« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/22/23


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, nobody is talking about environmental justice or environmental equity in the aftermath of the East Palestine, Ohio disaster because it happened in a poor white area, which is why this isn’t being racialized by the media bigots on TV. It doesn’t fit the modern narrative, but if this were a different type of community we would be hearing all across the Democrat media. President Biden or Pete Buttigieg have not visited the disaster site, but President Trump went to support the devastated community. The racial division in our country comes from the Democrat party and the Federal Government. Also, the grand jury foreman in the Trump Georgia case, Emily Kohrs, went from one media interview to the next and proved only one thing: this special grand jury is a clown show. Kohrs tainted this special grand jury by discussing evidence on TV, and nothing is being done by the DA to silence her and preserve the sanctity of the grand jury process. Kohrs demonstrated that she does not have objectivity, and Trump’s lawyers need to take careful note of this and deserves an investigation right now. It is now abundantly clear that you cannot get a fair trial in this country if you are charged with anything. Finally, Mark speaks with Mark Meckler about an update with the Convention of States.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground command, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the
The the America mark Levant here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven three. One three. One one. Well, ladies and gentlemen,. I want to get into this
Form in the assembly cores the things she is said and what she's doing, she was on the special grand jury. As you know, there was by the democratic district attorney elected district attorney, to try and go after donald trump and a number of people around the world. president and move for I do. As I have been. Jeanne. The coverage of this he's. Was steen. I owe community which, A relatively poor community in majority, while community, a blue collar community. it's interesting. How that affects the coverage of you noticed What he's talking about environmental justice or environmental equity if you notice I'm mr medusa. even though the trains go right
This community go right through it, including with toxic chemical, Nobody has even attempted, including me, I'm just me the point to racial eyes this as the eu oh bigots and racists on tv and other aspects of the media. Do You don't see white privilege here, court quote, so does it The modern narrative, this word different type, Humidity you'd be hearing all of this in the page, then the ex lines in the washing and composed on the comments made news network on I myself stay it be gay. In day out, there be headlines and Joe Biden would have been there already. And he would have been there attacking attacking.
Economic injustice, environmental, injustice, big business, but there's nothing in it for him. these people? Ten of republican congressmen? There's republika there's nothing in it. For. So we're on day, twenty or so and he's not there. And, of course, we know that buddha judge is not there. Pierre administrators made two trips wandered, drink water and say see it's clean. now they say, they're sending in the epa to do the clean up. The peer doesn't do clean up the epa hires people to do clean up. the based in Washington DC, it's a top heavy
Iraq, accuracy, like all the rest, like all the rest. There are no civil rights activists to speak for these people. There are no columnists at the new york times and the washington post to speak for these people. Or you'll, get a column here and there I suppose. No study drumbeat, nothing in the sector, Transportation is constantly talking about equity. Mental justice and so forth. As I said, he and found his way there. Yet. Vice president hasn't found her way there yet because they can't make political hey out of this fact they would be criticised.
showing to act and act quickly to do something about this. The division in our country, the abuse and maltreatment of people, comes from the democratic party comes from Federal government president trump, Obviously he was there to day in his palace steen and he brought some truck, stop bottle war when he spoke to the people there And the media say it's a precedent. Joe Biden goes to hear That's fine by me walks through the streets. All of a sudden the sirens go off. even cover his ears? He never misses a shovel secrets
This is now to be found. The russians were told three hours, I d be. There So they knew and around the silence come under fire love historian, like lincoln, did. Like madison did, come under fire in a war zone walk through nor philadelphia Walk through cities all over the country, even some suburbs. Those are war zones. what's in planning to start off with this, but I have just decided that. Somebody has to say what so obvious. So I will now. We have the grand jury, foreman.
Who is on a media blitz going from event two event media interview, to media interview. something's, not right with her. I dont know what it is: something's, not right with her, but when you listen to her what you include or what I conclude is. this entire, so called special grand jury was a clown show. She was the former. It's a clown show. And so we will play some of this audio. because the dna in this case had to know the foreman was a clown. She didn't pick the former. but she had to know what was going on here.
the damned rendering she's an elected democrat atlanta. And they want to indict a number of republican legislators. They me- beginning for rudy giuliani, they might be gunning for trump and would say this. All of those individuals. It is my humble opinion that now abundantly clear that you cannot get a fair trial. Should you be charged. With all the publicity coming from the foreman a thirty year old cook,. Of these special grand jury set up
effectively run by the Democrat elected district attorney. also demand. an investigation of the for women and men Investigation of the prosecutor. To determine whether she took a probe action to shut the foreman down. This would bring On four seventy two hours: what steps that she take to stop. The former from doing media appearances, whatever steps, So they clearly warrant effective, because I went on like a jerry, lowest marathon she's out there, making a mockery of the entire system, she's laughing She's joking in the media participate justice in america. Now I want you to listen to some of this
This is on CNN. Her name is emily course. Since the grand jury in the state of georgia cut one go, You personally want to hear from the former I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president, because I got to swear everybody and- and so I thought, it'd be really cool to get sixty seconds with president trump of me. Looking at him, Vila do solemnly swear, I'm eating this for him, and I just thought it would be an awesome moment. I can see how trying to get the for a president to come, talk to us would have been a year in negotiation by itself. So it sounds like that was a battle that you all decided not to wait. Actually, that's kind of how it ended up. Was that and I'd be fascinated by what he said, but do you think he would have come in and said anything groundbreaking or just the same
I do think we ve heard so at some point. You don't need here. Fifty people say the same thing: you know what I mean at some point. You have to start to get the gist. None of this is supposed to be discussed in public. In any just an ethical system. And I would argue this is prejudicial. we wanted to hear what he had to say, but we didn't bother because he'd be too difficult to get. I want. Look him in the face. You know get sixties. Comes with them. So he would solemnly swear to tell Truth I wanted to look at him. But within violent negotiate and because I would have taken too long cut to go after everything that you ve seen Would you reaction be if the dna decides against bringing charges after what you see.
I will be sad if nothing happens like that that's about. My only request there is is put something to happen. necessarily know what it is about. The legal expert, I'm not the judge, Not the lawyers, but I I will be frustrated if nothing happens. This was too Much twenty information too much of my time to much of everyone's time too much of their time too much argument in in court about getting people to appear before us. There is just too much for this to just be: ok, we're good bye and if it is just a perjury charge or perjury charges, Would that be acceptable to that's fine? I will be happy as long as something happens, unbelievable I'll be happy. Something needs to happen. Look you know, Expert on this stuff, I was just the jury, foreman.
but all the time and effort in resources we put into this all the court arguments we put into this just too much the just saying I saw the d a needs to do something which the only de I can do- is make a charge or not. I will be happy as long as something happen. Something needs to happen. Can you imagine Your freedom is left to somebody like this. And that was yesterday. and we're not aware of any thing that the district attorney has done over the course of the last two or three days to put an end to this. And she should have put an end to it? The very first time that this.
Special grand jury foreman showed her face she's thirty years old on tv cut three go. We do not, of course, by them guess. Questions remaining for everyone that wasn't in that jury. Room with you is how many People are in trouble here. What can you tell us about how many will you recommended as a group to face indictments now this reporter kate balloon. She will be praised by her fellow corrupt journalists for participating in the corruption of the process. We don't do this to mass murders, we don't do this to terrorists. Not a single report has raised the ethics.
