« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/13/20


On Monday's Mark Levin show, disagreeing with the President is very different from trying to sabotage the President. Democrats are taking advantage by including more than necessary in each new spending proposal. Yet, not a single elected official, Democrat or Republican, took action in late February to stop the spread of the coronavirus — not a single one — except for President Donald Trump. Democrat Governors across the country have mismanaged their state budgets and now expect President Trump to clean up their budgetary messes. Now, the New York Times falsely alleges that the Trump Administration was slow to act. Then, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been downplaying the coronavirus since January, yet the media wants to blame Trump for not taking enough action. Trump has simply been taking the advice of the scientists and public health experts since the very beginning. Despite being wildly inaccurate and taking responsibility for nothing, Fauci simply blames the scientific modeling. Later, former New Times writer Alex Berenson calls in to challenge the scientific models used, and the excuses given, by the CDC.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundreds seventy fifth year hills is a truly independent institution. Where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now rug casting lamentably underground command, both bows will they even bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader and know everybody Mark Levin gear, our number seven, seven, three, eight point: three, eight one, one: seventh, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one I wouldn't
something to you, a friend of best friend of my wife's sent this to her, I think, was yesterday thereabouts She's my kind of sums things up. Personal before I do that pay for this programme. I start thinking Some of these things watching what's going right to the very end and I want to say something. I reject this massive deficit spending completely. It's not a stimulus Its massively inflationary I want you to know something. However,. I am sick and tired on these
it's to sabotage the president. It's one thing to disagree with the present on a policy to explain yourself to have a disagreement. It's one thing to do that. But it's quite another Instantly try and sabotage the as the United States. I know of no elected public official, none. Who thought right up almost through the end of February, that Corona virus with something to worry about, except the president, who did indeed take steps. Take steps to try. Protect the american people for which he was viciously attack by the Democrats. You see the Democrats have
a pr advantage for numerous reasons: number one they have a media. They know. But back then the matter how. Insidious insane. Scientists. They are. Because the media are the same. The media, the sun, the media Individual after individual telling us that this was big deal. I'm gonna play that again for you now the road here now I'm open a big chunks of the economy and the president was the first one to bring that up to three weeks ago, but is Science and health advisers hast on for another thirty days. But it's obvious: he is poised to act.
In fact, it so obvious that Joe Biden felt compelled over the weekend. To sign his name, barely Edge of his name was beyond Joe, maybe had two or three year anyway. So. And then you have the governors of three left wing states, New Jersey, Connecticut in New York working on a a plan d the economy. These are serious people in that respect. They're trying to opposition the president tall about politics. He's immensely irresponsible spending budgets that are twice they need to be Democrats think they think they should be four times what there I'm gonna tell you something
and while I disagree with this mass of spending and will continue to oppose and infrastructure programme, at least for now, it's ridiculous. This kind of spending. There is not another person who I'd want is presently united States. Try to cope with this. Then the president currently Donald Trump I can't think of a single Democrat that add one in that's love. I really can't, and I don't think most Republicans and their many that I like very much. Was Stan. The crushing red lent lists attempts to destroy this man. The way this man was stances. I don't have to agree with everything he does and I can openly disagree with him. As I have again
These spending ideas, as I had with the Maduro Republicans number the Democrats in Congress, and you know what he doesn't an attack me. He doesn't admonish me he's my friend. And the reason I give advice on tv, whether its cable it Digital behind this microphone is because I want him to succeed, and I want my country to succeed. It's not personal with me. But the media, it's all personal and they are out to destroy this man and they come up with, phony headlines in these phony stories. And part of the reason, is- I wrote an entire book on this if you really interested on freedom of the press, but part of the reason is we have individuals in the media today so this with all spheres who are particularly bright, who come out of that
cried party in their prominent position since almost as, if their put there by the various networks, the networks. And too many cable stations have gone. Hollywood, there's not a dimes worth it. Difference between these newsrooms, the Hollywood elite and the Democratic Party. I can't find it and often Democrat Party criticizes. The president. In the White House. Press room. Do I press events they'll regurgitate with that crash say as a the Madrid holistic question. What does not. So the New York Times has the President act fast enough Was a single confirmed, corrupt choose corona virus death up through genuine. Choose me up through January, not one,
they would have the president shut down the economy, listen what they demanded yet Sunday hosts who demanded a national shelter in place. Would you have a national shelter and place yet diplomacy demanding an agreed, the views of our staff The Stafford stature, they call it the defence Production ACT, which was really pass for. The korean WAR, unrelated military activities,. She would have had the president nationalizing one company after another trucks. My one of the president to appoint a military tsar. You have democratic governors outlawing. The sale, even though the the opening I've done stores. You have democratic governor. Supposing people on Start getting in their cars
driving to their churches, whether effectively, hermetically sealed in their cars, tell the material they go. You have a Michigan governor, reside or a day a mine, long. Anything that moves our brains. I don't know where these powers come from by the way. The pressure on the United States, for the most part has been very, careful in his use a power very careful Andrew Cuomo has proven himself to be an absolute and competent perform. And so now is eighty. Seven percent approval writing in New York there's some convinced in these blue states. They liked dictatorships. They want dictatorships. He was demanding ventilators.
He was hoarding them storage unit in New Jersey Turns out, he didn't need anything near the number of ventilators. He said he needed. He was demanding hospital bed, we have hospital bed. Hundred setter empty at the Javert Centre. On a navy ship, Nobody ever says: maybe we need that Navy ship we're we're actually about a troops. Now, Now I want you and made a bail out its budget and he doesn't mean money spent on terrible virus. He in the hall, tens of billions of dollars on pensions he's in debt. Anyway, you and made a clean it up so too Clad in a car For years, such as the clan in Illinois, this, The time they figure for you and may the people don't forget to vote in these states and our fellow public goods vote against these politicians. Now, where's
most about them all out this where, if the President buckles for that, I'm gonna keep fighting that, but he's a good man. Whose working hard to do the right thing. Can you say Nancy policies, a good woman trying to do the right thing? Could you see Truck tumors, a good man trying to do the right thing. Can you say these media people are good people? To do the right thing, of course, not they're, not. I don't believe we ve never had a situation and then like this in a country where a fighting. During a terrible crisis and the fifth, elements, the fourth estate.
While that may mark Google, it. The invisible enemy is not the virus and I'll say it. It's a big trunk, United States media and what China's putting out propaganda. Our media regurgitating it our media have spent more time attacking our president. Then the present China who's got blood on his hands. Where twenty thousand Americans that blood on Israel, New York Times richer headline about the President, where We're had lied about G. I'll be right back then, if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know
excellent way to fill it? Take a free online course from Helstone College. Hills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the? U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with her styles, newest, free online course that Great America, story, a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future ready. You're right now to take this free online course. The greater I can story, it's Doug should masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope. Founded on high principles. Course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics are avail,
to you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills Del back, come Ellie. The iron prevails Del Dotcom tale. I have trouble watching these Prescott, not because of the president and the lesion because of the press. Mickey mouse had many mouse morons in the audience there seizing on one word seizing on a phrase: why didn't you do that? It's it's just its its income parent and incomprehensible to me. There's a doctor and a lawyer she's both. Wrote, something called life Liberty and the corona virus. I don't love, I d give her name. I want to get her fired when Europe Stanford graduate As a lawyer and a doctor.
