« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/16/21


On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has bitten off more than he can chew. McConnell's political power must be eviscerated because he's clawed his way to the top and has held on by scheming and destroying those that oppose him. In a statement released today, Donald Trump blasted McConnell. If McConnell had his way, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, would not be in the Senate today because McConnell attacked all of these tea party candidates. If McConnell were around in 1860 he would have opposed Abraham Lincoln. If McConnell wants a criminal investigation, perhaps he should be the one facing it. Afterward, Peter Schweizer joins the show to discuss Mitch McConnell's wife's ties to the communist Chinese government through her family's shipping business which has earned them millions of dollars. One particular deal quadrupled their net worth and explains why McConnell has never taken a strong position against Beijing. Then, Anthony Fauci is a liar! He now defends Kamala Harris when she says the Biden team was starting from scratch on the stockpile of vaccines. Should he be fired for failing the Trump administration? After all, the Biden Administration says that there was no plan in place, wasn't it Fauci's job? Later, President Biden wants to be greater than FDR and has become the leader of Marcuse's Critical Race Theory movement. Biden is leading the charge on controlling the economy and natural resources through industrial unions embracing the European Marxist idea of climate change known as the Green New Deal. Biden's also destroyed women's sports for America's daughters by allowing more than biological girls to compete in them.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College. Now, in its hundreds Seventy fifth year hills, is a truly independent institution where learning
prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting a mermaid underground command, both from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, hello, America, Mark Levant. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one, one.
eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. Much to get too so little time welcome to the programme. I think this time put a mid term Mcconnell, I mustn't policy. from a colonel has bitten off more than he can chew. Now he won't think he can. He won't think he did. because he lives in a bubble where everybody praises his genius and his carriage and all The bs the the United States just a little bit ago unleashed against Mitch And completely evaporated trap is not gonna stay quiet forever. Ladies and gentlemen, gonna stay quiet forever, nor should he he's gotta fishing bag for
Stupid lawsuits, but I'll get to later from the end, W C p in this congressmen from Mississippi it's it's a pr act. disgusting attacks on people who they disagree with calling them clans manner. Sympathetic clansmen. This is sick, sick beyond belief, but there's push back now push back people. put up with this and so they're gonna fight back, who I use the word fight, they're, going to argue back, And here's the statement that prison tromp released there working party can never again be respected, are strong with political. so called leaders like Senator Mitch, Mcconnell at its helm, MECCA His dedication to business as usual status, quo policies. together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill and personality. As rat They driven him from Ajar deleted a minority leader and at all
They get worse. The Democrats, democratic structures are play Mcconnell like a fiddle. They ve never had it so good and they want to But that way we know our America first agenda is a winner, not Mcdonald's. Beltway first agenda binds America last agenda in one. Twenty. I received the most votes of any sitting president in history. Almost seventy five thousand ever incumbent House Republic and one for the first time in decades, and we flipped fifteen seats almost costing Pelosi her speakership, and that is her job. Now. That's continue Republicans one majorities and at least fifty nine of ninety eight partisan legislative chambers in the Democrats. the flip, a single legislative chamber from red and blue
Mitchell Senate over the last two elections cycles. I single handedly saved at least twelve scented seats more than eight in the twenty twenty election cycle alone, and thank you the Georgia disaster, where we should have one both: U S, innocence, but Mcconnell match the Democrat offer of thousand dollar stimulus checks with six hundred dollars. How does that work became? The the crash principle advertisements a big For them it was MECCA then put himself one of the most unpopular politicians of the United States into the Retirements many advocates in Georgia, voted Democrat, just didn't vote because other. Anguish out there in a governor Brian CAP Sectaries Day, Brad Reference Berger and the Republican Party for doing its job and election integrity during the twenty twenty presidential race. It was a played election disaster in Georgia and certain other swing states Mcconnell did nothing I want
do what needs to be done in order to secure a fair and just electoral system into the future. He doesn't have what it takes. Never did and never will. My only regret is that Mcconnell begged for my support, my Strong support and endorsement before the great people Kentucky in the twenty twenty election and I gave it to him. He went from one point down to twenty points up and then one how quickly he forgets Without my endorsement, Mokanna would have lost on lost badly now Numbers are lower than ever before is destroying the republic inside of the Senate, in so doing seriously hurting our country like. Wise Mcconnell is no credibility on China because of his family, substantial chinese business holdings, he does thing on this tremendous economic military threat. which is a dour sullen and unsmiling political hack into republican senators, you're going to stay with them. They want
One again, he won't do what needs to be done or what is right for our country. And, where necessary and appropriate, I will Primary rivals who espouse making Amerika great again a policy of America. First, we want brilliant, strong phone compassionate leadership prior to the pan chemicals produced the greatest economy and jobs numbers in the history of our country and likewise recovery after covert was the in the world. We. taxes and regulations rebuild our military, took care of our vets. Came energy independent built the wall Stop the massive influx of illegals into our country, and so Much more and now illegals are pouring in pipelines, are being stopped. Taxes will be going up and we will no longer be energy independent. This it's a big moment for our country, and we cannot to pass by using third rate, so called leaders the dictator,
future now you see management Or has used leverage in terms of fund raising donors, the Chamber of Commerce, political act, committees, the national public, senatorial committee, Stranglehold on the party in Kentucky to call his weight to the hop ladies and gentlemen in the hold on. He's not a leader of any sort he's a steamer, just came from it. any attacks, those with whom we disagree. She tries to destroy up. He went after Tea party, with the hope that, with the help of Karl Robin others, literally one after the tea party, they failed, but that was there go to destroy the tea party after the Tea Party, what around sixty six seats in the house in vain or because speaker and adhere to Synergy party, along with the Wall Street Journal.
the Senate. They want several seek two or three and then Mcconnell blame the tea party for losing two or three or four more that they could have one. He says in the editorial, page of the Wall Street Journal, agrees with them. These are full. These are fools And they want to drag us down their whole with them. and, as I said yesterday, Mitch Mcconnell stands for absolutely nothing. And don't hand me. The judges Harry did more to set the stage for judges, then, which Mcconnell ever get these Great taxation, they say we need a leader, we need a statement A resigned to become the parliamentarians of the Senate, good for him, and yet run circles around. I read, ran circles around the longest serving republican leader in the Senate. If you can believe that in the hills
three of the Senate and the Republican Party and to what end exactly. Are you folks, please, when which Macao Mcconnell says he will only back candidates. We can win now what kind of it It makes a comet like that. You can't be a hundred percent sure which candidates can and cannot win. we are told Ronald Reagan. Couldn't twenty one, a mass of popular vote, Mass of electoral college victory despite Mitch might come and he did it twice twice. We were told Donald Trump couldn't win Mcdonald in and you go to anybody want and trot. This last time around, look at all the house member to one as a result and the senators and one as a result, and then they jerk, The floor, the Senate At United States and quitted have an income and unconstitutional role setting, hearing and
eggs prosecutors to charge the foreigner presently United States theirs what he does. Trade and coverage of the Democrats? and comfort to the media, undermines, the Republican Party divides the Republican Party. That's why Economists done and you need to ask ourselves. Why is it that the rip. Again, senators keep electing to be their leader because he threatened them. He tells me and to take their power away can you use the national public and Senator our committee and the massive out some money they raise from from a big? she's my big corporations and so forth to defeat them twenty set and he's gonna keep more major committees there I'll, go around their backs to political. The Washington Post to them. At times and others and trash them I remember the way he did that in trashing church groups.
