« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/27/21


On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the Biden monarchy is an example of statism, not Americanism. It promotes sweeping anti-energy and race-equity plans without even passing a single law, without having a debate, or having a single deliberative hearing. Like a king, Biden took Obama's pen and turned it into Mussolini's pen by signing close to 40 executive orders without even attempting to go through Congress to pass any legislation. Later, Biden isn't eliminating jobs in government, he's crushing union jobs and small businesses too. Tyranny comes in many forms but it always attacks the founding of our country. Then, Sen. Ted Cruz joins the program and explains that the District of Columbia was carved out by the founders to be a territory that does not belong to any state. Cruz also discussed how China conducts espionage through technology and American higher education. Of particular concern is Biden's pick for US Ambassador who has made favorable remarks about China suggesting that the US should become more like the communist Chinese Party. Afterward, the Posse Comitatus act allows for the use of federal military troops to assist with law enforcement during an insurrection. While there is no insurrection in Washington, DC, there are still thousands of national guard troops there.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following of the podcast as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred The fifth year hills Is a truly independent institution where learning prized in intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank.
For listening and my sincere appreciation to Hills, Dale, brother sponsorship, now broadcasting on roaming underground command, both in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steal over nondescript building. We once again made contact with our leader, America, Mark Levine Numbers, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one
see. How can I put this? I've been thinking. the day and how to present this to you are I, let me do it this way. And you see right before your eyes. the restoration of a constitutional republic. We D Joe Biden, sits there with a mass comte behind his desk and just keep signing proclamation after proclamation. It's like a man Ok, now. There is no legislative input. You ve, for members of the house. You vote for senators. have absolutely no sane. What's going on right now, none framers of the constitution to assume that members occur we would jealously guard their power, but what they didn't understand was marxism. Because there was no marxism when the constitution was adopted
the Democratic Party is now the Party of NEO Marxism, Marxism them. Socialism statism progressive ISM. However, you wish to define it it certainly not Americanism republicanism are constitutional, is sweeping climate plans, sweeping anti energy plants sweet Race equity plants sweeping open orders plants sweeping plans, as the media call them one after another after another, without ever passing along. Without ever having a debate without ever having congressional hearings. They don't How about the impact of these things on the american people? They don't even care if there is a delay the process and Congress? They don't even care of the american people have no input into specific actions. the executive branches taking in because the face
What's going on here? Is a doddering all full wearing a mask clubs? they are trying to get through. His cue cards doesn't make it less devious in diabolical Got Susan Rye cigar ran clang of other hard core leftists in this administration. Pushing this agenda. You have corner quality, sweeping declarations. sweeping declarations and any legislation, but I'd deliberative action without any input from the american people. None. and our media, which are supposed to inform us exactly what's going on. So we can make decisions being Vienna, inform public. Either, they spend three minutes over the president's sign. These declarations. Today, these executive waters. Or they cheered them on.
And we, the people are sitting back wonder what thousands kindness sign. Almost forty executive waters, forty executive offered the orders. Affecting every aspect of your life that you may not feel today or tomorrow, but you're gonna feel at one day. he eliminates jobs with a snap of his fingers. Where's In the constitution. he's not eliminating George jobs and the federal bureaucracy. He's not eliminating jobs in the past sector unions. He's eliminating jobs in the private sector. Union jobs, nonunion jobs, he's crush. small businesses. Then he just sitting there any oval office signing one order after another prepared for him by Susan Rice and others she's they had of his domestic policy unit. We didn't vote for them. cabal this
Bala Marxist and whatever you want to call them Going to affect every single one of you, whether you know it or not, we three branches of government they wish destroy the court's you, What Schumacher said On MSNBC, Rachel, mad cow. We need a massively expand the courts to counter the Trump appointees. What we don't normally do that duty and other Point a commission, but if by partisan, don't worry, I can just assume a kind of Republicans or beyond their Ben SAS type. Republicans Lynch any type Republicans Adam kings in your type Republicans, Romney We know a I partisan commission. I do want to decide what to do with the Supreme Court not Members for a hundred fifty years has served. Our country pretty well probably not well enough because there we have King Biden the impasse, president signed
One law after another after another, without the input of Congress. Congress not having the input of the people they represent, Turns our entire system on its head, and there's not anybody even squawking about it. In addition to the violation of the impeachment clause, we're going to have a trial of a private citizen? Do you see what I'm talking about? This is an act so lonely row government top of that are trying to silence me trying to silence people like me trying to silence you with their big tech, left wing, A crab bodies from cows, for he had Silicon Valley. trying to make sure that we can communicate with each other that Q LA are the prow boys of the NEO Nazis. The gland any There are black lives matter, aren't Antigua, Ernie Leather, creepy groups,
american citizens seeking to talk to one another But only certain citizens, get the talk shocking. What's going on with our country, The course of a relatively short time very short time For weeks. Joe Biden, just keep signing orders like he's like king. You just keep sight of one after another after another. and then they lie through their teeth. Lie through their teeth to take the edge off these orders? Course, Ilusha we're gonna, get you a better job, a high tech job, a clean job, now they're not they're lying, throw their teeth, our federal does it not how to create those kinds of jobs, and nobody knows Better than Joe Biden Mission, Stimulus stay shovel, ready job. How many more examples we need of government wasting government lies. Let's say you:
You're fifties or you're early fifties, so you're only sixties and you about work and the coal mines. Even Secondly, I feel your pipe faded, You're, a plumber you're electrician, all of a sudden, you gonna, stop and learn. Make solar panels where one, how? What kind of idiocy and insanity is this, problem is we're dealing with people who have never worked at they and their lives, except in politics? Lunchbox Joe is a fraud he's around a lunch pocket that'll work any private sector job, Come our heritage of fraud, she's, never work of private sector, job Schumann, Right from law school into the New York Assembly, he went from there to the house. He went from there to the Senate. This ban is never gotten dirt under his finger. Now he doesn't know anything course Pelosi. We now.
she's, the daughter of a machine, Democratic Baltimore, we're dealing with people who come for the most radical parts of our country, p From inner cities. What no idea? No idea how our economy works? How do you get things from a b to c come in with these these marxist, like theories, They want to reorganise society. They claim to be Finally, in the constitution as they destroy every single day, we ve area, against five of them in the Senate, so For such never tromp arbitration, the Ex president down a moral largo. While I can't raise burning down. Journey, as I have said, repeatedly comes in many forms used on January. Sixth, when
people were rushing that capital building, use, this summer, when people were attacking the White have used for over three months when people were attacking the federal Court House, Portland Oregon. You see tyranny and our newspapers, the lies and that they seek from people who pay tend to be journalists who take the first amendment and use it to advance their ideology, eighteen nineteen for God's sakes, which has a an attack. The destroy our founding. The very representation tyranny. I come from a legislature can come from people who wear ties and jack. It's a nice dresses and ever hairdos or can come People who charge buildings like windows, throw molotov cocktails and make threats
Turkey is tyranny and for those of us who love liberty and love our constitutional construct and love this republic, watch. What's going on right in front of your eyes as the media sit there and just tell us, that Joe Biden has signed and now their executive order or what exactly the those that executive order mean and what is its authority. for rolling this country like a king? What is its authority. What no legislative input from our representatives we have representatives for a reason they go on and on to talk about how magnificent these elections are male in voting early voting late voting, no signature, while look how great it is in there comes to we, the people were cut out of the system once they get the people, they wanted power.
Now, that's how it works. unmoored from our constitution. As I speak in its getting worse. And the media, are hopeless. media utterly hopeless their cheering this on their cheering on the attack against free speech, can communication at freedom of well so many freedoms under the first amendment. I'll, be right back then. I know you love me how do I know that? Because you listen my shell and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why
About them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty, Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digested constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Lavigne for helstone dot com. That's l, e g! I am pray, hills Del Dotcom, no strings attached. Gender.
donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for a hills. Dale descended Primus to you for no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit, Levine for hills, thou, backup, that's l, easy! I am free hills, Delbert COM, Levine friend, Helstone, Dotcom, you seeing a lot of chaos and the delivery of vaccines. Now the Joe Biden when President, but whose President elect for a long time- and you can see these blue state governors, Sir they're, not just giving it based on the scientific data, because they really not believe in science the giving it based on all kinds of. Issues that qualifying disqualify people having to do with their physical appearance, so how much is in their bank account and so forth, and so on and those of the states. Where you see so much chaos taking place.
