« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/14/23


On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a reason why President Biden and his administration are silent on inflation today – because it’s a disaster. New inflation numbers are up and we are only going to see it get worse. Biden’s inflation reduction act increased inflation. People are now going into their personal saving accounts and their 401K's for basic commodities as they try to just get by. Also, Senators got an intelligence briefing on the objects shot out of the sky and they didn’t learn anything they didn’t already know from the press. But Rep. Mike Turner is warning that the U.S doesn’t have an adequate radar system to determine what is in America’s skies. Meanwhile, the rest of the country sees what is happening at the southern border but for some reason Biden and leadership refuses to do anything about it. This is having an effect however now in Democratic cities where illegals are being shipped to. Later, the Biden administration has declared war on the suburbs in the name of equity. This administration announced they will cut off funding if towns across the U.S. don’t submit an equity plan. This will allow them to have complete control.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now broadcasting only underground demand, both than the bowels of the hidden bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader mark living here. Our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one we will take calls during the course of this
eight seven seven, three eight one: three one. One. What can I do this? Virtually every night for the next few weeks, just remind people who come and go. The word Biden stands on so such security and medic. I would normally do this, but since To a pathological liar and the Rub media collectively, pathological liars along with an Keep trying to scare you seniors there. I guess I'm one now that they're going to social security and medicare, which does need an overhaul, but that's for another day. He said. Image Mcconnell took the opportunity to try and take out rick Scott is Biden goes without without an attack Mcconnell, of course,. Just reminder: nineteen. Ninety five senator Joe Biden go.
I when I argue that we should freeze federal spending ice, makes so securities. Well, I met. I met a k, I'm on weapons that every single solitary thing in the government, And I not only tried it once I try to twice. I tried it the third time and are trying to a fourth time, yeah chose a little slow. So the question is this: then. Why is he going out there in accusing the republican party of doing But he did and then. Trying to condemn them. Because it's a chameleon he sleazy here They street politician with a very low. I q, that's what he is. And he's in constant cover up mode weather. These things in the sky, where you won't give a speech to the american people,
Can you think of another president. Well. We ve now shut down for objects. who goes mum Those mom can you think of her. a president who is essentially mom when comes to this massive derailment and our high on the agenda. Mental disaster that that its cause. Oh now, they're starting this people there always too little too late. They had to be dragged into these arguments are fetnah. You think, a president who only when talked much about fence, which he in so many respects, is responsible for all fifty States now have have ties to drug cartels, from mexico in their states, every major metropolitan area that wasn't it, Hey two years ago, pretty amazing, don't you think about look at inflation?
there's a reason: why binding, Talk about inflation today these pugsy idiot didn't talk about inflation today, the other spoke sadia didn't talk about inflation today. there's a reason why the media really haven't covered this today, because it's a disaster. Cnbc inflation rose have four percent in january, more than expected and up six point, four percent. From a year ago, Jeff Cox, Bp, consumer price index was up six point: four percent from the same period in twenty twenty two, both numbers, the consumer price index high, unexpected across the board, increases and shelter, food and energy, How many of you need shelter, food and energy? They boosted the index here Inflation and showed signs of receiving and recent months yeah, if you can
food and energy in your house for your apartment. You know then that we're doin, ok super. Or services inflation, which is key for the fed and excludes food. Energy and shoved wrote point two percent for the month and was four percent higher than a year ago she turned to higher to start twenty twenty three rising or gas in fuel prices took their toll on consumers. The light department, labour department reported. the consumer price index measures a broad basket. Goods and services- half a percent- it rose in january. Annual rate of six point: four percent inflation. I remember we had no inflation, none.
Rising shelter costs accounted for about half the monthly increase. The bureau of labor statistics reported that component accounts for more than one third of the index and rose point seven percent on the month of seven point now at present from a year ago, not point seven percent. On the month point Seven percent of the month means almost ten percent for the year. Energy also was a significant, contributed gee. I wonder why, whose stronger energy independence up two percent and eight point. Seven percent same time. Last year food costs rose. Ten point: one percent compared to last year. Rising prices means a loss and real pay for workers. Ever generally, earnings fell point two percent for the month, we're down one point, eight percent from a year ago, so
Point of that is even if you're getting a salary increase. Even if you are in areas where the minimum wage is going up. Inflation is outpacing. Your increase. Inflation is still a force in the. U s: economy endangers slipping into recession this year. They say that has come, by the federal reserve efforts to quell the problem, the central bank has hiked its benchmark interest. Eight times since march, twenty twenty two inflation rose to its highest level in forty one years last summer so buying inherits an economy with the lowest inflation in history, probably certainly in modern times, and then increase is it to the highest level in over for decades. Course she's not talk about it. Fed chairman Jerome Powell has talked about disinflationary force,
is it play, but generous number show. The central bank probably still have work to do and so forth. The next big data point will be retail sales, which hits tomorrow tomorrow morning, at eight thirty, eastern economists survey by the dow expect. The figure which is not adjusted for inflation was That sells rose one point: nine percent in january from the prior month. That's we what there hoping widespread believe they can Then we could tipp into at least a shallow recession later this year, early twenty twenty three and it goes on. so that's what the inflation reduction activated! Increased inflation! That's what the infrastructure acted paddle! is anybody seeing any infrastructure building.
There was an already going on prior to the passage of the infrastructure bill I haven't seen of using any where you live must reduce it. Haven't seen a new shovel go under the ground, mister bidders horizon. He's a new york have, I missed Call screener he's in new jersey seen anything knew nothing, I would see anything new. Virginia and I haven't seen anything new in florida. But don't worry they they joined. I was infrastructure with the help of which my car nolan see gram and lazy grams out their work and with the Democrats fora. Amnesty for two million people of had it with that guy. To be honest with you, so enough already with the rhinos. So the truth is the economy sucks, that's the truth,
regardless of what anybody else tells you that's the truth. I want to get into a few other issues here, like. Not only does bide not talk about these things, Violated our own sovereignty, our airspace, as well as candidates. but apparently there was a briefing of the senators may be some house members as well. Today,. I'm cotton came out out and said I was told basically everything I read in the newspaper everything we already knew. Even it Craig came another denying get from from connecticut and he looked more befuddled, then usually there are usually looks per and even he was saying what we can learn a hell of a lot. but unfortunately we are learning a lot and sows the enemy with them.