That editorials out of his mouth peace over there at the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Trash whoever wants to trash too and our friends at national view no death. He has no principles. He says we want to win. I don't care what these candidates stand for this, what he says. Whoever they are whatever they stand for when I want to back them What Abraham Lincoln would say. is. I will Ronald Reagan would say that would die Trot but say whatever they stay, whatever: they believe in our back them and noticed this never goes to war would Romney if it goes to war, were Collins, he never The war would Mc Caskey. These are rose, who under modest all the time all the time. if Mitch Mcconnell at as way, listen carefully, please ran Paul, up in the Senate. Check
This would not be in the said MIKE. He would not be in the Senate market. We would not be in the Senate. These are for tea party candidates like them or not. These are forty Party candidate now Of whom we were told any chance of winning MIKE, he came out of nowhere. When the convention in Utah ran positively, the establishment. To get the nomination of one who see Kentucky Ruby was at five percent, we Nor can we support it and help them a lot. The tea party got beyond any be crushed, among others,. Chad, crews, went up against the lieutenant governor of Texas is worth a fortune. The course we First to endorse them and others came behind us anyone. Anyone. If I Mitch Mcconnell had its way, none of those men would be senators even more.
Mcconnell was around in eighteen. Sixty Abraham Lincoln would never have been the republic denominate. There are others. Others that these so called republican establishment preferred a very new party, but nonetheless they didn't think Could, when anyone. You didn't get a majority vote, that's for sure. At a plurality of out, but you want so this idea that Mitch, Mcconnell can figure out. Advance who's gonna win and who can't win is, absurd. What may I cannot really saying is I want to pick candidates who will do what I tell them they do now who the hell does he think he is our two I'm gonna have Peter Schweizer on my programme till one again go through issues related to Mitch. Mcconnell makes my car The criminal investigation, then maybe he should, face one I'll be right.
Ben- are you worried about America's future times? Have trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and preserve our country didn't despair. So to do our part, we need draw on the books they history in the ideas they gave. Our forefathers and mothers, strength and inspiration. Helstone college was founded in eighteen, forty, four teach these very things. Teaches them still today, we can all study these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes, through hills does free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wisdom of ancient and judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can acquaint ourselves with our constitution. We can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can be, recovered friends.
we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, tales, guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning today at level. Pray Hills del dot com, that's in Vienna, for hills down back on labelling for a hills doubt that com, why Donald Trump, the only one who faces endless screwed me why dost Thou trumped the only one who had to deal with a criminal investigation capital. Is fill with sleaze balls, self, serving self dealing, sleaze, balls. and its timely route them all out. We give him a little bit of their own medicine. That's my own view. You know. After I heard what Mcconnell said about the former,
I find it shocking shocking. but the myself. Now, here's a guy. Who married into a family that has all kinds of deals gone off with a communist chinese regime. He's made a fortune How is it that nothing touches him. That would be enough to have least a special council against the presence of the United States. Donald Trump. Shove Mcconnell really wants to pursue these battles and that's engage. That's fine by me. I have no problem with a whatsoever. He has been undermining conservatives forever, gate. He and his mouthpiece of the Wall Street Journal editorial page. His friends had politico his cherry. So called reporters at the Washington, Post and elsewhere.
He's been around a long time just like buying you now here's the other thing I was thinking. the cardinals almost eighty five Almost eighty. policies almost eighty show Where can you check that MR produced another whole world's Google? And you want to see a whole Powell here? There's no no blood. Low faces its He seventy what he looks like he's a hundred twelve hour. Whatever seventy you can me He's an old seventy, that's for sure. Whatever happened to fifty year olds in forty five year olds and sixty and sixty five year olds. In positions of leadership, so these fools these old nasty, angry, evil power, hungry buffoons, therein positions and nobody nobody can replace the because I've been around so long
They know how to hold on to power there like mobsters cycle, Washington is run by a fiefdom of love of mobsters. And if you go, there is a conservative were they join the mob family or they? To destroy you. Donald Trump would have none of this, none of it. So, the mob? The mobsters. Organised repeatedly against. I don't understand. Is Mitch Mcconnell despise Trump so much
Why did his wife become transportation sector? Why did she lobby for that? I want you to think about this. If he hated tromp so much, why did he asked trot the campaign form in a video these people despicable I'll, be right back? Are you worried about America's future? Times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who build and preserve our country didn't despair. So to do our part, we need to draw on the books, they history, the ideas they gave, our forefathers and mothers, strength and inspiration. No style college was founded in eighteen, forty, four teach these very things teaches them still. Today, we can offer
Study these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes, through hills, does free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wisdom of ancient and judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can acquaint ourselves with our constitution. We can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can recovery. Friends, as we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past with hills. Deals, guidance to save the greatest nation on earth, begin learning today at level pray, Hills, Delta, Cobb, that's. We ve iron for hills, Delbert, COM, Levine,
for a house down that come into knowledge to create one, the great one can you can call it now. Eighty seven, seven three aid, one three, eight one one want to show what it complete Adulterated hack, Anthony felt she actually is. Come on Harris says there was no stockpile. Ladies and gentlemen, no stock pile of vaccines now The former head of the CDC former, Hs officials He himself had said. That's not correct. That's not correct!. But let's listened to her own HBO Zack Ceos on Sunday and ACT. Ceos also is busy. Changing Altering information to help it
favorite candidates excusing politicians too. It's a left wing site. They been caught. But more on that later come our Harrison. H. Bigos acts Yos Sunday; by administration. At a start from scratch: explanation plan such damn lies Meanwhile, she's got her two shots He's got his two shots, these two, where the leading Anti vaccine people in the country. Relative as ninety one and a half she s got any vaccine yet people in my family thereof, all kinds of morbidity there We got no vaccine shots yet, no matter what, therein, Tennessee Virginia New Jersey, Buddy Politicians get their shocks. What's it all about said Democrat shouldn't get any shots, they oppose them. Maxine.
They said it was all political, so republican forget their shots. First New York Times Re Washington, Post. Here's Koala Harris on Sunday cut six Co. Funding is harder than to make my cowering finding the hose paper. I mean the challenge rank or listen to her, like she's, actually doing something. had. I cannot MIKE he's. The cloud runs. The operation axiom. MIKE Working. At least seven minutes a day on this issue really go ahead? explained to the mayor's. There was no stockpile right. It's now. No Mamma Rhine knows not power. I know them Tens of millions of vaccines, you liar she's, a liar.
May I call a liar, I think I'll call her alive. You liar go ahead. Anyways Norstar Vaccines right, so we're looking at this. There is no national strategy or plan for vaccinations lying again. Folks. What do they think these vaccines came from. And all the infrastructure that's been place, put in place to produce them. they require very cold temperatures, one more than the other to transport. And the issue. Then what are you? What do you think they came from you think they came from job I the basement Wilmington, Delaware, you think they came from. Come Allah Harris in San Francisco to the most dim, would it What ever be present, and vice president, the dim which ones go ahead,
Adrian it to the states and local leaders to trying to figure it out, and so in many amount of trying to figure it out you get to the stage added to their hospitals there, the way it works. That's the wage, today, right now, as I speak, go ahead, We're starting from scratch on something that's been raging for almost an entire eager start from scratch. You will, These are the luckiest political, the funds on the face of the planet they walk into office, they're stupid as hell. They don't know what they're doing they ve. Never, they ve never run anything. the vaccines are there waiting for them, and tens of millions of them are waiting for them the delivery systems in place go ahead.
These. Are you having just your sites now for its possible, given that and to challenge that everything is possible? We ve got to figure out why there has to be our standards, are Santer has to be everything is possible, but we have to work like heck to get it done, which means no patients, no patience for delay, no pay hijacks enough, she's she's, a walking talking network so here's falchions CNN they found she does more media. The I'll have a naughty and the poor pact porn actress ever did. Indeed, in common with them. I think Think he does. so found she who, in the past has said that that's not correct? There were yet we will. In fact, there was. Things were online. There was a lot of millions of well It's available go ahead.
