« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/13/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Pentagon classified document leaker story doesn’t smell right. This doesn’t mean that Jack Teixeira didn’t do it or wasn’t involved, it means we should wait a few days and not rush to judgement on this case. Sometimes it pays to wait and watch the story develop more. How did a 21 year old National Guardsman get access to the information? It’s hard to trust the same instiututions who are going after Donald Trump – they have a habit of misleading the American people. When all the information comes out and if he is guilty, its treasonious. Meanwhile, President Biden has been busy, working to destroy our country. Offering healthcare for illegal immigrants, extending funds without legislation and no one blinks an eye from the Democrat party - because the ends justify the means. Also, is Sen Micth McConnell finally going to retire? He’s said he will show up to work on Monday but there’s a big difference between showing up and doing actually work. Then, there’s the issue of when Sen Dianne Feinstein will resign? Democrats want Feinstein to resign because they have radical leftsists ready to take her seat. Just as Republcians have RINO’s ready to take McConnell’s seat.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy, now, broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader The
the the the modern living here. Our number eight. Seventy seventh he ate one three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one while Mary garland announced at a press conference today that they ve arrested the documents leaker jack to Jura.
the last name is the name of a year. You have seen fighter by the way, but no relation, someone play what he said in full. It was forty two seconds long. I'm starting merit garlon has Joe Biden disease. Then we get to hear from brigadier general one star, general patrick rider and then I give you my thoughts, raised merit less carlin cut one go today that just department arrested jack, the sheriff with an investigation into alleged unauthorized removal retention transmission of If I'd national defence information, does europe? Is an employee of the united states, air force, national guard fbi, to share and across the earlier this afternoon without incident, It will have an initial appearance at the. U S, district court! For the district of Massachusetts, I want to thank Fbi, just
and prosecutors, and our colleague The department of defense for their diligent work on this case This investigation is ongoing. We all share more information at the appropriate time. Thanks everyone, that's it forty two seconds. brigadier general patrick rider, pesa campechy, today cut to go in days after the leaks, came to light. What apps has deity taken to reduce the number of people who have access to not only these. If I'd briefings, but the cost. material in general so we continue to review a variety of factors as it relates to safeguarding classes materials this includes examining updating distribution, lists, assessing how and where intelligence products are shared, of other steps, would say, though that is- and it is important to understand that
we do have stringent guidelines in place force If guarding classified in sensitive information, this was a deliberate criminal. Violation of those guidelines- and so again I think it's important understand now we will continue to do everything we can to ensure that the people, have a need to know when it comes to this kind of information, have access to that. Ok, so you didn't say anything same manned cut three go What is your message to anyone who might be thinking of leaking these kind of documents in the future? Look again, we have four Yours we have protocols in place receive regular training on the proper handling of classified information. It's what she's asking some broken your system install the information released it that's what she's talking about now. You're protocols,
Your non disclosure agreements, not all that job Doesn't it this is a big deal anyway. Not a big deal. nothing that happens and they buy an administration that harms that countries a big deal military or for their tea economic or leaks like this cut for. golf- are you concerned about the issue they're, trying to they're trying to bring them out of there as fast as they can a concern The the and you'll remember Pierre. The white house said that turbine takes me, shouted questions in any president. History. They only one of the take shouted questions and by the way the question is asked often and should be Why won't Joe Biden to have a full, fledged pressing?
You know, like we had an evenings at night before with other real president's, and I answer, I can answer It raises a blithering area, our I cut for go third available? We about the wages, sir there's nothing. Contemporaneous than unaware of that is of great consequence. Now it really quite remarkable america, because couple days ago, word from pentagon in the department of Justice leaked again to the media was that well. The fact of the matter is that this The greatest leak of intelligence in modern history- is another. They said sadness, reducing or
Of information pouring out was all over the newspaper weaving cited? Some of it couldn't hide it couldn't hide it and now Joe Biden downplays it. So this is hugely problematic. Now, they got this twenty one year old. Barely is sir: in the night a guard. Also. I t for a contractor or something like that when I'm all details. According to merit scarlet in his forty two second statement that he. I'm working here he's united states, air force. National guard he's involved and classified national too,
Hence information that sort of thing. I t. I'm not ready to bite on this. Yet MR producer. Others have said, and I agree with them. I'm not saying he wasn't involved, are not saying he wasn't the only guy and robert I'm not saying you didn't do it, Not ready to buy down hard on this. It just doesn't smell a hundred percent write to me and I could be wrong. Have a pretty good smaller though, and I really do Think we need to see if there's more and I would strongly encourage. Strongly encourage the media to dig a little bit more deeply. Then gesture, Inscribe the ambiguous statements that they
see from the department of defense and the department of injustice. That's my view. I'm just not ready to to jump in here. Again, I'm not saying you wasn't involved are not saying he wasn't. The tree person involved the only person member I'm not gonna rushed the judgment either. No, I really do I rarely do. sometimes it pays to wait twenty four forty eight hours. Sometimes it pays to wait a little bit longer again, not soft on this guy? If he was, involved in any of this. It's treasonous act, but that said. They spoke to one of his friends,
animals and they didn't show his face. He said this is a twenty one year old, he's a little younger than to Shera. he said he believes in god loves his country. Sort of an outdoorsman very charismatic. Once again it doesn't mean he didn't do. It would be the first time somebody like that stun something terrible. It may be ten or twenty years ago the government puts out information like this. I would have been one hundred per cent in. I do not trust merrick garland in the least one after parents still does goes after. pro lifers going after our former president. He says things that are flat out lies misleads
american people, I do not, the people who run the department of defense, whether its milly, her austin. I simply don't. I do now. Trust christopher re. At the federal you're ever stasi investigations. I just don't know Might be a hundred percent right about this seriously. They may well be, and that certainly the likelihood, but it's the likelihood. And time or tell not pushing any conspiracies, I don't know of any conspiracy. Are, we now have is a sky so far, but Like the way they set up tromp in manhattan or georgia, or what they're doing to him now with wire fraud there looking at in washington,
Raising campaign fund wire fraud now. so I don't trust the same institutions that are doing things of that sort. We'll have to wait and see. I'll be right back, then. Let me ask you what heck, is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts? Are we supposed fine sanity in this mess- and I was talking with augusta just meadows and they said tons of people are buying gold, take the retirement savings right now. I think it's more important never to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars, plus save for retirement august will actually pay. You pure gold, to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august
precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank, Yes, this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids, Seven, seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect retirement. I get your free gold coin, that's all gust of precious metals at. seven seven for gold. I re again eights seven for gold. I re consult your financial professionals before investment and serious disclosures are augusta, precious metals, dot com he's been very busy here, among other things, destroying our country, and in a video message yesterday here now, This plan to expand health coverage for illegal aliens. No legislation know him.