Sophisticated chet fighters, face the years with them. Sophisticated technology, honing systems, radar systems. If sixteen fighter jets said to shoot down the airlock, act: lake, huron, michigan this week. missed with its first missile she's me. The damn thing is floating: I get hit with a baby rifle, he missed it she missed it with the first shot. The first missile Firms, the head of the joint chiefs mark milly, he missed it. Is rather than this off changes: how the euro may go about downing. The next aerial object over its territory, milk, that officials go to great lengths to make sure that the airspace is clear. In the backdrop is clear to maximum
fact of range of the missile. He added that the missile landed here, Firstly, in the water, like your own, it was later track. That's not the issue. If I gave a friggin geringer, whatever the hell, it is how we're going another jack you idiot. First, it is three newer objects which was shut down from forty thousand feet over last on friday was hit after. President Biden gave the order: oh yeah he's given orders he gave the order on a wednesday they shouted down on a friday. What did they yeah? lisa a honing pigeon. What did he do centre by irregular first class mail? Please shoot down the sex, was brought down on saturday in northern canada after prime minister, trudeau, green, The nation abiden authorized fighter jets to fly into canada, guessing many jets left in canada, the third?
object initially label an unidentified aircraft was down sunday over like here on internationally spotted saturday Montana. Look at that fill us. Look in the sky and we got all these radar systems and it takes frank and fill us perceive that damn thing. we don't know where it came from what you don't know where it came from. Don't you have eyes on the enemy. The white house said the uncertainty that surveillance capabilities of the three objects led Biden, orders for the military. There shoot em all down. You planning to take air balloons over the way. I don't recommend it right now. In other words,. Apparently because we can track or shoot down spiral.
are these other objects? We can't fairer they're coming from the order, it just shoot everything. And that the administration will establish an inner agency team to look into and identified objects and yours airspace the option Sorry identify just too late bother you governance currently pulling parts or the chinese spy. The learned from the atlantic ocean Molly said it will be different. to recover their three recently down objects, as they have all fallen at a very difficult terrain. The sex one off the coast of alaska really Difficult terrain in the arctic circle is so very, very low temperatures and minus forty is the second one the canadian rockies and the yukon very difficult. Get that one and the third one is in lake huron, and probably a couple hundred feet deep, we'll get them eventually it's going to take some time to recover those really here. Ass is fired and it's a big ass.
Your big ass is fired. Knowing Where did they come from? Where were they? It's just it's just. We are being let down, as I say over and over again by this ruling class, it is incompetent it is. radical left wing ruling class. These agencies, in these departments are used on power, these agencies and departments their use to empower the democratic party in the radical agenda there. used to leak information to a corrupt media, then, in turn him aces celebrates emboldens the radical left We have things in the sky that they can you in the sky.
But they don't even know where they come from within. sophisticated equipment on the face of the earth there. One positive thing I can think of coming out of this, MR producer: maybe that's it won't steal as much because you're going change. If they can't figure out it's a balloon. Maybe we don't need that particular technology I'll be right back it then I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. We are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing: there is that crazy spending in debt, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for one case it's one reason: americans get gold, I raise to protect their hard, earned, saving
here's a company. I trust. I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you have saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four we're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. I want to put this marker down again. I am not one of these, One of these people, Conservatives, constitutional conservative.
who says we should be cutting our defence budget. These People don't represent conservatism, they don't represent the vast majority of. of conservatives at all. I know you would think they represent the vast majority of mega. you see what communist china is doing. The soviets never die The communist china do I ever. If we don't muscle up our military. We don't start walk and strain on their stuff. We don't are producing the supplies. Are we need to back up the forces that we support. and the men and women and uniform of their lives on the line. We are going to have a world war because we're going to prevent These bastards
tat is. I want to tell you about something: they help you protect. Your retirement people are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well. For one thing there is that crazy spending and dead, created by Biden and the Democrats that huge dead affects your savings, especially pensions. I raise, and for a one case, it's one reason: americans get gold arrays to protect their hard earned savings by here's a company? I trust I help you with a gold. I re august a precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I write if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one web conference to schedule, call eight seven, seven, four, our gold. I re that's eight, seven, seven for gold, irae, eight, seven! Seven!
for gold IRA. Do you? Have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the rest? is as well my glove in america, his think tank, and you can call him at eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one in which the job and uniquely solely the job of the federal government to protect us from foreign threats states. Do it individuals, Kent. And so we build up a defence department and we expect them to do it is to be a focus of congress. That's one of congress is key responsibilities. We call the president. The commander in chief A reason, but they ve been so busy and
Acting themselves in us from what they're supposed to do that we have a problem now. the busy redistributing wealth. their busy rearranging our culture and our society their bids, the attacking the productive and delivering for people on the doll. no busy trying to change the citizenry in the demographics of the country there busy trying to replace capitalism with socialism, our culture with marxism. Busy brainwashing archer busy doing everything, but what they're supposed to do Suppose, if you believe america is a failed experiment and liberty, I suppose if you believe in the sixteen nineteen project and tearing down our monuments, I
Suppose a few believe our that. Then, why defend the country. but really two countries on one may be more p. Who volunteer to defend this country to fight for this country People who won't to defend the country and our streets, the cops and so forth and then waved the takers. Make demands. I went stood alone forgiveness. I want reparation. that I shouldn't have that I should have that reduced, Fusion of wealth, evelyn turn into rights. Some else's. Income belongs to strangers, not their family. They give you another example.
One of the great news sites, epic times jack, philips, writing hop lawmaker, warned you doesn't have an adequate radar system after flying object, shot down what. The chairman of the house intelligence committee- this is, I believe, his name is MIKE rogers. More U s does not have an adequate radar system after multiple incidents involving flying objects. In recent days. It's my turn, or rather. We don't really have adequate radar system We certainly don't have an integrated missile defence system, we're going to have to begin To look at the united states, air space is one that we need to defend said wrapper Sensitive. My turner, the new chairman of the house intelligence committee,
I see state of the union on Sunday. There shows some of the problems and gaps that we have. Did you know we had problems and gaps in our area, and system over our own continental, united states. For god's sakes,. This is amazing to me. Maybe we can learn something from the israelis. They know when a second time is something has been shot into their skies? The sign? this go off. there I am dom system is at the ready. What what the hell's going on here Makers have sounded the alarm after a suspected chinese spy. Balloon was spotted over yours territory February for some of the military.
The shooting down the aircraft travelled over much. The continental united states before was down by an f twenty two raptor on the coast of south. Carolina days later and then Of course we have all the rest of it going on. including one shot at one, object that missed that missed top republican the sky, turner said that he hasn't been briefed on the latest developments around unknown objects being shut down. I think he was today, but he described. Lack of intelligence and details, particularly annoying claiming their need to be more engagement within the administration in congress wilder and cover up mouth. That is what bind us. That's what he does probably their little hasn't and after the chinese balloon fiasco, he said when they let it go across the country to great care
isn't bipartisan by camera. Criticism from congress Certainly, I knew recent development they of china being so aggressively entering our countries. Airspace Meanwhile, Senate majority leader truck sumer, told a separate Program, sunday, the: u S, officials have ended, did to him that they believe the recently shot down objects are balloons. no they're, not as large as the one. Now, how can that be? When one of the pilots said that one of them was not a balloon texture? action on tv v. Doesn't shimmer reminded this Adam shift to complete sleep balls will say and do anything. You're saying do anything. shimmers said. Teams for recovering debris out will shimmer reads the same news: that rest of us read and no matter what you The fund by no matter what he will attack republicans.
