« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/19/21


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT Radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. Joe Biden is failing miserably as President on schools, vaccines, and the Constitution. The vaccine distribution has been a disaster and Biden is still blaming Donald Trump, even though Trump bulldozed regulations to get multiple vaccines developed in record time. Vaccine rollouts have been the worst in Democrat cities and states. Instead of blaming Trump, why not look at what Andrew Cuomo and Phil Murphy did? Teachers unions across the country are in control because Democrats are beholdened to them. Parents are losing their minds because they’ve had it with how poorly Biden and Democrats have handled reopening schools. Democrats are holding our kid’s future hostage while playing political games over Covid. Also, Americans need vaccines, so Biden pledged $4 billion for global vaccines. It isn’t selfish or a bad thing to want to vaccinate our own country before we vaccinate the rest of the world.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the pod cast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now in its hundred and seventy fifth year, hills they'll is a truly independent institution where learning is prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, further sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground commend both in the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader what, a day to day when Joe Biden tells the world. You know why world we're here, for you, America, not so much America first, is over thanks to Joe Biden. The world will be vaccines before we are.
I say that I think is the appropriate term good evening. You're welcome to the market then show the great one is off tonight, but it's me your fellow Lavigne Rich Z, only from marks hometown of fear Althea warehouse some morning, showing w Phd great to be with you ass. He told you last night is having surgery, but he will be back on Monday. We wish him. Well, God bless and, of course this has been a very tough weak for mark losing a very, very dear friend, of his two yours to mine to all of us and rush limber. There, special tribute this coming Sunday night and life liberty and then on the Fox NEWS Channel eight o clock. CS will be shown Hannity and they will talk about Russia, limbo and his life and incredible contribution that rush gave to all of us by creating this genre of radio, which did not exist before him and bringing talker the mass of saving, a M radio and having we have a clear without an that's for sure, because I wouldn't be able to do this had rushed limbo, not come around. So look too
that Sunday night. You won't be disappointed, of course, and marks own unique way, he's known rush for a long time, obviously, going all the way back to the athletes of India, I can't believe that it's almost a year since I was with mark in person in Philadelphia because we had an event together first weekend in March, right before covered, hit, Although now we know covered was here for a long time in the Wall, Street Journal story today is how they knew that code was in China going back as far back as December it. Of course China lies about everything. So that's really November. They think maybe it. Only back in September. Oh here's, the thing it did not come from the wet market. I mean, if you believe that the only way would have would have been if somebody from the lab went to the wet market and ordered something and then spread it there, China is not being honest with the World Health Organization, they're lying again, there still lying to the world about what happened. The origins of virus, and we still have no idea exactly how it started. Though I have suspicions, as I'm sure you do as well then opportunity
eight hundred and seventy seven three thousand eight hundred and eleven thirty, eight thousand one hundred and eighteen, seven thousand seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one. When you can also treat me tonight at z only are I c h, Z. Oh I'm Joe Biden is failing. Really. Is president on three fronts: ready number one: schools never to vaccines and number three: the constitution: let's go to all three real quick, first of all on school, Can anyone explain to me why this hundred day pledge to get schools back? We were all discredit metallic. It never happened, but he never made. The pledge he just never said it. This was his campaign. He campaigned on this he literally can't paint them three pillars, one of them being schools being back everybody back from the first hundred days. Are your kids back, I'm very fortunate, my kids, have been in school there very young doll. You know their kindergarten preschool some lucky, but most of my friends
Your kids have been at their kitchen table for months. Philly schools have not been back since the pandemic started. They were supposed to go back on my Guess what- and I know this will shock you they're not going back to school. I know you're just a shocked his. I am define gambling I know, but here's the thing Joe Biden failed on that. Mercury is filling the vaccines you members massive surge of vaccines. Well, it's a screw up and he still blaming President Trump. There was article I read today. This is amazing. You know if you're a senior citizen signing on these various state websites to get your vaccine is very complicated and difficult. I really feel bad for people who are not particularly computer savvy, because I I kind of em computer savvy, and I had a tough time for granted asylum, the vaccine, which I will be I'll, get to leave in May. So. I'm just saying that somebody sixty five or seventy in there actually in their target group, it should be vaccinated first and foremost, going on
website, it's all kooky unscrewing drop down menu use and it doesn't really work and you get frozen out the other day It is pretty interesting that mass vaccination site in new jersey- you go on there, and I may tell you your number. I kid you not yet await about twenty minutes to get into the queue. Then the queue came open and I was number sixteen thousand six hundred eighty two, but number stands out from me. So there were Sixteen thousand six hundred eighty one people ahead of me: I'm no math guy, but that's a lot more people, that's a lot of people right so here's what's happening right now, if you want a score of vaccine appointment, people are recruiting college kids with textiles impatience. Volunteering, but other people are getting paid to do this and what they are doing is there helping seniors book vaccine appointment, because the whole system is a mess now president Trump Card, done with operation warp speed. He got it down. We have the vaccine, we ve multiple vaccines. What are you
with that was astonishing in terms of just actually taken a bulldozer to the bureaucracy, just knocking down the bureau, proceeded get it done. Just tell me if the aim is see just get it done and they did and it safe. It's obviously a very safe and it so effective. Now that their even thinking that you probably only need the one shot first and you could vaccinate lot more people just a one shot. It's about ninety five percent, effective its exceeding expectations in both efficacy and safety. But the roll out as a disaster and the roll out of the binding administration. He can't blame from forever, but I keep trying to. We did it again today and, of course, a thirty which is failing on as the constitution right away, I still remember this day backing. I guess it was I dunno January February, it's hard to remember everything. Sort of you feel this way. Conscious fly whose together and everyday feels the same. In many respects. It was during the press, Will the all Democrats rap on stage
so calmly Harris says that she wants to ban guns. executive orders and Joe Biden says: can't do it constitution How Mahars has this takes time and turns around Joe and says Well Joe I say yes, we can ha. Does that that fake, laugh and No there's! No! No, it's a constitution, can't do it can't you can't do it. He was actually right. You can't do but they're doing it anyway. So the going after this amendment using executive action on that. Still using what happened on January. Six at the capitol justify keeping the capital fence up. I guess indefinitely and now declaring that Mastic terrorists are the biggest problem facing America, but where are these domestic terrorists. And so there also now going after the first immature your freedom of association, the fourth amendment your right to privacy under the constitution. To fact they can't spy on you, the spying on people going in these all these chat.
