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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/16/20


On Monday's Mark Levin Show, we are extremely lucky to have this President and Vice President coordinating the federal response to this pandemic. There is a serious potential danger for the coronavirus, but right now the number of positive cases averages to 82 people per state and averages to less than 1.4 deaths per state. The cure for coronavirus will not come from Congress, it will come from the innovation unleashed in the private sector. Let's not forget that the shortage of tests didn't come from the White House — it came from the CDC. The Democrats are creating as much hype and hysteria about a depression to funnel as much money to states like New York. Nationalizing industries, quantitative easing, and quasi-dictatorial decision-making along with massive regulation will only hurt this nation. FDR did this when he took America from a recession to a depression. What President Trump's administration has done in the past six weeks is nothing short of remarkable. Making money available to businesses that need it to get over the hump caused by this pandemic is another reason why this will not be a depression. Then, the big difference from the recession of Carter-Reagan, or the great depression was caused by financial collapse, not because of the virus. America’s financial position is stronger than it’s been in a long time. This isn't the Federal Reserve causing this recession, it’s the response to mother nature and this virus that are causing these economic consequences. Later, in Canada, liberal Trudeau announced that he will be closing the Canadian border. Yet, Joe Biden said in last night's debate that he would not construct a wall or deport anyone unless they commit a felony inside of the United States.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening.
And my sincere appreciation to Hills: Dale, further sponsorship, now broadcasting them only underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America, Mark living here, aren't number eight. Seventy seven three! Once we ain't one one, eight, seventy seven, three one, three one! Why? God and you can watch the tv and listening to radio? Don't you feel like you want to go to the roof, your house and jump off? Mr producer, I mean this is being compared to the worst economic disaster in the history of em
erica the worst health disaster in the history of America. I want to give you some statistics and I'm not downplaying the potential the potential seriousness of this, but I've got a temp. This time you go to the drug. Port even take a knife and stick it in your ear, Mr Produce one year to the next, I'm sure the hits her high and heavy for some of the other hyper out there again, I'm not downplaying this in the least, but I want to give you some perspective The latest number I have is forty one hundred people infected right. Mr producer. The CDC says less, but I'm taking this number cuz it's passed around in the press, as I speak, suggested basic math. Without a computer, we did it here. There's fifty states. That means eighty two people per state aren't isn't happening
In some states, of course, were hit worse than others like Washington, state and sofa. Eighty two people estate. Eighty two people estate- that's not the say, won't become a thousand at some point, but right now, it's eighty two people estate The last summer I have a sixty eight deaths of the last six weeks in the United States that fifty states again that's one point: three: statistically deaths per state again some states or worse, not in fact, there's a Nursing home in a pretty, a community where a significant number of deaths occur, but if you played out that's one point three desperately and you have people told me about a national, locked a national lockdown a what is going to be in charge of that which department which White House For a national lockdown.
Now this is gonna. Get worse. Everybody knows it's going to get worse. Everybody knows in China statistics are unreliable, but according to the cdc they ve had. Eighty one thousand people infected to lotta people. Eighty thousand. But again, if I divide that by fifty states, that's one thousand six hundred and twenty people per state again just to give it some perspective. It's a lot of But I'm not dismiss any humanitarian casualties here: seven thousand people worldwide have died so far and many more will and so what gum? and around the world are trying to do now is control. It contain it and whether you look it now South Korea, ITALY,.
Parts of Europe, Israel, the United States, different steps are being taken for different countries, said, have different issues. The genius of our country is that we have fifty states is we have thousands of localities and counties. Is there. Have a robust private sector. If you're looking to Congress to fix this, Congress is not going to fix this. Stimulus g. We ve never done that before what happened to the trillion dollar Obama Stimulus. What about all the money the the tobacco companies gave the state It was all pissed away, because the governments not effective in spending money. Layers and layers of bureaucracy, the states of letters and letters and bureaucracy till it gets to the little guy It gets the assembly line work at the blue collar worker. You know that Bob was taken a big chunk of the money
lot of. It is not stimulus. Alot of its just pure debt, pure debt,. Shimmers out there with a seven hundred and fifty that really more seventeen fifty billion dollar stimulus bill. Seven Fifty billion dollars, write it up in his office. He knows nothing, science. He knows nothing about medicine he wants shove as much money too states and the localities as possible and then declare look We're doing look at all this outstanding work. We're doing the FED is back quantitative easing the zero percent effectively. Shovelling. God knows how much money into the economy. Now, how did we get a great depression
Did we get a great depression and nineteen twenty nine? Now, that's not when the great depression occurred. Yet the stock market crash, but that's not when the depression occurred. You had a horrible recession. You have scholar after scholar whose writ about this, the great depression, Kurd because of empty ares reaction horrible recession and what did after do? What did he do? A pump any pump, the prime. What do I mean by that man the expansion of the central government met of control by the central government of various industries, man the regulation massive effectively Americans pull up your decision, making it all kinds of economic dislocated and that he can. Like this location, led to ten years of economic blight.
Twenty five percent unemployment, a complete a complete, Evaluation of our financial markets- that's what I am. Listed, centralized decisionmaking, get you the people she didn t see whether you call them congressmen are senator or a bureaucrat on one agency or another. They don't Have the information and a credibly, complex society make all the right decisions. Governors Tony have the information right, make all the right decisions. And so you have predictable and unpredictable outcomes, but there won't be a depression. This time you know why It's not nineteen, twenty nine, this time, you know why, because President Trump is president, not Franklin, Roosevelt
Franklin, Roosevelt, was an eighty alike. President he's not he's a practical man who embraces the private sector, but also embraces practical governmental action, and that's it. Actually, what he's been doing with effects should step in Prague or even effectively, control he's doing that buddy being very prudent, he's being very measured. That doesn't mean he's not taking bold action, since one is ball back described as stupid. Centralized decisions more massive stimulus spending more some governments not to say that the President one eventually moving these directions? My point you, as this one, gonna get out of this by replicating what Franklin rows of did, taking a recession toy depression. What gonna get out of this by further turning our constitutional system inside out.
Further nationalizing through the back door. The private sector actually you're not going to be found in the House of representatives they're not going to be. The United States Senate the vaccine, you're, not going to be found in one bureaucracy or another they're gonna be found in these hated farmers. Suitor companies like Roach, they're gonna, be found, and these here labs, they're gonna, be found I hated private sector that is pounded in
I did and pounded over and over and over again that's where it's going to be. If that's where it's gonna be. These demands that confuse bold leadership with iron fist at centralized cause. I dictatorial authority decision making are utterly and completely and outrage asleep misplaced. You exercise judgment judgment, that's what you do Any area can put forward is seven hundred fifty billion dollar stimulus bill. You ve gotta, make wise decisions, has pressed for the United States as governors and his mares as well as much as I like this, The head of the CDC fallacy, let the CDC whose tests
tests, we're not right in the weren't enough of them, MR, but is it wasn't the oval office. So I am not one to look back and start attacking these people, not in the least war, Confronting now is something we ve never seen before it Something we ve never seen before and what's fascinating debate, a little attention is paid. To really thee. How can I explain them to the new ways, a new paths that are being that are being made here by the present the United States in Hell. He's approaching this despite the Vicious relentless onslaught that he's taking of people in the media who served as Democrats and served and democratic ministration derive a progressive mindset and even others, and even others.