bottom line is until a few months ago we didn't know about these balloon. Shimmer said his wife We didn't know now they are learning more in the military intelligence or focus like a laser on first gathering and accumulating the information they coming up with it. Hence of analysis. I don't even know what they mean: anybody Let me can I in defence minister, Anita man, total news. Haven't sonata, whether one of the objects flying at around forty thousand feet had been shot down. Hours later in the? U s the FDA said Saturday night, it had closed some airspace in Montana and all the rest of it. I don't blame The men and women in the air force- I don't blame the men and women who do all the grunt work, can the military, Blame the politicians
in the bloated bureaucracy at the pentagon, starting At top of this formally. I believe the manchurian president Joe Biden. I blame them. All these tough guy signing letters about the laptop the honor buying laptop fifty want. That's all, Firstly, russia: now you know stunt there responsible for making sure that nor rad in our skies we're safe. They did wish Mr Brittan almost did it. did a very poor job, didn't they. But what gets me is at first, Communist chinese balloon the thereunder and it was Because from one nuclear missile site to another tool, all three, including the most important of the bunch, and they
Let them gather information and they pretend they haven't, nor should it down when it's done, but don't worry america, they blocked their ability to compete kate with the mother ship, I guess I don't believe that for a minute, not for a minute. But all of a sudden we had the capability to do that, but we didn't have the key ability to even figure out the hell it was for so long. The job I noted it shot down, and they expect us to believe that. After all the time they went by. So we do not have a inadequate. Air radar system to cover united states
tongue about daring, jerseys, the sort of things that were used during world war one hundred years ago. We're not talking about satellites in space. We're not talking about supersonic. Jets gathering information red thousand feet, we're not talking about high tech, cutting edge technology and we don't even have the capability when it comes to below you are you kidding me like? Said the israelis would a shut and out of the sky two seconds that doesn't make me happy and how How is it we? Don't we don't have any you know we develop these. These strategic defence initiative s die, they mocked at a star wars and the guy
was to be able little, not their missiles out of the sky, We ve got a long way in developing there, but we Not missiles out of the sky, but not balloons, I mean something is going on here in congress and being told the truth. congress is not being told the truth. I do not ass. They headed the joint chiefs. I do not trust the secretary of the fence, in fact, Finally, all the other secretaries of defence and the heads of the joint chiefs Cloning under donald trump, except perhaps the last offensive, Nobody wasn't there long enough. There, responsible for this, all of them mad dog. What I was mad dog doing. one around one or any other doing. You know you look at this thing in ukraine for many
disagree with me? I think we need to continue to support ukraine. If you oppose where war three at the support? Ukraine, putin's already told us his goal is to cut through ukraine and attacked poland. So, let's, Pretend it all begins and ends with yes and the ukrainians have done a masterful job there. Why Fourth, the size population, wise or the other since they do not have the industrial capability of the russians to all their notes were given back to russia and they were promised geographic security. And, of course, they violated the russians the way the Chinese did with the the island of hong kong. My point is when I hear we're running out of munitions. Don't let me ask you a question
We're running out of munitions in vietnam in korea Was a surprise attack no. Can you think of any war, shorter civil war, but since the summer war, where we were running out of munitions. What does not all about supply chain problems. so whether its bullets and missiles Pillory shells maybe formula or whatever it is eggs out of these things. I don't ever remember this happening ever ever, but then Pga, media pentagon's, anti white diversity chief comes up with a novel way to excuse her own races
I don't remember this evening, the Democrats, Parties, racist routes, but with a twist of course, being imposed on our culture being imposed, on the bureaucracy being imposed on the military. Moron I returned much love in the. I want to tell you about something to help you protect your retirement. People are worried about the economy, because twenty twenty two didn't go very well for one thing: there's the crazy spending and debt created by Biden and the Democrats that huge debt affects your savings, especially pensions, iras and four o one case. It's one reason: americans get gold,
I raise to protect their hard earned savings or here's a company. I trust I help you with a gold. I re augusta precious metals. What makes a gust of precious metals different they'll tell you not to buy a gold. I arrive if it's not right for you. If you ve saved a hundred thousand dollars and more safe here, I re or your fora. One k sign up for a one on one wed conference to schedule call eight seven, seven four, we're gold ira, that's eight, seven, seven, four gold ira, eight, seven, seven, four gold ira- if you have a financial professional, obviously talk to them before making an investment decision visit august, the precious metals dot com and check out the risk disclosures as well. I'm gonna continue sunless after the top of the erika. You need to know the pentagon,
anti white diversity chief comes up with a novel way to excuse her own racism by robert spencer, at pga media. The diversity, equity, inclusion. Chief, this d, I for the defense departments Rules is in hot water over water being termed racially disparaging remarks. A colossal wing. That's her name is no bore connor wing away. well describes herself as a woke administrator has indulge in today's most culturally acceptable form of racism, hatred of white people, she's, belatedly, drawn the attention of law makers. Four remarks you made back and twenty twenty twenty twenty one and is fighting Act with an interview published friday and military times, her defence should or hate filled and racist remarks as a private citizen, not as an employee the department of defense there. Now, don't you feel better wing said flatly called
I did not make disparaging comets against white people. I would never categorize an entire group of people to despair Really well, let's see, according to a We're twenty twenty two fox news report wing loosened. I her rancid twitter feed. You don't member joy red, pull that tweeted june. Twenty twenty quote, I'm so exhausted at these white folk for folks rather spout f, o exe. These white folks in these professionals, elements sessions, this lady actually had the cod, city, meaning caucasian to say that Our people can be racist. Two I had to stop the session and give care in the business. We're not majority. We don't have powers, so they have redefined were racism. The people who can be races. Her white paper. Blacks and other minorities cannot that's not the definition, but it's the new definition.
