« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/31/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the law has been destroyed by the Biden administration to go after parents and families and now Donald Trump, just like how Joseph Stalin would do. It’s no longer about the elements of the law or the level of proof, but about tyranny and a totalitarian democrat party that wants to win at all costs and shut down speech of its political opponents. If we do not have a just law, we do not have a free country. We have an American Pravda media that supports Democrats and whatever they do, and act as attack dogs to Republicans and anyone who dares to support Trump. Trump prevented a third Obama term and saved America from the destruction we see today as a result of the Biden Administration, and totalitarian Democrats and their media tried to cripple him every step of the way. They did not accept a Trump victory in 2016 and will not accept a Trump victory if it happens in 2024. Also, the National Archives has admitted that 1,170 pages from Biden’s time as Vice President were found at the Penn-Biden Center in 2022 and has no custody of records of the documents at his home in Delaware. We have Jack Smith interrogating everyone at Mar-a-Lago, but nobody is looking into Biden who actually broke the law and the National Archives confirmed it.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
the the. America mark Levant our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight Seven: seven three, eight one, three, eight one, one. Obviously I wasn't here yesterday I did Call in my man been Ferguson was here he's terrific memphis.
I'll tell you where I was and what I was doing was more largo for almost the entire afternoon. I spent two hours interviewing president trump, life liberty in love in two episodes. and a really was a fantastic interview, not because it may, because of him. He went very deep in the issues policies, principles believe systems. Straw. Early presidential began is a fantastic new book coming out letters to tromp and what's fantastic about it, as you all believe what some people to amend their scores of letters in there, of course, Was lifetime. and he and I we use the letters as a jumping off point to discuss these. Visuals in a new
Our baldwin shown connery Richard Nixon. The queen of england, bravo, mama and on and on and on and he's a very kind man. He was a very nice man. He gave us all this time and No, I do any views law differently on fox as most. And I actually led him speak because I believe we can learn a lot if you shut your mouth and you listen. The wise. Why have a guest, When it was over, he said I want you to come to dinner. I said all right we're having a. Wonderful event here said really great musicians and they were a great. And again just a fantastic coast.
and so I left, because about five pm, give or take. And I decided to take a drive along a Nay, the ocean. and our home. We live about twenty miles. North. I can't go home, but I decided to take a drive. I liked to take try. Obviously my wife was back. Virginia with the new puppies and so forth, and I very much wish that she had been with me when she does too, but we couldn't. We had a split our time, but I kept her informed me talk often every day And so, as I'm driving, I get a call from a friend. It tells me I just heard and not on the radio.
president's law in a text that he's been indicted, and I have to tell you- I got sick of my stomach right there, There was a blow to the guy. I just been with the man. Was in a fantastic mood. Did it test again, a view which we will see in the next few weeks Not this sunday off, explain what I'm doing this sunday. And I contacted Folks, tomorrow, largo better- Fire later You still want me to show up at the some pain. They said. Absolutely president wants to see you thankfully I circle back back tomorrow, Argo he's got fantastic supporters who started a gather with flags.
And I went in there. sat down in an anti room next to where the main dinner was going to be. With a friend and people were applauding so that was obvious, the present and energy. The president, in the form of first lady millennia,. And I was I did the sit at the table. There must have been three hundred four hundred people air. This was an event that have been planned. A long time ago I sent a party frame Him or anything like that, For the members of the club in them So the club or serious people from kinds of industries, professions, backgrounds, people significant success.
In the meantime, I was being asked to go and virtually every show that fox had. And I call my body hannity, who had contacted me in we couldn't get a truck, they're. So I said I'll. Do the interview by telephone. So I left there around nine. and on the way home and do the interview the car and myself are an interview. Posted on mark levin show twitter, yet her color and true social. and all over the world. I guess, if you care to hear it and, of course our dear friend Ben, who was so filling and then ferguson. It does a great europe, great constitutional conservative, into our programme. This programme
and immediately at the top of the hour spent. twenty minutes, discussing with you all what I thought about that's the long and short of it! Now this sunday If liberty and live in that will be one of those occasions which is fairly unique, if not rare right. The entire our by myself, I didn't need any guests. I know what I have to say about this. It's not just the law is bigger than the law. The law has been destroyed. It's no longer about the elements of the law and the level of proof. It's about more than that about tyranny, totalitarian democratic party, it's no win at all costs, punish its opponents shut down speech.
Monitor the citizens and other police state tactics. Can't be among those who does not believe to this day that there is any way. Joe Biden got eighty million votes legitimate. I dont believe I'll never believe it and I'll go to my grave. Never believe me. Mass a mass of turnout for Joe biden- I never saw it Another use of the criminal justice system. democratic party in this administration to go after families, parents. To go after people who believe in life to go.
For thousands of people who attended the january such protest, but we're not violent in any way, there were two thousand people who broke into the capital violently attacked police. They're trying to pick up anybody, they see on any video than anybody. Then we're tells them about I'm just sick and tired of it. I've had enough of it. The reasons are going after Donald trump is the reason why they ve tried to destroy the supreme court and pack it with eddie logs as Stalin,. We do the reason why they want to pack the united states Senate with four more democratic senators. as Stalin would do. It's the reason why the attorney nor of the united states- use
the power, the law to shut down opposition to squash speech, to intimidate and threat people, As Stalin would do. The reason why the borders open to change that for their citizens free in this country. We're coming in that have no attachment whatsoever to the constitution, to the clarice or american history. as Stalin would do. The centralisation of the economy, the de growth movement, the destruction of an Gee independence for cod, I'm a change which is a front for economic. socialism to create want to create poverty, to create need to create inflation, to create debt to create what it is. Supply line problems. As Stalin would do, but this is different
This is, as I say, crossing the rubicon. if you do not have a just law and attempts to equally applied, you don't ever Free country, it said simple, the cards. two. She doesnt matter statutes, don't matter nothing matters now, you're dealing with brute force. And that's what the democrat parties about brute force you can hear them. You can watch them You can see their entertainment clams a late night. You can see their racists and their anti semites in there I read in their totalitarians our MSNBC and seen em on the pages. at times and the washington post. On m b c, a b c and c b s are all there. You can
How they destroyed the media. Sure now, even american pravda, that supports whatever Democrats do and, however, they do an attack dogs against the republicans. Particular conservatives, and especially not trump and his support the democratic party. He's not happy enough, but controlling. virtually all the instrumentality of the culture and the government I want to select the republican nominee for president will be, who do you think the democratic party once Chris Christie, isa, hutches Chris Vanunu, it's about right, the good old days of the ford bush
Presidency, because they can roll these people and they these people will respond to this, it gets in the media and buckle on bended knee. Once in a generation or maybe once in several generations, somebody or a couple people come along. Were truly unique individuals who are presented to us. We don't know why we don't know how, maybe god does it but the presented to us to help us. The help save the country in the republic. detention and our liberty.