What's been done by this administration in a six week period is absolutely remarkable. Its unprecedented on precedent. It when the Sars virus it by the way also coming out of China. You didn't see this kind of response. Thousands of people in the United States died from Sars. There haven't come up with new kinds of test travel to produce and on a massive scale they need or ventilators. Aspirators of a sort that we weren't that we advocate the. Mt of which we weren't for no one now they're trying to produce them as fast as I can. But then you have out there, who want to build bill facilities Bill Bill Bill Bill, but to what end. We don't even react this way to cancer and care during its multiple forms, takes heaven Normal number of people every year, normal number of people, you re a heart attack
Some strokes take out an enormous number of people. Every year by labeling them. If we did pandemics, what are we gonna do spend a trillion dollar stimulus bill on cancer, a trillion dollars, stimulus bill on heart disease, a trillion a statement on what is the point that the federal government can. Be the employer of last resort for everybody? I can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it. It already is in many respects, with unemployment. Insurance and so forth and so on, and it doesn't report? Job are running these programmes and so do the stage for the most part. So we look to the government to do things to do things. That require a centralized focus, but we don't look to the Amid the centralized virtually
Decision making. And to use it as an opportunity to recklessly run up the debt and start spreading money to their favorite politicians and their favorite states their favorite mayors. This is not the time for that. Another reason this won't be the great depression, because the federal service, actually doing the right thing before the stock crash and during the mark stock market trap, cracked and not Freeman row brilliantly about this. Our monetary system was mismanaged in by the Your government they're than lose money. They tightened money. One. More money was needed for the economy, pour money out of the economy. They trotted off. Federal Reserve is doing the opposite. Each making money easier and easier to get now? Why does matter because
these businesses that are hurting may need money, may need law. From banks and so forth and so on to get over that to get through it. Somebody costs a lot less at almost costs. Nothing. That's why they lowered the virtually zero percent. That's it nothing action and remarkably, it was presently United States, who is demanding that they lowering interest rates even be or this virus, but particularly when this virus started, he said the feds not doing enough the feds doing enough when the FED is done with the FED can do exactly what it should have done now to another reason there won't be the great depression. I just don't want you to be scared off the cliff. Is this tough? Yes, it's tough! It's very difficult
We can't predict the future. This is a new virus. It spreads very quickly very quickly, but some perspective is necessary. The vast majority of people who get this virus are going to live. Some will not like every other virus, but what upsets people would frustrate frustrate, is the unpredictability of it since we ve ever seen this before? I understand that I have the same feeling my family the same for members of my family, that very weak immune systems. And so I worry about the very much I worry about them very much More when I come back, then I've been talking.
About the four pillars, her purposes of the Helstone College Mission, learning character, faith and freedom. We focused quite a bit on the first pillar of learning what about character? Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It isn't, smoke without strong character, hills, Dell's, great And Larry aren't in his outstanding faculty, had hills they'll know that intellectual? who is meaningless without moral virtue that having knowledge doesn't mean much? If you don't, you But you know to serve the good, however, possible and ears abstaining. Fact every entering freshmen helstone signs and honor code. That reads as follows: a hailstones college student is honourable link that honest in word and deed dutiful instead the service and respectful of the right Others through education The student rises to self government. Now to learn more visit, Lavigne for hills down back, come that's alleviate, free hills, Del back, I'm leavin free Thursday dot com
We always want to be correct here, my bedroom, my buddy more flying, says director national edge to biology infectious diseases. Dna H, that's Anthony, felt whose job it is correct now, just to give you feel The flu in the last year and were coming out of the flu season now killed an estimated thirty thousand people in this country. Mr produced this year, this past twelve month period and, of course the flu typically isn't at its peak all twelve months longer is a pig parent, but an estimated thirty thousand people and, if fluctuate between twelve thousand and almost eighty thousand a year, depending on how bad and depend
How many strange thirty thousand people. We didn't have a national lockdown nor the rest of it. We have what we thank her. Vaccines and therapies and so forth, which in some cases do a good job and obviously, in other cases than work. Will eventually have something for this: the war. Corona virus, but we don't right now. The worldwide death number. The CDC from me on corona virus is currently is seven thousand now battle go up. We have thirty thousand deaths. This flu.
I'm not doing this to pretend that this virus is not serious. It is serious. I'm doing this Because I don't want to be part of the hype machine, People who know nothing about this virus. Coming on tv and radio, scaring me up out of you? on tv who lie. About Russia and Ukraine and so forth. Trashing, the president, using this is another opportunity to hype and drama, eyes their agenda I'll, be back. I've been talking a lot about the four pillars for purposes of the hills, to college mission, learning, character, faith and freedom. We focused quite a bit on the first pillar of learning, what about character. Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It isn't pass without strong character, Hills Dell's great, Larry aren't in his outstanding faculty hills. They'll know that intellectual
who is meaningless without moral virtue that, having knowledge doesn't mean much. If you don't you, but you know, to serve the good, however, possible and ears abstaining fact. Every entering fresh. That hailstones signs and honor code. That reads as follows: a helstone College student is honourable and conduct honest in word and deed dutiful. Instead, the service and respectful of Rights of others through education, the student rises to self government? now to learn more visit, Lavigne for hills down back, come that's alleviate free hills! Drawback come live in France, Thursday that come. You know, member that man,
testing that much testing there will be much more in the near future, of course, so maybe, let's, let's pretend there's two producer- that there's a half a million people who have this virus may be a million people who have this virus. I guess it would make the death toll even smaller right as a percentage unless there are not able to. Term how many people are actually dying from the virus, but then we're in never never land and we're busy chasing our tails. Everyone who s heart diseases and tested for heart disease. We don't really know how many people in this country of heart disease cause everyone's not tested, for. We just don't know. Can I get a walk in its? I want to test for heart disease, not maybe as it maybe. Maybe some people do
have conditions are warranted and so forth and so on, but rational. Statisticians and expert come up with conclusions you're, the best estimates that they can so how many people really of heart disease in this country. We don't really know how many people die from heart attacks and this country, because everybody doesn't get an autopsy. Some, Well, it's obvious. Some people is not I'm just giving an example. How many people cancer today. Was sadly enough, some people cancer today and they don't know they have it. So presumably more than the number we know so people can play, these numbers all they want. I'm just described What's in front of us discussing what's in front of us
But I'm assuming this a serious, don't get me wrong. I'm assuming this is a bad thing. I know it is. There is simply no question about that. Look at China. Look at South Korea, look at ITALY and but the President How do we prevent us from becoming them. There's a lot of president can do. There's a lot governor's. Look how these can do, but there's only so much. It's still a virus Government is government here Beings are human beings, we're not God we're, not God. And what we have to do is make sure we dont make matters worse without trial, naturally economic systems or medical system. That's why filled present has been doing a proven, He hasn't been hesitating.
Yes, a bit slow. He's made a lot of very big decisions, but he aids, the information to make trees, making the right decision, so it doesn't make matters worse. It's easy for me, Senate Monotony leader to throw around seven hundred three quarters of a trillion dollars, stimulus plan and look for. I know our president will sign it might do, and I the guy he decides to much of this stuff, but that's fine. Two saying, but they have Chuck Schuman know: what does he have access to very little. But the number sounds good, seven hundred fifty billion seven hundred forty two billion. One at seven and thirty: seven billion three hundred million So a lot of money. There are seven hundred and eighty seven billion.
There's no Reimer reason this I want to talk. About the media to in a moment. Because this is endless, it is depressing. And you're not getting a lot of real information, these people, it's not like there therein war on China. ITALY or South Korea interviewing people. Basically there getting the information from our federal government, state, local governments and some of them precious few reporting the facts than others are using it. Why You do that's. How come you haven't done that? Why weren't you wear? That's! How come you didn't orders? How come you didn't know how committed anybody can do it and that's why Nepal, hispanic like panic, like Romney, is right now this haven idea, let's give everybody a thousand dollars and infants, Hundred dollars, that'll get the egg
to me, going, though, awoke? How will they get the economy going you're being told not, the restaurants not too good. A bar is not to go to sporting events, not together in a group Than ten how's it going to get the economy going, even though the thousand bucks in your pocket Does he continued to drive up the debt, never gonna increase taxes? This kind of thinking is is really for mush heads Tarzan, consider it I mean I get a zillion Elsa day, I've got my local representative, who is a left wing Democrat quack. Sending me Rona virus advice. Why do I need corona virus advice from her.
