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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/11/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is interfering in a federal election which is why there is national interest in his case against Donald Trump. Trump is leading in the polls and Bragg knows this, and objectively he is affecting the electoral process by indicting Trump on an issue that lies at the federal court level and has already been dismissed. We have Marxists within the Democrat party literally destroying our country and our economy, which leaves our military powerless to stop the communist regimes around the world. China and Russia are trying to gain a foothold in our hemisphere in the Caribbean and have been waiting for weak U.S leadership, which is exactly what they have now under President Biden. If federal law enforcement and federal agencies were more focused on their jobs instead of targeting patriotic meetings, this wouldn’t be going on. China has built up the largest navy in the world and isn’t stopping and is partnering up with other communist nations around the world. World War III has already begun, and we just don’t know it yet; the enemy is waging it and the first battle is in Ukraine.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. the
the the america mark lebaron here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight three eight one one. Let me help our friends. don't care, but our hill, Jim Jordan's committee, and let me Kate Ivan brag, who really must have flunked law school, He says today in a
federal law suit, brought in the southern district in new york. Essentially that congress has no jurisdiction in a local problem? torreon matter and his eyes from the court to talk congress. The butter. Now these simple answer to that isn't even that there's federal money involved. I have better answers and I hope there listening on capital, your number one, MR brags interfering in effecting in influencing a federal election Of this there is no doubt there is no question By their national interest in this donald trump is the republican.
Whose leading in the pause for the nomination. Where that ends. I don't know, but that's the point answer. Mr brag knows this. The fact is, objectively speaking, he is effecting he's affecting an electoral process. A federal electoral process. Number two as such. This is a matter that reaches well beyond. Manhattan new york. This is a matter that reaches throughout the nation. ironically, that's wise in federal court. Then you didn't go to stakeholder. He went into federal district court because it's a federal man,
Does any immediate pinkies in eddie but here is what he knows me arc A democrat party cesspool, the courts are full what democrat hacks. Prosecutors offices are full of democrats, hacks. Entire justice system, so called is filled with democrat hacks. So, of course there are numerous federal issues here and the federal court can do one of two things in throwing out this case number one mister, Rag, why are you here also federal matter? You need to stop the ok. You just defeated your argument. Number two, mr brag. Clearly there are federal issues here
Throwing your case because congress has wide latitude to hold hearings, and I think there's Question that the criminal process that you have triggered will affect, public in primary process and a presidential election, so of course, there's federal jurisdiction. Of course, there's a legislator purpose by congress case closed over it's done with idle waste, literally five minutes. your time in your intelligence on this. Could I be wrong? No. Could a court will definitely yes, but I'm not wrong. I am correct. whoever leaked the top secret information. Whoever leaked these I, these pentagon documents about right
and china and all information about their plans with ukraine about reach and latin america and the caribbean about that. Klein of the united states, that per and has committed a treasonous act and they should face the death penalty. That's correct,. I don't care who they are what party therein I don't care if they have. Five stars on their shoulders or no stars at all. I don't care if they're in the a terrier nod and cares to combat heroes or not. This is what treason looks like this and here's a piece
Am a miami herald a recent leak of? U s. Classified intelligence reports appears to confirm what many latin american and caribbean watches or warned about in recent years rush And china trying to gain a foothold. Waning. U s leadership. Excuse me. I've been talking about this month after month after month on fox On this microphone, levine tv screen lots of some of those documents obtained by the miami harold Russian mercenaries were planning to pitch of plan to provide security in haiti Months of unsuccessful negotiations led by the united states to form a multinational force to help tackle. Ask being arm gang violence and the caribbean nation. They also reveal that the russian government was trying to use preserves offered to mediate in a war. The kremlin launched against ukraine to its advantage.
Also, according to the highly classified documents mark, why are you? it's all over the media. America, if I just keep quiet about it, it's not going to change a damn thing. I want to confront this an address. It changes benefiting from. from the russian ukraine war in countries like nicaragua, where moscow as a key security partner nationals, The council spoke city. He John Kirby, said president john by John, but Joe Biden was brief last week when a menace nation quote first got word that there were some documents out there on quote asked if there were more documents circulating and if they believe the leak had been Jane Kirby said we don't know truly, don't know. Yet they are busy on trot. You see and more larga Evan alice,
research, professor of latin american studies, at the- u s, army war college, strategic studies institute so that is a u s. Government civilian employ could not confirm or deny or explicitly comment only classified documents, but public sore stock. clearly show you s. Officials have growing concern about russia. China and IRAN's presence in our atmosphere. this was not going on under trap. The red quote- is at an unprecedented level of political and economic crisis in which we have many Prince stage, he said which kind of teetering on the edge in terms of whether they continue to be transparent democratic regimes or something more radical said Alice, the sensitive material mainly contained secret. U s intel assessments.
