« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/23/23


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Communist Chinese regime headed by Xi Jinping is monstrous and still persecuting Uyghurs, but you won’t hear about it in the Democrat media. Xi is also responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Americans from fentanyl manufactured in China and smuggled through Mexican drug cartels through our southern border. Now we have TikTok allowing China to track our children; China has already declared war on the United States, and Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese. Also, it couldn’t be clearer that there are different rules of law in this country for Democrats, as shown in the lack of prosecution of Hunter Biden for lying on a gun permit. Hunter Biden is on video, email, and text proving him guilty, and should be facing years in prison, but they refuse to bring a case against him because they would rather go after parents and pro-life protesters. We are in a soft tyranny, from the way the language is being used to manipulate us to the way big social platforms are used to shut down debate. Then, Ron DeSantis is great governor of Florida, and his state is an example of conservatism and freedom working in the face of federal tyranny. DeSantis and Donald Trump are the most conservative options we have for 2024, but we will lose if the conservative base keeps fighting itself. We can’t afford to suffer under another term of Democrat Marxism and the Biden Administration. Later, it’s now looking like the Manhattan Trump case is dead no matter what Alvin Bragg does, so the media is shifting focus entirely to the Georgia Trump case. Democrats used the Covid pandemic to create new election laws and applied them in ways the constitution rejects, all for the sake of taking down Trump in 2020. Democrats have protested past elections and claimed fraud, but they are acting like Trump is the first to challenge the legitimacy of an election. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, The
The the america mark Levin here our number eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven three eight one through One one I will have a monumental announcement on Monday may be Tuesday monday, maybe tuesday.
You folks in and out of the new york metropole marry you keep listening all over the country, keep listen. But it will be a big announcement. Been on the year over twenty years, same time same place. and so we will have a monumental announcement that I say why have a monumental announcement monday, tuesday. Alright, let me ask a question. Or better. Yet let me started this way. All the hearings today or sing on tv? Your hearing on radio tick? I can the rest we'll get to that? I thought the. Most remarkable one In ten seconds. Was between rob wilcox and eighty official and rep
senator Tom Tiffany, the republican from wisconsin. And I want you to listen to this because this kind of says it all cut. nine go, person lies on form, forty, four, seventy three and a user, and as a user of unlawful drugs, you can get between ten years, for that is that correct? Is that minors no, but I believe congress change the sentence last congress on what is a sentence now up to fifteen up to fifteen years, Why hasn't hunter Biden been prosecuted for the crime that he committed I am not aware of the facts of that case and can comment on it. Ok, good we talked to see why this case is not being prosecuted me? He said, clearly in his book that he used drugs. He gun a gun, A point of order, MR chair, simpler.
Totally role, not germane to the trading. Sir he's got his he's, got his five minutes guide container quarterly locates. I understand why you do not want Mister Wilcox. To answer that question is very Clear why you know one because there's a dual system of justice in america going on right now in areas talking about it across America. There's two standards of justice better, are going on It amazes me that this Democrat interrupts, like this point of order. What I'm sure they're men and women young people in his district as and every day. Who'd been prosecuted for that offence, for lying on their forms to get weapons, even though they have drug use and drug sales in their backgrounds. Lotta guns get in the hands of killers
guns get my hands a gang members, if they're not flat out stolen regarding on the black market and that sort of thing. And so there is a guy's thrown himself in front of a bus to try and protect Biden. We don't have people like this. We just done. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes it's a bad thing, but the point very important. So here you have a top official at the atm. every department responsible. For tracking and overseeing the purchase of weapons, dickie illegal weapons. And he doesn't know when facts in the hunter Biden case. Ladies and gentlemen, you can sitting on the subway on a train on a bus. You could be a passenger car going to work in the morning. More, maybe a rush hour right now and you have the facts and the hunter Biden case, or least enough for them.
axton or how to answer answer is: why are we cutting shooting, because he, Joe Biden, son, that's why we during the book Adam A special council because he Biden's son. That's why. Now. The truth is that this administration is not prosecuting gun crimes, as it should god da's or not, prosecuting Gun crimes essay showed in the inner cities and democrat metropolitan areas, crime is going through the roof, can gun control court on code. If you don't have criminal control and if you Use the laws that are already available at the local state and federal level to process huddled? This is the problem, and that's why I twilight with this. it couldn't be more clear
Mr Tiffany congressmen tiffany laid out as easy as it could be form for four seven. Three, you ve got hunter Biden, on video. His all words contemporary Yes, emails texts, the whole kitten caboodle, you ve got a slam on case. even brag. Even brag when how to bring a case, but they don't bring a case because they don't want to bring a case. It rather chase parents had school board meetings, they rather chase pro lifers they have. A thousand more people to arrest and charge either prosecutor get plea agreements from january, so a thousand they said more resources. Focused on one incident than any time in the history of the department of just think about that.
Really quite unbelievable. There are focusing the resources: america, there are for democratic control, Grand juries investigating donald trump. God knows how many federal prosecutors state I say: caters local prosecuted. La alone, investigators, in F agents,. but hunter buying. He he's Painting now. There are confusing his paintings, MR producer, with picassos paintings, which is understandable. Don't you think about ways of footnote? I wouldn't give you five bucks for a picasso. Would you, Jim I look at these things that I have heard what the hell's going on here, but anyway, what do I know. So I wanted to mention that now communist chinese regime, headed by this guy. She is monstrous.
He is a communist dictator, he's Genocidal maniac, does slaughtering the wiggers and isn't it funny you don't much about that from Emma sell us d or the cost. Painted news network. You don't hear much about that from liberal Democrat costs on tv radio you don't read much about that in a yoke slimy or the watchman compost know its people. Like me, who keep bringing up how the weders are being slaughtered. These are muslims, though the minority. in communist china, as are all faiths by the way, but you don't hear it it's an amazing thing and let us be abundant. Clear. She is responsible for the death.
