« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/3/24


On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Harvard's millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she's a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. The same people defending Gay are among the most vicious, hateful, and vile figures smearing Clarence Thomas or any conservative minority. The American Marxists own our colleges and universities, and they want no oversight, no transparency, and no real academic freedom and free speech on these campuses because they are the Marxist indoctrination mills of the Democrat Party. Gay is the quintessential result of the ideological advancement of the left. Also, Democrats want the 2024 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden to be Adolf Hitler versus George Washington. Biden will do or say anything for power and it is repulsive, and will run a campaign of lies against Trump. Biden hates America and Democracy, which is why he promotes Marxism and equity at every turn and racializes every event. Later, the 1,000-page Jeffrey Epstein list was released, and it is not good news for people like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. Despite the effort by the left to smear people like Trump and Alan Dershowitz, there is no evidence connecting them with Epstein’s criminal activity. Finally, Mark speaks with Kansas State Representative Michael Murphy about the Convention of States movement and the last great hope we have to address the reengineering of our constitutional republic by the radical left.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Easy now from the underground command, both teeth in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building, we have once again made contact with our leader, the
the the. america markleham end here, our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one step cover an agent We go deep here, not superficial stuff. While this is why I wait a little bit sometimes to see how things shaker
Claudine gay. To see the reaction of the media. but the phoney civil rights movement and, of course, the democratic party, the umbrella for all. And I just posted this on social media. harvard millionaire cereal, plagiarists, immoral, reprobate has become a media civil rights and democratic party hero overnight. Why not, because she's a victim in factories. She is miser but because she To be president harboured, by means of the american marxists agenda, notice. These same claudia engage defenders were among the most vicious hateful and via figures, smearing clarence, thomas or any conservative minority gay not qualified to be on any cost faculty, let alone a president of a college because
plagiarism is about stealing another person's intellectual property, knowingly lying about it. And deceiving the entire college, but well now get even wealthier with book deal speeches, all the rest playing the victim and taking no responsibility for her contemptible behaviour and are unconscionable responses. But before the house, education committee and our inaction is harvard president in the face of joy, Students receiving threats, attacks and physical abuse depends on the context you see in which that occurs. this may be what the democrats in their marks of surrogates promote. But it is, Nothing more than a racist view, a black people, especially black women, that is that they cannot come need and succeed without special privileges and, worse, cheating and lying indeed
stole the intellectual property of at least one other black woman scholar carol, swaying whose furious about gay thievery, of her work, and, of course, that is never mentioned the media and so called civil rights leaders could give a damn why because sweden is not only a brilliant intellectual, she's conservative, even more the american marxist one of our colleges and universities they want no oversight, no transparency no real academic freedom and free speech on these campus. Campuses are the marxist indoctrination mills. The democratic party relies on this from which the so called journalist, gradually and to the mob set, have taken over our streets, rigorous academics and have been slashed admissions policies have become leftwing ideological tests based on the it, can marxists agenda asians
discriminated against other preferred, so called classes of people are preferred Dorms in graduation ceremonies, segregated conservative speakers are threatening victimized I've been at the run for their lives, gay, The backing from Barack Obama, who I bet had some input in her statement, was the perfect harvard president, the perfect harvard press Where they hate america marxist revolutions, and they will fight to the death to protect these schools from any kind of reform, improvement and accountability. You understand. Now I've done shows on radio and tv on on Joe Biden his plagiarists at went. I'm going to do it and bore you with it again at length.
If you really want to know, what's going on If you really want to know what's going on. carriage. Those of you who have bought the democratic party hates america playing out. At least I predicted and re chapter three re trapped: three. The old civil rights movement is dead. The idea equal opportunities and equal justice doesn't matter anymore because we'll opportunity, equal justice under the law. Well, I'm a constitutional legal perspective. It's been achieved. There is no systemic, traditional inequality unless, of course, you believe the courts or corrupt and filled with racist
Unless, of course, you believe, the department of justice is filled with racist unless, course. You believe that all these days, minority communities in the cities are racist. Unless you believe all these juries. in our cities and metropolitan areas are races but Democratic parties not about logic. Care less about hypocrisy, about power toward a credit. So those circle ragland around gay because she serves their purpose initiated press is the largest s operation in the world because of its wire service. It is a contemptible, unconscionable rats, it s a big, its racists and anti semites.
They wrote a peace today and sent it out the thousands of its subscribe. Is its media subscribers heavy media platform, basically. Making the most horrendous arguments on behalf gay and against those who, tragically political. Which is really the b. Mr child or the washed imposed, It was a winfrey conservatives, don't you know? Well, you know what I wear that proudly I wear that. Probably we conservatives oppose anti semitism we consume and suppose plagiarism. We conservatives oppose the segregation of students based on their identity. We oppose crt, we oppose dea and all the other crap
That's being imposed on our children and on our society, we conservatives what it could serve our constitution. We believe in a declaration in that each individual agent. It was valuable because of the individual, a god given right to each individual free will. And we conservatives will stand up against this american markets revolution. So understand, what's taking place america and they all dance on stage like the rockets, rockettes o lay gap, this leg that leg ass back ass for bear, the rocker
rugeley the media, the democratic party, the phoney civil rights Which is really now a marxist movement to what it is. So rights movement is about advancing. a black people, about advancing the cause of marx's, just like that. the democratic party american marx's. May I heard of it. the same people who are trying to destroy and have for decades, clarence Thomas promote this woman, Claudine gay. Why? because she is the quintessential result. Their ideological advancement. And honestly Barack obama. In many ways you are too That's why you haven't affinity for her,
that's why you lobbying, on her behalf to defend her why you're invisible hand is behind much of what's taking place? and you and accomplished crap By the time you are a senator and then present, but you're celebrated. Why did you do something great. Now you did a lot of things that were terrible. You weren't even a good president. You weren't. A good precedent for the black community thou jude over community donald trump did more for the black community than you ever did the truth to. If you support
People who steal not just words but entire paragraphs from another person who wrote it in a lie about it and then get advanced as a result of it, become president of harvard, as a consequence on that Then you're perfect democrat and by the way, our sharply nobody needs a lecture from you. You a whole nobody of our race, Or about anything else, you moron. But it is fitting that he is a sort of character witness from his gaze yeah. I think that's very funny.
These left this, these marxists, these Democrats, the media, think about what they're so As I pointed out in this post thing about what they're saying to black people, do you Black people to young black women in particular, you should defend this kind of conduct because a faint innovate, cheats and lies and steals the intellectual property of somebody else because of an individual has hypocritically and unconscionable. Punished other people for doing exactly the same thing said it depends on my comp Next, when you're harassing and victimizing threatening.
using jewish stones depends? On the contrary, I understand that tired democrat party apparatus supports supports. This is how you get ahead. This is how you get ahead and eurobonds, america and Barack obama's america and russia dens america in jake tapper, I told you jake, tapper, isn't in a hall and jake tapper is america. This is how you could get away with it. They are the racists. They are the
racists and what kind of message does former president gay who's a millionaire? A millionaire she's not going to lose a penny she's not going to be fired, she's not thrown to the streets. How did she celebrate what kind of message does she sent to little black girls or the all girls or all kids? It's all right to cheat to tolerate the scam tried to be a fraud and a phony. That's all right to sit silently
fellow human beings are being threatened, tokay, that's the standard at harvard That's the standard at sea, and jake tapirs journalists and the rest of the media. Joy reed Is the ideological and philosophical queen of this movement with her blood thirsty Eight and racism and anti semitism and she's, given Platform by comcast dispute every single day. And, of course the lesson is for academia and everybody else, never ever fire.
