« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/26/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, The House of Representatives voted to raise the debt limit today despite every single Democrat voting against it. Joe Biden is playing chicken with the national debt because he isn’t getting everything he wants, and hasn’t spoken to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy since February. Biden wants a $7 trillion budget and Republicans have countered with a budget that reduces his spending by $4.8 trillion and extending the debt ceiling. The immorality of what Democrats are doing to this generation and future generations is appalling. We have more taxes flowing into the federal government now than any time in our history, the next closest time being World War II, and taxes are now 19.6% of the economy. Also, new emails show that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, which raises more questions into the laptop cover-up. Joe Biden has nothing to fear with Merrick Garland in charge of the DOJ, and knows he will pardon Hunter or himself if anything happens. Later, Nikki Haley showed that she is willing to sell out to the culture war by inviting Disney to move to South Carolina. Haley will not fight against this Marxist movement and protect our kids and has shown she is not presidential material. Parents are fighting to defend their children against what’s going on in the classrooms and the teachers unions and Haley will not fight for them. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the The america mark levant. Our number Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: eight, seven: seven: three One, Three eight one one The breaking news is that the rope begins in the house of representatives did pass their debt ceiling bill.
They didn't receive a single democratic vote, so all you, people who live in these congressional districts of these frauds and phones and fakes. Who pretend to be moderate Democrats there big spending, radical leftists. Hear me gosh, I I know who you are up there in northern jersey the former cia person out of a virginia there are frauds and phonies. now they lost four votes. Lost four votes, the republicans did so this thing: pass to seventeen the two fifteen in his usual any bigs matt gates They lost KEN buck of colorado, timber shed of tennessee. So yet again, these guys almost screwed up and The senate will kill what they Republicans in their house pass.
but I don't know a world these guys are in broker a bright bart there. They can Congressional budget office republican debt limit plane would reduce deficits by four point. Eight trillion dollars threw up against stomach that's in the senate as well as road bible comes the rap against Biden, they pay a bill that, if adopted, would reduce the deficit by four point: eight trillion dollars and for bona its vote against it. I don't know what they expect to happen. When you only control one body, but that's a pretty good I'm good bill. That's probably why my boy chip. Roy voted for it as well as others. I'm sure there was a lot of negotiation on this now the republicans would cut down.
Heuristically spending between twenty twenty three and twenty thirty three that's corners see Bia will put it on discretionary funding. That would result in a savings that three point two trillion. They were scrap energy, too, it's credits that would save another. six hundred billion. They were do we they would lashed according to the irish? They would save about a hundred and twenty billion. Would implement work requirements for medical, temporary assistance for needy families and supplement nutrition assistance programme that save a hundred twenty billion. They rode recent funding for unspent corona virus funds. I would save another thirty billion and they were Acquired department of Interior to conduct oil and gas leases, that would say three point four billion, and
four bonehead started again: didn't do it. I didn't go far enough. I don't know what they want done under these come stances where they barely got. This thing through to begin with, but the power them. so the dead, showing deadline likely june, as they point out at bright barton, Every closer battleground Democrats continue to fret over the present its refusal to continue to negotiate. Now the speakers on this programme he said, look I spoke to buying on February. First, having spoken to him since he onward my calls. so Biden whose already destroyed the economy whose already strong, the currency, the financial side, where the car in a chinese or stepping in and going from country to country to ireland
the dollar is the world currency, which is a huge disaster. Joe Biden, who is pushed in flight and through the roof whose destroyed this I train whose contrary and far more energy than you should have to swimming. You can get it or more for certain foods, and you should have to swimming you get them. Joe Biden is now playing chicken chicken with because he's not getting everything at once. now keep in mind, they already got everything they want. When Mcconnell and the Democrats. And about seventeen republics got together pass nancy policies, all Democrats bill there,
spending through the roof doth before the republic Priority could even get into town get sworn in. and, of course, by saying that, as fast as I could now buying once more, he wants a budget at seven trillion dollars. which will create another yearly, deaf. Set of one point two trillion dollars, even though it includes unspent covert funds and so forth. We have more taxes coming into the federal government, Then any time in recent history, we are more Access flowing in now, then every time but three times as a percentage of the economy in our history now
teen point: six percent of the economy is going into the federal government. About the same rate or close as war, a war to war. Two, it's unbelievable. All these phony vulnerable moderate democrats voted against the bell because find some reason to go home and say what they wanted to cut the cops which, of course, they didn't. But I won't matter there are liars. They make promises back home about the dad about spending about, by partisanship, they vote down the line every damn time and its very close, very close on the republic inside someone for them bolted. We almost
lost today Some mccarthy said we will lift the debt ceiling, but we have got a lift the debt ceiling with some limits. Here we can keep doing this. We just. and I keep doing this not doing anything radical the republicans its biden, whose doing radical thanks. Here's cover mccarthy. Yesterday,
capitol hill cut one go, this bill is going to help us face our challenges. Here, though, this sends a clear message to the american people that we're investing in the future of america. Let me just mention a couple of highlights, starting with communities, we know what works to make our communities and then investing in prevention and community police officer, so you can walk the streets, know the neighbors and who can help restore trust and safety. That was president Joe Biden march, fifteen two thousand and twenty the senate has not something that the president has not the cause. We think this is a response.
And so he sends a budget. Over a year there prepared to lift the dead, soon And Biden says that passes the senate of veto wanna clean deficit bill member. We talk about a clean deficit, in other words, you just raised that debt to pay for every damn thing that I want that simple course. Biden turns around its the fall, the house republican since the fall of the republican party. Listen to this guy, he is the worst cut to go Republicans concern refusing to negotiate on the limit for saying you're missing in action. We are you going to
we're going to marry garden growth rate rather than they did. In fact, the government was shut down six times and ronald reagan who insisted that they cut spending is such a liar. It's just unbelievable But you heard what he said and every republican on capitol hill- and the orange sea needs to take those words. He said the debt limit gets extended. That's not negotiable.
And so either they pay for his budget pay for everything in his budget or redistribution about all the waste and fraud and abuse or the climate change, crap Destroying so many of you that teachers unions, all the money that to the left us and all the rest, either they they do that. I'm includes two hundred million dollars, two hundred million dollars to nancy policy for some parks either they fund all that with your money where your money or he doesn't care- and I think the old doesn't care and we're going to take some time to go through the s. This is not a boring celebrate. This is a crucial subject. You're gonna be hearing a lot about The foundation and I'll be right.
Back, then let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts are we supposed Fine sanity in this mess, I was talking with. Just a precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important over their own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement august will act we pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august oppression. metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures. This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids Haven't seven for gold, I re to learn how to bridge retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals at eight seven seven for gold, I re again: eights
In seven for gold, I re consult your financial professionals before investment and serious disclosures IRA, augusta precious metals, dot, com, I wrote a book once problem, plunder and deceit is very occasion and when you go to chapter two on the dead, I started with a quote from the late great doktor water williams,. In. Doktor Williams was the first guest on my life. Million live in show on fox, because I wanted to talk to. in professor Williams rightly describes the underlying pathology driving the nation, the economic and financial ruin as a moral problem.
