort to to railroad General Flynn, a great hero, thirty three years serving this country, look at that but they did this man caught one go. When I looked at what they did, they taught me dirty curbs torment? A general General Flynn is a fine man, thirty five years or so, and the military, you don't get to be: where is by being there that I can tell you and then Right at the beginning of the administration, the dirty cops. And you see the notes Jim, whether on our side that side I mean- I assume, let's talk about fairness, what they do a general Flynn and by the way to Roger Stone and others
disaster and disgrace, and it should never be allowed to happen in this country again. What I really hope, because CNN tormented him offers, I really hope to seek, as they haven't been doing it. Appreciate your question. I to see that CNN well They had apologize, which they issued bridges cover it fairly, because here in the process of being exonerated. If you look at those notes from yesterday, there was total exoneration. These dirty filthy cops at the top of the FBI and you know the names better than I do and they went dishonest people cut too Was it a mistake to where I wish I had all the information where they were to get him. They wanted him. They were trying to force him to lie. You see that. Statements where they were I do force them into a position.
Where we can get on one July, or can we get this way or that this is terrible? This is like what happened in MECCA the neighbour countries, because we deal with these countries. Ok What happened in other countries the USA, what they the general and others and others squares and, I hope really. I hope you networks are going to, because you know I've seen where its the biggest story in the world a year ago it here and have Flynn Flynn Flynn, and essentially exonerated. Now that's not officially, but when you no, how could you do anything else. In that I hear those here, there's much Jim, why this much work, I think, We shall good for CNN if you can, honestly, and if you reported honestly, you so good for the network yeah. Well then, Can I do that because Jeffrey mothers occur.
As an idiot log is a hack, h, trough and so everything is seen through the highs of that that mindset now call me back on December. Ninth, twenty eighteen: he brag about violating FBI policy to Ambush Flint in this corrupt set up. We should listen to this. I want you to remember this. This is I had typical, clear politics cuts. You go and look at this way us now and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents ending up in the same room. How did it happen or something and by the way, by the look, how they're laughing and the reprobate asking the question is Nicole Wallace and I can I don't know the reigning below negative, I don't think so, but I fear there is she's there,
I had something we probably wouldn't have done, or maybe gotten away with in a more organised investigation, more organised administration in the George W Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration, the protocol, something I wouldn't have gotten away with. Ladies and gentlemen, I got away with it here. He clowns laughing punk so the clapping seals in the audience Funny you judge a great live go at all of us. Have perhaps increased appreciation for the last two years: bottles administrations that was process, and so the f B. I wanted to send agents into the White House itself. The interview, a senior official. You would work through the White House, council, others. This is really he's such a loathsome puke demonstration.
Just came into existence. What does he turned back if there's process the administration literally just came into existence. This interview took place. I forget about January twenty fourth January, twenty. Seventh, I have a, but I don't have it in front of me and he's the director, the FBI he's a former deputy attorney general. The United States is a former United States attorneys and former assisting United States attorney. He, the rules. This isn't funny. You don't cut there's when somebody's life is at stake, look for opportunities To destroy another human being, a kind of person is this. Go ahead, cushions and approvals, and it would be. There are shut up. You jerk yell Jack, the one who needs to be imprisoned with a big, strong, heavy dew name broke,
I'll be right back then anti Pelosi was unusual form today, which would be ran rare for most human beings. Unconventional see policy is of the same mental incapacity, by not say that with any glee, it is what it is was ass. Today about Joe Biden,
forego swear by fighting with many smaller delegations. One measure that your question and I don't need a lecture speech- here's the thing Actually, you do you dim with Union Electra Anna Speech. You don't believe in women's rights, Joe Biden accused of raping staffer in ninety ninety three and you don't care you don't care less. He clear she doesn't care and neither do any of the weather, women and the leadership of the Democratic Party
Neither whether woman who abiding chooses has a running make that women carry their Stacy, Prince, doesn't care. Jellyband, doesn't care, Common Harris doesn't care none of them care, none of them go ahead. I have please respect for only to old men. I have four daughters and one son and bears lot of excitement around the idea that women will be heard and be listened to. There is also due process and the FAO. The recent due process you moron. No, there isn't due process cabinet in get due process. Clarence Thomas didn't get to process and the irony is among those the charge against Clarence Thomas with these bogus Anita health claims, which show by was Joe Biden, go ahead too. And is Joe Biden
their spins statements from his campaign, not his campaign, but his former, employees who ran his offices and the rest that there was never any record the latest internment she believes and due process for Joe Biden but put off for terror, red. Now she sang, but there are other people office who they were also what maybe even molest them guy had never. Anyway, and said you don't know that arise when any record? The paper the University of Delaware in the University of Delaware. Won't make the records available. She's ass, for the records go ahead four came forward or nobody for to say something about it, apart from the principle involved. Isn't she amazing, ladies and gentlemen, she amazing all. You want in the suburbs. There's Donald Trump wants you to listen to this one. They only care about protecting liberal democrat women.
