« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/20/21


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts, his actions were sickening, this is not appropriate or normal police conduct. Rep. Maxine Waters and President Biden have not been held accountable for their incendiary comments. This case is not indicative of all police interactions in inner cities. The police aren't killing unarmed people all over the inner city -- people in the inner city are killing people in the inner city. The majority of Americans wanted justice in this case. Most agreed that George Floyd was murdered so what were the riots for? No one believed that Chauvin was going to walk, what happened was wrong and justice has been done. Yet, Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Ellison, says that this verdict wasn't justice, it was solely accountability. Later, Chief James Craig of the Detroit Police Department calls in to reject what Rep. Rashida Tlaib said about abolishing all police. Chief Craig shared that his officers have been under attack more than ever. He added that he appreciated the support he receives for his police work from the majority of people he's encountered across the country.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundreds, seventy fifth year hills. Is, a truly independent institution, where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting a mermaid underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader at the thought of her right now we will be taking calls for a while so organist,
at the top here we're going to start at the beginning. Now may twenty fifth, a year ago we all So that video- and we were all appalled by the video all of us. And I think there is any question, as we talked about the other day,. that this former officer was gonna, be found guilty of one form, a murder or another, I am quite surprised that he was found guilty on all three charges. but certainly wasn't going to escape responsibility. So the Minnesota law is right a certain way too urges were made the jury,
rob took place and he was convicted. I want to mention a couple of things about this. That process that took place in the courtroom, ladies and gentlemen, that process that took place in thy Cora, set up by our founding fathers. The founding fathers of the various states and the founding fathers of the nation. Everybody sang the system, works. I heard Keith Alison, the attorney general of Minnesota turn this into a left wing system. Problem speech, which it's not. In fact, the prosecutors in this case were very careful not to condemn Police and not to get into systemic police. Privilege or wherever they occur,
They avoided it altogether his they should have. And they would have muddied up their case. So Don't need to hear from the politicians ought only to hear from our shark and I don't need to hear from Keith Alison Job now get to him in a minute. To people who are so thrilled tonight. that was a complete conviction on every camp. and at least for now there isn't riding are Joe Biden Maxie Wars, because what, by Did today and what Maxine Waters did the other day is simply appalling, absolutely appalling More on that, in a moment. so we don't have the sentencing yet.
But he's guilty on all counts and he will spend a very, very long time in prison, perhaps the rest of his life, if not most, of his life. and then when we hear now we're going to move on to the Dante Right case. The atom Toledo case. if they're all the same. As if they're all the same dino murder in this country in the major cities is up fifty six percent. Do you know the names of all those people who been murdered? Why have they retire about. Why aren't their families ever talked about? Why doesn't the president call any of them? That is their families, We never see them, we never hear than we don't know who they are. I told you Chicago last weekend too, Shootings five deaths, including a little kid
seven years old, murdered in her car Waller any drive through it, Mcdonald's, please. Brutality is not what killing people in the inner cities People in the inner cities is what killing people in the inner cities. I don't need to hear lectures from attorney General Keith Ellison. That's a fact. And the other thing here is These politicians who speak they don't represent. Everybody in these communities. There was a gallop Paul done. Here too, a guy like note, was done and eyes Vast majority of minorities. majority. People of color in these communities want the police there and they want local police there, the vast majority of them- and they say
Bigger percentage want most of them; that is more of them. So we have politicians who want to turn this into a war on the cops. I want to turn this into a systemic issue and want to turn this into a court a race theory issue. It's not. And that's why people get upset about this? A lot of Americans get upset about this. They want Cop, like this convicted and they want to come, like this to do time, but what they're not accepting is the broad brush attack. What our police department in the broad brush attack and push by the privilege, propaganda crowd, and yet there is no escaping.
They should not be used to advance a radical political agenda, Defending the p police are slashing their budgets or tumblr, White dominated society. What just took place in that the courtroom people on that jury. The Leap Cuba was a white guy, the judge was a white guy. the due process system. There is a due process system that was supported by our founding fathers, whether of the stay Or the government federal government. And not a word is said about nothing. This has nothing to do with the Dante Right case, the Adam too. The case the way The left throws all these cases together, make their their argument about the system.
The slaughter that's going on in our cities, nothing to do with the cops everything the do. The people who are doing. You can't watch that video over nine minutes with George Floyd cannot get sick to your stomach. You came Begging for his life, we all talked about it. We heard parts of it played here on the radio and tv. Begging for his life, saying he can't breathe, calling out to his mother. then watching the breath go out of the skies lungs. I mean it. You can't watch that. And draw any other conclusions. But then, when you watch the riders. And the looters than the arsonists.
It's a long story. can't watch that either without being repulsed. They can't watch that either. I mean notes to myself. To listen to the Minneapolis Mayor fry he's a disgrace. Maxie water should be expelled from the House of Representatives. You know what happened today: the Republican move to censure her. He's meet the censure her the Democrats blocked a motion of censure was blocked by the Democrats. This Democrats, whom Peach Donald, who said nothing like what water said, after that congressmen, fur tweets and fair, but come, and she may before. She was even elected.
Maxie waters calls for violence all the time and she's protect By the Democratic party, cheese protected by the Democratic Party. Joe Biden comments today we're pulling, he said, not there a good deal because the jury was sequestered now it is a big deal and I want to talk about that too. I have serious problems with the way this judge handle this case. I think the outcome was Right in the sense that he was found guilty, I don't know if he should have been found guilty of all those counts. But it doesn't matter, the jury did with the jury. Did any clearly was guilty of taking George Floyd's life. where they contributed to it. I didn't contributor, that's fine! What he did.
