« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/20/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, climate change has nothing to do with science and it never has. If government has the power to regulate air and water, then there are no limits to the power it has. They want to regulate you. It’s also a way to destroy government sovereignty. No scientist will say carbon dioxide is a pollutant - it can’t be because you’re exhaling it. Later, Speaker Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss his debt ceiling plan, which would raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. The real problem isn’t the revenue, it’s the expenditures. President Biden wants to spend more money than we did at the height of the pandemic. If we do nothing, in the next 10 years we will pay $10.5 Trillion just in interest alone. Afterward, VP Mike Pence calls in with his take on abortion and foreign policy. Democrat’s position on abortion is the extremists’ position - they support taxpayer funding of abortion, up to the moment of birth. The Biden administration destroyed everything President Trump did in the Middle East. This is the absence of American leadership on the world stage. Finally, Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea, calls in to talk about her new book, While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now, broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader The
the The But you have we a thousand billionaires in america. No, the average tax rates of pay The I g, eight percent, eight percent, e h e h per se, not I g h t e
three age. They pay a percent billing. in taxes and tell me of your? corporations that you sent up to cover up europe, your car. this chinese money. Mr president, what percentage did you pay on that? He sets up to ask operations he and doktor John, they said up, so they don't have to pay obamacare taxes and medicare taxes, so he paid zero on all the funds flowed through the s corporations, he's never released. The tax reserve returns on those S, cooperation you not much. They paid zero z, e r ciera No, ladies and gentlemen, here's the thing: do you think that government has enough money, since the average billinger weave a thousand and pace eight percent on their federal income tax? Now, eyes that deceiving
because you might have corporations outer pangs zero. Why cause they lost money during the pandemic, They don't have net income on which to pay federal income taxes. So it's a game. It's all very, very deceiving. Our problem in this country is a taxes and tax rates, our problem country is even if you give everything they want. It's not gonna be enough. Even he gave them a hundred percent? It's not going to be enough because the Democrats, party exists by stealing money from you in the private sector and spending it themselves so by now the major economics form at the white house today. What it should called is the major economics illiteracy form because he's a moron, but that's it. I want you to hear some of the things he has to say cut to go with me.
actions the united states is on track to achieve a one point: five to realign go cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty. He has no idea what you say now the? U s is on track to achieve a one point: five degree aligned goal are cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty thirty does anybody have any idea what that means? And what is that based on which research which scientist? Where does this, from this stuff. He comes from nowhere. Nowhere I remember when everybody can but the amazon everybody here remember when they cared about the amazon. I remember when they did and remember. It was global cooling in the amazon dying by the way I am broadcasting from the ronald reagan ranch centre in them
of liberal valle, santa Barbara. This is a fantastic place. I'm sitting here looking at present, reagan's jeep Use used night his ranch I'll, be at the ranch tomorrow for a huge. twenty fifth anniversary of the young american foundation, yaf acquiring the property which could have been sought? The some private developers something, but they came in and they saved it and if you folks want learn more about sap conference centre unbelievable. You can actually come here free of charge. you: gotta yeah dialogue, dot, org y F, dot, org, one of our great sponsors as well, and theirs things are looking at here. The chair that present a reg sad in when he may cause to heads of state just all kinds of cool things. Big chunk of the war? They came down in berlin, will we can use out on the southern border? Maybe we can use a p. That would seem to work in it
but in any event, for I am the people here a great and we have a great event tomorrow, and I just wanted you to be aware that yeah, dot, org, why a f dot org, which is F, hey. Why spell backwards say right? Nobody cares so there's by talking about fifty fifty two percent or twenty one and a half degree aligned goal. I don't know what that means, but how do they think that they can predict whether by twenty thirty at care, how much carbon we squeeze out of the atmosphere and ice we ve gus before? Do you know what percentage carbon
is it the atmosphere? Does anybody here now, mac maps would mean the engineer: do you know mad mad, but come on out point zero, zero, four percent, we're gonna, get that down you'll, see by fifty to fifty two percent. Now, if we eliminate all carbon human beings are dead, do you know why who here took third grade science? It's called in taking oxygen. exhaling carbon dioxide? Now what out their needs? Carbon dioxide decreed oxygen plants play sneeze carbon dioxide, a job I miss their great science refer, got so carmen oxide is necessary in order to have plants and trees and vegetables and fruits and human beings.
the idea that eliminating light bulbs or the combustion engine, or whatever the house. Next online gas stoves is somehow going to take this massive globe massive universe,. where the sun shines upon us and it's going to be able to adjust the climate that takes place now and in six ten twelve years is so pathetically stupid, it's just hard to believe, and so they tell you your climate denier and the climate denier. I can give you a thousand scientists with all kinds of relevant grants who are climate deniers? If I were to ash Joe Biden today, can you name five experts? Five of your experts that you're lying on fear policies. He couldn't name one. Could you many studies. He couldn't name one that one.
But he's word about the billionaires: we got it you know, I'm worried about them, because he knows you don't give a damn about them in that, if there, thousand elements a thousand votes? So that's the wave use it the way. I view it. some of those billionaires employ Tens of thousands of EU summit billionaires, have created things that you need to survive or to improve your life that any of your life. That's how people become billionaires they create stuff, like peters like automobiles. God knows what so they attack success. They attack capitalism. That's all they know. So that's what he's doing it is major, a cock economic forum today at the white house, who's preaching socialism. We come back. I want to talk about the budget somewhat here, because it looks like mccarthy speaker, Mccarthy's being stiff by Biden and he
If he's coming on just a few minutes, we'll be right back, then let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts! Are we supposed Fine sanity in this mess- and I was talking with gust of precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more imports never to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusto will act. We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august, precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures. This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids Haven't seven for gold, I re to learn how to bridge retirement. I get your free gold coin, that's all just a precious metals
aids, seven, seven for gold. I re again eight seven, seven for gold, I re, consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures, I'd a precious metals dot com It's a pleasure to speaker, Mccarthy, whether speaker, Mccarthy, this serve. That ceiling issue is coming up in jail I'm giving you the stiff armies, got enough time to do whatever he wants to do. Take a junkie to ireland. They won't even go to palestine ohio. He won't talk to you here, during the governments business, put in a seven trillion dollar spending plan with the help of Mcconnell. In some of the other republicans and they're telling you take it or leave it with,
Are you gonna do about it and what does a seven trillion dollars spending plan on top of all the other inflationary spending due to this country? Well, our key, read all the great points I met with the president on February, for I sat down with them. I said we ve gotta get our house in order. I don't I'll predetermined. What what did agreement here, be, but I'm never going to raise taxes and I'm not going to pass a clean debt. You we can't afford it. You brought us inflation. We've got bank failures. Now we've got more dependency on china. You've got a curve, all that, and so for the last seventy eight days he's just ignored. He doesn't want to negotiate. He thinks he I take this to the brink. That will be sparkle, but you don't republicans, are going to do we're going to leave till next week work on a path. What I call the limit saved grow plant, okay, you're, going to limit what government can spend so we're going to cap for the next ten years
we're going to go back to twenty twenty to where we were four months ago. You know it's not going to kill anybody and everybody was in a good place. They will get a cap growth at one percent a year, we're going to save money, the taxpayer we're going to claw back any money. That's been sitting there that you didn't spend in the pandemic, the pandemics over he signed the bill, and so, if it's money just sitting there bring that back, we're going to put in work requirements to help people get jobs, they pay in more to social security and medicare. It makes them stronger or going to put the rain back then to curve them back, and you know that inflation reduction bill that had just kind of destroyed the economy, we're going to repeal that. He had a really simple and then to grow, we're going to put hr what we're going to make america energy independent, we're going to cut the red tape, so we could build stuff, but america get pretty simple and straightforward.