When the elite lists and the mob get together to smother us. Donald Trump- is a unique figure He will be a unique figure in history For the reasons the media and the phoney historians would say for the opposite reasons,. He came along at exactly the right time to blunt Obama had done to this country to prevent an obese third term, through Hillary Clinton,. Men who loves his country, he's a conservative, common sense, not ideology. Securing the border building up the miller. hurry for sound our. Constitutional us on the court.
deregulation, tax cuts to grow the economy. confronted the communist chinese, fascistic russians. islam or nazis in IRAN. He wasn't cotton run Wasn't an ice elation, surpass pacifist used common sense. he outmaneuvered the enemy- they didn't know what to make of it. And every step of the way Totalitarian democrats, the poor, the media. In the back, stabbing republicans tried to cripple on two points: it can criminal investigation now they are, for five grand juries. Washington wants nothing to do with them. They want to put him in prison and want to send a message.
More when I return the love in the, I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold Arrays to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company- I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four Or gold, I re that eighty seven seven for gold- I re eight seven. Seven.
Or gold IRA. Do you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures well the way, not saying that the scientists wouldn't make a grey presently that you would for some of the others. But I'm saying that donald trump has demonstrated was a great president. and he's drawn the attacks like no republican and history. I think. You might say next now we see now never been done mobile. grand juries all out a democrat cities would Democrat judges and democrat prosecutors and democrat juries and democrat populations.
Saw a set up. This is a connivance. This is an accident. It's not a coincidence. So that an error mistake. Its intention- and I want to get into this very deeply with you before We have crossed the rubicon. This is the america, of forty eight hours ago. Then fundamentally altered, and I don't want to to be a fleeting memory? We Finally, I want to tell you about something they help you protect. Your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for one case it's one reason: americans get gold
a race to protect their hard earned savings by years had company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re augusta precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four gold? I re that eighty seven seven for gold, irae, eight, seven- seven, or gold IRA. Do you have a financial professional obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the rest She is well marked love in great one, a great one bottle of entirely now: eight, seventy seven thirty, eight one, three, eight one, one is about more than album brag,
what's interesting is sorrow, says he doesn't know out and brag. and yet sores put a million dollars into an organization that washed them he threw a big chunks of gave a dab and bragged and yet or a son and daughter in law. gave money to have and brag but sir, doesn't know who album brag is from by that for two minutes and abide for two seconds. spanish buying prosecutor slots all over the country. That's part of his ideology is part of a strategy needs destroying the country. That's exactly what he's doing and. Let me be very clear about this and I wrote about an american marxism. What the democratic parties trying to do.
is to eliminate the republican party as a force. To eliminate the republican party as a force- oh, it might be there, but to be completely impotent. It won't have the power to compete in elections. What room, and even when it comes to the law, when it comes to the law, this is totalitarianism. This is what's being done to the country. And this is why we cannot afford. We simply cannot afford to have the kind of republicans Who go along and get along the Chris Christy's or more
happy to manage the unravelling of american. The deterioration of our liberties. Same with the chris sununu guy, always psyche is on a sugar high like in six greater something. We wanted a fighter, we got a fighter, And some people want to abandon. Again that's not to say we want a great fighters in the wings. I don't agree with all these attacks on round the set, I think he's a fantastic individual Tat to governor would be a fantastic present, It's not the issue for me right now,. The issue for me right now is that the Republican
Was there, and so many great things for this country. During a four year term as president, is in so many ways, and history will put this straight on the subject Of a vicious vile democratic party republican establishment that seek to put this man in prison. Did you ever think you live to this day and see such a thing it's Biden frankly, who should be imprison? Yes, that's what I said. The part of his family's manner effect. Joe Biden, who should be in prison. He took money from the I'm in his chinese, his family,
tens of millions. Nobody would have given Plug nickel ta hunter Joe. Excuse me or jim I whatever that family, but for the the job. I have been a senator per se There are seven terms that have been voiced praising the united states. the communist chinese couldn't well enough money over divided you're schweitzer, says over thirty million out of a thirty million dollars and you're gonna have to travel Book keeping it sure whatever the hell, it is grotesque, absolutely grotesque. Trying to take out the republican party trying to control the judiciary.
trying to determine who the republican nominee will be think about it. America. One party rule. I've told you over the years I've told you over a couple of decades now the democrat party, much like the communist party, puts itself ahead of the country claims. It is the country the challenge the democratic party in there this is the challenge: what they ve built: its unacceptable, its annex, The bullet, fascist regimes at side effect unacceptable mark. This regime and its unacceptable. Now, now that we ve crossed the rubicon, there are thousands of local district attorney's an assistant district attorney's, tens of thousands of.
Our takes one to indicted public in canada, one. To make a determination and who the republican army will be. I would tell the report, and district attorney's across the country the Republican turning general across the country in the various states. its largely up to you to make this right. But I want media. Media matters and all the other reprobates body If propaganda is to listen, listen very carefully, The only way you stop tyranny is to confront it, but what about I want some talking about exactly what I'm saying.
the only way to stop totalitarianism is to confront it. A bully, a bully, see weakness and descends on it, get to stand up to bali. We The district attorney's an attorney general across the country. To scour their law books, local state and federal. And to look at ways to bring koran, quote novel cases against democrats, senators who are not protect
Against democratic house members who are not protected against democrat governors who are not protected against acts a crack presidents who apparently are not protected hop they obamas had never been investigated. They ve made hundreds of millions of dollars. Leaving office donald trump came to office with billions of dollars and value that he earned and they keep chasing him. What about these Democrats who made their money while on office and after they left office. If the federal government, won't take down hunter Biden, it's up to local and stay prosecutors to do it for them.