One final question and on vaccinations, because on the issue of whether there was a plan in place before the night by the administration took over common air ass, she spoke. The vice president of course spoke to HBO actually goes over the weekend, and she said she used this phrase again we're starting from scratch, and I wonder if you agree with that, that vaccination plan come January twentieth this year, that that you are starting from the beginning there, or there was something in place that just needed improvements will, when I think the vice president is referring. He was there every step of the way Falcon. To protect her, he would never do At the trapper pants really he's trying to protect her now I don't know how found she gets awoke pick up on this, but I dont know how far she gets to sit there like he's some kind of outside observer Third Party, when his finger since dna over everything, Once credit where he doesn't deserve credit- and he wants to do
since we should be the distance. he's he's like the one of the flying will under MR producer member them, The high wire act of this at the circus. That's what he is he's are well under. Without the integrity go ahead, actual plan of getting the vaccine, doses into people's arms was really rather vague, emanated. It was not a well coordinated plan, getting the vaccines main getting them ship through operation. Warp speed was ok, but I believe with the muslim livable, unbelievable. You realize he had nothing to do with the actual hands on development their hands on production, Their hands on distribution and he's here these questions and he doesn't say, look I wasn't involved on that aspect. Georgia's talk to silence or such answer, but as the development of the vaccines we're ok, it was a mere
and he didn't development. it was a miracle. It was unimaginable, the demo Trashed, at every step of the way tried to politicizing. And this is how this guy comes off. now we just about Cuomo, what do you think now Cuomo. And his handling of their citys cover ups and all the rest cut eight go New Yorker yourself, though you don't live there right now. Andrew Cuomo is coming under a fair amount of criticism now for the big move back to long term care facilities. In the midst of this, Crisis here he's argued that estate was following federal guidelines when he ordered those long term care facilities to accept patients returning from hospitals. I wonder, can you clear up? Was he actually found now, let's lap attack He comments on all things in which he doesn't really have authority or never did.
you know the development of acts, and that was ok. Ok, you jerk. Are you kidding me? Ok,. Are we really are they? They plan was ambiguous. Yeah federalism is ambiguous, you see, ladies and gentlemen, the damage It's only one federalism: what powers them then they oppose it if it doesn't empower them, but this is all about fallacies pay great, so now found you ve been commenting on everything I. What do you have to say? You know you once said that Governor Cuomo was doing a great job now? What do you say? Go ahead to do that, Jim. I can't I mean I'm sorry, I'm really I've honestly not trying to evade your question, but I'm not really sure of all the Details of that- and I think, if I make a statement is probably could even be incorrect- are taken out of context, so I prefer not to comment on that. Tell the truth: factory Agnes, My comment is a Democrat I, like em. He remembered the interaction between the MR producer on TV, how which is going to pay
What role? There was a love s. Now I don't know all the details, but now and everything else. I know all the details asked me about Trump Ask me anything. You want to know. and when it comes to combine, I don't know all I did a jerk did you know all the details when you're praised a month ago kind of scientists. Is this seriously don't wear mass now we're too masks are the economy is collapsing, you're out of jobs or out of business. sorry, but I'm sorry, it's inconvenient for you. I read my four hundred seventeen thousand dollars a year from taxpayers, come hell or high water. Oh I'm sorry operate warp speed that that was ok, there's another one Eddie, I'm not against eighty years old people. Eighty I intend to retire, but it be well before. Maybe you don't have But that's not my point here
There forever eighty years bags air forever, almost eighty years old policies air forever over eighty years old. By Carlos eighty years, what about new blood new thinking? No people turn by radical marxism. Turnabout like here. Why wouldn't you get the best Possible scientist. When it comes to these kinds of pandemics,. Serving in this position,. How do you serve in this position for thirty, eight years, thirty, eight years. it's not because each the greatest scientist or doktor out there it's because well I now he's his way to the top, and he gave it up what a fraud
I'll be right back then. Are you worried about America's future? Times of trouble are full of reasons to despair, but those who built and preserve our country didn't despair. So to do our part, we need draw on the books, they history and the ideas they gave. Our forefathers and mothers, strength and inspiration. Helstone college was founded in eighteen. Forty four teach these very things, and it ages them still today. We can all study these things, all with hills, Del College professors right in our homes, through hills does free online courses. We can study the history of our civilization, the wisdom of ancient and judeo christian philosophers and the writings of Shakespeare Mark TWAIN. We can Acquaint ourselves with our constitution, we can learn how the constitution has been undermined and, more importantly, how it can. recovery friends,
we find in defence of family faith and freedom. Let us draw on the best of the past, with hills, Dales guidance to save the greatest nation on earth begin learning today at level four hills del backup, that's in Vienna for Wholesale Back com, loving. For a house down that come from South should get fired. I mean how does he get away with this if he failed the Trump administration. shouldn't get fired, They're pointing his finger all the time and everybody else. Who succeed Haven, puts them down. Think salary should get fired or should join the crack team that they have in their Albany with Cuomo. He fitted perfectly there. In my view,
fouche how to comment. I don't know the details. I don't really want to get into it. It'll be used against me Amber somebody. None amazing. Not to me the guy has Prescott sheriff the press conference does Cuomo gets up. Hail from Simon and Schuster? Gets an army award She's not really following all this Maya, and so he can't come found she's alive You can see me on that attack your lying about this. Yes, I, what would you love accessed all of his emails and texts? Mister Blausser? We love access to all your emails and texts. Maybe two Biden meanwhile don't a fantastic job. Ladies and gentlemen, how many press France's has that knucklehead held on this subject? None? did they do so magically that all of us are now and then
Today, almost two million people have received vaccine what, do so magically nothing nothing. This is all crap. To be perfectly honest with you, but dont worry not wearing. Now. We're gonna need to talk more and a lot. about Biden activities here because they're gonna affect our lives there and affect your family's they're gonna affect this country in a very significant way. and he's getting away with this where's Mitchell how much is very busy oops? That's my fancy. he's very busy. Trashing Donald Trump Lemme guess what you get click the Hornets nest. You jerk, because it's not just Donald Trump
in front of me, a survey that shows that seventy five percent of Republicans of Republican. One Donald Trump to have a key role in the republican Party. Unfortunately,. There wasn't a survey of how many Republicans one Mitch Mcconnell that have a key role in the Republican Party MAX What needs to be exposed for pact, mobster politics needs to be exposed for what he does with the National Republican senatorial committee. He needs be exposed how it goes into these various states to undermine conservative candidates. He's been doing it for years, and I have told you about this. and because he seeks now criminal investigations on private citizens? Perhaps there could be a criminal investigation. Involving him his finances. The rest of it, I'm not saying you committed any crime. How do I know
We put it to you this way, He's committed as many crimes tunnel project. He's committed as many crimes as Donald Trump, Mitch Mcconnell. This is not over yet maybe it's not over yet so you do not. Back peddling today, it doesnt matter anymore until you backpedal the hell out of office. Let me say this to some of these senators, who had befriended me and withdrew my friendly. In the future. Every single one of you and the other needs to be question. whether or not you going to remain loyal to Mitch Mcconnell In a support, somebody I'll say, conservative, not part of the Mcconnell circle like soon whose Eddie it from his own. What's had seen her Senate, I can remember his name. He remembered the senior city blunt. Oh that's right! Blunt
worn and of Texas. Here, there's another spell binder: he, sky reelected, barely. but now there feeling their out so to speak, Millennium feel away. People talk about having these political lists Maybe we should have political lists on who we want defeated. Clown, Rakowski Leeson Rakowski. Do you know she was appointed by her father to her position? Mr Medina, he was the governor. so he appoints Mc Caskey to the position. His daughter. I remember when we backed Joe Miller in Germany are one the republican primary against Rakowski so she ran as an independent and one with a plurality. The votes.