The russian invasion of ukraine, copies of the document, started circulating on various social media sites weeks ago though the miami Harold, cannot independently verify the pentagon, officials have acknowledged most are authentic, those appear to have been altered. The fbi's investigating the source of the lake wow. You mean that Take some other agents, half of the person mood of january six trespassers, you see folks, maybe if federal law, foresman, meaning the fbi, maybe if our intelligence agencies, maybe if the defence department bureaucracy, were focused on their game jobs, Rather than chasing innocent american citizens, whether they be people rats passing on january six than no more our people or
peacefully protests thing at abortion, clinics, our parents, europe. Protesting at school made it. Maybe it s crap, wouldn't they go for god's sakes. One report relying on information collected by the: u s, drug enforcement administration, so As late february, members of the russian mercenary force they wagner group planted discreetly. traveled a haiti to assess the potential for contracts with eighty government to fight against local gangs. What surprised me they're wagner would be looking for business opportunities. Alice said, adding that is no personal knowledge of their plans. While you don't say nothing, It says that of late february, russian foreign affairs. Patients favoured a ukraine mediation proposal presented by Brazil's recently of elected present,
Brazil's present, it is a communist. That's why we with the communist chinese nicaragua's Spain is a communist president for life. Daniel Ortega might remember, reagan chased him out of the atmosphere, but he's back. chile, which used to be a free market demand see: chile is a hardened socialist regime turning more more tore marxism, its shocking He is led by a marxist, we know about Venezuela? We know about cuba, then there's more. argentina's now led by a radical socialist. moving, more and more towards marxism,
In china and russia are coming into our hemisphere, theirs, egypt mark. How would you stop there's an easy way to stop this? You saying What china. Wasn't that long ago, in south korea head tactical nuclear weapons, he got your buddy nor north korea, fine missiles around we're gonna help arm them. You know what japan we're gonna help arms pan to our at it? Let's talk to our friend The australians and the philippines- let's talk to them,. That's how you handle it. There in our neighbourhood. they were in their neighborhood. That's how you handle it all the pacifists, all the phonies you want to debate. You
our aim of the bay ukraine and everything else. Here's what I've concluded. Given there's a lot of thought now, I think it's quite obvious. You ready War war. Three has already begun. Ladies and gentlemen, we just don't know it yet. It's already begun. The enemy has launched it enemy is waging it First battle of war war threes in ukraine: that's the first, but like the shoe dayton land that ukraine, the sedate land for hitler, or you know what I got russian speaking folks over there in ukraine. Yes, they do and there are serious crime about the boundaries or yes, there are an irish, it says where none of our business and science a whole here, I'm an american
firstly, no you're, an idiot. We see what's going on an in our endless breather in central and south america, their marriage posts with the panama canal. They just take a deep water port in the solomon islands, member guadalcanal, member of the battles there, David deepwater port on the west coast of africa that faces us the biggest navy on the face of the earth. Never bigger savagery numbers on the face the year they have stout farmers, they have stopped fighters, you think they need all of that to defeat taiwan. Now it's aimed at us. now there are undermining our economy where, on there our economy with the aid of love that
is no longer going to be the world currency. It's gonna, be china's currency. Can you imagine. And two short years, two years the united states is in this position. The war has begun. Not because I say so, but because I am the first to recognise it and I don't mean the cold war, actual physical military war has begun in its begun in ukraine by russia. Part of the access powers of the new century. Iran is launching, through surrogate, attacks on Israel towards various terrorist organizations.
I've got more. I've got one heartbreak I'll, be right back much love in the. Let me ask you what Heck is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts. Are we supposed to fine sanity in this mess. I was too with a gust of precious metals and they said tons of people? Are I got to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important, Ever their own gold, I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement, Augusta will act. We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to a precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank yes, this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids seven, seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect. retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals,
He'd: seven: seven for gold- I re again eight seven, seven god. I re consult your finance from professionals before Investment and serious disclosures are augusta, precious metals, dot com. I just posted my comments as I spoke cleared his throat a couple of sentences. Social media, the strange thing social media? But in addition to this platform, I think it's important to do that. And just reiterate world war three begun not by us we're still in a state of I dunno, a state of pacifism,. State of isolationism I dont know what all these isolationism pass. Vizir whining about
I mean we're losing allies left and right to the enemy and budget is flat lined with inflation. That means it's being cut. I dont want there planing about our our war effort, we're giving weapons and support to ukraine honestly big deal big deal. They make that, like it's, the marginal, not liners something a world war, two, it's not. first battle war war, three began over a year ago in ukraine The battle of ukraine Georgiana, getting worse, let me ask you what. hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are Absolutely nuts. Are we supposed to find sanity in this mess? Knives
talking with augusta precious metals and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more important, ever to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusta will act. we pay you and pure god to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to a gust of pressure. metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank fail This is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids haven't seven for gold. I re to learn how to bridge retirement. I get your free gold coin. That's all gust of precious metals. Aids, seven, seven for gold, I re again eight seven seven, for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before
investment and see serious disclosures at augusta, precious metals, dot com, the mark levin show, is tomorrow's morning show you can reach mark now at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, my family says to me and my father used to say to me my mother, you gonna be careful about the things that you say so many me about Putin's and about G. I said why just be careful. My wife says to me to be careful. The I'm gonna be careful whatever means want to hear more about our own hemisphere. According to the leak report,
Nicaragua under the rule of gaining are taken his wife, Rosaria Muir Rio, see they own these country Quote still views rush, also interested in blue fields as its primary security partner. But since the beginning, a russian full scale. War in Ukraine is expanded. Ties with beijing purchases, security, quit my green to the presence of a chinese military base, Terry access in nicaragua, this I, the nicaraguan government, probably would consider offering beijing naval access in exchange for economic investment when you think folks, unbelievable on the label. During congressional testimony in February twenty nineteen, the directive, a sudden commanded, the time use navy airmail, craig forward, told us Senate committee
russia and china is growing influence and that hemisphere was among the chief security challenges affecting the united states. So why isn't biden significantly increasing the defense budget, disturbing inside, he said has been the degree to which external state actors, especially russia. And IRAN and Iraq, I need their influence in the western hemisphere. Russia in particular enables actions in venezuela because aqua huber that threaten hemispheric security and prosperity, and now china is on the bandwagon, so is it on? Does it sound like we have the right? Second, defence. Does it sound like we have the right hand of the joint chiefs, theirs Sadly the right anything
you see these former ten colonels and major on tv, and these hosts he's phony experts going on about how we are warmongering, attacking american industrial might it just blossom office federal contract. You reject them. You should shut them off. At a minimum, if we conservatives not going to unite. Ran a strong military about preparing for. Looks inevitable to me and its frightening. Don't get me wrong. Shame on us we Situation in this country nobly, we ve ever face before.
We have marxists within operating through the demo. Brad party, in there, judges and Sarah gets destroying our country literally destroying our economy. Literally Destroying our prosperity in our stride, that's all crucially important we're to be able to build up a military and sustain it. And, of course, we are Facing communists. In our own hemisphere, in south east asia, as well as fascists, as well as his lama nazis in tehran, all of whom have gotten together. We ve seen a similar script before. The battle of ukraine is the beginning. I want you to listen to me.
The battle ukraine is the beginning, not the end. It's like the sioux dayton land and I'm serious about this doctrine, all the And part of ukraine, they speak russian over there and let them go. Said any of our business all way over here, I dunno. Why is china concerned about China interesting what happens to russia, I'm just Is why is iran providing russia with deadly drowned? What's it all about what does IRAN care? They have enough problems that arose what's at all about the access. Your propagandists in our own country, who are either too stupid,.
