« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/24/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we’ve always known that Vladimir Putin was eyeing more than just Ukraine, and now Reuters is reporting that Russia wants to push back the borders of Poland so Russia can extend its own borders. Poland is the most vigorous defender of Ukraine because they know what is taking place and know what Putin wants to do. North Korea, Iran, and China are supporting Russia’s aggression in Europe, and Europe needs to step up much more while they can. China is laying claim to all of the South China Sea because they do not fear America under the Biden Administration. Russia and China are doing exactly what they said they would do, and right now the only country that is preventing World War 3 is Ukraine. Meanwhile, Israel is prepared to strike an Iranian nuclear site, and the news was most likely leaked to the media by the U.S. State Department to prevent an attack on Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu has said time and again that Iran cannot get a nuclear weapon, for both their safety and our own, but the Biden Administration would rather protect Iran. Also, Nikole Hannah Jones and the phony 1619 project have a Hulu special, and Democrat media outlets like MSNBC are obsessed with promoting it. Any serious historian can disprove Jones’ lies, but she will only speak to reporters who will protect her and promote racism. We have colleges and states promoting critical race theory while the federal government uses equity to discriminate citizens by race. Later, wage growth in America is now inflationary under the Biden administration, because businesses and restaurants need to raise their prices too to make ends meet. The value of the dollar is going down while prices are going up – this is the effect of inflation. Interest rates are going to continue to go up until this country is pushed into a recession thanks to these massive Democrat spending bills supported by Mitch McConnell.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the Denmark Laverne here our number, each seven, seven, three, eight one: three, eight one: one Seven: seven three one three one one. To re very dangerous world out there. Folks and I don't mean that as a bumper sticker I've talked to, How cute and has his eyes on easter,
Europe beyond the ukraine. and they ve admitted it today. They ve admitted it today. Here we have writers, Russia's Medvedev; he is one of them. Close confidants floats idea, pushing back poland borders and Its london former russian president, Dmitri Medvedev, today, that the only way from moscow to ensure lasting peace with ukraine was to push back the borders of hostile states as far as possible, even that meant tears of nato member poland. Medvedev, who is now deputy chairman of russia's security council, made there It's in a message on his telegram account exactly year after russia's sent thousands
troops in ukraine, Debbie Abu ALA, president vladimir Putin's forecast, on friday that russia would be victorious. Some kind of loose agreement would eventually in the fighting he said: victory will be achieved We all want to happen as soon as possible and that day will come. He predicted Tough negotiations with ukraine in the west would follow. Culminated some kind of an agreement would add this is a footnote, in other words, an agreement and ninety four give up your nukes. I've talked about this, And we russia war monopoly Here too, the borders, but we will help protect your borders. Ukraine, in the united states and britain have agreed that too, and I noticed the pew Lloyds in their hemorrhoids in this country have never mentioned that said that deal would lack what he called fundamental agreements on real borders and not amount to an over
arching european security back, making it vital for russia to extend its own borders. Now. That is why- and I quote him it is Important to achieve all the goals of the special military operation to push The borders that threaten our country as far as possible, even if they are the borders of poland,. poland shares long eastern borders with ukraine and with russia's ally, belarus. Tear of some one hundred and twenty five miles and its north eastern corner with the russian Enclave of kalingrad, It should be no surprise to anybody. Who's been listening to this program for any period of time. As I read to you,. Computers own writings, eighteen months ago,. how he views poland and romania and the balkan states even the former czechoslovakia and he cried
poland's borders would bring russia for the first time in direct conflict with NATO forces nato forces Medvedev has adopted Increasingly hawkish tone of many series of an outspoken interventions since the Or began with some political analysts suggesting it he's one of the people impudent, my they consider as a successor, but he speaks repute. And so yet again Again Putin's made clear. The ukraine is just the beginning. The ukrainians. In fighting so bravely against the russians. We providing them with support, but not nearly the support that they asked for, and I doesn't mean necessarily endless Some money: it means the right kind of weaponry, the right
kind of weaponry, so they Inflict impossible, actual these on the russians. The cuban in russia. the more mine in ukraine and if he had cut through ukraine. In a few days, has he expected. I believe you would have pushed hard in poland and I don't think we would have done a damn thing about it, but I do to believe me, puke wants to go into poland and poland knows it. Poland is the most vigorous, Defender of ukraine, poland wanted to send F sixteen Jets out of its nato stockpile. ukraine? They were stopped because poland knows what's taking place. Poland is really the launching point for most there.
that's going into ukraine spring ship, the pollen. And then ship over poland's border into ukraine this. why of countryside hither to Therefore, I should say what Thing to do, and russia or ukraine or any other stuff now asking to join nato. Because they know appeared and wants to do too. They read what he wrote to the only they don't seem to understand what he wants to do. Are the peace Noise or they don't care. And where they don't care. no, not a warmonger. I want to prevent a world war. I can my kids of my grandkids, as most of you do. but please I.
I urge you do not listen to those. Who said the same exact thing in the nineteen thirty's. whether here in amerika or britain or other places. The rising storm. Is here. Communist. China is a serious military superpower. Now it was ten years ago. It is today in one decade decades. They have supplanted russia is this the most powerful superpower. In the face of the earth, they keep spending enormous amounts for their economy. Boy said here and stared are naples. Pretend that we can never be beaten.
But of course we can be beaten by bad generals and invade presidents. We surrendered in Afghanistan, how many more or less, what do we need. we also surrendered in vietnam. If I to be perfectly blunt about this, Democrats cut off our military when they manner. Chief of the ford Gerald ford was opposed to what the Democrats were doing. So there are quite serious about this. That is the the russians and they want aid from china. In china is going to give them made, why wouldn't they. Why wouldn't trying to give the maid china wants us to defeated. They want our allies to be defeated. They want nato to be dispirited.
as they prepare for their own war invasion of taiwan, but that's just the Latest puzzle, peace for communist china. There are accessories now. you have iran, north korea, russia, In communist china, that's for. North korea is providing drones. Excuse me, three is providing artillery to the russians IRAN's providing drones to the russians. China is providing economic by buying all that we have boy, from russia, including the royal.
