« Mark Levin Podcast

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/29/23


On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO’s Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. 2024 might be a year of optimism and action that generational political change is here since President Biden and the Democrats are ruining this country. We’re at a turning point that our country hasn’t been at in decades. The trends are our friends and something big is happening here. There was a political shift and Florida was the epicenter of it. We are facing another opportunity for a Reagan Revolution this year. Republicans need to encourage the principles of good traditional Republican and Conservative practices. Joe Biden has created a shift in the Democrat party regarding the trust voters have for him hitting new lows with a whopping 26% approval rating. Also, how many illegal immigrants are in college and how much are we paying for it? The Biden administration is making things better for the illegal immigrants. Biden is using illegal immigrants for eventual votes since he likes to pretend that there is nothing he can do regarding the border.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The broadcasting from the underground command, both the teeth and the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader, the yeah. We got all kinds of ballads shenanigans that are still going on the latest being in may men. Yes, We take a look at what may be with the colorado decision by the way trump is back on the colorado ballot. And yes, while we have record illegal immigrants pouring across the southern border excess of two hundred thousand, nearly three hundred thousand during the course of december says: we still have to ride through another year with Joe Biden as as president of the united states.
Yes, with all of this taking taking place, I'm optimism optimistic, I'm actually exceedingly optimistic, not ever competent, just optimistic I'm optimistic that generational political change is here: turning point, our tree hasn't been at in decades. And been so many similarities between the better administration and bind administration. You think about it. the comparisons between Joe Biden take you back to what price to the extent that we have comparisons in some cases, cases binds even worse, but it takes you back to Jimmy garter it all captain pina, well, there's something else to it. the reagan revolution cream generational, political change and its
They have been watching for a while now, but at some that, I believe, has already started to occur, nominal walk you through gender. If political change in the first hour, the second our we're goin get into why twenty two threes worldwide elections, tell us about twenty twenty four in this country and we're going to and the third our get to election, shenanigans concerns integrity matters more of the ballot issues and and the like, so all deal with. All that this brian mud, it is always a pleasure being here for the gray one I am. The host of the bride mud show hugged out of my home station, w gino in west palm beach.
I'm the hosted the bright macho podcast as well. You can check that out wherever you get your podcast and at brian mud, radio, socially, in its truly and an honour and a pleasure being here, with you- and it's been a pleasure to be here with you throughout the course of the holiday season, and as we are wrapping up twenty twenty three I didn't want to leave you with a message keen forward. That is optimistic because of it today in the news I call it is it's easy not to feel that way, but until the b macro minded as an analysed and when I noticed changes, I alike, the mouth to you, good, bad, indifferent in this case. If you are looking for the resurgence of this country, the trends are very much our friends Something huge is happening here and now my top take away. My top take way
I tabled twenty second of of twenty twenty one. It was the first day, but I begun to uncover data towards a historical political shift in this country. It was something that cover certainly my local. show that day. It's something that I ended up discussing shortly thereafter on this show believed that there was a historical point: call shift. That was too happen, and florida in particular, was the epicenter rabbit, and we, certainly saw that manifest itself in as historic twenty twenty two elections was a really weird thing last year for me many of us better. liberty minded and the state of florida, because last year's otherwise disappointing mid term elections. Florida had record republican, wins,
More republicans like to talk to bottom then had ever occurred in the history of this day biggest republican margins since reconstruction, and then you take a look across the rest of the country and In disappointment generally right, so what was so different there? A lot of things are, we're differ got forty two don't get me wrong and Andy santas. His performance as governor, especially dent during covert, had a lot to do with it are some unique elements to it actually something that has broader applications to it. Flora, just on the front edge of something that is a bit or in terms of this political shift? One of the biggest questions as we enter the crucial twenty twenty four election cycle is whether We are going to see a shift, the likes of way We began to see what certain demographics in certain places like ford and twenty twenty two twenty two,
whether we are going to see that europe again but show up in more places. So let me take you back. to what I had to offer on. I took her twice. Second of twenty twenty one, because the message today, as we prepare for the most important election year of our lifetime. I think it's more relevant now than it was then Some want to share with you what I said only outdated with. For an information two years later so here goes said, thing huge is happening here as in florida, but also. The country more broadly and research Jeanne president binds approval writing by state there huge story unfolding. On the one hand, the results not terribly surprising.