Certainly resulted in his death. So don't call me and pretended didn't, don't call me and pretended didn't. The defence had a hell of a time and there's a for that matter? What he was introduced here, put your knee. On somebody s neck, the back of the neck. With that And cut behind their backs. But the full weight of your body on the back of the neck, for over nine minutes. The guys begging for his life. and just say, while you know that's the technique, we use no, its not know it's that's why we don't have case. If the case, you have two that when you make argument like that. playing right into their hands. Of key Alison and others. These are one off cases? No, that's not what cops do that's not what cops, though They don't put their knees when the backers somebody's neck, while their hair CUP he's down on the ground and said
their over nine minutes, while some pleading for their life. Another case, certainly familiar with it. So now is not appropriate or normal police conduct, so dark they shall give me that bs? I don't want to hear it. You want In a stronger support of cops, then me, but not of that here It was wrong on May twenty fifth, it's wrong! Today,. Nonetheless, this journey, should have been sequestered. I hear some of these former federal prosecutors and defence lorries saying well at least The time of the of the Casey should request that he should have there's this jury from day. One, that's number one number, two really ought to be number one. This tree I should not have taken place in Minneapolis period, so thee
The jurisdiction should not the jurisdiction. The location should have been moved. The jury. should have been sequestered. I stood we believe this. It's not pass, what to expect juries not to watch tv or tax to read stuff like that, you want those pristine system in place due process, the did not happen here, though, I think it's enough overturn, no courts can overturn this no court, for more. If you don't believe these riots in these mobs. don't have some effect on what goes on in that court. Room you're wrong, it's Thirdly, does absolutely does what do you think you're doing what they're doing? What do you think these, Politicians are showing what they're saying they are
I think the system they are threatening the jars they are threatening the judge, their threatening the system. That doesn't mean what took place in the courtroom. And just. What I'm saying was people Praising this judge, I dont praise this judge. the location of this trial should have been moved. The duration been sequestered, it's that simple and if In this case, where the whole world is watching, where politics you're, giving their opinions left and right. then and what case should they happen? If not this case. and so we raise these issues with couple of days ago. Last God, I remembered the days can come together to me. So the ultimate outcome shouldn't
surprise anybody who watch that video, despite the best efforts to the defence. I hear the defences being trash. The defence did everything it. Could it be but everything could how kind Extenuating circumstances, drugs. It big our issue narrow way. This is what defence counsel do. Ok, fine. I just thought the bar for the specific elements of the two bigger charges, were very Great difficult to meet, but it matter, what I thought that he was convicted on three counts. He was we're going to walk period. Not with that video, the video told us a lot UK close your eyes to it. Well, try. well, he had enough bread, venom and enough so bad to say: get your knee off my throat you're killing me I can't breathe. I want my
other I'm dying. And no human being should have to go through that them. No human being should have to face. Can I watch the video anymore. You know that Or when I return, then I know you Freedom, how do I know that good. You listen. My show em my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because here Stale is committed to pursuing truth. funding Liberty, helstone Peaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major and whether it science or music or economics, are business, whatever hills,
Teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digests of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free every month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine from Helstone Back COM. There are no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for wholesale, descended Primus to you for now, every month so soon Receiving in reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love visit, Levine from Helstone Dotcom, that's Levine alleviate for hills, del dot com not show by Gamala Harris are going to speak this evening or tonight about what transpired in the courtroom. I don't think that's appropriate. They can
a comment or issue a statement. But the problem is before there was a very Joe Biden spoke. He wasn't even asked a question related. The answer that he gave and it really is shocking to me. talking about an honor one case Maxie warders who goes into the area to trying to a riot Joe Biden speaking off the cuff, even it a point where the jury sequestered. about what he expects the verdict to be. Overwhelming in his view, which meets the verdict, wasn't what he expected
Maxine waters didn't get what she wanted. They would have been a riot that we can about justice system. Like this. Ladies and gentlemen, we can't have a system like this went out every case. For many of these cases, you're going to have a riot that is going to overhang the outcome and every jury knows it I'll be right back. I know you love freedom. How do I know that Good you listen to my show at my show, and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time because stale is committed to pursuing truth and funding Liberty Helstone peaches, stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major and whether it science or music or economics are business. Whatever hills
teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that for you to, through their free monthly digests of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus. Five point: six million Americans receive. Primus for free every month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine from Helstone Back COM. There are no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for a wholesale, descended Primus to you for a no vote. every month, so so
receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom you love visit, Levine from Helstone Dotcom. That's Levine, alleviate Fray Hills, Dale, dotcom love in making conservatism great again dial in eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one. I can only imagine oppression feeling. So I waited to question. I would say the conversation because, like was good family law, peace matter, what the murder! I wouldn't say that Jerusalem question we have talked to want to know how they were new. Personally it talks about the jury was questioned at the time he spoke, but the potential
writers, weren't sequestered. He gay people a reason to riot. If the word, if this verdict didn't Place maxim waters was encouraging people to ride out, don't spin what she said anymore than people want to spend that video don't say. what she said. She said what she said and everybody knows it. You know that play word games and split hairs when they went after Trump. But in this case we want to play word. Games are split hairs at all. We off and heard Maxine specifically went to the hot hotbed told people, become more confrontational. Everybody knows what she meant and that's not the first time, she's gonna many times before, and the demo That's blocker censure vote on her. I want all you folks. I have a so called moderate Democrat representing you to understand that. They needed a model line up and that we have.
Jim Crow, Joe opening at his big mouth there now they're going to speak tonight. we're all gonna be told about systemic racism, we're all going to be told about systemic police brutality, both of which are lie- and this is why people get frustrated, they wanted to see justice in this case. Ninety nine point: nine percent of America wanted justice. In this case, we all saw what we saw, but Well not be lectured is if we participated in this. So what were the rights for exactly. What were the riots for exactly anti The black lives matter, and so are what were the riots about it after city after we want justice where we had justice. What were the riots war? Would have been justice anyway there, been. Justice anyway did at county pay
Security, look like he wasn't gonna charge, Chauvelin. They keep Allison the attorney general of many Minnesota. He wasn't it get involved and charging Chauvelin Smet of Acta. Here's the deal! Here's that, the whole nation came together. Why blackened and between police? officers or we are together and said that that is a killing. There was no doubt, and then there's riots no say we're tired of this sort of stuff going not writes about murders in our cities which are through the roof, RO the roof, but we want justice everywhere. want to justice, but they wouldn't let the system works, so people rioted, included and burned and killed,
And so now we're supposed to a visceral police forces different proposals by cities by stage by Democrats and Congress, let's this array police Firstly, because the narrative goes on and on and on and on, but you know it's: Trysting, ladies and gentlemen, the same narrative we heard fifty years ago, but today we more diverse police force at any time in our history, a diverse police force we more money, police chiefs and our country that any time in our history, we, Diverse communities than any time in our history. it's, not the nineteen sixty. For a whole century have a century ago. Nobody believed this guy shovel was gonna, be prosecuted. Nobody.
and yet people saying we want justice by doing injustice by harming other people by damaging buildings and private profit they much of which belong to private citizens. What we have as a sort of these neo marxist radical groups that take over these events and use them as a top opportunity to talk about this I make racism system, Police abuse systemic. This there are not there. Not systemic racism, and there is now systemic police abuse. How do I know? I just told you gallop when in many of these communities communities they want, but perhaps it's not even it. Those call they wont load. Our police, and they want them in their neighbourhoods and a signal that percentage watch more police in their neighborhood. Why? Why? Because of the gangs? That's why.
Then I will say this about the flight family. This is a very respectful family. That they ve been dealing in the public and so forth, not incendiary, none of that, I think they're fine waited of faith and so forth. respect for family, then they the Father brother son, it's not easy. so not easy to see that video over and over and over again I couldn't watch it and how do you know George fly? I can't watch it over and over and over again, and you know what Police officers, police organizations, those of us who support police, we shouldn't fallen a sword for what took place there. What took place is unacceptable period. So now what.
Now what key thousand says now this isn't Ass, this, those accountability and now accountability? We can have justice. I know what he's talking about with critical race theory. I know what he's talking about is a fair can act like I know what is Talking about. trash the country turning it inside out like black, this matter and Antifa, and all these other organizations wanna do? Is that what took place in the in the trial is that what was on trot now so the exploitation, that's what we have and that's what upsets many of us we want, In this case, we want justice. In any case, we don't want cops doing that and we don't want gang angers, kill and little seven year olds. Either we want peace, we want law enforcement. We want due process, that's consistent across the board, regardless of race, regardless of background or any of the rest of it. But.