MR speaker, other already trying to set up you and your fellow republicans for a fall here. Shimmers already saying you the us. In other words, they lie through their teeth. Very good at it. given voice by the corrupt media. You know that just try and turn the tables anything you proposed will say: oh the little guys, gonna get hurt and so forth, and so they have run this government for years now, several where three anyway situation, wherein is thanks to them. think. You're gonna have a united front where people go out and talk to the media. Talk to them did trench, possesses gonna need to be done, ass to be. We need all the voices out there, because if we do nothing in the next ten years will pay ten point five trillion just an interest but put that in perspective,
eighteen. Forty until today we ve only eight nine trillion uninterested. Eighty three years, the bill problem here is, if not Avenue where our highest point of gdp, twenty percent of gdp, were bringing in a rapid fifty year average only seventeen, the problem is, the expenditure he's moved it up normally spend twenty one percent of gdp, he's at twenty three point: six going to twenty What he wants to spend more money next year than we did at the height of the pandemic. He added six trillion and that's not counting what he did during covert. That's what brought us inflation we ve got an unstable world. Were allies are running to china. If you want to become less dependent on china, we ve got a curve. This spending, we gotta bring the jobs back to america grow. If you want a curve inflation, you gotta spend less remember what milton Friedman said by my favorite it it's only with russia that can create inflation.
I'm what they ve done. You know, MR speaker, the other thing is you, ve got the federal reserve the control the money supply. Then you ve got the Democrats the binding administration massively increasing the bought the money supply. So we have. these two entities working at cross purposes, so interest rates should bind We are going to go up significantly more the decks going to go significantly more, which means, if you're on pension or, if you're in another, living with a salary and so forth, and saw an across the board. It's going to be done: stresses that it is every family has already lost four thousand seven hundred dollars because inflation they were killing the little
I mean you know the other thing: a hard working americans they're getting screwed when inflation goes up, but, what's worse, is you look at the cb? Oh, what they just said for the first time in the next ten years. Three trust funds go insolvent, highway, medicare and social security. So, for all this talk this guy does. He is the one that's automatically going to cut your social security and your medicare because it goes in automatically, in effect because of his mismanagement he thinks he just won't be an office by there, but it's gonna hit in a little short window. Let me just tell you this till you may or may not agree with me doing them and dynamic it was concerned? patriotic and righteous. when businesses were shut down, what people lost their jobs when people lost their livelihood in the private sector, we were told this. Is there the weather Yes, we have to pay and the Democrats were saying it in these democratic, controlled cities and states.
just shut things down and yet, when the government such down for a long weekend or a national holiday? Nothing happens and yet finds out already talking about the apocalypse taking place. Why is it that, when this private sector is forcibly shut down, that's righteous and and patriotic, but one you're trying to the government under control, because these bombs they pass this stuff a few weeks before you guys over the house of representatives, they knew that you are going to at least challenge them on this and they did it anyway. Why is that so? Sacrosanct we're going to have you back, because we no addressed this issue more and you guys are really in a Engaged ready to challenge already challenger bind want to talk to you. He wants to twist and turn and and I do what he normally does, but we Can'T- we can hear you so we'll take it. Take care will get tee a next time. I appreciate it. This is a unique speed.
I know some of you are very sceptical, and you know time tell over the course of a period of time, but is certainly the most conservative speaker, certainly since no gingrich and when I find it to be as refreshingly honest and in plain spoken so all those tweeps. Initial start with fire. Let's see hammer white a little frankie's. you're wrong. Now, where's your apology, I'll be right back let me ask you what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts. Are we supposed fine sanity in this mess- and I was talking with augusta precious metals and they said tons of people are, go to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important, ever to own gold. I guess what view
hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement august will actually pay. You pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to August precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail, there's this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids seven, seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect. retirement. I get your free gold coin, that's all gust of precious metals. At seven seven for gold? I re again: eight seven, seven a, I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and see risk disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot, com, mark, Levin, tougher as hell. That's why I like vertical event and I'm not sure a lot of people like him, he's tough as hell, but I, like, I love a call now, seven, seven, thirty, eight one, three eight one one one of the big one
here from yeah sitting right across from making sure I don't screw this up his eye right. Yes, it. she's great, actually jesse has been with the act for eighteen years. As I write your career jessica eighteen years, correct and your chief of staff and your vice president and you normally operate, junior and your how out here, because it's coming I can tell her body what's taking place, I'm sorry, I'm putting rural her on the spot here, jessica, where the f and What are we doing here? Why is this important now, thank you mark or celebrating the twentyth anniversary of young america's foundation, saving the reagan ranch and ninety ninety eight and we We are here to help us do that and hundreds of our great friends and supporters around the country because I don't know anybody could have walked in and purchase rant, try and for all, we know they would have developed it or not,
the down or whatever you folks have secured it. Your protected it ma. Some of the things that were at the ranch in the ranch their belong to the regions are on splay now. Several them in this beautiful reagan. center here in santa Barbara and I've never been here before so truly, remarkable if you want to learn more go to yes, lord, why a f, dot, work and working have a fantastic event. More, not tell you all about it. On monday, thank you, Jessica Next to me up mayors, man how are you buddy? man is a man, a very few words right, MR, Who have you noticed that many let us follow word eight. Do you know this further word eight matt? They need our one up on by what you have. We have a thousand billionaires america. no the average tax rates of pay.
E r g percent, eight percent, what an idiot! I want to continue down this road because it's very, very important: that's gotta, cut MR producer again go these action now says, is on track to achieve one point: five to realign go, cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty men, and we look forward to cop twenty eight We all need to show up in dubai, with twenty ready targets Actions align with the paris temperature roles they have already said we are talking about. We have sharp and do by which, with twenty thirty targets, an action sign with the parents, I'm not going, the buyer, you must reduce. I hear it's a nice place. Ah, but I'm not going to go ahead. What's to come. If we now
more severe drought, more floods sees rising temperatures rising whether instability market on four unpredictability, again remember last week, when I read you that long list of all the stuff they claimed was happening as a result of climate change and and internally in that book is twelve or thirteen years old, just keep adding to the list. So what floods and droughts excuse me when we have whatever? It is whether instability- I don't even know what that means, whether instability- it's not going seventy two degrees and sunny with five. Per hour winds everywhere, every day, you're going to have floods, you I have hurricanes keynes, you're gonna have torn nato's you're gonna. Have earthquakes quakes, you got have all kinds of stuff going on and if you think and our cars and our light bulbs and our gas stoves have anything to do. They see rising the near justice
stupid, as he is a need, our help. by the word aid either, but what is the source of theirs called science. This is what I want to know, but he's not done cut three go The united states is taking more action to put our energy sector on a path towards net zero emissions by no later than twenty fifty. So let's stop a sick. he's destroying our economy. Now one way to get since down by the way, is to do We our economy, so if people are working, if industries aren't functioning If cars aren't driving cause, the gas prices are too high. Well then, I guess you can get carbon dioxide levels down the carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, did you know that america, carbon dioxide, it is not a polluted. In fact,
It was a decision by the supreme court. Five to foreign two thousand five massachusetts: versus the epa where some say It brought suit, saying hey all that pollution coming out estate acts is coming into the air and the atmosphere ass, a true sits, and so several of these leftwing states purposely what these suits change. The way that the e p a regulates, the air. Did you know that matt it's true, two thousand and five, a five to four decision. Justice Stevens wrote for the majority. And he acknowledged the carbon dioxide, it is not a pollutant per se. However, son under the clean air act, the epa Has the authority. to regulate, and if it makes
determination that something Carbon dioxide is harmful than it is, need a regulated. In other words, there is. and never has been a statutory basis for any of this, for any of it. This is the way the life works. They don't care, there is no legal basis or scientific bases for this. None. There is not a scientist on the planet who also the carbon dioxide is a pollutant, not one, because it's that it can't be, because your exhaling it it's not carbon monoxide, I'm talking about carbon dioxide and it said a tiny percentage of the atmosphere.
