« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/23/20


On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, this impeachment debate is over objective standard versus subjective conclusion when it comes to the definition of a high-crime or misdemeanor. Will we use the Constitution as our standard or the opinions of politicians. Moreover, can we in good faith remove a President from office based on these unconstitutional phrases? Where is their eye-witness? There isn't one. Speaking with passion and drama doesn't make it anymore impeachable. The irony of suggesting that a crime is not necessary despite the precedent of President Johnson’s acquittal is in effect rewriting the impeachment clause. Given the basis established in our constitution and the precedent of other impeachments (derived from British common law) the task at hand is to define and make the case for these platitudes. So clearly, "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" don't match the gravity of "Treason" and "Bribery" and with no crime, this case becomes weaker and weaker. Later, Sen Ted Cruz calls the show for his first interview since the Senate Impeachment trial began. Cruz agrees that the standard of an impeachable offense has not been met. He added that calling Hunter Biden as a witness is becoming increasingly more important, should new additional witnesses be added. Afterward, Congressman Jim Jordan joins the program to discuss exactly what happened leading up to the impeachment hearings.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented of the as presented exclusively by Hills Del College now in its hundred and seventy fifth year here, There is a truly independent institution where learning Surprised and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening, and my sincere appreciation to hills. Dale by their sponsorship now run casting a mermaid underground command, both bows or they even bunker somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody Mark Levant, number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one unloading. Noticing a level of arrogance,
some of these unsigned editorials and he's very well Its including our friends at national, reveal. Who say? Of course, you can impeach he president, without a criminal predicate. Now let me tell you it's interesting, a weapon. If they understood true american history, happens to be correct. That has become the settled position. The subtle position, There was a great debate early on thoroughly whether that was in fact the case. And the better argument is no, it's not the case. You don't have to have a crime.
So in the conclusion there right. But in the arrogance the wrong. Trying to pick on them is a foil or anything of the sort. We know where the language in the constitution comes from. The framers tell us. Trees and bribery or other high crimes, a misdemeanor, but an actual criminal violation, it is It is not a predicate, but, Needs to be something more than court on court abuse of power or corn quote obstruction of Congress, because. Most people can agree on what that means. What's abuse of power me, and I have some heavy plaid news- platitude, Miss definitions.
Well, I mean the country needs to know the com needs to know. The president needs to know what that means. So abuse of power me while I mean that phone call them. What is the objective, Standard other than the subjective conclusion: what does obstruct and of Congress me. Seeking judicial review sickening. Medication from an independent body on a dispute between two branches. Is that what obstruction of Congress means? would be nice if we had a little discussion about this because they go on and on and on and on Schiff Nab and the other reprobates abuse power structure of Congress.
I've, given you multiple examples, weeks and months the what you. Consider abuse of power when it President suspends Habeas Corpus and the council Lucian says only Congress does said, abuse power seem to be. When I present purchases comes the Louisiana purchase, choose me without specific. Budgeting authority and funding from Congress is that abuse of power. Seems to be Jefferson, did that when a president. Has his army hunt down a member Congress in Ohio but Democrat. We believe, as a rabble rousing for the confederacy,
and undermining the effort of the civil war and deports that congressman from Ohio to the confederates. Set an abuse of power, would seem to be that's Abraham, Lincoln when he presently, the United States shares the income. Tax returns of J, Paul Getty. We then Bradley than working for Newsweek much heralded iconic been rapidly. Is that an abuse of power would seem to be that's John Kennedy. When I present the United States directors FBI director, the tap the sounds of civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King, at the door Craig Convention in Atlantic City Rex, the CIA, the CIA, to tap the phones of his opponents camp
Headquarters, I would be very go war. As an abuse of power seems to be. When I presented the United States. Issues, an edict. A piece of legislation. If you will waiting an entirely new immigration programme. For illegal aliens, children Children being anyone under thirty some years of age, called Dhaka. In other words, legislating from the oval office is an abuse of power, but seem to be. I was Barack Obama. Is that what we mean by abuse of power. Well, I don't know what we mean by abuse power. That's an enemy
super. What's an abuse of power, One Woodrow Wilson, RE segregated the civil service. Because he was a racist when they, the great progressive. Is an abuse of power, but let's go to obstruction of Congress. One past presidents go all the way back to George Wash and resisted. Efforts by Congress, Thou, so the Senate to subpoena or to acquire information. From their closest confidence, part of their decision making process is that obstruction of Congress. Pleasant every president obstructed Congress.
And when that president decides not to We checked at a hammer Congress is doing but to go to court. I get a legal decision, etc, direction of Congress. Well, they have said it is the Democrats. How can that be. So every are virtually every president has, under their definition, obstructed Congress and virtue. Every president has abused power. So if you have Phrases that are used like this, they don't have any specific meaning. Except the meaning of the moment, the meaning of a particular faction any political environment, I would my friends at national review,
Maybe you should write another editorial. Rather than telling us what's nodding, would when it comes to impeachment. Are not required when it comes to teach me how about what is required when it comes to impeach. Where is the witness? That testing before the House Intelligence Committee or their House Judiciary Committee, though one witness. Who can show us that the president committed trees and bribery or other crimes, the misdemeanants? Who is the way this one? Where death. All their work. This is but one they hearsay witness and that way Had no information to assist they, how Intelligence Committee or impeachment. Where's the smoking gun document. It's not like they didn't get doc.
Despite the arguments now, the CIA, covering up the USA's covering up the Senate I'll bring up they The pressure they united States based on something presumably where the smoking gun document, there isn't one Where is the actual participant or witness in this fund? whose come forward and said. The United States did the things that these House Democrats been saying. He did for the last time. For the last twelve hours. There isn't one. The President of Ukraine, not the foreign Minister of Ukraine, not the sectaries state, there's no, Funding there's? No John, there isn't one.
So, we need to hear from John Bulk about what. One, maybe he has information at the president, really was involved in a quid pro quo, but that Not what the house voted on that. The information that the House's relate to the Senate. That's. Why this is so bogus. It's so bogus. First, we have to hurry up in a peach than they slow it down there cases overwhelming, but not overwhelming enough. But I'll tell you what bad Adam Schiff wow. Can he talk and talk and talk and talk, you know who he reminds me of an
Version of Fidel Castro, except he barely, can grow beard. These Democrats and these people in the media. They would be spellbound by Fidel Castro or any other fat stout there. Who knows how to speak with passion and drama. As they lie through their teeth and entails and spin webs. If you have it I urge the president of the United States, you're old age, Four hours you're on a three days: you don't eat, charts and graphics, and video clips where's the case where's the black and white case national review for anybody
I don't see it so they change the impeachment clause of the constitution to me Anything that any House of Representatives wants it to me is that what is Is national review is that what medicines note says? No, that's not what Madison's notes fact they rejected it altogether. Completely. They went and ensure if there should be impeachment, they settled on tried to figure out how to make it work without turning it into a weapon Madison specifically set of its turned into a weapon, though you won't have an independent president. The present will in effect be served Interests of the Senate, who can remove it, but they didn't want apart.
So people are looking well then, what's the standard? What's the standard, while I can't be a crime, Doesn't have to be a crime and here's the irony of that you hear thee. The Democratic Party median the Democrats say that the Bill Clinton Patron was about sex. You know: rape is about sex to Molly S, station child abuse and dismiss that a sex to Bill Clinton was accused of eleven felonies, including witness tamper. Try that at home, including obstruction
Including perjury and outside of the United States Senate that ultimately acquitted him because they didn't have two Slash three: a federal judge convicted him. They holding him in civil contempt Clinton, didn't even challenge it because they didn't want to be questioned in open court in Little Rock Arkansas, the Supreme work of Arkansas effectively convicted him by taking his law licence away for eight years and Bill Clinton effectively confessed by paying Paul Jones in a settlement in exchange for Robert Ray the.
Pending council, the end not charging hammered creating a situation in which he might charge him, given how controversial that would be. Donald Trump had a phone call. And so with the democratic or trying to create a scenario bigger than the phone call bigger than the transcript, because the transcript doesn't give them what they want. President of Ukraine, doesn't give them what they want. The foreign minister Ukraine doesn't give them what they want. So they want witnesses. Maybe it'll go to Craigslist. We need witnesses any witnesses out their foreign and domestic. Citizen and non citizen. Any This is out there. We need witnesses anybody. Anybody.