Not very very interesting to me all those months in the none of these vaccines, we didn't see chaos early days of the distribution of this vaccine. We didn't see chaos now See chaos speed transport, because he's not here notes as far as the lunatics that he has surrendered himself with As far as these Active orders go I've just said that this is something a monarch. Does this his fascistic, These are not executive orders to institute policies that have been passed by statute. These are sweeping court on quality, watchman compost and other media outlets sweeping orders. weeping directives from one man climate, on energy, on race, on immigration, on you name it you name, it.
Almost forty executive offers. Do you know it's orders? Do you know it's in them? Ladies and gentlemen,. Has anybody read them to you. any real new shows going through them. One by one. Have you noticed that Bernie Sanders isn't criticising Joe Biden. Have you noticed that Elizabeth warns not criticizing Joe Biden? Have you what is that these left wing groups Relative be quiet. There are not criticising jobs because they getting every damn thing they want. This is the progressive presidency in history. Its them fascistic presidency in history try to turn the tables. Donald Trump truck, you say he's. The problem here is the dictator Donald Trump, Please that guy doesn't follow the rule. Oh really,. No, not really
What the left us. But just a few months ago and a half months ago, Joe Biden was on ABC knows with the fraud, Lord staff, Annapolis,. And I want you to listen to this very carefully cut to go- There can be any delay on the tax increases. I gotta get the votes. I gotta get the votes. That's why you know one thing that I have the strange notion. We are democracy, some of my republican friends and someone democratic friends even occasionally say well, if you can't get the votes by executive order in a new set of things and cant do by executive order unless you're dictator, where democracy and we need consensus. When I, face before democracy. We need consensus here. Taken, Obama's pen then
turned it into the muslim these pen. What, The difference between what Joe Biden is doing, what any fascist regime does I'm quite serious, Beth. where one man sits. Thirty start signing proclamation after proclamation declaration after declaration, but he dresses up my say. While this is about race equity, while this is about clean energy, while this is about climate change, what cares what it's about? What? safari come from Poland. The constitution Tommy, where does this kind of power come from? Where Individual can sit there at the resolute desk and keep making law after law after law after law. by the way the present United States spoke, the bladder repute any other day. Did you notice the White House and outside MR producer? we also notice that the phone transcript didn't leak
colleagues know Lakes Nod or on lakes, with a different kind of national Security Council? Now, one that Phil would drop supported, but just the same old bygone Obama hold over no lakes of any anybody cause, far leaders and that amazing, ladies and gentlemen, more when I return, I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen my show- and my shown everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk
about them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digests of constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Lavigne for helstone dot com. That's l e g, I am pray, hills del dot, com, no strings attached. Gender,
donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for hills. Dale descended Primus to you for no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit Levine from Helstone, Backup, that's l, a violin, Fray Helstone about COM, Levine for Wholesale Dotcom, Mark Lover, America's tyranny out her collar now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one tell me- is there a reason why the republican leadership in Congress? bringing a lawsuit Since the present, the United States for violating separation of powers. And for assuming the role of the federalists Slater as well as the federal president,
Is a reason why they're sitting on their hands at I dont get these people? I just don't get these people. They should be doing everything possible to protect them the legislature, the institutional legislature, that's what they tell us are doing it on this phony peach. Trial are the president has already retired and yet they're not. They have a high tolerance level for the tyranny. The Democratic Party that stairs them in the face every day, the honourable key? like Juno. But is there a reason why the republican leadership in Congress. and taking on what your buying is doing their bragging about Joe Biden himself says in this vote in this audio he's not dictator. He wouldn't do this sort of thing, and it is doing this sort of thing because he has a dictator.
Certainly is what do we have? Well, how do you explain this. I, Germany, Peters, rightfully bump. right Party, Right Washington, post near times, you must be they concerned about this. worse than Watergate. Right, CNN, right, MSNBC, right, Scarborough, you, lousy fraud, right right, guys right out you're in the media are very concerned about what's taking place here. Aren't you concern now that to going to Heaven a commission, that's gonna talk what do the Supreme Court? This worries you doesn't it let's listen again to Joe Biden, ready everybody go. luckily any delay on the tax increases,
I gotta get divulge. I gotta get the votes, that's why you know the one thing that I have the strange notion. We are democracy, so my republican friends and someone democratic friends even occasionally say well. If you can't get the votes by executive order in a new set of things and cant do by executive order unless you're dictator, where democracy and we need consensus, ok so he called himself a dictator there. If you did all these executive waters and units with dictators to write Bobby Just to find himself. because this is what a dictator does Why am I the only damn person in the entire damn countries bring this up? Where is everybody? Where is everybody Then we have some guy named Cedric Richmond.
see there are congressmen, are a form of Congress who embodies a White house, senior adviser, Nissan MSNBC and am sure Cedric Richmond, something raver important to add to this cut three go Joe other pieces of legislation, like the president call for restoring devoting myself today, the giant Louis Bill but those are spell restoring the voting rights, acted. Seventy somebody take the Voting Rights act away. What are they talking about. The federal Voting Rights ACT still applies, there's an aspect of it that they don't like which took. states out from Their federal observation and control when it comes to voting because this day, Have demonstrated these states election cycle after election psycho after election psycho that they don't discriminate anymore, but for some Richmond of the Democratic Party? That's not good enough. Power once seated must be power, never returned. but let's continue go ahead, and so we're too
about fifty fifty majority with the vice president breaking the tie. A lot of this is going to require sixty votes, but for them, things that we can do by executive order, we're going do by executive water because a priority? So when you started off in about- There's the deportation follows weathers, protecting Dream as whether its diversity inclusion rollback other, viruses. Seventeen. Seventy six commission, those things We can do by executive order and we're gonna do this, embarrassing. Seventeen, seventy six commission, Albert Cedric, didn't even read it about Abide never read it but the vast majority them never read it all talk about our magnificent founding evolve. People don't agree with our founding why they government, how did they get elected? How did they get the speed what do they think all these protections come from?
they just come back down from the skies like Malta, where, where do they think this all comes from. comes from those men in Philadelphia who sat for five and a half months? in a human human summer. They came up this constitution. And to show you how righteous these men were. They didn't sit there and say hey. If you take it, they passed by Congress, Gaza and the same. it's fifty fifty you can your priorities passed by executive, water. They would have been run out of town on our rail. What do you mean? We just a faded monarchy, they didn't give Kind of power to any president, all of them have used that we have this creeping sort of power by secular fear- but this takes the cake- there's nothing here about it there being, chess about it. There proud of it. We can get something
we're gonna issue a war is just as good as a statute, and they We tried, by the way. But it doesn't matter because these frauds don't believe, the constitution, they don't believe in the framers. They believe in sixteen nineteen so they live under the constitutional construct. They get elected under the constitutional construct. They have titles that they, each other, They trash the very constitutional construct that empower them in the first place,. They tell you, we want more people voting, we don't care if they're dead, care if they lead where they say they just a lot of offering all word all we're, not lots of voting. We want part, separation by everybody. No, pressure, no suppression, no oppression now. count. Every vote.
They, while a dictator. And today I am signing in tomorrow, I'm signing today, I'm the reversed Today I am signing this like a feeble, monarch. A feeble old monarch with the people running around him handling of stuff assigned stuff to do what is after Reed and there the press, the pro imperial grass the Praetorian Guard press as I've been calling for years there they are protecting their king, protecting their king. Signing declarations like this. It's unbelievable, think people's lives all over the place. But I notice this MR producer, the cork.
it should see the Democratic Party never suffers from these executive order will mark what about the union guys all Falada Union guys were trump guys, but the key constituency, the base of the Democratic Party always is rewarded, so Vast majority, even though Trump Had better showing the most Republicans of minority votes go to the Democrats Democrats say: ok, race, equity, basic yet those ratio- Nana Equity, oh sounds equitable, ok,. then, outside the cities. Some on federal land sum of stately and some private lands. We have people who produce what we call energy. to use in our cities, but the call minors are not in Wilmington they're, not in San Francisco they're, not in New York City. There not involve a more.