From your representatives now have government by fear, and this blithering idiot. This blithering area goes around. Talking about democracy and freedom versus tyranny. an autocracy while he should because he's on the terrace, you're an autocracy side cut, eight go for a while and I created a darker programme, we knew it was illegal you supported or not it just as illegal, you don't get to create. Doc programme out of the executive branch. This has been an issue that start from the top go for president obama and I created the docker program. We knew it would transform lives and it has breached ability and possibility to of thousands of young people, known as dreamers brought to marry
you sure this country, only home, never know. Did you say to america's children. can even read his cue cards. The city it go ahead corps, They study there were car, they start businesses, many of certain military- and I am like the white supremacist in america in the dominated society for bigots and races sunlike magda republicans. Of course, then build anything. Illegal aliens are built everything everything. Don't you know that they do jobs. Americans robbed go ahead and to work on the front lines of the pandemic. There can in every way, except on paper. It's past time for congress to give dreamers a pathway to citizenship is amazing, just amazing the the the lack of
willingness to enforce the law and the constitution. Here. This is a guy who should be impeached and found guilty and removed go ahead. Or towards that goal, alongside dreamers advocates, members of congress dreamers- the opportunity and support they look how languages effect you're here legally you're a dreamer here legally may be through several generations. Your white supremacist see our go ahead. Patricia now to our plan or expand health coverage for doktor recipients by allowing them no role and plan through the affordable care or through medicaid. So through many cave, which is going brook theirs. Statutory law- that's been passed to allow this. expanding funds without approval from congress, and he just does.
He just as it is in Everybody'S- ok with it, because they are the ends. The end justifies the means it alive good, commies, guy, Should be a right, not a privilege, my administration's work to be a right, not a privilege, how there should be a right, not a privilege. We understand that folks saws, said a thousand times you folks who go to the veterans administration, you go in there and you tell them. I have a right, Whatever medicine, I need and want period period because the visa is run by the federal government. Is it not and you folks, on medicare same thing, Many cares run by the federal government healthcare as a right Will you go in and you say I want this. I want that. It's all right! I want. What I want is a right and you doctors, you no longer. free to do what you want
cars are right. Then you're urine indentured servants because you will do what must be done for the rights of the people. You nurses, to You hospitals to its a right, and you by working in labs, trying to invent new drugs and develop new alternatives technologies. you work and you were a card. Because it's all right, it's all right- that people Have these things- and you must you must do these- so people can have these things. You understand it's all right it's all right for illegal aliens to apparently go ahead. More mercosur health, insurers days announcements about giving all americans have health insurance than ever no country. is there more health insurance, the north korea, to cuba
everybody house, health insurance, provide. By the government everybody's equal No private alternative, how's that working out. you, don't care that everybody has helped ensure we care that people get. Quality Air quality medicines when they need them, that's what the united states produce. Let me ask you what hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts. Are we supposed fine sanity in this mess nice talking with augusta precious metals, and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more imports than ever to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars. Plus save for retirement augusta will act.
We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to a she's metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids, haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge Your retirement, I get your free gold coin, that's all gossip! she's metals at eight seven, seven for gold. I re again, eight seven seven For gold, I re consult your financial professionals before investment and serious disclosures are augusta, precious metals dot com. I like MIKE, I do I'm not I'm a long time said, but he s a great question: how the hell
twenty one year. Old national guards may get. Access to this information must produce. He doesn't have a need to know situation. In massachusetts. How did you access to this, and so there does need to be. a major investigation under this to figure it out. How the hell did it happen? That is a major investigation into the pentagon. We're led some slick, talk in one star to come out and tell us what the think most of these people who speak on behalf of the pentagon and anon up this particular brigadier general. They get most. Their stripes of stars as a result of working in communications. For decades, Not necessarily battle hardened.
and some of that information I was leaked is critically important, including the fact that the chinese are providing a lot more assistance to russia. Then I government led on. then our government led on. These leaks hurt ukraine. They hurt the united states, they heard our allies are our. Have to wonder what the hell's going on and they benefit our enemy say enemies, enemy's ploy whose might mccord mike Mccormick years and years ago was the coach of the philadelphia but not that might mccormick pretty good coach, too man. I don't know if he's even with us anymore, but the make Mccormick. I'm talking about who will be ignored by the new york slimy, washing compost because censor
ship is the name of their game mike Mccormick. You know before I get to decide on this. Before I get to there's something bugging me and I we'll get to this, it's a big deal. This judge in the dominion lawsuits in delaware. I'm looking here at media. I too is obsessed with this case long with medium matters, because her left wing, goons and prohibitions. Lester headline. By can Meyer, we ve with him before a judge and fox dominion, trial, roasts Maria I too romo she, clearly neutrally says: snark foot. judge presiding over the I trial and dominion voting systems. One point: six billion dollar suit against fox news, made several out
spoken comments about the cable news giant during pretrial hearings this week including a snarking remark: ticking aim at fox business anchor maria barred to roma delaware A court judge Eric Davis sanction the network, which was outrageous, and announced an investigation into fox foxes, alleged withholding of evidence and in Mason relevant to the case of pre trial hearings on wednesday and thursday. I guess this man, this judge, disappearing court judge in delaware, Hasn't heard about you first, the seller and maybe hasn't even heard about freedom of the press. now the hearing down in part with recordings provided by former fox news producer, abbe gross bird who is suing fox news to lawsuits separate from dominions claims Recording, show barter almost spoke with sidney, Palin, rudy, giuliani or while puttering pray.
As fast as you can whom admitted to being unable to prove that indian software rigged the election. dominions lawyers charge fox of failing to present this evidence when they were supposed to and during the hearing on Wednesday judge Davis, Eric Davis took a shot bar terrain, mosey, question foxes laura microsoft, sculptor about record said, showed the foxes entertaining the idea of information on defence of donald trump. I mean I think we also just learned about this and produced it, and we believe that the full recordings provide relish Evidence to actual malice and ms part to Roma, she knew the question she was asking She was saying, offer versus on air sogo, argued before the june image. The following exchange occurred. David she's, clearly neutral.
Choose me. Your honor says the lawyer he's clearly neutral, I'm being sarcastic. I just heard the tape wishes put a defence fun thing: does the judge, speak as even literate. Wanted to override their directed or put a campaign thing. Clearly. notre laura scope. Ma am with the evidence will show that didn't appear on the kyron, judge, Davis, So here is the judges post me impartial. who clearly is not by his own work. And, I would argue, buys ruins. according to washington, post media critic, Eric rempel. Who is in the court room for the hearing? The judges delivery was dead, pan and confused the fox attorney. I was not only time, judge Davis spoke out and colorful terms about foxes coverage in the aftermath of the election, which used to score.