Related to something like this, not one, why is that what we know why that is so they don't see justice. They seen seek a hangman's noose. That's what this go ahead. I will thanks For having me first of all, and I'm I'm hesitant to speak to something that the judge me The decision not to share he. I don't know if everyone is aware of this, but there was a hearing about what parts of them we should and should not be published its forms and list. Well, then, sections that were removed were consciously chosen to be removed and- I don't want to say. I have better judgment than the judge. That's totally understandable, is it would you say when it comes to there are, and there are indictments recommended, of course, is it more than twelve
people as a more than twenty people. I think if you look at the page numbers of their port there's about six pages in the middle. The got cut up, allow for spacing I were going to continue their size to take a heartbreak, so she just said: there's six pages in the middle, allowing for shake spacing it's not a shortlist meaning there recommendation. A lot of people are gonna be indicted. She was not freedom to say that Way back much love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold,
I raise to protect their hard earned savings by here's a company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one web conference to schedule. Call eight seven, seven. Four, gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven for gold, irae, eight, seven, seven wore gold ira. Do you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures well judged specifically bar, what she says. I think, if you look at the page numbers of the report, there is about six pages in the metal that got cut out, meaning the jew
Said no don't release those allowing Four spacing it's not a short list shortly she asked the reporter. I mean when it comes to us. many fi witnesses. I assume, of course it's not seventy five people, but you characterized it is. Twenty is people, I can't say I counted. Ok, more and a dozen though I think I have heard you say in another anyway. I believe so that's probably a good assumption. That is more than a dozen. Sounds to me: she violated the judges decision. The order was theirs pages you're not supposed to be talking about and she's talking about them in any event, can indeed some good.
Strong defence lawyers and they need to take aim at the dna and this jury I'll be back. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing: there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold a race to protect their hard earned savings by years had company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four. Gold. I re that eight seven seven for gold irae eight seven seven
wore gold ira? Do you have a financial professional obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the rest discuss it as well my love in america's passionately. Cerebral voice. Talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one Williams is one of thousands of former federal prosecutors and he's on they constipated news network today has been watching the jury, foreman and he's asked about this cut I've go, she wouldn't go and more specifically, I see you shaking her head elliot's each with a kind of talking here about some of the evidence, but there could be some compelling sound at their shore, but but the here
the problem that is created with a statement like that vector the entire fulton county. Georgia could potentially be anybody in fulton county was. It was sort of over the age of eighteen can be a potential juror, and this trump their hearing now evidence it's going to be presented before them at trial and developing opinions about it. Developing opinions about defendants that to contain the prosecution. If this individual, who we're hearing from really wants these people charged with crimes so badly, she'd better shut her mouth about them, because ultimately she could imperil their can evictions if they ever reach that point and on appeal after someone's been convicted. That's when attorneys can raise an argument. Like hey, look, Nothing was fair from the beginning. Here. on account of the fact that the jury pool was tainted by information. Was presented to them even before we got in their course yeah. In other words, this called special grand jury was tainted,
Mean if you really want to be objective and you won't let the process play out due process? want to let the process play out and. Let the chips far they may you don't do media appearances even before Decisions are made about charging. And so the question is: what did the d a do if anything decline, silence the court to try and silence this surgery form already pointed out a problem just that she points to six pages of the report. There were cut They were cut up by the judge. And she says allow for spacing it's not a short list. report. It is not a short list, I mean when it comes to seventy five witnesses. I assume, of course, Smart, seventy five people would you characterize, it is twenty. If people, I can't I counted. ok more than a dozen
I heard you say that in another interview, believe. So that's probably a good assumption. Decisions haven't been made and others the story in this thirty year old is talking about those six pages Even giving numbers estimates. And, of course, she's demonstrating that she does not, Did not have objectivity. So I'm just raising this. So those representatives He giuliani, lindsey gram, whomever rouse president their lorries need to take note of this. very very careful note of this, because this looks like a year a real, he still cops operation where the engine, Two further means.
And I want to know about each and every one of those grandeurs, and I think this may open the door to that as it should the door to an investigation right now,. If I'm one of the lawyers right now or maybe they want a lot of play out a little bit if you get my drift, but at some point soon, but the day has done to bring the sanctity of the grand jury process and Try and silence this individual It's amazing to me: I think this A superior court judge in georgia, he does, the wait around here. act on his own, but he added them damn thing he sees what she's doing He doesn't need a motion to be filed here, ready made a decision that those six pay you shouldn't be talked about well, she's, talking about them where they also judge for these local judges J. They are particularly sharp member that,
agenda washed in state, she didn't know what article one of the constitution was, but she wanted to be a federal judge or more to the point. I wanted you to be a federal judge, but then again bind dozen either get to have remained at the new york slice, but she's also commentator for the constipated news network. She wears many hats. She supposed me objective journalists but she's a partisan commentator, and hates donald trump, so she's our poppy harlow puppy to give her opinion not to report any news. Cut forego, it was interesting to dance
About what the what tromp came out and set on so from media, true social, thanking the special grand jury, saying total exoneration, I can imagine being finding willis right now. Like you, ve got your four person out. There is you're trying to make this decision it. Didn't she seward did. Actually read the documents when he said that this is not a total exoneration. Frankly, any more than the Mulder report was a turtle as she talks. She thinks she's Chris Matthews. This fanatical interaction with development because they want you to believe that makes them sounds smart. No, it makes them sounds stupid. Actually. She says this was not a total exoneration. Frankly, any more than the Mulder report was a total exoneration, but she said That too, you know maggot view. investigated by about a score of federal price peters and three score of fbi agents and you weren't charged with something.
That's an exaggeration. that's a clean bill of health Maggot may not understand the constitution, especially the bill of rights. Either tromp was not charged with anything and fact that prosecutors right things in a document is meaningless, because you can't challenge it. There's nobody to cross examined. You can't At your own evident, she can't do any of it. one of the reasons people have a serious problem. With these reports. Maggots and if you were really a journalist, you would point this out. wasn't usually exonerated because you gonna make me go ahead at about that too, Thus, I think, a separate issue from what the grand jury for women is saying. I mean she's, given this extensive media tour. I saw some clothes that I think so the electoral constitution, where.
