« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/22/20


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Constitutionalists are now the resistance against socialism and reckless deficit spending. First, some Governors said that they would open their states when they felt it was right because they were relying on federalism. Then they said they'd use the police to enforce their emergency order on citizens that were behaving constitutionally. With unemployment numbers around the 20% range, it leaves about 80% of the American workforce who are working right now and are fighting the virus simultaneously. Despite the myopic view of the media, the horrific economic consequences of the Wuhan virus must be reversed by opening the economy and getting people back to work. Then, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy joins the program to discuss how technology can play a major role in re-opening the country. McCarthy also stressed the need for Nancy Pelosi to stop playing politics and get members of Congress back to work. Later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is right on track in opposing revenue replacements and other state bail-outs; urging states to apply for bankruptcy rather than receive federal hand-outs. This program continues to encourage its listeners to call their members of Congress and resist the insane deficit spending. Afterward, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tells a reporter that she can go get a job as an essential worker if she or anyone else is dissatisfied with the state's delay in responding to unemployment claims. This is the problem with government- it always goes too far, it doesn't know how to police itself. Finally, Conservative Review Editor Daniel Horowitz calls in to explain that we don’t need another bailout, we need to open the economy.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundreds seventy fifth year hills. Is a truly independent institution where learning Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levant, our number seven, seven, three, eight one. We ate one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one.
While we are now the resistance, ladies and gentlemen, we are the resistance against media against the Democratic party cancer. Visuals governors, who is Start constitution to resist our private property rights No all day long, you ve heard, including at the top of the earth, You get the lousy network news. I do this, Phony newsrooms in their phony reporters go on and on about these governors, for particular who are nor in the president's Rio in guidelines and going on their own. Wasn't just a week or so ago, MR producer, that Andrew Como said that he will determine when he opens his state. Wasn't it about a week ago that there was a debate federalism that the
president doesn't have all this power to decide when states open the gun there's still my wallet. Members that, ladies and gentlemen, This is what I mean about a totalitarian media and the totalitarian, progressive left and Democrat Party. They don't believe in federalism unless it gets them what they want, which is the opposite of federalism,. But this is, he went about federalism, the governors. Who have slammed shut, their economies have ordered police, tourist, innocent Americans. For conducting themselves constitutionally, are praised. Our celebrated by the Democratic party media.
The governors who are looking for ways to defeat. They wore on China virus both medically and economically our trashed and attacked by any too, in the tool Box of the left- and that includes the media Sophia. Public and governors who are slowly carefully look into but other aspects of their states economy there being told or not. Following the president's guidelines. If you have governors who have slammed shut their economies and have no intention of opening the many times there, Ended on federalism, grounds. This is how it actually point and ass an insane the left them left media are.
We protest in this country to shut down the economy, their protest in this country to open it up the media hate them task as the media try to define characterize the protesters as new not using clansmen, because that's what they think of you, that's what they think of TAT, Supporters and conservatives even more broadly, that's it think of anyone who disagrees with the hard core rat, a progressive left agenda. You keep also hearing from these Democrat State governors and the Democrats. Party press about the second wave, and they ve got this from our seedy. They ve gotten it from Fouch in others,. Of course, there is now going to be a second wave. The extent of wood, We have no idea. He's going to be a second wave because doctors she and works. In short it because these
Mc Grath Party governors- in short, it because the more you shelter. The more you shelter and I'm not talking about the elderly, I'm not too About those susceptible and more likely as a result of this virus, I'm talking about generally and the more hunkered down the less people, can build immunity and I bodies to the virus, and so these hard core democratic governors. In the hard core Democrat media types, We have no way out of this box, so they keep pushing the data will we'll maybe mid, May June. Fair maybe August. We have to protect the people first and are not protected. All the people first I'll get to that in a minute factor, doing it Miss harm.
So, the more they they shut down. Their economies, the more they sick, the police on in American citizens and their states who want to take a walk, Or surf in the ocean Or whatever they want to do the worse. The second wave or the next phase, will be. This is a self fulfilling prophecy mostly coming out of these blue steak. As our demands for federal money as demands to subsidize the state budgets. Because they know their states cannot on forever, like this or even two or three months like this, so they have an answer. Tell us what to do in our state federalist. They say.
You're to pay for our decisions, anti federalism that would be centralism. And the governors whose budgets are better under control, who ve better manage this virus. Big states to some of these are big states, Florida, Texas and growing states, Georgia, Tennessee others. They turn a better job. There's not a lot of talk, except by the. Plagiarists in this business, but I'm talking about the broader media, the decisions that were made early on in New York City with their subway system in their best system?. Forcing more more people on fewer and fewer of buses and fewer and fewer subway cars.
Exactly the wrong decision Exactly the wrong decision. And so we get headlines like this from the from AOL, dot com, Rick Newman these four republican states, are ignoring trumps opening guidelines or wait a minute thought about. There's federalism: what happens when the corona virus is prevalent and you send people out anyway. No, that's not what the governors are doing to being good. I draw their doing this in phase, but the matter the media are not air to inform me of their not there to provide you with facts. There there to celebrate their politicians and do it. Three politicians who they dont consider their politicians when
think of the american media today think of the communications office of the Democratic National Committee. We're on the verge of finding out thanks to some Republican, controlled stayed set, are willing to serve as reopening guinea pigs. This is a new space. Evidence of Georgia, South Carolina Alaska, allowing some business just reopen this week as long as they. Distancing and sanitary guidelines. Tennessee will allow many businesses to reopen. May one flawed and several other states are working on reopening plants. None of these Aids meets trumps administration guidelines for real. Business so now they involve trump, though they hate Here's something you haven't heard: we, fifteen percent, maybe twenty percent unemployment. That is a disaster.
This is one of the reasons the present is trying to open up the economy. But that also means you have seventy five to eighty percent employment, not enough by any stretch. But we have seventy five to eighty percent unemployment. Is this reporter at AOL? Reporters on CNN and MSNBC are these sceptics Are they aware that seventy five to eighty percent of the american people are working small businesses. Large businesses medium sized businesses. Maybe they're running small businesses. Are they wear this? Why are they doing it. How are they doing it. While their essential, I don't care, call them whatever you want, call them essential, non essential call them come quite. I dont care.
Seventy five to eighty percent of the american people who are old enough to work are working. And they're, not all sick or I'll have the virus they're not showing any real symptoms, they're, not all dying. So what does that mean that you can work and fight the virus. You can work and be smart about it and mitigate. And small, medium and large businesses are doing this all over the country all over the country. This The horrific economic consequences that have resulted. From the virus and from Sir Lingering decisions by blue state governors. Let us be very, very clear.
Eighty eighty five percent of the people are employed and I notice the media d send their reporters out to find out? other doing this. How are the gross stores functioning? How the farmers functioning. How are the truckers functioning in the Fedex guys on the european cars that will guys that? Actually guys, how are they functioning. How are the seven eleven doing and how they pulling it off some of the restaurants out there. What are they doing exactly see them? He doesn't want to contribute to our knowledge base and the media certainly doesn't want to contribute to opening up The economy, so people can get back to work, other people who are unemployed, so this this is done at the remain shuddered utter businesses that are shut down. Interested in any of that sit in Washington, DC and New York, and they regurgitate what
politicians in Washington DC in New York at the site, or they provide them with their talking point. You have governors who know more about their states more? At their states than Anderson Cooper. Whose mocking them more about their states than Newman. At AOL. I'd love to know, Rick Newman is based the vast Already of NASH, reporters are based in Washington DC, secondarily in New York and then third ally. So they have a rather myopic view. The vast majority of the reporters on the internet are based, States then Hillary Clinton, freedom of the press, they come to their job do their job with a bias as many people do
they don't try to team or police or govern their bias and neither do their bosses. They you, who's. There bias to project on events that are taking place. To project on events that are taking place, so we this headline today, where these four Republicans? ignoring trumps reopening guidelines, it's actually more than four probably a dozen and growing. But of course I said I'm not following those guidelines, it would say, Andrew stands up to trumpet guidelines right. The media have a totalitarian mindset and theirs. Casting their condescending, what you have is a new, a relatively new crop people hired by cable tv.