He said we ve become an immoral people. Demanding they come was forcibly use, one american discerned the purposes of another death. sits and run away. National debt are merely some if they're real problem. He said he said Many five percent of today's federal spending could be described as congress taking their earnings of one american to give to another. thousands of hand out programmes such as farm subs, these business bail outs and welfare. Thomas sol, tremendous man. Professor saw factor saw said there the time when the purpose of taxes was pay, the inevitable costs of government to the police the left? However, taxes have long been seen as a way to redistribute income and finance social experiments based on
liberal ideology. I think you would agree today, that's more like marxist ideology, the united states federal government takes in about three hundred de billion dollars. A more every month, probably club, four hundred billion a month now, but in that ballpark. If the government such down that doesn't stop. It doesn't stop. It continues to taken that money, so I want to speak directly to social security, recipients, medicare users, medicaid users and people we use the vizier. Theirs money every month to cover those expenses and buy them
a footnote. You might want to ask yourself if you get a social security check. Why would it matter if the government shuts down if there's a trust fund cause? Stole the money out of the transfer, so we play that game but nonetheless. Three hundred and fifty four hundred billion dollars a year comes in. Excuse me a month are coming under the government, whether they shut down or not, and is matter of federal law, social security, medicare, medicaid and veterans benefits are excluded from any shut down. That is a percentage of the money that comes in every month must be used. Pay social security benefits, medicare users had a cage users and veterans benefits.
So I want to tell you that, because the politicians in america, the Democrats Media will lie to you. That's number one number two. When the government shuts down Paul ryan, when he was actually quite saying as before James bakery once told me that seventeen percent on the air here Seventeen percent of the government shuts down when they have a shut down. It means eighty three percent remains open. So let's get that off the table to begin with. Now what about the full faith and credit to the united states where they say we're not going to pay our bills. That is what wanna dig into with you very important
to the bottom of the hour and we'll be right back. Let me ask you what, Heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts. Are we supposed? fine sanity in this mess. I was talking with augusta Precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect the retirement savings right now. I think it's more important. ever to own gold? I guess what view hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement augusto will act. We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august oppression metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the Failure, as this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids. Haven't seven for gold, I re to learn how to protect retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals. Aids, seven seven for gold, I re again, eight seven, seven,
for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, globe and doesn't just read the news he makes for news. Goldberg mark Levin show now seven seven, three, eight one, forty eight one, one, let's go through this, its fairly simple. If he just stick with me,. Buying is proposing a seven trillion dollar budget republicans of counter with a budget. that significantly reduces spending over a period of time by four point: eight trillion dollars, not all once over a ten year period in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, they need to take a bite out of the dead or the countries not gonna survive. Your child you're not going to survive.
Water Williams is exactly right. The immorality of what the Democrats are doing to future generations, and this generation is appalling. I've It said: well, you know mark none of these. Of happened. Yet to us I mean you preach their stuff. That's. They haven't happened yet, but when they do like they didn't Why weimar republic, like they did in them wave like they have and other places it will destroy us today as I speak, the debt is so bad that Train is going around or other countries to replace our currency is the world currency with there's, not a fat doesn't ground. Somebody's attention. Nothing will happen. Having spent man, of amounts of money like never before in american history, our stance really for the pandemic, but, alas,
more than that, and then he in flight reduction act, which was a climate change, act, inflation reduction in drag. It was climate change and then in infrastructure bill helped by ms mcdonald, a bird bonham at my body parts she's, not trouble shut up. You eddie it anyway. the spending on top of the spending? On top of the spending? We have now reached the point. Somebody's trying to do something about it. Now they talk,
about the full faith and credit clause. What are they talking about? The full faith and credit clause in the constitution? Where is that in the constitution, while the so called full faith and credit clause is section four of the fourteenth amendment sun in the body of the constitution? It's an amendment to the constitution. really. Really. I don't understand why you wanna minute, here's what it says, Here's exactly what it says: says the validity of the public debt of the united states also eyes by law, including debts incurred payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing direction or rebellion shall not be questioned so
saying any dead incurred by the union to put down the confederacy shall be serviced. Ok, simple enough: let's move on, but either the united states, nor any state. shall assume or pay any dead or obligation Third incurred, rather in aid of insurrection, a rebellion against the united states. Okay, so right there were no pain. Anything related to any dead incurred by the confederacy. Let's go on already. Claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave when Irene sing slaveholders, but all such that's the debts of the kind I spoke of obligations and claim shall be held a legal and void. That's it.
Does it say anything about today, nor does it MR reducing no part of the fourteenth them. One of the posts: civil war amendments full faith in credit clause, ok for faith and critical. Now, let's say that for faith and credit credit clause is applicable, as I read it in the fourteenth amendment. That's fine, well We address this holler several ways to address you can the debt ceiling and borrow more money, which means print more cash and further. degrade. The value of our currency, that is, great, more inflation and put your chickens and pension money, any
These entitlements, social security and medicare greater risk. Further, devaluing. faith in our money. Should people keep moving What a china we can do that that's not hard to do Any moron can do that. Just keep spending well beyond tax revenue and, incidentally, could take every penny from every billions. In this country, it wouldn't make any difference. That's how big the status it wouldn't make. Any difference in they wouldn't have any money to pay the next year because they wouldn't be able to make any money. We could take every. Penny out of the economy, the economies over eighteen trillion dollars, but the dead is there one point: six trillion dollars. We could take every penny out of the economy today From each and every one of you, every billion air every night,
billionaire every millionaire every upper middle class middle class every penny you have from every single citizen. and we would be able to pay off sixty percent of the on budget that, but what about the off budget that that they never talk about see these guys are sleaze both the circle entitlements, social security, medicare medicaid. All kinds of entitlements, but that's about Three hundred and fifty trillion dollars. What did he say that Three hundred and fifty trillion dollars, if we to pay off those obligations. Today,
Any cooperation in america will tell you they can't take that number and put it off the books. Pension obligations, but choose me have to be on the books, This is one of the reasons the post office is in trouble. It is the only government entity or quasi government had to be. I guess that has to put it Pension obligations on the books, parma- I would call she doesn't have to do it department of occasion doesn't have to do it the department of when the blank the administration fulfil in the black, none of the rest of the federal government has to pension obligations on the books, but the private sector must.
Are you going to pay those bills for the federal government? The questions not even asked. It's not even asked. So when we talk about a thirty one point: six trillion dollar debt- we're not even talking about that soon himself. So when a dire situation here but mark nothing, and yet oh it will probably to your children. Definitely do your grandchildren, you say here's the deal. taking all this money from them. That is money value. Well That has an even being created yet, where stealing it from am in giving them the debt as the debt accumulate. it accumulates, accumulate and accumulate.
now man were we're on a high. Congress and Biden their drug use their drugs. There have been a grand old time, their drug use. The federal reserve is the drug dealer keeps putting out the money. So finally, we have a speaker of the house. We have a slim republican majority. That is our I like this. This kinkel are we at least need to begin to chip away at this? Four point: eight trillion dollars over ten years that doesn't sound like a lot based on what I just told you does it it's not, but it's important cause. It starts to tap the brakes.