I'll be right back then As the new year begins Hills Dear College, thank you for your loyalty to freedom. Since One forty four here. Does held fast to its mission, to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government and for a decade The has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programmes. Actually receive receiving Primus for free every month, they can one of Hills- does excellent free online courses or tended one of hills, Dell's, free regional events, you know of hills, deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. Now this Dependence allows the college to focus on its core purposes, learning character Nathan, freedom without government interference. So during the season of blessings, hills thank you for your partnership in extent.
Its mission to the rest of the country happy now you're from Hills, Dale College and to learn more visit in four hills: down back com. That's L B I am for him, AL dot com. You understand my point, put a fine point on my point: you will. The constitution says: treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. We know where they got that from you got it from english common law. He got it from the practices of the parliament, but they adjusted modify the language, someone and other high crimes. Demeanors. The parliament had used the phrase high misdemeanors, but the framers changed too high crimes and misdemeanours, but they are to be a kid with treason and bribery.
So when you say abuse of power and structuring Congress Shirley, that's not treason. Because otherwise, you would just say treason show, it's, not bribery, they try that they pull tested it. But it's not bribery. There is no bribery, Or any similar offences, and by that I will certainly mean criminal offences cause there wasn't a criminal code. At the time I mean offences against the body politic, and the civil society. So abuse of power, what does that mean obstructing Congress? does it mean whatever the Democrats in the house? I it means, but that's not what the constitution says. The king. Detention doesn't say in the impeachment clause impeachment Whatever the house, a representative says it is, it has fallen, Which I decided to that's the language and the constitution, that's the problem with these bro,
phrases like abuse of power and obstructing come, they mean nothing and they mean everything. And based on our history with various president's there absolutely incomprehensible, I'll, be right back. You hear me About Hilda College, a lot that its rigorous classical liberal arts curriculum about its exceptionally bright and patriotic students, one hundred and seventy five years ago, hailstone college was founded with a mission defined by four enduring purposes: learning character, faith and freedom. While many Petitions have lost their way hills. Dale college maintains an unwavering commitment to learning character, faith and freedom. I've also talked about the
Doktor Larry aren't the President of Helstone College. So one of the finest Americans, I've ever known- and he explained said these for purposes, learning character, faith and freedom remain inseparable and the activity of education at Helstone College he said: learning is difficult and takes more than talented, takes hard work, which requires character. Freedom is essential for learning, but it is fragile and constantly under threat. So its principles, be studied by all for the sake of its defence. At here their faith and learning our integrated toward God, because he is the first authority if you ve ever wondered why I love hailstones college now you know visit hills, Del DOT, Edi you! That's hills, Del that e? U, for more information Hills Del college pursuing true and defending liberty. Since eighteen, forty four remember: that's hills Del dot Edi you hills, they'll do
Eddie you, yes, it's true marshal of earnest, fastest growing radio show at America. Mark love any show is that eighty seven seven three aid one three eight one: one: abuse of power, tapping telephones, hefty r, J K, L B, Jake The building the IRS, hefty r J, F k I'll, be J, another imprisoning opponents, Adams, Lincoln Wealth, the bees budget authority biggest when it comes to mind, is Jefferson Louisiana, purchase. After Lehne lease right. What about obstructing Congress.
Virtually every president has obstructed guns code into these Democrats, asserting privileges, right separation of powers, virtually every press, but this presents been impeached for quite amazing. Peeping phone calls using the Iris prison, imprisoning opponents abusing budget afar and overriding congressional legislation. Fucker. Obstructing Congress serving a privilege, separation of powers is the president in the United States, then, who has an obstructed Congress? Anyone name one.
Mr Cosgrove, and let's leave one line open. Liberal Landlord Democrat to answer these questions. Could be a member of the House of Representatives. Remember, the senators lay like we needed, Phoenician of abuse of power and obstructing Congress, where does the definition come from? What's the historical basis for we need to know. If that phrase, if those definitions applied tromp, why they didn't apply to all the other present, including iconic democrat presidents,. And if obstructing Congress means not. Challenging subpoenas or demands for staff.
Who are close to the presence of the United States, then there's not a single present, invest and obstructed. Congress struck the Congress. That's the definition of impeachment, then that is an attack on the equality, the branches they direct attack on the equality. The brand Now these floor managers hey corrupt prosecutors Democrats sent over. They don't care about any of this. They could careless. We have a phone call. Folks, let me look, let me put it this way. If that phone call had the present in the United States doing and saying he's house managers said he did and said you don't need the transcript. It would mean anything else that would be the
Working on the transcript We, the smoking, gun. A second tier level, you'd have a killer, witness. Presumably the person on the other end of the phone but you'd have least one killer, witness who would have been brought before shift. And have to rely on senators and Mcconnell in the Ruhr had its own rules. He was the start of the House Intelligence Committee. He needed anybody's permission. He was in charge, he didn't have. I witness. Now is excuse. Tat we'd have to go to court, but guess what that's always the case. But here the House of Representatives vote on impeachment knowledge,
Single Republican, all Democrats, but one voted for based on the record that they accumulate. And so we have a right to know who's the great witness and where's the smoking gun document. There aren't any that's why they need twenty four hours and three days they will need five minutes. You see, there's no blue dress with DNA on it. None there's nothing. We got find me the witnesses who they know their never going to get. They gotta keep throwing their names around like like there. Wondering to make the difference.
Gotta be talking about the Senate, which they know is going to repudiate them at some point, involving a cover up instruction obstruction, they're not impartial, like, of course neither and shift, and the boys and girls that's their position It should fail. Do we have a liberal or a Democrat MR producer. We have MIKE and Marilyn we'll take Michael Well, in the great WMD L, who is a serial talk, radio collar, I had my thanks for taking my call mark. You know my liberal friends whenever I bring up after yard or J F They could care less by quality. Liberal friends are irrelevant, yet my liberal,
And could care less about? This is because it Oracle analogies, they say they call it. What about it? see. If so, what is this? What about as an end? In other words, does it under me? what about ism end? In other words, does it anyway, and with the constant dickie waving, the constitution were well rule of law on our whole honour this. What about ISM what they mean is we're going to dismiss. History were going to dismiss context. We're going to dismiss experience in the world begins today, And so they give it a word. What about us? called rational thinking, absolutely mark it they. Yet your history, darted January, twenty, two thousand seventeen and the A known and history starts with their contemporary thought process like today, through
But if the rule of law means anything, you have to disappear, what about it? the rule of law is Europe means that a hundred years. What about as M D ever Bible? Yes, that's! What about is a history book is what about it. Your ancestors, what about is how stupid I've heard this phrase to earlier what about as much knowledge argument, shirts and argument. It provides a basis for thought. History is one stepping stone built on top of another girl. I absolutely agree Mark is the rule of law means the law applied. Then it applies now. Over time, the rule of law must mean something depending on the matter was party therein. So so so, but you make a good point in so my point would be if abuse of power is the standard.
Then why didn't these same people in the House demand the impeachment Brok Obama for fast and furious Why didn't they demand the impeachment Brok Obama? When are you averted the role of the Congress, the legislature and imposed Dhaka. Why did they demand the impeachment? The Democrats back when Toby J was using the Irish, the CIA and the FBI and J F K was using the Irish and the FBI, and fifty are innocent. In camps and after with the irish and so forth, and so on, because there can it up as they go along? That's why they condemn what about ISM. They reject logic and standards. Right now. We have no standards for impeachment as a result of what these people have done in the house represent, as we have none anyway final.
That's my advice to you. May I say that to you my friend. Thank you mark hard. Your welcome, I know, he's in Maryland, surrounded by people irritate me, there My friends knew not only MR producer, maybe they're acquaintances Strangers their annoyances, the definitely not my friend. I don't want to be around. We'll be right back then. As the new year begins hills. Dear colleagues, thank you for your loyalty to freedom since eighteen. Forty four hills does held fast to its mission, to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government and for a decade, The college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programmes. Epps you receive in Primus for free every month, can one of hills does excellent, free online courses.