I'm quite serious about this. This is a joke. While the republicans still hold some offices, while ice Have some power. While. I still arts in certain places prosecutors. We need their help. Mary garland is an immune. None of the people the department of justice for a meal. my arcas? They had a D hs he's not immune. The cabinets Samir meal. Joe Biden has violated the constitutionally wanted force, the immigration laws- it is up to him too.
Secure the laws are passed by congress and you won't. Joe Biden is using executive orders like muzzle waning. To change our economy to Use genders Destroy women sports and to advance racist policy. He needs to be legally punished for this legally punished. For this. And you need to bring these cases with our public. Any conservative judges don't give me this crap that they check their power, takes the court room door. No, they now until. They are treated like they treat us. This is going to continue.
Gonna get worse. The republican party will cease to exist. Any effective political action, mission will cease to exist through judicial It will be like the judiciary, the old soviet union it'll do what the state wants them to do. The media have already have already gone: they're gone. The media are already gone, whoever free press with oppress that's free. To support tyranny and totalitarianism, the color at war, with fox the Calais desperately one fox to lose a last look at their or a war with news max and know I am trying to take their platforms away They try and take our conservative hosts on talk, radio.
I guess now, on the point of the spear. Because I don't believe in the competition of ideas, they don't believe in competition at all the iron fist say I've Fished in manhattan, say iron, fist, in atlanta, say I first in washington. where we have elected democrat prosecutors? Are Democrat appointed prosecutor take the most trivial issues. I tried to turn them into national security issues or major tax issues or phony election as the amazing isn't it. While Biden sits there with his damn chocolate chip ice cream dripping on his chin.
More on I'll be right back then. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing, there is the crazy spending in debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for one case it's one reason: americans get gold. I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Lawyers had company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven, four,
we're gold ira, that's eight: seven: seven: four: gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well The democratic party National level wants to do to America, every corner of america, would California, dear to every corner of california, destroy it. One party rule superman Already democrats in the assembly in the senate, that's what They want to do to the entire country.
did it. In my view, the greatest state in the country, the biggest stayed in the country, the most prosperous state in the country, The home of ronald Reagan, PETE Wilson, two major- they ve destroyed it, but there are in power for the rest, the time that's what they want to do. The country they figure all they need is two years may be for tops and they Institute and enshrine forever their policies change, the election system, destroy the electoral college, So the city's run the country keep the borders open, so people pouring into the country have no connection to american, his The founding the framers to the declaration to the constitution.
and to the civil war, who don't Speak english, dont know what the cards, intuition says in any language. So that their children and their grandchildren can vote so they poor legal immigration. For them, the law is only to be enforced Powers them now they ve done something. That's never been done in history, all gonna trumps, the first experts, don't ever be indicted. That's not the headline. That's not marquis. The headline in the market is a democrat party that democratic party. It's something never done in american history. they indicted an ex president. Who's the leading republic a nominee to run against these. sitting, president, whose part
Is using the br, the d o J local district attorneys to try and destroy the red brown? This segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again. for listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the mark levin hair, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one. One eight
Seven, seven three, eight one, three, eight one one: we keep our feet on the gas better, because Friday, we don't pretend it When I'm on the radio This sunday, a pm eastern turn, five pm pacific. I changed course: suddenly sunday programme It'll, be all me, no guests. The entire our position. Through, what's happening to this country,. Alvin brag any other chipmunks georgia, washington, local state, federalist, What's happening to our nation. And all the rest, so I stayed up to like
I left more largo, I did my thing than I am. I stayed up to like four in the morning was to produce doing research. Gathering information I had to get up its six thirty in the morning to do Foxen friends an hour later and yet I feel great. I am ready to do all ten rounds of you get my drift. Hope you check us out, though this sunday, if you can't watch live, we can always dvr. The programme can set your recorder. The order do that anyway, honestly, because that way, it always be recorded and say Gee I forgot sunday, I'm not amount to a my thing and there we are. No one of the things I came across. Early in the morning was the district attorney's association of the state of new york. The rights do the right thing called on coal
ethical guidelines for prosecutors. Why, I guess it even applies to sorrels prosecute. I got more of orders. Your son donated turn you doin, Lord donated term, and you donated twenty million, although who does not believe that scares ball anyway,. No, I love the line if yet, I came. You must be an anti semite first of all on jewish. Secondly, talk about ty semites go read what this this also be. Did. When he was a teenager,. He concealed his faith. He went around any helped, Where the Jews lived in various homes, and so he's he's something else that guy oh yeah. So this is this
guideline, this handbook, that's given to local prosecutors and they would include reprobates like Alvin are you alvin? May I call you alvin now Brag he's got nothing to brag about by the way. I know I need to lose weight. Mr Blue, there's no question, but often brag is a lie, but we ve ever seen this guy and is getting fat or by the minute. Fat or by the men. so the guidelines starts. We prosecutors have the best job in the criminal justice system because we have more freedom than any other acted to do. The right thing. Defence counsel protect the clients, interests and legal rights. Judges.
protect the parties rights in the public's interests in the proper resolution dependent cases, but it's not their job. The final truth decide who should be charged or hold the perpetrator accountable. Only prosecutors are given Adam and with it the ethical duty. To promote all these vital components of the right thing. Now. What I mean this is out of their guidelines means we. You have great Power to alter the lives of many people, people accused of crimes, people victimized by crimes, their families and and in the community at large, a criminal trot it might be life changing to an accused or a victim and must never be taken for granted, handle it like a loaded gun, never forget its power to protect or harm o alvin. You blew it open. But how could this guy even be qualified when
care pained woman, dieting donald trump, just like the other slob in albany Tisch, James or Tisch, focused james Tucker, You're all it took us as MR reduced from my talent friend, you been around of Jews, Emma Jane S,. Took his james there in albany campaigned on on getting, I on criminal charges. then we have have in fat slop. He campaign tone, indicting donald trump number one. How can you even comply with the ethics rules that apply to prosecutors, run for office like that and then number two when you actually exit What you campaigner you can't, they should be disbarred, they should be discussed disbarred
But who's gonna disbar them the radical democrat left wing newark bar the radical democrat judges, see the problem. Folks, We prosecutors hold people accountable for their actions, are in turn a cannibal ferrars. The credit justice system with its multi. What multitude of There's motivated adversaries, high stakes, senses lasting years, any ethical behaviour by prosecutor is likely to be exposed, wild spin experts without, Violations of your ethical obligations will expose you, your cases, your office and district attorney to dire consequences. on ethical behaviour by one prosecutor. Von punished can poison the atmosphere. And an entire office or do tell.