Edmund sending weapons by weapons of a sword, now they want to send serious stuff. That's what's taking place. Europe needs to step up much more there's a lot of problems here. We, you need to have a special inspector general. This has been proposed and I am all for it Monitor how this money's being spent, but that doesn't mean. There we roll over and pretend that this will just go away. It's none of our business. Unfortunately, it is Fortunately, the people of ukraine or fighting to the death. To try and defend themselves. Unfortunately, we don't have to send any troops. and we are very generous people.
But the ukrainians, who putting their lives on the line they was their country that was invaded. and here is a case where we won't say you can't say that these p Don't want freedom, their words to impose our will these but want freedom and their begging for help. So just to be clear, a hundred percent clear once again. Russia has made it abundantly clear and they did it today. but if they can they're gonna cut through ukraine. And they're gonna hammer poland. that's when you might have a world war, whether Biden responds or not, and that we have to prevent another,
Way back much love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company, I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four
We're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven: four gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures Well Joe Biden in the oval office, these surrender in Afghanistan his first to appease china, IRAN, russia. have all created signs of weakness and provocation, flat lining effectively to inflation spending on national security and defence. In his mental state, every resulted in what's taking place now.
I'm not saying china wouldn't be working at breakneck. Speed to do at its doing because chow he's been at this for a while? saying that china doesn't fear us enough anyway,. I hear cnn Chinese fighter jet confronts: u S: navy play was seen and crew. As tensions simmer and south china see you maybe reconnaissance gent flies twenty one thousand five hundred feet over the China see which, of course, not communist china claims as its own. thirty miles from the contested. parasol islands, a group of about a hundred and thirty small, a toss, the biggest which are home to chinese military bases a voice, saying it's coming from the people's liberation army airport crackles over the radio of the? U S, navy p
Poseidon, as a scene and crew, given rare access aboard the? U s, flight, lessons in american Eric If that says chinese airspace twelve nautical miles, not watching any more or you bear all responsibility. It says so. China's is claim to the entirety of the south, china sea, all them a global waters and all the airspace above it. a few minutes, a chinese fighter, jet armed with to air missiles, intercepts the? U s plane, nestling in just five hundred feet of its port side. The chinese fighter, jet was so close. These sea and crew could see the play it's turning their heads to look at them. A good man at the red star on the tale, fins and the missiles it was armed with. Lieutenant Nicky slaughter, the piloting, american plain the joint seed twin engine peel aircraft, peel a fighter aircraft,
this. Is u s? Navy p ate a? I had two off my left wing and I intend to proceed to the west. I request that you do the same over there's no reply. No reply from the chinese jet fighter, which Go to the? U s plane for fifteen minutes before turning away we see in a cruel board that american jetted stark evidence of the tensions brewing between the united states, in china in the south, china, sea. The commander of This yours navy mission is a different. I quote I'd say Another friday afternoon in the south, china sea navy commander mark tells the scene and crew. In other words, we are constantly being threatened now by the Finish: trainees constantly. over the past several years, the south china sea has emerged as a major potential.
wash point in the asia pacific. I didn't like the parasites near the u s. Navy play was intercepted today, but this. Directive overlapping territorial claims in part from china, the philippines, vietnam, malaysia, brunei in taiwan, mentally The strategic waterway hold vast resources of fish oil and gas. but about a third of global shipping passes through words about three point, More choice and in twenty sixteen it's worth about five or six trillion. china claims historic jurisdiction. The entirety of the various see. This is what russia does claims jurisdiction over eastern europe since June fourteen is built up, tiny reefs and sand bars and artificial islands heavily Fortify with missiles, runways, weapons systems. The parasol islands called the issue islands by china. The northern part of the south, china sea
of denying vietnam south of china's high non island. surrounding them is twelve nautical miles of airspace. That china was claiming is an editor as its own on friday of this is our airspace. Farther south. He sits the sprightly island chain, just two hundred and eighty six miles from the philippine island pallor one philippines brought a case to the hague and they won. But China says now those are our islands and they continue its military build up building basis on the strategies as well,
I'll be right back, I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing there is that crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for a one case it's one reason: americans get gold. I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Here's a company, I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I re, if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven, four
We're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven: four: gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the rest Which, as well my blood, then the thunder on our right now, page seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, confess I was talking to MR producer, nor in the break. I am perplexed. I'm not often perplex, but I'm perplexed. I can sit here and read it, actually would have ladder. Impudent said, I can read today's news.
Actually what is right hand. Man said about poland and people disbelief They want to hear it Not just talking about folks out, there talking about writers. It, though wall street journal. Other put. They don't want to hear it so that, Tells me that some people. Who embrace the nomenclature, conservative or constitutional is summer or even rationality, those things there. Eighty Alex. Foreign policy and national security is about prudence. He say this all the time I wrote about it in liberty and tyranny: prudence, it's not an ideological thing, just like law and order.
is about prudence. It shouldn't be an ideological thing. Their criminals out their stealing. Maiming molesting killing. It shouldn't matter which party. When they d be prosecuted, in prison- are actually curative, sir, Murders in some cases, if you're looking communist china based What they want to do their duty What they want to do We see what they're doing Are you listening and watching russia said they were going to invade ukraine? They have invaded. Ukraine are now talking. Poland's borders, but not now they ve been for eighteen months. Why not believe them because The ideology tells you not to believe them, because
despise Joe Biden, which we do, which I do, but that doesn't change the facts on the ground: it doesn't it. Change the nature of their navy, their missiles there Timothy's and all the rest. has nothing to do with our border page Can you do of power stain ohio. I hear these ridiculous parallels being made. What come on national security we're talking about preventing war war? Three and right now the three, that preventing world war three as ukraine. So how is it that they've been made out the enemy. Those people are fighting a war. to save themselves to protect their.