And they ve now changed the rules according to National Review in Alaska and make it much more difficult to defeat somebody like her, but she needs He defeated you know what else am I right search I found she is Probably the most pro teachers Union Senator in the United States Senate, including Democrats that National Education Association in the American Federation of teachers have endorsed her repeatedly for election that she is their special pleader that she is their bought and paid for servant in the United States. Senator you folks aware this. So she has an enormous number
Individuals working the precincts throughout a state of alaskan election day more on this, when I return from the West would one podcast network now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building we once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, our number eight seven, seven three, I want react one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one at the bottom of the hour: Peters White, Sir, and we examined once again the Mcconnell family and their directive
with the communist chinese regime. an example is going on in this country, This is from our friends. Bright Bart by Democrats to unveil bill that would provide pathway to citizenship for eleven million illegal aliens. One correction she's me the daily collar. There's more than eleven million. he can of eleven million for the last fifteen years,. Washington Examiner Biden, climate goals, may conflict with natural gas, the resource behind the recent emissions reductions, It's a war on natural gas and electricity. You see what tat in Texas, right now,. Millions and millions of illegal aliens would get citizenship. What else is going on what else taking place here Well, there's this Jen per Saki. At the White House. Today, cut thirteen go
visions that you should over the weekend. Presence at the time for action is now you're asking us to do a lot of things where's your time. Actually there not asking kind words to do a lot of things now, they're just doing the go ahead.
Common sense measures and realistic. Well, we have proposed a package at this point, so it's hard for me to make a prediction about its likelihood of passing, but I will say that the president is somebody throughout his career, who has advocated first Mark gun, smart guns. If these measures, he has not afraid of standing up today, anorak he's done it multiple times and one on back contracts and a range of issues, and it is a priority to him on a personal level, but I dont have a prediction, for you were pretty for you, what a timeline of a package and certainly not what it will look like in how it go through Congress. For those of you who flood eurobond with some kind of moderate or some person were stupid enough to vote for them. This was what you ve got in every single issue area, he's a radical.
and I'm tired of this question. While he doesn't know what he's who cares if he knows what he's doing he signing it, it his administration he's the president he's responsible. Have you noticed that Bernie Sanders is not complaining? It all about by Mr Produce. Have you noticed that notice that I have Complain about by. Really, the other Marxists in the Democratic Party By the way, if you notice the anti Semites and the Democratic Party haven't complained about by neither because of the way he's treating Israel You know he hasn't even called ahead of israeli net YO but he's called every other reprobating genocidal murderer, that's out there. So he's down the line hard core left. This is legacy. This is what people understand reverie was: doesn't matter he's trying to build, legacy and he wants to be greater. Franklin Delano. Roosevelt really wants to be greater.
If the irony wants to be greater fast, asked as possible. So he selling out the country's sovereignty at the border, and overseas with climate change, the also empower the chinese government, And our enemies and weaken our own industries is embraced CORE of Marxism. which is the redistribution of wealth. The war on capitalism He's embrace the most radical racist approach. The diversity in this country. Twice, talks about Rachel Equity all right there. He is now the leader of the critical re, Syria movement. Which was always considered a black nationalist, crazy, ass movement and now get it all over the place.
What else has he done? He has signed an executive order. Putting back place and adding to it, Designs on the suburbs, thou, the idiots in the suburbs who voted for buying can't say they didn't know president. engine we talked repeatedly on this programme and on television. Healing did I can't imagine, how do I really well any is. These destroyed women sports anyway, I've daughters going too I'm entry school or middle school or high school or college any that want to get. You know scholarship, sir, so forth. All forget it. It's not gonna happen only Damn for industrial unions in this country by is never going to support you vines.
The radical environmental movement, because that's where the power is the powers not in controlling industrial unions, the power in controlling the economy: the sky, Says the water they eat economic system, the governing system, you're just pawns that he plays with. These four union bosses drag you along with them. The only union fine really cares about, or the public sector unions excluding Cops and the firefighters and emergency personnel. Look at the teachers unions run circles around us Cowskin has never been criticised by the any aid or the empty, because she's in their back pocket. but don't worry. She's she's are independent thinker. no she's, not a thinker at all, she's, an idiot, and now David Purdue Files to run for the Senate again against if we are warning David Produce did so
great job. The guy stated at a department store and somebody starts taken- is closer. When I, what do you do it? I thought your American. Now they didn't I'm just saying that he is a mannequin. So here you have another all do. who ran a lousy campaign who lost and he's running again and he's gonna get the backing of Mcconnell, not begin Again when he demonstrated camp but because colonel, can somehow drag him over. The finish line is a Mcconnell guy, the cod. First, second and third. And he's made peace swimmer Caskey too. Well all these fools. now Jason Chamber said something on ahead of these facts. Show yesterday my eye I went up and I was actually quite pleased: and said to him. Would you consider challenging Mitt Romney in primary Newton, and he said, he's opened
believe it would be the convention system. and I believe you have a good shot at it I think concerned. We fed up around me. Send the Wrong party said the wrongs I really should go back them such is it he really can't Head is, gets their guys hated in three states. Romney. To achieve it, says he's open to a well defined its decides to take on Rami, the best conservative out there. I would certainly endorse them, but you know who would Mcconnell. And that's why Mcconnell needs to be removed as the Either the Republican Party in the Senate controls at National republican Senatorial Committee that Tens of millions of dollars- and then he uses it to and he doesn't run nice adds based on issues. He tries to straw. Other Republicans, absolutely destroy the mahars, the worst nastiest, most cancer is pieces? A crappy? Can they go
after these candidates. There's something he's gonna screw lose this MC caully really does power hungry, has a schools more in common with Pelosi Shimmer, then he realizes. In my humble opinion,. And he sure, as hell demonstrated at the other day,. But he's not a leader. He's he's morbid mobster I'll, be right back Ben? Two thousand of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carries to pure talk over the past few months. We want the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about a year.
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Och, USA, dot com, promo code, Lavigne, podcast, pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless. What you think about critical race theory was actually the idea of a car it is by the name of markets. He wasn't the only one he was the he was the guy that believed in them fusing Marxism with critical race theory. He did invented. But he promoted the idea that they could work together because the poorest marks a surly on said. We cannot brace these other ideologies, even though they may get us where we want to go because remember our guys marks a marks push the idea that the only thing that matters is materialism and that's the only way really new interpret history material. Historians, ism.
and I have these offshoots like race- Saxon, whatever. Is in effect, going too watered down and undermine our effort. some are coos. He says no Some brace this idea. So this guy by the name of Derek Bell. He was a law professor at Harvard Tom saw talked about him meant in the many years past found it to be Intellectual lightweight Stammered and harvard- and this was his. sort of ideology hat with a handful of others in this cabal. And he was very disgruntled eve. He felt that. The reason his writings scholarship quota, coherent appreciate is because of his race. And so he viewed everything through the lens of race and-
promoted that ideology that you have to look at the history of America. through the lens of race and now what being taught in our schools and our universities and so forth. Is a white dominate. ideology not actual history, So now you get to New York Times, jumping over the sixteen nineteen project you now Joe Biden jumping. The problem is there liars. their liars about our history and many out standing historian, some of them Pulitzer Prize winners. several of them. Liberals and Democrats are by this. You know else's appalled by this. The the American Socialist Organization and Association. They obviously have serious problems with capitalism and so forth, but the glare of the country was founded, and Interviewed some of the greatest critics of this sixteen nineteen project in critical race theory believe it or not condemning
what's taking place or so your children are being taught lie, and are being taught and ideology, and there being taught Pending on their race either the field, supreme or that their privileged. and this is the problem. So you look at that. That's where that comes from, then you look at climate change. Orders I come from, That comes from Europe. The industrialize european nations. but calling global warming and climate change because they're all over the map, so its climate change, which is much broader, also. Used with Marxism. every one of these is a world capitalism. They wore republicanism, smaller republicanism ever what a match their purpose. Then you look at
Called the immigration movement, I don't need the movement of people, but now it's a movement, its cause. Why. because American Socrates, to be disdain, not supported America and its funding, is to be where directed, not promoted. the Marxist literally believe that through immigration chain, the population as they would put it darkening, population. You should see the court's Irene. Well advanced the case. Now why Their marxists argue because the debt cried parties. The vessel through which we can operate. The republican Party is a lost cause, but the democratic party we can Jack that party and they feel like their hijacking that party and they have. So whether its climate.