Somebody of misery, his ideological ilk or you'll pay a price for it. Don't you dare dare. Challenge what's going on in our colleges and universities, we will not permit it. That's what's going on chapter three, If the democrat party hates america now I want to move on the Joe Biden what's about to happen, there we'll be right back. Mud love in the That we thought about this for a long time over the years,
but the Democrats create a reality. That's not a reality A lot of time talking about how they I know a lot about this, how they have tried to characterize. What trump is adolf hitler or Joseph Stalin and others. Joe Biden once a president Election were donald trump, Adolf hitler, unease, george Washington. It wants an election of Adolf hitler. Versus george washington, not first, let me comment on a more minor point. All these people, Say their Joe Biden is not running, are wrong. That doesn't mean in the end will be the nominee a lot. Can but he's running batches intention. I need you to stick with me on this. I want to build on what I have said in the past. They want their selection.
be aid of hitler versus george Washington, so. They, like george wash ing ton, I need to unravel. This will be right back, the liberals and pure begins? Don't like him, but america does. You can call my gloves, ended aid, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one such a buying aid for us. It will be. Told you before is nothing but a a stir heck politician, who will say anything, do anything for power and so forth. A truly great, repulsive. As far as I'm concerned now He's gonna run a campaign on january sixth
link is going to valley, forge. Turning interesting, we have real things going on in this country. He couldn't go to that Massive rally in Washington d c. Against Hamas. And pro israel. There was too busy. Did you go to a town. There was hardly hip by toxic leak. Palestine, ohio too busy for that too busy take a real Our yale tour of the southern border does want to see what's going on there and the list goes on, but Joe. Joe fancies himself, he civil rights later tis himself has so rightly, and so Joe
he's wanna go to valley, forge. I find this very strange. Indeed, Washington, examiner, buying team tries to make twenty twenty four contest about anyone, but president bright, bar bind to observe january six was speech at valley, forge AP, biased. of twenty twenty four by doubling into some of the countries darkest moments. National review by campaign plants double down on code, defending democracy pitch and twenty calling for now The problem is. but you're. The smart historians of audiences.
So you're going to understand what we discuss here, but there's a lot of people for whom lies fearmongering work. Joe Biden has the least qualified individual Go to these places and talk up democracy now Democracy, I mean constitutional republicanism bubble used the word democracy, because that's what they're trying around. We are not a democracy in the framers didn't want anything to do with a democracy, them cease turn in democracy, the declaration of independence and explains right there. Why we're not a democracy? You have unalienable rights, twi region The whole notion of populism. Elizabeth, is more like democracy, it's called american
that is, constitutional, ism, slash republicanism, but that for another day so binds gonna, go to value, forge on January six, to remind us of the insurrection that took place on January. Sixty six. The strange thing, don't you think,. Joe Biden and his regime popular. by obama. Marxist have done and continue to do everything humanly possible to destroy our heritage to destroy our history. His party wants nothing to do with wash and his party embraces these, sixteen nineteen project is power. embraces critical rights there his party at tat
Real american history, his party dismisses. the men who fought the revolutionary war. and the men who established our country and our government as slave holders. As segregation or says racist or you have to do, watch, MSNBC or cnn. times, launched the sixteen nineteen project, our tears in forty fifty percent of our school systems backs the democratic party, but then he's gonna go to valley fort, had been, We forge many times as a young man, the young child, family was steeped in history: My parents, owned day nursery school
On a day camp the summer, and every year we would take a trip. The valid forge every but here the history valley, forge the same Democrat party that is destroyed. Not to the other homo jefferson. Propaganda on the left, the home, madison propaganda on the left. Washington's home is protected because it's in trust Run by the federal government. Joe Biden. Despises remark. Try, you signed all those executive orders early on tries promoting equity equity, that is, marxism and everything he does. Joe Biden talks on and on about america being a racist society.
Joe Biden is an ambulance chaser. Whenever there is a horrific event. he runs to that event, especially if he can racial lies. like you did on that one occasion I think it was in and around a we're. Number of asian women were slaughtered, murdered. but the mass murder wasn't about big it was about prostitution and so forth, turns out But they didn't stop Joe and you are come. Allah there was celebrating kwanzaa before once even was established, everybody's in for the revolution, Joe Biden launches this grotesque campaign,. He wants to label his opponents. Basically, that is
the vast majority of republicans and conservatives as people who oppose this country and its founding fact were the ones who supported and defended. but he knows he has a media, there were regarded. everything, it believes they are members of the same party. They have the same audio. They want to the same schools, Joe Biden. Is the most races president and we ve had since woodrow wilson? Another Democrat I, why do I say that. I wrote a whole damn chapter on this. The evidence is there and, unlike sitting gay. I have all the note saying check the sources only one through accurate twice,
My books have hundreds and hundreds of endnotes in the back. That's what you're said. Maybe I B, I can be the president of harvard MR producer. Where do I apply? Excuse me, work. Jewish mail, and I'm straight that won't happen, never mind. But that said. When a Joe binds closest friends when he first came to the us senate, with John eastland Have you don't know, Johnny slim was her, is. Johnny sullen was a racist and a segregation, as he came out of mississippi old school. Any was in the senate for decades and one point. The present, the junior senator from mississippi he who get elected like two years after him.
Also served decades in the senate John status. Also a racist and segregation, both of them. filibuster, the nineteen sixty four civil rights act, as did, of course wrapper. Both of them opposed every single civil rights, legit isn't that ever came to the fourth senate, Joe Biden befriended, both of them. Maybe the are, we mean the god pay attention to this. He's not saw unbind anyway, but he needs it. Understand. History. Joe buying came at a woman to delaware, He likes to say, came out of scrap here. One Five years old.
In other words, he wasn't a man who was born into this million at the time. but he wanted to appeal to certain democrats and stated delaware, because where, during the civil war, was kind of split any needed the votes of those and nineteen seventy two half a century ago In parts of raw delaware, throughout this mindset. So we try to walk a fine line, but he never did what that fine line. You stepped over any befriend these he's lenny befriended status Spoke highly of george walls, one
I prefer wrote in an essay that Joe Biden just go along with these racists participated as a full partner, their efforts, Lock, the integration of our public school systems In our communities, which, of course, fuel Now, how did you know by now. said would turn into a jungle he didn't, the kids to go to a jungle He set out of things did other things. As a senator. His lied about his civil rights record. He has no civil rights record. Zero he could be present in the harbor to actually. because he's a liar and a plagiarist any damage.
Maybe that's why Obama picnic. and so now this man. Who first islanders its reputation. As one of the good old boys. This man now is going to travel that country, so he's got energies got a second win risks, go to these places valley for. He's gonna go to these places are horrific. Things happened and exceptional things went and place. Him saw himself from the side of the angels in place, Donald trump, on the side of the devil.