Then we get Chuck with a mass of stimulus bill. I mean there is nothing about finance. Nothing about the economy has spent his entire life in government. What do you mean he's gonna put title on it and then people in that? Well, that's good! Now things moving again: no awoke President is right everything you can to address. This virus is what's going to get the economy going again. I watched this press event today. I got to tell you folks and I'll I'll go against the current hear you better We are extremely lucky to have this bread in the extreme Lucky to have this vice president, they are on top of this. They ve been on top of this. They are coordinate. The federal response there coordinating the activities between the private and public
entities, their coordinating with governors and localities. Cannot just sharing information, they're getting directional, what's import Giving directional what's important using the best scientists and medical experts that they can find many We ve been through various pandemics before. I mean there's a lot going on that. We know what a lot going on the we don't know. We don't know today what lab Who is doing what? What for she's doing what what scientists are on the verge of what. Here in Israel around the work we don't know, we get little news. Ports here and there, but we actually dont know but the other day When they talked about what Walmart is ready to do, and others are ready to do a google and so forth its wonderful.
All in six weeks time when you think about it all, six weeks time. No, I know many of you, you one case in your eye rays are plummeting sore mine, so is mine, just relax, six months. It will be a completely different story in one year and a year and a half completely different story, so For yourselves and look at your own situation, let's say on a home told us to a family member last night, let's say on a home. And this family members mortgage rate is four percent. I believe I said, go refine it, but they're closing cuts it go refinance. They just put the home a year ago, said refined.
Mr producers, doing the same thing. Now is the time to refinance you: will Save, depending on which an enormous every month I went about closing p well. First of all, you got to just talk to one mortgage company or banking cop to several, but that said, you do what you want. I'm just talking about mark. You can wrap, though the cost to the more each MR producer and the Bay eggs have loosen the regulations, so it's easy to get the more And the points will be lower now the time to act, not jump off the roof you haven't bought a home, and I what the economy looks, like our words had it, but if you have a job, that's not affected direct
We that is you're not in a restaurant business with barbarism somewhere in it's sad, sad thing of what's going on in those businesses now may be the time to buy. When the bottom fell out of the real estate market, what was that two thousand and seven slash two thousand and eight something like that? That's when I went to Florida and bought a p land that I could never otherwise get, and I'm not supposed to say these things, but I'm telling you we'll have to follow me on that day. Ramsay I'm neck, Rick annulment, I'm just What Mark Lavinia does pretty damn well on his own, I said my wife the next day or two. You know you invest in these mutual funds, real time moving or I treasury and other monies to keep an eye on the market out of that and into the market. You know that old
bumper sticker statement by low and so high never been truer, never been true. And I'm not saying this to pump up anyone or anything, I'm just telling you your hearing. One side of the story hearing one thing I have to say this. I've been to the grocery store now ice in the last five days. Today was unbelievable. While I was at this gross the supermarket really they had a delivery of toilet paper, MR tradition, and they started up in the corner. That occur couple a big eyes, one big gal. I must say they look like you know, bouncers at a bar. One, not one role, one package of twelve per customer, no one very smoothly, but then
I walked down the shells solely empty shells, chicken empty meek on thought to myself. What's going on here, this isn't Venezuela. This is in Cuba, since the old soap, union. This is a war on China. Why? The horrific panic I blame it on three things: the media number one in foremost, the politicians number two. And the natural concern about the future, which we cannot be certain number three. But you cannot watch CNN. You cannot watch MSNBC, you can. I read the New York Times at the Washington Post. You cannot listen to the bulk of radio news and some radio host you can. I go to the
report. You can I go to the media site sites like that and walk away without being panic. And what all these news outlets you're doing older? No, Or maybe a new is a disgrace you're getting very little factual information the vast majority. The factual information we are getting is each day. The president and or vice president hold their national precedent. And they stand there for an hour. Times an hour and a half would the experts explaining what they're doing that Get the bulk of my information, MR producer. Or doing my own research people who are real Serious scholars, you're, not gonna. It on CNN you're not gonna, get on MSNBC as embassy payment axe to grind that's all they do you're not gonna, get it from these websites who take the most her Big events- cherry pick them fly
them up there in red or whatever. I want you to go. Click click, click, click. Or farming should come on tv and radio. I want you to that they're? No, they have no granted sides no background of medicine, but then they- everything or they know what what needs to be. Nobody's listening to them. Horse. Their financial economic advice is always the same. Spend spend, spend and spend Centralized decision making centralized decision, making more bridge more tunnels, more buildings, more more more, like that's, gonna fix something. Well, it's not I'll, be right back then I've been talking
about the four pillars: her purposes of the Helstone College Mission, learning character, faith and freedom. We focused quite a bit on the first pillar of learning, What about character? Learning the right things to the point where you truly no them is a rigorous business. It isn't mobile without strong character, Hills Dell's great and Larry aren't in his outstanding faculty. Hills. They'll know that intellectual virtue is meaningless without moral virtue that, having knowledge doesn't mean much. If you don't you but you know, to serve the good, however, possible and ears abstaining fact every entering fresh At science and honor code that reads as follows: a hill stock. College student is honourable and conduct honest in word and deed dutiful instead, The service and respectful of rights of others through education The student rises to self government. Now to learn more visit, Lavigne for hills down back, that's alleviate free hills, down back, I'm leavin, free
Thursday that come the next hour, I want to talk about another thing, well, including why this is nothing like. We go into a recession, pass recession toward the depression, nothing I keep it on tv, leftists us Governors and mayors are to step into the void, because the president isn't making these decisions that their way ahead, shutting schools closing. Strands in bars. First of all, there not feeling any void they're doing the damn jobs. Sign up to the present the United States to shut down classrooms and low bars and restaurants. We have governors and mayors for not to shut them down, but the make decisions on the ground,
What makes the left then some, pseudo concern was happy, Just see a lotta actual lot, a centralized governmental action, but that's not the way to handle it. Some localities are different. Another some states are different than others. And where the federal government steps in the federal government steps and there's a balance, but you here that they want the president the step in I just everything in ITALY. As you see, he's not doing enough. Why Those he's not find the economy he's not destroying checks and balances, he's destroying everything in dealing with this virus. Which would add up did nothing anyway. Dick, where their sovereign right back from the West would one podcast network,
easy now: broadcasting them only underground than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant Ere. I number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one three I want so the president is being Frederick decentralize, all state and local decision making in the oval office. School should be closed up to him Strengthen bar should be closed up to him church synagogues and more should be closed up to him.
The enormous amount of power, not only that we're not spending enough Fifty billion dollars is a drop in the buck. How do the national emergency yet. Shimmer says we need to spend another seven hundred and fifty billion that would come to eight hundred billion still not enough. Still not enough, every person who loses their job should be guaranteed in income. Every person who loses their job should be guaranteed in income really, since, when
I was listening, I don't mind some temporary things and so forth. That's never the Democrats role about that's not actually what's going on here. If the federal government is going to force businesses to shudder, that's one thing. Like the federal government, regulates the airlines and so forth. I understand all or if there's a temporary infusion of funds. I got that too, but seven In fifty billion those that is a lot of money, not going to do a hell of a lot. You know the worst session I'm sixty two. The worst recession I lived through was Lee during the early part of the ragged administration, he kind of inherited it from Jimmy Carter, and I dont remember. All these efforts to build government buildings. Are all these demands to bill government buildings govern. Hi ways: government tunnels.
Despite enormous amounts of some in the year when the federal government. I remember reagan- just holding steady and vulgar building steady, different circumstances I understand, but for unemployed it doesn't make any better. As a result of a tough twelve. Eighteen month period, the economy exploded in wealth, Asian exploded in jobs, twenty five million jobs created right through the Reagan's second term into the Clinton presidency. We ve never seen anything like this. Never still have it it's hard to hold the line, sometimes ebbed away. Again, I am not downplaying this virus, I'm trying to put it in some perspective, some contact cause. There's too many people hyping. This thing
Way too many we don't wanna Franklin Roosevelt. We wanted Donald Unnatural, we ve got whose more Greg, and then rows of, we don't want a president and a party. That's going to use this as an opportunity to fundamentally transform America. One of the reasons some of these governors, like Cuomo and others, are complaining. It's the same reason: the people on tv or pundits complain. Does the american people very anti about this. Because our any simple solutions to this. Because in order to have treatments- and vaccines and so forth. It takes time even when you trunk eight, the protocols suggests easy.