We start to tap the brakes and hit the brakes a little harder, and so it's very, very important towards Biden say no. I want to tap the gaze peril. I want to put it down. I want to press it all the way, like my core of that. By the way they need a yank. His driver's license. Guy can't even write a biker walk down the street, but that's all another story. So this guy, who can't even speak. He says I'm not negotiate with anybody over the dead soon. I'm not going to allow the republicans to put the nation and financial straits. Choose me now we're not going to do that I'm not going to allow that he lies they live. The media lie.
because they're all in there I want the same thing: massive government, ending and they know what I know what you know if we start to address the debt even a little bit. Then the whole marxist democrat party model collapses they'd rather talk about the rich and I will get the rich. Pay their fair share. What is their fashion? They actually believe. ninety percent as the fair share, let me tell you tax people. Ninety per cent they're gonna, stop producing and stop work and they're not gonna, give a crap anymore. You tax me. Ninety per cent I'm out of here, I'm not going to make money from major corporations and get ten percent on the dollar, but why should you
Your labour belongs to you, whether it's your physical labour or your intellectual labour that belongs to you. Why should the government still ninety percent of your working life from you? That's what I'm talking about. I gave Some schmo doesn't get off his excellent work. The dual illegal aliens or whatever, give it the left wing groups are not working for them. Are you. I'll be right back much, then let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are. absolutely nuts are we supposed fine sanity in this mess, nice. Talking with augusta precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect the retirement savings right now. I think it's more More than ever to own gold, I guess what view
Hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusto will act. We pay you and your god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to augusta precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures. This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge retirement, I get your free gold coin? That's all gossip! just metals at eight seven, seven for gold- I re again, eight seven seven. For gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures are augusta, precious metals dot com Well, I hope you paid your tax. You got an extent,
there's eighty seven thousand new iris agents in their gunning for you and you naked thank the democratic party, and I hope You don't convey over six hundred dollars via pay power and the other pay services. Because, under the last massive spending bill passed by the Democrats Those services are required to send you a ten ninety nine and you need to pay taxes on those monies offer. The middle class, of course,. Ronald Reagan used to say. from the government. I'm here to help is what the government likes to say and he used to say they're not here, to help you Spending addictions, wrapping up inflation, pushing up the cost on everything from groceries to gas than that.
sought the injury they ve been raising your taxes. While we can begin Mr producer shall, on the young, is the urine be director she was Annette Marcella stated day with them. Two scarborough cut three where's your public have a bill that says will avoid default, we'll help the american people out, but only in exchange for some unrelated policies and millions of dollars in cuts to programs that working families depend on we're talking about veterans' medical care. No we're not we're talking about covert monies that went on spent we're talking about hundreds of mills. Dollars for left wing groups, we're talking about multi billions. I was for bureaucracy, ladies and gentlemen, Timely radical left. Democrats say something like this. Are you benefiting You get a piece of the action. Is the agriculture department! Better? Is the energy too
and better when it is shutting down drilling. I'm asking you how about the education apartment. As kids are losing, I accuse you take the f b. I think they should get more money. That's they mean all were cutting money for four working american not cutting anything for working americans, your script, Working americans pressure for seniors like meals on wheels rail safety as well. What is that A million dollars a year, a billion dollars a year, what time about seven trillion dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, everything she list, vast majority a money? Their spending has nothing to do with this, but there's more whether head babbling up like like a babel bout, the babo heads, yes she's above it go ahead, Like with very vague on purpose, because when the american people shut up, you eddie seven trillion dollars. Second option: seven
try you make it a trillion? Why not? Eight tron eight trying a half trillion. Do I hear nine trillion? Nine trillion? Ok, then I die or not, and I am sure we have nine point. Two drawing a great have not an area about nine and a half marking from massachusetts debt for ten ten joint anybody further, Turn trillion over a good good. What is this the destroying our country, then I doing anything for the people, the driving up the Cost of fuel they can ensure. We ran out some black out there now going after the electrical grid, their destroying the. combustion engine and gasoline vehicle, their driving up the cost of dish. Why ensures washing machines, dryers h, fact, systems they How about you and me they mean Classes march will put it. They don't care about anything.
Meals on wheels? That's a spit in the pocket for the federal I'm at first of all there not the only ones to pay for it, but I'm just making a point when I too, Can about meals on wheels or any of the rest of it mickey mouse stuff compared to what the really doing? What do you really doing with seven trillion dollars shall may I call you, shall launder it's shallow and a young member her testimony early on member when she testified She couldn't define a woman. There is another woman could define a woman We could look in the mirror naked that might be a hint and I dont want to be disrespectful to home. to women who are now men, women who are now men that may be superficially so, but it certainly not biologically. So. Ah excuse me you're wrong. and following the science
factually. If I can ever got me and ask what's a woman, can you define that farming? we'll be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you, thank you again
We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The helped me nervous, I'm here nervous Jim. They thought this happened. Heart attack with my head hits them my wife hates when I say that I can imagine that Jim hurried amount of breath. I ran up to flights. Lincoln and his wife, a male frequently with hunter Biden, raising quite
since about the role on laptop cover up, this the new york times the washed and compound That's, not maggot, haberman germane is peters. Now it's none of those people. They only get prizes for lying about donald trump. It's not over their a mediocre right where they obsessed with Tucker karlsson, rhonda, santas and donald trump. Now this is the fox news digital. So what happened here folks blinking, isn't the sector state sector state anthony blinking held a meeting with hunter Biden at the state department in July. Twenty fifteen. but my calculation that seven and a half years ago when,
was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the obama By the administration, hunter was on the board of the ukrainian energy. For embarrass me, you may have heard of that. One of the emails reviewed and verified by fox news, digital, the ties between Lincoln and hunter Biden could face increased scrutiny only by the report. On capitol hill, of course, their former see a deputy director Michael Morrell, whose a trump or by the way, testify the house traditionary and intelligence committees. Last week that blinkin I may mention he sector state, as president binds then campaign senior adviser quote. Played a role in the inception on code of the public state
signed by intel officials claiming hunters abandoned laptop was part of a russian dis information campaign just weeks before they twenty twenty presidential election. So this is a real dirty trick. These guys make Nixon. Look like a phone nixon, wasn't bad, certainly compared to these guys. With a russia collusion and all look at this. and so is awarded with being sectaries day for doing the dirty work for Joe Biden so job I knew this letter was, was a vacant or fraud Anthony then he blink and knew this letter was vacant fraud. Obviously. Jake sherman, their national security about he knew this letter was vacant fraud, but it didn't matter.
The media didn't want to know the source. Now we have to stop trump and help by then they're doing that to this day, let's continue the ties between blinken and Biden. Could face increased scrutiny? I don't know not if you read the new york times and washed and composting than you don't know anything emails from the fitness abandon abandoned a laptop that blanket sought to discredit, show that a hunter has ties to blanket and, as you know, this laptop was a treasure trove stores.