Comes and monitoring people. What they're saying on the internet so is failing on that front too. these also about to have the biggest massive immigration push in modern american history. When I, when I find amazing Is that the southern borders basically open said. Come in and anybody you got here by January, first will be able to get sick. Shared within three years. There's you jumped the lines is come on in your here and you know Biting said, you wouldn't do that he's doing that too. But, let's, let us think about the the vaccine issue for a second, my bad person for saying that I want my country vaccinated first before we, giving our supply to the rest of the world. Is that make me a bad person? I don't So but then again up, I've been programmed as you have as we all have to believe that that if you, if you want to put your country first you're bad bad person They see the left does this, where they have? Is this this idea, which is
America has to atone for its sins and before we can ever be better than anybody anything. We have to give it all away. First, because that's how we atoned for our past since member they view Eric as having really screwed up badly. We ve got all these different problem, We started with just a bad penal, bad people bad place, and so the idea that we would vaccinate the american Population first achieve heard immunity in our country and then help the rest of the world. That is an awful thing too. How dare you, Sir, how I apologize for bringing gender into it? I might my, but how dare you person? How dare you think that this is what Biden said today. They're not we're gonna do this in terms of vaccinating the world, but there also going to spend a ton of our money doing it. Why can't we just worry about our own people first, This is the same mindset that gets us into endless wars that we have to feel like. We gotta go all over the planet and and defend every boy
the end and topple regimes, and now it's you gotta, go across the planet and spread vaccines. We just focus on ourselves and just take care of ourselves and worry that our people for change, we utterly noticed. We got a lot of people hurting in this country, but that's not how the left thinks they don't they think that we were guilty. so. The only way to cleanse our guilt is suggests, help. Rest of the world with everything whether its toppling a dictator giving our supply vaccines, given where money, it's all the same, for them, it's the same thing and you must have tone. How dare you celebrate your american success? Your bad bad person say I didn't, for the gender trap there right makes my head what star which they sat and out of the market and showed me rich Z only in for the great when, let's start with this, shall we this is President bindings Day pledging
lots and lots of our money cut number six. We must cooperate if we're going to defeat covered nineteen everywhere. My first presidential masculinity memorandum focused on surging health and humanitarian responses to defeat covert nineteen and to better, prevent and prepare for the next pandemic. Today, I'm announced in the United States is making a two billion dollar pledge to Kovacs with the promise of additional two billion dollars. Dirge
the step up as well did even as we fight to get out of the teeth this pandemic. The resurgence of ball in Africa is a stark reminder that we must simultaneously work to finally finance health, secured, strengthen global health systems and create early warmly one you systems prevent, detect and respond to future biological threats because they will keep coming. We have to work together to strengthen form the world health or riveting absolutely riveting. I mean just so inspirational. As he was reading from teleprompter. I just couldn't help it. Thank you. No getting we'll vaccine is is is great, scurvy and all, but the world guided got us into this. Because we trust it health organisation who they completely endowed with China. We have allowed this kind of global mindset.
To drive our decision making for so long. is we were all in with the world. We have a pandemic, now, in other words, instead of calling bs the World Health Organisation in January of twenty two. When they were telling everybody. There is no human to human transmission. We now Nobody is human to human transmission, going as far back as September September of twenty nineteen that's what's the World Health Organization is now discovering their investigation. Why Kelly worry about our own people. Why can't we just take care of ourselves? First. Is that a bet means that is that really such a bad thing? I'm tired of guilt, because I want to sure that my parents are vaccinated in your parents, are vaccinated and your vaccinated. I'm tired. guilt that I want schools open in so yeah. I want to put us first and make sure people were taken care of an excuse me for feeling like a bad person, because I want my president to make sure that the I'm ok, first, that my people
ok. First, if we had heard immunity here that would go a big step towards her immunity in the world, and we wouldn't have to worry is much because we'd be providing the world with about three hundred and twenty five million Americans poor vaccine, let's go less, since you say three hundred million towards her immunity, pretty good. If you asked me, why can't we just focus on ourselves. First, that is my question. H, seven, seven three, eight one three eight one one. It is the market ensure the great one is off tonight, be rich Z. Only with you forgive you Phd in Philadelphia, we're coming right back Bryn, are you worried about America's future times? Have trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and preserve our country didn't despair. So to do our part, we need to draw on the books they
A stream the ideas they gave, our forefathers and mothers strength and inspiration, Helstone, college was founded in eighteen, forty four to teach these very things, and it teaches them still. Today we can all see these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes through Hills free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wisdom of aid in an judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can re acquaint ourselves with our constitution, We can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be recovered friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, tales, guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning. Today, at Levant from Helstone Back Cobb, that's L Av Ion
hills down back com, Levine, Fray hills, doubt that come some of these states around the country that have democratic governors. The vaccine roll out has been a disaster. I mean really. Has it's been a it's been a bureaucratic, bloated ass, the body ministries is still blaming the Trump administration for all this, of course, they do and and everybody's goes along with it says: oh yeah yeah yeah. Therefore, therefore, why didn't governor Andrew Cuomo have a our plan for vaccine distribution, widened Governor Film Murphy ever better plan for a vaccine distribution. I'll just give you this before my state of New Jersey, Dismember. I broadcast Philadelphia. So, but I live in South Jersey, so you have to go. On the website and you ve got a sign up and it's a gigantic pain to I'm up and again, if your senior it's very difficult, they don't rule out a phone number in two weeks after
the initial roll out of the website. It took them weeks and the websites kept crashing, and we knew that the vaccine was coming Right I mean we do was coming. So let's just leave a supply offered here for a second. Why did these governors have a better distribution plan in place the answer that of course sending why in Philadelphia it was a disaster orally onto it still is, but the reason for that is because the truth matter is, None of them understand how to run anything and instead of turning around to the private sector and say can you help us out here? They just decided, do with IRAN, but I have no idea how to run anything is government is not effective. It running things Amazon decides to step up and say: oh will offer help. They decided do that when, in January, when buying becomes president. So let me think about Amazon which can deliver a package to your house by drone within an hour, this places you get something in our just crazy, usually
Day or two, but depending on where you are aware, I am I mean that Jersey, Turnpike is not far from here, so they could all their distribution places up and down the highway. negative loading it we're tracking get at your house. They could have been corn What these governors on the vaccine? tribulation for months. could have had this all worked out and the governors could have been working with all the little tech friends in Silicon Valley. Yet today marks where the little guy from Facebook came out and said, he's gonna write. late speech when it comes to global warming, cause he does you saying anything on his plan, that isn't true and he'll decide what true. So if you say anything on Facebook, you, you question global warming, you question climate change. Remember its climate change in the winter when it's really really cold its global warming and the summer, when it's really really high just follow that rule by the way, but Zuckerberg he's gonna model, so you don't wind up saying something that he judged to be incorrect. So I have a little truth, commission, but here's my question demo,
governors love all these tech giants or Silicon Valley. They do their their bodies with them, Jack from Twitter and little mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, and all these people, Google, all the good guys they or their all bodies. Why couldn't they have this vat distribution taken care of by all with all of them for months they could have been planning all this. Instead, seniors have to pay college kids to register for a vaccine and biting still wants to protect as all the trump administrations fall at some point. They ve gotta be held accountable for this. but their democratically than ever held accountable It's a reason why everybody's beating up ten crews, we're gonna, can't coon, but somehow giving Andrew more pass over the nursing homes and by somebody aiming the media? His brother Chris Cuomo, who I have dubbed the lesson Cuomo. It doesn't mean that Andrews great. It just means that his lesser than him and that's your Cuomo last night in his entire opening was blasting TED crews for going on vacation, didn't, say a word about his brow.
And the nursing homes scandal. Now I know he's not allowed talk about him anymore, but Gimme a break quabos under federal investigation. The world is finally turning on him, but the media who acts like the worst what about digging do deal you to go on vacation as its using there's like two different worlds happening right now and when we get back here in the mark of info, I Give you a little bit of insight into Cuomo meltdown today, absolute meltdown the vaccine distribution, the roll out, it's a mess and its on binding, it's all biting. He should be only thanking president from forget. The vaccine to market steady, blaming him for the fact that his democratic governors, and his administration have done nothing to get it to our seniors. They made a complicated and cumbersome and bureaucratic system then show with me rich Z, only from every Phd eight seven. Seven, one three one! What are you
about America's future times have trouble, are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and preserve our country didn't despair. So to do our part, we need to draw on the books they history the ideas that gave our forefathers and mothers, strength and inspiration. Helstone college was founded in eighteen, forty four to teach these very things, and it teaches them still today. we can all study these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes, through hills, free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wisdom of aid, in an judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can re acquaint ourselves with our constitution. We can learn how to count
The situation has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be recovered friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past with hills. Deals, guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning. Today, at Levant for Hills, del dot com, that's l, a visa. And for a hills down back com, Levine, Fray hills doubt that come with it should play their smartest man on radio and you can go on eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, forty eight one, one, wait until you hear the absolute meltdown by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. I mean it's just it's amazing, but before I get to that, this is the mark. Levin show the great one is off tonight to me the only with you from Philadelphia, eighty seven thousand seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven on three one. One marks a fairly guys. You know.