Or women who will hurt the president, not protecting women. Generally she's a disgusting fascistic disgrace! That's right! I said it printed every and she's, the speaker of the house, to press she doesn't even asked for due process she's They trashing this accuser, her claims are credible and we need Figure out how to get to the bottom of this I'll be right back very always, show with a warning label. Liberal rubber, gloves angel collar now, seven, seven, three, eight one for eight point, one! Let me secret, ladies and gentlemen,
the United States Senator is accused. Of course we don't have the answer guilty or not ponies accused of of doing what binds used or doing it's not a one off situation. It's not one off situation. Holbein was hanging around and powers and around would take Kennedy. And he wasn't the only one is not a one off situation. And what's happening now is the Democrats in policing others understand that this could be the tip of an iceberg and they want to keep this thing under wraps and that's why Biden is going to talk? I believe it tomorrow. Joe Scarborough Casino Scarborough is in his corner, as everybody else knows MSNBC is in his corner. He knows the media are in his corner the do some shocking and drive, and so they can say they did some shock in a job.
But clearly not pursuing this with any kind of integrity or passion or concern. And the meat to movement? You don't even here from it. Now I want to talk about an organization, that's doing important work on college Purposes across the country, and only seven years, Charlie Kirk in esteem, it any point. You save created a conservative, grassroots force, organizing a train, students at nearly two thousand colleges, adding more than one new school a day in that a quarter of a million students and turning points, making a real difference on campuses across the country, they're playing off. It's, not defence, but they need your help to stand. Events to learn more go to mark for turning point dot com or simply text mark to this number five. Three, four: five: five
we do in shore. The next generation protects the principles that we hold dear turning points, work really matters with a commitment of fifty two Play some more Charlie will send you a signed copy of his latest book New York Times, bestseller the magnet doctrine text mark the fifty three thousand four hundred and forty five and you'll receive a link where you can give again visit mark for turningpoint dot com right now or text mark to fifty three thousand four hundred and forty five and help this group continue their extremely important work. There's a piece of Breitbart. By Ezra Dulles. They two thousand a column in the far left magazine counter punch, accusing Joe Biden of Court louder, sexual abuse It is on code in the Euro Senate has become lightning rod in the debate over buying in his former Stafford terror, reads: allegation of sexual assault and ninety. Ninety three This remarkable. This just shows you how corrupt and decide,
the american media are when this guy was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, trying to destroy Clarence Thomas over truthfully bogus allegations. The media and looking abides background. Why Because he's doing their dirty work, folks members of the media. There democrats their levels, whether their officially party members and that doesn't matter Some of them are, some of them have been. The article written by the late Alexander, Cockburn lamented then presidential candidate, Barack Obama's choice, abiden as a running made in August, two thousand eight binding Cockburn view was an empty and worthless creature, I d C insider chosen purely to improve Obama's electoral odds. What ultimately stifle any dress of agenda for the candidate of hope and change. You just five paragraphs in.
Burn made an aside about binds character that accused him of harassing women who worked in the Senate. And while he was supposedly grieving for his wife, I didn't write this on. Reading it binding is notorious flap draw, wrote, Cockburn his vanity deludes him into believing that every word that drops from his mouth is minted in the golden currency. A Pericles. Vanity is the most cuts, conspicuous characteristic of: U S: senators and block nourished by deferential, acolytes and often expressed and louder sexual advances to staffers in turns, and the like On more than one occasion, counter punches editors have listened a vivid accounts by the recipient of just such advances. This too, for of another senator being accosted by Biden in the well of the Senate. The weeks at me the following his first wife car crash. These three.
Answers have gone viral as the former VP. Now the presumptive democratic presidential nominees trying to discredit terror, read a woman who briefly work provides office. In early nineteen nineties, we says: Biden pushed her against or I'm not going to get into this. You can read that yourself counter punch, republished, Cochrane's peace, this tool. Framing it around the much shared passage with a new title Biden. The loud editor Jeffrey, sank, added a note to the beginning of the post. We reprint the story today because it makes clear that the allegations of from misconduct against Senate staffers has been swelling round, bind for many years dating back to his first years in the Senate. Other magazines It contradicts a talking point reportedly shared within the Biden campaign hours after counter punch, republished, Cochrane's column, Buzzfeed published a striking
pending the apparent party line on reads: accusation which you would expect from Buzzfeed their busy over their drinking Lysol called Biden believes at all We have the right to be heard and others is thought you have the right to be heard. What does that mean? You have the right to heard and Pelosi says the same, that this is a line so the matter there right to be heard, their trashing her have their claims thoroughly review the talking points red code into a copy assented to democratic operatives. In this case, a thorough review by the New York Times has led to the truth. This incident did not have course the times which did Job on terra red and tried to defend Biden claim said it didn't do a year. It didn't come to the conclusion that bind was an innocent man.