In the hands of the american stasi, it's in the hands of the department of injustice merit le scarlet. It's a treasure trove of crimes, criminality, corruption, violations of federal law, perhaps state law not just implicating hunter barton. But implicating big, dumb, Joe and of the rest of the mob family emails from, And from this abandoned laptop that blanket sought to describe show that hunter has ties to blanket in his wife, Evan ryan dating back. Why does his wife have a guy's name, Evan. Dating back over a decade, having
general meetings with him. While he was on the border. Bereavement and lincoln was deputy sectors that rule a plot back then, but they still want upon a special council, what's needed in an email on may twenty to twenty fifteen hundred. To schedule, a meeting my blanket. So I could get the deputy sectaries states advice on something have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee, maybe a prostitute. Now I added that hunter asked. I know you're impossibly busy, but would you like to and would like to get your advice on a couple thanks quote unquote. Absolutely blink. Blinkin replied I'm just about the land in Tokyo and dropping names all over the place and wrote back to d c from burma. Burma see doing collecting rubies
I'll be in the office from tuesday on copying, linda in my office. To find a good time look forward to seeing you tony, I was kiss ass. He knew he wanted to be Sectaries stayed hunter. Then forded, blankets, response to his business partner, fellow bereavement board member devon archer roger archer responded ten four no. I added that several emails then followed discussing logistics and email. Lincoln's, then assistant, Linda anders. What is this? Mr is there some kind of a comedy movie, linda landers,. I'll make was had a real name, linda landers, patently so on may, twenty seven, twenty fifteen listed blinking schedule for that day quote I'm trying to schedule you after tony's afternoon, whitehouse meaning, are you available about three forty five for four p m, Linda.
Anders wrote. Can you come to the department for coffee and season digs who I should be high Could be, let me know and I'll be wherever is easiest for him. Hunter responded are also afforded a response from blankets assistant to archer, saying fbi, ten, for no, I added there The meeting at the state department was initially set for three thirty p m and then move to four p m on may twenty seven twenty fifty but at the time of the emails hunters, older brother bow Biden had been omitted, walter reed, obviously because of his brain cancer, which is a serious matter, But the meeting was later scheduled for July. Twenty second. Could you do an mail schedule from my hunter binds assistance or five weeks later is back at it.
twelve one. Thirty pm lunch with tony blanket state department, hunter schedule read and to remain entrance diplomatic entry Twenty second and see streets, northwest precede the receptionist era, where Kenny Matthews will be waiting till scored, treated tony's office later that day Lincoln told one hundred and email was great to see him and catch up. You will. This blank and wrote the hunter on July: twenty second, twenty fifteen after you left marjorie the wonderful africa american woman, who sits in my outer office and used to be called how's assistant said to me he sure pledge on the eyes? Tell your wife said blink, whether some clear unclear what was discussed during this meeting. Fox news digital increase sent to the white house hunters laura state department on when I returned.
Imagine a parasite on her. First try to connect blinken on june. Sixteen, twenty ten when he s lincoln's wife, current whitehouse cabinets criteria Evan ryan, it's a big job. for his non governmental email address. How can I get I, these non governmental email hunter asked send him something thanks: any spouse, tony tee, o n. I isn't that the way you spell out for girls, MR producer ryan Evan rhine, which is typically a guy's name, the administrations very hip. You know who work the white house, at the time and later went to work. The state department, according to her lincoln, then provide a blank personal email address diana. She previously worked for binding as his deputy pay manager during his unsuccessful presidential, run between two thousand. Seventy two thousand eight.
in march twenty ten hundred binds long time. Business partner he's has lot along time, business partners, some of them are anglo. Some of them are communist chinese, Eric schwerin, schwerin, yes, Insurance emailed hunter about a couple, whitehouse events and said quote: talk to Evan: that's the wife of blinkin tony spout tee o and why not to you when I thought about them and how many tickets to the office? vice president will be allowing for guests, and he goes on. This shows it goes on and on and on. His manner fact is the closeness that hunter had with. tony till one, why and Evan whose a woman tony's wife and a social eyes. They wrote back and forth this gosh whirlwind Was business partners? Wasn't why more and more now, when it
reinscribed interview, morale and brought him cia guy. He If I had that on, or around october seventeen twenty twenty, I was reached out who had discuss hunter by laptop store. They wrote current morale. Although your outreach was couched, as simply getting morales reaction to the post? Storied said emotion, the events that led the entrance of the public statement. This is too blinking morale. Other explain that one of his two goals in releasing their statement was. Help then vice president Biden in the debate, system in winning the election. They woke. We used to call this a smoking gun. We used to call this fingerprints. We used to call this. Do in we used to call this a stained blue dress,
from aroused testimony its appeared. The buying campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the hunter binds story I don't know why they even bother to do all this. They just had to wait for merit list, garland sharp, he'll, suppress it all for them I'll, be right back then. Don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon and eighteen to your mobile folks Just another trick: the lock you into a long term contract, that's gonna, cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract. Cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and culture,
cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk Com in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month plenty. high speed data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions Why you can see this site for details, I bring it up. I has to run for your life. You know I missed producer because he figures
hunters, part indicted or he's indicted, he'll part pardon hunter and pardon himself. Twain he's got them fact situation there with the merit loose carlin, so it likely, however, be charged with anything that is a you know: mister ten percent. There, the big guy. I think they used to call our gambino, MR ten percent, but here's Joe Biden at a press conference of the white house today, And I am looking number six must produce an end. As he was gonna run, no matter what cut six
If you're Donald trump's decision to run affect yours, would you be running if he wasn't still we'd be running? He wasn't going to do know him well he's hard to know. You know him well too, and know your rambling ass. He really are. We know you well too,. When are you very well he's the put down artists. The guy, who has been Please baldos whole life, whose made millions nobody knows how exactly whose destroyed many wonderful people and have tried to destroy others. This is the guy who who's attacking everybody else, I want to remind you, america,. I want to remind you of terror, red.
