« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/18/20


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Who is Oscar Lopez-Rivera? He is someone that President Trump did not pardon today. Lopez-Rivera is an F.A.L.N. terrorist that was commuted by President Obama. Lopez-Rivera sought to bring a Marxist government to Puerto Rico and was responsible for the New York City bombing deaths of four Americans. Of course, Bernie Sanders, Bill de Blasio, and other communist-sympathizers lobbied for his commutation and are upset about President Trump's commutation of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Then, Amy Berman-Jackson is a terribly partisan federal judge that should never have been appointed. However, an association of federal judges has taken exception to Trump's exercise of free speech in tweeting his opinion of Roger Stone's excessive prison sentence for an alleged process crime. Attorney General Barr was well within his rights to intervene in this case, just as Trump was. The Department of Justice cannot "interfere" in something that is its responsibility. Later, every known anti-Semite in America is endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders for President. It's no surprise, most people that hate America, hate Jews too. We see similar anti-Americanism in Israeli politics, and should Benny Ganz become Prime Minister the peace process advanced by the United States will be derailed because it's not in Ganz's self-interest to work with the U.S given his coalition of non-Jew alliances. Afterward, American Oligarch Michael Bloomberg is being accused of running a 54 Billion dollar toxic sexually-charged nightmare. According to Business Insider, the Bloomberg company has been reported as a sexualized predatory environment over the past twenty years by several female workers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundreds seventy fifth year hills. Is a truly independent institution. Where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale brother sponsorship now run them wrongly underground command, both bows or even bunker, somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader and oh everybody mark within here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one tonnes to do today: by the way. I should tell you a friend here I want
be her the rest of this week on Monday. I'm going to Israel to interview Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu? From Fox Programme, lifeless and within this Sunday, so I leave tomorrow evening I get there Next day,. The winner view, Thee. Prime minister and their only so many flights that return given the day the day basics. So explains the schedule, And invited interview him head is a crucial election the election is not what tony of three weeks away So I didn't want to miss the opportunity to do that and I hope watch this coming Sunday. Have he slew the interviews and taken place yet, but it'll be
an important interview here in the United States and, of course, in the state of Israel throughout the EU Also, I hope your watch. Who is asked Lopez, River, Rivera anybody know man? Do we have good stuff tonight, stick with us Oscar Lope, Rivera Somebody President Trump did not pardon today. Somebody who, since the president, did not commute today, because that person. Receive special treatment by Barack Obama. So your hearing, the usual Idiots Bernie Sanders go off how the president's protecting the rich and the famous, but he had no problem, no problem when Obama pardoned gave a full
The Oscar Lopez, Rivera, Nora, Escallop Lopez- reverse not just an ordinary terrorist here Even just an ordinary Everyday Ireland terrorist. As was explained by Chris Reeves, a town hall couple years back. President Trump considers or move forward, pardons toward taking a look. January. Twenty seventeen is commutation at the fifty five year sentence: a porter terrorist, Oscar Lopez, Rivera one of them its leaders. Of the USA, I went. During the group's heyday from nineteen. Seventy four nineteen. Eighty three, the failure Was responsible. For more than one hundred and thirty bombings across the United States, the dead Which was the nineteen seventy five Fred, the tavern bombing in Manhattan, they killed for people,
wounded sixty three we're not gonna relive this, just pointing it out The following years have fail and members threatened blow up: U Nuclear facilities kidnapped, Democrat and report in presidential campaign workers at gunpoint Go in the nineteen eighty race given and kidnap President Reagan, son run and nineteen. Eighty one. The veil and stated purpose Raul? Dismay him inter to create a marxist and independent government importer Regos similar to that of the communist, Castro regime in Cuba While these activities were taking place, Lopez was at the top the failures chain of command, He played a primary role in training. New terrorist members to construct homemade close of devices and conduct by a tax law as was also involved in planning armed, resale fill the financial coffers of the group.
May one eighty one. Lopez's infamous career was brought to an end when police arrested him at a traffic stop after catching him with a vague idea in a pistol filed down serial number. And using the address provided by passes fake. I d Chicago police search, the apartment there They found a cache of explosives, blasting caps, timers, actual manual for bomb making In five years earlier, Lopez had first gone into hiding from authorities if they similar by factor was discovered in his apartment? Also Chicago, by federal investigators, despite the strong, circumstantial evidence against them, Lopez, never conclusively connected any specific bombing, but was still convicted of seditious conspiracy, attempted robbery, grand theft, auto lily, possession of weapons and explosives.
Shall fifty five year. Prison sense was extended another fifteen years and nineteen, eighty seven after Lopez, to whether underground tears were cut plotting to fly helicopter locally. Machine guns and hand grenades antelope. His prison yard Leavenworth peasant tended to use they weapons cash to murder. The prison guards makers escape and they go back into hiding to carry on his communist struggle against the United States. Even with his astonishing record, a murder and treason lope. Attracted a great deal of support from the mainstream American left and the Democratic Party. When Obama commute, The F, a l and sentence as per Erica reported, This decision was greeted with elation, spontaneous celebrations broke out and San Juan Luis Good, the air as a demo credit congressmen from Illinois represents the West side Chicago neighbourhood which loop.
Grew up, Senator Many was overjoyed and overwhelmed by Lopez's release asked a friend, a mentor and a family to me. Roquat terrace from Senator Bernie Sanders lobbied hard for Lopez's commutation. New York may build the blast. Both offered Obama there. Thanks now at Santa pressing United States, commutes. The time serve governor rods sentence. He gets a full part in the courage and milk. And Bernie Sanders is furious. Why in the world would Barack Obama give a pardon to attend? like this, who, by the way,
never renounce terrorism, never renounced one thing that he had done a plant, nothing. This is Bill Clinton passed on pardoning him. Our commuting his sentence, but Morocco I'm a steps in And gives him a four pardon. Barack Obama Popular among the media, the damn! crash tell us he's the most magnificent thing since Moses, and yet they trash Donald Trump. For the pardons income mutations he issues today. So violent terrorist who gets a pass by Nobody accuses him of abuse of power. Nobody kisses him of anything
That's why histories important? That's? Why I'm here to provide context. And I wanted you to know who Oscar Lopez Rivera is. Has the works. Restlessly report on the president's pardons computations? Is it stunned something terrible. Which also brings me to the Roger Stone Matter, federal judges, every bit the Obama partisan. I told you she was said today in her arrogance. And are maniacal way. That she is going to sentence Roger Stone on Thursday period. There's nothing to prevent her from sentencing him. Even if. Stones, lawyers, chow his conviction.
She intends to send some anyway cos That's the cart before the horse. What she should have announced today, she were serious tourist who was concerned about what actually took place in the courtroom. The injustice of his she will conduct an immediate investigation into the foreman or she would direct, the Department of Justice to do so under some time limitation. She did neither neither she could care less. She listens to close. He has to say she listens to what shimmer has to say. She no doubt watches MSNBC and CNN for all, talk about President Trump interfering in the star case when he has interfered at all. It's the Democrats and their pressure and their mob tactics.