Families. they're not the enemy, they were invaded going to surrender now It was more going on out there. We ve got From Europe we ve gone to thee. effect. Now we're gonna go to the Middle east, tell you, what's going on out there fox news, Benjamin Netanyahu ready strike on IRAN's nuclear facilities after secret meetings. They reports has now. These are secret meetings, secret meetings. and this information was leaked to the american media near post and others who would have liked it We get into the details who would have liked.
the united states state department, but of late. They don't want israel attacking around. In Israel shares much much intelligence and other information. states government sleep can attack iran without telling us and then the? U S, government leaks it to the media. because they don't want israel defining itself. They don't want israel attacking IRAN. And Netanyahu has said time and time and time again we cannot allow iran to get nuclear weapons. because Israel will be blown potentially off? The face of the earth is wrong
be blackmailed so of the united states and so forth. see binding in the oval office is a A disaster for this country Unfortunately, historians real historians, not michael bash lush and those moronic leftists. They will look back. And analyze what's taken place, but in the meantime we're dealing. the present day spoke version for their prime minister said they had nothing to add in response to the report, because their shot, because its leaked is relevant, for possible action against IRAN's nuclear facilities after a series of secret meetings between the prime minister and leaders from the defence and intelligence, MR ministries, according to a leak, Ports are there, but what they ve done like what they ve done. With this leak, they made it incredibly difficult to
even launch an incredibly difficult mission to begin with. Mark your reading, it gets out there, the iranians have seen it listening to the mark, levine show their reading. The new york times are reading these other papers is grow pair for possible action. Cod, Israel will not allow around become nuclear, brigadier general. amir mayor of evie, founder and chairman. The israeli defence security form told fox news digital We are witnessing the country, The unhindered progress, the iranian military nuclear programme- weapons grade enrichment, Israel's redding, its credible military option, trailer Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu held five meetings with this defence and intelligent chiefs, as well as that of most side to discuss them small attack, local news outlets channel twelve reported reporting.
name any source and the times speck, later, the of Israel that officials could have leaked the report in order to make clear that countries resolve and intent? That's not gonna happen. Why would they do that. Tensions between is run around and fled in recent weeks after drowned strike hit iranian military facilities ran claiming early investigation suggest these really regime were responsible, but this attempted of aggression and by the way I want to continue, but before I do those of you who go on my social site. But most of you, postal, those things for you for the new york times, four cnn. not for all the left wing platform. Some for you and to you see the picture of the little girl? Mr producer was beaten?
the pulp bleeding from her face. Blood all over her little dress. Because she didn't wear her clothing properly. I would strongly encourage you folks to take a look. This is why people in iran are still protesting. and yet I bet you don't hear them. Do you. They might as well not be protesting with respect to him and interest doesn't talk about a blanket, And talk about the Democrats, don't talk about it. You don't hear. He heard nothing in the news as those People are being brutalized, tortured, murder, we're talking about young people, and young women being raped.
Israel has regularly raise concerns about IRAN's nuclear programme and there I could be part of a plan to push western allies to act rather than leave israel to act alone. Okay, so all the speculation kicks not many! I was set at a national security conference on tuesday publicly. the only thing that is a restart rogue nations from developing nuclear weapons is a credible military threat or a credible military action. Sorry condition. and often a sufficient condition is credible. Military action along you wait the harder that becomes. We ve waited very long. now bite, of course, has attempted to revive the the reindeer. Talk start out in september. Because they re needs kept moving the goalposts
and mine is an idiot. You sanctuary stay blinken said around had moved away from extraneous demands, demands unrelated to the deal itself. But by that time Talks are gone backward in the. U s admitted that they would not meet our bottom line requirements. We are dealing in our own government, with the most hapless, unprofessional, expire, Pacifists. Ideologues probably in modern american history, probably. It's just unbelievable to me what. Let's: let's pretend Israel, let's put it, outside. That's wrong gets nukes what Due to the united states, what would I do What would I do to the so called moderate arab states,
the due to north africa. and once they develop and they will develop the ability to send them. Thousands and thousands of miles. cause china and russia will give them that ability. Wasn't that long ago, during the Clinton administration, the russians couldn't even get a rocket off the ground. Member crashed Russians excuse me the communist chinese. They couldn't get around but off the ground. There are laughing stock. now they have nuclear missiles that can be merged, and so they got it from us. They got it from us illegally and legally both illegally and legally
I'll be right back, then. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing: there is that crazy spending in debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead effects your savings, especially pensions, I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold I raise to protect their hard earned savings. Well, here's a company! I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I re, if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one web conference to schedule, call eight seven, seven, four,
we're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven: four: gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. just underscore a point: light austin, on CNN today, sector defence. Take a lesson of this cut forego with china. Recently, the tensions have gotten worse between the united states and china, especially after the. U s, shut down that surveillance balloon. You tried to call your chinese counterpart and they didn't answer the actual data that happened. My office restore his office to schedule a call and they they did not schedule. The call your eyes you at all not really. You heard me say a number of times Kalen that
It's really really important for two to make sure that We maintain lines of communication open. I think leaders need to be able to talk to each other to avoid misperceptions and and and manage crises. And so this is really important and- and we hope that minister way will we'll have a change of heart and and schedule that call When was the last time you talked to him. The last time I talked to him was a couple of months ago. So, while I mean how concerning is that the The term in eu us can't get.
Counterpart in china on the phone risk involved, it is important to judge if it is not like we don't have any lines of communication open. You just saw secretary blink and talked to his counterpart in in munich, and so there are diplomatic lines of communication open thugs. So you seeing the writing on the wall. You seeing the writing on the wall they feared us if they respected us. They would make that car China is a nation. On the rise. It is a brutal genocidal regime. It is terry power. And ultimately, we are in its sights and we can be
storage like and put our head in the sand and pretend it's not true, but it is true. It's absolutely true. If we don't start preparing doubling up our military muscling up our per service branches, the we're in for a hell of a tough time more specifically, your kids in grandkids are because they're not gone away what is going to take the white this country, I really don't know the universe in a mad gates. paul gostar. What do I mean? Why what's gonna take. In this economy. You need if every dollar coalition around Paul seriously. These are not people. I dislike It's just that the ridiculous
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I just finished reading and I read it almost in one night. Yes, I did honey, my wife's gone. Oh sure, you know I did the carriage to be free. And it is a new book: it's coming out, tuesday, by governor dissenters, it's a hell of a book. And this sunday pm eastern time I will be interviewing him one on one exclusive, the first interview about his But also more the carriage to be free now Those who expect me to Put him against other candidates, sir pitt him against tramper s boring questions. I guess he running for president and all the rest of it That, obviously- and I am prepared to answer you- I'm going to like this
those of you who really want to get into the substance and europe. Very interested in Leadership. And I m that sort of thing and these issues weathered the vaccines that you're gonna love it. I would say, running about this book. Among many thanks, it's you, as I read it. It's not your typical politicians, book No gossip in this book, theirs Oh personal attacks in this book, none. It is a thorough. Practical and positive book You learn stuff about dissenters, background that you had no idea, no idea about. No that's what reporting used to be, but that's what
Used to be, I dont do interviews to play gotcha. I didn't do with my palm pale. I didn't do over Christie NOME. I didn't do a president trump. I'm not doing it with anybody else. One people right, gotcha books, I dont- have any interest in interviews. But this is a very, very compelling book. And he wrote every word in it and you can tell I did. It sounds like her. So if you're interested. You can obviously go on amazon right now. It's the courage to be free. and also, I hope, your watch, our special. He'll be as first interview it'll be exclusive and it will be for the full hour. when you know full hour with somebody, you really get to know them. You'll get to know.
