« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/4/24


On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is playing from the same playbook that the Democrats put out against Donald Trump in 2020, claiming to save our democracy while burning down our Constitutional republic. Biden has a decades-long history of bigotry and white supremacy, and he is a diabolical simpleton that only cares about power and enriching his family. Biden is a Marxist wannabe implementing the Obama-Sanders Marxist plan, and the pathetic media will let Biden run as the savior of democracy. Also, the meaning of the 14th Amendment is clear, it was written to identify Confederate officers as insurrectionists, but Democrats are rewriting history to make that include the President so it can be applied to Trump. This won’t stop people like Chris Christie from going on The View and sounding like an unhinged blithering idiot to call Trump an insurrectionist. We are being led into another Civil War with all of the election interference and efforts to remove Trump from the ballot. Later, Mark speaks with Trent Staggs, candidate for Senate in Utah, about the upcoming election and an anti-Semitic situation with Kyrie Irving at a Utah Jazz game.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the
the. The where to market, then hear our number hello, eight seven. Seven three, eight one, three one one eight seventeen when three one three eight one one I mean the middle, a dinner but down your fork, spoon knife, if you're driving your car to hold the steering wheel, steady.
If you're in a store, restaurant, a lot of people are and they worthy in the year bugs and listening. Program just keep doing. This but listen up. You're gonna get re angry about the first minute. I want you to hear my react in fact, so predict as Joe Biden, my reaction from october, one twenty twenty, because it's the same play book that Democrats are putting up that they put out for the mid term elections the same play book the democrats for pointing out that they put out against donald trump and twenty twenty there are saving democracy. You see what burning down our constitutional republic and they think they're gonna do The american people with the american people aren't stupid their stoop. So, let's start with the pain for our part, this is the new and first Joe Biden ad
together by the marxist reprobates islamists and all the others if are going to be voting for Joe Biden. Has seventeen Well, I made the preservation of american democracy. The central issue of my presence here notice how the slurs, like he's a drunk. I'd start over go ahead.
I made the preservation of american democracy, the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted or something dangerous happened in america are extremely smooth share the basic violation of democracy in this arena ashtray. Now what will we do to maintain our democracy? Yeah? We watch the world watch for our children and grandchildren. All of us are spotted sniffing their hair. As president, I have supported voting rights since day. One of this administration- and I ask every american to join me in this cause. America is still a place of possibility. Power resides we. The people are so we are the united states where ministry there is nothing beyond our capacity. We act together on the job by, and I approve this message
stupid asset? Be perfectly honest with you now the real Joe Biden october, one twenty twenty I was on handed any gave me nine minutes because I dug in And when you listen to this, ask yourself. Well, you just heard about Joe Biden from Joe Biden. is the biggest lie. The answer is yes,. So again. This is from over three years ago, when they reporting the same thing against donald trump card. Eighteen go basing the present the united states, which is outraged as if hill denounce white supremacy twenty times But I want to honestly speak to the american people go ahead of the media tonight and I want asked. This question is Joe by Still a white
premises. That's right is east A big it and I'm gonna use binds all language that any any moderator any debate, moderator confined goes. It took me forty minutes to dig all this up team. Seventy five october, twelve quote Joe Biden, and you said this to the philadelphia enquire. I think the democratic path could stand a liberal george wallace. someone who's, not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn't pander but would say with the american people know in their got is right, and he says that also is referring to alabama notorious george. While us all Nineteen, seventy five Joe Biden quoth. I think the concept the bussing there we're going to end. Great people, so that they all have the same access and they learn. to grow up with one another and all the rest is a red. Action, The whole move in a black pride is rejects of the entire black awareness concept were black is beautiful.
culture should be studied and the awareness of the importance of their own identity. If that does I'm close to promoting segregation are opposing integration. Nineteen, seventy five I dont know- What does eighteen. Seventy seven from the new york times Joe Biden old comments He says that non orderly racial integration, non, orderly racial integration policies would cause is children to grow, In a racial jungle He then says: unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle the job being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it's going to sloan at some point job. I nineteen. Seventy seven all letters, eddie wrote to racist southern senator James east Lynne, who was as racists and bigoted as they get a segregationist democrat for mississippi quote.
keen seventy seven. I want you to know that. I very much appreciate your help during this week's committee meeting an attempt To bring my auntie passing legislation to a vote by on june thirty nineteen, seventy seven james easily g that the washington post. I wonder how they forgot about that islam a plantation owner who believe x or an inferior race and forcefully for desegregation throughout its careers. Are democratic lawmaker in this city and of letters going back. tween by an equal and back the nineteen. Seventy two his friendship with east Now, let's go to nineteen eighty seven, during a nineteen eighty seven fund, raising trip across the south for his success is unsuccessful. Nineteen eighty eight presidential bed by this to appeal to white voters telling audiences then, received an award from george wallace in eighteen. Seventy three
The segregation had lauded him. Ass quote: what are they abstaining young politicians of america, Joe Biden. nineteen. Eighty eight, nineteen. Eighty on the floor of the united states Senate by pray, segregationist, drawn status. A racist segregationist from mississippi. As a quote man. Character. even said that. Dennis who opposed brown versus board of education with some. He called the southern manifesto. This was a racist manifesto. A lot of these Democrats, southerners had signed and in fact, by even brag Status gifting him with a table which the southern manifesto assign, while How does the media this? This is? Why we're going over the media said and communicating with the american people particularly african americans and black americans twenty seventy twond seventeen Joe Biden, says I've been around so long. I
good, Jamie's james easily, who are again was this segregationist for mississippi, even the days when I got there. The democratic party still had seven or eight old fashioned democratic segregationist you'd, get up you'd You, like the devil with them. Then you- down and have lunch dinner together. The political system work, we divided on issues, but the political system work at Biden, twenty nineteen comments made about working with segregationist twenty nineteen biodiversity about this time working well again with east lynne and then Georgia's segregationist, herman town homage the nineteenth seventys when he began discussing the relationship Biden said I was caucus with James eastland before stating a southern action in claiming that the senator the senator, never call me boy, which, as we all know, is a derogatory term used against black men,
the ninety ninety four violent crime bill. It wasn't just called the crimes that was debate crime belly cannot hide from it. Now he wants Its main author, the Democrats senate asks that the democratic house passed at the democrat president bill Clinton who also as ties to segregation, he signed it, but I was chairman of the Senate judiciary committee. Here's what he said we have editors on our streets, that society has in fact in part because of its neglect created. He said The speech from the floor of the house bind describe a car dread of you. People, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock without parents without provision without any structure there. Any. Contrast developing because they literally because they literally have not been socialized they'd. It only have not had an opportunity. He said we should focus on them now, because, if we don't, they will or a portion of them will become the predators.