That interfere with justice all the time they pushed the appalling A special council against the presence of the United States that pushed for a phone impeachment. That demand grand jury information there, pressure the vice of courts, to violate responsibility. It's the Democrats, to interfere with justice all the time They seek political scalps. The fact of the matter is once again: Amy Berman Jackson Obama, pointy federal judge,. Conducts herself in a terror. The partisan way, and she should never ever
appointed, let alone confirmed their the federal bench. Never never, meanwhile, There's an association out that you may have heard of this. I hadn't heard of this. There's an association of federal judges. After you don't say sosius of federal judges. So what does this association of federal judges up? Well, the very upset but the way in which presently United States tweeted. Usa. Today, federal Judges Association calls emergency meeting after O J intervenes in case of Trump ally You're, just don't that is a. Run on propaganda sentence by USA. Today's Kevin Johnson.
A National Association of Federal judges is called an emergency meeting to address growing concern about the intervention of justice, and officials and President Trump employ quickly sensitive cases, the group's president said Monday. And what intervention is it that bothers that the press It goes on social media comment, Ladys in China, I want you to understand from the press. And is commenting on Sentence proposal by the executive branch, in other words, The president has commenting on a proposal that his government is making in the executive branch. He learned about it the first time, as apparently did the attorney general It condemns it the power Does a report to line attorneys
Interim? U S attorney's office in Washington D C. They report than him ultimately they're, not in the constitution. The officers and even in the constitution that department isn't even in the constitution that crime isn't even in the constitution, President, doesn't even interfere. He doesn't direct the line attorneys to do anything. He doesn't direct the attorney general to do anything Obviously, under our constitution, he as that power its granted to him whether the media at these associations and petitioners like it or not the is whether he should do it president has not done. It's a different question as I keep pointing out, but four line attorneys dont control. But the executive branch chooses to do and those for line attorneys threatened,
The interim yours attorney that they would walk and create all kinds, the tumult for him. If he didn't buckled to their blackmail greater their terms, any dead because he's a coward but billboard not a coward he's concerned about justice and the position that the government takes visa vs citizen and he pulled back the proposal. Which is its job and is, and is his right so now the department, and the attorney general under full scale attack by the same Democrats said the same mobsters and social media that Back Bernie Sanders and Might Bloomberg, and they, should. I believe that they really care about an independent department of Justice. Tell me what is the last time there's been an independent department of Justice under Obama under Clinton. I don't think so. Was I recalled her independent
Was Loretta Lynch Independent about Jim call me My cave, where they independent. The top positions of the Justice Department are appointed by the press, and confirmed by the Senate, their political now they're supposed to do justice. But sometimes you gotta make policy calls and what the left By independent, is you must advance their ideological agenda so that Judges, I don't know who judge sit. The roof is. And I don't over these other judges are who run this association, but they ve jump in The political void, while pretending they are appalled by the politics of it all. President should keep doing what he's doing be mindful. Whether or not what he's doing is harmful toward the any general trying to do the eternity.
We must continue to plough ahead. If true This is to be done, I'll, be right back when you ve heard we talk about the four pillars of education at Helstone College. Now these Pillars or purposes learning care. Their faith and freedom Define Hills deals mission since eighteen before I like the focus The first pillar, learning Hills GEO understands is America's founders. Did that a proper education is essential to preserving free government, among things young people we talked about America's great heritage of liberty. They must.
Taught about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must develop the skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government, because so many high schools, colleges and universities fall short in these areas. Today, hills Thou has expanded its mission nationwide, for example, through its free online courses. It's free as speech Digest and Primus, and the class Ok, through twelve charter schools- its found. Coasted coast discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to go to Levin Pray Hills down that come. There is, as you know, a democratic debate tomorrow. All eyes are on Michael Bloomberg. It's good that eyes, at least for my work, but I want to talk of a burning sanders for a moment. Virtual
every prominent anti Semite who has endorsed the democratic candidate is endorsing Bernie Sanders. Why is that ever hear of Amazon. Ever hear Linda Sorcerer, every year rash, Sheeta tallied. Every year of all,. So long list goes on and on of it
Vigilance and organisations that are jus Haters and Israel haters better openly surrogates for the Bernie Sanders campaign embraced by the Bernie Sanders campaign. Is there a single, serious journalist we'll be moderating the democratic debate tomorrow night will confront Bernie Sanders on the Thai Semitism that he breathed you ve heard. Talk about the four pillars of education: it hills the college. Now these pillars or purposes learning care their faith and freedom, Define Hills deals mission since Eighteen, forty four I'd like that focus on the first pillar. Learning hills Dio understands is America's founders. Did that a proper Education is essential to preserving free government among. Things young people,
we talked about America's great heritage of liberty. They must be taught about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must develop the skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government, because so many high schools, colleges and universities fall short in these areas. Today, hills Thou has expanded its mission nationwide, for example, through its free online courses. It's free Ugly speech Digest and Primus and the class, Ok through twelve charter schools, it topic found coasted coast, discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to gotta, Lavigne Pray Hills doubt that come plastic conservative, Mark love and show call now that eight seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one one. So the question is.
Bernie Sanders is the voice of. And celebrated by. Some of the most poisonous jus hating Anti Semites in America. I mean this and what he says is he's jewish. So what does that have to do anything. So funny way shown it. How many times I ve told you if you hate America, you hate Israel might even hate Jews. Bernie Sanders attracts these paper, Lenin Sorcerer mere tsar, TAT Leap, Omar you think Hamas is ruining Foreign America's presidential election Bernie Sanders there, Bernie Sanders. Why.
Now, here's what amazing to me they head of blue and White Party in Israel This is party that was concocted to try Take out Netanyahu would say, combination of desperate elements. Some claim to be right of centre left of centre Ultra Liberal, an arab parties that don't even support the state of Israel. Now, while they wouldn't serving the government, they can still vote. So there's Bernie Sanders and this guy gets Benny Dance. The leader of the blow. My party. He has among his advisers to individuals who referred to the press in the United States. In so many words as Adolf Hitler. He has among US advisers the top pollster for Obama, other. Sultans for Obama, so, in other words, Benny dances
Democratic parties, candidate in Israel and Benny Dance today Announced that he wants the men ties with America's Democrats. The democratic party Should he become prime minister. He's accusing the current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, obey Ugly being way too close and supportive of Donald Trump. I have tried to warn Visuals in the Trump Administration individuals outside the Trump Administration on air privately. Every way I can. That should Benny Ganz become the Prime Minister of Israel. He won't tap the brakes on the peace plan. He will tap the breaks. In other words, he will slow.