That's always in order to be in for him he's a great guy and very very great to him for letting me be with you tonight, because I'm a fell within I just like you. So making amazing thing about what's happening in our country right now we have democratic governors who have since it this pandemic acted like totalitarians, This is not an exaggeration for radio purposes. There are literally You tell what is the definition of its territory somebody who is totally in control. Somebody who does so the legislator branch somebody who doesn't doesn't actually get input from any body. My governor feel Murphy acts like a king. I call him King Philip, the unaccountable, because, is not consult the legislator branch on anything and ever since pandemic he has been signed, executive orders giving himself more more power. He just signed another executive order, another Second of order giving him more than thirty days
our over everything and, what's that things that there's a story in the Wall Street Journal today saying that we're probably America's programme achieve heard immunity by April cases are plummeting people are vaccinated, even though the government has made it impossible to Michael is this: what are they gonna do when we I've heard immunity. Are they gonna give up the reins of their power? These Democrats, I don't think so. I think they really like controlling us. Today, New York announced that its role, I can go to thirty five percent capacity. Why? Thirty five and not forty can I explain, the science of that's me: Caliph, when has been under lock down for ever, floored has been open. And their results are pretty much the same. Although this is great you gotta hear this is great. So this is a clip from one of the morning shows seventy rule and MSNBC she's White House covert adviser Andy Slavic about this point. How come Californian far,
Same floored has been open governor on dishonest God. Bless him as kept his state open and governor gave a new some MR front. Laundry that guy has shut everything down yet, basically, the same number same results. What? Why is that? What why is cut ten asked faint fight floor? in California, California, basically in lockdown and their numbers, aren't that different from Florida, we'll get bored activity. Look there's so much of this virus that we think we understand that we think we predict that just beyond a little but beyond our explanation, what we do know is that more careful people are or they mask and social distance and the quicker we vaccinate the goes away unless it spreads, but we gotta get better results. Into variance with only one role they play large events etc. But this is, as we all have learned by this time, there's a virus. It continued to surprise us it's very hard to predict.
And it all around the country we're going to continue to do a better job, and I think I think we are but we're not done yet that's not answer that. Guy said nothing that was just blah blah blah blah blah wash your hands. That was the entire answer there. He didn't say anything in that. How can people are allowed to just on tv and they're they're they're supposed to be act, I you to say nothing and people go mellow. Thank you for that very helpful. What guy say: variants what is variance have to with anything the reality is locked down. Don't work with its evident by the fact that Florida has been open, cow foreign he's been closed and they have essentially the same numbers. Lockdown don't work, because if people can be in public there, just gonna go in private it, prohibition doesn't work. We know that we that is american experiment. But why can't they just say that the can't say that, because they really love the control I'll, give you another one. So governor feel Murphy of New Jersey, king, Philip, the unaccountable who s completely just taken overpower courage,
absolutely no control and he's one of the ones the media hails a hero. You know he in Cuomo were heroes. Heroes to ever so governor from California in Chile. was out aid from so inside in close proximity of peace. Without a mask on inside french laundry. Having dinner at dinner, build a cost about twenty five thousand dollars. You know you could you could just get Jake I have seen, for, I think two hours and fifty cents. I believe, the latest, especially if have go back and check at twenty five thousand hours for dinner inside no masks but he wouldn't let you go inside and have dinner. Yes, So this is fill Murphy. Now we're getting to a place where Mary, you're getting vaccinated, even though they have to go a lot of pain and pressure to get there and now we're seeing heard immunity cases are dropping and people, we're. Gonna go and hey weathers about to get warm hey governor cover. Can we have a little more freedom
Please, your highness. Can we please now go bowling? Can we do bowling, sir, maybe see a movie again. He tells the past hence well careful pest because of the following cut number five first war, folks, don't travel to Brazil, South Africa, there don't go they clear, but frankly don't travel, but don't go to loose to come. Please we should start the right guy ask a question by the way. Why why are you work? Is it ok to tell people not to go to Brazil and South Africa so Little races to made sounds a little Zena phobic. Does it not? You can't go to South Africa, or Brazil. That's a governor Jersey, telling people not to travel those two countries. I remember I'm I'm old enough to remember all the way back a year ago when, when we didn't people from China in and that was called xenophobic and racist. Remember that I remember that by the way you can say China virus. You know that right, that's not out. It's illegal, now think biting pastimes executive order making that illegal but
you can say south african variant, nuke, say Brazilian very and you can say UK very you just can't say variant of the China virus. So an order do this properly to fit in with the politically correct mandates of the binding ministries, You have to do something like this. You gotta say it's the Brazil. In variant of the bleep virus. You the bleep out China, you. Because you can't say that that's races, but you can say the very Don't ask me why I deal in common sense, but they don't they deal and political correctness, so that's David David, establish this rule. You know yet Are you can't say war on so again you can't say that you can say that this is this: african variant of the beep virus going to stay with. You can't go on as racist, but south African is not new, could tell people not to go to those countries, but she still say China Virus is that makes Do you know, of course it does
You know why cause you're an intelligent person. That's why that's? Why doesn't make sense to use you have here's your thinking, human being? That's why but if you try to not use your brain just practice with me for a second pretend you dont have a brain and just pure emotion, no brained, actually sort out your feelings now. Try it now try it. It is the? U K variant of the bleep virus does not make you feel better sure does right. I do if ever start this clip over please. Mrs now governor feel Murphy, where you can travel folks cut five Criswell folks, don't travel to Brazil. South Africa right now could be clear, but frankly don't travel, but don't go to those two countries. Please. There should be no travel to or from Brazil or self that South Africa right now
Uh sure, some of you, let me for that, the council general rather those countries, whereas in reality I was again this morning, as I mentioned, even of a very good conversation about covered vaccine progress, etc, and I made I didn't make. I didn't make this sort of a definitive statement, but I said to the couple the folks down their yeah, but for the variant I think we would be planning right now, a much more money used, the word aggressive, but a much more fulsome series of steps to reopen the next. Weeks with the various what a hangs over our heads, the their round window, its board easily transmitted right my window, the venetian thank you so so so you see now, but for the variant the king would
if the peasants more freedom that key the king would let you spend more time with your friends and family and bigger venues, but but for the various, so he would give up his power, but but for the very it, but for the variant peasants, I still must maintain an iron grip on all of you, but for the very and that should be like a bumper sticker somewhere, but for the variant Technically it is unbelievable to me because of that's it and are now think about it. two weeks to stop the spread, which was fine with all of us. We get our part now it's, but for the very, and so I guess as long as there's variants. There be unilaterally in charge, knew some Cuomo Murphy, your democratic governor, wherever you are just absolutely Unum universally just you know that in charge, no improvement. Legislature, I interviewed Pennsylvania today and our the interview on Monday show, but we're talking about venues
adding venues in places like that that these places are suffering tremendously and it's not just the venues, but all the people associated with it. Flores photographers people that you catering, so wineries, breweries and all those people suffering because they have is dumb, kept a city limitation which again is not based in science. It Isn't they just make it up, but for the variant, I guess we could say we could start raising those numbers, but for the various. Let me stay with this he comes about its. The same reason why the capital fence is gonna, stay up in DC indefinitely, zone of you know this or not, but they have said now: they're gonna keep the capital fence which put up in response to the January. ex riding they're gonna put up the capital fancy to keep it up now, at least until August. Why Why why is there? Is there some? Is there something? I am not aware of? No actually not, but they were I remind you that their fully in control and and and these
voters in his marriage, but that they have had a year now of being absolutely in control, and I like it, they do they like it alot. They don't give that up so giving of carbs. You know you don't want to do it. Sometimes you have to do it. I'm doing right now and make him you very Frankie, but sometimes you gotta do it. Giving a power is even more difficult and giving a corpse, because power is very, very addictive, and these people have it. They don't want to give it up. And but for the variant I guess they don't have to was long as there's a variant of the virus out there. They can be absolutely in charge, shrewd this major forget checksum, ounces? Forget it's unbelievable seven three eight one, three eight one one on the market then show me gotTa Katharine, she's online, one, hey, Catherine. Thanks for the call tonight I I was referring to back when you played Joe Biden, their latest Babylonia Bulgaria
the banks are not his rebel lady, like Babylonia, and What are you doing there? You can obviously, like you said you can tell that he is reading the teleprompter, is really no clue what you say, but anyway, I agree with you. There second thing is: I don't think this helping the other countries blah blah blah. Oh have never once we are. I don't think that has one thing to do with the thing he said that of course, Europe. He says all that so good day ignorant masses that voted for them Bank of sea. There there so good, I'm so glad about one could see their help in the world.