And what a weaker president would do is all of a sudden. You start doing all these things to nationalized decision making and so forth. Now why is this possible recession different than nineteen? Twenty nine. Or even different from the recession under Carter Reagan Wise a different anyway. No must produce. Do you know why because it wasn't caused by the financial system and it wasn't caused by the economy. He wasn't caused by the stock market. The ECB and financial institutions economic and financial systems are streamline strong? The reason Should we have a recession or negative growth is result,
this virus and the response to the virus. We didn't have a collapse of the stock market leading to a mass of recession, and then decisions leading to a depression weather. A virus and the consequences from the virus. The decisions it is a result of the virus, not purely economic decision so was purely or mostly economic and financial decisions that led to the great depression. People stretched on margin for their stocks, buying stocks, pennies pennies on the dollar decisions by the. Federal reserve tightening the money supply rather than loosening and on and on and on, and then of course, this Since by Roosevelt you don't have that here.
You don't have the Federal reserve causing a recession. You dont have been the year the fiscal side, causing a recession. You don't have stupid decisions made economic. Causing this a possible recession, you responses. To mother nature and this virus. Decisions being made civil society about the civil society that result in economic consequences It's not the economy, other their financial systems that are weak or bad decisions, in that regard that their leader, to some kind of economic downturn know they are reacting. And reacting the way they should react. Quite frankly, too
Citizens are made as a result of a pandemic, so it has nothing common, would pass recession, should the depression, nothing whatsoever. And will say the outcome will be the same either, because we have a different president, whose not April restive seeking to use the opportunity to Jaeger Society, a demand, simply grow the federal government Conversely, when you listen to this debate by these two clowns last night, that's all they kept talking about now. What's it thing is in Canada, Trudeau, there's, a big lip minority. Today. Only canadian citizens. A handful of others, american citizens relative few others are going to be allowed to come into Canada, dear this, MR producer, he said Donald Trump on the border
No, it Joe Biden said yesterday. Job I said yesterday there will be no deportations for the first three Six months of this presidency, I don't reckon. What he said was three or six months a hundred days. Whatever was unless, You commit a felony in America. So if you ve committed a felony, Mexico or whatever country, and you get into America that not a basis for deportation. If you commit, Having misdemeanor in America, that's not a basis for deportation, the factory here. Illegally is not a basis for a deportation. Joe Biden says he will not construct a Canadian So, ladies and gentlemen,. Even the left wing, canadian Prime Minister, Trudeau,.
Since I must secure their border and only canadian citizens. American citizens at a handful of other would be permitted Canada, Joe Biden running for Now that the boy, It's going to be open. Then, if you managed to get here. You can stay here. He wants to go citizenship to eat a million illegal aliens, that's what he said and there's more than eleven there's twenty million. Can't be eleven million every year, the same year, year after year,. That's what he's going do and there ought to be free, not just testing for the virus, but free treatment for the virus? Not free treatment for cancer, not free treatment for Four horrific flew that kills thirty thousand Americans a year. None for this virus seat. The police Possession of this and-
You can see some insight into how these central government lives with managing saint? It's not based on anything. In particular, How how this plays out and the population is really awful. It's terrible. The solutions are not going to come from Congress, we're out of the White House or even a chess They're not going to come out of the CDC or the end they can help. There's no question. They're, going to come out of the hated Mass of laboratory system that we have in the private sector? These men, the pharmaceutical companies which were told me to be nationalized, that's all come from whether in our country or other countries, it's not going to come from a communist regime either. It's not gonna, come from Cuba, its
gotta come from Russia, it's not going to come from Red China Telecom. From America: China come from, Israel may be Australia. Countries like that because they have a robust private sector. Have a robust pharmaceutical industry. More when I return I'll be right back and here is Joe Biden from last night- cut nineteen go first hundred days. In my view, no one, no one will be, Or is it at all from that point, on the only. Rotations will take place our commissioner. Families in the United States? Stop a second you understand, no one will be deported.
First hundred days even people who ve committed felonies, no one. Is this rational to anybody? Is this justice to anybody because their aliens, the treated this way as a pole, American citizens tell me a hundred day, hiatus. This has gone so far. It is so outrageous. Imagine the number of people who are going to be coming through our borders, no wall undermining the border patrol an ice. He city support sanctuary cities. Free healthcare for illegal aliens.
No aliens to be deported the first hundred days of his ministry. Can you imagine the incredible anarchy and the tens of thousands, if not hundreds, of thousands of people going to pour over the border in the first one hundred days of abiding administration. We have this virus now, even the the canadian Prime Minister, whose Allah wants to secures border and Joe Biden says he won't and they, Heck Donald Trump who has done is very best. It's incredible to me, help hardy Any lousy ideology that is controlling here.
He's supposed to be the moderate. There's nothing moderate about this guy really go ahead so tat. We clear only fellows get the and everyone else here- think that's on another, the first hundred days, they don't even get the port it period use, go ahead, The acid rain is about ninety families. It's about making sure that we can build. The nation of immigrants as well as a nation that is decent First of all, we are a nation that is decent and I'm sick and tired of these Democrat left ring pukes, saying otherwise, and it not about uniting families. We have no idea of these people coming cross, the border even have families and nobody dragged them across the board, if there is a separation or a split in the family since They're doing not our doing, but even now. When they go on and on about drastic steps,
You have to be taken nationalized, this industry, nationalized clothes, there's clothes that the only thing stays out, but as the border. Why. We haven't allows coming here, we don't want, any diseases can be tested, doesn't matter in this area from you, of course, she didn't follow up and say: wait a minute wait a minute. How you gonna know of any these people have the war on corona chinese virus. Unbelievable to me, let's get back to this I wanted to move into this anyway,. But I would just say this by the way about these supermarkets. Shame on us! Shame on us.
There is absolutely no justification for there to be empty shells and the supermarkets grabbing toilet paper grabbing paper, towels grabbing meet grab chicken grabbing battle, bottled water grabbing grabbing to what end. This isn't a virus? It's in the water system open your damn, spigot and then comes the water. Mr Barroso, have you noticed that you know toilet paper for three months. What are you doing it paper towels. It only paper you got Taos tells you stop detergent. You stole my most of you, a washing machine and drier. What's the problem and really. How many turkey legs turkey brush, do you need.