Yes, his approval ratings are underwater and fourteen states that he one, which is a big number. Here's the first to update from the story, but he was underwater and fourteen states. He had one just over two years ago. That number is up to twenty two states today as right: Joe Biden is currently only approved of net positive approval in three states. Right now, just three take continuing Then again, when your national approval. Writing is hovering around forty percent. Give or take that's actually about the same as it is today. that's necessarily going to be the case. The real eye. Opener is why, His approval ratings are worst not and geography, but rather demographics,. for as long as I've studied politics. There's been why Consistent truism, the His voters are the most likely to support democrats. Typically, it takes
only four may shin and career development paint. Axis. You know those sites to thanks to help open the, eyes of previously idealistic kids turned adults. I've literally never seen anything to the contrary. Until now, cancun this just ever too yours go, but this is different and something huge is happening here. Present a binds approval ratings are worst youngest among voters eighteen and thirty, four, his approval rating stands at thirty. Five per cent binds approval rating. Here's the next update for a right now among voters, eighteen and thirty. Four, it's down at twenty seven percent. Twenty six. percent. That means there's a generational opportunity for republicans. The real life walking talking Alex Pekin, loving reagan as
kid. That was a thing for me and for millions of my generation reagan is I am reason that those of us who were products of the eighties, those of us who are our job, exercise. Now we and to be more conservative than boomers or millennials in that generational opportunity in front of republicans right now. We did we ve disk Sal binds performance is the worst by any president since Jimmy carter, and in the context of it being darkest before dawn, I pointed out that it took, me, carter forced to get ronald reagan. So here we are the generational opportunity for republicans if they can emulate the principles of ronald Reagan, starting with freedom and liberty, The biggest teachable moment in their here now isn't about taxes. welfare or free puppies,
and free Biden, bucks in and goodies that are anything but free. It's about freedom itself, a mayor since inherently want it, and the big lie about the left and the democratic party generally is out there. Quantum quote liberal which is often confuse by kids and young adults to equal liberty, so they have often been taught That's just the way you go. I have referred so I'm going to be, but going Democrat their democratic, that's all part of them. Getting scam and which, though to themselves as democratic as opposed to Democrats, and by the way I got into the anti democratic party in the marketing scam. That is the democratic party. Last thursday, guessing for the the great one, and its roots, its
ruse to confuse emigrants in and people coming of age. You aren't yet politically aware and though, to support the democratic prague process, the republican party, with good leadership. Which is always a you, know asterisk. That's always a question mark as if there is good leadership, but republican party, when it has it, has been the party. that was founded by Abraham, lincoln, the party of freedom, liberty and personal choice. The Democrats are the party of dick, its mandate and censorship. That's also keeping with historical norms, given that they were the party of of slavery and and later Indentured servants from their earliest days now being realised by the youngest voters in this country, and make no mistake that financial freedom. is in and of itself freedom right in
inflation high taxes central conversation this is a generation opportunity and there is a need for reckon carbonate misleading the party. Now that was My message just over two years ago and striking to me how the only thing that's change, never two years has been continuation of the generational opportunity, and the generational trends that I identified back then- and that's all only because of the consistent and during failures of Joe Biden and the anti democratic party across the country, I mentioned that The beyond said that forty given its demographics, which most closely reflect the melting pot, that is this tree, was on the leading edge of the political shift. Bout. Many have suggested that young leftists, don't approve of Joe Biden most commonly because somehow or another, he just isn't marxist enough for them elected that that very
may be the case with this matter in of young voters, but it actually isn't the case for many others and our recent data that will support this we ve seen it show up, and Registration trends not only have republic made historic gains and voter registration and poured in recent years. And turning the state from the ultimate swings it into a likely red stayed. We have seen the most dramatic change come from those be the ages of eighteen. Thirty, four! I'm not pick up there and get To sum up what's happening nationally. Next, I'm brian mud in for the great once more. The ban mark Levin here for with the essential information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before digital dollar comes with augusta press.
Metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand? This report is packed with important digital dollar insight. Best of all it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital. our act now to learn more with augusta precious metals good for your financial future, received the free down side of the digital valor report today by texting. Look then the six eight five nine to that's. How? you ve, I am the six eight five nine to again Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com, tech, stadium, message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures.
that's the precious metals dotcom were hoping that the overturn this unconstitutional, undemocratic and on american decision by four. Let the judges I were appointed by our opposition party. When you do everything we can to make sure that the right of the voters is protected and that donald trump card the act compare the bout that is Dave Williams, who is the colorado republican party chair talking about the late other colorado which actually is another wrinkle also originally after you The colorado supreme gourd too, as a year? No due process by we're gonna say that tromp is not only guilty of insurrection, bore going to say that he can appear on the republican primary ballad well, Had that decision stayed pending an appeal to the united states supreme court, give
deadlines that exists in colorado as it stands now the supreme court doesn't way an before january. Fifth term. Actually will appear appear on the colorado ballot. This, after you add mean, of course, that ended up using the colorado supreme court decision to take trump off their ballot, However, this extensively the past week destined for the great one. Long story short is the united states. Supreme court will uphold the constitution here You are going to see donald trump that war appear on ballots just a matter of how quickly they. To this decision in and also how precise, are. You have so many different states over a dozen a worry, so I've legal challenges that exists Brian might in or the great one, more well. Then I talking about the generational opportunity as we in our twenty twenty four. There is a lot that we can be optimistic about and a lot of them Rapid changes in the electorate and off election year,
aren't really notice board? The things I will frequently do is observe, for example. voter registration changes and if you see poles moving in the same direction as you see, voter registration changes moving, you tend to have some additional evidence. some additional context for what you're saying and to give you an idea: some of what I was talking about, the first every segment and in twenty twenty in florida. Forty send the voters between the ages of eighteen. Thirty four were registered Democrats just twenty five percent that were registered, republicans gay. So by way of butter, duration with young voters. Democrats had a fifteen point net advantage right. So what's happened sense Hence Joe Biden was president of the united states in the state of florida.