Wing was misusing the left in the same lexicon here for folks ever well acts as marian Webster, which is now is woke, as everyone else tells us, is this spelling quote used especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized. this marginalize stuff. You live in a free country. You can pursue whatever you want. This is one of them. Made things about stephen, a smith's book. Peabody, is in rich everyone. is born in earthly you're free and shall be sure, still likes to say. You're free go go, do would free people should do be motive, it get informed gain knowledge. Do something
We frequently expressed exasperation with how inside well white people dare to behave in her presence. She said another karen tells me about her feelings lose it when a critic together. The wings claim that racism is ingrained, the very fabric of our country, the diverse equity inclusion, cheese response was a sink by Karen. Now, however, wing has tried to explain all this away by insisting she wasn't speaking in official capacity for them now speaking as much as it private individual about my private free speech from July twenty twenty. She also attempted to justify her remarks by claiming privileged victimhood status. There's more on this, I really think you ought hear this, because this is part of the problem of the defence department, this is the diversity, equity and inclusion chief chief for the pentagon,
I've got more when I return I'll be right back. The next segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The american mark. Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one
three, eight one one. I want to get back to this. The chief. Diversity, equity, inclusion, not those words, sound great diversity, equity and inclusion. Who could be opposed to that diversity? Ok, that's a fact: equity and and inclusion. My goodness. But what this promotes is racism. It's not Add diversity, it's not about inclusion. woody. Yes, marxism So here we have the chief of De I diversity, equity, and inclusion, and none of you ve never heard about any of this. I am sure I had she said:
defense department colusa when K e l, I s a wing w. I n g want to thank robert spencer for highlighting this for us over at PJ media. so she said many many bigoted in racist things and then say. you re, she said no, I can't be on my white and that's the new mantra. she says I was in a space where I was the only person of color. The purpose of that was People wanting to reconcile what was happening at the present time in the middle that's session. Someone just called out while black people are racist, too didn't have any kind. Extra. Where we were talking about, and I started to explain to her that. Yes, every it can be racist, but we're talking about system, racism and how, impacts people in their ability for housing. Their vote for a lot of things that something that I thought that
were there to discuss. I can't have decayed for equity and acts as an opportunity and then not be to advocate for myself when an injustice is happening for myself. I have to stand up at some point This is the right time for great, but she supposed to be the diversity, equity and inclusion supervisor for the department of defense education activity which, according to ox quote- provides K through twelve education to the deity immunity in the: u s and all over the world, other words the children of the military, how will we avoid bringing her own racism into her work with just that, certain according to military times. Twenty but good law makers, including members of the house on service, has committee wrote to secretary fence, lloyd, Austin proudly wasted time demanding to no other deity. Officials were aware of wings tweets before they place turner current position, lama
It's also s austin. Whether the department of defense endorses the ideology in those tweets. Whether it's been incorporated, the curriculum proposed by the d o d- these? Important questions, yet the law makers and austin two letters about this in january and they ever received a response he busy chasing bologna, crap. the mere questioning of austrian. Apparently is racist, see how it works. the ostensibly marginalized and oppressed you so don't think they have any legation to address the concerns of their putative oppressors? Yes, I think nobody's red american marxism. Don't you mister booth, I think to these writers and thinkers have, and we of course, austin winger. The latest nodded
rested Austin apparently does a day and answer questions from those who have no power to cause him any professional difficulty net. They get to well see like wing. While I can just cry racism works like a charm works like a charm, Because the racists, in this case wing campi racists by our own definition,. and the administration key planet, from a daily signal. Conservatives need not apply under by administrations, proposed hiring roadside progenitor this one either by our body hans VON spakovsky. When a move, that's got a little notice in the press. Of course, the bite administration is proposing. A federal hiring rules that easily could be views to deny employment to anyone who questions liberal world politics
criticizes. The garment har belongs to a politically incorrect organization. the vague, nebulous language of the proposed changes in existing government. Hiring regulations could be exploited and allow as government manages to put up a virtual conservatives, need not apply sign when it comes to Federal civil service leaving rejected applicants with little recourse. These people are so evil. It's just unbelievable and left the off sir personnel management, the human resources department of the entire federal government, proposed amendments. On january, thirty, one in the federal register, were they know you warm outlook, call personnel, vetting, investigative and adjudicated I see for determining suitability and This court, on quote for government employment. Eighty eight,
far sixty one. Ninety two Black now has until April three to five comments. The proposed suitability and Fitness- vetting amendments as to propose explains the term suitability and fitness refers to quote a vision by an agency that an individual does or does not have the required level of character and conduct necessary, unquote to work in a fit late agency This assessment has nothing to do with summons qualifications for a job and everything to do with a subjective assessment of a prospective employee under there Regulation, an applicant is disqualified by from employment by the federal. For knowing and wilful engagement and acts are activities designed to overthrow the. U S, government
Certainly, no one disagrees with that standard, since no one should be a federal employers engaged in such behaviour to standard quite Didn't background investigators, a prospective employees list of reference, but the administration is proposing to replace that straightforward standard with four other standards, Knowing engagement and acts are activities with the purpose of overthrowing federal state, local or tribal governments, acts of four violence, intimidation or coercion with the purpose of denying others the free exercise of their rights. It's under the euro constitution or any state constitution attempting to indoctrinate others to incite them to action in furtherance of illegal acts. Active
membership or leadership in a group with knowledge of its unlawful aims or participation in such a group of specific content of further its unlawful aims. Standard above a similar to the current stand in its not controversial, but the problem with the other three proposed standards There's so broad, and so vague nuanced is the words of the opium proposal there Give ideologues who predominate the civil services ranks the ability to jack, almost anyone whose critical of government policies you know like you, full traditional practising catholics out there. Managers. Lhasa, could reject anyone who questions the axe and eva government officials. There are voices opinions, it don't fit with the except the political orthodoxy. The times that say its value, such as
Racial preferences and higher college emissions is unacceptable in moral discrimination. The adapt that members progressive left, long of claim that words and free speech, or a little form of violence that they intimidation and coercion. A luxuriant Oh casio court does notably claims Criticism of her is not tone its violence and a twentieth and twenty thousand and eighteen former vice president Biden, like the rhetoric of their presence, try to mass shootings in terror bombings, sort of thing that Joe scarborough accuses republicans. after our words, are venom and violence. The left never needs to engage in real debate to the use of this. People who cancelled harry potter, novelist, shaky rolling. J k, rolling pardon me by our
Let her opinions on twitter represent a violent threat to the trans community. The left is pushing classifies criminal aid speech, any opinions, with which it disagrees on issues such as illegal immigration, racial preferences, abortion claiming such speed. marginalized certain social groups. Is expressing the opinion that there is no constitutional right to abortion and active intimidation of coercion?. That denies either the free exercise of their rights under the constitution. Probably the view of those, including the current presently united stage of harshly condemn the supreme court in the dobbs case. Ask yourself this. Can you imagine a government bureaucrat in charge of hiring every claiming that opposition to liberal state, abortion laws as an attempt to indoctrinate others heard to incite them tat. In furtherance of illegal acts,
thereby allowing the applicant to be rejected under opium third standard. In other words, pretty obvious. What's going on here and, ladies and gentlemen, if the old and wants to do something to help protect the free exercise of rights by the public and of the constitution start by estimating every federal employ within the fbi, the justice department, department of homeland security and other agencies. Men involved in directing social media companies to censure the opinions and views of american citizen- our fault the stone of the backbone to do that. How about investigating every federal german employ below the domestic terrorists, the parents who showed up at local school board meetings to complain about the races propaganda instead of their children. Reverie govern employee, targeted catholics for their traditional views on marriage, abortion and other issues where every gun,
employee, who contributed to the political persecutions of pro life advocates. abuse of the so called facing every come on any of this happening rather than do the hard work of holding its current workforce to appropriate standards, the office of personal management? That's now And by a radical left, winger like all the The government under Biden once Make it even easier on the front end for the federal government to unfairly discriminating tying practices that won't be stopped? They will put this in place, so that they will have a litmus test for anybody who wants to serve in the federal bureaucracy in any part of it. from the department of agriculture in department of labour armed defence department of state department of justice. treatment of energy environmental predict, an agency all like minded eighty, alas,.
conservatives need not apply its back enough already. Isn't it. they want to change. The voting rules are nationalism, so republicans can never went again. They were Add for more senators to the united states Senate from DC importer rica, sir replied, Guns can never have a majority again, they want a pact. Supreme court turn it into a radical, a politburo so only only radical leftists will win the day with a majority. They want to continue to use the federal bureau of investigation aka, the american stasi to go after their their political once and destroy their lives, bankrupt them send them the prison. They want to continue to use the department of justice to go after parents who dare do
The questions about racism in critical race theory and the sexual icing of their little kinda gardeners. Lou to stand up to their preferred. Any ain't I have tea: the public sector unions, their army of precinct workers. or stand up to the the war. The attack on the pro life community, which has reached a fever pitch our people. To protect their communities from millions of illegal aliens pouring into the country or drug cartels, So now the network, a network to spread fetnah another drugs and their criminal activity in every single state of the union, and every city can hire people who oppose the democratic path
that's the bottom line. The democratic party is the party totalitarianism, party, racism. I'll? Be right back much love in the end when the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't, because we all know big business, especially big wireless business, is going to lock you down in a multi year contract with huge penalties, not pure
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had cast pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for details of muzzle laney, ITALY's muzzle laney dictator, they used to say of the fascist, willie and he made the trains run up. But our ruling class increasingly fascistic in its outlook and its conduct. Then we will have the trains running or they can we get the planes to fly on time. They can't even get a supply chain to work so that people in Italy- Their freedoms were seized. We're surrendered, muzzle laney pointed to the fact that he could make the economy work. He could make the country work.