Attended, one of hills, Dell's, free regional events, you know of hills, deals refusal to take even one penny of government money. Now this Dependence allows the college to focus on its core purposes: learning character, and freedom without government interference. So during the season of blessings, hills thank you for your partnership in extent. Its mission to the rest of the country happy now you're from Hills, Dale College and to learn more visit. Look in four hills: drawback com: that's L B I am for him. Dell dot com- another Might Washington D C debbie- I may I go it came. I would want If you get it Found on how previous previous cases, such as
Years and such as the categories have limited work, executive privileges, I think the whole each one of the sham discourage your opinion on it. It's funny the court's. Take it one example: after another. They don't have a hard and fast rule of general rules. In view of the new. No the Nixon case, contractually have George, have George Washington, not a case say, but a battle that took place so the court. When I look at a lot of things, what is the purpose of the assertion? what is it that the Congress has tried to do whether their operating out of the box? So it's fact, river. So when you say President has obstructed Congress. And you don't even list the specific subpoenas and which are making that assertion of the specific endeavour You're just a list, every single one of them. That's when it becomes specious. Now, you're attacking the hope, the whole point
Of separation of powers and executive privilege, you'll win knowing that were better trumpet just like Said we're not going to respond to all speed, something just blanket said. He went to court see. That's that's the difference. He went to court, going to court he'd, eventually asking them to adjudicate back, and they don't have the Democrats in the time for the election of the few that, while that's their problem, the constitution doesn't say. That we have to meet a schedule for an election. For the Democrats, sober The right of the republic is this: is this this is a serious matter that requires attention by extension, the Republicans could have taken same one about its point, with Obama and and said: will teach you kid you're, playing claiming objective, executive, privilege and Right now they are, they didn't have to teach him for that. All they didn't even need. Many
Pain as I would argue that if this is the standard, we know, as a matter of fact, that Dhaka wasn't pass by Congress. Was it When I was a matter of fact under fast and furious, they funded the drug cartels south of the border, didn't they so they don't even really need subpoenas do that they already got it through congressional testimony. Anderson You say this is a fishing expedition, the president's right when he uses that phrase they have in an impeachment in place and now they're looking for more reasons to buttresses, while claiming ridiculously, that had a slammed on case. What beggar Mark I appreciate everything and you could continue fighting a good fight. All my brother thanks for your car a third MIKE Mike in case all right. Thank you. I am so. I called because I want to argue I'm a nurse I wash your show because I want to argue nurse.
Why sure show on I wouldn t be where you made the case. He stood up and made the case for many nights. Let's hold on the mica, we em it's time I must have it is. I didn't hear you. Senator crews? Welcome you have four minutes go baby part, but Brenda you don't get we're just wrapping up the dinner bright, getting ready to get back into our twenty eight of the trial. It must be a compelling case. I mean I don't know about you, I've litigated, so they would take him each four hours to explain a damn thing. Well and and and there's a reason it's taken them as long as I keep saying the same thing over and over and over again they have about sick video clips they play one. The other at the other end, And they're not proving their case but but but I do think tonight has been particularly significant, but I
I think what we saw today, his house Democrat, perhaps inadvertently, throwing Joe Biden under the boss. And the reason is that they buy double down on a strategic mistake they made yesterday and that mistake they made yesterday. They built their case on the proposition that any investigation into book reads via the Ukraine, Ethel Gas Company, on whose board hundred Biden sat with their whole papers on the proposition investigation into MA, The ship is bogus is completely fraudulent, today that over an hour, arguing that any info education and worries about his baseless and the council, so that is number one, even as the pay for the democratic. The mainstream media has been today's argument, forces them to talk about or re smart and endless
billion dollar, though a year to sit on the board of Ukrainian that Bulgaria Company didn't know anything about about natural gas, and he was getting that Monica if we get evidence honour by was getting paid a million dollars a year to sit on the What are you ukrainian that Bulgaria Company didn't know anything about about that? Bulgaria and even that money go? Daddy was vice president, and I think hotter Biden has gone. Not merely being relevant but now critical to the substance the press. Can I ask another question- and I hope you don't run at a time related what you just said, this opening the door I heard shift go on and on and others that without evidence, but way that they presently united States left our ally, Ukraine, defenceless, while bullets were flying Ukrainians were dying as a result of the russian invasion and occupation and
They were using that the buttress their argument used me. I'm thinking to myself. Who was the point man for you. Crane under Obama that would be Vice President Biden And- and how much money got to Ukraine or how many offensive millet military armaments got Ukraine. While he was the point man in terms of a Though military aid, zero and envy attire Obama, administration, Obama Biden wouldn't give Ukraine a heading, and I Look we called on on the Obama administration to give legal aid to Ukraine. A number of others publicly called on to do what they wouldn't get a penny. They would give blankets there. Our ease, but from administration and javelin when missiles which can take out russian tanks and so every time that the democratic managers go on about about needing to, ukrainian lies in russian aggression? I get under way reasoning. We should have been impeached, Obama
because on any measure, there are a lot more effective for taking up tag that our blanket the memory. Well, I'll tell you what I think the vast majority of the people are paying attention to this anymore and I have this question: rhetorical senator crews, as you leave where's that smoking, gun documents and where's that marking gun witness they control a process where the hell are: they? They don't exist
Every night, I'm recording a pod care hunt on we're, gonna hold your working to achieve. We can all do over we'll be right. Back now, run them really underground can impose than the bowels of the hidden somewhere under Britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader Mark Levant, I'd number, eight, seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight one three eight one one I believe, senator crews is still there are correct, I M earmarked are a couple a quick way gotta, go you know, go. We can't afford not to have you in there that's for sure, but by the way he can send a level.
Democratic out Num out the doors, the doors, but anyway of questions for you. Where, where is the smoking gun? Where is the the lead they die With witness I mean the house voted they're, not voting prospect. Lay on some future witness are few and then my next question, if I may pile on what. Abuse of power me it means doing anything. The Democrats disagree with and an end at the end of the day, what we say here, they hate Donald Trump politics and they hated policies, and- and this was a purely part of impeachment- it's gonna be fail. It's gonna buy l because they haven't crew hi crimes or misdemeanours, they haven't met the constitutional standard and so at the end of its trump will be acquitted, but they spend almost all of their time trying to prove two propositions number one
The trump temporarily delayed military aid to Ukraine. Everyone agrees that they have, and that was done. That's been done before president have the authority to do that. I run a cleaner somebody who did that for threatening to do that was Joe Biden, hotel Ukraine. He would hold up a billion dollars in foreign aid. Foreign loan guarantees, unless they fire the prosecutor, that was threatening Barrese mother company. His son sat on the board, make a million bucks a year to the other big proposition that the best that they devoted their time to proving is that Trump wanted. An investigation in the barista. Complicated approved because the president has said that on national television over and over and over again, yes, he wanted it Bessie Geisha enumerates the ironic we once again soviet. If their claim is it isn t trouble to think it.
Gave in and your political opponent. We know what the Democratic did that the Obama administration launched an investigation into Donald Trump. Based on why the malfeasance at the FBI and the oh Jake, but but this is the worst case of fraud and projection. I've ever seen were everything they accuse trump of doing. The Democrats have done in a ban in circumstances that raised Are more spectre of corruption? Here? That's brilliantly put. It is a little perplexing senator when you hear shift in the other, Democrats say we have to remove him. Because if he wins again, it's a sham elections saw. Are they not admitting that their entire purpose is the inner here with the twenty twenty election. This President has been investigated investigated investigate nobody's in estimating Joe Biden Yeah so this entire process is interfering with the twenty twenty election that they're trying to.