Okay, but did reality the behind the scenes, the guy behind the curtain. Like always, you know in the wizard of OZ, twirling, all those gears and stuff that is simply all smoke and mirrors for what they're really doing, which is a trip back to the Obama administration. All of his policies- His sole purpose was to bring us to our needs, and you know that you know that his purpose was to destroy America bit by bit day by day, and we are going back to that. Its very obvious cause every e o this man has sat, it's not strengthening us. Every single one of them have weakened us. First, that's not! That can't be coincidence and again an argument about it because they're taking job? Well? It's not that I disagree with you. I I understand your point exactly and then thank you very much recall Catherine. I really appreciate its. I dont think biting smart enough. I really don't I don't. I don't think he's smart enough to have a big evil master plan. that I had. I don't, I think, he's
found himself with people that believe the United its is guilty and they do want to. We ass. They want to level the playing field is probably a better way to put it level the playing field by Those taken America's greatness down little by little, so that we beyond the same figure that, from this perspective, instead of world having to rise to our. will we have to lower our six. straight to match? There's zero since then we have to give some of the way so that we can be on the same level as them by and have an evil master plan because he's not smart enough to have an evil master plan for their people around him that absolutely wanna. We the United States of America Bees in Chile. Nobody in the world is equal member equity as their goal here equity as their goal and always has been not not inequality of outcomes. But equity, not by chance that everybody has the same chance at achieving success. Equity. Everybody gets the same,
Biden has been using that word. A lot he's reading it off the teleprompter. I don't even know if he knows what it means but he's pushing it because the people around m are loading it into the teleprompter any reading it and the policies reflect that does the market share with me, Rich Z, only in for the great one coming right back, are you worried about America's future? Times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who built- and I preserve our country, didn't despair. So to do our part, we need to draw on the books they history in the id. They gave our forefathers and mothers, strength and inspiration. Del college was in eighteen, forty four to teach these very things, and it teaches them still today we can all see these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes, through hills, free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization. The wisdom of
ancient and judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can re equip our with our constitution, we can learn the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be recovered friends as we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past with hills, deal guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning today, at Levant, from Helstone, Backup, that's l e and for a hills, drawback com, Levine, Fray hills. Doubt that com, by the way is beginning giving of carbs this Colombia, professor page six. Your posts have is a while ago,
He does heroin regularly for work. Life balance, work, life balance, you gotta, hey, listen, you may drink coffee. He does heroin regularly for work. That's a professor and who said that professors were knots in college, written who's. Who would ever? Who would ever think that look? Here's the thing, as Mr Safety on Twitter says bite is not smart enough, you're right, but the people who Obama's people want to take us back to the air of hating, our own country. Yet it's very much what I said. I think it's what they want to do as they want to look at it. This way ever there's a kid in class. My sons and kindergarten, my daughter's in pre school we have ten month old baby in my sons, class, easy oldest and they don't teach to him.
In particular does amazing job she's, fantastic. I think she's amazing, but in school they don't necessarily teach to the oldest kid in the classroom should at any rate they they have to make sure the youngest kids are learning it's one of the six. Imagine that, but on the way, America's or the world. So America, instead of everybody. Rising to our level. We have to lower ourselves down, there's so that we can all have equity around the world and of em giving way our vaccines supply to the rest of the world to achieve equity, so be it if it means giving where money there s a world which have equity so our resources whatever it is. It means by more of their stuff to achieve equity. The matter will do it's, it's it's about making everybody equal and equity which is really what socialism is about. I mean the goal of socialism. Is everybody gets treated the same way, but now that the expectations are the same. The outcomes are the same. So as well
believe that everybody should be afforded the opportunity to be treated the same way in their mind of equity. It's that everybody's outcome is the same, and that's not the way it's supposed to be that doesn't make any sense can achieve anything that way except failure for America and that's the old go. The hatred of American comes from the fact that other countries around the world are not as good as us and their goal is to make us is good as them not them as good as us. It's to lower America not to help other countries around the world, raise themselves That's their mindset. That's your thinking, a lot more to get your pudding Andrew Cuomo, Hills, a disaster and probably a criminal to saw blue pulling up in his face. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing by the way justice, some archivist with me, Rich Z, only big our virtue straight ahead, not say one thing Cuomo has got to answer
away from the westward one. Podcast network he's here now, broadcasting them only underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Andrew Cuomo is a disaster I mean the guy is just an absolute mass for the media loves member. He was the president. We really need it. Was there guy? What a joke welcome to the mark and show the great one is off tonight. He told you yesterday is getting surgery, but he'll be back with you Monday wishing, while of course to me
which is the only your fell of night from W Phd in Philadelphia. Warehouse morning, DR show great to be back with you again always love hanging out with you and thank you for riding along with me tonight, or you listening in homer we are doing is just an otter always to fill in four mark he's. A great great friend is a great guy and see. This is a tough week with a loss of rush limbo, rational. NL, Russia was a is just that I mean The best way I can put it is, I feel, like I lost a friend and I'm sure you feel the same way. Cuz everyday rush spoke directly to me, snaps that unique gift. He has just to talk directly to me and it was fantastic he did that. I very sad and the silence is very very loud in other silences, deafening of not hearing Russia's voices my says contradiction. But if you are a rush fan like I am than you know exactly what I mean by that so
We will miss rushbrook very, very much but Sunday night on Life Liberty, him events, special episode mark is gonna sit down with Sean handy and they're going to reflect on the life of rush them both Career Virtual in Bonn. Everything rush did for talk, radio, and it's it's a lot. First and foremost, I would not be here tonight. Mark may not be here Sean may not be harming rush saved talk, radio, he the industry he saved it. He saved M radio and he, along with President Ronald Reagan, 1980s when Reagan got rid of fairness doctrine once and for all, just killed it in Congress. Try to put it back they are the fairness doctrine is. You know said that you have to have Bolsa representative equal time. You know I would have to have a mandated. we'll cover such ass would probably be the westward. I would put it and Reagan gotta that it was
old FCC requirement. Then Congress passed a law trying to put it back on the books and Reagan vetoed it said. The best way to deal with fake news for better or for worse, is just more more media. Not less is more voices out there. And that gave rise to rush Limbaugh and, of course, just Russia's just absolute ability to entertain and inform people the same timed to something nobody else can do like rush. and our Sunday night, though remember that marking rush were very close. You know it's been tough for him because he goes way back with rush Limbaugh. He was after eleven years ago before he was ever The great one and you commoner Russia show as as illegal mind, so we send our prayers to not only Catherine his family, but everybody on the show you, Mr Snarly, an entire crew and, of course, also to mark and em, and you know, tune in Sunday Night Life Liberty in them,
So Andrew Cuomo is an absolute jerk, I mean the guy is arrogant. He's? So our blames everybody but himself for this nurse, home disaster that has happened in New York, state everybody's, too plain, but himself. First of all, I think about a couple thinks you're number one till it till it to governors still Andrew Cuomo ran dishonest rights of dishonesty Governor Florida. They hate him this early on several going make sure that we protect our most vulnerable people in nursing homes, Cuomo say: We're gonna, make sure nursing homes take in our most vulnerable people, surround them with people who are covered, positive stupidest, exactly border in March of twenty twenty made no sense as citizens Coming back and saying you know what I really screwed up here. I was a big mistake. He cannot take responsibility for himself, so he blames everyone's for administration, blames the staff for bring