The he exclaimed, the watchman composed the networks. Billion airs who fund these these websites that pop up- and these are bad sickly, frat, boys and sorority girls. No real life experiences. Who could care About the history, the rich three of journalism? And have as their purpose to drive in agenda their agenda, their politics, their policies and clearly clearly liberty, private property rights, capitalism and the constitution, are not among their principles, I'll be right back if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands. These days, I know,
excellent way to fill it take a free online course from hills. Dale college hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the? U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with hills- tells newest free online course that Great America, story, a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future ready you're right now to take this free online course. The great America story, its support I should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. There course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics, are avail
To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills, delta com, alleviate for hills, Del dotcom. The media in the Democrats were still season anything the trash America they season. The virus talk about health care. Then how minority suffer the most under this virus. It's interesting, though, that they don't talk about how minority suffer under these govern as in the closing of their economies, did you know that unemployment and pay cuts have hit the hispanic community, the worst
second, the african american community. Did you know that sixty percent I've had say They are someone in their household, has lost a job or taken pay cuts due to the outbreak. Sixty percent. Does that mean these blue state governors are racist, will occur, Then they are, those mean the meteor racist will. According to them, they are how come the race baiting crowd,. Doesn't take their race baiting to the under the logic stream. Then how come they don't talk about what these blue state governors are going to the household minority household, their destroying them
sixty percent of Hispanics, sixty percent They or someone in their household has lost a job or taken a pay cut. If you heard that before and get a load of this news organisations are lining up for government subsidies, Lose organization axioms, one of the most left wing sites that exist and there now and being encouraged to do so by eleven. Site called poisoner point journalism, tank, which is funded by leftists, is often inaccurate, they're saying go for go for it. And what they want in the next so called stimulus bill is for the federal government to poor. Five billion dollars in here
related advertising and local papers, tv radio stations and on and on and on whether out their preaching that many of you who are unemployed or who businesses or under water. She just suck it up, They have no intention of just setting it up. Cuba, Mccarthy scheduled to be next and I'll, be right back if you and your family, or finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days, I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you,
and two with hills: thou, knowest, free online course that greater I can story, a land of hope, learning and teaching our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the Great America story, it's a prayer ugh masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles. Course and dozens of others on a variety of topics are avail. To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills doubt that come Ellie. The iron pray, hills Del dotcom warfare, proud frenetic forward constitution, call him now seven seven per year, one three eight one. One. Everytime I might go, and I would help cover my car
Is the monitor leader in the House of representatives? He wants to be the majority leader, God willing, he'll, be the speaker, Mr Mccarthy. How are you, Sir doing well Mark thank for having me back to pleasure a couple of questions. Where's Nancy policy. Is she a non essential employ? Where is she indeed scene now, but you don't laugh We are talking, she was holding up. The whole cares ACT were right back walking again and why she held up the exact money, would go for small business for there employees and, in others,. At present trump without knew? This was such a successful programme that I need more money goes in and then what did she do? Late night tv spin, Refrigerator or may ice cream cheese, no idea what's going on in this country, and she just wants to have leverage to try to put her religion, it's it's unbelievable. While others
couple things: I worry me here. Do members of Congress vote anymore? I don't know if you saw my letter yesterday, or to the speaker Leave? Congress is essential com has been meeting when there is a civil war going on when there were two other things that are happening, were not meeting like, should arrest the country that we have. It Would it do to do it in a safe and sound manner? And that's where laid out in in the letter to summarize for us what that would be? Ok, exactly there are a number of things we have to do it for the India, the National Defence bill. Why can't the committee move to the auditorium, what we have and start having committee hearings to crack the bill The other members I want you to be here, but take the essential committee that we are meeting-
bigger room, so they have social distancing and meat and work through the bills. Then, if it comes, the bills are done. You can have Congress, coveted vote and we're gonna show tomorrow how we can do it. We have broken down members of Congress into fragments about different segments and we Given the time what you got ten minute you're in this segment, you go vote, go in these two doors out, the other you still able to keep this social distancing part but you're getting the essential work done so we can have a small book. Keep their employees running no. This is so important if costs can do this if our law a grocery store can do this. Then why there, Can Congress do this in the answers the speaker doesn't want to do it apparently well after this letter Ike, she called me today I
about some of these ideas. Look states are looking to open back up they're, not going to open the whole state at once, they're going to do in in phases to why? Don't we start with committees in phases? What they want to do is they want to have fun, voting and doesn't quite know what that is right. The country is broken down congressional districts and they're about the same size. You win your voice to that. This woman congressman for two years, and you hold that person accountable right over the proxy voting? That means policy has thirty other votes sitting at her pocket battleship or no here's enough votes to one another. But that means that basically members, a Congress, give their vote to the speaker. Well, I I hold the speaker. We cannot change two hundred years of history. How Congress meets partisan way I got her to back luckily today, but that's what they had proposed constituents didn Linda.
Ways to Nancy Pelosi. They put it to the member who they elected. That person needs to do the job. But if you watch every time they hold these bills up it because they want to change direction and the regime structuring of government the number most powerful democratic kleiber, the majority whip. He thinks corona virus to restructure government and their liberal way you got Congresswoman Jaipur she's upset that this building forward. Could she said we should have more maverick, had these small businesses so that we can institute more of the green new deal? Our air sea, when she watched the oil price drop historically She said she loved to see those thousands of jobs. Are people being laid off? commissioner, I want to ask a question about the dead. Just so you know where I stand on this wording. About phase for- and I, It is clear we ve got millions of listeners here, I'm gonna fight this I'm gonna fight a fake
four, because before we vote on this phase Rwanda foreign shimmers on their saying. We want to be as big as the two two trillion or even bigger now's, not the I'm from mass of government infrastructure programmes. Are all these other ideas that everybody has anonymously. I've told the the White House as well the reason is the way you get people back to because to get him back to work, it's not a flood. The zone with this endless paper, that's being printed in printed in print in one day, we're gonna pay a price For this, can we allow you know these governors are right. These reports We can governance for sure whether saying hey, we wanna take little steps and start to open our economy here s bodies not dying every bodies not getting sick, protect those those populations. There's other p? I mean we have seventy five, eighty percent of the people in this country who are working- it's not enough, but they are working, so some businesses have figured out how to do this. Exactly and I've been very clear. We
just passed a tremendous amount of money trillions of dollars. Why would you write another bill without having this implemented into the economy? Why can you sit back and for all, we need a fourth one trillion dollars. What what Do you have that shows that that's needed? What needs to happen here, matter, is that we can open the country back up. Pocket for the countries that are fundamentally different than everywhere else. Unfortunately, the number of people who have died, fifty five percent come come from New York, New Jersey while the other part Country that people are in a much better place could, on an average there already having social, distancing aware and don't we want to keep them going. Don't we want to keep the economy at the same time, working and yours the thing and I'm glad to hear you say this is the other thing,
Americans are supporting Americans Americans who can work and want to work and are in these. Various populations are these areas of the country. They will help the. We get through this effective and productive and motivated and so forth. They will help those poor to the country that are suffering in those populations that are under the gun they want. Than when the economy picks up in these areas, which are not identical. To the red hot zones correct exactly. And you know what you can do we have more information now, so there could be a point where, if you had a certain age, maybe you can still stay home and these are right and go to work that there are. We learn something more about this virus today. Let us remember this: came from a distance land we buy felt Hampton shows. Ninety five per
This never would have happened if China had not lied to the world if they would have allowed President Trump, when he requested to send those researchers and scientists in we could have contained if there I remember the deficient he made January. Thirty first stop those flight when the World Health Organization, the saying oh, it doesn't transfer human to human or, almost a month later, when Nancy Pelosi telling everybody to come to Chinatown February. Twenty fourth are even on exactly he stopping those white. She had a bill to bring to the floor of dough ban to take the power from the president to be able to do that. And then she sends a letter. Criticising here think Joe Biden it, took him to more months before he agreed with. Up in the plane from China, but we have different parts. This country there's a company out there called whoop W H, o Opie there. They wanted a Wristbands right, the whereabouts like a fit but made
It measures also part in your body right your sleep in others. They had a lot of people where they found a thousand people had covered. No doubt in here, but they can tell you before the symptoms arrived, that you can have it, you can wake up in the morning little River, all right! You know what I shouldn't go to work cuz. I don't want to affect anybody with this week and we Maybe every member of Congress should have that. Then you can meet exactly and you know what The country is smarter about this today than we were a month ago, Behavior is gonna, be different, we're not hugging, will anymore, but when you go to the grocery store, they put the screen up. You don't stand right behind somebody with your cart. You stay fictive back nearby you wash your hands- bore could not agree more with you. It's exactly right and we should learn from these businesses, small, medium and large that have muscle through this and say. Ok, what are they doing? That's right. You want to talk about the the