Immigration, race economics, these are for their more for attacks. war, which is marxism for it on the american system, just taking different form. and buying assigning, want one executive order after another and enshrining them into our society. The suburbs are viewed the same way. The. we white suburbs, the problem is: the suburbs: aren't lily white there, forty percent minority, their diverse. Because we have what, in this country's called mobility, we do the caste system. We don't have a clear system, we don't have a racist system, people want to move they get up when they move
the whole gall devouring. The suburbs into the metropolitan areas into the cities is and they caught on. Quite why dominated suburbs and outer suburbs. This is me, I am conveying to you what I'm reading, what they're talking about, what some of their so called scholars and intellectuals written. and it's gonna destroy our country and it's going to create organization and Tribal ASEAN is going to create a lot of violence, and I warned about this before in its true. other societies of collapse to societies that have lasted longer than ours, like the roman suicide or Athens. And every one of these ideologies has been imported into the United States.
even critical race theory originally originally. And you know it's interesting about critical race theory, its awesome, Theory that the clan and the white supremacist canoes, except they reversing the reverse, So, when you have identity politics going on that as a double edged, sword and innocent enormously dangerous or and so they don't accept we'll diversity? They don't accept! They colorblind society, Martha, loot, Martin Luther King, preaching they don't it dandies preaching they reject. All of that. All of it. This is our radicalism, The decision and brown versus port of education was a sap the black people. On the whole point of that decision was settled down court on quote the minorities, the black people in the country, but
to do anything effective over the long haul. fact. They look at the whole civil rights movement of the nineteen. Sixty slate fifties under the early seventys. The same way. Martin Luther King, one of his closest aids. for a long period of time, he's gone sense, but Condemned this entire ideology condemned it. Joe Biden just sign and executive order and sing it an expanding it? You may called Donald Trump eliminated it from there. Our government and set up the seventeen. Seventy six commission which put out a report one of the four things Joe Biden did on his first day was eliminate the seventeen seventy six. This shows Stranglehold this movement has on the Democratic Party and draw by the report. They put out, which was absolutely brilliant, was trash.
almost every single news outlets individuals like truck Todd who doesn't know history whose illiterate and didn't we report. The little slob- that's all, he is pushing an agenda. Like the other, little slobs on the Sunday shows Georgie, I don't even know who runs the CBS, show anymore. every one of them- are hacks. So these imported ideologies, plus some domestic ideologies, have now combined and overwhelming us. Joe binds overwhelming us with his fascistic governance that's right, I say fascistic governance signing. the arts and dictates left and right with it were with the common. So fast we don't know whose head nurse first, Macao is talking about finding criminal, it is against Donald Trump. That's how useless that guy, as he doesn't stand up the what's going on, he doesn't even know. What's going on, neither
any of them in his inner circle. Stupid people I'll be right. Back Mark Lovin, America's tyranny, hotter collar now, eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one Peter Schweizer is a true investigative. Journalist he's got What books like profiles and corruption in one of these. individuals he focuses on his Mitch Mcconnell Peter. How are you, Sir Great always great beyond would be marked thanks for having me. Thank you. Peter wants you to remind everybody of thee. An annual ties Mcconnell through his wife family has, with the communist chinese regime.
Yeah, I mean substantial, is by far the biggest asset that Macao shall family has eventually mark and ninety. Ninety three men, O Connell: U S senator with a lane, shall his wife and arrange our father to visit me in China. This is just four years after Tienanmen Square and the trouble spots by the China state owned. the company and the very quickly a good deal with a family? They say we will pay for the construction Of these ships he's big Panther yo to carry goods around the Pacific. We will finance the construction of them. We will actually feel bishops we will provide. The crews- and we all I will give you contracts for state owned enterprises to shipping gets around the country, so the chinese communist government put the Mcconnell Connell shall family in the business of ship
transport, and they made a huge amount of money doing so. In fact, We know that her father Mr James Drought, Gay Mitchell COM, a gift, a personal gift of between five when twenty five million dollars about ten years ago so mission. how is it going to buy a lane Charles Foster Father that it would be his father in law, gave him. Gift of how much when five and twenty five million dollar- and how do we know that we have to? We know that it was in his disclosure, his public school, rapid and mark that occur, two financial records more than quadrupled Mitch, Mcconnell network overnight parallel problem here. Mark is not just that the kind of Chinese have put the family business made them wealthy Mitch,
Conall has been incredibly soft on Beijing, whether it's their actions, Sal, trying to see whether its trade policy, whenever you say anything, never never eat up and talk about it, Once again, I think one of the great smoking guns that people have to understand about Mitchell Kyle Mitch mockery Is a Number of what I call the permanent political class, these people go in the public service, Put that, in quotation marks Agenda is not just going into government for a few years. They literally see this as a business commercial opportunity and that's what Miss Connell has done You are a politics in a late night, you gaieties he's never left. He is now worth tens of. billions of dollars. How do you do that on a set of valor. You go you do that, precisely because you cut the kind of deals with the family tat with the chinese Communist govern
was the weather was his wife family involved in the issue, business with Communist China before ninety ninety three they were very, very minor player. They had a couple of cargo vessels that was arranged our fathers originally from Taiwan, but he went school with. The three men who the leader of China, if you remember in the night, United and that was kind of the entre that they got into the pit yes, but the problem that I have used. This was politically connected. I mean James Chow, eventual Father, didn't go to Beijing by himself. He brought his son in law, a? U S, senator with him and the significance here this is for years after Tiananmen Square. No, No official visitors were going there because of what had happened. Mitch Mcconnell was the second. You were sentenced to visit China
hence the Tiananmen Square Massacre and its joint that visit that they cut. This deal Made the family wealthy and I would argue, gave that car chinese a lever of influence on a map. And who is now the republican leader in the Senate and is afraid to take on Beijing. China, because were he to do so, the These communist government could destroy the child family shipping business overnight very, very easily. Its shocking? You ve told me this three times that I'm a more shocked every time. So Mister, Brings his son in law, but com, to China? Really, though, Joe Biden brought his son hundred attire I can't benefit both the benefits and this, the way is what China jar We know this from a news reports in Austria
We have and New Zealand in Singapore. This is what they do and if you think about it, markets, its genius lightning, is all get out, but its genius. They basically said Why do we want to have conflict with Australia? Why do we want to have to tangle with them on these issues? We're just going to literally buy off members of their political class will set up sweetheart. for the family members for their politicians, they'll be nice to us get what we want. No, we don't to worry about a had on over trade issues or or military adventures, and I would argue that is precisely what they all working on in the United States. They have done that My family- and they have also shown that with Miss Connell, they are by partisan in his efforts and the problem as we have people like the binds Connell's, which are prepared to do these kind of deal, Colonel Biden or bodies for all It represents quite friendly now, yes, I mean they serve in the Senate. together for a long time and your it's possible that that better
I deal with China- was inspired by the Mcconnell deal enshrined when this one. I reasons now now we have Mcconnell going on about. chasing down trump criminally. Now, he's no criminal elements to any of this everybody's? Looked at this already, unless your account We crazy ass, that's not realm, and then he says he brings up after the president. That is present crop is acquitted. So I have a question for you: how does Mcconnell make all this money arisen. Laws make all this money with especial deal with a communist Chinese he's the Public and leader II was to send a majority leader is still the republican leader. Two questions: I was colleague keep voting amended power he's got. I call em like them. Mr Politician, because of how he conducts himself behind the scenes at them, number number two. How is he ethically bulletproof with the liberal media, and I think part of that is he's a laker. He leads to