Moreover, you're on ethical conduct can cause the district attorney public embarrassment and possible electoral defeat. But what if the public embarrassment is district attorney. Just as there are many levels culpability for professional among the misconduct, there many consequences for unethical actions, people in new york- please pay attention to this bullet. May be censured, suspended or disbarred, I'm quoting byline Of ethical rules governing the conduct of attorneys, including prosecutors, received by the supreme court of the state that The trial level in new york they get supreme court mixed up Why, I don't know basically a district court. Another all set out by each a pellet division. Those courts have empowered permanent committees professional standard Investigate allegations of misconduct and cope, censure, suspense,
Practice are removed from office, any attorney Julia. National must conduct malpractice fraud to seek reimer misdemeanor, ready conduct, prejudice to the administration of justice, prejudicial wow Judicial or section ninety slash to Heaven seems to me that would apply to Alan, don't you think, ladies and gentlemen,. those of you, curious judiciary, law, new york, section. Ninety part too. He can't be damaged, he can be sued civilly for damages. It says here is as well and be prosecuted. Criminally? He can be prosecuted under state law, for example, for suborning perjury, obstructing justice or official misconduct, or under federal law for deprivation of
It's color war whoop. You can be civilly for damages. and more and more so I just put that out there for the law. Therein lies: the manhattan area should really come through this stuff. If you're a lawyer in manhattan area in new york,. In some ways you have an affirmative obligation if you see the violation of an ethical rule to report it did you know that mr producer- and so I just want to law professions such as it is in new york to know about this, because I haven't destroying the legal profession, its reputation was, to begin with. Now it's below love special in new york, in particular in manhattan.
and this is a disaster for the country and over there in Atlanta she's waiting her turn. He's, gonna pile on very soon. That's my prediction in a pile on soon to try and cover her tracks. The legal analysts on cable tv announced for entire that's a real case. You know, that's that's real one million. that that one serious we saw the the jury. Foreman who look like a maniac who look like mental patient at their blubbering away, blubbering away, and I'm sure that Grand jury was just perfect, for instance, genetic case photos all good and incidental
Guess what guess? What the judge, in the case alvin's case is the same judge that that oversaw the trial against trump's company. How did that happen, or just luck of the draw constantly ruled against the trump organization, just like the the obama federal district judge in washington, the chief judge, who was handling all the motions for the grand jury per jack, the Ripper smith. The challenges by the president's lord. You know he never won a single challenge under that judge and that judge replaced by another obama tat you see Germany works. This is how it works now, a lot of people quoting barrier and they don't even know who barrier is or what barrier did with the finally, the individual are find you, the crime or some such thing.
Area was the longest serving head of the security and secret forces of the soviet union under Stalin. Area was a mass murder, Harry used to send his his people out it's a moscow to find pretty women they grab them. the street, including teenagers, they bring them back to barrier who would rape them. If they were lucky they survived and if they objected, they would be murdered. and in fact buryin is lovely wife when they, when he died and aids later they argue Just went through there, they found dozens and dozens and dozens of skeletons there did. You know that must reduce.
He had these women in these girls murdered and buried in his backyard, but the roses his wife was a gardener she'd. Anyone know choose planning Rosen's on top of the graves of mass murder, killed these people, but even more barrier Slaughtered tens of thousands of people based on earth ethnicity, on what Rees they held. Suspicion, probably of thousands under his hand. He in. Stalin went back a long way. and then stolen started to wonder about barrier see? This is what these guys do.
Started to wonder about barrier because he was a mass murder. Stalin was a mass murderer, leave perfectly happy with that. In a way that control the people in order to represent the people? people who don't wanna be represented by us need to be eliminated sound familiar in a different kind of way, so well, style decided that barrier you should get one of those special trials and be done away with It's what happened very was dragged in front of a phoney court without a judge without due process. He had twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. they really was guilty. Then they were he was to die. They send them to death immediately
So they took him to the basement of this building their Beria had built and executed other People who stolen it decided to turn against them or just warrant this warrant. no praying to stolen enough, and this. Particular floor that they used was Building away with a blood from Individual could run down into a drain. and it was easy to wash away with a hose show, wasn't flap. It was angled with a dream. Beria was taken in that room and he drew his life Got on his knees, begged for his life, a lot on the floor and he was crying.
General, whatever the russian. His name was locked up common shot him in the back of the head. murdered at the age of fifty four. Fifty five crying like a baby begging for his life A man who slaughtered people without a second thought. and, of course stolen, was even worse, was worse, billy, the only one who survived around stolen if people are interested in this with a very very long period of time, while there were a couple, but most prominent was molotov for the molotov mr producer molotov cocktails for their named after him.
For reason, during the revolution, molotov cocktails, rain sky was a bureaucrat much like g in China really did. Have facial expressions, worked in monotone, but kept acquiring power acquiring power all in the name of stolen, of course,. The molotov and a couple of other lieutenant to stolen became concerned by teen fit Three, they saw what happened a barrier that. That Stalin would have them killed next. She not, they did, must reduce their poison stolen. It's just come out and people said star, had a heart attack. Now Stalin was poisoned, he had a heart attack, but he died. in a pool of his own urine obey
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You realize how far this country's fallen and how the culture whether to television and other forms of entertainment. The view demonstrates just how the culture is cancerous, as well as the The night time phony comedians, who aren't funny stupid, actually and so What you just see what's happening to the culture of be right back, don't fall for their free phone dea's from verizon, eighteen t and t mobile folks Just another trick to lock you into a long term contract, that's going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest no contract. Cancel or leave any time get a new
phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why you should be too You can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose. a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high b data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast restrictions, Apply you can see this site for details of thunder on our right now, seven, seven, three one, three! What one you know folks! I, like my pants,
Very time, management of deep faith, christian faith and evangelical and these conservative I blow my pants for decades when I serve The justice department started out as a congressman's, where the most solid congressmen. And in any event,. He was at the national review institute an idea summit. She had never been to the national review institute. dear son, and I think the lever invite me at this point to you must reduce mosul. Because I condemn so many of their writers, but I do like rich flower, his good guy and a few others over there.