Some of us cannot tolerate a lot of us, regardless of race, nobody, more calls in here A representative sample of people coming it then they show and shows like it. That sport shows and around these This shows why anybody dial? The number the toll free number anybody. You can use this as an excuse to destroy America. you know the most bizarre thing in the world to me, as this is a side point When I listen to sharpen. listen to the lawyer, I think is named crunch. If it's not is not intended to be rude. or Alison. Rhythm Pelosi, incrimination, listen to them. I say your answer to this is why.
destroy the constitution to destroy people who wrote the constitution and ratified the constitution to pretend american history began in sixteen nineteen and not the end it's in seventeen, seventy six, that is America, not american history,. that's! What's gonna fix this! embracing a marxist or meat meal. Marxist ideology that is responsible for the slaughter of a hundred million people. in the enslavement of one point, five billion people in which Only communist China today. They ve two and a half million people and death camps, concentration, two and a half million Muslims. in concentration camps for being slaughtered, hoping raped, we're being sterilised, thereby Organs are being cut out of them insult over all over the world. Brings about one point: five billion dollars to the chinese government. Some
we're being operated on alive. We ve heard additions Nazi Germany and yet, The people who talk about we want justice and equality from black lives matter and anti for their marxists access and what's the biggest country with the most people, their practices. Marxism Koran quote its communist China. Is that what we want? No, that's, not what we would then need lectures. That justice from Keith Alison, who spent years under fair, come I'll need lectures about justice, her mouth, sharp them. What he did, and jewish communities and korean committees and so forth- that's the Democratic Party their great icons, it's not mine, they're, not my folks. I call it as I see it,
I called on May twenty fifth, as did the rest of the country. What took place was unbelievably horrific, and inhumane, police offers has gone to prison. Even a debate over three charge. Is to charges one charges in the Andes going to prison We must maintain a due process system and I don't think the judge did a great job. like everybody else, I think that jury should have been in another. Another area, another town and I think they should have been sequestered for this- of justice and due process to continue to uphold it, they're, not mutual exclusive think what Maxine Waters did was a direct attack on our justice system, for which, should be punished, but the Democrats are protecting now, as I watch some of the speakers,
And in this I am not talking about the Floyd family, but some of the speakers, as I see again, sharpen and others. We celebrating the verdict. They don't even understand their celebrating. The founding fathers. Their celebrating due process. That exists in few other countries. Theirs. breaking the jury system. there celebrating american justice. they don't even get it. And many other people? You will hear from this point forward for them many days and weeks don't even get it. None of the one sided their mouth. They talk about an unjust system.
A white dominant society. the other side of their mouth, are celebrating the verdict. What do they know have? Averted came to be because of the system. The system the system got the verdict People need to think clearly. the radical agenda people want exploit this in these This marks a Senor marxist groups or just stupid paper. I really appalling. And in this case, with this officer and this victim, they work, beautifully, despite everything else, even better had judged on his job a little bit better.
Maxine borders not try to interfere cause a riot if Joe, by His mouth shut, Right back, then, I know you freedom? How do I know that good you listen. My show- and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because here Stale is committed to pursuing truth. Funding Liberty helstone Peaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they major and whether its science or music or economics are business, whatever hills teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly, Digest of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point, six million Americans receive
Primus for free every month, and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Levine from Helstone Back COM. There are no strings attached. Generous donors, who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for wholesale, descended Primus to you for now. every month so soon, receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom you love visit, Levine from Helstone Dotcom. That's Levine alleviate for hills, del dot com is a reason why people with depopulating cities press a reason why Minneapolis, whose population is sinking New York City, population is sinking.
Portland, Seattle and so for snap police brutality. its anarchy and may him in there. crash cities. People need to be able to enforce the rule of law against any law breakers, whoever they are wherever they come from. Whether they were a badge, they don't work back, just Supposed to be blind, but what cannot be tolerated, his I went anarchy. Violent anarchy. in a while it does happen from time to time spontaneously and people do get involved spontaneously. It's also organised in this country, I would say energies organised, but that's exactly right. That's what marxism about! That's! What it's about. So justice is one, but let's suggest, if
those county was found not guilty. What would have happened in that city or other cities. While the National Guard, was out. so obviously the mayor and the governors thought there be a riot busy. Who had a border. They obviously thought there would be a right what happened Prior to the general election. But the possibility existed even the probability that Donald Might be re elected is presently united States. He's wrongful alert window We're all boarded up again why? Why is that because rights were threat. If the outcome and ass. These organizations, many them access organizations demanded. can I live in a country.
While we sit on the edge of our seats and if a jury goes one way as opposed to another cities, are gonna burn or from Ngos, one way as opposed to another cities, are gonna burn. That's that justice, that's not democracy. So various ideas swirl through your head in a moment like this, and you have the parson, you have the partial And the exploitation of event by them, articles the exploitation of vents, quite frankly by the democratic part, the exploitation of events by me their destroying our country Destroying our country.
shove, and was going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, no matter what. no matter what he was going to be found guilty of one degree or another murder. Nobody knows this, don't think anybody could see the video. The jury saw the video over and over again, but the riot Didn't make it possible our law?
made it possible right back now, broadcasting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, number, seven, seven, three wise. We ate one one, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one that meet the fire point on these things. I think them through speaking to you in our one through the brake and now we're gonna, have the police chief of tried Michigan on the programme and about fifteen minutes
Is it really stand up gardener reply, gonna my life, but I ve been following him. I'm never going to support what Keith Alison and other marxist Senor, Marxists mentored fire again support. That is justice. Yes, But I don't need to learn about justice from Keith House. I've spent my entire life on this issue. Including at the United States Department of Justice, I'm not going to participate in supporting the burning down this country, literally, figured it openly, burning down of our law enforcement literally and figuratively, or the burning down of our constitution period. None of this.
as a justification for any of that, none of it period This is not some great liberty, movement, let's being spawned by the hard left. That's not some great liberty, movement being spawned by the hard left that court room. What Place- and I courtroom isn't, a constitution. That's why it took place. that's why it took place. and so when I'm hearing now. From some of the radicals, not the people and streets from the radicals, not going around a ball. These cops and every different incident and its gonna be a black white issue. It's not a black! at issue.