covered in his executive order. Literally said, nursing homes have to take over positive patients, not can take them, they must take them and Coma would not allow them to move people from nursing homes in to say the: U S, s, comfort, that big beautiful ship in New York, harbor that could have taken them. He created the perfect environment for cover to spread and nursing homes among the most vulnerable people and then cover the numbers covered up the death toll lied about. It, lied about the democratic legislature in the state of New York and lied about it's a department of justice, now I'm no lawyer, but I'm smart enough to know this. If you like the government when their seeking information- that's a federal offense? now, there's a federal investigation, Openings, Andrew Cuomo, but remember TED crews want to can't coon. So we have to focus on TED crews, gonna canker, even always a senator and not go
Centres have no power whatsoever and their job is literally just to pontificate and talk all day. He went to conclude, therefore drop everything and focus on that and ignore the federal investigation of Governor who people in nursing homes that were sick and then lied about it and covered it up and is now blaming everybody else. You see, others worked right and we take crews going to Cancun was perfect for them they just use a distraction border we should be talking about a coma and when it came, the New York state attorney General TEETH James, who, I guess probably has grown ambitions to be governor when she did report and said yes, the numbers are wrong and then quabos high level person was caught on up on a phone call telling people Madame Brad Legislature. Well, yeah. We had a cover up a numbers. We got understand, trumps, a bad guy and he's orange, and so we had a lie about the numbers and Trump stinks and so that's why we had a lie, but the numbers and it didn't want, is the problem
justice to know. We were doing yeah. It's bad: it's really bad strategy. Cuomo spawned you got Democrats calling for his impeachment. problems are opening up and impeachment investigation is calls for him to resign. The legit you're New York may take ways emergency powers which good I wish every legislature would do that across the country. To all these governors, particularly him. So I had to see you Spock. How does he respond virtual? He threatens this in New York State Assemblymen. Ok, out and said Cuomo told him to change, He was saying about the nursing homes and threatened him repeatedly, so Cuomo threat this guy and to him. You know you better, rethink what you think you shed and make it what I want you to say, or else then Cuomo gets offended by everybody, making mob comparisons to him to threatens this guy, and then he gets angry. If you make a mafia comparison to him
right. So here's Cuomo today he loses it again. He's angry again. She furious the fact that people are calling about furiously I get across the country now, Democrats and Republicans you're saying you know Wat Andy he hates up over what Andy gotta come out now and you better take responsibility for what happened here for many years ago. Chris Christie was on my shoulder and Christie said the same thing he said to Quabo. You need to open up an own this, you need to be transparent. You ve, gotta, tell everybody what happened here. You can't keep hiding this come clean with the headline. Come clean, Cuomo, respond. All is well here we go. This is number one. No one has the right to spread lies about his scandal right, so anybody who says anything, but what he wants you to say is
having a lie: Yogi got bad, that's a starting point here, cut number one: those false statements must be countered. They must be, or else people get confused. No one has a right to spread lies or myths, information that causes paying ITALY's. I had this day in politics is a nasty business NASH in this environment. This there is a lie. I get it, I get it. I live it every day, but this is different. This is causing paying two families who lost their loved ones now you're doing that's what they did not Youtube and they did it, I hear from the families now at Samara there. So let me somewhat he sang right now is that the pain that families are feeling is not
because of his orders to keep people in nursing homes, not because of a death that he caused with his ineptitude it it's because wise! We set about him, you got it so the families are feeling paying people are lying about him and is long. They're saying lies about me. Then there gonna be hurting? So stop lying about me? What are we lying about? What is anybody lying about everything told you is a hundred percent factual, every endeavour you're. Saying about this guy's factual. You put. People in these positions you put them in these nursing homes? This is on you. This is on you
but if you call em out on your lying and now you're causing pain to people, so so don't say anything because people might hurt. If you hear if they hear you say things right, ok keep going. Not only do we create avoid, we didn't fight back against the lies in the politics of the distortions aggressively enough. In retrospect, that is true. It is welcome all it is that twitter, twenty four hours a day. It is politics letters to making up stuff to get their face on tv. I read it, but you have to know get down encounter and come to it a grass severely. Otherwise people will believe or or or I have one call on me call me They'Ll- believe it
It's true how's. That is that I am also a possibility. So not only is blaming everybody, but himself. Now it's twitter. Now it's twitters fault. People are saying methinks a vacuum on twitter This is it. This is a sociopath. You understand is a guy who cannot take responsibility for his actions and and Democrats We are calling him out his answer is how dare you lie about me and if you say things don't like! Well, then, I'm gonna come after you, when you and destroy you, Patsy's response, that's his answer, but TED crews went to can come so we have to focus on. That is a senator. Who is no executive power whatsoever went to Cancun, so they Cuomo has to be side story. Obviously, governor of New York and threatening members, the legislature hiding facts from the Department of Justice hiding facts from his own legislature. Can you
That I'm just curious. Can you do that in your life? Can you not give the iris information when they asked for error if the Department of Justice asked for information regarding your business service state ass. You can you not give it to them. Can you can you lied? because you don't like the president is, can you go well? You know the bad guy, so I'm not going to give you all the information cuz. You might use it against me. So therefore I would lie to you cuz, it's exact. What does administration did they? They? They lied about the numbers they withheld. The data and the argument was trumps. Bad, so we can't be honest. Department of Justice came, I use it against us they might use our failure and our screw up against us. Therefore, we can, you know, can't we gotta hide the numbers you gotta understand. We can't be so you try that, are you kidding audited by the IRS and you had receipts or something this turnaround go yeah. We got our stand by and would use his against me. I can't
that so I had to hide some data, I'm sure you to stand and if anybody does understand them they're, just ready eyes about me all right. She had I work southward. Seven hundred and seventy three eight thousand one hundred and thirty, eight one thousand one hundred and eighty seven seven hundred and thirty, eight one thousand three hundred and eighty one. What it is the mark Levin show with mirror. is the only in for the great one common right back from, asked, would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the podcast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the association and mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative member strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support.
A man and you can become a member at a MAC dot? U S. Slash join now rose testing them wrongly underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader and we are back live here on the market in showing great one is off, but I am with you tonight, rich see only from part, some town of Philadelphia Debbie Phd great to be with you, sorry for the technical. Lynch there was a storm and a power surge, but the important thing, the team rallied, and we are back so eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, the number and great to be with you tonight. You know Biden wants to spend one. Point nine trillion with a tea on Corona
shore leave, even though it has basically nothing. You have grown of irish relief. Here's what I want think about right. Now, as we going to our three of the market in show teach, Cheers are saying now really teachers unions are saying that they don't think they're gonna be back in a classroom next year, even if at all vaccinated This is insanity, what's happening in this country right now, so Biden failed pledge to get teachers back in the classrooms to open up schools. I do know about you, but Do you have a child? Maybe have a grand child who is learning remote these? kids are suffering. It is not the same. They need to be with their friends. This is awful for them. It's awful then it is good for school choice is the one thing that America's waking up to? The fact is that private schools, catholic schools, friends, schools charter? Schools have somehow managed to keep kids in the class this entire time without killing tee? years without killing kids in their families, they have managed to do it.