our friends at pga, media, Matt, Margolis woman who says Joe Biden sexually solider reactors campaign announcement. Joe Biden as a well documented history of inappropriate behaviour with young woman. Even little girls, yes, he's a pervert, no wonder it keeps signing or look at this book burners these were, but my country has to santas gather books on pornography tried showed a barometer me, I'm Joe, but one serious accusations, came from terror, red and twenty nineteen, when she reveal publicly that Joe Biden tat during a properly while she work as a state for new centre offers a ninety. Ninety three note How this does not affect the ladys at the view
To say, ladys the gets at the view notice their order utterly unaffected by this for women's rights shop. We can define a woman caught in a red pinewood. yeah. It's too it's too much red explained what he did its effectively. Rape is what it is. Tarried reacted binds campaign announcement. Yesterday she treated this Joe Biden announced he is running for press and today for twenty twenty four someone asked me how I felt she treated. How would you feel my monsters now America's monster? This is the you're, not devout blue, no matter who, and in the other, then, it's running that may not win if you end up and down Sing Joe Biden just old power that will put your
wrong side of history, forever I'm sure maggie have is very interested in following up on this. I understand, I have six reporters also at the washington compost looking into this media. the I ran with this? Oh they didn't. Why not cause her name is in touch her karlsson. That's why iran to scientists her donald trump, Deeply concerning that there has been a shocking disregard among the left, and the media. I would add for the allegations of his inappropriate behaviour towards women, including the crow, Accession of sexual assault greed told her mother, her brother and a close friend about the incident after it happened and even attempted to file a complaint at the time, but binds loyal stare protected him just
The media today kiss like the frauds and a phoney who surround them today in fact Retail allegations have far more credibility than those of christian. Blasi ford, who accuse, break habit or of sexually solving her in high school, oh yeah, Cavanaugh cavanaugh, would be on gang it's every weekend. It was unbelievable this and you look a cabin only less them. This guy's a complete, merge, no one able to corroborate forge story and her lawyers attempted pressure, whatever witnesses to alter their account during testimony. Ford stated she was given a ride home from the party, but she was on. the identify the driver and no one came for We have given her any right. Either Marcie went details, but for the detailed for granted likelihood. Ford may have been a solid in the eighties but modified the
thoughts timeline. Eighty two to allege that it occurred during cavanaugh as high school years, whatever. Terror red has like a photographic remedy of how Joe Biden molested He goes around smelling little girls. Haired guy is a pervert I'll be right had yet quote me there, I back don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon and eighteen to your t, mobile folks. just another trick to lock you into a long term contract. That's going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no cant cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast, five g service and culture. Cell phone bill in half: that's why I'm a pure talk! Customer! That's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in his.
Littlest. Ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plants, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high b data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin podcast restrain in supply. You can see this site for details, the voice of sanity in an insane world from march two of 'em job call him now, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one You know. These are crackpot, see sir nighttime phony comedians warlike court gestures, but does that kittle Kimball? What's his name stimulus? What's his name kimmel.
I want to thank his four hundred twelve writers fora. Stealing from the eleven shall hear how many times have I called Jeff Zocor, who used to be it cnn, Jeff, mother, soccer four billion time. Till kimmel, kimmel and bits of is a more on a slob. I think I do. bigger numbers and he does. I get bigger number on Sunday night than he, thus on a network show here. In always smears and slurs took her cousin mother tongue, That's very clever: there're kimmel, you play
rising slob is big, liberal launch and all he or she outraged she guy that dressed up as a woman, as I recall, I think, even dressed up with blackface, he did something like that. Entering. it was yeah. I never did that everyone occurred to me to do. you know he's a he's, a jokes! There he's a funny guy, so they figured you know what that's good. Let's promote him site joy reed, how much fun put stuff on. There are her internet social site. Somebody else But then I had nothing to do with that. I don't even know how I got there. You put it on their. You put it on not at all. I'm asking for an independent investigation course b! I never looked, thank god to her and there's come here with a place for them. That lady she's good she's, a good liar- I mean we ve,
Sharp domestic I ll wait, wait thought chose scar, brow He was a good luck. Nobody. Joy raid, and then they gave her seven p m. Prime time. Then, over at they're. Looking for people on the view, tonnage go to college, show the view and quite frankly, it's hard to look at the people, one of you for me, mister producer, I don't know it's the view should be. You know I won't say, but nonetheless there's joy bay, har. No at all, she used to be a radio house, but she failed. There's whoopi go back her real name's karen, as you can imagine, she's karen. then it's funny house than she changed their name, the sunny goes, nobody can pronounce her name. She said you know what she happens to be right about that. What else is on their own? Fair griffin,
think her name is in Joe fires, a great guy, sorry Joe, who else least lists a fairer o big bore, barring boring. Then they had an devour. I think her name. And in a bar who is a complete slob, may I say I believe, an equity and mental patient in three languages least too. and so let's watch the view and nobody boycotts the view you know, despite these swill, that they sped up despite the poison, the cancerous atmosphere and all the clapping seals and the audience all the enters joined by yeah yeah, yeah yeah hearing area. They could save the applause machine. There's the applause machine
I would love to get into that alliance. Wonder just sit back, wrong time may be boo them yet out their real names. Hey current, I'm over here all of them turn around all five of them, a look where I'm not a care. Now that gara I were there. Would you join me, Mr Vinci, MR produce, who had joined me? Of course. I want to ask you to listen, this new currency at its actually quite good about Joe Biden. I mean the videos even better but radio. So we don't have a video
Tat, seven dope, just yet all the twenty twenty four presidential race for Joe Biden this morning in taiwan, financial markets are in freefall as five hundred regional banks of shuddered their door were, regions were run by a surge of thousands illegal yesterday was closed for thinking of francisco. This more scrutiny crisis who is in charge of it, feels like the train is coming off the tracks. Yes, leave always said that about Joe, whose train does give us the tracks. You know this guy. I have said before at least muslin. He made the trains run old time. Choke can even do that hasn't gone to palestine. Ohio still really isn't gone to the southern border, except when he turned into the. can village
I hasn't gone to nashville onto the private christian school, and again the manifesto, the journals, the notes of them- Ass murder, they want to release police chief chief of police. He says it's just too too much too much for what for home, and there is the new york times, and I watched my car postboy leading the charge. Give us that other not know they're, not know that fake tapir hasty met. No he's not time limit. Now he's gone whose left of the old he wears brine, stopped, Well, who cares were b s anyway, when we move over to MSNBC the call with that stupid. Look on her face because me that is her! Look! Oh, I didn't know! Well what that stupid
gunnar, Faye she's, never asked? No, not nicole,. To actually mc caully, it ends with a name. Did you know that, MR producer? So what do they call it mccall? Why is the e silent now calls not silent she's a big mouth. Anyway, that's a good at I thought, ladies and gentlemen. Clearly ass gloves on MSNBC. Why she's a loser? She lost her re election campaign. I think the josh ali. Why shown msnbc shouldn't you be on their view to come to think of it shouldn't a view have like fourteen members on their tears line up all they never mind, I can you. What the green room is the view: eclairs doughnuts sugar, cookies, cupcakes.
Nonetheless, clear mc, Caskey, MSNBC cut a go What they have had have and after all the slaughter in schools with military style weapons, I sense that there is a majority of americans that see the republican party as extremists wow, please, please or first their country club are as much to put another extremists. First, though, the country clubbers, with the plaid pants and and now there are extremists you see because of the di decision that leaves it to the states to make the abortion determination, which is exactly the way it was pride and nineteen. Seventy three and I don't
but these blue staters are worried about. Anyway. You can have abortions it'll be paid for by the taxpayer. You can have it right up to birth. If your baby survives the bush, you can choked the baby outright, on the table. What what is your What are you whining about what he complaining about that state in the union s the copy you we have different. Penalty laws in every state, some have death penalty, some dough with all kinds of different laws, all of a sudden reproductive rights. What a name so you're, killing a baby and call it reproduction. I dont get that at all. By the way I heard this mickey Helen. She said we need to have a national unity position on this.