Fifteen years should now, who do you think he's talking about buying? nineteen? Ninety three predator remarks were soon The comments made by Hillary Clinton and ninety ninety six, where she warned of super predators but no conscious, no empathy and who, to be brought to heal twenty ten man. How is it that he escapes scrutiny for his bigoted racist pair comments coming out of his big mouth twice. Ten eulogy for robert bird, who founded the clan a west virginia in west Virginia broken off from Virginia doin that civil war, because it was, with the union robber bird starts h the klan in west virginia so Excited are the Democrats about how many filibuster, the nineteen sixty four civil rights act. They made him the majority leader in the democratic already in one of his pals. Joe Biden. He four fought.
Nineteen. Sixty four civil rights act and one things he said to me for all of us citizens at the funeral. bird was a mentor and a friend in for a lot of us. He was a guide. Now I have Should that ask richard spent ever hear him well, Tehran is like one of the heads of the neo nazi movement or the clan. Something that sort in the united you know we endorse sean, endorse, job four presently united states, you know what our President Donald trump was asked about David. We can't denounce David Duke he denounced David, duke they gave up at david, duke endorsed you? What do you think about that? He denounced that he denounced it over and over and over again in and six richard spencer, failure than David. Do it may crackpot sub human. Why a premises moment Biden not asked once what do you think so, that now I want to move on.
More money and more clever. Thirty. Second, let me just and with this question let me just send with this question Joe Biden still a white supremacist. Are you still a big it? exactly what come? Our harris called you think in many ways you still are in many ways still alive? Because all you do is you at the president? Call him a liar and you dared him a racist, you a disaster, why they hide you in the basement. That's why you started interrupting the present the united states. The same thing you did to Paul Ryan. If we had an honest S rather than a corrupt press mark, if we people who really wanted to get to the bottom of the let's kill, find wouldn't have a chance. Hannity was very tolerant of me on that particular program, for which I appreciated, but I had a lot to explain.
And it didn't didn me long to dig up all that information, because you know folks, I've used in here before About an extremist movements, Joe Biden is a very diabolical evil, simple. He's never cared about black people never cared about jewish people, He cares about himself, cares abandoned His family. Cares about a re election. He likes the life he has. That's always ever done run for public office. Oh, he cares about his power like obama, who is a committed true marxist. Bernie sanders a committed to mark. Joe Barnes marxist, want to be. But he's implementing their schedules, their agenda, their plants
That's how he came to power and that's how he intends to hold power everything I too sean, then, and I've played few now is known by every meeting, outlook in america and yet they Joe Biden run for president. claiming that he stood for democracy, claiming that mega make em. A great again now they turn it into some kind of a nazi statement, make amerika great again Who is claiming that he stands for democracies trashing. They make amerika great again group pathetic. What exactly is Joe Biden done to advance the cause of corn? Quote democracy, nothing quite the contrary. Job I'm gonna go to valley, forge when
it was storm here on the east coast valley. Forge last time I checked is on these coasted some pennsylvania so he's moved his speech on receive marking the anniversary january sick up a day due to the incoming winter storm in the northeast middle annick regions. This weekend, MR president, is no george washington torch watching too have spent weeks. Add value forge one of the worst snow Storms on record, but Joe binds gonna move up, his january six speech, the january fifth ain't to get caught the cold weather I'll, be right back. Ben
the nikki. Haley has gotten away with an awful lot. Prison trump has mostly kept his powdered right because he wants to take out the sadness, so the trump team. pack or the campaign is spent millions and millions on the scientists only be out there Nicky Hayley, whose new going there a crab party, a new party, buddies, open border bodies, be government bodies, have port tens of millions of dollars into her campaign and she spend two and a half times as much money, and I were the trump attacking descent and, of course to say this doesn't have the funds to defend himself But this is the way Hayley has done what she's doing she's lying through her teeth to conservative
she's lying to her tea through a teeth to maggie. she's, getting away with it left and right. If you saw my pie, this morning that I put together very intense gently, I might add of one lie after another after another after another. Hidden cost me anything. I just did it you'll see. How disingenuous she is, but I want to talk about this when we're back Marge laverne Michaud lie at national and eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one chris Christie is a blithering any it blithering. Eddie he's unhinged more more. You can seize losing his mind even sooner Even christian. You The rhino rhinos urging them
crash and independence to vote and the republican primary new hampshire to help as new girlfriend Nicky Hayley, because here this great juggernaut out there. You know for a george bush and address, and I Chris soon, who probably doesn't look that good and addressed to you, MR pollution, there's nikki. Hailing there is a different story. They met between george bush and Nicky Hayley george bush. Didn't take ten size of the same issue. Nicky Hayley is the flip for in it. they nine year old, young kids at the mouth of babes. As I say to confront her and tell her she's a flip flapper, like John Kerry machine, Have you look at the post on social media when I say social media on all of them except facebook, because I despise mothers accra despise him
I want nothing to do with him, but if you check other sites we are there and you'll see for yourself what she has said. first, what she's done she's a liar. Look at this guy, Charles coke? He taken his organization, they used to be sovereignly tradition. Conservative organization he started buying the gaelic he's also partners up with partners, upper george soros and this Quincy institute Which might also be a institute for our enemies? George Mcgovern could have run that institute. Basically, trawls cook always has supported wide open borders. He'd. He personally has been a radical libertarian, but he hated scotch so much he's now thrown his soldiers behind the gaily.
Making how he has been extremely weak about immigration, ladies and gentlemen, her entire public career extremely weak, he's been extremely weak on communist china. Slobbering all over g standing next the communist chinese flag, while slobbering over deal she may with them to give them americans, Carolyn in land. She slob at all over disney, headquarters in California witches Growing over the people in Florida she's, so Take him in south carolina sure. Why not big problem she said she wouldn't run against trump. If iran. Well, she's running against and what happened.
Is that what we really need to fight the radicals when we say this election is more important than ever before. Do we really want to elect somebody like this seriously? and so she goes to the billionaires, not main street, not main street usa. she goes to the media and the billionaires which, where the rhinos go, which is where the Democrats go democratic billionaires airs. I proceeded Amy diamond calls himself Jamie when you're like sixty eight years, all anyway, Jamie diamond a democrat billionaire. Those Democrats need to get behind her together? I'm and ate it. The billionaire said at a Democrat who says I'm voting for Biden, but we want to her because they know they can beat her. The bush client.
rove, Paul, ryan and they're, all behind Nicky Hayley peggy known and she can't get Christy. She wants hayley; these are long, the two or time republican establishment- in class operative who don't want at their feet. The american Since you don't want to take over the take on the cultural right, you don't want to secure the border who don't want the number one defence in the country. damn what's happening to the middle class in this country with inflation. Otherwise They won't be talking way. They talk, but there are very, very well, every damn one I mentioned, and here's chris Christie. Chris Christie said some, in yesterday on the views he Chris Christie is a griffin. What's this guy gonna, do another may maybe work at the food channel other than that is he going to do
he's a washed up failure of a politician. He couldn't get reelected to thing in new jersey. They can't stand him in new jersey. what is he going to do? He'll go anywhere: cnn MSNBC, the view airport radar sonogram anyway. giving get you to fight with you. You at my my rhino friend here you at your rhino, no question about that, but still a friend I mean how do you back gerald ford against ronald reagan or He's a good guy he's had criss cross Jonas programme repeatedly but criss cross. Got very angry with him today, apparently because he dared ask him if he would vote for buying or trump Christy's alike, Does it exposed christie? And let me tell you, that's not a pretty picture.