Trump issues asked about that. Quite we're trumps it. This is an exoneration and she started laughing and said: oh, that's, fantastic! I love that. I don't see how that's helpful if you're a prosecutor, because forty will still has it's not automatic- that charges get filed now that that seems like that's. The likeliest thing to do very well is a very aggressive prosecutor by This is just In my experience, covering courts not helpful to a de tournay when they are trying to put their case together she's, Percent right, so why doesn't fanny willis stop her is it? The judge independently, stop her from violating his decision and oh, that's fantastic. I love that that goes to her state of mind that she was a partisan or she was not objective and impartial. Let me put it that way. That is the foreman. Why am I not using the word for woman because
if a sitting associate asked us to the supreme court cannot define what a woman is. Who am I I to define what a woman s and I'm not gonna. up with the mega have remains in the others who pretend theirs? a binary biological scientific fact between a man and a woman, except when they want to use the word woman. So I'm not dealing with that So why should I color for woman? I should cholera. Birthing purse, but going to do that either. It just takes too much time. Oh that's fantastic! I love that when she starts laughing the foreman. Nor do you folks singular. and a notice that every one of the commentators, the former federal prosecutor, maggot hammer mental they're, not wear,
about justice that is there not worried about the rights of the potential accused or charge. That's. We are worried about their worried about how We gonna get a conviction. How are they going to get a conveyed to have yours, they can argue that the jury was tainted, that the jury was was partial for get go. That is the grand jury. Having cover prosecutions, much my life, my career. I know a district attorney. There's not helpful, not helpful to the day when what about the rights of the people. Whose heads around the chopping block and what about the thinks of the dna shouldn't she takes. It steps. Now: what about constitutional, united states it does apply to georgia. Even
they have their own state constitution. He could literally violate two constitutions at the same time. Simultaneous what about it is this the way people want to be treated in a criminal process where people are compelled to testimony compelled to give testimony to this grand jury. The special grand jury. Without a lawyer and then the jury. form and goes out before the day, it makes decisions and starts spilling her opinions. Now she believe she's, she's hasn't cross the line, but yes, but she has, in my view, Not that she's necessarily prohibited from speaking, but she did violate the judges order here and others six pages and the gap healing
Pain is on an information and they look at the page numbers six ages in the middle of that cut out, you know, four spacing that's not a short list. Would you tundra, yet the people we recommended to be indicted, seventy five I'll, try didn't count, you know twenty wish. I didn't count a dozen yeah that trans about right. She just talked about the six pages. What's the dossier gonna do about what has to be done Then I think you ragging will be made of the day. I didn't do anything or anything effective than the dossier in part. Responsible for this not directly but her fairy to act per malfeasance, malfeasance, Google? It This economy, you need to make every dollar
and you especially need to protect retirement funds folks, but huge investment firms names that you know who controlled trillions. trillions of dollars, some of them run commercials on tv channel just try, engineer and retirement funds your pensions are Scan your financial future playing woke politics with your with your money. The using a radical system called e s g. We ve talked about this and it is the radical left agenda, the marxists agenda and they're doing it without your consent. So what there Is there towing companies? You want money from us. You want investments from us. You want loans from us. You want subsidies from us why It is our political agenda, knew better, adhere to it, but wait a minute worse. Post to maximize the profit for senior citizens and others, which is difficult enough in this. conduct that matter were telling you what we expect,
they're, pulling investments from solid companies to advance their social causes, one of which is, of course, climate. changing climate activism, just recently. Every republican, senator and Democrats senator Joe mansion from west virginia the city. He is cheap. It's our entire economy in jeopardy introduced a bill. It would prevent bs cheese from overtaking per fits as a leading consideration for Your retirement money is invested, state leaders are fighting back telling these firms to cut it out with your pensions, but to protect. Pensions and twenty twenty two alone state treasures divested five billion dollars from one of these investment firms. Promises can take a lot more than that to learn we're about how to fight back against woke investment firms. Here's what I want you to do these people a year advocate go to consumers, research that are that's consumers within S. On the end consumer
Research dialogue, they ve been protecting consumers from fraud and abuse for decades there. One of us go to consumers research, dot org to learn about their mission to protect you from these woke invest firms that are going to destroy your heart. retirement. Consumers with an s at the end. Consumers, research, dot, org paid for by Consumers research be right back then. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement, bill are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing: there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for one case it's one reason: americans get gold. I raise to protect their hard earned, say
here's a company- I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four gold? I re. That's eight. Seven, seven four go IRA. Eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. I agree with my computer. Anyone thinks it Putin intends to stop in ukraine there there were smoking, something We welcome a hundred percent because he read
Putin rotor, he read it, took so. I continue to think about this. Here's. What I would do this foreman may well be. contempt, of course, that is in contempt of the water This judge signed those six pages she sent him now to talk about. Then she did so. The prosecutor should be threatening her with a contempt or just Seeking contempt from the court for her violating the court order, anything that's covered by the order and If I'm one of the individuals are targeting. I demand an investigation into this whole matter. What steps have ended the district
look, I'm not doing this for my health from trying to get these lorries to do something. What steps! Any the district attorney took and has taken. In other words, this process has been breached. And it's opened a whole for them to go through. And they should not hesitate. They should not That is because justice must be done, injustices and done just by the government. Justice is done by people who are innocent too. She's doing a mass of media presentation, Here's to test this out, I had MR producer try to reach this story. Foreman. To get her on our programme that we don't have her number really, but we think.
I found the number or her email correct, rich and there was no response, send it to five different likely emails, and you know what that tells me That she would only do certain media cnn. NBC. The atlanta newspaper, the atlanta journal constitution- these are all liberal pro democratic platforms she may have done. Others but she wouldn't come on this show. Why. Because it turns out, in my view, I don't believe, she's impartial. That's why. He and she's out there, the thirty year old. I don't believe she's impart. Why do Oh shows a, not mine, My show has more listeners than all those platforms combined.
I'll, be right back this segment of the pot cast as exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan, the right for you. Thank you again. We're listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the snow broadcasting from the underground command post in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader that the american mark, Levin here, are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one Three eight one, one I've been saying behind his microphone on fox on levine tv.
The ruling class once power power and more power, and they don't want to share with anybody. They don't want to share with anybody, and yet they are and cabinet. They are abusive Some ways are inhumane: they are that. In a president, trump had a real identity into real connection. with the average person by the average person. I mean not the billionaires and millionaires. On the other hand, not the people on the doll, but the people who work in this country, it is, shall connection with them. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer them fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer view.
I'm talking about all backgrounds, all races and all the rest. Now I have to say that, because there are people who are just so unhinged that everything they think about his race. This map about race, Donald trump, brought pilots of bottled water, Donald trump, went into a food quarter I couldn't tell any said all the police or the fire fighters. You know free free, hamburgers, all the people around him? He said, give them, but was mcdonald oak free hamburgers, make sure everybody gets it. I've called him in the past, the blue collar billionaire cassettes, what he is he's a blue collar billionaire.
Joe Biden pretends to be brute blue collar he's never been blue collar. He's, never made an honest, our and his wife, you might The trouble is born rich, ok, but the men who poured the concrete and drove the trucks and laid the bricks, the men who who built things. Skyscrapers he knew they were? He work or the Every day, every single day, not Joe Biden. Lunchbox Joe Joe, by never carried a lunchbox scranton Joe Joe, his family left screen when he was about Five years old, he never look back. He goes At a time when Pennsylvania persuade people eddies
he's. One of them has never been one of them and he's not. Today. now I'm like so many conservatives, you won't hear me matches Crane against was seen our high one has nothing to do with the other, but by needs to take care use the phone bureaucracy, use the epa use all this stuff that they ve created all bureaucracies and rules and everything else to try and help the people in palestine, ohio. Female refused to give them one day implored nickel until trump decided to visit, and they did an absolute utah.
That's not the way to run a country, our country. Joe Biden used to sit back when a hurricane Hit puerto rico, he would attack trump. he would insinuate that tramples racist. That's, why wasn't helping the people importer rico? The left, the Democrats, He pulled the same thing when we had the hurricane in new orleans. They pull it against george w bush, but bush has a short memory, pull the same thing. They look at these her. The tragedies whether caused by mother nature or by man as opportunities political opportunities, political opportunities. Now there was a piece I came across.