The scathing terms, throughout this case judge why don't you Step aside, this is the big leagues you may not be able to handle this. Go all the way to the? U s supreme court, even talk to any the fox lawyers ox executive to I'm just so, As a lawyer. this is as yet year your small potatoes. This is in your court room here. Can a clown show the thing your army. sleep, biased and partisan. The way that your ruling. David said a one point: during the discussion a diminutive protruded cross examined fox witnesses. I could have a lot of fun with this case. Dominion has sought to put part two romo on the witness stand, She was one of the most prominent fox personalities, feeling trance answers They had created claims about the election, even after a forced fact check on the coast. Here sincere. She gave air to bar to roma
continue to promote election denial. Ism you you would have thought they were talking about Jane. Rask in twenty sixteen or does Of democrats and twenty sixteen, I wonder what the judge would think about that the judges aware than NBC news raised questions about voting machines, as did many cyber. Experts in the connection to the internet I didn't raise these questions. They did. One of these aware of letters that one out under the signatures of Elizabeth Warren and ron wyden. I did all this research today from my sunday show on fox, so you want to see it, maybe I'm Too much right, let's wait even though I know the enemy needier hanging on my every syllable, because the corrupt.
democrat party media and those funded by democrats, donors like media matters and media. the others they desperately desperately what this case to be won by the plain ass: you don't care about food speech or freedom of the press and whispered bite and us you're, not gonna, one which might miss my sunday sure I got flourish which, for half the sure I've got the former acting, attorney general of the united states, Matt whitaker, think you're gonna love the show back, unlike Mccormick former. Bomb stenographer former- Bomb, a stenographer hell, former obama, stenographer he's
fox and friends today and he's talking about April. Twenty fourteen bide enriched this man and his own family go ahead into in April Twenty fourteen, I was an air force to win, Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan at the time I'm. No one knew the hunter Biden was already on the board: a very small holdings, natural gas conglomerate from ukraine, Joe Biden is directing Jake, sullen and further playing what to say to the press. My job as a stenographer on the plane cord, what the vice president for senior ministration official says to the press. So I'm sorry, back. There were the tape quarter, J sullen comes back and somebody asthma tracking His answer is well we're bringing a lot american citizens over four fraction,
We smell was a direct beneficiaries of that fraction, and that's what I recorded in that's no white house, transcript, the transcript. You don't know who jake solomon is its seen: him registration official, I'm. Witness that says, chase solomon is the guy who said it and he should be investigated because at that time, you're buying was on the board and very small. and Joe Biden is bringing american taxpayers money to enrich that company adds himself and his family got back. That's on the record. Over their immediate. I notice you don't have a yet do they must admit it. Let's see here now have our media matters they pick up on it either? Is it in the front page
near its limes or the watchman compost. Now censorship, hunter, carbines, laptop censorship, more cut tango MIKE my biggest question is: is the fbi has been ignoring you? It's no seek right now that people have a lot of faith in the fbi, would you tell him and wouldn't they say back to your wallet, the great question ashley came across this story. Back in october, I polish, my sub stack my substances midnight in a laptop of good and evil. I didn't hear much about it. Instead, I went to the fbi and filed one of their tips on their website. If you do that and you're lying to them, you go to jail. I'm Lying I'm telling in truth and I'm not going to jail Joe Biden. is a criminal he was conducted, malfeasance in office to enriches family,
Sullivan is conspirator on that. And there's more of but there's more obama officials involved in it. I believe wow so. The fbi doesn't I from baba lynskey, even though he spoke to them for four or five hours about the option of the vine family, space, Finally, you pay The president of the united states They don't want to hear from Mr Mccormick might mccormick the former official or must an ogre fur whose an eye witness to what Biden was up to with respect to getting our taxes. Where's to perish may in ukraine in order to help them with fraction. While his son was on the board, It's a serious connection: there are endless connect,
since between the Biden family and these. Wrap regimes and how the families looking for ways to make millions of millions of dollars from just last night. I want through in a excruciating detail endless connections. buying and the Democrats shut up, trouble manhattan. How Biden and the Democrats set up trumpet the documents case. And we only know the tip of the iceberg here. Only the surface we're not in charge, we can't pull out the information. And now we have obama's stenographer, the former official stenographer, pointing out the Joe Biden pushed money to burn To help them we're franking, when his son said
on the board and then there is, The current national security council. As this to the president, Jake sherman babo linsky mccormick To tremendous eye witnesses and Special council knows A council because the department of justice is the praetorian guard for Joe Biden, just as the media are the praetorian guard for job, I maggot Bourbon, did you hear this maggot joe I peters did you. peters here. There's german, philip, are you going right, one of europe. One of your columns about this, philip everybody's waiting with bated breath hub
the rest of the miscreants mouth intention frauds and the media? I don't think they will. I'll be right back much. Then let me ask you what heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts, are we supposed fine sanity in this mess. I was talking with august precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect the retirement savings right now I think it's more important, ever to own gold. I guess what view? hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusto will act. We pay you and your god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to augusta I shall metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the failures. This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids evan seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect.
Retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all just a precious metals seven seven for gold. I re again eights, In seven for gold, I re consult your financial professionals before investment and serious disclosures august, a precious metals dot. Com I hear some music, which means I have to take a break, would get too great hours. Left me right now. This segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again
we're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mike love. The several weeks ago, I asked the question where's mitch, Mcconnell and I concluded when he We got a concussion. He was far worse off from that far than people were letting us now, because we weren't hearing from him at all now and then a statement will be put out, but he hasn't been seen in public. And my point is who is running the
look inside of the senate. Same time. You had fetterman in a hospital through mental issues he's back now Course you have Feinstein who has shingles but is likely going through dementia issues, I'm just being honest. The problem is, we have one of the oldest senate's in american history terms of age. Just as with the oldest president in american history, not even close, but unlike donald trump who's in his what's he seventy eight. When you talk to donald trump, you meet. Donald trump. He doesn't look or sound. Like he's. An older man at all Joe Biden looks older.