in any event my pencil there and he's asked about this indictment. Here's what he says cut one go. unprecedented indictment of a former president of the united states for a campaign? Finance issue is an outrage and I think its clear to the overwhelming majority american people that this is nothing short of a of a political prosecution being did by a manhattan da who literally campaigned on bringing charges against one particular american here I must say that's that's the czech senate and is quite right. I want you to listen to bill barn time if you can even understand his answer, cut to go I mean, obviously we have to carry out a we haven't, seen it. We don't know exactly what they are, but Judging from the news reports it
it's the archetype Abuse of the prosecutor real function to engage in a political hedge and it's in disgrace. If it turns out What we think it is ethically. It's it's can be damaging. I thanked the republican party simply because I think it's it's no lose situation from the Democrats. I think their action The impetus is really to help from get the nomination focus. Attention on him for two years. Have this thing swirling around plus, wherever else comes, which I think. Be damaging to whoever gets the nomination legally. I think it's from what I am. Standards pathetically weak face showed, Action on legal grounds, but then he makes a point that I think is absurd.
So you have to believe Alan brag indicted trump because he wants to to be the nominee. The republican party does not make any sense to you, MR producer. you really think, I'm brag sitting there, let's indict him, so we can get a nominated. The guy ran on indicting trap. Is that what the yea and georgia's thinking is that would be the row prosecutor in Washington dc sets absurd, but the worst of the bunch, of course. Is always adam shift just when you think you ve had bottom? There is Adam ship, just You think, there's nothing below the sewer, there's adam ship, and these were Jim shooter. The Democrat, who was a special assistant to obama,.
I want you to listen to this, because it's the democrat through the insurrectionists and in fact in total, my sunday show insurrection. The democratic party is that's what this is Cut to go if he wins the nomination, choice for you as face in and twenty twenty four it will be a choice between a saying course, assuming that Joe Biden runs reelections expect that he will and moving the country forward, or it will be a choice of growing trend. Equally, not only backward to the drama and the trauma of a trump presidency, but I fear far worse. What we have seen with Donald trump is when he is allowed to escape accountability, gauges and, worse and worse, misconduct be rewarded with another term. He would,
begin where he left office, and that is begin at the point of a an answer action so that you see this. Nobody attacks this guy in the media. For his incendiary comments, nobody software when's, it's the beginning of an insurrection. In other words, they are not going to accept the trump victory. they're not going to that's why they characterize it this way, and this should repulse all of you It should infuriate all of this. Why is a path you're a liar. He has no substantive character whatsoever wants to be a senator now. Even though is a white straight mail he wants. Steal, a seat from a potential algae. bt, q, candidate or just
an already candidate because he believes in a white dominant male society. As far as I know, maybe he is a white supremacist, but nonetheless that's how they talk, so they their provocative their bit He's throwing lit matches, they are political arsonists everywhere. And he is a huge hemorrhoid on the body politic, and I mean Adam schiff is a hemorrhoid on the body politic. MR producer, I go so far as to say a bleeding hemorrhoid on the body politic. What do you think about that? But I think it's true to one more n
mitchell is interviewing Adam ship, because Adam shift is so important that the media just keep it back and back to the media go to people they want to promote, go to people they want you to you or they go to people. They want to destroy the case of certain republicans. They gotta guys like where's christie but set factors. And that was married to kelly unkind. What is that guy's george conway? They gotta people, like that, because they know those say these historically stupid things. But here's andrea Mitchell, with Adam chef, cut forego heather's at a criminal allegation- this indictment already become too political. Donald trump is raising ill fortune more than a million dollars million and a half or more just on the threat of the indictment large politicians
I ain't doing that. You're fundraising on it, Look, I think that this is certainly a political issue, allowed dummy you're funny gazing on it. She asked go ahead. In terms of defending the rule of law on one side and trees are the rule of law. You sleaze bag. It has nothing to do with defending the rule of law. This is Nothing to do with justice. This has thing to do that. The law applies Everybody this has everything to do with tyranny No, we don't need lectures about the law from Adam shift Is there a bigger sleaze bag than Adam? She have seriously more, maybe swore well thank fang, but Firstly, oh Adam ship is Amy
Need any were shut up in a little weasel by the way. No, I won't attack said tonight, I'm in the mood to but I want MR producer. I will be nice. I shall return, then don't fall for their free phone ideas from variety and eighteen to your t, mobile folks just another trick to lock you into a long term contract that is going to cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest, no con, cancel or leave any time, get a new iphone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure talk customer! That's why
you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high b, data all backed by a one hundred percent money back guarantee, go to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code, Levin, podcast, l, a v. I n podcast and you'll save fifty percent off your first month and iphone twelve for twelve bucks a month and save on your monthly bill. Pure talk, dot com, promo code, Levin, podcast recipe actions apply. You can see this site for details of the sand. This immediately yesterday was Wanting to this grotesque act of injustice by Alvin. Put out a tweet and said that the florida will not assist in any extradition, which was a.
Significant statement, not the donald. I'm gonna need to be extradited unsure how voluntarily go to new york but again, that is very, very important act, The government has a lot of power and he so we're not participating in this in this guess by the left and the Democrats because, what's being done here, is unjust. in a lot of the republicans have been speaking out speaker make. Our team made a very, very strong statement that the committees, At least three tram undergoing a really dig into this, and they should do trying federalize a local, issue than they need to look into that and interfere. With a republican nominated process I mean that serious folks. Very serious here is sunny house than sunny house than I think. As a lawyer
She is one nasty person, because a person can I go. I don't think we should get too far ahead ahead of ourselves because we, the charges, have been field right. The indictment of field, so our hearing, its thirty counts, counts. Of what I mean thirty counts of. Mr meters. Are we talking about a felony? What are we talking one and I are going to happen in a federal court, cracked, the differ. As this is a state vs and I think, what's wonderful louisiana does are going round and round the legal limit limit state, rep maria. Maybe I'm gonna go ahead. cuter is that a president cannot pardon himself from state crimes, so is red, so why? If it was a federal crime, he could pardon himself, but he has a pocket part in somewhere in some safe somewhere. I do, and I believe that has to stop him and he has a pocket. Pardon.