And I remember where I originally solid, or I give them kudos, but it's a peace at a site called ivy exiled, dot, sub tack, dot com and we will posted on the mark. Levin show dot com home page. We do all the articles. The ivy exile. is the sooner the view from the top. And this person rights mama, jobs for colombia, law, colombia, law school was covering endless dinners, swore raising Gowers. Often several weeks thrown at fancy, midtown venues from various firm societies and journals. where a tie and right up nights major social intellectual happenings attended by everybody. Was anybody mainly do a company are expensive, photographers glamour, shots.
beyond flattering students, alarms and donors, I had to demonstrate that the schools office of communications and public affairs was proactively on top of things. As such, I derive early to shake hands with vips and then his guests drifted into italy down as much as I could from the open bar. I tell them south west: they help break the ice. but it was more than most of the events were so damn depressing, the lawyers and law students. I hobnob with drank even more Eighty hour weeks, poring over footnotes were even worse. Any gathering, far enough from identity politics like intellectual property or fine points of murder. An acquisitions could be fascinating top. My. Breaking down ambiguities of case law and pending litigation, but Areas easier to politicize in particular vince co, hosted by the office of social justice, initially romas. Gary
t to be tiresome. Slogs even be for the utopian self promoters. I was paid to lionize we're zealous who, in an alarm sloppily, happy to tell a reporter what they really thought, Again and again, I hear how we the global meritocracy, what I poverty and inequality in climate change long before, if not for evil saboteurs. Your and enlightened administrators of the rational future. eliza bring savages for their own good feeling and our collective got a manner to the sum of human wisdom. We agreed new york times and realise, of course, weed. Is known. To increasingly international crowd. Americans tended to be intensely jealous. here's from the european union, and especially china, where leader, which had more allotted to dispense, would troublemakers due to stupid
creation of powers and are obsolete constitution, we in the EU s were prevented from fixing things by neo nazis out an fly over country, but thankfully, loads of old white racist were dying off each day and righteous new immigrants arriving so and be long before. Global citizens like us would take charge and Why- to the wicked vengeance. Would be sweet our how the pigs would squeal as we found for social and historical and cosmic justice bilaterally, Bitched and moaned, the better job we'd known we were doing Our from advising indiscreet hotheads to tone it down old lawyers, professors and even judges were expressly envious of the next generations. Willingness Tell it like it was these truths, everybody who was anybody already knew they gushed. Our vision and passion and They were our age after an hour. They help come see it
replacing whiskeys with wine and blustering what continue of bread and butter and so forth. she began I'd, take note professor remarks as salads and entrees reserved generally look warm salmon and rented rooms at the princeton club or occasionally stay said the twenty one club for better sized events before dessert in keynote speakers typically shy, how about new york, politicos and once even Barack obama's solicitor general, the united states? We were this john intellectual vanguard at columbia, they'd always suggest under sung hero, safeguarding societal sanity, so asked- was this right wing conspiracy so rife the disinformation that extraordinary Measures required to protect our democracy from the masses. evenings waned over coffee and cheesecake was fees and business cards after a few final grew photos. Most drift
At the door ever more secure in their convictions, in the morning hung over I'd squinted. My notes ducks act and banish the most credible bits and consult with colleagues Most flattering, are least unflattering photo selects. when covering lunchtime talks and pitching faculties scholarships, I've spent my afternoons Honing stories the tinker photoshop to soften much has whitened teeth and stretch. Images are few percentage, Everyone taller and thinner Time dress pass muster with my editors, they'd, become smooth like concoctions perfect for fund raising, not quite what I'd intent Stop trying on some level to practise journalism but. Massive enough for what they were. My Problem was ambivalence. Turning to guilt day by day, I was making gleefully autocratic it logs look reasonable,
generating slick, pr, ida, idealising and so forth. When you think about folks, I think that perfectly sums and so there they are. The e p a. then, as I said at the opening, the prom, whatever happened to environmental justice. Nora happened to equity. white privilege and white domination. Good seen a military scimitar Been Arlington. Scimitar have mentioned this before its filled with Mostly men not exclusively.
mostly, why not exclusively for sure, mostly christian, not exclusively for sure. Mostly straight not exclusively for sure. With all those head markers. Though they seem privilege to you,. do they seem like their dominating to you? I ask you. And why so little love for the people in palestine or higher from the Biden administration. Joe Biden has an ambulance, chaser He's a racial ambulance chaser he was when he first came in the senate.
as a racist and segregationist and anti black racist and now look at it. I'll be right back much love in the end. When the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't, because we all know big business, especially big wireless business, is going to lock you down in a multi year contract with huge penalties, not pure,
talk? No, the no contract wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee. That's right! Pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back. So, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month, cut your bill and half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company, that's veteran owned and shares your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee, go to pure talk? Dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, e v, alien podcast does say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dot com, promo code, L E v podcast pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for details. I want you to listen to this clip from donald trump.
is palestine, Ohio had seven go This community needs now are not excuses and all of the other, we have been hearing but answers and results, and that's what I think you're going to say say nor for southern needs to fulfil its responsibilities and obligations, and I- Either they are starting to come here now to because they also we're saying they're not coming, but it means that the affected Munich is beyond the borders of its policy. sooner going to be taken care of and they've said so and they've said it loud and clear, and I think they probably mean it. I sincerely hope that when you're presented is, and all of the politicians get here, including baden. They get back from In ukraine that he's got some money left over as well. now at a hundred and seventeen billion dollars and, as you probably know, you're
When you add it all up. Is that about ten billion dollars? That's a big difference. When you say, let me tell you something. Let me tell you why I played this clip. Because this is the brilliance some of these mega folks. Don't understand and donald trump. And by that I mean some of these guys on tv and radio trump, would never abandon the ukrainians. He once told me when it came to taiwan a tie, One doesn't mean a whole lot to him personally, but. we're not gonna lose taiwan or my watch. When you listen carefully to what trump said here, europe At about ten billion, it's a big deal same word, a hundred seventeen billion now hearing.
what do you think Donald trump would do if he were presently united states today, MR, but if you're, damn right, he'd beat the crap out of the germans the french, the italians, the europeans until they coughed up tens Billions more, you cry would be in a much stronger position, not only with Not have been invaded, in my humble opinion, not only with the afghan people not be enslaved, as they are now. Not only wouldn't we have lost thirteen troops going back, but let's move up you brain would beginning many more weapons, much more money from europe. If Donald but presently united states. The way he made nato step up here slash support Are you crazy might adjusted? He might? He might cut some of it. And I guarantee he'd, make sure they got the right weapons. Does that a business. Man would do especially that business man, but he would force
European said he would threaten to cough up the resource, that they should apply to help ukraine, that's what donald trump would have done. How do we know? That's his track record. That's his track. Donald trump was not a cotton run. Guy donald trump was not a pacifist. He used prudently use common sense. wasn't an audio log, either can my cane or somebody I know so this is what he's thinking we're not at a hundred seventeen barnett's, what he says, europe's it And and that's a big difference, wouldn't you say so? What is he thinking where there are the europeans car put the money. That's what donald trumpeter, I'm just saying.
There's no way he would turn his back on the ukrainians. I can't think of any people in them. is the earth going as four years he ever did turn its back on. And he didn't put up with isis, and he didn't put up with this republican guard in IRAN, he needed Put the communist party of china and he didn't put up a putin he put up with any of it. He didn't put up with what mexico was doing with their drug cartels? Put his foot down, he didn't cotton run because the problem doesn't go away. It gets worse through all the time tromp the isolationist cut it even since the phrase reagan use peace through strengthening minute. He built up the military, which is spin. hardly undermine cycle.