Then he is an ax older than he is he's years old, You have these people who hang around washington DC forever trumps, not one of them. These people are forever I was much mcconnell retirement, imminent rights, Matt Margolis one. Excellent column out there J, while attending a Senate leadership, fun dinner event at the waldorf, Korea, formerly the trump hotel in washington. send a majority leader mitch. Mcconnell took a fall that resulted in a concussion. And he's remain at a public. I ever since now there are whispers that he might not be free return to the Senate is preparing for retirement. Now
He's going to show up on Monday, but I don't believe that's mats. Point mats point is The difference between showing up and actually competently being able to do something he said, sources to the spectator that centre republicans her preparing for an imminent leadership vote. I've heard this too that there's a lot of positioning going on multiple sources confirm that senators. John palazzo wyoming, John corn of texas, he'd be the worse and john soon of Dakota are actively reaching out to fellow republican senators in efforts to prepare for an anticipated leadership vote through report discloses About that would occur upon announcement that Mcconnell would be retiring from his duties as leader and pay only the senate itself. They say once
we're, says, corn and has been particularly active in its preparation, corners them. Liberal or those three peace, the most liberal others, three cornered has been particularly active in his power, Durations taking fellow senators with whom he has little in common to lunch and attempts to court them, is he going to date to Mr Buzek Requests are being targeted at a plethora of conservative senators, including the sixteen who voted to delay the leadership election this year, a proxy for opposition to Mcconnell's leadership rick, Scott, the florida senator in former and are a sea head who challenge mecca, ultimately receive ten protests votes. These members could prove he to determine the next republican leader queries also being made internally about the rules regarding replacement and how the contest would be structured.
given the lack of an obvious heir, apparent. Now Mcconnell tweeted his intentions, I'm looking for a return to the senate. On monday, we ve got important business to attack on big fights, to win for kentucky and send the american people battle I'm not saying this is going to happen. I'm saying this is which being report I don't have any action, the Mitch mcconnell of any kind of mechanical I urge the retired from the Senate altogether and not yet from his leadership position, will be up to democratic Andy Bashir to fill the vacancy, but Kentucky Republican, controlled legislature recently passed sb too to eight. Which would constrain this year's power by requiring them to choose one of three candidates recommend leaders of the same political parties, the outgoing senator, so I'd have to pick one of three republicans.
And so there you have it. We don't know exactly what's going on, but maybe by monday, will no more isn't a weird how little we know about our government. Even the elected part, isn't a weird you try and read them. You try and figure out things that way. and I recently these so called governor of California, whose travelling the country, despite the fact, that is state- is collapsing economically in every other way. who is on the joy reed, show MR produce on him. A seller state. Has anybody said to gruesome newsome.
Why are you on the show of a of a full throated, racist and bigot? Why are you on that show when the with the judge in Delaware thinks spatter? Who he's got all kinds of opinions there from the bench. Just curious, so that's Mcconnell. Then there is the issue of Diane stan, I used collar, die and frank and Feinstein. I don't know you, should stop calling her frank in fine style. Mr producer said to disrespectful called Diane Frankenstein stein, frank in fine style, now, diane, frank and Feinstein apparently has shingles unfairly has more than that, because she was to be the president protests of the senate.
The longest serving senator after Lei, he finally hung it up and went back to vermont, and that now is now sucking maple syrup. Now the question is: can she functionally answers? Notion we can't so you have heard, have futterman, I mean it's, it's it's really embarrassing. Quite frankly, and then you got the lee blithering idiot in the oval office. When he's in the office. So now they want Feinstein. resign because you know they leave lined up radical leftists to fill her seat. Radical left this the filter see chestnuts. They ve lined up rhinos to feel Mcconnell seat and I'm sure in kentucky there, I commend the governor point another rhino, so we won't make too much progress. Should that be the case, and I don't know whether it's gonna be the case.
So here is representative role, o connor, who was considered by some media types to be ah sort of bi partisan he's a lib. I actually think he went the temple university as I did of course cut. Sixteen go It has become painfully obvious to many of us in California s, letter, Is no longer able to fulfil their duties as she doesn't clear returned date. We been able to confirm judges at a time where women's rights and voting rights are under assault, senator urban himself was the chair of the judiciary. The reason we are not being able to move these judges is because Feinstein, isn't there and so someone from California. I felt an object. I want to say what so many colleagues are saying in private- that the time has come for her to go. fully step down and have a dignified
To a very distinguished political career they ago, young upstart can't wait. You're upstart can't wait. Roy com She needs to move out of the way showing it adam shift. Ladys in general, Katy porter were informations, come out from her ex husband, among others, that apparently sheep. lord a I what you call those things had I'll cook: a potatoes are hot thing of potatoes. What he called a barrel or whatever over her ex husband head and was heard to be using the effort constantly even in front of her child katy porter, what did they come up with these, It's in california can't they do better than this I mean even nationwide. They got Biden income our. So you know you look a california
You get the little dabble. Do you gruesome knows walking around like you somebody's nobody. Every decision he made on the pandemic was the wrong one. It's like you can pick from column mayor, be any constant, constantly pick the wrong column, every single tat, the guy. goes to Florida that complain about rhonda santa's. While people are sprinting out of his state, while estate is losing population. While as industries are folding, while the businesses are leaving as fast as they can, he tears to go to Florida proudly was looking for real estate. Truth be told. truth- be told I'll, be right, back much love in the don't fall for the free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks.
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fly. You can see this site for details. I raised questions about the year. The two gentlemen, the one lady, the three state representatives Democrat saw the tennessee house, the legit shutting down literally shutting down, thereby. preventing the free speech, other representatives who represent the rest of their state, thereby preventing the state legists. should a function. So the representatives of the other people, including from minority areas by the wake, could actually do their jobs for that Meanwhile, the you, sir, these gentlemen this lady. They were all over tv. They became a civil rights figures, all of a sudden.
This is why I say. Sometimes you get awaiting get all the information. Sometimes you just have to wait. So what am I talking about now? Well, that's a good question More has been learned about. One of the gentlemen had been expelled and they're, both back by the way their both back ratio spoken, don't ask me, I don't know how it works, but I won. read something to you from a national reveal and in specific. Caroline downy Can house democrat justin jones, one of the frequent american young men, both called justin.
with, was just reinstated in the chamber after being expelled for leading a disruptive gun, control, protest on the floor, ready, assaulted, a driver and face serious charges for other misconduct committed while attending racial justice protests in the summer of twenty twenty. Ah completely perplexed footage of riding outside the state capitol on twenty twenty first shared by scoop, nashville peers to show, and jones repeatedly hitting the drive a car with a cone, a traffic. The video which were has resurfaced by postman Many are great site shows islands and other activists stopping and surrounding the vehicle before the driver. Escaped Johns was charged with a sop assault on an officer and reckless and day
german, for which he was indicted on two counts. After the video was presented to the grand jury in the case, despite his violent behaviour jones claimed in june twenty twenty one that he was being peaceful, conan quote and claims to the contrary, were a false narrative. Cora quoth. He also said on one of the morning shows they all kind of come together because most of them requite stupid on the networks. He also said that one of the republican members tried to grab his cell phone out of his and when he was talking to constituents in the gallery, no, he was rolling up the constituents in the gallery. Doily second protest: there were two to end he said I was a sort of this is a guy that apparently was charged with us.
what assault on officer, reckless endangerment and was charged indicted on two counts. After the grand jury saw the video he said they will try to push a false narrative portraying me as violent as a way to deflect from their own actions. They will suggest that I'm out of order that is their strategy. However, I am hopeful for the chance to present our evidence in a transparent manner. He tweeted, then you have that opportunity when you recharge jones alleged that police colluded with prosecutors,
to quote weapon eyes. The law is a form of punishment, for the mere fact that we chose to stand up unquote quote so the guy's violent he was finally during the riots and he was charged with solving a police officers. Well, as the driver did the morning shows bother to look into the sky before the and to them as the next summer rights leader in america. Last week, jones, alongside progressive law makers, justin pearson and Gloria Johnson was stripped of committee assignments and ousted from the state house. By voting seventy two Twenty five women close- I guess they don't have a lot of Nancy mace types in the republican party of tennessee, MR producer, just in south carolina, all three legislators were accused of egging on protestors.