Joe Biden is a despicable, a despicable liar. It is frightening that a man with his low I q, complete lack of morality and character up in the overall, but there is- and this effort to Take out trump by any means possible by buying, by his regime and his operatives, By his media by his party and buys front Groups and his boeing airs. is an assault on our system. Nothing This has never happened before nothing in this country.
And so now Joe Biden wants to be George Washington, their valley, fort. two years ago. We want nothing to do with georgia. For the men who founded america with a man who wrote adopted and ratified the constitution want nothing to do. It Then areas is gonna, be valley, forge what next gettysburg he demeans us. He demeans our country the disgrace, and he and his people are running a campaign like this as he's done, horrible things to our country,
He's destroyed energy independence. What's on the border is an act of betrayal. An act of betrayal to the american people. These destroying our society. He's destroyed women's sport. Contributing to destruction of our colleges and k through twelve school he's destroying the value of our dollar economics, but they can point. Government created statistics all they want. They mean nothing to me. their destroying our military, the way they destroyed our police force, turn the entire power. Resources, the federal judiciary federal justice system against his opponent, moron irony,
ben, Hmm in eighteen. Seventy five then senator job. and told the radical left wing philadelphia inquire that the democratic party could quote state. A liberal george, while as someone who is not afraid to stand up and offend people, I quote that same year, Biden called the Concept of desegregation of our public schools quote: rejection of the whole movement of black pride. Really, two years later and nineteen, seventy seven Biden said that now an orderly racial integration would cause us kids to grow up in a racial jungle Ladies and gentlemen, is a big boy by nineteen. Seventy seven people
stood a close relationship with racist politicians like James eastland and john status of the mississippi anyone so far is to praise Sign these southern manifesto of nineteen fifty six opposing ray, integration, of quote public spaces any. Status on the senate for nineteen. Eighty eight- All of this will escape scrutiny. I mean there's tons of slobbering praise a robber bird who also philippa The nineteen sixty four act. I return there segmented podcast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage. save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk, dot com to find the plan. The tried for you. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for the
sponsorship pure talk, the no broadcasting from the underground command, both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader the welcome back america. Article event here are number eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one so the court is released over a thousand pages of major free Epstein manner we do not have a list of names yet as soon as we do, we will tell you about remember what I said: I'm not gonna hype, the fact of a less, but we will talk about the substance of the list once there is a list. so we marshall on early,
As I see it and analysed Basically gives the game away. Those are a louis cuts. Nineteen go visit. something that a certain kind of politician has used for a long time that you can in fact run on resentment ingredients in fear and anger. the same time, though, I have to say to me one reason that they have the hype: it up so much that in the people. Really voltaire pocketbooks, you now I mean it's an apple. Action to say if if this, then that and we could lose our country- yes, that's true, even after january six are saying this: we absolutely listen on january. Seventh people still have to buy gas, they still have to buy groceries. That's interesting. The so called reported cornish cnn sounds like a newbie cornish, cornish. One of the cornish hands or something anyway. So there
Even after january six you see these media well done at the struggle for anything. The bureaucrats just get up. Must have five and eight percent increase. That's on top of bonuses. That's on top of Increases achaeus this to a gs there too, and I see I see, I know the whole system, that's on top of seniority, there's four different asian, get an increase in often all the ways. if you work in the federal government or private sectors, there's just no guarantee quite the opposite: So the media going to keep pushing this room remind you of a few things. The media do not represent middle america they do not represent most of america, most of them don't come From middle america now stand gone to various colleges and universities are of the same mindset, but I want to read: thanks to you to remind you that
Joe Biden goes around pretending to be the defender of democracy, the defender of the constitution. We have spent many years finding the Democrats we ve been trying to destroy the constitution convention of states even came about in order restore specific areas of the constitution, the democrats the court's all the time to destroy and dismantle the constitution there doing it with a We need the member in section three right now. There is a government shut down, as there must be given what's taken play on the border in the debt, as there must be done the fourteenth amendment again and I'll. Tell you that Biden has the power unilateral, the raise taxes to raise the debt the borrow money to spend and all arrest. Let's begin.
if your purpose, as I wrote in the democratic party hates america to buy copy copying reading it to you. I would encourage you to take a look But if you don't want to listen up their purposes, fundamentally transform america. Then your purpose must all beta, destroy constitutional republicanism, constitution has to go either all at once. by parts, and that is exactly what the democratic turkey and its revolutionary partners have in mind, in fact, by This party are endlessly relentlessly looking for ways to bypass the constitutions. The goals to centralize power and their propaganda aimed at condemn republican institutions has grown increasingly shrill, unhinged and deceitful in paris. The Democrats
party and second emissions insisted that the constitution actually embodied their ideological agenda and compelled the outcomes they demand they celebrated judges, injustices who abuse judicial review and practice traditional activism. Today they make open there this and for the constitution and no longer seek to disguise their true intentions. example: radical left this ruth koker, professor, or its college of law, the ohio state universe is lost. Each of those modern assault on the constitution itself. Keaton The attack is to try to link the constitution to slavery. Sure I actually opening sab over as a total. The white supremacist constitution I meet. Ladies and gentlemen, bind has been embracing this white supremacist constitution stuff throughout its president.
She says the united states constitution is a document that, during every era, has some further wide supremacy. Is a white woman by white supremacy constitutes a. political, economic and cultural system, in which white overwhelmingly: control power, material resources, conscious and unconscious ideas. I always love that white supremacy and its title. more widespread and relations of white dominance and non white subordination are daily. Reenact across a broad array of institutions and social setting, That sounds like somebody supports my country. This is the modern democratic party and binds gonna go to valley forward Tell me you're, gonna, get a valid, forge and denounce. George Washington is a slave on. Is that what nobody's going to do now?. rather than understand the constitution. She writes of forest for progressive structural change. We should understand it a barrier to change pregnant
perception. She wrote the constitution and try and slavery. No, it didn't and the degradation of black but by considering them to be property rather than equal members of the community. or amendments did not We abolish slavery and only prohibited a limit ban on state action. Radical reckons Actual short lived as white supremacy quickly, even right in any political gains that black voters had achieved the supreme court. Interpreted the civil war amendments consistently with their white supremacist roots. Rather than serve as an effective instrument to help eradicate them, but the badges incidents and vestiges of slavery. Constitution has become a tool both a ban. terry race, affirmative measures at the federal state level at local government level and also to preclude congress from reacting straw, Abolition is measured in. She means affirmative action.