You want to hear that knowing president trump I now, that's what he thinks right there. That's what he said I'll be right back. You know when the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't because we all know big business, especially big wireless business. It's gonna lock yet down in a multi year contracts with huge penalties, not pure
fuck, no, the no contract wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee. That's right, pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back so, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month, cut your bill and half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shares your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee, go to pure talk? Dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, e v, alien podcast that say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk dot com
Marco l e v, I n podcast pure talk, is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for details. Nobody says it better than mark levin mark Levin said because nobody could say a better call. In now, eight eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one. I want to remind you folks, I haven't reminded you in months had a down the podcast. You can listen to any time anywhere any place. I always say- try radio for peace, empty. There were delayed or something's going on. You can always go to the podcast cast cause. We support all of our affiliates but some people, you know that the podcast thing, maybe they're runners, who they exercise or whatever and so forth, and We can live a multiple platforms and we do we.
Significant audiences, on all the platforms so on the pod, ass. I just want to remind you: you go to mark levine showed dot com. Now, what's that that has been my mother's for twenty years I ve been, the content on their. Can you believe that, MR producing? That's me levin show dot. Com sets it's three, Apps had so simple yours the audio rewind button or link. You click that. And then I'll. Take you to a host of sites that you can pick podcast. platforms, take whatever you want, Google apple stature, what Were there stares at me like ten of them, there are trying. There's a lie: we have allowed, you pick whatever you want and then your set you happen to miss nor shall never to be pre empted.
Can't get to a radio there's always that. And of course we have our great affiliates and we have access Satellite and serious radio, which is fantastic- we have I live in, show app We have the I radio app, virtually every affiliates website. the programme is streamed as well, so you ve got the waves they hear this book and I choose multiple ways to hear this programme, but ask me all the time. So it's mark levin, show dot com. you'll see the audio rewind link hit the link, and then you pick your
favorite cares platform and yourself said something tat simple. What do you think of when you think of florida, america, but you think of? Do you think of crystal meth Gaiters had think ally, but do you think of crystal meth. While a professor school of global journalism and communication and morgan state university. He says, yes, that's what people think of when they think of flawed, and this will be a problem for the scientists in ice but I've heard it all. But this has to be one of the dumbest things. That's playlist ten go. In my view, there are estates. Yet I can't really run from if you're trying to one across amerika
The new york here to create. your liberal, you often california, you're too crazy or live or you're trying to make sure I take it classics ross, you weren't from Florida, it's all chris what's an alligator said good, I'm not saying that that's the case, I'm saying those are sort of the national reputations of those states. So when you see one santas running and claiming that he's going to do for america, what he's done in florida, it seems like that'd, be a problem. concern. Is this guy comedian, just just wondering. Now he's a professor is professional he's a professor and That's what he thinks it when he thinks of flight, but don't you think disney. Also, when you think of flood enough, something very interesting is happening. Scientists, is getting blitzed from different sides
You hear the low I q relatively stupid, Larry hogan. who says. A common sense conserved. Nobody knows what that me. It means tat. You agree with Larry hogan, then your common sense conserve. We disagree them, then, obviously, don't of common sense. Hogan is a chameleon. Much chris sununu Chris Sununu announced yesterday that he just the aim the Democrats in get alot of conservative stuff done and you call a winning a move on He apparently is not aware, what's happening in this country, cutting a deal with the Democrats about we win a few, But if you got guys like sooner and hugging, going into this ready our minds with the most radical crap party in american history, you got a problem on your hands. There
in history, when you have to take a stand when you have to persuade the american people when you have to lead when you have to be a statesman, these guys are not. They confessed that they're not that's the way it is But then I you another argument being made out there. Maybe he saying iran to say: does he didn't go far enough with the laws to prick little kids and only starts. It only goes to thirty eight or something she said, nice, a cheese. What the hell you doing so Carolina remember anything with respect sexuality like the. Why wasn't happening that? Ok, whatever. And then I hear well The scientists is going too far is going too far and try to dictate that regular. That's not a small government conservative bitching about government schools by the way. Now when it comes to disney, we have a new line, that's out, which is.
Obviously Rhonda Santer, doesn't believe in limited government because he took these special tax status away from disney because they didn't agree with him. That's not why he took special tax status away from disney in these. Special town status or whatever you want to go. He took away because They were going into the legislature. Lobby to poison the minds of our children against legislation. There was how's. He figured you know you can use california values with a rat The left and bring him here: why are we subsidizing you at all? Somebody should have looked at this a long time ago. So, regardless of what disney was doing honestly, They should be getting that kind of subsidies they get. A guy that runs company chairman who's running into the ground for the second time who's, a billionaire has
body tried to go to disneyworld or disneyland likely. You know what the hell it costs. You know what a hotel room on camp as costs. You know what a meal in what are the pot scott. You know what it costs to get a card walt disney that'll be spent in his grey merrily. They speak this radical left wing marxist bull crap, but you go broke. Friend of mine he's modesty, income took his kid. A year ago, before all this stuff broke out, three kids Five or six days, cost him ten thousand dollars. Now that said,. So vice president, my pencil, I like to conservative.
he's on CNBC today, but he doesn't like. What's happened to he thinks governor de santas went too far you he went too far. His own words cut eleven go this way student, with disney info because there are two ways to look at. What is today dizzy spoke out on a poetic Social, it wasn't. The disney spoke out disney used its resources on lobbyists. defending radical left agenda and to promote it. That's what they did. And they ve been subsidized by the taxpayers of florida for half a century, it's the place where kids go and disney
doing that the scientists can pass along, say as a corporation disney, can't lobby the legislature, the disney have a point of view that this can't do whatever disney pretty much wants to do, but not on the dime florida taxpayers. That's what he's saying that sounds. by common sense conservatism, court on court, doesn't not missed bidders. do whatever you want, not on our diet,. Not on our diet. they should have been subsidize anyway, go ahead, clearly was retribution politically against them in. I think it's it's empirical, mrs roth sorkin. Over at. CNBC saying it's empirical know that europe ingenious, had slain empirical empirical.
that's a baby you're, a boarding, that's empirical. Miracle. Is Joe Biden has dementia? That's empirical empirical, isn't his retribution. Now this was you know. what, if you're gonna lobby the state legislature, do it on your own died. Two amazing. If you are one of these well corporations. How the media and the Democrats and left come to your defence to amazing go ahead. You said as much one point when he did it and so people cats. Now he didn't say as much go ahead will say: well No they're cancelling on one side or the other said what look: disappearances uses political power to cancel them why that's not what happened and that's not what he said, and so
The premise of this diatribe should have been challenged by thank the former vice president, but what he says: go it's number one is fully supported for his initiative to protect kids and protect parental rights. I was just in iowa last week, where literally there's a school, the landmark community school will allow a student. I get a gender transition plan without parental notification, approve, or so we fully support what Florida did about protecting kids. the third grade and when I have concerns about follow on look disney stepped into the fray they lost. What, then, are the advertising large? You shut up rice and let him answer. We know you're a little cook. Just shut up go ahead. they I That was that was beyond the scope of what I, as a conservative, limited government republican would be prepared to do. I didn't know
there being a conservative, limited government republic, immense subsidizing corporation. How sad limited government mr produce. I may conservative limited government and I m you know they have Own town, they have their own police forces there and we set up in. Tina, seventy one or thereabouts for them, you know so, good lord them here in Heaven. Century later a conservative, limited government republican, no, I don't. I don't think we should take that subsidy away. Well, I do. I think I'm a conservative limited government republican they charge enough. They ve got enough benefits over the last half century. and by the way. If they want to lobby the florida ledge slater I'll be here for that?
a crass on behalf of the teachers unions, on behalf of the woke employees. and they can do it on their own dime, lincoln but on their own dime. The taxpayers of florida shouldn't have to subsidize. That's a limited government conservative report- and I'll be right back much love in the end. When the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't, because we all know big business, especially big wireless business, is going to lock you down in a multi year contracts with huge penalties, not pure talk.