voter registration for those between the ages of eighteen. Thirty four republicans have bested democrats in the state by one point: it's the first time in the states history, the youngest borders, have been more likely to register as republicans and democrats and that it a far larger shift that percentage shift that we have seen a sixteen point shift, then any other age group now it trend by the way was troll to the record republican winds and for the last year and its even more. You're than the ship, but we ve seen by hispanic latino voters and the state as well, but then you take it what's going on nationally, and it wasn't all about long ago, within the past few weeks that you had four snooze, nationally pulling that showed tromp leading Biden and a hypothetical rematch next year by thirteen point,
with the youngest voters trump leading Biden by thirteen point and a hypothetical rematch it just a snapshot in time, but eleven months before an election, but it is the residents and many, if not most younger adults, they aren't look for even more marxism. Those that are that's the over. Well me minority. What they're looking for freedom, financial and otherwise, as second class, in the reagan revolution, what's quiet, than playing out and in Florida do too These answers, regular, like leadership as governor and the opportunity exists to do so nationally as well with However, the standard bearers will continue. This conversation take some of your calls as well, for I might end for the great michael then mark levant here folks, with
central information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators, sub before digital dollar comes with augusta press. This metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital dollar insight. best of all. It shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against each other Begun certainties like the digital bauer act now to learn more with augusta precious metals good for your financial future received the free down side of the digital valor report today by texting levine, the six eight five, nine too it's l e v, I n to six eight five, nine, two again: texts, Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot com tax day. Message. Rates may apply. Performance varies, consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get rich disclosures had augusta precious metals that
parkes nothin and unapologetic patriot and unapologetic constitutional, lest you can reach him at eight seven, seven, three aid, one three, eight one one! These are the devil it's doing this. They would they want something bad happened. Somebody there targeting pot republicans, are targeting jewish organizations and target. In due time supporters, Israel, supporters that senator rick Scott, as he became the latest member of congress, that there was a victim of swatting. The the practice have these calls of an active Shooter add a residence in and get these swat response, and the senator talk a log aids. Democrat start. a whole host of different groups, and increasingly, I believe you have people
that are taking a look at what's been pointed out here, including the product of dim grab policies in their lives and thinking twice the situation all the times things out today? really bad before people who are necessarily burst politically, just gonna go long to get on often young voters before they really stop ago. Ok, I need a figure, what's goin on here, because what I thought was true, isn't in one eye voting for, isn't working. That happened with Jimmy carter, and we got ronald Reagan. You had their reg. revolution and you add a high The generation that is up becoming conservative generation because of that, when you take a look at once before us right now, we are facing a number opportunity in
sub coming election cycle and we'd donald trump as a standard bearer he certainly has shown that he can be recognised this policy's noted well, that he is the best president. This country has had since ronald reagan and as I've been pointing out primarily in four markel events, and that we are talking about the generational opportunity that exists. Where are you have evidence both in but a registration trends and pulling showing that the young. his voters aren't just disapproving of joe by very early on it looked I what young voters are like. I m just not get enough rabies you, where is worse to free com, age and all that No doubt that was part of it with your voters. but increasingly, as this has played out, we are seen evidence begun
those are just go, and I am not getting enough free candy here, not gain enough marxism out of the buying them initiation their opening, the rise politically and opening themselves up towards more European politicians, that is the opportunity that can be led on its the opportunity that we have seen in a very significant way play out in this data for the one demographically that were seen play out all across the country and there ways as well, and I'm going to get into some of the specifics about the states in play. and the changes we ve seen and swinging states across the can Free a little bit later in the show, but there is lots of reason to be optimistic right now the trends that I've studied over the court's my twenty five plus your career I am,
exceedingly optimistic about what the future holds in what we are seeing. Front of us right now, that is, if the, publican leads on principle, leads with reagan, esque policies and doesn't do what it so often has done presented with opportunities in the past, and that is shooting itself in the foot. But given again d. Existing standard bearer within the party. I have more confidence than not let's go to wreck in ellwood park. New jersey, rick. Welcome to the show thank to take him. I call them. We gotta, we gotta teach the young kids that the Democrats are here to save them from the end of the world, because that I believe, convinces a lot of them that they have to
that way, I'm gonna get the marshes, teachers and schools andrew present eyes. Oh yes, we ve, and we talked about the great want to talk about this so many times over. The years and- and I certainly have as well the impact that the education establishment plays, you can real trace, bid the change in our culture- we're in values to the nineteenth C4 Supreme court decision striking. Imagine from the classroom and then the nineteen eighty creation of that but, if education, other jimmy carter production, providing us with the department of education that saw to it that any of religious influence in schools in the classroom did not take place that it removed. And what you ended up saying was the first generation with an exponential increase, an atheist em.
