« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/19/20


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi wants more government and is adding in as many extras as possible to emergency measures and funding that President Trump is enacting. The Defense Production Act was adopted in 1950 as a result of the Korean War and gives the federal government lots of power to take over certain industries to benefit the national interest. Pelosi and the Democrats know that more people will die due to the nature of this virus and Pelosi positions herself to make it look like Trump is responsible for these unfortunate fatalities, instead of the virus. Meanwhile, it’s Congress and individual states that control how many doctors and then the amount of hospitals we have, yet they yell at Trump. This idiotic Certificate of Need law needs to be repealed. Then, a simple tele-medicine prescription allows access to a virus test for anyone doctors feel need to be tested. Later, Congress is imposing unfair paid leave costs on already struggling businesses that will bankrupt them. Finally, Rep Ted Yoho calls in to discuss China’s role in the coronavirus epidemic.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now, in its hundreds seventy fifth year: Hills: Is a truly independent institution where learning
Prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with the leader of our air lock up welcome. Our number are temporary number: eight, six, sixty five zero, five or six to sixty eight six, six, five, zero five for sixty six. You ve heard of the defence production act only because it's in the media, the last forty eight seventy two hours. An eighty Pelosi always want to trash.
President always want to see a need to do more. You needed who more government needs to be bigger and stronger, more centralized, more ubiquitous, isn't I think that the president trigger choose me trigger this act now. The fact is, the president has signed it. Sophie needs to he will trigger, but I want you. I want you to understand that the three major sections to this law, this law was adopted and nineteen fifty as result of Korea, nor ready. The first section authorizes the president to require bid this is to sign contracts or fulfil. Orders deemed necessary for national defence. Authorizes the president to require business to sign contracts are fulfilled.
It is deemed necessary for national defence. The second section. Authorizes the president to establish mechanisms, orders agents, These regulations to Alex material services and facilities to promote national defence? Third section authorizes the president to control the civilian economy, so that scheme yes and or critical materials necessary to the national. Defence effort, are available for defence needs. So the first one empowers the president to come. How businesses to enter into contracts and fulfil orders as the guy It seems necessary again, second to summarize authorizes the president does processes to allocate materials redistribute them that are produced by the private as he sees fit.
And the third one powers the president Troll the economy, so scared Sir critical materials necessary to national funds are available to read defence needs. Now that's a lot of powers and it MR producer. That's a president who can control the private sector. That's a president who can control. In industry, are all industries and put production requirements, contract required hence, distribution requirements in the hands of the federal government and the federal government, Only direct an order, private come These private businesses, individuals to do as it demands. Nancy Pelosi and her ilk.
Her milk in the media, her milk in the Democratic Party, her ilk in academia, the Elk in Hollywood, had been accusing president of being a dictator. I've talked about this, many times, but I want to underscore Accused the president, a being a dictator. Yet the president is being urged by these very same people. To use the defence production ACT immediately need support. You put out a statement today and said: must do it now. We cannot delay even a day. So do they want a dictator or they dont want a dictator. This is rather shocking, You think of the President: S look if I needed to use in short aspects I will
But you don't understand a few things, for this is very, very important. President Trump. Has enormous respect. For the rule of law. He also, enormous respect for Constitutional system, also has enormous respect for private property rights. Private labour rights. The heads of a Joe Biden nor Bernie Sanders in the hands of an eighty closer Chuck Schuman. Can you imagine what they'd be doing right now with the defence production. It truly shocking and they come under no This is a policy in the rest. No further p the constipated news network. From Emma Zella state from the nearest limes, the watchman compost and all the rest of them The hosts all the writers all the
The journalists, all the editorial lists the guests, although contributors who been accused- this president of being a dictator, It is they who are the dictator's; it is they who are the autocrat. Major policy goes on and on about our constitutional system,. She literally wants the president of the United States to take over certain industries and to run them out of the White House. That should frighten each and every one of you this the same they policy who sought to use the first urgency bill to expand abortion, federal funding for abortion and to put in place. Other hard core leftwing agenda items cloak As part of this emergency, she is a
but I have said over and over again eighty policies fascistic. She, is fascistic. She knows that are going to be many more people who get this virus. She knows that will be many more vulnerable people. Or pass away she positions her sobs and creates a narrative, the trumps not doing enough. And we'll get into that in a minute, because many of you don't really know exactly. He's doing? And I want to inform you about that. What exactly is NATO policy done about anything? Nothing. Chuck Schuman, nothing, this defence production act is a very powerful law. Which presumes to give all this authority to a president and diplomacy, cannot wait to trigger it. She can
Wait to trigger it the speaker, The number three line for the president demands that President use it immediately. Now. What would you know which CUP He's what he'd take over and why would the federal government, Better than the companies themselves, we talk last night about these hospital bed. Thirty six out of fifty states and the District of Columbia. These common laws they notification loss you wanted A hospital in their stage, one expand: hospital in their states. You want. Additional beds to today plus had an existence. You wanna Choir am our eyes and see, tease and other mechanisms under devices people from your state government, first state to pass this law was New York in the nineteen sixties, the governor with the big,
mouth Andrew Coma. Complaining that we had known national decisions when it comes to hospital bed. When he has it within his own power to allow private and public hospitals to expand immediately, but Turning to the federal government, since the president needs the nationalized issue and tell me Cuomo, then I need more badge in New York. Well I'll, tell you Cuomo. You need more budget. New York go ahead and do it Why don't you resent you stupid law? That's place over half a century, you're the governor you're. No one party state. Does he doesn't want the responsibility? That's why. When you have a hospital bed. Hospital bed in and of itself as an enough, you need equipment, ventilators particularly icy unit unit, with great care,
here last night. He pointed out something else. It's obvious now that we think about it. You need doctors and nurses to go with all these hospital beds, I did a little bit more checking. Actually my wife and you should know. That you're United States choose me your unit. States Congress has tied Medicare funding. To the number of medical students. The number of medical students can go on to be doctors, in other words, And Medicare funding really controls the whole thing. Is it so enormous as a percentage of medical expenditures? in other words the federal government directly and indirectly, controls how many doctors they're going to be the states, could
How many beds are going to be in the vast majority the state? An energy policy and structural who'd been around forever supported this law. Certainly, I suppose some support its repeal that enough Bottom line limits than doctors that we can put in our community so Congress limits the number of doctors we can put in our communities. Thirty six. AIDS in the District of Columbia, limit the number of hot I'll bet we have and they all yell at the president. Amen Pelosi turns around rather than repealing this idiotic limitation on the number doctors weakened and many States, rather than repealing this idiot com law that they have this certification, immodest law these liberal Democrat, why won't he trigger the defence production act that defence production?
same people who think when the president about to sign a bill for a trillion dollars and maybe signed it already. That's not enough It's not enough. We need to spend more these people Destroy this country they will. Strong this country as quickly as a foreign enemy, these people are a virus, their attitude Their positions or a virus and economic power, Nickel and liberty virus. Are going to destroy a conomic system if they have their way they're going to destroy our private sector. If they have our way and they don't give a damn about the constitution, they will find them author, this nation, that's not the purpose of that. French Protection ACT or any these other laws using the extremely happy thrilled celebratory. Donald Trump, is presently United States because he instinctively knows.