We'll get to know governor the scientists. Without all the end, tween commentators and all the rest of us you'll hear from him. Not a six men and interview that a ten minute interview stuff for our. So I hope you'll join us on life. Liberty, Levine, a pm eastern Always dvr, if he can't listen, watch live? I think you're gonna be very fascinated, and I think you'll learn quickly why he is america's governor. In my view, the way he views, leadership, hurrying, interesting, ready, but he's written very interesting. and the way he views is managing events, Very interesting, as has been very successful some not a lot of people can learn from,
me. Neither politicians I mean all of us, so the boy is the courage to be free. And you might want to check it out on amazon doesn't come out till tuesday, six, nine and the bookstores. Yet. no, what amazon liked, by the way you say, bays, oh so, wants to buy the washington football team. Mr producer. So he owns the washington compost on a fine job. There. Sure morons in the papers going under. One stone: the biggest the commanders who command nothing but the commanders, so the guy's buying up everything you can in and around washington d c. See these amazon, I know what to call them these buildings. It's not just amazon. It's like eighty percent Of all internet travel, you should look at these buildings and wild and county virginia.
My home country, used to be acre after acre after acre of these, boss, size buildings without windows,. Imagine how many computers or their mr produce. Enormous. And I think to myself: why are they all in one place our at anyway, so there is that not one of the things that I think sets to santa support? she understands there's a culture war. He understands he needs to engage in it. Sooner, do new Hampshire obviously has been hidden ahead with too many snow boss. Larry Hogan No offense Larry Larry's head too many hotdogs, just a big boy I am too there's nothing wrong with that. Chris Christy
understand a one point he had to warn the air force said: no, he was not a chinese spy balloon. Did you know that mr produce power, Heaven. Anyway, so this is a serious man and he understands is a cultural or any understands it in these governments schools. Battles going on in the classroom governor can roll over now how many governors are fighting this stuff? universities and colleges that are heavily subsidized by the state taxpayers and, of course, isn't that had its own city heavily subsidizes, how rageous It's very strange when I hear some. Like sooner do and and others attack him from the left- claims We're attacking and from. government has no saying these things tat big government. Are you think that even think I heard pensive us?
He should know better and these government school Of course, the governor should have some say on how they run just gonna. Let the Teachers, unions and the democratic party, when the classrooms you can't do that. You didn't say you should teach history. Real history shouldn't teach slavery. He said the opposite. He said, is: don't teach marxism, credible, race theory them substituted American history, we're not going to do that, and our public schools, and we never used to do that, and our public schools came the college border. Said the same thing we want. our children to excel. not to be diminished with radical, left marxist propaganda Nicole, how to Jones is one of the great demagogic. Propagandist, racists and modern,
I can history. She has no history, degree, she's journalism, the answer, I believe with howard now choose: A platform by their new york's lines that has blood all over its hands. For an entire century words of some What for genocidal, maniacs, withered style under the third reich cuba or whatever. and she's being promoted by NBC new she's being promoted by everybody? Could she has a special on the sixteen nineteen per? I think it's on Hullo? Isn't it Mister bellew, something like that to say A multi siri special. Our enemies couldn't pay enough. This kind of propaganda. Communist party usa couldn't pay enough for this kind of propaganda. fifty years ago, marxists. It couldn't believe
what's going on today, call Hannah jones has been here since before college. She has said and written incredibly poisonous viable things. Then come up with this phony. Sixteen nineteen project that any serious real accomplished historian, including, it's surprise. Winners have denounced. She's a propaganda machine like the new york's limes But here she is, ladies and gentlemen, she is on NBC news to that. Yesterday, NBC news, and there's nobody, nobody to challenge her to question per scholarship. Seven go.
Earlier this month, sixteen nineteen was referenced in former governor Nikki Haley's bid for the republican nomination. They say the promise of freedom is just made up. I think our ideas are not just wrong, but racist and evil. What is your response to Nikki Haley's video calling out your fair america and why don't they have nikki haley sitting right there rather than play an audio. What does your response to her? What is that. We ve tried to get this Hannah jones on the show, so I can do that its fair game. Could she won't come on. But why Walt Nicole Hannah Jones debate me debate, Nicky, hayley, debate, governor debate any of us. Could she has NBC knows: go ahead,
and making those claims wine. I would think anyone can read the project an hour. You that's a project things: america, vivo nicky, how you out of your mind. Yes, you are because People arrested, including me and its it'll clear that you believe america's evil and that america is a legitimate to Helen talking about go ahead. really erases and invisible eyes is how the black freedom struggle allowed her to be in a position to run for president one of these new words and visible license. Mister producer said a word invisible isis war. Other black freedom struggle, allowed her to be in a position to run for president? One
She tell us about the sixteen nineteen project and stop trashing people who disagree with you and NBC news. I bet you and If I don't pronounce her name correctly, it's a mistaken. I can't help it Xo Healy ii, as a m you age issue, my did you read it. Did you read it. Because what kind of question is that she's not done cut a go. The documentary series premiered just as Florida's controversial ban of advanced placement african american history classes began. You have a message to these, mostly republican governors who are banning sixteen nineteen and other race related education. What kind of shows this again Nbc news as a propaganda for this marxist operation, we ve read to you, but the college boards had proposed.