Overturned two elections at once, number one. They want overturned the twenty sixteen election. They want to take out the democratically elected by the United States as their bad at the borders for electing him, but number two they're trying to take a trump off the bat. For twenty twenty, because they think of it on the ballot at the american people are choosing, they can't win and yet one of the things I was imagining a few minutes ago, is that I have launched a podcast every night after the straw at two three in the morning. Whatever it ends, I'm going in recording a podcast. He me Italy after were just talking about here is what happened here. The legal issues, here's the substance, the podcast is burned. With tat grew than were putting it out every night during the treatment trial verdict with TED crews even subscribe on all the different pot death application, Dont apple and I ain't you understand, you're at the right place to be promoting that right were able and accidental that I called in to what end
I know I know that the good people that listen view each night marked are looking for real substance there, not looking for it I'll. Just the remit screening that happening on cable tv, but actually getting into the constitutionally yet again to the. What actually is going on you do that every night. I think we were doing a lot more engaging on the issues of substance that matter and when I say also, I very much hope when the president's lawyers take the stage for their opening argument, that they focus principally on the substance not on all the process. Arguments that consume the first day, but the substance of laying out why the president is factually innocent. Why a president have not only the authority but the responsibility To investigate corruption and lay out the overwhelming at least they should pay for corruption and buried button,
that that supported and indeed may debated, assessing of investigate it Is it your sense that these so called the people, the Republicans on the fence You know a handful of them are stolen. The fancy you don't know terms a witness If this is still an open question will vote next week and it really a fork in the road. If fifty one senators vote that we don't need any additional witnesses in the trial and next week will will move. The final judgment in the present will be acquit. Alternatively, a fifty one senators vote. We do need witnesses, then this thing could be prolonged weeks or even much. We know all party, Democrats are going to. Yes, we need additional witnesses. The question is: will for Republicans join them? I don't know the answer to that. It's going to be close, I don't the the answer. What I've been arguing is if we go down
The road witnesses, the Senate can't do what the house did, which they partisan one sided, trial that if we do go down the road with us, it's gotta be fair. I been advocating for reciprocity, meaning if the prosecution gets a witness, that an offence should go, get a witness of its the Senate, if their fifty one senators who want to hear from John Bolton and we need to hear from her Biden as well, and I feel quite confident that if we take that road- and I don't know said? Take it or not, that it will be done even lay respecting due process. Parliament, let me ask you Let's say they want bolt the new one hunter and I got that prison can still assert executive privilege and there's no privilege four hundred Biden, even if they had the our two issues, so they lose. Get Biden and they don't get Bolton. That could easily happen, and if you say
If we go down the road of the Senate, repeating John Bonham Level, almost surely be litigation over executive privilege at litigation could take weeks or months and your right, the result could be that both never testified. Now, interestingly enough with hundred bud, if waste the paint a hundred Biden, he will almost assuredly come forward and plead. The fifth May federal statute gives this, then the authority to grant Hunter Biden Transactional Immunity right, which means that we could force him to testify and get to the bottom of what the real question- and this is why his daddy for what was his daddy, making decisions in his official role. As vice president, the point person rate for Ukraine policy for the Obama administration was making decision to enrich his own family and it's a melting away where the democratic not material, wanted?
Keep bringing it up then, if it's not material, what you know, one of the funniest thing for they had a big in there talking points today they said we heard seventeen witnesses and did not hear any testimony up about Joe Biden. Corruption with with breached by will best because they excluded the defence witnesses. They didn't let, but they only put prosecution witnesses on so that when the house Republicans try to call hundred Biden, they could donor. We won't Europe, witnesses, but then they claim, as an affirmative point, will gosh another. The witnesses testified about it senator. I know the media's celebratory here and I think that this is a fantastic job. You- and I are lawyers- we ve been around the block a few times. There just end Sleep giving closing arguments based on nothing, and so My question to you is this: do you feel that, getting to any the republican colleagues of yours that their say well. Well, that's kind of interesting and so forth, and so on. Merit.
When I will send, will have the collaborative Quartier, looks like we're we're going to sit down on the merits, no less than I think Adam Shift is either when the trial lawyer, he said some good moments, I think, being redundant and pounding pounding the fetters over the head with it. If, if anything, has turn turn senators all have proven, their Kay said that that their proving their proving proposition, that everyone agrees with. Everyone agrees that the president wanted an investigation into bereavement whether there was corruption they spent ten hours, trying to prove that proposition. What they haven't proven is that a president Unconstitutional any legal or a president to investigate corruption I'd senator, I know you're running in their good luck and have a good snooze think they, God bless her a.
We'll be right back then. I'll, be on Hannity. Tonight, let's go ahead and post I've. Mr producer, I failed to mention that I'll be on Hannity tonight. Nine hundred and thirty p dot m eastern time, which makes that six P M Pacific time I have to tell it for the lips: they get a little confused, nine thirty an eastern time, six thirty PM, Pacific time, I will be unhappy. I hope you will watch. I think one of the things I'm going to focus on is what have been talking about tonight. But, of course, I, the truncated in, and that Whose interfering with the election? Twenty twenty, you know when you read what the President said, Presently, Ukraine, in the transcript he didn't say to enter. Here the election and twenty twenty.
He was wondering about public reports. They did. Kate, had certainly suggested corruption of the part of Hunter binding Joe by for all the President New They were false, wiser to assume that that's interfering with the election that. Why does it assume that they were guilty me? while this entire enterprise trying to impeach the press Since before he was inaugurated had the intent De legitimizing, the twenty sixteen vote and disenfranchises Sixty three million people, but going forward his iron senator crews, discussed interfering in the twenty twenty election they want to remove Donald Trump as the republican nominee for
Some of these states are the twenty twenty election, that's what they want to do and they sets up. They want to stop him. It is they who are interfering with the twenty twenty election, The House of Representatives voted on a set of facts. And a set of arguments and a set of findings. Presumably we know it was a joke, but presumably That's what they have to take to the Senate Uk Net prospective peach meant what you bringing in my view,. Witnesses had left field, They're not getting John Bolton are Mulvaney or any of them out of the separation of powers doctrine, but Want to be able to say that the majority begins in the Senate, obstructed.
Undermine derailed. Why. For the twenty twenty election. They want to take the Senate. How to get rid of these bombs. You see. So they want to interfere in the twenty twenty election. They want to remove Trump they Remove the president, as the Republican Many they ve said. So what else do they want to do that? no smear the Senate, a majority Did it take it over right? You found hey mister produce. You agree in order. Take over the Senate, this is their plan. And this is why we having votes or did on these ridiculous amendments. Look at this. We gotta replaced. The sentiment. Chart must replace.
Send a majority there and a cover up my right. This is the greatest abuse. Of the house in the Senate and our finance all our text, There's going in this, think in american history. Certainly modern american history. So I challenge the abuse of power. I challenge the house managers. I challenge Schuman, the Democrats in the Senate and the other demagogue. It's in the house. I challenge the Democrats who appear on cable tv. I challenge all did defined for the country what Use a power means what the standard is and how it is to be applied. And why it wasn't applied. If that is a standard to pass president's.
We ve done some pretty damn outrageous things, including modern Democrat President's, including Barack Obama,. I want the Democratic House managers and the Democrats in the house in the Senate and though On television parading around his house, reporters parading around. If you get my drift, I want that explained ass if obstruction of Congress, if What of Congress as HR It is to be levelled against a president who chooses to do, This offers defend the separation of powers and to go to court. There in the democratic use, the same Brok, Obama fast and furious money withheld documents.
Because, under this theory, George Washington should have been impeached. That's how absurd this is. And so the issue isn't what's not required, my That national review the, Who is what is. And if you have a standard, less platitude like abuse of power, more is required. And that's the problem that the House Democrats or Heaven. They don't have any more their spending hours upon hours upon hours of trying to nail together an argument. As I said the other day there making arguments there, making opinions.
They're putting out conspiracy theories and all the rest where's the smoking gun, witness where's the smoking gun document. They don't exist. The present released the phone call, the transcript they barely when reference, because it doesn't say what they they wanted to say what they say. It says if any republic Any republic in the United States Senate votes, recording called more witnesses. They're, not following you, american constitutional model. There, following this. Honest, tyrannical model that is, we ve been this man now we need to find a case for. But what I mean is a prospective impeachment. He was impede For the reasons that they laid out as outraged an illegitimate as they are. You dont now find more reasons to impeach a president, the House and the
Their stuck with whatever the house dead, there is no more evidence. There are no more witnesses probably if there was, they would have called them or secured them when we were running out of time now they weren't they exactly what they wanted to do. The reason the their fighting like this in the Senate Because they have the house- and I want to take over this I'll- be right back liberals pure brigands, doglike him, but America does. You can call my blood emigrate. Seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one, one height,
so they're interfering with the twenty twenty election, they know Trump is the republic a moment here, Welby. So they went to remove from office, they said so. They say that they keep talking about the twenty twenty election and of Trump winds. They tell us they're not, can accept his victory, Joe legitimate. It's a sham margin that they're going grew a great destruction to our society. Great destruction. Simply safe home securities like getting commercial great enterprise level security, but for your own home, think about the security fortune. Five hundred companies use they need to know. Police are going to be on the scene immediately, and this is exactly the kind of security you get with simply safe if there's a
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They went home security today, simply safe mark that car. I, MR producer, let's go back to my guess. He stillwell Us Mike in Canada, go right ahead. I write earmarked how're. You come on. Ok, here's here's what I want to say and I'm a bit nervous famous cause I've never been a lawyer, but with her what I wonder, what had proved, and yourself and many other people said. I think that the best case for the full Trump thing it simply there. Everyone believes that their debt he was trying to go after Joe Biden because he wanted to you know green paper for himself over election, but that actually making a week. In other words, you have because he didn't say that you're right. Ok for what are here, but here's my arm, my case
There is no crime here. So lucky I shot someone end in. I pulled the people I shot from one. That is definitely a crime band, and so there's no reason. Argue a motor for that I shot the guy he's dead. That's the crime with Trump is that Try to argue that where'd you get dirt on bite and any with healthy eight, but the thing is that there are turning their trust Impeach him over what the motive for those two things, in other words, are not actually I go after him for those two banks and other, so I think that there is no way they can possibly prove that that was trumped intention is to get dirt encroach on vital think because that I'm actually up, I guess I'll go back. I am surprised that I'm not hearing this more often as right wing talking point.