That these are enormous powers and they need to be exercised prudential carefully thoughtfully. It is his opponents who don't have the temperament sobriety to run anything to run anything, and while I am on that subject,. I have a question how Joe Biden offered any help whatsoever you might say what help can Joe Biden off doesn't matter, Toby, The democratic nominee for president know there's dish. There's no way around her job actually said to the press of the United States. I can offer you help you. I have four hundred twelve years of experience in the Senate and vice and she and so forth? No, he hasn't, and what's he gonna do say the defence production. It
Is it an amazing how the media don't jump all over this. Don't jump over Pelosi in the other Democrats who are demanding the present treaty this immediately as quickly as possible in every respect signed it into law. So it's available term Recent I'll use it if I need it when I need aware I need and what's gonna happen, is assisting spreads and it will the Democrats you're gonna, keep pushing this and they're gonna, be pushing for more federal spending, more redistribution of wealth Living in more abortion laws and everything else as we go along, they see this as an opportunity they are diabolical. Can they are vital. That's right. I said it. Be right back then haven't talking a lot about the four pillars for purposes of the Helstone College Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom,
focused quite a bit on the first pillar of learning, but what about character? Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It is possible without strong character, hills deals, President Larry on his outstanding standing faculty at hills, they'll know that intellectual, virtue- is meaningless without moral virtue that having knowledge doesn't mean much if you dont use what you know to serve the good, however possible, and here's an outstanding fact every entering freshmen at Helstone signs and honor code. That reads as follows: a hill a college student is A bowling conduct honest in word and deed, dutiful study and service and risk for the rights of others threat; occasion. The student rises to self government. Now to learn more visit, Lavigne for hills down back, come that's alleviate free hills; del back, I'm leaving
for a hills, Dale, Dotcom, hideaway this Sunday on life, liberty and low. Then we re tremendous programmed to guess. First half of the programme vice president might pence second half the programme doktor Anthony Faulty but program like any, unlike any other programme, will spend a lot of time. We're both the guests and dig very deeply substantive law. And what's going on, and I try to ask questions. This The? U s me here so that would be a very, very important programme. This Sunday, you want a market he can watch allied, maybe dvr it. As we say, a pm Eastern, Lebanon Levant on Fox. That's it Some of the things the president has them without using dictatorial powers here actually give a change, has the authority to waive certain rules and regulations to provide flexibility, that health care providers and response
The corona virus emergent- this is right on their site here, legislation removing restrictions preventing manufacturers from selling industrial masks which can readily take healthcare workers directly to hospitals after it was in power, had empowered certain qualified labs to use valid. The corona virus tests, while our see you saw authorization request render of here. Fda took action to Paris, states authorized developed and used within their borders; CMS restrictions on tell our health for Medicare. Patient treatment clay, explaining access across the country, thank God for the Eu by the way I get up more on that later Hs lifted hip, finally, to enable health care providers to expand, tell I'll for their patience, apartment education, given broad approval to colleges and universities to allow more easily move their classes online. This dossier wave certain requirements for allow children continue seeming meals during school closures. Sba relax
criteria for disaster assistant loans, greatly expanded Business access to economic freak, anaemic assistance is more. I get to it here again, it's on their site media can just get their very lazy. The media goes. Look it up. It they're not going to president the? U S and Canada mutually agreed the clothes, the northern border to non essential travel praise analyses invoking the defence production act, although, as you can see, has been using it only in any way. Yet. Department to housing and urban development is halting foreclosures and evictions for family with their fate che insured mortgages department. Labour announced up to a hundred million dislocated worker grants response to the virus. National health. Emergency white housework the private sector to launch a central website we're family students and educators can access education technologies. President launched a partnership. Add council, media networks, digital platforms to communicate
big service announcements about that virus. The name Will be deployed to medical ships to help support impact of earth? You know there's a lot more here and I want to get into it with you, so you know that the president is really doing everything he can he's been very flexible. Uneasy sees other opportunities, he uses them while being very mindful of our constitutional system in the private sector. I'll be right back. I've been talking a lot about the four pillars for purposes of the Helstone College Mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. Focused quite a bit on the first pillar of learning, but what about character? Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It is Possible without strong character, hills, Dell's, President Larry on his house standing faculty at hills. They'll know that intellectual
Virtue is meaningless without moral virtue that, having knowledge doesn't mean much if you dont use what you know to serve the good, however, possible and here's an outstanding fact. Every entering freshmen at Helstone signs and honor code. That reads as follows: a hill a college student is a conduct, honest in word and deed. Dutiful Study and service and risks. For the rights of others through, Education. The student rises to self government. Now to learn more visit, Lavigne for Hills, Doub outcome, that's alleviate, free hills, drawback come live, For a hills, Dale Dotcom right away before I go on, I'm going to be looking for the closest location, my home, to get blood I'm not kidding
you well too. There is a dire shortage of blood, so might say well we're told the hot tanker hunger down more hungering. Then you can give blood and go home again. Patsy precisely what I intend to do in the morning. So if you in this audience are healthy, you will have any issues. Would make giving blood dangerous are impossible, then dont. But if you don't, many of those issues than please do, then please do. As our fellow Moroccans need your help, we're getting, pictures out there, while the toilet paper, stuff and so forth, and so that's not ass. That's it more percentage of our fellow Americans who are being very selfish and piggish and preposterous, and you should look at them.
Somebody takes more than one package a toilet paper, whatever it is, twelve count. Sixteen count to count for car, but you see them put it in. Carts and put it under their arms to three four packages. You should shame them confront them but shame them. It's ridiculous. Their creating shortages, where no shortages need to be created, and that's not us, that's not Americans. Turn. Instead, what I would suggest is tomorrow You find I wouldn't give blood. A blood many of your home. Many of you are not in your offices or schools or where were you are many you home now is the time to do it. In my opinion,. We will be doing it. I will be doing it. And I want to strongly encourage you to do. Let's see a huge spike.
As a result of this show of lava nights giving blood tomorrow a huge by, can we do that. The FDA, says it's perfectly safe, you're, not gonna catch. Anything. And so I am all in. I hope you are to know what else did the president do he's done a lot. He signed that legislation securing eight point: three billion for corona, this response he declared national emergency had writing states, territories and tribes taxes for forty two billion in existing funds leverage of the resources, the entire government, the president created the White House, corona virus taskforce to coordinate the response brilliant and having oh wow vice president charge of device, Is it a name Doktor Deborah Burke's be our act. You ve seen this lady she's enormously impressive, to service the White House, corona virus response coordinator. In January, while thus
was trying to remove the present while they were fighting over witnesses like John both the present a reacted, equally to implement travel restrictions on travel from China buying as valuable time to respond to the virus and Doktor Anthony She has said that was very critical. They know remember. Most of the networks were acute, I'm directly or implying that the president was racist SEC. These sick good for nothing Do nothing falls. The president announced further travel restrictions on global hotspots. When he's all that, the EU was not acting effectively while He put in travel restrictions for Europe Later, the United Kingdom and Ireland, of course, around. American citizens, returning from travel, restricted countries are being rather too specific airports were they. Be screen and isolate as necessary.
The administration. Rail travel warning show their highest level for other hotspot location like Japan, Korea, prisoners, expanded airport screenings to identify travellers showing symptoms and institute a mandatory quarantines on this matter Tori Quarantine, nature. That's the first time in over half a century. The president announced this mutually agreed: closing the northern border to non essential travel, a cannon, the? U s now, look at this, the with with Greece. To our bureaucracy. The president really has it rolling now the the EU should emergency approval for new commercial corona virus test to signify to significantly span testing across the country. He Secured legislation that will ensure Americans are able to be tested for free. The administration to with stay local partners in the private sector to open up drive through testing sites which have just started.
The administration is working with the private sector, develop a website that Americans can utilise to determine whether they need a test and, if so, where to get it. I'm gonna talk more about this Little bit late. This is this: requires our attention. There's a cup That is developed the test. It's gonna be out Monday. I'm getting ahead of myself. I wanted I wanna circle back on this agent Chet, providing funding to help accelerate the development of rapid diagnostic test for the corona virus. The FBI cut red tape, ducks man testing about availability. Registration is working to provide states with flexibility to approve corona virus testing laboratories. The assistant secretary for health, has been appointed coordinate, corona virus testing efforts and the F is empowering states to authorize test, developed and used by labs and their states, in other words, more freely.
Less regulations, more ability to operate then really ever before. You'll notice were cutting red tape, not create more government in this respect. Anyway, these business Administration has announced disaster loans which provide impact to businesses with up to two million dollars. Prisoners We're back executives, ensures pharmaceutical executives and other industry leaders, hotels, airlines, construction that directed the Energy Department of purchase large quantities of crude oil for the Strategic Reserve, give the price of oil has plummeted. It is how cause and meetings with business leaders from pharmaceutical industry airlines out charts grows. Stores, retail stores, banks and more. The presence. Talking to the governors, as you saw today, and his people constantly.