coincided with an increase in mental health issues which, by the time generation had produced its first grants in a class in the early nineties, you had columbine and take a look at the violence. whether at school, shootings or just other forms of violence and to point out sense, thing got worse one we removed any sense of morality from the classroom year or one hundred percent right as I've, always spend inclined to tell atheist. You can believe in nothing but still benefit from morality in society, It was not good for anybody than happy, and certainly the teachers all being part of this and its it's a big part of much larger issue, but again, or you have people, there are three evaluating what they thought was the case that, if you media, policy that makes their lives better is weak You see a historic shift, and that's why point
for not having been on the front lines of this and use a historic result, and last year midterm elections in florida. That is something that we are seeing show up with you voters and the register can trends and also the polling trends and other states? Now it's not necessarily to the extent of what we have seen in florida. in florida was a couple of years ahead. All this as well so There is plenty of reasons for for optimism here. I believe what scope to events and langston michigan bends work, to the show. Thank you boy for taking my car but I just wanted to be done: in conversation yesterday and I've been on all my friends are all your long at the only person in the country
really glad that Joe Biden is our president is Jimmy carter because he is actually worse. Then Jimmy I graduated in nineteen. Seventy two and I lived through that. Yeah and saw me like. I hear you're right, it's a good point. I mean whether you're talking about inflation, aware we're all the comparisons he had to go back to Jimmy carter. When you take a look at the historic the low approval writings one as the carbon. It's been Jimmy carter, Actually, we are just now: in a year with something not in Jimmy carter done the point age began in the nineteen thirties. So when you hear about president's point acts the it starts with with after you that's where we have pulling data.
We have now seen is that Joe Biden has broken even Jimmy carter record Joe Biden we'll have the lowest approval writing of any press then running for real action on entering battery electioneer. Worse, even then, Jimmy Carter now, at the same time, age and the eyes of voters, not just by way of power, see that we are living through by in the eye our voters themselves? Let's oh to Tom, in ledyard, connecticut tom, welcome to the show, hey brother, and I really love that you talk about ronald reagan as one of our greatest presidents, I've served under him and took care of his plane on air force, women, and lump mammy was just amazing, ladies and gentlemen, brought down the walls. What do you think brother. no no question about I mean ronald reagan is an
We can make the case about reagan or trompe greatest president of of modern times, no, no, no question about it and they both had something in common that then you d talk about bringing down walls, peace, strength was, of course, reagan's philosophy, but it was something that tromp carried two great success. Right, I'm You take a look at the de escalation. Not only did reagan managed dynamic the cold war successfully, but then you take a look at tromp and trump inherits ices caliphate were all your work, bout, islamic tear you haven't stable world china propagating. You have a good man near you have Kim Jong own and in all the rockets being fired around north korea, what happens trumpets and he delivered on his brows to bomb the blank. devices and the carpet Did ices ended concerns and the threats and the islamic terror attacks in this country,
and around the world stopped, you add rocket man than that wasn't so inspired to be firing off missiles everywhere you had bad actors alike. Putin unlike g uranium in china. No doubt a problem, but we ended up. Having more credibility on the world stage would donald trump as president? What do you see a d, escalation in conflict as resolved. So no question, an and I dont think, there's wrong answer. If you wanna go reagan or tromp in terms of the best president, the comparison There are many, and I think that as well about this generational shift and change within young voters. Take your, I think, we're starting to see somebody creation about what they had when More just told that look it's too bad orangemen. I think there there beginning to realize hey, you know what things really were a whole lot better when the the
Benjamin was was president owen and by the way we got an opportunity to do a adieu over here and I think many are looking at taking that opportunity again we're if you take away the fox news point: for example, you're talking about a greater than a thirty point shift and voters under the age of thirty between the need twenty election and what these They would do today. That is pretty remarkable. Let's go to darcy and knoxville too I place at my very first memories were knoxville tennessee Ah, I thoroughly enjoyed it there and still enjoy heading to add to the tennessee mountains, how you doing darcy we're good get. I can't hear you I telephoned that I can hear you over my radio I'm in a car, so I dont want to cause any interference, but I'm here
all those good things that you're saying- and I really like the positive attitude- and I really believe in it, but the x factor X, sectors of course, democrats and all their plans. They always tell us their plans. They wanted to stack the court, they wanted to flip the country with people that could vote and they handed them cell phones as they came over the border and they all. I have a daughter in law who does english as a second language up in Michigan. She works in the schools. She says all of those immigrants know where they're going to vote and who they're gonna vote for, and they talk about it. so who's measuring bad and what impact that's going. Gonna wreak on our election. He said it's a great point. It's a it's a really great point. I appreciate the call is very real concern right. It is no accident that you have had record italy,
immigration that has been allowed by the by an administration into this country and its not a quince. It instead, prior administrations had done something similar just much more extreme. Now they were playing the long game right the idea was a we let in all these illegal immigrants, we'll figure out a way we get them voting rights or at a minimum. They'll have kids and they'll end up voting for Democrats right. It was all part of the the longer term strategy and historically, there's been something to it. Interestingly, what started to change? and your seem as would be latina In his spanish point, exist out there, but also, the voter registration trends your seen, those they came here legally that are rejecting it. They are rejecting the open border
resent people not coming here and doing it the right way and they resent the policies that Democrats have brought to this country and what they have been lied to about themselves, and, as you have that the turn of events in korea an interesting dynamic where the number of away those that might go out or or be allowed to vote. Will that be outdone by those who had previously been of maybe a similar demographic, but were here illegally that or historical democrats. That now of a more conservative what I can tell you for a guy use, they be record. For example, if you take a look The blue was counties of you. If you took a look at a miami a palm beach county in hillsboro for exam these very blue counties in and the state that into a weapon where biggest change happen from in the mid term review