Here one smart person. Board certified emergency physician. She writes sing patients on the front line, stone the covert nineteen pandemic. I wanted, the anonymous healthcare providers you see covered from head to toe p, p m. An attorney a graduate Stanford University LAW school above all, an american and like you, I've. Why This pandemic unfold in horror, but my Is about the legal and political, not medical, it's not pass that we can have a public health emergency that threatens millions of Americans lives frigate a highly lethal and contagious virus that still exists in laboratories such as the smallpox virus could be we introduced by an enemy nation but the On viruses, and in that category, this is after all, at least the respiratory virus from China in the past twenty five years. First, the bird. Who then Sars than eighty seven and nine. It was clear from the outset: the war on virus was not a deadly threat to most people, but it was
Potential national problem and one very specific way it was if it was on checked. It has the potential to cause a temporary shortage of ventilators for critically your patience, The data was clear from the outset that there was never going to be any other potential national problem. Knowing this I could never have imagined that the result will be a collapse of freedom and by why the presently United States hasn't shut a single business, Newsome Cuomo Mary and all the other dang dogs they shut their businesses. Even businesses that can mitigate, which has been my raw spot here. If a business can mitigate and follow the guidelines, let him open. Less that sounds like an exaggeration. It's worth remembering that only one month ago, the idea of closing the american economy, what happens absurd that even
he thought was impossible to conceive. Such a concept never existed until suddenly, it did in retrospect weakened just tell a delusional is our belief that any rights are permanent. And even more vulnerable than the economy are political rights. Anyone who doubts that just has upon the fact that, while we are all working together to get the economy back. In the past two weeks, laws have been passed, prohibiting American tried to pass bored alone in the ocean, DR alone, in their car, without a face mask sit at a picnic table their spouse and the wrong section of a store or sit on their own car in a church parking lot, governors of mayors, all over the country, a pass these laws and the police are enforced. Our DEC, of independent starts with granting us the right to life liberty in the pursuit of happiness. For the first time,
those people's lives, our liberties being threatened freedom seemed so ingrained in our culture the most Americans Katy would imagine that its past but a loose and in fact, many financial and legal safeguards to our freedom from prosperity to that Institution to state laws the threatening Nah suitors someone imposes on us, but just because seems impossible to form fully eliminate our personal freedom does not mean our rights are permanent because what Thief cannot taken the dead, a knife, a con man, coax away in the light of day? Why would anybody ever give away their personal liberty, the. We think more valuable than liberty, of course, of life itself. Most, what trade away their freedom to save their life. This is such a pretty double human response. That is, easy to exploit if some can convince you that you may not be alive in the future. You don't care so much about your constant
no rights today, but just maybe you're starting to think they catch. She might have a longer lifespan than the wool Hon virus. The moment we decided as a nation that we should not gathering groups of thousands such as large arenas. It took less than weeks for some states and local governments to make laws, rapid and gather gatherings of as few as ten people, and Secondly, another two weeks for some state and local governments to pass laws against driving alone are picked. Thinking with your own family, Response was not inevitable. Some western, countries, have halted large gatherings spots said. Sporting events, but Their citizens to make their own choices about work and smaller social gatherings people get to decide. Grandparents and grandchildren can see each other cod America's currently considering laws such as that
going into your home to remove or to quarantine a person but cobra nineteen and eternal passport, stating your covert nineteen status, a covert nineteen tracking system developed by Google and Facebook. There is more to this with me I'll, be right back if you and your family, or finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days, I know excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, though, offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you and two with hills: thou, knowest, free online course that greater
can story a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the great America story it's operate Suction masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles, course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics, are avail to you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills down back, come Ellie, the iron Pray Hills Del dotcom. The mark show is tomorrow's morning. Show you couldn't, which mark go? Eight, seven, seven, three, a warm three, eight one one! Isn't it amazing, Andrew Cuomo, Never faces serious, journalistic, questions, let alone
Lastly, a solid and his press conferences, he sits very pontificates, beloved AIDS, say the clown in California, news. Nancy Pelosi same thing, shimmer said there never really question in any Giving away they don't go passed through through the password Cuomo as budget decisions, they dont investigate nothing, not a word. I want to continue with this peace written by MR Fred lawyer Stamford doctors, who is Sir certified emergency physician. She sing patients on the front lines of the pandemic. She's word about our liberties and how? Easily whip surrendered them Only. Should you consider the merits of a specific idea. She says. Does a particular idea makes sense is supported by the evidence, but you have to do
If you trust the government working with Big Tec to decide The force decision she means to track. You keep a mine that state myths have determine the churches, which have always been part of human history. Our team non essential, the marijuana shops, legal for less Five years are deemed essential and I would go on abortion clinics. Completely confident that these rules would never be used against you? I suspect, now The church goers nor the marijuana users would want anyone else telling them what's essential. We agree. Your shutdown of our american way of life, because experts told decision makers that the virus would kill one to two million people, If you were as widely and accurate in your job as these experts were there as you would be permanently unemployed, I don't doubt the motives of the experts. But as a doctor myself, I know how most doctors think in general, This can only see risks to individuals and a group, the remote.
So the possibility of one to two million deaths was irrelevant. Actors. As long as it was possible, conceivable. You may appreciate such risk adverse advice from your personal physician, no one, including the dock, actually lives like that, everyone does things that range from slightly too very dangerous every day. If we weren't we wouldn t, the car taken, elevator be sexually active or for that matter, live in a geographic area, predatory, NATO's earthquakes or terrorist attacks or hurricanes. Instead, we want all exercise twice as much beat half as much floss, twice today smoke that at all avoid toxic friendships and always eight hours every night. We, the american P, agreed through our representative governments to shut down each state's economy, because We told our healthcare system will be overwhelmed if we didn't, might or might have merited not have merited restricting our rights, but no freedom loving American would have ever agreed to restrict our. Ready for something that is less risky, then the
Influenza now you're about to say that your I am glad to say that. And yet I have expert after export doktor after Doktor saying that. After all, Americans have the constitutional right to refuse the influence of vaccination and they do by a large majority, is based What you have seen and heard you think they're just might be- a change will be alive next year. You better start thinking If you want your constitution to be alive to. Why can t the media doesn't given us the only care about there corner the constitution. They don't care about. Rest of the continent retroactive, they wanna turn it inside out, just like their liberal, patrons. In Congress and in Hollywood, just like them.
I want to go through some of these things here to remind you. That here is Anthony, Falco NEWS, MAC January twenty one the corona virus with great Kelly, who is a great report father. Rate police. Commissioner caught for bottom line. We don't have to worry about this. One right, well, you know receive need to take it seriously and do Kinds of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing This is not a major threat for the people in the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about anyway twenty six Anthony value in the cats round table go What do you tell the american people about? What's going on, be scared
I think the american people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States. It is in some get the american public needs to worry about all, be frightened to doubt Because we have wings of preparing of screening, coming here and we have ways of responding like we did with just one case? in Seattle, Washington who are trapped. To China and brought back the infection. Mr Reduce, moved, a number eleven montage ash back had to Washington, free bacon, your
Media Conall Levin go in light February, President Trump again downplaying the corona virus by likening the illness to the seasonal flu. People like you, I should give food, could it be the krona virus? Overall, most people should not be terribly concerned about. He doesn't want to pay attention, should they Kanak? No Americans do not need to panic what I would suggest. How is it Americans take this as a wake up call for seasonal flu is a much bigger deal is important context you need to keep this in, and that is that the flu needs more deadly. Maybe this is a good opportunity to remind people of that such a good reminder, and while there is a lot of here over the corona virus, the flu is already widespread in the: U S and- and it really is much more deadly- is it not? A court of auditors has not caused a major issue that it states we're. Gonna, have forty to sixty thousand deaths this year in the United States from the influenza and its preventable, and their only twelve confirmed cases of Krajina virus. Here in the state the risk is low. There is color for the flu is through the room, how morning from doktor why they think people should be more worried about the flu. Then the Peronne, a virus, half the people in work and do not get a flu shot, and the food right now is for deadlier serve your freaked out about all about the court of auditors. You should be more concerned about the flu robber
Field CDC director and the today show. Let's see cut three guy I will say that if you look back in January and February, the cases we had in this country we're all related to China. Travel actually was fourteen cases throughout the country, the CDC evaluated over eight hundred contacts of those individuals and only then, if I'd to individuals that had been infected most thousands, it wasn't until February twenty eight, when we saw our first community transmission, where we should wait a minute, whereas this where's is common from how I set off right there February. Twenty eight is when the medical experts in the federal government said: hey wait a minute up until that point. Terribly seriously concerned about wait a minute. February twenty eight February twenty No that's three January.