brilliant to the american people, the creativity, the the activity. American people will then, let's turn to them and see what they're doing exactly because we are America with the virus being here. We did invite it, we didn't ask for it, but we can defeat it. We want time and time again with America. Remember we want if the people saying what it wouldn't wrapped up in North EAST, I needed more ventilators. You heard Como doing that if you, we keep giving his away to somewhere else, because the administration had so many built. We're gonna be helping supply the rest of the world two years after stars to be ever can even be it. A clinical one. Testing for a vaccine were already in a clinical one testing for vaccine inside humans. Right now for a vaccine. We got Anna bodies that are really promising out there. The ingenuity of America, you unshackled em they're, just one Look for more government, we need unshackled, a private sector and it critical
Those people are able to work and help us and you leader, Mccarthy, the politics is really kind of vicious and insane I mean for Nancy close. You announced the president gets an f. Oh god. I don't know what else the president could do. What else could we possibly like us? He's not nationalizing industries, because he's opening the borders if anybody wants to come in what actually is her plain ass. She put out a blueprint for dealing with this corona virus. You wear one now, but my exact question to her: you criticizing everybody else. You were the speaker of the house, your third in line to the president. You have a responsibility. I can't call people back but tell me what we're going to do. When are the committee's going to start? How come the rest of the country do something if Congress is not working. Listen? I'm very very pleased with this conversation. I want to thank you for your battling ahead. Yes, we want members to vote and no, we don't want it, es, keep spending trillions of dollars because the economy, people aren't we
The businesses are up and running even keep pushing relief, money out, left and right and what's gonna happen. One day when you're speaker, you can have massive inflation a deal. That's my great concern back every society have collapsed when they were over extended and felt. We are not in this problem because we had a financial crisis. We have the strongest economy in the world. The sooner were back. The sooner will be back to it. Those twenty two million got laid up and think about We're gonna get. The report for unemployed but for the last week they did Credit to help this bill up for a week What did this body? Do? It only kept those, businesses I create. For small business when I was twenty three Since I learned- went to work at the last one to leave as the last one to be paid really. What kind of business I'm just curious and was a daily
but I would about branch out. Ok, I have a different story. I won the lottery the second day it started in California. I wait a minute. I didn't know any of us. You wanna lottery. Ok, five! thousand hours- was the most. You can win a nineteen eighty five. I was went down a bit of some friends of sending a steak. I just want five thousand dollars in nineteen. Eighty five by the Friday night Nanda Convention do you want that money I come back. The data. I take a big chunk of it. I put it into one: stop I could take risk. I make thirty percent my money in less than six weeks and slip in cars to pay my way through college I know it was illegal, but I was not four door. I refinance my car. I take my money on the market. I try to buy a franchise, but no one will sell me one. So I open up a deli. I even the counter my dad garage or what I did pretty well, in about ten years ago, have enough money to pay my way through college as long as they got a cow state, no one at that.
Finish- Polio, Greece, my bed, so I found a business I'm going to college. I read it paper to be a summer in in Washington DC with my local congressmen, never met the guy. That body be lucky to have me. So I apply nobody did he turned me down you are now at the end of the story. Is I now sit in the feed? I could not get an internship foreign, an amazing only in America to happen and we gotta make sure it happened again. I got you gotta. Me, a favor yeah, there's! No, Damn good Delhi anywhere near. I look where I learned that I can't get a corbies sandwich on right around here. I'm just messing with congressmen. I want to thank you. You ve, been to terrific, have arrived in the other good God bless. Well, MR producer, he sounds very very solid. Doesn't he yes, this phase, for I should Folks- and I won't get into particulars here- the discussion last night with a very, very, very, very, very powerful individual about this you,
Fill in the black album, back then, if you Your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College. Hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with hills, newest, free online course that greater can story a land of hope, learning and teaching our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now to take this free online course, the great America story. It's open ugh masterpiece, and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope, founded on high principles
course and dozens of others on a variety of topics. Are avail to you and your family for free right now go to Levin Hills, delta com, alleviate for hills Del Dotcom, a lot of pressure out there, the massively expand even further the federal. I'm at the mass will expand even further our debt, This is grounds zero for fighting it, so wing get cabinet piracy on the programme and have a very positive discussion with him and he's he announced and he says he gets it. That he agrees. Maybe can break through some of the advisers in there in Washington. You ve got all these special interests who are just dying to get more money law firms.
See Ba firms around go on and on a just and The ones with the biggest especial interest and lobbyists are the ones who get the most. So not for this. The best intentions they suck the life out of it right Go to a collar to Don Colorado Springs Colorado that great cavy, o Argon go right ahead. Please yes, yes, please lower the radio. Yes, I did think are I go for it, How do get my car appreciated? I'm calling basically, because reopening businesses, the response by government to go ahead and do that kind of activity. I think it should be done on all levels fate local and federal and
that my backup, doc, imitation and reasoned rationale for this is that I've been a rare register professional nurse for forty three is, and I worked in a billion years and I see use New York, city and other places, but them Thing is that during forty three years of being on the field of openness in the front lines and Six feet away with six inches away from your patience. I never got sick. In other words, every day that I came in to work, I was able to do so to speak gain and anti body. For my off my some may say to you, you used the word, I'm gate gaining a mini vaccine ready. I really hate to use that kind of expression, but really by being exposed to people on a small basis, not on a critical basis of here.
Scribble. You absolutely do need a mask in the in the icy you, but if you get that little antibiotic antibiotics every day by working, just regular Plano shift in three years I never got sick. Well done. I want to thank you and music means. I get an answer for this. I will be back for the next hour in the next hour. After that we ve experts here, tell us this. I've read your experts. Scholars have said the same thing on and on and on the reason they can, talking about the next phase is big
They won't take the foot of the throat of the american people. They need to do it now I'll, be right. Back from the westward one, podcast network now run casting a mermaid underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader, hello, America. Mark Levant. Here aren't number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one rate one one trust my verify reckon was right and the less you heard the Republican.
Slater cabin Mccarthy on the programme, and if you did not, you can hear it on our archive after the programme. Denmark Levine showed dot com website and he it abundantly clear that he wants votes now in the house, not this proxy stuff. He also It is abundantly clear he is not celebrating are encouraging bracing a so called forth, face certainly not now. And I think this programme, I think you folks picked up your On century emails to your members of Congress in its having an impact, and you need to keep it up. Because I'm gonna give you another piece of information. This is from Fox NEWS. Conall, says Senate not interested in sending money to states trying to take advantage of corona virus about the way this governor camp
Georgia's now, under full frontal, hacked by the national media, he's one of the governors who's going. First slowly opened his economy he's under frontal attack and Just to show you how dishonest and unfair the media are doing the president's press conference. They asked doktor faulty I've had enough doktor fouche, you know I sit down. Do your job? Stop telling Us the economy and on a damn thing about the economy, others reporter. And she's in their alot she's, relatively young and she's a big mouth she attacks What would you say to cover their camp doktor fouche, you who wants to open its economy and do this sat in the other thing, and so This fact you say rather than say: look I'm not commenting on individual cases. What does he say? He looks the opportunity to attack the governor I am happy that govern
obviously need and ask me for my input, but if I was advising the governor, I would tell the governor it's, not a good idea that you know you could expose alot of people in your statement survivors. Advising him I'd say no. I wouldn't do that. You're not advising just advise the president, yet These are you hear about this federalism, federalism, federalism, except when it comes to what the solution, the economy and all the rest it's only federal is what I call one way: federalism which isn't federalism at all, and my friend Glee reminded me yesterday in Lib, internet turn back and looked it up. I call crony federalism, crony federalism. Who gives a damn what doktor factory has to say about? What's going on in Georgia, guy that told us at the end of January of this wasn't gonna, be that big a deal
wouldn't be my doctor, I can tell you that. Would it be yours, MR producer, snap, big deal another to cancer at the heart of the country, someone to take another look at this governor camp. I've been condemning the hell out of this guy because one endorse Doug. Islands for the Senate, who I happen to like a whole lot. What are you to find out more about this guy because Standing up to the group think. Of the of the american media. The pack. Mentality the american media any and cheap shots left and right he's not there to answer that question is not third explain: alleys opening is economy. The medical Aye Sir said he's listening to and so forth and so on, and here is a national media being slime. Did slam. I wish you were my governor, I'm stuck with the mister
robes and black face here, the governor of Virginia. Suddenly they love em over there, the watchman compost. Why? Because he lurch. Hard left, he figured it out. You can do anything. Anything drive off a chappaquiddick bridge. Fond of a woman in your office, that's the alibi, against binding. Do anything you want Washington Post editorial painful support you as long as you support, infanticide as We oppose the second amendment, As long as you're crushing descent in your state and on and on and on tyrants solitary and all of them, this guy, the governor draconian defend himself he's not even available some reporter some doktor fallacy fat been wrong a lot so as Burke's by the time Together a timeline or what they said and done, and there is factually again covered is but.