In some safe somewhere, you are ahead. case- he really are. Here, a nasty. Yet there that's what you're like look it up? You jerk go ahead at it. Thank god, I guess Yeah he's got a pocket pardons somewhere IRA. You really have to be stupid away such I have never watched that. I can't stand listening to one of them, let alone all of them once this shit there and listen to the end does go on all liberals. the republic as a liberal who hates trap the view the view from where what is that. in my view, their view arabic,
the five mental munchkins. That's what it ought to be called the view, then their joy, red, vile, racist, homophobic, joy, red There she is on another at work, and I said this: Marcella study is really a poison in the media to poison in it attracts All the head cases casino has no audience. Say so many them a migrated over to Emma sell us d and they get the here people. I joy red and white all the most joyless people named joy, joy, hi joy, red. they're, not very sunny, are the Houston tat. Ten go is a statement without dignity.
The governor of Florida does not know the facts, so we can talk Questionable fact. In this case he doesn't know them only the grand jury knows- and this is a sealed indictment, so he's making a statement about something he doesn't know. The answer to IRAN wrong again. Genius every he's talking about the fact that are available, Michael Collins, talking about a stormy Storm he's been talking about it, people who have appeared others, in front of the grand jury, including attorney Stella he's talking about it. So, of course the governor party can make a comment You really are a marxist creep, archer gad, throwing out. As you said, Andrew duff, whistles. You know! Historically, you don't virtual, you don't throw out dog whistles you blow them right. Mr pollution. That's number one
but to what the dog with both the dog with of camera, I mean this idea among the right that out Americans and unite in part you. You have no idea what conservatives think nothing so don't tell what we think and who we are. You jerk. Don't tell us how you think in what we are. You moron, that's right, you're, a moron and I'm entire you go ahead or in positions. Controlled, By some jewish overseer, whose pulling their strings the hellish she talking about, mr, but she is sick. And hence she has shown show on MSNBC. You have to be mentally unhinged to beyond the view.
To be on MSNBC, you have to be mentally unhinged they're gone for the mental. On the hinge, demographic and they ve succeeded, see Joe Biden was walk into the helicopter dino. Where he's going, Mr Buzek, going back to wilmington today bring in any classified documents. Will we don't know from the communist chinese. We don't know I'll, be right back and my friends Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be. A better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss.
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He's here now broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building? We have once again made contact with our leading article of any ere. I might weaken our number eight seven. Seventy three. one. Three eight one, one have eight seven, seven, one three eight one, one Don't forget sunday, night, eight pm, eastern five pm pacific. Seven p m central what It isn't in arizona I dont up, you know in arizona. Check this out on life liberty in levant on fox, because it's gonna be just me. Three of us myself and I.
I'm the senior legal analysed. I am the director of diversity, equality and inclusion. All those things on my show, so I think you will love you will enjoy, but seriously. it's rare now when I do a full show I myself I just society that that's what I needed to do exactly what I need you to do, When I was finished, he went out and applause So I really want you to watch this change. Tyre formatted change everything the result of all this. We were to go with the year but my interviews present a trump, but those will have to wait. Because, obviously, those interviews were done before the lawless act took place
I just want to do one more. These too many these I mean people are tired of those put at sea here, know what I'm not going to do any more its go to them national archives Like I was used to be kind of a boring place through our bureaucrats so I went to went one. the die. You know yet their pensions put in there their twenty years get eighty percent of their salary retire at the age of forty eight. head down florida wherever they went But not anymore, it's been politicized like everything else. These bastards do quite frankly,. in just the news, John solomons outfit malign hubbard, the nash archives has admitted that a proxy One thousand even heard this today.
One thousand one hundred seventy pages of records from Joe binds time, as vice president, were found, a pen Biden centre november, twenty twenty two. The asian she said it does not have custody of any records discovered. It binds home in delaware. Now, let's get this straight. It wasn't just a few far member that used to compare them. Our tromp had hundreds a document. They only found I turn files about one thousand and one hundred and seventy pages of records and the archives Does not have custody of any records discovered, it show binds homes in delaware. The can first legal foundation highlighted the revelation yesterday: Publishing a letter that the national, I've sent to the conservative legal group in response to a freedom of information act request folk, sheep.
These freedom of information act request, whether in the hands of outstanding conservative legal groups, burn your own hands are very powerful weapons all states have similar laws. Some states have was that are even more extensive. The ark stole the legal group quote must deny your request in full for approximately one thousand one hundred seventy pages on found that vanity, and bind the centre and the president's former office because they require objective, an ongoing law enforcement investigation. Now that's a job but this is how they use the law. The agency gave the same reasoning for denying american first access to the nine boxes of records founded by turkey's office in Boston so unclear what doc two are included in that cash, but the associate
press reported last month and it did not appear to include any classified documents. How would they know and so on? I'm waiting for billboard bia rolled into. his favorite, cable, no worker, the national rules whence the for whatever. And waiting for them, the role of men in, and so he can tell us that is a clear violation of the presidential record jack somehow swing it into the espionage jack. You know what's funny a lot of these fools. These legal analysts, former attorneys, Not so for their own are we doing exactly where brag as to their taking the president records act and trying to rapid into the espionage act of nineteen seventeen, which was put in place by one.
wilson and the Democrats in where to go after people who opposed his position on where war one. still hangs around and they neatly needs looked into like the patriot act. Quite frankly, and this is what of course, There are hanging their hats on and washed its, not just the espionage acted obstruction. Obstruction. You see a moral largo, I've, never walked around more alardo. They say, ok, dinners over there I mean, I don't know where they stand. Many were almost ass, but I kept my mouth shut. But the point is this:. What do you think this prosecutor he's trying in washington trafficking obstruction? presidential documents and espionage case has been ash act case.
in a building that you couldn't get into. If you wanted to without being approved, there are armed federal police at the front, several of them at the door and on the way out. Those documents were safer, moral, argo than they were in the insane he burgers I can tell you that Mr Purvis, we're safer. Probably then they aren't the national market. There is not even a suggestion- anything's been destroyed or burned, or saw anything like that. So this home made up case, but my point is when it comes to Biden. I mean his lawyer has documents in Boston have eleven hundred and seventy documents at the pen, Biden center, for you know, wondering chinese money or what?
they do over there and no problem. Does anybody even talk about the special council buying case c awake. There's no leaks, no stories in the compost slams, nothing, nothing. Pretty amazing, don't you like, no, it's missing from the headlines right now, those people who were slaughtered at that private, christian school and national. There's almost no talk about this. Now the we talk there is, is by the reprobates in the head cases like Elizabeth Warren. Was it was worn, was
cbs. This morning we gave king, who was a left wing cook. And she will get ashore on cnn apparently we CBS and cnn around by the same company. people see in this gale king forever. Intelligence. But she goes with the court. She goes along with the crowd. You know never stepping out. I guess that's what This listen to this today on CBS this morning, which nobody watches cat. Sixteen go. Just can't tell you how frustrating this is our children die because are republicans in congress, who continue to insist that we can put just basic safety measures in some way? Don't seem quite girl, I'm talking door, gotta kids are dying.
in schools, because a republicans in congress. It is so outrageous us I'm a medal, four words anymore. These people are nuts nuts. Pritchett I approved you a coward sayer MR producer quite serious on monday contact them With warrants office and invite her to come on, the show to discuss can control but on a bed, she doesn't come on to be great if she did I'd love to debater, but she won't.