It has nothing to do. With eliminating race related education, nothing, it has to do with eliminating racist see. tea. Lies about american history, You know slavery was bad enough Wavery was bad enough I have to try and use it. push. Your marxist crap agenda is just it's beyond the pale. In this is somewhat dissenters, talks about in his book by the way go ahead as mean my message: city, the governors is one: have you actually read the sixteen nineteen prior site? It's not exactly scotland earlier intellectual, heavy duty staff and it's actually a fairly thin. Do I get to get us? surprise cause I read it now, will you
listen to me, coarseness, go ahead; To be exposed to all types of different idea, this is the role of a public education. Yes, it is, but we know teach them about white supremacy in neo nazis. Do we do we? No, I don't think so and we shouldn't. and how is the marxist radical agenda. My resulting in a death and horror for so many even today as I speak. Was that relevant to american history. It's not now so far this then how we shall moore. That's her name so far Or she shares these ridiculous questions. Trashy Nicky, haley, republicans, Let's try one more cut nine go.
The film series also expands on the political prize, winning sixteen nineteen project, including episodes on democracy, music, capitalism and more anna jones infusing. Her own family story threw out. You can understand democracy, but thou realising that are found. It didn't actually believe in multiracial democracy, a black people there. Here's! What the sixteen nineteen project does? Brazil Beautiful Analysis of a by the way, another review Professor, you sell at real, clear politics. And she said, and the sixteen nineteen project, white people. Their despise, the villain after villain after villain after villain, they ve, never done anything. Well, black people are angels.
case after case after case, have never done anything badly. human beings are human beings, regardless of their pigmentation. They do things well, they do things badly, but not according to hand. A jones. You can understand democracy without realising that our founders didn't actually believe and multi racial democracy, but neither does critical race theory. Neither do you. Neither do you, Nicole, had a giant so few real reporting, you're sitting there and say: wait a minute We have re segregating going on all over a college campuses and universities. there are embracing critical rice theory. We even entire black nationalist movement. At believes in recycler, gating society. as well as a clan movement and neo nazi movement. We have our own federal government that using equity and cutting out,
depending on where they live and white people they're not promoting equity, their promoting discrimination, a different form. discrimination so you respond to that. That's how I ask a question you meet head I'll, be right back! in the end, when the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't, because we all know big business, especially big wireless business, is going to lock you down in a multi year contract with huge penalties, not pure
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It was the mark. Levin show live on national at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, a one one, either way an hour three, just a half hour from now. I want to talk to you about something: that's not very pleasant, but you are my extended family out there. And I believe we have tremendous respect for each other. And in many ways we love each other. The jury, unpleasant. But I'm going save it for our three. To produce has no idea what I'm talking about. I understand that. but nonetheless I wanted guess with you. I want to share with you. key inflation measure surge Said fastest rates and true, no wonder you're binding The press conference today s
still a wall when it comes to palestine, ohio, He told you why it doesn't fit democrat party, description of its base. Mostly republican, Middle class hard work People white. No civil rights group, representing them Hollywood, what types can have been saying this for days so now the back printers on tv and radio regurgitating at mister, but is good for them. Then good listeners back to this. The associated depress the federal reserve's preferred inflation gauge rose last month at its fast pace. Since june, an alarming sign that price pressures remain entrenched in the u s, economy and could lead the fed to keep raising interest rates well into this year
The report from the commerce department, consumer prices rose point six percent, number two general: that's a one month increase of sharp, From point, two percent from another the december on a year, you're basis, prices rose five point four percent up from five point: three percent annual increase in december and guess what they're, not counting food and energy. I think food and energy are like, with you know things we need for our own sustenance, food and energy. Mr producer, yes, report also show that consumer spending rose. One point eight percent. Last month, from December after following the previous month general price data acceded forecasters expectations, confounding hopes that inflation is steadily decelerating net
could rely on its campaign. A rate hikes follows other recent data and also suggested the kind remains grip, by inflation grip, by inflation, despite the feds strenuous efforts to attain it. so the interest rates are gonna, go up even more. tuna slaughter, the housing market. And have you noticed how interest rates on cds and savings accounts and so forth? They don't keep up. With the inflationary, Yeah credit card raged now where people who are desperate paycheck, isn't enough savings? Isn't enough. Social security is not enough, so they take out the credit. And the credit card interest rate, if you don't pay off every month, twenty Two percent: twenty one percent: twenty five percent.
Since march of last year, the fetters attacked inflation by raising its key interest rate eight times. And, despite the higher borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, the gene market remains surprisingly robust. No one point: nine million american citizens. are not in the job market anymore. Two million aliens have taken their slots. Anyway. That is actually a wearisome sign for the fair, because strong demand for workers. The fuel wage growth in overall inflation them, let me To the chase, in plain english, wage growth your wage growth. His inflationary now
Your wage growth is inflationary now because businesses, restaurants, whatever they, have to charge more money to cover your wages. Higher energy prices are inflationary, business, have the raise prices to cover that to pay more for something you paid less for two years ago. The value of the dollar is going down. That is undermining the very the currency. So our prices are going up, your wages are growing up, the value of which are earning is going down. This is the problem with inflation. Reagan beat inflation and vulgar beat inflation. He headed, though Federal reserve reagan was president he came in under could after card Inflation was,
burning through the economy, and what did they do they to push us into a recession. You know it's amazing. We ve talked about this for years and when they were voting on these bills, even republicans in the last a minister I said not on all this is a disaster and had happened. People are not things happened yet more. It's happening, Idea that people can even afford dozen eggs anymore, it's just ridiculous. Price of things are unduly. I dont know how people do it. I don't know how they do it. I mean it oh secret, gripped by my good money. So I dont know how other people do it. I didn't always make good money. It's true. I just didn't, But I do now. Still, my heart goes out to people watching this. How do you do this. You're hany man, you're a mechanic you're, an electrician you're, a plumber you're a cop europe