How many pounds of media need it. So ridiculous. It's so absurd, Just mobbed I'm in the literally mob, you know what I got must reduce or hope my wife's now listening, I better not, but it's too late. I started to donuts again. I'm the only one statement at the bakery everybody else again, two handed in the toilet and there I I'm at the bakery, I'm like a nirvana anyway. I want you to listen to this, This is Andrew Cuomo in Albany. Today he's a real jerk, this guy and his brother is to adjust a nasty guy. He cares about people, though, unless of course, they're babies and they're born from botched abortions, and he doesn't care so much
to choice, cut ten, go you look at the countries who were hand overstartled here with China, South Korea. If it's right hold on hold on China, he doesn't care that China, because they play Had you look at the countries who have handled this, I don't care with China, South Korea of its ITALY. They will all handle them by national leadership. You know we're running out of time. This same will plainest after the bottom of the EP, who would switch. What we have and what we're living through with China Shop Career ITALY. Would you, Mr Minister,. Haven't their societies pretty much going to help China, South Korea, ITALY, all three cut. Is it did a lousy job and China a point to China where this virus began, China, which is killing
Doctors are called this to attention of the world and its reporters com. Gonna point to China more I return. Don't forget. The phone number pronounced temporary, eight six, six, five o clock for six to sixty. That's eight six, six, five hundred five, four six to six. We are broadcast. Through our Philly at the Great W B season. That true, MR producer he's here, he is anyway. I don't do the old, chant member that old chap must reduce. Yes, he do All right, what am I doing? Oh mister,
Jason wants me to do a commercial by the way. That's his father. That's on him choice tell me to do commercials right. What we want to keep a thriving, healthy, Economy, anyway, don't you wish you were at the post office right now? Now I don't they You do neither do I running a business or keeping with your scheduled, takes a lot, and sometimes there's just just not enough hours. In the day, you ve got better and more important things to do. Toy, you need stamps start come anything you can do at the post office. You can do it stamps dot. Com on demand postage means you can skip that trip to the post office. Time. Is the only thing you'll be saving? This is one of them So I guess you're not supposed to be going to understand, start com. You can get five cents off every first class there up to forty percent of shipping rates, not to mention it
fraction of the cost of those expensive postage meters no equipment to lease. No long term. Commitments stamps that, No brainer saving you time and money no wonder over seven hundred thousand small businesses. Already Stamp tat come right now, you Listen if you get a special offer that includes a for weak trial, plus free postage plus a digital scale without any long term commitment just go to stamp start com. Click on the microphones, the top of the of the homepage that stuff Start com and enter the word bunker. Damn start come enter. The word bunker did I say, bunker stamps that come under the word: Bunker Now it's interesting to me that Mr Cuomo, when it comes to centralize government leadership we're going to court to fight the president-
of the United States and is environmental protection agency. The present and the United States and is immigration decisions the present a United States on sanctuary cities? But here We want a national top down directive. Not when it comes to decide not want to come to all the things that com disagrees with there. He went complete independence. When it comes to this. What centralized decision making. But why does he think the federal government, We'll be able to make better decisions than he was for. The state of New York this case, may be a well. But you know what I mean and these blue state left Governors and legislators are, after the races. Now they weren't after the races lemme give you knowledge that, when the President United States put in place a ban.
Of emigrants her visitors coming from come. China was cool We supported. It was common support of it. But the governor, California habit. They governor Illinois about, They hated it. So not really looking for decisions by the present, the United States there looking from money because they ve spent budgets. They dont have a rainy day fun they're well over there by the way they have nothing would be interest as if we found that if any these governors we're ready for it, endemic. You know they have their own health offices and the other. On bureaucracies, to deal with issues and so forth, but boosting the know how New York has conducted at sub. Maybe it's been great art, A foreign, your Illinois or any the rest of them. Anyway, it is a sickening sitting thing. Where this governor to say China looked at
China for National leadership, look. How well China did. Ladies and gentlemen, their top doctors who are pointing out what was Taking place, they disappeared therein journalists we have very few citizen journalists disappeared, spent a major cover up ragging people out of their homes dry get them out of their homes. This is this. Is this what qualmless talking about cut ten go you look at the countries who were handle this. I don't care with China, South Korea of its ITALY. They will all handle them by national leadership. China, South Korea in ITALY, are not set up like the United States and that's a good thing. It's a good thing.
All the best decisions are not going to come from Washington D C. We may get some great decisions from governors in the various states. That's the truth. This idea. Of decentralized decisionmaking, I'm not talking about in every instance, but I'm talking about centralized decision making in every instance either it's about this idea We may get some great ideas out of the states and localities we may get. A lot of great ideas and advancement of our private sector is foreign to the corners of the world. National problem cannot be done. Tell me what problem is not a national problem to the left. There are national health care, Climate change. They want to agree new deal therein. Our bedrooms. There are in our homes, are in our cars, telling us how many
as per Galloway can get if you're taking a shower lately, but they actually contain How much water comes out of the shower head, I go on and on and on everything The left as a national decision, except of course comes to decisions, they don't agree with. Then they want local at stake, autonomy, go ahead meal method you need federal parameters to stop the national patchwork of density reduction clothes and make I'm watching these daily press events with the president, and Vice President am Turning to the experts, maybe the guy, when should watch this to their good, national guidelines, but Ladys injure if I'm the governor- and I, Things need to be done in my state. Why by waiting around for anybody else, I'm the chief, negative up my state. I can make these decisions. I have of my own effectively
CDC, my own scientific experts. It wasn't that long ago, when the calm in New York City was saying hey, we got great science guys here thus heads? Let us do our own testing when, finally, got it there they didn't, want centralized decision making. But you ve governors who are making tough decisions are not whining like two scientists in Florida happen to know because I The scientists in Florida is terrific and others go ahead, interviews this morning- and I was watching the national news- you see a whole hodgepodge of efforts being taken across the country this state is doing this state is to miss this city is doing this its K. I know its, not chaos. I'll give you an example you ve got.
A high concentration of this virus- or did in one particular community in washing state really they can actually marketed nursing. If on the local officials there enough him, even the state officials, there. I got to deal with this situation on the ground. It's in my face. I gotta do a reality. It may not be same thing, that's going on in Portland, Maine. But if the mayor and the City Council Portland Main, maybe I'm looking at this- and maybe I want to make the same decisions. But if the present making a decision, he says, look what's going on in the state or washed, and now I'm apply Ex wife. Standard for the whole country? That's not going to work well
comes to federal authority, aeroplanes and interstate commerce and all those things I get that I get that this is possibly maybe it isn't. Absolutely not sure and airborne disease, whatever it is virus, whatever it is federal government's, putting our guidance, but the federal German not perfect either and one of states? are better able to handle this in their local communities. It's not. On page. Just because you don't have the iron fist, the Communist China and why they point to South Korea in ITALY which were disasters MR produce. I don't even understand that because you have an iron fist. It unites amazing. They accuse tromp of being a dictator. Son of a gun he's a dictator does whatever you want. She doesn't follow the rules it other than care at this stage dig with the thing,
does whatever the hell you wants. This guy ignores the law. Now they want a dictator. I told you this last what they want a dictator unless, of course, he disagrees with them, but they the dictator. They want the president that control the school systems, the local Restaurants, the local bars- it's amazing- they the control over taxi companies they want to control, you name it because when you have a virus like this, really defects, everything all walks of life. Really most industries. Small and large, so that's why we need a national policy, a national leader. Can you imagine this guy he's point to China, it's scary, so there is not even a debate on. What a central government should in shouldn't. Do it should do?
everything and anything right. And it may not even be right what it does. Let's take another one: let's go to cut to have time. That's yeah cut eleven. This is the blogger Saturday and I myself stay had Tipp right scoop go here's a reality. This is a war like situation where, in a war time scenario, yes with more a logo attitude, the he used by the general government right, it's it's so lay back and I dont know stand it and by the way, testing how about ventilators, whereas the federal government and making sure that our hospitals have the ventilators we're gonna need where's, that government when it comes to surgical masks, getting them, for me. It. Where are they the case for a nationalization literally a nationalization of crucial. Factories and industries that produce the medical supplies to prepare this?
Contrary to what we need. Can you imagine. He wants to nationalized crucial factories and industries. Crucial you see this is the This is in the dna of the left. The dna, unfortunately, of the Democratic Party leaders Cuomo points the China among other points. Which is a genocidal regime that his hand, This virus horrifically and it broke out in the war on province and they covered it. And they still all letter scientists there, the president a month ago. Send our best side to say: if you won't do it, Other points in the United States military for the virus, that's what Cuomo points to And now the plaza a k, I D Cameo says we demand for lies crucial factories and industries. That's what we need to do and I bet a lot of people
I listening to this- which I guess we do that's what we need to do because then we'll get more, Asks and ventilators and respirators and all the rest, no, you won't know you want. That's terrible, we'll be right back then. I may tell you it's not gonna happen. Cnn Msnbc near at times washed impose embassy. The ABC, but all of them really when they, they meet during the day and work. Isn't that a gathering of more than ten MR producer.