Our two driven by their ideology, to see the truth, but their names are in public, whether they be politicians, whether they written columns and history, will judge them. And I judge them because their endangering the united states, Egypt, secret, Plan to supply rockets to russia, leaked documents say. Egypt was now I too not too long ago. President I've done for elsie in february plan to produce forty thousand rockets for russia and instructed officials to keep production and ship in secret to avoid problems with the west. The washed and compost. He's one of our closest allies in the middle east is a recipe. billions of dollars and aid from us portion of a top
sacred member this when there was late, summarizes poem, conversations between c c and senior egyptian military officials washed opposed obtain the document from trove of images of classified files posted in february and march on this, who are they chatter popular? We gamers? The document has not been proven. They reported disclosure comes as russia's fighting away lawyer with ukraine. Now one other thing. do you think intelligence agencies among our allies? You think they're going to share information with the united states now, MR producer, now now they're, not responses questions regarding the document of the veracity, the conversations it describes, ambassador spokesman for Egypt's farming,
history said that Egypt's position from the beginning based on non environment in this crisis and committing to maintain and equal distance were both sides while affair Egypt support to the when charter and international law. In other words, he gave doublespeak into languages doublespeak until which so far, Egypt has not done that. But apparently that was their plan, so the middle east alliances. He's the initiatives that the trump administration had successfully promoted built have all been destroyed by mr globalism by MR fifty years of experience by Mr Wurtz.
back like a bed bleeding hemorrhoid or a sigh rash for you, leftists they're back yes, there Back into just drawing america. Here's lloyd Austin today made you heard him he's the secretary of defence of whose, Three, I'm not sure cut to go. I was first rate the report said an authorized disclosure of sensitive and classified material, on the morning of April six, and since then I ve been careening senior department leaders daily on our response. Oh god, you're having meetings, that's really call he's having meetings figure out their response.
Here's a response: one meeting men. Well, whatever whoever's in the room, fine. This bastard, these bastards we're gonna, bring em up on treason, charges and we're. Gonna have em executed. you'd. Do anything you have to do to find them pretend their parents to the school board meeting. Pretend their protesters had abortion clinic most of all present That their trespassers on january sixth,. put all of our resources, no holds barred and find him them her it. Whatever. And find them in forty eight hours. If you must talk to the stasi across the street department of justice, do it, I don't care who you have to talk to.
You need to deal with the phone companies deal with them. You need to deal with the social Platform, companies, you know, we've infiltrated them. You know how to deal with them. Do whatever you have to do, but get him or them. because we're gonna put an end to this right. Now our main harbouring meetings, your shape, our having meetings. Here, though, I admit to produce an urgent cross, deportment effort and we ve the matter to the department of justice which has opened a criminal investigation now I can't say much more while the justice department's investigation is ongoing, but we take very seriously, and we will
to you to work closely with our outstanding allies and partners, and nothing will ever stop us from keeping america secure. Are you just did stop us and look we're dealing here with a bunch of politicized boobs, A bunch of politicize boobs? I wonder Department of injustice even has enough f b. I agents to thoroughly look into this, given their their focus on american citizens. On a sixty two year old grandfather who may have been january, sixty percent, on the grounds of the cap on they caught his face to face, get sent swatch themes by the way. You know it's interesting,
Just from an analytical point of view on these mass murders lightly, their trumpeters. The louisville killer was a trumpet. I suspect the nashville color was a tramping. How come they don't talk about that? The mass killer in the synagogue slaughtering jews in pittsburgh was a trump hater on our all white ketchup leno. Let's talk about. The things that are set by the left whether in the media, whether their politicians, whether in the government, whether there and entertainment. Things they say, are beyond the pale there beyond the pale.
And they take no responsibility for none. None. I'll be right back much, then. Let me ask you what, Hector is going on with the banks. These bank failures are. Absolutely nuts- are we supposed to find sanity in this mess knives. Talking with augusta precious metals- and they said tons of people are buying gall to protect their retirement savings right now. I think it's more. More than ever to own gold. I guess what view hundred thousand dollars plus save for retirement augusta will act We pay you and pure gold to learn how gold I raise can protect you reach out to august precious metals today and get started with gold. If you're worried about the bank, yes, this is something you can do for yourself. Just call aids. when seven for gold. I re to learn how to protect
retirement. I get your free gold coin, that's all gust of precious metals at He'd, seven, seven for gold, I re again, eight seven, seven for gold. I re consult your finance from professionals before investment and serious disclosures are augusta: precious metals, dot, com ladies and gentlemen, more next hour. But I will explain to you what happens when we're in a war situation. Particular War situation, not of our choosing, we were on our heels when such a war breaks out right now, people already I said, but that's what's taking place here: china, is threatening us directly as its alliance with russia and the russians.
Are well on the attack in ukraine. Not even the act, His powers and war war to threatened america while they were invading other countries. This is more brazen than that. In our own country, that hollowing out of the fabric of Country, at the same time, by the democratic party, we're gonna talk, what happens. When the ruling class in washington d c, which has been attacked for being militaristic, and I'm attacking them. Closing their eyes to what's, what's actually taking place and growing out there. I want to tell you what happens to your constitutional rights, economic rights.
To your way of life, where, where to begin a nineteen, forty one, it was eighty One short years ago, the end of this year, it will be eighty two short years ago. It's not a long time ago that, A long time ago, at all. I want to discuss this with you, because it's important, I dont, know what everybody else's target I don't much give a damn. you know I woodrow Wilson did during world war, one he and his support Past something called the espionage and nineteen seventy. Nineteen eighteen, they called something called these sedition act. They pass that
Both of those laws were used to round up round him up. Over a thousand individuals in charge them with Stations of one law, the other debs ever hear debs d, b b s, MR producer, there was a communist. He was a labour activist. He was a nominee to run for peace. By I guess it was the socialist party for president, while in prison put thereby woodrow wilson
They also had a major censorship campaign. One of the men who wrote really wrote the book on propaganda, actually wrote a book called propaganda was giving advice. woodrow wilson, on how to persuade the american people and they used it on the media. They bought media. Ok,. of civil liberties revile aid just like today, war war, who, after I was even worse with the irs and the fbi, don't we have an irish, an fbi problem today I won expand on this. When I return I'll be right back, this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage,
Save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much. sponsorship. Your talk now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of unarmed, the script building we have once again made contact with our leaders, have article of any air number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three: I first let me tell you how this is gonna work.