Who stood on a balcony within the chamber's trading fascists fascists? Demonstrators also blocks several entry waves and exits, forcing state troopers to step in to assist members and moving where the building. Oh, I didn't hear this on the big media. Did you hear this must have been asia or there are blocking exits and entry ways who knew what they did? Is they hijacked the house floor which has never been done in our history? How speaker cameron, sexton told mashed review of the three lawmakers well you're, obviously away Supremacist they pulled out a born, they warrant recognise, they were ruled out of order and they lighter protests from the house floor with a born to those in the balcony. Then down the proceedings of the house. We
to go into recess due to their actions and on Monday Jones was you famously appointed as an interim representative by the fifty second district of the metropolitan council, nashville and davidson counties. So now you know his paw harvey used to say the rest for the story absent. The appalling! Now you know the rest of their story. America turns out the justin well just and has been a violent rider he's been charged with the so called out the boy horn all kind of crap take place, didn't I'll, be right, back, don't fall for their free phone ideas for a variety of eighteen to your t, mobile folks,
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Well, backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk, dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions apply. You can see this site for details do we have any callers? Do we have any irregular americans with whom I disagree, regular americans, my friend go right ahead. syria, satellite charleston, south carolina, beautiful place How are you, sir, now. very well? How are you buddy,
I'm right ahead on real good out of work, a pill, infinite wisdom or what the republicans can do to stop the Democrats but no she'll in poorer dementia- finds that nothing cant do anything that states gone. So one party state In every respect, I know republicans hate when I say this, that doesn't mean you stop fighting. look at least Ellen. He almost almost one that govern trip in new york for all. I know my run again. That said at the very moment this very moment the democrats control. Everything includes the of these monetary system in your community, so nothing nothing that's around the period of well. I'm just pleased.
And they don't sound like here from California you're from California. No, no no longer rely on what I said in florida, o from florida. Well, I'm calling from sir gawaine from south carolina here from floor. While there is, there are some, presented us from south. Her I mean really like this Nancy mace, Seems like susan columns of the house of representatives or, as I have said before, mitt romney in opposite track. I thank you for your call, my friend, Anybody asked mister Bellew so that I should speak to see sex em is busy tonight in olympia wash John Brian Brian? How are you, sir. I'm doing good mitchell, then in our youth he very well. Thank you.
I do just going together. Other you had mentioned, I love the air guardsmen, an idea, documents, I how he got the documents. I just know he's the one being fingered. Oh well, then,. Lot of people have been asking on the news and whatnot where he could have gotten that as a guard person. I just wanted to mention Let people know that a lot of people in need in the guard. their opportunity due to the active duty as well and so as to how he could making it clear, I believe, is active duty. No, no, but I'm saying when you're in national guard it can be put on attitude. I know but you're a national guard for the air force in massachusetts and you have access to top secret information related to the pentagon's strategic views of what's taking place with ukraine and russia
Seriously, that's unlimited start, like I can tell you when I worked at the justice department. We a lot of people would clearances, but certain information they didn't have access to. I'm not sure what you ve got. Job title was but yeah he was an. I t, guy. Ok, okay! Well, I remember that when I was in the national guard up your washington that there, if the people who worked specifically with washington, d, c area or the pentagon and as well as his active duty up here at fort Lewis, so I'm thinking that's an answer to some of the questions. I've been hearing. People But how could he have done it? I don't. I don't think that's an answer that people have access to intelligence, information,
there's intelligence, information and there's intelligence information, as you know, and everybody doesn't or is it supposed to have access to certain types of information? Which is why I guess they claim it was easy to reverse analyze. What was taking place in the track him down, and I am also not a hundred percent certain that completely this guy. In other words he may be involved. He may be the leader he may not. I want more information. I don't trust these people. I don't trust what they tell. I mean Biden says today. This is essentially the substance of the issue nation's no big deal. Every news report I read up to today was a was a huge deal, the information that was leaked and it was a a huge problem for us ah and the our allies, the ukrainians on the battlefield and then Biden
While it is not a contemporary proud, nobody knows what even means by that. I thank you for your call, my friend and your service, one more MR producer. Yes, w s k, why? That's not? California, that's florida, o calla florida, you said Linda or Belinda Belinda. How are you. Hell if one day with an l, I'm doing great mar it's linda MR costs, as you guys get the state wrong, that the color is wrong and the names lady raw for lady's name wrong, go right ahead. Linda. Thank you cake Paul with regard to that young man, that guy arrested for the bleak the pentagon league.
now, a rat and the reason I that is because they had private previously said, and it was reported that it was a high ranking official. Then it would have had access to their I can't remember- were heard that brown by was on the news, poverty, the five one of the fox station- well, hopefully we'll find out sooner than later, because I don't think this is the whole story, not even close. So in that regard, I agree with you. I don't think this is the whole story, not even close Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be right back much love in the don't fall for the free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks,
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Directions apply. You can see this site for details, the photo watching the? U of c for the weekend, the prelims and the paper side. I been on a s, p, n and am obsessed with this stuff. I have been for a long long long time I introduced hannity to it actually has, he goes around, say, hey, guess what why I took martial arts anyway, yeah just getting shot downward so were present. Tromp was their cause was held. I am me and he was sitting with Dana. Why and the crowd loved president when the camera went to president trump, the crowd went nuts, the you have secret,
his conservative, the vast majority, the you have see fighters are conservative, conor, magritte I didn't know he was concerned. He normally while he watches fox. ass. It turns out sean had him on and he told me and fantastic to sport, and I love at that. I can do a lot of support Mr Barroso, can you believe what I was a young man? I was an awfully that I play baseball basketball. Can you believe yes, I did yes, I did now not saying I was the best, but I was pretty good good enough and for watching you see and then present trump card cut innovation. His friend
plastic. I thought I right I'm looking here what I'd like to I you for you and I don't have enough time to start it. Donald trump put out a video today. First, what he's putting out power he's pointing out these videos on true social which are being put on other social sites to that are fantastic and their these little clips couple. Minutes each on various subjects and their well written and are well thought out, of course, They're well read, unlike Biden, whose you know the dangers come loose in the spindle drips down on those loafers tromp was a young man for his age. Pine is an old man for his age and when he talks about today, is very very important about prosecutors, about the legal system about how these things her affecting our country, not just him.
and you ought to check these out because they are really really good, as he puts them out every couple of years. He puts them at an aim. Reminds me a ragged one. can use to put outcome. Shows on radio when he was running the first time and put them out their trouble, harnessed the new technology like nobody or that's, why they knocked him off of all these social site, as he was way ahead of the curve. I friends twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss.