Tens of thousands of americans he controls communist china there's. Nobody else, would sentinel. Then they send the ingredients. and the ingredients to thee to them. It can cartels who then make them and send them over, and our country. to be hard enough of the borders secure, but the borders wide open. So it they communist Chinese, the mexican cartels and Joe Biden. and then we have this. These confusion confucius institutes that are spreading, communist chinese maoist. Communism, and are you Firstly, the college's because our universities and colleges are pigs. They can't get enough money. We have tiktok those of you have your kids, you let them go
talk. I hope you understand that a file has been opened up on each and every one of them. in communist china and everything kid does they know and they keep it on a computer far. When they get all these things, are Do and so forth and saw nor have the data. So communist china has already declared war on the united states. Already killing american citizens security. Racking, american citizens, it's already indoctrinate American citizens and are aimed at young people the young The better. Jeez at war with us and today the sectoral defence. The head of the joint chiefs willy nilly later defied today that they are proposing the biggest defence budget in american history.
and I am sure, the pews nights in their hemorrhoids her in agreement with them. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you measure spending, because the budget is the biggest in american history, every school budget is the biggest in their history, And on and on and on its a three Percent increase for the department of education is getting a thirteen percent increase in the environmental protection agency is getting a nineteen percent increase. It is The smallest increases of any item on the federal budget, national security. And yet that's the number one job of the federal government. as the communist chinese continue to expand the size of their navy hours continue to shrink under this budget. When you have inflation raging raging.
and you're only increasing your defence budget by three percent you're cutting your d, Budget, it says if the communist chinese themselves have proposed First, the amount of money we will spend on defence verses, what their spending as signage of their gdp in income. you better believe Joe Biden has bought and paid for by the communist chinese he's watching what were watching, and he knows even much more from our intelligence agencies, among others, by what the communist chinese are doing and what their up to each and every day he saw what we saw that GE impudent. Shared a wet, kiss natures. I did. He sees this new access of evil. We ve been talking about for years here. What china and russia. The islamic nazi regime in tehran and the inbred regime in north korea. He sees it.
They are massively expanding, not just defence spending but Presence throughout the world and they also our co, opting so week, allies the saudi arabian and stuff like that countries like that their co opting. their buying their way into central and south America their buying their way into africa. They What their way into the middle east they ve! So their way into the south, china sea, they must their way on the islands in the philippines, claiming islands off Japan, claiming that retorted waters and airspace often nah threatening australia, oh yeah, percent increase in defence tommy the binds are paid off and it has. The consequences are organised,
go back to this tik tok, because many of you have kids that are using tik tok. Will your kids are being tracked information on your kids is being collected forever. I talked to you about this as soon as we return I'll be right back much love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold
A race to protect their hard earned savings by years had company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four gold. I re that's aid, seven, seven for gold, I re eight seven seven! for gold IRA. Do you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures As well, the last remark, who do you support the is this endless and we don't
any cause on this. It would be very monotonous. I'm going to support the candidate who can save our country and I'm going For the candidate who can prevent our national suicide from continuing to support them, candidate who understands the enemy, foreign and domestic and as the guts to confront them. And when a support, the candidate who takes the battle. To these various american marxist forces, who are destroying the nation from within. and I'm gonna use whatever pariah have on every platform. I have. The train stave off mobile. The disasters simply future for their country My eyes are wide open
said the other day I think was on fox and friends sunday. When I was asked response, Question that I can remember right now that we are in a soft tyranny and we are. That is a phrase that was written by luck: sister, tocqueville in democracy in america. And we are in a soft tyranny, there's some no question about it. Some of you haven't felt it yet Have you not recognise that you're dealing with it? Many of you do. The way the language is being used to manipulate us today, turn regimes. Do that the way the big so Platforms are being used by government and the left to shut down debate The new ideas and thinking totality
and regimes do that. This constant talk about. Killing off this information and misinformation, from whose perspective the state again. at evidence of totalitarianism. What's goin on after january, six. A hunting down of people like their animals Sending in. overall militarized swat team to arrest them. That's what have in total us going to proliferation, parents, totalitarianism tackling the greatest constitution. Man has ever devised more totalitarianism. Destroying law enforcement, empowering Central law enforcement, yes,
the soft tyranny I'll be right back. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold I raise to protect their hard earned savings by years had company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re augusta precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule. Call eight seven seven
for gold ira? That's eight, seven: seven: four: gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosed as well the voice of sanity in an insane world from margaret of angel call him now at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one Ladies and gentlemen, the ceo of Tik tok shall true I was at a hearing today, republicans and democrats. I do Does the marxists actually the trial The lights were, then: they marxist party in our country, the democratic party, the trotzky heights, think they Questioning this communist front company is racist, but of course they would
think they know three words and one of them is races and, of course, The fact that they themselves are racists. really goes without notice, but it ought not. Shall true is new ceo, tik tok he's a rich man should be attacked for being ripped, pearly, not The hearing today in his ass. by a fantastic congresswoman. Debbie May I say woman. I think I did. Let's go One go: miss You do. You agree that the chinese government has persecuted the weaker population congress when you, if you use up and you open it, you're fine, our users outside about me- and I extend my question- is: do you agree that the chinese Government has persecuted the weaker population lol. daily because turning to hear about all kinds of human rights abuse.
My role here, these two explaining. Why have unless I used? Have it's a pretty easy question? Do you agree that the chinese government has persecuted the weaker population? cumbersome, and I'm sure did described, but Tik tok, and what we do as a platform in its original form. We allow our users to freely express areas, and this is really or any other matters to them Well, you didn't answer the question and he can. Because he's a laptop for the regime in china, He goes home, their disappear, him, a k, a kill him. Here's representative cathy, make mars rogers republic in washington state, I believe, she's, the chairwoman. You know I never use these outward always said chairman. but because they tell us, we really can't say woman cause. They can't describe that. Is Democrats or use it. She's questioning the ceo as well cut to go, have any moderation tools being used to remove content on Tik tok associated with the eu
Your genocide, yes or no. We do not remove the kind of content territories a place of freedom? of expression and challenges like you shall have gone and you will see a lot of uses around the world. Theorizing contact you in on this topic, and many are you what the massacre in tiananmen square, yes or no the danger to the massacre in tiananmen square that kind of containers of illegal and tat, for you can go in search it. I will remind you that making false or misleading statements to congress is a federal crime. I innocent again you can go and upload longing will find their content. Ok, thank you reclaiming time can you say with one hundred percent certainty that by dancer the c c p cannot use your company? divisions the content Pro c c p, it for an act of aggression against taiwan. We do not promote or remove content at the request of the chinese government, the question will retain their questioning Are you one hundred percent certain
cannot use your company to promote such message. It is our commitment to this community and all our users that we will keep this free from any. Inflation by any government, if you can't say Hundred percent certain I take that as a no shall true. The hearing today Question by tim, Wahlberg republican, michigan tat three go. bite. Dance employs in beijing have acts, as to american data. Congressmen. We have been very open about this. We have relied on global into operability. You have gradually two american data comes out. I'm your cause! If you give me just a bit of time, We rely on global, inter operability and we have in place in China. So, yes, the chinese engineers do have access to global data, have access to global data. Representative anna issue, whose they left Democrat representing a big chunk of silicon valley, cut, forego
sidestepping or I haven't read anything in terms of a tick tock? How you can actually say- and you spoke in your opening statement- About a fire wall relative to the data but to china, The government has that data while How can you promise that that that will move into? Into the united states of america can be protected here, a cumbersome, and I have seen no evidence that the chinese government has access to the data. They have never asked us. We have not provided in know I've asking that. I find that actually preposterous I have looked in nice in no evidence of this happening. Keyser kinds liar. He is the tool of the communist regime in china. That's why both parties, except for the trotskyites, the dumber,
at party. Maybe I should call the maoists, but they are trotskyite our pounding away, but here, is one of the trotzky html bowman's new to congress this was like an assistant principle, cities, so that tells you how great the school system, as this is a whole, a red scare. What's with the red scare here, cut five why the hysteria and panic and targeting of chicks? cursor the enemy you eddie it that's. Why. Ghosts are killing our children euro area wide front at all, because they, during data on little kids, you moron because building nuclear missiles diploma the face of the earth. You jerk, that's! Why have I I don't follow. You now go ahead. Republicans in particular have been sounding the alarm, creating
scare. Sign, a red scare around china yesterday Putin's angie are exchanging. What kisses and I guess. german bowman, missed it. Maybe thought it was great. These are people who hate this country absolutely despise. Our country, that's They are on the trot wing of the American marxist party latch, who they are they hate us the passion go? I had they been doing in a variety of ways. When it comes to economic, competition comes a semi conductor, manufacturing and when it comes, technology, so how power stealing our technology get a problem with that, yet a problem that you jerk had been stealing our technology, they ve been killing our children.