Coming, as it does seem so obvious that being that the best argument is simply that their arguing over the more they can't figure it out, and there is no proof or other than you not all these testimonies we heard and thunder linen or asunder under whatever his name, is etc. Just want to say that so what you're killer point, My killer point is whether trying to argue over a motive instead of the actual crime. There's no crime here. China argue and connect the dots, and when I, when I keep hearing these talking point from when people can, I argue with them all the time they keep thing. Can't you see it, it's a walk if you gotta connect the dots, but the thing is connecting the dogs in itself The reason why they did this is not in the picture is actually a very, very good point. Two very good. Why? Because, when you read the language originally read the transcript, there's nothing about campaigns, interfering with campaigns, getting Biden and what s interesting also about this MIKE is.
President had no reason to expect that his phone call transcript would ever be released. So he may I could say the worst things in the world, or maybe he could have and never, and nobody would never know about it. So, in other words, it underscores your point, which is didn't say any of these things, even though And every reason to believe, if he did, it would never be known. Get my point hardcore. You get my point or I gotta get your point brochure before you hang up. The colored, because I'm a third MIKE, maybe her come to charm. Is it ok? If I talk about the quad behind your left, shoulder sure, ok, I figured out the mystery is actually not a clock it. Actually, calendar. The hour hand shows the month the nice talking about the living tvs, studio, good Bulgaria, I thought you were in the studio like a bunker or whatever, but I'm getting cold
I have your move around, I'm in multiple bunkers you're, a very diverse Carl Map, thought I figured out the myth put my while being a woman to be subscriber that the clock your left shoulder is actually not o clock, but calendar. It showed be met and showed the months of the year with one to twelve and that our had far end Then it had showed me they're them up to about all. I want perfectly honest where they I have the foggiest idea. Sure I've never examined it that closely. Watch, the water living how'd had explained the fireplace far quicker, probably just like one who, from gas things further have like, like maybe it's a fake fire. It could be, but yeah, but the thing is they fired the different thing back. What is a mystery? I bet you someone else's gonna, notably that's what bonnet like that.
Have you ever noticed and we probably don't do an angle shouts agency you can there is a relatively on wine mirror on the wall on the side, with a pool table, as have you ever seen it. I haven't seen the mere, but I've got breaking up. People in the poor people always rack very nicely felt. It's almost like someone could pick up a queue at that point right away, and what can we do and its manifesto here we ve I like, we are actually had eight eight it another pool table in another room that use moral, but let me say that we have this mirror in the studio which used to hang over the years in fireplace in their living room in California. For for decades, We came up for sale. We acquired, while I'm learning a lot of mark within, Three, IRAN, I'm a fascinating, isn't pressure
You know, I'm canal, Tyner I'll, tell you something else. When I sit by my desk, I work khakis and sneakers, nor could figure to worldwide maker. That's correct! You know I'm MIKE nobody cares by any this, but I want to thank you very much you're your intriguing to me. Oh well. I looked like previous, let's say if I ever somehow make it into the state, and I shake your hand and get you to find one on one of the book. I love to what you have to do is head south of the border and sneak in Caesar lower, well, but well I'd. Let the play a game, a Porsche thanks bargain I. What do you take on other colors are in high? You, God bless. What am I sky was used to produce a UK questions about the clock we know what am I gonna look at the clock now. That's behind me! That's the fires, fake by the way to fake.
Dad I'm upset people? That's one of this kind every time we turn it off. We had a couple buttons in the software. Kills it. Our next collar place. Jeff great, W, B C New Jersey. How are you I find more attacks? I think it's actually knew jointly, but It's ok, you're from Philadelphia, I'll. Let you slide! Let me say one I've driven through New Jersey many times You know the elevator no act here, I have in law in laws in New Jersey, a we used to spend At a time. In next city as a matter of fact, when Atlantic City actually wasn't going bankrupt, yeah it actually, Nice place is a tremendous amount of green space in farm land in Jersey, South Jersey. Yes, First of all, let me say that this is your time in history and you have had an impact
on this country beyond anything that you can possibly measure one. Like kind, but I wonder why you say that. Why do I say that I say that because You are a voice that is so influential, and so many people, after you repeat things, one or two or three times, begin to adopt your approach, your philosophy, your arguments and then they repeat them and your your echo chain I think, is deeper than anything you can imagine well. Thank you. I do here some of it, but I appreciate that- with one day. So I am, I am outside where you are, and I hear it among my among other people, and I see it among other people who were on tell it and on radio and after you something once or twice when you make your incredibly cogent arguments, I can hear them report and I my daughter, whose eighteen who listened to you religiously and and watches you your show, sundays. We refer. Each other, you know what living said that
a couple of days ago- and thank goodness, is being repeated well. Thank you very. Very much very welcome but the thanks of the other way around, but that that's ok, I called to this. That one of the articles impeachment that I'm really concerned about this obstruction of Congress because the word, obstruct from a dictionary and a means to block or get in the way of or to prevent or hinder it. And if you follow what the Democrats do and in fact they stated repeatedly that if this doesn't work, they're going to continue to try to impeach can obstruction of Congress begin to. Why to simply a presidential veto which gets in the way or hinder something of Congress is an interesting. I don't know where this is going to be perfectly honest with you, but it's not going in a nice place. And I want to reiterate something- I said a few months ago- and I believe this-
bottom of my heart. The Republicans must impeach the next democrat President. If they control the house, they must impeach the next Democrats present if they control the house. To put an end to this, if the Republicans roll over, which they nor I do, and they say we're not like that: we're not going to be like them and so forth, and so on their missing the big picture. The constitution is the big picture, you're dealing with a rug party, You're dealing with a tyrannical group mindset celebrated in private by a tyrannical mindset in the media, and so the Republicans need to make it clear that they can effectively do the same thing. So. While people are using the constitution to destroy the constitution, they must use their tactics of the left to save the constitution.
And I know this is controversial some circles, but if you think it through, it should be controversial at all case in point the independent council statute is being used against republican President's was a statute pushed through by the Democrats in the year, mid delight, seventies. Eleven in the Senate, Barney Frank in the house. And then it was used against Bill Clinton in a very, very aggressive way by the attorney general, but nonetheless it was and then they realize you know what they suit for peace, Can they let the law lapse? They never renewed. That's what has to happen here. You cannot allow a temporary. Small role majority in the house to drive in impeachment that has no standards that has no basis in time nation or custom and worse they eviscerate tradition and custom. When it comes
legitimate processes that have been applied in the past, you gotta kill this and the way you kill it is too applied against them. Tat makes sense, it makes absolute sense, but I think that the republic of don't really understand, in terms of the protection and preservation of the constitution and the rule of law, to use a football analogy, they go line stance. I mean division We are at the precipice here and you have to use their own tactics against them and not just use them against them, but you have to use them against the twice as hard as their using against them, as their use get some against us, are you really have to make them cried uncle? Otherwise, Amy Circling the drain this is this- is this is down the toilet. If, if we don't do that, you know what when I first graduate college, I had my first job. I remember somebody I work for
editor of mine said to me at one point: the camera boys- and you know something to tell you something: power and authority, isn't given its taken and that's exactly what the Democrats in Congress have done. Ninja like inch by inch, they take more and more power and authority that doesn't belong to them. But if it goes, challenged. Then they can keep stepping forward and I think that's what's been going on and they have to be challenged. They have to be hit hard, You ve been a terrific collar. I want to send you a signed copy of on freedom of the press, and I want to thank, you will be
back then pay off your irish debt. If you heard right, but you can get the money, now you're asking this important question. Is this the day the IRS shows about my work? she's. My wages seeks more seizes. My bank accounts takes my home, get a love that federal income tax, don't you Let me suggest away to ignore iris nightmare call up them a tax relief, America's trust attacks, resolution for their exports, a fresh start initiative. How virus program they could save you. Thousands of qualifying fact.