And I see some of the same reprobates like sharpen and other showing up lighting fuses. Writing fuses This is what the vast majority of Americans are going to continue to resist, Just as yes, anarchy, no justice, yes, anarchy, no. can we take this slide. Mr producer. We have come out o Hara speaking. Honestly. I don't know what she's gonna head or job For that matter,. So we are working on it. I will let you know we have it. Cultural and politicians like this particular president, vice president feel that
To actually have oppressive meant after something like this.
practically these to extend arrogant today with a sigh of relief. Still it cannot take away. A measure of justice is the same as equal justice. This verdict brings us a step closer and the fact is we still have work to do. We still must reform the system. Last summer, together with Senator Corey Book and Representative Karen Bass, I introduced George Point Justice and policing this bill. What holds Longfoot building viscera law enforcement across his country in this rating, and you notice she's not going to talk about the sky, routing Scott skyrocketing death rate of jet is taking place in those countries, the president- and I will continue to urge the Senate to President who was in the center almost fifty year, hemisphere for every
But, as a start, this work is long overdue. America has a long history of systemic racism, black Americans and blackened and in particular, have been treated throughout the course of our history as less than human, black men, our fathers and brothers and science and grandfathers and friends. Earnestly can't do this, We want to listen to this. She can turn the channel. You can watch it on tv. The racial ionizing of this across the country. Now this this is what causes a year Fischer in this country. Many of you are sitting in your cars, different races, different backgrounds, you're sitting at the dinner table, you sitting in your office, wherever you are.
you, let me do this on my ipod cast. And your hearing this, and you say this is not new. May I dont conduct myself this way. You're saying I get along my neighbors fine The same color as I am that not all the same back when, as we do to sweat, which still just fine so this is the exploitation that I'm talking about. This is the boy, patient I'm talking about, I would bet, small fortune on the fact that when she's done and binds done not once will they talk about which TAT really taking place on our inner cities in this country. At once,. And it is really shocking to me, Joe Biden, was in the Senate for decades was chairman of the Judiciary Committee. If there were systemic racism, why didn't he propose a single thing about it? He backed the cops
We wanted the cops tobacco in this election. We just had a jury trial. We just had a verdict. Why am I listening to two two Biden and come our Harris? Give us their political opinions again. like there on the side of a of reforming the system. They are the systematic system you're not in this system. They are the system, theirs Has been in the system for half a century, MR alone, where's? My most are tough on criminals. Remember please Mahatma Gandhi or is Martin Luther King and ever seen a translation like they're so fast and my lifetime, never You can just keep battering the country battering the country battering the country.
you know it amazes me. It is the the inner city communities, the minority communities that take the brunt of this attack on the cops. Were there So you know what I'm not going to that bra. I'm not going down that street. Go to that night club, I'm not going around that go in there. I don't need it. My I stay away from it I'll be fine. If I go into the middle of it, God knows what the House gonna happen. These are good capsule, about Good Some of them are minority cops. and so you're, seeing a crime wave in the United States of America. Cry wave because of comments: you're going to hear from you by men and some of what you heard from come, our heiress Not a single proposal on the table to deal with the death rate, that's going through the roof and our inner cities, those are most We black people and spanish people, I'm talking about nothing, not a word
And you won't hear a word, Benjamin taken care of that system It's like call racist that why I want to change them, took care a showman, though. Why judge prosecutor. They took care of them. he's going to serve a lot of time, but this stuff bow will. You try Braun at out and exploit it. They matters will bring Tal leave out here to talk about high up, get rid of all the cops suggested take. be reform, Abby Minneapolis City Council. That starts off where we have the ban on police department, people fleeing these cities of every raise every background, every color they can deal with this can have a situation where you have this guy.
children, whose being punished Then you are attacking the city, you're attacking the civil society and that people are fleeing. copyright ban over Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless Carest pure talk over the past few months. We, the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're.
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like you, I say: dotcom, promo Code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless like it. I have the Detroit believe to James Gregg, on the programmes or how I are you there, Sir Can you hear me? Mister Bennett Mr Police chief, can you hear me. Patently not allow have actually fixes red heroin. We're trying to get him a pleasure to have. If I get him mister, Cried police chief, James, Craig, you there, sir. I'm going to try and get him again enormous respect for this man doesn't mean, I will you agree all the time. I have no idea and I Joe Biden is still speaking about what I dont know:
But I'm sure he's lecturing the american people and how bad they are. Are you there, Sir I'm at the move on rich until you actually get him. Ok Joe Biden is, he said something that is very bizarre to me and we hear this a lot which is. Most police, are law abiding, a good men and women. He said. Literally a sentence or two or three later he says we have sister. like racism in our forces, which is it. which is it or most police officers, law, abiding, good men and women who are trapped, the profession. Could not because they want to hurt people. Because the racists, but because they billing protecting their communities to professional or attractive because they are systemically races adjust. give the absurdity of that.
Until you gonna have individuals in walk of life we're going have to be. You know broken out from the pack. like a shovel and so forth. That doesn't describe law enforcement. All of federal law enforcement bony made the statement when he said that the vat majority police officers are good people, they want to do the right thing and so forth and then on the other side of his mouth he talks about systemic racism. I look Joe buying, and I think, to myself. I watch this man for decades. Ladies. Who is this man. Who is this man. He's not the same? Any was fifty years ago, which is a good thing. He's not the same man. He was thirty years ago is not the same man who was five years ago.
So now we re visualize these things we exploit these. There. now right, MR producers says try again James Craig Police Chief, They tried: how are you, Sir, how you doing I'm doing well, sir, it's nice to me. We ve never spoken home. Again, Fanny, yours, could you use your plane spoken we're back. You up here, appreciate our support. Nevertheless, several days for the reckless comments made by two elected and Mark, I didn't say, leaders who might be in breach of employment. bigger, absolutely MAC the green start, making a distinction could comment. I wanna go about the Minneapolis to do what it can achieve. What with police officers
Is appalling and then, Gonna collar MIKE Mike Congress portion. because The Taliban folly She had left the people she weapon, the plans now is that the money back Mitchell, Your comment. do you know about Cameron all the cops here come on? I'm in you crying for attention. You got the attention banana backfired Are you sure you're an idea, but I'm not going to pardon my? Maybe you can help me out. They help your chief. I want to ask you a few questions. Your very level headed and print man. How long you ve been in the profession of policing. Looking young woman,
For you started when the joy might kill you. Leader at the company you you know and then let them off. Andrews was Twenty looking LAPD rose like an. I got my first whose job and poor two years. Scenario out over two years and enforced. ok, mom. You coming up on my view here, which are actually I believe that when the longest serving chief, cod because the political decision can I get you in trouble that put the decision of what goes on in police. Depart It is utterly out of control chief. I want to ask you a few questions should in a
you just call it. As you say you don't you say, would you know what you believe, I'm just Tonia I lit Joe Biden just now on one hand, he says you know most police do a good job there, good people and he over the deck Aids has a senator cuts from police organization, but then he talks about systemic racism and police too, but I have to ask a question with them. Diverse police departments in american history. We are more minority chiefs, then before an American. We more diverse communities ever in american history and I'm thinking to myself is there another video out their showing what Chauvelin did to another human being ambitious? I know things like this happen, but the guy That the whole countries, racist and police forces, are racist. This is The night is it's just not the right narrative visit, The commission has profession another who shared
forty four years. I've worked with some great, on top of all races engender. that's a good experience, My career I also know why police human toy. The maid Check dammit black fully the ultimate sacrifice. to call them races we are talking about getting the politics right, but what I will deal with issues and yet was shooting made. A comment about the profession is races. Save it. We are the mouse. What happened? we denounce that about I don't know anyone who has it everybody
in America came up The video game that major. Possible call believe require of commit what we do for any private. We do what we make it alive. I saw a ban, but also We should never with black. In the joy of the men and women who do a phenomenal job, picket line alive each and every night I gotta tell you the other night, ass. The other night Bob is wrong. engaging in the investigation. Control panel sure tee to hold. You thought I have a hard break. I don't want to lose your your train of thought. Can I bring right back in a few minutes? I have a hard break. Ok, Bob Don't don't leave me, I want to hear what you have to say, sir, we'll be right backward
Detroit police chief, James Gregg Marks, loving and research are of conservative media call now eight seven, seven, three one three eight one one James Craig Detroit Police Chief, I want to thank you for a holding on. You were gonna, tell us a little story. Their chief. what are the NOME king mark? A night ago, mobsters word what we do investigating a wretched client chain about in four people, people shots. Another one who were killed in action all related to climb out of ours. That unprovoked Joe climb dry, and your client.