Christy city would vote for neither a ok your vote for neither I'm so you're. Just gonna stand on the sidelines when you're, ok, Sit on the sidelines, that's when he got angry, because these issues have consequences. He says: If Donald trumps convicted, he will not pardon donald trump, he should go to jail. To re rational man, Chris Christine oddy, you think he's really four donald trump to be convicted and sent to jail, and the klux klan act on the enron act on their federal contractor act. Oh only espionage jack put in place by racist by then Woodrow Wilson and used against his political opponents, Chris Chris davies rooting for yes get em. Pretty amazing, isn't chris christie of the bush plan, Chris Christy
recommended christopher wray to be the fbi directly as a fool he's. A clown is phone. So there he is on the view, or else is going to be. well come on. My show willingness to produce how many more times can we ask him. Chris I know you're out the can high trust me on that one, but he won't come on. We tried the key here. She won't come up, But although on a view. she'll go on cnn, oh yeah,. Here is on the view yesterday, cut nine go. What the lines that the people Gone through to make sure his feet. Don't touch the ground. Do you think I don't know? I don't know what that means. I mean, I know really look too will be called work for college, inner, even literate commentary, but there
Yes, she's another one, remember about the holocaust: the nazis missed reducing she's done that twice. She doesn't loser job Nana perfectly fine Go around calling trump hitler, not that she has, but others too funny media that promotes hamas propaganda, the media that that is defending The indefensible with this claudine gay. and her immoral. Personal conduct and moral approach to protecting jews when our campus and that same people defending nazi terrorists in the Middle east, the same people defending a woman who won defend the Jews on our own campus, calling trump hitler yeah trop hitler.
Coming out of the mouths of the global lights, that's right! There, goebbels Remember they called Barry, go water hitler. They. Ronald Reagan, hitler. They called george w Bush that great george w, but they call them hitler. But the democratic party doesn't call the head of IRAN. Hitler call the head of Hamas hitler, then I'll call. Of whose ballade hitler they call me yahoo hitler so trump learn, learned that yahoo's hitler, the Democrats, but let's go away Christopher Christy, go letting him. Get away with being an insurrection asked like the second, the dress, this crap with four billion,
but you know liberals are slow, listening in fact, through ignoramus. You have to be in order to be a liberal or left us or a marxist, immediate, stupid, a denial of facts. Any insurrectionists, Sir, I asked well, let me explain something, Since everybody's now an expert on the fourteenth amendment section three four, in the moment section three applied to the confederacy and confederates: that's it nothing Lord, nothing less until, of course, six weeks when the democratic decided to rewrite the constitution, which of course was
by white, supremacist and slave holders and, of course, should be Nor for every other purpose, but the fourteenth amendment section three was adopted after the civil war: said, was adopted after the syllable. Why? Because they wanted to prevent federate from serving in the government they wanted, prevent people who provided funds provided funds So the confederacy from having any rolling government so the fort The meme section three died with the less confederate has nothing to do with anything today, don't even defined insurrectionists Section three is not odd america. You know why? Because the amendment makes clear.
Then an insurrection is a confederate confederate. That's it nothing more! Nothing less!. They list all the officials and all the official position, to which the amendment applies and they skip over the presidents, and so the democratic a constitution that they despise and they reject and, of course, they re right to accommodate their agenda. The word officer means president ok, They mention senators congressmen, judges state where Isn't it of state senators, state judges, even electorate, electors, four presidents, but they don't mention the president. so they just meant to include him an officer. Now they did.
officers of our government senators we spent all arrest, they take an oath of office. but the oath is not in the constitution. The president has a special love because he is the third branch government. He is the executive branch period. There is no construction of section three, none that achieves what the Democrats want to achieve. So they lie. They take a document, they hate trying to influence courts that they try to pack and the american. But who they despise, that their interpretation of the fourteenth amendment section three is the only interpretation that can possibly be.
so what they meant by insurrections back then, was not some criminal codes from statutory language. It was viewing connection of the confederacy you're out and by the way that, termination would be made by whom MR producer would it be made by the state they'll be made by congress, the feds, it's the federal constitution. Not by some nimrod former acl you hack in may, all on our own. Can you imagine the civil war? over the past. These three amendments without a single support from democrats. By the way they pass. These three amendments giving blacks the right to vote echo protection due process, freedom,
And then they say you know what lower at a boy's. Let's give power back to the states to determine who can run for president now. Why would they do that? Why would they federalism upside down, and so you know what you states particularly southern staging? The confederacy that we just a faded? You can decide who can run repress and bought away. Several those states we're still under military federal, military control. so none of it is true. I went over we're gonna, take the heartbreak and I want to get back to Chris. Chris. Who is course thee honorary member are among our most. In a beloved members of a few or fat is united. So a few chris we'll be right, Ben
Hmm now we'll get back. The christiana want to blow the whole next hour on, but you gotta hear this guy. Here there, scott these offers. Rocker he's unhinge he's obsessed he needs to see your strength, you my opinion, two types of shrink sexually, MR producer, but maybe you should take a trip down. The florida lie on the beach. Like you did that day in new jersey, The family lie there like a sperm whale who was caught on camp by a helicopter crew. These papers right what powers that outcome?
states like governor I'll, be right back this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk, offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground command post, the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the alright, let's get to it, get it over with it's painful said one of the honorary members of a few fatty united with Chris prison.
It's hard to get out of my mind the day that he was found on the beach. He was beached like a sperm whale. indeed, the family members around on the beach was cleared up because you know Crises remain of people everywhere, was told you get off the beach, but there's the governor in the family and if a helicopter crew, They're they're gone up and down the coast there to look at the damage and so forth. somewhere, says hillside binoculars. They hell was that In the middle of the beaches, nothing else look at that big that, where what is so, they start to speculate. What could it be aware, course, more likely- a sperm whale or could well be.