The oil rig workers are not in San Francisco they're, not in New York City there, not in Wilmington they're, not in Baltimore. The people who produce stuff material, stuff Steel, aluminium iron. Automobiles, kitchen equipment. materials for housing. They're not in San Francisco they're, not in Wilmington. And yes, there in queens, the people who grow our foes The people who grow our food, not in San Francisco New York, City Wilmington Our Baltimore people eat food, but they don't grow our food. They don't see the nation, so
important as the cities are theirs parts of this country that again important to our weight starve to death or wait phrase. The deck. I would have nothing to build our homes, skyscrapers. And yet there are war with them. By in the other malcontents miscreants, but don't worry these are sweeping powers, sweeping were sweeping climate change. Oh yes, unworthy people going to find new jobs all building you know solar panels Four million people are gonna, lose their jobs. Are they going to build solar panels? Are we they required to by solar panels and while the big It's for immigration are wide open, legal and illegal.
Citizenship offered to people who are illegal water. American citizens gonna do. You say you folks and private sector unit, you don't understand, they hate. You. smokestack industries assembly lines your polluters I said long time ago. How does that regret Party get away with, part of its base- Private Sector union folks and right, Go environmentalists, the radical environmentalist hate private Hector Unions, hate private sector union members they hate them, hate them hate them. They don't want steel production. They don't want rail tracks laid. they don't want oils, Doug, drilled, they don't want any of this. They hate, Capitalism, they hate it.
And without capitalism. We don't have steel workers or work. What about trying to exactly. We don't have unions, we don't have men and women at work hard and get dirt under their fingernails capitalism is that driving engine of the whole damn thing in climate train green New deal The war on energy are all intended as a war against capitalism and private property rights, and all of you who work in those sectors which is ass majority, the american people. You are the target. And so we can have all kinds of voting out there, like we ve never seen before mail in voting mail Voting no signature vote, yes, but when the rubber, It's the roads, the iron fist, there's Joe Biden, King Biden.
Yes, signing away one history after another one job after another. And they lie and they pretended they are going to create all these wonderful jobs. John Kerry, Joe Biden, These guys have been around Washington D C. A hundred and fifty thousand years David could crap, well, that's all they ve created actually and they had a chance. Susan Rice. A serial liar. one area log after another, we worked at a seven. Eleven is never clean, the toilet, Are you kidding me. And noticed this sharing to never suffers under these people at all. I get bigger and more bloated Public sector unions never served suffer under these people. They only get bigger and more bloated. attention is never suffer. They don't lose
a dime, they don't lose their pension data lose their medical care and they sit there and I say: well, you know your fifty seven years old, you're working on the pipeline look, then I had to learn to do something else. Why get it China, solar panels, bacon, their damn solar panels, back then I know you love me How do I know that, because you listen my shell and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom in the form of government that secures it for us, it's the same with Hills Del College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk
about them all the time, because Helstone is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hills doubt teaches stellar students to defend freedom, no matter what they may Dron, whether at science or music, or economics, or business. Whatever hills doubt teaches them how to defend liberty, and they do that, for you too, through their free monthly digested constitutional thought, its cotton Primus five point: six million Americans receive him Primus for free each month and you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it too. You can subscribe for free at Lavigne for helstone dot com, that's l e g, I am pray, hills del dot, com, no strings attached, Jenner,
donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations, make it possible for all of us and for hills. Dale descended primacy to you for no cost every month start receiving in reading and Primus. So you can know how to defend the freedom. You love visit, Lavigne for hills, thou, backup, that's l, a violin, fray, Helstone, back com, Levine from Helstone Dotcom. Other democrats take care their base. They protect their base, they re, History be wealth from others. To members and groups in their base they set. A policy intended to their base, the Republicans attack their base. She deliverance.
Every group with every cause it's getting an executive water repeat the show from last night. If you want to list. Again, you can go to Mark Levine showed outcome. and we have the recap, but I wanted to Marxism, identity, politics, but there's also subject matter. Politics. And so we have more has broken down by race and other identifiers. Marxism broken down by economics, of course, that's the court to it. Materialism. And then we have has broken down by subject matter. That's the climate. gee migration and you name it. We have a multi front attack on Americanism. We have a plan No part in the Democratic Party that's taken up thee.
The call of the Marxists Course we'll call themselves that not pretend they're not and they have a media, those whom I got that right, winger allowed a right wing or winger writer right, winger, right winger. You know that sort of response cause they're. There stood the people plus the marxist. You talk about tromp, endangering the constitution. When every the democratic power, the constitution friend, as is your individualism and your liberty,. You're missing Donald Trump about now, aren't you I know I am. missing. I'm a lot. Because he followed the law. Despite what these fools and the media and elsewhere have to say. He followed the constitution the court ruled otherwise he follow what the court said. He didn't say What we should pack the Supreme Court? He had three, choices legitimately under the cap.
detention. That's what he did not understand. We need a pact that court. We need that whole bunches of new district court seats in circuit court, each like accumulated in order to even an output Obama? He never said that. Did he Why have sweeping climate change the executive order sweeping Energy Policy executive order, sweeping immigration executive arm for sweeping race, equity executive. We get sweeping waving orders all over the place, King bided and has produced guard me that protect him
And the Royal Sue surround and we ve never seen anything like this. A disaster from the West would one podcast network now run. Remember me underground the members from the bowels of a hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eighty seven, seven, three, eight one, three eight one one Joe Joe Biden said in October to George Staff, Annapolis.
But if he were to sign all these executive waters in lieu of legislation and compromise the dictator who says I'm not a dictator, So, MR producer, by his own words, he said, take care. by his own words, he's a dictator. Then you won't see this on a Marcella steer the constipated news network. You won't see it the washing Composed the New York's limes. All the frauds felonies. You don't see it. and yet this is a grave danger to our country. The Democrats in Congress think this is swell, even though,
cut out of the process. They believe the ends justify the means so go for Joe go for it. We're not going to hold any hearings about your dictatorial rule, we're not going to hold any hearings about how you're violating the constitution, separation of powers, let alone impeachment hearings, my god, no we're not even going to think about centring! You go for a joke. Forty eight! You don't even hear a single Republican complaining about this, not one and yet. Just came across this story is in Germany. I just came across this story. Let's see here this is Fox news via the band Juno Report,. Senators mall censuring Trump as an altar? to the impeachment trouser. Let me tell you: what's going on TIM Kane. And Susan Collins.
gotten together. So of course, they're gonna have a fantastic idea. These two Nimrod may I say with all due respect that quick fix You're not gonna convict the former president, stench basically support, but citizen, let's try something else, You know they had earlier floated the twenty fifth amendment they float. Fourteen the method there shuffled went around the constitution. What else can we do now? I got impeachment, but now is a private citizen weaken only husbanded, there are forty five Republicans and we need a whole lot more. Seventeen of a man in order to sixty seven in order to get a total amount of senators to to convict him. I have an idea, they say about censure work Out in the constitution, nowhere The genius of it we'll get it Mccarthy to write and tell us how
Brian, it is, and, of course you can do it and he'll be backed up by romish potter, rule And they will have the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Yes, yes, yes, that works that grand idea, thereby Ben sash. right. Ben SAS. Those middle name is ass by the way it s a s, as is in a mist, reducing no offense Maybe Liz loose change the loose Adam Kings and Adam kings are at a great peace and washed imposed today. I bring all over him. This is what he lives, for he got it. It was just unbelievable what are righteous man more like self righteous, but anyway, censure said Let's get droplets censure him. Would only take sixty votes there, not sixty seven. Why? While because the fish buster stolen place. Did we trying
That Senator from Arizona Mr Pollution, they never got back. I'm a bridge too far. Oh I'm a bridge too far for her right. Patently, Sir today we still hated anyway. Let me go. So what century now we can so here they are manipulating the constitutional system. Populating the system not living within the constitutional system, here we have oh Biden, who s his is a mad rogue. My guess signing in signing in signing away, but it's true The more largo who we must put the sky, letter of censure on his forehead. If we can't the scarlet letter of guilty each man trail on his fine he's got have some kind of scarlet letter.
and there is buying destroying the country, one signature at a time destroying jobs, destroying businesses destroying Principles on which this nation was founded, basically heralding the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project, rather than the one thousand seven hundred and seventy six reality. This is this is where we are. It's trump. And yet by his own definition, one last time Joe Biden, its assent, to find himself as a dictator, Germany, there's you paying attention now, one of the keys. a more time October: fifteen twenty twenty ABC News: the fraud, Step anomalous through the dim waited Biden cut to go. can be any delay on the tax increases? I gotta get the vote
the votes. That's why you know the one thing that I have the strange notion. We are democracy, so my republican friends and someone democratic friends even occasionally say well. If you can't get the votes by executive order in a new set of things and cant do by executive order unless you're dictator, where democracy and we need consensus. Condemns himself. That's what I just heard he condemns himself. Does he not. By new Start staffing, a commission on Supreme Court reform. Now this is political which has left wing crabs, but nonetheless listen to the will ass word. I've told you whenever you hear that word reform pay attention. The marks, as she is at all the time, the fascist use it all the time we're going to reform paper we're going to reform these institutions, which me Barnett, although they grant listener the total ban.