I know I often think maybe I should have written a book about when I'm about to tell you, but nonetheless, Michael pillsbury urged me to do it. Then I'm working on something that I think is actually more fundamental and, of course, crucially important. What the communist chinese are doing is they are positioning themselves throughout the world economy glee, and especially militarily to box in the united states, the box and our fleet, the panama canal, the box in our access to them civic and then eventually to box us in on the east coast, particularly. nor folk and other areas where our nuclear subs typically bay,
Stir in san diego At the balloon floating around, so they gave a good feel about how we communicate among our nuclear sites and they gobbled up. Deal of information there not doing that for the halibut they're doing it for a reason, they are looking at our country in terms of conventional weaponry, as well as nuclear weapon. As well as satellite weapon, but the geo political issue- you can see what's taking place. in terms of our own hemisphere, our own hemisphere, In terms of our ability of our navy, remove out from the coasts are returned to the coasts They know that we are a nation that is essentially.
surrounded by two oceans, well aware of and northern southern border, but that's not what I'm talking about. That's why they ve built the big Naval fleet, on the face of the earth and their stability Why they're getting naval posts in our own? atmosphere. though they communist nations, as well as port Agents in africa and poor, caribbean nations and poor pacific island nations, Where's or cutting off foreign aid our explaining enormous sums of money on farming to buy the loyalty and even more to buy the economies of these countries. We don't use foreign aid in a smart way. We just give it away.
They're like a slum landlords and away they want collateral and are getting it. all through africa all through central and south america hall through the middle east,. These are china sea. They want the ability to be able to cut off trade in the united states. They want the ability to be able to cut off. Navigable lanes. ocean lanes, From the united states there are building toward right now at breakneck speed. They want the ability to take our eyes and ears out of space.
We killer satellites their way ahead of us. This is why Donald trump created the space force he was opposed and he was right- Hi persona missiles there, many years ahead of us, they stole the original technology for us from us. Rather. Another way ahead of us, the navy Gave up on its hypersonic midsummer has to start over its not working. and they see the psychology in the united states. They see. The passive Isolationist republicans and others crash side. They see the marxist movement that is undermining our military and military preparedness.
Now is the time for them back. They know this. And ukraine, as I said, the first battle in this war war war, three that has begun. You have to wait for massive miller, harry operations against the united states for war to begin its begun. china has sewed up its its oil needs. With saudi arabian iran, when it's done. China has sewed up its needs for all kinds of men was a material in the congo other parts of africa in afghanistan there on the move.
their preparing and there on the move, they want to control the world currency. So they can harm our banks and our financial institutions. They see. The weakness in europe always starts with france. And there she is france. Then the biggest country in our own hemisphere, brazil- has thrown him with a communist chinese. It's gonna get worse nicaragua's only with the communist chinese. Cuba's thrown him with the communist chinese Bolivia's thrown him with a communist chinese loneliness, grit documents to figure this out. I've been talking about this for a very long time. So what are they gonna do with all this power they're going to extort us.
Because they know their elements and the republican party in the Democratic party, more than elements that the entire mindset to avoid conflict of all caught at all costs. That many people, but rather live as slaves and on free, then defend their country, Particularly when you're undermining the belief in the country period. Reagan made this point. Nineteen sixty four. They want to be in a position to extort us economically militarily, so that when our joint chiefs of staff me. with a president, united states, they will live
the options and the options will be seen to be filled. against an overpowering enemy that we can push back on the basis that they have too many of them, that they have wept there are at least comparable, bars or stronger, but more than that they control their press as it is they control their legislatures, such as it is. citizens will may be made by a man like figure, just as it will be made like a storm, unlike figure ahead, like figure of told ya, like figure a muslim, you like figure, and they make decisions quickly. You see
we cannot afford to be. The number two super power on the face: the earth because for the number two. We're gonna lose the geographically again military war, because china is not Going to sit still is the most powerful country in the face of the earth and attend to exercise its power. The united states never did that, despite despite what the pacifist isolationist on the republican side and the democratic party. The united states has never been a warmonger power. This is why all this talk about long wars, in short, what its irrelevant we're talking about the wrong thing. Farm policy like most of life, is about prudence. Looking at once,
Can place and friend your eyes rash, only digesting it intellectually and making too. nations based on that that some ideology. every battles, not afghanistan,. They re battles now ukraine, every those ninety regime, on the other hand,. wishing things away and blaming ourselves for the evil that faces absurd feeling differ hair, for what we see is unconscionable and will lead to a draft And will lead to a war unless, of course, we surrender.
I dont mean formal surrender. Documents, china says. We control the south. China sea don't come through here. Ok,. China says we control the panama canal will decide who comes through here, waiting on due back, ok. And on and on and on. China's now dictating, who can see the president of Taiwan, literally threatening speakers, plural of the house above party. China's threatening the the seventh fleet, as I speak right now, with their carriers in the taiwan straits. There's threatening raina. We sent a modern equipment over this
oh you're, through their they got carriers. Are they ve tried off the coast of china She is doing a good job of splitting up the european alliance with france. Casinos, France is the weak, link always has been and always will be. But it's even worse, mccrone goes further talking about america. Currency, we need to decouple from the united states, Not just over ukraine exude me now so we're taiwan, but over everything. How many of you have family members that died? They died in france. Trying to free the french from them,
What and their vichy government the day we celebrate the day. France has already surrendered to communist china and the solomon islands. Guadalcanal. Has already surrendered to communist china. and this is why spend all this time talking about it today and every day on fox I live in tv wherever I can. However, I can but the city, asian is even worse, its more Who is to my mind than ever before were worth three has begun: its begun, even economically geography, clean and militarily with the battle of ukraine. What home? What can we expect and what we know, what we can
expect from past world wars, and we know what we can expect from the pandemic. Don't we. Private property will cease to be private property, and this will get the support of the courts to the courts are followed like like cheap beach, chairs, We have already seen that during the pandemic free speech, as it is right now, Free speech, right now we have lessened than any time in my lifetime. Well, we're gonna have a hell of a lot less in the years ahead. It is high in the government, the fbi's already poised to monitor what you say, whether it's in the catholic churches. or on online there poised to do the work and they had practised
The meeting america's basically an american providence team The of the government for the government, Of course, the government is run by a republican, then it's a media of the democratic path in the bureaucracy one and the same when the same so we're gonna have big brown. with police state marxism and work I have the fifth column in america. You can google that see what that means. Many of you know why, the people in the united states. rooting for the enemy, I can see a yo, see, yeah name names- I can see
I believe I can see omar. and many many many more rooting for the enemy. I'll, be right back much, don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon a t to your t, mobile folks, just another trick- the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone. Twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract, cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk? Customer! That's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk.