The administration negotiator legislation which will provide tax credits for eligible businesses that give paid leave to Americans affected by the virus. It took action to provide more flexibility and unemployment insurance programmes for workers impacted by the Corona virus presidency. The department of Education to waive interest on stood loads are by the federal Government Treasury Department to payments for certain impacted individuals and businesses. President is called on Congress to pass apparel tax cuts. The This announced new flexibility to allow meal service during school closures. Do you de. I announced a new collaboration with the private sector to deliver nearly one million meals a week to in rural schools, closed the corona virus. Did you Ninety percent of this. The Department of Housing, earth development, as I said earlier, is halting foreclosures evictions for families with their fate J inch insured mortgages,
parliament of Labour announced up two hundred million in dislocated worker grants in research, the virus and the White House work. The private sector to launch a central website were family students and educators connects online education technologies, soup, it's what kids at home! You might want to check out that site and your stay Two localities have been working on sites to many of them. Have them in place. The administration launched a website. If you want to check it out, corona virus stock of to keep the public informed about the operate, corona virus stopgap. Let's I hadn't posted on my social sites, MR producer. The president announced guidelines for Americans to follow and do their part to stem the spread of the virus. The tasks he's holding daily Press conference And meetings to provide the American But with the latest information, the task where's has recommended mitigation strategies to heavily impacting communities like those in need,
York, Washington State in California about sixty Percent of the cases are in those three states at me, So that cases in those three states or in a handful of counties. And so the administrations really focusing on these counties, I mean country, but really these counties to try and put laser focused effort to contain it. The CMS announced guides to protect vulnerable elderly Americans and limit met. The unnecessary visits to nursing homes. In January, the administration declared the corona virus to be a public health emergency. By the way the present donated is fourth quarter: salary to the Department of Health who would services to deal with this are you where this The other president did this. They be their state only mention it with him. Obama donated salaried anything well
In a billionaire always get very close, now present, it took Can it give Hs authority to waive rules and rags, so that house providers have maximum flexibility. There responded the outbreak cm, since giving flexibility to Medicare advantage and party plants to waive caution, For her virus tests and treatment see s new building codes for corona virus test to rumbled, better tracking of the public health response. Now look much is being done. Its enormous. The administration announced that health plants withheld savings accounts will be able to cover corona virus testing a treatment without Co. Payments It must romantically expanded. Tell I help for Medicare beneficiaries in showing or patients can access their doctors remotely while avoiding exposure by the way. You know People been trashing and trashing and trashing the internet,
Well, yours truly has been saying, thank God, for the internet will think not for the internet, because ten years ago, ordering Things over the internet, food medicines. Hand, sanitizing masks, you name, it would have been impossible and so telling people to stay at home and not gathering groups larger than ten would have been unbearable. Ten years ago today, its bearable. Because of the internet, because things can be Your door by these heroic delivery people. American technology, like nothing else,. And now we have tell our health or telemedicine, which is
similarly crucial it is. It is a breaking ability and service. So you can have doctors remotely giving advice, proven prescriptions. The veterans administration, established nineteen emergency operation centres across the country and put in place Cetacean restrictions to live patients exposure see a mention of the air working to limit non essential like the medical procedures to free up healthcare resources; they need as we pointed out, will be deployed to medical ships to help support impacted areas. President signed a memorandum directing its administration to make general use face MAX available to healthcare workers, they may well big deal well. It is a big deal because now a lot of these Celebrating construction companies extremely patriotic
You ve seen these these men and women in construction were in these masks, while those masks couldn't be used in health facilities. One hour can, and, as a matter of fact, you have developers and builders donating millions and millions of these masks to medical facilities. America is a great place. If you stop last listening to the media, stop listening to policy, stop listening to humor J Chest announced there will be purchasing five red million, an ninety Five respirators for this treaty. Take national stock, but the devil When a defence, the now there will be providing five million respirator, masks and two thousand Specialized ventilators to assess ventilator complicated equipment, he catches, That's your fingers and their manufactured overnight and the true
this. This is a state responsibility. The ban the M our eyes. The sea tease huh construction. These are there. Parts of bodies of governors and state legislatures. Just so you know. The administration is working to help accelerate the development of therapeutic scented vaccine to combat the disease. This is really some very exciting progress on the therapeutic will talk about later. We talked about one of them, the other night, one on national broadcasting to do so. The chloric when and the present talked about that I am going to make that available as fast as I can almost immediately, because it already proved for other treatments like her different types of of illnesses, malaria and so forth, and so I will be available
Administration is working with drug manufacturers to monitor any potential potential drug supply, chain issues, The administration is expanding research and consulting with experts to better. And the transmission of the court Lily Corona Virus nationally two of health has announced the begin. A clinical trials. You know for a virus vaccine can in this Women is never moved so fast. It's never move so fast. It's never move so efficiently and effectively. I've never seen anything like this. And the White House, the administration, the president, there having been here with these gaps in the healthcare system, in gaps, because everything is not centralized nationalized, but, quite frankly, any cases. Poor decisions in the states. It is amazing to hear Cuomo go on and on and on about hospital bed. When history was the first date to pass a law to limit Hospital of or what you done about.
I'll be right back. Then I've been talking a lot about the four pillars for purposes of the Helstone College Mission: learning character. Aids and freedom. We focused what a bit on the first pillar of learning? But what about character? Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It is possible without strong character, hills, Dell's, President Larry aren't and as outstanding faculty hills. Dale know that actual virtue is meaningless without moral virtue that, having knowledge doesn't mean much if you dont use what you know to serve the good, however, possible and ears abstaining fact, every Entering freshmen at Helstone signs and honor code. That reads as follows: a hill College student is conduct honest in word and deed, dutiful. Study and service and respectful rights of others threat
occasion, the student rises to self government. Now to learn more visit, Levine for hills down back, come that's alleviate from Helstone back I'm leaving for a hills, Dale, Dotcom, watching these shows bring on these psychiatrist and psychologists? Mr producer how'd, you cope with confinement. We have more access today. From our homes from our desks. To the world than we ever have. We have television, we have. Radio
The internet we ve got video games, regular games. You have, quite frankly, talk radio You ve got more things you can do from your home. So now we're talking about the emotional toll of coping with Fine in a isolation, ladies and gentlemen, were Americans were stronger than this highly. This just started. I'm not the only ones saying this, but it's like unemployment as a result, this virus, nobody's been unemployed more in a week or two. I remember the great depression Excuse me the great recession. It was great during the early part of the regular administration which he inherited from Jimmy Carter, people were unemployed, literally half a year a year a year and a half. Now. We ve gotta be smarter and stronger than this. We ve got unemployed
the programmes we have food stamp programmes, Present is putting a number of relief programmes. I don't believe in all this is Ben SAS. Put it all. This helicopter spending the spending, if we're going to it has to be very targeted in very limited. We talked about this chloric when drug. That use from malaria several days ago, and I brought it gear pension because nobody else was talking about. There's one little article I saw about it. This is a drug that used to treat malaria also drug that used to treat rheumatoid arthritis ulcerated collide is all kinds of diseases. And apparently in a small working setting. It's been a hundred percent hurt the effective,
There are other drugs out there that their working on to copyright back from the West would one podcast network is here now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Everybody mark living here, aren't backing seventh seventh create one three, eight one, one wrong number temporary number: eight, sixty five or five or six have livestock. Here, eight, six, six, five or five four! X, two six hundred read something to you:.
The genius of America, like no other country. Something Nancy. He Pelosi Chuck Shimmer the media simply do not comprehend they dont get it the first company has announced an upcoming home virus test. War on virus test. Everley well Eve E R L. Why well one word Everley well, a home testing company. Their offers dozens of lab tests to consumers is adding they called the covered Nineteen test, beginning on March twenty three march. Twenty three is next Monday. Given the slow roll out of testing in the? U S and there's a slow roll out of testing, because nobody knew this was what this was.
After initially limiting testing to one provided by the Centre for Disease control and conducted at state local public health labs. The FDA allowed certified labs. This is due to the present breaking through regulations putting commercial lab testing companies to develop and distribute virus tests. The Austin, based Everley, well offers a range of validated test for everything, from cholesterol levels to fertility, and Section two seasons like Stds. I want you to listen how this works. Don't jump Here, just listen: how this works! People can ordered the Everley Well virus test. The war on virus test on the companies website.