No, the no contract wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee. That's right, pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back so, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month, cut your bill and half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company, that's veteran owned and shares your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee, go to pure talk? Dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, e v, alien podcast that say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure dot com, promo code, l e g, I podcast pure talk- is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for d Yes, the title secret
of two huge areas coming up: this sunday, I will be interviewing for the full hour and exclusive and first in it We have governor ron DE and his new book. They came to me and asked me to do it many many many many months ago and of course, I agreed. And when we do an interview on a book, obviously we go deep. We often expand beyond the book sexually of a very fantastic book and then in April. I will be interviewing present a trump I will keep their project quiet cause, I'm not at liberty to tell you, but I will be interviewing him as well, but this sunday it'll be a full hour.
exclusive interview, the first interview with Kevin dissenters about what is written I understand there is fox nation and the near postal. I have nothing to do with any other. Nothing, but. Life liberty in love in April, on Sunday. is the show that most of these people want to come on because they get time to speak, to interact today. Straight, how they sank, what their thinking, what they want to do, what they ve been doing. and that's what we will do. Said that now, Back benchers munchkins will run around and try and grab him. It's not gonna work. They came to me, and I said ok many many months,
Has a president trumpets an honor to do this really is so I sat down. Get your dvrs ready. If you can't watch it live and I'll be right back the many conservatives don't know that one of the biggest propagandists for president Biden's ridiculously named inflation reduction act was that a a r p, a r p. This so called Advocate for seniors spent millions of dollars on ads in advance, helping liberalising congress passed this monstrous legislation. In doing so, a a r p provided cover for vulnerable democrats. Member elections, why would a r p do this, possibly for money He is a mass of conflict of interest. Over the last decade they ve been paid north of six billion dollars stemming from its financial relationship with united health care. Then along comes there a r p supported inflation reduction act.
a miraculously big insurance and their p b, a middle men like a our peace financial power A united healthcare emerges. Big winners. Please visit this great website to learn more commit. at the senior's dot org, that's commitment, the seniors, dot, org paid for by american commitment. the broadcasting from the underground command post the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brooklyn steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Mind, love the hello america mark levin. Here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one I just want to send this message to George soros.
And all the other radical. not jobs with all that money out there who are bidding to media matters. You're wasting your money. You're, wasting your money. Here's the latest media matters. People send this to me. Foxes mark lava Not nothing, I've said is on fox it's on west, with one key miller, sweat that matter don't believe that it was the cleanest. Election of elections and twenty twenty. So they cherry pick it Edit everything around it and send it out to the media, so one hears one today that was sent to me- foxes Mark love in Donald not an old man, even though is two or three years younger than buying these nine on old man. What else did I say, member that must reduce? I explained it the media matters.
Has learned how to do this from the best of the best george soros, Sure but they're not getting their monies, which cause nobody gives a damn what they say. Nobody cares. plus? If you want to hear what I say, what do you mean media matters for explaining open your mike which samantha mission producer? Actually, MR executive producer. Tell everybody if they were they hear what I say during the course of three hours. Where do they go go to mars and showed a calm click on audio rewind and find your favorite podcast platform and subscribe for free. So you can go to mark Levin showed our com. You can hear the entire show in context every syllable, correct, rich. How many years back. Do we go think it's four or five.
we go back four or five years. How quickly do we put? Let's say today show on the website. Now in forty five eastern. So forty five minutes after forty five minutes after broadcast. What are you media matters goes america. to listen to my show, they go to morrow then showed outcome. they go to the audio replay and then they were. Throw it may see all look at this local. We fell and these guys get paid for this. die, would tell the media out there. The corrupt radical left wing. Holocaust denying star Loving cast loving new york times and the rest of the media go to mark then show that calm and audio rewind. they, where I am the whole thing for whole world the here and so on,
the purpose of media manners. What's the purpose of media, I these guys Raise money they get donations. From these billion air millionaire kooks on the left They must sell em a good. You know we're going to monitoring of the market anything it's on my website for free and were expanding. Come back on live on the mike MR produce up mr executive produce. What are we doing with you to mount? Oh, that's a secret, I was it secret right. we'll have to learn from next week while haven't. Husband. Next week we are expanding the levant empire, more platforms, more video.
We're expanding the loving empire, we're on cable, run. Digital tv run, terrestrial radio. Once satellite radio we're on podcast live streaming and we you're, coming Can't you can't get enough of me, I want to be on enough platforms for anybody anywhere any time the uses or is comfortable with a particular platforms and get a hold of us. We don't stand still So it's like media matters has been left in the dust media left and nobody need him for all market have been set up Out of what I say Make a mistake, I say something by accident: it doesn't come out right. I will tell you it's not a problem on the real deal.
Gotcha gotcha gotcha try knock em off there, I'm not going anywhere it doesnt work anymore. Let's Say god forbid they knocked me off terrestrial radio. I still don't ever podcast. I'm still gonna to have what we're developing what worn out next week, I'm still gonna be on live tv. So why not going anywhere. but we have great affiliates or on the media matters outfit too Nah media, I wants to be media manners. What is media, I call it mediocre right. Who are these people present morons? Who right there? I don't know what do they do. Or did you hear this one they want, tv all day. They list a podcasting radio to what end this was added by dan abrams dan abrams.
strange, looking do it, I must confess- and I always point out- transparency- that he has the dead squirrel Super glued to his head as bothers is bald polychrome. Well, that's like it. He's hairless, he, sir, whatever. Yes, I am alive, I'm transparent, no big deal. Now this guy is on what is a day any or history with their the courtroom. Fighting in that this cops and though that thing I go. then he's on one nation? So he founded mediocre right, Then I guess he's in charge of the people who work there. Oh, it is like the view. An end. Armenia matters just a bunch
Punks who sit around hey, you wanna hear about the track. Like talker A word hannity, oh my god, look at that Tell you wanna be remembered. This is how you gonna be remembered two losers, apparently so just saying in my case on radio We lay it all out there for free. Those subscription just go to mark Levin showed I can't I don't get anything out of it. Mark levant showed our car. audio rewind right. Mr producer. We made it easy for you to find us there. We made it easy for you to pull up the the broadcast after the fact. Forty five minutes after the show is over. I'll, be sitting there profile years. What was it did mark should, twelve days ago
I know you don't do that. I'm just saying it's there. there's media manners, raise twenty eight million dollars and serenity tire. our plan, MR sorrows, I ask your trying. With what is your plan? Perish our plan, MR sorrows, we're going to monitor radio practically the scale of them who are obsessed with we will put out titles and clips. We will have the audio, which, of course they dont say they re from our website we'll have the audio, but of course it takes people to monitor them. We ve got frayed over here and I, as we ve, got all kinds. however, Carl over here, as in Karl Marx. We got all kinds of people here,
Have to pay their salaries, their meals, you know when they go out, may me people and would like to give them pension and medical plan here, and we only need forty eight people to do this trial. Mr soros, archaic tech giant had a match match one to match and that's what they do. In its right there, on my website, my what it is free while some, Tell Mr Soares. My website is free, eagle della whatever he wants and I'm proud of it. Despite their best efforts to twist tokay. mediators and also ran they're, desperately trying to be just like them. However, they have Dan abrams here who were
to position himself. I don't worry, he's kind of the jerry springer type. If he asks me he's a jerry springer type. And so is media be frank, frank with you chose media, but they don't need to do this. I do it myself Fuck fact you can look up what I say by using certain words can't you, Mr Medina have such cutting edge technology on my website Chinese haven't stolen it. We have such cutting edge technology on their website. You can plug in a few words in various shows what a pop up. It's called audio burst trite there. We are, we're right there on the front audio by we have it and Colorado burst right there, MR pollution right in the front.