The final sentence- there's never been a complaint allegation had a rumour of any impropriety or inappropriate conduct like this regarding Biden ever, is clearly refuted by Cochrane's column, pretty more than a decade before this current scandal. I'm sure Brian stouter will be all over this I don't understand what what's at Brian Fox knows, conquered This entire fling shown. How did he did he concocted the whole thing? Are you didn't? I know this to be the case. And how do you know that Brian? Why? Because factual fox, you know it's Foxfire fat. Far Russia mean Right Fox, oh ok, Brian you moron. So Nancy Pelosi continued CNN today, she's making her appearances in her favorite media organs. Here she is cut five, go
I have great sympathy for any women who bring forth and allegation: big strong supporter of the meat to movement- I I think has been a great may agree: prohibition to our country and in and I do. Support Joe Biden Unsatisfied withheld he has founded Well Joe Biden has so word job. I never said a word. He didn't respond and she satisfied with him his. But she's as much of a low IQ knucklehead, as is Joe Biden. The democratic parties is attracted to this sort of person. No, Mr British, do you know why they can't turn on Joe Biden he's there nominee what the hell am. I gonna do.
I mean the Heaven nominated me up, but he's got the don't he's there nominee, so they can't jettison Joe Biden. And, of course, all guns are aimed at trot, so they would vote for an orange juice can over Donald Trump. Would they in an orange juice? Can of course, as we all know, is smarter than job? I go ahead by this path to endorsing the others on Monday to endorsing and so on and satisfied socialist proudly endorsed by she said, five with his response, which is non existent and that you shows you all you women out there who think that Democratic Are with your aunt they don't they don't stand with you, they stand for their own. It's just pretext, so women's rights about liberal women's rights go ahead. I mean he hasn't to me clear. He has
address it. His campaign has addressed a big has not directly addressed it. Should he directly public how much stop here, Alison camera. I remember you when you were a fox and you were real serious reporter. You still have this in you. You still have the send. You need to break loose from the Jim Jones types had seen and you gotta get away from there their together, you gotta get away from They Jim Jones mentality over there at the constipated news network. You have this within you before you completely and utterly destroy yourself. Just aside point go You know a matter that he has to deal with, but I am impressed with the people who work for him at the time saying that absolutely never heard one are you of information about this. Nobody ever brought forth.
This is such a phoney diversion ever told the others in the office of a g. I wonder why I thought every woman who makes it Innovation is to be believed is to be believed. Is it not enough that she has five individuals who corroborate what she said? That's five more than then Pelosi. Others had against Cavenaugh Guide or had anybody else tell them about a claim so another where Juny, you need multiple victims to come out. Otherwise, Nancy policies not convinced, but look she's off for the me to movement. She has four daughters and a son. She's all for me to movement, and as long as women are heard, not
and gentlemen. That's not the test as long as women are heard, if somebody makes it credible allegation of rape and that's what we're talking about here. You better believe that needs to be taken seriously. Put your name on the line, a former labour puts her name on the line. Others have come foreign put there aims on the line more than you have the key but our case more than you're really happened. The Clarence Thomas case are only the rest of this, but keep em this is the same party that defended TED Kennedy. Chappaquiddick tat circle, the wagons around Chappaquiddick TED. Don't ever forget that and it's the same media that covered up the holocaust and that reported propaganda. Malta Dorani about sullen and Stalin Mass, for the Ukraine is keep all this in mind. That's what we're dealing with here guide can ever shut up you, rambling, buffoon I'll, be right
back then don't forget I'll, be on hand it. He did. I not thirty pm eastern, approximately six thirty Pm Pacific, social distancing has become prevalent more important than ever to call text or video chat with your love one Which means you need a low cost wireless service that still has the great quality of service you need, while you can feel confident with pure talk. Usa pure talk, USA covers ninety nine percent of all american households and doing this month of April, you can enjoy unlimited
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Angeles Times was an assistant secretary of state for public Affairs, Boston Globe online. Saturday. Glenn Johnson was a senior adviser at the State Department, Washington, Post Stephen bar moved in a Labour department, a senior managing director, the Office of Public Affairs, Washington, Post Congrats, reporter Shiela Mary became Vice President Joe Biden, communications, director and later senior adviser to Obama. Rosa Brooks was columnist for the L times before taking a position with the Under Secretary defence for policy. The Washington Post destined Thomas left, the paper to say speechwriter. For the? U S ambassador to Britain, Roberta Basket. On time. Cbs news investigative reported, join the Department of Hs as a senior communications, advising the Washington Post, worn by. Send Outlook section deputy editor joined, then you and Ambassador Susan Rice is directors speech riding in senior policy adviser, education, weak reported David, Hop, moved the education department scene
and senior political reporter Sasha Johnson joined the Department of Transportation and later became chief of staff at the affair the Chicago Tribune zeal Suckin, mooted the department of Transportation is communications director, while Rick Weiss, who had worked the Washington Post became communications directorate senior policy strategies for the Washington Whitehouse. Excuse me office of science and technology. Former CBS and ABC reporter, Linda Douglas drawing the Obama campaign later communications director for the White House Office of Health reform neckties reporter times Eric Dash mooted the Treasury depart, public affair office, as did MSNBC producer Anthony, raise sir thence a niece Rahman work for the Obama campaign and later speechwriter for Obama, CNN Nash security reported Jim Shouto formally with ABC New, serve this chief of staff to US ambassador. China, Gary Lock, San Francisco Chronicle environment, what our colleague Zita, join the EPA Public Affairs Office,
Time Magazine Washington, Bureau Chiefs, J Colony became communications director for Vp Bind and subsequently press secretary to Obama. No one June, twelve, twenty thirteen, the washed imposed fought porphyry, found the fight going ABC News, President Ben sure, what his brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Randal Atop, national security adviser to President Obama, his counterpart CBS News Division present David roads as the brother, Benjamin wrote, seen it Deputy Washington Bureau Chiefs Virginia mostly married Tom Nights, formerly deputy secretary of State under Hillary Clinton, Further Whitehouse Press sector J colonies, wife is clear: shipment of veterinary port, afraid BC, national public radios Whitehouse corresponded airy. Shapiro is married to a lawyer, Michael Godly, who joined the White House Councils office vice a binding one time. Communications director, shallow Mary, is merited NEO king. What are the Wall Street Journal star?