The court is enshrined the views of Andrew Johnson, a fierce proponent of white supremacy into its structure since the kind of anti american racist claptrap that passes for constitutional scholarship. These days, folks, venal have this book. This election, I'm serious. This is chapter and verse. Fifteen bucks at amazon seriously. Eli missile you ve, seen this clown frequently hog cable tv he's a professor and other extreme left us in correspondence. I should say for they radical I have seen the nation is a frequent guessed it on MSNBC and Arthur very book. Allow me to report a black eyes guide to the constitution, Unlike calker, he declares that the united states has always and always has been a corrupt society, and the constitution is nothing but an accumulation of demands.
the more white people, people enshrined in a document imposed on nation during its meeting tor promoting is lucky to be declared on abc roundly ridiculed view. Television show for reprobates. Institution is kind of trashy says: let's just talk as adults for a sec. And he went on it was written by slavers colonists and why people who were willing to make deals with slavers colonists. They didn't it anybody who look like me, what they thought about the constitution, this Argument was written without the consent of black and brown people in this country and without thinking women in this country- and I say if that is the starting point: The very least we can do is ignore what those slavers and colonists and massage in his thought and interpret the constitution are a way that makes sense for our modern world. These are Biden supporter. These are Biden voters. This is the Democrat
Port and whose derange ratings are typical of the guests book by the democratic party media, course among miss those where improvements to the constitution were quote no states rights when it comes to health care, elections, policing and guns supporting him. That's just better, unquote, Permissible, therefore, interpreting quote unquote: the constitution is the practical, cynical way to destroy it for you his fellow anti american eighty idiot logs to impose their political and economic will on the rest of us thought through here's. What Biden wilma Formula professor Robert NATO's and now of the independent institute explains to begin with the dominant view. Among the founders with sex, slavery was absolutely not fine. The prevailing view was that slavery violated natural law was doomed to extinction.
By seventeen. Eighty seven several states have begun the journey towards abolition, nor did the constitution Your mandate, slavery to racial discrimination, the record nations, of state law. They varied from state to state. The founders reforest works that situation and prevent america from fracturing into a multitude of nations Constantly a war with each other, as in europe, also false the common good slaveholders adopted the constitution of the public debt I too find it only a small percentage of slaves, Upstairs many slaveholders oppose the constitution is favoured in at least five. states. Ratifying electorate, included, free african american. interesting. How many of those who insist that all our history must be taught promoting the non historical c r t. I write refused to do just that as they relentlessly smear this. country, and I would be back don't for
A binary set about this country. Right up to this point, when I always pretending you, storage, washing. The perversely named american constitution society, whose president its former radical democrat, was since an arrest, feingold held a conference titled founding failures reckoning with our constitution, general impacts on health and well being so they trash the constitution, from one side to the other. Why doesn't push? a socialist economic and a marxist cultural agenda. The party direct responsible for slavery, segregation and racism, of course, and their perpetuation is the Democrat barn which they make markets are aligned with as members and advocates Bernie sanders A democratic socialist yeti caucuses with assented democrats and has run more than once the Financial nomination of aircraft parley neat need nearly wanting.
He is part of a group called democratic socialists of america. Many of them are. She associated The democratic party all time marxist francis fox pivot, still plays a major role in recruiting training and promoting fellow marxist Work within the democratic party and it goes on The democratic parties developed into the political home of the various american marxist movement, they're, not they repulsed by america's past or more accurately, their own past. The democrat parties pay has two former forever condemned. The democratic party and refuse any association with it they ignore downplay its links to the complex, white supremacist, neo, nazis, lynchings, etc. Steady organ and blame the entire society. I'm giving you this for a reason, because they're doing it again by enriches trump, maybe they this chapter in my book trying to score
upon the american markets are supportive of the democratic parties modern day promotion of economic, social and cultural marxist. time american is then it truth, their contempt for the constitution, Can I just routine condemnation was not so much because of some of the framers biographies. curse the constitution's firewalls remaining impediment to early slow, the revolutionary aims and the speed with which they seek to make them very important. Understand this, like professor nay, this system, professor hills, the colored doktor David, has arrived, makes a good answer. Sink defence of the framers of the constitution seem the ones defending the constitution, the declaration that farming and the framework the can any rights that the constitution is. Racist, suffers from one fatal flaw that concept
raise, does not exist in the constitution, nowhere in the constitution or in the declaration of independence, for that matter are human, beings classified according to race, skin color, ethnicity, nor one should add sex religion or any other democratic parties. They regrouping. Our founding principles are colorblind although our history, regrettably, has not been the constitution speaks of, People, citizens, persons, other persons, a euphemism for slate and indians, not taxed, which case it is there exam status and not their skin color, the matter of the first References to race color occur in the fifteenth amendments guarantee of the right to vote for the newly freedom, ratified in eighteen. Seventy as arrived points out that the infamous three fist clause- and I written about this- have lent, including in my first book.
Which more nonsense, there's been written than any other clause does not declare that a black person is worth sixty percent of a white person. It says that for purposes limiting the number of representatives for each state in the house. The government would count only three fifths of the slaves and not all of them. The southern states who wanted to gain more seats had insisted you could While the southern states, and so on the one hand, while these black people really people their property, but then, on the other hand, for purposes of representation in the house, a representative to an economist people What was the northerners who said? No one ever worked out. Them is three fit for purposes of representation, but of course they reprobates twists. There. the sixty thousand or so free blacks in the north and the south, with canada, on par with whites. Their constitutions refers to the states to chairman, who shall be eligible to vote so little known fact of american history.
black citizens, revolting and perhaps as many as ten states, nato, some things five, but ten. The time of the founding the precise numbers are unclear, but only georgia, south carolina virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites. In addition, he says, because the constitution is not explicitly recognise, laboring does not therefore, admit of slaves were probably all the protections it affords to. Persons could be applied to slaves. any one of these provisions in the hands of abolition, statesmen, backed up by a right moral sentiment, Put an end to slavery in amerika was frederick douglass, who said it is true that the constitution of eight, of seventeen? Eighty seven failed to abolish slavery, the convention was convened not to freeze the slaves but to amend the articles of confederation. Here's what douglas said, a chart, is one thing the course of a vessel is another. The constitution may be right, even if
and government are wrong and he gave a fierce speech condemn slavery and endorse Abolition and strongly defended the constitution of the united states, frederick douglass. That's our little history lesson, but I want to take it from their own. Will return I'll be right. Back try going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries. That's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. You're covered from this. So buckingham palace or your villa insights, morine, you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk, so saves the IRA family. Almost a thousand Ten dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put you in america's most dependable five g network, so the coverage is second to none, so don't delay folks switched appear.
Talk a veteran own wireless company with simply the best you as customer service team. Now, with international roaming to over thirty countries. Gotta pure talk, tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat Slash Ellie, be I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure talk, tat come slack, love in the start. Saving on wireless right now Clearly, Epstein files have been unsealed. Somehow Its have the documents, but the site itself has crashed. and we see this. One individual rights. What is his name no fog. We started Clinton John doe number thirty, six, whose deposition was essential to provide information as relationship with Maxwell, Epstein
testimony from one witness this is what's there did Jeffrey ever talk to you about. bill Clinton. He said one time they Clinton likes them, you're, referring to girls, Emily up do you know a pill. Clinton was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein. I knew he had dealings with bill Clinton. I did not know they were friends until I read the vanity fair article about them going to africa together and it says to Jerry ever talk to you about bill and he said one time the Clinton likes them young, referring to girls like by You know, Mr Vanunu, where these guys, their grotesque, I'll be right back the travel, for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they started international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making.
From the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk, so saves the Erika family. Almost a thousand. Ten dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put Joan america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none, so don't delay folks, which the pure talk a veteran own wireless company with simply the best? U S, customer service team now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, gotta pure talk, tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat slash ellie VM to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big, that's pure talk, tat come slept. love in the start, saving on wireless right now.