virtually no impact whatsoever, let alone your damn light bulbs on your gas burners and the automobile while its main made. They don't go there. What's man made? What are they talking about They don't know what they're talking about this eighty. It has no idea what he's talking about. Neither does the other one MR mashed potato face John, carry. He has no idea either zero, zero emissions by twenty? Fifty, how we gonna fly, our airlines will propellers batteries, solar energy. notice the use of the words the language net.
Zero emissions so nike Lose no matter what happens they're going to tell you that they have succeeded. What they are doing is. destroying our economic system, Nineteen seventies I've written about this- we ve talked about this. The nineteenth seventies, there was a big meeting marxists and anti capitalists in europe whose infer- It's actually might even have been in paris come to think of it and so you know this- is where the ellida scuff, where they can have their wine and alura anyway. So what happened they put out a manifesto. And they made a declaration that manifesto to deal gross. The world economy, starting with the united states, get back to nature it's the de gross movement. Then they came up a global cooling as pro
ganda, then they came up a global warming as propaganda. Now they call climate change, swifter schooling or warming, or nothing you're far. This is all part of the way they intend to manage you and centralized power, and they are knowing the economy and they're going to kill prosperity, they're going to spread poverty. That's what they're going to do look at these little countries that jump darlin. I think sri lanka was one member happen there, that a depression, their economy. While de gross and their economy was over thirty percent working to put every on electricity. We don't have enough electricity ass, the eighty governor of california with brown eyes and a black cat. Would you do us a favour once said? Would you charger vehicles at night.
Finally, we have a lot of electric vehicles california anywhere, but please charge them at night and while you're at it please don't do your laundry at night? Please don't do your dishes had not so we should stay home and charge our cars and do our law andrea dishes during the day, but why and if we do that their stone. I can. I have enough electricity. Meanwhile, there down hydroelectric plants there shutting coal mines, guess what call is used. It knows, what electricity shutting down drilling, guess what we need natural gas to produce, what electricity election? sneeze just grated on its own gas? Why building building new nuclear power plants where's this you're going to come from where we could build pipeline to checks, rumours hair? I see a lot of oil there. Maybe that'll do the trick, but I dont think it's the kind of oil that weaken refine.
because he's not a very refined guy to begin with be right back then. Let me ask you what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are absolutely nuts. Are we supposed to find sanity in this mess nice talking with augusta precious metals and they said tons of people go to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important Never to own gold, I guess what view hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement augusta will act. We pay you and pure god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to August precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids Five and seven for gold, I re to learn how to protect
retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals at seven, seven for gold. I re again eight seven seven for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures at august, a precious metals dot com I know I speak for myself saw speak for myself, some big losses that was settled the other day, and I ve been on social media several times, calling on the rest of the media to reveal their texts their emails, their notes. documents. They have any audio ready, they have of their internal workings and communications journal. the journalist involved, their editors producers, involving their management and executive board. Members
shareholders in anybody else Not one of them has agreed to do it To be sure, to do that? You can do that voluntarily. I've challenged fake jake to do it. Silence he stole at stupid. Look on us nice I have challenged them, do do at I sell de nicole wallace Joe scarborough Mika John hi lemon hiram and he won't do it either. Then we move to the near climbs and washed compost over there at the nearest we have the light. of mega had remained. She hasn't released any of her communications. Neither is german, is peters, and then we move over to the washington compost where philip, but is sitting on his butt and philip, but.
Ah has released any of his. Over me, I, which has all this our money pouring it apparently in donors who are very excited about them, because all the do- is collect clips so far hosts and antitrust It died, decide this. Their sort of a knock off of media matters they release all of their internal communications. Why don't you do that? and girls and, of course me matters for an americans over there, these soares funded operation, dare not do that either or the of their dark money donors either cause or off roger facilities and corrupt hypocrites. That's why all there eyes about the twenty. Sixteen election. were? They said it was a legitimate, as they are how drive to the american people they apologized anybody all their lot is about russia collusion. Have they apologized donald? Try
for any that people who they attacked. Now, of course, they happen now they happen. And I could go on and on and on de I will. The fact of the matter if these are frauds were just had to destroy competitor, that they can even pete with you realize cnn has no ratings. Do you realize how they re run running at eight p m eastern time on sunday and I crushed anderson cooper? Listen, you should resign and shame. Do you understand Anderson as many people are listening to on cnn, as if you At two orange cans tied together with a string speaking in a one end and have any other and hanging out your window yelling as loud is you can. Nobody wants hear what you say: nobody cares. Cnn is Useless carbon footprint and over there- and I miss nbc- we of Al Jazeera, which is bad enough
Why do we need MSNBC when we have Al Jazeera this? I don't know, and I we have more more it see coming from the left and their mark society ology I want to miss it. We also have a great guess next hour in the hour after that as well. We have a lot to do here from me and a reagan ranch centre in santa Barbara at our conference right now, this segment of the podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you thank you again,
we're listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the numbers. Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three eight one three one one I'm here at the re. And ranch centre in santa Barbara thinking about something during the brake. Let's play this cut to again that we played in the first hour mister producer, abiden and climate, and go ahead with this actions. The united states is on track to achieve a one point: five to realign go
cutting emissions by fifty to fifty two percent by twenty. Thirty. Look, we look forward to crop twenty eight. We all need to show up in dubai with twenty eddie targets, actions align with the paris temperature role. Now, let's stop that's the true news We all need to show up in dubai with twenty thirty target, and actions aligned with paris temperature goals. our let's lay this act so easy Joe scarborough can understand this. Has slightly nothing to do with science, and it never has. If the government has the power. If the government the power to regulate air and water, to this extent,. and there are no limits to the power that it has
There are no limits to the impact is going to have on your life in your lifestyle. Do you understand what I'm saying they don't care about science? so, rather than pass a statutory issue, an executive order that says we and do whatever we want to your automobiles to your homes. To your age fact, system steer wash machine to your drier to your your ear, whatever it is, rather in the past that kind of law, which you would say no no way they bundle altogether in the throat under this rubric of climate change, which is amorphous, nobody came into force it and its man made to boot. So in order to fight it.