cycle hispanic and latino voters that ended up going the other way and so that a law with the youth change is a big part of what we're seeing here and something that I also remain optimistic about that we do have to deal with the illegals, no doubt about it. Brian mud in for the great and then like Levant here fucks with this, full information about a possible digital dollar and its impact on I raise and for a one case, educators sub before digital dollar comes with a gust of prayer. metals downside of the digital dollar report created due to popular demand. This report is packed with important digital bower. Insight Best of all, it shares a strategy. Smart investors have used the hedge against economic uncertainties like the digital
our act now to learn more with a gust of precious metals good. For your financial future received the free downside of the digital valor report today by texting, Lavinia six, eight, I have nine two that l e v, I n the six eight five nine two again: texts: Levin the six, eight five, nine two or go to augusta precious metals, dot, com, tech, stadium, message rates may apply performance varies: consult your financial professionals before making investment decisions and get risk disclosures at augusta, his meadows dot com, the population of pittsburgh is three hundred thousand network. During that in a single month, not to mention the thousands of god The point is the administration
is overwhelmed in many sectors, agents have stopped patrolling the border, enclosed checkpoints to simply process migrants for release by did seek mexico's help agreeing to keep the EU s border crossings. open in exchange for mexico to harden its southern border, though troops yesterday made no attempt to stop that He adds gray foxes, william margin. As on the report, the record border surge at another record in December feels like it's a broken record, where every month is worse than the one before it at the cars concerned about illegal. migrants voting in next year's election, a very big concern on top of everything else, including the affordability safety, the drug problems that can and you throughout our society. I mean all these various different did elements but on a moron
missing out as I've been sounding in this first hour. I do you think, there's a generational opportunity, that's manifesting wit, the youngest vote, or something that we haven't seen since the era of reagan, and we ve seen it in some voter registration trends. I've cited including president binds, people writing falling to a microscopic twenty seven percent among butters eighteen, thirty, four, which is the lowest of any rate trains, but of also mention that, such as because. You have exclusively people, there are young on the left going hold on. Biden. Has it been enough on board with the lgbtq I a pos, apostrophe ampersand group and he hasn't done enough for student loan debt forgiveness. A it's not all that summer. back the other way and in fact there is increasingly evidence that may be
liberalism has pete with students on top of the bitter registration trends, and the point You also had the annual monitoring the future survey. This an annual study that takes awoke at the overall political I kick considerations of those in twelve grade and what they showed this year is that twelve great girls? Thirty, said to them. I did a fight as liberals this year, that was down one percent from a year ago, just thirteen percent of boys identified as liberals tied the record low in the surveys, history that dates back to nineteen. Seventy six, so you also have now a occurred. Low number of soon to voters that are identified as liberals and there's something to be said for that governs asian next Spry might in for the great one.
Cover this segment of the podcast cast as exclusively sponsor by pure talk. Pure talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill. Every single month go to pure talk dot com to find the plan that right for you. Thank you again
for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk, the broadcasting from the underground, then both the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the britain's steel over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader that the drill is advancing deep into Gaza, hoping to clear out. There were amazing hamas fighters and as this fighting intensifies, we've been updating our audience on Egypt's proposal to end this war, and today it's being widely reported that a Hamas delegation has been or is in cairo, consider age of that aid Foxes, Matt Ben the report to end on Tuesday show we talked about it
Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is three prerequisites: the three prerequisites to peace that he had laid out. I christmas day in an opinion, peace and the wall street journal, which started, the elimination of Hamas and concluded with the de radicalization of the palestinians, which of The prerequisites is the most difficult if you want low down on all than you happen to miss tuesday show? You may be forgiven if you back back and listen to the mark. Levin show podcast, which can do at any time wherever you get your your podcast. But here we are continuing to see Israel have a great success in accomplishing the first prerequisite
towards peace as laid out bait by Netanyahu, and that is the elimination of Hamas. They ve been highly effective in their efforts and, yes, we ve got stuff like that. Going on, we got binds open border. We have continued affordability, issues there, the things that are not ideal in our society and there is that as we wrap up twenty twenty three We could feel pretty pessimistic about. I fashion I myself as a realist, who wears on the side of optimism and in this your case there just happens to be, I believe, a lot of evidence that there is room for outright optimism as we head towards next year. I'm brian mud- and I am the host of the bride, mud show, which is high now to my home station, w J, o o n west palm beach. You can get the brian bright, macho podcast wherever you get your pod
said he could follow me socially at brian mud, radio. It is always an honour and a pleasure destined for the gray one. So thank you for Abby me once again just be war. I move into what twenty three ease worldwide elections tell us about twenty twenty four in this country, but I want to finish with just a couple, points that I was discussing in the first hour about the generational opportunity that exists, because its powerful, the information that we are seeing come in and multiple ways now laid out how I feel to really started to see the trends in a meaningful way in florida in twenty twenty one and those trend became so strong that they culminated in the record. Republican women for the last year. How? More recently we ve been seen,
trends show up in other states with young voters. Joe Biden has the lowest approval. Writing among your young letters of any demographic and its not just that he has low approval. Em young voters, it's that in hype it that Or rematch would Donald trump. We are seeing a greater than thirty percent swing and pulling between the two thousand and twenty election and a hypothetical rematch. Now that significant, when you get that large of a percentage of people moving in a opposite direction of what they bid in the previous elections cycle. That's a historic kind of shift, but also seen that matched with a chain, an voter registration information- I shared how in florida, the youngest voters, democrats outrage, the youngest voters, with republicans by fifteen percent, sense