Finally, a bus driver, Ober, lyft taxi driver. Whatever you are, how do you mean it's, it's just crazy. In the last election people vote Democrat. this was not. Caused by nature. This was caused by Democrats. We accelerating price pressures couple where they still stronger labour market. That is, Storing incomes in into supporting demand will keep the federal, tractor hike rates. Further, overcoming meetings says one expert, and so Interest rates are going to continue to go up until country is She knew a recession. thanks to these mass of spending bills, that a new
created triggered all of this and I would remind you that one Came to that phony infrastructure, billow, we're trillion dollars that Mitch Mcconnell and our whole. I think it was nineteen centre. Republicans voted for it mitch and I want to remind you that monstrous omnibus pillar was voted for wholly irrational In inflation, builder and economy, killer Mcconnell led to another eighteen republicans to vote for it, as did he now they break. european car one. I would like to give a federal government, the fog please talking about mark. You, Created this situation, you and your left wing, democrat hack, friends,. Why I want quality canada aged around? What how do you define a people who agree mayor member,
idiot standing in front of some bridge in Kentucky what Biden. from there's money bar to break. That bridge was built before you spent the money you moron, but so- I your own danbridge. Bring home to break apart from the three pair. I know I don't know, you have to do. The right thing Do you jerk? I despise that guy. I really do. Been in there forever. What has he done? What you got secure, the border is voted create inflation. What does Done what is this guy done is taken, The communists, trainees he can they what you paid him for him and his family just like bag and get the real become good leader in the senate. There What can the oval office there are barton, aid for the aid
policy she's another one. May I say with all due respect: Be right back much love in the when the going gets tough. You can count on big dentist to have your back, while not really. You certainly can't, because we all know big business, especially big wireless business, is going to lock you down in a multi year contracts with huge penalties, not pure
talk, no, the no contract wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee. That's right, pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back so, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month, cut your bill and half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shares your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee? Go to pure talk? Dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, E v, I n podcast, does say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com mo code. L e v ion podcast pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for details, sandy see,
should be the only brand comcast had ever makes any sense, but you know what Even they have their issues at this fox business really is the best business chow gotcha The pain there you get maria. our two romo. She is unbelievable. You ve got Larry cud love the culture and so many others there, I can't team inflation without significantly more hikes that will cause, a recession. Paper sets. The federal reserve is unlikely to be able to bring down inflation without having to raise interest rates considerably higher causing a recession. According to a research paper released today, former fed governor frederic Mishkin Is among the authors of the white paper now
Stop calling things white white paper, maybe ten parchment You know that examines the history, the central bank's efforts to create disinflation, no word too, this inflation? Equals recession, so, in order to have this inflation unita recession, despite this, demand so many current fed officials that they can manage a soft landing while tackling high prices. The paper says: no, they can't. They say we find no instance, none the worse. a central bank induced disinflation, kurd without a recession. Never found any any so there you go. I don't know what to tell you, but there you go. get an ugly out there, but don't worry.
Joe binds in office in he saving democracy according to. just cover you know saying that Joe Biden is saving democracy. Mr producer is saying it's like saying Joe scarborough saving marriages. Don't you think. I don't think that that computes, but say Joe and why That the morning schmo and mrs schmo and their circle nerd I put it that way: why is it There are so obsessed endlessly would trump, and then why is it that medio correct is obsessed with The morning schmo, MR small obsession with trop, it's so weird. and then why is it that media matters? These soros front group. Its obsess for what I say about media. That is obsessed with what.
The morning schmahl amateurish most says about trump. Just making any sense. Of course not. we risk and remember him: Jamie, the red, Numbers father was coming and gave it the whole history. This family. He's very upset, so it goes on. I marcello stay or the I q is lowered very significantly, figures he can communicate with their audience. and he is very angry that speaker that house cover mccarthy has released. Hours and hours of video tapes. Carl of the fox news network and the information will become public, he's very upset about this thought they had stalinist way. They have a phoney committee very little, Allah bureau, they were
The power, like d, power hungry narcissists that they are by the way, whatever happened to Liz cheney. Has anybody heard from her? is whereas loose training does anybody know cheaper? anger, presidential run but should be running in this country or another country. Understand riding at a man had case kings. Anger has a book coming out. I think he calls it. You know I don't narcissist that would be good anyway. The general six video. and he said the reason we didn't let this video out is because we didn't want to enable sure insurrectionists mega to figure out. In our had a really make a run at the capital and be successful this,
I trunk on his own stupidity the morning schmo and mrs schreyer. They say they re disappointed and Kevin Mccarthy, because he brain We stood up up the, upon january six, and then he flipped he saw Why not are these the same individuals. This mouse pour slobbering all over donald trump. This, mr blues,. They would have a more on their show, nobody watch, but they would have on their show. They were trash crews, nobody and they loved donald trump. Donald trump, dared to attack them. They turned down a prompt and they can't stop. They can't stop they slip flop. You may get a lot of money for it. Back my friends,
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And resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today These now rod casting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under breakin steel of unarmed script. Building we have once again made contact with our leaders, have a question for you folks Why are certain acts of And even vigilante s report, by the news and others not enough time. Our national knows national news. That kind of talk this about this before wire certain Cases reported
Day in and day out, day in and day out, while others are completely ignored, what is it. Ratings is, it hits. What is. You know it tomorrow is. You know tomorrow is. well, there's a group called, and I. I'm not trying to find anybody not Finally, by that's their name, not mine yeah, I'm tv geo. Why? I am tv they have been met. Sk in california California, in these same front. school area. Now they ve moved florida, they move, large, because a significant jewish population now lives in florida, practically the southern end of florida.
And so they figure what a better place to go and see what's happening is there's all kinds of nazi graffiti showing up at sea pamphlets being handed her left. and cars. Massive amounts. and Jews, particularly. orthodox jews their hats, in their jackets and their beards and so forth, were being so and and harassed publicly. And I posted one such example. Just one mark levin, show twitter getter to social. and all the rest of it. I hope, you'll take a look at consists getting out of control. This is why said last, I wanted to talk to you. My extended family.
