« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/12/19

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Rich Zeoli from WPHT fills in for Mark. We might have a deal and we might have a border wall, or barrier. Democrats are being held hostage by the radical fringe leftist in their party that think it’s immoral to defend the border. Will the President sign-off on this compromise, shut down the government again, declare a national emergency, or both? President Trump has to deliver on this issue or risk losing a portion of his base. The big question is: will Trump accept the reduced offer of less than $2 Billion for a barrier and decreased beds at border detention centers. Then, drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was found guilty in federal court. Under the federal laws of criminal asset forfeiture, the federal government can seize the $14 Billion in cash that El Chapo is known to have. Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill to use these federally-seized funds to build the wall to curtail the flow of drugs into the U.S at our southern border. Later, the Senate finds no Trump collusion with Russia and Robert Mueller is believed to have nothing to report as his investigation winds down. Afterwards, Michael Cohen has postponed his testimony for a third time, this time citing a shoulder issue; this works well for Trump and just proves that the democrats and the media just keep coming for him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to introduce a new sponsor to the podcast hills. Del college has been a long time sponsored the broad and for the new year they have gracious, they agreed to exclusively sponsor the first hour or segment of the pod guest. I believe deeply principles, a mission of Helstone College which I share with you during the upcoming segment. My thanks, appreciation to Helstone College for their long partnership with the show and now the pod. Now run only underground command, the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader. We have a deal in theory by conservatives are not happy about it, I'm not happy about it and our market It's not happy about it.
I have a feeling you're not going to be so happy about it either when you learn all the details, welcomes Mark Levine show the great one is off tonight. I have the honour of filling in, for him, rich is the only from marks home town of Philadelphia. You know of the democratic in the present nothing here I mean really nothing like fifty five. I was of non concrete, something or other. Yet there are sent you things now number one Democrats decided that a wall is racist. The word walling literally the walls races, so they will I agree to a wall. They will however, agree to a barrier now I know as a living, I you're an intelligent person you're going what what is out understand? What's the difference, she won't a barrier. I dont know I can tell you is. There is no difference. You can't get through either. Neither Emmy theoretically can't write. You could run up against the wall, run up against the barrier. Their most was to keep people out
but you see the Democrats right now are being held hostage by their radical kook lefty fringe, which is now mainstream part of their party. The ice edge yoke. The court has of the world than others, and they have said on record now a wall his racist, so they will I agree to a wall, but then all this, Somebody came around with the word barrier. It's like how the leftovers uses politically correct terms for everything, you know you're, not an illegal immigrant. You aren't undocumented alien like that So they use now the politically correct word for wall which is barrier and then they go. Can we agree to a billion dollars in barrier funding? Now? Look I personally don't care what they call it. I think it's silly when they play these little politically correct aims. It's really silly. While you're. Not, though, is not fat he's just a clerk, we challenged, not shortages, vertically vertically challenge. It's just say, it is an just, be done with it, but I can't because their base, is convinced that he was races because they ve heard the rhetoric on this. So now they have to say barrier final.
But a graceful barrier. Everybody wins except we don't win we're only getting one point: four billion dollars for the barrier In addition to that, we're losing beds were losing detention beds, that's something the Democrats are winning at as well so the question- and tonight what do we do? What is the president do? Does he signed this does, You declare a national emergency because he funds from other areas to pay for the wall. Does he left them remit go into another quasi shut down. I say clause I because of course you know it's not really shot down ever, but I'd say time around. I wish we never opened up again at his wish. We kept the closed because of it gnashing of teeth and how everybody was so upset over government workers. Not getting a paycheck I have no idea how we're ever going to cut the size of meant. If that's how we respond, when people don't get paychecks and we go,
but my heart breaks for them. Ok, fine! You know you can have sympathy or empathy for a person who is not getting a paycheck. I get. But at the same time it's our governments obligation. So with that kind of a man so we will never get rid of departments of government. We don't need like the EPA or the Department of Education, because people work there and they get pay checks and we can take. Those paychecks awakens will be mean, and so we don't. Government continues to stay big in bloated and get bigger and bigger and bigger, except the wall doesn't because everything its money, except for that now the president has to deliver on this ass? Do you know what- and I know that there are too many people in his base- that for them This is their issue. This is their issue, my issues, a courts and I love the present stewing appointing originally judges to the courts, but there are a lot of people. There is is that border wall and, if its not built they're out there done I've heard about an old.
My local shown Philadelphia heard about it. All they are done there out out and MC rats will not lead him, build a single inch if they can help it. That's There came a little Samantha game on barrier barrier not a wall, we stopped him on the wall. We gave him money for a barrier totally different. How is it difference and you're talking logic with people on the left. It doesn't really worked out well suggests avoid doing. It is my my advice. You just ignore it and just move with your life. The big question is this: on point three: seven: five billion for border barriers and the overall, on detention beds, ice detention beds drops from forty nine Haven't you, forty thousand. That means radically, nine thousand or so ten thousand so less detention beds the whole people who cross the border illegally. That good for you. Do you like that?
but the numbers. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one on the market and show eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one is good for you. Do you like that? Can you agree to the steel. I have to tell you that, as usual, the Democrats seem to be getting whatever they want is Republicans are afraid to shut down government and ice, at last time, when the President reopen government, don't do it because the best leverage you have over them is to make them think you're crazy and you'll never reopen government make him think that make him think you'll keep a government down four years. If that's what it takes them. You give it to them is the minute that they go? Oh well, ok, we'll melita! It does have a breaking point. He does care about people have to make them believe you are so unhinged you'll stay fine here two years great and you know what maybe they won't be a job. You come back the EPA. Maybe they won't be a job. You come back, the department of Education or labour,
for this or that it will merge some things we could even find out just what of government. We need and don't need at time off for me a glorious experiment, but then Did you give in to them and say we're in open it up, because people need check an airline. Some of the excuses I heard too were amazing. They use airports as an example it's it's a busy travel season. We gotta make sure planes are what wealth is planes. Could what four out of the sky, bad people who can more planes, long waits at the airport, every use with his government shut down, came down to that stuff. It was either the pay checks and the heartbreak and the pain, or it was it will fall out of the sky. Screws will just start popping out all the other ones. You was food poisoning, yes, food that wasn't inspect. I make everybody sick and pride we die, everybody was gonna, die during the shut down somehow we lived and now What I hear is that if we don't pass the green new deal now, then we're gonna die. All of us
Oh me, everybody civilians. From that or the GNP tax cuts you'll definitely die if they don't passed a green new deal, it doesn't end, it doesn't end of the present The couple options to play with number one is is a great bill by Senator TED Crews, which I absolutely love, and it's about L Schapiro, who is. I'm guilty today, shocked or you shot is weak. Surprise, as I was an old chap who did it to rent L Chapel lose my found guilty today in federal court, And you are centre. Ted crews has reintroduced the lawful collection of hidden assets to provide order, act. L chapel which would reserve any amounts forfeited to the? U S government. As a result, the prosecution of eligible for border security asked so the completion of the wall, the border now. I have had a long time problem with what is known as civil acid forfeiture, Jonah gum,
take your staff without even so much as charging you with a crime, let alone exercising your due process rights as per the constitution, but that's all This is how chapel was found guilty. In a court of law, he did it he's guilty to now we're talking about criminal forfeiture and I say great, take it all taken. A baby and use it for the wall. Do it? Why not otherwise, The department of Justice is just going to take that money. Take fourteen billion dollars of L, chapel whose minds money Betty. By being a major drug, Lord, I mean huge I was a very big drug Lord and that force billion, which he made from being a drug Lord and killing, people that monies be confiscated by the government's heavy seas by the government. Now that he's convicted it'll be a criminal forfeiture, completely legal, totally constitutional and then the question becomes. What do we do with it should take? should I literally dropped a bill again which would dedicate
red dollar of money seas from El Szabo to go right. To building a border while- and I think it's a beautiful idea- I really do. I think it's great what democratic, vote against. That you'd be surprised, actually a lot of inward third parties in real bad place me they are nuts. You know you ve heard about this anti semitic. Strain that is going through democratic party and something that mark within its talked about quite a bit with you. Yesterday. We saw that with this anti semitic member of Congress Oman who's going on twitter about you know Joe, money controlling everything, the jewish, may controlling everything like puppets and the elders of them. At party demand. She apologized and all of the new freshmen come running toward offence and she gives this fake Jim insurance ranchers, but that said The money is really the problem here, so she APOLLO as without apologizing, for she doesn't really mean it So you have a lot of people were very extreme and there,
trying to out extreme each other a mad issue and then, of course, of water. They want to get rid of ice agents and they do not want anything built. So them them That's come along. Go now, not a wall barrier, big difference, big difference, just go with a big difference. And then they turn around and say how about this fourteen billion from our chapel at all vision? drug cartels, ways. And I would really like to know what Democrats would pass that I really would like to know you know it's not gonna, because their concern about anti constitutional issues regarding forfeiture Hell. No, they could care less about that were pouring book or two who's. My senator in New Jersey, Spartacus. He came today and said he doesn't think people should eat meat, he's a vision. You see a vision, which means you owe me. Vegetables are some, I guess Saturday, but visions
sometimes can be the worst dinner party. Guess you ve ever had in your life. So I'm just just caution you before you go to a party that toasted by a vague and just stop getting he's better on the way. Do yourself a favor pack, a cheeseburger whenever you gotta? Do it's not easy to get through this, but at least not trying to put their way of life on you like Corey Booker is Corey Booker, suggesting we raise the price of meat to make it so expensive that people can buy it to eat it. For the good of the planet cow too, to see but he's nuts two. Then the question becomes this: do we agree with them and give in on this border deal compromise this reopening of government compromise? What do you think do you want to see the President go along with this seven seven. Three, eight one, three eight one one. I have to say at this point: the answer has to be: no, you can't go with this. At this point, because you ve, given the Democrats too many things and giving you enough back and now that they have agreed to give
thing for a barrier. You gotta, you ve got em right against the ropes now that they have come out in read. The barriers are not racist and they ve been willing to pay. Money towards a barrier now forcing the pudding money towards barriers. In fact, the president the entire national speech devoted to just using the word barrier, finding any think, songs, movies phrases that have the word wallen it taking them. Replacing them with barrier. I dont care, pressure now willing to go along with a barrier? Has barriers aren't racist if they dont have feelings by the way? Neither do, I so then make them, give you more money for said barriers non racist barriers. Do it hold them to it, because if not, I guarantee this is gonna, be one of those deals. Are we wind up regarding future? Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one: what do you think the president should do with regard to this new copper
the market even show. Rich Z only inform our common right back. Then I wanted I got a sponsor hills. Dough college for all. They do. Try maintain the greatness of America. You know most colleges have enough trouble, maintaining the greatness on their own campuses and they. Declined and they have fallen into cultural, rot, not hills, the college, it's a special place, and now they reach out to all citizens of the country to spread the word of liberty, the declaration of independence, the constitution, capitalism, all the great things that make America what she is today and now the Congress has under new leadership and already seems to be on a mission to thwart our liberty. Doesn't it yours and mine, but too many representatives, dont know how to preserve liberty and too many of them don't care we call
the progressives, but I'm not interested in the progressives, I'm interested in you. We, the people, it's up to. We, the people to retain what we have earned and to retain what we have received from our founding fathers and our Fathers, Canada on we, the people to hold our government in check and being able to do. That means understanding that proper role of Congress. That's why, for a limited time, my good friends, Hills Dale, have brought their powerful online course on the history and proper role of Congress back absolutely free to equip all of us to know what we should expect of our Congress stay? I was on a mission to restore liberty like the rest of us and you can take their come on online course for free for a limited time sign up today for this critical course at Levine for Hills, del dot com, that's l, e g! I am from Helstone Backup, learn Congress used to work and why it doesn't anymore learn about liberty, the declaration, the constitution girl of for a hills: Delbert COM,
at my hearing here when I say Democrats are literally running around saying no to a wall, yes to a barrier, the odd prove it welcome back to the Markov insure the great ones off tonight right. The only your fellow Levine I the honour to fill in for the great one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one left these funny little games, all the time with words are pc nonsense and they do this gender or non gender whenever they wanted. It will now they're doing it with the wall. The word wall- I am kid you not. This is now representative is a Democrat, obviously have to tell you this from Texas Henry Collyer Kane other than to take Listen to this now. This is very important. Understand this little montage we put together for you Texas Democrat, who says no to a wall, yes to a barrier.