let it go and washed imposed and others gives them inside information. I can't stand them, but they ve he's the best are going to get. What do you think about that? I think you're exactly right mark, and I think this is one of the misconceptions that people have a Washington DC. You know it because you ve been in the middle of it and even a long time observer, but the notion that the country is so divided politically, I would say, yeah of out of the country. There is a lot of disagreement, but when it comes to the permanent political class in Washington D C which were conall and Joe Biden for all the talk on on television, all the talk everywhere, that all their at each other's throats you're fighting each other there now they have a lot more in common than they have been happening and they want the same system of. I would argue, cronyism corruption himself. The dealing to continue the reason why the way Mitchell Colonel in the Senate did not want to take up what german
provide, must yield in China. Why? Because he has deals in China and I agree with you what to say same with the media. The media protects people, bet that help them perform their job. It doesn't republican Democrat is a closed loop in Washington DC. If a company town there Liars, certainly Donald Trump without wider. He was not part of the closed loop system, but Mitch Mcconnell is any very a comfortable, certainly more comfortable with Joe Biden, then he would be withdrawn. Tropical Joe Biden like him has been the Senate for decades and has, I would argue, as it has done the same thing in terms of costs, feel to benefit and family by using political power. This is why it is very, very important For all my listeners and their family members and friends, and to speak out that now Mitch, Mcconnell said that he's real,
the head of the Republican Party John soon as cities that titular ahead of the Republican Party, he would be. please disaster for the Republican Party and for the country. There is I think he's done. Nothing he's done that yes, he should be the leader of anything in the fact that he's been the longest he's been the longest serving republican leader in the Senate in history, Peter in his because he knows how to hold these guys by the throat he knows keep em off committees. He knows how to raise funds and go against them. He knows how to week against them in the media? This is what I mean by mobster politics. Now we take, trouble? I think he's taken on exactly the wrong person, because Has seventy five million people who voted for him and Mcconnell does not well I tell you to mark. The other thing is what what is the biggest threat In challenge that America faces today on the world change stay a communist china,
Actually, you ve talked about it on television and radio ice. We talked about it. I don't think there's any disputing that the court do you want the leader of the Republican Party in this time this situation with a threat that China represents, I would argue that essential to do the leader of the Republican Party, whose fate, Livelihood literally depends upon the good graces the Communist chinese government- I mean it would be foolhardy foolhardy to think that individual to be able to objective way and courageously and wise. We lead you in facing that challenge such a me as Mr Fine, and we need people on time hill that have called out Joe providing as they should but also call out Mitchell.
model and the child family for their deals with Beijing because they are travelling as well. You know, and we talk about small, while sleeping with a communist chinese spy and really Mcconnell hasn't, slept with spies, but he's he's done something equally horrific. He's made a fortune Of a regime that to destroy us he's made a fortune off a regime that is threatening Militarily and economically, he's made a ford, of this regime, it reminds me of a professional sports there, turning the other cheek when it comes to mass of genocide against Muslims and others. because of the amount of money they're making off sneakers because they want to expand their market into the mass of chinese market. Your sports asters on ESPN and otherwise, really defending them. While they talk about critics rights. Theory in the United States of America. All of these people, I really sell out too that regime. Don't you think,
politically, I mean it's not just a question of be wild eyed idealists. These are people who are profiting of these kinds of relationships and here's the thing I would say, Mark Absolute if you sleep with a communist spy, that's a terrible thing but think about it. Mitchell Conall and his family. They made a conscious decision, they were in a bar our somewhere at night. They had too much to drink and they get into trouble. When something happens, they made a comment decision to go to bed in China in ninety ninety three on a trip that was not a congressional trip. Not a! U S. Government trip a trip paid for by the China State ship building what they flew over there and they find a deal to get him bed commercially with The Beijing regime that to me
is coal in calculating and very very troubling, because I knew exactly the deal they were doing. It was not coming rash in the moment they were being blackmailed to do. It was a conscious decision, profited from an enormously and Mitch. Mcconnell has been a wall on any major issue dealing with confronting. I think it needs to be a criminal investigation and not accusing the crimes like he did president, but there needs to be Pharaoh criminal Investigation, grand jury put together to look at the Mcconnell child finances and to see exactly what's going on there for his sake as they like to say to clear him. Peter you are a national treasure watch your back. I appreciate your buddy. Thank you rather take her you to welcome back parlor, we love that Back posting on parlor again, ladies and gentlemen, at Mark Levine Show parlor, be there
be square I'll, be right back over. thousand of you. My listeners made the switch from overpriced wireless Carest pure talk over the past few months. We want the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about a year, Eighteen, three and varieties and r T mobile your family could save over eight hundred dollars a year. Just by switching to pure talk, you got great coverage, you can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs, with the absolute best consumer service team, based right here in Amerika? Does that sound good while it gets better right now, get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data just there dollars a month, and if you go over on data they don't charge you for it. They don't care, go to pure
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I told my trunk was enough that there was some great playbook. Those left behind so violent are used that yeah good point no it's tongue in cheek. The fact of the matter is all. People can do, is put out Ex make demands push people around their effectively bullies. The blame, the administration that came before you when they developed the vaccine ten months that you're trying to figure out how to distribute it's an incredible thing? Is it not and what Maxine exactly was created in time for Sars, her age, one and one when Joe Biden was leading the charge I mean, and then who was working with Joe Biden back then Anthony fancy First, you need to be fired if Thou chief she's all these problems. While I wouldn't let me speak, nobody can shut this clown up. He never stops talking Now when it comes to Cuomo.
Evolving he won't even collar com before he was praising Cuomo. You know this guy's been all over. The map. Truth be told, truth be told If we had a serious news organization, they were right we develop over the course of a twenty or thirty minute programme. What this guy has done with me, ass would know masked his comments, scores. Analysis comments on schools. How is in the back? How could I Clinton and then he's in the back pocket? Abiden I mean on and on and on he has been. May I say
disaster aid disaster. He develop nothing. Our I, my friend I shall return from the West would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run on roaming underground for members from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader a mark Levant. Here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. What typically happens after I do a couple of shows like these focusing on America, colonel.
in exposing him. four exactly what he is. there is usually some kind of push back some kind of an attack on me in political, the plot, imposed near tat, small walkie then for that will be very very mindful of this. Really care, I'm just letting you know that. That's sort of thing that that happens, I also was brought today. They got a lot of attention but it is a it's. A publicity stunt, Denmark, congressmen sues Trump and Juliana and Giuliani rather over capital riot. This is how it reported a news MAX He was congressmen sued former President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, claiming they conspired to incite last month's right at the usb cable and others is a lie, of course, but think what kind of standing do they have this working
the far right boys, an oath keepers. No, he didn't there's nothing anywhere. That shows that up and Giuliani CORE acted in concert to incite. And carry out unquote the capital insurrection according to a complaint file by many times And Democrat Mississippi, who is this idiot idiot. Called the insurrection was the result of a carefully orchestrated plan by Trump. There was no insurrection. There was a violent attack. learn how to use the english language leftists leftists. The insurrection was the result of a carefully orchestrated plan by Trump Giuliani and extremist groups like the oath keepers and proud boys. All of them shared a common goal of employing intimidation, harassment and threats. The stop the a vacation of the electoral college. This is their press release.
Who is the city it Tom, as chairman of the House, Homeland Security Committee, you feel more secure America. The losses, wild and district Court and Washington Tuesday was brought by the end, W C p on behalf of Thompson. My how the end w C p has fallen all the The harm that taking place in freedom, the black neighborhoods with. With the crime wave. That's going on the murder. That's going on that we're crash, blocking school choice and this But the end, W c p is become members of Congress, including democratic representative body, Watson, Coleman of New Jersey and hang action of Georgia play- join the litigation in the coming weeks. According to the news release announcing the Sioux.