Now, governor dissenters, he. has directed the flooded parliament of law enforcement to push back because tomorrow. They were announced that its national day of hate National day of hate at saturday following several I semitic incidents targeting floored is jewish communities. The flooded department of law enforcement announced its work. And to put pressure on Hey groups over the weekend and release. After Ali said, the governor dissenters directed the department of put additional resources towards the issue calling on law enforcement agencies statewide too Say coordinated national day of hate. That's been announced in the set for tomorrow saturday. Going into the eighty, our national day ahead is expected to see a surgeon activity from hake groups.
and there's been increased violence, distribution of flyers, anti semitic protests in graffiti leaf larger department of law enforcement release shows that, while there are no known threats are protests planet floored over the weekend Law enforcement presence will be increase because they don't tell you in advance. I once threats of violence, physical intimidation not be tolerated against the jewish community in florida, has no place in our state. said the flooded apartment of law enforcement. Commissioner mark last. Such actions will be prosecuted the fullest extent of the law, If the ally partnering with local law enforcement agencies to enhance response capabilities? Central florida? Sheriff's offices are also preparing orange county in should canny sheriff's office has condemned recent anti semitic messages and aggressions? I put
did some of this video. Just one piece of it actually proudly should pose more on my So I hope you take a look. Orange. County sheriff of John minos. Great guy, implored the community to remain vigilant this week in the light of possible neo nazis. extremists, activity And so that is what This is taking place now. The anti semitic propaganda group go home tv again. I apologise, but that's what they call themselves g o. Why? I am you, can google this year to check it out Located to Florida. Emerging hot spot. To harass the jewish community. Videos,
on twitter show members of the neo nazi approaching a car driven by orthodox jewish men Yes to the hell, however,. These protests from the gleam defence lake harass jewish people, the entrance of a cupboard nor lando kebab is is a facility. As part of the combined movement rabbis New video footage posted on social media ones that this stuff scorn on an hour later, to just say no. Leave our country go back, is Israel. You know where you bomb palestinian kids, but they said more than that it's so filthy. and so many police will be needed. I'm not even playing on the air here. Just constant Slurs says to thee: Which passenger you look like a jewish horse? Look at worse face on this too.
remarks he used to harass, choose called them filthy pieces of. You know what they attacked the cops, The cops work straight for the effing jews. that too one jus would you like to be? Put in an oven, starts laughing stuff, like that. This is. I say most of you are not jewish in the audience, but you are righteous people. You are the kind of people We would not have stood for the holocaust you're, the kind, people whose. Whose families for world war two. And I'm just telling you this is spreading here in the united states I can live a very small group. Twenty of us, sir. And we don't really have a facility and so.
not too far from. Where we live in Virginia there's a beautiful place, we go to its non It has Some land with it's it's very, it's very basic. And so pogo there for one of the high holidays. In the rabbi, whose of just a fantastic guy he's an american. Was canadian, but he wanted to become an american citizen, the legal way and did so Therefore, family. and this is a small group- somehow- Videos like this found out. That he was holding an outside service and they drove can I draw buying a black ass to were the windows open
palestinian flags yelling at bar, and more than that. Just very, very foul. Thanks, that's frightening You didn't announced that you were meeting there and somehow they found out and you do that in the middle of a service. You know that there will be. People doing that in the middle of Mr servers, sir. christmas eve, sir or whatever it is. I hear nothing from the Biden administration about this absolutely Nothing. I see nothing on NBC news about this, whether pushing Nicole. A journalist I see nothing.
I don't see any professors. Nope on cable tv talking about this in denouncing, do you there's nothing These things are taking place, Taking place in a law, places in our country. You can see where the sentences takings. epps, you can see where tromp use to take steps when he was in office. To I see nothing from the Democrats, I see. Nothing from the media, nothing, zero. Because people like omar and tallied, and a o see impressively and bake and that whole crowd. Their anti semites.
As they are anti americans, their marxists. and this is the agenda that is push because These people are not denounce, sir, not denounced by their own party. There not denounced by the media. And I fear this is gonna, get out of hand you have a new york, a large orthodox, Your community in brooklyn. They didn't just arrived there. They ve been there. But you also have diverse communities, And you have an african american community there and others and so forth, people are constantly attend, brutalized beaten. You know how people wear the cross, but I think it's wonderful.
tat they were the cross when they travel. Do they get. Certain places, but they have to put it away if they go Certain countries are so forth, then terrible. Jews are being told to remove theirs. as a david, whether keepers. In certain neighborhoods in america,. or if there, on the subway. I'm just telling you this, and many of you already know this- that this Taking place and these Kind of people do exist it also another reason why I detest the use by the left of war. Supremacy to define you and me.
binding, honest moral people who don't bother, anybody would pay our taxes and we follow the rules. And by saying what they say there trying to include people with us are us with these people, which is sickening absolutely sickening. But I wanted to point it out and I hope you can understand what a problem this is becoming I'll, be right, It was love in the many conservatives. Don't know that one of the biggest propagandists for president Biden's ridiculously named inflation reduction act was the a a r p, a r p. This so called advocate for seniors spent millions of dollars on ads in advance, helping liberals and congress pass this monstrous legislation in doing so, a a r p provided cover for vulnerable democrats,
november elections. Why would a r p do this possibly for money. He is a mass of conflict of interest. Over the last decade they ve been paid north of six billion dollars stemming from its financial relationship with united health care. Then along comes that a r p supported inflation reduction act. and miraculously big insurance and their p b, a middle men like a our peace financial power. A united healthcare emerges. Big winners. Please visit this great website to learn more commit two seniors dialogue: that's commitment, the seniors, dot, org paid for by american commitment. They call themselves the going on defence leg geo. Why? I am defence leg, you can look it up. These things are going on all over the country going on a norfolk virginia and by the way there also going on in our public school systems like the fairfax
the school system in virginia. You're, pushing critical re siri when you're pushing marxism your opening immigration Individuals from parts of the world who refuse to assimilate I'm just being honest. on top of many many other things, The economy starts to hurt Jews become targets. And it's not by the today. Show it's not covered I good morning, america, it's not by any sunday show none of them now, one of them Instead, they dragged this nicole. Whatever the hell, her name is. They bring her on to push america hating marxist pabulum,. teach you to do that.