political reporters when you think of all this, MR producing pretty shocking there are other former staffers who now work in the media or did recently Miss Embassies Chris Matthews previously worked for, among others, President Jimmy Carter and Democratic House, bigger Tipp, O Neill CNN Chris Qualmless Brother did no ex democratic governor Andrew Cuomo Scene and stake tapir. Where Democratic Congress, Marjorie, Margolis Myspace Vinci and hang on, controlling and ABC George Definite Plus, of course, work for President Clinton. There others, including some Republicans, but this provides us and so the cosiness, between the National Washington DC media and the Democratic Party
all out of on freedom of the press right there in the first track. Other I back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now, over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash Joe,
he's here now, broadcasting them only underground demand, both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, seven, seven three want one: don't forget the kennedys schools. Its and centre on media politics and public policy may eighteen, twenty seventeen the EU should a comprehensive analysis of news coverage of the first one hundred days of the Trump Administration and they concluded trumps coverage.
During his first hundred days was not merely negative. In overall terms, it was unfavourable on every dimension. There is not single major topic were trumps. Coverage was more positive than negative, not one. Six of the seven? U S, outlets in our study, CBS Sin and and we see the New York Times the Wall Street Journal washed imposed. Among those he's, tat by name all six portray trumps first, one hundred days in the highly favourable terms. CNN and embassies coverage, but the most Lending negative stories about Trump outpaced, positive ones: thirteen, the one and two networks trumps cover Johns BS exceeded the ninety percent negative mark trumps coverages, Did the eighty percent level in the New York Times. Eighty seven percent washed imposed. Eighty three
man. This is really amazing, isn't absolutely maize, and then this is the Harvard school. This is harboured. It's it's shocking. Absolutely shocking: you want to know why he doesn't get a break list. The krona virus- Russia and the rest of it. This is why the media or silver propaganda send demagogues. They didn't break this Michael Flynn story. They didn't break thee. The evidence of the Obama administration conduct, nor would they. I just want to remind you. The FBI was spying on the Trump camping. The FBI was spying on Carter, page I was spying on Michael Flynn on me.
Them to the Washington Post, withheld exculpatory evidence from the face accord. The FBI was leading to the press, Under the New York Times, among others, the FBI was conspiring to trigger the twenty fifth amendment, the FBI director. You stay discredited. Document paid for by Hillary Clinton campaign in the Dnc to threaten the President elect when he met with them The director of self serving members which he then remove to his home and linked to the press FBI, after the Democrats succeeded in pressuring for the appointment of a special council de criminally investigate the president. Even though the president was the victim Mahler points openly partisan Democrat
prosecutors to a staff, the present research, no privileges over witnesses or documents and he's exonerated, but that's not enough what was done. The Michael Flynn is a d and everybody who has participated in this cabal should be facing a jury prospect of losing their own homes and their own jobs. But seen and heard were cape this Thing to do at Russia when it comes to MIKE Flynn, nothing they're out to get em. And it becomes obvious when you read the note it has nothing to do with Russia. That was a pretext. There was nothing with this conversation the Renault violations of law, nothing, nothing. Then he loses everything. Absolutely sickening signal.