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MR producer, people are eating their dinner. You really women employees clips how about this, Tosh have seen in an msnbc types, clobbering all over Adam shift. Speech member. These are news. People had to gray being cut a go. What did you think of the presentation by the lead house manager, Adam Sheriff, I find dazzling find most accounts dazzling, my god. He's unbelievable, Adam IRA, Guess Gray, go ahead, to also performance that drew praise from all sides. Yesterday I thought this was the most compelling case for removal from office of this president. I had heard in all these months because it was real. It was
What now cause I've been calling for his impeachment forever, but now I got him shifts chilean Reagan. Asked Kennedy Can the manners which is Adam a unmarried and a puke, you don't understand, I never ever heard anything from believable. And here's item a shift in the present up. You know that as an ant anyway go ahead speaking not just to the one hundred people in the room. He was speaking to a hundred years in the future. Is that check tat now? What. Once I chuck TAT guy, it suspect The kid you're gonna be driven in twenty. Six, do kids are gonna, be giving and twenty what. So kids are gonna, be reading about Adam shipping giving speeches I got him ship are these?
Poland saying yes, they are absent. Lee Moronic, they don't even realise how stupid they sound Nobody, even those who Adam ship is a genius is on jeopardy. One of these fifty three Congress p. From California thinking they don't know, that's what he's, gonna, wind up in history and the toilet ball,
I'll be right back now: broadcasting a mummy underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under a brick and steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, everybody mark living here, I'd number, seven, seven, three, eight one! We ate one, one page, seven, seven, three, eight! Once we a woman, remember nine thirty pm eastern I'll, be on energy. On fact, at six thirty PM, Pacific. How does the meteor trying to turn out ship into some kind of folk IRAN must of it? They unbelievable.
That's not really unbelievable; this is who they are. Lindsey Grandma Capital held today. Kind. Eleven go. What, as to the vines I can promise. You know why look at whether or not there was a conflict of interest and no one has taken the time to explain how Hunter Biden got rich in the Ukraine And his father didn't know anything about it. Body has looked at whether or not when the prosecutor was fired. The next process, reviews drop the case on bereavement, some we need to look at it as much as I like Joe Biden. If it were the grammar, my parents or Donald Trump. You would be looking in German. Question no two by. I don't think Joe binds corrupt but I'll. Think beyond, being looked at here's what I would say how many members of the body, children Foreign boards.
Receiving this scanner money, I mean If you look at the money they took from various by carry stepson Hunter by that donations to to find Delaware. On behalf of both, I love Joe by. What I can tell you, don't sit on the sidelines in just watch the trumps be look there. I didn't. For this, I would take Joe binds when the finest been I know, but he's got to explain this somebody? these to look at this. How did buying get a ban and half dollars than theirs. When you ve been in business, sixty days from China, now look not allowed, and now it's is not the time or the place and there's no time replace. A list of panic? very much on this programme. You remember her
lady from New York Congresswoman, who really was excellent? in questioning witnesses in the Intelligence committee cut twelve go as we saw yesterday, this is the weakest case for impeachment in the history of this country. We continue to see how flimsy these cases, which is why there was by partisan opposition in the house. It was my partisan, no votes when it comes to impeachment. I anticipate that we will continue to here lies and half truths from Adam Shift today. He also doesn't include important testimony that every single witness testified that here she had no direct evidence of a peaceful offences, high crimes, misdemeanours, treason or bribery, so Adams, chief and his team can continue to speak for our seem Eric and public. Certainly in my district, their tuning this out, they want us to get back on behalf of the american people, get back to work and they want to work this out in the election. The american people have a right to decide at the ballot box.
But I M sure said: the american people can't decide this. It's too dangerous he's going to decide. And I must tell Us D and e constipated news network were very excited by the market. What's on Fox, today, cut thirteen go We need to make sure that the american people understand two things: everything that house impeachment managers are going to say today is going to be based on second and third analogy: there's no first hand witness. Is you don't why, because those first hand, witnesses actually have exonerated the present the United States, so we're gonna continue to hear allegations of cover. The only cover up that I've seen is actually Adam ship in his teens cover up on their coordination with the whistle blower. There's not a dimes worth a difference, as you know, between the media and the Democratic Party,
They just decide what profession they want to get into their own Mc Grath suggest such hey. I'm an idea. Let's be reporting, pretend we're not Democrats, but they move almost seamlessly between politics and journalism and back it's really appalling way. Jim Jones is scheduled to be on the bottom of the hour, Jim Jordan, Jim Jones he's dead. As me, I have come makes no Jim George, here at the bottom of the hour, and that will be a good thing. Why, exactly as the present being impeached, Can we keep a line open again, MR calls greener. We need a liberal, Slash Democrat.
To tell us why exactly the present being impeached, I want to know. I mean beyond the platitudes? I want to know. I got Sarah Toga New York. Accept satellite, go I'm utility. Actually, etc, cut a wailing. Or can build up in the rockies, fearful habit I just wanted to actually add on tomorrow Call Michael earlier for me, it's all about your eyes are Michael on the show. Today. I knew this crazy. We like to because my we're looking for Mohammedan Abdulla Abdullah, but here we keep getting Michael's anyway. Go ahead. The dinner MECCA my pet. Better luck! the the point, the other Michael with making. I think it is exactly at the heart of what
bugging me for a number of years and that some Indonesia it Tell everybody! That's why I'm sorry the mine? Sat right, men's re out yeah. I believe it means guilty mind directly. So it's me it's the motive. It used to be a required part of law. When the law was written, it would be the crime, be the action as well as the motive knowing that, You were committing a crime, so you could even be say convicted of manslaughter. If you didn't know that you are you're actually argument, be convicted implore, you couldn't be convicted of fostering murder, because you didn't know you were committing a crime, then it wasn't premeditated Hillary Clinton
Mr call, I won't say director comical, sir, I don't think he deserves the title, but we're coming. He declared that she did Do it purposely, therefore no means area. Therefore, you didn't commit a crime, but the statute there is have nothing to do with. I specifically intended was erosion. It was grants a gross negligence, your correct yeah, so so that. You didn't have an important component of didn't matter if it would never do not. He committed the crime with tromp they ve done exactly. The that's it which is well. We can't in the current, but we're pretty sure he wanted to show he's gotta guilty mind. Therefore, he's guilty: any it's. You know the temper tantrum, get out of control. Baxter
Oh, you know, Orangemen bad must go in interesting to watch the large flipped on appeared in all of this. And worse or evidence for this by other groups, There is no there's nothing. They have nothing to see that there is none. I read through the, script in it we had asked for an investigation, but, as a president is supposed to do. He's got to be a look for the taxpayers money, and in this case you do You can ask a question. Let let's cut to the chase, you. What of Joe Biden is corrupt? What did he was a corrupt vice president and what, if he use the nominee the Democratic Party any subject blackmail and other corrupt tactics, foreign countries and so forth. Is this path.