They have to regulate more than air and water. They at the regular you it's gene snow, its evil genius, but it's still genius it's even more than that. It's also a way to destroy governing sovereignty. did he say here we have the sharp and do by were twenty thirty targets Do we have to show up in dubai were twenty thirty targets, because the rest of these More on throughout the world are going to be in due by with their twenty thirty targets and they have to be in line with the paris temperature agreement. These are all extra constitutional extra.
America, associations, partnerships, dealings agreements, This paris agreement was never approved as a treaty because it couldn't get through send it as a treaty with a super duper majority. These targets, whenever proved by statute, because they could never get approve statue so what's happening here. Stick with me on this is very very important. As pay We are debating the science. There is no science to debate. It start like somebody is is presenting us with an equation with a specific model. Everybody agrees to two plus two. As for nobody can dispute that nobody can dispute that.
But this is disputed all the time, which is why the media say you must be a denier so the same radicals on the left pushing their agenda Destroying american sovereignty on the border with immigration, this broad destroy, american sovereignty when it comes to our own economic system. That's exactly what's taking place here. What kind of cards you can drive who pass law? Nobody? They come engine engines going to be eliminated, who passed that law? Nobody, but don't see we're all going to meet in dubai. You see and we have to have our our great amount of temperature reduction that we made in paris yes, no treaty, you know either framers of the constitution, put the treaty clause in there. You know why they did then. Do you know
They required a super majority. The senators present of their sex This present three force to approve treated, you know why they did that. Will they told us why they did that big? They didn't want one man, this executive, the president, they created at a whole cloth. They created the president, but they limited the present its powers, and they said when it comes to making an international agreement or a an agreement with another country. They wanted a broad the participation of the body politic and back then senators were chosen by legislatures, so they want at this stage. Involved in this. Now, of course,
you're not chosen by legislatures their chosen by idiots, I mean by you, no other people, ok, the amendment, seventy, the seventeenth amendment to the constitution, but that doesn't change the fact that, if you're going to enter into international or or agreements or agreements with other another country that you get the bypass the entire congress, which is exactly what they ve done here, our economy is being changed without any kind of treaty involving dubai or paris or europe or anybody else, and there are controlling your lives. This way guess those liable,
did you ever think that they would outlaw the combustion engine and cars that use gasoline shutting down oil fields, natural gas, fracking fracking was a tremendous technological advancement after fifty years, trying. We finally became energy independent now we're going to be dependent on the communist chinese and electrical grid. That does not have the capacity to We would. All of these fools are telling us needs to be done. This is what she means when he said The west and especially united states, are in decline. This is what he means it's worse than and decline were committing suicide. It's the suicide of the united states, and I should be a little bit more specific about this We committing it. It's the democrat party committing it.
dragging us all, along with them to the top of the building they insist. We jump off with them, this entire climate change it is a way to circumvent representative government, the constitution, statutory solidarity, the science they are finally figured out a way to control ass. They control the to me, and that is where regularly being the air we want. The air to be clean were regulating the climate, and, if you don't, if you don't surrender more of your power to us more of your liberty, more of your mobility, more the things that you have acquired from your hard work. If you don't rendered these things and listen to us. We're gonna have droughts and floods and hurricanes and earthquakes in tornadoes the likes of which we ve never seen before here. Not for that are you.
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about the middle trimester. The first try master, they said hands off, got it one dobbs was overturned correctly by the supreme court. The Democrats in the Senate voted on a bill that would not have five Roby way that would have codified abortion right up to birth. Without many limitations allow by any states and in fact, botched abortions. You wouldn't be wired to try and save the baby that was actually born. Now that doesn't sound like codifying road in a desert to you not even those market. Thanks for your strong stand for life, you know you're not known each other. on time on pro life. I don't apologize for it and it does seem like the vienna summit, our party-
I do want to shy away from this issue, bought what the bottom line is. The Democrats position on abortion is the extremist position. They not only support abortion all the way up to the moment of birth mark. They support taxpayer funding of abortion up to the moment of birth And- and I, for my part, you know all always stand for the sanctity of life. The foundation I created in washington d c is weighed in to this abortion pill case. My hope is that the supreme court does the right thing in overturns the ba approval and we get the abortion tail off the market, but not at the end. Day, I truly believe that at the american people believe in the sanctity of life, they'll be debates about where that line is drawn. I believe life begins, it conception knows you do bought, but the extremists in this debate are the democrats
and present a Joe Biden. And- and I think I think the key going forward is making sure the american people understand just how the real extremists are, and why do we again. Have such difficulty. Explaining this I see Nancy mace on tv. Why doesn't she least say with the Democrats. Are actually for because there are not for codifying oh, which would be bad enough. Therefore, watch it on demand right up to birth, which means partial birth, abortion, which means sucks, brains out of the baby, torturing, the baby, the maybe has feeling? Why doesn't she Putting these things went out the rest of them count for it? I really can't, because you know, as I traveled around country. I have seen that men and women in the twenty two mid term elections, just wanna talk of politics in the past What took you I mean. You know me well enough that the politics of this are secondary to me. I I think the cause of life,
the cause of our time pan with the three supreme court justice, is appointed during the trumpets administration, where we ve given the and people a new beginning for life. We turn this question to the states to the american people. have an opportunity to restore the sanctity of life to the centre of american law. But if you want to think about the politics of this, you know there is this Do you go on a round that that it's a loser? The Democrats in those millions of dollars in the ears we saw looking very closely at these races round the country mark in that is there that republicans have shied away from the issue? Ok or or let democrats define their position, did not farewell. but republicans who leaned into the issue with principle an compassion did very well and they did well in in states and in congressional districts all across the country. I was, I was in des moines iowa back in iowa this weekend,
The mine I will work where Zack main all they did was run about abortion as against that man who has about eight the full children worthy and his wife, and he just went on television, and he said each uproar life is at an end, it, he had come straight from our hard and we love children. Any express compassion for women facing crisis pregnancies committed support for them, new born said. The same stance is the unborn, and now I mean the citizen. Is congressmen zack main in in what was one of the most competitive races in the country's somewhat? That's my view. Is our people don't understand that when you stand on principle and you express it with compassion The american people will rally to the cause of life. That's talk a bit about foreign policy? Let's talk about Israel? in iran and sober this administration has destroyed what.
president an and you did in the middle east- absolutely burned it up with the abraham. Words and so forth. You had the iranian regime on its on its backing comically the people had risen up, they were divided. Try Now we have saudi arabia. Cuttin deals with ran around then deals with china and russia rose? Getting push again. Europe is now threatening to take tel Aviv and- and I think they said hi for blow them off the face of the earth cursor within an eyelash of newts. This administration be more incompetent and outrageous in the way they have conducted themselves boy. You know you, you know how to ask the hard questions. That's a hard question. I don't know if there could be more incompetent. I mean some people ask me as I've traveled around the country, the last two years, if you said, did you know it would be? This
they honestly mark. I thought to be bad. I've known Joe by prolonged and was, I didn't know, Be this bad anonymous had not only you know at home with record inflation, a crisis at the border. All of these he's driven by their liberal socialists policies, but on a foreign stage, the abdicate sure of american leadership, whether a beer world, whether it be it in the phases the disastrous withdraw from africa. stand that embolden authoritarian regimes. Third, the planet, whether it be the failure to stand unambiguous lee, with our most cherished allies with alike. I really do What you're witnessing is a vacuum, Leadership on the world stage leadership That we provided under our The situation that that that was I'll do it in that the first major peace agreement in the Middle EAST.