I don't want us to say about this now our friendship project Verity us last week. They spoke to the director of state. Ireland Colonial Funeral Home, Michael lands and I've talked about this at some length been attack, but when I'm under attack, I fight back harder. That there's something that's not quite right about the way that we're collecting this data and labeling this data. It doesn't mean a lot of people didn't die from this fires. Clearly, a lot of people have, but that's not the point. You want accurate data. Do you know so this is
Alonzo directed the Staten Island Colonial Funeral home with project very tough, less we cut twelve go hunting in the more political lottery by we I mean. I know juices Iago, director, Brooklyn, cheaper funeral home with project virgins, put thirteen
Go you have a private doctor and you are on the medical, the roadmap we bring down under that covered because they don't want to go over Whelmd Mange. Indeed- and I point out the house's anymore- they would go out and have they would investigate, seemed ever do some other conclusion at heart, disease and now to putting everything is carbon. I keep zilch patting the numbers that are making it look like. Yes, we do have a lot of things are not we. We have been of a wound, but how many of them actually culture night, one of the major putting it because I want to go to sea
Is my sister was yes, she was least you old man at night in the house, even going to house no underlying cause your medical conditions from the house without even gone. Shemeah covered ninety feet now, Do you know what you ever get shot he had called. It must be conspiracy, theorists how to get the man out to get the system right wing conspiracy theories, who these men are. But they're serious people, directors of these facilities. They have no reason: why would they would they. Ladies and gentlemen, we have heard a lot a lot from Andrew Cuomo in the press, really doesn't press this man couple reporters habitats,
added he's been an absolute disaster doin this pandemic, but what expect he gets, this loving coverage because hats, the home of the near EAST. And the New York Daily Snooze and media types of that ilk. Verandah Santas. I think this man is absolute. Amazing the size of his state, the population, but in the New York state he's got many months Bonaire he's got a lot of tourism in that state. Lot of people moving to that state wanting to be in that state because of its physical condition, as well as the weather and so forth. He's opening up his state step by step in here, He had to say cut ten go today, will take a step, small, deliberate, methodical and based on consultation with some of our greatest physicians. Its aim more hopeful future. We do,
have hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel now outline the steps it will be taking going forward this phase will start on Monday may forth and will for the time being exclude my me day, Brower and Palm Beach counties. These colonies have seen the lion's share of the state's epidemic, but they our trending in a positive direction working with them in continue to work with them and I do believe that they will be able to move this phase, one very soon we will get floor. Back on its feet by use an approach that is safe, smart step by step, is our biggest obstacle fear fear of the unknown fear by constant doom and gloom and hysteria that permeated, our culture for the less weeks, for example, We ve seen a sudden drop in the number of peace
for who are seeking medical care for heart. Problems in stroke. Symptoms not because These common elements have all of a sudden disappeared, but because people are Terrified of going to the hospital because of the virus. This will have huge health consequences in the very new near future. It will almost surely resolved excessive fatalities, fear is our enemy kind. Eleven go. We need focus on facts and not fear, and I think there has been a lot. That's been done to try to promote. Fear to promote worst case, scenarios to drive stereo, and I think people should know that that worst case scenario, thinking that has not proved to be true. So let's just take a quick look, so people know we were hold over and over again floor was going to be just like New York when it came to the
virus. Well, let's look at the tail of the tape. Close your way to New York fatalities Obviously a much different picture in we have this is equal. Popular She per one hundred thousand much. Actual less, even if you did absolute numbers, we have two million. More people knew you for four in above what Florida is Saint. With hospitals, hospitalization rate. That is a mere fraction of what you see, Not just in New York many other states and so saying Florida. Gonna be like New York was wrong in peace, need to know was wrong. That is it rate, governor you're, very lucky Florida, I'm stuck with the MR, I don't know if I wore thy clan outfit and pain in my face back or not other back then Amy,
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook, in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time, presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts cell phone it's a hell of a lot more It's not enough. You'll get em
by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s Let me remind you see our main Jimmy Brooklyn no mark is yours. Enraged shows this as we have for than one enemy. This was something Americans don't understand. I know you do. If people look at Obama's pass possess all goes back to O bomber Obama's parents. Remarks with his mental was a marxist, Frank Marshall Davis, This is not a specialist to be arrested. If we ever went toward the Soviet Union, the Communist Party moved its headquarters. Europe, the Chicago to help Obama, get elected.