Course, there's gonna be another way of this and other phase, depends how we handle. It will be better ready, this time, of course, but no we're gonna phase one face. I feel like it's a mouse five year plan here or start five year plan, they all have these plants. I got a plan Yes, it's a plan. Very very worrisome, but here's the peace, I'm a cop. And Mcconnell should be encouraged in this regard. Said a majority leader Mitch, but Colonel told Bill Hammer reports Wednesday at Fox. He has no plans to Asked legislation to provide additional federal funding to state local governments, we set a trap take advantage of the crowd of irish crisis to get help with their Meaning deficit: he is exactly right.
You're, not interested in revenue replacement for state governments. He said we're interested in trying to help them with anything related to the corona virus, but we're not it listed in solving their pension problems and all these other things that they would like define it. My cut Analyses open to allowing states to declare bankruptcy rather than sending additional federal money to governors who been pouring Washington for urgent fiscal. Have you know what happens to me right about that? I know I'm gonna, get hit by lightning here. What I'm saying is, we will take a pause. We're gonna wait at least until May the fourth before Provide assistance to state local governments who would love her? The borrow money from future generations to make sure They have no revenue losses and before we may That decision we're going to weigh the impact of what we ve already added the national debt and make sure, if we provide additional assistance for state local government itself The current of irish related matters, we're not gonna. Let them take
advantage of this pandemic to solve a lot of problems and decisions they made in the past. Now, let me say this: he will, Under attack for this. If you're a Democrat and left this and a socialist and a marxist, and life as a lot easier. It just as a lot easier to lot easier, asked Joe Biden. The man has lost most of his mind. Any is credibly accused Of sexually assaulted, staffer asked what brought cabinet. It's about that are Clarence Thomas thinks about that. The different treatment you get Ann Cavanaugh. There was no, there was no believable, witness, it was all a fiction. Same Clarence Thomas there was no believable witness. I was there. I remember Nita Hill, nobody, but
her she's, a fraud. She wasn't fraud anyway. In my humble opinion, of course,. Not enough Mcconnell if MIKE Strong, he buckles a lot. I'm hoping he dies. I'm hoping Mccarthy stand strong too. But have you noticed folks, but a change in the discussion nationwide little but a chain in the discussion among republican leaders in there ass in the Senate. That's you! That's the shop. I got a call from other house from time to time get calls A mark I was out there before I said: no, you weren't. And you're so meek and so passive, They can say that about the first hour they show last night. And really the only the only operation of picked up on it was Fox news. The other conservative websites picked up on. It
cuz, I don't want upset the administration. I guess so the presidency not half so would mean the least human to hear from all sides. He wants to what we think. That doesn't mean in the end will agree, but he is open to opinions. If you're out, to destroy him at sabotage him that's a whole different issue, but if you have, legitimate gripe or legitimate concern. This man listens. He listens when we come back. We have a little fun. Mr producer, America, we're gonna go to the drudge page read all the headline are over there, the drudge page, all the headlights. I'll be right back then.
The question for so many further. My doctor felt you how come you know where mascot these press France's just a damn straight to the american people that urine. You're an ear and the same camp vice people wear masks. How come you don't. We ve Governor Hogan says basically begone public places. You need where Mass this governor Hogan, where mask Governor Cuomo, where mask tells people going to grow The better, where mask no, he doesn't have a doktor Bruce She's we know she's got more scarfs than Imelda Marco's had shoes.
Why come she never wraps it around her nose in her mouth, the shrubbery everybody how to use a scarf as a mask. I'm quite serious about this. There's one guy in there Who wears a mask and the press room and nobody else. And their attack in this governor camp when all the press people wearing masks, I'm cool serious about this. Very serious about this: it's bizarre there they are, what are their ten fifteen twenty up in one room. I happen to know that press room is not big. I don't care. If there's she'll distancing six feet apart. How about this what does it doctor found? She lived the life. That the governor Michigan expects her citizens to live. Dress the way she expects than the dress.
What is in somebody send Norma, but what is it faulty comply with Michigan Guidelines, see how he likes it? All I know is he's everywhere. He's not wear masks. He's not leading by example and he's. Giving all the advice. He is the Spend Golly embark stew. There. She is the scarfs around her neck day in and day out, I don't have any scarves. It's amazing. I've never seen anything like this. She hasn't where it around her face: no coarseness, why not? What is it? What is good for the goose good for the gander? All the brush people, don't I mean why are they report? Have you seen oppressed person reporting with a Moscow.
And by the way some of them can use masks. If you know what I mean fact they get use paper bags over their heads, but that's a secondary point. When I see this Jim costs, they say to myself, want you weren't a mask. You got spittle flying at a big mouth all over the place. You're, a corona virus provider: living breathing corona virus problem. He's not wearing a mask wolf, Blitzer. He's not there, he should be wearing a mask. I would think what you I would think so. By the way, this chose our bureau and make a reporting Jupiter Florida, with the fake background, I keep telling folks says it's so ridiculous: what they do come: who put a flirt. I tell him and Jupiter afloat. Opera, ten them in Washington D C They worry masks now Joe hassle.
Customize master, where this, MR producer, Scott, that big baubles, You see fields knows so alive mass Well then, I got a matter for him, so he's gotta get accustomed me so get a custom made. So what their places that I'll do it. I put a bag of heading cut out a few holes. That's my attitude and look at this Newsweek. Somebody name of. El, I don't even know if that's a male or female or if their transitioning are they already translation. I don't know what the hell's Goin on their slits go, see, Ally S Kayo. If that is the name. Corona virus des greater among Fox news viewers that prefer Hannity, overtook across and study, says. So serious as this virus, this pandemic this is what Newsweek does. So serious are the media
helping the american people cope with this. This is what the news media do faction Disputes the findings of a new study that suggests. Regular viewers of the show Hannity were more likely to die corona virus, then those who preferred Tucker I'll tonight. Actually, I thought more p who watch Fredo Coloma would die. The study, titled misinformation during a pandemic was, is published Sunday by the university Chicago Becker Freeman. Instead, For economics reach it is asserted that reduced incidences of coal Nineteen and lower death rates among Fox NEWS fears, were associated, a more serious view of the health care crisis. In earlier by Tucker Karlsson,. What took a Karlsson, now is promoting up up our economies I want know where he stands. Quite frankly. Sorry I dont know. If this is it
joke this peace or what this is? I have no idea doesn't say it's a joke. Then you know the sad thing is its Newsweek and if you don't it's a joke or a serious piece of news. We, it tells you Newsweek, as a joke this week doesn't really exist anymore. Try by Newsweek Magazine their online, time magazine or online now, just matter for the New York's line minor time and they washed and compost, although the washing post was bought by the wealthiest man on the face of the planet, those people who have nothing to worry about. No wonder why should we open the economy? Why should we open economy why should we hoping he economy after we're paid, we have jobs, we sit on our fatty acids, and we say that a computer we type and type in TAT way.