Biden can't even do that. So that's the worst of all world. You surrender your liberty or their being its being seized from you. You just you're making ability, competition, capitalism and nothing works. nothing's going to work, think about We're talking about a yo, see Bernie sanders nancy Pelosi, chuck shermer joy Biden kamala harris among them. They have a negative seventeen. I q. But none of them are accomplished at anything except it being big gun, it marks a sets. It they're accomplished What they are witches renders consequence for the american people and quite serious about this.
strolled about these. Sixteen nineteen project we were talking about the d. diversity, equity and inclusion chief over there for the kids military personnel. The department of defense, a uniquely qualified racist, bigot,. And yes, you can be a racism big it if you're not wipe. changing language. Changing definition, another tell tale sign of totalitarianism. I am a big fan of a professor by then Of land use- l, I don't know, I don't need to know her. but I know of her and I've read many of the things that she's written the lead article she pointed out. few months back in the real clear politics for the sixteen nineteen project is binding.
Hannah Jones. Now this is the woman. May I say woman. I think I will make it easier for the rest of us. There promoted by the new york slides peggy have remains very concerned about what I tweet, but maggie hammer means not very concerned about our own pathetically and casting newspaper corps asian she works for then ex limes and they Some column she writes, for which paid an enormous amount of money. You know she used for conservative papers, hey butt monies better on the other side, no Hannah jones. Not historian, but you'll get a prize winner behind the sixteen nineteen project. It's pushed in Thousands of our schools need a little bit more about the call. May I call you nicole a. I think I think I will weather
not so stick with me, Be right back, you know. When the going gets tat, you can count on big business to have your back while not really. You certainly can't because we all know big business, especially big wireless business. It's gonna lackey down in a multi year contracts with huge penalties, not pure talk
no, the no contract wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee. That's right, pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back so, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month cut your bill in half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shares your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee got a pure talk: dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, E v, I n podcast that say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure dot com, promo code, l e veolan, podcast pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply, see, site for details,
My blood then thunder on our right going now. Seventy seven forty one, forty eight quite one. Well, let me take little break from the news its valentine's day is. All of you should know. I'm a very lucky man, I really am My man all evidence. Suggest I am biological evidence, even between my ears. like to think I'm a man But I am a very lucky man Cause, I have the most wonderful wife, my wife, Julie,. And the most wonderful family and kids.
And increase in africa or brother. And I had fantastic parents, and I have a fantastic mother in law and extended family. A very lucky person I get moody from time to time. Everybody gets moody from time to time. How can you read this a day in and day out and have to live it day in and day out and not get hot and cold over, but still. It's just a very fortunate every not just valentine's day every single day, and I bet you are too, if you really think about it,. And you're my extended extended family right
Why me, hopefully most nights, but whenever you can, terrestrial radio. Let means I am, and fm radio on the podcast, Basically, is the radio show. be join me on online, live stream Can you join me on the mark, levine app and the iheart radio app Satellite radio or wonderful, reset some folks. and in so many other values and platforms, it's amazing really the I look at valentine's day how blessed I am truthfully, and you should too, if you're happy.
And it is a day for flowers were candia dinners and that sort of thing but and cards. Those are important. how may cards remember we used to do that or purchase card if they speak to you. But I want to thank my found family who want to thank my wife. because I am- I am very lucky very, very lucky, and I know it, and I appreciate it. And I want to be the first tell you those of who care. That we went to an adoption And a dog adoption of that on saturday, no wait a minute.
It's no was sunday, I guess Lost dog and cat where we adopted irony and more and marty some years back, fantastic organization, as are some many of the no cure charitable organizations had run these events, and I cannot thank you all. By name- but I want to thank you all for what you do, your truly valentines And my wife's has been, Can a motivated to get another dog I've been canada down about it are not getting a dog went down we lost but we showed up and the dogs are fantastic.
There was one dog with three legs that beautiful daughter, female dog got adopted. Couple of puppies there. I think we weren't the whole time, one of them gonna dat worried about some of the dogs, because there Necessarily cutie cutesy so I ask them. I said they all eventually adopted and they said yeah they do. There was a, big pounder mix, who was beautiful and mass of the bureau of just a great dog, and there were others And we saw us this dog
would say tat color like grave cause, colors botanic color about thirty thirty. Two pounds should await about. Already. I suppose he came out of a year ever play some poor eureka. well there's a lot of dogs just roaming, the streets and I think there were eight of them- These three of them died. He was rescued spent several months old. And even though, is a lab mix. He looked a little bit like a little greyhound, a mayor, a medium sized greyhound in the face. You know that the kind of dough dear look, MR producer,
Remember to the petsmart. I want to thank petsmart Petko and everybody else who participates in the east and its tail. Was not up was wrapped between his legs, which means he scared to death. By the time we left his tail was out and it was wagging must produce. What do you think about that?. and. We decided we're gonna go adapter about a week or two will we'll pick him up? Take him home. And when we do that, I will share the photo with you and You will have a brand new life will be tracked around From a land to event, you know that's very more that they are so people are exposed to them.
We'll have a permanent family. Were excited about that. I am, I wife is my Our daughter learn has done that she named reagan, so beautiful dog. Was several months old when she and her- The neck and the kids grandkids adopted him after Tragedies with two other puppies one, the died from autumn automobile, be eventually in another. They had for a week or two and had cancer spreading throughout its body and died my daughter, she's she's remarkable. Our daughter is remarkable. And she she went along with thirty,
this dog and neck is a dog I and the kids are late. The dog reagan. reagan. Imagine that region we ve come up for this dog is ronnie. Mr producer. So when there together, it'll be Ronnie reagan which A man she called her beloved ronald reagan, julie, originally thought max. I wasn't into that. None of us were too many, the family but Ronnie, I like the the The sound of ronnie like barney, see. You know that sort of thing. So well. That's the update, that's the situation, This valentines And today is also the birthday of my niece.