Yes months worst nightmare mark love, then call and now eight seven, seven, three eight one, three eight one, one It's all we have so far from the year my job. I wonder what hilary is gonna sacrifices the media will find some way to blame donald trump peril. Download Tromp was extremely helpful, with the litigants on their behalf in this case. but don't worry, they'll find a way I mean if they're gonna com hitler so Joe Biden who has a long history as a racist. Any segregation is even common law. Harris knows that member, during the debate, MR producer, how she rest and may I say that to very bad thought, but nonetheless
I have a theory on why they picked her. As is running me really had nothing to do with her skin color her background. I really believe it. because she said some damnable things about him and they wanted to shut her up the best way to shut her up cause she's a loose cannon was the maker vice as in it and then give her absolutely nothing to do by giving are nothing to do, she's essentially destroyed herself cause she's in any. lies to. She says the dumbest. Damn thing she saw inquired. We could also my youth of no. You didn't. I remember when they kept talking about her as an african american memory member. This controversy must reduce its and she's, not it african, american one parent is making a one parent is from india.
Remember how they went back like a hundred twenty five years must have been. Maybe it was a hundred and fifty wait, wait, wait a rises rider and so what we do, about. You zella way back why ass. There was an individual the continent of africa. Oh I'm, sorry, I'm sorry, but she's not an. How do you say that. There are jews at herself hate us all. You must pay an anti semite. I I see See- and I say what I see- there's no question about soros Chomsky. People throughout MSNBC and cnn and the reprobates at the new york slimy locked in ex lines was owned by george firm and they covered up the holocaust I say, don't, say things like that.
so I say them- I say them here and sit on Fox. I write books about. But if you really want understand, what's going on it's the last book, it's the democratic party, hates america ended its literally I d added to write this book decided to put the title on. Look it's well past Release him just making the point for people really care about them. And to lay it out in its happen, like clockwork tractor after on immigration, tired trap on immigration does exist Finally, what they're doing and why they're doing that? This is a push again and our colleges and universities I mean honestly there's never been a buck riddler who writes a book of turning to the trappers now, just just so, you know I mean I have three hours here, but you know I, we need an entire book to oh. That would be monotonously no question about that, but you can read it. The Democrats
eddie and authoritarianism he's out there talking about democracy. but I proved they don't believe in that chapter to anti types racism and anti semitism man. I hit that out of the park chapter three I white racism and anti semitism killer language. Controlled thought controlled, use It happening every single dam day wore on the american citizen, one of the biggest chapters chapter five on migration? What is it that they're trying to do and why are they doing in whose behind rather nuclear family, that's right? and gender ism and all the rest of it police state packing used against parents. War the constitution and then the last chapter I wrote literally three weeks before this book was due at the publisher.
Stalin would be proud, other things that they're doing to trump. This is that compendium. This is the compendium. This is the reference guy I say that because I wanted to win. I say that because I want us to spread. The word there are now in full. Attack mode, whether at the border, whether its race, whether its anti semitism Whether are the media, academia and Joe Biden. This is an autocratic entity, it's not your normal. political party, the democratic party, they will when anything, they will say anything but put a candidate imprisoned, a former president. They don't
air as they now wave around that constitution. Remember yesterday, when I came back. all energetic as I am right now. I told you that for me things that need to run on to expose buying in what was the thing Said the goes in the other car patriotism. Joe Biden is trying to steal patriotism. As an issue he's trying still morning in america as initial those are our issues turbines. Patriot? He doesn't believe in mourning in america, let's m o you are and I in that's the kind of morning he believes it is spent three This presidency trashing our country trashing our history, embracing radical reprobate marxists. It at all party there's quota. court of the things he has said. There's pointed out
point of his actions and inaction and what is done in this country cannot run on any of this I use that because he's impose these things on the american people, by judicial exhibiting by executive, thea asia. These things on the american people by regulation, democracy says he believes in europe to choose what kind of car you want democracy says he believes in europe get the kids. We're going to starve, you want democracies, as he believes in he wants darling a single family homes, democracy, He says he believes in how they blade and restrictions on voting restrictions on voting mark everybody should vote now. Everybody doesn't get the vote. People on legal right to vote have a right to vote. Yes, Joe Biden believes in democracy.
And yet a user's tyranny notice. Then I'm among the first to bring this up. They keep using the word democracy nom, using it to describe what they're saying so. Please understand they. Never talk about constitutional, ism or small republic in his cause, I don't believe in they believe two things that are a threat to this republic in the constitution and the framers knew it ma. Bureaucracy. In centralized tyranny and they use them both as them just do they use the mob and the eu, Emma because they're stupid, because they ve been brainwashed, their true believers, They use the mob. In order to see centralized authority, they do same thing in Israel by the way on the left. They did.
Same thing in europe on the left. This is what they're doing now, and so Biden wants to do as he wants to paint trump as a devil figure he's hitler. go for it. Where now, which should defend every single one of you. Imagine being a holocaust survivor and listening to that s. Pageant living in the united states of America already experienced for great years under donald trump, here that he's hitler and you have numbers tattooed on your arm, burned into your skin. Having been a one of these death camps, imagine what they think. During these pigs. These slobs these over aid overfed pew
on tv, MSNBC Cnn, using hitler to describe the most pro drew, pro israel, president modern american history, perhaps american history damage, but they don't care. Told you gotta always look at this through their aims, which is power that bottom line power by hook or by crook power anti black racism. One century anti white racism, the next- and I jewish admissions at harvard one century chant, Asian emissions at harvard the next.
its slavery a hundred fifty years ago and segregation thereafter in its segregation again today, just a different type of segregation. Democrat party hate the country and they're, not gonna. Let somebody like donald trump get in the way, so they're trying to destroys business there trying to take his. Take his entire career away. All things he built a new york, beautiful, fantastic there, destroys business with a phoney statue. That's never been used against anybody else. Goes it so outrageous there, a clown show of a judge. There was a local democratic punk with his law clerk, who does all the thinking for him and letty
james zay marxist hack, dumb as adorn up, but a radical. That's all that matters speak to me again, mr produce. I get the same thing gone on in a later. A hard core, radical democratic prosecutors. Father was part of the black panthers, oh h, objective. Then, of course you got this stolen as like a operation going on out of the united states department of injustice and that fat slob, and I say this with all due respect and compassion. Because in order to be a member of fat, is united? You need to be a fat slob, and I have given Chris Christie the highest award, the fact Lab award from fatty, united or a few
What did you hear what he says about all this later and he's got because peggy noonan likes tomorrow, yeah very reaganesque. This guy is really something else, I'll be right. Back Ben try going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they started: international roaming: the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican beach in the bahamas. Your covered from the steps are buckingham palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk, so saves the Erika family almost a thousand. ten dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switched of pure talk. A veteran own wireless
but he was simply the best. U s! Customer service team now, with international roaming to over thirty countries, gotta pure talk, tat comes slashed, Levine, that's pure talk, tat, slash ellie VM, to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure talk, tat, come slept. love in the start, saving on wireless right now what is more is coming out now transcript. Testimony. Did you ever see Donald but Jeffreys home, not that I can remember, we don't know this witnesses, but must be somebody series on his island. No, not that I can remember in mexico. No not that I can remember in new york. Not I can remember where they returned. Tied donald trump dollar stuff. They always try. This crap.