Trashing pray. You should see how much we get for trashing the president here I think I said I was gonna, go to the judge report and I must have addition. I may have to do that after the break, because we're getting compel science and information there. He could to be getting a whole lot of hits and weaken, Obviously we know that's that's why World exist, they get mad. Drudge hits on his website, but I suspect the hits aren't that great. Although his new marriage with CNN, they suggest No, no, no, you understand map. Let's he's gettin hits all over the place. So, let's take look and see wise getting hit all over the place. I'm just curious and are now let's see here, let's begin anyway. How? Here we go Top left you s desk top forty seven thousand model raises prediction: California, Ban:
protests on State Property Vegas Mayor offers, open city is control group. We advice viruses four year. She says big unknowns complicate getting back to normal german shoppers, not rushing back in It can survive in the eyes fives threats that supply, meet packing plants, worse than first thought update and I treat guidelines reject Trump back drug combo, top factual. Doctor says: concern led to outdoor world sick man Merrick s set MAC big Headline Trouble Nurses course too soon oh George, it open my god. I got. Not only am I going to shut In place, I think I'm going to hide under my desk, Mr Produce.
I'll be right. Back is unbearable constitutional convention model. They show Corwin now seven seven, forty one, forty eight point, one You know you cannot take your ability to reason and park it during a crisis with six weeks ago. Eight weeks ago, Lee cdc or was it the FDA or who the hell knows what it was. When the issue of mass came up. They said, as you know, they're not gonna, be useful. Don't get the masks. They turned to my wife and I turned my step
Who is a medical student, and I said what. And that night, I went online and I ordered some masks: surgical masks the rather easy to get they weren't that expense. If not hoarding them just ordered some. And the reason was I knew that was bs. How could that be? How could that be? I know it couldn't hurt. You can only help you Whether the virus can get in through the sides we may be or suffocate, you saw me. What are we three years old, And they're still going at well people on how to work here. I think we know how to wear masks. I think a lot of us now to wear masks so that exact, rocket scientist, I don't need a government scientists. A government medical experts, Tommy how to wear a mask.
Surgeons do surgery, they masks, you walk in. Emergency room people. I call when an hacking into that all kinds of crap. Ghana. The nurses, many them more mass, the doctors are wherein mass and then they took the master not affect the boy knew that was bs. So you gotta use your own reasoning to protect yourself in your family from time to time. Give you another example. When I go into a supermarket supermarkets to me, a big rose, story, grocery store Mr producer, I see hey what shells are empty non? that's because you know I'm observing just from a social perspective, and I want to talk to you about it, but I want to know what the markets doing the market. My community, my neighbors. What are they why they hoarding this stuff like You get liquid soap for God's sakes, early toilet paper. I came back to my why this like six ways.
I said man is a run on toilet paper. TAT was going on. When I first one the local grocery store. They had plenty a rubber gloves. I thought they were running a little proctologist operation out there. Another plenty, a rubber gloves, plenty away: Whence point about when this first happened now, there's nothing. She got to use your head, you gotta be ahead of the curve. So what did I do when I was there, and I saw there was a run on gloves, but but it wasn't noticed A run on these wet once I did, I take cart and grab everyone know I got a few boxes. Couple of boxes gloves that were there and some of the wetlands. Some scar on He'll be responsible not to be a horde. Are you not just be responsible
it's like in your own life. I dont know Doktor felt you to tell me how to just give me the facts: Gimme the facts, doktor where you should God damn. You should look to the left, make sure you pray MECCA get. I dont need all that. I don't need it all. Just give me the facts and they had trouble giving us the acts, but they were giving us information anywhere where one point five, the two point: two million dead hundreds. Two hundred forty tat dead. The models. Chris Marie wish Mary of Washington State on the rails Mary of what does it matter, he's got models are these the model? My Chris marry that Christian Yes, the model man look at this we're done to eighty thousand dinars sixty thousand, how cause we're so brilliant here in the government. It's very simple:
If we destroy our economy, socialize stay in your house and you, like a trap, the veal methanol happen now, there's no problem. Now kind of me now extended family, don't walk in there. Dont swim in the ocean. Don't blow your nose, don't pick their started tat, though, what we tell you you'll be fine. Until the next phase the next wave comes Ex way, what the hell, the next phase. And not only at the end of the next phase with the flow, oh, my God, the next phase with the flow of flow, the next phase. Then we're gonna, locusts and that we never seen anything like this. Oh my god. There are good more ventilators. Women have event that more now many more bad
they Cuomo bed. When a bed bad sorry send a ship back now. We just need to spend. This government would like to open its economy, get a gallop. Ghana can I that he's not listening. I was advising him be telling- let's not a good idea to do that. No, I wouldn't do that. If you are giving me expertise in medicine and models and data I wouldn't do that back. Their backs While Chris Mary is, as we all know, Washington State Chris Mary, Chris Mary Chris Mary Course Chris Mary. I heard that Chris, Mary? Well, Chris marry some model, I mean there will be a model and now and then and then they come out with this hey look. Models are never know
Perfect perfect, perfect. That's like confusing planets. You know that's like confusing, please. With your anus MR produce. Other models not perfect. You know Point two million sixty thousand what's a few lives and between right guest, just stay in your house and shut up no protests. Wave Angelica Christians in the Orthodox Jos stay put, who they are, Thank you. I'd like to get in my car, drugged, my parish. You stay in the car were hermetically sealed. I won't try we're gonna arrest. You laugh lawyers, I defy the governor Michigan. Not now not ever. What's your face not ever.
And they gun stores gotta showed a close those. Why. We'll make sure there's not born ten people their six feet were I don't care gotta closed Danced and allow our at it Y gotta The voting system in our country. Certainly Democrats can win. Yes, we're gonna spend like drunken marxists. Yes, that's the answer in anyone who, checks the media there to help us And destroy Fox news and conservative talk, radio and this or Guy Alex parents in whose, out of the New York Times and he's a form of New York Times Rebate, dares to ask questions then, even though he's been right every step of the way on the fatality right, not because he said expert fact he's a pedestrian because he follows the experts. Oh. And then there's gonna, be the next phase for the next phase. Oh, yes, get ready.
The next phase. Where I get my mash got. My gloves. My second already What Mr Barroso- and I say this with no amount of sarcasm red tongue in cheek. Maybe these women that have these Burke, as I see them, every nerve and head to toe, only I slept so you can see out Maybe they were onto something. Maybe they were on the something? Maybe we ought to dress like that right There is something to be said for that. I bet doktor Fancied thinks had to for himself. Of course nothing. Such is. You don't shake hands spittle, spittle free from the guy across the street you're safe. Nothing will happen to you.
You, a computer systems in cars or the new normal from electronically control transmissions to touch screen displays the dozens of sensors, Patrick and fix any these new features yourself. So when something breaks cost a fortune, now is not the time Fr expensive repairs car showed has affordable protection plans. I can save you thousands for cover the repair, fluting computers, she like try. Said more cars. Gives you options? Others want yet you get. Choose your favorite mechanic or dealership to do the work and partial takes care. The rest. They also complimentary, twenty four seven roadside assistance and a rental car. While Europe is being fixed. Car shoulders, helped over one million customers so dry, but It's annoying. They got coverage from America's number one: auto protection company. For as low as ninety nine dollars a month, you can protect yourself. From surprises and save thousands for.