We're not going to have a national unity position on this. I don't even know what that means, but even worse, while I'm on the subject before I finish Claire, may I call you clear another one with the e on the end user my name is levine. There's some people have alleviation with the e on the n. I never understood that I'm economical tel aviv ion economical. let's see here. I am. I give me two seconds place, I'm looking I'm looking right here. All Nicky Harry. On fox. If disney would like to move, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs to south carolina and bring the billions of dollars with,
I'll. Let them know I'll, let them know I'll be happy to meet them. Sorry for the illiteracy, it's not mine, I'll be happy to meet them. In south carolina and introduce them to the governor in the legislation. This tells me a lot. I can never support Nicky healthy for president now something personal you ve got the governor of flaws in the people who floor, who don't want this corporation dictating what goes on in their public school classrooms. those on the libraries in the public school. They don't want anything to do with that, and this is- multi billion dollar cooperation that is subsidized heavily and has been for half a century in it.
with a different view about subsidizing corporations, particular corporations based in los angeles and so he's trying to put his foot down that he's the governor that the legislatures the legislate. And this mass of corporation can't throw its weight around from california to tell little kay how they're going to be educated in the classroom, so key Hayley stabs this Thus, in the back and apparently as a sell out to workers it's a sell out to the culture war. What kind of a common is this? We want this massive corporation with all its subsidies, with all its woke ism. At that time. You got this guy bob eiger, a left wing cook Democrat worth millions. having the engine over there who watched them.
His well on the people of florida. We welcome when the south carolina when pose, you will hear you can teach our kids here how to be woke: it tells me Nicky. Hell is not up the fighting in the culture she's not up to go. She just soul at her. She thought this was a nice way to deal with it to distinguish herself from the santos or other ways you can do it. This is not acceptable to me if you're not willing to fight the cold. wars because they are devouring our country and Said this last week in the week before, then, I'm not supporting you period. It's one thing to have a disagreement. Maybe this reform policy attack? No parent should be furious by this to all the parents groups across the country. You don't want this either
You don't want somebody roles in and says: hey, you know what the disney you come over to my state I'll, introduce you to the governor and the legislature will take There's no other jobs and all the money and all the rest, that's the problem. With the established and I am sad to say, rhinos right there. It's nothing personal with me. But what I do take personally, that parents are fighting like how to defend their children against. What's going on with the teachers unions, what's going on in the classrooms. That these are wars and battles that need to be fought, that the corporatist have joined with the democrats and join with they woke stairs and are imposing their will on the population. This is why I told you, you know descent This nome, some of the others abbot, they could go along.
Like the other republican governors, they could be like a Chris Christie or larry hogan or chris sooner and just go, for the ride, but these others did not decide. This did not. so highly you're off my list, nothing personal, nothing personal, but that exposed you that that says a lot about you right. There will be back to Mc Caskey ornament I'll be right back then: don't fall for their free phone dea's from variety and eighteen to your mobile folks, just another trick, the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract.
Cancel or leave any time get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut. cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too, You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plants, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed, are all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code levin, Pod restrictions apply. You can see this site for details, nothing personal, but Nikki. Haley I've met her a few times, both into a few times
not one on one or in small group, but I was thinking. Maybe she could even be good vice presidential mature, but I gotta tell you if you're not up for the fight when it comes to the culture. Or you're, just not on your just unwilling to parties. Aid in that engage in that I just can't back you I just can't it doesn't mean anything will do what they want to do run if they want to random. Just giving my opinion, we want people who are going to stand up to these corporatist and disney's the worse. They have destroyed walt disney dream. They destroyed parkes they destroyed their channel. They ve destroyed the movies other freedoms. themselves, they are not free to say their time and money to intervene in the classrooms of florida and other d?
you're making activities of the state with all their king another power when their subsidized by the people of florida and had been, a percent The governor made his decision and for somebody to campbell cumbersome caroline. I wonder if the people of south carolina agree with that. I doubt and my friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer,
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three eight one, three eight one one will be taken, call tat our eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one over the telegraph. The headline is: china is preparing for war with the work with the rest, I would be the west. I can say that china is preparing for war with the rest, the west, the communist chinese party c c p a vastly wealthy, unelected gang marxist revolutionaries, good for you path. Matthew Henderson again at the telegraph. Busily pursuing a summit. War warfare with the united states and the rest of their free world, while building. parcels of everything from drone swarms and lasers to nuclear war heads and hypersonic missiles capable of winning
forestalling full on nuclear hostilities. The only reason one would acquire these weapons is the expectation of future com. Integration with the west. Plainly shows who they pay the real enemy to be ass. You and me. and I don't know how many more times I can say this. This is Sadly, the reason why, by needs to be thrown out so called peace time and peaceful coexistence are not in the communist dictionary. Some come taters might argue that nuclear proliferation, be solved without china, but the seas, peace bid for world domination in place of the Declining west Backed by mass of nuclear proliferation,
written alone alter this by continuing to engage member there's a british newspaper, but its it applies to the united states its equivalent the same disconnection from reality informs the notion that song, Global warming requires cooperation with beijing jeering his heavily dependent on call his idea or energy involves geostrategic the quantities of imported oil and gas from russia and IRAN was you power. The chances of a serious reduction in china's emission seem slim, the british, run it and I'll say the american government is also to emphasise the importance of working which to prevent future pandemics when the covert nineteen outbreak started. These c c p deliberately ignored its obligations under the international health regulations,
misleading the world health organization about the fact of him. Human transmission, long enough for the virus to spread on the globe. The c c p still refuses to share vital covert data. there is every chance that the next pandemic will originate in China and that the sea BP will again try to cover it up. In short, Britain, and also the united states, in short britain happen, to be in willful denial of the ruthless truth of XI's regime and that's before When even considers its brutality at home years before years before either There are pushed in Hong kong, beijing, a short, a very senior uk first visitor that torture illegal in the chinese judicial system.
not respond when he handed them a chinese police gazette recording a hunt, of cases of torture the previous year in a single province, torture. Here and now g impudent, her colluding too This unite the overthrow, the democratic law. based international order to do so, they are use everything from cyber inhuman espionage, the blood bribery and influence operations, threats, t national infrastructure graze on operations course of diplomacy theft of key method. Insecurity technologies color with two tyrannical regime: subversion of international institutions to industrial scale, black black man On propaganda, this information campaign. in the well chosen words of risky sooner member him. Mister producer me
china is consciously competing for good. what influence using all the levers of state power, but despite the these implications of this statement, the the british government persists in a contradictory and weak approach, as does the? U s cup fronting the greatest security challenge the inner national community has ever faced. The smartest rules, that the devil is persuading you that he doesn't exist: Baudelaire style, A genuine policy refresh one combining honest dialogue in a big stick Matthew henderson at the council on geo strategy and, of course, met Henderson is one hundred percent correct. In its condemnation of the carry ruling class and britain goes for the current ruling Ass in the united states.