First of all, we now have a wall now. Can we look at some sort of enhanced barrier that something we can certainly look outlook at? Let the local communities be involved, so they can come up with. Maybe maybe Some sort of enhanced barrier, but again Washington, cannot dictate what sort of barrier and where to put it at wash it that is not going to say, is not to say what sort of barrier, they're gonna have again Otto even the wall, I think a Wallace the fourteenth century solution? The way the president is saying the presidency is is look at a false premise. He thinks that the only way to secure the order is by having a wall. That is a false premise. There's other ways of securing the border like a bear now? My question is this: what if a barrier identifies as a wall here domain? What, if our egos out there and tells all his friends You know why they, SAM a barrier of, I really feel like a wall on the inside, and I want identifies a wall from now on. So could you please call me a wall,
you know, even though I'm a barrier, this Just nonsensical. It really is truly nonsensical makes your brain her eight seven, seven three at one, three, eight one, one he's not alone by the way: California, democratic Irishwoman Katy Hill she will not vote for a while, but she will vote to fund a physical barrier. Ok cut one call, it feel laughs. Then, if you well ok in areas where there are not natural barriers, call it what you want right. Will you, as a Democrat, vote for any funding for that? I think that I am definitely someone who will vote first for a comprehensive border patrols, can't border security package that includes immigration reform. Sounds like a cumbersome, and I just want to really straight answer here. Will you give vote for any money for steel barrier I will definitely I dont know with steel. I will vote for some money, for
physical barriers are not going to marry me. I'm not gonna, be across the entire two thousand mile stretch. Certainly not going to be a concrete wall, but it will be part of a package. Now that you see the thing about this is or is it? The Democrats are finally agreeing to no concrete wall, but yes, physical barrier. Now that you see that about this is or is it. The Democrats are finally agreeing to this nonsense we have managed to tell their base using some sort of jet, I mind trick. This is While you see it's a barrier and so their base I guess it's ok with this, so neither willing to cough up one point: seven five billion for barriers do not say wall, I'm right Do not say it barrier, so if you're willing to carve of one. Three, seven, five billion for? Why barrier? Why not more and should the President hold them to get more out of them? Is the question because fifty five miles of bare Yours is not exactly very long.
And I love this too. They literally prohibited a concrete wall. They literally prohibited it. I know what These people have against concrete. I don't know. Somebody. They love was buried in concrete at some point or I don't know, but their very anti concrete and it's very rude to the concrete community, but they said no concrete. So, though, greeted area, but absolute prohibition on concrete. So next you're at LOS or home people working on the big stores. You look around, you see concrete, remembered, that's the problem that innocent little bag that will soon become a hard structure. If you, but water, and you mix it that's the problem. That is the issue its races. But barrier knots, something I know I gotta put your brain on ice to just be able to get through this right, but let's get through it together tonight Mark within show, I'm so glad you're with us, eight seven, seven, three, eight one three
eight hundred and eleven eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven should the President go along with this. That is a question point, three, seven: five billion! Are you ok with it coming right back Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that the new congressional leadership is on course to impede our liberty, your liberty and mine and their future liberty of your children in your grandchildren. Many of our representative simply don't understand or care about the critical imperative to preserve our liberty, and it would seem that some of these so called progressives actually seek to kill it, and these progressive are quite unlikely to understand or learn these things, which is why we have to. We need to overcome them. Our founding fathers count on we, the people to hold our government in check and being able to do. That means understanding. The proper role of Congress not help us understand this critical issue for a limited time. My friends at Helstone College are brought their powerful online course on the history and proper role of Congress back absolutely free. Equip all of us to know
we should expect of our Congress. Carried you to check out this course, but not just you, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, spread the word of liberty, like hailstones colleges, hailstones on an important mission to restore liberty and our great country and for them the time you can take their ex When an enlightening online courses for free. I urge you to sign up right now for this critical course at Levine for Hills, down, dot com, that's l, easy ion, pray, hills, Del Dotcom, learn how Congress used to work and why doesn't work anymore? Learn more about Liberty spread the word girdle of Infra hills down that come in the sense tat worked up benchers, where work be tomorrow: coal market it. Seventy seven, three one, three, eight one, one laugh is California, pull the plug mare, their bullet train. Their highs, train their future train. Yes,
a new some, the democratic governor pull the plug today on this massive seventy seven billion dollar chew. True train pull the plug, Thus the green new deal is utter nonsense. Welcome back to the mark within show Rich is the only in four mark. Your fell over night out of Philadelphia. Thank you for being part of a showed eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one a little bit later we get into the mother stuff by the way turns out. Mother has nothing as we ve, said by the way, no from you that, are you? Ok. With this compromise deal, they came up with today. Now a couple points, this number one. If the president agrees to this, it does mean he'll, never get anymore border funding, that's important, understand their zeal chapel, goose, Manville, Etc tankers proposed, which is to take all of his money. Now that he's been criminally prosecuted and found guilty good. With that. You make mulvaney the waiters Chivas. After said, you can use it,
gave orders to take money from other executive projects. Legal, it's not extra constitutional it's not even a national emergency. You can do that so there's other way. To achieve that goal, but then, of course, The question is, but this compromise as this compromise signal something wrong something weak something it has to be fixed, you get one point five billion dollars, just rounded up for a barrier, not while barrier, and you lose less beds for detention. Catchword stays? Is it even worse as some are arguing. So people that I highly respect people who wins all day today. Conservatives that this is not a good deal? What do you think? Eight seventeen rate one three, eight one one. I let's start Terry and Huntsville Alabama Terrier. Provincial. Yes, how you doin, I absolutely oil is, I think, tat she should actually
Take the money and look at this as incremental funding for this project. This is just to get it started and as far as the reduction in bed, that's per take the beds unless Wolesi Cainy you have, and to reduce the beds. Nutrition attrition epithet, get screwed up, you remove them until the deep. A correct number we do is realised and you literally don't bring anybody else an until you get down to that. Never could you have no space. They did that initially, when the first caravan came with it and we have no more room. We can't take anybody else. In writing. You do know. You say a matter that has a worker rights and must be clear. These are not beds to put people up and make them comfortable and rub their feet. These are beds to whole people, broken the law right well right now there actually taking people went across the border tools that are getting amnesty. They haven't read my math talking about. Am I talking about that? I'm talking about people who were held in what's in criminal detention centres along the border, less better, means less people you can hold, which means more people. You have to release when you,
at the border. Why can't you just couldn't back at the border? I mean us, been, I never understood, leave and merit of cross the border. Why are you not that prosecuting nobody? Will it be? Ok but then you're not gonna, be prosecuting anybody who crosses the border illegally so that governments have political, for what were room for what civility they shut the facility down and taxes. Could they ran out we have no more room for anybody. I think our ship and elsewhere and implement other defensive Letty right. Do you. Stand that, though, people trying to come into the border illegally turn across illegally they're, not looking for a bed and a detention centre there looking to get into the United States illegally if they know that their in there just released. They have an incentive to try again if they arrested and prosecuted than they incentive, not you and the other people have an incentive not to try to come across illegally, but without a place you huh them without detention centres you can't
everybody, so you have to release him at the border. That's what catching release is all about louder, even a better arguing, you know wallet about away in order me meet the barrier. Yes, thank you, Terry. She had to call very nice called appreciated. Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one and good for you for using the politically correct word. We will tolerate the word wall said today and the mark within show not now not never barrier. You should when a home depot tomorrow or loans and tell them you want to build a barrier around your house around the pool, but just a barrier. Poor Maskew while say. Don't you? How dare you, Sir said that word in front of me? How dare you barrier stride TED in LOS Angeles TED. You are on the market even show. How are you, sir? Oh well, I was gonna cloth the new green deal, but does not. I think that the personal it needs to work not sign this,
steps to eliminating eyes right about the thirty year. I'm gonna com part. What's my combat, you know, that's it you're, not there. The because you know I have always felt that the tat he needed to change them. Macular from or from a war to repair and replace you know so were committed it that's what it takes for the Democrats to sit there and get on board Whatever I mean they're, the kings of the earth, the change of honour to war they are, and I'm fine were the two. I don't care what you call a call at anything you want, but the reality is the fact the Democrats are now giving. Tells us that a people want this and they know that and the realising its political loser for them to be against it outside of their kooky base, but never to have
they ve said they do. They will give one point three, seven, five billion ten, what's to stop them from giving two point: five billion or five billion for that matter. The well back are you. I mean rigid coins with regard Monti. That's all it is only in the Prime Minister point. Their plan against the guy There knows how to play that game. So in your right here, he'll come up with the money elsewhere and I love the idea taken dab, goose months money in using the two and all sorts of stop. What's hey, let's give someone out money to the to the families that have watched the police officers and why and family members mob due to this stuff. You know yeah. What's you someone to help them out, put their kids to college girl, but the day before I let you go I to do mention mentioned. The green new deal in that were not looking at the positive aspects of some of it. So real quick one example. You know you think of carnival crew.