My sponsors are going to save your money. Eight hundred cars, six thousand dimension code live in eight hundred. Six thousand mentioned Code Levant, ten percent off used to be five percent. Ten percent our first car shield that common use code, Levant Car she'll Dotcom code, easy, you'll, also save ten percent? That's cool she'll back com code, Levine, eight hundred cars, six thousand code Levine Deductible may apply yes, camp has dared to stand out in Georgia. We must destroy him. Governor the in Florida, Actually, allowing human beings on the beach he's? Why, on the beach. We cannot allow that the Miami heralds not can allow that no way. Yes,
The governor of South Carolina: we must destroy these men Cuomo ah, Did you know we have one governor in this country, slow, Andrew Cuomo, any If they like a dumb ass, I have to say I dig a anyway this man's Brian. So, like doktor, professor inquiry gone off in all haste. Brilliant. What did he say today, let's see her where's my cut. Let's go to cuts let's lesson of the genius MR bidders go ahead there. Also you can afford to pay me employment or you or your sister, you, where you will be a problem for the money. They can't wait for. That's why you hey? That's why you open economy, so people I have to be on unemployment, shooting a job and get paid, but com. Has the answer. All your people who are unemployed thanks to Cuomo thanks Governor of California, thanks
the Governor New Jersey, the governor of Illinois, other geniuses. That these massive Dat's open borders, all the progressive crackpot geniuses having the biggest problems watch Cuomo fix, I hear telling everybody he has. No plan has no postcards of our hey. That fair. The bad guy federal government a way money. We need ventilated, we need beds, We need waiting need to tell us what the dough and tell us what the do crunch as says all right. Tell you what the federalism, federalism, federalist, Why don't you just told us? You wanted everything federalism. But I need this and I want this and you gotta pay my pensions and I got a debt back one little state of Ai Weiwei, on the open market by anything that ok,
Now we're going to tell you how open your way you're tell me anything. I'm Andrew Como. Then you have people on tv and radio and can we all get along? There are like Rebecca? Can we all get along report? Now? the time for fighting no lady. Gentlemen? Now's the time to fight for your liberty now's the time the FAO for your job. Now is the time to fight for your business. Now is the time to see a constitution in your country, don't believe that by partisan crap theirs, The democratic party is thirty or forty years ago. This is tiredly new element that cheering for your demise. Go ahead. What else? What com I gotta had we're talking about a couple of days, flag on the unemployment insurance and they will get the Czechs like there's anything work in New York under this governor. Anything work.
Where you know you we're couple days, let go you. Can you go on, I ain't gonna die yeah yeah you're gonna die I pretended to lend jester jester this star visa for a day or two, something like there. Saw a Yankee poor. You know just just hang in there make it a religious mom. I will give you some money in a day or two everything's, fine the date of unemployment does our course them an extra penny. They can say unemployment, insurances and enough, I get it Even with the six hundred our Czech and to have an hour check in the unemployment insurance benefit is not enough. I understand the economic hardship, we all feel it now. You don't feel it you're Fulla, crap and you'd. And understand it and you don't give a damn.
Which is why you're not opening a party or states that barely even have the corona virus you're an idiot, lock and an idiot I had what do you do about it and do you put public health at risk and I don't know: do you put public health at risk when you pick panels over ventilators when you slash that number were a badge and each day From seventy seven thousand affecting some around public health at risk.
I'm not done with him I'll, be right back debts for because you have no idea how to reopen now. You're saying that it is their fundamental right to work. The government can get me the money when I need it is. Are you all right you were gonna do the job is an essential workers do tomorrow, for a new working during a central worker from both jobs and central people are hiring because as another hiring you can get, a job is essential work. So now you can go to work in european social worker in you up until I add, is amazed.
Oh you barbers out there, people work and now salons, you blue collar workers,. You thought you were liberal Democrats. This is what he thinks of you. Just joined this other class workers where we, the governors Dane you in a central worker. And give you a special car thee Department of Homeland Security. When this is over framing my letters and essential worker papers, I have papers, and I have a pass Tying drive in any state. But of course we know me would know. I wouldn't he's an amazing, but don't worry when it comes to baby. And when it comes to non essential workers, Lebanon has no heart.
Now what or non essential workers its whatever the governess says or non essential workers to making it an se? the totalitarian mindset of the left and too many in the Republican Party so now we're gonna, bring on Democrat left wing governors of failed states to comment on that haven't of Georgia? I've never seen such cheap shots against the sky. My life. So they reporters attacking the governor. The presidential press conference, as an attack some foul to attack them I can't defend himself anyone explain what he's doing to the american people now we're bring it on I cried governors to attack the governor of Georgia. Locker reporting is this. Can a news is this: now these
These reporters and all the rest of them they have jobs, the ones who are attacking him. These governors have jobs. This governor. Georgia's- has compiled for the non essential workers which obviously the governor of New York, does not incredible to me.
I'd man- oh man assurance we ve got a lot more. Do I hope you ll stick with us on the right bank from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now, run them only underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader. How everybody mark would then hear our number seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eighty, seven, seven, three, eight one brief one one! You know amazing,
We ve been talking about the violation of civil liberties here for weeks. Nobody else would even touch it, and talking about be preposterous, fatality rates almost Day, one that our experts, Doktor fouche in others, that are, experts were feeding to us. I said no way I was accused of doing these things for political reasons, because it would help the president I have no idea how it would help the president or hurt the president. One has nothing to do with the other. One has nothing to do the other. We introduced the country to doktor. I need is at Stanford March, seventeenth article, On stat news that come that exactly
Popular site and we gave Additional voice to doktor cats, who had written up at in the New York Times on March Twentieth. Which was in so many ways ignored as well, except by a handful of people. I have been look. I'm sorry, the goal of big government. That's not to say we don't need government. That's not to say that you know. Sometimes there imposition on individuals- obviously not A libertarian, I'm not an anarchist, I'm a constitution. But the problem with government is. It always goes too far. It never knows how to police itself had never knows wonder, hit the brakes. So now it's on a massive spending. Binge
And a massive attack on civil liberties. Look at that doc I need is Mr Purvis, Mr Prodi, on television. How do you like them anyway?. That's why we have a constitution, As of this country in the framers of the constitution were, really concerned were equally concerned. What they did not count on and one of the problems we have now. Is the way that our press conducts itself. You know- and I pointed out and on freedom of the press- and maybe it's time to go back to that. The early american press wasn't really press Very early was one man and a few men with printing press, which was a very very Difficult process.
And ass time went on or individuals who were men, who put our pamphlets or maybe Maybe a small short newspaper and I call it the patriot press- back, then that we give you the news from England there if they knew and in the news would always come late. For obvious reasons. Sometimes as much as six months late. The force for liberty, the force Representative government, the force for face. The force for private property rights came out of the Patriot press. For there was a constitutional convention. There was a patriot press before there was a declaration of independence. There was a patriot press.
Before these so called official beginning of the revolutionary war. There was a patriot press, a patriot press. That advance the cause of human liberty. You look at most of cable, not all, but most of cable. You look at most of the newspapers today, network news, these are not forces for liberty. These are not forces for representative government for private property rights About a hundred years ago,. Actually more than a hundred years ago, twenty years hundred thirty years ago. There was Movement that has developed. Starting with intellectuals,. There really was an effort to reject.
Marxism, if you will or Hegel, ISM. Onto our society, then I write: about this. In rediscovering Americanism in turn and progressive is not a simple book, but it is what it is. A true counter revolution against the American Revolution and these intellectual, so called Woodrow Wilson wasn't just wealth, Theodore, Roosevelt, embrace this too. They rejected The limits in fact resented the limits placed on their ability to reach Jaeger society. Two reengineer society that the constitution placed on society and they extensively about very smart people. Then I've read
in almost every they actually read almost everything they written. I write about it in the book. They attack relentlessly The framers of the constitution, they attack relentlessly the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence emphasizes. The relationship between the visual and society and the relay and ship between the individual and God. There is none in the declaration of independence that promotes government fact the contrary. It promotes. The ability to rise up against unjust government. The constitution, they hate even more.
In the way they write about this and talk about it is those people back and in that generation just because a few and the men in Philadelphia, and a few more than men in their state capitals and they pay This constitution, they have no. To impose on the rest of US generation has the right to decide what government of what kind of society it wants to be so there to this end, Attack on the constitution- and poisonous aspect of this is, as I set a thousand times. They use the constitution to destroy the constitution like they did with the impeachment of the president. They will wave around the constitution spin its meeting. Its living and breathing. Don't you know the text doesn't mean a hell of a lot less a grueling psych elections. They Elections unless they went and they Spend a hundred and twenty years.
Unravelling our constitution. A hundred and twenty years. Dismissing our declaration. With this, this constant attack on our civil society. Lead in many ways by the current media patriot, media. And now we have what I call the Democratic Party press in my book in the Democratic Party has been a part not all the time, but too much of the time that has been extremely evil. The civil war, was fought north against south, most ways, but it was also fought against the democratic party. The report can partly came into existence to oppose slavery and oppose the Democrat Park. The Democrats, Party, even after the civil war, would not have.
And in its racism that was the core, the Democrat Party, so we have decades DEC Of the brutalization blacks. And others who supported them and their freedom decades of resistance in in the confederate states. What were the confederate states? The democratic party. Then we have the the and the cleaners Has been an offshoot of the Democratic Party, the clan and the clean had power. Some little areas it still does, but it had enormous power of the Democratic Party over its platform, the Democratic Party couldn't get a passage in its path form and they really nineteen twenties.