But surely sabotaged or so fundamentally alter. It won't be the same. There is no way Bernie Sanders will support the Trump peace plan. Because his supporters, Jus hating, anti semite circle that I began to describe to you another? Support is still, but I'm talking about the ones I have identified. They would how are they ve condemn this plant? Bernie Sanders has condemned this plan. Hamas abbess Dave condemn this plan. The arab league doesn't support the plan. So many Ganz is going to be the democratic sky in Israel, We also know this because the former ambassador to Israel from the United States and by the name of Dan Shapiro, who now. I believe, is Sir Resident in Israel. He can do
The plan- and he said the Democrats on a rabbi. And part of the reason the Democrats will do. This is not only because they have this growing hate for the state of Israel now. But it's us Because they want presently United States to fail, he proper This is magnificent peace plan. Choose to wait until after the israeli election. For there to be some acceleration of Judea and scenario. The Jordan Valley so forth. Which is a huge risk if men Yahoo doesn't win. Certainly a huge risk for the people of Israel, but it's a huge for the President, because what well a mass of accomplishment, could By not being a massive setback, because
any chance it's nodded his interests to work with tromp, and deliver him a peace plan A success he's already walking about making men's with the Democrats, which Democrats. This is just me speaking by the way, and I speak for the government to speak for the ambassador. I don't speak for them, Minister, I speak from Mark, as I always do. But is it not fascinating to you that here we are. Bernie Sanders Lee. In the polls part. It's a painting and multiple debates. And not a single moderator has confronted him. On the anti Semites that he uses his surrogates and that he attracts and by the way they do they're gonna have to be very, very resolute, because what he'll do is so start attacking Trop Netanyahu
and Israel! That's not the point attack them all what that's not the question you have Jake Tapir, whose jewish. You have Chuck totters jewish. You have Wolf Blitzer, whose jewish. All of them about an opportunity, all of them to press to press. Bernie Sanders and not one of them has. If Donald Trump was a tracking people like this, they be hounding of each and every day, as it is there this friend of Israel's accused of Anti Semitism. By these low lights and low lives, but Democratic Party gets away with this nature. Those she gets away with it. A phoney resolution structure
Gets away with it, why should they? Why should they. How is it the Bernie Sanders is not confronted. Without his typical, excess distraction about this. Problems. Netanyahu has problems Netanyahu's racism and apartheid policies, his prey lemme Tromp and his racism in a part time or not You all red, Marxists, throwback soviet style, moron. We know that you are, we know what you are Trot he was jewish too. Course, Stalin wasn't. Lenin wasn't My point is it's not good enough to say will, of course, I support is or because I'm jewish.
Unfortunately, more more, that has nothing to do with anything and I'm trying to explain that you know to non Jews. Look at these organizations they had tied defamation like has the air Defamation lay condemned the pit that Bernie Sanders is using a surrogates. Now That I'm aware of why, because they headed the tide, defamation leg was a special assistant to Barack Obama. How about this far, radical group called J Street. Which is an anti Israel jewish group dressed up as a jewish group. The president of that organization was robbed cheeks were the boss, a week or so ago, they hate Netanyahu and condemn. Netanyahu,.
Probably telling you more than you wanna know, but I think many of you will find it interesting Jews, Non Jews, evangelical Christians Non Chris and so forth. What's taking place But let me swing back to Bernie Sanders. How does he get away with this. With a media, allows him to get away with this. These Sarah gets that he appeared so these are surrogates who he embraces there. Histories are well known there on the internet. You can research them yourselves. Serious internet sites of expose them. How does he get away with this. Virtually no scrutiny whatsoever, as we of closed a super tools that which is very far away.
The american press is not informing the american people. The democratic parties trying to tempt down information about him. The new Yorker which has its own anti semitism problem on its own holocaust denial problem, has no Bernie Sanders in this regard. None, where are you Philip bump? Where are you Maggie habit. Where all you reporters and journalists? Where are you Jeff mothers, and Andrew lack. Zach, jewish he run CNN Actually, she runs NBC. Where are they have today, where they are. Many years ago, Norman POD Hordes wrote a book about this. I had him on the programme.
For these individuals their face. He came to conclude And I think he is exactly right: his liberalism, their temple, is the Democratic Party. That's why they are that's what they are first and foremost an hour. Are you the Jake Tapirs, the Wolf letters, the Czech tots. This is what they live and breathe Crap party liberal, as this is what they pray to. This is what they diamond. This is who they are. This is how they self identify they're, not about take it to Bernie Sanders.
I'll be right back then you ve got they talk about the four pillars of education: it hills the college. Now these. Pillars or purposes learning care their faith and freedom? Define Hills deals mission since dean forty four I'd like to focus. The first pillar learning still understands, is America's founders. Did that a proper, education is essential to preserving free government. Among Things, young people, we talk about America's great heritage of liberty, they must taught about how government works and the importance of the constitution, and they must develop the skills to become useful citizens and the virtues required for self government, because so many high schools, colleges and universities fall short in these areas. Today, hills Thou has expanded its mission nationwide, for example through its free online courses. It's free monthly speech, Digest and Primus and the class
Ok through twelve charter schools, italian found coastal coast, discover how you and your children can learn from Helstone College to gotTa Levine's, pray, hills down that come, there's absolutely no, no justification! What's going on in this country, the Democratic Party in the media. It shameless and shameful. Where does it? When did he come to be that all these Brits with there strong british accents and I love british actions. Don't you, America. I love the british eyes. I got that special sort of burping thing on there I draw your attention when they become such experts. Oh, where we american should stand.
I mean I'm watching them now, with all due respect. I'm just asking next hour. And I'm done with this Sanders thing, it's incredible to me how the media have covered up for this guy Bloomberg. There's a piece in the ultra left wing site called Business insider Michael. By building fifty four billion dollar company for two decades, women who work. There have called it a toxic. Sexually charge nightmare now, the media have tracked down Everything related to the President of the United States. And they promoted Michael ever naughty and they promoted a porn actress. And they argued that the president,
be indicted. There might be a sealed indictment against the present the United States in the southern district in New York for violence in the campaign laws and my Current Seti violating member, we went through that crap. Four months do, and I explained how that was bs from top to bottom. Why shouldn't Michael Bloomberg get the Donald Trump treatment. Beyond the business insider which nobody proudly seas, but me. The business insider, which has to do with business or insiders. But obviously there not pulling from Michael Bloomberg Anna really care. I know cope Republicans and pseudo populists- another hey they're, gonna, screw Bernie, again scrubber scroll, each other ogres Loretta, Left they want to throw us, I gotta come too,
Defence of a marxist Ty Semite, starting a Democrat course they want to screw about whatever. What do we care apparently the business inside it doesn't like Michael Blubber. I don't like this guy either I think he's got many loose screws, the sky, the way talks but farmers and blue collar workers. The way about black and latino used. Quite frankly, is outrageous, the way Talks about senior citizens who are ill He talks about women. Mark you voted for Donald Trump. Donald Trump doesn't This way you gotta dig into NBC and find something in their archives Which was set off the air, throw it. There to try and stop Trump. But I am not aware of systemic toxic.
Sexually charged environments in the Business are you mister producer Has been accused of everything, but I have been accused of that. He hasn't been accused of that. But Michael Bloomberg has the headline Michael, Big business insider, that's the source, but a fifty Four billion dollar company for two decades, women who work there have called it. Exceptionally, charge nightmare really Is the New York's limestone? Well, maybe that's a toxic set fully charged environment. Much like the they set there forever, four Scarborough then one of his guys have bigger MR producer Halpern Right. Touchy fairly mark or much like the today show set
Are much like the trolley Rochelle set are much like Hollywood all these liberal bastions of toxic actually charged environments. Bloomberg the financial data firm, the presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg, founded in nineteen eighty one has repeatedly been described, says the article they centralized predatory environment and harassment and discrimination. Complaints from several women, business, insider investigation is found. Oh my god,. Slight Congress. And although secret said Are we using our tax dollars? Let's
About this, a little bit more challis I'll be right. Back now run casting a mummy underground can impose than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under breakin steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark the men. Here I number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. I really do not like being away from radio at all. It is my passion. It's always been my passion since I was a kid.