But there's only one, you know a lot of times when you find one, you find a number of them beaching themselves. Then they go down for a closer look and there's chris Christie in a bathing suit with the upper body exposed. of course. That story is not true, but somebody did see him in a helicopter and they are wait a minute. The guy is going to be a created, a mini scandal. But I have to be perfectly honest with you mister producer and again I dont say this to offend people. I've been heavy, I'm working on it. I've never been hundred pounds over that much I can say, but I wouldn't be flop,
on the beach like a flounder, if I request christie, but then again I'm not thank god. Now So here's would be Goldberg. He rulings Karen and I can't make their stuff It is, however, is her. Real name is Karen. I have no proof with the name karen, but some people, particularly marxists, particular marxist. Who are like be alive and so forth. They will disparage white women, though call them currents And that means in the vernacular why woman, white, suburban mama, well to do one. Who cares what that tyrant has to say that sort of it, but will be burg is far from a white woman, and her name is karen.
it's like sunny house than I forget her name, and that's probably, why should culture so sunny, but she it costs a depressing cause, she's depressing and moronic, but then again That's the resolute if you wanna work the view, and why do they call it the view, but is at me The view from where the view of what more, like the pew anyway. Chris Christie go ahead: and next time I get one. I think they should try him and convict them in Washington dc and send them to jail for it, and I think that's the way to do that. Clapping, the yes! Yes, that's why we do in america right graph. This This is insane. These people are lunatics. Yes, yes
no mother with a green rooms in these places where he shows up you know they have its stocked up with soldiers. Fruit, drinks, goggles, doormats ma. And when they hear crises come a boy they really stuck up. You know you don't get the look like that by just dream: you gonna work on it. Don't you, Mr Barroso, you gotta work of the intake must be immense. It's gotta be immense. What's the phone bill there and you know that, People in new jersey, you must have spent a origin, they prolate arrange your property taxes to feed that man no offence. Of course,. and I will continue to humiliate him and other people who show nothing, but can for american, the political system and our history period.
Let us set in column hitler, didn't call him: Stalin notice, I didn't call him muzzle leaning notice. I didn't say that here, He charged and sent to jail and our thousand other notice that. But he's airplane to their career ass, the ass charge, a farm in jail marmara remark, Investigate Biden, that's political. Oh, I got another one for it today. Before I get off the the effort to now tied A trumpet far money, it's sick. It's basically. a replay of the monuments clause, effort by the Democrats, hey, hey hiding the constitution that we hate and that was written by white supremacist and slave holders. Violation violating that document that we don't even believe even- and I wait only when embrace here violating it. How he
as properties years, hotels use businesses find governments there our using is hotels. Their buying is condos there. Actually that the violation of the monument clause, if you're on Take from a foreign government like Biden that would be viable Finally, amendments clause: so what they ve done. Listen to me clearly, because the back printers hopefully will repeat this tomorrow, what they ve done! Is they reef package to all this shit? trump took money from the chinese. The saudis hatred money from it when a man one how so they stated this hotels, mister petition. Did you see this. Ah, they stated here so that they love his clubs. A joint is key abs, they eat his food. That's it
exactly the same as setting up all these phony corporations and having your son shakedown. These businesses in these governments produce absolute, although exactly the same and the Democrats on the generic authors, so smart there's so clever, look they come up with and the media choose it up and spit. Because they're sick too, I, let's finish. He wasn't law about? How did he do what he? What he's been accused? I think he's gonna be convicted. He's going to be conveyed to the work done at dummy. The clan Oh, that's! A good one, hadn't thought of that one. The enron perfect and Chris Christy's such a year, such a genius.
Austria, damage she's gonna be convict while it she a democratic jury in washington, identical a jury in manhattan. A democratic europe in atlanta, while crash you you're a very special. so Chris is all in favour of the stalinist tat. Its use and being used against trap and that's what he's campaigning? That's what he's campaigning go ahead, Why soaking about the fourteenth section the eyes afford all can be out of my jefferson Davis, wasn't convicted by a civil servant, she's a sharp one, depressing you how She's, a sharp one, Jefferson Davis wasn't convicted, so just because you're not convicted doesn't mean you're, not an insurrectionists, so in other words Everyone can be an insurrectionists everyone and no one. Let me
say something too depressing house you sure you, the a law, I'm just curious. Oh yes, I was a prosecutor wants, but who is. Countries, fuller prosecutors in former federal prosecutors, former state prosecutor's former, diego oh wow. So what. Still more and still a lunatic. Ladies and gentlemen, jefferson Davis wasn't convicted events reaction, but he still committed insurrection. She argues. Who is the president of the considers? That's the argument. That's the organ
Because Jefferson Davis wasn't convicted convicted, therefore jefferson Davis, that's the press, it for preventing donald trump from running for president? Just because he's hitler age where he's at their tater and just because he's not charged with insurrection and just because when the Senate voted not to convict him of insurrection, he's just like jefferson Davis, don't you got it? Don't you get it jefferson, Davis. By the way he was a Democrat is depressing hausmann, where they why she Democrat, why would she be a Democrat with a history like that? Are they really all politically republicans today are the new democrat? Oh okay got. It says how sick they are, but here's
is christie, go ahead, retried to again okay, so we never tested that sonny right. It was never. It was never tested because Jefferson Davis, if you can imagine saying this, the president confederacy had some class and decided never to run for office their days trying to be cute. But I want you to think about what this clown just said. man who headed the confederates Which over seven hundred thousand americans died? The man who headed the confederacy defence slavery. Who brought us to the point of a civil war he had some class has Chris Christy he never decided to run for president run for president again.
You never ran for president of the united states. He was president of the confederacy, though you see add some class. According to Chris Christie, he's not like hitler, you now, here's some, And yet, if jefferson Davis and the confederacy had one. Slavery would have persisted in this country. That's chris Christy. But keep listening to Elisa Ferreira, Griffin she's, very important? Who asia, I don't know, but she's important? She was on Abc no sunday show it John Carl whatsoever, reprobates she's gotta be important and she feels the republican chair and the view wealth. She must have a stellar background, could be something some
the tremendous her to the nation every everyday. Actually, nothing go ahead, that's the point! right look, this is there. Another point is the constitution and there is a constitution, and there's precedent needs to be taken out of state aid or snow. When you answer that depressing, ass the listener he needs to be taken out Christy says he understands. so we should be honest. State balance. Jefferson Davis has more class the head of the confederacy defending slavery, and these are the people who who talk about
the right to vote, leaves of the people who say, uphold the rule of law and there's this big slob sitting among them among leave the emphasis their worse than yet this these reprobate, their worse than reprobate. That's the point right why out an ever been tested, you know, so it is depressing house than so there's ache, institution in theirs. President, he needs to be taken up by the constitutional law applies them. Please to every single law has never applied through presidential candidate. First of all, the state itself does not have the power to corner cold. Enforce the fourteenth amendment section three: it's the federal constitution. That's number one number two. This would upset the entire electoral power
that was set up by the framers. That was not the intention that the fourteenth them and she kept point to a single piece of evidence for no president. So the best they can do is Jefferson Davis, that's the best they can do so. That's where we're up again Finish it, MR producer, go em like an applies to every single person, Liddy applauded, now. They applied side plotting and you Herbert Christie said it absolutely sure so, Christy's a lunatic in our society and a before, and it before
but then there's make it presents number her fathers big knew he despised, israel speaking you. There are rumours about him in his views, jews to bow and speeding up the spice. The state of Israel is meeker, make em Joe scarborough. What a fantastic copyright must have enough together before there,
of course, they failed and radio miserably. They said they were going to take a hiatus too to work on it to two upgraded and never came back, because nobody wanted to hear them. Then they found a drift over there, arid msl ST they tried at fox. So Joe did. he found fox have standards. Msnbc does too, but the extraordinarily long there in the gutter make a bridging you in the morning jody go the same time. The waterways may works for transit. Orders is just another reason why they're coming after him and they they don't want to take a question. Why don't they ever talk about their side and a new positive way? But don't you ever talk up the country? Why don't they, Toby. What a fantastic guy Joe is. How is united the country? The countries is excited there. The country's positive,
countries moving forward. There is pregnant. What would they do without trump When I return then- Hmm, the holidays have come and gone, and once again you are too generous. Don't worry, though, pure talk has your back. So, instead of paying verizon eighteen to your t or mobile sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk has unlimited plan starting a just twenty bucks a month get four mental coverage, America's most dependable five g network, just twenty bucks a month friends. This is how the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year. Its times which toy wireless company that shares your values, a company that isn't afraid to invest in shows like this, a company that is veteran owned and serves veterans? So do we?