We know now that it's safe, we know, is a science says. Biting CDC, has said it, but Democrats or ways beholden to the teachers unions. This is one of those amazing things about politics, and I know this very well because from where I am from a new jersey The end J here has this absolute iron grip on democratic politicians, and it's like everywhere in the country, the teachers unions spend a ton of money, comes out of members Jews and they use it for political purposes, intervene Teachers are not the problem fact. There are some amazing teacher who are frustrated with their union, as you could ever imagined, but there are other choice because they have to be part of it if they want to work, so they have to deal with it, there's nothing they can do Republicans have said over and over and over again is the money should follow a kid so that the kid can pick up and say: I'm gonna go to a different school. Now around me.
there is already a weight list for twenty twenty on school year, starting in September, for a lot of the private schools in our area. Have this one friend she's she's great, but you know she's a bit of a liberal, and she's. Finally waking up to everything that I've been saying for years, some It has to actually arrive at your doorstep for you to wake up, go. You know what yeah I got a yeah, you know what? Yes, you're right, I'm wrong! He's policies are stupid. I get it producing sensed. She I mean she's. Had it her kid, have been doing this weird hybrid thing of like one day a week in a half a day at the kitchen table, and it's not working for them. When I'm amazed at a time and again. is how we watch this happen, and if we have the economically together, move our kids to a private school. We can do it, but all these poor families like in Philadelphia for example, Philadelphia schools, have not been open, since
start of the pandemic, they were going to open on Monday they've pushed that date back, it's not going to happen. The kids are not going back to school. I ain't decided to be doom and gloom, but it's just reality and four lotto parents they they don't have the ability to send their kids a private school. First of all, there is a weightless anyway, even if they could get them in that they just want the money. That's why you, school choice. Twi. We ve called the civil rights issue of our time out in college when you're, somewhere some naughty place in California. There now but even with the teachers vaccinated, they don't think the kids will be able to be in cool. I read you. This fall reopening, as stated by superintendent Matthews, the full real when you have. Schools in the fall is highly on likely from the site. Point here we are trying to plan and design two to three contingency plans.
Since we know we won't know the status of covert in August or no, which families will choose which options because of the status. It is a frustrating place to be in. Can anyone explain to me why we can have kids back in the classroom in September? or I get a better answer Monday had on Monday abbot this coming Monday. Can someone explain that to me? Whose ears I know the CDC said teachers don't have to be vaccinated. I know the CDC has said the kids. Don't really spread it that much, and I also know that, when If you spread it, the kids don't get it that bad they're, not bringing it home and killing grandma. But if there are individual circumstances like that, then you deal with those individual circumstances and they can do that and they can make a combination. So I know that too, I know that Biden has flip flopped all over the place on this, and he has said that he wanted to make teachers are priority for vaccinating them. We also know that his own cdc said they don't have to be vaccinated, get back in the classroom. You know what's happening right
the teachers unions are finding age, use they possibly can to not go back into the classroom. Their enjoying working from home. But think of all the professions up there you can't we're from cops, have to be out there. Firemen have to be out their doctors, nurses, guys workin down. Texas, men and women, we're trying to bring that state back on line here U are s senators, but people who actually, that is their job, to do that: you're, senators, its other job, but people that they have a job to do there doing it. You can't do it from home. You have to be there. But teachers are enjoying working round, the unions are enjoying this, but what they're also enjoying is again the power that they have over these politicians, because they know the Democrat politicians do whatever they say, and they'll cow out of them, whatever you need, will do it. Here's Nancy people the speaker of the house, who is now in a school room. In a very very long time, it's not a bad thing by the wayside. I would like her to stay far away from children, because I've, let's innocent,
she's gotta, eat sport that way or I'd she's gotta eat. So I'm happy keeping her as far away from children as possible, but this what she said. If you can understand a mumbling behind the mask, here's the thing: can you take the mask when you speaking in a microphone just tell people back up. Can we just as as a society agree bodies, come out. Two of em now he's vaccinated these facts. this is not an anti mask. Thing is just a common sense thing them since to America should be hey. You get the vaccine, where to masks. Oh, you have to wear one mask look at this, but instead it show it sits what they call virtue signalling. You know four years
z, mumbling behind the mask in the fangs, cut number nine. Now the important point to make on this is where there is a high incidence of of covered. Most of those schools, or virtual or hybrid anyway, there not actual or not actual, and vaccination might not make it an actual anyway. So again, there has to be a judgement made from them. immunity as to how they go forward. She's body. Is she not she has. I really don't, even though she knows what she sang the editor where this high instances in that the vaccine can't. So then we can the open and then the vaccine, then that ever had ever body just body. I suggest we speak English. Please, but you know she sang transit, for you could get she's a democrat politician, so she's beholden to the teachers union. What she sang is
Until the union's tell me that we can go back, we can go back very good, translated for you took like three seconds so the union say we can go back. We can't go back there. There you have it now. Parents are losing their minds, I'm predicting a huge red wave in November of twenty twenty two, because I think parents have had it suburban MA and Dad's have had it city, moms and dad's have had it to deal my kids Remote sensing kindergarten he's glad we're blast. His schools, been in person, has been it's been great Batavia Snow Day today were virtual for tat. Minutes and then one attempt it was over. I thought what am I, why wouldn't you ve arrested check? I can Actually, that's like every day for these parents and look, you know Parents choose to homes for their children, and that is wonderful. That's a great great thing.
Some parents, you can't do that- you don't have the ability to do that and they schools have left them no option in many parts of the country and these battles. So then where's job two years Joe Biden during the campaign trail saying in his first hundred days, every kids can be back in a class. Remember that now it's First hundred days, maybe one a week for half the schools? Maybe maybe He gave a. He read something off a teleprompter today in his own garbled, double masked way of not inspire anybody. The president said the following: with regards to schools and regards to reopening the schools, Then, if you can kind of translate, what is To say here cut number seven. I think that, for example, are these critically important to get our kids back to school and it is really important because of the psychological damage being done, and loss of time a kid loses semester, wonder and fifth grade
there are not just smashed to behind they, maybe a year and a half behind all the difficult year. Tat charming little girls worried that in our mommy hey, if only he had influence. you? Don't you the President of the United States, but you should like a guy in the back of the room going as river we emerge, schools should be open and every great deduce schools and our I go. Can I see a year the president's? Why don't you tell them to open the schools? what are you telling me it'll get federal funds in their schools are open to again. This is what actually frustrates re about all this is that the media goes well here, SAM open No, no! No! No! No! No! No! If, if the present the United States, one of them open, he would say schools to be open Monday and if you're not open on Monday, then you're not gonna, get any funding, Unama, tell the governors in those states
those schools are not open, Monday. Well, you're, not getting any federal funds either the double down on this, as I said in the first hundred days, kids, we back in the classroom but said he goes That's a lose them look kids phase when he's not a classroom as darned name ass ever and I would say to you schools and I'm gonna do the thing a member striving break, and then I got a reinsurance. What are you saying Men Pelosi? I cannot even understand the. I really have a tough time with them, but what I think is very clear here is: speak people that speak english scientists, the CDC have set it safe. So why are we not back in the classroom? politics to actually politics is the same reason why the capital fences tulip. It's the same reason why the National Guard is gonna, be there until August, at least probably indefinitely to say why Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey is saying that well, the very since you know I'd love to really.