Never pans out, they don't apologize and they then they try something else everyday. In time. Mister bitters references to former president trump. And an increase corresponding to map massages, you were giving a guess. Correct, yes, massages meant sex. Didn't the gas for whom you have gave a massage mention that they expected something sexual know that they are you to engage in sexual contact, and you refused objection, witness know and then also donald trump know. Did you ever massage donald trump? No path? Ass? Did you ever have sex with our dershowitz in the back of a limousine with virginian jeffrey present, absolutely not.
So they tried to smear tromp. They ve tried to smear Dershowitz. I always knew which was innocence. You know how I knew. When you get angry and you counter sue ann. You are out there bargain away at something like this how did this prince Andrew hide now in england,. see about him, but the time will tell so Joe Biden Joe Biden is the man least able to speak about democracy crystal speak about anything so these are be speeches at her with these speeches, are written for the media. There written The print media broadcast media their written agenda You ve already seen it over the last few months. Will now it's going to really data I'll, be right back Is the
r p, really seniors grouper has become a marketing arm of mass of insurance companies. A senator and Paul recently pointed out united healthcare pays the eight hour pay roughly eight hundred million dollars a year. This explains why the eight hour peace supported the inflation reduction act, which had not to do with inflation, but did give billions attacked dollars to big corporations you're a senior time to drop the aid p and instead, during the conservative alternative, a mac, the association and mature american citizens, their fighting every a pass common sense policies for american seniors their work to preserve social security, medicare, pass healthcare, transparency, secure election integrity and protect our children, grandchildren from the less dangerous agenda join me and two million americans nationwide and become an aim at member today for as little as a dollar a month. This is a chance to remind Washington that we have a voice and, with the help of aim act we will fight?
to preserve our values. Joint aim act today, an aim act out. U s! Slash! Mark number: two: that's a m, a sea that, u s, slash and they r k digit to mark two- now broadcasting only underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain, steel of a nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader MIKE I'm out of here. I'm not ban, and I will take some time Eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one right bar any state media fred over rise of far right politics, fraternity. Twenty four here's my question: america is the agendas the communist party
Leader G, see repeating what bind and the Democrats and our media say, or they repeating what he says: the american marxists hate conservatives and the full blown marxists in communist china. They hate Conservatives do yes, it's the way goes at sea or how long mr produce You send it to me and I lost it. That's faction. Semi that wall street journal article again, if you feel mine, I want where I want to read It's because I think it's quite important, and by the way, this whole debate about this hospital in Gaza. even some of the media now have to admit that it was
kind of a hospital, but it was the headquarters of Hamas weapons in every closet under every bed. A mass of tunnel system of which hospital was the central part of it. The staff, that is management or a hamas. The hospital director was a Hamas terrorists. and that's why jake tapir doesn't talk about it anymore. That's why Andrea Mitchell, those and talk about it anymore? That's why, not talk about it in a marcello stay in the communist news network because they look like downfall, There's a great piece in the wall street journal that was written yesterday bear buddy, eugene controversy. encounter role, which is one of the leading legal scholars.
George mason law school here in the united states, as well as in Israel, I've had em on this program. I've had my fact shows where trade short since president Biden has declared a set of principles for israel's role, impose gaza quotas. Forced displacement of palestinians from Gaza, no, the occupation, no siege or blockade, and no reduction in territory. Unquote. A fifth is not is a fifth number is implicit, no jews in Gaza. That is. The bad administration has insisted that a future palestinian government must allow jews and arabs live side by side in peace as they do in Israel. they don't have to live side by side in peace You shouldn't be there Love segregation do the Democrats, the eye of jews living postwar gaza. He writes, may seem improbable
The Gaza has always been jus free, at times a significant community exist as far back as the fifteen hundred like nineteenth century, while a reach one hundred ottoman role, a new wave of Jews moved in and established a flourishing trade community most left out. The arab riots and nineteen twenty nine ro. We captured Gaza from Egypt and nineteen. Sixty seven did you know any this. thousands of Jews move there. They move back. Establishing the communities they came to be known as gauche captive Israel's army pulled out of gaza, two thousand five taking civilians with them. His true the Jews couldn't live for long and post war in Gaza. by envisions under a revitalize palestinian authority court on core whatever that means, but that damage That is, vision, isn't one of a peaceful d,
localization entity. The story of Jews in germany, which committed the atrocities against Jews in history, After the war under allied occupation in d, not vacation, When he became safer jews again, fifteen thousand jews, many from eastern europe decided to live in west germany after world war. Two established, organise communities and lived openly and safely among those who sought to wipe them out years before the german jewish humanity has since grown a one hundred and twenty thousand dollars still live in germany in the decades after the war was controversial among Jews, but it wasn't a death sentence. The jewish communities and postwar germany emblematic of the country's transformation premise. stomach aggressor to the agri european peace. Similarly, Austria, whose jews raw entirely murdered or deported now has vibrant jewish community were multiple synagogues in kosher. Restaurants.
how we don't even have those in virginia. Mr producer germany turned on the Jews. Settling thereafter. The war wars happened in poland, a nineteen forty five in nineteen. Forty six rather is like that the allies wouldn't have been satisfied as quickly as they were, the germany was safe for the world. The? U s in Israel, agree that whoever Gaza after Hamas must make a clean break from the current tara gangs clears too for whether that has been achieved is the same as it was in frankfurt and vienna. Afterward to with the Jews can actually, established communities there that can be made spot only the way was in germany by the prolonged control, an indefinite security presence at the victorious army, the existence of save jewish communities in Gaza could eventually make Israel confident enough to withdraw by contrast, as we see in a recent months, if Jews,
saving garb of Gaza, they won't be safer in Israel either. So again, Biden is wrong. once again by and is our he's an idiot and says that idiot blanket is assessed very troubles. Good, lord. What if we lose the next election? Mr Blair's, I know it's it's it's a thought. You don't wanna her right. It's a thought you don't wanna have, but it is a situation that the corruption and all the rest of it. Propaganda and that all the free media that the democratic, have to promote hitler, but mark. Don't there is talk about solve hating george you're gonna, say hitler at our you're gonna, say atlanta, and don't you criticise, won't blitzer
if you actually didn't mean to but re that times, maybe that new times are covered up the holocaust. Although knows that's fit the print. oh, and as for the next coming saga? The budget you National debt tops thirty four trillion dollars for the first time in american history, hosted, probably the only one I ve been talking about this for years under the prior administration and this administration and soon the interest on the debt that the debt it's, the dead is actually in the three hundred trillions. Just so you know patients for social security, medicare medicate. Obligations that this government has in the future we ve already mortgage the future
the next generation and generations yet born Well, how they're going to live? I dunno what it's going to look like it's going to be disastrous. The open border situation you gotta, stay or will give them free or free healthcare. What a complete utter farcical, pathetic, move But then the creature happy where they can vote for these people, but the debt will be bigger than the defence issues. Where the Interest on the debt will be bigger than the defence budget. I warned about this for five years ago, not because nostradamus ba he's my head, I read and not just there's a lot of that. You have to go through until you get to the good stuff. That's the problem. I work in a very interesting guest
Programme has never been on the programme. Before is a state representative from the state of kansas, and it involves convention of states, involves our constitution. And I want to highlight this: this is a red state. The state of kansas. And I believe the number is now over twenty states least twenty, but I like over twenty states, have passed resolutions. For invention of states, not a constitutional convention convention of states with very specific proposals. Still has to be ratified by three fourths of the state's thirty eight state legislatures? It's all extremely dick called to do, but it really is the last. I hope we have to address the re engineering that's taken place in our constitutional republic.