And yet the present in the United States. Should the first mandatory quarantine in fifty years ago. Travel from China prior February. Twenty eight. Now you imagine him shutting down. First, while you have the power to do anyway. My view can you imagine shutting down the american economy with fourteen cases throughout the country and not February twenty eight, when they saw their first community translation, train Yeah transmission of the of the virus ammunition What what the New York Times with the rest of the media are doing. Were apparently virus deniers, may I say, is appalling: are you have articles written by some people? I like very much Victor Davis action and other saying look that concerns were wrong to learn. Here's the difference. What
mind to follow these people were trying to follow their science, we're trying to analyze. It choose me. It's not ideological with me. It's not ideological. How does it, how does it help the present one way or the other following what is sites and public health Experts are saying: that's what he's doing and they protect them foul tree and Berkshire bricks, while they attack him, When he's the recipient of their advice and he's making decisions based on it,. Go ahead. I think it's important when we, when we get back and we get through this, we can in fact it's a timeline, but our initial response was containment in and, as I mentioned through February, twenty eight, I think we had fourteen cases in the country have twenty eight through February twenty there in time there are fourteen cases in the country.
And they want to know why the present awaited taught early March to take additional severe actions. February, twenty eighth, entire week in New York Times CNN Msnbc, bleeding and today From these newsrooms is so specious so insane. The New York Times does a hit job on the president when they need it. Times had it's no big deal, but they don't care It doesn't matter accuracy is not the issue. Pounding ways the issue. Pounding away What about these models. These models they keep chasing. I keep asking sure about. These models are now ask questions about models that I tell it right. I was the first to raise questions about the fatality rate and
I came under attack. Why well, first of all, let's listen to some of this. Let's see here falconry himself on Friday about models, Cut seven go hand in hand and still am and will always be somewhat reserved and sceptical about models, because models are only as good as the assumptions that you put into the model and those assumptions that start off when you don't have very much data at all. For the day,
You have is uncertain that you put these assumptions in and you get these wide ranges of calculations of what might happen, Nino a hundred thousand two hundred and forty thousand debts, but then, as you start to accumulate data data, that's real data, a likely being influenced heavily by the mitigation programmes that you put in the physical separations that when real data comes in then data in my mind, always trumps any model and you have to modify chart a model and the assumptions as you get data ran. So I have no problem with people who are critical of modelling, because modeling is inherently an imperfect science. So I too, I don't really have any quibbling with that and you just gotta make shoe as you collect real data. He rely more on the data than you do on a model. I used the tent This guy amazes me: he really takes
possibility for nothing again, I dont say that to attack him. I just Linda, the model say this and other models, dont, really matter less. We more data and the data good to look at the data over the models really. If I said to you two months ago, ignore the models I pretty much did. If I said, ignore the bottles, I would have been called anti science. This guy saying, ignore the models. We don't have enough good models and yet Robert just a modular. She's- the model. Now, listen to this cut, eight here's doktor Brcko the actions of the models don't match the reality on the ground in either China, South Korea, ITALY, and yet they are only models. We're looking at China, South Korean ITALY, all three of those countries, all of them, that's where they got the data from
Go ahead, we are about five times the size of ITALY, so it. We were ITALY and you did all those divisions. Italy should have close to four hundred thousand deaths there not close to achieving that. So these are the kinds of things were trying to understand models are models were adapting now to the real there's enough data now of the real experience with the krona virus on the ground, to really make these predictions much more sound? How? Why did you and faulty key promoting information? Based on the models, Don't have to give answers if you dont have answers you Have to be widely and accurate. I mean this is what I mean Falcon
the traditional less theirs, they cut six go. The initial projections, which took a lot of people's Breton away, was potentially a hundred to two hundred forty thousand deaths in this country. Now we haven't data, not just models but actual dad at a plugin ends and assess. Do you think the number of fatalities in this country will be significantly lower than the hundred thousand two hundred forty thousand first projected? I do and I believe that the mitigation I think the american public really terrific job of this book lying down and doing those physical separation and they hearing to those guys we have to take a break. I want to come back to this cuts. It's not just the mitigation. The vast majority, the country has not experience tat zones. There's something else going on out there there, putting themselves on the back way too much area
Places not New York City and Northern New Jersey every place is not new Orleans. You ve got wide swaths of this country that are mostly unaffected by this there's more going on than that. You have California, which has, More metropolitan areas and a bigger population of more density over over other states than any other state, and yet Number deaths there is less than a thousand, I think list I looked around seven hundred. Why is that.
I'll be right back then, if you and your family are finding yourself at home with extra time on your hands these days. I know an excellent way to fill it. Take a free online course from Helstone College Pills, no offers dozens of online courses on topics including the: U S: constitution, economics, history and literature, right in your own home on demand and absolutely free of charge. Hills Del students learn the inspiring history of America. Now you two with hills: Knowest free online course that greater can story a land of hope, learning and teaching. Our children about America's past is essential for preserving liberty and the future Register right now. To take this free online course, the great America story. It's operate option masterpiece and it paints a picture of America as a land of hope founded on high principles.
Course, and dozens of others on a variety of topics, are avail To you and your family for free right now, gonna live Infra hills Del back, come alleviate for hills Del dotcom. Did you know I do a great deal of research and I came across a very s. Hotel site called stat news that come. I brought it to your attention. I read it. Michael by John P, I need is a brilliant professor from Stanford I posted multiple times on my site, Recommended that he be added to the task force so the back there, Yours on tv and radio. They pretend that they came up with this. They found the sky. The fact is he Not well known, he was not ubiquitous and conservative talk, radio and cable tv, and so the
benches are what they are a joke, but I brought this man up to you because he wrote a piece called in the corona virus pandemic, we're making decisions without reliable data. Now he wrote March, seventeenth is all but ignored by the liberal media I cited him way back when, and there are others who said similar things, others said similar thinks he's too as ever there at Stanford, Erin Ben David, and but to Toronto, HU. I also mentioned, and I their article because her, ok out on March twenty. Fourth, the course the back ventures I can't think for themselves and they can do their own research. They noted them too, but that's not. The point the back, but these are important. People is the corona viruses deadly, as they say they said no, its. Not they were right. Is that correct virus pandemic we're making decisions without reliable data
I am Eightys was right: how do we know because faulty amber? now said forget the models that we are better data.
I get about them up I'll, be right. Back from the west. Would one podcast network now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody marred within here our number seven, seven, three, eight one one were Tate, seven, seven, three, eight one rate, one one at the bottom of the hour we have scheduled a former near times reported by the name of AL experience had been reading, is tweets, have been falling and very, intriguing, any may be the something.
Just. Why he's under attack relentlessly. So I want to hear him out. I mean honest to God. When you follow what we ve been told, saying this is a conspiracy theory that saying these people are evil. But if you're going to shut down our way of life and shut down our economy, we have every right be inquisitive and curious were not part of the lap slow. Bring Democrat Party media that hatred media their problem. They all have jobs. I have a job. About twenty to twenty five percent of our full Americans do not, and we have look out for them and I don't just mean mass of subsidies, I mean it What the hell's going on. Now the president, the United States under attack, so I give aid or cover not the president blindly.
But I see a press that is so ideological. So one way they all talk, like they all look alike. They all say the same. Damn thing they all twisted spin, the same damn way they all really are effectively Nancy Pelosi and drag one form or another. There disrespectful. I want to go back to what Anthony Fouche he said on the Tipp today show less Thursday cuts Go to the initial projections which, until the latter People's Breton way, ways potentially a hundred to two hundred forty now it was the initial projection. Was a bird flu season he's at once. He said it twice. He said it three times had actually set it on CNBC too, I don't happen to have the clip said four times for tat. He's talked about the modeling. Now
Denounces the model, many talks, bad flew season, then he talks about our honey. Two hundred forty thousand dead, They talk about eighty some thousand dead. Now we're at sixty thousand may be less than sixty thousand and we have a right to say: hey what there go on this just, be shelter in place. That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't hot sounds red hot zones. Go ahead in this country now we haven't data, not just models but actual doubted, a plug in and and assess. Do you think the number of fatalities in this country will be significantly lower than not tat much fascinating about this, as I listen to it in her question is saying what felt she's already set right. Mr producer.