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lie about our political system. Like this. We now People led by left wing groups in illinois and massachusetts trying to take trump of the ballot there, whether rob fuckin candidate and chris Christie saying this is purposely. This is a perfectly fine. You have professor saying the same thing you have and mass of interference with this election. With these phony charges against tromp there are built up like they're serious when you're dusting off the clan act. I don't know how much further these people going to push the kind. you'd, better, pushing it very hard and far the holidays have come and gone and once again you are too generous. Don't worry, though, pure talk has your back. So, instead of paying varieties and eighteen to your team mobile sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk has unlimited plan, starting it. Just twenty bucks a month get
Phenomenal coverage america's most dependable five g network, just twenty bucks a month friend, This is how the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year its times, which toy wireless company that shares your values, a company that isn't afraid to invest in, shows like this, a company, it is veterinary and serves veterans, so do what I did switch to pure talk. Don't wait anymore, gotta pure talk, tat comes I love in l a p d. I am at your seven additional fifty percent off your first month pure talks. You ask my service team is waiting to serve you. That's pure talk, dot, com, slashed, levine alleviation to be connected right, don't wait any longer again pure talk that calm, slash, levant out of the year saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of pure ta. they can clone others, there's only one mark and you can go in and age, seven, seven, three one three, eight one one
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like on out there. But we really are sort of the cow ripken in any more Because our longevity in this time, slot. We never loses station there in a winner, people never say I went away cancer, which is a great thing. We and I think all of our affiliates for that all of them and we pick up stations constantly. For a long time we were tape delayed in chicago to sports and everything else that you owe us. we love Debbie well ass. We are live on w Elvis.
We we're alive on w phd in philadelphia. That's an energy conservation. We have fantastic partners in other corporations. People ask me these things. That's why I'm told him other affiliates stations that are not owned by cumulus, westward one but they're owned by her enter car sales. a long list of stations, including little companies like the one in tunisia, that has a big station and we thank them all. We do. We thank them all interested, coming down on mortgages. try and get a car they used or washington. The Democrats
the binding ministrations very proud of what they ve been doing very proud, and you put out these numbers and the propaganda goes, and you say women. It's not what's happening to me, you're right, overhead cyril hedge who keep them. The government tell us inflation to three percent back out in the real world price hikes, her staggeringly higher just take one look: a chick fillet, chicks for example the popular fast food chain as hiked its prices, a whopping twenty one percent of the two years according to a new report from the new post, then not doing because they want to their doing that because they need to stay in business. Governed by putting in these insane these obscene minimum wages fifteen, I was twenty dollars more than twenty dollars, plus healthcare but you're paying for it.
Fuck have you driven through an arby's lightly or chick fillet. Lately are burger king lightly or a wendy's lightly or mcdonald's. Widely you see it. I don't I People handle it lets, say a format to feed you, your wife and two kids, can't get out of there for sixty box. Mr producer sixty backs. and twenty twenty two. The chain that trick fillet first raise prices by fifteen percent. Not attacking them. I understand it. The cost of everything mary, twenty twenty three. The company then implemented a menu wide. Six percent high comprises resulting in the average price of its chicken sandwich, which was under five thousand twenty twenty one, and now it just under six doubt the report notes in high cost of living areas like new york city, the same so It is going to run customers
Ninety nine, that is seven bucks and a peace nuggets. which could cause five, ninety nine elsewhere and which were also five thousand twenty twenty one, now cost seven hours a mind sense. So you have a little kid if I'm chicken nuggets, but they want the waffle, frock, ok and they want to drink. Ok, you're on eleven and twelve bucks right there, one kid, but if three or four kit, The post noted the discrepancy between the real world and the consumer price index, which showed a three point: one percent increase in november. Meanwhile, the bureau of labor this takes note at eight point: two percent monthly rise in the food index for november, a slight decrease from point three percent k. Ever point two percent rise in one month, so returned months, it etc
Percentage but it depends on what the food items- basics. and these are inflation rates on top of inflation that has been through the roof of the past two years. Also, zero hedge average- u s household can afford only cheapest. Sixteen. set of listed homes for the average can twenty twenty three was the worst year ever for housing. Ability and others our data to back it up according Redline data analyzed by credit news research, the average: u s household, could only afford fifteen point five. Instead of an arms, I went for a sound twenty twenty three, the lowest on record by comparison. The average household had the means to buy twenty points.
Percent of homes for sale and twenty twenty two over forty percent before the pandemic. Now we're down to fifteen point five percent home ownership is very important right. Well, eighty five percent of the people cannot afford it now. What do you think of that putinomics and I can go- Well, we can go on through all the food groups. We can all go through the most popular food and are more than that, the most important food items we looked at the price, a steak. Lately hamburger looked at the price of hotdogs milk, eggs. This is what people need to sustain themselves. Even bread. prices are coming down prices or through the roof. I make it. My business
Go to the biggest supermarket here wagons and also my bed. This to go to a grocery store, but supermarket called giant and it florida. I go to publics. And I go through these stores specifically to look at prices. I don't even know me What their buch anymore, Mr Barroso, the cost of toilet paper is, through the roof, worry america everything's, fine, Washington's telling you and they won spend more, we will be the voice for a government shut down. If spending is not under control at the borders and secure, because now the interest on the debt, Be greater than the entire defence budget, and I can see, my patriotic duty behind this microphone if Joe Biden, the other marxists, while not back off Having spent more than
in kind as ever, spent in every cancer. Then it has to be stopped one way or another I'll be right back. Hmm The holidays have come and gone, and once again you are too generous. Don't worry, though, pure talk has your back. So, instead of paying verizon eighteen to your t, mobile sixty seventy eighty bucks align pure talk has unlimited plan, starting it. Just twenty bucks a month get four I'm coverage old, america's most dependable five g network, just twenty bucks a month, friends. This is how the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year its times Which toy wireless company that shares your values, a company that isn't afraid to invest in shows like this, a company that is veterinary and serves veterans? So do it,
I did switch to pure talk. Don't wait any more go to a pure talk, dot com, slash Levin, l e v. I n and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month pure taught us customer service team is waiting to serve you. That's pure talk, dot com, slashed, Levine, l, a to be connected right Don't wait any longer again pure talk that calm, slash, levant to start off the year, saving on wireless with accompany you can be proud of your time. What a border american, my org, is blaming the millions of illegal foreigners coming into our country on climate change these city for the idiot at the white house is blaming republicans. So
By and takes no responsibility for they how he's unleashed in they need, in humanity's unleashed on the southern borders, climate change and the republicans and Jake tapir agrees with them, as you might expect a mouthpiece for Hamas. Now a mouthpiece, The administration always actually, I want you to hear some of this and we will delve into copyright. That is the our p really seniors. Grouper has become a marketing arm of mass of insurance companies, a senator and Paul recently pointed out. United healthcare pays the eight hour pay roughly eight hundred million dollars a year. This explains why the eight hour peace supported the inflation reduction act, which had not To do with inflation, but did give billions attacked dollars to big corporations, you're a senior time to drop the aid p and instead, during the conservative alternative, a mac, the association and mature american citizens, their fighting every
a pass common sense policies for american seniors, their work, to preserve social security, medicare, pass healthcare, transparency, secure election integrity and protect our children. grandchildren from the less dangerous agenda join me and two million americans nationwide and become an aim at member today for as little as a dollar a month. This is a chance to remind Washington that we have a voice and, with the help of aim act we will fight To preserve our values, joint aim act today, an aim act out. U s! Slash! Mark number, two: that's a m, a sea that, u s, slash and they r k digit to mark two
the broadcasting from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader. The mark Levin here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one. We will take some calls later in the hour eight seven Three one three, eight one, one. You hear me criticize a fake jake tapper tapper, often because he is the quintessential example of a fraudulent journalist.