You have a problem with that. You have a problem with their colonialism in their imperialism. When it comes to. How can you promise that you get up what they're doing in the south, china, sea and all their neighbours, they have twenty seven, them bases, as I've told you before in central and south america, why? What are they want? They control besides the panama canal. What do they want. What did you just say Zhu yesterday, We have a new one hundred year. Relationship or whatever the now. I was deaf dumb. I'm blind, may I say, with all due respect: go ahead its and its risk national security, It policies word about national security. Just not aren't you. sky, was an assistant principle, really man. I believe it is
dues paying member the a f t. Your head, saying, threat that companies like face And instagram, and True and twitter pulse. You see, this guy loves guy loves sensation. A look at what china is doing to the wiggers? Not a word, look china to the christians, not a word. Look what changed dunder the tibetans, not a word. Look. What china is done to hunt not a word. Look at what Mine is done to millions and millions of people, nothing, nothing. America's the bad cut up. what kind of a brain functions is way seriously a kind of a mine d. The did do you have to have the think. This way.
You gotta be in one hell of a safe district to burp up this crap go ahead, marginalize and target Tik tok marginalize and target tik tok. He defends Communist china is horrific propaganda machine? That's focused on your kids thence Word about fund, not nothing. The Trotzky adds have spoken, it's just and these are democrats- let's not make any take her? They running over their democratic socialists, other not their marxists They don't use that word and we have to use our were something My craddock Jamal, whatever the hell, his name is bowman. What's democratic,
Jamal bowman endorsing the the largest. communist regime on the face of the earth. What's democratic about that. And, of course, he's not alone. You got the other stooges there too, and this the democratic party there never required to answer for any of their members ever ever. Mason thing to me. In fact, these people are propped up. yo see a yo see, has the intelligence Of a twenty five, what light bulb? That's it she's a moron she's learned how to regurgitate phrases. She does little videos of how to cook spaghetti. If you don't know how to cook spaghetti, you should be allowed to drive, I'm just being honest psych. When you get on a plane, And they say basic This is how we use of sea bound, I'm say said:
if you don't have to use Ciba what the hell you doing on the plane. Obviously, you've figured out how to get here to get through the t s a you know, to get a ticket. You figure out how to get to the gate had put. Ass in the chair and other teach you how to use a seek out and go well well. Well, what's going on it, and it's like this. I'll be right back much, I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold.
I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company! I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I re, if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven, four, we're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven, four: gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. The tic, while the clock is ticking, ladies and gentlemen in many areas of the world, but it's all taking for us tick
me tell you, I'm not sure, what's more threatening to america, you ready for this one of these foreign regimes. But the regime and the white ass, I'm really not Which is more dangerous to the country? Let me give you an example today, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milly milk toe smelling, Hold the house appropriations defence sub committee. And the rest of the world- and I quote, and could produce five material for a nuclear weapon in less than two weeks and it would take Only several months: more timid some actual nuclear weapon, but States remains committed, our policy that iran will not have a fielded nuclear weapon.
And we, the united states military, develop multiple options for a national leadership to consider it. If or when I ran ever sides to develop an actual nuclear weapon. Did you notice, MR producer? The change in position there. First of all,. The position of the united states has been around will never have a nuclear weapon. What merely said there is IRAN. I quote, will not have a fielded nuclear weapon. By the time the by an over and god willing one term and one term, is it. the islam or nazi regime in tehran, which continues to threaten us why they fielded inter content. I ballistic missile with a nuclear warheads.
they already know how to do the intercontinental missile part How they're going to know how to do the nuclear power and then what are we gonna do? What are we gonna? Do. And Amelia said that the prior administration have the same position. No, it didn't he's a liar. He's a liar, so the Biden administration is going to allow the iranian regime to be armed, Communist chinese or get a look at this. every enemy we have is going to look at this, and this gets no attention anywhere. There. mine's, all over television, all the back benchers say nothing. Not a word- and this will affect your lives.
You have fundamentalists like this, the believe their death is preferable for life with nukes. Well, then, you have very few up So general milly needs to be fired first one. Needs to be fired, how many people have to die Many more people have to be enslaved overseas. How many Whoa policies have to be imposed on our military recruitment is, is in the toilet,. the military budget is in the toilet, and this guy. he's overseeing the whole. Damn thing. a whole, damn thing. So let let me Clear here, because you haven't heard this all day long- can a year at their head
the joint chiefs of staff milly said. The goal now is to deny IRAN not a nuclear weapon. To deny IRAN. The capacity to have a fielded nuclear weapon twod thing tat a nuclear weapon as long as they don't put it in the field. What what? I think they're building it for, ladies and gentlemen, to admire it does, I rose on it, unbelievable Absolutely unbelievable. We have a ton, more is macarthur, said, have only just begun: Right back, this segment of the podcast is as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers. Great coverage
Save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command post teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader that the american mark Levin here, are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one: Do this enough and that's the tire you how to find the podcast our podcast Huge, it's only getting bigger and I don't ever talk about it and I don't ever talk about.