Well, now that he had all the dough the models now that you have actual data, isn't that the Falchi argument, I'm I'm gonna, take something this move between models and data and data and data in the back to models. Without any accountability, without any responsibility, just say hey, we were wrong. We had the wrong model, Maybe we shouldn't put out those numbers because we're not sure scholars from Stanford from Yale From the university Chicago in other places, where all say, you're wrong, You know you're wrong, you don't data. What They just say that. Go ahead as into two hundred forty thousand first projected I do, and I believe that the mitigation I think the american public really terrific job. She got a trash, leaving right there, second you gotta trash the models now and praise the merit. People, thanks to you Baxter
Folks out their living like in North Korea. Thanks to you,. The number of fatalities have gone down now. It's gotta be some of that. There is no question about that. And thanks to us in this, litigation process, the fatal- you're going to go up in another way- and I am certain of this because lack of immunity throughout the society. Yet other scholars and their scholars. You read them and you got to draw conclusions like there's historians and there's historians. But what we're learning is this isn't an exact science and then follow the science. What which one Follow the model which one use the data which data.
Go ahead, is buckling down, doing those physical separation and they ve. Hearing to those guidelines, as I told you on the show, models are really only as good as the assumptions that you put into the model, but when you start to see real data, you can modify that model in the real data telling us that it is higher than the problem. Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a medical school class. Put it that way. This isn't a medical school class. This. Isn't some white paper exercise? This isn't some think tank. It affects people's lives. Not yours. Ethical about models from day, one in your sceptical about the data you have, because you will have enough data as After I needed has said as doctor, so said as their king Colleagues have said: no, why you putting it out there? I gotta put out Something, no you don't.
Go ahead. There were having a definite target set by this mitigation, doing this physical separation. So I believe we are going to see a downturn in that and it looks more like the sixty thousand than the hundred to two hundred years. The other thing they're not telling you. In all the modeling before they told us, they are taking into account mitigation. They were taking into account mitigation. Others track this pact too, by the way they were taking it. They told us mitigation. In their other models,. But you're, really really hungering down. And that's why the numbers are going down. I don't believe it I believe it has some impact and I also it's going to have some adverse impact down. The road of beer Back then,
again: the negation for the elderly, the negation for those with various underlines. The onus is on disease or susceptible of this sort of thing death got it all for it. And even mitigation. When you open the economy. Still there best in seeing the gloves and the mass people serving forgot. Yes, I'm for that up in the economy. As I said before, we can walk away. Come at the same time there, sir, situations where thou won't work crown Stadiums with fifty thousand people right not got that too. But every businesses in a crowded stadium with fifty thousand people. And by the way they didn't shut down the New York Subway? Did they, MR producer? You take the subway. Now you want to keep you save your life, but the others. Have you take the subway.
Can't go to church meeting on the subway I mean some of this is so irrational does not even funny it's bizarre. And this is why they build up found. They build up, Factor Burke's and they trash trump. Trumps, you know, is following their: their train he's he's the cup sees following these following their advice is really fast There followed a science, they keep saying, follow the science where you can whiplash following the science you get whiplash. And then I mean Burke, says on March twenty six that the media is out. There would doomsday predictions. I have the laugh, though timing and defend the media. Actually they were the ones outward doomsday predictions in them. He couldn't get enough of it. You have people like MAX boot. Over the washed and compost such a dummy
this guy and effectively copies, exactly what others have written about me. That I owe you not just defending Trump here, though come just defending trumpery, MR producer. Asking serious questions citing Syria scholars, but MAX too much of an area is a trumpeter, give national pubic. Yeah- I don't know why were funding this operation- another wing of the Democratic Party. Don't they have enough newsrooms. Then you have a little offshoots just bizarre stupid little patients, but it doesn't matter your vanity fair. What are they get back to reporting on movies stuff, that and they hired this reprobate client I mean the same thing over and over, and they repeat, each other they should be bringing Plagiarism suits against each other again,
you, read on freedom of the press, you'll understand at all They really are the same person. Five or six thousand different suits undresses Saint same person. They, like zombies, Here's Robert Redfield, the CDC director, Last Monday, they're all repeating themselves now cut ten go, as you pointed out, even model It seemed only about fifty percent of the american public pay attention to the Lebanon that you do not know. Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard that before I never heard that before where's that coming from, I never heard that before swimming only fifty percent of the american people, would comply. They're, making excuses go ahead? exactly what is more? The joy, the american public
in the social, distant innovations to heart, and I think that's a direct consequence- why you see in the numbers are doing much much much much lower. There would have been predicted by the Mars unbelievable. There's no model from any country that would have predicted one point. Five The two point: two million deaths wooden mitigation. That's irrational,. We still haven't seen this model hundred thousand two hundred and forty three check Mary Model Christmas. They keep talking about Christopher. Merry Christmas, her Mary, hasn't but exactly been right as he and who else If Mary, I don't even follow that the fur Mary model. You guess said follow the models, follow the data We're supposed to follow the model this is my problem
three card Marty. We ve gotta, get better at this. Our bureaucracy are medical and scientific health, public copper accuracy has they get better, though, factories given us has to get better. Then what the CDC and Redfield has given us has to get better than what Burke's has given us. It's been pretty crappy to be perfect. Mark it's a new virus There is always an answer. I know you're the one who put out these numbers, not me. Why did you put him out? Why did you put him out and I'll tell you why they put him up. We talked about this earlier in the programme. Actually, the doktor lawyer from Stanford Graduate from Stanford. She explained it. They looked at the worst case scenarios and that's what they operate from.
The worst case scenario. But these are even worse case scenarios. These were never really. Scenarios no mitigation would lose one point. Five. The two point: two million people in America's there no mitigation in America is I will we do, of course not it's absurd. It's absolutely not. Of course, the dough crash in the media? Take no responsibility for anything not only where they slow off the mark. They were literally paralyzing the United States Congress. I've was First dimension and look at the dates of the trial: you, don't you about John Bold, minimise. That book was a great investment. Wasn't it, MR producer, he made a fortune when we come back. I want to lift up your spirits.
I want to lift up your spirits with something that is so beautiful. I've played it over and over again, since my buddy in California MAR Kaufman Senator. I really want you to hang in there, For ratings, this is gonna. Really change your day with a great at the bottom of the hour. But I want you to I want you to hang in there. I wanna play something. That's really in a little while the right to live in a voice of the liberals want to silence, but you can talk to mark at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one eyed shocking that you're home to be stolen this easily Deborah and the brutal lesson when thieves
the title to home online than they forged the document to appear. She sold her home, but she hadn't barred, thousands using our homes, Equity- and this is going on more and more Deborah, didn't know she was away until foreclosure notices arrived in eviction notice and she spent Fourchan trying to get our home back the crime Called home title fraud and the FBI cause of one of the fastest growing crimes. My Eyes for avoiding a possible nightmares to follow my lead and protect your home with home. Title luck And no, neither your homeowners insurance nor bank protects. You had four pennies. Home Title ACT does first things first if you're a real victim. And the easy way to do that is go to title fraud, red, to your home at home. Title lack dot com and our mark for one month of free protection again And our mark, for one month of free protection, home title act that come home title locked outcome code mark.