Come in as little as ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed data well, backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v I n, podcast and you'll. Save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions, Why you can see this site for details? Folks? You know it's funny. When I was a little kid, I think they gave us an iq test. I remember seeing this and you know I did ok and everything, but in reasoning this is a long time ago. Elementary.
I had like a ninety eight percent in the top percentile. I look at things. In a more realistic about what's taking place, a reason through them. I'm not an idiot log. When it comes to foreign policy, I'm not John Mccain lamont Lindsey, graham, on the other hand, I am not one of these pacifists and isolationists who look at the situation. I, like experience in history, the reasons why. Countries do things those reasons why people do things unless they're nuts and if they're nuts, more reason? Be concerned, there's a reason. Communist china is doing all this, so we can see Still become sitting ducks.
and yet I still here from the pacifist, isolation and wing of the republican per. Why do we have so many bases abroad? What do we do under the communist chinese, do they have so many bases, and why are they having so many basis, you think they're stupid why they doing there. Anybody know why you, I know why and so do you. And so to you and I dont think we're ready. I think our power Petitions are asleep at the wheel. I think our policy Since fear certain opinion makers, I think our politics, Since our gutless wonders and algeria, pass it on to the next politician. But there will be. Great man or a great woman, somewhere along the line. We better pray we'll go on and the tide.
I'll say: wait a minute. I think we have a problem, I'll be right, back, don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon and eighteen to your T. Mobile folks just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no contract cancel or leave any time get a new iphone ultra fast, five g service and culture cell phone bill in half. That's. Why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high speed,
Wait are all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, pod asked restrictions apply? You can see this site for details of thunder on the right away. Now, seven seven four year, one three. What one is talking earlier about the kind of vitriol poison that is spread by the left particularly the left in the media, and there never called to account corporations at on these media platforms. Comcast owns. NBC and MSNBC. over it, MSNBC even more than cnn, am shocked to say you have the most vile poisonous
line up of reprobates. Miss Green said contents that a network America has ever pulled together. slight get me the lowest low lodge you possibly can off the street. You know people like. Joe Scarborough and Al Sharpton in so many nicole, wallace there's another and of course joy, reed Joy, we came to this job with homophobic posts, bigoted posts on the internet she said that her system was corrupted. Promise she's a liar system was interrupted once a joy, but she's muscle pass that because she's profound and intelligent and important that count.
Ass gave her a prime time job at seven p, m. Seven p m. Where friend, jesse waters destroys her every single night, no manner? She is a very important message, and here it is active, knows pastors cut for you have republicans in multiple states, including florida. Past in pushing laws that will allow people to kit black lives matter? Protesters are Protesters they liked with their cars- and this was after the charlottesville, or by car of a white woman. Who was a black lives matter protest, Why did I miss something, MR producer, that the state her passing laws think can run over protesters. Wow did you folks know?
public are pushing laws and passing laws had so you can run over protesters, especially black lives matter protest and yet And yet we saw what took place in can ashore wisconsin, where an activist ran over white pro whiter than white band. I think it was Joyce memories very short, and I mention it in very selective, I forgot that another thing on erasmus. That's why they hard. but listen to her cancerous poison. You would think was on the view for granite. Let go ahead. seemed to have gotten back into lynching hanging. Lots of other sort of draconian nineteenth century fair. What is going on with her
guns- they seem to like be bringing back the lynching vibe. and nobody says a word about this- she should be fine. on the spot. She should get the hook her, I should be. Tat of MSNBC and she can speak, crap on a soap box on the corner somewhere out in some park. This is a big it through and through. Lynching is back. Do I wanted to explain to your mind skill and dwindling audience who party of lynching is. Are you a democrat troy because it's your party
defend by did you know, bind was a racist segregationist who opposed integration of public schools. Course you, but you don't care. You know. The democratic party push eugenics and their intellectuals. The progressive so called push eugenics, woodrow wilson, and so Yes, the democratic party, including, but especially against plaques amazing plan parenthood. on our planet. Parent, Margaret Sanger, big. You genesis pity we wanted to apply the blacks and sheep and spoke to the client she became so popular with the clan. Have you ever explain that on your crap? Nothing little show joy with your hate speech. Joy wanted to explain to your seven listeners that bill after bill came
four franklin rose about any opposed signing an idiot lynching bill. Why don't you tell your listeners that joy, you wanna talk about lynching. Even eleanor tried to persuade. We are, I believe, eleanor supported algae bt, q plus one For anybody else mister produce did you know that I believe she did. but neither here nor there that said the Democrats supported lunch. The democratic party would not oppose lunch till. Finally, the mid nineties now actually was Harry truman after the death of after you,
Who signed a federal law against lunch, they weren't blocked by republicans publican supported, but now republicans are lynch nineteenth century fair? She says, what's going on with their pets, can set seem to be bringing back the lynching vibe, and why is that? It's because the governor. Of texas saw what a left wing prosecutor another one and austin Texas stead. to a man who was defending himself in his car when he was surrounded by a mob increase, a black lives matter, violent, mob. In one of the men was carrying a rifle member. We're not most alike rifles, a rifle came up
to the driver side of his car at the window and the dry, were shot him because he feared for us. if the mob surrounded his car and here's a guy with a rifle and by the way, a white guy, lynching, awake, shut, white guy, but it doesn't matter. We got the narrative down, we got, we got it. in so governor abbot, says I'm going to pardon him. Should the pardon board make the proper recommendation enjoy reads: he's an opportunity to talk about the vibe lunch survival. Wench I wonder if she a knew who was actually involved in this. And the man who was convicted
In the united states military honorably, I believe he is a cop or a former cop, but it doesn't matter cause or matter. Joy, Reid is decided that's the one guy with a rifle that they defend. so one guy with a rifle they defend. They don't say how can I had a rifle: what was he doing there if we had gang control? None of this would happen
No, they don't say that in this case. Why is that? Because the ray holes? That's? Why? Because there are frauds phonies hypocrites. That's why that simple. Meanwhile, the executives, the board of directors over there comstock don't have a prompt at the comcast. Rather don't have a problem with any of this perfectly fine comcast if your cable network, many of you get rid of it, get rid of it. I'll be right back, was love him and don't fall for the free phone dea's from verizon, a t and t or t mobile folks,
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Pod gassed restrictions. Apply. You can see this site for details, see here when. This will now to Jim pathak. He is chimp a journalist, I'm just curious while she thinks she is she's at these semi for media center. What the hell is that the sum of for media son, How come I was it invited? How can I wasn't invited to thee? Some are for media summit, We know why they hate me and the feeling is mutual here. She is yesterday, cut nine, go in to consider yourself a journalist. I do Because how do you define being a journalist? I will ask you. This question has been re question:
define. Modern journalist says card carrying members of the democratic party who hate america. get wealthy spewing, stupid things and their hate america propaganda who route for the enemy and who lie about their country. Though have about right, I think I do Mr Bittacy go ahead place. That was once told it was an out of work. Newspaper man, a whole years here. So I think about this guy's funny. I think he's gonna be starting in LAS vegas. Opening lounge racked go ahead first of all journalism has changed dramatically. Some offers an example of that right and even I was in the white house working and government. It really majority are all honest spectrum. It wasn't just the new york times why washington, post abc news and then everything else wasn't concenters picture heart of journalism. It's all us rig broad scope.