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the broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the want to get to the the audio version of the video that Donald trump put out. But before I do there's more information I want to put out tonight over it, As they are reporting nearly one, native new yorkers, want to leave their state over ten. how's and have already sought refuge in florida just this year, so people are talking with their feet. Their voting with their feet in their own individual instances near contain.
stay hemorrhage residents, many of whom are relocating to florida. True anew Paul indicates that this trend was limited to the pandemic. It's likely to continue these sienna college paul conducted March sixty ninth has provided some damning insights into new yorkers view of their own state. When asked whether they felt that new york was a place, they felt safe from crime. Forty nine percent said no woman appeared especially concerned. Fifty seven per cent said no. Nearly forty per cent of respondents suggested new york is not a good place to reach Dron, sixty percent of respondents cast doubt on whether new york as a suitable place, choose me to retire thirty. One percent said they would retire someplace else, that's a third of the state, one
Well, they plan to continue to live in new york or intend to leave within the next five years. Twenty six percent of respondents said they were planning on, leaving town he d polder, accurately sienna college research institute, told the near posed. These are a high numbers. These are take your breath away. Numbers. Angela Gutierrez thirty eight told the posts that she had moved to ease harlan from the bronx, partly to get away from all the crazy people, but stress that it still isn't safe. Didn't you move out of the bronx, mr produce, we get away from the crazy people. Five years ago you are pressed way ahead of your time and everything is expensive. She said the raising the run again and we can't it's going up almost eight hundred dollars a month at a gutierrez, noting that she was going to pencil
at the end of the month and by like pennsylvania, is a rather inexpensive state compared to others. I, the heiress, tens of thousands of americans, are going a great deal farther than pennsylvania doors. New york, new york city may Eric Adams. What at another another nitwit bet on algae, be tv activism to stop the exodus of the orchestra floor of potentially reverse the trend. What. The Adams denounce florida governor ron to say this: they all attacked the santas, they all hate to say it is wine. If the santas were a loser who couldn't be president, they wouldn't attack him like Chris Christie. Nobody attacks and will be- and I do it because it's fun
Adams denounced far to govern around decides this last April. Over is ratification of the parental rights and education bill and called on floridians the head, nor to celebrate the diversity and acceptance of new york city Adams said despite the rainbow probe, posters and celebrations are diverse. The exodus of new yorkers from Adam city and elsewhere in the state has not let up with many continued a flock and master. The sunshine stay. Ten thousand eight hundred and twenty four new yorkers swat until a new york city swapped out their state drivers, licences for florida licences in the first three months of twenty twenty three.
This is reportedly a slight slow down over the same stretch last year, which was fourteen thousand eight hundred thirty four usa today reported that over sixty five thousand new yorkers ultimately made the switch and twenty twenty two and other sixty two thousand a year before now, these sensors peer data release this week indicates kings, queens, bronx counties in new york. They were among the five hemorrhaging, the most residents between July twenty twenty one and twenty twenty to a total of two hundred and thirteen
thousand. That's enormous, MR producer. In a one year period, queens kings, bronx counties among the five hemorrhaging, the most residents, almost a quarter of a million people think he'll be leaving MR producer now you're hang their right to the very end. Conversely, paul glee and pasco counties in florida saw some of the greatest gains. Picking up nearly eighty five thousand people combined. These are relatively small counties in florida and I don't really need to read more about this. It's it's obvious, there's more information, but what's the point, people are voting with their feet and they're leaving in droves, and I don't blame them now. Let's see here? Yes, yes, yes, yes, oh now, that's preposterous! You want to hear about this. Wait a minute hold on a second as this breaking news. How long
why radio I gotta see if it's breaking looking I'm looking now, I can wait. There's is another one that I wanted to get to. Apparently there's not enough racism going on in america, so academia has to manufacture it. We see this all the time. Don't we with the phony events that take place in the media jump right in, and the phony civil rights advocates jump right in Al Sharpton and PJ media fraudulent studies were drawn, as professor is caught faking the racism narrative again Matt margolis of PJ media faking, the racism narrative. Why do you have to fake it when we are a systemically racist white, dominated white, supremacist white privilege society? Why do you have to fake it? It must be all around us now remember how, during trump's presidency, the media went to great lengths to push the narrative that trump inspired an increase in racism and hate crimes, remember other than it felt like many of the hate crimes reported in the media were actually
hoaxes yeah didn't stop the corrupt media from perpetuating the false narrative. That trump was to blame for a rise in hate crimes. Did it know why? Because it appealed to the left side, ecology. The left wants to believe that america is a bigoted racist country, aka the marxists, blaming trump blaming erase of people blaming capitalism. You know how it goes turns
the years of racism. Studies by florida, state university. If ass, you criminology, professor Eric Stuart, that is Eric, Stuart, have been determined to be fraudulent, forcing them to leave as cushy a hundred and ninety thousand dollar a year job and that doesn't include benefits. Six and professor Stuart studies have been retracted. Stored himself has been on leave from the college since mid march, because a new investigation in those where drew attention to years of allegations that he manipulated sample sizes to produce results that made america appear more racist, my god, I bet this goes on everywhere, all the time everywhere. All the time, sir, was first accused of falsifying data by just in piccadilly university of Albany, o albany criminology, professor, who co author of the report on raising crime with stored in twenty eleven. In the study reports, the near posts the criminologists were looking to test. If the public was increasingly demanding
longer. Sentences for black and hispanic criminals, as those minority populations group will, of course, of course they were were racist society systemically. So it's in our dna in his twenty nineteen complaint picot said that their finding showed no relationship. None between the growth of minority groups and the severity of criminal sentences handed out pick a claim that the published paper contained manipulated data suggest a correlation. Despite contradicting results. Now he stated the sample sizes were expanded. Data was cherry, picked to achieve the desired outcome is complainant. Four others were disregarded by the universe. These two committee members had coauthored studies with stewart to the poison of the this crap and same with climate change. The poison say you only get grants from the government. You only get grants from the government if you produce what the government wants.