But when you have an opportunity to interview a historic figure, I could Given that now, Really on the eve of an historic election, then of course I will. And Wait any bones about it. I'm not a journalist, the different between most journalist semi is, I admit that a journalist they lie Pinioning he too that I've coined and therein opinion ISM business, not the journalism, business. In my opinion, is to amend the opinion is business. May we don't make clues. Doesn't me we are interested in news and all the rest? That's not the point. I don't live a lie as a profession, they do
Do they know exactly where they're coming from like Bernie Sanders a pass on his deep Who did Anti Semitism in the deep rooted, Anti Semitism of numbers, top surrogate lieutenants. Now this guy Bloomberg he's A dark, that's what he sees an american oligarch. He bought his way into the mayor's office in New York. He bought himself a third term, I think I read he spent like two hundred dollars per voter. Mr producer. And then just give it to them. He's an egomaniac and he also wants to protect his relationships. With genocide or mass murder, YE and Red China. Pretty six stuff. As we pointed out here, the evidence we have presented. Ways trash the american farmer,
crash, the american blue collar worker mocked them mock them. You mock you. Of senior citizens, he said: if you get the all you get Pencroft Cancer is something that sort to bed Goodbye and send them off, but if you young, You get health care, including Only a few and illegal aliens are a drug at it. So if your ninety five years old and you fought, he would Jima or battle the ball. I'm not saying you did I'm just giving an example, Let's say your eighty. And you fought in Vietnam. Let's say or eighty five or eighty seven in your fought in Korea Pancreatic cancer blood answers to bed can't spend the money.
Let's say: you're a drug addict. And you're twenty eight years old You knocked off a few. Retail stores here and there he sang Do get healthcare. Let's hear no illegal aliens. He come across the border. The many you come across the border. The demo I believe that and should get outcome, but for costs purposes. If you're out to you should not tell me, is that the party you want, I'm telling you the truth. Telling you the truth and the kind of. But Bernie Sanders is pulling around. Him could come The third Reich: that's right. I said it the way. These about talk in the things that they say. Somebody asked to have the pointed out. Somebody asked I'd like to speak out, even
I condemn left and right to damp bad. People always say why didn't anyone say anything What I'm saying. The man leaving the Democrat Party right now,. Is it. And a slot nazi mentality It comes to the jewish state. He hates America, the proposal he has, is not me eight a fundamentally transform one institution or another: it's the Burnham, down to the that's March. That's angles. That's Hegel and that's a linsky.
At its Bernie Sanders I'll say it. This guy Bloomberg he's well he's unbalanced. In my humble opinion, he's buying. Anything I can social media social media platforms, maims trawlers Sultans operatives local state, federal driving. The cost of commercial time so other candidates can afford it. The field work, he's stuck every single debate up until tomorrow, Every single state, up until tomorrow. Donald Trump engaged in every debate, any fought in every state and it
try and biased way into the presidency. You don't hear from the media conflicts of interest. His own media organization says it won't. I report on him while to make but it will report on the other candidates. Your monuments cause they say. How come they don't bring up the emoluments clause? If Michael Bloomberg elected president of the United States, the man's where fifty four billion dollars, no words Conflicts of interest are potential conflicts of interest. You know now about his children. You know nothing about Ex wife, you don't know a dance thing about the man. Why.
Why do we know every day the Donald Trump went on I? We know nothing about Bloomberg passed his girlfriend, his wife, children and I'm quite serious, nothing. Now, let's go. To this business, insider peace, this left wing site. Lombard, the financial data firm that presidential candidate Bloomberg founded and nineteen eighty one has repeated. We been described as they say, true lies. Predatory environment and harassment of discrimination. Complaints from several women a bit This insider investigation is found chalked up, has reported this. He stopped some trump tasty, Chasen hurricanes, global warming,
in court records going back twenty years. Multiple women have accused Michael Bloomberg. A permit. His company should become in the words of one form, employ quote a reckless grand from male senior executives to target young female naive employees for sex I know of no law suit, like that against the trunk company. No systemic allegation too many, including one in five claim. As recently as twenty sixteen ledge. They were sexually assaulted by Bloomberg. Lp executives terminated after raising complaints, what guys, nay. What is his name that chase down now Why is seen in the rest of my came members name, look like like Frank Sinatra, was his father. What is his name. Try, google it while I'm speaking civic and finally,
Michael Bloomberg spent accuse repeatedly core records. Can crude remarks. Putting telling employs quote you must great get a group. Must be a great f and I would Nothing more life than to have Sharon Stone. This makes what Trump said. Look like kindergarten play. Well, as spokesmen has portrayed those sorts of comments as unfortunate episodes from decades ago,. Rowan and fairer, lets it buddy good. Where's Ronan Farrah Bloomberg nowhere nowhere, I guess he has its limits. Bloomberg in his company have faced five act of discrimination of pointedly launches presidential bid.
Marion Oslo, Ski and Margaret Dough, two different generations have similar tales as low started a career in the nineties? Dough started twenty years later, both were more than whether in their twenties and they lay exciting new jobs and sales. Prestigious. Financial data from both women, Said they walked into similar environments almost immediately they fell. Pieces of meat. They said alder male colleagues made lewd sexual comets and pressure them to drink out all during work on events, conversations with powerful men at the company fell to personal husky. Said her boss sent her a pact page message, but they return them a pawn shop dose at Boston I've just adult whatever We wanted it to stop, but they didn't want to sabotage their careers. To him and said it was challenging, define some unwilling to listen was a private. Company run by the notoriously
Lee Billinger, who founded unrolled it as its press See YO prickly at least part, is a good word for Bloomberg. Without the Lee. He'd been frequently accused of making sexist remarks on leering at young women on staff Behaviour they said, fostering macho culture throughout the company. Many women, Pressure to wear short skirts and heels, they said the management structure was loose and undefined and they felt that HR department, wouldn't listen. Both women said the company, the same way the end of a night of drinking. They were. Actually assaulted, by a senior male colleagues. After she finally build up the courage to tell someone that she been raped by a superior as Lucy, said she was fired, does the alleged salt sparked depression and anxiety that lead to Standard medical leave. And these lawsuits come the allegations come from lawsuits, that is, Sky and dough filed twenty years apart again,
Bloomberg I'll pay. The fifty four billion dollar firm, A former New York City mayor and recently announced presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, founded in eighteen. Eighty one. Time of the assault. Bloomberg was the president and seal, and it goes on. Michael, come to see that some of what he has said his district, excellent wrong, really is Oxman still loser exactly so the New York Times? You know it's funny. Mr producer you'd been with me how many years now open your microphone him years. You ve been women, since they were Seventeen have you ever know me to speak to any female who comes through here in any like that, God, no, Is it really that hard to behave yourself shouldn't be
we have an environment here where we don't tolerate any that duty, you can tell the truth: zero. Nine zero! Thank you. Because, ladies and gentlemen, I have women in my life, I have a wife, I have a daughter, two daughters, a niece, A mother in law. Many women in my life and I want them treated with respect, I want them a solid, I don't know demeaned. I don't expect them to get special privileges. That's not the way the Levine's work. But on the other hand, I dont want them abused. You know the golden rule is a good rule. These various companies, you have to take these courses, it's amazing, these Big
we have to take a course, I'm basically conduct in the office Did you take one of those courses, Mr Barroso,. And I said why my taking this course I have basic rules. Don't say: nasty things to people. And keep your hands to yourself, Two rules seem too: pretty well in my life. And it is good rules to live by that Mr Bloom bark is given tromp treatment item. Knights democratic debate with the Journalistic moderators, let's see, if Mr. Sanders is sadly question about him. Anti Semitism in the traction. He brings to his campaign. From Jus haters. Let's
If he goes off or Netanyahu, one trump. If the moderators have the skills to bring em act to centre. Confront him. Let's, watch showing we But the answer is that what the hell are we back then? we're going to be making some exciting changes over the wind tv in the place tv network to all to enhance enhance your viewing experience over there. Hey, I'm not at liberty to announce it yet, but it's coming very soon actual. So when I M very excited about that? We ve got
Your home from title theft, first things: first gotta home title, locked dot, com and register; from Benjamin Netanyahu a new three year instead sure of the programme, thanks to you, songs you have you no watched a pull the plug honestly, I'm just being honest: we have all kinds of exciting things going on. It's her thanks to you, our part ass is massively expanding. Just look at some of the ratings coming in for radio programme, our flagship, the one that I look. W A b c. We continue to had grand slammed as a result of you are listening audience. SK, quite amazing, given the time slot there weren't Wanna, thank you and every which way that I know how.