Alex Barrington as a former near Times reporter, an Ivy league graduate, please no cook no conspiracy, theorist but he has some very serious and in depth questions about Some of them modelling and some of the data and the actions as a consequence of them. How are you, sir, I'm great come on great talk here? Let me ask you something. This is very weird in the sense that if you dare to question my rules that now the model or say are wrong. You dare to call Data were now the data, say they didn't have enough data, your attacked Alex, I'm a tat. What was that all about? You know you got me it's it's we back. What happened last month is really really and we're just sort of starting to see the damage that has caused to our economy and society and education? And you know I I. I would have thought that if you
a mistake that could be a model that could be eighty percent wrong in terms of the number of dead projected into, Dave. I would say you know what I'm going to apologize to the United States, and I'm gonna explain what happened, but, but that is not what is happening right now. What is happening? what use people are doubling down on this narrative, but that the lockdown somehow saved us when, in fact, the array incorrect model be universally Washington model, the garden. So much attention is implicitly account kilotons, Dick, there is no there's. No! Can In a way that you can make that argument of people and it starting, really anger me what is happening now. And what is happening now is that people are making excuses and they're not how to account and the media are defending them in anybody who dares to question them like ice, at present, the United States that has now
to do what I'm asking here. I don't even know how one position helps him. A one position hurts them There are scholars out their Alex you're out there their scholars out there to from Stanford from Yale who are raising serious questions about Oxford. Also, so so look I'm not. I'm all were ok, I'm a journalist by you know by profession, and what am I a reasonably good at Recently we can really good figuring out what a what somebody said matches reality and what these people have been saying for the last month. I had nothing to do with reality and by the way where this has real content, which is right now, because, what's going on states are actually continuing to tighten their walk down. Your computer too tight with, even though, even though by the following itself, the worst the crisis is over and we can have a say Longer argument about whether walked out actually made any different it is. It is beyond belief, what is happening in our country right now, and you know, even in Europe, there are starting to pull back on a locked, even Spain, Spain.
Equivalent of one hundred twenty five thousand Americans day a day today, began to relax their walk now and what we have we have states like California, talking about it. Including a walk angels extended things may fifteen. We people talking about June. You know it's just it's just, Now, how do you explain and you do I'm just a dislike? It avoids it. How do you explain the the limited number of deaths in California and the significant number of deaths in New York. So Queer we the dynamics in New York or different than anywhere else in the country. Clearly, York City has a very high population density. And it has it you know a lot of use of mass transit, and you know it
It clearly was hit hard by the and what cannot pretend that this is not real. This your virus, it kills people and especially killed the elderly and especially kills people preexisting conditions, and it did some damage in New York City a couple weeks ago, but but conditions and the rest? The country are different. Ok, if he ordered forward afford a walk out very late. There's no epidemic there look at Texas, some cities infected lockdown early somewhat I'll, wait, there's no epidemic their California. They walked on our way, there's no epidemic their New York. They walked down early, enable terrible epidemic. Would it written by the way haven't worked out at all and govern the terrible academic didn't grid, very hard to link the locked out to the epidemic. I'm. So what? What do you think's going on? Why California, and why New York, almost opposites But I I think we need it. I think there's gonna be some find his sword and have to work out
There's going to be to be hunt hide his we're gonna have to work out in the next few months. What really happened, but can be that less important, that what is happening right now right now, our economies in freefall right now, neighbours neighbours on the police, about wearing a basque outside when their zero evidence that an important route of transmission right now children are being denied school and some women are being stuck at home with abuse apparent right now. These things are happening in private, stop pretending that were doing this for any meaningful we adopted. That is, what's bothering me so much so you support. I take it focusing, as you just said, on the vulnerable parts of the population and let the rest of the people live. Well you're lying all heard of you. We don't want, we don't want. If you don't want to get into nursing homes, we don't want to get it off.
We tell: what can we do? We can run fever checks, adverse impacts. We can encourage people wear masks. Maybe we should discourage or really large social events like like concert and stuff like that that might that might lead to sort searches and transmission. Can we understand the global back, but the people, I think that we should shut down our economy like now. They have. They have a case to make that the term Mind they are not close and making and the mask about this, the shutting down the economy and also this, this hyper focus I'll, say nation wide on this virus, other people with other elements, deadly that's heart, disease, diabetes, cancer and so forth. Die, some of them, some percentage of them, and you see now doctors and nurses for some of these companies being laid off because their specialists and other areas Cartier
Jesus and silver sorts having an impact even on our health care system, and we want to bring Norton was starting to you last week, is gonna, be weakened the protests and will see how fast they spread, but last week, what the week of the fact that the healthcare system in the United States now is beginning to show. Down believe it or not, not because of a virus, but because we ve camp of all collective surgeries, we ve got ready for the search that has not come and so hospital Your incredibly labour, intensive and expensive wrong are now Reading money believe it or not. Half the one on the city shut down last week, but many hospitals are for allowing workers and close Department is clear: tat in the middle of what is supposed to be the worst epidemic, the worst pandemics, spanish flu, or helped her to be shutting down from lack of use. What wasn't it pretty obvious mid march? into the twenties in March.
Some of the writers coming out some of the sky was coming out that they weigh overshot the fatality rates. You say that I would say it started to become more obvious towards late March Ok. What with obvious by MID March with this was something that will be affected. Older people very vulnerable people, and for that was why there was a psychic we're gonna fly occur. We don't want a million people over seventy in hospital, with this, and then we can't treat anybody else. Ok, for that was the first thing. That happened was a sort of me with this honest about this They cover a wide about light in Strasbourg, but they re totally focused on outlier cases. You know that the one thirty year old habits, and by the way you know they they would write towards what these people, on that twelve paragraph in you find out that the twenty year old in Spain who died had leukemia
so so the media focus on outlier cases. It intentionally. I mean that the commission has tried to scare people and then by, I would say March, twenty six or seven, It started become clear that the narrative that the search was gonna over one first, New York State and then everywhere else was starting to have problems and that have only grown in the two weeks. Let me ask you something this peace March, seventeenth I'm sure you ve heard of this man. I need this course. State NEWS that the current corona, disease covered. Nineteen has been called a once in a century pandemic may also once in a century evidence fiasco He was right. He would lays it out. It certainly appears he was right It certainly appears that in retrospect we're gonna look at this end me you'll be infection. Fatality rate is gonna, be somewhat higher than the flu, but it is not going to be one percent or
two percent now you're really in trouble. You now to bring up the flu who doesn't kill me the hook killed young people have been killed almost and I mean no one under thirty one the most striking wait a minute serve one second, once I'm an illegitimate the Governor Florida basically made. This point and he has been brutalize for three days. He's telling the truth: ok they're here, both of them all these furnishings described on even more than the one that the EU should he caused more people about one hundred over one hundred worldwide have died of this illness than under thirty That's pretty clear from the numbers that have been put out. Ok, I can give you a specific states would have reported TAT people over one hundred and three that never went, which is reported there for people over ninety five and meanwhile, almost nobody under thirty had died from his illness or why?
So why did we shut down our school systems? Why do I brought you know? This is gonna, be terrible and again at the youth. So so you have to remember what weeks ago that what they said to us. What we believe was. This is about? Flattening occur? This is about a health system crisis. Now, somehow it worked into, even though that this is clearly west severe than we thought it was a month ago. No one has ever gonna be allowed to contract. That's why I ask you as Mark when HIV in eighteen. Eighty five hundred percent fatality rate, the people, one hundred percent sure how it could be spread, could be threatened, casual contact with sexual contact eels wherever there were a lot of uncertainty in Genoa eighty five eighty six about it, we don't shut down the world. We said you know what A figure this out and this huh we have lost our minds over Are you hurry? I mean yes,
my colleagues and so are you being treated by them in the media? So now I dont think I figure by asked for my job at the New York Times not for sure I would get a man. You don't hear appears weren't, you guys. I've heard privately from people, especially some older reporters who who have encouraged me in You know younger reporters and Emma Twitter against the blue check marks on Twitter. They attack me. I don't care, I about the facts, and I want to do my best to put them out, and I will pay To work my emails are running somewhere between, We had a hundred to one What I'm doing there you can go out there. You have a lot of people, but this question pick the people interested in following you. Where do they go? My twitter account is our experiences and that's really the best plate. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so glad Twitter existed. Has
me, a platform for this, and people paid attention now about not the only one talking about it, but it has been so helpful for me, I'm so thankful for twitter how experiences I've said technology is going to be the real competing force with the old media, maybe even the new media, and it's very very important too The ban in the ugly, the fact is, there is good on that on that internet here and we can all now we can all talk publicly and in real time and hopefully try to put the ball forward and there's not a gatekeeper as there was in all fifteen years ago. I agree with a lot of what you're saying I must say I really do and I don't care what the consequences are either. I say what I think and I am you to be very, very compelling so keep it up or backs marketing. Where's reality and you too, God bless Alex parents he's, not persona non grata? In his former profession, fascinating.