Is there a gathering of more than ten at the New York Times and washed and composting on cable tv. Yes, it's a gathering of more than ten, then why are the restaurants required to shut down, but these newsrooms or not because marked. Gas coming here, we'll don't they have guests, MR producer? They guess they ve guessed. Commentators people coming and going great transit, newsrooms prairie transient hurry transient. So how come you're not shutting Linda This is a serious question. In why you shutting down or limiting your staff to ten. MSNBC near Times washed and post I'm leaving when you buy your proper names. I think it's a great question. Thank me.
You know, computer systems and cars or the new normal from electronically control transmissions to touch screen displaced, the dozens of sensors. But all this instead as expensive to fix, if and when it breaks, that's why I have car shield car shoulders, affordable protection plans that can save you, thousands for a covered repair cloning, computers and gps electronics and more car she'll you're behind the wheel of your plan. Caution, customizable monthly plants with rates as low as ninety nine dollars a month you get to choose favorite mechanic or dealership to do the work and car shield takes care of the rest Car shoulders helped over one million customers so dry, but confidence knowing you got. Which, from America's number one auto protection, provide her with rates as low as ninety nine dollars a month? You nothing to lose, get covered by car shield. Today, like we have eight hundred cars, six thousand
he called Levanter Visit car showed that common use code Levine alleviate either way or save ten percent. They take recourse. Six thousand code live in car shield that calm code live in. He deductible may apply all right. Let's listen to Bernie Sanders last night he's a genius when it comes to these things, cut fifteen go at bottom line here is in terms of medical care for all, despite what the vice president is saying. What the sports tell us that one of the reasons that we are unprepared and I've been unprepared We don't have a system, we got thousands open, insurance plants, hey Jack, that's right, you're, a Jack S. When a communist China, they like, they call themselves democratic, socialist to the People's republic, a k their peoples anyway, so
they got all kinds of systems and when they don't work, they have other systems like gulag, a police state YO, you jerk the first thing about anything but like you know everything we really system systems. Meanwhile, there is large, o Donnell Emma sell US day, another in the negative IQ territory, but he knows everything listen to this guy and think of it. Would you be a a news organization and have man, like this on your airwaves, got seven go most incompetent and uninformed. President in history has led the federal government into the worst emergency response to a pandemic that we have ever seen in this country. Why? When one breathless ran on sentence, this guy demonstrates what a jackass buffoon that he is Larry go ahead:
will tell us that it's one of the worst responses by any government in the world. Today, more people are sick. In America tonight, because Donald Trump is don't. You believe you believe this guy go at full, are dead and dying in America tonight. Because Donald Trump shut up shut up you'd this guy, oh man. If here at the buying likes to safe, we're in high school. I take him out back, is not whereby Norway so well to quote Joe Biden if we were in high school. I take this guy up back, but of course we don't threats. Unless, unless were Joe Biden, we don't know what time it is, what town were in her wet Data's but list The what this full says and it's ok with MSNBC an embassy in Comcast, give com
Cable, ladies and gentlemen, it stinks. Doesn't. It stinks. I'm not talking about the hard men and women, the blue collar workers. I work for it. Why not a lousy executives. Why, Josh mouse that you're a guy like Larry. I don T want more people are sick today, adopted more power Our second dead today, because MSNBC on the air I'll be right back from the west. Would one podcast network, late gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S, Slash Joe
he's here now: broadcasting the monopoly underground command, but then the bowels of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader at o, everybody mark living here. I've never ate. That's not. I never its eight. Six, six are temporary number five, five for sixty six, eight, six, six five of five point six days. I don't want anyone to get the misimpression that I don't think this is a serious. I think I've said that fifty times today, MR producer, I think it's very serious think we have to really consider what it is that
I don't know what we want. We want the greatest minds in the country and the planet working on this, aren't they, if somebody stopping them? No, It doesnt mean they ought to be centralized in an office in Washington DC manner them in the private sector. Many of them in the government Some of them are overseas, sharing information there working together. So nobody saying that's, that's not occurring. But many of you have been in office. We ve been in situations where, if everything is in the same room and there's the same boss. Single decisions are made that might be the wrong decisions single. Surgeons, are made that might. Slow down advancement her progress.
That's why we believe in capitalism. That's what we believe in competition, so the best ideas can in fact. Be considered and not squashed at the outset. That's how bureaucracy works there now. As much as I love the President think he's a very brilliant man. He doesn't know everything he would be the first to tell you. He doesn't know everything. Some experts disagree on what to do. This is why maybe one expert should go in that direction. Another expert you go in that dress. I give an example. They said today, they're going to have forty five individuals in the Seattle area, where they're going to begin the first leg of testing, a possible vaccine.
Usually, there's three levels to this: two new drug: they are. Condensing the time to expedite this process, ok, good, very important. Let's say it doesn't work. So if all of our eggs, that basket, What do we got? What do we do, but eggs are not in the basket their multiple companies working on this multiple labs working on this multiple countries working on this, the working on Basically, in every country that is capable of working on it is working on it. You read stories about the potential breakthrough in the country While you read stories about a potential breakthrough in the country of Australia in the country of Canada in our own country,. If all these decisions are centralized,
not going to have a dynamic. If we knew the answer was a matter of just connecting the dots and we just connect the dots than we don't need multiple countries and scores Of labs and pharmaceutical companies are working on this, but we need the we need, all of them, using their expertise, their own background, their own gut. Reactions, their own thought processes to be applied. To this end, the faster the better. Some people say we lack national direction. Sometimes now National or a centralized direction is counterproductive. In fact, it can be deadly. The national direction we need is to push down all barriers and obstacles and regulatory problems. The president has done that and now we're all libertarians right. On the one hand, we want to dictator, on the other hand, were libertarians. You understand MR producer get the regular, Turns out of the way, but we need an iron fist,
dictator to make all the decisions and Cuomo points to China. I don't know: there's some great vaccine, they came out of China, might matter every plague this past century. I Think of a friend of my wrote me has, out of China, the Sars this one, but others too many points that China Coma. But presently that I make the best decisions and if ever was it time to look at our health care and medical system and to be proud of it? It's now. Because the whole world is looking out at first solution for an answer. It's now. Now. Do you believe me when I say we have the best system face the earth. Now. Do you believe me when I say we should respect? Doctors and nurses, natty leave me when I say we shouldn't be trash pharmaceutical companies and our labs now be. I believe me
while most of the already dead, but you get my rhetorical point. Where's the greatest healthcare system in Cuba today, Mr Sanders What are we gonna get out of Denmark? How about Switzerland? Nothing. Does it mean that can contribute, but that's not where the world's looking is it. And they want to destroy the greatest healthcare system on the face there. They want to destroy our pharmaceutical companies or, to quote the late, not lowered so Donald dumb as he is, the left makes people sector and kills people right, Larry right. I want you to listen to Bernie Sanders last night. This is relevant. Some people want to be present. The United States cut fifteen
at bottom line here is in terms of medical care for all, despite what the vice president is saying what the experts tell us that one of the reasons that we are unprepared and have been unprepared, is we don't have a system we got? Thousands of people insurance plants. That is not a system that is prepared to provide health care or people in good without the epidemic we're losing up to six, three thousand people who die every year because they don't get to a doctor on time clearly allow wait. Wait, wait a minute. He's not so slick. Sixty thousand just take him at his word sixty thousand people, and I really dont. But let's pretend let's play one who die every year because they don't get to a doctor on time. How many of those are related to the veterans administration.