And start staffing, a commission on Supreme Court reform. Does the executive branch have the power to reform the Supreme Court? Ladies and gentlemen but the constitution says now we're gonna, have a commission idle carefully by partisan, bisexual, I don't really care they're gonna. Have a commission on Sir in court reform. now this in and of itself. I assume A threat to the Supreme Court that if the Supreme Court dare to rule against Joseph what's his name Joseph Raspy era, buying. What's his name Ribeiro its I forget his mentally raw NED I was close lunch bucket Joseph Robin at Biden, Junior miss reducing.
Now now can't say mental names you know like, as mental and can't say middle names. Now by an administration, is moving forward with the creation of a bipartisan commit. Oh, my god, it's by partisan, thank goodness, Those who will be in the commission are clear Tina Rodriguez say professor at Yale LAW, school and former deputy assistant attorney general. bomb administration, I'm sure she's, a winner who joined Bauer. Our as a political hack, long time, Democrat lawyer, I believe it's but both Bob Bower. That was the boy campaigns lawyer So he's on the partisan commission to reform the Supreme Court. Caroline Frederiksen. They former president of the american constitution, society left wing jack Psmith Harvard LAW School, professor and former assistant attorney general, the Bush parliament of Just He is a rhino. In my humble opinion, just my pain.
They will serve on the commission as well as other Frederick sent his hinted that she is intellectually supportive of ideas like court expansion, lollards packing the court. Twenty nineteen. She said in an interview with Eric Lash, the executive director, the algae Bt Bar Association and Foundation, a greater New York. I often Two people who aren't lorries that the Supreme Court is not defined as an eye person biting the gas station is changed sides many times see how it works. Never would have supported a change in the Supreme Court under Republican, but of course they support Rodriguez's opinions on court reform or less clear, though, become clear. Senior fellow the Hoover institution, this guy Goldsmith, he didn't support Trump and Friend and co author, a bower, but by partisan. Isn't it, ladies and gentlemen,.
by partisan. My you know what. President remains committed in a White House official statement to an Bert Study of the role and debate over reform of the court will have more to say coming weeks, idea for a commission came together amid the push by republican senators to confirm Amy, Coney Barrier to the Supreme Court and weeks before the November elections. yeah you're not allowed to do that, because the Democrats didn't want you to do that so We need reform their will No reform Will be the iron fist? You can see how by not operate. She conceal Schuman, the Democrats operate, it's like thee Soviet constitutional, nineteen, thirty six! It I've read to you on several occasions, including on television, that sounds on building up. who would want to lift their jes fantastic and yet is meaningless.
Utterly meaningless because it's a disaster, but says the big story than I know, Joe Robin. It. Biden, Junior Lunchbox, Joe a sign in those executive oars, our king left and right, here's the I shouldn't composed headline by: Place environmental justice at centre of sweeping climate plan there is the word is sweeping and I'm gonna, do it all by himself environs of justice. Why Environmental justice, what has at me folks green New Deal environmental This critical race theory you just poor, your marxist ideologies, through these various subject matters. That's what it means. Government control of your neighborhoods gum
control over your mobility, On the price and availability of fuel. Government control of whether you succeed or not. Depending on your race. You preferred or not preferred the demo a party always make certain that its base is taken care of that its base. Is protected by additional laws at its base. Is the recipient distribution of wealth, not individuals from whom wealth has taken a redistributed to other people. That's what's going on here, the Democrats Parties base includes the mass of federal bureaucracy in Washington DC, so it expanded and powers it. It's so a permanent enemy of any republican President
I wrote rediscovering Americanism Vienna ready. You really should, in turn and progressive ism, you're gonna see that the vast majority of laws in this country are not passed by Congress They are instituted by the bureaucracy Bureaucracy is responsive to the right. Left Democracy, not everybody, obviously, but met to many key parts of the bureaucracy, are part. later by radical leftists. That's the nature of these, so called progressive movement with the masterminds get to decide how you're going to live and who gets what? When and how. and there's Joe Biden. It just goes to show you one The dumbest mend ever serve in the United States that one of the damage vice president's in american history, and now the dumbest president in american history, signing sweeping
executive orders he's making laws he's making legislation without the legislature and Democrats in Congress or thrilled, and the Democrats and the media are thrilled with ease. weeping changes: in it by Non Wednesday, goes the washed and compost plans to make tackling America's persistent racial economic disparities, a cent for part of his plan to combat climate change, prioritizing environmental justice for the first time in a generation, just thinking One sentence: distant racial and economic disparities. Part his climate change, environmental Justice programme, although Gobbledygook, since, if your boy, taught by a marxist professor, any it medical science class for dummies his party. Unprecedented push to cut the nations greenhouse gas emissions.
house gas emissions, Anybody know what the greenhouses MR producer they called the atmosphere. Those of us who live in cold areas because we're stupid when you drive around sometimes you'll see these men may greenhouses. You ever see those MR producer, New York, New Jersey, of course, are they doing in those greenhouses? They sent People in to smother themselves and dive expatriation. No there growing things. Life ants, veggie, the boss stuff like that flowers, Because the harsh, whether they can a greenhouse effect. notice? The abuse of words greener real good. Greenhouse effect bad when, in fact, opposite is true.
Fine will sign and executive order, establishing a White House Interagency Council and environmental justice is their environmental injustice. Oh yes, yes, you have no idea whether they put roads where this one is where that, where poor people I don't know, I don't live around poor people, I got roads up the war zone. I've got a water plant. A water purification plants down there We can hear it sometimes late at night. Where's, my environmental justice? Mr, but is I don't see any. I live in a home right now, that's about what. From a railroad track, God. You should say these rights range come at night where's, my environmental justice. They come What these arguments and these they all went. Did you one thing and power centralized iron fist government, they control your lives and it
Ever ends, how do we know when we reached environmental justice, weed out How do we know when we reached racial echo, The current clout we work. And we never will be The marxist job is never them other, back then forty
percent of Americans say their top new year's resolution is to save money in the next year. Will let's check that box right now, when your family switches to pure talk from eighty Anti Verizon or T Mobile, you could save over eight hundred dollars a year. That's real money every single month right back in your pocket and you will have the sacrifice coverage either pure talk is on. The same network is one of those big carriers, but they charge you half. That's right, no gimmicks, no fluff added to your bills, which is why pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs and how about this offer right now get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data for just thirty bucks a month, and if you go over on data usage, they dont charge a penny: gotta pure talk, USA, dot com and enter promo code, Levine Podcast, L, e g, I an podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent off your first month. That's pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo Code, Levant, podcast, cure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless,
now. Why me, when the king Hang Biden, isn't issuing declarations? The Democrat Congress sixty tucked itself in an equally tyrannical away when it's not back crash introduce bill to make Washington DC the fifty first day. Does anybody know what the problem is with them?. the District of Columbia was carved out and called the district. Colombia,. by the framers of the constitution and those who ratified I called the District of Columbia because a dish, that was carved out of two states Marilyn Virginia, which agreed put, the national government So no state would have power over the top.
Toy in which the national government sets now course time there Your government gave the Virginia part of the District of Columbia back to Virginia Way way back when, but he kept the rest. Congress can pass a statute to undo what the constitution, hunger, can't pass a statute suddenly, the District of Columbia State give it to them. Crash senators and a democratic voting member of the house, We call this tyranny. They don't have the power to do it.