He also believes that this virus may have hit California earlier than other parts of the country which makes sense, and it had time to work its way. Through the population of California. Earlier than other parts of the country. He says I don't know but moment Position a test: we need to test that because he believes it moved kind. From the West Coast and then hit these coasts, not across the country in any year in any National Way, but he just believes that California was probably had earlier and give the least significant Asian Can population in California Tourism and they travel between, China, California, probably right.
They write back then. Can I confide in my brothers and sisters, my wonderful of the night. Like your members of my family, I can be way off. I can be way off on this. But MR producer, Mr Cosgrove, remember how sick I was for like two months. My much trouble a breathing member. I couldn't stop coughing. And I was taking everything that they would give me. I Sprain stuff in my lungs I was still stuff on my throat. I was taken matters I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop
And I've had pneumonia before, as you folks know, I've had bronchitis, before and bronchitis can go on a long time. It can. I couldn't kick this damn thing, my wife It is to middle than I couldn't sleep, I want to have one of these tests. The sea. To see if I had it when their available, if not fine, but if I did I did but I'd like to know. Doesn't mean every time somebody is a cold or a sore throat or bronchitis pneumonia. They had, but I'd like to know. Because I've got a lot. Course. In my life, and this damn thing I just couldn't kick. Now go back a little earlier than the claim of the first Colonel irish case goes back to December. But you know how to do a lot of flying flew to California how to fly back,
Far from Florida, I'm just throw it out there are not drawing any conclusions. I'm not saying I did, I'm just saying I wonder had like and when the tests are ready and I dont want interfere with whatever their doing, but when the ready I want to try, it you better watch this meat and food supply chain because we now have some meat producers that are shutting down. And that's why Nancy Pelosi and media you don't shut down. An entire country doktor, faulty. But why? Some back to you weren't a mask. I'm just curious when he stated next to the president and the check your has plenty of scarves. I've noticed that we notice that MR producer and then up particularly cheap mean chicken use that us to use car. She can use a scar. There are unfair At times these are causing a lot of stress and financial wary and being
Debt to the IRA certainly makes matters worse now more than ever. Thankfully, there is good news, optimum tax relief help you resolve your text, it over the phone over the phone and online dont go it alone them attacks professionals can reduce the stress near life by helping resolve your iris problems from the comfort of your own home optimum America's most trusted tax resolution. Firm Hermes. Over one billion attacks that for their clients- and they can help you optimism- Ward winning team is ready to help you online and over the phone. Even during these uncertain times they will say between you and the IRS and fight to get the best deal possible all takes his one call to start the process. Optimist hacks associates you're standing by take the first step towards putting your tax problems to rest call now for free, consultation, all huh, four nine nine sixty three hundred eight honey. Four hundred nine. Sixty three hundred that's eight foreign, I nine sixty three hundred
I would recommend Nancy Policy. I would recommend very strongly to Nancy Policy, should wear mask I'm quite serious. She should wear a mask. Shimmer should wear a master, they should demonstrate their fidelity to negation. I mean. We big masks. You know maybe, like a maskers Fidel Castro mask a mammoth, something that that is both.
More attractive than men plus, can protect them and, of course, protect us I'll, be right back from the West would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong image believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me underground for members from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, o everybody mark living here, aren't number eight, seven, seven re one: three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one real one when you heard at first right here on this broadcast.
I was challenging these models. You heard it first right here I was challenging the data that has been put into these models, you heard at first right ear, when I challenge The fatality rate- you heard it first right here when I the governance like Governor Cuomo. Had the power in the world they know the year these. Terrific give notice and need laws to have. The ventilators embeds you, Wanna Buddy chose, chose solar panels. You heard it first right here, When I explained that these governors had an expanded, their hospitals had an added rooms acutely beds. You heard first right here when I the Cuomo, sickly was using its press conferences to make demands. On the federal government demands set. The federal government and some respect should have help with, but in all respects Absolutely not you heard
challenge here. First, to this too, two trillion dollar bill, half of which snooze useful half of it was a complete waste. You're did here first, challenge against the mass of spending because of inflation. That's why you listen to this programme. You heard about Doktor David cats. First on this programme, who made it here who made it abundantly clear that the approach that being proposed, really wasn't the best approach that the- fight against the corona virus should and targeted not physically Hammering the entire country herded here first, I introduce you, do Doktor John Unitas. Nobody else not on cable tv, not on radio knew who the hell he was until I found him on a obscure
website called state stat news that come about statistics. They heard here first. This is an idiot logical for me. If you're going to shut down the country you're going to do people their liberties. Then you better be good at your science. Follow the science I've been. Owing to follow the science. It serves some others now Annie and Joanie come latelies. So what's the response, national pubic, radio, pro pubic. Variety, which doesn't believe in diversity of thought in the least amount. Others trashing me throwing me and with others I don't mean all the others are saying. I don't have time to pay attention to it. For the most part. As a denier, nodded denier, I know this virus can kill and I know certain people
Particular need to mitigate deny that in the least what I reject and I've always rejected and I said it early on sat there's enough going on here that you don't need a height but in ways that distort what's taking place. Now we have this constant head bobbing head bobbing like a boxing match. From these doctors on their models. Why and other models for critical where the models that employ we look at the data we didn't have all the data, but now we have the data. We did have the task now with the tests I don't know about you. But if I don't have the right models and I the right data- I dont- throwing around numbers of the number of people are going to be dead.
With these ranges had her so massive and so just absurd absurd I will find out soon enough if this Should a nationwide mitigation strategy was the right move. I think turn out to be the wrong move. Because of that What they call this heard immunity. I first heard of heard immunity because I'm not look, I'm not a medical professional, a meadow. Student, I mostly a patient. Heard immunity makes all the sense in the world to me that is at eight significant percentage, sixty seventy percent of the people in the country get them. Iris, haven't immunity, and this is how you do If it doesn't mutate ten thousand times what we're not going through that A significant part of the population.
And then I re. I listened very carefully to values from listening to a politician, because you shocking and drive. So he says it's seasonal. But what makes the virus seasonal what the hell? Does that mean? How does he know what seasonal What he really means to say is we're gonna, get a hit again, maybe again and again. Because we don't have this heard, immunity and heard humidity is not let it rip, nobody saying. Let a rip, certainly May I speak for myself bureau in restaurants. They have to show they can mitigate thrown open. Various business is, you have to show they can mitigate, and many can a many of them will. She, I believe in the enterprise and the entrepreneurship. The innovation of American mine we're liberties, all about its between your ears for the left it between your leg.
But in reality it between your ears, though, Yet how these local county state potentates. Are conducting themselves based on the advice they get from their medical monarchs. This is a county that is either near or includes Tampa, but that's the area, hills County votes- this is fine. Thirteen knows to implement overnight curfew, effective immediately an overnight curfew, The curfew will be in place every day from nine p m to five a m beginning Monday night tonight here Bertie County and the state of Florida, They already have a safer it hot water in place that direct residence to remain at home, except for essential trips
limited recreation is allowed as long as social distancing guidelines are followed very much. Virginia where I am, but so group members felt that stronger measures were needed. They always do Monday's motion: this was a vote The commissioners was put forward Commissioner, less Miller, who pointed out that what county deputies have received over two hundred complaints about residents, not following the safer at home, or, shrines dash fines. There are not following the war path, they don't have the papers. Been reported on by a neighbor ass. We need we need a curfew. For american citizens Court, They're, not paying attention are not listening. I don't know how much more education weaken do said, Commissioner Miller our number
you're going to get worse our desks, we're going to get worse. Our hospitals are going to get filled. We cannot. To do that? Member Rick Lot may replant city was among those who oppose the moon, fearing that it would have little effect on compliance after some time. Caution. The vote was five to three in favour of the curfew. The group also Scots, making face coverings mandatory for everyone outside the home. Well, the central trip, but their requests. Board member militia sniffily they put off the vote until Thursday for more research. Who the hell would want to live there. Curfew and they may mandate a mask I'll, tell you what I'd be in the core. I'd be important. Two seconds. Promise they probably on the judiciary, to mass of government over each in a number of states, Michigan, is completely out of control.