Washington is not going to do it. They are dug in zaire, you heard from which Mcconnell lately have we must reduce. Now countries go and how their fighting over the border we're fighting over the budget. We're gonna get fun store allies were going to get the funds to a military nobody hears from Mitch Mcconnell. This is the problem with the republicans I'll, be right back much love in the Whilst I welcome back, we have with us, I can't stay representative from one hundred and fourteen district, Michael murphy. How are you, sir trademark, has for you today we're doing great. I read an article in the speaker newspapers, I want to goethe.
This generally with you, because this is a programme- are hosted host strolling conventional states. Now you support convention of states correct, a proponent of article five to fix our country absolutely And you have a pretty significant majority in the house and the Senate there that supports a correct, or do we we heard it come up several several years here and it's always passed very well as far as the majority is concerned, but we've got a little problem here in kansas with it now looked at these numbers are their enormous. The votes it's like two to one in this To the one in the house, pretty much pretty close right, close up, Now the problem is we'll get into the litigation clause, your your advice not to get into it? That's perfectly fine by me, but we can still explained he issued the, problem, is what, then, why can't you guys get this past will work.
After in the seventies, after only wait, some. I don't know what their intention was, but they they got. The constitutional amendment passed that requires for any convention of states- proposing amendments would require two thirds vote of our house and our senate. and a worthy always stated that has restriction and its in our constitution, and so we have been no stymied by that So, as I read the article so that those parts public the conflict here or the issue that needs to be resolved is. Is this different, though, because you're talking about having a convention, of states to have a meeting to discuss whether or not to amend the federal constitution.
you're, not actually amending it through at this meeting correct as that kind of the point gradually, Part of the issue is that we are like shortages The gathering to us about some ideas what courteousness and now I wanna be is honestly I honestly is its federal, but I can't tell you know I don't mean one charge judge in a federal district court eyes, and right in europe are the plaintiffs. And you have a state, senator Republican is also one of the plaintiffs correct, but greg according to this article. In that Gentleman's name is thompson, so remote johnson,
senator my times and hurried, so you're, gonna, try and get this resided says her eustace record into people s month. Do you have any idea? What they're going to start the power so said deciding this case her. Who knows, He who knows it was your file. I think, on the twenty second of december, so yeah near the wheels of litigation hide What what town are you from little town called sylvia. It's less than two hundred people. And I don't even live in tat. We live in a country your family, basically so you live in our rural part of kansas. Obviously right it is very rural course. Most again you know, so my my district actually covers a pretty, must have three counties you know, as an aside, discuss
what my wife she agrees and one day when I retire as I can, while this forever? You know that mr representative, one day when I retire said: let us rent, in our view, a small one. Let's drive across the entry and see these small towns, I'm desperate that go two and see these small town, some desperate to go to these towns but little main streets and may be a diner grocery stores. Something and that's why we're going to do is not a good idea. I think that greater than in all, all one up beyond that. Actually, where we live, we actually have a bed and breakfast a real love. If you, if you gettin as partners, I think you already and will will put you aren't you. nice, but I really want to do that because you and I thought about it properly- eddie forty years dating myself at thirty or forty years said no don't wait forever now cause forever ants. Doesn't it I have.
delight? I want to wish you all the best. And maybe you might produce- will keep in touch with those. So as this thing progresses. And there is more public information you can reveal, then we will reveal it here. And yet I appreciate- and I appreciate what you ve done enough for article five over the snow was used earlier barton, you ve got you pushed it. He pushed it really well and and We appreciate that that effort on your side, They convention of states group is one of the finest and the country, quite frankly, so one of the largest, but we we love those folks MIKE murphy cages a representative of a hundred fourteenth and what the nation to know that The fighters there, along with your senator friend MIKE and from shawnee now I know we're shawnees and that funny then the noah shawnee us now yeah he's really that gives it to Kansas city area suburb, arrogant,
by the way, one of the kansas city chiefs. I gotta say they look better than my yours. They boasting thought they, we're not yours. Now you re diplomatic and I got it right. A last year and the best to you in this effort you do like you, Martin, take care of yourself. misery. Does love company mister Bruce you ve heard that line. Haven't you. So I look at you weevils fans are tough, but this is tough, the stomach I'm watching and watch this game- and I had several family members I want my family. hello. The metals wide open on defence? The metals wide open? I don't get paid to do this stuff, Just a regular fan, course, what happens
I throw a little lob right in the middle of the field and nobody's there to stop the guy. It's like what the hell is going on here. What's going on here with these guys, the defence has collapsed, they get a lead Lee. So, Mr Barroso, I decided to take a nap, take a nap by weight. When it's time, and all of you aren't eagles fans, those of you who are you get it those we shut up already. I be right back I. Nobody says it better marked by employing remarked nobody could better call. Now I read seven seven three aid, one three eight one one said Joe His face His burden from the sun,
faces, man from the sun think Joe Biden believes that his faces a solar panel. Don't you, Mr Miller,. I dont provided was more energy. He gets us. How helicopters faces band red looks like he's. He's in the movie saturday night fever, you know you, he don't ever terry's guys like three buttons down with his chest. Shy, that's what this guy No, he likes them. Young too. They hair smelling in the touching. But what did you think I met there fourteen women who have complained about this is photos but don't worry the media cover for the racist segregationist. in the guy that likes to smell the hair of little girls, nothing wrong with went back now. Well, there's another one can release
commits. I told you rather than spending three days talking about the existence of a list will spend time talking about. What's in the list, techno fog really good site. Some. Our question. All right. If I were to ask you the question how many times you had sex with Tom pritzker? that question means, I believe so all right, what is the answer to that question? I believe I was with tom once, whose time pritzker asp? Instead, Gee group, all much go or to the ash been institute must choose, meets the aston strategy group So so executive terminal hide hotels, cooperation. I won't be staying there any time soon. Will you, Mr Barroso,
and isn't he related to that slob who's, the governor of illinois, that's his brother, brother, pritzker,. It is the aspen institute, see a member The prestigious has denounced too, maybe he can be present. Harvard you know they can move things randal about something like that. There will be more and that will be available. As I said, and one work During this testimony, the individual questions said absolutely not. She never had anything. With him when it came to donald trump, absolutely not. She never solemn at any of the Epstein locations, Oh, that lie, went on and on and on and on put your hate. The media hate me.