And, of course, people to where I stand on this, they can research it they can be prepared, and more than that, I want these kids protected. She wants can control. I want these kids protected. I want the police officers and I'm not talking about retired or former melody. I want armed trained, active police officers protecting our children. Rather than calling them after the gun fired from the wood beer, would in fact be mass murder. On the scene. To confront them will be perfect. No. be better than what is. Because this idea banning guns- and so it is not going to get us anywhere. So I want to have this debate with elizabeth morn. I want to have this debate.
In front of millions of millions of people, I want to have this They are my show on this radio programme, and I am inviting Elizabeth sworn to come under this programme. Stop kind of friendly media or a girl, on CBS this morning, and there will be more people listening on this show then watch that television show. So let the word out to Elizabeth warm MR produce will make us the best. I pretty, can we The typical response, but will give it a shot I'll, be right back much if you own, a small business. You know the value of time. Innovation refunds does to leave me
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we're gonna, take some some here. We ve had a full board for a very long time. Mr producer to whom shall I speak, yap double, age, a m rochester new york Alan. How are you on your on Martin, I, sir? How are you. Very well. Thank you ellen, you weren't talking donald trump at the beginning of the broadcast yeah. I just want to say I'm a young person, generous next, how old are you wanted to bring up? I just turned forty two yesterday Now I know a fact you're, not that young man anyway go right ahead. My friend, I feel great. Interview done by a rock singer, Kurt Cobain.
Were you was ass, my real father. It was asked why I, sir, it is even asked about the politics, at the time, and he she came right out and just said it's going to come to a time where marathon people be tyler. Republicans and democrats They will elect somebody like donald trump, and I got the quota quote him as what he said. and on that black donald trump daddy. He absolutely did really I was an empty. It was an empty, be interview yeah, my friend. I was not aware that her Cobain, who knew but I didn't know, says it's fake, a quick search. I saw its fake
But no offense don't be, don't be concern, Sir paw amber, idaho, the great cavy? Oh I, whereas nap idaho other than in idaho, Paul only eight miles from the epithet are a boise. How do you like? the town about ten dollar ten thousand people I want to move to a town and a poor one day? That's a town of about two hundred and ten people. What do you think of that?. It's eva diner, their toll. I need diner. an elite, anything you and even need a red by your leave, a new red acceptable I go right ahead. I tell you first of a huge fan: eared thank you, point where I couldn't stand it anymore, you're talkin about books that he had written and I guided by the american marxist,
I am not really worried man. I got basically like crazy grade and then went back to school that might be able to yeah. I know If the dictionary is that use it? So I'm reading your book at the same time as ah you're, you're still advertising it, and I gotta tell ya most of that. I don't understand fully, but I get enough of the guest that you're really trying to make a difference in our country. Save this country and I gotta tell you. I appreciate- and I love you for it: the outside yeah there's not a lot of people that have that this that bird, that you've got, and I really appreciate it, paul you're, a good guy. I really appreciate you to hear in idaho what do you do there and I know her a part time jobs and sixty do now aside let the man! I was at one time that I live
What kind of work is there to do, while others? Unfortunately, recent Biden is in office? the other closed down all the mining of there tell the work, All that is what's amazing people in on the coast, They don't understand what goes on in most of the countries that are the foggiest idea, how things wind up on their dinner table jewelry wines up in their jewelry box, how any they have no idea about mining about energy. Food they can the least theorize where it comes from or imagined, but actually go. during a dern under their fingers and see what people do and then you get people live on carry from ass, true said: she give people like Joe Biden from warming. Ten people like nancy policy from san from Cisco people like humor from new york in the making
These decisions for people in idaho, on why arming montana and alaska and on and on and on they have they don't care. there's not enough for you folks The voting, the states are, are quite limited. A population and even under the electoral college, and they want to get rid of that. So you have no say in anything. anyway. My friend Paul, I want to thank you for gone through that book. It is, but the if he has spoken the world, but once you get through it, you're going to know a hell of a lot more than you did when you started it. You know why Paul, I don't I do that research, the stuff. I don't just do stuff off the top of my head. I wanna be accurate. Now the the reasoning between the research. Is all mine, you know what this means and whites done this way and whose doing it and so forth, but I try to
Why people with with as much substances I can't papa. I really want to thank him and take care of yourself. I love calls like that. And this next project I had this next book, I'm more Like no book ever written before- and I think I think you're gonna be very much drawn to at least I hope so And that's what I'm working on tonight and tomorrow and the next day in that I'm working on until I'm done, Ladies and gentlemen. I shall return
when it's time to select a fun destination filled with adventure. Missouri is the top there cast a line in crystal clear rivers, enjoy a ward winning craft brute and spend a weekend on the links at one of the nation's premium. Gulf resorts go to visit mo dotcom to start planning your Missouri get away making sure the land of the free and the home of the brave stays that way, dial my glove, and now I need seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one: one Mac, america, MIKE inspire our north carolina, serious satellite. How are you MIKE Gallop We love you, we love you so much, but I want to say is my best friend is bill bennett? I love the you did an hour with him on the raw materials.