Then it's supposed to pretend. Otherwise, I'm not saying he is I'm saying, they when the media say, while you don't have any evidence rented it. We ve heard this before when it came to face abuses and spies sick upon the two, campaign a they denied all of it, the media, because they are they are that's why the praising Adam ship right might but by but your but you're exactly right, which is Is the president supposed to ignore this, because it's a binding now my point earlier would Senator crews was they the Democrats, using the constitution, the House in the Senate, Dana fear that when twenty election, because they don't want trump- republican Army, they ve said this. They ve set. He ought to be removed before the election and, if he wants to know except the election, is legitimate so they are using the institution. Alleys of Congress using the constitution to interfere,
in the twenty twenty election? They have no evidence. Of any kind, as you say, men's ray. Of course they have none with respect trumpet in the twenty twenty election. Only thing I used the constitution for lining bird cage, Don't. Did. They absolutely can use it to beat somebody over the head with my friend. I appreciate your car will be right back. In a report on its way to consolidate. Debt is an attractive option for a variety of reasons and makes debt payments more fordable and often times can help with building your credit You see, ladies and gentlemen, you can use interest rates to your. When their very, very high you wanna buy cds and that sort of thing when they ve
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Larry I'm about an hour away. I don't want to make the point that What Democrats trying to do entirely. You we have a Koran, give patient manner the Koran the almost home Orson and the. I don't have a causation of a crime air but you're, trying to present on a mere well, that's a good way to put it very good way to put it but help me if you agree with me, if the present really was conspiring with the president of the Ukraine to get by here too funny way of saying it didn't all absolutely I don't believe that the person culpable in anyway now mean again. He didn't know that this call would be an issue. He didn't know that there was this CIA operated out and around he didn't know that Would eventually released the phone call they release the phone call there's nothing in there about
But to do this, for you don't get military aid, there's nothing in there about. I want Interfere with the election he does when say, dig up dirt on the binds he wants to know what the hell took place. That city has nothing. Now I my friend, you take care. Say hello to our bodies: West Virginia Teddy and Linda Jim, San Francisco, California, the great k, s f I'll, go. A mark. Yet you know it's not just by just back that Bob this means Ray a thing that is not guilty of it. He had sixteen people one that call and he knew TAT, he had sixteen people on that cop hope he had some guilty conscience. Will you commit the crime? You sit there and talk the sixteen people about it another great Roy, you yeah! You know I've got a question mark in maybe
not me out, because I went over the rules now that twenty four I don't know why we agreed to give them twenty four hours or we gave in twenty four hours. Then we get twenty four hours and then Mark are thirteen. Sixteen hours of questioning the. How is that going to go according to the rules? A senator right to question out on a little three by five card passes it to the chief justice and the chief justice then ask the question. So my question is this: John Roberts is the chief justice Is he gonna pick and choose which questions to ask what order to ask them? Is he going to what what happens if the witness the personism no expert on that. I'm sure, though, find out and tell us at some point: I'm guessing they go back and forth between the two parties and I'm guessing each piece besides the priority water, how I do have a concern about this.
If they're not limited into the amount of time that they have to answer. You hear what windbag these guys are, though, filibuster. You know they'll take as long as they want to one or two at ten questions. Well, that's the problem is John Roberts Gonna control that They can we ass out of sheer, but by John Roberts doesn't set the rules. He enforces them he's the judge. So the question is: what is Mcconnell going to do is he gonna force will have no idea import. These rules- and I dont know I since in here, but here's the way we can ask the atom ship. Even if there's no witnesses call Adam ship is sitting there in the well. The Senate Republic considers can ask the Yellow Ganum ship these specific questions, MR ship, when did you meet with the whistle blower? Take you ever already been said that some of the Republicans we're thinking but he can't do that because then, the chief justice is our wine, way of treating shift has acquired, witness actually think that's a good idea
better, not be a ruling from the chief justice that he can't do that, because then the chief justice is our wine. While, yet you know what that John Robertson get out of control, Romano, Santa drawn roberts- well, we need is the thing is, with Adam Shipley, be taken there. This guy is the most common evil person in my lifetime that I see he is is, he is when you look at the demagogue than Webster's dictionary, some young people may not all that is it has picture of Adam ship I'll be right, back Michael of Inshore, where thou coalition meets a brig day goal now. Age, Seven three, eight one, three eight point: one congressman: Jim Jarred. How are you, sir? I'm fine like how you do it
Well, you know I have sleep at noon a bit of an insomniac, but I have to say, Adam Shift has helped me greatly and so now, I'm thinking as an entrepreneur of doing videos of this and selling them to people who can't sleep. What do you think it there you go there you go. Talk per year to our. Four hour, six hours, eight or whatever it is, it doesn't take the fact there, all the presidents I didn't like it said I think it did, did the causes some people to policy so no eyes, canning, grandmother, Lenny Latent, gives a great happening here like radio, your tv, your books. Everything of thank you for what you do, it's it's great for the cause and we got them in so many people, rob about around the r d around the country. It really pretty what you do well, Jim the whole country, appreciate you too, and thank you very much. I have a question simple question seriously: where's the smoking gun here I keep back. They go You don't need twenty four hours and three days to prove a case. Where's the die.
He meant where's the witness their habit, they never had all build on assumptions presumption in here say. You know that with your legal background, they talk about quid pro quo, but I member during a hearing with what we asked. When was the announcement. When was that the Geisha, when was the promise of an event. In fact it was her line of questioning you did like yeah, but it it. It never happened, and you know what the interesting to is the day after the coming about this. The call happened on the twenty fifth, the next at there's a more than a dozen people. The call every without the qualifying have one person can. Accordingly, he goes and talk to the whistle blower at some point within twenty four hours, and then it was all right. The memo buzzing part filed a complaint gets would also happen within twenty four hours of the call present Zaleski has a meeting with investors, vulgar Taylor and solid. Keep up the pressure to scatter before a meeting at the meeting get what he says about the call call of gray call with fine. We were lap, and I told him you know we're gonna drain the form here in Ukraine like they didn't like that, like he's gonna be united
No one had a problem except colonel dead, go to this whistle blower and we get this crazy ordeal. The democratic put our countries do not want to have one that that is how we give us this whole thing it, and there is no smoking gun all the facts on the present one. What is the standard for abuse of power who the fuck, whatever whatever? What amidst the sort of up, paraphrasing the older denominated paraphrase with what what Pottered Edward said about pornography. I know when I see it will, then this is pornography, but can be impeach for abuse of power? And I I look up past presidents, tat phones of word of warning a notice if your president, you can be impeach for abuse of power, and I I look past presidents tap phones. I look at past present to use the IRS harassed. Journalists, lot of them are Democrats, you know e r J, F K, I'll be J, saw abuse of power
I'm just curious. What is the standard here, whether that whatever that's where a majority to how fair that kind of a scary thing and if anything goes wrong, be Dickens, NEA contempt of Congress and in an obstruction of Congress obstruction of Congress. But one of my colleagues are dead. That's what the founders called separation of power decide set out how ridiculous disease so did the present case is so strong a cup is about. It is so strong and lack of due process, but not arguing the Paris profit that that were that were given to the present were given to the minority part either and- and it's so strong on on on a factual,
He can went on any three of those going away, but the Democrats don't pick of it. Now we say impeachment didn't start July. Twenty five, twenty nineteen impeachment started July, thirty, first, twenty sixteen when they opened the top right before we even president when he opened a nonprofit designated abide on for american citizen associated with account campaign lighted by the court. Seventeen time, that's when it started ended in infatuated with you guys. It's never gonna stop Cosette there. So I could get this present in our society the fifty three that they're never going to stop, never gonna stop the part departed scares me them up and that what they're doing in the Senate is their inner, during the twenty twenty election. All the talk about the present interfering with the twenty twenty election, Jim Jordan, their trust, prevent us from selecting Donald Trump as our nominee Kip. Whose interfering with the twenty twenty, like their interfering with the twenty twenty like that, no Europe
right market in in his member back in the middle of this in the house back in November, Nancy Pelosi was on be a faith, the nation and she said president tromp. She called him an impostor. The think about it that the speaker, the House represent, is called the presence of United States, an impostor, the guide again, the guy fifty three million of its motive or who want to let her colleague landslide, so that they're gonna. That is their attitude and that the degree in the depth of go to to stop this guy from winning and keeping him up about. And interfering in the twenty Twond election for the simple fact is: they know the can't beat it there is no way to God I mean I mean I am so competent that that present gonna win. I think the only isn't he got ever gonna want big and if he went big, which I think is very popular, I think we got a chance to take back the house so that what we are trying to do- and I thank them- Some people say, provided is why you said Joe Biden Immune from investigation, maybe use corrupt. Maybe he can be
I merely want to be present United States. He was the point man on Ukraine, his son kinds had dealings over there I mean. What you see the only American is immune from investigation that, for the Democrats want me I get here. You know you decide to run for Oppenheimer Europe, high office, you're, you're you're. You develop some kind of immunity of your Democrat ass, the story the broke last night, the debate, the individual, whose name is Though she added with a bar with another videos or not but Loring about the story, where they were talking about the charisma problem and the fact that the vice president shuddered time work for this help any way back in the Obama administration and somehow that that was that was not a problem. Here, Lighten up about, but increasing, can vulgar written in article and it was Spyker. Something can barbicane. What a number of articles that the Democrats don't want to look at now that the data they ve David, launched this whole ukrainian impeachment charade that they have done.