That is, they put a good face on, although his is in a constant mode of constipation, but in no respect other journalists. That's why he paid Lee applies moral equivalency to terrorists, shoot. Innocent young girls in the region has. And israelis who are trying to protect their own country. That's why he or believe anything the bite administration says. Every now, and then you erase quest but only only, He can at least show some like all, is adjourned but those of us who have been watching him now that he's a fraud. In my humble opinion, and so it is when it comes to the border. I don't know how many times jake tapper has been to the border. They don't know how much time he spent there when he's at the border- I don't know, They give him the potemkin village
even like they did Biden of Actually gone down there and talk to people and seen the her heart lighted it that take place there if he has not away And you certainly hasn't been persistent, ah sir hasn't as a rule, he more than MSNBC abiden throws in what he calls money for the board. In this massive over one hundred billion dollar package. He puts together aid for Israel. for ukraine money for the border in a thousand other things, because this is what they do. They just spend reckless. Of course. What publicans and their house and send it should do, is have votes upward on aid to Israel votes upwards. aid to ukraine and then votes up and down on the board, but by no one any other sprung
to veto all of it, he wants everything or nothing. they throw this fourteen billion dollars say save for two thousand more border patrol agents, Ladies and gentlemen, you could have two million more border patrol agents. Have there now to do their job they're not allowed to do their job. It doesn't matter even worse, if you're, basically hiring them to do paperwork unchanged, diapers, you're, actually paying To quicken the release of illegal aliens into the united states, so this has been the debate. With the republicans and would wait a minute. Go along with this, and so the vitamins Tracy lies just like the president himself keep saying that it is the republic I thought that we don't have this, because we we gave them a proposed The higher two thousand more border patrol agents will support.
Patrol agents right now and I lie to patrol the border. The poor people on the spot, their processing people. their feeding, people they're changing diapers. They come. Line about at their union complains about it. This is: Absolutely unconscionable is unimpeachable offence. On top of that, there are the Blatant violations of immigration law blatant. in our lawlessness Chris Christy. And the iraqi thanks on the view there are very worried about the law, don't you know very, but they don't care about that, because it doesnt serve their purposes. The speaker of the house,
Speaker Johnson went down, there would look like almost hundred members with maybe at least fifty, and they took a real tour of what was taking place and they spoke the border patrol agents. They spoke to the texas law enforcement there. They spoke the put down there? There is no clean up job. There is no limitation of one or two blocks, one town and they spend time down there. is anybody who does does an honest american, their disgusted and appalled by what they see. You see these phony mayors like the mayor of new york, the mayor chicago, cannot blame Biden Although mention him now and then, but they attack the governor of texas habit.
Texas, I seen millions of people come across the board. The hasn't received millions of people. Illinois hasn't received millions of people, but look here as far as these phrony, these phones sanctuary city, a really voltaire try some. a tiny fraction of a percentage of illegal aliens. How about we move on to your city and look at all the year? Look at all the complainant. Amazing So I dont know why republicans feel the need to go and see a number one. They have no audience. I mean they're, really dump number to its forward democrats, They're not interested in it. So what do you do that? Why waste your breath MSNBC same thing? Why waste your breath.
Anyway, they do so here, bigger johnson and fake jake tapped out. Tapir. Go so the fourteen billion there are you're right sixteen hundred asylum officers. That would be part of that to speed up processing of asylum claims. That's what you're talking about but there are also would be thirteen hundred more a patrol agents to work alongside the lens hath right there. So, in other words he said Thirteen hundred the administration says two thousand so on that number, the administrations lying and then, of course, but jake tab doesn't says what those agents would do, but isn't jake tapir talk to them. what does any of a town hall with them? What does talk to their union presidents. Why does He challenges own merit a rather than spewing propaganda. In so far they have had no effect.
We've hundred more border agency work side by side with the others? Yes doing, what processing paperwork cunningly? the razor wire that the that the text, except put in their the police. Yeah, that's the kind of work they be doing I have also funding to hire a thousand customs and border protection protection if officers with a focus on care fentanyl. So it's not all counterfeit not really and you're gonna higher that many to counterfeit. You gonna higher thousand more people are countersign, want to figure that out. Somebody said mister, a thousand people give or take a cab there's like twelve hundred miles down there may be more people are now working twenty four seven through not gonna, have a thousand people working twenty four seven, maybe I have a hundred at any given time people get sick there on vacation and then
work and twenty four seven, as I said so, maybe of three hundred on a good day. Maybe I have four hundred all at once on the board. trying to catch all the fact now, that's coming in america catch you imagine, in other words, nothing nothing. Potential. I don't drink cakes there to advance narrative, projecting pray party. The buying regime projected go ahead, not related to processing asylum seekers and alive. Yes, it is it's all. aid to processing asylum seekers. Call them whatever you will. That's the job description are being given. the only way, an honest media people with integrity. I think the country be very different. Go ahead. What you're talking about.