True, despite retraction of studies, the committee found in sufficient proof of fraud, and so they ended the investigation. We don't see anything here and, however, new allegation surfaced in june twenty twenty shortly after story, coups picketed, damaging as an academic, reputation a pal, you have no academic reputation anymore. What is true and settling about this is the study that disproves systemic racism should because of celebration, but stewards privatisation of narrative over truth, as margolis wondering how many of us fraudulent studies were reference by policy makers and those in positions of influence of further fuel, the racist america agenda
you know, was low hanging fruit and how many other studies were falsified data are out there. You know we need like a bunch of really smart guys, former professors are professors or whatever it takes experts to really start going through these reports on climate change to us. I just meant now some of that some of its being done and we have some good people working on, but there's so much of it and it's kind of overwhelming our entire economic system. Aren't I way of life is being destroyed over so cold climate change, and it is a pseudo signs that has never been definitively proven. Never. And the media mob: don't want you're talking about a period just
exact vaccines and manner can't talk about it? And if you do scarlet letter or you lose your license or have a license doesn't matter, you lose your job, that's how it works now, if the earth is flat period, whether you like it or not. That's the flat earthers they're, the flat earthers there, the deniers. There are the ones who don't want to use knowledge and have competition of ideas. So it means this isn't science, it's politics dressed up as science. No one denies that racism still exists, but why do those who insist it's a bigger problem than it really is neat to falsify data, writes margolis or stage bogus hate crimes in order to generate evidence? Well, why, I assume that's rhetorical, a narrative to an ideology: it's an agenda
to destroy the country and to remake it marx's image wool and he was one ugly dude I'll be right. Back mas If you own a small business, you know the value of time innovation refunds does to leave me easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employer, retention, credit or air sea gotta, get refunds, dot, com to get started, and in less than eight minutes see if your business qualifies for e r c assistance, the organism
this may be eligible for appear old tax refund, of up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee, kept on payroll during covered nineteen innovation. Refunds has already helped clients claim over three billion dollars in peril, tax relief funds through the air sea, and they may be able to help your business to there's no up front charge either they don't get paid until your business gets refund. Many businesses believed they won't qualified, based off, incomplete or outdated information. So dont, let this opportunity pass. You buy, because this payroll tax refund is only available for a limited time, go to get refunds, dot, com, that's get refunds, dot, com, donald trump video message today- eleven go there is no more dire threat to the american way of life than the corruption and weapon is
of our justice system and its happened. All around us and we not restore the fair and impartial rule of law. We will not be country as president, it will my personal mission to restore the scales of justice in america, fairness and equality under the law, To that end, I will appoint as attorneys, who will be the polar opposite of the sorrows district, journeys and others that are being appointed throughout the united. It's very unfair to our population, very unfair to our country. They will be the one hundred most ferocious legal warriors against crime and communist corruption that, Country has ever seen as well. Completely overhaul the federal department of justice and fbi. We will also launch sweeping civil rights investigations into
oxygen, local district attorney's and that's where we have their marxists in many cases, he's not afraid to use. The word is everybody should be using it cut, I'll go by refusing to charge countless crimes. He sorrows prosecutors appear to be engaging and selective enforcement based on illegal racial sk crimination into go to san francisco, los angeles and every other city where these maniacs have taken over the day. offers issued face federal subpoenas of their staff. They are emails and their records to determine whether they are blatantly violated federal civil rights law. As part of this effort, There should be a federal inquiry into these errors. Prosecutor in Austin, texas, who joy a veteran with murder for defending himself against a threat by
heavily armed member of a radical left mob, I will also ordered the department of justice to establish a task force and protecting the right to self defence is under siege. nationwide. In addition, we will have a complete investigation into the use of police state tactics by federal. The to arrest, conservatives and christians we'll find out who ordered it and we will hold them totally accountable. Have you ever heard of a presidential candidate? Talk like this? That's what people need to understand. People focus on the wrong thing when it comes to trump people, say I'm sick and tired of washington, I'm sick and tired of the abuse of the bureaucracy, I'm sick and tired of the swap. When is somebody going to go in there change something he's telling you he's telling you what he's going to do, and he did a lot of this in his first term. It's
been reversed by Joe Biden, but he's telling you what he's gonna do. This is why they're trying to destroy him and really the only other one I can tell who's capable of this- is to santas cause he's done it in florida. Now I haven't endorsed anybody, I'm just making a point that these are guys that were too and are the case dissented chief executives are, you know full well, a person like Chris Christie is not up to this job. Most of these other people aren't up to the job. They've been senators, they'd been governors, you know who they are. There are some who would be very good, including as vice president, but this is a man is quite serious and that's why they're trying to destroy luck again if they didn't fear, Donald trump
forget about always threatening democracy. No, actually the Democrats are destroying our republic. We don't need lectures from them about a damn thing. They hate this country have said it over and over and over again, but if he want to change what's taking place in washington, not the people of america, the people who rule us and that's what they're doing ruling us telling us what kind of vehicles we can own. We didn't have any input into that telling us what kind of gas stoves we can have what
h fact systems we can have dishwashers, washing machines, dryers and on and on and on whose made these decisions of you know, destroying women's sports, destroying title mine, destroying the word equality, replacing it with equity, having an affirmative action programme against certain people and for other people which is discriminatory. I'm telling you what we need are fighters, not people who know the kings, English does it include the f word? No thanks I'll I'll be right. Back vote new jersey, gregg w
b, go right ahead, bleak. By lower then yeah, I about black, yet I then, when he talked about the mass exodus of people from new york I had it mostly met by people mostly once again as it, mostly class light be or out now I. Why does it matter? Well, I I mean it. I think it goes As you know, I mean who's gonna be left I'm sorry I didn't ask if it's mostly middle class white paper. I suspect there, mostly applicants, are get me out of there. So I suppose and draw your own conclusion:
but the fact of the matter is California's a dying state not because of the people, but because the governor and the legislature and the mayors- and city councils and the funny prosecutors and new york. No differently. California, I regard you have a head cases governor and look at your attorney. Oh she's, a complete radical cook. I don't know who you dollar, ten a governor has. Nor do I care so what's happening is the businesses in these states are leaving the people in these states are leaving if they can and they're going to free states. That's what you do and that's why they understand. The democratic party wants to use the power, the federal government to national eyes, agenda. They want to take all the failed policies of california in new york and then some among the entire country. So there's way to escape to that's what they're trying to do so. The entire.
country, as I hope my friend, I appreciate your call any any adversary, any enemies, any irregular americans Well, we don't have any left us that every do we, one line open for our liberal friends. Ladies and gentlemen, we even want to the great expense to create a phone line for your leftists. Don't you now to press the buttons sate? Seven, seven, three, eight one! Thirty, eight eleven, eight seven, seven one thirty eight eleven they get there right now, whatever who cares? Proudly the local pizza rio de here this one touched on. It eighty eight or mediocre right as we like to call on president trumpets report. Under investigation by federal prosecutors, this would be jack. The Ripper smith.