Why they won't go out of business, we'll just have to replace their bunker oil with them with sails, and when you don't have sale, you can put everybody down below Rowan like they did in the greek and roman days and just think how skinny they'll be from the time they get from LOS Angeles to Hawaii. Will solve the obesity problem and then at the same time you'll be drink, the water out of a bucket and illegal, because you won't have water bottles anymore, so will solve that problem. Listen. I say you swim to Hawaii or I ll be a man and swim put on flippers, whatever you gotta. Do nobody needs boats either by the way. Our I said very. Copper Shirin Ebadi. Thank you very much. Eight. Seven. Seven three eight one, three, eight one, one thank you for calling the Markov Enshiu. Obviously that's sarcasm, as we call it Let me just give you this service fact year from conservative review. I know mark sites, conservative view quite a bit because mark within is the feature of conservative reviewed
Daniel Horowitz writing this, and this is an important point under that Committee'S- propose western administration. It is a seventeen point. Four percent cut from the current level of forty nine thousand fifty seven detainees. Not only is that below the fifty two thousand requests from the administration is a sin. Nineteen point four percent cut from the current level of nine thousand. Fifty seven detainees are which rights Research is growing every day without any desire to get rid of the magnets and fixed the court with asylum arnica Minors and catch and release the invasion will only grow is nicer. Whether returns merely sprang. The present will have you were resources to detain illegals and under the current policy, which will end even more catch him release, thereby send even more illegal immigration and a perpetual death, viral for american sovereignty, this bed issue is key. This is why the Democrats fought for this. I think
every second. If the bed issue was about giving people access to our warm bed, why would the Democrats, who thought that they're, the ones you fought to get it from down from fifty two thousand, with the administration requested down to forty five Why would they want to twelve thousand our kind if it was gonna, be warm beds and oatmeal and asked machines and Tiggle the feet before everybody falls asleep. They wouldn't they would want hundreds of thousands of those beds, millions of those beds. These beds are, for the ten and that's why they're against them? Because they don't want people to be put into criminal detention? Why not? Because if you don't put people attention, then I says one of two choices, one they can just say we caught you now you're, going back like a fish, just throw em back or number two they can just let him go and say: here's your ticket come back for a court date in the future. Back on April. Sixteenth year will see there if you can't hold people
cross border illegally in some sort of a physical structure that they can escape from. Then you just letting them into the wind or you just putting back over the border, and I know some people think that that's a great idea putting them back. The border, but then again the problem is, the incentive aspect pay. You know we get there and at worst the worst thing I do is just they just throwing back later, here the wrong size. You're. So how do I don't hunt, but I should just I'm busy for Europe to Euro? That's the last thing I have time for my life, but your enemy, you got Stop the incentives and if they go ok well, let's just go the border and if we make it were free and then, if we don't make it they just they make us leave they just put it back. On the other side and try going to Morrow and they drive away or wait until it was the whites in the background fade away a memo try by resting them in Prague, to sing them. You and you now create a larger disincentive for people to cross-
I want to do away with that, because they do not believe cross the border illegally, is a crime. Listen to their language, their language. It talks about getting rid of ice. It's me. They do not believe that anyone in the world should be stopped from in the United States of America. I hate this country, they hated they hate or suffer nor capping pigs, I hate every aspect, but everyone, trivial, come here who wants to because we're so terrible. Because of all the horrific things we ve done around the world. So that means, if you, I come here you're in Guatemala. It doesn't matter you get to come and how Dare we arrest you for trying to cross over and have a better life answer argument and so the democratic arguing for less bands and eight year. Europe goes fifty two thousand detention beds. Now then, down to forty, nine thirty and twenty five, then you have Somebody become president, God forbid, a Democrat Spartacus Booker or
Elizabeth warmly, undocumented native American or somebody like that and then all of a sudden, now you're down a ten thousand beds or no beds, so you an arrest, anybody, you literally cannot detain them. So now there just free and that's what the left ultimately Watts, and this deal today is a twelve thousand bed reduction step in that direction. You understand which is why reasonable people are against it?. Because you're saying not only are you only getting fifty five miles of a non wall barrier? we're getting less beds to whole people for a criminal proceedings, and the ultimate goal of the left, of course, is that fifty five miles of barrier and that's it and not another mile after that and no beds for criminal detention, because how dare we arrest anybody, any body whose trying to cross this country. Who do we think we are you? into their language on this stuff anyway stay on that point
Good news, as they are the fringe of the Democratic Party, but sadly, though their becoming more and more the majority of the Democratic Party. So, whenever democratic, petitions laughed who believe in boy security? They ve got to put up with this this base of theirs. Which is why you hear so many of them literally contrary themselves year after year over things they said in the past, like chucks humor count Dracula continues to contradict self from his earlier position on the border, continues to do it there Fraid of this new left wing fringe, which is by have to tell you honestly, the Democratic Party, make normal this is not a minority. This is the Democratic Party, the fact that they have much power in the House of Representatives tells you everything you need to know the fact that this war yesterday, this representative Omar going on twitter talking about jewish money, controlling everything and she doesn't even have to worry about losing our committee assignments and the new, freshmen, come running to her defence. Tells you
everything you need to know about where the damn parties, though- and I gotta be honestly- I had somebody who's a moderate democrat- how the hell can part of this party? You got it who Cuomo with ease is radical abortion bill allowing fan aside and everything else, you got what happened and Virginia with this guy talking about keeping babies comfortable while they decide what committee decides whether or not to kill it, You remain part of this party, party is so extreme and cookie I met you see now. That's that's a saving Gratian Alvis for the president's, because I gotta go You have nowhere else to go good thing, but that's no excuse to knock at the world on eight seven seven. Three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one rich zeal, the honor funding for the great one mark, live in coming up, don't go! Ben.
The congressional leadership is in town, but there's nothing new about what their pushing big government centralized. Government iron fist at government, higher taxes, more regulations, open borders there on a mission to obstruct our freedom and undermine our sovereignty. Yours mine all of ours and too many representatives, dont care. This is the nature of progressive, is it's an ideological poison and the best way to fight it is with knowledge, information about Liberty, about the declaration about the constitution and how Congress is supposed to work it's up to. We, the people to understand what our government is and is not supposed to do, and that includes Congress and thankfully my France had hills the college I brought back the powerful online course on the history and proper role of Congress, and it's absolutely free. Please take advantage of this remarkable offered to equip yourself your family, your friends, your neighbours, with the knowledge that all of us should have about our Congress and our government generally hills.
Colleges on a critical mission to restore liberty and our great country, and you can take their excellent online courses for free for a limited time, so sign up right now for this important course at Levine for Helstone Backup, that's l, e g, I am free hills, Del Dotcom, learn how Congress used to work and why it doesn't anymore. So we can do something about a girl of infra hills. Doubt that come cookie, green new deal. It came out with last week, Jeff murkily again senator he's nuts two. It came out with regard to this issue of not calling a wall, a wall, calling it a barrier play this clip second. This is the market even show grateful that. Here tonight Rich Z in Philadelphia for the great one mark within The reason I got into radio by the way mark within he's the best and I'm so glad you listening. I now thank you ate seven, seven, three one, three one, one legislators
Shall we because this is the theme right now democratic Anti wall, but they will support a barrier right dude. Say, while you say barrier, you say anything closed sounding like a wall and they'll sloppy. While they won't you, because into believing that sort of thing, but you better say barrier right be what beat up to. I am comfortable. Was barriers that involve vehicles senses there are appropriate places where in question here, the unjust father. What is how do you make a vehicle wall? Has anyone figure that out? seems like a zombie movie where they stack vehicles up and you gotta try to escape around what is a vehicle wall. I have no idea what that means, but again this is the games. These are the Samantha games plays honoured. I refused to have a wall, but if you want to sell cars upon each other, then the imo, that's fine and people can try to get through the cars like a game like that, you're gonna, let this guy's a United States, senator the more
In which is like a little many California Kooky, but I keep commonplace appropriate places where border guards have convinced me that some additional bearers could be useful. But what why here, when you separate the border guards for their superiors, They says. Look. What we need are sensors to determine if somebody is approaching the border and we need more personnel to be able to respond quickly to intercept them, that those are the key to thinks. There's nothing magical about thirty foot, while in fact that is becoming a simple, really, a symbol, this administrations policies and its a racist. Some would say that you do you think Some new wall or new barrier in some places would be ok and you'd, be willing to vote for new funding. For that nothing that I would call a wall at my willingness to vote, for I see some of the border fences other chain link you can see through them. They slow people down in combination with sensors. People can respond
but anything that is is like this vast massive wall, that extends thirty feet. I'm not saying you, I thank you for your rambling there. So if the walls translucent that's my question, if you can see through the wall, would you be ok with that senator this guy's, a genius, Is something really now the walls erase assemble? So I am totally against that. But if you want to make a wall of cars or or. Landmines oral with barriers and involve a vehicle excellence. Yes, and I saw that in the walking dead ones, she just sack of videos, egg cars just one on top of the other, and then they have to climb on top It's crazy and lemme get knocked at the bottom. What is he talking about? But again this is what they do. They play may play a little games
play games? Are I listen so where'd you here on the market, ensure eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one now. Let me underline that the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader from Russia. Investigation nonsense said the mother probably is coming to an end, and Mahler may not even so much as rider report does nothing welcome back arguably show the great what is off tonight, Rich Z, only your fellow Levine night at Philadelphia grateful to be with you, at eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three one, one yeah! You know
cocoa and this guy. We, the rat lawyer, thing? You know when you ran out your clients and you just don't let them know Eureka them, and then this But today the republican chairman of this and up selling out every principle of confidentiality exposed to exist between you and your lawyer. I would join you in your lawyer, you and your press, you and your therapy. As these things are supposed to be sacred. Not that Michael and he's really telling them anything. But today the Republicans The Senate Intelligence Committee said. The committee is losing patience with Michael Cohen, whose skipped out on planned testimony today today Now, college lawyer, Lanni Davis, suspend machine centres, that his clients committee appearance was postponed due to pursed post sir, Ray Medical needs from Cohen's minor, shoulder surgery, shoulder surgery.