After first answering questions about their basic health Simpson, symptoms and risk factors for the corona virus disease, the reason is, ladies and gentlemen, everybody, just as I want to know. If I haven't, I wanna test, you'll kill the system going. Everybody wants to know if they have cancer. Everybody wants to know if they heart disease every well, you just don't normally conduct herself away so they're. Looking for certain factors you're still needs to prescribe the test, telemedicine, doctors from p w and health, a national network of physicians who prescribed ice diagnostic tests. Then reviews Or answers to determine, if you qualify for testing based on. Criteria established for the Senate by the Centre for Disease Control and prevention. You follow me, Producer currently
The virus tests are not plentiful in the. U S, doctors who are trying to rule out other respiratory diseases like flew first and only during test for people with symptoms who also have other risk factors for infection such as being in close contact with them. Who'd been diagnosed. If the two medicine doktor decides to prescribe Everley Well virus test for the war on virus. Company says it all send listen to this. The hundred and thirty five dollars tests KITT in two days. Customers pay thirty dollars to receive the kit for, over overnight. They can comes for they special swap. That is long enough. Take samples from the back of the nose and throat area, along with instructions, For how to seal the swab sample to send it back to the company, people could supervise spit. And other samples is backups. This
both centrally pre paid in is sending a pre paid overnight. Package and price at one of the several labs approved by the FDA, to perform the test around. Country within many two hours With many of the commercially available test, this one Extract Sars Cove. The virus behind covered nineteen from the sample than probes for specific genetics. The chairs of the virus company says it will then send results by text. An email and doctors may advise people to suffice, Lloyd until they receive them the test, his paws. The company also provides a four telemedicine consultation. With one of around two hundred physicians, that is enough rooted in the cost of the test. A hundred thirty five bucks that physician, in our reports. The result is a positive case to the appropriate state health departments, as is required by our authorities,.
Every well says it's ready to ship. Thirty thousand of these tests and plants. Span the number of labs processing the sample, but this Yo unfounded Julia Cheek says that scaling up the number of tests kits will depend on the availability of swaps for collecting samples. Anyway, look at this. Let's sluts unravel this process is important. You have a test. You go on this company's website. Your answer, a questionnaire. That question here that information will determine the extent to which a medical doctor believes that you should get a test. You will have to go anywhere you're sitting at your table at your desk. The kitchen table near bait wherever so,
doktor then determines if you get a prescription to be tested. And if so, he or she issues the prescription, then a hundred and thirty five dollars. The test is sent to you. You do the test, which is relatively simple,. And then there is a return, amble open process package- that's already addressed, you send it back in three days of getting the result of the information. There are special labs following the federal and standards. Can determine whether or not you of the virus. And you never left your home cause of american ingenuity and inventiveness creativity, the internet, telemedicine,
company that develops this test special lapse. Is this not remarkable American. Within six weeks. Really six weeks. Of this virus, beginning to appear in the United States. The two. Thing is being developed its being made as easy as possible for as many pay Was possible? You ve got Drugs that are being developed, therapies and, of course, smartly- and this is the way many many companies function. They're trying to use existing drugs to see if they be applied to this virus, rather than reinventing the wheel or adjusting or modifying a particular drug to see if it be applied. Fire says a therapy
the vaccination process, that is to prevent, from getting it in the first place is much more complicated. Yet we ve already started trials on that. The ingenuity of the private sector, the Answer the present the United States to get rid of the red tape, a man in his patriotism, federalism. Things being tried at state, local federal levels, capital And free markets things being try by one company after another after another. This is why don't centralize all these decisions, go. Somebody might make the wrong decision. A good are the wrong path. Ok, fine, that's company ay, but we have come b and c and d at a hundred others and their working perhaps with each other press. What companies overseas, perhaps not.
But look at this test its available on Monday, Monday or markets. Only thirty What amazes me disgusts me quite frankly, really is frustrating to me: is people who do nothing and no nothing like politicians keep telling us. What should be, what should have been as if their mere observers? Nature Pelosi has been around for five hundred years so structure they no idea what's going on in the private sector, they have no idea what's going on period. If you But Ass Nancy Pelosi to tell you five six ten things that this administration is done. She will be able to tell you all she knows is we need dictatorial power, so they need to be instituted immediately. I a president who she claims are being a dictator. I'm telling you there's reason for hope not as Pollyanna is not to be foolish.
Try and follow. The guidelines are giving us they make sense. I don't agree with some of the socialists. Aspects of this activities push by the Democrats and some Republicans? I just don't admonition over their treasury, but I do feel much better The Donald Trump is president because Unlike a hard core leftwing Democrat, which Joe Biden is by the way the is now. Tromp has shown an affinity for prudence and affinity for the rule of law. A respect for Institutional system where's left, could give a damn. But just as I made you aware of that, or a win very exciting, and it's not the only drug out there that the working are now working on bad to put an end to use his one. Come
It's not even that big of a company, it's the first company in the United States that has an upcoming home testing, Kip home testing, can think about it, incredible and with a home testing kit you'd only I have to go to emergency room. The emergency rooms can focus on other things. Absolute genius. I'll be right back. Now for american media in this country doesn't disappoint, disappoints Americans, but it doesn't disappoint. The communist Chinese has continued, continues to Find that regime an attack our constitution
republican our president at the press, Today, the pregnant, oh, by the way, these pressing and with the president, the vice president. All the experts are extremely impressive I came another administration, another president who does this and the president? grasp of. These issues is remarkable. I say that this somebody with a relatively high I q, his Asked but these issues is remarkable, I mean I think to myself: can you imagine Joe Biden up there. Joe Biden, you're gonna be asking what day it is what time it is. What state is in. In order not to be it embarrassment, bugs handle it you're trying to limit his his car,
the seven minutes, president standing up there for ninety minutes. But my point is Our media have really let us down and they suppose themselves now more than ever, because american people are relying on information, so they can make decisions. The present in the administration and our governors, mayors in our county commissioners and schools were intended to school boards and everybody else is trying to communicate with us. Give us information, allow us to digested, make decisions and conduct ourselves in certain ways. I was point in american media and whether its yellow journalism period for the party press period or whatever you want to say. This has to be the lowest point in american media and whether its yellow journalism period for the party.
Rest period or whatever you want to say, this has to be as an aggregate as a group, the lowest point in the history of journalism and poverty. Here's Kristen wealthier whomever that is the White House today cut one go. You said you did have the sense that this was handled was coming. Why the United States, not the only thing we were prepared to oversee the media? The media is not treated fairly. Our preparatory was, I called for a ban from people coming in from China
long before anybody, you thought it was in fact it was your network. I believe they call me a racist because it was many of the people in the room. They call me racist in other words, because I did that because I went so early so when you say we weren't prepared, and I let these tens of thousands of people coming from China a day. We would have something right now that would have been. You wouldn't have you in recognising compared to where we are, how many people have passed away, how many people have died. As of this moment, you could multiply that by a factor of many many many. So when you say that I was in prepared, I was the first one to do the ban now other countries following what I did, but the media doesn't acknowledge that they know it's true. They know it's true, but they don't want to write about it, and it is true. And they don't want to write about it. Instead. This is what they want to talk about cut too
the term chinese food, racist, its food that originate in China, has tended to raise your truth on that. No major, leftwing news media, even in this room, have teamed up with Chinese Communist Party errors and their claim your racist. For me. Let's stop here. This first came up. I showed last sunday- you may remember this, MR producer, when I Was interviewing Michael Pills, berry, and we were talking about this and highlighting this issue about the chinese problem. Ganda effort in accusing United States military of being the source of the war on China virus you We call this. Ladies and gentlemen, it's very important luck try to do my research. I try to get the information I try to breathe tattoo. Whether it is on this programme, Levine TV in my books and on my factual.
And I like it when the others follow when the others pick it up, because this is important information, important information I had this virus major media players just ass. You are consistently siding with foreign, islamic radicalism gains and cartels, and innovation is young Ladys from oil and which is an excellent network, doesn't the huge audience, but it's an excellent came, Network is for satellite network? I guess, as far as I'm concerned, one America NEWS, had direct access to you and your team erases way. When I read the things that I read it amazes me when I read the Wall Street Journal, which is always so negative It amazes me when I read the New York Times is not even I don't I barely raided, you know we don't distributed in the White House any more and the same thing with the washing. Imposed.