There. You, Sir, oh dear, how dare you a ruin? The outstanding reputation, a Barrack Milhouse, Benito Obama, warm just adding up the history. You know Obama when he was in college, said and wrote that he showed out the most radical Marx's professes Obama. We buy and arm the drug cartels and Mexico trend uranium to Russia too, For some of that, probably too I ran away and North Korea, who they work and with nooks and missiles Obama Hilary sent and obedience and billions of dollars to declare a state of I ran. This is incredible and then Obama's p Obama as the head of the c, I a guy with cargo to communist connections that he admitted to in its past and believe it or not. James call me should be called James Commie because whose common action is communist, can Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. So what do we do about all this? While we have
get the information out, I think the home, or of America's enemies, everything from the drug cartels, KGB, Mafia, all of America's enemies, are united against tramp tramp stands in the way of the drug tells Russia, China, Radical Islam, all our enemies, Trump is standing in the way the media the enemy side, except for the few conservative meters on a few talk show host. This is the biggest battle of America has ever been in its high. I think I think what they did with Trump when he was a candidate. They put a couple of spies into his campaign. What they did with the FISA court, have they withheld exculpatory information to get a warrant against a Carter page, which is really a backdoor way and near the end of the campaign to go after him,
what they did to Flynn the pressure to appoint a special council and on and on and on to the impeachment of an innocent man? This is the latest scandal in american history. Jimmy you, you study this. Do you agree with me always we're in the most dangerous more than the civil war revolution? War were too like beads on a necklace all of these groups and people are connected to have a common enemy that brings together, like like China, Chris street the power gone through the wires that he reach all the light, its even in that this was all stuff that was built during what they called the cold war now which United and it's amazing. It is absolutely massive I could prove it most of it. Let me let me ask you Jimmy the media mealy come too defence of the communist chinese regime, I gotta think we're in new cold war. Don't you, while sir
used to say in the past, the communist went from fourth gear to 50th and dismissed they couldn't get caught up on his a fooling around with women is taxed, eating supposedly Russia I know now, mysteriously, the communist God sent them a virus, If China loses two hundred million of their people and trillions of dollars, but at the feet tromp day when people dont understand that Trump need to support him. If the media you said before the media, with just fair. I think trumps ratings would be up higher than sixty seventy eighty percent. While I wouldn't be much higher than sixty. That's just the nature of the beast Jimmy. Thank you for your call. We appreciate it. Let us continue Charles gains will flood of the great Ws K. Why go Mister Oliver, we are for such a budget. Stop you did. This has got to stop because the matter the fact, if you, if you just look just look, did that the whole thing is
to control. It has to stop with all this stuff is happening with the F B. I would call me with with with the clinic bon unless people start gone to prison. Here's my concern that the press United States is not re, elected and bind and his cronies and cohorts and compatriots they smother all the rest of as well If we get a Democrat and are basically worse, screwed and policy, she's delirious ass, sure he's days, delusional diplomacy will work better with a box of fruit loops up on your shoulders, rather than it had known that she's got a barren or now my friend thank you Richard no avail Kentucky exam satellite. How are you, sir, my God is Richard and Mobile answer here. I want to thank you back in two thousand seventeen that spring. You start
But the puzzle pieces together on all what was going on and how they would come and after Trump and they had to remove Michael plan I had to get him out of the way he was the most most experienced in the early administration of Donald Trump and may head, get rid appeal mark. You found all this stuff that a couple of years ago, and thank you you, thanks to you- bless you and I will never forget. I will tell my grandchildren what a patriot you are. Why don't you show them? Thank you. That's very, very kind of you. I did it with my own ensemble to MR producer me myself and I all three of us Eugene Oregon Access Satellite one minute go, go it alone, yes, sir, Yes, I'm gonna be on this prediction that they're not gonna. Let Biden show up on the same day,
trot by any means that they will have a virtual debate and they'll put top on a five minute delay. Third, it Bob! You can hear any more. I don't know about the five minute delay, but you re something: that's actually quite fascinating. Would they try this virtual thing? They might? They might because I, where they can whisper into binds ears, hand handsome notes, I don't know, but they got to figure out how to keep em off the stage from behind a podium twenty feet. His opponent where they go total because, if that happens, I really think trumps gonna map the floor in the election we got a push, I think, are to be five. Seven debates, copyright that aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a macbook
in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights, all time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine, full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S,
go mark at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one there is a great new book out there this fear most, and you can go mark at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one! There is a great new book out. There don't burn this book for yourself in an age of Unreason by David Reuben who had been itching the meat, David Reuben. How are you, Sir Mark up good? You don't want to talk to you for quite some time. I didn't realize that had to write a book. Do you think our last summer, while I agree with its long past, do, but you know what I want people to read this book, because you're
while Swimmer Progressive, but you not so much a progressive anyone, tell anybody your story, yeah! Well! The way I describe it and are going to have quite heavily in the book is that most of us, if you're say under fifty in America, you grew up in certain cultural atmosphere to a certain educational system through a certain media system movies. The whole thing that sort of leaves your factory settings as being left is in that you know you sort of get this thing handed down to you. That kind of old Democrats. Your good republicans, your bad democrats, therefore peace, Republicans or for war Democrats like poor people, Republicans like money in the and the list goes on and on, and it sort of all sounds right on on its face value and breaking out a factory settings is it is a really really difficult big to do, and I was on