This is the third time present trumps. Former personal lawyer has postponed plan testimony for a myriad of reasons. I wonder MR producer, what he can. Afraid of saying to everybody shoulder injury, How about you get some ice at a sling and a little advice? Will you come and testify Just so that out there I had a fight, a frozen shoulder, I had a torn rotate or cuff, was brutal so I went to work it older man to shoulder put, I saw take it back in the game. He doesn't want to say what he wants to say. He doesn't what they wanted to say, which is the truth. He doesn't want to talk to them Michael it is all about saving Michael Cohen, just like the Mulder probe is all about. At this point, the theatre and the Democrats are all about investigating the president, regardless, regardless of what the the probe shows or not. They won't stop. You understand and of course, That's why Adam ship is now looking at all the present finances and it's why
Anderson Mccarthy, at national viewers apiece over the weekend saying the real threat comes from the second district of New York, the Sdn. Why going after the trump? family because they won't stop. They just keep coming in common. But you know all of this helps the president immensely with his base, because he gets to point out the fact that they won't stop coming for him ever. The Democrats they happen You coming cause: what are they have area whose european stand or bear any closure who throws binders people's heads apparently who work for who's gonna, be. Standard bearer of a democratic party- that's gonna take on the president, twenty twenty I'll, keep themselves so far that working class people want nothing to do with them Why, though, you have to get the world on its. Why you have to solve this problem, which why the president has to fulfil this commitment, because you can't take any chances you just can't the economy's amazing right now I dont know what Can it be in a year? Nobody does, and I know that
Some of these places, where its tight Pennsylvania, for example, on broadcasting tonight you're talking about ten thousand votes could swing it one way or the other in certain places, not to lose the whole state, but could just these things, which is why you have to have everybody, come vote and the base whose major enthusiasm, if that was not built and death, rats and no, they don't have any body. Democrats, no there's, no Mulder probe shows nothing. Then It's also understand, though, that as long as they keep coming in coming at the president's over again, it satisfies as their rabid bay. She just wants to see the president gone, no matter how they get their this bay. By the way which tolerates governor in Virginia who puts on black face and does the moon walk, then calls slavery. Indentured servitude. And then also by the way talks about Europe of posts, birth, abortion, which is not abortion. At that point, as the committee keeps thing than the baby comfort
one talks about whether or not to let it liver, not they put up with this. They put up with this this anti semitic member of Congress, is represented Omar regime our concerns about the jewish money. Controlling everything. This party is off the real rails and that's why, when you look at, for example, the green new deal Major o Connell do something very smart. Today he said this, Then it will vote on the green new deal. Are showing in from our last week when the issue of the green new deal came up, and you know this is not about saving the earth much like. New Jersey, Senator Corey Booker wants to raise the price of meat, so you can't Edith anymore, wanna control you! This is about control its about controlling your life, controlling how you live for the purposes of now dismantling capitalism, the system that they apps we abhor, may I can't stand it so
Under the guise of environmental justice. They can go after capitalism, they can control how you live control how much money you make control how much money you pay thank untrue. Which is the ultimate goal of the left, which is absolute control in order to achieve their perfect utopian society, which is what marketing. About intermarriage opium, one of his best books and this this constant of the left Always trying to achieve utopia is what drives us in his place and for mutual kind of Our vote today is very smart, because there are some Democrats who believe they can get past. This present primary pickle that therein in order to win the primary Democratic Party right now you have to check out left everybody else. You gotta say on the biggest socialist. They knew howdy show on the biggest socialist, the problem. By the time a general action comes around. You are damaged goods. This is applied on that jersey. Politicos know quite well.
Because when you work in politics in New Jersey and you run a Republican and you get primary from somebody on the right, for example, then you have to figure out a way to get back in the middle for the general election, but look at America from the opposite perspective. For democratic right now they will have to try to win and then find a way to. Back in the middle to be palatable to people. In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, West Virginia Florida. Some of them sit back and they actually thinking. Oh, what this will fade away, and I can be one of the people that lives to tell it all you do. I can get through this period of cookies. By Mikado calling road. He does something very, very strategically smart, which from economy is very rare. He makes him go on record now, if they vote no on me climate change Utopia bill. Well then, they risk making the base very upset and the bay saying you're, not inauthentic leftist if they vote. Yes,
Well, then they run the risk of people who have a brain in their head. Turning and saying you are an absolute fool. So do you play a base by voting? Yes, for the green climate change Utopia bill or do you play Kate people who can think by voting? No, what do you do? What do you do and by Mcconnell putting this vote out there. He makes and take a stand on it. Gaza, Corey For example, if I know exactly how Corey Booker's gonna think Josie senator count grandstand ya this guy. Spartacus. What he's going to do is grandstand from now until the cows come home about why cows should be illegal and then, if you is the nomination he's gonna pretend Like he's always been this moderate voice, How do you hear Corey Booker talking about school choice again, something here mentioned in years, but somebody campaigned on when he ran from air of Newark now Forest Corey Book. Your vote? I missed nutty climate change, deal
force in the vote on it. If Corey Booker votes no than the latter, The space now says you're done, were your God willing at summit I fear than you. If Corey Book, Yes, then thinking people, the brain, see the quarry Booker is nothing more than a grand standard to placate the far left of his base. And not only gory, Booker Kabila, Harris Centre. A foreigner force are to vote on a two, absolutely Amy closure. Make them come on record here, yellow brand. Voting, yes, Miss kooky climate change. Whatever this is this grand New EO see green new deal is a suicide vote in general. Action, and they know which is why the running from it It's also a suicide vote. If you vote against it in the primary Can you see the Europa picture? They them primary they're all sit round. Eating granola document are terrible, how's our end,
each blade of grass especial and unique each very simple blade. No blade and now All the sudden they find out one of their heroes voted against their kooky climate bill there very sad now. But don't worry, cuz. I can move on to somebody else. It's an ultimate pickle, at the same time, however, mature economies? So the present you have to sign this agreement that we have in the Senate is we can have governed, rose again. Why not? What's the big deal, government closes again honestly. What's the big deal now the press agrees that this is one point: five billion dollars for a non wall barrier and then course we're losing beds for detention centres and we're not solving the problem of catching release, so that incentive continue. And there's a lot of people in the present space very very upset on the upside? We're going to go
Luckily, there is nowhere else to go, but you could stay home and that's the problem you dont want to allow that to occur either. Eight seven seven. Three eight one, three eight one one is the number on the market and show our idle students- let's go to God, Nick in Marietta, Georgia, Nick you're on the market and show I'm sure you rich nice, talking to appreciate the time tonight quickly? I am disappointed by the disappointed I was three weeks ago. We wait three, for this it doesn't mean anyone in the base feel like their quote. Winning I predicted this within six hours imagination would not have Bernajoux broadcasting. I said within six hours of him saying you the way this for three weeks and give them a chance to move out what I thought it shall be proven cuckoo, though the visa, these are the Senate committee. This is what you get with these people and little the keeper of the reason why you know miss green? I asked the boy
point is that you do not veto this. This means that you can be world just you will go along get along the next couple years. Then nothing substantial gonna be done we always gonna be more of a Democrat wants, then the Republican, domain. You that's interesting, so Nicky you're saying if the present signs of this issue ultimately get to be a message that they can roll him approaches The opposition of the rhinos in the Democrats position. The EU you're jumping up I find I find each other the minute the door shut in you in close based, of course, you are, I mean you sometimes suddenly stopped makes everybody tried to twenty two complicating just flat out, may just think what common this tells you and I'm hoping that the dvd gets the backbone. I mean maybe you'd a great command people for the organisation of an empire. Obviously I mean it.
You will understand. Good quality people by the credit is disappointing. Tonight. I'm reading is twitter feed in less than an hour ago. He's congratulating thing. Thank you. Shall be for his hard work by God. It that's hard work. You guys like their work and for Europe You will get on with Chile in a motel Now we re man you're right neck pressure. The call by thank you very much, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, the mark Levine Show: what do you think the press sure, do with this quorum quote compromise one point, a billion dollars for a non wall barrier. Don't you call it a wall? And what about the house? in a democratic party? Why do they continue to put up with so much hate vial? from members of their party, the mark. Then show Rich Z only for the great one straight at you, wake up in them, morning, feeling sluggish and have to drag yourself through your day. Do you feel blow
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the very ones off tonight, Rich Z, only from Philadelphia with you tonight pizza three one. Three, eight one one. Do you agree to this deal? That is the case on the table for you as we talk about Non wall barriers, not a wall to barrier on a wall, it's a barrier. These democrats are truly unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Don't you bill in Texas Bill on the mark of a shelf, geyser how you doin, you know what, I will follow you find this bill that are the democratic dictate doing whether you can build fans still barrier or a car great war. Whatever my feet vetoes it any declares in emergency. They can't tell him what to do.