Period, I'll be right. Back mark love in America's passionately, sir. We broke voice talk with that voice. Now, eight seven, seven, three one three, eight one one wants a pleasure to have senator take crews in the program tat. I must confess similar legs Austin tonight, trying to yet again explained the constitution to the left it just umber. They can past, they just to get a pass. A statute making strict Colombia stated they not aware that the constitution has to be amended. Am I missing something. Well, the reason for doing it is pretty transparent. They want to
democratic senators and and- and I will say if you actually look at the draft they put together- that that there was Clever, how they did it, so you and I both know Concentration requires that there be a seat of government, a district- that's not estate below They drafted it they're still You see they just car about this tiny, tiny, tiny little DC. That includes the capital, the White House in them all and all of the rest of it becomes a new and and soviet. They were to try to do it. Then there would. surely be litigation over at there'd, be a real challenge. It was contrary to the constitution, but I will give them a nod or clamour lawyering in that there are at least trying to run Their way around the constitutional prohibition piece of the federal government test a tiny little speck as opposed to its ubiquitous control over so much of our lives. All right, I got TED Cruz, I'm going to talk to you about Communist China. You know why we're dealing with
chasing down an ex president wash away ever a trial are surely censure him or what we do. And while we have a current president Thinks he's a monarch signing one law after another. I think he's almost up to forty six thing, sweeping changes quote the media, to God knows everything: China, is on the move and China is dangerous. I mean they ve, basically gobbling upon com. They wanna gobble up Taiwan. There taken over the South China Sea there on the move, while the devil rights are chasing, you know Trump ass. Is China up do these days, while Mark your exactly that that China is resurgence. I have long believed that Communist China posing the single greatest geopolitical threat to the United States over the next century. and one of the things we ve seen playing out the past week has been a really disturbing pattern. Among the Biden Cabinet nominated
one after the other after the other keeps embrace Thing and smuggling up to and apologizing for Communist China. So, for example, Domini calmer secretary. I asked her to confirmation hearing if she would commit to maintaining and keeping wore away on on the prohibited entity glass now, waterways, you know, is the massive espionage. a company that masquerade telecom companies It's what Communist China uses detritus spy people all around the world, she was unwilling to make that commit, and until one of the early thing Biden Administration seems to be working well, bill is lifting All the sanctions on China and enabling them to enjoy And more surveillance, just today we had a compromise during hearing provide, is nominee to ambassador to the United Nations a little For a year ago, in October, twenty nineteen shit
They paid speech to a Confucius in the two here in the United States that Confucius Institutes as you know, are controlled are paid for by communist China by the chinese government. They operate as hubs of espionage. And propaganda on: U S, universities, and I eye by partisan legislation that was passed into law a couple years ago to crack down, Katyusha sense to set it resulted in dozens of Confucius Institutes being closed, while Biden you at ambassador spoke at a Confucius Institute was paid for doing so and gave this speech just RE using China. saying America needs to follow the example of Communist China. This is a very deep, rubbing pattern acquired the nominees Warmly embracing the communist chinese government,
and he has a lot of appointees or would be appointees throughout the state department. National security structure that are soft on China. Does he not a kid and listen get Joe Biden has a long history of apologizing for China and sell by being a eat. You recall the video again say in a few years: back Come on man We're not our enemies. There are friends. Well, unfortunately, he personally or everyone surround again. Everyone seems to be appointing into positions of authority is already said, Into the role of being an apologist, Chinese Communist Ghetto, Joe Biden just cited executive order ordering the fat no government not to refer to cope in nineteen o the China virus, or, I guess the woollen virus because ignore Lodging where it came from apparently is met,
longer allowed an end and you- and I both know it- isn't just that this this pen ethnic originated in will haunt China, but the China the communist government suppressed information about it in prison. The doctors disappeared, doctors, silenced and stop efforts. untainted initially had they acted responsibly. This might have been contained. The regional outbreak, but but they made willing decision Too silent and stop efforts to prevent the spread of it and the result has been hundreds of thousands of deaths across the globe and by the administration. It seems has zero interest interested holding China accountable for its misconduct. have they not also allow China by reversing president trend executive order.
Some material and technology related to our electrical grid. Absolutely yes said they looked at. What is striking is the breadth of that every policy being implemented in so far as it concerns China is lessening the screw We lessening the sanctions, lessening the pressure and is, is boy, saying Communist China and work just a weekend at the summit There is nothing about lit lifting the restroom, on a wall way. One weaken do it! What do you think this is six months from now or a year from now on? In this, it ended up one of the reasons for this. The big funders of the Democratic Party, Big Peck Hollywood,
Wall Street there all in bed with China. They all make money from China and an end. So big tech has deep. interest in promoting the China the communist government an end, the democratic here the is dancing could I Same tone really dangerous in terms of protecting the natural security interests, the United States and a new rightly noted Hong Kong Taiwan, I think, are both in communist China Cry pears and end were not seeing any indications from the Bible administration They would be willing to stand up against chinese aggression. I am very, very fearful, what's taking place inside our country, Hungary, Fearful of the threats outside a country, and I really think
this is a point at which America could slip to number two in superpower, because we're hollowing ourselves out attacks. Our energy system. King, the men and women who work in that system opening our boy, there is wide making very dear call for american citizens to keep or get jobs. Skilled, low skilled men, class Americans adjusting we're doing so many of the wrong things. an internationally. When you look at how the the appeasing the regime in IRAN. China, seems that, and then you see their appeasing the year. The power steady and aggressive The Palestinians are terrorist Palestinians, whether its Hamas or whether it's our boss, you can You can see that this administration is this. Third term of Obama, but worse, yes, an end
You know what a strange about democratic foreign policy is, the Democratic Party. there they have a list of almost good countries and bad cut countries, and they got an eagle. That will be reversed, so it is democratic orthodoxy, the Communist, China, the good country- and we should be friends with and it is democratic orthodoxy that Did better, IRAN is somehow a good country, even though its Delete world meeting state sponsored terrorism, and we should be friends within an insult seeing policies yellow the early by the administration, their top foreign policy objective, is to send hunt the billions of dollars to the Ayatollah Khomeini, who chant deaf to America and death to Israel and in the basque country, category. The number one, unfortunately, is Israel And when we saw the Obama Bide administration that orchestra did the shameful you and resolution to three three bore in in the final months?
of the Obama Biden presidency. Well, those same radicals are being put forward. Yet you know, President Biden has nominated the debt Secretary of State Wendy Sherman. Who is the architecture the ghost? aided the catastrophic IRAN's nuclear deal and and This is the extremes that that unfortunately, right now are driving the agenda. registration, it is very, very dangerous for our country. Not TED crews year under attack, as are other Republicans in Congress for simply raising a question looking Eighteen: seventy six thinking of a commission You have colleagues who are trying to damage you. What is that like? Well, I think the Democrats, now in the media. Right now they are or drunk with power. They bible. The presidency, they had majorities in both houses and them.
but they're at it, reminds me of the end of every one of the godfather, but if your member, all rhythm of movies, at the end Michael Corleone, seeks to settle is And he wants to eliminate all of his enemy. That's where the Democrats, our now they're trying to eliminate all of their enemy, so they're trying to destroy president tromp because they hate Donald Try to try to destroy me. They're trying to story, conservative, their targeting all of us, big Tec, is trying to say let's conservative voices and their crimes, straw, the seventy? million Americans who voted for president tromp to every one of us is racist, bigoted ignorant rooms whose be a waste and cancelled from our culture. Alexandria occasion Cortez. Just last week he put out this video saying I demand but TED Crews, Brazil and from the Senate, but I admit Margaret she laughed. I said,
you the really that's. How exactly does that work? Did you just about your foot and if I demand you bring me vanilla ice cream. Yet you know. Sorry, I'm goin anywhere. I'm committed the fight, I'm gonna, be in the Senate, I'm gonna be leading the fight against these disastrous dangerous path. She's gonna be defending our freedoms and and we're gonna go through a tough coupling, I'm gonna, be dream, radical policies being pushed by the Democrats, but I believe twenty twenty two. It's gonna be a much better election at twenty. Twenty four can be a much better election, because the leftist they're gonna over Reach their already doing it, they're gonna go too far, and politics is like a pendulum. We're gonna come back towards common sense. We just gotta, make it through the. two years and I know you're gonna lead the fight, not gonna, be leading the fight right alongside you.