You ve heard nothing from Biden, not a word. nothing from Harris. Nothing truck Schumacher Joe, the democratic leader in the senate, not a word. Nothing. packing jeffreys. You would think, given his uncle the deep. I semitism in racism of that entire jeffreys family, not a word, nothing that our work is pointing it out By my talking about this. I my mentioning this group. How should I put this mister bennet. My my condemning these people put
in a very difficult position. You understand what I'm trying to say very difficult. I would just point out to you. Because in the past, when I've received death threats, it's been not from this group. This group's rather new from other groups like this. So I just. am raising this with you. So you're, aware of it. I'm aware what I'm stepping into. We have a major obligation here behind this microphone for this country. For liberties to take on
Evil, whether it comes from government whether it comes from this come, I can Pretend it's not happening! And I will be right back This episode is brought to you by progressive. What's one, you'd purchased, with a little extra savings, awaited blanket smart speaker at new self character we keep hearing about If the progressive wants to make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save money on car insurance, drivers who save by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify for an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like having multiple vehicles on your policy. Progressive offers.
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The list of the republicans who voted to destroy our Currency and our economy in its led by ms mckenna, thirty, seven republicans in the senate, including Mcconnell voting forms of voted for him to be the republican leader. Thirty, seven incredible, I voted for this monstrous omnibus bill. Let's go Keep inflation in this country for years to come, not mention how they fund all these radical left wing groups and thirty six billion to the teamsters pension fund and all the rest. This is my. they didn't leverage one penny of it for a war on the southern border, not one penny are attacking the brave majority in the house of Republicans who are trying to get this budget under control and threatening them that they they can't find anything. The cut, not even the excess covered monies that are giving to teach cr tee.
Ok, MR producer, to whom, shall I speak, Roy At chester new york, one of our favorites w h, a m diane. How are you I'm fine, but actually I'm not I'm passing information, pleased with your contacts and seeing what this is all about. I heard on an early morning radio that moldova, ok, which is in between ukraine and russia. Ok, they how large, if munitions factory russia wants it, they are doing a berlin airlift into moldova. We have sent our one hundred and first airborne army into ukraine re miles. No, I am- and I thank you know we have. I don't know who saying this step, but I can't participate in that stuff. We sent the men to ukraine.
did you know that MR producer. We sent the hundred first air force, the cheetah airborne run. but the eighty second into ukraine, knowing Heaven. Our, let's continue showing w why our day greenville south carolina noah? How are you. I am a maybe I can do about it, if you say so yourself,. yes, sir, how may I have acquired the court? about, the hunger bided laptop and Joe Biden? They have weapon Joe Biden gain by, China have great letting them get
Both to america and maybe even go to war with, and what did he gained by his country that he is the president getting going to war. Who said he would gain anything if we go to war with china. He's an inhabitant boob! That's the problem. Any fears in the lead up of any war the release of information. I fear in this country or elsewhere. Showing how much he sold out to the communist chinese. It's not that he, Wants us to go to war with china he's, put himself in a position where he's not competent or capable of leading the country. Let me turn it around on you. Why would the communist chinese pour multi millions of dollars into the biden, pen centre
Into the university of delaware Biden centre into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, why would they do that. Things like Joe again As for information, but I You don't even have to be for information, but it could their buying his Buying control over him not necessarily to go to war, thereby control over him when it comes to policy. Things of that sort. That's the problem, the guys Bought and paid for So it's not that he wants us to go to war, but when you have somebody like that, provided Even without all, this has been horrific when it comes. Everything but especially farm policy,
as others who worked form of said it become a huge problem. Thank you For your car who's next, Mr Barroso, Brad in Dallas serious satellite go right ahead. Sir Gray boy and I have been waiting a year and a half I've finally got through to talk to you. Thank you. I noted that you were talking about a year and a half, or so I are talking earlier in the program about the inflation I'm in the eighty percent service connected disabled vet you're all over eighteen hundred a month. neither I nor market for new apartment I'll mandrake dope. Fourteen hundred that much that this implies No then leaves me four hundred dollars numbed and now with me,
now my brothers and sisters that hours a year, turkey disable better in that by now more physical incurred. Probabilities are goin back into the workforce, unlike may. Well, what do you suppose that make it you know on? It'll three hundred dollars a month and that only even include gas, grocery honest to god. I don't know I don't know how you make it. I dont know how other people make it its terrible apps really terrible this this wild spending by the government- They featherbed there their public sector unions and they take care themselves and they redistribute wealth and they give money too to radical left disorganizations? Another? It's a disgrace! It's this.
yeah. You know it makes and as real tank aboard boy. I know you got other callers, but what jos document girl. I mean there's a shiny white malaria, it is an error Nobody seems to care they're still chastened tromp, you know they start how'd worded the bar. How did they find that box of trump followers? Even after Yet the I search more largo, these are the leaks. The fbi ended armand of justice- think they're getting the run around, in other words, obstruction from tromp. Meanwhile, your point of core This is a great one of thousands and thousands and thousands of documents, islands from his senate years and otherwise at the university of Delaware, which has been blocking them. She has been blocking them. An idle.
An update on that too, and you're right. It's completely off the headlines. By the way where is buying today, where the hell is, he. my friend and I really feel bad about you. Situation so Take care of yourself and thank you for your service will be, Back then Don't forget, Linda Levine, item patriots out there, life, liberty and Levin show this sunday. Some exclusive, especial show. Eight p m. stern time, five pm civic all times in between and around Watch live. I hope, your should dvr now you're going to like it. It's probably gonna be talked about a lot, but you don't need
people to talk about my show just watch yourself. I think you can really be intrigue by I think we ve had a hell of a week. And I want to thank all of my wonderful, wonderful listeners out there. You folks, for europe you're patriotism for your intelligence and for your love of country. or I wouldn't be here, Nobody would listen. You are the last line of defence of this country you're it Why should I have a very restful weekend? Your family enjoy whatever you do, because we have to battle. I mean it your definitely, of course, in vain walks of life and our different roles, whether your parents, grandparents weather, pro life activists, whatever you are. You need to keep at it because without you, its country,
survive. We go to america. Every riding in honour of you here we go the the
the the the
the the the.
thanks for everything folks, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Without you, there be no me and don't forget api, m sunday night fuck I was channel life liberty and Levin exclusive interview with governor de santas. The way it gets officially over the week officially starts now We salute our armed forces: police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, are truckers, and the men and women in taiwan and ukraine the freedom fighters
it's friday and gravy. Can I pepsi and zelda? Can I Mogi and gigi? Can I envy and patton rory denied, barney and good. I marny can I gonna mom again I leo. Can I Joe America you lied to you and have a great tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-26.