Because you see, I know the truth and pay- out there in the world, they will know the true they don't know what it is today. Use different slogans, indifferent concepts for me almost every week trying to catch something more. We go siding with They are siding with China. They are doing things that they shouldn't be doing decided with many others. China is the least of it. So why why they are doing this? I have to ask them, but if we had an honest media in this country, are country would be an even greater placed crises attack right, which is why I wrote an entire book on this, but this president. Has blazed alot of trials in one of the trails. He's blazes the exposure, the media for being a Democrat Party press operation.
Wittingly and unwittingly, answering the radical progressive agenda. In anything gets in their way they seek to destroying characterise ass night. There's a reason, why almost every report, and not all but almost every reporters, sounds like Nancy Policy in shops, human right now making these are very weird times. Rightly you see I'm have questions about what takes place, but I'm not out to sabotage the administer Asian or anything of the sort. Why would I do that? Quite the contrary,.
I'm not the sabotage anything, but I do ask questions. The great peace in issues and insights, lot of the right is they are former writers for investors, business daily, some of the great editorial writers there and they point out. With much of the U S, economy shut down to deal with a war on corona virus outbreak. They know right away that their honest people by calling for what it is. We're just putting together a one trillion dollar stimulus package to prevent an economic meltdown. The third major bill to address the virus pandemic, huge amount of money, but it could Does loan Much of it will actually help the struggling economy. How much of a world just politically motivated pork see. This is what always happens. Congress is moving on the measure, the magic shoot on the massive stimulus, fresh or passing two billion dollar eight package on Wednesday that provides paid
sick and family leave for working Americans free corona. Testing and expanded unemployment insurance abroad Senator Ben says right now: the plane around here is basically just disrupt shovelling money out of a helicopter and the most important debate. Where the Democrats Republicans to shovel the money first ass has been very good on this, This isn't just talking he's one of eight Republicans voted against Wednesdays package, the Second, in as many weeks he's worried, and so are we emergency stimulus, so called will be used as a goody bag for him treats to favorite interest groups fears of SAS and at least seven other GEO peace senators aren't unfounded, For passing the second bill, Wednesday Democrats tried to force number of costly additions that a little to do with corona virus. I wanted to make them permanent.
Might sound nice, but forcing small and medium sized businesses to foot the bill for expensive pay. Family leave and increase pay sick leave what bankrupt thousands of small businesses. Which often have just a few workers and operate on the slimmest margins. Fortunately report The notion negotiators got the permanent part removed the permanent part, but it still in there Then there were proposed OSHA regulations that would have hit business with expensive new mandates that would do little or nothing to mitigate the current virus pandemic? Worse Democrats wanted to use social security, hello, social security. To find a merchant she employment aid, setting a horrible precedent, of rating the already bankrupt social Security trustful which an estimated thirty four trillion, that's trillion with a t, long term funding deficit,
If you're over sixty five security recipient. You should Stan. This raid on social security ultimately would make you as financially secure, not more about the way. Why haven't these media organisations in these newsrooms reported this to you? They ve charts for everything. But they don't put this on a chart too simple chart. All the matters that policy I'm a crash tried to slip into these bills, pollution company, also try to Spanned the enhanced in sick leave to include things that are. Thing to do with the corona? Reset all cloning mastic. Violence and stocking today just to those of problems with no one wants to be.
Rest in an emergency funding bill of this scope and urgency. Finally,. Democratic dread to sneak a provision that could have Us She's gone around, the Hide Mehmet makes it illegal The federal government to fund abortion- to save a mother's life in case of riper incest,. They might not like the law, but it's the law and This, of course, has anything to do The corona virus, the nasty virus that China's send our way. Spending money on political pork is stimulus. Last time we looked port doesn't cure corona virus. We would hope The Democrats would understand the gravity of the current crisis and move quickly to address. Actual needs related to it and yes, reasonable people can conclude that the sudden shutdown of our economy requires action by Congress. Raw, always wary of the words stimulus. However everything The Obama administration used in eight hundred billion dollar package to stimuli.
The economy after the o, eight or nine financial crisis, the carrot bill is itself open to question it would spend about half a trillion to give every adult one thousand dollars. How long that's supposed to last is anyone's guess now. Let me update you on that. It's worse than that. As managed in the Treasury sector, a liberal Democrat says: they'll be too trances or trenches. That is one thousand for an adult in five hundred for a child. Choice has, for example, a family for a husband and wife and two children. We'll get three thousand dollars not once but twice
Most immediately and then in May six thousand dollars. I reject this. I strongly reject We ve got unemployment insurance in this country and the war and they employ many of you paid dearly for unemployment, insurance. With a mass of food Stand Programme Tenzin abolish. We ve got all kinds of medical assistance programmes. We have gone, broke, country trojans and trojans over years and years. Funding these programmes and more, I undressed of the federal government. Is shutting down businesses that Some responsibility on the part The federal government I've talked about this.
Said it's like a private company shutting down another company, not through competition or whatever, took them. Federal government's gonna mandate, the shutdown of an industry or a company. There needs to be some kind of recompense. But having at thousands and thousands of dollars to individuals and families. We haven't I meet As I said, we ve had recessions in this country. During my lifetime they went on a long time, we had but who are out of work. For months and months and months at a time when I ve been talking about that. A friend of mine, I'm not gonna. Tell you who it is. You would know who it is your gasp. You could be wrong. So look a friend is a way to really has three days worth a money says Mister producer. You hear me three days. I thought to myself.
Three days worth of money. And so you and I the american people, working to protect that individual, who has three days worth the money. I don't understand. I understand some people are under underwater. I got that. But he is three days worth the money, and I said to my friend what I don't know anything about his lifestyle. I don't know anything about how he spent money. What what Korea is what kind of place he rents or owns feet takes they caissons if he has nothing. So when you, Tell me this person is three days worth the money. That's all they have. I don't even know how to react. We know what the Surrey.
You know. The funny thing is this all out repeat this again maybe it's just my own expense, maybe unbiased my parents and a small store for The time when we were teenagers and above they went through a terrible recession in the nineteen seventy. Nobody came in the store. Nobody came in the store. Because they sold things at work in our life, sustainable type, things, furniture, Iceland's screens that sort of thing small store, modest, middle classic, These are things people had to have If you're in an economic pinch. And they had many months, where was extremely tight? Not why- stood. I hear them say that the federal Govern should bail them out now
Did I hear them say this? Isn't fair. They made us tighten our belts, they did things for income No, they were stressed. It's just the way was back then, with that generation. We ve got all kinds of programmes today we ve spent trillions of dollars or them running up mass of debt, and you think we have nothing. If somebody says they only have three days worth of income, and please don't call me, I'm an uninterested in in doing a census review of every individual in the country. No more like how old are you and how this car? How did this happen singularly of a family? What are your expenses and everything else. But as sash says, dropping money out of a helicopter, if you will the sort, this doesn't stimulate an economy,
Which stimulates economy just think about it give everybody a hundred thousand dollars problem is worse, are gonna conference going to come from somebody else see their future generations or you that doesn't it? relate the economy, taking money from something that's productive and giving its something. That's not. My other fear is how temporary will this really beat? You heard me talk about Nancy Pelosi she wants. She wants the president to go full dictator, not because Trust them puppy. She wants to destroy our economic system in turn. Our cards, national system on its head, so she's, demanding that he do it for her that he do it for the left, clear at least now he's not willing to do. It is very careful about these things. Look, try and slipped these sleazy things into these bills. You small So many women out there we have restaurants and bars and other
Till shops, you are suffering, I can see it when I I drive around. She's, trying to slip stuff into this bill. We eventually come out of this you're going, suffer you're gonna go out of business, though slip it in here now during the crisis, so nobody talks about it. They don't I don't have any newsroom. Let's talk about this quite for any. Slip it in there and then you'll wonder what the hell happened Where you get a stimulus bill you pay off your irish tat if he could, but you can't, could you know the money specially now The tax time is here, you're asking this important question. Is this the day the Irish shows up at my work going she's, my wages, six seizes my bank accounts knock on the door or maybe forces the door open. Let me suggest In your irish nightmare caught up the matter,
Relief America's most trusted tax resolution for their experts in the fresh start initiative, a powerful iris programme Save you thousands of qualified, in fact optimal. Resolved over one billion dollars of tax debt for people just like you get them some mine, the comes when you have optimum on your side, standing between you and the iris fighting to helps aggressive collection actions and helping to protect your assets. Don't wait Put your iris worries to terrestrial eight hundred four nine sixty three hundred eight four nineteen sixty three hundred eight hundred four nine sixty three hundred miles The time don't wait any longer. Some restrict Supply for complete details please visit up the matter. Relief. Dotcom me, I would call Eight hundred four nine sixty three hundred number immediately
I'll, be right, back dreamy, retinal, rich patches, blemishes, red patches and blemishes without the harsh side effects just No, what LISA from Athens Georgia has to say. Been using China, so r, r and d redness on my face is gone. My skin clear and brighter, and so on. He I started using this product. Thank you. Show me introducing the brand new genocide, redness repair, the groundbreaking cream. She's what they next Jen Retinal effects to dramatically reduce the appearances of redness, hyper pigmentation and blemishes.