Jake, the president should come to the border. What at what an idea that would be! You should talk to the border between eight years down here. I think the reality of staff. Why? Well? He went for a fact: Why don't you let the man finish drake, you know I do an interview show- and I let people finish when I do my fox show and want to hear what they have to say. And you know, damn well, he was down there, but he wasn't down there. I mean this is ridiculous. You know Donald trump could look in the wrong direction. A blow his nose and are all over burdened goes down there. It's a phoney event. He doesn't me with the right people he doesn't mingle with the people who are down their jake tapir, just like with hamas you got people being sold on the sex slavery, including little kid says. Nothing. Guy women being right down there. Nothing hey gesture, by buying and all the mayhem, rape, sex slavery are there
Stop it that's going on now already shining down here of her height five thousand people go ahead, spend the cup days like, we have to be with the people here on the ground who are fighting this war on the border. That's effectively what it is we so many people Jake, seven million people have come into that country, since Biden walked into the oval office and that's a low estimate. Most people believe it may be twice that high. We have it nearly two million gotta ways that we know about not to mention those who evaded capture over three hundred known terrorist apprehended. At the border. Trying to comment, we don't know how many evaded capture and detection there in the country, potentially setting up terrorist cells everywhere, but the administration said it's happening because the climate change and the republicans. Climate change in and thereby that's the line. The media have got it down. Just keep repeating it like goebbels, like goebbels the big along just keep repeating right boys.
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There we really got out there with them, utah reminded them of the promises he made. Didn't keep and they were not. They were not having it so yeah, he decidedly september, not to seek reelection and now we're we're entering the convention phase and ready to go remind me Little about your background you bet. I mean I've file, lifelong utah, I've actually been an election. for ten years serving my committee, riverton, and we're just south of salt lake city, here, great great bedroom community, and I've got my masters in business administration. I've operated several companies, I hope, take a company public. We got listed on nasdaq in twenty two in the energy. Actor in the energy space, so the energy Dependence on energy dominance is incredibly important to me in now received great great endorsements from people like yourself and just now
in all. Other national conservatives in great groups throughout across the country now at stags. You have a very good basketball team the utah jazz and kyrie irving is hey rabbis, pointed to him complaining about a a sign that he had I said I'm proud a jew and I'm proud and currently the utah jazz, told the rabbi to remove it at urging of cairo urban. Do I have little by right? That's right! That's right! and he is a famous basketball. He's an excellent basketball player waiting then. What do you figure it? Well, You know mark on just I'm just disgusted here with the hypocrisy of the gas and in more general
the nba. I actually spoke with rabbi a visa he's just an amazing human being we had a conversation today is an upstanding citizen in our communities, and he Splendid me! Look! The sign was well within the regulation size, the jazz audience code of conduct spells out eleven by seventeen inches. And it was simple noncontroversial phrase you just described: I'm a jew and I'm proud. Yet that proves to be a bridge too far for the jazz. Or we're talking to stream organization and in in the nba who's been king down our throats avert, woke political agendas for you, Several years and I'm talking about from prison be a lamb, anti cop rhetoric, kneeling for the national anthem and in kowtowing to two chinese problem, and yet the sign was deemed a distraction by this player, but we have to be told the display tolerance to all these past instances of increase
we woke anti american ideology, that's been espoused at their games and the other thing that We urge me here is all of this all of this com, Just months after one of the most horrific acts of violence perpetrated on the state of this and in so much anti semitic rhetoric being employ across the continent college campuses than elsewhere. Absolutely nothing wrong with the site and, if it, if it triggered a player on opposing team, He really needs to find a new line of work. I mean you ve seen signs towel. Non thunderclaps dicks that are distributed out against those art a distraction. Yet the sign is you know why It is outrageous, particularly one These players in these various sports are able to where all kinds of statements and sayings on their helmets on their sneakers on the back of their shirts and so
and so on, with the rise of black lives manner, people could do almost anything, they could say things Conferences and so forth, and so here's a rabbi with a very small sign in right after this horrendous atrocity and its controversial to this basketball player, Well, he thirty to fifty million dollars a year and he's here The utah jazz steps up and says. Gotta get rid of the sign. Why didn't they step up its We pay you a lot of money. Do your job, guys within the rules, but I see this across all these sports. You see not only in the nba but the nfl. We were starting to see in baseball. with the movement of the idea of a of the most most important games that they play and you said oliver. Place, and so really it really depends. What court on co group you our ethnic group. You are yarn whether or not you carry a sign, aware, assign or be though,
There was a. There was a young girl of sixteen years old who had a t shirt on, in a mall in new jersey. And it just said. I support the idea if she was attacked attack by several palestinians and they kirsty in the things in america, in a more you as you know, and harvard where it is mainstream now, for Used to cower in their dorms university slovenia mit over two hundred years. She's in colleges it mainstream. Now. What do you make of all this? The age? It's it's disgusting! It's it's, the hub, hypocrisy, the double standard! That's at play here, like you, said only one side of speeches seemingly protected, and we
must tolerate every know, I'd even google's beyond speech in certain instances, but yet other other groups. I just don't have the same: the scene respect given to them? And so it's just it's really. serbian that that's where we're at in america today and we need far more people willing to stand up and fight for those that better being silence right now and trying to have their voices remove do not heard, and that's it that's what we need now more than ever, and I I want people to vote for you and support you in the convention in utah. If they want to help you, where do they go, I go to trent Stagg, dot, com, s e, a gds, french stack dot com and sign up for a volunteer. They help us out help this man. Ladies and gentlemen, he imagined him in the senate using ronnie we're all four trend. Stag, thank you, my brethren, god bless you
we'll be right back Yes, it's true that mark levin is the fastest growing radio show in america. The mark Levin show is on at eight seven seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one all right, Nikki haley, you thought I forgot I did, was only two years ago that the next hour said I'm not going to run for president trump run. She's, a long list of flood flops there they do shed some light into the heart and soul and integrity of a person. cut one MR producer go he's alive. Popularity, he runs again and twenty twenty four. Will you support him if he decides that he's going to run with that precludes
any sort of run that you would possibly make yourself. I would not run at present, and I wouldn't talk to them about it. That's something that we'll have a conversation about at some point. If that decision is something that has to be made but yeah, I would absolutely I had a great working relationship with him. I appreciated the way he let me do my job. I thought we did some fantastically great foreign policy things together and look. I just want to keep building on what we accomplished and there you go Please let me play one more. When that long ago, twenty fifteen eight years ago, actually nicky hailing was very upset when illegal aliens, Elliot's recall criminals. come here illegally is a crime to misdemeanor under federal law, but she was offended by that
to go so I think that what we have to remember- and I have always believed- is that, where a country of laws that's what's made a strong, we have to always be a country of law, suits incredibly frustrating for a lot of people when they see the illegal immigrants being able to come across it It really is astonishing that for all these years dc can't figure out how to build a wall. It really is, after all, what they spend. Having said that we, We are a country of immigrants, I am Proud daughter of indian parents that reminded us every day how blessed reward eleven, this country, neighbours when people come here illegally, but keep in mind these people that are wanting to come here? They Come for a better life too, they