Checking lynching, the democratic today is taken a different tack. Did imbraces minorities, but it does embrace minorities, because it believes in liberty embraces minorities because it believes in power So it is embraced this progressive movement. Which is a soft marxist movement. And so they seek mass Spending they seek mass of centralisation of power, they seek to control the courts they seek to control elections. Why. Then uninterested in representing the people are interested in controlling the paper manipulating the people. This is what Mark
is about Hegel. Ism is about Rousseau, ISM is about to bout, progressive, and you know like the Palestinian stole the name: Palestinian Cosette power. Nine palestinian. It sounds like these, these Folks syrup the third idea, the native souls of of Palestine. Now they call it the progressive movement. When there's nothing really progressive about it, I'll be right back when Amy the Association of mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
Talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S could it be, and, alas, my next guess the great guy gray, young man, conservative review. I will ask Daniel courts in a moment. Could it be that the washed it post lobbies
The government excuse me for the economy stand clothes because ammo I'm making profits like never before, and bees o o Washington Post, could that be Dana whore what's a possibility? Aid going to be back with you mark It actually could be a possibility. I actually just saw that number of big lobbying groups just posted record record? being expenditure for this quarter. Facebook posted judgment fourth quarter of this year, five point three million Being expenditures commerce lot the other in the form of dna, so I am I think that is the possibility that exactly why we're seeing the legislative thou comes with the everyday anyway Would the richest men on the face of the earth, poor man into a newspaper when nobody does that anymore. Unless really they want to immunized themselves from criticism or use them. To manipulate events. What
I think this is exactly why justice, Or Jackson said in the famous young found case that there No emergency exception in the constitution. That for one with habeas corpus, because they feared that in a time of emergency, our government would be arbitrary and capricious and use them loopholes to just pay are different. Benefactors and screw other sandy and that poor thing today and as you mentioned earlier, there is no debate in Congress. Let me ask you this people like to look the civil war and say that Lincoln he suspects? it habeas corpus. Now this is in the middle of a civil war. I mean you know all this after the virus, it's not the civil war. For God's sakes, now, suspended habeas corpus number. Way. Congress went back afterwards.
And confirmed his decision and voted to suspend it, but the president doesn't have the power to do, and oddly enough Congress does under the constitution. Now that set do not have governors suspending the first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of association and do we not have a media that supports the most radical of the governors I'm glad you're bringing they thought, because I'm sick of hearing this notion that day, could do whatever they want that governor her somehow king, yes, governor of control internal affairs police powers. A lot more encompassing in your daily lives than the federal government can do, but there are mutations, obviously, go forth section to ensure they can infringe upon privileges and immunities now. No way for the federal government to enforce that in came the Keep amendment the first clause rather privileges, immunity, cod, which Clarence Thomas always rightly said Balin the governor to the bill of rights and again
if Congress, not the federal Courts but Congress the ability to enforce? though, with restrictions on a state and asked the question: where is Congress? We all support a degree of distant thing that degree of prudence, but it to be now narrowly tailored to achieve of vital fade into it. After a guy in a boat or video on a car while leaving open subways, is not narrowly tailored them. Put even a finer points on the bill of rights, long to whom the individual that up? Ok, since don't can governors issue dictates, excuse when I go in certain circumstances, are violating the first amendment to the constitution and don't give me plenary police powers. Excuse me these are carve out for you and me: the governors don't have power not under federalism any other ism to violate the federal
institution, and particularly the bill of rights, mark is an interesting. I know you wrote about this a lot in men and blackened and elsewhere how it for less seventy years, every single thing, state, wants to do whether, at the Lex procedures whether eight abortion regulation, whether a simple Beth of a marriage simple internal affairs of other state, we're appalled that the unelected weakest branch of the federal government, the court could come in and commandeer and demand that a horse and Don T be a marriage and demand ten weeks overly voting. Yet when it comes to the most unalienable right freedom of movement, I began travelling to your own family, home down, the block in Michigan simply a business that doesn't engender crowds. We're but they have Plenary authority, and why happened to all the laugh it in fact mark the only lawsuits were were now now on behalf of criminals, illegal aliens being released and abortion clinics
two maison? Isn't it the only voice. I hear raising really concerns about. This is the attorney General United States doing and could have to him and he obviously pocket about losses. But I mean the republic to control the Senate, and I You think they have. Tremendous amount of leverage is governor, by Governor Larry Hoag in his the Newport and of the media, is gonna best. Try but then demand five hundred billion dollars from the federal printing presses to bail out his malfeasance and his bed decision. What, then, it's time for Republicans defended to say? Look if you want any more state funding. You are going to have to relinquish some of the restriction that created a need for that funding, while you're not gonna, get Atta Congress, because Nancy Pelosi runs the Senate and the House on shore, where there were, that I certainly appear that in certain offices of the executive branch of the well. Can you stay for another segment after why
I don't hang up. I want to get to this, our friends at the media research centre. For over thirty years, the M Rca distinguish itself as one of the most effective conservative groups. They provide reliable, driven information about the media, because the american people deserve the truth and one of most import. Parts of the m. Arcy is CS news website to an absolute, must read for conservatives, I book market and I read it every day and you can learn more but Seein S, news and the rest of the M are seen em r C Levine dot Org, am our sea Levine doubt or that's a mercy how easy ironed out- or I am quite soon unlike seen in an msnbc. The folks had seen as news. Actually cover the news I wanted I to book market. Our sea Levine DOT. Org check it out of here
back but Daniel aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot! U S remark book
show he is tomorrow's morning, show you can reach mark now at eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one, three thousand eight hundred and eleven I myself, ladies and gentlemen, for giving credit where credit is due, and I must confess that the idea of the beast And his newspaper among them, leading the charge against opening the economy, meaning retail businesses came my brilliant beautiful wife, don't you there, beautiful white to Daniel. Absolutely and a newborn girl with well? Oh, my goodness. Congratulations Rita headline too in the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Horwitz Conservative review our strong can't reopen until August employees used to return to work as long as they're getting an extra six hundred dollars a week. Now you- and I we talked about this- there were a hand,
conservatives in the Senate that raise this, they rushed through anyway. That is we actually have hourly or an early wages, restaurants and other places earning more money on unemployment and this federal six hundred dollars not dimension the twelve hundred dollars that they already get, and so was the money to return to work. So then, I want to return to work I stayed a Maryland the average worker on unemployment. Would be making about sixty thousand a year if you annual eyes and that three by the way, so I mean there are no incentive in the world, especially the media, telling at one they're gonna die if they go outside there certainly They stay home, and this has been our problem with the entire, approach from the Democrats from GNP leadership from and the White House pushing it that their thing. We owe it to businesses to pay them, now number one they don't deal with anti feeding of the problem, which is the shut down and the tyranny the unnecessary
shut down the Lord Science behind it not debating it at all, but least, number two is something against their own efforts there throwing the money into a black hole. If we're going to go into debt. Larger than world work. You level at least. Let us invest in something in deregulation in the spending pack. Nation for a year or two and build up the country and get something for it. Instead, or investing in not working there He bore drawn worthwhile to analogies Mitch. Mcconnell said this is a wartime level of spending, but it's not. This is not what we did in world war. Two we did up that we worked overtime. Did they make no sense you open up the country and your minimize, how much you have to pay out or if you say if you keep it closed, no money in the world. You could pay it it's gonna go out two weeks just like expired the first round, Thomas Massey
or the bad at me, with crushed, like a bug by party I'm here about this problem, and now their say, we have the path another bill. Without recorded vote which they did in the Senate yesterday and will have another and another and theirs a few people who speak out what happened to fiscal conservatism where our? Where are these senators in these congressmen today, they play through the social conservative they did on burnt down big big, then I'm any that the visit The problem you look at the Democrats and they came prepared governor gave a new them of California is something to the fact of corona virus. Is our opportunity to re, make America progressive image and you gotta give them credit. You know jailbreak of criminal check relief of illegal aliens check more welfare dependency and and record that check worth tyranny and infringement upon civil liberties. We ve ever seen the worth surveillance check the yet every outcome. They want yet noted