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I pay country MIKE in Dallas Scope you. Do markets calling about the family leave Sick, we after ten days gone paid family leave. I have to pay employed to turn of their normal salary. As at a later date or federal law Son Ramada was just class. Ask that you were just talking about so that in the federal law. Right now so I don't understand this if, if it's all businesses, in particular, are struggling Would you put a mandate on them? Will that gets the point why don't they do something to help me, I will try I'm trying to keep my employees working work. We have here work that we normally do What I do supports twenty to twenty five families. And I may not have a paycheck cooperation to try to keep everybody is included they can, but with this. I have to decide by next
I should like some people go because I can afford to have someone stay on their kids and be paid two thirds what I normally pay them, because their kids, let us go on that's also in the active Europe travels home on school, and you don't know you take years closed. The parrot stay home country a family Our view, Dig that at all, thank you MIKE. Let us go to know how you Young lady O color Florida a great Ws K. Why go am ARC Lou working here listening here last color with a small business and unjust Understan shock about what the Republican Party is not fighting strongly against these poor girl bill going through, I agree with you. I have a we'll worry about now, go on and on about socialist spied and socialist Sanders, and then
Nonetheless, gentlemen, car. These, struggling these guys are struggling. They put a new mandate on them, but don't worry. Temporary low nothing, in preparing the federal government. Is it now now at and they want to build it and velvet and build it, and if we don't, stop it and topics the only one I mean. Yes, there are some good fighters in Congress and some good fighters and the promises, the Treasury secretary this manoeuvre is, is the one giving most of the advice on this stuff is a liberal democrat way, ray and the F b I mean it's everywhere, it's everywhere and I'm not I said, I'm worried because we don't have the fighters like Trump and he's got to get in, but if we don't take back I am worried that manoeuvre is more concerned about protecting Wall Street in Wall Street. As defender it I mean no
key building a Wall Street with tarp in these other aright Lou. I appreciate your cup made. We have a lot more to go and only an hour to do it. I hope you ll stick with us all. You live in item. We gonna get what else you gonna do I'll be right back from the westward one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me underground for members from their bows or even longer, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact for their leader, everybody mark living here. Our number seven seven create one three, eight one one take. Seventy seven! Sorry, don't call him up. I am selling rain has never since day one. I ate six, six, five o five, forty six to six. Sorry! This is our
brain unbridled change. Back eight six, in five hundred five, forty six to six. Yes, the chloric, when Toy listen to this programme is a common malaria drugs, but it's also used for other illnesses. Rheumatoid arthritis also Callias crones other things. And we brought that up, several days ago as a very promising drunk. I had no, idea that the administration is actually focused on it, but one small article that I had found that day actually think my wife found there. And send it to me, but it was once more in a one article in a. And on our website at all, normally use either my figure, which website to
was picked up by cable tv in and so forth. But apparently the administrations been working on at the FDA. This is a good thing to get them Tom cotton out, there is doing yeoman humans work. On the China issue, as he always does. I'd always agree with all the spending ideas are only senators have that's for sure concerns me enormously, but that, aside He's been right on about China for a very, very long time, as has the president. And he is introducing, has introduced a bill wrongly discourage our pharmaceutical coming from continuing to invest in China and instead I urge them to invest in the United States now with a heavy hammer, but with incentives and we're gonna go. At the bottom of the hour a congressman
Who's been all over this issue in more when it comes to taunt. China's name is TED Yo Ho of of flora. And he is very good at this and we're going I talked about this rear rare earth, metals and pharmaceuticals they need to decouple our reliance on China's manufacturing, because China is threatening us now. Guy Taylor riding in the washed and times today, as the war words between China and the? U S over the covert nineteen heats up I guess that's the power they washed and times called the covert nineteen, but I'm not calling at that Tita by your virus, the church nor chinese virus or the witch hunt virus. That's accurate. W H show put our covert nineteen. I don t. You stay media have raised the spectre of using Beijing's pharmaceutical leverage to block critical.
Parliament's and supplies for dependent. U S, drug companies and set a merit into quote a hell of a novel corona virus, dynamic, unquote. While indian several european nations play critical roles in the global medical supply chain. China is among the top Providers of active fun suitable ingredients, they com, AP eyes, the basic components, Antibiotics at other prescription, drugs consumed by Americans. With the corona virus crisis, threatening to strain the use governments largest stockpile of such drugs, health experts worn China's own Reagan, related societal, shut down could mean major shortages ahead, as chinese food Three struggle to keep up production of the API eyes. The Trump administration, a makers from both parties, are now calling for a dramatic revamping domestic you as drug manufacturing operations that outsource to China and a handful of other nations over the past twenty years.
The farm a letter and online new site covering the pharmaceutical on biotech industries are heard. Some our numbers on Europe's dependence on chinese producers. In a court accounted for. Ninety five percent of yours, imports of Ibuprofen ninety percent of yours imports of hydrocortisone. That's a big deal. Seventy percent of imports I'd say: oh ass, a team enough forty sent to forty five percent Eu Us imports of penicillin fur. Percent of use, imports of hopperson of Heparin. I can read, but what I really I can. In Commerce Department data at all. Eighty percent of the earth's Supply Annabel audits are made in China now, ladies China's an enemy it is, communist regime. It is doing everything it can to harm our country without
straight out war. Those of you who and orange and that most of you former another. Some pharmaceuticals should be very concerned about this. Even without a conscious boycott policy by the Beijing government, the disruption of chinese domestic production caused by the pandemic his straining the global system. So there are moves afoot to discourage this and is strongly encourage. Investment in our country will talk. To one of the leading a thinker and activists on this in Congress representative to Yo Ho of Florida, bottom of the hour. That's the plan and think this again. This is important and we want to be in front of the curve on this stuff, but that's even more than that. Here's another piece in the washing times by bill gates. China has called for using electromagnetic attacks on yours. Warships. Choose me
transiting. The South China Sea, according to a state, run chinese outlet, the Communists, party affiliated organ global times, quoting Military experts said the use of non lethal electro magnetic and laser weapons should be used. People's Liberation Army to expel I can warships from the disputed see this The South China Sea, which really is a disputed at all the Chinese claim its there's would know base whatsoever. And over five trillion dollars in economic Activity, transit to navigate through that area every year, the reply, Follow China's potentially dangerous use of a laser against a Navy p. Eight eight Marine patrol craft near Guam last month, in an earlier lacing to you. Ago of a sea one thirty aircraft near China's military base on the coast of Africa. The
Was published to stay the same day, the Pacific Fleet first on Twitter that the aircraft carrier strike group, By the? U S: S, Theodore Roosevelt! In the: U S S America, amphibious carrying leader of an expeditionary, strike group or conduct exercises in the south, China, sea. The training exercise for both strike groups included fighting a fight maneuvers Air defence tests and surface support, MRS Exercises, the fleets The report on the exercise a one point. Carried out a simulated visit board, search and seizure exercise on the guided, A cruiser? U S, S Bunker Hill Code into the report Large scale maneuvers are a direct challenge to China's claims to control. Ninety percent of the South, China Sea. Despite an international court ruling several years ago, rejecting those claims the global times
Lord said, the carrier operations mark the third time in the past week, The? U S, warships, have trespassed into this Koran quote so China got an increasingly aggressive. Their aggressive in our hemisphere, their aggressive throughout South EAST Asia. Their aggressive in Africa sadly looks like the Philippines under a nut job who runs a country. Is leaving our orbit as an ally and moving into the chinese orbit. The Chinese by a lot of support. With the money they put in these countries, and yet they a boning these countries hook line Sinker to discuss these sorts of things, as I say, with the TED Yo The bottom of the hour, who really is on top of this it's very important,