The communist chinese or beyond preparing for war. They are ready for war. Now we are not. We run out of ammunition providing support to ukraine now. Did you ever think that would happen? This is wilful. Now, it's well for the present get to the united states congress set as a nineteen percent increase for the p and a three percent greece for the united states, military lamorak, womack ways. He d, the communist chinese, spend a lot less on their military than we do now lay down first, while they about what they spend on the military. We have no idea really. Secondly, they fuse thee. Civilian and military sectors of their country.
and the military has the say so and that's not considered and third, they don't have certain restrictions like we do, which is hopefully to treat our troops humanly. They will have an all volunteer army, they have conscripts. People do volunteer, but they have conscripts so are cheaper thy way. Don't you know, but their way ahead on lots of technologies. Now have stolen. They base information from us, the appeal Busy chasing down people who paraded in trespassed on governing property on January six, I'm not talking about the violent people. I'm talking about the element. It's a big problem. What what's going on
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when want read something to you from the lake governor, dick lamb, democratic, liberal state of colorado and the issue of immigration. It was a great man, great man And so when he was speaking in washington d c, two thousand five And he stood up and gave a stunning speech. one how to destroy america. if you believe that america's to smug too self satisfied to rich the let's destroy america, not that hard
No nation in history has survived the ravages of time or not. Be observed, that all great civilizations rise and fall and that an topsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide. here's how they do it. Lamb said how they destroy, how you destroy america. Turn america into a bilingual or multi lingual in by cultural country, history, that no nation can survive the tension, conflict. tagging ism, who two or more Competing languages and cultures to bless, for an individual to be bilingual, but sir first society to be bilingual said they have article scholar, seymour lips, had put it this way. They his he's a bilingual and by cultural societies that do not assimilate are here. these are turmoil, tension and tragedy, cannon,
belgium, malaysia, lebanon, all face crises of national existence, which minorities As for autonomy, if not independence, a stand in Cyprus have divided nigeria suppressed and ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with basques and others Second, to destroy america, invent multiculturalism and encouraging french to maintain their culture. I would make it article, a belief that all cultures are equally said that there are no cultural differences. I would make it an article of faith that lacking hispanic drop out rates are due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every the explanation is out of bounds. Third, we could make united states a hispanic quebec without much effort. They can. To celebrate diversely rather than unity. Benjamin Words said in the atlantic monthly recently the apparent so
ass of our own multi ethnic multi, cultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony without the dominance that wants dictated ethno centrally and what is meant by to be an american cut off when we see We are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together. The lamb said I wouldn't carriage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture remember on how to destroy merrick have replaced the holding pod metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor. Port and ensure that we have various cultural sub groups living in reinforcing their differences. Rather than as americans emphasising their similarities. Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group. The least educated
I would add a second underclass unassimilated under educated and antagonistic to our population would have this second underclass of a fifty percent drop right from high school. My Point four destroying america governor lamb would be to get big foundations and businesses to give these f lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity and I would establish they called a victim ology I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was the the majority- I would start grievance industry, blaming all minority failure on the majority population, six plan for america's downfall? What include those listen chip and promote divided loyalties. I would say: right diversity over unity. I would stress different is rather than similarities. People worldwide are mostly engaged and hating each other that
when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful Stable society is again most historical precedent. people undervalue the unity. Unity is what it takes to keep it Can together look at the ancient greek, the greeks believed that they belong to the same race they pose the common language in literature and they work at the same gods. All green. Took part in the olympic games, An enemy persia threatened their liberty These bonds, we're not strong enough to overcome two factors: local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions and greece fell to the persons Applause bassoon him from any one. In that. Historical reality. If we, the emphasis on the floor, but instead of the unum weaken, can america assured is Kosovo next last,
I would place all subjects off limits make a taboo to talk, anything against the called a diversity. I'd find a word similar to Herod. Taken the sixteenth century that stop discussion in paralyse thinking. Words like racist or xenophobic, halt. Discussion and debate And having made america bilingual by cultural country having tablet. Multiculturalism having the lard found fund Patients fund the doctrine of victim apology. I would next may possible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra. Because immigration has been good for america. It must always be good. I would make every individual immigrant symmetric and ignore the human impact of millions and millions of them. Lastly, I would sensory. Victor Davis, Hansen's book mecca Fournier, his book is dangerous,
This is the plan to destroy america. If you america deserves to be destroyed, don't read his book. There was no applause although governor lamb walked off to stake, the man was present. It was absolutely preshent, I'm telling you this, because I look at this analysis. Over bright bar Biden projected to bring over two million illegal aliens to the united states just this year,. likely more than two million border cross was right. John binder and illegal aliens are expected to be encountered in the united states. The EU is mixed border by the end of september, in its first year office. Stephen cap, this with princeton policy advisers accurately projected that about
million border crossing in illegal aliens would be encountered along the southern border. Likewise and twenty twenty two correct The projected that more than two point three million border grocers and illegal aliens will be encountered at the border for a total of about four point. Two. William border encounters invites Two years and wood Millions of those being released into the: u s: interior. Scott twenty twenty three, which ends in september. Carpets has made that more than two million more border crossings and illegal aliens will have been encountered at the border slightly down from his prior projection. Our forecasts. fiscal year. Twenty twenty three apprehension still constitutes the second worst year on record better only than last year, he writes still dreadfully says.
that projection is likely to arise as the by administration tests a host of catching release. Programmes like the custom aboard, protection, one mobile app, which allows foreign Nationals to schedule appointments at the border for listen into the united states and they are their released by the thousand. They use their apps and at that's, been set up by the binding administration. buy said to have about thirty thousand foreign nationals released into the. U S, interior. Every single month via this app along the app alone. Already more than thirty thousand have been released since the app start date in mid january. Nationals using the migrant mobile having ninety nine percent success rate.
I'm getting released in the: u s: interior after scheduling the report mint or appointment at the at the border. The data shows. so the nation is being changed. Fundamentally people are coming into this country. They're not going to assimilate into this country. You know why Mister booth. Number one they don't have to. ass, they did a number two. What are they going to assimilate and they'll go to our people? schools and the be taught the hate. America, though we talked to him. the majority area, where the magician population, I should say in america, Toby taught The american found capitalists So what exactly are they going to assimilate and back then.
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taking cause this segment, that's right. I said it or, as MR producer likes to say, you can ask me some questions. Did you know that he does that Jimmy does? I said it's ask not axed. I think he's got it. I think he's got it fixed to bronx thinking and I grew up in the bronx. Ah, it's not have thought of your thing. I don't think at least wasn't where I grew up what's going on there. Maybe I need you know some sugar, like a cupcake or a piece of cake into people, eye candy. I like cake. I like Ed. I must once some you know my wife's and that's enough all rakers I gained too much weight. I'm a heavy weight now. Not a fat slob, I'm not on the view. I'm just a heavyweight.