Far more bearable I will show you the Pursuit IP early in the morning at industry. Didn't choice from the website. It damages vehicle, he gets out. again engage doctors and gunfire Portugal after with pit he picks up and start He gave you again. What am I We have paid or shot It took him down, but my point. These attacks on men went across the country is too much folks, like the guy was woman, who never talk about denouncing the guy the police option,
The one protect community under I'm a car I mean look, then it says it also causes lie, amount, Comparability, When you look at the number of options about should involve Jim how many ever more clearly Danish criminal, except, of course, very small, percentage very small percentage, but we don't about the one word also happy that report, because there will be like do not talk about that. In whatever way, did I get lost in the media when he came three weeks ago Mark s her or separate incidents? Roma fired upon unprovoked.
An individual's running at mobs hyper rifle we would I'm fire to deal with the time to do but who stared with it denounces level violent? I stood up in a monopoly. I'm all apologetic about you. Do you? Do you find that assaults against police officers are on the rise in your area? Quite the contrary, the largest in Detroit, we can limit in part. the pandemic. We held the mental health impact we can blame it on that. We can blame on the wonderful judges who are also public servants. Nobody, nobody, let him out the back door, we used to say I gotta tell you I'll. Go go, go The way ago, about one
authorities who was killed by a strange, Father Twenty nine k knew we arrest them You didn't go outside aid and arrested on a judge. Reasons. but we should be released on tamper with about someone charged with cream medical murder. Cheese on the PA, and then the judges bars the courageous not to write me a letter because I'm a car will remain at the thought. It marked called judge a. And I, like you, I dare say Yoda run for president, but I like you James Gang Yeah, you don't take, sets really skunks game. Let me asking about more yoga you know what I've got. Someone who can
facilitate change for the people. It's not about me big, bigger than me but when individuals who think powers kittens implement blowing and I'm in love, some do leadership- and they do Nothing. No, my game. You can talk and Coins my phone calls. Talking about about Wait a minute I'll get them a male I've. No, my God, that's your box, Eight May on the I'm good with it. Sounds like sounds like you're, very kind. That's why you're here
a comfortable. In your own mind, that's a good thing: the mansion ever more quick questions cheap. So I don't hold back from Tucker and that's this Am I am gravely concerned that way, D C wants to dip in these local cities and towns and sword. They think they have the answer. They want to pull limited immunity. There, kinds of ideas, and yet you know they had police ring in that capital building there. The national guard ring in the capital doubling their stow there. They had fences they had razor. Why? At the top of offences We people in the end in the neighborhood thinking we want to be protected too, and I, have a gallop survey here that says black people, in black neighborhoods way way up like eighty one percent. They want their local cops there. So we hear Campo, leisure, something guesser, mercury
and more after an American, Eighty percent let me tell you, what we'll shoot. Italy would tell you that with anyone. Would tell you that need palm dismantled, this model incarceration madness, Mackay. What Detroit want there, wasn't constitutional policing, And let me tell you what they applauded. Love it some would call, You are all important when we allow the mob of a police stations in Bonn, building destroyed business. You guess what the choice that didn't bother. Was not moving here. We are from inside it. I believe that the same day,
never arrive here. You know why, because so the town, the clear one we dont retreat, I thought a police station you're, not gonna, burn you're, not gonna, move Surely that behind us, toys get throughout the community I would agree with, is the aggregate say the outside of the magna commenting should be the joy and destroyed period And there are a lot outsiders happened here. I do not look around. I saw image cannot Delta Portland. Recently, Combat More home a valet, The toy Made a conscious decision to grant a bad experience in outline com,
begin, not a bad decision. Let the outer retreats allies It was taken over by a mob of criminals. I love to get there L, a p d with the more alive and I love s apartment, but. I would like to join her mother bottom line, and that's why I chose to support me. It's important Shame on Who is she speak for applying group waters or I don't know anyway, my god prejudge you allow me to that from but I'm passionate- and I know you
you never want to go into politics, Sometimes you can do things to create chamber there tell me some call them sluggish important advance. probably one seventy seven candidly The black man. and they were trying to integrate the police department. Not welcome remember why you're meta, Marquis shit, you know what I don't like you. What you're, here Don't bother don't touch. Radio you met under article collected Nineteen year old man and Greenacre, I'll bet. Do told me. She put on the line.
choice. Word. You re the state to be about change I did that. well, I'll call, you call you MA. Am I'm humbled. appreciate. Being allowed to serve people? Catch and live in cried police department and out come on mom. I regret because I felt like I did my buried there. While you are like America's major city police chief, Sir far as I'm concerned James Craig, I appreciate you. I want you to come, back one day and I want you to know something beyond what can we can talk, but I want you to know something I want you out.