things and so to me, journalism how you doing a great job, defining it there precisely I must say so far here, just don't believe. I wonder if the job widened idiocy has rubbed off and I think it has like the current press secretary is a certified gomorrah. Then you have Kirby up there who talks and tongues I go ahead. Nations are the public helping make things clear. explaining things having conversations with people. People want to learn more about, and so I think there is a broad expansion of what that is. You said absolutely nothing, her definition, it's all those big broad scope of thing. That's her
And so to me, journalism is providing information to the public, helping make things clear. Even here she doesn't make things clear, explaining things having conversations with people. so in other words a merely mouth who says nothing still having a conversation people want to learn more about, and so I think there is a broad expansion of what that is. Ok, my death. edition is better and more accurate, a left wing crackpot marxist Big mouth with a low, I q, whose pushing an agenda that's a modern day, journalist that all, of course, but most. ray of Chris licked l, I see hd Chris apparently was licked. I don't even. That means he's the boss over it cnn done a fantastic job.
killing cnn. I don't know in fact paying the guy cut ten go half Headlines are about our friend, I'm leavin, who is who is here? Will end in one and when I write about downloaded it gets traffic. What are you am? What do you make of that of dawn, sort of outsize presence in the in the cover cnn and the buzz about cnn. How are you. How do you, how do you, navigation age or that for Chris, let down is another certify. Will any it. And so we we aim for the idiot demo. That's all that's left of it. So we go for the idiot demo. We Careful older, younger in between and dawn, is the guy for the. Denmark, so that's why he draws our attention. That's why twenty four seven there on the internet, keeping away dance. Our guy, but we need hits spare, Well, you from idiots
we're don lemon. That's our guy I'll, be right back! I If you own, a small business, you know the value of time. Innovation refunds does to leave me easy, no matter how busy you are to apply for the employer, retention, credit or air sea gotta, get refunds, dot, com to get started and in less than eight minutes see if your business qualifies for e r c assistance, the organism-
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the broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american market here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three one one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three, eight one one are all powerful support, important our three Reading with extending the show to a fourth are practically in new york, you never know we're gonna have great guess sunday in a very, very important topic: I'm gonna have alan Dershowitz on four have to show in Matt whittaker from reacting
turning general for the other half the shell, we're going to discuss freedom of speech, we're going to discuss the first amendment, You know this dominion lawsuit goes forward next week. We will not get into the particulars of that case, but we will get into the particulars of corporations of government of other efforts To censor media, including facts, so I'll take up the gauntlet I'll, take it up with the additional free speech. Lawyers. Nobody better than Dershowitz set me of course, and then not worker format. attorney general and we're going dig into this new york
Teresa Sullivan? What's that you're gonna hear all about. So the left and their media, they don't believe in free speech, They not believe in a free media. They claim they do, but they clearly doc. They are celebrating promoting and insisted on the defeat. Of fox news. The way they have on conservative talk. Radio Most of these entities like media matters like media, are funded with big donors with big pockets. I'll make their donors known. I would encourage media matters without your big donor list, mediate put out your big,
Donor lists and by the way, mediate, is sort of a knock off of media matters of our media matters. I'd be pissed off. Sue mediate for plagiarism, try with them, but they never linda report back the curtain. We don't get the text messages and they emails out of media eyed and all the preview baskets that right there We don't get the emails and the text messages from media matters and all their communications. Democrats and leftists and sorrows, operatives and all the rest. We don't get it. The text, messages and emails of maggie haberman
man is peters or fill in his bumps. We don't get any of that, isn't it amazing, and yet we have a judge in delaware. Trial judge them Whistler, who gives out discovery like well, I kind Biden Takes a baronet, but you get the point here is a local lowest level troika. These are all my own. Opinions will discuss them with anybody. Never do don't get permission, don't get told not to do what I wanted to speak for myself.
And so we're going to look into this sort of thing and talk about this sort of thing. Because there's no reason why I should sit quietly about this. My reason why should ignore the war? On the first amendment If has written a lot of books. Most of them are relatively small, but their good and he wrote a book a couple years back called the case against them Censorship actually ordered this on amazon and read it damn good book protecting free speech from big tech, progressives and universities. You can say what you will about Alan Dershowitz, democrat and so forth, but the fact is, the man is consistent. If you believe somebody is violating a fundamental civil liberty, whether republic
Democrats whomever it is. He calls the mouth. So I'm gonna have my opening statement. We're gonna have have wonder: what's there we're gonna talk about this thing we're going to have the former acting Turning general there to we're going to talk about this, or thing, and he knows all about it too, because I don't think the entire playing field of knowledge and information should be left to me He I and media matters. I don't think it should be left to the new york times and the washed imposed and our analysts, and I think it should be left to the crack news. Work, that's what we're call it for now on, mr, but that they constipated that's too good, that crap news network and, of course, Emma sell us. They wouldn't be great to get all the texan emails, MR producer,
Between the morning schmo and mrs, her all shark in anybody, or how about joy, reed ah, but hers or a doozy. You see us Do them, but you gotta, sue them in a place in a court. That's going to have, very wide latitude on discovery and then, lawyers can be filing all kinds of motions and briefs and put as much Permission in there is they can't who try to embarrass people. You see that's the guy. I want to talk about this. And should a network or news cast or a host or programme be able to talk about.
What's being set about an election if dart and what are the parameters, save that not an attack on free speech than what the hell is, so we're gonna, get I know, gonna be a really big show, Sunday night, a pm eastern five pm pacific. If it can it. Please do what I always encourage you to do even now. Just set your d pr for eight pm: eastern five pm pacific chorale over there, hello, work and record the program, so you can have it and watch it or watch it live, which makes it much easier. I suppose. Now seen and hates me and hates my show its true, they cry. News network hates me and hates my show again the feelings mutual.