in twenty five years in the abraham reports, and now we have china negotiating brokering peace treaties, but in saudi Arabia and around, and ran continuing the manners continued, very rich and radio and, of course, our russia's unprovoked, aggression and war in ukraine that you spoken out so eloquently on obstinate firmly on it An american leadership and support could ukrainian military. But what you want you? The thing here is a vacuum: it isn't it isn't. the old american leadership is the absence american leadership on the world stage. You just like nature abhors a vacuum on the world stage, accurate will be filled and it will not be filled by the friends of freedom. Are you the limit. Let me ask you this, concern by a rising tide of pacifism in isolationism within the republican party, as I am, that is
I'm not saying we intervene everywhere. There would be insane It would be immoral. But on the other hand, I'm saying when it's a clear case of good against evil that does in fact, effect our allies in us. You speak, at about it you're not equivocal any, certainly don't take the wrong side and I'm talk about russia and ukraine right I am concerned, and you know it be a little more than a year ago, Karen and I actually one month the initiation hostilities travelled from all. with a relief group into ukraine. We went to a relief center arc. I saw sites, I never thought I'd other than in black and white films from the twenty twentieth century century mean women of every age, children of every age, all their earthly possessions on their backs that they carry fleeing. from the unconscionable and unprovoked. Russian invasion and look, I believe, america,
as the leader in you hold your thought of their arsenals. Democracy. Can you who I thought we have a heart right. I don't want to miss your comments on this. vice president? My pants will be right, back, don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon. Eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick: the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer? That's why you should be too You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed data
well backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions apply. You can see this site for details. The comeback? America? I thought it was important that the former vice president pence be able to finish his thoughts on russia, and ukraine go right ahead, sir, thanks a lot more than thanks for your strong stamp unama. Diana followed your work over the last year on this issue like led lights, stipulate far some in as americans. Like George Washington said, we We had a long history of wanna, go avoid foreign entanglements John Quincy Adams
donation, which should not quote, go abroad seeking mars there's two destroy bought united five as an ronald reagan, as you remember, articulate The state of the union address what came to be known as the reagan doctrine, which was, if your will The communists in your country will give it to me. To fight him there, so we don't have to fight him here and it was part and parcel of the mare in policy that led to the collapse of the soviet, union and I believe For the same reason, we must continue to provide the ukrainian military with the resources. That they need to repel, russian invasion and restore their sovereignty. Now you you talk about eight year term, now growing isolationism,
some quarters of the republican party like I will tell you. I think that is, I think, that's largely born of the utter incompetence or the bite administration, and it's almost, I think, people look at the fact that the bite administration has been slow in providing arms to ukrainian military. For Heaven's sake, we promise, thirty three abrams tags in january, its April twentieth right now in their santa may, take another year to get the tanks there, but by says the new state of the union address then we're gonna, be there quote as long as it takes a mark? You and I both know it shouldn't take them many were aware that later the free world wouldn't wig marshall, a coalition of countries that are making historic investments, military equipment for ukraine, where the arsenal of democracy, given but they need they repel the russian invasion My last thought is body. Who were who thinks that poland, which stopped at the overtook? You cry, rank ass
We say here in indiana, another think common of method a blocked the money. I know what this guy is made of, and I'm also met president I'll, tell you what you see. You see crane collapse, into the hands of the russian military. I think you will only in olden she and the chinese communist to not only move after taiwan but to continue to extend their military provocations across the asia pacific, providing the leadership, providing the support. Ukrainians make the fight as I like, say: ukraine is not a war, but freedom is our fight, one Thing on your point here, MR vice presidents, this People say it's all the way over there what's left to do. This us me, ask you this: how many major wars of started in Kansas. How many major wars restarted in Indiana? How many did your wars have started in
continental united states none other than the revolutionary war, obviously a couple of wars early on they civil war, but I'm saying is the kind of mine said that his gotten us and a world wars in the past? Your point Putin's novelist the ukrainian cut through ukraine and then he's gone after poland. Who knows that the poles know what that's why they're porn all their military in the ukraine and honour on and on exactly right? The way I see this and you don't have to agree with me to me, is the battle of ukraine. They were ready in world war. Three, it's a cold war. You ve got the act, as they are now with china, russia, iran in north korea. This is one battle now they're watching you see how goes then they did get Taiwan that they may Israel who knows, but this this formal opposition is already being created. It's not like you take one. create a time we have allies, we have nato and that
my concern, but anyway I know you need to go, and I want to thank you for your ok. I'll tell you, though it is an old saying: weakness arouses evil weakness of the Biden. Administration on the foreign stage has emboldened the enemies of freedom, around the world and we make this stand here. We have a quieter twenty first century you lose their stand, pretty soon that russian military is gonna find themselves somewhere where we have to say and american forces where we have treaty rick arm under nato- that's why I'm amateur continue as you ve been so so clarion and so I just more coming to continue to be a voice, being a leader, the free world be near arsenal, democracy and standing with those courageous fighters in ukraine. Until they repel the russian invasion and and reclaim their country. I think you may great point earlier to about by, I think, a lot of our folks. see him as a very weak commander in chief any kind of under
the argument. We do at least an end, It doesn't help us at all, while state save sir. You take care of yourself and thank you very much. For coming on! Thank you, margaret beyond our I'd. Take care yourself. Am I It's funny when I bang mind me home, I get I don't know why. It kills me kill you when you bang your knee, I'm asking jessica over. mac, kill you when you're bang, yet my knee you can hit me in that ass. The shoulder, maybe even the knee high, my tongue, whereby this somebody's gonna come been hit me in the knee and by the way. If you do every one up to me says geezer bigger than I thought that's correct. I'm bigger than you thought They right a hundred percent. I know I want to get back to something I want to get too pbs and he
at a hearing today, and you know this guy actually believes that our role it's our tunnels are bridges are infrastructures racist because You may not know, there's all bridges, roads and tunnels go through minority areas like palace in ohio, which is almost all white and republican, never that train the derailed us. Does anybody still remember that Joe Biden has not found time to go there? If we called ireland he'll show up, I don't know, but listen, He built judge at a hearing today. This is the kind of idiocy that we have to put up with cut five go we're animal, of both profound challenge, an historic opportunity for? U S, transportation. Now, listening What ego these guys our challenge. An historic opportunity on american transportation now are not guess, build a few roads had tunnels, you jerk, and this guy
Anyone keep track of the airlines, the trains even this stuff, that's already out there. he's, got no experience in anything much like hunter by much like the entire by administration, profound, challenging opportunities that we have today. Ladies and gentlemen,. we're talking my roads for crying out loud go ahead. Our transportation systems are still grappling with the consequences of the pandemic. Climate change. Wait a bit our train participation. Systems are grappling with the pandemic. No people grapple with a pandemic row don't grappled with a pandemic. Besides what the hell is he talking about go ahead, vestment industries have become more concentrated, often slashing staff in leaving this rate, and thank you for nothing.