Well? It's you know it's an honor to know your ted of tomorrow night, before your senator during the time years, senator you're, very principled man and you, and the eleven audience backs you so keep at it, and we will continue to support you. Take care, so thank you mark and an thark. Thank you for speaking out for the constitution and for liberty. Both are are imperilled. like never before, and thank you to the millions of patriots who listen to you and stand together. I appreciate the support. Thank you guys. We're going to tat grows dot, org supporting us when there. Take it out- and we talked about it before, but but for those who have read my new book. boat away. Our single supreme courts can change history. I became Amazon number one best seller. When I went mark on your show on Fox and and and I appreciate that, don't tell anybody that than the authors line up left and right. That answer this but it's a great great unwanted, partly at nerd.
Thank you. My friend and be well be safe, a guy said, dear God, bless the great guy He's he's such a patriot, TED crews, really such a patriot. Where are we? Mr producer speak in my ear. Of course, it's finally a new year. The perfect time take your business to the next level by hearing the right people, but finding If I candidates can be challenging, zip recruiter, dot, com, slash Levant makes it easy for real. Interested in Canada. You can even invite them to apply for your job with one click. Separate Peterson's sends them now from you. You stand out from the competition it so effective that four out of five employers who posters recruiter, get a call I candidate through the site within the first twenty four hours and right now You can try zip recruiter for free for ray, I said, for free at Zip Rico,
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percent of Americans say their top new year's resolution is to save money in the next year. Will let's check that box right now, when your family switches to pure talk from eighty Anti Verizon or T Mobile, you could save over eight hundred dollars a year. That's real money every single month right back in your pocket and you don't have the sacrifice coverage either. Port talk is on. The same network is one of those big carriers, but they charge you half that's right, no gimmicks, no fluff added to your bills, which is why pure talk is that top rated wireless company by consumer affairs and how about this offer right now get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data for just thirty bucks a month, and if you go over on data usage, they dont charge a penny: go to pure talk, USA, dot com and enter promo code, Levine Podcast, L, e g, I an podcast, and when you do, you will say fifty percent of your first month. That's pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, Levine, podcast, pure talk, USA, Dotcom, promo code, Levine, podcast, cure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless with all kinds of sweeping stuff going our ladies and gentlemen, without any criticism by the media without any real critique by the media,
I came across this fox business I didn't see this in the New York slime, so the washed and composting. I didn't see this on fake tapir dean, lemon. Fraid of com. I didn't see any of it. Policies husband bets up to one million dollars: Tesla will flourish during the Biden, administration, Fox Business, Jonathan Garber. How big an eighty policies husband place, Tibet up to one million dollars on the future of Tesla ink under the Baron administration, which is spected provide incentives to purchase more environmentally friendly electric vehicles we see a problem of this. While men and women who earn a good way age, but a middle class wage are being laid off left and right now policies put a million dollars down on Tesla ink
the Biden Administration Ministration because they know where the bind administration ministration is headed in John Kerry is headed and all the rest on anyone the problem of this should be a special council criminal investigation shouldn't, we say their tax returns, which I've been saying for years. Should we drag their kids in front of a federal grand jury? Should they the same kind of an exam they demand of everybody else base sucker capitalist system. While they push a NEO marxist system. Isn't that the way Pelosi The speaker of the house likely has insights and binds plans for the industry which are expected to include Tax credits and other incentives to promote a shift away from traditional automobiles today, closure forms clearly indicate these investments were made by Paul Pelosi. Not the speakers that the speaker, spokes idiot for these Speaker Idiot Office, Tall Fox NEWS. All that factors it policy, not Nancy. Ok, oh no,.
Policy runs a real estate in venture capital, What is this venture capital stuff. What does that mean? Mr Booker producer? It seems to me, any more on can be a venture capitalists Cathay its venture Happily, I think of the two words any more on can be should capitalist. So all you morons out there you can be eventually cap. What do you do venture capitalist heroin. I got a business card in order Her capitalist, mostly in those of you who are don't get mad at me, leeches It is the word for the name for the character Lee come to my Mr Barroso, because These guys do is put a together would be and take a big cut. They don't produce a damn thing. I'm a venture, capitalist, ok, whatever, then, I'm not trying to People down no known on that.
maybe Ali Radio, become a venture capitalists. You never know maybe I'll walk work with poor Pelosi or double peas. We like a column. Maybe I work with p, Put a million dollars in he mosque in what get fifty million back He's got a lot inside information. This policy he's the big stupid guide who stands next a Nancy. While she's talking you know, some of these are social events. Yes our policy did immediately responded. Fox news request for comment: oh
Problem is there a lot of things at any Congress person could do behind the scenes to positively influence to less attest. Tesla share such as stalling legislation of putting forth legislation Erin Help Professor Management University of Florida. I thought TAT the fire that guy what they must rid us he's not on the team of the right back from the west, would one podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final, our the pod cast, is sponsored exclusively by aim at the Association of mature american citizens. Now over two million conservative members, strong, a MAC, believes in and stands up for, the values that we care about: faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amer and you can become a member at a MAC dot. U S. Slash joint now run. Remember me underground for members from the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under Britain, steel of among the script building. We once again made contact with our leader, America Mark Levine. Here our number eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one anybody know at the posse come a tortoise hackers. You know what it is. Mr did we ve talked about a generally
it's a federal law. did an one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight eighteen United States Code, thirty section, one thousand three hundred and eighty five. And it was a sign in a law by Rutherford be Hayes amidst the use, of the federal military, forced domestic policies when the United States, Except in cases in circumstances expressly authorized by the constitution, I've been insurrection or an attempt to overthrow the government or what have you. Ladies and gentlemen, there is not an insurrection taking place in Washington DC tonight, there's. In an effort to overthrow the government tonight, except from within.
Why do we have five six seven thousand arm national guardsmen in Washington DC tonight. When a marxist group. label it so black lives matter and has had as its mission statement. The goal of overthrowing the United States government expressly in the constitution? Federal military? is authorized. Why? General matters in general, Kelly and other generals who hated Whenever trumpeters it turns out, say that if Donald Trump used the military, the National Guard that doing so would be dictatorial. Possibly come totters hacked as far as I'm concerned is being violated every day. Right now,. this being violated every day.
And. There is really nothing anybody's doing about, and the idea that this The house basic Calling the shots. We call on the United States military. Thousands of armed troops. in the United States, capital of Washington DC, were they. To celebrate. the idea that she is effectively the committee chief. That she decides when the United States, military armed thousands a military coup personnel. How do I inhabit the capital city is chilling. We have all kinds of traditions and law
you're being violated now, and this is one of them as far as I'm concerned As far as I am concerned, there is no of attempted inspiration, insurrection taking place in Washington DC. The mayor of Washington D C as a left wing hack. who has undermine around police a crowd of undermine the police, the damage, let's have some the police, spend all summer doing it. They have undermined the United States military whenever they, the chance. The fund major programmes. Starving our soldiers. yet they call in the United States military. To police, a city
for how long now, but Time their done two half months. Armed national guards, when United States Military must remain in the capital during the impeachment trial they must remain there. Why We gave all these threats of violence. Well, that's why we have local police, state, police, regional police, terrorism, task force, the FBI. And on and on and on that to you It states military, we're waiting precedent here that is very, very dangerous away Like it's no big deal, look at the media. They don't talk about they do. There are for it. Where's general matters tonight, where's journal How we tonight we're
the other general general schmuck. What's his name the more I forget his name doll, these ponies. When the White House his attack, but on our common, a on all. Courthouse his attack? Nine everybody? I call on the military, let alone the federal storm troopers. I can't do that. This is another reason why Washington DC can never become a state. Can you and the governor of the state, the legislature this day, the senators and congressmen elected boating. Members of this of the state. Can you imagine what they were due to the monuments in the streets and all the rest, because our leftists. And no, the idiots in the Senate and the house. The Democrats just can't pass a law creating a state where we ve care we carved out. The federal part. Sorry, the federal part is
District of Columbia,. They don't get to rewrite a map, and I see that say that we gotten around all the federal buildings and bureaucracies and the and then in the Supreme Court and Congress in the wider. Those are the only ones that they really meant: none, those are the only ones. They really meant. Always cutting corners when it comes to the constitution. Aren't they and then accusing other people are doing what they do and support and embrace Apparently the posse come a cottage hack doesn't apply anymore if your name Supposing the Democrat, I want to go Back to the policies, because its in my position for a long time that this families, corrupt. They will not release their taxes while demanding that everybody else release theirs. and so I wanted to mention this, because it's not something that should the hit the frying, pan and one minute and can be done.