Sarah Levine and she's, fantastic to eye on our brothers door. All right now, you're up the speed mark God's sakes. We don't give a damn our. I welcome K wilma war. Will jump back in as soon as I return I'll, be right, back much love in the you know. When the going gets tough, you can count on big business to have your back while not really You certainly can't because we all know big business, especially big wireless business. It's gonna lock yet down in a multi year contracts with huge penalties, not pure talk, no, no
Track wireless company and the only wireless company to offer one hundred percent money back guarantee- that's right, pure talk is so sure you're going to love their ultra fast five g service that, if you don't they'll, give you your money back so, instead of paying a fortune to verizon a t and t and t mobile every month, cut your bill and half with pure talk, my cell phone company and then start enjoying the perks like a us customer service team. That will make your switch easy, supporting a company that is veteran owned and shared your values and who has you covered with a money back guarantee? Go to pure talk? Dot com enter promo code, Levin podcast, that's l, E v, I n podcast does say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, dotcom promo code, l e g ion podcast pure talk is simply smarter. Wireless restrictions apply see site for I've decided for this coming.
show on sunday that, obviously the beer brand new show their work in it, again to further this issue of diversity, equity. And inclusiveness, we're gonna dig into e s, cheek the attack on private corps creations in your pension and other investments, we're gonna dig all this with a gentleman This is really one of the unsung heroes. Who's been writing about this and talking about this at the heritage, innovation for a very, very long time. Might Gonzales. and he's he is a very Rigging. And I know you're gonna love, em and then the year happening in our suburbs, now started. We talked about this and was stanley kurtz
it's been written about, and bright barred by John multi used on a hell of a good job. Boring Bring in the former lieutenant governor of new york, whose all over this and that's. You will discuss this at length as well as well as my opening statement, so I hope that your your check without Sunday. I know it's only tuesday, but look I don't get super. commerce and not against them? I don't get in commercial, like these yellowstone on on the fox nation, or I get these quick Second, you know like michael ring, my vote. I like the guy, where they used to do whipple or written out a whip, while the guy with the toilet paper. What was his name, MR producer, he talked real fast was a whipple.
I don't think so, but it was some guy who talked like this and we gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta go what what that was at just one who's who's on what's happening. So if I don't do it, it doesn't get done and that's. Okay! That's! Okay! No problem. no pen. I can't believe we got like almost one share with a re run Super about, let's huge And we were in the night every nine on sunday night, every single night, I don't think we ve lost in all the years. I've been doing this, which isn't that long? What for five years? But that's because of you, my beloved radio, putting it. So we'll get into that, but I don't think we Have time until after we get into the third our to get into this, but the Democrats, Pass laws to destroy the sober and john all teeth
parts. On top of this, we ve talked about this. For a few years, obama was poised to do it down, trumped destroyed all this nonsense. of equity. Again, the bite administration and state Democrats are declared war on the subway. Now you need to care about this. Because you have national zoning going on out of the housing and urban development department, under the secretary ahead HUD and their entire but here is to destroy the nature. The suburbs like us. Of course it's racist, but even more than that. Even more than that, the city's need access to the resources that are in the suburbs So you're gonna see what job I used to call for used to oppose You can see this on steroids. Now it's happening the by is doing it. It's not theoretical.
And it's under way, and I want to talk about this with you in our three they want. this allowed on it? I'm sorry Many consumers dont know that one of the biggest propagandists for president binds ridiculously named inflation reduction act. Was there a r p a our pay? This so called advocate for seniors spent millions of dollars on ads in advance, helping liberals and congress pass this monstrous legislation in doing so, a a r p provided cover for vulnerable democrats member elections. Why would a r p do this, possibly for money or He is a mass of conflict of interest. Over the last decade they ve been paid north of six billion dollars stemming from its financial relationship with united health care. Then along comes there a r p supported inflation reduction act, and miraculously big insurance and their p b, a middle men like a our peace financial power,
a united healthcare emerges. Big winners. Please visit this great website to learn more commit two seniors dialogue: that's commitment, the seniors, dot org paid for by american commitment. The old broadcasting from the underground command post, the vowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building we have once again made contact with our leader, might love the how he is doing as we say in south philly how he has done mors eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one. I didn't forget the call at jones.
Not lead the article. Sixteen nineteen project she's prominence. television near times has promoted her It happens, newspaper In my view, she is an anti white races. When she was a sophomore in college in a letter to college newspaper. As professor user note, she wrote the white raises the biggest murder. Rape is pillage and thief of the modern world. And not only with the white people in america's past quote barbaric death. Son cloud, but the quote: descendants of these savage people unquote. continue to harm the black community to this day non white peoples. By contrast for uniform, we portrayed as both a virtuous and victimized. that's my racism. I don't know what. If she would be highly qualified
to be a host on MSNBC. and you might find that irrelevant. I do not, but As professor use our points out what we find in her pilates her prize winning contribution to the sixteen nineteen project is more moderate in tone. More sophisticate. Composition? But otherwise it's the same racial eyes dualism. She espoused in college its racism, pure and simple,. The kind of racism that's not being taught to our children is the kind of racism, that's been teeth The children in a military schools, that's the kind of work racism, that's being pushed on our military. While balloons fly above us. Now, as I explained in the prior, our it's the kind of racism, that's gonna be compelled if you want to work in the civil war
where's throughout the federal government in damned. If I mean a roll over for this. That's why I'm calling it at every turn. hitting on I replied for my- have wrote about it in american marxist. And now there, sir John naughty rights and bright bird. The name of equity, the Biden, administration and state Democrats have declared war on the suburbs administration and democrats in new york, connecticut and other states are fighting local zoning laws the former lieutenant governor of the ark points. This out. We'll be on my show sunday. In order to build a high rise apartment buildings with affordable units in tree line single family neighborhoods on an aim of equity,
meaning everyone can live in a tranquil suburb, whether there ve earned the money to pay for it or not. The by Administration announced on January nineteenth one month ago,. But it is going to require all towns across the united states, all towns across the united states to submit what they call quote: equity plan On quotas should shock you, Should demand that your local officials, your state officials and Federal officials get involved in this to stop it. showing how they will make it possible for low income people to live, thereby providing affordable housing, transportation and other resources. Council don't meet the cookie cut a requirement for Now make diversity will lose federal funding they all economic, diverse cultures there marxist that's what they do The left, seething hatred of the suburbs is readily apparent and popular culture.
Remove these regularly portray these tranquil tree line. Neighborhoods has hotbeds of racism. Repression, sexual dysfunction and hatred It's in the hands of a genius like David lynch, the result is used tired and stereotypes for every classic, like blue velvet and ordinary people there's a tunnel. Garbage like revolutionary road little children pleasantville Step four wives: what is thy left the suburbs. For starters, return of a republican. We're still were truly happy in the suburbs. The supreme away like provides people with. fuller lives. If they are on bother by central authority control, we prove Our main causes way more problems than it solves. Nothing makes the left angry than happy contended people. They cannot control.
And I would add they write that not proves that everything the left believes in is a lie more than the suburbs. Do The blue cities, where all the violence, hate crimes, lousy, schools, traffic jams, gun violence and environmental issues like smog occur, mostly on governed suburbs, were people of all races get along where the water and air and streets are safe and clean, where the schools or functional where we all own guns, but there is hardly any gun violence. So what better way to Straw, the suburbs than their turn, the suburbs and just another lousy democrat run city. They're talking about hopeful, in particular Because how calls not pushing this. She's doing with a new law. What will force each tannen village in new york, metro, eridu, increase its housing stock to meeting
a form state imposed target, a reason for a high density housing apartment buildings within a half mile of every empty, a train stop. so what happens then the plague of fair? City spreads into this, these idyllic areas dynamic, let's move in Those whose voting patterns ensure evermore destruction especially in the schools say goodbye downtowns lined with two story, buildings and ultra houses? Yet that's the master plan. What or democrats have climbed into bed with big, develop herbs who cannot wait to enrich themselves by tearing these towns apart? Nothing Twice a community faster than renters and I say that he writes As someone who has been a rented, am I,
neighbourhood, the only stress point as a rental house, everything else is placid and serene, once in a while. Move that house and make life hard on the people who live near by. So I can't imagine with a multi unit Hartman building would do to undermine the way of life, not demand. In our property values. Democrats are locusts, he writes. already consumed and annihilated the city's now they're moving to the suburbs focus something I've been talking about. But nobody is a very straightforward writer and think you're And he's largely right here: that's the goal, All is to incorporate the suburbs into the metropolitan areas is part of the city now. The Biden plan has put this inaction last.