Many of you haven't gone this website site tell the media maggot had remain. Jeremy, a pickle whatever his name is philip bump. What why are they all so weird with their name. In fact, right here on mediate topic Times journalist sign letter slamming their own union row over trans coverage, so what this a mouthful sudden ex lines? Journalists such as they are signing or slamming their union, such as it is over trains generous covered. That's all in one sentence, but does it not everything you need to know about the radical left in the corrupt media. I think it does and you still don't understand what their funding about dozens of the new york times most well known, journalist, signed a letter tuesday, slamming the leadership of their own union, for defending the newspaper writers right the papers writers
right to criticize workplace conditions in relation to an ongoing row over the times verge of trans rights. Now who wrote this Alex gripping burglar, whatever Do you understand what this fight about mystery? I dont even from adsense to you. this most recent letter in what is quickly becoming a major dust up at this limes was drafted by times correspond Jeremy, peters. I'll. Jeremy peters always has his nose at a dry. May I say that he's? Another slime ball has taken shots and has collect thousands of signatures from typewriters like Peter bake. What's what were peter. In the near time we got Jeremy peters, we got Peter baker. Otto Peters, Mr B charlie, savage michael
brad realm cages or nicky. I do not seem maggot hammer Is she not only in here? She not are the vanguard. Peters letter is addressed to the news guild of the near president, Susan. The caravan takes them David her response to the initial settle letters criticising the times. Your letter to suggest a fundamental misunderstanding of our response. But he says journalists Regretfully, our own union leadership now seems determined to undermine the ethical professional protections that we depend on guard the independence and integrity of our journal, valued taught peters. What are you walking about somalia and only now all outpost began last week when two letter signed by hundreds of activists, celebrities, pro algae bt, You and G owes. Oh, my god and times contributors accuse the paper, a biased coverage of trains
Under people demanded a series of reforms that paper it's already gone to hell. That's it's definitely gone to hell with the likes of Jeremy peters in charge of this rebellion, but isn't it fun when radicals fight radicals when marxists fight marxist mr british, The car responded to those letters sent on behalf of groups, I glad and the human rights campaigner by riding on the internal timescale list serve that employees are protect, collectively, raising concerns that conditions are there why my constitute a hostile working environment? This was that concern exe recently raised and the letter at issue here. Is anybody know what they're talking about what are they fighting over? I can't tell, I know who the players are, but who did what we'll accurate journalism that is written, edited and published in accordance with time standard does not create.
Ass, thou workplace are germany in his peters, Jeremy, peters rather pale. He thinks it does. This is what happens, ladies and gentlemen with marks, but the lack of conformity. This is what happens. The timescale replied the peters later, in a statement of vanity fair, all now vanity fair, getting involved management at the time Stuckey issue with employees, signing onto the original two letters, accusing Y got left fly and we got the transgender ism going on, we got. We got the Peter bay Peter and his baker, and germany, peters and peters here and there we gather all kinds- I've gone on there at the new york lines. Ladies and gentlemen, just not journalism
they write back. Then I fringe, Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be am a better educated. American look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college. you have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fan, testa courses you can discuss. But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story study the writer So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars so visit la in four hills, doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course. Sheila
and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome, com, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today, the bottom of the hour we're going to have the chief marketing mark of the convention of states on the program mark meckler. The things happening in two states that to bring to your attention and the attention the people in these states this he is fundamentally fundamentally the most sub The way to get our country back and step by step were getting there. I think there's nineteen state legislatures set of approved it roaring double back, mark will remind me, but I have often said when we exceed twenty, that's more like it.
Other sides attention and come under vicious vile attack. and this is one of the reasons I keep explain you what's going on in the state of Israel there they are trying to push back from traditional oligarchy in ITALY. Politburo, that's running their country. And that's the sort of thing that's gonna happen here. you ve already seen it would Joe Biden when he doesn't get his where they live. Mid term election democracy is dying and they get violent. And they are spreading absolute lies, these are complete demagogues and that's that's now what's happening with the left in Israel for western america left in Israel, the left in europe. It's all the same. Damn thing same with the media, germany and his petersen peter and
baker and all the rest same thing. Furthermore, he exclaimed in a watchman compost spent something at them talk to you about it. I dunno, if I'm going to get to it tonight, but I'll get to it. One of these days, mister producer in America excellent peace there was written, guess was written yesterday, by jerry done levy. sighed, the university delawares years, long fight to keep Biden papers hidden from the public. This He is something that is really Unbelievable say the fbi has been in there. They ve looked at somebody we're talking about tens of power Since, if not hundreds of thousands of documents- america, And it's gotta be related more to whether or not he took classified information. This is how this has to be a treasure trove of joe corruption and racism,
so they covering it up so thoroughly be right back I gotta know from mark meckler he had mockery market convention of states, which is kicking hard. It's some vibrant, active organization, the goal, is to save the country and to Institute our constitutional republic magua combat you have some updates for us. I do argue your mark baker that promotion they had marketed MIKE. I'm honored, I could have called me baby dark, but I thought moneymakers, better Yeah, there's a lot going on out there mark right now, I'm actually in while being as we speak, and we have a committee hearing first thing tomorrow morning, you set it right. You said: there's nineteen states that a path actually nineteen and a half, if you count the wiring senate, that we thought
the council tomorrow morning will be in the house revenue committee that hearing I started having thirty a m and really on. While me, I have a specific question for you, gentlemen. I know you wrote the book on this liberty that meant that got a lot of people started on this item from a lotta legislators. The idea that their worried and Their hearing this by the way from john burke societies working side by side with common cause and the league of women voters promoting abortion. All these groups, talkin the run away convention, and I know you wrote a little bit about that. Would you mind addressing that for some big legislators? Yes Runaway convention is an impossibility, because a convention of states, you have ready for states that are represented, state choose to me. All the time get together. some decisions, but in order to amend the constitution. You need? Thirty eight states to ratify so
every comes out of this convention of states, Still has to be ratified by thirty. Eight states either by the legislatures or by convention, so how You possibly have a runaway convention. runaway convention is the supreme court. The runaway convention is the president where they penitent. Signing executive orders, a runner The convention is a congress that vital aids the budget at the violation debt ceilings We have a runaway convention that meets every single day in Washington DC, so the article five, Member of the constitution process via the state legislatures can never be. A runaway convention, in fact that different He is going to be not just getting the thirty four states that call for A convention of states, but the thing get rat
find what comes out of that convention by the thirty eight states. So I never understood this run away. Convention argument: it's an absolute him! possibility and I find it interesting that the radical left wing groups, of course they don't. for a convention of states. There aren't are our absolute lies. They'd believe in the constitution. In any respect the job Birch. Society is a article organization that chicken fit in a old time telephone both the idea they have any influence over this process, is laughable anybody who actually understands it reads: the constitution anderson And they history understands what takes to amend the constitution is very difficult and convention of states, is even more difficult.