to disengage, because China is the source of every major. Major, not every, but every major virus in the last several decades that has affected our country. Sars virus this virus, while their others like the murders virus and so forth, but me, major viruses. Let me put it that way that have affected our country like this current virus. It's a disgrace: three out of ten american say. China should pay a price for this, and I think they should. Meanwhile our media. So when you call that China virus thee. Whew Hon virus and why must be a racist, is a very good piece, but I've been time others a long time by John. Annual Davidson at the federalists them You are embarrassing themselves over trumps use the chinese virus. He said
can be described, as a moment of unconscious self parry. The media pretended not to understand why Trump would refer to a virus in geographic terms if they never. The spanish flu, though NEO Virus, Ebola, Zika lines, These are the many other diseases team for their places of origin, as if they I've been doing the same thing for months. Because the mainstream media's ranks are populated by biased hacks, who don't care, half. About reporting accurately and the war on. On a virus? Is they care by make Trumps seem like a racist. Why you can't calling at the chinese virus seemingly indignant and beware its Cecilia Vega, ABC News during Trumps Press briefing yesterday in Look angry at the president. Totally disrespectful, citing quote diamonds event should ensure bias against change. Americans in their country. Unquote,
this raises trumps Answer- was straightforward and bone crushingly obvious. He said because it from China, saw races. It all comes from China. That's why it comes from China. I wanna be accurate. Others a point about accuracy. Indeed, Chinese is not a race, but a nationality like American and, of course, the phrase chinese virus that we're chinese as an ally, to modifying the noun virus. But said all that aside watching the exchange, you would have to wonder Is there no one in the White House Press Corps whose willing to pull Vega aside and implore her? And not do this sort of thing on National TV is there no one who will politely tell her she's, making a full of herself and in the process making Tire press corps look ridiculous, patently not if anything, Vegas pension four performative outrage and concern controlling is shared by many of our colleagues
later in the same briefing, a reporter asked the president about someone named name: Whitehouse official. Reportedly you the term kung flew, I don't mean, cause problems. Mr producer, I wouldn't use that phrase. Never what occurred to me. But remember the show, Kung FU the show, you're too young to remember pleasure, show actually a very respectable show kung fu. So I dont know if anybody said this, I don't even know. If there is such a person, there were asked by the present And then later Kelly, Car way will who said it who's my you know. We can't tell you that what course you can but Is come, flew racist? I don't even understand what that's all about. It's a joke. Kung, FU was a tv show again it wasn't. A mockery. Wasn't provocative anyway. The farmers
Beginning after the briefing reporters and punish scurried back to their studios, newsrooms too Pose serious monologues straight shooting explains about dangers of scapegoating and racism in of crisis. Vocs as expected turned out at article about how quote trumps new fixation on using a racist name for the court current the corona viruses dangerous over the Atlantic, which has been due to Regurgitating Chinese Communist Party propaganda for weeks now, James Tut tut it over the phrase: Grammy would see me sing it opportunities. Stare at Trump voters declared trouble. Some chinese virus that the trumpeters retreat, like a child. Those blanket to that kind of degenerate, called war squabble which he feels most secure and its support is most aggravated, NBC News Tree foreign correspondent, detested Richard Anglo out did in them earnestly reminding is viewers that scapegoating was a real problem quote in the middle
ages unquote and that Trump you see scapegoating chinese people by calling The chinese virus quote. This is a bad virus, China viruses said it doesn't speak Chinese. It doesn't the chinese people gathered people, morons These people, you realize their far more riled up about Trump, saying the words chinese virus. Then they are about that Chinese Communist Party covering up the disease for months, allowing millions of people from virus affected areas to travel overseas, silencing doc, Does he tried to get the word up spreading lies about how the virus originated in the United States and spelling, the american press from the country this week. Are all things the national press could be legitimately upset and outraged about. You might think they would be interested in reporting. In commenting on such things, stead were created to asinine lectures about xenophobia that the blue check media,
even believe themselves, and then it goes on. Grave disservice to this country, they morons populate the newsrooms in this country. Van Amy, The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
Talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! Our! I hears Republicans of assent via right scoop. Here's what they have direct cash plan; twelve hundred dollar check per person, so it's gonna from a thousand
phase out starting at seventy five thousand dollars income for an individual Lord five dollars for an extra one. Four dollars Each extra one hundred dollar at five Dollars per child, no money, incomes of individuals at ninety nine thousand dollars a more based on the twenty eighteen tax return. It is a one trillion dollar package. Even if I were sitting around trying to figure out a way to spend a trillion dollars in the most propitious way to really jumpstart the economy, this would not be it. So this is really intended as an effort to just People who are panicking or who are upset- and it is one damn expensive effort. Also loans to certain.
Our businesses that can be turned into grants if they can demonstrate that they use the money to maintain. Their payroll. I told you it's gonna, get very complicated now they're gonna be pushing an agenda. The chain, a restaurant, Need the money to run the business to pay the bills and that Those are not just for personnel. I gotta pay the food bills, the booze bills. I get a payer. And my taxes. I gotta pay utilities. I get a lot of expenses, it's not just personnel related, so if I can't show that most of the money or certain presented to the money or whatever the requirement, but it went to payroll, but instead want to stay in business. Isn't that the point? Well, that's not good enough! Apparently. These damn thing's its Is the same thing: you'll see what Paul.
This, but I'll, have nothing to do another trillion dollars down the toilet. That's marks opinion etches. My opinion Edward. In Wisconsin quickly on the mark of Inapt go Edward go where you gonna run out of time. I'd Edwards. Kathleen Long Island New York, W Abc go ahead quickly. Please you go ahead. Oh, I didn't even hear it It calls for another. Not hearing me, you got it, you gotta, pull it up. There go ahead. Can you hear me Mark Man, Thirty seconds left, I'm asking you over and over again the please speak she's gone
Ok, I was too great cause we'll be right. Back aim at the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC believe in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights,
full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot! U S, congressmen said Yo Ho. How are you, Sir Thunderbird
appreciate you have me on my pleasure, you become quite the experts on the communist regime in China. I want to start with this. Ooh Hon Virus to Europe. How did this start and what the Chinese do about it for a question. As you know, I sit on the Foreign Affairs Committee chaired the Asia Pacific Subcommittee on the ranking member this year, word. We had started off a fresh market or a fish market, and what, Resting is one we had our hearing. We had two epidemiologists, we ask them to question. The epicenter was reported to be at the fish market did do you feel it was? The forensic was done enough to study the origination of this and they both said no, and then China came in and bull those this place down. It does not make sense.
An epidemiological standpoint, and you know it. China then allow five million people believe that area as they are trying to suppress the information with the doktor. That was one at discovered this in the course. As you know, he wandered dying from mom the krona virus, so what we know is China has been very secretive about it. Now that the hypocrisy is are turning round, I want to blame the: U S army for this, and IRAN's jumped on at bandwagon assist lunacy, And so they have this mass of propaganda that foregoing congressmen and it seems like many of our media are not just taking the baby doing it with. Almost excitement at these presidential press conference they really are in that you know the hatred for president tromp. Is I've never seen this before you know and eight they do they just push as they try to discredit it. You know any any sense of just com.