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a number of ways to get their share I want a encourage you if you. Listening interests are not respected, you we can take care of yourself It is for you to list this programme, We call this radio free america. radio free america. That's on all these platforms for expanding even further and other platforms and of. And this is all put out to convenience. You d convenience here. people say I am radios dead. I dont believe it's dead, I mean I m radios and most cars. I see that some of the bigger Producers of e g vehicles, electric vehicles- are not going to have a radios in these vehicles. Is a big mistake, but for
she'll be able to hear us no matter what you want. Farm yemen android, you can hear us the laptop, an ipad here's a computer! You can hear us. You have satellite radio, you can hear us and of course, through the podcast, you can hear us. So whatever be shut down, pre, empted and so forth, and so on. I also want to make a statement about rhonda, said rhonda santas is a fantastic governor. He's not an average governor. Florida wasn't in Tremendous shape when he became governor, it was in good shape. there's a reason why
grids and hundreds of thousands of people are leaving bad states with bad governors. Democrats Some coming to florida. far as always head. a lot of ocean. A lot of warmth. But it has always had a lot of freedom. And so decide this made it abundantly clear that there would be a new day in Florida and he kept every promise and he has kept his word. Got a beautiful young family. he's committed to that family. One hundred percent Man, a deep faith and he's can To his faith, one hundred percent The middle the pandemic remember having a bit discussion with him about found she and so forth.
and he was telling me late at night while one in the morning he looks at me Data he looked looks at the sight of a smart guy. Who went the young harboured any smart despite that, but am quite serious. and he sat down with his experts, the state of florida. And that's why his decision making was so different, decision making of many. Now early on, The governor any and all you get this expertise supposedly coming out of the cdc coming out of Fouche. You gotta do this. You gotta do that. The day is not clear, you don't have enough information, but for him it became clear, fairly quickly. After a few months was obvious, got covered when I was in florida.
There was not another place where I can get monoclonal. We really, I think, the antidote to early covert. I My mother in law, who these loses would be informed at the time. My wife, stepdaughter, we all got the shot. Actually, there were four shots worked. my father. He said now, while by was cutting off. he's an example of conservatism. Working he's an exam of freedom working too many republicans when their face with emergencies or their faced with difficult situations. They were or to the left wing book, or at least the liberal book.
More laws, more regulations either take things they force you to take the that's, not what he did. and what better tests than the pandemic. He's held a line on taxes period is actually cut taxes, Gauge, like no other politician on the cultural wars. Whether its disney, there was getting mass of subsidies from the taxpayers It's the teachers' unions, whether it's the classroom, whether it's the colleges or universities. He's under vicious attack. He does not back down. now the whole world knows and listens to the show anyway, that he and I differ on ukraine, but so what.
We agree on almost everything out. it was interesting to me. What are you The other day, I think the statement that was put out I think even he would agree on many issues have agreed and I read it so- times- and I discussed it with you on the air- was had some difficulties in it. I would argue in some ways clarified. He said the putin is a war criminal and should be charged. You don't hear that from the peut annoyed and radio and tv in and democratically in some of the republican party, there was a big statement to me. You're say: what's Big deal markets a big deal because a lot of the people. We're trashing ukraine are doing.
Because they really are Putin's russia supporters. I never thought see the day. These are pseudo. Conservative. And the malignant language that used to trash ragged nights constant, Shall conservatives traditional conservatives by The populace nationalist radicals. The republican party trying to make names for themselves, or they have made names for themselves, jack As more on four and so forth, but that's not but the santos is doing. Is actually quite strong when it comes to funding the united states military he's a combat which now, I just want to make this abundantly clear people keep.
We to the polls he's criterion. The pole, ladies and gentlemen, Aber lincoln was cratering in the polls during his second reelection effort here His first election is a minority president with a plurality. and he wasn't even on the radar go through one historical example, after another, the poor or a dangerous thing. We conservatives should have warned that a long time ago, some time ago. Now what about donald trump donald trump was agreed President, not by Washington's standards, not by this standards of leftist tenure? historians and colleges and universities dark it was a great president and would have had a great second term again
I don't agree with everything that Donald trump believes or says, but so what. He was far more conservative than anybody possibly imagine when he was running. Here's a man Actually was securing and in many respects, secured the southern border That has been done since Dwight eisenhower. here's, a man with no Background even suggest that he would appoint constitutional ass to the supreme court. Any did exactly that. How they turn out as another story, but he did exactly that. who's a man who actually did. that the military for a couple years, despite the fact he was opposed by the Democrats.
Here's a man despite promising time and time and time again, republican nominees and so forth. to move the embassy from TEL Aviv in Israel to Jerusalem moved it. And under his tutelage, peace broke out in the Middle EAST. And he was destroying the state of IRAN. The way rang and destroyed the soviet union, economically chugging them off. our money was sound and solid. Inflation is non existent. Interests was almost non existent. The housing market was strong and stable. The recovery from the virus. Was rather vigorous and vibrant
Kept us are wars. How. The enemy feared that, however,. Whether iran and north korea, china or russia, and when he says. I should never would have invaded ukraine on. My watch. He's right China would never move aided taiwan, a mine. in all my presidency, he's right here, hundred percent right. Donald trump, loved america, Joe Loves government there's a difference. So these are two in my view, towering men truly. Are Rhonda scientists would make a fantastic president and trump would make a fantastic second term. President.
and yet we're gonna lose. we're gonna lose conservative base keeps finding with itself. We can't We can't afford to lose a single vote, so say: do get out on the primaries. But duke and out in a way that is substantive because. despite what the new york times once, despite the washed imposed once despite what the two King heads in the media want you don't want this because I I'm with you, I'm among you I go to supermarkets and grocery stores I goaded to diners. I don't want a pat on the head, a mark The who I am. I wasn't born wealthy. I was born with a silver spoon and my mouth. My parents were lowered a middle class,
And everything they had. They love their family. I am the american dream, as all of you are. We simply cannot afford this marxist crap. We can, For it today and I'll be in fact, we have said here a lot of you egomaniac paid concern, I saw advisers. Get Joe Biden reelected. So you asked me where I stand: that's where Stand I'll be right back it did. You know pure talk, save
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Providing you each and every day with substance would discussions, that's what I'm here to do. We in our ratings come in, I look at them, they need a city to city over four hundred affiliates. There's not a single town in america. The largest of the smallest on the list were we not defeat our competition, When its head on head talk, radio. In some cases we win by two to three two one. The toughest hours and talk radio, sir dr time in the morning. certainly not made warning to noon, certainly not noon.
Afternoon, look what rush did with that. There remain bandanna mothers, Certainly not drive time three to six actually a pretty light lived just saying so, the tough! real estate. in radio. Sixty nine goes learning dinner when these costs. Maybe there is little in practice for the girl. We're taking ballerina lessons There's a major baseball game play off hockey a basketball march madness, you name it. It's the toughest slot and radio. And I had the most loyal audience of any audience. And that's you
I'll be right, back, did you know pure talk saves the average family over nine hundred dollars a year when you switch from four rise in eighteen to your team over. That's right, save nine hundred dollars a year on your wireless bill and still enjoy ultra fast five g service. You can get unlimited talk text and plenty of data Yes, thirty bucks a month and pure talk as social or you're gonna love their service, their backing it up with a one hundred percent money back guarantee. So, instead of paying a fortune to walk corporation Like her eyes and eighteen to your t, mobile every month cut your bill and half for pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a u customer service,
the team that will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shares your values, and that has you covered with a money back guarantee, go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcasts, that's l e v, I n podcast. That say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo code, l e v, I n podcast Levin podcast pure talk- is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for details, as we speak, deliberately and have been deliberately tyranny called my wedding jonah, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one. america. We note. the price of food, a grocery stores, MR reducing I didn't see any grocery stores closing down. Have you burma, picking on grocery store.