Tickets to build waterborne wants. We made a wacko through the contrast, comes back. You can do and you won't have to worry about cutting down his confinements basis, for you know that they will to cut down like thirty thousand bad there, some tonight, my forty thousand that's true, but you know that you started the situation of funding the government, why you got funding already said he? I gonna build walls. One gets from the Dodd Congress or whether it gets at from through the military in court. I'm no mere lie, which are you all right, but while understood, but then why would you veto this bill? Why? What? Because, thanks to many dollars it they don't have you don't have to listen to them. Tell em out about it Craig, but it don't worry, focus on the first part for second, at some point you have to fund the government.
So are you? Are you advocating, then that the bill has zero funding for any sort of area whatsoever wall? What at all What I'm trying to see? No, no funding it offers them. They got their hands and ok, so leave it out of it, isn't always leave it out of this. Just do what visa the visa fee, the national emergency right learn, come up! Ok, mouse that don't have that confinement art of it in there too, Barnett, let me ask you this question, though: do you think that could be a loss, they are interpreted as loss, because then he literally got nothing out of the Democrats in terms of funding. Basically you get enough of money. Why do you know that it's it's it's a rip off, no matter. What does there get the say about how many Betsy can amateur also get the same chain link that no way. Every five year go at his way. You know it's interesting to because, while the national emergency will surely had to court, make movies
Why does she received was outlining other ways of president could get money? That's been advocating the executive branch and use that for the wall you do that yeah the chapel money, and then Now, both your ear, your halfway there billion Oda mean yes, I do thank you. I appreciate the call on the mark of a show very much, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one Let's see now I have a border patrol agent on the phone here: Josh Smart in New Jersey, Rachel, you, nobody good men, so you know politically, we could discuss all day on right wrong. Procedurally other get this done, but you know the american people deserve a little better than that and, quite frankly, you know when you talk about Foresman. Do you want this kind of enforcement actions going on in your neighborhood in in our borders?
you rather have a wall up screen and out sixty seventy percent, and only the on the thirty percent on? U S, land and property, saving the public from from ugly. You know potential long max, is going on in their houses, dubious average asking you hang on over the break. I want to talk more about this issue. Our border patrol age in Europe see no your staff. I have a lot of questions I want to ask. You, can hang out character good, I think, would be very informative for the audience, and I doubt much better to do come on eight seven, seven three one three eight one one, the mark Levin show Rich Z only in for the gray one to sign or not side. That is the question straight ahead. Show. This is all mother July. Fourth, Americans, you can go with aids.
Seven, three, eight one, three eight one one President treated out a short time ago, we're getting twenty three billion dollars for bore security, regardless of the wall which is being built anyway. What are you Watch the president didn't I that's question you're the mark of a show rich Z, only from Philadelphia in for the great one, eight seven seven three thousand one, three, eight one one. I asked you ash a border patrol agent to kindly hold over the break any did Josh. You were talking about law enforcement actions within communities. Elaborate on that for me, if you won right, so you know there is a lot to help Africa could. Last couple days, I think you saw quite colonel filled with people that live in these communities that that's how they feel about it. When I first got Orton down open,
the chief couldn't get anyone to build a wall for what he did, he created one and we call they hold the line and he put an agent about every hundred yards so that with what they did in lieu of awarding thought that you would see the crime rate reduction. Success propelled this chief into politics, but about the payroll think, like the pension and health care costs, of making a human wall of agent just ridiculous. But the fact is that I approve of what it can do is just you know, natty to uprooted people or not. The idea of of these other kinds of barriers should I we live in Devon, mocking the left and I for saying that they won't you a wall, but they'll do a barrier is because their little, we know pedantic games with semantics, but what
about this idea of a fence. Again, fences be effective so that all different kinds of war. You look up in this kind of so that we can talk about this. There are walls already up all over the border, so I don't even know what this argument about their all different. I you know I don't know structurally. What is the best way to keep them out? I think you know if we put that your Army Corp engineers they could come up with, was a pretty good designed a thank you still creams and dangerous situation. There have been several shootings, overwork, throwing and other things with agents. What are the people? On the other side, you just creating more problems, put a wall. You can't see who's on one side or the other you're happy ages put their lives at risk. We have to create a whole team of agents which I was on that went out there and say these illegal aliens lives when they crossed in dangerous areas, and we ve got residuum. This isn't a racial issue. This isn't the border patrol. You know a bad guys. They don't want immigrants
Then we were group of people who want to risk their lives to save them. Let's prevent risks to our agents to our neighbourhood and these people, who were trying to come over. It's just a win win and in every way you look at it. My friend prepared a great call Josh. Thank you for your service. True to our country appreciate very much eight, seven, seven, three one three eight one one here on the mark within show. But you're Lee and Jackson- Mississippi Lehigh do in downright Lincoln. Here, though, the way that I feel when I'm speaking, you know as a leftist and as a Democrat, is that Trump's got a good deal and trump needs to take this deal and run with it, because it's pretty much the best he's going to get from us and it's actually more of them, probably what crap, like myself, really wanted to give him. I mean I wanted to go with me to close these one dollar armful border security, but he got
a little bit more. We can't. Let me ask you, though I gently: why would you only want to dollar four for a wall or border security? Well earlier, your imagining about you know a Democrat. You know democratically about being politically correct, so I'm just on collar were what he really it democratic trap. I hate Trump with passion, the horrible president he's not good for them. You think about it. You got angry. I just get get gates and appoint. Get to the point. Ok, so my point is that when I win democratic got up, Do you know all these Democrats, there were running for the child, the house we data for one reason why we can only we wanted to do. The way out of trouble. We didn't. We never wanted a compromise. We never wanted to work with them. We never wanted anything and it's pretty
yes in the way that democratic doing things, if you noticed where we're not offering them anything more than about five dollars, maybe if you look at it more So the funding because of the fact that come on you're, not really a Democrat you're, not really a Democrat. Oh I'm sure you're playing a caricature of a Democrat. Now I know what you're saying is every everything that I have always believed about you, people, but now you, but I think you just putting me on this- is a common right low. That's truly how a true Democrat thinks we we do not want work which we do not really want. So you would, you would compromise the security of the United States of America just as you hate him, not compromising security, because the copper, our security would compromise. When we elected president, Ties the Russia right right, one of those ties to rush out of curiosity, and I mean it
so you say you're admitting now that your party wouldn't would sacrifice to safety and security of american citizens just cause. You ate the president make sure your mission now, I'm in meeting there. Our party is concerned that the safety of America would be best if we impeach and lock up Trump through competent president in there. That has no malaysian no ties the foreign country they entities and will not right. The Americans have a president in their who has no collusion or ties to foreign entities. Let me ask you a question: when the green new deal passes, are you gonna? you gonna swim to Hawaii you're, going to take a little like a like a book like a fishing boat Well, you know I always I mean I would like a cruise ship, but I mean you know. The best places best way to travel to meet is a sightseeing on the way there. So that would be a beautiful thing to take a cruise and it will be helping our environment fell. I do I think there s a crazy idea that you coming up with now.
You know, I hope you know why have air travel right? That's ridiculous! We get everybody can just so you know take a train of future train. Who knows? Technology may may increase them They have electric plane. You know electric plan, what about what about planes that are powered by by the sun solar plants planes their power by the sun solar planes, yet that will be my re, wouldn't it and then what happens, of course, if, if they they can't fly at night, though, I mean the Panther. I let's go back the fantasy camp. We thank you for the phone call appreciative every much. Eight. Seven, seven three, eight one, three eight one one one before you got to hear. That, at least, is honest. He sees honest with his pure utter what they call trumped arrangement syndrome, that's it he's at least telling you the truth about what motivates them and there is it's right. I mean it's completely, not approve
who's been compromised by Russia yea. They spew all the same nonsense issues about seeing from fail that, why these politicians, in the past two years to support a border wall, anti war because of two things and one guys like that, are their base, that's their base that all right. There is the base of Credit Party right now, and so even if you are a Democrat who believes that we should have border security, what you gonna do you make that I have set you understand Do you see what I mean in terms of the gigantic pickle, the Democratic Party's gotten themselves into by allowing people like him into their ring? us from the bench, everything they have to say. And she way into the democratic party. They have figured it out this their means to power through the Democratic Party and trump the opposite of everything they believe in, which is the idea of allowing people to make their own decisions and choose their own life.
Because the regulations he's getting rid of which I hope he does even more of an judges who are putting on on the bench or not writing radical laws from the bench; everything they have to stop begins and ends with the presidency, but they realize they have anybody Saddam bad guy. Just call this so emblematic of the exact problem every damn that is facing right now. Do you want to make that I have never going to vote for you to become the party nominee for president. I mean it sounds like he's giving me a skit like he's acting right now, but I think it is because the to come up with that much pure by towards the pressing I'd say: it's? U have to really mean it yeah, maybe four, Second, you get away with sounding like a cook, but after that you know You got a really live it. You gotta believe it. So now, when you're senator and your face with the green new deal bill, are you do the upset that guy
an orgy of said. Everybody else who has a job and a life. Makes money and as the heat, their homes and all the other things that come with that or call guys you know the call people in coal country, real, it really is. Don't you Donna in Frederick Maryland Donna you're on the mark of info? I just wanted to say listen to him I gotta, give it to your mama is carried out on the other side, but what I good point on a very good point. We gonna give him some props on just be impolite. He has no at least having a discussion. A raven with Democrats that, on its aims, has been account for all that. I heard that the economy me satellite and I've been hearing it throughout the day. We are hearing tat political ambitions ladder more american life and sing it play out.