I have kids too. They have a heart to date, so we don't need to be disrespectful. We don't need to talk about them as criminals they're, not their families that want a better life and they're desperate to get here. What we need to do is make sure that we have a set of laws that we follow and that we go through with that. So you know. I think that some things have been said that have been unfortunate and wrong, but I think we also need to remember it especially the for all of us, as I say for republicans, because that's that's who it is tone and communication matters and people matter, and we don't ever need to talk about this in a cold hearted way. I'm sorry, I'm! So sorry! I really am Of course, I don't speak of it in a cold hearted way, but I'm so sorry
Ladies and gentlemen, I am I'm tired of politicians calling us all kinds of names, colt, nazis, right, wingers,. Name's long lists the names we the american people, the citizen. And she fundamentally doesn't get it forget about the way we talk about people, let's talk about the substance And at one time too, she mentioned that the purpose of immigration is to improve the existing society, with the consent of the citizenship. It's not to change the existing society and the citizenship to accommodate the elite it's in the ruling class,
the rhinos in the marxist. this is far worse. Then using words that offend Nicky, Hayley. No nation can survive with an open, bore, it's not possible free, been used to say you can have a welfare state, an open borders boy now he was right. That almost sounds like an understatement. These days. Nicky Hayley simply is not going to be capable to fight the marxist left to fight the media. She's gonna buckle. She just doesn't have enough strength. The principal she doesn't have enough principles to begin with and that
I kind of goofball governor in new Hampshire, former goings running around. Holding on to her. Sweater, as she goes from placed behind doors her. I endorse her vote for I endurance around on you, one independents and democrats. You come into the republican primary, get her votes. Get her vote After all, that's going on. Because Jamie diamond those charles coke knows All these billionaires now. Mitch. Mcconnell knows rove knows I and those they all know. They all know that she will make peace for the people who don't want peace. She won't stir the part she won't push back She does not run on her record. She
Anyone tell you what the civil war was about. Chris Bruno says: that's a big deal at a non issue may be this to him, but it's not to a lot of the rest of us, certainly not to the people who benefited from it that she just misspoke parks use me she more than misspoke and you and I are sick of politicians like sooner- who hates conservative his bushy, like yes papa- was in it. But she's really not this- Its main, the leader that we need to date to save the country listener, I've got more clips. Go you check out what I posted on on social media. She should not up to it. She can't handle this and I don't like the way she campaigns says. One thing one place:
another thing and other places. One thing three years ago says she didn't say it just lies, and yet today she she stands. Another position. Do you think Joe Biden cares about the way he talks about shimmer about nancy policy about the media. They care about the way they talk. Now I don't think so, which brings me back to jail, Capra, on the communists, news network. Yesterday. Listen to this one caught seven go No, that their position of divine white house which you used to belong to is that boy have done more on the conservative side of things than any democratic president in recent history, keeping the covert or prescription of rules in for as long as they could, in their view, obtaining up asylum laws to the point that there being sued.
And this is with a with a very important latino base. Boy, ladies and gentlemen, I tell you you're, watching cnn, you get them or by the show you get them or by the shop. So now he said what they say, meaning the radical left people say, tightening up borders, buttoning down the border seriously, but piece of paper. a lot of things. But why do you use that as a foil? In order to generate a response by this this guy john Kirby he's lying through his teeth? he's he's just horrendous. He lied all through the surrender and afghanistan and the mayhem and the death and the anarchy in the death of american soldiers and I'll say it again. You do allies. Folks, we stop american citizens in Afghanistan right who can't get out
and when's. The last time, John Kirby, spokes idiot for the idiot or the idiot himself have spoken about the american hostages. That Hamas is haven't. You know why they're not turn about. One would be blunt with you going to tell you the truth, because they have dual citizenship. Because the americans and is really just like people those citizenship with ireland and the united states really billina whatever? It is because they have dual citizenship: And so for buying and blinking in the others. Then I really man who cares. Mark how can you say said wonder they don't we talk about their visit Going Israel to stand down.
you never tell Hamas to stand down. It's incredible to me, I'll be right back then. The california will be providing free sex change operations for illegal aliens. I thought you'd want to know who he is. I mean they are human beings, tuna, trying free section, The operations free health care I'm ronicky highly refused to sign a bill. Would trying in south carolina law that menus the men's room and women use the ladys? Were we don't need that here she said, then she tried to lie about it, but that happening
in fact he's on the wrong side of every one of these cultural issues. American isis, responsibility for suicide bomb attacks on salami memorial around killing more than a hundred innocent people. Now that islamophobia. So the next time one of these four fraud hack. Journalists and democratic politicians, one and the same talking about Islam. If I'll be in america notice. They didn't speak out today about islamophobia. Slumber phobia, isn't a an american problem, it say muslim problem, especially in the Middle east,. Tromp lorries urge court to hold special council contempt. These lorries are good. They really are. I don't even know them,
And so they went into the court truncheons court and they say wait a minute. You said that this trial is on hold and these clowns, the special counsel, keep filing motions motion on top of motion and they filed one on miss just in time to ruin the holiday these lorries by the way They said he is ignored smith, your order each continue to submit filings in the case, and so hold him in contempt. He's violated your order. She held in abeyance all deadlines for pre, trial proceedings and fires in had trump's trial. If jurisdictions, turn to this court. She said it welcome listen with its duty to ensure both a speedy trout furnace for all parties concerned at the time whether the retainer continued the dates Veni still trade deadlines of proceedings, including the trial schedule of march- for that's what the judge wrote, but smith keeps filing court papers, and so we should be having content
we'll see. If this judge has an even handed not we know she doesn't, but let's she does other than squawk at the government of even squawks, at the gunman. Well, I'm back on blaze. Some fantastic shows in tv and I'll, be back on fire saturday and Sunday, a pm eastern five pm pacific some pm central ad knows what time in alaska, but nonetheless I will be there. Brand new shows brand new interviews. I hope you memory to join us, and if you can't join us live you can always well dvr it. You can record. Smart tv, you don't even need that. Our first show cited arrogant, christopher roof. I was the first guest colonel richard camp.
The commander british forces in afghanistan. We want to talk to him about a number of things as well, so that'll be Saturday that'll be fantastic, Then sunday shall we douglas Mary, this guy's unbelievable, I've never had him on the programme before these brilliant. those of you who don't know him? I want to introduce him to your he's. Gonna become when your favorite, followed by the great gordon Chang, Up to know damn good, and I want to talk about that too, and, of course, my putting monologue on both shows should be very, very interesting, bushes, you're, not sure where you'll be. You'll, be where your be went on. You'll be where you'll be or go ahead, and the recorder now. Because I know you love these programmes.
keep doing them as long as you want to. If you don't want to I'm not going do seriously here's the thing people die to be on tv. I dont died beyond tv or anywhere else. I just do my thing. In either the mai I'll patriotic traffic livin I'd audience wants to watch. listen or they don't. I do things differently. I always have. Before I was on radio or tv, I do my radio show differently. Why Cause it's my personality. I try and figure out what people want. I wanna hear I do tv I don't have a congo line, a guest, just what I do we salute our armed forces. Police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel are truckers free.
fighters all over the world, our brothers and sisters in Israel in ukraine and, of course, you most along without you none of these shows exist. Goblet. Each and every one of you, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-06.