I'm gonna, we know who's, it fall again. The government any time there's a huge systemic problem, it's the government, it just is or mother nature, But you're not allowed to attack mother nature, but quickly in the metropolitan areas, grocery store. something's in metropolitan partners and grocery stores cost to three times what they cost in the suburbs or in other areas. Why is that. I'm I'm seriously I'm curious about the Why my twelve eggs, a dozen eggs in new york in new york area course three times what they cost say in. In county new jersey, which is the York area, but still.
I notice that the owners of these stores they ve never suffering and want the suffer. I want them to do well, but what about big grocery we ve got big guy. We got big oil with god big this. We ve got big that what about it. We will keep an eye on that. I just don't understand how. There isn't a kind of scrutiny there ought to be em. If there's gonna be scrutiny on on tap, prices in baby food prices think they'd, be that kind of scrutiny. And I'm not talking about mom and pop shops and stores which are struggling like hell, I'm not talking about them.
Because there are the backbone of the country, whatever the industry or business is when I drive To and from our florida home. I often pass this little. This a little grocery in there? mostly little black community. It's just a little enclave. A major road. it's an older, very nice, gentlemen who owns the store it the very close to the baptist church minutes. It's like a story book. And when I can, that's right, stop gets done now.
Tat, we need more things are different things and obviously, in this little store that guy struggling, he struggling. Yeah, it's not a billionaire doesn't have the capital to make ass purchases at lower prices, none anna, the last guy on the delivery truck on the every track route If he's not make that much money for these companies and that's the guy you're not talking about him. Now I don't know how much more we can talk about this guy brag in manhattan, but just in case. There is this now there's a letter.
From stormy Daniels herself janet. thirty twenty eighteen. In this is among the materials that the media have not been released to your swipe. I put this information out it gets into the media and then the media reports like they found something. And the headline a little appears to be a white piece of papers, official statement of stormy Daniels January thirty, twenty eighteenth- that's not that long ago, you know Three years ago, to whom, it may concern over the past. He weeks, I've been ass, countless times to common on reports, have an alleged actual relationship. I have would Donald trump many many many many years ago, I'm quoting. Fact of the matter is that each part To the alleged affair denied its existence in two thousand six in thousand eleven, two thousand sixty
two thousand seventeen, and now again she says in two thousand and eighteen denying this because I was paid hush money I quote. As has been reported in overseas old tablets. I'm denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on instagram at I thank you, stormy Daniels now, MR producer. This is the second letter everything I've read, one from the top witness convicted liar and criminal, And disbarred, Michael Cohen and others, one. From stormy day knows, there now remember to witness it. What's here, we have a letter in our own writing.
Denying the reserve affair. So. Why should I believe there was an affair, and why should I believe. Michael Cohen, when Michael Cohen, His lawyer- and I am not even talking about costello Other lawyer said that the prime much been regret. Protected in the media? Never happened crime never happened. adults, adultery never happened according to the two top witnesses, prosecution. In writing, HU signed statements. Of course they didn't have to do, but they did twenty eighteen. Someone is this crap gonna end and, as I pray because I'm gonna nostradamus, I predicted, because its predictable there
We have the legal analysts all day to day saying: when are we getting it over this case, because now it's clear the case is dead. What whatever rag does in the end to dead case tougher politics. But georgia, yes, yes to us, that's the serious one georgia, yes, and not just georgia, what else? feds washed and that's a serious, want all okay? Well, let's get this one in manhattan out of the way, no, more! to the serious ones. now they're serious in this sense. and george you atlanta The district attorney and unwashed and you have a special council. We're creating new laws in applying them. In a way that the constitution rejects
I understand that this is over their heads of most legal analysts, not all, but the former federal prosecutors. They don't think this way, maybe some ivy league law professors. But I dont know how many more times I can explain it. You folks understand the congress is the body that makes determinations about the legitimacy of electors and stuff processes and so forth. U s attorney, not a special council, not a department of justice, not the fbi. We had members in the democratic party who rose to their feet, who objected to electors coming out of ohio in two thousand for and insisted that wasn't correct that there was fraud and demanded that
and carry be made. Presently the united states remember that one. and we had electors and two thousand democrats who said this Cream court appointed george w bush and that they are- reject electors from the state of florida and that went on and on nobody accused them of obstruction. accuse them of preventing the wheel. Awful on peaceful movement of one government to the next you ve had politicians who have hired. Lawyers have gone in the states to change the election laws to court on called fixing come for Joe Biden. Democrats They did it unconstitutionally would governors bureaucrats with and boards with secretaries of state they're, not in the constitution. This
legislators and then, when you bring it up. Oh, that's a a knotty legal theory of very naughty sam and white under article two, even men. and by the late great chief, justice, william rank in the bush versus for case. So, a more more challenges to the election system, more more court on cope temper Legal tampering, not lawful legal I bring with the election system. more more fraud, and opportunities for fraud or that's to vote harvesting. What the hell is that I heard it before girly voting, harvesting drop boxes, no signatures, no dates. On and on and on, and so Isn't it trump says to the people in georgia? Some votes see if he can find all that's racketeering
where conspiracy? Yes, a book and gotta get really. Seems a little strange to me but what do I know? I'm not a former federal prosecutor. I write ben did you know? Pure talk saves average family over nine hundred dollars a year when you switch from verizon rise in eighteen to your team over that's right, save nine hundred dollars a year on your wireless bill and still enjoy ultra fast five g service. You can get unlimited talk text and plenty of data for just thirty bucks a month and pure talk is so sure. You're gonna love their service, their backing it up with a one hundred percent money back guarantee. So instead
Paying a fortune to walk corporations like verizon, a t and t or t mobile every month, cut your bill in half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shares your values, and that has you covered with a money back guarantee, go to pure talk, dot com and enter promo code, Levin podcasts, that's l, E v, I n podcast. That say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk calm, promo code, l easy. I am podcast levin podcast pure talk- is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply seaside. Forget was the yesterday that shall live, our calendars forever and for good reason here in the live in the household.