He question you eat. You sit on these committees, you watch what's going on here, you see. What's going on the site, you see the injustice of it. You see the demagoguery your about the future of the country. And I'm asking because a lot of people feel this way. How do you stay up be well because, if you think about the folks here that I get the privilege or representing you think about the hard work and families across this country who loved this nation who think about the birth of scripture fight? The good fight finish the course keep the faith who got that kind of Merrick and attitude yet you think about them in and look they gave me a privilege to go fight for them in their family, their community there, there, your company and in Congress. And then you think about what happened. So it was just a few years ago that that the Irish targeted people you and me, and all the books are listening your programme and then more recently what the FBI did and now
now what what the Democrats have done is Dave Weapon eyes, the impeachment power of Congress to go after the president, who is draining the swamp immediately so that that's how dangerous it is. Some people have my: why do you get your part of them like look what they're doing look what they're doing that? That is scary in the end with with President Tromp said the other day you are doing in the swamp, the swamp fight back, that's what we ve been seeing since the get go since he was like a head before he would even elected, but this is the birthplace gone. It still is in its our job to make sure stays the best place in the brain. Country ever know, you said something earlier: there's a dozen people are so listening in on this funk and the present people are listening and of the functional so he's gonna complaint and active impeachment wall. While people are listening and on the phone call that I, the demo
Crash projected. None of this makes any sense as a matter of fact it the other. They never expected here the thing that they know tat while they divided equally loathing, but but the biggest one little respect of the presence of a train. It presents a good cause. You you don't wanna, be doing you talk with a port had, if you don't want to be just like releasing transcripts her out gonna talk in a candid fashion, with heads of state from but with our allies in other countries, but this present get it at once. He saw the transcript of thy whoa there what's wrong with his call it did they try to changes word in the transcript everything else, the bid that was the biggest miscalculate. The other thing was on September twenty four hours a day before the call when anti policies and now today- investigate and setting to feed the transcript yet which you know they're going to do about it. She never expected he never rigged conventional wisdom was such a. She never expected at every republican and vote against it in the house, but against the arc of peace when she never.
They want democratic vote without other democratic, about present any third democratic, but without and thence which party he never expected, all that so David. If captain she didn't, I don't think she. He realized what you will do when she held the articles up for a month and security, but for something to them to change their direction, but it sure. But because they don't have a case. They don't have now these so called moderate, of which there are none really on the Democrats are, but they want in these trump districts and so forth. How do you think a fair and the next election day it was? It was funny S day when somebody here, some of the mainstream press said that ships performance was, the plunder dazzling and nodded thou. These deals with big big big words big adjective in reminded us of a line that President Reagan had. He said it's not the reviews, the count. If what happened at the box office- and I think I think at the Box office this November
the american people are going to show up, and it is going to be big for President Trump and, like I said, if it's big for present wrapping particulars thirty one districts. That Democrats are in that President Trump carried in twenty six even though this week I think we're gonna like a lotta republican and I'm just gonna be a good chance. We take back the majority in the ox, but the the impeach, clause of the constitution. I've been severely damaged, water, the outcome of this because now has been used in an unprecedented way or am I in the house that they had a grand weapon using its republic, turn independent council statue, you remember one both Bob Democrats got together; they let it lapse. The Democrat car eleven in the Senate burning Frank in the house that they had a grand weapon to using its republic. Turns out. It was used mostly against Clinton, so both parts,
I agree that it would lapse, because both parties pay the penalty, if only on party pays a penalty when Peach minutes is rewritten in the constitution. This way from treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanours to abuse of power and obstructing Congress. Not one party, is going to keep doing it, and so I really feel, and then maybe you're not really in a position to to agree to. Here, but I really feel that This has to be threatened against the next democrat president. We have the house, or this is their permanent weapon. And I am I peered. I feared it like you to mark the but understand what what what what added ship off it did. At the end of this impeachment investigation, the house he released the phone records of the president of the United States, personal attorney. He released the phone records of a member of the press. He released the phone record of a republican member of Congress, all all it
Is it a port to go out for this present? I mean that stop it. You just should not happen, but he did it to cover their so determined. Get this president added a dangerous place to take the country and a very dangerous, as you point out, a very dangerous precedent set for future congresses, while in future president, I congressmen toys a pleasure to have you an era, vacations, terrific, Jim Jordan. We love you, God bless you, sir! You, your brother thanks, be well. The man is a real patriot and he is smart is hell and EAST of his hell because they tried to take him a couple years ago, two eureka I'll be right.
Then the other folks Schiff narrow the red they didn't write, what their reading it was written form Would you like to know who wrote these things? Mr producer. Who are the invisible hands behind these people, who wrote Adam, shifts comments who wrote Jerry now comrades, who wrote the comments for the rest of them. And organise the the charts and all the rest. I wonder. There were some was stolen, I don't mean thieves stall stuff. I mean scammers literally store her home, the F B. I call title theft, one of the fast growing white collar crimes. This story is why you need home title lock down
Says criminals found the title to our home online and filed fraudulent doc. In claiming they owned it, but it gets worse. She says, I was evicted from my own home and eighty five grand in equity are gone. Nobody believes you can get your home stolen this easily. She says This is why you need to get home title, because no insurance or bank protects your home from title theft, home title, locked us so first Go to home title like dotcom register your address to see if you're already a victim- and you don't know that's very important. And you can sign up to help protect the legal title to your arm. Seed on up and up like Deborah and they get. You started, I got your sixty risk free days or protection, so Please go to home title lack that come home, title locked outcome, its home title, locked that car, aright, Donna, Fred,
Maryland, the great w I may I go It showed him out. I can't wait to listen to it again. I've been thinking about the dazzling ship. I hope no wonder he opened our gently listener come up with some creative creative I mean I am. But working what they don't on the deal obviously a timescale, the election and what concerns me is the other girl or not what seemed like almost com, Foma nineteen, eighty four. George Orwell, wonderful, largely fair. They give away all merit for in order to defend the Obama Biden, Hilary legacies and ah either on what goes on here when I hope more wonderful investigative report.
Get to the that the matter on the skull couple project which the inborn GINO reported on and operating free more about the your way in, and the car then the funding that with bite off that hell. I thank you. Everything in this. What an incredible argues in our just what a great day for production Thank you. Your honor collars, including you, have been outstanding. Thank you, Donna! You take care. We ve liberal, yes Andrea axemen Virginia. How are you going well, thank you rascal near well done, my comments today, as I do not understand the hold the Donald Trump has on his base, because all the best, for being presented over the course of the last couple of days me impeachment trial. Their blatant in front of us
what he d d rather than platitude. Let's, let's go down the slain and unfortunately I wish you had called earlier. So tell me why witness, has tied the present United States to a quid pro quo, the witness as well than men, Farmland, no, they didn't tie him to a quid pro quo. I didn't say that he that he withheld military aid for the purpose of having an investigation, abide nobody's, but that's ass tat our since our kind, I don't want you to suspend anything. I asked you a factual question, there's no witness which document shows that just name one that got him now. You know why the bases disgusted with liberals and men. And others who were cast. Aspersions who are projecting motives pushing a partisan agenda you wouldn't want.
He treated like this. Would you if I have a tenth, my name by presenting people who do have first hand information. I want them up there to defend me, really really show you, one hundred by me get up there and clear his name. If Hunter Biden to come testify in order to have about Joe Biden is Joe by corrupt and Joe by I didn't. Do you let her do you know of Joe Corrupt corrupted Whether President Trump ok, stop that I'm asking you a question: do we present a try been investigated by six committee. Congress by a special council and by Thousands of reporters whose investigated Joe Biden he that Republicans had an opportunity, I said who investigated robot and they do not want Republicans an opportunity to investigate how the House and the Senate for two years at the first two years of his presence information about the phone call. We didn't even know about that till July.
This year. The question is: why the left wing base- believe it but you're, very nice, lady call again Please, what are our forces police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel I'll be on Hannity and thirty minutes? Nine hundred and thirty p dot m easter you're not going to want to miss it. Join me over there, my radio Levant ice over on fire.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-27.