When you want to remove ices ability to protect our sovereignty if we its green, about one in our pockets with everybody's green, but think about it like a big I can't environmental crime minutes. I like a clean environment. There are a lot of things that are agreed about it, but I don't like it when people TAT Academy and try and convince me That is good for me. When I know it's just an abuse, and I think that well. I, like I, have a family member that works on those huge windmills data, promote birds, probably down the road. I know people who work on solar. What are you doing? why did you have to get rid of them when they work anymore? You know where they have printed Circuit Board secretary in them
What you gonna do with that, we had thrown away for good those cars down a habit, all those cars that power and batteries with a battery lifespan is over what happened to that batteries are just chuck into landfill. Not only that, but you can't put out when they can't fire good at work. All in Albania, I saw them Atalanta, causing all were some things have been thought out, but it actually did we, In truth, we implemented and Well, you know data and thanks to the call, my dear to the mark of ensure appreciative very, very much Why do you want to go from here to Hawaii or Border Rico on where we want to go? It's just got beyond reasonable that. That is why we can so that we could even have a discussion with Democrats because had gone so far. Have, alas, that's what I'm saying
is marxism. Well, you know Donna and thanks to the call, my dear to the mark of ensure appreciative very very much. I honest you dont know. If that guy was. Aids is sincere because of the aid that look Retail he's always this idea that he's compromise. He's compromised, when a guy on the left says that you and you know exactly the point that they're making, which is there, hoping and praying Adam shift by the way Adam Shift is talking about Criticising now is openly criticising the Mulder report. Now right this down, seven, forty six, I'm on the market in sugar. At this telling you this is a prediction, and I'm often right where these things as my own speck in Philadelphia us if the Mulder Report does not show the president colluded with Russia, and it's not going to you by the way.
Robert mauler will go from being the sacred american hero who served our nation is fighting the good fight and how dare you criticise him to a republican appointee? Yes, right now, anybody criticise a smaller you get hit with a bad man. Is a hero, a man to serve our nation. That man was a soldier that man has done more to protect our you get that right. You criticise Molly criticized the probe. How dare you denounce our FBI, their morale, the people protecting us has never been lowered its because of you. You over and over again, I'm sure you right now. If the Mulder report comes back with Nata at that, when you are going to hear all in chorus because they also they all talk the same. It is like the talking pointing Facts around in the morning, facts. What is that? I have no idea they were the turning point here, all digitally sent electronically, somehow through the cyberspace, and then they all read them and those
in point will say well remember: rubber Molly was appointed by Republican, Robin mothers are republican, you're, probably robber, mothers, any surprise robber, mother, a Republican has found no evidence of collusion, no its, not no, not at all and every one of them talking hats. The panel. The panel battles are the exact same thing over and over again and then turned you bilaterally Adam ship and his committee are investigating, because we know we can have a republican Why, when he was a boy, did I was concerned with Robert Mother and his integrity as a republican mark. My words to exist really what's gonna happen here, aids seven three, eight one free eight one, one. The mark Levine show Rich Z only from a Phd in Philadelphia, the honour of being for the great one way is the latest with the Mulder report? Absolutely nothing but I'll give you the up there straight ahead.
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I would love in the president actually has treated a clip of MSNBC, which I played earlier my shown fairly, but it was really in line with what I have been saying to you here of the market in show rich Zulu with you tonight. It is the fact that if the mother probe finds nothing which, moreover, is going to find, nothing then all the centuries and change. It's all good change Can we see today acknowledging this is really amazing, acknowledging that there's nothing there not enough there. They they love it. At the same time, though,
oh going around, trying to figure out one way or another. Why the president still guilty of something thing? Listen if and when the president, as he may inevitably do pointers, reporting point in its conclusions and say: look the Senate Intelligence Committee found that I am not guilty of conspiracy. He would be correct in saying that well except, except that the use of the term not guilty is not really appropriate because that their court of LAW and Robert Mahler still has yet the way and right and that's a big question, because Robert Mahler knows things percent investigators do not have access to that said. Trump will claim vindication through this and we partly right because seventy years have access the highly classified intelligent. So, for example, if there was an intersection between some russian intelligence officers suggesting that they were conspiring withdrawn campaign, they would see that that has not emerge that evidence it does not.
Send Trump will claim vindication, but progress at the bar so high, essentially, if not convicted in a court of law. Conspiring in his mind these innocent. That's not how many senators of both parties see it, how it that's, how everybody sees it if you're not convicted in a court of law, you're innocent or at least not guilty? That's so everybody sees it. This is their legal export. Iran Msnbc, if you could, they don't convict you so he's gonna, say I'm not guilty in that's enough for them. You see how to keep changing is moving. The bar move, the goalposts he'd, do miss over and over again dedicated to finding something which is what drives Adam Schiff, that little sleaze ball who goes there investigates everything Adam shift in the house And he's joined by the likes of geniuses in the Senate, Chris Murphy from Connecticut others. These guys are dedicated to making their base happy by investigation after investigation are not interested in bipartisan compromise,
none and when mother comes out. Next week or whenever it is and comes out, there's nothing there. He will go from being a dedicated hero to a republican hack in a matter of seconds seconds. Mark my words write it down right down right this down to- and this is very important Valentine's day is Thursday. It's Thursday. Why have you sent me flowers? Yet if you haven't, what are you waiting for? You can't wait anymore. Today's left so do right now, you're in time valentines this year with a gorgeous bouquet, vibrant, reddened, pink roses from our friends at one: eight hundred flowers, dot, com right now, you can get? Eighteen stem enchanted rose medley for just try. Nine, ninety nine or upgrade you twenty four assorted roses for only ten dollars more. It's an unbelievable offer from one hundred flowers eighteen stem enchanted, rose merely for twenty nine ninety nine or upgrade to twenty four sort of roses for just ten dollars.
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now run only underground, boughs of a hidden somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader. Mahler investigation, maybe lacking and he's gonna keep investigating no matter. What does this send? It says there No collusion but back our three of the market in show rich. Only with you tonight, I'm in Philadelphia marks hometown the gray. One is Pritchett, you being here eight seven, seven, three, one, three, eight one one: yes, Adam chef, whose a very very shifty kind of a guy. He is now questioning whether or not Albert. Mahler has adequately investigated present trumps financial dealings with it. German bank, thus Reed.
Forcing his case for a new Democrat led house to begin its own inquiries into the president's finances. We need your view with embassies meet the press. The democratic California, congressmen said, is concerned stem from a New York Times report. In April its trump tried to get Mahler fired after was reported. A special council had subpoenaed Deutsche bank. Did he get him fired note? We did not write. And is the fascinating right it if there was ever talk of the left among the left of the present ever firing Mahler. They all the same thing can do mother is unimpeachable. Mahler is fantastic! Mother this morning now their question his investigation? Yes, just like and remember this out of a few member states are not. There was a time when the Senate had opened there, we ain't you ve Russia, potential campaign, election blah blah blah and of them the Democrat and the Republican, the Democrat from Virginia
Aids is one of those guys mark Warner. Just rubs me the wrong way at this, something about the guy. I mean the whole Virginias knots right, you're, governor black face. Lieutenant governor rate rapers them any course attorney general black face all say: it is not and then they have this guy there senator there, who is apt, lately asleep ball. I really is, but when he and the Chairman of the committee, the Republican came out. Everybody said it's likely adults or in the room Richard Bur North Carolina, fact? I treated that that day and sarcastic matter, I'm on twitter by the way, at rich Z. Only if you'd like to play along at home or a siege, z, e ally. I But as this this conference is press conference as a adults are in charge kind of a feel to be set literally what everybody was saying and all over the place Now they don't turn charge now's the Senate, now they'll get to the bottom of this. Guess what now that these Senate's has
covered no direct evidence of conspiracy between from campaign in Russia. What do you think all those people are saying now about the adults in the room? we are saying the adult sitting have access to all the information, the adults are biased the adults or blah blah blah. How quickly changes Three women House investigation was going on. They all went around it said you know, Devon Nunez. He can't be trusted. This guy he's way tooth pro trump, so this whole committee stinks, but the Senate, the Regal Senate, will get to. The bottom of this, and now here we are today after two years and two hundred interviews assented intelligence committee is approaching the end of its investigation to be twenty. Fifty twenty sixteen election having uncovered no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. According to both Democrat Dan Republicans on that committee. Will? What do you know but invest
enters disagree along party lines when it comes to the implications of a pattern of contacts that have documented between Trump Associates and Russians contacts at it, before during and after russian intelligence, operatives were seeking to help. Donald Trump by leaking democratic emails and attacking his opponents. Sarah richer North Carolina stated last week. If we write a report based upon the fact that we have that we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia Bit. What more do you want? But of course, Now, a Democrat Senate investigator smoke Embassy news on the condition of anonymity said the following: Paden Dispute birth: accusations, but he said they lack context quote. We were never going to find a contract, and in blood, saying hey, lad, we're going to collude lad. Is that, like Vladimir Putin is at VLAD okay so realize
What I mean in terms of them moving the goalposts left and right. They find no evidence of Julie, investigation years crossing the millions of dollars he alone, Nothing and their answer is well, it's not He was going to be in blood, go and a lad body. Let's collude: do you believe this course, you dear because few listen to mark of in, and you are a very wise person. You do believe this, it's a game that they play overrun. Here again, instead of saying hey, you know what I had my doubts, but thankfully, this by partisan effort, There's Democrats, Raw hailing Richard Bird, the entire time republican chairman hailing here, Samantha integrity. He's a man, get to the bottom of it, he alone with Mark Warner, We all get to the bottom of this. Don't you worry, and now we have had here it's not like we're gonna find at the bottom of vodka bottle the secret illusion recipe.