The end of a p is not a plain of right because it doesn't have organizational standing and Ben Thompson has no standing and this is all a ruse. It's a PR act. The suit invokes the coup Klux Clan ACT of eighteen, seventy one claiming Trump and Giuliani made false claims that the election was stolen and fomented arrayed that interfered and Congresses constitutional duties, the majority Republicans in the Senate abdicated. Responsibility to all president accountable, see that. We must hold him accountable for the insurrection that he so blatantly planned. Just lie after lie. After lie, its president trunk planned use. now, despite all the reports and even the rogue trial.
There's nothing to support that zero. Craig had said. The Trump and Giuliani helped in sight. The attack during the Save America rally we're both repeated His claims in the election had been stolen. To listen to this crap day in and day out is unbelievable Let me make it clear to Germany, Peters, Philip bump and the other. A bottomest sober there at the Washington Post in the New York Times. there was no insurrection and AOL. Repeat, the word like the Democrats do. but there was no insurrection now answering it was a violent ride and attack an attack
on the capital building and fortunately, we ve seen a lot of violent, It's an attack throughout the summer. But then in the end, w C p didn't really have a big problem. With that They ve never condemned a black lives matter, anything of the sort. As previously reported the? U S. Justice department is also considering whether the charge members of the group of the federal racketeering, influence and crept organizations that I have no problem with that. But then why they doing the same black lives matter and Antigua, and if they are why we hearing about. I mean violence is violence. Ladies and gentlemen, As you all know,. So this is a pathetic train Parents suit to try and tie the name of the coup Klux clan to Tramp and Giuliani, truly disgusting.
Mc Party is tied to the coup, collects clan There is the end, W p b a and w C Emily Thompson. Stammered Democrat. Giuliani servant tied to the clan trumps never been tied to the clan. Joe Biden, was tied to White aggregation us in the Senate that didn't stop them from backing. Joe Biden now did, of course, not. lots of the leaders of the Democratic Party ties to the clan, and we know most of em like robber bird. They do have a problem with Robert Bird. They like Robert Bird. Why me, Why? Because I've told you over and over again the democratic parties about power all of Sarah gets all the institutions that are associated with it are tied to it same damn thing so that about you status. It's not about consistency, it's not about.
Whose telling it's about their power This is a fake Lawson, a fake, Lhasa. Some excellent piece and Pedro media, our friend Matt Margolis his job. Looking to take Obama's places, the most anti Israel president in history he's already there. Brok Obama's antipathy towards Israel during his two terms, was unprecedented at the time, but it looks like nobody's gonna give him a run for his money. As p jams, Robert Spencer noted earlier, Joe Biden as pointedly refrain from calling the head of the government of our most reliable ally in the Middle EAST is Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. which could be an ominous warning, their relations with our most important ally in the Middle EAST over the four years will experience major sir,
backs. While this is clear body rob Anti Semites an anti Israel appointments that binds made and by his own mouth and policies First, three weeks in office Biden spoke of many world leaders, including Russia, President Putin Chinese. President shipping really Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been snubbed. This makes by the first president and modern history to put on history to pay. I'm bolstering? U S, Israel relations. During his initial days in office, the free beacons, Adam Credo noted every president back to release Ronald Reagan at nineteen. Eighty one may contact with their is rarely counterpart within Of assuming office, The notoriously anti Israel, Barack Obama, called Israel's leaders on the first day in office. so called palestinian leaders the same day, but still made a strong effort. Where's
What binds may know ever present of course, had a great relationship with Israel, quickly invited Netanyahu to Washington within days, taking office, present Rob went on to make historic progress with Israel live in the? U S: embassy to Jerusalem, the brokering several peace deals between Israel, machinations of me in them, but I want to explain something too our jewish Nonjurors friends in the audience here. Secular Jews or, like secular Catholics. Like secular Protestants,. So what do I mean by that. What I mean by that is their their leftism comes. First. They look at everything through politics, they look it up things through a
when I. my wife likes to say that's their religion. Imports wrote that's their religion, liberalism and said despite the fact that Donald Trump was the girl His friend the state of Israel ever had in the oval office. you have certain jewish organizations that are very secular and very thus even near Marxist, who trash. you have secularists throughout our media, who would like to that the President of the United States in the case of Donald Trump, was an anti Semites. By the Jews and his family, and despite the fact that it was the most pro jewish samite President ever They would never say the same thing about Iraq, Milhouse Benita Obama. There was an Israel hater, my my belief.
with its associations with the domestic terrorists in the far left of the Democratic Party, also, Ty summit had to talk about this many times in the past Joe Biden again Wants to make a name for himself in history: that's all he cares about now. Has the Corner call progressive president, while the men progressive president has to be a NEO Marxist, because Progressive ISM whisper, by Marxism. Any of you have Add rediscovering americanism and the tyranny of progressive ism you'll understand what I'm talking about or listen to this programme. more progressive, you are calling for the more regressive you actually are: the more anti constitutional as anti capitalism at times smaller republicanism, you are. Joe Biden, wasn't elected to do all these things in it he's doing it.
He sent me a socialist? Come I met me, a socialist he's, an idiot But he is what he is he's doing. What he's doing binds gesture. Raised many questions about the future of America's really relations and let's face it, things aren't off to a promising start. Even Obama outclassed bite in his first days in office. He ended up soon. The damaging relations with Israel, despite israeli leaders when his first day Office Obama refused to accept Jerusalem as the nations capital used to defend his rough. They launched a strike on our anti, also call on Israel to return to the nineteen. Sixty seven borders, which is El considers and his right to consider them absolutely indefensible. Obama also notoriously snuff. Yahoo on many occasions, while he had no problem meeting with members of the terrorist group Hamas and it might The mother, brother Leah, MA
brotherhood and care. A bomb even sent campaign operatives to Israel and twenty fifteen in an attempt to help the feed net YO file election interference. Anyone and spent rid of thousand the taxpayer dollars. Netanyahu extremely in that effort. A bomb also supposed Israel's top secret nuclear programme to the world and spied on Netanyahu during the IRAN's nuclear deal, negotiations. Yet Bygones gonna be worse. I'm going to be worse. What It about the jewish state that the left and the Democratic Party Despiser so much better. Now ass, tally back in Omar impressively ask Elsie. They'll tell you,
I'll be right back then Amy, The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them Believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More
talk a MAC, fights a full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m, a sea dot! U s! That's gotta stay Louisville, Kentucky the Great W Hs hurry. Oh sir, fire there are sites for turkey work or work already got sick,
in Turkey who works with the Czech Republic, The elections I can it's been a long time we ve been trying to do. Mitch. What we Brad again, data work today, Nor we even hell leaning Democrat there was I think that what he did the trunk right at the end of its term and in the whole impeachment thing use made, love others mad. It I've really ready think they were going to have to find another good candidate midge, Why is there for six more years. So I think what we have to do now in Kentucky in other parts of the country is say: do you stay with me.