Pressure to get you know so much support on a crisis. Country no idea? some might be looking little. My man are you ever let them limit Lenny, tiresome chief limited Gimme thirty seconds, you ok, Fourteen million looseness you gotta be kidding. Talk radio, depending on who you're talking to is bigger than cable yoga. Response from my audience. Cause of my audience is gonna love you take some about my audience. These are red blooded Americans. When I look at people skin, we don't care what they do their genitalia. We are. Blooded, Americans, we love this country and were sick and tired. What's happened to we defend our police force, we saw that video. We know that man was killed by the police officer. We call it straight in plain English here and one
going to give up this country so easily. So when I hear a guy like you or I read a guy like you and you're, the police Chief Detroit Michigan and I gotta hear all these other lefties Why on this programme? Chief, What more do you want me to combat? Let me I'm honored, I'm honored identified kids with someone probably now he the marble, Fred Tread Samara. No, no, no, no, no day, she was on a local level. What? But the mark connect one game shallower. One rich out me Chuck Raillery Shop, what a good man of good night what man
Who's, your point of view, movement, lovely man, wait become, I mean I'd, show two and two are used to be like obsession with nature, while chief, God bless you my friend and be safe and tell all the men and women in your force. We love em. Ok, Remember we all appreciate that you so much I wanna go. We will you take care of yourself like that man, no one, I think he's gonna run for maybe will that's a police chief. And their many great police, my own county, as a great police chief, MIKE Chapman, good guy We just ruined by saying it, but you know back then Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless, carries to pure talk over the past few months. We
the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about if you're, with eighteen, Tee and Verizon or T Mobile, your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good while he gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data chest dollars a month and if you go over on data there, don't charge you for it, they don't care gotta, pee, talk, USA, dot com and then a promo code, Levine podcast again pure talk, USA, DOT, com, promo code, Levine Alleviate podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent On your first month, that's pure
USA, Dotcom, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless, a wily cameras you're, not my police, chief right. The big city Detroit one of our favorite cities- here we ve, been on double J R. I think almost twenty years and. That's a serious police chief. He got. I mean I m still thinking about the guy. How outstanding was, by the way, over a bright bark, our buddy Jaw, Pollack Dershowitz, Derek Chauvelin Convection should be reversed on appeal. That's interesting he's raising some of the issues I did not because heard him from me, but we come at this from a constitutional perspective, renowned
So turning Harvard LAW School Professor emeritus islanders once said Tuesday that they can be Former Minneapolis Minnesota police officer, Derek Chauvelin, for the murder of joy floored should be overturned on appeal because of the poor Intimidation of the during the judges refusal to sequester the jury Times have I said that judge should have, question that jury. I thinking had been convicted regardless, but it's not the point, when did you gotta? Do this right. And that trial should not have been held in Minneapolis. most Minneapolis Dershowitz noted the outside inflows some people like Maxie waters who encouraged unrest at a protest on Saturday night near by Brooklyn Centre. There was murder, conviction in the case. There's which told news max what was done. Floyd by officer Shovin was inexcusable immorally, but the verdict,
very questionable because the outside influences people, I gauss sharpen people Maxie warders. There are three and intimidation and hanging the sword of Damocles over the jury. really saying if you don't convict in Amerika charge on all the charges, the city bearing the country will be destroyed seeped into the jury room, because the judge ready, terrible mistake by Nazi quest the jury, so the judge himself said this case may reversed on appeal, and I think it might. I think. It should be reversed on appeal. I think the American Civil Liberties Union, which would be over this case there weren't any racially charge case all american who care about due process and liberty should be concerned. Well this. And has been concerned that jury I don't, I think they would have come to the same result. but the issue is whether or not it's gonna matter on appeal and he's right. It should matter on appeal, I'm making it. Predictions he's not either, but that
we should have been sequestered and it wasn't. And I don't agree, it should have been sequestered after what happened in Brooklyn It should have been sequestered from day one. This is the most. Jacked up media the mob, jobs the rioters and all the rest, all the threats, threats from members of Congress and so forth. That should act. if they're not gonna, sequestered joy? For that, then what the hell are you going to sequestered jury for I? What am I on MR producer? Have to wait till next hour, he said a job? I was not wrong legally common on the case, once the jury been sequestered, though there was a risk and raising expectations of conviction. Yeah here Where I disagree with them,. the jury was sequestered when he spoke, but the Public was not, and there would be, riders were not, and if there had been riots,
Biden would have had blood on his hands too. I believe that firmly on the right bank. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now, run them only underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader mark of our number seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one three eight one were well. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for being here specially the first hour. Those of you who were here because
Let me just be honest: we give these other house, particularly on tv, the guts to say the sort of things that I'm saying behind this microphone right now. I've been saying during Entire show. and I just com, as I say, and. You ve gotta have enough. sense enough principles and of self respect. Do that- and you don't have to do it in a provocative way, you don't have to when a provocative way. I dont think. That shoguns girl will be overturned by public court, but I do think The failure to move that trial, nefarious sequester that jury was a terrible, terrible. Event, and I do think that can be written about in the history books down. The road people who are chairing this.
celebrating this in the street. They better. That kind of justice is never applied to them, that is, and yet there is a silver lining, as I've also explained. We actually have the left radical Democrats celebrating our justice system, they there They don't make any sense. That system is no good. That's it most developed by a bunch of slave holders this nation was founded in slavery and six nineteen that constitute it is a year is, is antiquated. It is a white dominated society and then cheer the rare that system more. What are you talking about? You sound so stupid. Anyone get here
your ideology and you and your commentary to make any sense its idiotic, its idiotic and As I said at the beginning of their show, we all know what would have happened. This verdict was less than this and that's. The problem is like the election. Everybody was worried about riots, worried about rights, but their guys present United States where there were no right. We can't have that continue in this society, I'm telling you there's gonna be pushed back on this. There is going to be pushed back on this. Care. How much there, sir this. and again, who walks up to the microphone?
We make himself in a Mahatma Gandhi, he is a member, what I've always told you about him, and I keep telling about him. He is a demagogue. He is a propaganda as he will exploit any event for his own advantage. This is by course and Harris is no better same thing same thing. these are not statesmen. Really unconscionable hack politicians really pretty incredible. So the Democrats today protected Maxine waters the year and the media will protect Joe Biden. He was way out of line with his comments, so we ve we go over the same territory. We ve talked about this at some length. But it really is shocking.
Let's go ahead and listen to pursue Saki, try to defend by spoke city it for the idiot. This was earlier today cut to go over, welcoming a mighty courses on us start there. What precisely to the present mean what is overly, and is this mean the presence of this office, while the president has clearly been watching the trial closely, as many Americans have been, he was also moved by he's moved. He was met by his conversations with the family yesterday he knows the family, an assembly who has been an active allied Irish as a minor issue, must really didn't bite and say he spoke with the family today. Did he say he spoke with the family today. Where she me, he spoke with the family yesterday anyway, go ahead,
That was a large part of their conversation, the conversation he had just yesterday, as he also noted the jury is sequestered, which is why he spoke to us, but I will but expect that he will be. Ladies and gentlemen, case: it's not the jury. That would be bad enough in this case, he speaking to the would be riders. And he's basically saying I'm with you. I'm with you. I understand this. Overwhelming in my view, I'm with you so Basically, speaking to the would be we have national guardsmen there you have state, who presented by local police there. You got police from other jurisdictions who came in to help the local police, their windows boarded up. You got all kinds of stuff gone on and binds pop in his mouth. Pop in his mouth. Then, after all said and done, he come, although they have their little pressure and they blame
One may and the rest of America where systemically racist. This is a first It's not actually justice he's praise, All the rights that took place this summer before even though is putting it that way, but he's kind of. Rising it that way. we actually have in the office of the oval office and next to the oval office, to individuals to individuals. Who are stirring the pot Stirring the pot for their own political purposes. Why did we have these riots idleness, Stan no the justice system. What function anyway? bout it and, where all the civil libertarians. When this question, as you know, the amazing thing is MR producer. I talked about this
couple of days ago yesterday TAT what s interesting about this. All of a sudden. The guilty verdict come in and nobody talks about it, except Dershowitz in May me, Jerry was its requested that this folks there, the purpose of having a jury and throwing goes through the valley of the jury and having why dear and all the rest of it the whole purposes Make sure their objective and they have been influenced so you're a judge and you're an experienced job one of them right now, the trial of the century in front of you, the whole world's looking at it and you sequester, the jury, I'm just saying I told him not to check out the news and not to watch the knows what he's talking about. Now the appellate court? What can the APOLLO quicker? Don't you think,
judging and to be scared for their lives mystery. This. So this is what concerns me not the verdict, because I think, even if the jury had been sequesters, I tried to explain like these. Are. These are important points. Even I think it would have been the same outcome. The fact is who can undermine a justice system like this go ahead. Further, once there is a verdict and I'm not going to provide additional analysis and what he meant to clarify what is overwhelming evidence presented huge we're, not gonna get ahead of the outcome, but you did get ahead of the outcome. You did get ahead of the outcome. Let's Grant a little bit more Maxine waters his encouraging violence cut, three had Tipp can buck
Go back to make sure that they got absolutely right to decide that they are going to tell the president. No, I can hang with you. I won't go away, take drop out to live. That's not job should be removed from the United States has represented, but every Democrat was protecting her tonight. Every one of them.