My power over you peasants, but the variants, it's because its power and controls what it is and for a lot of these teachers unions. What their ultimate goal here is new buildings, Oh, yes, look. I've been in politics- for a long time actually was in politics before became a radio guy, and I I a lot of battles with Jersey, politicians in Philadelphia, politicians in Pennsylvania, politicians up close and personal fighting the teachers unions and in every district in that country, Evidently, what you here at some point is our building is all that needs to be replaced. We need to have more money, so we need money from more teachers are class sizes you're getting too too too big, and we need to have more money too. more staff and always about more money, more money, more money where money. This is the perfect, Hughes for them a double down and say we want new buildings. We want more money because we can't social distance,
the classrooms, so we need to hire more teachers and we don't have Enough our facility in our procedures and have good aid, we have seen so we need brand new shiny buildings, opening build us, a shy, Hugh buildings we're not coming back and what mark my words, you're gonna see them get what they want, because that's what's gonna happen. They think they have the bill. Now to hold our kids hostage. They really do, and since democratically never go along its whole choice and since they will never ever go against the teachers, unions, they're gonna, give him actually what they want. They don't need those things they dont need shiny, new buildings, but they want them. They dont need to hire more staff. They can. They can make it work, but they want to do that and that's why it's going to be even abiding has given them billions of dollars already hundreds of billions of dollars? It'll never be enough! It never is enough, you understand, and it never will be. eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. But now you know what they really want:
seven, seven, three one, three, eight one one! It is the market in show with me right the only in for the great one common right back, then AIM Act. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest. Organizations in America now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless. Bending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond, advocate joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts included. special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine, followed
site full articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives As I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m, a sea dot! U s! stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S it is the market even show, is I'm bashing the teachers unions- and I am but it's the teachers understand it. Just the teachers, unions and- and I get my question a lot here- you know: what can the teachers do? Nothing the union's are in control and they want money now binding is proposing seventy million billion billion with a base using adversary beyond our stimulus plan for schools which would just give everything they want to reopen safely and now that he's how is that there is absolutely zero and sent him to go back to the classroom, because
if they know that they got this massive package sitting there and they go back to the club. Durham than the obvious question is well, then you need the money, so they're not gonna, go back declare from until they get the money this is extortion, is what it is. It really is no other way to its extortion. They want money for New things and higher more teachers, and until they get the money, where no money no check, he knew in classy. That's recently the deal rawness in Berkeley, California, wrong. You are on the market of ensure our you, sir hello. There lay a privilege, my pleasure, sir. Thanks to the call for greater country about thirty years ago, and I M here because I change it was the land of the free and the home of the brave I've been listening. Do talk shows all along because my job allowed me
pretty much all day. I really Julie fear what would happen to America if it was just bombed into the vision that the liberals have in store for us. I often talk to my wife, and I say that get a socialist country- and I am Here- and if America ball to socialism, where the hell are we going to run them, go footwear. Envy escaped do if a man, I thought I'd say it's a great question. There is nowhere to go there. This is it baby. This is the last great hope of mankind. You know yet human pure human kind. sorry I mean who bring gender into it. I know you're right you're right. If this is it, then you know where to go, and that's part they understand that you know you know this state. They understand that. So that's part of the goal here
to bring about equity, because if America goes well, then the whole world we can be like Europe finally, and that ultimately, the goal here at its You understand you came here as an immigrant. You wanted the american dream, their people around the world who want that american dream bodily bindings about let a lot of people get citizenship. How does that? you guys, like you, feel you have it make I'm totally again. You know why because they are not coming here to become american. Then you take a pledge of allegiance to America and you get an american passport and you still cling onto the stupid passport jar. Other country then you are not a true American in my opinion, run given the call my friend I appreciated thanks to call the mark, Levin show ya, look I mean, and the schools issue big part of this.
Three another reason why they hate school choice, hard to indoctrinate the kids. If you ve got a choice, you can put your it's not a school makes indoctrination camp a whole lot more difficult the market in show with me, rich Z. Only from Philadelphia and for the great one common right that aim The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest organizations in America now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts included special member. Only rates on car insurance travel discounts cellphone
plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full events. full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to Joe today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U S stopped! supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim at Stead a m, a sea dot? U s Mark Love show. Where are we create the talking points call in now, eight hundred and seventy seven, three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven. The Good NEWS that way. To be an optimist? Good news is that I think Republicans have a chance here to really take back. I mean every I really I mean this is just something you say I I really
I talk to other people who are of the same like minded views, but also to people who totally different and the political spectrum. But what unites us is this issue of schools. It is the single biggest issue. It unites people in the suburbs. In the city's black white, I mean every color to spectrum all over the place. Everybody wants what's best for their kids. And we're watching right now, something that Republicans have told people about four years, which is that the Democrats will do who have the school teachers unions tell them to do their beholding? but look you hear things and you go just or come on it's an exaggeration where you live it. You live your kids at your dining table, doing corn and quote school every day for a year or for a week. You understand it. Each around go, I don't I don't understand- is that schools are saved open, wide wireless are out opening and then you understand
that is the teachers, unions, doing it and a democrat politicians. They cower and fear at the just. The very mention of all these alphabet super various little union this federation of teachers in the intergalactic, cheers Association of the Galaxy in it and they quiver and they do whatever they want, and they want to spend more of your money and until they get it there, and I can open up schools, so you here that and then you hear them say even if the teachers are vaccinated, we're still make an open of schools and you go ha. Why the one? What is this sincerity, what it is I to be rich is the only with you tonight. The great one is off he's, as he said you last night getting surgery, but it we back Monday and we wish him well do not miss very. Special episode of life, liberty and events. Sunday night marks so be shown. How do they will remember Russia, limber so don't miss. It may Pm Fox NEWS channels.
Let's go to v she's online. One on the market even show hello, v Ivy there I do not think she's there. Maybe it's suits me. It's all right, no problem! Let's try JANET on long Island, JANET car you're on the market and show my legs taking my joy, they wide open coming and going up going JANET, I'm so sorry, I maybe he's in trying to call back. I can't hear you it's just very crackly, and maybe it has to do with the technical issue. We had here tonight. I apologize maybe try to call back when we try Christy She is in Tallahassee Florida,
am I jealous. I love Florida critically. Naples, high Christie rates- that's why I was born in Naples I'm doubly jealous and I'm soda, then Tallahassee for about the last twenty five years, the home around the Santa. So when you talk about schools, boy have we walked out, He has really really push for schools to be open and I have six kids and they're all in school, good, so glad to hear that both your governors awesome. I really I just think round: dishonest is the greatest I'm a huge fan of a guy smart and he GB doesn't take any there of their nonsense. He gives it right back and he's managed to keep his that your state open and the numbers have been no different cow. for new, which has been locked down completely so yeah. You got a great cover, their Christie. No doubt she have six kids. What are their ages gimme? The ages?
from nine to twenty six wow. Ok, I still yeah I've got an elementary, a middle I've got to high school and to encourage and they're all doing or some here in Florida. But here's the thing I want to tell you about rich and ours. seeing earlier- and I am sorry if I'm screwing up your show- but I was listen- to mark and giving his tribute to rush you, and I want to tell a quick story and I'll try not to take up your time, I'm fifty two, obviously by the number of kids. You know I have an up until the age of thirty one. I was a rabid liberal. Now what happened at that age is, I came to power. Have fear had been here for a little while, and I came to get my masters degree, of course, because I am a liberal in social work, and I met my husband who was concerned
It is, and I met him in the courthouse because I dealt with juvenile delinquency. Well, and behold I go off and marry this conservative, who would have thought it no, I mean we're totally opposite but you know why we are here during the Recount Bush verses Gore, he was Bush. I was Gore and it was crazy here in town it was so crazy. Well, my husband being the conservative. He said just listen to rush- and I said you know I okay, I drove a lot in my car cuz. I had to go through kids and it seems to me aye TAT ye have that effect, Armine E. He had that amazing ability. So you you credit the fact that Europe can, normative to rush limber. Not your husband wishes fasten. Your husband turns yonder rush, but he wasn't look invert you but rush was I love that part of the story,
it's only a minor and when you know he would talk YAP gap that gap, but you know up in the Panhandle here. People don't know this, but it is a vast forest. When you go places and I used to have to go through vast forest- go see, you know different juvenile programme, something for that for an hour just put on rush the third fade out, I would find a channel Betty was on and I listened and listened and listen and Don't I became this rapid conservative, as my husband likes to say it was all because a rush and my heart is just broken- he taught me everything. I know any me on the path that helped me to you know follow all the other concerns mark living, as is my heart, a love listening to mark Levant and course are conserved, shows here and everywhere else that we can well thank Christie. Thank you and thank you.