Was our daughter lawrence birthday. You know we were fused family, here's how what they call it, something like that and between Julie and me, we have four kit. The oldest is our wonderful lauren. And what does it take? the apple of your eyes, she's. The apple of my I remember when she was born fantastic be fantastic mother of two fantastic wife, she's, wonderful, beautiful family, anna puppy and its national puppy date. Today we ve got to us My son trace has a couple of dogs, not puppies. I hope you do too
but I want to wish her a very, very, very happy birthday. Then good health. We don't get to see the kids enough, don't get to see the grandkids enough. Everybody spread all over the country, but one of these days, one of these days, and so happy birthday my sweetheart Jim, Is our guest executive producer ceiling, Jim is very, very good away. Does my, second producer, rich has been good. For twenty years, jim- it's not a long time- long time. I can't be that bad can, I know ray a jim, you never know, Anyway, I am Jim, So damn bound gina.
and damn bound gino is a dear dear dear friend, and let me tell you something. It has a great team asia. He does it. Radio show he does a great podcast show. This is the guy was a cop and then with the secret service and and look what he's doing. I think the secret gabon genome is he Regular guy and people can identify Don't you think, Jim? It's the truth rife to regular guy. now he's one guy wouldn't want to get in a fight which, quite frankly, this guy's muscle about like nothing. I've ever seen before, but then again those of us who have the second amendment under our we had the to anybody anyway, so I want to say kudos to him and thank dan for lending me. You do. We appreciate it A great our coming up
and I'll see in just a few minutes. I friends, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at helstone com You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses, you can discuss but the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer, so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la In four hills doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie.
And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course. Today. The no broadcasting from the underground command both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark the america mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one. Second amendment You see how obsessed but democrat party is in sight Writing you from your weapons or preventing you from purchasing weapons.
You don't care who you are what circumstances you aren t ever threatened. When a dangerous area you going into a dangerous area, none of it matters to them they're, not about individual liberty, the certainly not about the bill of rights They want you to rely on government for everything. Rely on government for your health care if to rely on government for your education, cultural, get less health care, less education. We know this have to rely on government for your energy, less energy. And down their long list of marxist socialist agenda items. Second, amendment is there not for government, sir, for you I? How do we know this because they told us And its funding, they don't talk about the second part of the second amendment at all: a militia estate militia.
No, why in the world, why in the world with the framers of the constitution in philadelphia. First of all, come up with the constitution and later the congress, the federal congress come up with these different amendments. Settlement to the states in the states ratified ten of them. Why the second amendment, why would the they now members of the national legislature, the federal congress suggestion, an amendment to the constitution. that enshrined what was always the case, that you have a right to a gun, but even go further and talk about a militia. Did they want their new government overthrown, of course not.
They want a civil war where there were the violent saw, the time, of course, not what did they want? What did they want? They wanted to be able to protect themselves. Protect himself, what does that mean protection oneself. What's the point in having a declaration of independence or constitution, what's the point in having. Unalienable rights. What's the point in having the right to property due process, probable cause? What's the point of having anything if you're dead, there is no. There is no point. I look at the second amendment as a statement of the obvious. The second amendment is a statement of the obvious, the euro,
I defend yourself, come what may. And yet why is it that total. Turn regimes. I would include in many cases american citys, I must in all cases Democrats Why do they want to strip you of this right and why are they pretend that by stripping law, abiding a merry citizens of this right that somehow I'll be safer. Somehow, they'll be safer because, again you know band and rationality, reason and logic. For their ideology,. By getting rid of fossil fuels, will bring down the costs and increase the availability of energy, which is ridiculous.
So the question is: what are they trying to do. Folks, they want a mollified passive population. when they say boo. They want you to be afraid when they say marched to the left. Your march, that, alas,. They say give us fifty percent a year and come you'll give them. Fifty percent of your rank. when they say they will teach children. You bought out your butter, that's what they want to buy the opposed culture. Nice try they oppose real american history. That's why they oppose real science and knowledge? That's why, for them whole idea: citizenry, his fungible, worse change the world. Don't you know
Then get the hell out of my country and join another part of the world nano their attacking you, not their attacking The whole notion of western civilization and reformation and even goes beyond the constitution in the declaration. They're they're attacking the entire progress of mankind for the last thousand year? That's what they're attacking and that's, where marks attacked. The communist chinese, they don't want their people armed the fascist. Russians they don't want their people armed, The islam or nazi regime in tehran they don't want their people arm. the inbred who runs north korea, they don't want their people armed
you think of a single fascistic or marxist regime. That believes in the right to bear arms. There is none. Why is that? I think the answer is obvious: the framers of the constitution so brilliant. They are not taught much in our public schools. They're hated. Their taught to be hated, you see they did no good, nothing, they did was good, and yet even the people who preach that benefit from what they created. What did you say even that people who preach that benefit from what the framers created. They hey capitalism, yet they get rich with their books, nor appearances in their speeches.
They claim that racism even today, is beyond redemption, and yet some of these people. do not experience, but they say that other people may well expense. They get purely surprises. They get. Number one on the new york times best seller list. They get rich, they live And you know who I'm talking about these certain authors and professors and sober they they that they live in the lap of luxury? What reaching revolution. That's what they do so here's the question. The second amendment. They attack the second amendment. The right to bear arms Even when the, u s supreme court rules, hey specific way,
as relates to hand guns in your ability to protect yourself. They look for Is to destroy that right anyway, sue the manufacturing say what yeah some He's a crap goes out there and kills another And being. Sue the manufacturer now many. These are the same. People who argue for in the front door out the back door bell, don't punish the criminal. There are also many the same people who attacked the existence of the police that they are irredeemably racist, Even police who are white or irredeemably races close their trained in a racist white system that they got it all figured out Circular but it doesn't matter the cops had their hands tied.