when the Republicans moved a holder responsible the Democrats killed the motion you I'll, send Cindy you're familiar with her she's, a radical left wing and my view NEO Marcus, dressed up as a journalist and either with public tv or public radio. and I want you to listen to what she has to say at the White House Briefing today and then ask yourself how in the world aren't heard journalistic credentials, pull a complete and utter fraud cut for
Go represent our waters, as you rightly say two words. Don't I wonder why the White House is also coming to the defence of Representative was given the fact that she is now facing an armed attack. This actually violence. Republicans, I wonder why we what she said about the confrontational she was obviously not threatening violence. There are similar incidents. I think that's that's what civil rights it is to be confrontational, listed inner city it this idiot mouthpiece for the radical left mouthpiece for waters That's not what she meant what she showed. It wasn't what she meant, no, not at all. Oh really- and I guess that video didn't mean what we saw- Right out, sender, right video to me what we saw we heard where we are, and we saw we saw, we don't eggs. equally well waters data was it the first time is a private They demonstrated question is,
why are you a so called journalists? Why do you have White House credentials? Why are you working for PBS or and pure? What is your deal. You're not only out of the closet, there is no cloud. Here's Posada guided She could she also clarified her own remarks emission, I think that's the most powerful peace to point to there. You go. then we have this guy Matthew Doubt who is used to be Public a rhino: bring him on these networks. Because it's exactly the kind of Republican they want, and you know what I want to deal with this. Push to monitor this George W Bush, what he said about you what he saying about our country, this guy he's turn out to be utterly pathetic. And he thinks Ben SAS will be a good president boy. It touches on a wise Ben SAS, kissing his, but all over and now in Texas must be Ben SAS.
so we're gonna hold on everything we have on my lists, or my audio MR producer on Bush will deal with this tomorrow too much going on today, but I want a single the south, as its important in his case Matthew, doubt a rhino on unit, Brianna Kyler, another fraudulent phony so called journalist cut five go meet. Certainly, waters should answer for her words when everyone is on edge, but The irony here is just he has already and tell us. What is the irony here go ahead of it although this was nine shove, it republican like Kevin Mccarthy, go ahead. The who has repeatedly given cover to other begins who have called in such explicit terms for violence. I'm Thinkin Marjorie Taylor, green Gain Donald you're, not thinking it all, you're an idiot Marjorie Oh, a green, explicitly called for violence Marguerite. a green is a car
where's woman, she was attacked for thing. She posted on social media before she was an official you're thinking of Donald Trump and you're a liar cause, Donald Trump. we're incited anything. That's the crap that comes from CNN and MSNBC in the other fraudulent, so called media outlets go ahead. The irony here is thick, so so this is a question you see from ASEAN and journalists. From a scene and journalists? This is a question of project, their taxes expose them a thousand times And now they're gonna go to Matthew. Now, what do you think? I just told you what I think now? What do you think Matthew go ahead?
It's incredible, that's incredibly thick, and so was the hypocrisy in this, and not not the least dimension January six, so they're going to use January six for the rest, the time as a defence for violent riots, arson, looting, maiming, Killing a member January shit, you can criticise what the marxist and then in a black my team and other you don't remember January, shakes. Remember January, the you can't do that. A single person was aren't. We ve now learned the only fire shot was by the police office, whose name is being kept secret from the whole country. sure it's a stunning who killed a vet, Fourteen years, who was unarmed, wasn't threatening anybody, altruism Capital building well, ok, but she wasn't it
Portland Courthouse and I don't have any bodies being shot dead there. Do you don't know of course, not always aside, no officer sick them. didn't we report months ago, Mr Barroso, that his mother said he died of a stroke and everybody say, see the report- sets out now its official. He had two stroke, we we listen Do the investigation to determine this his mother said so pointed it out on this programme It's not even news and therewith. All the information or withholding information. His mother said so it was an official. I reported what she said. The whole situation is being threatened by the way in Portland Oregon Molotov cocktails Frozen bottles all kinds of stuff being thrown at times
Getting police officers trying to protect the federal court House there. An administration clearing remaining federal charges against Portland rioters most get probate. And community service. This is in the daily wire by Emily's a naughty. so the bag administration. Is clearing out the what, by the administration of the Department of Justice, are hunting down anybody who was anywhere near that capital building on January six. throwing them in jail pressuring under confessed to what this addition. This country's insight up I'll be right back then Amy
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot? U s! So the observations I made the first hour actually are growing all through cable radio. Now.
And this is why I do what I do it's important set things straight. It is obviously Quite likely show them would have been found guilty In my view, there is simply no question about that. I said manslaughter was yesterday was really the count that would fit this all three counts. Kind of weird me, but nonetheless he was, and a beacon me wasn't: gonna walk number two. I also say to you that there is no way that should have been sequestered from day. One. Number three. I also said in a tree should not have taken place there, those are too big screw ups. In my view,. Solidarity, which points out the sequestration in his review would drop with news MAC. The troll Pollack points out on a bright bart.
had. I can't even more than that, but the idea that then an appeal we'll be reverse on appeal. I really doubt it now. Why is that links the one of the reasons? Is they don't wanna Ryan and looking at the coming grips with this. It's true. the mob, is having an enormous influence on what goes on in our courtrooms, even In my view, when we have the right result there having an enormous influx- and this concerns me a great deal I'll- be right back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them
believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough yoke.
a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S MIKE Elliot whose he hears the mayor abruptly centre, not some point: they're gonna have a trial. This could involve. Former officer potter. And you could already here they wanna. They wonder. Ram that one through as fast as I can send her to prison the rest of your life. That is a completely different case than the Floyd George Floyd case utterly different,
in my view, should have been charged. She was charged in two days ago because of the mob. No other reason and I've talk about that line on tv here and I'll. Do it. if I need to, and I'm sure I will but Here's my Gallia Brooklyn Centre Mayer on CNN yesterday, so keep in mind. These radical outrageous statements, these Market of statements are getting air time and are giving Patina of credibility. By news organisations, and so Skies on CNN, with won't Blitzer any, Written out even challenged cut, I go Lieutenant governor of minnesota- and you know this tweeted a realization- she has had a writing this. She said as a child advocate. I am grappling with the stark reality. Minnesota is a place where it is not safe to be black now think about that.