we can't even get the common sense outcome, a tree or to shut off travelled from China, I'm stuff dealing with deregulation. We can then get Torreon on work visas when there Talking about forty percent on a somewhat something the president was proposing a serious sick, the day, restriction on immigration and but he got. But somebody, I don't know the name, so we can throw us somebody or some group of people in the White House prison waited him? Otherwise, because, as it turns out- and I've heard this too it turns out. This is really paper Tiger now. It literally changes, nothing for what was happening right now. The disk logistically wait. We are locked in our home, though, of course bringing in people actually, we are bringing in a thousand afghan refugees, but those are also
then did under the new order as well that what kind of Europe not even a trade off. It's the same thing, what the than originally mentioned? Would not just because of the logistics of the virus but he mentioned, a shut off because of the labour issues that there is such a scarcity of jobs out there. That's not a sixty day thing. He was calling for It was perhaps maybe one or two years and you know now, the the most important visa to cut off. Are the eight one. Be visas are The telling the Americans don't want white collar entry level, jobs at this point and The other aspect of it, which is China, gets thirteen percent of those visas so are we gonna sit and respond to this bringing in more chinese workers when there not all then, but a tremendous amount of them are caught engaging in trade debt and that really speak of it fucking sound of our dependency and outsourcing the China. I mean
by building a mask on on the ground. There after nine eleven They ask you this. This governor camp is trying to careful and by phases open up his economy here, a vicious attack by the media, all media by doktor, fowl by the governors of Connecticut in New York, and I Here's what I things going on number one they want to teach governors a lesson. You dared Try open up your economies in a significant way, we're gonna destroy you! That's number one number two: really the first went out of the box in a big way nobody's nervous that what's going now in Georgia is the virus is going to spread more, but at some point the virus is going to spread more because we what our call people who are effect. Really virgins who, having had the virus in the viruses, are going to bypass them
viruses, gonna slam because we ve been hiding in their homes under their tables at the orders, a doctor factory and there. Gonna be able to avoid a second it or I sees at all yet another saying with the flow and all at once algae advisers because you have other experts, say, wait a minute. That's but the way we should be doing this protective. The populations that are most vulnerable and then you have to allow the thing to go through the rest of the population, the vast majority of whom it really is, not that harmful. Until question, I mean how do you flatten occurred that you dont know when it began? How do you stop us bread? when it has already spread likely for several months. Perhaps since December. This is what we are not debating. It makes no sense and then obviously the exit question. How is it not our Afghanistan, where you ve been spreading like you, and if you
Locking everyone inside you're not gonna, get hurt immunity and now they're admitting that work. Not gonna, be immune to a second wave. We're gonna get it now the whole, the vacation while nobody sentiment but their padding themselves on the back. I watch this value today. Doing breaks, we're we're are today with less DAS, because what we ve done, no you're, not I've, had exe, birch and scholars on who know much more than he does about statistics statistician and they are in there and their epidemiologists Caesar that these are some of the greatest minds. I admit they don't work for that, I met, but they are in universities like Yale at Stanford. And they say no. This has always been nuts. These members were never right, so maybe maybe there's some some benefit to some extent. But maybe there's not because- Look at all the second area. Health issues, for instance, said Daniel Horwitz. How many more people have died of heart disease, diabetes of cancer, God knows what because there are now less hospitals, less house
we'll beds less doctors and less access to them and calling things Active surgery doesn't make itself where those statistics think about it For years the Democrats had told us that, if you don't- have socialize medicine. Then you don't have to did the healthcare and, if you dont, have access to health care, I forgot what they say, but they said the republican repeal of Obamacare bill would have killed x number of millions of people. Could they wouldn't get access to healthcare? Will the university hospital fishermen in Ohio announced today that today there are losing forty five million dollars and they cut back their salaries by twenty percent for thousands dead in the health care. Behind that there is now provided and not because their overall in Ohio they're, not it's because of the shut down their prohibiting. Then I have a relative in Ohio who lived right near the Cleveland Clinic and they are not overrun, and here tremendous pain and neither replacement? He
get it. We re talking about breast implants, earmark we're gone out vital health care. How many p we're gonna die early because of it, but then one other big lie that they're not talking about which is their their advocating the difference being in reasonable distancing awareness, not touching services all being very careful. Now, as most of us were not in decent on January, but where the value added between that level and full time, ethical, walk down, and I've been a number of analyses. They by third countries my country study when they began their lockdown and there is no benefit and in fact the country in Asia that power through this had better results? Well, part of the problem we have in this country, Daniel Whore, what's a conservative views? We don't really have a free press. We have propagandists we have demagogues we have really not particularly intelligent,
sort of a new wave of so called journalists to advance the cause of a progressive ism in social activism. And many of them the really pay Medical reporters is my buddy Larry, O Connor likes to say you get political reporters a code of soda hangovers from the Russia Debacle and all the rest of it. Now reporting on this, and they only know one thing attack attack attack to inform, inform, inform why don't we then I mean they're they're. Getting every policy result they ever wanted per hundred year that it is so they're, not gonna. Let go, but what's so fat is typically they we together, historically to fight for the first amendment now having state governors. I thought California outlaw. Protests. A convenient you take it take away every right, the fifth amendment keep amendment and then you say well, look at the danger to assemble Theo. You protest what I'm doing either and you know you
think the media would get involved and then not now you're awful having censorship, where people who are putting out very well research, scholarly articles, providing countervailing evidence to what the government narrative is and there being taken down and media guess what one one of mine was hit, and what one of mine? What hit they forget? You one of mine, was headed facebook to anything, it, is very dangerous and and looked at, all of you that you're over the target I mean, if we're a foolish peace, then obviously they wouldn't have a need. The flag it and If we were onto something and look, I think all of us were scared. Seven, we the go we were may be okay with a couple days. It is, let's get our bearings with global time out. But what has gone on? this long and this severely, where the Evan now showed the opposite of what they're telling us. Where are they legislative and congressional hearings calling in these people from Carnegie, Melon MIT, Oxford University, a ball.
All over that are showing very, very different research. I did I just don't understand how republic into aren't even fighting the basic premise of this while Daniel Horowitz. We appreciate it, keep it up over their conservator review. I can count on one hand the number voices heard calling out on the civil liberties issues, but it is growing. I think we have two more tonight the momentum with The other momentum is with us. Are I take care yourself? My friend and God bless you shocking. Absolutely shocking I'll, be right. More than ever,
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for. The values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a m a seed dot; U S manischewitz so much more to get to exist on of time to get all of it
Let's see here, coffee commerce Michigan Ex M satellite. Go. Give me liberty or give me gap. I live in Michigan and our governor has taken over. Are our whole state and he is just trying to destroy. I dont know why accept she wants to be vice president of the United States. We know that, but she is harming it and I don't understand why trumpet listening to fetch the scarf lady and also another thing is coming Leaders have to be dont have to be laughing at how fast Americans gave up their freedom. I am very concerned about the and how quickly political leaders shut down our economy. Thank you. Vernon Tampa farther the great Ws K why country go Org Guess, lorry radio we're running out of time go. Ok, I gotta work. They upset about forty five miles nor to tamper here, a robot
help facility ornamental with three hundred million dollar expansion of ours, state are silly it so bad. I see you have a take out a Billinger anonymous payroll, I lent slowdown, see, got a facility that was expanding before the virus. Let's not focused on the virus. It does other things you, this facility it's a bookstore hospital motives. It's a major hospital major aspects and what's happening were devastated? Doctors are being laid off where maybe forty percent. That's how come back. The FAO, Jean Doktor Burke's, don't talk about the consequences, the economic consequences for our health care System Hospital, doctors, technicians, nurses on and on and on their get slaughtered, Don't you want me to some? I they have any are the salmon because they would run me like a run in your report.
Are they would run the rag? And now, when I have the honour salmon, I met a might have two or three calls the whole day the whole day up to it. What do you do? I'm arrests, torture this year, respiratory therapists and that's a big deal job Tell me you run out of patience. Patience will run out of work. Hard are our possibilities, maybe forty percent capacity, who I oughta terrible, I'm sorry, that's where the media need to go and they won't go. I want to thank all you wonderful heroes out there from the grocery stores and our trucks, hospitals and our police and everyone in between I'll, see you tomorrow, goblin from the westward one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-02.