the young Turks network, which is a pre, far left progressive network, and this is about five years ago, when I started waking up to what was going on because I come from New York. I was born in Brooklyn. I grew up in one island day. I lived in Manhattan most of my life and when I talk about being the liberal, I mean true liberal, like an old school J, F K. Ask now: will you country can do for you ask what you can do for your country level and by the way that we used? I know you know this, of course, but we used to have good levels, not only J F K, but there are no Patrick Moynihan slowly at college. Hang in there were people that you might have some policy differences, but they didn't want the government to do absolutely everything, and I think what happened over the last five years or so, is that the price it came in and there they are passionate their screaming all the time. Everyone who opposes them is the worst thing in the world. A racist, bigot homophobia
I'm afraid it all all the buzzword and that's very attractive. I think to young people, because you don't really have to think about it. Sort of like oh, your morally right and everyone against you is is basically evil and there were a few things that are going to it in the book that woke me up to it. But in essence the key one was really understanding, identity, politics. I think this is the most dangerous force that we have in America. Despite everything we're going to ride out crowd of ours, I still view identity politics. This idea that we would judge each other based on our side color our gender, actuality and that we should put those things in some sort of working order of who should be treated, which way which which of course always leave the White Chris,
man at the bottom of the whole thing, because there, in their eyes the worst once you start waking up to it. Almost everything else starts to melt away and used our realizing in other conservatives, who I thought were were pretty evil those those libertarians. You don't want the government to do a lot better, actually kind of the good guys, and I think what put me on the map really was that I was just very open about my my evolution. You can find videos of mine from twenty sixteen talking about pouring burning, and I can tell you right now that that he would be the worst possible thing for America, and I just with open about this this process, and I think that attracted people- you very unique in that guard your very unique in their regard, because it's not easy to do that. It affects family, it affects friends, it affects your social circles and suffer that. If people react to you, then who knew you from from your progressive kind of mindset
shocking. Actually, what will happen to you when you start making up when you know you can find videos where I was now four years ago. So saying: hey let these liberals, we have to start defending our values proper that we have to be for free speech. We have to be for tolerance and diversity of thought. I was saying as lefty and suddenly the amount of people that were telling me that I suddenly, with now a big it and a racist and the it and then then I get the biggest no no, according to their secular religion, which was, I started to talk to you guys. So I started to talk to that scary, goin back and I started to talk to her than its Prager and Shapiro
and these characters and what I suddenly realized was well here. Are these guys that I have some differences of opinion with, but there are more than happy to sit down and discuss what our different. At our meeting my book, I lay out all of my political conditions and their things and there that are gonna kick off conservatives. There are things in there that are gonna piss off lefties, but the conservatives are. More than happy to debate them to sit down and say, hey, you know what I want to live in a country with people that disagreed me, but the leftist they want to destroy you and that that then goes into outrage. Culture, the mob that comes after you mark all the time and tries to take out almost any one who has it a flickering of individual thought, which is why there are always going after Tucker calls made yesterday they went after Ben Shapiro because of something he said on my show, and they just want to destroy descent bear on on the right. Broadly, it's like hey. Let's let work it out at the date on them at all.
Forget it, but there definitely the more sort. I live and let live attitude there and you know what it's fun getting and today you know there aren't hostile, throwing around ideas. You can actually learn stuff. Can you believe it? If you talk to somebody else, another human being, you listen to them and they will come to you. You might learn something crazy and I think this and maybe and partisan in this ideological Since I call myself a constitutional conservative river, because believe really in the limits government. I believe strongly in the bill of rights and especially the declaration of independence. So really I live by two standards. The golden rule. And basically, leave me alone and quite serious about not with you I'm with you, I don't care in effect, what my neighbour does
his private life as long as he doesn't do it on my property. Now we have to have some laws argument we right I mean this. Is this is sort of light touch a government stuff, but beyond that you know that that's the beauty of America that I think so many people forget. We have brought freedom to more people than any country in the history of the world and even as it stands right now, where the blue check mafia on twitter- and all of you know so many of the people on CNN and everywhere they say that the man who read this three: if Hitler, which is true cultural appropriation by two separate, a separate topic, they say he's Hitler and his supporters are nazis, and yet nobody will you nobody. Leaving you. Can you can tweet all day long tell Donald Trump Hitler there and nobody? Nobody shows up at your door, you you can do all those things because,
beauty of America where everyone who came here virtually came with nothing and in almost every case I mean anyone. Any one of your listeners right now should think back. Did they have better or worse than their parents to their parents? better or worse than their parents- and it goes on and on and in almost every case you ve got better for the following creation, and yet we act as if somehow, where this evil oppressive a patriarchal societies in it. Then, if we're doing wrong, then I have no way he's doing it right now. You have some rules, or at least some thoughts about how people should think for themselves. Correct yeah, oh yeah, give us a few. What I think the most important thing is that right now I sense when I go to college is especially that young people are very afraid. To just speak up. I know it almost sounds silly, but one or two things that I hear is young kids will come up to the end of a you know, Dave I'm afraid to tell my friends I'm a libertarian and at first it didn't really make