The same thing with a smaller poor. When the Mulder report comes out, finds nothing same thing. Well, was a political hack, all along our proper part, the report Democrat say, will not be good for Trump card, but they also clearly haven't found proof of their worst fears. The president formed a corrupt, packed with Russia to upper sanctions relief, or other favourable treatment in return for russian help in the election, because he didn't. Well try to build a hotel. Who cares that Relevant you're allowed to build hotels, I've newsreel you're allowed to do business in foreign countries, his entire I feel a businessman doing business in foreign countries why this is why are we accusing Scotland of controlling him said the golf course air scottish collusion. Scots, maybe they're in charge, why Can anybody allege that see now they don't talk about all the other properties around the world that the president has done in his private life this mention well. He obviously was
trying to do business in Russia. Therefore, therefore, what private you'll find something when they didn't find anything they turn round ago. I've here. What did you expect? We will never gonna find it, then why the hell did you do? this entire time. Why did you waste our time and our money? If you knew the entire time you were ever going to find anything? That's that's their answer. Now. Bats like we were never going to find in blood, pave lad. Let's collude. So. If you knew you were never going to find any evidence, and you knew you were never intercept the findings anyway. Why did we go while this in waste millions and millions of dollars in my time in your time and everybody else's time. The answer is because it was never about Russia was now being unhappy with the election result being more. Five. By what happened, I've been trying to find a way to undo it you spend time on this you have mark has together, we ve talked about this. You go back to the twenty sixth
action with Peter Stroll Zack and his friend, LISA page I com, strolls act because money, Watson, com and who is a member of Congress from New Jersey keeps calling him. Mr Strauss ACT, and it makes me laugh. So I call him Storbeck Peter Stroll Zack and her tat back and forth about stopping the election than the present wind. Tromp winds, and let me talk about stopping the electoral college from meeting in voting then stopping the inauguration from taking place then and on and on it so That mindset of we lost, but we can I we lost, and we hate this guy, we had him so much find something find anything go, find it go, look and find it and keep finding until you find it. These people are history By the way, MSNBC was talking about how everybody's gonna die. You're all gonna die. You understand. If the green new deal does not come to pass the reasonable, laughed MSNBC, Katy terrific. This one was Kay. There, she's going on about how the green new deal doesn't happen
We're all gonna die, the? U n. We have twelve years before complete disaster, talk to the representatives of the marshal. Airlines and he's calling it what could amount to genocide. If we allow things to go as they are, the report's aren't just hey: it's gonna get bad. The reports are people will die, Millions and millions and millions of people will die You understand the hysteria that they put forward with climate change, which, as we ve talked about a million times, has nothing to do with planet earth. It's all about controlling you and destroying capitalism. How come there's, never hysteria when it comes to the border. You noticed that there's never The urgency there is never any fear, there's nothing. In fact, if you bring up fear regarding people crossing the border, We are told that you are a mean person, Meaney, pants, they're, all just good people, just trying to get here? even the Emma thirteen ones, even trappers friends there, all just good people beacons of light. Who just want to come and have a better life? never hysteria with.
We want, and I mean any one coming over the border. Any discussion of crime at the border is met with you're, just fearful you're fearmongering. That's what you do. You're. Your mongering good people and it's gotta stop yet they act like this with the climate, everybody's gonna die all of us hysteria and that's acceptable, acceptable, You talk about an actual crime statistics to the border. Anything in the left goes down you dare bees. Commercial, these people, how dare you call it? Massachusetts as voted to keep their police officers, norms on campus police officers, I know there a lot of them who are living I'd soliciting, probably right now, and I appreciate that Massachusetts COM, of art and design mass art the trust these voted to. Preserving on free environment, by keeping police officers unarmed on campus.
Hello, came last week and drew the Isle of Mass ART police sergeant, mad Hurley, who said quote mass. Our community has been done a disservice, as it has presented a false sense of security. The boss, inherit quarterly. You suggested a police force that is unarmed, as a police force without the power to protect students, his appearance, Expectation that when they send their child off to school here and since there is a police department, they have nothing to worry about. This is just right: but mass. Aren't President David Nelson argue that changing school policy to arm officers is necessary quote to be clear, Current policies and officers remain unarmed, and that remains my position today. Can they throw chalk as my question? Nor can they grow, doc and throw it and Chuck and people are allowed to do that, can make you guys know anything and they throw things can, I say mean words: can they do that? Can they do that
this is. This is the propaganda that dispute on college campuses around the country on a daily basis, cops are bad guns, are bad air go cops with guns are really bad. And forget provocative your if you're a student there, you have an expectation of security, you hope wears a police force. Before I guess they have whistles, maybe a whistle we really loud- I dont know, but this is mindset of the left over in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There is a move by the mayor there to pass, bill that is in violation of state law in Pennsylvania. This bill would allow the police and a judge you take your fire, if they deem you a threat, because you ve been having a bad go of it even having a tough time of time at work. Your wife left you whatever. Well, then they They determine you might be a threat yourself or others therefore, going to come in and take your firearms. The mayor Pittsburgh
I'm a crowd! Obviously he's openly violated, state long Pennsylvania? Could state law says cities and towns can make their own gun laws, but he goes. I don't care impeach me. If you arrest me. If you want, I gotta keep my people safe. Its lawlessness. I don't know what committee decides. Lay Jim you ve had a really bad week, so I'm sorry that things didn't go well for you on the stock market this week. So we're in commenting on take your guns, good news you get to keep all your knives Are your bow and arrow and your car, all of it. Just the guns are gonna, get rid of. The lawlessness of the left is something that you have to understand. They openly will vial I defy life, it serves their agenda if it pushes it and they'll rampant the hysteria, they scenario- people well you If a guy loses his wife, we have to come in and take us ironic, because he might be a danger to himself and others they'll That is very about law abiding citizens.
You bring up anybody at the border, ha ha. I care how how did what, raw with you. You, racist that is everything you need to know about the left and how they respond to all the stuff that I am tired of it. As I know you are tired of it is well eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, the latest on the border budget, copper, Eyes, Rich Z, only for the great one market, you are with us as well. Eight seven, seven, three one, three, eight one, one here in Memphis, Tennessee, Junior you're on the mark of and show how you doin Besides the Volga, thank you, Sir
I do not know about the job ordeal until I heard it on the show just a minute ago. Man, I would think we'd have to do their right. I mean makes perfect sense. So here's the deal now since he's been found guilty and federal court. The government going to try to seize his proceeds from his illegal crimes. It's about fourteen billion dollars, but that model would just go to the Justice Department Kitty. What the what the Elk Chapel ACT. The tankers but would do as it would require by law that any money seized has to be used towards Thing a border wall or their border, related security initiatives together, it's a great bill. Is there they negative to parliament is only drawback to doing this now I cannot see any negative toward it's not you know he's been found guilty, so there's no constitutional issues, because I am against civil forfeiture, but this is criminal he's guilty now the governor,
you gonna go in any way and try to get his money that he's made from his illegal activities. That's in law, they're allowed to do that. You dedicated to Wall, and then you put it up for a vote and what a Democrat say no, no, we're not gonna, let s drug money go towards paying for them keep out. Other people want to make money off drugs. That's right at that pose this space. They showed her cards. I mean they're going to post anything which they will anyway, but if they, if they have to say that they oppose this, and I mean that they're just they just against Trump, I would think Trump all over this, oh yeah. He should I mean they should they should try to vote on asap the minute government gets reopened. Just do it pass. It is when you first As for the Democrats on the spot, Junior make I voted no to this- is fourteen billion dollars of drug money from a guy who's been convicted in court. For the wall. It's no brain, it's a noble manner and politically it's no brain or to an albino
perfect timing, man and I do appreciate the time and I'll get up here and listen to you, my but no good You brought that up and how better how'd you keep on talking about it and then drop jumps all over this thanks. You brought appreciate that eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one, more on the El Chapel ACT. I love it and, of course the big question when the president goes after these social issues is a good political strategy. I say it's brilliant political strategy. I wanna hear more of it. Place that straight ahead, Rich Z, only for the great one mark will then come back in modern voice. Our founding fathers is the mark. Levin show dial, eight hundred and seventy seven three hundred and eighty one three thousand eight hundred and eleven.
You know the Democrats are all in on a barrier. Not a wall came no wall barrier to understand. But you learn nothing else tonight from The mark. Levine show with me rich z. Only for the great one learn: that's. Why bad barrier, fine, while racist barrier, not racist now again, the all this transcends logic in any way, shape or form so ignore logic. Nancy below Sea, the speaker of the house, who has been around for a very, very, very, very long time turn blood is very, very sacred around her, I'm just pointing out the fact that some have suggested its use more than Botox for her policy. At one point, I suggested in response to the border, building a wall. It's about mowing the grass mowing the grass you understand, tat, you listen, let's sit down and talk this too and see.