Much for the cod for sharing that that memory of rush- it's really important- do that and to keep keep legacy going. So thank you, my dear, and enjoy Florida jealous. I really am, but damn yes thank you for the call to the market and show eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven, so MIKE is in Elk, Grove, California, Time Iqra teachers. Alright. Teach her rich UK returned Teacher ok land without wage cod Tired university professor teacher and football coach for forty, I've years and I have grandchildren school districts and I were a real concern about the school teachers unions, stood at putting pressure on He turns to not perform and come to the classroom, yet I think the fifty percent the teachers are happy not being in the school at most
pollution. Recommending would be the school districts possibly could start shutting down the high pay for the teachers that they think debt caught him back. Fifty percent cut out the administration to the urgent need with councillors you don't you don't need two spaces and start the pressure on the teachers to put pressure on the school the strength to put pressure on the union's that we have an inside out approach to taken on. The union's through the dangers I think you're far. If we don't want to be back in the classroom and The teachers are not working poor girl there, no teachers dinner, We need to be at all, and I have to deal with discipline now
you don't have to deal with all the problems that you didn't: go to school on a daily basis and air and is making a job easier form, and so we need a new one of em. There could be a definite from inside out from the teachers start saying that you know how it is going to happen, though, make it the reason why something to happen, and my thanks to the call to the mark of ensure I appreciate. Thank you so much the reason why, happen is because and it's always the same Montraville teachers paid enough. We have enough money for schools, we don't have enough. Poor kids will suffer. People won't want to be teacher and leave the profession look by an administration is throwing hundreds of means of dollars at schools elegantly. This is the It is very easy to understand and you're smart person you list, Mark events. You know this. If you dangle half a trillion dollars at school districts and say: ok, we get it right. We get it
you you, you need better age, vs, IE systems for the school. The schools are outdated. We gotta uni larger classroom seeking social distance and we get it. We get it. We get it it is their incentive to come back to the classroom. There is no incentive to combat the classroom, because if they got very the classroom, then somebody in Congress going to stand up and go. Why do we the pass a half a trillion dollars school spending bill. If the teachers are back in the classrooms, this is our shake down this. Is it torsion is what it is. These unions get it now. Why you might ask yourself what why would they want to do this? Who cares if they get a new building or not because for public education? This is where your kids go to learn about equity. This is where, kids go to learn about all this, years of socialism, its indoctrination camp, public educate,
Is it it's the imperial pavilion for them? It really is, you know it's the Acropolis, its where everything is supposed to be. It is the epicenter public education It's the same reason. Why you ask poor, fail he's in cities like Philadelphia, and they will tell you that they want to be able centre can submit a school for they can't, and so the union's control Democratic politicians in democratic politicians, Turandot give the public education system more money and it becomes a cycle, and now, with covered couple, things come to light number one. These governors have absolute total control over us. They don't have to worry about checks about. is in the legislature, and now we hear from Governor Phil Murphy King filled the unaccountable that you know the variants I mean he give us more privileges, but for the variants we hear from Gavin Newsome and teachers in California sang even if their vaccinated, they may not go back to the classroom.
And it all comes down to money and it comes out of power to same reason, why the capital fences still up. Can anybody so me why we shoulda national garden DC. You know that yesterday, I heard because I'm internet there's a clearly a conspiracy acumen on conspiracy, that on March Fourth, Donald Trump will actually be inaugurated president, and so because of that now they gotta keep up the fence and the National Guard in DC, because there's this spiritual theory on the internet. Who have you understand now? long as there's a conspiracy theory on the internet, we're going to keep our nation. capital lockdown. Is that that's what? we're doing here. We're we'll do that. We're gonna, run Wanna governed by kids there's a theory. So as long as a crime, pot anywhere suggest anything that may indeed say well, keep up the fence and the military here, it's it's a symbolic measure of control over us, but also its legislation
legislation like you know, taking away the second amendment and the first amendments, your ability to think for yourself and be able to disagree with what dogma, and the Montreal is another reason why the holy shrine of education, public education has to be girls. Your kids can learn about climate change. Facebook, world debunk myths about climate They announced Thursday, though mouth debunk common, miss about climate change or their leading into becoming the arbiter of truth. One time at one point Facebook was just about literally was Mark Zuckerberg trying to pick up girls a college, but now it's? U arbiter of truth and climate change this even do very well without either by the social media, I said it's adding a section to its climate change information. Hob they'll feature facts with your information about misconceptions, falsehoods and include the fact that Polar bear population, are declining as a goal, global warming and, if you our challenge that if you
If you were to write something and say why I think the polar bears are actually doing quite well, they're doing quite well, you you would. That would be false. You know that would be flag and they have to take that down. So you wouldn't be if you get a bad bad mark from Mark Zuckerberg sure sure I'm going with this is ultimately all these symbolic measures of control ultimately do lead to control controller. Words are association, are building defend, ourselves, are going good or to nations capital and not feeling revisiting Beirut. Then Beirut, seen eighties or now. So that's what I'm talkin, about and the school thing is a shakedown for more money period. Democratic politicians are beholding, teachers, unions, they're, afraid of them. They won't challenge them, and this is a shakedown and your kids are suffering the Good NEWS.
Parents have had enough eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven it is the mark. Levin show with me rich Zeoli, Wpht in Philadelphia coming right back AIM Act. The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believe in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC push back against reckless spending disaster? like many care for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy. joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts included special member. Only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max
by monthly magazine full events. full articles on the issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other, fifty plus organism And has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot. U S! sure Keys in Mesa. Arizona is a fire fighter. Eight shock: you are on the market of in show. I do my man I'm doing good. You do tonight do very well thanks for the costs, Your firefighter thing service. You welcome. A lot of things have been. We ve been in Lisbon.
a situation for over a year now or wearing masks. Now they're telling us we got to wear double masked. You know it gets pretty nerve, wracking wearing these masks and every single call by myself, contacted covered and went through it. You know from my job, but you know, my biggest thing is: is: is these teachers it or not go back to work? And I support in these kid and thinking of the kids know the kid me to come first and buy them not one to go to school and teach these kids in allowing these kids through their having a hard time dealing with this. Now we have seen an increase of suicide known suicide.
It's it's not getting any better, it's getting worse out there. You know you talked about in a little redwave in twenty twenty two. I've got a concern with that, because if we don't get our voting the way we vote and corrected, and these you know and We're not wanna can a boat anybody out if they control or our voting. So my concern is: is we go vote, but how much does my boat really count if they're going to control it Yet now look it's legit concerned. We get a lot of problems to fix before next election. Note no question about it, yet I mean it's it's what you say and look. You know your fire fire. You don't get to work from home, you gotta be on the scene. Fighting fires That's what I said. I mean some jobs. You have to be in person and I think teachers are one of one of those jobs.
Only firefighters and cops, and doctors and other people hate Chuck. Thank you for the call my friend initiate it. I have a great night and stay safe as you fight fires. Looked always apply. To fill and for the great one. Every time he calls me marks my bodies, a great guy, you know, is a fully guides, just an honour that he asks me to fill in for him. Since I brought asked on his home station of twelve tend to be peach info Few, where I do the morning, show every day from five thirty tonight. I want to remind? You is really important Sunday night. Please please tune in or such if we are to life liberty and then very special, episode Mark will have shown how dynamic and reflect on russian embodies. Life is legacy, pleased You know rush met the world to me, you mark Sean, we'll have a special show life. The reinvent way Pm Fox NEWS, this coming Sunday. In the meantime, I'm rich Z only on twitter at rich zeal. We have a great weekend, God bless. Thank you.
Braggin Alameda night from Westwood one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-12.