This is the preaching. This is the propaganda. This is, the indoctrination is being pushed out there. Like Democrat off soldiers and regarded by their media. It's not safe to be built in Minnesota. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? It's not. say to be blackened Minnesota. Many years this guy Elliot the mayor. Because he wants to say yes, he s the mayor. Is she right? That's the question? Is she right, rather than having a basic What used to be formally journalistic approach they? What is that supposed to mean? That's not true,. no she right That mayor go right. She's, absolutely right off This is something that people I community have been grappling with for a very long time. Why not?
to be blackened Minnesota. I never heard of that. Before. Did you, MR producer? Go ahead, save to drive Minnesota Y Y you're bigamy. The fact of the matter is there are so many of us who, how many of these cases of occurred in Minnesota. How many cases like shovel The curtain Minnesota, I think one. We also statistics. Nobody wants to hear the statistics there. No one here This is a narrative. This is an ideology and their pushing it Fishing is pushing the Democratic Party in the left, their pushing pushing pushing it while push back. So I go you know I'm in and if we shut up you idiot, I mean. I don't would to say anymore
What do they want us to do in this country on the left? What do they want to know what they want us to do to surrender our liberty to surrender our civil society to surrender our justice system to home, to them. As I say that this is the most magnificent nation, mankind has ever established ever ever ever and if it's not. That's damning ourselves. A nation is what its people are. That's us we, the people. We are diverse, we are tolerant, we're beneficence, We go all over the world, protecting other people who don't look like us who don't believe in the same things as us, but we are humane, we're not conquerors. despite what the left says, we're not colonialist we're, not imperialists. If we. After World WAR. Two, we don't have the world.
We have the most liberal legal immigration system on the face of the earth. Putting illegal immigration, the most liberal legal immigration system. Are we gonna hear this crap this crap and hope Bowed down to March marks, the man risks Over a hundred million deaths from billion, enslaved and tortured and raped marks for God's sakes, the weird on some sick time here but I'll, tell you what this is sick, sick. Let me see here, and I want any new jobs who try to make through from time to time. Sometimes their set up by the left. You know that, MR producer,
These calls a try and create problems. I can't do that. Calls green, who do you recommend and make it a good one. Access to satellite mark in Florida go right ahead, Sir hello, hello. Yes, how may I help you alone. How long are you dont man? Ok, go ahead, I'm retired, five and thirty years on the job. Looking, let me give you some who have your now to be now to be our thanks for your car. We don't have a good connection and I want to turn my my anatomy. I have no idea where we're going with this. I do respect very much your former profession. But you know I'm not a me. Let's go
today in Dallas, Texas, the Great W B a pay go right ahead, damn place hello, Yes, sir, go right ahead! You're! Ok, can you hear me. Yes, I can hear you, I said: go right ahead, play ball What the hell's happening with the phone calls. I'll get one more chance. Last one And you're Dallas are you there, Dan. now is not their rich. Cable. Let's find out, why ok right try one more ready. Let's give it is Paul, California, eight! Seventy! The answer go right ahead. Paul Owen, Florida, the Great w x I be Elinor you their own view.
Let's forget it our phone system, because I For this magnificent multi billion dollar company is being routed through California, correct rich. It's not working, is. So what I oughta do is pick up my own phone hand the number of my landline and tell the country that can have a better phone connection. Then I get from a multi billion. A company that runs through California, for God's sakes, yes,. I write. Are they working now? Let Try Amy Colorado Springs Exam Satellite Amy. Are you there? am, I didn't know where you are high May go right ahead. I now want to think you were taken my call to honour our way to speak with you. I wanted to say that
I mean what by doing and will naturally modern you're doing of using a race to divide us even further, there were not looking at what they're doing behind our backs that the border with all this bending. Biden has spent more than three months than on on. Pew Iraq, war wars, hear about it because the history lesson mine is and always has been, a very stupid man, a narcissistic, egomaniac, very nasty man, and you can see it playing out right now. He will do whatever it takes to be the great progressive leader and in every respect, whether its spending, whether its taxes, whether its regulations, whether to open borders where this critical rice theory critical gender theory, whether its back The teachers unions against the students, whether it's this race baiting. He will do what ever he has to do and he's gonna do it all, and more is aid
dangerous, very stupid frame Mentally unfit And to be in the office of the presidency period, they are. Impeaching immediately trying to impeach him in the House of Representatives, but they're? Not gonna. Do it preferred a wine about it. Thank you call me I'll be right back then Amy,
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at instead a m a seed dot? U S black lives matter,
her friend brine. It right scope got her number I mean your phone number her number and put it up on his website. That is this video clip. which I intend to play the already, because re told like the black lives matter, is and violent. How possible everywhere they go. There's violence, I'm not talking about people Who unwittingly in our approach ass, to say our black lives about talking about those folks I'm talking about, black lives matter Foundation or ninety million dollars. That's what I'm talkin about. I'm talking about the likes of Kim Brown, Kim Brown Abiola activist not only you all white supremacist, even if you're, not all white by the way now, do you live in a hopelessly white dominated society? Not only police forces systemically races. Natalie does Justice system work, but my God,
while people money and you don't even know it ten go I support them looting, dollar tree. I support the looting of what today Lou like that. Like the various reports I remember last year they loaded target What do you know why? Because people. more than a black people? Could Lou door country for two years and years, not even not even come close to that a mere you'll be thrown in prison. for inciting arrived. You should be thrown in prison for inciting arrive. nobody owes you a damn thing, lady. But he owes you a damn thing. You get off your ass and you get your own job and you pay taxes. So Joe Biden, enough money to redistribute videos you
damn thing, nobody, even those who the hell you are. Nobody around here own slaves. Nobody around here is involved and segregation only, buying was mister, Jim Crow. There you talk about puking up that crap, This racism has had not put this racism. This racism is a disgrace. It's killing this country and more like this mark. Why did you play? But she gets a microphone. She gets a camera. and this is sensible right. Jack we, how should we change this country to accommodate Kim Brown while you commit suicide. Actually accommodate can brown and that courts is what Marxism is all about Brown you go to Hell the you. Thank you work until where the american people you haven't, contributed.
Damn thing that this country, not a damn thing when you want to take. You talk about all these stores. Make the assumption that only why people on these stories, you make the assumption. Only white people work these store. You make the assumption that only white people need these stores. Concerning array monsieur racist, that's why you jerk now it's really quite appalling, play all the Stacey able stuff she's, another, not apps. Not she goes on and on and on just crazy Slowly, crazy! We're almost near the end: how much time do I have rich? Let's start it rep presented, is avowed, demagogues and, and the great Jim Jordan cut, haven't tango. The chairman, I want to make it quite clear that this amendment is simple
Lee. irrelevant. I served as a law enforcement officers for twenty seven years is of job. Did you see her with nineteen hate crimes? Did you know the viruses I hate crime go ahead deserve yours before you know. It is interesting to see my colleagues on the other side, the owl support the police when it is politically convenient. She goes on and on and on easy colleagues. On the other side, she means all those white people.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-04.