the twenty twenty election republicans have our registered young voters and the state of and how are starting to see so that show up in other states as well, then also how you additional research like the monitoring, the future survey which shows that fewer twelfth grades duty our identifying as liberals, including a record low number of twelve great boys them now identify As a liberal, going back to end the survey started, nineteen, seventy six, that's not the only thing, either tops university based of a civic engagement survey that they start every election cycle. They ve done this each election cycle since nineteen. Eighty two. So if you take a look at the when twenty eighteen mid term elections cycle and the twenty two to mid term elections. Cycle voters between
the ages of eighteen and twenty nine. They moved towards the right by eight points a points from one may term cycle to another. So again, it's in every data. Went though we begin to look at. We see significant movement with the youngest voters, The thing that in many cases we have never same but broadly, that pain supply sure as we have so many comparisons of the by administration to the car ministration of we, We were winners, no dragon came in to prominence after debacle that was the carter administration, There are so many similarities today, as we take a look at what may be with trump carrying that ban or going forward somebody who, certainly in his own trompe anyway, can hold the water that that reagan dead for those years, and it seems
again they have so many especially young voters are going. You know what I screwed up not go in for the last time around at this point in the game. Now in terms of optimism. There are other places that you can take a look as well. So let's look of the worldwide trends throughout the course of this year. specifically recently used to radical left us governments in two different hemispheres get voted out. We're not just. A move towards the right politically in these countries, but the most conservative political it's the ones that are most often identified as the term in candidates in the races. So if you go twenty sixteen when bourse johnson was elected and breaks it pass in england months before the us presidential election, yet many that inferred that potential implications within the united
aids and and that obviously prove true when, when Donald trump shot the laughed and much of the world by winning d, the presidential election well arch tina and the netherlands are much different than england and it is unclear an election year yet, however, we might have a case of history, repeating itself this way as well to the topic you and both of those elections in argentina and the netherlands, the economy, specifically inflation. And obviously it's been, but they show in the minds of americans today has been for two years now, secondarily, The case of the netherlands, election illegal immigration and national security was the second biggest issue in our country illegal immigration, is the third biggest issue, kinds of american voters that, according to gallop context to the issue
question is in I did and allow these surveys it safe to say that, for example, in the case, Illegal immigration. Is that the third biggest issue in this country, because american states, that we don't have enough of it taking place now. the reason that those two elections are now much more. Seeing the netherlands election when by year, wielders the argentinean election win by Javier milly. Though the most recent election wines for tromp styled candidates in foreign elections, but they're, not the only once it's been part of a much larger recent trend, in a recent washington post article. It was entitled dutch election show far right. Rising am reshaping europe, quoting from the article historic Political momentum has given the far right as seed a europe's table and achieve
to reshape the region's politics and policies, the latest We came and the socially liberal netherlands, where hard right icon year builders and is an I european union anti muslim, anti immigration party for freedom. a shocking first place finish in the parlour and three elections, the unexplored strong showing by the dutch donald trump, who is long pledged to ban the koran and halt acceptance of us seekers amounted to a powerful warning to mainstream europe. Everyone in Europe. We see these same right wing wind, blowing I said a belgian hard right populist in response to waters when the advance that has been under way for all, while he is early continuing in the netherlands? We share our pay. ratisbon. We want to put our people first again, none
can match that motivation. These as well shaped in part by domestic conditions as further boyd. The global hard right, this after hobby are merely a far right. Economists in former television pundit was elected president in argentina, Again, just quoting from the washington post year, far right parties have taken power in italy, extended the rule hungary aren't a cold ocean rule in finland, become de facto government partners in sweden and our parliament in greece and made striking gains and regional elections in Austria and germany, slovakia is also something of a far right story with the far right, slovak national party monday coalition partners supporting the populist there, so is all from the washington post, setting the sides of the subjective,
translations as the walpole is going to be inclined to do about the depiction of of these right wing knots. In so many words, they did accurately capture on tax at the big picture, with what's been happening politically around the world this year and a lot of which you prefer we haven't heard about cigar mainstream media goes all the way to tell you that there has been a political earthquake of sorts. That's been growing in magnitude with aftershocks author, course of this year and something that could portend good things for tromp next year. But anyway, in the reference example of bush on. Ascension in england. In the summer time, sixteen. He was like into tromp, obviously, in both his brash approach and even appearance, but in reality, from a political perspective, he really wasn't a cook but a politician. I d never really governed that way. What stare for as you're starting to see some of these govern it's coming to power. Some of these I trompe in power,
decisions as a word, you're you're, starting talk about real conservatism that its keen its way around the world, and that is power for as well in terms of shaping generations. Nodded in this country, but a real, world in showing what can be possible when conservative it conservatism is? produce which largely hasn't been in, may He segments of society for generations including largely in this country. Even when republicans have been empower, that's one of the day. amis that is so powerful about I will try to see the difference. Win you implement policy walk you through every where there has been significant progress around the world this year and gotta things up we're where we said entering a new year in this country. Again there is a lot if you're a constitutional.