laws currently known ass, and you shouldn't have any guns to protect yourself. That's exactly what they want on the left. Exactly what so, you have to beg for protection, which is a basic human right? You have to beg for protection. You have to bear to have your private property rights protected and your family protected. I ve even heard it said repeatedly. their property crimes shouldn't be crimes. If you heard this must reduce. Property crime should be grown, you're right, so you you spend Most of your life working to acquire something somebody just
because they want it should be a crime. These ideologies are out there folks. This is what I study. This is what I do. A court on quota hobby when people ask me. Second amendment and if the second amendment is it safe? What makes anybody think the rest of the amendments are safe there, not the Democrats, and left are constantly coming for the first amendment and free speech. They call it different, they all the prestige information. We can have that people are dying from distant from ok. We need to have the facts. Just a fax, ok, freedom of religion, separately of a pandemic. One thing for walmart to be open and amazon and the rest, but churches and sending out of my way get a shut all those down. Why gathering places exactly gathered enough
your gathered, you're, not allowed to gather liquor. Doors can be open. Abortion, clinics, open, no, no places of faith, says the state, and I mean the states state. Ok,. What about due process, while you're sitting a play, our right now The former presently united states doesn't have a right to council, not point out the client. fraud exceptionally here we need to know thing he and his lawyer discussed as well as the lawyers papers wait a minute I want on all we have to prevent this international criminal donald trump from walking free. The report
Can a republican candidate for president, whose in the lead right now- and this is what they're doing newtonian the bill right: warrantless searches, but the second amendment. here. Jamie rascal at an atm hearing today remember Jamie's. Dad was a calming who said becoming commune organization that made excuses for stolen right in the middle of the cold war. Jamie is one of the front guys for the democratic party on both of trumps unconstitutional impeachment they are always bring them out to be On my cell us d and e constipated news network, bigger jamie cock, constitutional law really where and what kind Isn't that amazing, so it comes up. phrases in the media lab it caught, seven go. Our colleague's advance. It completely flawed theory of the second amendment, which leads
to oppose even reasonable common sense gun safety rules that the supreme court as approved in which the vast majority of common sense gay are fifteen should be banned. Why People called ban. These things don't even know what they are in a our fifteen is standard rifle toll. Hasn't shoot faster than any other rifles. Bullets are actually not that huge. The typical hunting rifle for dear son people use much more powerful rifles. Luck, scary, and then they say you shouldn't have magazines with more than one are they sent? Five bullets were seven boats as the genius. Joe Biden said: how are they? she needed to shoot, Dear farmer
What it says in the second amendment you a right to bear arms to shoot. Dear. I don't have somebody breaks in your house and they're, not following the law they wanted handmade magazines carry thirty boats and you're stuck with five shots could be a problem, though These people have none of the worry about it, but it could be a problem, and I dont know how many guns Jamie rask, in a shot or any practice or anything of the sort, but it doesn't matter Jamie's a red go ahead: perkins endorse our colleagues and bracelets called the insurrection americans, and do so now we're going to vote. This is my problem. populism folksy really need to think about it. Americans endorse these changes to the second amendment. Ok, then amend the constitution now that's too cumbersome No no requires super majority votes for kinds. We can't do that, but the
Can people want this? We ve seen poles, it's the popular view. Will the bill of rights. There about the popular vote now not only on a sham populist nationalist. No, I do understand I'm an american, the popular view, that's, why that's what it comes down to now when it comes to jamie rask in the red go ahead, second amendment our colleague, MR it says the second amendment is quote about attaining within the citizen, really ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government of that becomes necessary. Our colleague brewer says the second amendment we designed like years father, ear father worked against the eggs then said the united states you schmuck I don't know who you think you are who you think you're kidding when he was. authentic, stolen the communists need defeat. them in so many ways. And now there you are out there.
Back. Then. This happen it is brought to you by racetrack. What's better one slice of pizza from racetrack to get you going how about? slices of pizza, and when you buy one's life you can get any other for one dollar. That means you could buy one slice of pepperoni for now and get the new bacon cheeseburger pizza for later for just a buck or just get to sleep. is for now racetrack. Whatever gets you going only at participating, location, It's the the gas to say, with the impending, our high impact hives me high end gasters further more its most expensive gas stoves and the reason why they were they were found to be inadequate
because in many cases the very heavy grades, and the burners. Can be an oval shape which causes. access amount of natural gas to be emitted relative to the pact Saunders. So it's just it's it's a wasteful I use of natural gas jennifer, gran Hahn, who runs the energy department and so they're, not looking to ban all guesthouse chess thieves, expensive ones that rich people happy see. Maybe restaurants, because you see the burners are over and any physicists knows you ve overburdened, There is an excess amount of heat, that's necessary to cook that which has put upon the oval burner and it just wastes natural gas.
I, like the secretary, who really wastes a lotta natural gas when she speaks, but nonetheless, and the great sir, very heavy, the grates. There was a great. I don't know Does she mean the girl tops many where the great sir, very very heavy? Now we can have that we here in the energy department. We don't want great, so we don't want oval burners. So we we are going to do. Elate them out of existence. We don't congress, we don't need executive waters. What are you think. We have so many people here who are paid so much money and get such great pensions and medical coverage, because we're here to help we can expect these stupid. Parents to buy the right gas stoves. We can expect these still parents to raise their children properly. We can expect these stupid parents to move from fossil fuels to electric vehicles,
So we have a lot of work here to do at the energy department where the average I q is negative. Seventeen or we wouldn't be here in the first place, how many people the Gee department of work in energy. We are pleased that we have better sees the sun, oh, but we do with one hundred times space to my new samson galaxy, as twenty three ultra we can see every day are usually on the cautious clipboard yeah. It looks like he might be. Doodling mass got writing a pony. I can't even see the talk that they need to be like our seat. I feel just really like rests with the ocean. Take advantage of amazing carrier offers now it seems on dog com I program doesn't just read that he was a mixed cobra. My show now at age, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one
years ago I said we live in a post, constitutional american. My buddy Sean Hannity likes to call me saying that and we certainly do and see it everywhere. As far as I'm concerned and rhonda santas wasn't fox nation. and I thought what he said about Putin was very important. Like a season pew tonight. So the piano, aids or low nervous. Now. Made it abundantly clear that yeah right Putin's the enemy he does, I agree with the way Biden has approached. This but he says Putin's the enemy cut. Thirteen go, what's your be repeated, Look, I think, he's got grand ambitions. I think he's hostile to the united states, but I think the thing that we ve seen is: he doesn't have the convention capability to realize his ambitions and so he's basically it.
ass station with a bunch of nuclear weapons and so forth, One of the things we could be doing better is utilizing our own energy resources in the united states. We could be permitting natural gas pipelines from our shell is doing a lot in in alaska, that's where he gets off. Is power and obviously he's influence. Europe By having so much energy, so with a way to hit. Putin is the hidden with energy, but I do think you look All the defence analysed and me in the past we are I estimated his conventional capability. This has been a huge blunder for him. Huge costs, and you know, we'll see what ends up happening with his longevity and empower. But but this has been one. This has been a loss for them. There is a move now to hold them accountable for war crimes, bombing maternity hospitals. and genocidal activity in parts of ukraine, wiping out whole cities, marrable and others, which we support, that
may. I think he is a war criminal. This acc. We have not done that in the united states because we are concerned about our soldiers. Are people are being brought under it, but I do think that that he should be held accountable. Those are all good answers. I think excellent answer I com. As I say I am folks it's what I do for those were all excellent responses. And I also liked his point about come on. Let's hope not our production of energy, and I do feel pain and in many ways that's how we defeated the soviet union that nicely energy alone, of course, but you look at what he needs: that's his that's his golden goose is energy. and so we cannot produce him in most other countries, combined. But Joe Biden put us on defence of a country.