I would mature Mcconnell were voting against you, whatever office you're running for for going to fight you after absolute. That's where we're They were all big intention of us a very active that have taken like this? Has changed now, we really thought he was that way. Lay you with the party will drop were there, now you know a lot of things that are clear and why Are things didn't get done? Tromp was enough Accounted want good point out and I was run earlier and I agreed with expenditure on either weren't below you know that it inside the part Well, you know we have a problem that can only be fixed. Why
right right now, needs to be isolated, needs to be removed from his leadership position in the Senate. Among them, begins, he's only their cause. The Republicans vote for Republicans in the Senate is colleague gets a majority them to vote from the be their leader and needs to end and then in the estates, his supporters need to be defeated and the candidates he endorses against consumers. They need to be defeated too. So that's how you take. party back and hopefully at some point we take the country back. That's where we're work court. You know after I wouldn't you know it's interesting. I never get a collar here really likes. Ms Mcdonald said they hated his opponent, and this is He gets away with all the time. Opponents. Are so liberal there so appalling. that people say right, although from which Macao that's almost every single election, isn't that what happened? and then he says I can produce for Kentucky anomaly so
the circular argument its Circular argument well here is, he is to me he is not only Ankara around the throat, the neck of the republican parties and anchor around the country. At this point now, abiden run and wild and he's talking about criminal actions against trumpets disgusting disgusting, he's doing nothing good for us for preparatory and you. Don't we can only do our part, which is you know if work in our time, again the candy he's a girl, you don't we we vote locked about names, if we think that might be able to take on, but
just keep at it now we need isolate, and anybody who backs Mcconnell were voting against our I, my friend thank you for your car will be right back AIM Act. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending, disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy. Joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U s! Nobody says the gutter mark Laverne out of order more. Nobody could better call NA irate seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one that's got up:
San Francisco, California, MIKE at the great care so foe. How are you, sir, Good pretty good, that's first time caller, but I'm longtime listener and I make you live out in the middle of nowhere on a ranch where we don't have tv, but I'm going to find it. You know the middle of. Nowhere is a good place to be right. Now, well that's what we're thinking I'm next week, the alligators, we're gonna go into the modem drawbridges, gonna get install now, don't. Let me tell you a secret we're getting a small larvae. first time in my life, I've never. Had an army at only when I had I am to go to the you know they call it the dump to get rid of you know what A figure it out. I just want to be able to get in there with my family and go go wherever we want to go without tee. I say without without Four thousand, you know checks and all I just go anyway. Go ahead.
No, I would just tell him nervous, greener one of the things that people don't seem to realise and warnings. I really appreciate about your comment. Is. Education on the constitution. We are now approaching right now what I call a Capponi in Republic, the people at the top or like Al Capone. There are violating the law, and now they don't- Air that we know that's what's dangerous, lay care that we are now seeing what they're doing too many people- and I won't call this last- farce a trial. It wasn't, but too many of them said. Oh well, Congress, voted on that voted fifty five to forty five, That impeachment was okay, well wake up folks if it had been a hundred senators, Congress does not have the authority to vote.
sell the power to violate the constitution's Zactly. That's what the constitution is all about. A european matter. How many of them say that these new handgun laws come out. through the Congress myself. No, it voted. We vote. In all majority rule that this law is constitutional? Well, guess what folks Congress doesn't have the right to get re, don't even have the right to vote on in Europe actually right and that I can tell you listen to this programme, and I want to thank you. My friend here commentary on what the constitution is and why? means, because then people would start Nothing, you know, with your wallet everybody else. Like I've heard, you say what and on the six Criminal number one another to it's stupid
Vote with your wallet support people who, even if they're not in your state, give me to whoever is running against Mitch. Mcconnell, the conservative given Me too people century, just one reelection. What we need to do is isolated anybody he supports, or anybody who all denounce him. We oppose that's it and you, Not just that give the money send them money for me the other gonna need it was. My conall. Has a bank roll call, the National Republican Senatorial Committee exactly right here, and every senator needs to be told that if you up for reelection, and you have supported him as The head of the Republican, in the Senate, whoever your running against were giving them money don't know that if you keep him in power, that means does that we're not concern but anything else you do. If you, Support him we're boarding your your opponent, income,
we're in the Senate? That's all that's the The only litmus test no you're right. It's time to make a choice time, good choice, like this I've been around. for a very, very long time, much studies the longest serving republican leader in the Senate and for what I mean disgrace. He really is he's done nothing significant, although point a handful of things and I have been there like forty years. They better point to a lot more than a handful and if you do any scratch the surface I heard your last yes their dirty. They do cut business dealings with people that are government, that's openly hostile to us taking money. Isn't it shocking when you think about that I mean I wouldn't even what business dealings with a government that openly hostile with my country. you know I've got a better opens lots of fun on language. Dr Weir,
or two from time to time. The closest ward I can come up with for a description of that is called treason of. Thank you. Makes a good color there and heard from mine MIKE said he hasn't called before he's out the boon docks right, MR producer, all right. Well, let's go to William North Ridge, California, they great care R, L, a eight seventy, the answer: how are you, Sir, Just wonderful and mark, thank you giving me a chance to vent yes, sir, you know, I told your producer, I'm ninety nine years old and I have been in politics for a long time. I voted for by killing Franklin D, Roosevelt twice. hold on hold on a second that has to sync your ninety nine years old.
Yes, I am, God bless your man. Yes right, an about turn empty are twice was in the military back and W W too, in my got out, curse, democratic real well for quite a while, after the war and young people leave money in and I we were alone with all of it is worth. Projects did he did but when we reach What's his name, the man were dead. They tried to kill, but Nixon First report, I voted for was an action I bought it as a Democrat for all Republicans after that, right So. What do you make a binding charter? And I will I heard a chump imo.
like the tea party people, I came up and realise that the left and right we're not doing us any favours, and I switched over to trumpet I've been is like a God man to me. I believe everything chump has been doing, and I thank them. People who got a mother there today, The coup and consistent for routes, the chosen ears, the real extreme left the Bernie Sanders, and this, Liberal Democrats, who don't read my in politics. All they do tat. To read because it the press, really didn't reveal entered into them during, you know doing Four years so Two of my sons, even our I'm alive and they no, they don't even know what job dead for years and I think a toilet
people are, but I'd think what's gonna happen that the money that Julian arrows war I live by buying all of them out, and I don't know who the tsar won't be Joe, you knows, I think love will make the left Sorry that they spend all their money trying to be chump, I hope you're right, my friend how you feeling how's your health. I did make blocking this morning, having deal with those guys just slip out from under a rock and his name is what color you mean the Mcconnell. yeah right, listen we'll call again, William. Thank you very much. At least I got the shots on my chest and you a great job. I want to. Thank you, William you'd, take care yourself, God bless, you isn't that terrific.
let's go to our friend ray. We don't know At a time, re, Livermore, California, exam Satellite, California is wide awake and they want in go right ahead Ray. thank you for everything you do mark, we love, they show. We love you thanks. Rapid Peter Schweitzer on you are a constitution Professor in a voice for a lot of us out, your your voiceless show Mcconnell What I heard from one trumps top adviser you recognizes name if I said so, was that when President Tromp met with his the talking congressional leaders. The first person through the door was Mcconnell and the very first thing he said. president drop was we We heard enough about this drain. The swamp rat work done with it. real. What that tells me Mcconnell was one of the biggest swamp creatures therein, Sir there's that about it. He shall build this.
You don't hear railing against government, you know I am demanding slashing departments and agencies. Here. What do you hear him say when the governments going to shut down it's not going to shut down? I will not allow it right. run shut. The government Donnelly six times in You get what you needed to get from a Democrat Congress, but My Connell's that guy now we're not shut and a guy we're not doing this, we're not doing that this guy This guy is a big government corporate us. That's all! He is right, I'll get mad at me. Good man right, I gotta, go I'll, be right back
The association of mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now over two million conservative member strong and on one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access toy wealth, the benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint AIM act; instead, a M a sea dot! U S, rats goat! I can add Arbour, Michigan acts, M satellite area, Sir.
good, I dont marked very low. Thank you, sir. good, hey I'd like to run something by all the people who donate a republic, Indian Republican Party segments with no matter which ones they are now young Europe. As as hard as twenty twenty was and Eliza. The presidency was in some ways it could be a huge opportunity. We really did see how bad the leadership of the Republican Party was. I think until twenty twenty it did open our eyes. Much like perfect, given twenty twenty is and- and I think I would run an idea by all of those republic- a donor doubt there, including be let's put moratorium on donating do any Republican. I've always said donate to the candidate, not the bureaucracy but
chick, lit a national republican senatorial Committee, which relies frankly on big time money over three hundred thousand dollars. A pop. Don't give any more money to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, you back a candidate than back the candidate that is Mitch Mcconnell Slush fund. Just so you understand I want to thank. You can appreciate it. Ladies and gentlemen, we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel, and all of you, magnificent patriots, unwanted thank each and every one of you and I'll see you tomorrow, goblet from the West would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-12.