you know now we love you You know I've got it's been a while. I should bring him back. He is fantastic anyway, Loretta hathaway, Brian back he's a true So what I wanted to say was this week And I voted for trump, two thousand and sixteen but in a firm again we lost to twenty- and I was thinking about the serious. But after this, what's goin on where am I gonna to propaganda? There's no question he's, the only one that can stand up and go against this horrible useful system that big the government that is so embedded he's the only one I I'll I like I, I really like the sailor, but
The gopher, crump crop and part of the reason is because of the enemies of liberty here who are trying to take him down and that's got your backup yet again, it are. I mike thank you for your call give do my best as sir is your friend has he is to revive and talked him a long time. I really should, let's keep going tim, Sell em are again the great k I sell em go now. I might Can you hear me right? Yes, sir mark a new human, yes tell you how What you're impact as men on Again and myself. We have a show political coffee, that's what my jack club
and he also created the oregon citizens lobby and it's a website and teaches them every citizen how to participate how to track bills, do red men while testimony The last time you and I thought we talked about being proactive and reactive, I have a trade mark now. citizens lobbyists. I'll give you an example, my testimony people of color when I was there, fine, I said soon receive, I worked for the centres for four months. There was black. Black african and there was wise and north african. included middle eastern europe. I said so now. I'm up the two colors we To the fine, as we all know, what we're talking about about travel,
I have one thing in mind: is he has a great platform the minute, the care that talks about the other? Can then it becomes about? the person. I agree with you. If your point is frankly their stand rather puppet. That's ok and I've told her. I don't like the personal attacks People say what politics is being back. I don't like it at a minus attacking the other cycles are trying to destroy our country. But run in these add saying dissenters wanted to slash so security manicured simply not truly talked about trying to reform them. So they don't collapse is what happens to social security if it doesn't meet its obligations as trusty say at some point soon it won't budge Happen is the amount of money that's gonna have to be contributed to social security, will no longer be twelve. The thirteen percent of your paycheck and the the
Attribution of the employer- it's gonna, be twenty five percent and benefits are going to be slashed so guys, like the santa they look at this- they say we can a dress. There's no way to address. It is let's is the age down down the road. Let's grandfather The people who are on it now grandfather the people we're gonna be on it in ten years. But if we dress it. It's not gonna exist, so I don't like that being attacked. As somebody who wants to slash socialist curly medicare is it's not act If you're trying to save it, I write my friend thank you for your car. Where am I Let's see, let us go to gallop our body, Jimmy Brooklyn, a yard. The great double abc jimmy go right now,
everybody now, or at least most people are talking about. The threat is russia and china, particularly getting close together now run. in china have been partners through the communist parties for a hundred years, eighteen. Eighty six. They made it official in their own publications. The twenty the congress communist party soviet union. I could read it: one here they made it. Official, china and russia are gonna, be working together because they both fighting for peace. And socialism when they said that taken away the image of the enemy, meaning the communist threat. That will make the socialist forces in the cap this country stronger one about the idea of orders in america, like the democratic party, its world communist movement, communist parties in every country. They will guide For seventy years or a hundred years, depending on the country by the soviet union, china,
is a more recent development, but all along china and the soviets we're partners. It's amazing. Now, when the trade centre was it the chinese communist journalists in washington d c in been idle recourse to lobby was a hotel or the ilo. You were going to talk about them. crap party in a marxism gone on in this country. Oh yeah. Well, it's at every country, it's in every country. You know what I'm talking now about our country, it's really that's really centre stage now, don't you think jimmy yes at centre stage. I think this is the final push. They have everything I have all the basis covered. Now it brag is doing to us, looks like he made him they hear but overseas. This is helping our enemies. There see america collapsing and they start maybe like like for serbia,. libya to embrace. I ran brazil, hammock or Brazil, the leader,
the communist. Exactly he attended a mean. He attended a meeting with caution. the people, south, south, more low farm and ninety. Ninety. So look at this it was part of that, and so was castro and a few other people. I forget all the names, but that is a huge country, with a lot of people, significant economy, its current from power american. To answer. arrogant and pro communist china right in our own hemisphere, and people have to wake up to this, but they won't because we have a problem were fighting to front battle. How would they marxists in our own country, democrat party,. Races, all of them they just do, and people can condemn condemn me for saying at all. They want I'm just the messenger who absolutely sees what's taking place and then, of course, the enemy abroad, which is stronger and stronger as we get weaker and weaker they're getting stronger and stronger jimmy. Thank you for your
My friend. Let us continue Bobby, back then This episode is brought to you by progressive. What's one, You'd purchase with a little extra savings awaited blanket smart speaker at new self character. We keep hearing about If the progressive wants to make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save money on car insurance, drivers who save by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify for an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like having multiple vehicles on your policy. Progressive offers.
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And I'm sure she can handle it rather than just going to friendly sites all the time I watch list the james comber on Bloomberg that the family biden and they receive china pay out to return for favours from by doesn't even make network news cut fifteen go we produce by drivers from them. By that I mean a bank of america, show They were buying family between three and four members of the family received over a billion dollars from coming directly linked to the chinese communist party. Now that's. We'd be alive reason: do continued. Investigation is one of what I believe are at least indifferent
It was that transactions that will show that the the president's immediate family was receiving funds from the chinese communist party. So this is very concerning we're having people come in as we speak to talk to us, we're interviewing people, and I think you're going to see that there's going to be a lot of explaining to do on behalf of the president. We believe that the friend the reason the family was receiving this money is because of favor that your? Why need either, as vice president and or as president, so this is of the utmost concern for an actual security. Why is it that it? I like James calmer, whose earnest as hell that this doesn't take off. like a massive issue, demands for special so I'm buying and so forth. Before, Investigation of this corrupt crime, family and yet Adam shift Who is a reprobate? Who is
A psychopath say: cereal wire, he burps, and it gets all this attention that just shows you, the private media in amerika, the american Providum media, that we have its appalling. But, ladies and gentlemen, it's friday and every friday in honour of you, my audience. trust me when I tell you I am black, to have you out there? We go to america, every frightening
in honor of you here we go the the
the the the
The the the
folks don't forget, are very, very urgent and important show sunday night, a pm eastern five pm pacific One of the rare times I do the entire show, and by the way I dont have scripts, I don't have le prompter, my eyes, aren't darting west to east to west. please to an end. The weakest officially over the weak begins. Now we salute are armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency birds are now in trackers and the men and women in ukraine
and taiwan get I'd spray, in griffin pepsi. Can I sell the smoking gigi get I'd. Indian and rory I and Marty and dad ma LEO and Joe get. I God bless you and god bless each and every one of you.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-02.