This is one of the guys and wants to be praised. Look at their bench. He got this jerk who can get the trains run on time it muzzle. We need to do that. Then you get. City had newsome in California. California is a beautiful state. It's hard for people leave this day cause it's beautiful. That government is horrific. The democrats her pathetic they make it impossible for people to stay here. They destroy them schools? They destroy their communities. They support criminals and the would be criminals. Their environmental regulations are really economic regulations intended to destroy entrepreneurship. There is no more beautiful state. I'm just being honest. I mean I kept got. We we have homes in virginia and florida, but there's no more beautiful state than california. There is
more still bed government than in california. That's the problem, so look at their bench. Newsome knows he's fell at everything. Put his yes he's fail at every and they say this is the farm team who asked? Are they a club archer who treat your staff like like crap, and when you raise it? Oh, you must be a massage. Now you must be a jerk and we go down the list. Of course. Does anybody remember Rosa the laurel, the congresswoman from kinetic. I would normally say something in the privacy my home about her, but I won't say it here on the year. My goal is not to be provocative, of course. In any event,
This really has no role to anything but then the mindset of the left cut six go. You also to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding that would accelerate and develop mentioned. This is an area of written to you about of the use of female dummy in crash testing. This will start to the gender inequity among vehicle safety? A crash victims? Let's see she's written to you a lot. This would be brutish about use a female dummies in crash testing. This will start to fight these. Gender inequality among vehicle safety and crash victims. I'm trying to fit
the gender inequality among vehicle safety crash zed mean there needs to be more vehicle crash victims were female. Is I would she's what is she said or needs to be more crap dummies who are female because that's inequitable- and this is in front of her of her brain lobe this is this- is this is at the forefront of her thinking I want to make sure I heard there I can you play that again, cut six. Go you also planting important investments. To address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding, that would accelerate the d. I mention this is an area of written to you about of the use of female dummy, and crash testing. This will start the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims.
By all means, then, let's have more female dummies and crash testing. So all of you are liberal females. You may want to be used He's crash events because you need to be a dummy. I don't get it you think you ve, heard everything and then another Democrat opens her mouth and then you know you haven't and watch word female mean to kill you finally were a female is no, they can't. I mean they can, but they walk. So what are we supposed to do and I I would say this to the algae, bt, q, community weren't. You object this shouldn't. We have some transgender gendered dummies and crash testing to adjust. Female dummies transgendered dummy such cover, the whole male dummies he dummies transgender dummies question Dummies lies
in dummies, bisexual dummies, the whole dummy list- buying dummies. You know the whole thing. What am I doing? Ok right back then: don't fall for their free phone dea's from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose.
A variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed. Data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast directions. Apply. You can see this site for details around a divine is always superb and choose a piece. The new post here times opinion easter, Michel Goldberg complained bitterly this week that she attract all the. Two Wilmington delaware. At the brutal hour of seven, a m to watch the noone versus fact, news tat. The fox news defamation trail only for the poor it is too subtle. Be further show began. Deeply disappointing was her reaction.
But here's a thought all the disappointed me Yeah operatives huddled at wilmington superior court like Goldberg and see and ends crestfallen. Oliver darcy ali. could make themselves useful and the president's hometown. Yes, they couldn't to get a story that is bigger than watergate but which they have painfully avoided or downplayed from us three years Biden: family, corruption,. And the associated cover up, including by the fbi of big tech. After all, oversight and judiciary committees have given them plenty of ammunition, take the bombs, This week from former acting sierra director MIKE morale In a sworn interview. Marilla admitted it was Joe Biden presidential campaign that prompted the infamous in which morale and fifty fellow former intel officials falsely claim that material from hunter binds laptop published by the post. Before that
What do twenty election was russian disinformation sources in that house german judiciary committee of confirms, or in other words. Biden knew his British knew all about the laptop put out lies to the american people for the election to affect the outcome. the media bought into a because they wanted to have the media poligized. No will they now report on it? No tony blanket now sectaries state was the Biden campaign foreign affairs advised who urgently phone morale and october twenty twenty to suggest the laptop was a russian plant quote. We can prove that the entire purpose of this letter at the outset was too floods, a presidential election with some of the most senior people who have ever been in our intelligence. community, using the imprimatur of their security clearance, is to pave the way for Joe Biden
presidency says congressman matt gates, he told Steve Bannon on his podcast Around our CBS contributor, hey sixty minutes scoop back yard was deposed. swayed by the house judiciary select committee on the weapon cessation of the federal government. He admitted that after the coffee, blinkem. He solicited signatures forehead writer from fifty other former intel officials, so lincoln, was behind it, which means Biden was behind it, the lighter published in political or not by nineteen twenty twenty two weeks before the election falsely claimed that emails from the laptop published by the post quote at all the classic the remarks of a russian disinformation operation, Moscow will pull steps to do everything possible to our trump wind and order weakened. and you should he win now
see CBS and all the other news operations so called as others mediocre right and media matters, right, americans, where's. All your communications on the story where's all your emails and texts and notes and all the rest would you please make them available. Jake, tapir, faked, sour lemon. All of you, the latter was used by buying three days later in his final debate against drop to deflect back about his family's involvement in influence paddling internet.
the broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin. Here are a number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one Three, eight one one, my friend kellynch conway, was on my friend my record low, The fox news, channel, and she was saying that descend to spend too much time of a cultural wars and my friend cuddle apparently fell. That he'd gone too far was going too far with disney. I could not agree with either of them more
I disagree with either of them more. Why. Because the culture wars need to be fight and there's no such thing as fighting them too hard or too often, because we are surrounded by this poison. You have a governor whose willing to stand up and fight them in comes under enormous criticism for it. He should. Come under criticism from public goods in servitors, but he does particularly establishment republicans its preposterous. So if I were to say this, I would ignore their advice at that: their establishment, I'm talking about others like. Christy and so far, but I would ignore all their advice and to keep fighting it. We don't want this crap. This cancer in our classrooms
And the culture is devouring us and he is the to stand up to their seized the guts to stand up to a company that is based, It los angeles, California, that is pushing the agenda of its chairman was a radical, damn, crash fundraiser or donor bob Agur and that, that cooperation should not be telling us in Florida what to do in our classrooms. You looked at arkansas we talked about this last week in asia, hutcheson who did absolutely nothing fight what walmart did their classrooms and they de! I all over the place now, and then again and so forth. This isn't about little hits on tv and he's taking. much criticism and and disney big it small government now.