So they're going to throw up their biggest host and throw up is the right word. They're gonna throw out their biggest I was against me on Sunday night, ladies and gentlemen, Anderson cooper. They took him off sixty in ITALY. They decided scene and was going to start its own magazine programme because you see cnn those things that are unique, rare and interest like copy? What sixty minutes so anyway,. Anderson Cooper Anderson cooper s biggest interview, it isn't, Higher career, you might remember this. Mr producer was stormy, Daniels, stormy, Daniels. I remember that interview dont you, Mr Barroso, there were three boobs right there, may I say with all due respect he
but quite generally, a boy, everybody is trying to get the stormy Daniels interview, but Anderson cooper gap, tat they interview, good job Andy. May I call you Andy. I think I will call you Andy. Is that nickname now. While I owe much care. So he'll be on Sunday night against me. I think it must stop it's not this sunday, it's the fireworks whence the sixteenth. Mr misinterpreted. It is this sunday sorry counter got away from come back your calendar, anyway, you get the point but regardless of whose unseen and we never care whose on cnn, whenever carries on MSNBC any more than we can. What's going on
Anagrams around the country, airport radar, because that's the next step, you work for seeing any fair, much like chris wallace. The next banana p offer chris Wallis is to be on sonic ramps. Did you notice must reduce sewed every kind of colleges office they can watch? Chris was true or airport radar. Airport radar. You know, Chris Christie fails on a b c this week. He'll never failed or prop him up, no matter what they want him there to be. Yea whole ideas but he'll, be on airport right. or like the hindenburg. What that is at another communist chinese. Blunt nano, the former governor new jersey shore, which is more dangerous. Quite frankly,
How may ride back then? I, french, twenty, twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be A better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com, you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer. So cs lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit la
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says I let him speak. in addition that the interviews gonna be tied to these letters in this book that he is developed with individuals such as nixon reagan, Oprah winfrey out baldwin, And what I did in this interview and what he did is I I interlaced the letters with subjects. So, in other words, when we talked about a letter, it would ring up some event in his life or something it's going on today that he will expand on solid does involve current events. It also involves things that took place a roller in his life, and you'll be shocked at some of these letters and some of the people who them slobbering all over him. And they
asked me to be the first exclusive interview for the book, so I did it. And I think this book Letters to tromp is gonna be a big hit because it's actually quite compelling an intriguing and it's a beautiful book and you'll see these letters from people drawing up much of his career, and also where the very, he'll be a surprise surprise. Later, on with a surprise picture. So that will ere, I guess I will be April. Twenty third in his book comes out April. Twenty fifth. But it's a serious interview: it is done dip. Than any interviewees ever. Had it's been done. than any interview I've ever conducted. So I don't just sit there.
what about russia wherever there were these things or come up and though come up in is the president wants to bring them up and I affair when I do these interviews like on my I live in eleven programmer levant tv- I have guess for reason enough Let them speak. You learn a whole lot substantively and about them. In the same week, president trump, so I'm not there yes, papa him of my ideology to put. A controversy between him and say Governor de scientists or somebody else with no that's not what I do. That's not the purpose of any of this. The purpose is for you to be informed of what is at the gin saki said: hey, you can get information, that's what she's!
But that's what she's always been about of course. Yes, what do you think about inflation right now? Does it infecting any affecting any of you infecting to when you think about it is making times tough how's, your business guy businesses not doing great right now have at your fine. it says how about your pension, your social security across the board inflation hits? Everybody And the more you rely on a check, the more it affects you. You understand what I mean the more you rely like on social security or pension track, the more effectual. Ghana, yemen is the support, The treasury secretary,
and she was at a treasury. Department press. Even today. I think it's very, very important to hear how the Biden administered asian and the flunkey think the account He is doing ok, cut thirteen go I'm did he prices of ease and by the way, is now about all asleep. During this I can understand, if you do, she makes farce gump, look like einstein I had snarls being resolved the financial, the global financial system generally proven resilient? As I mentioned, the united states is doing extremely well economically with inflation, you coming down in his strong labour market and europe. doing better than was feared at the time of our lives, meeting, so I I
to produce a naked negativism about fickle look kind to me. I think countries have proven resilience resilient here, which is commodity prices are easing, supply, snarls are being resolved. Global financial says that, I need her stealing our currency position in the world. we ve destroyed energy independence, the value Dollar has gone down. The value of your paycheck has gone down. The value of your pen, check has gone down. The cost of food is gone. The cost of electricity in oil and gas lean of all gone up, the cost commodities haven't ease the Stu commodities her through the roof. A used car, a new car, any car and affordable to allow.
People gonna get worse when they force you to buy electric vehicles and white line three hours to get that. Don't think charge that everything is fine No be miss jane negativism, negativism, yes, everything gray, the negativity. Why are you so negative? I've been on a government payroll much of my life. Monies flowing in, as always, is no problem. I can afford everything. Can't you because your blue collar workers have dirt on your now. You should be thankful for The things were doing here in the pine administration, on your behalf,
is everybody, a moron in this administration answer. Yes, I'll, be right back! Mark radios, principles impatiently, it call now at eighty seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one. Why MR bitterness that's borrow your way through bar, notice on collar shelly, to whom shall I speak, sir? serious, satellite, robert central valet, california, robert central vat, California, isn't where they grow. All the garlic there like elroy writer you further north are so hot its further. Either in line with our joy at the southern part of the bay area,
More will for as no mercy- I guess that's kind of mccarthy's area. Yes yeah it is. I was just driving back from the central coast and a market with you. Today all the wild flowers booming armies with a green hills? When reason there is the only really driven. country and mean it's just that it takes your breath away. Dunno. You are looking at flowers. We live in a great country with a lousy government. Right now,. Oh, my god in the state, I'm in a good thing. I can stay about our state legislators to people in washington. Look like geniuses and that's the tough one What do you make about? Newsome? I mean you got crime through the roof. You got. You look even market the mark,
street a neck in san francisco, which was these street in the united states union square, just fantastic people are getting killed there. Now, it's not just in Neighborhoods, it's their right there in the middle of one of them: Fantastic, what was one of the most fantastic cities, its power? see territory, its news and he's going to campaign in mississippi. He goes in florida, detailed, the scientists. What do I mean whole damn state is fallen apart. This fool, this clown is travel a country and a red states telling them how to conduct themselves. What do you think of that? Maybe I worked in san francisco for three years and I have been in the valley per going on two and a half decades now, but I do not know. the barrier in part. For that reason,
and I I think it's pretty obvious when I say I agree with you. Well what I think of him. I mean this guy, just a pure politician, not in the distance. The word, but the word and he it's right into the mold of misis, close relatives- it's awful anyway the recent when the hour when they talk about of wouldn't mind about the first hour and a half or so and stress the importance of your point of view, which I come neatly agree what I hope to god that you're wrong, but I strongly feel like things that you're probably right about this about italy about hadn't heard it about china, trajectory of minutes with your speech in the way that the EU s but our values, U s our values of liberty, of freedom, of self determination, of all the things. If I'm wrong by the way and thanking overseas well, but I am I I I did for you once
during obama's administration. I couldn't help myself. We were listening to obama, talk about the horrors of climate change, and was talking from yosemite, which was created by climate change, is it via the irony of it was due to just too thick not coming on at the time. That is hilarious. What are my long term not only to belong to a bit of a long term? Admirer of yours actually drove down ok we're going to run out of time. How may I help you, but I do appreciate the accolades trust me already made my I already made my point and I thank you so much for your work and you just keep it up What am I ended and to make the right thing happen? God bless you and thank you very, very kind of you Mr bitterness, do we have any irregular americans. They w, I may our app ted from palm baby.