Completely out of control and many these These compliance requirements are irrational. Many them. Political. Like a message is all we have a republican governor Mass Joe. What do you want? A Democrat marked? Yes, anything, but this jerk. Former. U S attorney. He shut down the gunshots. As we know how dangerous it is to gather their. Ladies and gentlemen, gunshots bullshit clinics, open gunshots, closed, ten or less tests in front of abortion, clinics arrested, bullshit clinic and the irony is have explained week after week after week, motion is not a virus. And yet look how many babies kills and if you
Have of abortion takes place. There is almost no hope that the victim will survive. Portion is worse than a virus. What did I say I said what I said: is it attacks the most vulnerable babies and it kills them kills them, but that's a choice. You see. We don't mitigate for abortion, we don't her down in order to prevent the Netherlands. We have governed, Cuomo, says he's turned about every life, but it's a lies, not concern about every life. This is a man who chose solar panels over ventilators and this is a man who believes abortion on demand. Equally infanticide, Eighty seven percent popularity rain had effect,
want to go through this worthy very quickly. More fascistic, the governor, it would appear the more are supported in their states. This was done by them Morning, consult which I never do governors are getting high marks. Further virus response. Governor Newsome, California,. His approval. Writing today is eighty three percent before that it was forty two percent. And he's been among most fascistic, the bunch Cuomo beds, he said, but he wasn't short ventilators, he said, but he wasn't short money was it forty seven percent. Today's that seventy nine percent the wine of Ohio had four five cases in our home. He shut the whole state. There.
His approval writing before the virus was. Forty was accuse me. Forty, nine percent today to eighty percent ever Wisconsin was forty. Eight percent now Seventy two percent Whittemore Michigan, this not job. She that forty two percent today she's at sixty six percent, because people like apparently fascists. What did I That's exactly what I said. I'm not a politician, I don't have to be. Essentially of Washington. State was at forty four percent. Now he's it sixty seven Hutcherson Just since been quite good. Actually and saw was fifty eight percent now. Is it Ain Cooper, lousy North Carolina was forty seven now is it sixty three Bell: Edwards Loser
is it fifty four now? Is it sixty eight percent? So no, no, no Hampshire he was at fifty nine hours at seventy three steps. Of Oklahoma was it fifty, Six now sixty nine Gordon. Why army was its Sixty nine now at eighty two Wolf of Pennsylvania, this guy's a nut. He was it fifty. Now. Is it sixty six Baker so choose its This sad what's happened Massachusetts over the last century, or so. When you consider that really where the revolution began, Doktor Joseph worn. SAM Adams, John Adams, Hancock all Boss than just just horrific Baker Massachusetts going after the gun stores, he was at sixty nine hours at eighty now this is the one I want to bring to your attention.
Florida has a bigger population than New York. It's got more metropolitan areas than the state of New York. It's got enormously diverse communities throughout the state, not just in pockets. To this day, Got a huge tourist population got a number ports and the virus. Has not spread like it has and other places. There's no red hot zone. There's no massive death Talley. The governor was on my programme on Fox Governor sad to see, explain exactly what he had done, which was brilliant. He went right into the nursing homes assisted living place wherever the seniors, where they put very, very tough restrictions in place and that's where they started. He dared to talk about it
Point may be opening the schools, because the DAS hundred twenty five or virtually existing and they tore into him and ripped in the media in Florida. Again the scientists who, like the national media against Trump. It is dishonest and it is a vicious. So he was at fifty eight sent before the pandemic analysis. Fifty one percent he's lost seven percent. Because the media just keeps beating about beating about be. He wouldn't shut. All the beaches. In other words, he wasn't fascistic. He was used his noggin and, as a result, Florida didn't turn into New York. By the way, don't blame the people in New York. I love the people in Europe. This is where my career started. The politicians in New York. I despise I'll be right: then Amy
the association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC believe in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S trying to get the cause and me here, but the emails I working so guy send the link for another means. If you would.
I know this is this is heavy stuff every day day in and day out, but I know the president is gonna work on opening the economy, and I looked at the members of his task force, send one of the things about The federal government, as they don't like people in the private sector, working in the federal government even temporarily As I recall, it's actually difficult to get people in the private sector to get on these various taskforce without background checks and on and on and on some of the press. Wants to add some of the smartest people in the country, actually have entrepreneurial skills, believe in the free market, not just trade barriers, and not just that. Little corner of the economic world, the bring in Who really know how to where it had a Linux explode in a positive way. The economy, not just and at members and staff and so forth,
he's going to have to use an executive board to waive some of the rules, as he has and other areas eroded get some of these people on, and I thank her people We ve run restaurants and restaurant chains, people who are truckers? people are involved in the supply chains, people who provide us with our food. These are the people who to be part of the task force. Not just steel, magnets and real estate, magnets and so forth, and so on. Some of the others needs to be more diverse, I dont mean sexually. I don't mean racially. I mean more diverse in the sense that these are people Were involved heavily and retail. And heavily and assembly lines and heavily and transportation. So for that's what I think. We have some great callers, we'll take some of them after the bottom of the hour. Monopolizing this, but there's been a lot to cover to theirs.
New tests out there today to one test just developed at Rutgers, which which involves saliva, tried to stick you Tipp of somebody's knows not even harshly up. There knows she folks. This is the genius of American know how our laboratories. Our pharmaceutical companies, the p, Put food on our shelves put food on our tables the drive from one end of the country to the other. Our farmers, thank God for them but ever talks about them. Our fishermen, You name them. These are the people who make the country where I'll be right back aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them
believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounted, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot? U S mark for them, modern voice from our prowling fathers. This is from our quivering show, dialect nowadays, seven seven third one four year toward one,
Let us go that mentally yeah, LOS Angeles, California, eight seventy they answer were we alive and national go right ahead Oh hello, mark thanks for taking my yellow young hello there from California, hello, hello, hello, hi Mark Maria from California here use- and you know my question to our president- is- has he's seen the inconsistency from doktor found. From the very beginning that this wasn't that big a deal Then, when I hold on I'm not saying it's not a big deal saying it's not a big deal and I got but
I see that he said at first it wasn't a big deal going, I'm saying: there's inconsistency, yes, yes and, and then he pointed to the flight and one point two to run and grouse and then as two hundred thousand. If we met again here and now, his walking back to sixty thousand Doktor Burke had also mentioned that there is a problem with models. Is there You, by the way she spends all day with models just so no, I mean model ers monetarism model by yet model, but no, no, I'm not joking. She spends a day working with these models and the data anyway go name. Has the problem on our president, I think is relying too much on model on some of the information that they are providing gets guessing. Oh, we don't know- and I am expecting these in oh
advice is to our president to have a little more critical thinking, skills to be looking at some of the countries that have shut down that haven't, shut down and exactly what have their their trajectory on the ground. The realistic numbers, and with this we don't really know, and the suppositions this scarce people hearing California are governor mentioned that the twenty five point five million People will be infected with corona real. Oh, he doesn't even know what the hell he's talking about. And I'll tell you something else. I'll tell you what we ve learned about our media to Bay. I guess we ve learned that our media likes tyranny as long as Their protected taking care ass about tyranny, religion, liberty, the freedom to assemble all arrest, we all understand mitigation. I dont disagree with mitigation to a point, but I disagree
when the point is you're going to collapse, economy, clause or other kinds of predictable and unpredictable concert which is including horrific. Health consequences are meat could care less. They asked no questions in this regard. They they never press like that say doctor fouche you. What about all these other maladies that people have and now we're losing doctors and nurses. I mean how long ECHO on four I know it has even been answer that question No, I don't think the media is actually catching, but on fire with this hyper ventilating over this one issue, but we do have Galveston from other causes on and unlike ass, doktor fouche. Your question also with President Obama during the H1N1 epidemic on pandemic had sixty million people in this country with
each one end one and how did doktor Fouche advise our president at that time? Ditty in son shut down. For I don't know, I didn't remember any, do you know? I recall, but it must not have been a big event if neither of us can recall And I, and I would say this to. These governors are shutting down these these business is the school systems and so forth, and they seemed to enjoy themselves, that is, they don't enjoy the day Thirdly, and in the end and the illness they seemed to enjoy this power, believe they have this power. I think the issue in these waters there directing their police to enforce them, and I if these things are really challenged. One day, They don't really have a specific case. To a real serious health issue, I gotta believe that if you in front of a judge has a serious charge: you're gonna knock these things down and we ve had some judges step up already.