probing. The january six attack on the EU s capital for alleged wire fraud related whose fund raising efforts between the twenty twenty presidential election and binds inaugurated. This is so sick and beyond the pale But when you have people like white watchers dropout bill bar on tv and others, urging the charging urging the indictment of the former presidents what you get, Cause they figure who's gonna complain about it other than love in seriously the washed impose broke the story folks, because the prosecutor's office leaks to the decompose, mostly sometimes the new york's limes kind of spreads the wealth citing eight people with knowledge of the investigation, eight people so coming
On person, with a personalities- I don't know each people now they're, not gonna name them, so that they have a new tactic at the post in the times and everywhere else they just have A bunch of anonymous people you see, may be out of the same office so that matter, a people on there. dish of anonymity to discuss the criminal investigation? You know what that is folks, that is a department of justice, eight people, that is a department of justice that is so damn corrupt. It's unbelievable! The report explains special council jack, the knife smith, a k, a jack, the Ripper smith is looking a potential wire fraud crimes committed by truck here's. What this guy wants to do pylon, sir gonna, take these statutes that don't fit they're gonna take
these statutes that don't fit just like this clown and map and trying to fit them to the occasion and out of the wire from look a wire they're gonna throw every piece of crap they can against the wall and they know something will stick with a washington dc jury. They
no fear, so they don't have to be real litigators. They ought to be real prosecutors and taken her in front of a jury of Donald trump's peers. Now look where these cases go manhattan, washington, d, c, potentially atlanta, georgia, that's why this is so pathetically sick. Now history will tell us this, but history doesn't do us any damn good. Today, Smith's office has sent subpoenas in recent weeks to trump advisers and former campaign, aides, republican operatives and other consultants involved and twenty twenty presidential campaign. The people said they've also heard testimony from some of these figures in front of a washington group
you're, ok! So it's clearly people in the special council office. These subpoenas were issued in early march. They ve not been previously reported these leaks about the grand jury by the prosecution, that is by the government. These are federal offences. And Mary garland is not investigating them, he doesn't care back and number twenty. Twenty usa today, Rennie searing editorial rights mediate slamming trump for fund raising off an election election fraud claims. So here's what their thinking trouble they're, talking about how we lost the elections and how he won the election but lost the vote. He goes in
This stuff, he asked people for money to help, support him to fight it, and so there are now twisting that into a crime. trump fundraiser to challenge voting results in the re election fraud declared the editorial the board quoted some trumps fund raising cause. Where fighting against the Democrats. That's mainstream media and big tech all at once. They want you to think the election over, but the wrong now smith, in his investigator our probing whether or not that messaging constituted fraud. Can you believe this mister bellew? I mean, if you did it, just a regular citizen will be beyond beyond the pale. Owing to a former president, who is currently the leaving republican nominee for president that's wire fraud,
You see what all these a whole politicians put in their their fund raising letters. day in and day out what they say misleading ally's? This special council wants to crime lies fund raising letters. He wants The criminal lies the election process. That is purely political. Anyway, congress has the final say not a! U S, attorney's office here
I already violated attorney client privilege. Oh no, he got the approval of a judge. He got an approval of an obama lawyer, that's what he got the approval of I'm just saying that this is unbelievable. Now, they're, wrapping this up into the whole thing somebody said to me, was a friend of mine, actually relative. Actually, yesterday good man danny had he compartmentalized this stuff. Had he lived with this stuff all the time said I have to put it aside from time to time. Unfortunately, I can put it aside for a long time, because I'm a very early in the morning I go to bed very, very late. At night I have this platform of the fox platform,
Am I have lived in tv platform and I'm writing a book, a crucially important book, relevant to current circumstances. I said, but one I'm done radio or done a tv show. At least I need an hour to where I take it into this stuff just an hour to. so I can clear my head and you, I get the engines revving again, so you get the best what I can say on radio. You get the best of my thinking on radio. You truly do you truly do I'm giving up for it I've done the research. I feel I need to do all right. If you Notes to myself, not many hadn't right down monologues. I speak from my. I from my mind, but these the hours, a radio it's the best I've got, and I think that who had been her twenty years, but that said.
when I'm done. Radio, that's it. I want to play with the dogs. Are new dogs, wonderful dogs? I want to talk to the family. And I need an hour, our two and then I sit down. I work on on the book. That's how it works, Fiona small business. You know the value of time. Innovation refund certainly does made it easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employ retention creditor, ear c program now get refunds that subsidies get refunds, that com, that's where I want you to go, get refunds, dot, com to get started in less than eight minutes. If you have a small business, your small business may qualify
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you funds, dot com, get refunds, dad come I'll, be right back much I also want to strongly encourage you to watch Sunday show, I know it's only thursday sunday show life liberty and live in a pm. Eastern five pm, pacific, seven, p m central. If you don't think you're going to be able to watch it live sunday evening or if you know you're not going to be able to watch a live sunday evening. May I encourage you to go ahead now, set your dvr to record it. It's going to be a very, very important show about the first amendment and freedom of the press.
I don't mean the corrupt press that has all the freedom in the world. I mean our press, our media, it's gonna, be an extremely important show. I will probably come under unrelenting attack, but I don't care I always do But it's going to be a very responsible programme, substantive programme with expertise brought to the able because we are losing our freedom of speech, we're losing a truly free press. You can see what the by administration and the Democrats or doing. I want to talk to you about what the founders thought about a free press, what they said what the framers tried to do to protect a free press. I want to talk to you about a couple: a Supreme court decisions. It's gonna be a program like you, ve, never seen anywhere on television, and that's why I think the sunday
It was so big, so, whatever you're doing, I'm not saying don't do it, but it ought to be appointment tv even if he need the dvr and recording it's ok, but don't miss it. I guess is my point. Miss- and I know I went Dershowitz is on a lot of fog shows, but nobody gives him a half hour like I do we get into this And same man whittaker, my workers are very sharp man. He was thee. Acting attorney general united states, he should have been appointed the Turning generally united states we get into this issue with him too, and he obviously very well schooled on it, and mostly I'm very well schooled on it. So it's a very special programme on your
constitution, the bill of rights, specifically your freedom of speech and your free press in the law pretty much fuses. The two doesn't make a big distinction between the two we have in this country today. The left, whether they For these. These donor created sites like media and media matters, democratic sites or whether the new york times the wash paused, cnn or at any other, we have ninety percent of the press in this country. That is of one mindset It is in sexual. In terms of the Democrats, I work for them a move between them and among them, as well as between the government and among them like Jen, saki already has a shown should pretends to be a journalist that was fast wasn't for george stephan, helpless or choctaws? These are all democrats
the republicans. They have, of course, are the rhinos or the never trumpery. That's it. That's it. They want allow anybody else, but there ah cheering for pushing hard pushing hard for fox. lose max conserve a conservatory raided, be destroyed, I'm gonna get into I hope.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-15.