a lot if you are using a conservative to feel good about as we in our twenty twenty four I'm brian mud and for the great one Ben try going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas, you're covered. The steps of buckingham palace or your villa and such you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the Erika family, almost a thousand dollars a year, were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most apparent five g network, so the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switched appear talk a veteran own wireless company with simply the best. U S, customer service team now with inner
national roaming to over thirty countries. Gotta pure talk, tat comes slashed, Levine, that's pure talk, tat I am slash Eli v I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure talk, dot com. I live in the start: saving on wireless right now, a barrage of missiles and drones overnight from russia targeting ukraine is the largest area of salt. Since the war began, president Biden says in its statement the president's as ukraine was able to deploy air defence systems provided by the: u s and allies over the past year. They are fine is your and Halpern on that report. So all by the way, as so, you have the escalation once again in ukraine by russia. Isn't it great have any feckless president, whose very eggs distance makes the world less safe and we had over two thirds of amerika
as you know it putin, never does it. You never invades ukraine to begin with, if donald trump or president, how many people. Think that we would be staring out what were staring at, with Israel and Hamas, if donald trump or president as we are dealing with. It continued fall out from having made the worst possible decisions in twenty twenty. We, plenty of reason to be optimistic as we look towards next year, Not only have we had, but I trends pulling. But, also worldwide elections that are showing Really significant moves moves that, in some cases have not been seen and and modern political history. In some cases that just never been seen how socket about the
elections around the world this year that may not have been on your radar, where conservatives either assumed power or made really significant gains this year, those countries, here's the less of the argentine, a Austria, Finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ITALY, the netherlands, new zealand, Norway, slovakia in Sweden, literally from one side of the world to the other. You have examples of a growing rejection of leftist policies and leftist politicians for what are often not just more conservative options the most conservative options that are available to voters. This is a far
pervasive trend around the world than anything. If you start taking a look in contacts trying to figure out a way Historically, does this fall? You have to go back to the really years following world war, to define them ass time that you have such a right word. Movement generally,. and so many different countries around the world. now should always be taken to mean that come next move We're we're going to see something similar in this country only if you have a crystal ball that tells you that the biggest issues today will definitively b biggest issues. Eleven months from now, though, there is a real good chance that they well right over there the odds that we don't have It concerns. Election day next year, be great, not very likely right by not mix probably not going to dramatically improved
Lives of americans between now and then war, the odds that the border crisis will be meaningfully improved and ends the related issues that are associated with it, a mine the other issues where a worthy odds, Oriana heavy de escalation and foreign conflux. If anything, you're, probably going to have an escalation asthma, the bad actors around the world try to take advantage of what they perceive potentially in the last year of abiding presence, say so, we have anything. Will you might see an escalation and foreign conflict because of of binds weakness. But what we are seeing in elections and poles voter registration information? It's all point: in one direction and a reason to feel optimist. We can see this conversation necks, I'm Brian mine in for the great one, then dropped for the holidays, pure talk has you covered because they
started: international roaming, the over thirty countries. That's right where you are making cars from the vatican, beach in the bahamas, you're covered from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa and sent a rainy you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase pure talk so saves the Erika family almost a thousand. ten dollars a year were plain starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put Joan america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none, so don't delay folks, which the pure talk a veteran own wireless company, with simply the best you as customer service team. Now with international roaming to over thirty countries. Gotta pure talk, tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat. slash ellie be I am to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big, that's pure talk, tat come slept.
Levin to start saving on wireless right now house from what you have written the white house counsel to tell them they are expanding their investigation into the present as part of their impeachment inquiry. I read you part of that letter right now quote in light of an official statement from the white house that president Biden was aware in advance that his son hunter Biden would knowingly defy chew congressional subpoenas and here's the statement from white house press secretary cream, jean Pierre, which urged the house republicans the prison, was certainly familiar. We went his son was going to say well that does by himself in it grain, jean Pierre, letting the cat albania that there's a prize I mean you, don't see Joe Biden, go anywhere without a hunter Biden, seemingly five steps ahead of him and en route to wherever that may be best.