No, ladies and gentlemen, how about tat in ten or even fifteen years of your parents with the new genocide shoreline treatment Homeward Turkey. I will change sagging draw line. Works amazingly well, just listen, Linda, be from Arena doll re. She said, I love your drawing cream, it really works. I mean really. I see a different people I believe my age because it works by the way works for you too, and right now, the brand new genocide drawing treatment is free when you agenda, sulphur bags and puffing us under the ice For twelve hours results, twelve our results, the genocide of media effects is also free, say goodbye, a double chin under I bags, and even those laugh lines and Kroes feats were gone. Guaranteed or your money back and that's the key cod. Hundred skin six o four or go to genocide. Dotcom eight hundred six, eight skin six, order now get the genocide exe
college and build or an eyelid live free all orders upgraded to free expression, aid, huh Skin six o four eight hundred skin six, oh for her. The genocide that come at genocide that COM You know, I dare say if I were to pick at random. Seven, eight, nine, ten people in this audience. Ask questions at the democratic debate tomorrow. Night. Will be a far more compelling interesting, substantive and useful debate
There would then knucklehead values tomorrow, night I'll be right back. Nobody says it marked le Monde said nobody could say it better call, and now I read seven seven: three aid, one three, eight one one. I cannot tell you How proud I am of this president. I don't just defend anybody. And I just don't defended, defend he's, made a statement. As an example That is president. He has every right to interfere in a criminal case,
as a statement of constitutional fact, most president's are not brave enough to do it, even though some of them do interfere. Hefty are in Afeared repeatedly, so did others. Donald Trump has not But he said he's chosen Lothar. There's no war against the Department of Justice. There is a war against the Department of Justice organised by left us in Congress. Thus in the media in leftists who are funded by building, Airs and their front groups dressed up ass, a petition. An association of judges are, what have you done. Justice department, unlike the prior Justice Department, is among the cleanest justice departments. I've ever seen. There are no scandals. There's been no interference in elections. This been
Ference and Roger Stone sentencing happened, the Department of Justice interfere in something that is its responsibility. The attorney General United States Bill BAR. Really is one of the greatest attorney general's times now. I feel I serve the greatest attorney general modern times, I had one meets. But I can tell you at meat- is enormously proud, a bill bar bill. Is a very, very special man he's a statesman. He sees the long road of history. He understands what's taking place around him, what swelling around him the mob? He gets it, but he stands firm despite the fact that these,
He bouncing around. You stands firm. He's MR rule of law that They attack him the accused their enemies of what they are and what they do. Can you imagine trucks, humor running the Department of Justice or Nancy policy? Of course not. But there is an onslaught. Its organised tactical. The attorney general in the Department of Justice right now by the Democratic Party by the media by their think tanks and their academic. Its organised, its relentless these aren't people. Who care about the rule of law and justice and due process. These are people who want to use the Department of Justice
way. Obama used the way home. And Loretta Lynch used the way call me used one of those people signing a petition now one of these judges, these Associates Association of Federal judges got together and condemn what the FBI Donald Trump at his campaign and condemn what the FBI Gibbethon Visaed court. Now, what. Not one of them stood up against a song. Co? Not one of them. How come this association of federal judges didn't get together? One Morocco Mama was travelling the Supreme Court being a bird she meeting then did they. They do have an emergency meeting. When I.
In the Senate, were destroying Robert Bork hoop and a federal judge there, I'm an emergency meeting. Whether Democrats were destroyed Clarence, Thomas hope at a federal judge. Now, once just remind you. Computer systems and cars are the new normal, of course, from electronically controlled transmissions to touch Displays the dozens of sensors, but all this advance take as expensive to fix. If and when it breaks the why we have car showed for twenty ten camaro. Car showed us affordable protection plans that can save you. Thousands for covered repair colluding computers, Ps, electronics and more. Car should has helped over one million customers so dry, but complements known, got, cut
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They don't believe in the rule of law. There, anarchists. EL, I believe in the rule of law when they have an iron fist, but control over us, and you. I started this yesterday and I want to continue there's a senator from Connecticut, Name is Chris Murphy. This peace was the Federalist, Molly Hemingway and I read from last night. You can read it to its on the internet on the federalist site, it's a great site, so Chris Murphy headaches. Grit meeting with the fire? Minister of IRAN. He never told the sector estate. He never told any official in the executive branch never told the sectoral defence.
He had a meeting in Munich on his own. As reported by Molly Hemingway. On the american greatness site. Senator Christmas admitted this morning. That he and several other Democrats did indeed hold a secret meeting with a rain, foreign Minister, Mohammed Savage Tsar reef during the Munich security conference last week arguing it would be dangerous not to meet clandestinely with iranian officials. Now, isn't this precious. The Logan ACT, you know some people are quick to say the Logan ACT doesn't apply to Congress, who says the Can act doesn't say, doesn't apply to Congress. The argument is that the speech, debate, clause and other elements of separation of powers which suggested doesn't apply the memory
Congress has never been tested. Never been tested, we don't know that in our case law, but it was used to take down lieutenant General Michael Flynn. It was used as a pretext to investigate him. So why. Throw it out the window when it comes to Chris Murphy. This guy's a slave ball, he's the worse among the worst. He goes on and on and on about the president in Ukraine interfering in an election because they Joe by you know, he's gonna juggernaut to win. Wonderful son is because of all of his wisdom and judgment, Hats Kay Close the press there's nothing here. There must be nothing there, but
if he's been one of the leaders of this mob. One of the leaders of the mob going after the President of the United States. And here he is. Going around the administration going around the executive branch around the sectaries state, holding clandestine meetings he and other blogs, and his party. What the Islam, or Nazi foreign minister of our land sec per state knows nothing about. It Offences meeting in a post at me I am not comment on twitter com I met with a rainy and foreign minister can't spell foreign in Munich, but he can't spell Munich Maginot its day,
Andrews not to talk to adversaries, especially midst. A cycle of escalation. Hey hey pal. Such a matter of talking. I have series or not you don't get to make that decision by Congress. You're, not Congress you're, one grimwig among many dim wits, You're one senator among a hundred you're one member among five and thirty five You don't represent anybody, but does nutmeg state. You don't set far policy, you Jack S, dangerous, not to talk the adversaries. What does that have to do with anything? The meeting took place in thy hotel sweet, which means it was bugged. Other My crash attending the conference included senators Robert Menendez this guy's, always one banana appeal away from slipping into federal prison, Chris Van HOLLAND.