Is there not a free press are the opposite of a free press. Are right, see here were actually go to some callers. If I may, been d poor here, the gene pool, let's see ralph rouse central florida. The great ws k. Why. The gains will I re. I soon ralph how're, you, sir, at the march. Thank you for taking my call happy new year, you too, sir, and I've yet to issue a lot of the issues. I could talk to you about all your programs. I've thought of a couple of more of what I called about was I have friends, some christian roots We, the or and central florida, and they talk talking the last mughal- show about the possibility of a martial law being declared next year in lieu of an election because
okay, when I was younger, I don't know if that's required ability or not, but I don't think anybody's going to declare martial law, but I do think they're doing everything they can starting right now, your fear in this election and not just Knighted states, department of justice, and not just jack smith, which is horrendous, but you have democratic. Control courts. Now with wisconsin in new york and other places that are trying to change the districts they congressional districts and twenty twenty four is supposed to do this every ten years in the legislature supposed so, let's say of these activists, democrat courts and they're gonna. I blow out two or three republicans out of new york in about two. Publicans ida wisconsin, This is the way this is done. You don't have to be. Have a marshall? national law or anything like that. You just keep
destroying the system. That's why they know what they like poor college. That's why they don't want the vote, identification that's why they want to after voting voting, they call it harvesting? You know like you're out my field, harvesting, harvesting, they ve got all content breaks up their sleeves and the and they and that's what's happening right now, and so by step this was taking place and when you have people like bill Barr, others say I'm not aware of any end. products that can I haven't a french- try there- just a joke, because what's happening is that fraud is being institutional me Well, there's more more reports coming out people, I mean little here in arizona little there in georgia little here their little their bits and pieces
it is starting to come out about ballots about people filling other people's ballots and so forth. That's why you don't see on the news, but some sort of second, outlets you're, starting to talk about this stuff. It's not consent, it's happening it's after, but my biggest spheres, like again, though, send in their ambulance I slip and fall lawyers into these states. Wisconsin constant aus Democrats supreme court that is trying to change the districts in was and he had the same problem in north carolina- the court there again trying to uproot what took place in the legislature, and that's why A case out of pennsylvania got me: go in here body. That's why case in pennsylvania. Ralph was so important where they were. They brought the case during the course of the election that of governors are states supreme court or any state courts or a board
elections may determination on the election procedures when the constitution, specifically specifically solely grandsire authority to the state legislature I my friend I have signed, which you are my genius actually monopolized. I am but I gotta go on. I apologize Dario, clear, failed pen virginia xm satellite Dario. How are you mark yourself. Let me look, I'm doing great, thank you God area there, listen to you reunite then? I think of questions from time to time. One than ever all around my lately is that the federal government. Wants to fight the position that taxes is trying to force its own border. What's to stop taxes for moving Inward from the order like right away on the shoulder below into their own property and sort of like
when until may build their own wall or make their own fettes. Despite a federal government's opposition, Interesting point: here's the problem. They have a very long border with mexico. This majority at all is private property. Ranchers down there, you got little towns along the border. You get some significant towns along the border and the borders not just a flat. Thousand miles of land it's mountainous valleys. It's got rivers. It's got all this stuff gone on, so it's a very complicated mess, but not something I would ignore. What you suggest here said something that they they should consider. They need to consider whatever they can right now, because it's obvious that The crowd party and bind with the support of the media are destroying the country. He cannot allow millions of people in this country. Unwedded, you don't know anything about them.
If diseases you don't they have criminal records. You don't know if they're terrorists, you don't know a damn thing about them, many of them, are now on welfare. Many there. at their staying with our own welfare. So it's not as John Mccain used to say who's. Gonna pick, don't let us we need about fourteen million people you to pick. Let us first of all, I don't about. Let us anyway, sir. Thank you for your call very good. Let's go to tread new jersey with the famous bridge. We're Trenton makes the world takes now being philadelphia and having travelled over the bridge or by that bridge are taken a train next to that I have often said to myself what does Trenton make exactly member that used to make those? the crackers. I used to love the trend and crackers. We used to call the outrage Do they still do that job? What else do they make the well about at another call, but the great pizza they make.
Margaret went on, which your way up, quick recovery, Also, I gotta tell you between you and your wife? A couple of months ago, man of books were heartfelt call. That was really why, for such a compassionate woman, derision From my call mark, let me just say this: thank you because she's been in horrendous pain. and she needed this operation and shit fantastic doctors who has tested hospital she's recovering and its slow recovery. Anybody it's had a back operational and neck operation. They understand what I'm talking about but She's very little, lady she had a mass of operation when she was nineteen. and she's had another major operation has been very, very painful re difficult, so Thank you very very much go right ahead. I don't want to do it.
The two reasons: why call number one problem coordinated effort between fox news No way and to show them radio just what went on board that october seventh rate on Israel. Maybe we'd have showed little bit more compassion towards Israel if they had, if they can do that- The second I have no idea. I just do my own show there. I don't have any control over anyone. And by the way I have always felt that with partial birth abortion, if people see what actually happens that I baby, I think they would. They would revolt. I think the media doesn't show that, for reasons of show anything and everything else, but you're right when it be nice for If they were actually honest and they showed both of those videos, so people could understand what the hell is going on anyway go ahead, and I noticed the donald donald trump kind of bulked up in his upper body area,
feeling that there's been some credible rats towards his life and he's, where are you mean he's probably wearing a year? A vest? Yes, and I don't know that, but I'll bet you're right, because I bet the threats against him are endless. Endless when you're calling somebody hitler and Stalin muzzle Lenny and that he's going to destroy the country and destroy them foresee any hate, jews and blacks and he hates martinez, and he says, you turned somebody into a non human being. And you turn them into something. That's evil with character assassination and nobody's ever seen. Anything like this directed at any individual country, let alone a presidential, candidate or former president. you are a hundred percent right, so said the other day I forget, or was that their concerned about an attack on time.
Trouble. I believe I said that last year did I know, MR producer. I am very fearful of exactly that And enforced some people even rooting for that? It's a sick as it gets my brother, thank you for it. There were three great cause raft, Joe and area. I can this more often after all, it's called talk radio, so I talk called telephone radio. Is it Mr Blair's, but may We will do more. I really enjoyed that I'll, be right. Back much love in the Jake tapir on CNN yesterday. Listen to this clown and he's a clown show every day cut fifteen go so, let's talk about our top story today, trumps legal team is appealing the decision by main separate
area states to try to remove them from the states primary about. We ve never seen anything like this. Of course we thought we ve never seen a president actually trying to foment violence. The capital to stop the counting of votes. This is why Jake is a fake and fraud. What are you talking about. You know you have a rogue regime, the buying regime where they wrote prosecutor, if what you are saying is true jake, he will be charged With sedition and insurrection they don't have any. Proof whatsoever that he was trying to foment violence now what what smith is trying to do is to create the case without bringing the charge. That is he's trying to say that everything trump did was intended to do this, even though, is not charging him with this. The clan act, the enron act, the federal
contractor act that sounds like trying to foment violence at the capital, no, it doesn't any didn't And you're a liar without big hum, the mouth of years spilling their statistics. You see for somebody like jake, tapir, there's a moral equivalents. You got the israeli jews fighting in Gaza, so by an enemy surrounded by population that supports the enemy and has he can build miles and miles of underground infrastructure like a new york subway system without help what other sand go what it's all about: where does all the guard go? What kind of equipment is being used? You're doing it under homes and under another mosques,
another hospitals. Oh I see and their shooting people, Hamas, women and their vaginas. And the moral equivalency with the jews who are trying to avoid all of that a fake. This is jake. Tabriz disgusting said self haider. I salute all you heroes, thanks for being here, I'll see you tomorrow, god bless the.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-05.