How many of those related to the fact that have nothing to do with insurance companies, but they don't get to a doctor on time. Cuz they choose not. Now that pain barrier. We find a worry about it. We have no idea that statistic means none, but you see he's doing, but in short plans. This has nothing to do with insurance plants. We're trying to conquer a virus, it has nothing to do with insurance plants. The president, you know Hated Donald Trump has already Convinced our insurance companies through emergency steps that the test is free. In their pouring out as many tests as they can produce him in the Aegean companies are all going to cover treatment for them
So what is he talking about insurance companies, citizen insurance companies. Ladies and gentlemen, this is about developing treatments, are developing. A vaccine to deal with this. Do with insurance companies, but it doesn't matter kisses These guys, these guys, are not running on a record, These guys are running on hopes and dreams abstractions and theories, which were always come out better than reality. There, too you they can fix this. You just have to like them. And destroy the health care system and replace it the greatest imaginable system imaginable and everybody will be fine or at least more people will be fine. That's how they
present United States has to run a reality. These are what we did. This is what we got. I took these steps in these. Epps. In these step, where I work taken better steps more step bigger, steps. You won't fixed problem. You I'll fix the system. I Bernie Sanders have all the answers. I Joe Biden, I know how to this course he's been around forever Day, she was part of Obama CARE, and apparently they didn't know how to fix it. They were with CDC and all the rest of these agencies. They did apparently modernize, I'm or whatever it is. They claim they want to do to them, but listen to these pink trumpets to kill people Tromp should follow China. Chump trump should the trash the healthcare system, the insurance company. These are the
ideas policy. We have a bill original bill merging see bill, had funding for abortions. That is about as much to do with the virus is what. And she's loaded up this bill with other stuff that she wants, which is why I agree with Chip Roy and others who voted against it. I would never voted for this bill in court. Whatever you want and you can run against me and say I I somehow face the virus, but the fact is, I'm not going to vote for it. Like this. That advances they live Going agenda and puts more so, Allah Medium businesses out of business not going to use this as an opportunity as an opportunity to it Hence my ideological agenda on voting against. This can never get Clean bill out of these idiots, so I want to be cut. I'm not saying this virus is not
it is going to get worse before it gets better. When I am addressing, is both the good that's been done, The way the president, in my view, has grab this. The vice president has grab this Our coordinating would governors they are coordinating with local officials there coordinating with their their medical people in their scientific people that coordinating with the private sector they meet. After meeting. They are now Just meeting their announcing the progress from these meetings, the very things that come out of these meetings We ve never seen anything like this and are trying to address it. Want to make sure we dont conduct ourselves. Mr Cuomo, like China, South Korea and ITALY. Because, if we do, there will be tens of thousands of deaths, look there might be anyway. There could be anyway. I dont know
but I do know when the president acted early on to stop travel from China, then later to stop. Try or from the European Union countries because they did such a piss poor job and now he's doing it with Britain too. He came under vicious attack, particularly when it came to China. Meanwhile trot humor has a new plan. Hey Ivan ideal. It's been three quarters A trillion dollars on on a stimulus package, what they do dust off Obama's book And the money never seems to go we're supposed to go. It goes through. Errors and leaves a beard, the feds, the state, the locals and the guy ANT gets a pittance or yet the fella four hundred pages of paperwork and we're told this is gonna, help have the economy. I don't know. Maybe the president will think so too.
I don't think it will I'll be right back then. Amy The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them, a macbook, in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full. Time presence in Washington a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all, and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond but to see joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone It's a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get
MAX by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at aims. Dont? U S! That's a m, a sea that, U S, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U s now Joe Biden shock me last night. With this statement cut seventeen MR producer go one. I committed If elect the president, have an opportunity to appoint someone to the ports will be our point. The first black woman to the courts is required. Have representation now is long overdue. Secondly, I would elected president, my my cabinet Michael duration will look like the country, and I can
that, I will in fact appoint a pick, a woman to be vice president. Now this was very troubling me, Joe by said he will pick a woman to be vice. President. I have sat here for a long time now. I've listened watched. As we're not supposed to make genitalia distinctions or better put genitalia base distinction. Children are being taught Elementary school, don't say she or he or him, or her, woman or lady man or guy, it's it. It
Joe Biden, Prillie Mady outrageous statement. He would pick a woman to be vice president. He would pick an it to leave us Moreover, I noticed the moderators Jes sat there with the dumb looks on their faces and didn't say to him. What do you mean by woman? Do you mean what's between Individuals. Ears are what's between the individual's legs because we ve been told over and over again. Ladies and gentlemen, it's what's between the ears that matters what's between the legs. Am I right about this? Mr producer. So what if somebody is actually a mail but self identifies as a female. With that qualify as the first woman to be vice president, under Dubai,
this definition it should. We hear this from the trends in the other communities all the time I believe This was official policy in the Obama administration so that Action becomes and, of course, the moderates didn't ask it Joe first of all its, not a woman, it's an it number two job. Just because your biologically born with or without something does it mean your with or without something, if you don't believe, you're with or without something or you do believe, you're with or without something get my drift Joe What show it say, MR producer, that's today's date. Anyway, so this was embarrassing, but those absurd whoever who who observe the they culture
But chose very pc. You see he wouldn't picked the first black woman to go in this report court. He would pick the first radical left wing black woman see it's not just a black woman it's a radical left wing, black woman and we don't say woman: when will this dim with learn? If the current president were denominate, a black woman to the Supreme Court. Joe Biden would oppose her because first and foremost, it's not the black part or the genitalia part, it's the radical liberal part that shows really looking for. One Sarah Palin was the running made of John Mccain and she would have been first woman vice president, had she been elected. Who ran against them. Mr producer, wasn't it Obama Biden.
Yes, so Biden tried to stop the first woman From being vice, president of the United States, let's be clear: Joe Biden indeed did stop. Sarah Palin from being the first woman vice President United States. So we have that as well. In other words, yes once lips? Who any can check off the box as they please and here and there. Are some wonderful, wonderful minorities, various background, who are solid. Conservatives, slash libertarians, who will be on the Supreme Porter. Any court will be superb. The prisoner and any cabinet and Joe by Not going to pick anyone who looks court on quote like America, he, only wants to pick somebody who thinks exactly as thus an ideological
left us I'll, be right back aim at the Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a macbook lives in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC Fights Full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. But to see joining a MAC gives you access, toy welfare benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone it's a hell of a lot more in It's not enough you'll get a max by
monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm on a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M, a seed dot! U S. Now. As I say, and as I have said, this virus is very bad and it going to get much worse, simply no way around when you look at the rest of the world, but the media really have done it And poor job, certainly up to now in forming the american people. When you have eyes like Lawrence, O, Donnell or just
Barbara Mika Brzezinski, Bardon, lemon afraid, Oklahoma and I know down the list dressed up as journalist his newspaper giving you information one really there one objective is to take out trumpet is really a disgusting abuse. Other ever remarkable platform. And really they are destroying freedom of the press, will Gloria aboard on CNN last night after the debate. Joe Biden was a disaster send it was a disaster. They looked like the two old men from the Muppets and I posted there, but here She is cut. Thirteen go Biden over and over again said this bigger than ass, this is bigger than America. This is about the world
old and how we interact with each other, and I think that's the point that, according to appalling people trust by Non. So while I don't think this choice, the race in a very dramatic way, I think he managed to win force a lot of what people like about him, so he said nothing, but nothing that this is bigger than us. What about the world we all media interact with each other, could imagine, I'm a trump card up to the microphone today and said that he be pilloried. That's it. So binds the wonder, trust you see on the corona virus then we have somebody named Peter Doktor, Peter Hotels, Emma sell us DE last night cut fourteen go though I thought the vice present,
is really pitch perfect tonight. I thought he really nailed it in a lab in those elements, maybe not going quite as far as is the governors I would have liked, but he was. He was quite strong in terms of the real big picture stuff to be done. The vice president was definitely why what's even talking about the real big picture stuff that needs to get done. He was vice president, not that long ago, and what did he do? What did you do with the real big picture? Stuff. Really quite remarkable, and although you did anything now, I want to get the somewhat the press. Said today, MR producers, so I am looking here, it is caught one.