Fan HOLLAND, the invisible man. Nasty piece of work, that guy and former Secretary of State John Kerry. He certainly not a member Congress, Sissy John, We constantly plodding against this administration with the enemy, just it with the key in its nor the enemies and vehicle plotted, And the american soldiers, when he lied, repeatedly testified in front of US Fi Relations Committee and its great hero, the well known Aggregation is. James, William Fulbright Bill, Clinton, Mentor. Any american soldier, like ging Can I cant do John Kerry.
Let's have a mouthful applesauce sector pomp Blasted carrying the past for conducting what he called unseemly an unprecedented shattered this with IRAN and, of course, he's right. Of course, they should all look at this were interfering in an election. The present interfering in election by telling you Ukrainian, what the hell was. The vice Of the United States doing telling the Ukraine what prosecutes It could investigators son, why we get on page twenty for ask that question well we had to impeach Trump. We must expel Chris Murphy Van Hollan Menendez
and the Logan ACT must be used against all of them and especially John Kerry. What's fair as fair, what's fair as fair, I wonder what John Bolton thinks about by the way John. You used me he's many, your friends and men of your allies and we will never forget it. I am ashamed to know you. You think you're, pretty clever right now. You're disgrace has nothing to do with Trump. Any national security adviser conducting his her herself himself For herself, the way you are is a disgrace.
Undermines the office of the presidency, undermines the constitution. I hope they paid you a lot. Because your soldier character in your soul I'll be right back then, if you wanna home, especially if you have equity, sir, this fair warning home title that can literally cost you your home orbs ran a story on home titles. Have? Did you see that It's everywhere more points. Me. Neither your insurance nor bank protects you huh. Title locked us for pennies a day home title lock, it's a virtual barrier around your homes title this is
you protect your most valuable asset. We could end up like Deborah mental searched online and found the title to her home. It's not hard, because home. Titles are online. Now they form Deborah signature revile the time proclaiming she sold it and borrowed eighty, five grand on her home. She got an eviction notice for non payment of loans. She never took out that is a calamity, protect yourselves Go home title locked outcome register your address to see. If Title has been tampered with. If so, call the police, if not. Register your home for sixty risk free days who protection title like that, come at home, title Acta, com Home title like dot com So, what's gonna happen, Chris Mercy of Connecticut, nothing.
It's gonna happen to call me nothing. What's going to happen in a cave, nothing. What's gonna happen a stroke and page nothing. What's going to happen to the federal face, a judges who look the other way and so and often unconstitutional? Can terrorism warrants against the trunk campaign. Nothing what's gonna happen, a barrage Obama under whom all others occur, gotta Academy, awards, he'll get Netflix deals, He and the misses we'll get Words from glamour, magazines and their worth a quarter of a million dollars right now,
she Donald Trump came into office, a wealthy man. I thought about this site posted something on this Barack Obama is a small little man. Doesn't believe in economic growth, so why does he try to take credit from the present? He believed redistribution of wealth, not economic There's not a single thing: Barack Obama did to grow the economy, he grew other our enemies, overs is because money left country, but eating growers, cleaning. Thing. He did to spur economic growth, cut taxes, raise taxes, regulation to raise regulation, punishing regulations,
call. Companies out of business electric companies out of business, steel companies out of business. So I thought to myself: somebody did benefit from the Obama presidency was Obama. Nobody else. Did Obama became a multi multi millionaire. Result of being president of the United States, Gore became a multi multi millionaire, as a result of being vice presently United States that Clinton's a quiet about a quarter of a billion dollars as a result of having served in the White House, and yet it's done Prompt bank accounts they went to look at it, start trumps businesses that they attack it startled Children that they attack
When all the rest of them are a bunch of crony bastards who views their positions to enrich themselves months, if you will. Even Bernie Sanders. The Groucho Marx. The gradual marks of the marks claim multi, millionaire While these attacking capitalist
they're all such frauds, and thanks I'll be right back now, broadcasting them only underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. Tell everybody markland aid here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one one week s head over two million twitter followers, but let me tell you about my twitter followers verses, most of the rest there
Real followers there's no fakes in their right. Mr Bittacy, we dont pad. We don't paid a pad everybody plays escape except me, Facebook with what about a million and a half hours. So that a million and a half over there about to over two million on Twitter and and promote m enough, and I really slow start then, on our podcast. What about five million a month. And then we have a radio, just through the roof. Everywhere maybe eighteen million fifteen million. I am not even talking about the fox broadcast or anything of tat sort. So are we on these? media platforms. We don't Here these platforms, we embrace them get a lot of Don't talk, radio feared podcasting, I said
let's go with it,. Long ago, yet a lot of people they want to use Facebook, Burma there must reduce these many years ago. So, let's do it. What are we gonna? Do others twitter? Let's do that too. Fear it embrace it. You'd start advantage, can beat it anyway. But I want to thank you because we really are ubiquitous as a year, this Mark Levin show industry in many respects because of you. Presently United States He's looking really good, isn't mister, MR producer seems happy. He looks much more fit and trim he's ready for battle. He sharp as hell don't let these retract barriers in the billionaires, hoo, hoo fund, their front groups and the left
Hell you any anything else. I've met a lot of smart people in my life by God, he's a smart guy. I mean really smart. It is part of what drives them nuts, so joint base. We used to call this Andrews AIR Force Base, but apparently it's a joint base. Now. Presently, United States leaving fury, Swinging on the left coast caught one guy
People like that everybody has the right to speak here by then, are you social media? I guess I use it well, because your I am here, I probably wouldn't have got near without social media because I certainly don't get fair press. I would have got here without social media and perhaps with all about the reach of the mother of Russia, Russia, Russia, nonsense, scams divided, have social media- I probably wouldn't media so very aptly with social really, but I think he's doing it actually. Job strong guy I'd ever spoke about the Roger Stone situation, Roger soldiers, so you know never work in work. For my give, it might have been a time wearily long before I about way was somehow involved a little bit, but he was not involved in our campaign at all. Had I think it was very, very rough thing that, after the Roger Stone, because when you look at what happens within me after seventy eight vague rhythmically for when you look at what happened to me, the cave where they recommendation a prosecution- and you look at all these other people and then you look at happened. What happened to General fled a highly respected then it is, life is destroyed. We look at a register for a tweet and some other things. You take a look at what is happening today before somebody s stick up for the people and you know what he speaking facts. Facts.
And in addition to that,. He's a loyal guy. He sticking up people. He knows and who's been supportive of him and who are friends. These are all attribute. Somebody with a real character, It just Scarborough make a Brzezinski here. Radio call em all. Your don lemon. Are you? U can name the list, reprobates speaking the truth. And defending people he knows, walk you through it very logically cut to go
sign over here and then also be said that your comments on twitter, making it impossible to do our job. I do like you or I do agree with that. I think that is a very strange. You too, we ever greater journey general manager. Stop there Listen how honest Gaia the present yeah good job tat, for I probably do. He's a hard work and he's in only tells Troops. Is that not refreshing rich? Go ahead
that is what he gets a lot of people. They don't want to see. Good things happen in life. That's why a value that is a video, that's my opinion. You'll have to ask what is a vision is, but I will say this social media for me as very important, because it gives me a voice because I dont get that voice in the press and the media. I dont get that voice And that's why they want to shut it down. You know Gotta rely on CNN that'll work. Let's can too You cut three go Have any evaluation of these events: great integrity, the attorney general, no enemies, Lapierre? Second them dear trashing bar the Democrats, recharging bar the phoney pity There's a trash bar the billion, what the front groups attraction bar the academic more Answer trashing bar.