When you had in what but stay wasn't. I remember, I think it was in Kentucky when had the mayor of Louisville. Who wouldn't allow people to drive. Car stay in their cars park outside And enjoy Easter services and they never left their cars. Think might my deep deep concern is where the rational thinking in our country, happen here. Why aren't people coming forth? I mean there's a doctor cats, the doctor, you need us, thank you so much for bringing this in ignoble, those wise men to the table, and I did check out there their article and so forth, but but why third country, so been taken by the media? That there are so few except reproach
like yours, that are stepping outside that box and looking at the data and I'll tell you why cause you learn something should concern you enormously. That there's large percentage of the population that is correct to surrender their living and I'm not saying you should mitigate I'm, not saying Right things that you that that that you be doing in order to protect yourselves in your family? Members is a real virus. That said, I think the willingness, when you look at the the poor are these governors, the most iron stood at the governors. Have the high popularity rate, and yet you look. The scientists in Florida whose one of the most successful governors, and not just when it comes to this virus but period he lost haven't points? Are my friends. For your car, very, very good cause Let me continue here. Let's see let us go to MIKE Lexington Kentucky
a great wmd, ok country go remark. I'm concerned at eleven Kentucky Mps Michael Opener near has on Sunday the story. Would the state police went to churches and down people's license plates, and then put it no longer cover thirty. Now you are we rolled down your play, number you ve been to look not gather and groups. A certain amount and that basically you're my lady the you know that governors decree and obvious com- find out they constitutionally, though the gun have to prevent people from meeting and in certain groups Does he have a right to prevent people from if there's if there is a real causal connection,. Between the general health of the population. So for yes, I mean you can have
So, let's do people have and they don't now smallpox and they also you know we want to go to the mall you inside, that would you know, are they smallpox. They say no. We want to go to these one of these mega churches And support that will not her eyes Governors to look at that my problem is these: governors are putting their hand on the scale, wait too heavily. That's my concern, so the other thing The police are being used in a way where they're, so busy focused on citizens Who are not criminals such as criminals, who are being released from prison city of criminals who are doing things? They might not? Otherwise the eye when seen any statistics on whether crime has gone up or down, have you know I've been statistics on that, but- I'd be curious. Go why knocking down. Walmart five hundred people have been
I know, but if you go to Walmart, do not can allow five hundred people in there. They allow, I believe, it depends on the Walmart. I guess ten people at a time and that's a big. I'm store to go in so they are, they are corner club, mitigating they are controlling it. Out there now. That said, if you go to my grocery store, there might be forty people in there at the time. I'm just concern at the president said. I dont disagree and so the issue here is your asking me It's not a philosophical. If you're asking me what one of the rules here in the rule is, if you can, if you can draw a straight line between the conduct and public health, that is that the current here's the deal You and I have individual liberties in a group. We have a right to associate that's also in the first amendment, but if the exercising of our right in a group, causes
pandemic, and you can show that it's like owning. Their property. I owe my private property. Can I do anything I want with my private property, not if it harms somebody else's property. I own, a part of a stream in front of behind my property. Ok, I can't put anything in the stream because it affect the property downstream. So none of these are pure points, but we want them to be as pure as possible, which I think is your point. So the governor and the government should be pressed to demonstrate that the rule they. Put in place, really was related. A causal issue,. So shutting down gun story Because you want to send out gun stores, that's not acceptable or if they Shut down a church, even though there is not more than twenty people meaner whatever the number is, then you want to know That too it doesnt mean Can't pray doesn't mean I mean look. What am I become? One of my
Closest friends is passed her heavy and look they're not that through, but the fact that he has thousands and thousands of people who come to his church every Sunday, but he was reaching to an empty here to an empty church, but Tens of thousands of people online actually probably more and on television problem, more than. And then in the recent past, because that's where people are going so still possible to practice your faith and do that sort of thing. So, as I say, there has to be some rational test. They can Just do a willy nilly, on the other hand, it's a gathering whatever the gathering is, if it's a gathering that that that that is, epidemic or potentially. Contributes to a pandemic or an epidemic. Then, of course something can be done about that. Are you not to burn down the church, but something can be done about that. Let's say let's say I don't have a formal church. Let me give you another example.
Let's say I mean in my house: pastor: I'm a rabbi whatever I am a mullah, and I want to have services in my home- the church- can be a my home. It could be a my car wherever the churches, the churches, wherever the Temple is, the Temple is I want to have it in my home Wanna have thirty people there and I'm not test them in advance. And they come into my home, and we have a service a certain percentage of them turns out that they do have a communicable disease through air through whatever its ally. Whatever it is. Is that ok. About my neighbour I guess that would be a liability. I mean it may be a liability, but you know of so the person, but that does do me any good on the neighbour that affects me personally
So these cases are not so simple, you gotta look at each one and, if there's a who put out. First of all, what I want to know about these governors is what's their authority before we can get the churches or restaurant, what is their authority and then the use, their authority in a way that is acceptable. That is that some true relationship, the what's going on telling me For example, we did the governor, I think it was yours- are the mayor of Louisville. I believe that when they I've in cars in the park in the park at this, from each other and their parishioners. Share Easter. Together they don't get out other cars there her Equally sealed in their vehicles. How can you outlaw there? And yet they did it? it'll judge overturned it as that federal judge should have
I've hammer this pretty hard. My friend, I appreciate it we'll be right back.
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint a MAC; instead, a M, a sea dot! U S, Alfie enjoyed our life liberty and all of them. Last night after you,
Easter celebration the great governor man, I have enormous respect for random. Does the Governor Florida. I just went on cable channels to nobody does exist. There are governors outside Cuomo who sits there. Every day in his lot illiterate in an way, we need, and I want and we should never pontifical. Like a moron, let down the people in New York by his failure to make smart, does visions? Priorities were all screwed up or the pandemic, which has an effect on a state in the city. The new sums out there saying hey. This shows that Progressive ism can really work. Yeah, really. Shutting down the entire state. That's progressive ism, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. Let us
Go to Eddie what links Fortunately, there are currently great Charolais eight. Seventy, I am the answer. Go. Hello mark, thank you so much for taking my call guessers wonder I was wondering if, if Trump, if President Trump invoke the ninth amendment to get rid of these. Tyrannical pin pot hate governors in these states and say hey the Inn visual has the right of sovereignty. Just wanted to know your thoughts about that? Well, it's never been exercise that way. One second. Shoot me. So I don't think a President Kennedy, The ninth amendment against a state President has said that he is total authority to open businesses and so forth. I at a loss to figure out where that constitutional authority comes from now. I suppose he can take the they d,
its production act in unison and ways. It probably has been used before, which would make me. So nervous. I would need to know exactly how he does it by ordering the oak of businesses large small and medium let's Herman been done before a supposed to using them for the purpose of producing supplies, but that There could be an argument made. I suppose that, rather than using it to direct businesses, reduce material. For whatever the emergency, as perhaps he could use it to direct this So, if we are able to to open again, I don't know- That's legitimate at the study that much more closely but then at the moment, no that would not fly there. Ah I, my friend, I appreciate it quickly has Scranton Pennsylvania. They were at a time I wanted to get the chance,
Chaz not transposed, oh by the way call tomorrow, Lyra Darrell, John everybody Connemara. Ladies and gentlemen, I salute all our heroes out: their law enforcement, the military all the year, the health professionals truckers people were helping feed us all you folks. You know who you are, thank God for each and every one of you and I'll see you right here tomorrow from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-15.