Ted how you doin, ok I'll call! You go! I'm ok! Thank you. Like why shouldn t you a little louder type right into the mouthpiece little I I love my job and twenty twenty one too. All my life- and I was out of my child, my god, The ones at the sentinel, the how old was your child- thirty one, thirty one, he replied, you probably knew he was from ridgefield park, the nurse kissing the man schism ted. How did this happen yeah? Well, we move and
You know somebody told me something bad enough now he thought of a rug. God, And he was in miami, and and now I'm going through the process a miami day that they have liberal district attorneys that were fighting to get the charges brought I guess the person that sold it to him, which we we know who it was a lawyer, see now he had a fight like this. It's so horrendous yeah. My question to you is yes, sir, how can me, and many other families that have gone through this whole dividing administration accountable for drug according to the border. Legally. Unfortunately, there is no way because the court doesn't
have you standing to suit the bide administration over policies. And, of course the president is immune himself Goes around that stupid smile on his face. I thank you a look at this in terms of an election hard to say rallies many people as you can, because we need to shut the damn bore. We need to secure the border, the communist chinese or providing the material to the drug cartels and their killing your son and other people, but this absolutely sewers in this drug work, so fast and so lethal. We ve never seen anything like this. And may I ask you what your sons first name was naked nathan
Do you want to tell us a little bit about nathan? He was a great kid he was. He could have had his twin girls a year before and he was about to leave I'm getting ready and he went out with his frame a member returned home, but he was original park. I molecules image. You walk in the park at a pair. option. Ah, my lord tat at all I am a meeting you you are so nice, the flight. I felt compelled to give them a call to you this evening. I can't I I ice seals bad for you, ted and in europe. Florida now
and this happened in florida. I guess yeah, it's worth a lot like. I said I'm going to the process of trying to get the charges brought against the person that saddam. The drugs having so having navvy contacted, but we could be contacted the attorney general's office. There I had a meeting with the now they said it was at state level and the my only day level, and they were they would not monitor it, but they can intervene so late date. from the back of a state, and I had a meeting with the second in command in february and They gave me one allow better looking at all the charges on the way, but that's not enough. They more people first.
did it ever miami, dare you know that very little and I'm gonna get you to fight. Well said I want you to call us in a few weeks. I want you to get there. Of the prosecutors involve sewing, give there's some national attention. and I'm very, very sorry. You went through this ted. I will call you cause. I need all the help I could get. Mr call greener. Don't forget, Will you get the name? So we need to hear that I need to known to the american people, particularly the folks in florida, I can tell you from me this audience our hearts. Go out to you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry tat! We To do this park in the park at Debbie a b c, I don't know why they stopped, but they did, and I met thousands and thousands of wonderful people
and hundreds and hundreds of wonderful dogs. and we had a grand old time. and this fantastic patriots, I think, would occur like an augustus July or whatever In bergen county, new jersey in bergen county has gone democrat, of course, but all that said it was. It was fantastic. The number of people that we would meet each year and many of them would listen right now, I'm deeply sorry about ted's. You know for something like that that, but that's just to. I'll be right back then they cannot work washington state?
twitter, is that you. Is it your kenilworth mass marketing? I can't you again, maybe last and again, I repeat myself, I do not need hairs. Sniffer jos permission to not be. I goods grand cause. I are doing with the money, so our french goods stand french goods now take them off the less tat. Well, ok, right! I am still eat french fries, but could we grow water potatoes around our other, not french, real by now I just so simple. You know you don't wear stranger residents now. Yes, stick with a stick with no one's own. You ve got good near us in no doubt about it. Yesterday,
In all seriousness mark. I really wish that you would promote just more often about people can choose themselves, do not support china individually every day through and look at the tag. Look at the tag to check and see me. China will like next. What might be something this maiden, indonesia, with junior pretty good, not near, I know sort of a new aspect, that's better than china, so the fate of chinese goods is one I just cut out. The middle manages send em. military hardware. Let me have basically what we're doing right. Buddy excellent point you well well put I to whom I shall I speak now, K s tea time from to sign arizona where they have created Jim show in the world once a year nice sneak in from time to time a walk through their and hope. The people don't recognize me tom, is that you cannot
time yes or no to. It is a great pleasure you must have user. So I just signed up all things and I mean breathing one minute prioritize? We got the workpeople fight for us they don't even realise what they have. We guys we, illegal immigration. the illegal immigration more piper S, but legal immigrants will because they, above our lifestyle and adopting care their families. Just like my great Father from ITALY, whose nine in our silent now what I did, Was I, when I think of new york, I think a pact italians and they more comfortable? I think a few too many people have just gotten coming here, and we need more legal immigration, less loudly that like to think The friend I've got around my rather I apologize. I apologize gotta go, give us another. Try. we saw it or armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are trucker friends that freedom fighters in
ukraine and taiwan. And of course, The american people, thank god for you, patriots out there. I want to thank you fantastic audience, see you tomorrow,.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-13.