Ask me what made you to quarrel with them. I live at. Why would why would anyone have a problem, that and then I would hear the same thing over and over they were taking a day. If I tell the kid you know my friend it I'm a libertarian they'll say all that each year for low taxes and if you're for low taxes that mean you don't want to help poor people and if you don't want to help poor people. That means you hate black people, and that means you are racist. Now, of course, you can go into all the number than you can table. Accurate is more poor white people, the black people. You can tell them how the welfare state have worked in the rest of it, but unfortunately, once you get that label on yourself is very nobody young people. They grew up in a time of twitter and Facebook, where they can just see ate all day long. There really crippled by this and actually much of young people, because now I find that their there were boomers out there, a middle age, people that are afraid of a too. So I would say if I leave, I give a bunch of kids, but I think the most important thing
You can do beyond just being brave enough to say what you believe is actually never apologize, and I will only give one caveat too that if you genuine, we do something wrong. If you genuinely you, I about somebody had something truly to apologize. You can, but what happened? Often then we see this all the time. I'm sure you ve been a garbage remedies. We see people who don't do anything wrong. You know they'll, say: basics. I can give you a very simple one. With the Hollywood actor Indirect remarked, Plash one day, tweeted, Ben Shapiro? In effect, he said you know, there's this guy. I disagree with him, but I don't think he's pure evil. It was something to that effect and the mob went after him and then he literally deleted the tweet and issued an apology, and it was like you know it's just like that man, you lost all your credit, because you tried to an extent extend an olive branch in a time when people don't do it and instead you decided to ban
the mob and I think, not apologizing when you have not done anything wrong standing up for what you believe in and perhaps important in all of them know some stuff and I think the other part is that our education system has failed and certainly then that's. I had this chapter on check your facts. Not your feelings, not your privilege, because so many people walk running along privilege just because they have a decent life that they should be afraid to say things to other people, but that is that deeply danger. I would say that the american ETA and at some level with actually anti human, are you concerned about the direction of this culture, and why do you think it's about right,
I mean you know everything is so upside down right now, because corona berries. I would favour the thing that give me the silver lining at the moment. Is you know you ve written gazillion, you're best selling books? You know how the process is. Why finnish writing this book in July, and I put it down- and I added it before, but I've been chomping at the bit to get this thing out and one of the things that are really happy about you that the things that I talk about this see more relevant to gay, then, even when I was writing them, because you know for the first time in a long time average American they're talking about states right, you and I can talk about it and policy. We can talk about it, but suddenly we're talking about opening up the country through state, right You're in California, where you know I've got a governor was probably gonna, keep him locked down, for God knows how long, but you know if you live in Montana or or taxes which is about to reopen you. You know this is a beautiful thing about our federal system. So I'm excited the people are talking about that. I'm excited the people are talking at the second amendment,
because they're realising these people could hang it. You know right now, in fact, are our fourth amendment. The right of assembly has been suspended and people are gonna wait a minute I should be. What're, you know safely be with other people, so I think a lot of the things that are fundamental when you say your constitutional conservative. I hear that I mean these are the greatest man made document ever these are documents that have breeders. And suddenly, just because Gavin do something something or the W h o says something we're all pretending that we should have no agency over in my view, that a danger? So I am hopeful because I think people are waking up but are we are we in a very dangerous time, because the authoritarian drawn March wealth absolutely. You were, you deserve to be heard by more more people, so I'd like to have you back, I mean are you going to be, might be my pleasure and it is a fantastic book. Ladies and gentlemen, dont burn this book
thinking for yourself in an age of Unreason. It's a fantastic book on many levels, but but you're sort of intellectual movement is something I want people to read about it well, so am I go in getting an amazon dot com you gotta, Mark Levine, Show Facebook Mark Levin, Show Twitter, we just put it up. There go directly to Amazon Dotcom, your hunkered down it's the perfect book they Reuben. I want to thank you, Sir back your mark and I look forward reconnecting with imitator. You got a godless he's, pretty damn sharp Disney, MR producing he's pretty damn, there's a circle. These young guys Reuben, you got Shapiro Bonn GINO, some of the others who really are the the up in commerce and I'm proud of that. I'm thrilled by that. But this audience we ve got to learn more about day Reuben and hear more from a because he's really quite come
I think I'll be right back when Amy, The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook, in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights old time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC, gives you access toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get a max by
Monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot. U S, don't forget I'll, be on hand in about a half hour: nine thirty pm Eastern six, thirty pm Pacific at all hours and between in around David Ruben. Just heard, who is a very compelling? Dont burn this book, what a great title thinking for yourself in an age, Unreason I like these words like on freedom of the press, so I recommend this book highly to you in jump right now. Mark Levine show Facebook market,
NHL Twitter. We ve got it. They're linked Amazon, go directly to Amazon now's the time to jump in very well discounted in that's what happens when new books come out. They discount em, it's an excellent excellent read. I know you'll enjoy it. Do. I know you enjoy Hannity tonight because our better than my buddy Sean we want At a time, so I want to move quickly. Alan Quantico Virginia, the gray w, I may add, half a minute go or weakened. Silent prayer, if you like. All right now and I'm sorry. It's not our fault, ladies and gentlemen, to everything split, on the current a virus- and then you blame everything on Trop Barge tromp. You say because we have a delay now, because we have Is it different studio, different technology, because its New York and people camp over which the virus, but ultimately to transform trap?
Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emerging personnel, all the people who feed us who try sport, the things that we need, the doctors and nurses. All of your God bless you and thank you so very much. I'll see you tomorrow on the radio and I'll, see on fox and thirty minutes. God bless from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-01.