So that's what we have here Let's take some calls, I think I am right here- autonoe hola, yell at sea right here. Let's start from the top showing shall not they see. What's at the top, let's go to Joe, South Ben indiana on the mark living joe go right ahead. Place Good evening mark I'm sure you remember like ideal when we retain in the firm belief listenin to Carl Sagan talk about the billion billion realise- and that's not, I on the internet in maybe all research it maybe I'm wrong, but fewer take hundred dollar bill. Women one step until it reached a trillion down thirty one mile high and really I can't I can't fathom that there
I'm in Michigan, that's had you made a billion, are trillion what're, you say billion or trillion One trillion with hundred not one hour built but a hundred dollar bill, and I looked it up by numerous webs. I couldn't believe I cannot tell I believe you, but it shows you what a trillion dollars is, and people need to understand that in nato now free they don't carry it because for many people it's I want what you've created people. Contributed nothing to this society making demands some Their better than successful people want you're, a billion irony of created, twenty five thousand jobs. Families have an income put food on the table, Can save up for whenever they want to save up and so forth? Why are we supposed to hate that person he's a billion. I hadn't taken anything from me. I'm quite sure about this
one musk hasn't taken anything from me. So what do I care? What do I Iran, my neighbour, makes when I cares what the damn govern. Taking from me my paycheck, and give The people have learned that I care about right. Joe. Thank you for your call. Let's continue herb. Huntsville alabama, the great w vienna herbie is The age silent! No, that's how come on will there be how I abbadie ongoing? market really appreciate we're taking call. It is an honour to talk to you. I don't want to touch briefly on your comments about Nicky hail, I did not hear quotes No! No! You can't put an ad on our twitter yeah, so you know I I don't know the con
That would give it in or anything that has no, she just flopped it up there, okay. Well, I wanted to share with you that when you said her quote, I actually interpreted it opposite from the way you did now. I I don't disagree with the way you interpreted it because literally, I agree with everything he said, but when you first said it, I said too much. I I actually chuckled and said he's these snarky. You know, oh you don't like it in border. Well then go such some others Oh yeah, he didn't say, go to some other stage. He said I will introduce you to the governor and legislature. Come to south carolina we'll take them any and the hundreds of thousands of jobs. How can you enter but that some other way than what she said I will, I guess we're going for it is a me She was just these snarky, but
raising carry rejecting, because that's not what she said. It's not snarking. She made definitive statement. I don't know how much clearer she could have made it in plain english do or why? Don't you go with your interpreted? should I just want to share. I love you you're, a great collar, so I do not want to hear on your show bottle, now well, ok! Well,. You never know my friend, you never know, but I am not taking a you suggestions. Ok well make for all you do hey huntsville. Let me ask you a question DR! Does it stop all those great restaurants lining up one side and the other? Oh, if you're talking that some years back his body, There anymore, but they still do, have lots of restaurants. There there've a number of other places that up with good restaurants,
I'm not your family model cannot place there. Wars is one of the best ones that gives the gibsons is probably the best yeah? I know it's like both of them a hell of a lot then there's also kids They really didn't know texas, yes! Well, I'm all for the couple that they have a couple of different places around here that have that vinegar, coleslaw at gibson's is really great, really like it, yet it It's better what it's better cause, it's not as our some of the others are rang. I, my friends, Give me your car full alabama, really is a great place matter of fact. There the register. our small there, where the yeah saturn fi was developed and other topsecret space stuff is developed. You
an enormous number of brilliant scientists and engineers and so forth. In that one little area Huntsville our bouwman and the environs, and really is quite remarkable and what takes place there, so you ve got a very high level of education, that I just wanted people to know that, because some people might be from a habit huntsville. Let me tell you something. There's smarter people in huntsville fallen. Harvard this. I can tell you. First of all, they vote right in any at all the year. You know they they Kennedy, And the rest they get in a higher oil. they must have really worked hard. I tell you what and not even ted ted was a treaty he go to the university of Virginia. Did you know that MR bidders? Oh yeah,.
father tried the pious seat in there and, like you, did the rest of them, but not teddy teddy didn't make the cut I'm afraid Think I'm right about that, if not so be it, but I think I am let us continue. Shall I guess we can lead. Go to tony with an eye clifton new jersey, the great, Let me say tony within I argued by war, I'm gonna buy what you heard right. Good. How are you I'm great. I loved your interview with president trump. It was it was so telling and it was so intimate and it was just such a good way of letting everyone know how great he actually it is and what he has to to let him stable rather than play defense, and what about that? And what about that? You know. Biden. Does put up with that. Crap anyway, go right ahead. Answer.
The reason I call you is because you know I have studied since my retirement. I studied the? U S, history and I've got into other countries, and I love my country and since I retired in two thousand and eighteen things were ok accepted the path here and I wonder how we for a country that does I'm that many socialist or you could correctly how they got so far with their agenda. While we do not have any many of our interests, we call them elected democrats, are they like in a party or they registered marketed reggie democrats am not talking about Democrats or like electricians and plumbers and bricklayers and trucker elected Democrats the vast majority are in fact marxist. This is why they get there up. When I say the meeting, what do you mean by that hey? I wrote a whole book.
They want to know what I mean they can read it and, by the way, but to give you, but maybe library has that I doubt it because you know you know tony a crowd, some Biden, they're, saying republicans, are removing books from the shelves. book was never on the shelf. What he said about that republican or removing sexually explicit books, had elementary schools and bind the perverts very upset about that spider fact, we should start calling these Democrats per It's these these media personalities and entertainment. We should start calling it perverts tony, because if they think little kids should be saying sexual stuff in books, including graphics and pictures they're perverts and oh, the republicans- want to take books off the shelves yeah those books. We want to take off the shelf wise Biden fighting so hard to keep them. Can you tell me tony his approach,
Herbert exactly you're good. Thank you for your well I'll, be right back much love in the this episode is brought to you by england's best. You and your family deserve the best and with england's best, that's what you get. The eggs are tasty and nutritious with six times more vitamin d, ten times more and eat in twenty five percent: less saturated fat than ordinary eggs. There also available in classic gauge free, organic and hard cooked liquid and frozen varieties. Eglon stressed better tastes, better nutrition better eggs for more information and delicious recipes visit, eglin best account. You know, I'm gonna come ashore early more though I want reassure my wife. I really dont need to anymore, but I'll tell you what if
lived out there in santa Clara california, like we did very briefly. I beating doughnuts every morning because a stance, donuts no question in my my for me: it's the greatest stone a place. I've ever ever ever ever had a donut. and the owners passed away and the kids took it over. Thankfully, and I remember tina was there for she was so sweet and always looked out for me. She knew what I liked. I like the glaze doughnuts and the chocolate frosted choice, but a few aside from a because I was I wasn't famous for anything as a working stuff like everybody else, but I was polite. And just a swedish can be I'll. Tell you what I can t those doughnuts right now, decades later decades, later
effect, thirty years later and I miss it stands doughnuts there absolutely great, so You're out there I get nothing out of this other than to tell you the truth, if you're out there santa clara throne, instead road, I remember even where I used to park illegally to get those doughnuts, because there is no word apart, you could park in the strip mall, I guess and sober, but they were pretty pact But their homemade there made right there, you can watch them, make them put him in the boiling oil or whatever it is. I don't know what it is, but I just I don't know what it is. It's gotta be the dough incredible. And I want to send my hello out there to our friends. It stands done. It just arrived, We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, that men and women who drive our trucks freedom fighters and taiwan and ukraine
and all of you you great american god, bless you. Thanks for being here and I'll, see you tomorrow be well.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-28.