And then she has the nerve to say the pro. Do you think? Do you still trust in him east of integrity? Think you can do a good job. President, whose defending bar go ahead. You say you understand, I not to be allowed to be totally I'm actually, I guess the chief law enforcement officers, but I chose not to be involved, but he is a man of great integrity and that is a constant national truism that isn't. It is ahead of all the people doubting him in questioning him. The constitution? There is nothing that prevents the president from intervening in criminal cases. It's a bad idea, but that's a separate point. And he's made the point, is I look? I have the authority to do
But I've chosen not to he's correct cut forego. I saw this. He said it emerged that where the rate is, is that a fact I just saw that other way of reserve anything that I should now because it sounds like to me a violation of the Logan ACT. Now stop there. I'm ready Some commentators saying what Logan ACT doesn't apply to members of Congress. They have no idea whether it applies to members of Congress cause it's never been applied. First. I've never really been litigated, but for once, and certainly never been applied. Against members of Congress. But they try to use it against General Flynn, has applied. Text for setting them up, but I have no idea that applies to members of Congress or not, it's a throw. Law. I don't even like the law, but it is what it is, and the Democrats Waving around all the time, the media wave at around all the time. Ok, well good, I'm one of those
Lives in an eye for an eye, that's right, I said it. For an eye. This is why commentators hate me. They like people who, more saw spoken, which I can be, of course. Could be intellectual, engaging which, of course I am, but why see if the raised his voice, why because I'm a normal human being, I'm a regular guy. That's why it would people minded, destroy your country and destroy your president destroy your constitution, yet want to show a little, but a passion, along with cerebral thought, that's right. The media could care less about Chris Murphy. They don't care met with the Iranians. Could care less who we meet with what he does with them. Fine by them.
Just another puppet another clown that they used to go after Trump? to be consistent. Why should I consistent let us talk about who the synonymous lots of rumours out there. The White House thinks they know who it is cut five
under way on this number or not, and whether there is about yourself. I know it gets out you that I know we won't. We will get a jewish people know what people, though it's a broad. I know that I know who some of the leaders are, but some of the Lakers don't exist this data by the press. You know they say nine people have said or people don't exist but though I know all about an autonomous. I know a lot about the liquors. Do we know a lot fact when I want to get something out through the press? I tell certain people and its amazing. It gets out here, but so far, only because that way this guy. Don't you love this guy rich. He is so good.
He is so rational, so down the earth. This is what they hate about, no pretences whatsoever. None And when he's gone, we're gonna miss him very, very much, but we have made fight to make sure he gets another term I'll be right back. More than ever. The Association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them
believes in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and
It's not enough. You'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at AIM Acta. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U S! Donaldson! You might remember saved also he was one of the early sort of design centres who use chrome a glue to glue a cat to his head over. There must reduce to cover up his bald spot. Let them saying was on his head. The rest of his life
dusted em off. He was obnoxious noxious. The Reagan, ears and ease of noxious now and he is in an ad endorsing Bloomberg for President see all the other. Better off all the guard rails after the meteor out of the closet,. Old media new made it a manner there totally out of the closet cuts.
So I'm SAM Donaldson. I was a rapporteur in Washington for fifty two years, I've covering every political campaign for the presidency in this country, beginning with very good water through George W Bush, that'll, J, trumpets and threat to the country. He doesn't understand our constitution. He doesn't seem to care about a lot of people. Donald Trump doesn't understand the world. I've never seen any presidential campaign that I think was as important as this is because we never had, because in the hands of someone who I think, it's not qualified to be president. We want to see our president not only knows how to do it, but he's a great leader, a great role model for our children and a great person that the rest of the world looks up to blue bird, can do it I'm backing MIKE Bloomberg. Understands people you prove that is layer of New York. Bloomberg can beat what an idiot would this be,
Bloomberg trashes farmers and blue collar workers because he cares about people. Would this be the bloom? Her good said old people who are very you shouldn't medical care. He cares about people. This is the blow They talked about taken black, Aids and thrown him up against the wall. Latino kids is that the guy that cares about people. I mean is this a joke. The Bloomberg we just right of peace in part from the business insider A and a Radical left site talking about the kind of horror that the women spare instant Bloomberg ink. You don't hear about that. A trump but you about an employer, break ink. No problem, SAM Donaldson, who was a liar doin the ragged administration and is a liar now, in my humble opinion,.
Cutting it add for my Bloomberg, because using Might Bloomberg knows what he's doing bring the country together. Bloomberg sound like you can bring the country together Been talking about the war on the Department of Justice in this is being led by the media as usual, and the the crash and academia and one people whose leading this war against the Department of Justice is your typically stupid, predictable, monotonous. Joey Scarborough Guinea Is Mommy now Joey Jolly what Take your hands off the electrical wire joy, come on. I pick up your Klaus. No MA
get that part in deliverance on the bridge with the banjo gaming binging, maintaining ding. Don't we have our Joe Scarborough Music, what the find it in the future. We need continue to use we to use it all the time. But if you take a good look at Joe. Make a married the debate your player on the bridge as they grow up good job Mika, but then Then she's a Brzezinski Cut seven go to look at bill Bore and why he's gone, and you look at the fact that he had, I feel like I'm talking to a guy who's. Really, sir And you understand what I mean you look bill for what he's doing: You couldn't hold a candle to bill bar, You moron go ahead.
To destroy mission against all of the president's political perceived for political opponents that the president concocted when he talked about Barack Obama tapping the phones at from tower back in March of two thousand seventeen, and he is chasing down every conspiracy theory that the president is putting forward at the same time and more disturbingly bill bar is is providing aid and comfort, President's allies. The Rodger star, one of the president's longest political allies, the two then politically inseparable through the decades and so for the attorney general to intervene in sentencing when we're talking about
presidents closest political allies. It's just beyond the pale. It is unimpeachable of France, but of course, lying to Congress is also a punishable offence in billboard. Did that a very long time. This analysis, so sharp I've never heard anybody so profound sub profundity after profundity. He could do a one man play. Yes, he could,
a padded room for the other inmates are there. I fact AIM act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounted, including special member. Only rates on car insurance travelled discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for join a MAC; instead, a M, a sea dot? U S remark. Grubbing show very soon the whole of your life for Americans. You can go living seven, seven, three one for you! What god.
You may remember: SAM Donaldson, there was a Washington post article senator Alfonse D Amato, who was the predecessor to turkish mucky. Humor He took to the Senate floor one day in a blasted. SAM Donaldson for collecting one hundred thousand dollars and federal Sheep subsidy federal Sheep subsidies One of the highest paid media personalities in the United States, come into the Wall Street Journal when they contact and he was there. Third largest recipient of wool and MO payments and Lincoln County New Mexico operated a sheep and Angora GOAT Ranch anyway later agree to do an interview for damage control.
He said the report was essentially correct, but he denied any wrong doing. A textile Jura hobby, he said no intent Giving the money back either now is, they're doing ads for a billionaire might Bloomberg. I'll, have no impact whatsoever. Fact little. Kids look a tv, be scared to death. Oh my god, my me. What is thy, but what is Man's head, what's on his head. Everybody's always s that, what's on SAM Donaldsons, head. Where's Waldo that book, and so it where's same donaldsons hair, just like three them. Him shimmer and by When a different direction, obviously. Obviously as symbols and decided
he would crazy glue a cat to his head and there it is traction was a cheap bastard, so here To a corner tattoo power and corn row, enterprise. And they did his hair and they basically take these these. Air now guns you ever see them. Mr producer shoot they nails under the word, but the organs while they, should. The errand your head and corn rose. And then you have Joe Biden, Joe Biden, I went to a nigger who need. His hair into his head, it didn t work very well So there you have the three examples. I just leave it alone.