They put it in action. They will cut off all federal funds. If you don't provide them with an equity plan,. and as soon as these towns and communities provide an equity planets over now the bureaucrats in the demo Perhaps one of the same will make the decision about where you will live, how you will live, but your neighborhood. Communities will look like the valley, of your homes were kind of home you can have the school What kind of schools again have now Again, I have complete control just think about this. last decade or so climate change. spend the phraseology under which they will control the economy. Control, how you live, boredom, Feels trucks
besides your home air conditioning systems, heating systems, oil, gas, electricity. And they will be able to monitor too, and they will be able to collect data and they will get it off under the name of god. the chain run under the name of that nomenclature and then, when it comes to this, they will destroy private property rights. They will decide control, locals zoning decisions, alexis to talk for wrote, Two volumes called democracy in america and he said one of the great strengths of america. If not the greatest strength is there, Thousands and thousands of villages and towns we'll never assent, never acquiesce to tyranny, there's just too many. He was a brilliant man.
He didn't foresee the enemy from within an enemy that that seeks to force us to commit suicide. Sabotage is liberty, sabotage with pride Property rights: this is how they intend to devour our towns or neighborhoods. Our counties, this is how they intend to do it, and by our I mean not just white, I mean everybody. Twond thing to follow the american dream and live wherever you want by whatever kind of home you want. Whatever kind of automobile you want. It's quite another to try and turn small. arms and villages and communities in the suburbs? And the expert into this Function of cities. They seek the nationalize their agenda with the voting session
whether its open border, whatever it is,. This is why they don't believe in individualism. This is They dehumanize you This is why they walk around with buttons in the Senate floor. That are literally pro abortion. They don't want a rare. They wanted everywhere. It is sick. it is a sick ideology. These are sick people in its a sick party back by a corrupt and sick media. I'll be right back then I fringe one in twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look. Every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills dot com
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and so on the moving side, the chief justice of the israeli supreme court. Has done things at a chief justice or the united states? Supreme court could never do including politicking. Putting lobbying against the current government and their judicial reforms, can you imagine My brilliant friend, Arthur Ferguson, took a look. At some israeli law section ready for under the penal law prescribes, it is possible to convict a civil servant in Israel. The offensive Breach of allegiance. Should it be proven that he knows a she had committed an act of breach of allegiance, her fraud? when serving an office in this, even where such an act had not been deemed enough. ass. If it had been committed against an individual,
civil servant, committing. while serving in office an act of fraud or breach of allegiance compromising the public, even where such an act not constitute an offense being committed against an individual is expected to be so. to three years imprisonment. Pursuant to this section, I'll explain in german. Breach of allegiance may be any action. You can buy a civil servant in conflict of interest any action taken by a civil servant in conflict of interest, any action. So, basically, even where such had not constant, did a criminal offence. Had it been can did by a private person when civil servant carries out actions that may compromise the public trust, he, or in this case she maybe
Large with serious offences of fraud in breach of allegiance, the crow. Prohibition on breach of allegiance is intended to maintain they protected values that protect the image of public service means Integrity and fair and honest conduct, as well as protection of the public interest, this is a very broad. penal law is not very broad. Now I am sure that most lawyers in Israel are below the same evening publicly about this, but that mean it shouldn't be said. So I, if the if justice, if she is possible violation of this criminal, penal statue or law by lobbying to oppose the elected government, same time, that she's ruling on its cases there
sort of her efforts, would be to protect her on power and that of her colleagues seems to me as an observer. Then You should at least be investigated by a person with independent authority to bring. The determine whether bring charges against. I must reduce or want to take this clip and we're working assented over there and see what comes of it. It seems to me that this is at least relatively straightforward and we won. Look at the breadth of the laws, the ambiguities, the Phyllis nature of the terms there were. Is to bring charges against minister Netanyahu about The charter and I talk about in the past- This would seem to be.
More straightforward than any event nonsense. I mean here is sitting as the chief justice. Cases are being assigned to her colleagues that, I want the right composition of actions by this court. and she's, taking a position. In which she is condemning it or being against it behind the scenes are working against. So, Seems to me what she has done in fact a man, a criminal probe, at least,
My view mean this is not right. A chief justice is not post but conduct herself. This way, and yet, in my view, she did. in my view, she did now Time to do all this, you saw that slaughter that took place in Michigan right, there's can stay. I miss you. and there was a press conference today and I began listening to it in the governor of Michigan. Who is very low on the I q, an extremely poor And she immediately started put the gun control. I wanted to hear from the police chief. I wanted to hear from the experts. Instead, we get these politicians. and.
She says we know that this is a uniquely american problem, Equally american problem, fifa, through the park when shooting she says were mere weeks passed. The lunatic Shooting of a dance or a few months passed a shooting at elementary school and you ve all day. Looking back at you, ok she's, going on and on and on because she was they want to be present in the united states, and this is what the Democrats do. ladies and gentlemen, they could take every single weapon and bullet from the american people, who are still going to be murdered but you will lose your liberty. ghana my mind about, I'll, be right back in the next thirty seconds. Ones
Altering beach bomb will decide, is just too hot and want to move somewhere milder and ass. He streaming of cracking up in a window hell realize I gotta so my place before I can, even by a new place at where am I gonna, live in the meantime are skip the house us sullen by and one move when you start with open door. So you can move on to the things that matter like a cool breeze start with an all the chauffeur it open door, dotcom, slash, new move, open doors represented like open brokerage inc, license zero two zero. There are six when one three zero in california, openwork regional. It is other markets, mark levant radios principles. Patriot call now at eight seventy seven, three one three, eight one one where, where where's the gone, it's gone fast, they always do you know, In my view, I wanted to my head to my pants
This is from foxes, my pants to fight department, just a special council subpoenaed trumps efforts to overturn twenty twenty election results. The Language here is inaccurate, its the media, all that Happy boys and copy girls are writing the same thing overturn the election results no final election results and to congress in took congress votes. until congress, determined through the electors are to congress counts the electors. It's not even technical. It's the way the electoral college works. It's the way. It's Always work, the final say is in some row prosecutor with a grand jury in washington d c h, trump. The final say is not the attorney general, the united states, the final say is not this sitting. Presently the united states. The final say is not some court.