And I'll say one other thing too. do you remember who ran against gerald ford and nineteen? Seventy six. Does anybody remember who ran against him and the republican primary I'm here at the reckon rant centre, that's a pretty good hint! Isn't it ronald Reagan who was governor from sixty six to seventy four california. decided to take on a sitting republican president. A sitting republican president any was attacked for this, and so are the people who support it. Supportive in pennsylvania, a handful of us did. He should waiters turn. She getting in line. Who does he He is he's gonna I stress the presidency now of course Carter, one but
What was going to lose and no disrespect to the fort family, but he was terrible. So it's not an exact parallel, but with all due respect telling descent is that he is away again. I don't think as accurate or even good advice unless he chooses to way. Lots of things can happen in four years, a whole lot. People come on the horizon, something had happened with family that it causes somebody to decide not to run. They have to take her. There could be a thousand different things these things play out, so let him play out, but I dont think in a trap is taking advice from descent supporters, and I dont think its particularly wise for two scientists to take advice from trumps. Support
just saying that, and nobody, take advice from Chris Christie because he's a bloated buffoon, he just is, but if they think the argument that the scientists is fighting too hard to defend america's morality, to defend american values, took to defend the belief. system of the american people to protect children and the Why yes room then they spending way too much in washington dc on tv. That's just my opinion. These are strengths, not weaknesses, strengths, The attorney general merrick garland is the senior an official and a hundred by an irish whistle, blower acclaimed. There's a big deal, new york post
Stephen now send you won't see, there's on media I'd, media matters- see a b c c b s tourney general merit garland is the unnamed official, whose sworn testimony before congress is being challenged bomb shall letter from an eye. S whistle blowers attorney that also alleges a cover up and though hunter Biden, criminal investigation This does learned attorney. Mark little wrote stay that the long time iris employed, not just an employee, senior advisory, criminal division, vesta gator assigned to the hunter buying case civil servant has been around for years. Apparently. He's saying that they contradict
sworn testimony to congress by senior political pointy that it was garland and he also detail preferential trade. in the criminal. Probably the first son garland if corrupt s o b, that's what he is. He is furious he didn't get on the supreme court, and this is pay back. The whistle blower already made disclosures to the inspectors general of the tree trained justice departments, but due to a cork of federal law, he needs congressional, we need a more fully described as allegations to his own lawyers, which he wants to do before. tests to find a lawmakers. Garland has repeatedly claimed under oath. that delaware? U s attorney David Weiss hold over is The criminally charge hunter bind without the permission of other justice department leaders, despite republicans challenging the factual accuracy. The claim
garland in April, twenty twenty two told senator bill, Haggerty, very good guy- that there will not be fears of any political or proper kind in the investigation of hundred by and bye weiss, The supervisor of this investigation said garland, adding we put the starvation in the hands of a trump appointee from the previous shipment. duration who's. Your attorney for the district delaware in march? Senator chuck Rashly press garland over whether wife was truly bring charges without the approval justice department officials, specifically if the alleged crime outside delaware in April, twenty two. You testify to senator Haggerty that the hundred binding investigation was insulated from political interference. because I was assigned, as you just told me, to the delaware, to turn his office gradually said at the time. Well,
back to be misleading, said gradually that can be mislead with special council authority. He could need permission of another. U s attorney had certain circumstances to bring charges sighed, the district, delaware, which is true, and he said, I want you to clarify this: you're, a garland of former federal judge, replied the wisest able to charge hundred buying even for crimes that occurred outside delaware sleep press, those the delaware. U s attorney lack independent charging already over certain criminal allegations against the president: on outside of delaware fits in another. Is turkey, would have to bring the case in another district, but I said I promise to ensure he's able carry it out, it would need permission. A main justice now to another I was an attorney. I was the chief of staff to the attorney general. That's all I know.
Giving false testimony to congress can be a crime punishable up to five years. Now they to throw to throw the bucket garland cause he's, throwing the book a trump and their thrown the book, a trap for something much less significant than this much less significant than this many general is a liar. This Why he's always ambiguous. And always misleading in the way that he describes things And we have a huge problem there at the department of justice. It's a big deal back then
america. We talk about north korea, often north korea, as a whole, because the people there are treated worse than animals. The head of the state on is the Ran son of the stalinist leader, who was installed by june. Of stolen those people, I really treated worse than any other people in the face of the earth. Further time and The sea sector defence rumsfeld wants showed the american people on his computer screen or on a map at white north korean south korea, north korea was totally black and salary was lit up with electricity. Now, your own,
park has written an unbelievable book, she's a north korean defector and her books while time remains a north korea defectors search for freedom in america? It's my bag because I wanted to have her on this programme and in they're, so she doesn't know they said I'd like ever on. My tv show as well. You owe me: how are you my wonderful thank for her? me and saw on earth it's my honour. Let's take this step Step tell us how you you were born how you are gaped came to america here. the boy in the northern part of north korea in ninety. Ninety three and it's really when that north korea is greatest famine began. I'll, be north Korea really seen. Del bodies on the streets were like thing: trees, people, I am from malnutrition,
and the re use of managing to control the people Eventually, when I was thirteen years old, I grab surviving north korea. Eating grass offers dragonfly, send plans And we could anyone find that so I escaped north korea when I was thirteen I in two thousand and seven into china, then what as soon as I crossed the yalu river into china. The first thing that happened to me was mother being wait for me, and then we heard that they were going to set us like life stocks because of chinese one china policy they had china had like millions of women. There were lacking, therefore, were selling north korean women like men.
my mother, a force as sex slaves to chinese man, and that's how my mother was sold for sixty five dollars. and they saw me for over twenty dollars as the charge of origin, so your mom was raped you were molested too. I guess, memory, sad events, yeah yeah, then. How did you get out a china? Or can you not tell us I lived there as a thick slavery of this man for three years. During two years I was able to find my mother back and we eventually met missionaries from south korea? were risking their lives, are investing north korean women like us and they tore. Does There was a way out and to be fee, and
Then how did he do that and they said we had to go south korea and as we didn't have any passport and your fugitives, they said we had to walk across the first gourbi desert a minus forty degrees saw, I caused Colby desert through my mother and some other people when I was fifteen years old Into does mine and that's how I became free, and You have a warning in this book, to the american people? First He came to america, where in america, did you it's all in your book by the way he came to america where in america did you go came to america very first time to tailor texas to study a bible, but and I had to go back to korea and a second time when I came
America TAT was new york city to study at columbia, university the book by the way is while time remain say: north korean defectors search for freedom in america. It's a very, very important book. It's on all my social sites. Right now get it at amazon dotcom. I would encourage you to do that sooner: the better so you go to colombia. and you go there probably eyes wide open your very excited in what happened in colombia. So I mean going to columbia. University was beyond what I could ever comprehensive was beyond dream. I was excited, go to a place, where I could learn how to think, but the first day, very first that I got there, I literally couldn't very well what's happening, the things that professors swore teaching it
The indoctrination was actually worse than north korean classrooms. There were a thing identical them: some minority granted taught me to brainwash me naraskin classroom, for example, they professors at columbia towards me that the problems they be having to work right now is because of greedy capitalism and the white men, only solution for these problems, easier, dismantling, american system This is the tearing down the constitution and leave The nation, our country, in the name of equity, ecology, welcomes the same idea that drabant north korea into what it is today. This is this is even not surprisingly, it's still unconscious, still repulsive. Please stay with us. I want to pursue this further with you. The book is
while time remains a north korean defectors search for freedom in america. It's a wall, Turning to us all america about what's taking place in our own, country will be right back. My friends, only twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study, the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit la
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a refugee from north korea who seating bugs in grand Some plants scapes too. China, with their mother, where they are brutalized, has to get back, in the south, korea and then get the united states. And then shows up get six did in colombia and from day one. Oh, my god look. their teaching here. Their teaching that hate their own country, their promoting marxism. Their attacking quota quote white people. Talking about having to unravel. What's going on in here in amerika, we need to listen to this person and the book while time remains, while time remains? why korean defectors search for freedom in america, so I'd like to ask you How long were you act? Colombia, our powerful, oh you're, doing bachelor degree