shut down its own oil wells shut down, its own pipelines shut down its own fracturing systems, Unless you're insane and that's where we're going, only office ties not person, A demented he's insane he's a fool. So now you ve heard what s say about russian or what is he had to say about china cut fourteen go out. I did invade taiwan would be aggression, absolutely would be a grand america should get involved in and that so I would say that Taiwan is is a strong ally of the united states. I think that that's a critical interests, I think it's for us, but also for our key allies like japan and south korea. and I think over all the number one issue that we face internationally is checking that Growth in the rise of china, there much more powerful, I think, than then route and and And-
in russia are, and they really represent the biggest threat that we ve seen to up to our ability to to lead. Since the soviet union see the When quibble, I have there is this world war, two when we were facing hitler. muslin lenient togo. You wouldn't have heard marshall or Eisenhower, any those guys Well, you know Japan is a greater threat, then than germany or germany is a greater threat in ITALY. There access powers. the working together their strategies, together. their sharing, weaponry there Forcing each other she can't break one country off from the other? You just saw what happened yesterday and you know it in his defence than interview took place like a week ago,
but you just saw what happened yesterday. I need not go along. China thinks he's. Alliances are crucial. On his building alliances all over the world glow, What's your might say their bombing, It is all over the world. The iranians with the saudis. With the solomon islands. For god's sakes,. Obviously, north korea's under its wing. This alliance would with right It's not a choice between russia and China, which is more day during their working together. There, both dangerous. Because they're all dangerous and together their extraordinarily dangerous? So that's right take a
I have at least some quibble there, because I don't see you choosing one or the other they're, not choosing one or the other. now when they look at us, they The whole thing is problematic. One other thing. for we get to some of our cause job. It says it's time for men to step up for women's rights in defence of men,. Men are constantly being beat on it's unbelievable by the left. Now she really does mean this to stand up for women's rights of all there's no such thing as a woman. We know this from the union. be director. We know this from justice, jackson no such thing as a woman, we know this from The war on language and colleges and universities in our public schools.
Stop saying women, we know there's no such thing as a woman's bathroom. We know this, we been taught this, have we not, But what does she really lament he once Mendous stand up for the radical agenda of the radical court on women. Is she once men to support abortion on demand, not just right up to birth, but even after birth? That's what she its partial birth abortion and beyond Men out there that can't that can't Such a view there's something, wrong with you. You're not stay up for women. Now that would all women believe the vast region,
pretty of women and people generally in america do not support partial birth abortion. No one I stand up for women, I stand up for my wife. I stand up for my daughters. I stand up for my mother in law. I stand up for women in my life. I stand up for. For women and their views and so forth, the same administration. Destroyed women's sport. They have a funny way of standing up for women, don't they say administration that, through its policies,. as massively increase the brutalization against women who are coming across the border, this slaves, the sex trade The molestation in the rape and the abuse that the major career- democratic party media. barely even talk about.
Merely even talk about standing up for women's rights tommy jill bide. Excuse me, doctor bail, I mean jail, has doktor Joe Biden. under the southern border, what's happening to women's rights and thereby It is the right to choose purely many. The women coming across the border haven't had a right to choose their being plastic. Joe Biden policies that government's policies. This is show bizarre version, call a woman, a woman, then again women's day, women's month, international women's year, women, this women, that ok, I gotta got it an ice for the violence against women to act are women, but we stood up for an ok. I need to buy just a figure out all as she says, the supreme court justice.
Then they destroy women, sports destroyed. They're not standing up for women. and they say a woman's choice. Abortion and no less. Its whatsoever roby way place limits on abortion, their placing no limits on abortion. It's a choice. Has anybody s the baby, what their choices? It's not a choice for them,. and I should add today is national puppy day. Did you know that Mr Barroso. To make sure I get all is a national puppy day and we love our puppies. Don't we. Now, one puppy, we got a couple of weeks ago. Name is Toby's that eight pounds.
Beautiful little guy, half minute repute, poodle one and be john, This is about five and a half six months old. Now he spent the first four months was life in a cage at a puppy mail. His white fur white hair, but His hair was brown and gray cause. He was filled with modern feces he's a beautiful than a guy. I want to thank PAM and her team had lost dog and cat. Then virginia saw cleaned up and happy happy runnin around stock. Deprecating, where everyone economic and they
what there done that they take a look at you, but incredibly intelligent cars. When my wife had called me, she was out of the country in Israel. And we face time when I showed Toby the face time. His head kept going back and forth you know nodding, turned back and forth like an ear one up like he was list, I know that is where is she then? The other guy he's ronnie? My daughter has a dog roy Someone there get together, though, be Ronnie rang. It anyway he's about thirty. Thirty two he's seven and a half months old at this point he was found in puerto rico. well! There's dogs everywhere, and many of them are treated like crap. He is the sweetest kind.
Most decent, though these are human characters, a character traits, but nonetheless just fantastic. And he gets so happy he likes to job. I put my wife doesn't want the dog called jump up. Your knock this over knock that our between plus I don't mind it, but look, but they don't want it. Then we're not going do that said. Don't get me wrong, they run they run around. They barker heads off their puppies and we love it and here's the thing: they get along these two dogs, like they ve known each other forever. Like that, in the same litter,. They literally sleep, not just next to each other on each other and they look out for each We ve never seen anything like this before, so we were
going to adopt ronnie. We saw him in and adoption thing and then we went to pick him up I also saw Toby couple. Other dogs. And we agreed you know what let's take him to so we had to. I must tell you, try work, slot energy involve, but it's worth every second, so its national puppy day. Doesn't have to be one day. He got a puppy and I mean a public good, ten years old. I don't carry big hugson kisses and treats, if you don't have one friends. Now is the time to jump in Seriously I'll be right back much love in the hammock chuck, arnold palmer jack motorized solar shades. Yes, please
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So I was in the sporting goods department, I wanted there and there was a woman. She was buying a box of twenty two ammo and she was at the register and the clerk pulled out. A book takes out of the book in new york state ammunition form because, while we were sleeping the Democrats reaction to the line, one ruling was the ammunition wreckage required pected september. First, twenty twenty two I used to live ammunition or dealer in firearms. They'll keep either electronic record or dataset in the record shall be entered at the time of every transaction involving ammunition, the date name, age, occupation and residence, the amount caliber of manufacturer's name and serial but now they know exactly what you have ever want to come get it. They know exactly where to go at five p m companion on you too, I should say: guest one to sleep in lad is just unbelievable absolutely unbelievable. Now, they're, they're ready,
during people's ammunition purchases. it. Somebody asked me why I got a guy like braggin man had a while prosecute criminals. Paul. Thank you I appreciate you. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are trucker friends, The men and women in ukraine in taiwan, the freedom fighters. I can't thank you folks enough. Thank you. Thank you Thank you. God bless you. and I will see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-25.