We know we will not get what is needed at a congress, because congress in washington is created the problem in the first place. Have I explain it fairly clearly that that perfect mark- and I know there can be committee members listening to the I really appreciate that in ilo. Right now I could just came from my own. Before I came, the wyoming we pass the Senate sub. Maybe they're day, two to one house up committing areas seven. Thirty suffer brokerage wyoming Her iowa there now Why only call your house members, let them know you want them to pass it in iowa again Senate and the house calls here's another were marked so much up want a new hampshire and it's the first time this happened. We passed the house committee thirteen to five last week, actually in a bipartisan vote, really good house floor vote. Probably tomorrow and it's an interesting legislature. A lot of people don't realize is four hundred in their house of representatives.
It is a huge state legislature, so we're gonna have a floor. Vote there tomorrow properly canvassed past their house committee thirteen to ten this week. So next steps onto the house floor, that's within the next few weeks, north carolina- you might remember we passed that in the house, but not the senate. Last year, when this year we expect the bill to be introduced any day by representative Dennis Rodel, our great champion in the house house leadership intends to cast it again. We we think we looked better in the senate. This time we just had a its leadership, their idaho. We have the support of leadership and both houses. There is a lot going on all over the country which is fantastic. I tell people you not only normally millions of members, you have hundreds and hundreds of true activists volunteer. enormous amounts of time, a fantastic staff. You truly do. I don't give a lot of speeches course the year but were marked mechlin cause. We try and figure out how to do it, because this is something I really believe in, and I just want the
legislators in why arming and I went elsewhere to understand it's impossible- I have a runaway convention. This is the first step towards the right, occasional of an amendment by. The hd legislatures, an or conventions. So up. If you look at it simply: it's really the state legislatures acting in lieu of congress. You can look at it that way if you want, The fact of the matter is the reason this has come up at all the reason. There's egg groundswell for this reason, why there's tens of millions of listeners here and americans who support this because we're fine? the constitutional system. there's not a runaway anything. It is the constitutional state Damn, if you claim your constitutional ass it then you start cherry picking the part, You don't like, then you're, not a constitution as your leftist and as far as to say, legislators go. They have spots ability, baby duty under the federal conch.
To action under article five to help save this country and art Five gives them, uniquely solely is it the power to save this country, it was here the state legislatures by the delegates that they come the traditional convention couple days before they they left They said in the end. You know we're gonna fix this, so you can remember institution, one way which they don't do they just get. orders and so forth, but in order to push back the state rep, Sedatives the stage in other funny, is marked macular. I hear people state wraps its wine all the time The federal environmental protection agency pushes as her ezra wyoming right, the interior part and be alarm which is part interior departure, the agriculture, but look what they're doing here, where do about a wine about it, Let me tell you something: consumers from new york, city, police,
from san francisco how came Jeffrey he's from new york city. These people on our And think about why arming and they could care less about the constitution. So if you want to fix if we can get states like wyoming and I want no Hampshire well, then we can get anybody at this point very, very important that people understand They put aside the jumper society that they ignore our common cause and a leg for women. But these are the latter, two big government, political activists align with the democratic party. They are thrilled, that we live in a post, constitutional america and asia birch society. Well, there are angry about something anyway, there you go
market, and, I would add, we haven't some of these states. I obviously remember any big squeezed gone king big when he was in arizona legislature, single guy, stopping the legislature from passing this you're behaving like a tyrant. We have the same thing South dakota right now we ve got a legislator. Is one in the leadership shown back it's his name. He, the new king, I would guess king shown back. I think we have the boats in the south dakota like figure. He killed us this year. Wouldn't let it get out a committee. So you get tyrant deep little petty tyrants. In some of these states they claim to be constitutional conservatives there. Nothing of the sort of anybody who wants take a stand against the federal government. There, not a conservative in any sense in the work, that's the eye. That's one of the things that infuriated me about big on all the speakers. Stuff boys Fishing himself as the true conservative and then you have uninformed people at newsweek, uninformed people, but the texas policy organization, more arms, in fact who say web,
general your enemy, no bigs, thank god was sent to washington, then arizona resign. It could actually passed. The resolution then see only Sure way that we can get our. Constitution back and he stopped because he's too ignorant and too has too much hubris and who is this shown back? What position as a whole in south dakota avoided the senate president? There And he threw another made for midi that yeah fits on the main committee that decides what goes out to the floor actually gets voted on, so he literally just never lets us have a debate. We have an incredible grassroots army in south dakota, as you can imagine ever getting to the capital of south dakota is not easy, a very small town, a lot of people.
do people live there and we have activists, come from all of the states show up at seven in the morning and basically just treat them with disdain and disrespect. And again he operates like a tyrant and we're going to continue to put pressure on him. We're never going to stop coming back, we're going to pass it there. Eventually, I don't care if we have to wait until he's outta office. We have to chase them out of office, but we're going to be actively primary of yup and nikita. We will for sure our activists are involved in elections all over the country marcus. I think that's new. In the last few years we participated in over four hundred and fifty elections around the country and we're going to continue to go after the people who stand against convention of states. You don't vote for. Convention of states is a vote to say that the state should control how much power congress have the idea that state wouldn't want to do that to me is outrageous vote Don't want to do that, you go home, they shouldn't be in state government.
Shown back as the president, I will just hold of the senate and sought the coda there. Our concern it and one man is blocking the whole thing- the way big state in arizona, and you get these guys Use the same lies because a rather sit there, and why that the federal government and its imposition of its regulations in its rules farmers and the ranchers, the people and Rural states like inside the dakota than actually do something about it. So if you're unhappy Federal environmental rules with the department of interior and be a lamb with with the department aggregate, turn department at energy. Killing here farms in your ranches and the value of private property. You can blame shown back shown back, show back whoever they hell. That is, the president of the senate and south dakota, using politely and civilly I said,
italy and civilly contact his office. How do you that help or get the hell out of the way. but it's not a one man dictatorship in the south, dakota legislature Am my friend of people want to learn more about convention of states? Where do they go? They go to convention of states, dot com. Mean. The third thing you do is sign the petition and then really importantly, click on the take action tab mark. He got to see a lot of our activists when you were with us down in florida. Wonderful. We are serious people seriously fighting to change the country, so folks go to convention of faith dot com. They can join fantastic, and I hope you all due and thank you very much mark make learn, fill us and on what happens bags mark up like you bless. You too, that guy's great his wife is great. A whole group is great. Just one great confab, but I'm serious about right, was love.
Does anybody know of bail fund is bay. I find MR bruton Does anyone know where they all farmers? They owe fun. found over investment bank china science holdings. L, a p d gone missing. You think russia is the only one that disappears people are china's. Very good at it. They ve been doing a long time. This is a guy who's gone missing. in its unnerving. Investors were tall by reuters, sending its stock down as much as fifty percent. Mainland china based boutique bank, said in an exchange filing laid on thursday. The company has been unable to contact bail.
They may need a science mr produce should contact bail bill is pro. We not with us any longer whatever happened to that woman tennis player, who It ran out one of their bigs for raping her. I don't remember hearing from her either china renaissance board was not aware of any information that indicated bales unavailability disappearances, the latest in a series of cases of high profile, chinese executives gone missing with little exe the nation during a sweeping anticorruption, camping, that's what they used to try and take these. is our cause. They have too much information on guys like g polly soldier in women's underwear, something new there are never be able to go to china later In general, I we salute our armed forces: police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel are trucker, and men and women momentum,
taiwan and ukraine, the freedom fighters, and, most of all, I salute you, you patriots, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-24.