for four years and pretty much. Class to another. It was the same kind of propaganda, or am I wrong or silly o'clock? I mean an area about study, They want or thing all kind of narrative where everything what's wrong with the restaurant, single negation and how everybody as oppressed and how we are all victims of this kind of oppression. At the hands of the white dominant societies. I correct y. All what one day I was shocked by one example where my professors wars. How examined the press? How masses erases Annie same thing that my teacher, I told you mean- and I was in north korea- is she won t ask me what is one plus one and I said to her: she felt throng
a year later I discovered that when you were a child eyeing one drop of water, a drop of water, it becomes people one, it does not become too and that's how he proved math was made. by white men who control the minorities. So, in other words, it go ahead. I which go. who is exactly the same thing, we're even math is being questioned, there's no more truth anymore. Everything is objective, so to control the mine. They control the language in the thought process: correct accession on the things that we can. Then, while we are not allowed to say a colombia where have amendments amendment to our constitution, to support our freedom of speech. However, at columbia university, they say something called this space and because of this trigger warning that profession He applaud that. We are not allowed to say many things, bad enough,
There is no way of rights. We re of chain exchanging ideas on campus, so there's is not really academic freedom. There's not intellectual curiosity in debate its more indoctrination I, what you're saying poland are cashing camp were exactly like north korean education programme. if can wear it brainwash you and take you individual faculties and take the ability to critical thinking. So once you gotta colombia, you have to join. This could think otherwise. Big it and make then they're going to kick out from the university may never. I was trying to question my approach faster. So when said, there's no they first became men and women and when I become a woman. I, like professor, that's, not true she sat on the you are brainwashed to me. the challenge of her now kid so dear
The idea that were at their teaching them how to thank you for libel, mutually tell you what to think not No, where you came from the day. No your background. I tried to blame for that occasional and every single time they said, but that, and brainwash and are right before the class they stand up in there or that we are trying to have a safe space. Therefore, we cannot talk about the things that is triggering to others to them. So there's many topics that was all already off the table before even the start of class. Yet because, when I went to college could challenge the professor, you could challenge the books, he could challenge each other. It was the process and you're saying that's not at all how it works at columbia now, not at all. It is the auto about the emotional safety. If a bad trying not to anybody
and I want you really confused, I'm coming from the part of the world that things are last day physically, but Colombia is all about protecting your feeling, the feelings dominant eric young, it dominates the logic, in fact, and truth be more. Important days how you feel you know, and my classmates kameido press and I dont know. now you're safe, because I was not able to incorporate their pronouncing. My english friends, is a because either In english, any king here and they'll crashing was I was not able to you apply This pronoun pointers in my sentences fine. I just want to get a perspective here. What is your age and three twenty nine years ago now you're twenty nine years old. Now you ve look back on this and since your book has come out,
any body in the illustration of colombia or any of the professors tried to contact. You the prize me nobody, but, however, I've been reaching reached by a lot of our night, only thing, and so many of them now, then that's how they said but because of their day are there. They have cooperate job then days that they cannot pick out and not a clue. and they were standing in the lot of private imports and However, they they savena. Of course they understand why they could be gallagher pine when you were, there is a student, whether other students who try to speak out or where they live, talking to you saying, I'm afraid to speak out or where they all of the hard laughter? What. This is where I get really chair, like in north korea, because
bye, bye everywhere. The first thing my mom toward them as the younger was so evil least, but because the bird and life could hear me fight, I one One thing: while he was going to clear up to eight it has a life and when he saw me quota collected the gear and I was lying I'll, kill you and a generations, yes, because one person crime on the code of collective guilt, We do that today in america. Now I have a son who is half why they call him that he privileged and here the white gig and he punished for you, think, that's just crime for something that he never saw. America become like north korea every day, but colombia. Nobody really toiling meagre asher, genuine puny, because a lot of them were afraid to be kicked out or being marked. The waiter saw I really did not know anybody who thought like me at the time, and that was the saddle.
because of the fear that we are back Then you and more long we're being honest with each other and having discussion about how we actually back I've always said on the radio that car judging university or the last stitches. of stalinism in the united states, although there not the last vestiges any more by deciding that sounds like you, this was stalinism. or korea style hundred percent a song some fun it's worse, because in north korea courses think aware of the need to know we need the party beside the one is a truth. Any sapling america, small class of the ruling elite in each seated, like neil I'm gonna go and lay there. They started running the woman. What the true, but in some senses, about accession on
that surely be in children their accession on getting rid of women and men. They say I hadn't of fact north korea, faint then that thing occur in america winning farther than one. Korea when the truth, that's amazing because at least to north korea or saying they know a man from a woman and they dont debate it I couldn't if that were the biggest convention, I I had to fight. Or that men and women are different in north korea is a would call on them I I feel so bad for the people of north korea. The way that their treated the way that their starved get to live like human beings. Do they know
They don't even know the way, love because regime oppressed us down much. They even the concept of love and liberty and human life from us, and I assume they ve destroyed the nuclear family. They have destroyed the idea of a husband and wife and children and so forth. Why o o? that our only existence could become a good revolutionary for the parties for the communist party, and the first thing my teacher told me was that father my biology, her father was nineteen point. I had been report on anything done, some basic issues, my teacher, the most important father that I had worked. My creature father, which was my dear leader, so families are also report on it.
other when you don't have what a fence we only have a word to combat when your comrade is different thing: men being friends, so a human being united in north korea When you hear politicians in america or the head teachers unions say parents should not be involved in the education of their children of that decision, teachers, should make another word said the state should make. Does I caution cringe thing pack. To that end, we dictatorship. separating chew them from their parents indoctrinate and then radicalized them and even the chinese culture revolution that those kids pointing out in their pull factors than their parents. So I think, tat,
the happening, is it over the pillars, the handbook they are following those exact? That's the others, to follow. America is cutting every thought stages and in to become like north korea, and it's not. Coincidences it. It's we have people are, messrs, like a colombian soforth who are literally indoctrinated people to think like this, now yeah really harbouring pull the plug clearly, we have to believe this to survive. Otherwise there have gone pointing to our head in sounds in america. They are choosing their own fleet died following here, ain't nobody gonna to their heads choosing to commit suicide innovation? And that's what you my colored, jimmy that collectively
they just decided called lad and destroy their country. It is the first country in human jerry and then you are determined to be destroyed in the name of anyone, know what listening thank you were at a time. You are absolutely fantastic. I'm gonna bring on my fact show as well to have this discussion. You're very courageous, but you ve been through his horrific and god bless for being in america? Take carry yourself thank your family I have read a lot of your folks to thanks for everything you do for labour in america and you kind. Thank you take care of yourself. The book is, while time remains a north korean defectors, urge for freedom in america. You get it at amazon, dot com. any one of my social plan, I'm, says well, we'll be right,
as africa dimension all showed this sunday, life liberty and Levin. The number one show don't miss it. It's I exclusive interview with donald trump he'll say when you mean exclusive hannity, tat, listen, Only about his book, its letters to try you're, not gonna, believe these letters there can be the first time discussed from Oprah from Obama from Next sin reagan all kinds of people sports entertainment, people. You know some. You dont know what they said about him in the past alack Baldwin and his boxes and I use those letters has away to ask questions about current events about past
and about, is his belief, and so forth, and so on. It really is completely unique type of an interview and, of course I let him speak, which also makes at nice that's this sunday, a pm eastern five pm pacific some pm central, and you know your own time. I want to thank the folk said yes the reagan ranch centre at the reagan ranch. I want to thank you all for what a what for time. We're having here, don't forget If liberty and levine on sunday, a pm eastern fuck it in baby. You can always use your dvr, and most of all, you, the american people, I still have you there. Thank you. and I'll, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-22.