God wanted me to have Herod, have her just waited, Senator Maisie Verona. You would think it's kind of a weird fictional figure we. Fictional but its sadly not Case. She's, a real senator. Maisie Corona, who would have thought, but there. She is casting votes. Telling Schuman. How should I vote. Maize is a real statesmen in the United States Senate. You must admit one: they will chisel her words right into the wall like graffiti she's, an idiot. Why Hawaii sends us this idiot? I will never know, I'm You're gonna make that flight. For God's sakes.
It goes on and on and on and on. At least send somebody who's, and I q higher than a coconut. But now you sent us Maisie Corona. Anyway, Maisie Heroic was on my cell estate. Today's, where you would find her and mess Hosty is as a well worn reputation as of the mental institution, a broadcast. Home to our short among others. Here's Maisie cut a guy with this administration and this president, the rule of law, an independent judiciary, checks and balances out the window
real, and this is why you have so many former attorneys for the Department of Justice over two thousand or so now has called on Bill bar to resign because they are very concerned with the department or just as the invasion major. Can you name? Five of them came from my we, talked about how this billion earn. His front group put this petition together too, thousand three thousand cover thirty thousand trained climatologists scientists? Physicists meteorologists. Signed a petition that global warming- Is not man made? The ever heard them site a single one of those scientists, not one. So some petitions are worth more than others, I put a petition together my audience we get to
Thousand signatures, and literally fifty seconds If I were to do that to say, Maisie Coronal should resign cause she's our horses ass. You think they would have any effect. What's so, of course, not. But their petitions are very, very important, very important. And everybody wants petitions from lawyers wow we're two thousand slip and fall lawyers. Have some ambulance chaser thrown in for good measure, want the attorney general to resign wealthy I'll have to think about that. I think. Go ahead, So all of these people and groups are coming together, who are very concerned about the rule of law and that many of us who sit on the Judiciary Committee that their workers anyway have been expressing for some months and in fact your eye glass shut up. You blowhard,
Rambling, on, like a buffoon. Hang on, like a buffoon, come to think but they will be Joe Biden. It wouldn't be a programme without rambling, like a buffoon Joe Biden, guess what he thinks should resign and I'm bill by sitting of Joe Biden says it then I'd better resign. But he knows more than Joe Biden nobody's. Moreover, King Solomon type figure than Joe Bow job. I nobody's better judgment, so job thanks, I better resign boy, I better and he's being interviewed by the call Wallace Nicole Wallace, better hold back cut nine go so we have been talking about the letter signed by more than two hundred, my god. You know, I don't know. What's worse, these former Republicans who go on there.
Who sound awful sound like that They ve chess sound like a mental patience, but they ve never been celebre. If so thoroughly, when Nicole Wallace was a fair republican consultant to John Mccain among nobody, the Why, while Wallace the hell is that. The call to answer one. Only call that idiot now the House than MSNBC. You know, that's where my steel now shows up on MSNBC wonder what happened to him. He went into the Witness protection Programme known as MSNBC, where he is It's there in trash the as a lawyer. You go ahead,
So we have been talking about the letter signed by more than two thousand former Justice Department, officially how it works. We talked about this yesterday, the organization behind this, how they got their petition going. Everybody knows it it's out there. Now I put it out there now doesn't matter. This is the narrative, so there's we're two thousand. Ladies and gentlemen, I have over seven thousand trumpet a book signing Dante. Mr producer There's two thousand signed a petition. Oh my god. It better resign going Local parties, calling on attorney general bar to resign do join their calls for his resignation. Why? What a tough question for bud now in principle. I stand up for the attorney general while I may not agree with them. And a great honour, I've known her for a long time. This is the second rounded anyone expect anything like that: This Moraunt course not go
really positive Lisbon most greatest abuse of power. I have ever see real at the end of this presidency, has no no since decency or understand so tromp has no sense of decency whatsoever and no understanding standing the constitution? Now? Those are flat out stupid comments, stupid comments: Let me give an example, Joe: you have Hunter by Hunter Biden by a crook, so Punk Presently, United States he's got Eric Trump Class act. Dont Junior Class act a class act. You ve got hunter so don't give me this no decency whatsoever. The way you try. Bork Clarence, Thomas and others that was indecent. And you're the one who bragged about working with segregationist.
We go on and on about the life and times a Joe Biden, but why bore ourselves go ahead? and bars of facilitating. It is beyond my comprehension. I've been around a long time. A lot bigger beyond comprehension not the standard. If that was the standard we be a dumb country. Don't even go there Biden he can the candle? The bill bar? You guys, can keep TAT, the Destroy Dunbar bar, trash is leadership the Department of Justice, but it's not gonna work. I'll be right back then Amy, The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them.
Believes in and stands up for, the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access, toy wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for join a MAC; instead, a M a sea dot! U S by the way! I want it
college eyes to national pupa, radio, international public radio, the author media supporters have their the near? slimy lashed compost, I'm sorry I I to suggest I I don't understand why. There's a national pubic public radio, given there thousands of commercial radio stations, thousands of podcast. Tens of thousands of ways to communicate the never existed. I'm sorry, I touch this, Rail of liberalism. And were reminded over and over again by the public broadcasting service. The umbrella organization. But they only take a little bit of your textiles. Otherwise
Why out there begging for money. Today the high salaries of their network broadcasters, selling old Sk Sub Johnny Carson in the fifth dimension. In order to raise funds- because you know without them there be no big bird. And who can live without frontline I've offer before two by big bird. The profitable aspects of pcbs. We can make a commercial going of it to see, ladies and gentlemen, presently nice stages recommended stiff cuts at national, pubic, public radio.
And he did it, you see because Mark Levin dared to ask what are we it for the present retreated to good question. First of all, the president does an immediate tell him anything. Secondly, it's a great question. Why are we subsidizing liberal. Phony suit, elitist radio when there's all kinds of radio, all kinds of tv out there and then programmes that are really really important and really interesting will make it on their own. What is this and the New York Times? run to the barricades to defend their friends and pr From right, wingers. From right wingers in the attack from right wingers. I got. So I want to apologize. How dare I
even think about getting rid of NPR. How could you live without NPR those great house? Can you name a host over there, Mister Bellew? Neither can I. The only programme I ever liked was the clap, her brothers and unfortunately, as a result, the death one they're not on any were so they run. We runs, that's it. The clap, her brothers. Funny guy, instead its the same moaning, droning liberal right? What do you think Frank, I dont know how, and why do you think Sally I dont know. Why do you think I thank you wherever thank just thank God. Thank. Anyway, folks Thank you very much for being in this audience. I will be gone threats to this. Waken Monday be travelling to Morrow travelling on Monday. Come back Manning Israel
Do the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, on the Sunday, show a life, Liberty and Levin? I won't be here to promote it, so I hope you'll watch it right before a very, very historic election. It's an exclusive interview. You will not see another one of this sort and you won't see it on Sunday. That's for sure! I love you all. Thank you all and I'll see you next week. God bless.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.