Sir, if you have any kind of estimate, Americans really word a band together. Do the White House suggesting failing to tell you how many times answered he? I think I ask em they question every day and I speak to endeavour. I speak to a lot of These are the experts standing behind a guy. It seems to me that if we A really good job will not only all these death down to a level that is much lower than the other way had we not done a good job but People are talking about July August, something like that could be right in that period of time where it, I say, wash washes through other people. Don't like that term. Wash
since the new normal until the sun will see what happens, but they they August could be July will be longer than that. But I dare say question many many things can it be with us for a while cannot be with us for a while, I'm it I feel like this president is really on top of this issue. Is seeks really enjoy age, he's really trying to get to the bottom. I'm trying to make the right decisions. Gay in and day out. It's not just some debate where he goes. We all have to unite isn't just an American promote a whirl problem. You know you got it. You gotta make decisions, but you also can't destroy the system and make bad decisions. For every school house for every restaurant, for every bar in the country. That's, we have levels of government. Look, ladies and gentlemen. They could be.
That many many many more of us are going to die. It could be the many many many more of us. We're gonna get sick, but it's not going. Be a result of what happens in Congress and Sophie And the economy is going to take a hit. I don't care what slush fund. Shimmer, has in mind when you start shuddering businesses, one state to the next telling people to get together fifty or less tenor, less. That hasn't. Pact on society, more Donald Trump cut too.
You said that this was under tremendous control. Do you want to read this investment you're going to experience experience? It is until July and August five more months ahead of control and we are doing a very good job within the confines of what we're dealing with we're doing. A very good job, there's been a theirs a tremendous amount of the way there and together they working hand in hand. I think they're doing really. Great job, and from that standpoint I that's Referring it's under cover all right, I'm not referring to meeting. Obviously it is not under control. Obviously, that's not what he was talking about. Obviously,. The Chinese are never held to account for any this stuff and they have a huge propaganda machine going on.
On joy, Reid show she's on MSNBC she's a real reprobate. She has on a woman by name of Jennifer Reuben she's real slime ball. She was a demo red and Hollywood became a. I will again now she writes. I still cash As I don't read in one of the left wing paper, maybe it's the post, maybe it's the times! I don't remember they stop at ten she's a conservative Is one nasty human being less this cut five go older american, are more worried about corona virus unless they're Republican Jennifer a bit now have a situation where trumps own people are actually in greater danger, but those of us who live in this earth and can even written language who thinks like this, what kind of perverse demented mine? works like this. Will joy rates and Jennifer Ruben? in all these trumpeters after should heard this it'd make
Regions gag- I I dont, I'm not playing clips on just just a few, who here and there so you know what's going on there. Take this virus seriously. They don't the science seriously, they don't take what the president and the vice president trying to do seriously. It's just another, eternity go ahead? anything that any of us say, including someone like you, was a former public and you can't reach them now and, in theory, is a particular cruelty. Irony that is their core of yours. The republican over viewers are upset who are the most at risk and when you think about it, which part immediately cancelled all of their rallies, which party immediately started having their political figure is really portray and user like Hell. Is she talk it over here which party paralyse the Congress wildly
the virus was entering the United States and and and How's the Senate, so they couldn't have any hearings or pass any. Any funding sick, I'm telling you the american media, they talk, we should unite They say they do this all the time we should unite in it there. One of the most diverse forces we have in this nation, are giving up ok, I'll give you make a Brzezinski NGO, she asks you meet Our cinder, who apparently, where for the national pubic radio service and pr about ups, blatantly racists and sexist remarks. Listen to this, although to her credit at Think here she bites cut a go: do you that you don't
Responsibility, but you did disband the White House Pandemic Office and the officials that worry working in that office left its administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take to that in the officials at work in that office that you at the White House loss of valuable time? Let's stop right. There there's an opposite. I believe it's today by to Morrow person who was one. Top officials under Bolton in the national states the council and this pandemic office reported to him. Jody setting up at Mr Barroso that off Still there Who's in charge of it, when I left and another person who's in charge of it today he said this: is this is dishonest and yet look how it works. Its weight, NPR in the media and so forth in the american people think that Donald Trump specific Quickly got rid of this pandemic office. Why would trouble that, ladies and gentlemen,. There be no reason for him, the doing any didn't do it. It's still there still under the National Security Council
waiting to Morrow in his bed in the near any. I washed imposed go ahead. Disbanded. What do you make of that? Just like it's a nurse coercion, because what we ve done is Tony had said and numerous times we save thousands of lives. Because of the quick closing when you say me, I didn't do it. We have a group of people I couldn't. I could ask for absolute by administration, but I could perhaps as Tony about that, because I don't know anything about you. Just what's wrong with them a lot of people. You may think she's just blatantly racist and success when he says things like that's a nasty out. You know you have to be a complete, not chop, to be Meeker region, ski its racists and sexist first of all Mika. If your head-
facts. You would have corrected this report to yourself and it would have been racist or sexist. It would have been informative. You nitwit that's number one. Number two: how is it racist or sexist? You think you just on this woman like he doesn't talk to Jim a cost and others this way in the of this virus, in the middle of all this, this is you choose to conduct yourself and then what MSNBC chooses to air in the empty. I reported YO. The president apology. Could your facts are wrong according to a gentleman who appeared in the Washington Post today saying that off, so there how art for reporting to find out if the officers they're not. Ladies and gentlemen, they don't care. It's just another opportunity to play gotcha
back then Amy the association and mature american citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a macbook- in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC Fights Full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, but to see joining a MAC, gives you access, toy welfare benefits and discounts, including special member only rates on car insurance travel discounts cell phone. It's a hell of a lot more. It's not enough. You'll get a max by
Monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S! The few minutes left had so much to get to the day, but I wanna hit this the country of Israel. As I speak to you, the main Most furs for Prime Minister is now, about to be ousted. By a formal ADI, have general by the name of many dance he's the Benedict Arnold of the state of Israel. Ran for office three times and he could never topple Netanyahu. You can never
but together enough. So what did he do this time? He with his Obama advisers join The arab parties, the our parties, which reject the actual distance of the state of Israel, which include Islamists, have nationalists and actual communists. This former idea of general joined with them and another by the name of Liebermann, but under investigation as families been under investigation, it he blames than Yahoo, and he said in an interview recently. This was all personal withheld his votes. So here we have a guy named Liebermann three times now these IRA parties and this idea Benedict or by the name of guts who joined together, joined together too they get sixty one votes, that's what you need is a hundred twenty member parliament, the connect it Ass three laws: if they can they're gonna work on it, as I speak all three or in
need to prevent Benjamin Netanyahu from being Prime Minister, one would prevent the prime minister from serving for more than two terms, while obviously Netanyahu's the longest serving prime minister in the history of Israel. So it's more than two terms number two if you're charged with crimes not convicted just charged. Cannot serve in the canaries. Imagine the power there. Handing over to prosecutors in the police over there. And then there's a third rule or space perfectly aimed at menu in our country, states The federal Congress are not allowed to pass laws that have as their purpose focus on one citizen. So Israel has moved hard core tyrannical, you can call it a free government anymore. Now, if they succeed in this in this coup against Netanyahu and Godspeed Prime Minister hobby, Prime Minister, for about forty minutes. Why? Because the
parties and the other parties. Cobbled together detest each other, the Trump peace plan we'll go in the dumpster so this government will last for a very short period of time. So it's really going on here is the goal is to throw out Netanyahu force, look to choose another leader and this God's. When he ran for office specifically told the voters. He would not me, going allegiance with these era parties you might say, while the Arabs have rights to the Parties are radical. These parties have as their purpose the destruction of the state of Israel as Exist today This is what's going on, history will treat currents and the others. The history books in Israel and ancient history books at some point very poorly In the meantime they want to pay. Netanyahu, from forming a government
passing law specifically intended to prevent him only him from being Prime Minister, and then they want to throw him in prison. The attorney general has thrown in Thrown in with the other side, any the trial coming up. It's been as a result of the virus. Time and may they want to throw this prime minister in an israeli prison. You talk, but a coup. This is disgusting disgusting Ladies and gentlemen, hang in there hang in there we saw our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel, all the people working so hard to protect us from this virus and care for us. Thank you
see you tomorrow be well take care and goblet from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.