Poor Pelosi runs a real estate and venture capital investment, consulting firm based in San Francisco. They say, didn't break any laws by making purchases, as least types Of transactions occur frequently, in other words, a spouse. investing in industries or certain specific stocks and so forth, knowing that they will benefit from its almost teen spouses of members of Congress are allowed own shares of companies in industries of which significant other may help regulate, but under there Stock act? They are not allowed Act or non public information, the same goes for the Congress members them so may ask a question: Donald Trump Forced to basically distance himself from always investments. How come Nancy policies now required to do that.
The problem is there a lot of things at any curse. The Congress person should do behind the scenes to positively influence can do. Tesla shares such stalling legislation and putting forth legislation said Aaron Hill, Professor Management university. Florida lot of this is just documented in committee meeting. So really raises the spectre of double dealing so conflict of interest. Anybody want ass nature, Pelosi about that will, of course, not. Poor Pelosi, port, twenty five call options. stay nearly half a million to a million according to a financial disclosure data January. Twenty one review by Ex business notice. He did it the day after fine was inaugurated a notice, his wife, even policy is in charge of every single vote to be taken, on the floor of the house, options which were perfect purchased. I am mistaken on December. Twenty second give up
our policy, the right, but not the obligation, the purchase of the twenty five hundred teslas shares pray five hundred dollars apiece before they expire March, eighteen, twenty twenty two: there first disclosed by NATO policy going back to at least twenty thirteen, but he bought more. Tests for shares settled at eight hundred forty six dollars and sixty four cents a piece on Friday member. He paid five hundred dollars, In addition to purchasing Tesla options, Nancy Pelosi also, disclosed a paw, bought a hundred apple egg, call options worth? Half a million. and one hundred Walt Disney company call options worth as much as a million plus previously discussed activity in those companies. She's also reveal a twenty thousand share stake in financial services, firm alliance, Bernstein Holdings.
Nancy policies and the only member Congress to come and of scrutiny for fun, And shall transactions but nonetheless there should be a federal investigation by the: U S, attorney's office for the criminal division, integrity section of the Justice Department immediately to deter and if there was any spy shall dealing or to determine whether or not diplomacy has taken any steps: rich herself in her husband. and I'm sure Jack me, Peters, if that is his name. I am sure Philly bump I'm sure thee. What british media will be all over this keeping an eye on Nancy and her big? my husband Paul to see what kind of investments there making industry they benefit from them.
You know, damn well, they do and they will I'll be right back aim, the association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a mac- believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC Fights
full time presence in Washington. A MAC pushes back against reckless spending. Disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits in discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of incite full articles on issues that matters to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot. U S MR producer has my call screen is not after we haven't calls in particular. Do we haven't NEO marxists, Progressive Statists
socratic socialist or other reprobates knowledge. a patriotic Americans who shall I they to them. Bobby in Kentucky Exam Satellite Bobby. I e a woman. How are you Bobby. I'm fine. How are you. I'm doing great, thank you. Thank you for it, give my call I grant on railway the ivo, I believe, They, Joe Biden, is definitely a dictator and he's very dangerous one at that, because he selling our nation out as far as our sovereignty arms, Liver days, our freedom and our they else at ease. Even z, following its own executive orders, he signed one says we have to buy american ok, so I just
And the pipeline in painter exactly and then says: ok, we're gonna go by our Irish from China or we're of Saudi Arabia or over here over there. Ok, unemployment is at the heart and legislate unless you slow down their system, I do that other than for area logical reasons seriously. Why It's a kind of pollution. There's less pollution with a pipeline than there are trains and trucks are transporting. Unless this, opportunities for spills and that sort of thing so that Can't be here if we have to buy oil from elsewhere. It's going to be a lot further away than in Canada I can't be. And nobody is allowed to question the dummy. Nobody the question of major suggest signs pull up. I saw you pulled up its sleeve today, sort of slightly problems of signing. His name is gotten good at that they get by
Microphone makes an incoherent statement, takes a question it too and walked up. That's it wrote the law. Pass the law enforce the law. now he said just a few months ago. That would be a dictator but he's not a dictator, but he is a dictator by his own definition, what they always that guy Bobby is very much a dictator. He doesn't even less into his own executive orders. You know He tells us by American, and then he goes outside of America by oil. He tells us that you know he's not going to listen to the Supreme Court by immigration. You know Organization or deep ordination or whatever run add even making its own laws is not living up to the promises he made on migration day to us all, and you know the Democrats could careless, they won and enshrine their agenda. They want to build
bureaucracy around their agenda, the rule of law around their agenda, Change the voting system, some more more people, vote organ about for Democrats, Gazeta, make sure they give them stuff. Make sure they redistribute wealth to their base, and so becomes a quite a mountain to climb for people like us, but I just want the amount and people are not exactly what's going on, That he said, if somebody did what he's doing today, they'd be a dictator and was sure we're gonna see all the civil libertarians all than ever, Trumpery who were so wired, I'm sure thing in a raise their voices on tv Rays, pens, newspapers and magazines, can hear out and kings angered now and less trainee. Now, no doubt we can, here been ass, I mean says I don't I don't hear many they're, not gonna, get it after Trump and moral Argo. Thank you for it. Bobby? We appreciate it. Let us continue
the niece Portland Oregon Ex M satellite. How are you I'm doing. Great and mark is great to talk with you long. Can you know first time collar and you're a truckers out exactly in fact, I'm trucking right through Virginia as we speak, go as fast as you can cause a traders. The state is change where Virginia argument and eighty one. I wrote a young now, I'm on eighty five coming up the Simmons truck Fucking Centre try a sinner, very Isn't it a North Carolina line? Yeah, hey, hey, I'm wondering mark sense. tromp, was in office almost every executive order. He put out. They always put out the nation wide in auctions, how can we can
get our lawyers and our judges to put some nation wide injunctions on Bygones egg More is let me why have we gotta wait for two years? When I elements hey you something, let me tell you some Denise theirs was a lawsuit from this turning general or Solicitor Texas. This guy is good. Federal Judge did in fact put on hold buttons one hundred crowns the border and you're free executive order, there's another law suit. That's been brought just today, challenging his his executive water on preventing drilling on federal property and I lost it. I believe on the x pipelines of people are starting to do this and I'm whether he should
hit with a thousand lawsuits, which is exactly what they would do, Denise be safe on the road. My friend and thank you I'll be right back a MAC. The association of a true american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them I'm actually and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk, a MAC fights a full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more it's not enough. You'll get em.
By monthly magazine full of insightful articles on the issues that matter to most of us, we conservatives, as I said, I'm in a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! I see that you s, stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot? U S! American calmly, others prefer somebody one marked with him. You can call him seven seven three hundred one three eight one one loud County Virginia consider the wealthiest county in Why. It's loaded with our high tech companies and bureaucrats so whose more than that, Mr Barroso. Nobody, teachers don't want to work.
the schools, don't wanna, really open and in the worst of it, they repaying bus drivers to drive in circles some looking for their coupling bidders aware is that it's in here somewhere here so brand admission thrust Your father addresses the school board. Allow county Virginia rig. And covered in schools, and I think he speaks for most of us cut seventeen go, you should all be fired. Day- jobs, because if Employers knew that you are more and inefficient and then the deed The EU would be replaced now harpy. I learned Finished a conference call because I'm having a multi tasks to be here to address you guys you're bunch, a cow Hiding behind our children as an issue, This for keeping schools close, you think you're some sort of martyrs, because the decisions you're making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority population is not at risk from this virus. garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash ray
their lives every day more than everyone in this school system figured out or get off the podium because you know what the people me and a lot of other people out there who will gladly take you see in figure now is Hi Bore raises break it And I was thinking about this to the ship. Good teachers are going to strike teachers all across this country. The union's they won't go back to work They keep changing the conditions and bite and supports them. Because he knows a critical part of his base. They choose this all powerful union, and there too, Two million campaign workers on election day over your children all your children
safest public place, debated a MR producers in a classroom because kids aren't carriers. I look at these grocery store workers who are in a hell of a lot less than teachers. Don't have pensions like teachers, donor, medical care, like teachers, I watch these grocery workers break there Yes and I'm gonna say something else, even though not all immigrants, many of them are. and their fill in those shells were canned goods with hand sanitizing with masks there. There vegetable section there they're they're, all over the grocery store their polite you look at the pharmacies, not one of them is closed. Go to your local seven. Eleven. again were mostly immigrants not totally, but mostly are working behind the cash register to fill up your car are there there their work in every game day?