Make sense, not so much commitment to a promise. If we're going to build a wall on Mexico's going to pay for it, that's never going to happen, but let that where there are more serious structure, might be necessary where fencing, we'll do or minor grass of the people can be our Sousa Grass nets, suddenly about levies, technology personnel, we workers, we workers lawnmowers- maybe some goats- I think goatee grass or sheep, or some have them feed on this on the border Mary go. This is all the speaker who said at the beginning of all this was happening Walt Disney money. Any doubt that we are not doing a wall. Now, of course, when the speaker of the House says and then today they prevent the announced a deal on one point: five billion dollars for barriers. You understand: what's changed nothing except the nomenclature, the word no more wall, Barry
MIKE Barnacle, whose aim is a blow heart goes on morning, Joe quite a bit, and I dont know exactly the point of that show other than dispute. Trumpets Hitler nonsense every single day, but this this bans in fear of invasions in fear of Emma S, thirty, and then on the southern border. Tiggle, listen Joe No, I don't have to explain this to you of all people, but for everyone else out there the wall is kind of a metaphor for Donald Trump Presidency. The foundation of the wall is Kate, its feet, hate you write his wall over the course of his political career, You build on that hate in that fear, and it becomes fear of the other and then fear of brown people and it becomes. Caravans in fear of invasions in fear of Emma S, thirty and that's the route of trunks
financial election and that's gonna, be the route of his re election campaign. Now he is sadly, first significant now hate is Foundation for the wall, but not the barrier so the barrier is, I guess, the foundation is love or just you I don't know I'm not a construction guy, but some other form of immaterial besides Hate like eight has no home your hand, has no barrier here Hey, there's, no home you're paid is no barrier on this barrier. No foundation the guy is an absolute caricature of every single talking head on the left. Brown people fear of brown people, now. This is, if you remember short time ago, Tom Broker went on with that whole thing about Gray Brown, grand babies he was going on about would make no sense nonsensical but now suddenly there in on a barrier to
the racist symbol wall not happening, but the barrier. Ok, we're! Ok, now we're we're would this now? How do you go? that position to this position of saying while racist barrier not race, is how do you do that? What kind of a mental game do you have to play in your head to enable people? to take you seriously after this. After all of this, like Texas, democratic, Representative Henry Cool, your Taylor first of all, we now have a wall. Now. Can we look at some sort of enhanced barrier? something we can surely look at. Let the local communities be involved, so they can come up with, maybe maybe some sort of enhanced barrier but again Washington cannot dictate what sort of barrier and where to put it at wash it that is not going to say, say what sort of barrier they're gonna have again.
I don't believe in the wall. I think a wall is the fourteenth century solution. The way the president is saying that present is is is look at a false premise. He thinks that the only way to Secure- The border is by having a wall. That is a false premise. There's other ways of securing the border with a barrier, a barrier you see. Today, we Democrats have now agreed to this in principle in theory and their bases gonna turn around and go well. It's on a wall. Racist symbol of hate, it's a barrier. This is the absolute naughtiest time we ve ever lived in our entire life. I'm telling you I'm convinced of it. I really and truly am. I am just absolutely certain of the fact that sometimes I wake up and thank this is all still a dream. It's a dream. Somebody on the left is gonna. Look somebody in the eye with a straight face and go. I stood up against the wall. Haven't you voted for a barrier, that's right, which is not a wall. What
well care. Let him call what I really want to call it doesn't matter just get something there that people can get through. That's all like or mow the damn grass mow the grass. That's it! That's a speaker of the house, Oh, the lawn normally go by lawnmowers and dispatch an army of lawnmowers. We workers and what not that of a great jobs for people? Ok, Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, let's go to cabin is in long island. Your cabin you're, a mark of info the original idea, good buddy, but what about the environmental effects of all say that were destroying the ecosystem, reuse, boy,
I think that what are you anyway? They all the old fashioned, can remember the kind you you have to push, but I guess I got three topics: real, quick, then I'd like your opinion on what did he say without chapel money? I mean it's not like that monies. It's it's good theory, but it's not like that money sitting in the United States and even if its found Mexico would never have that we leave if the money stout too. I am outraged. The Democrats wanting to put a cab on on have any they're gonna have to keep them in custody. When I mean you can lose them. Compared to buy one caravans and the other is theirs. It shows me or when you listen to Elsie.
She might sound like a middle school, that's campaigning on having great soda flow from the water fountains That's true yeah! She does. She sounds. I all things are possible with homecoming episodes. Just absolutely. I can't believe I'm fifty one years old and I can't believe the United States is at this position. I didn't want twenty. I just had a conversation with my mother eleven years ago, when home deeper was first opening up. They open up an account next to my bed in the next town over and at that time you could not even put into that home people with a pickup truck without being bombarded by people taking your higher on the third day labour
Wait only big fight breaking out, and I said this years ago that this was gonna happen. Well, listen, brother! You are you're proficient guy Kevin thanks to the common position, a very much eighty, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one relation there. Mr producer aright, I want to hear for you here at the mark. Levin show, of course I don't know. I just thought it was you calling. I was excited for a second. Let's go to David in Racine Wisconsin, David failure after we're gonna pay. What, when a government down Grandma said would be that down would be the air traffic control system, which would mean being allowed to have airplane flights and the meat inspection programme, which would eliminate legal article, two cornerstones of the green new deal. That's a good point:
Your point you you find a way than to get rid of planes and cow is all in one fell swoop. People speak previous seasonal programme. Well done, Sir well done baggy David. I like it. I like it like we're going with this very Eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one by the way mark is on twitter, of course, at Mark Levine show and follow me on Twitter. At rich Z, only are a siege, Z, EEO, Ally, yeah. You know this. This kind of not in this that we see going on right now is wonderful for present trumped up really is because he comes out It talks about like last night at the rally talk about governor black Face and Virginia governor, shoe polish, and, let's not forget something up. At the root of this were not forums man's on abortion lay term abortion, Post post, birth, abortion.
Which is not abortion anymore. Now, you're, killing a human being is supposed to be protected by the Constitution of the United States, where the Constitution supposed to provide you due process and people can't Well, your life for your liberty or your limbs without due process and not who says we'll have a keeper comfortable and have a committee will talk about it in the press. Those after that which I think is really smart. I think it's very smart of the president to address this kind of stuff. Reminds evangelical voters that he's in the fight for them. It reminds people were pro life that the press, is on your side and it It points out and he's got a very good way of pointing out there that their naughtiness in a way that is often ignored by the media, for example, Ralph not from sat down with EL king yesterday I received this morning show, and she did so much to help rehabilitate this monster and, of course, no questions about post birth, abortion, and it was all about really truly about his neck.
Mission of slavery as they celebrate the founding of slavery, or some nonsense like that these are vital people. These are. These are hateful people, and the present calls him out whether it setting anti Semite in Congress or or this, This is governor in Virginia and look by the way. I would not normally suggest that this act you're not itself make someone a racist when I come to that conclusion, based on the fact that now in his re ability, sure he's travelling around meeting with black people, the black farmers, this black group that black Why was he not meeting with people before? Why would she nodding Adra, these communities that he represents as governor before this he's only you. Using people now to try to rehabilitate himself, because the man doesn't give a damn. That's why this is the present last night. Democrats are also pushing extreme
Turn abortion? Allowing children do be ripped from their mother's womb right up until the moment of birth. What's that all about
so in Virginia? The governor he's got a little publicity lately, I like it keeps us out of the papers. I like, like defined a few more guys like this, would be almost boardwalk his wife softer, darling darling. It would be inappropriate. I want to see somebody trying imitate Michael Jackson in the moon. What this would not have been a good see his wife's saved him, what the governor stated that he would be even a newborn baby to come out into the world and wrap the baby and make the baby comfortable and then talk
mother, I talked to the father and then act secured the baby. You know the the notion of Republican bring this up. So many though it's just not cool. If it really is it's a cocktail party crowd out just please its words. We don't want to hear, but that's what they're counting on their counting on you not wanting to have words like that be said. It's part of what their dealings drunk goes after. And I love it- I do- I think it's great- not always it's more political strategy issues is shrilly good to have. Somebody acknowledge what that is the evil that nor from stands for that Andrew Cuomo stands, for I want this to be out there. I want people to recognise this stuff is evil. That's what it is. It sick, its barbaric, its inhumane, it's all
but things? And for so long a lot of people were pro life, for example, felt very much like the Republican Party was pro life in name only, and they wouldn't addressed stuff like this there's something else see which shows you how far the Democrats have gone left on the coop factor, because there was a time when there were some Democrats, Casey the governor of Virginia. We have Pennsylvania, who actually there's a famous Supreme Court case, planned parenting. Casey Mark, writes about it in men and black and this guy for plan parent, because he was a Democrat who was pro life, and you guys like you, would have realised the party were, but it was at one point kind of understood, lay term. Abortion was wrong and postmark. Abortion was certainly this is now in act is becoming mainstream. The democratic Party in Trump says: I'm gonna, call em out good, also going to remind people of what got nothin in this pickle in the first place, this big political power For that reason he remind him of this because the media,
did you everything about it to make it just all about the black face? It's not all about the black face. It's about the governor set about abortion and good for them. For mining everybody about that eight seven, seven, three, eight one Eight one one, the mark in show common right back Let us go to hear in the Maghreb and show Martin in Charlottesville Virginia Martin, our you, sir. I am doing quite well. Thank you. How are you doing very well, You know, I appreciate you have me all. I just crime rates runaway rich in from arc of immature gotta, be quick as well as at the end of the show cigarettes, or rather that Rich United was there. The african American
can't believe all the lunacy that we are falling. Far from the Democratic Party from late term, abortion are governor here Virginia in black, face to not standing up for our communities that are often the most heard from illegal immigration. We are we compete for jobs and we compete for housing and everything would illegal immigration and as much as I'd like to help them. We gotta help ourselves here are you carefully after the murder of the father, for this foolishness? I'm so glad you called. Let me let me ask you in which, when you hear the left act as if they are the party that every after American should vote for many
the commission, illegal immigration, and then you see their governor acting the way the Discovery of Virginia accurate, you're governor, and how does it make you feel about in terms of so many people are still vote for Democrats embarrassed and makes me angry because after my fellow Americans every day, I'm trying to explain to them that one party to take a k, a party of slavery, the party has always help like bounded, always been democratic party and look, nothing has changed and they look at me like dear and headline gonna. Play derive like they have a father funded, are penalised. Ok for the purpose of variable Margaret thing, I wanted to abort blood, baby, marvellous thing or the Negro project the report that babies and now the democratic Party you think aboard baby after they were born and we're gonna headlight peerage paint. Actually they were, they would do more to protect the deer in their lights, truly marring. Thank you. My friend,
She had a very nice talk. You grateful that you call the Marquis of insured tonight, thanks buddy. Hang out here, and I thank you for letting me nobody. Nobody can fill the great ones chair, and I mean no but still I appreciate you letting me hang out with you for a few hours here on the market, show I'm on Twitter at Rich Z, only an facebook outcome slash, The show up, we have a great night and remember this. Copper The big question ass to be asked is evident. Good for the border, then the president cheered think about maybe another shutdown thanks. We'll be back soon.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-06.