The final say is the high, Political legislative body in the country, the congress- that's the way- framers wanted it. That's the electoral college. All the states participate through their electors. in the alert and then in the end members of congress decide. HU, the present in the united states is and who the vice president of the united states I know over the. At times of media matters and media. I I know were the washed and these other places they went themselves over this, but that's the rule. Whether they like it or not,. So when you say trumps efforts, overturn the twenty twenty election results Action results are not what the net I say it is it's not what, litigators say it is it's not what
legal analyse say it is a hack tenure professor say it is it's what congress says it is, which is why that's the final battle frauds? some purposes congress serves for those per only those purposes. has not only the legislator branch but as the executive branch of the traditional branch they The final say in all the same. So until they voted to accept the electors. There were no election results to overturn. Mr produce have made this clear. Is it hard to understand even for a left us, sir, a corrupt media personality, baby
Hard to understand by a rogue federal prosecutor and others, people swear to pull the constitution. They might want to read it from time to time, so I make them point, because should this rope prosecutor go after trump trumps, gonna have a lotta defences. The problem is that the courts, washington dc are controlled by the hard left knit. What's the crazies that's fine abortion and now the thirteenth amendment. Everybody overlooked get by wait a minute that chief judge of the district courts in washington d c. She found that we are all looking all It was in the thirteenth amendment. Where is it? Why need special x, ray glasses that they use the song comic books? You know you need those to find all former vice pray,
my pants is preparing to resist the justice department, grand jury subpoena for him, the testify president trumps efforts to overturn. the twenty twenty election results. Fox news is learned so This administration, with this justice department, and what this rope prosecutor constantly doing. but they are constantly doing, is destroying all traditions or customs. They're going to drag a former vice president, whose unlikely presidential candidate into a fair ran, jury. Source, familiar with the former vice president's thinking, told fox news tuesday morning that pensive plans to fight the election pictures made subpoena, issued last week by jack smith, regard the january six investigation into tromp on the ground that he was present.
The Senate should be shielded from the order currently appears. Pence is not planning to assert executive privilege politically, first reported on pensions decision to challenge the d o J subpoena earlier tuesday, citing two people from. with the former vice president thought process. Doubt one of them is a first name is mark. No, not me his aid mark short Former vice presidents allies, top political he's protected by a constitutional provision, called the speech and obey clause. which generally shields members of congress from having to fear that anything. They say during legislative activities. What image? kate them in a lawsuit. Now this is withstood attack. Speech in debate clause
many occasions throughout the years, and it's almost a a red line that people who litigate are not the cross, but everything is changed now. Everything is changed now. And it's a very good argument. He think The speech debate clause is a core protection for article one for the legislature. One of that Two sources familiar with pence's legal strategy, told politico on condition of anonymity. I dunno why they're lincoln a political politicos, the enemy, is, there really goes to the heart of some separation of powers and I and I want to applaud pants because he's trying to protect the constitution here, he's trying to protect separation of powers, he could try and go after tat. whose kind of brutalized him over the years.
In trump feels very, very wronged by him. But all that said. This is, above all, the static. This is an issue of brain of powers and the extent to which this prosecutors trying to use his grand jury to interfere with that last election and these courts. Think very very hard about the president. They are setting. When one party controls the justice department appoint suspect. If the council not to investigate itself, which is why you appoint special council but to investigate the other party. That's That's a new one! That's never been done before. That's never been done before. That's not why you appoint a special council if there is a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interests. Let's say
There is a criminal investigation of buying crime family, which course arisen, but there certainly should be that merits a special council. But if you're going to conduct a broad Investigation of a potential opponent abiden it better- Republican army or somebody who's announced the running for president and the republican primary process. You don't appoint a special council for that. That's absurd. And so what pencils doing here is laudatory. He recognizes separation of powers and if he doesn't fight for there's, nobody left the fight for it. That simple. so dragon trumps large in front of a grand jury. What happened to attorney kleiber war crime, product rapture, whether your argue that all the time but the judge
indeed see most of them stink. They sit around the lunch table. They commiserate how wonderful they are there Yes, lousy, in my humble opinion,. any, even in my non humble opinion They write back, then this episode is brought to you by progressive. What's one You'd purchased, with a little extra savings awaited blanket smart speaker at new self character, We keep hearing about, if the progressive wants to make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save money on car insurance. Drivers who save by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify for an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like having multiple vehicles on your policy progressive offers.
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in Lopez she showed up and then integrated her into the into the commercial Gave her a million or more I'm thinkin here I could get a fourteen else duncan dona coffee to chocolate, frosted doughnuts, maybe one french crawler. Can I be a happy man pretty much, I mean, maybe pay me something, but that's not make me want to go to Duncan doughnuts you're, not gonna duncan doughnuts. Is it with you, Mr Barroso?. Man is easy. My no wonder is alive He figures. This is how everyone can live. Tumble label for duncan donuts. many other donor places out there. The next superbowl hire me I'll. Do it for two million dollars? Am I
I can do a cameo and drive up to all your lawyer. She doesn't like me eating donors and stuff, but I think for that. Shoah shall agree, MR producer, but that's stupid money. Or you want to hear a little ted cruz on. Why I should take is what I should do. MR bit, is right. On my calls green up, I promised I take call. So let's take some irregular Irregular america, MR minister lil o k s cave Kay lsd day, I apologize How are you. my alibi now I am a limbaugh conservative, that's good me too, and well. Thank you.
First, I want to say that what do you think up when I say the cia is running the white house? Do you think of when I think of I dunno. What do you think of? Yes. What what I know is the military wants a cia which made the miller areas running the white house. No, it does not matter to these people, they are all and work gray they're all in genoa. An event in my view. No doubt about it. You love the constitution. I love prostitution. They hated. They disregarded I do not care about holding laws holding laws they. One thing: it s, power That way to hold onto it military control, what power can fight the? U S, military! So you think the military's behind all of us know. I'm saying
white house is being run by the military. Everything else that filters out what I'm saying, you're saying the military is behind on all that is taking place here, the white house pretty much yeah since afghanistan, pullout, yes I'm not sure. I agree with that, but I do believe that brass or the military taken sides in this political battle here at home. I don't think, there's any question about it. Our I my friend, I appreciate your god bless you those external? Is mr producer? Go. sirius, satellite gerald, Simi valley, California, how are you gerald fine? Thank you for taking my call you're. A great patriot. He d valley for forty years and we were a bedroom.
Community nice friendly about seven years ago. They started pushing for low, very low income, high density apartments. Here, And the city council said no, no, no, we don't want it. The eia thou said we're going bankrupt. Your city, city, let him go. We now have diversity and equity. We ve got cry. We used to be the first or second saved the city in the state. We now have crying catalytic converters being cut off a card goin to do storage where they have motor homes, hurried off. We feel there and we got our first smash and grab robbery out
so. Thank you for the liberals that have screwed up a beautiful city, Simi valley, where the reagan library is it is. It is a beautiful place. Now we've got people running red lights, we got traffic, we got trash, we have diversity and equity out there and it didn't used to be like this happened in the last we take seven years or so our city had thought. Gown village we are obviously away raises sir, obviously Well passionately did now we're getting conservatives back into the city council and we're gonna fight them, but they got another twenty three, hundred low and very low income apartments that they need to get in here to help us with more diversity and equity. Very sad, very, very sad. I notice tat adam shift doesn't live in places where there is a lot adversely I notice le braun
obama dart. I notice the commissioner football. Doesn't I notice most of the people to push this agenda down. Yes, leave people alone for god's sakes, stop telling us what do where to live, how to live. That's not the this government is supposed to function for gods for crying out loud. Supposed to have our liberty To be anything, we want to be not this. And we'll stay on, and I promise you, america. We salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emerging birds, and now we say our truckers, we salute the freedom fighters in ukraine in taiwan and you the greatest audience of audiences happy valentine. On this day for my family two years, each and every one of you gamble I.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-16.