restaurant set are begging to open. You ve got people work at restaurants or a begging to work. You ve got Jim But are begging to open a people at work, a Jim's baking begging the work salons they want to work, but privates their wants to work, the governments, there does not. Why. Because in the government sector you get paid regardless? Private sector, you do not it's too America's all right, Joe Look it up, for they got sector, not a single executive order has Stay single bureaucrat their job, which empower them. You don't regulate bureaucrats, regulate. Teachers, Unions regulate ass, the private sector who pay
Every game thing in this country. I watch the eighteen wheelers when I'm driving. Those men and women want to work there, laugh load among those trucks. They want to work. The men and women at work and are still mills. Parliament, a mills are oil fields,. Our farmers are rare interests, they want to work. the people in the government don't wanna work, the tea, Trade union doesn't want their teaches. The work some want to work most dark and they d, and pay increases and Joe and his chief of staff. As for claiming our claim, his name, is run claim. Stand with the union as they must.
Racial equity. As I said last my racial equity. We, equity says by media and they oppose school choice. Which is the most important way to have read for equity in this entire country. They oppose it. Why? Because the union suppose. These people are frauds their destroying our country, there, drawing our kids last guess his opening morbid schools because of a horrific level of suicides among little kids kid need to be socialized. They need to know how to act in a group. we been paying for this. Massive schoolboy accuracy for
years, what are we getting from today? Nothing, nothing. They go on about teachers being underpaid teachers, not getting the credit that they deserve. Classrooms are too big on and on, and on. Look at this look at this absolute friggin disaster that you're going on and the EU active has parents who can go to work and we're talking about putting we poor parents in this full Biden. Sits. There king signing one document after another. Defending what's going on defending this. As I have pointed out over and over again since the beginning of this, you shut government down for three damn days when you're not even really shutting the government down We're nobody's gonna lose a set of pay, and you take this,
I am following your shut. The EC dad for nine months, and if you do scab out? You need to be punished. and those who are willing to learn is their jobs or lose their business and lose their home cos. afford anything considered righteous, because fall on line. We have a lying scum, Governors in some of these states your damn right, washed and post a New York Times. At this factory, in my view, what a political hack this man is utter complete, political hack, how we trashes trump Not one he's there now what is for Seventeen thousand dollar taxpayer, Subsidize salary does it even count bonuses that does it count our contribution as pension bland as medical plan,
Man has lost a day. I work here, start day of salary he has Stop meal it has witnessed a mortgage payment. We gotta hear him he's an infectious disease guy going on and on about our country like these some kind, a wise man. He's not wise, not even close. I'll be right back then Amy. The association and mature american citizens is one of the fastest growing organizations in America. Now over two million conservative member strong and I'm one of them a MAC, believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about. More than talk a MAC fights
full time presence in Washington, a MAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and they expanding reach of the federal government and beyond advocacy joining a MAC gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member, only rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cellphone plants and a hell of a lot more, and if that's not enough, you'll get a max by monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said on a MAC member and you should be to join today at a MAC dot. U S! That's a m! A sea dot! U s! Stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other fifty plus organization has been pushing for joint aim act. Instead, a m a sea dot! U s enough! You're watching the news today Hope
to the art, but if you are most of you are not aware that it has, Holocaust remembrance day because it being covered on the news holocaust remembrance Day. Now, if you worked at the New York Times back, then you wouldn't remember it because you broke your ass to cover it up. People are still proud of working for the newspaper, You worked at the Washington Post back then you broke your ass to cover it up. That's why these media, Operations cannot be trusted, you're, the greatest terrific slaughter, the attempt to bout, the European Jews and of the nation's major newspapers tried to conceal it. That's not that long ago,.
The end of world war to the end, the Holocaust seventy six years ago. That's not that long ago, looking at Joe binds appointments. To his national security, foreign policy in White House team and its frightening. that's frightening. How many. Individuals who truly hate the state of Israel. Now The department of this Department of matters are popular. divide and administration and are so prevalent in the Democratic Party Anthony Lincoln the new sectors state as our friends had zionist organization. America point out oppose sanctioning. Designating IRAN's Islamic Revolutionary Guard is safe, A terrorist organisation. April Haines is now the director of national intelligence.
And she signed I'm reading from zero a vicious letter falsely condemning israeli violence, terrorism and incitement. Emma died in jeopardy, wreck of the White House Office of Legislative affairs easier way, condemns her completely. For her smearing of Jews, Our hydro mayor, cuss, so but their homeland security, sir. on the HIV S board, which with the Slavic relieved and organization on Israel's terrorist list. Saki you seen her the White House Press secretary she's question Israel's commitment to peace. He had never questioned the palestinian authorities, commitment to peace, She'll be treated with the kind of disrespect trumps female press. Factories, where of course not
carrying Jean Perry, Whitehouse Principle, deputy press secretary. She condemn those who condemn Jus, Haters Representative Omar Tally, Benito see successfully urge democratic presidential candidates not to attend a major pro Israel conference. Susan rises, deep, deep concerning policy positions include calling Israel's concerns about the around deal outrageous, promoting Anti Israel on raw U S! Involvement in Israel, bashing, you and Human Rights Council supporting ants. Israel, you and I see, resolution twenty three: twenty four this Mcdonough would be set A veteran affairs you know who he was: Obama's chief of staff spoke The anti Israel J Streak invented this J Street is a diet I'll, go organization, for by self hating Jews ff
slick condemned Israel's occupation of palestinian land. This is where all the big its ago they go to jail. Street groups like that. I see the Jews, like me, p to judge for financially? Penalizing Israel, if is annex is called unquote jewish communities in today and Semira and blamed Israel for the latter peace. Deb HOLLAND, Secretary, the Interior, tweeted the murder of sixty Palestinians in Gaza, Does Ramadan begins weigh heavily on my hard today, but failed to mention that Hamas Palestinian, slamming Gian acknowledged almost all casualties, where their milk Hence, J. recalled her a hero Simone Sanders who have seen on tv senior adviser cheese, spokesperson of the vice president. Praised Israel, Basher Anjou, Haider Linda SAR Sore aesthetics.
Her career to fighting for injustice, chiefly justice. Kirsten Clark, assisted attorney general for the civil rights division. She accused they tied defamation. Legal playing, a destructive role and undermining struggles for Justice Basin your occasions when eighty are criticised anti semites such early on Omar. That's not the way that much about the Adsl anymore, because its run by an Obama guy, Robert Malay, this guy's a real doozy. You special envoy on IRAN of all places. An analysis of his twenty nineteen farm policy articles aptly observe that Molly's Our policy prescriptions consist of banning our allies. That would be Israel. Sunni Arab states racing false, factors of war and weakening the? U S and our partners to follow, Dangerous doomed, While peace through weakness, strategy.
Wendy Sherman is poison and she's back. I remember her senior adviser and she spoke person to the vice president. She also down play the piano suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis, engineered by Arab, following the Oslo accords. By calling this mere now disruptions from the palestinian side. And there's more, but that's all I can get to right now. But my clear on every other front, MR producer target I will continue. to be the voice of Radio Free America. I welcome Can you to defend this nation. a nation, my my auditors, my ancestors fought for begins
Japanese and the Nazis and the Italians Door WAR War too. If they can put their lives on the line. I could speak behind this microphone and nothing and nobody is going to stop. Liberty is like water. It finds its way whether you like it or not. We salute armed forces, police officers, firefighters and apparently personnel- see right here tomorrow, America, God bless and take care from the west. Would one podcast network.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-23.