The rationale they just they push out. So that's not true. You know we were involved in to truth, be no one united. I'm sure this is already out there and I'm sure you ve talked about it- is in lieu on two province of who Bay North of town and who they province for miles within four miles of that fresh market is their most advanced biological weapon factory and I'm not I'm not implying, but I'm I'm I'm raising the question. If the epicenter was there at the fresh market- and they didn't do the crack forensic on the epidemiological studies, why would you pull down Baldos down area. If you weren't drawn to conceal something- and I think that is something that needs to be researched and and looked at it- and let us hope that you know this was just a spontaneous virus that came out You know that this is your point, though we're not even allowed to discuss this right and end
farmer credible than the Russia collusion hoax yeah And when I may be allowed to discuss this in my understanding from MOB Michael, those barriers of anyone even raises it are not allowed to have access to the whole country of China. Absolutely I mean look at what the USA went through and I call it the woollen corona virus, and so they shut down Wall Street Journal went in New York Times, Washington, Post and Anne S threaten voice of American Times magazine. Because what China cannot under cannot tolerate if any contained or anybody challenging the soup. Enough of the Communist Party and shooting thing, and that the real world, and unfortunately, they ve grown up very close society that they could think they think they can control everything, but they can Congress TED. You, let me ask you this, for our farmers local companies
can I go mister producer by the way, our farmers? Companies rely very heavily on price Sir elements are material from China and China's threatening us how do we reverse that it over Backdoor manufacturers, eighty five and ninety percent of what we call the AP eyes, which are the act of pharmaceutical ingredients, come directly China, China Hope been found out to be changed, reagents are solvent that create the very basic ingredients of play, an ibuprofen which has announced a royal, an inflammatory. They change that basically greedy, and so the purity of the drug is different than what manufacturer, has country with the chinese chemical company. This is very well illustrated in a book called, are Ex China and not forget the authors name, but it's it's a fantastic book
because it shows the deceptive practices and how they avoid at the Are empty inspection in China and what we have to do as consumers and our government has put pressure on our manufacturers and we wrote a policy paper that we ve distributed and we ve the publication of it talks about manufacturing abc method and asked the manufacture anywhere, but China, you know when you read pills, berries book, which is an awesome book. The hundred your marathon China's goal is to be the world dominant superpower and Tom you buy a product made in China, weathers hidden in a pharmaceutical product ranch on the shelf and it's made in China. We are feeding that engine that their whole their whole purpose is to be the world dominant power. Not just economically but militarily. Also, do you
Think this event will change, at least some of that in the sense that the certainly more more people in the United States, but more more people throughout the planet, including leaders. These various governments are going to seem. Are you for when it actually is, you know, Mark. I think I think what we are saying is an awakening were starting to see manufacturers that are leaving an thou. We ve seen the big ones we ve seen apple, They're gonna start moving production out, but we have also seen the people that are creating the ball bearings or does the widget they're saying you know what the premium be in China used to be the cheap labour, but now that premium is we bought a five percent savings and then, if it study what China has done when you have, company over there, fifty one percent of it the majority time outside financial institution in insurance products, controlling interest of that company,
turned over to the chinese government, so they had to controlling, share that the thing? Is the Chinese Communist Party insisted that there was always somebody from the Communist Party on the board of that company. In its way, Nobody wants to go over there and for fear that, because answering your property and all that other stuff, and that was something else they brought up these manually. She told me that within five years, their product has been duplicated in competing against our own power, it looks just like a ranger over is a good example. China got a product that looks just like the ranger over but has got a chinese emblem name on it, and so people are waking up there. I dont understand this. If these are wise capitalists, why would you
commit suicide like this, they ve been so enamored by the one point three billion person market in China. They said they can afford to be there. My our talk to them is yes, it is the huge market but turn honoured eighty degrees away their over six billion. Loud here that aren't stealing your product as your manufacturing and they're, not putting a communist party member in your board and so market. To this other six point, three million be or billion. But what China deal with themselves? We don't wanna head on collusion, whether more kinetic conflict with them, but if we have enough corporations and another other nations
we're gonna change economic practices until you start becoming ever sponsible player in the world norm, and then we can do business. But until then I look for everybody to move as many as we can and we're seeing them go to India, Vietnam, Thailand, Central America, and this is something we as Americans. If we do not deal with this now can we will be hard to deal with three to five years from now we don't change representative Ted you ever. Let me ask you this, you know all this money being thrown around, I mean, I have to say I am very concerned about this? I don't see the connection between Twelve hundred dollars for this guy five hundred for that guy, complicated loans for these businesses, and so for I, I can't is it possible- and this is an example with china- straightforward, simple promotion
That is a credit card. Sir forbid, and sir whatever it is to encourage these companies to invest here. And not in China and Immediate may cost us in the sense of we're not getting monies from these companies, but I prefer that than throne many of these companies and other it lets create a busy environment, where it's easier for them to work here and build more than their way out, you know you right out that was a big portion of the american action, jobs ACT and Tax God. That was the lower corporate, because a lot of our companies initially went over there for the corporate tax structure. Then they went over there for the cheap labour and then that one point three billion person market We ve changed tack, structure and add has invited companies back, but I think at this point in time it ok in point. We had a manufacturer and last week that had a business in China, making surgical mass
The chinese government says we are not exporting these. They are staying toward domestic market. We need Visels companies to come back. You know a way you know with this pandemic, that's going on! You know to invite him and then Tyson back here that much more rapidly and once we make that that change you're going to see the supply chain, leave China and more diversified with trusted allies. I'm sure you are aware that China controls virtually on a per cent of the river of metals and go indoors, electrons
They go indoors: satellite communications equipment or military equipment missile guidance systems. China controls. Ninety percent of it comes directly from China, the other ten percent come from countries that get it from China. We ve got initiatives and present tromp, put in a strategic metals initiative which it, which is awesome because we ve not had that, and then we ve got legislation were trying to reclaim this and allow for american manufacturers and mining operations, to stockpile this, or at least have an identified where we can go after it immediately if we need to or from a trusted ally outside of China. Please read write another thought I I mean with these rare materials as it, because there they're in the ground and China, is it because China controls them around the world.
Around the World- Africa, South America, the amateur scattered out there in our country, but with our yea regulation, the mining regulations, we ve crippled our industry keys and then their cheaper getting them, China, so China goes and through their belts, road initiative, when's, cheap money syrup or landing practice, and when the country can't pay him back they'll take over a share. That mine or controlling share of that, and then they also gone and a thumb like A rare metal, Welsh and will do is though flood the market drop. The price other companies go out of business because I can't compete in China takes over and they ve done enough and south American I've done Central America. There are none,
and I've tried to do this everywhere, and this is part of that Bell Road Initiative. That leaves the country straddled, and then they are indebted to China in China. You know picks up the spoils of that And the President and Congress, but the press, this countering these things everywhere. He can isn't that correct. I tell you what I so proud of what he's doing them. Wait he's gone after this. You don't get to this point by design. This is through negligence. And sir just dereliction of duty over the last thirty or forty years, president tromp have the policy on China correctly he's going after the strategic minerals or looking at reclaiming M through me, using technologies where you go from waste energy to the reckless
what we call e waste like when you throw a computer or tv away. There's a lot of rare earth metals in there over the course of a year. We can reclaim that so we don't have to dig new. The other thing is to open up our minds and the free up some of the regulars so that we can start creating those minerals here and that were not indebted to another nation, China withheld the railroad metals from Japan several years ago over fishing rights in some of the islands that are disputed. And Japan wound up capitulating thing. You know what we need: the matter: fish wherever you want and they have threatened with whole metals from Us- and this is not acceptable and these policies President has earned our spot on we'll congressman TED, you you're a terrific. I really
appreciate your focus on this and you explaining this to millions of people who are listening, and God bless you, Sir, and thank you after you have won over by two excellent. We'll be right. Back then aims the association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them
believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! My understanding that the gentlemen, you just heard the congressmen Yo Ho was a veterinarian.
When he ran for office and twenty twelve he the serving four terms, eight Here's total that's it and this This fourth term and is eight year, ends the end of this term and he's retiring. Is actually. Doing what he said is a real stand up guy, I don't know a lot about it, but I mean bring lose a lot of knowledge when it comes to China. That's for sure he was terrific TED Yo Ho Jerry, forsake New Jersey, the Great W Abc, go more.
What we should do, number one get all students added a country, that's the first and pro or low reporters out bone allowed on four by any property or anything any more bring back all men of factual, close down their banks and where I can get along list put it up on my facebook, sir, if you well, because we have to go heartbreak got in the show. We salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters, emerging personal, all you fuck, now, they're all you heroes, helping us deal with this virus, taking good care of us. Thank you I'll, see right here tomorrow be safe and harmless from the west. Would one pod gas network.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.