Lady now there's been still no distance. I given this situation, that's out hand in including the following the federal indictment in california we shall see as that web continues to be on woven and the house republicans date dig deeper into their investigation with the formal impeachment inquiry I must again for the great one market then, and we are talking about many of the different data points there are coming together. Many of the different occurrences in this cause free and around the world are coming together, pointing in it, direction towards next year towards it. And t twenty four potential, being a historic year for conservatives. Being a year. That could be a real turning point in this country. So, in analogous to go from Jimmy carter, From captain pain, I too going two ronald reagan.
What happened with a whole generation of voters as race out of of reagan's policies and we're taking a look at all that want to hear from you as well, and let's go to tony, who has patiently hanging on tony in Clifton, new jersey, welcome to the show. I'm right and what I want to wish you all the best for twenty twenty four, and thank you for your stunning research. I love it and as the baby boomer, I do have some comment because in so true and I tell you my thoughts- they love to appreciate the kind words and yeah go ahead as a baby boomers, I've seen the same thing happening now with the younger people swinging toward the conservatives. Tired- and I do not happen.
I promise I'll be guys. You remember I'll be day, I'm an agency be killed today and then everyone went with president make things, though thou art a paradigm. Then it also happen with. It happened with President carter when young people who are very visual, always wire, remember the gas pipelines. I can remember Brien being on a guess why young people are seeing not only what's going on security wise for our country, but young. People all over the world? The thing you know what this is hurting my family and I think young people do have felt the same way. I think positive though I think your the really right. I think that these that are happening are happening intentionally because young people aren't reading about it. There, their seeing. How we have a president is not consistent, worthing, whom we have a president who tells the truth. Time is another thing. You know what this is concerning to make decisions affecting my life. In my view,
and I think it's stunning and I'm really looking forward to them all voting republican, recall appreciate taking the time to to share your thoughts and you bring of seventy get points there and I do draw just a distinction. You raise a rigid excellent nixon and then his wing coming off of l b J, and we are talking about a real here or a shift in terms of the overall margins, especially by the time you got two Nixon's reelection bed. On big difference there in part. The reason it didn't have in power. Aside from the obvious, with Nixon was that wasn't really a move movement candidate in terms of aid ology was about the vietnam war. Right, as you mentioned, of reagan. He represented something entirely new. He represented a movement and he implemented his policies while demographics had.
twelve congress did his level best to navigate a high toll environment in washington and for that matter extremely hostile news media at the time as well, which is often overlooked. These days. We see, I believe, Something very similar, as you take a look at donald: try. Not only in terms of his ability to lead his bill to get past the press in his own way. but also his willingness to lead on policy in what he believes in and that has the potential for staying power. And its fascinating, given everything we ve seen play out all efforts to get trump prior to his, having even become president of the united states, how you are seen these historic shifts in his direction.
one, the more remarkable things again for everything we have witnessed. As we take a look at the likely republican nominee for president, then donald trump, the hypothetical match, pulling that shows tromp performing an hour. nine and a half points better. Today in spain on election day, twenty twenty nine and a half point swings. It's really significant to get into the later and show how many states are in play, inaction election as well, because, just as many, Countries that are broken towards the right around the worthy haven't heard this year. We also are going to likely have states and play that haven't been discussed in art on the right. Are people released Although J d in las vegas things I'm fine might not be the candidate janey. Welcome to the show
I love your show tonight and I love your research and I appreciate it very much, unfortunately, I may not make a difference because, in my opinion, I heard president obama about a year ago state happy worries about that night, percent of the people that work in the binding administration were his people. The fact that our farmers day in d c, a house with Valerie Jarrett, a fact that shows that arise, work in your body in the bar in the bite did ministration as the domestic ajar for two years, Never appeared on any interview or any national show she retired about three months ago. I believe that jared rice are working without obama, because now have actual rod cnn coming across about this
maybe two year old man. I expect him some time in the next. Here. I don't know exactly when doing be J nominated. I will not run and I could think of nothing else happening, but the popular michelle obama where they could. Engine is being held in Chicago. I wonder why they picture cargo. She has a fantastic approve already amongst all kinds of people and she would be a manchurian candidate that would not have to appear in front of primaries in front of the press. She could be act by the powers that be the twenty five hundred or three thousand super delegate to the democratic party norman her at the convention and she be the nominee Then we really have.
We, we really have a problem on our hands. Yeah JD, you laid it out very well. Certainly that is a theory that exists. You first have the theory that Joe Biden will not end up seeing this thing through, then you get into okay. How could I go down? The wind would happen if a war at the convention, you could have a michelle obama, for example, who would do it and the possible bryant in theory? I a lot of people think egg and know somewhere along the way Joe Biden, Israel Two are going let us on off the hook and the day after that that is altogether possible here which by the way is all the more reason why it's important now just to win elections but to have movements and to lead on policy. One of the things that but an issue for the republican party generally over the recent decades
But what are they really stand for ever so slightly less government spending borders that a ban a little bit better than they have been per annum. Whatever the issue as rights, it's been, like you know, less bad, then left us in what they want, rather than real movement style policy. That makes a difference. Reagan. Ask kind of policy right Well, tromp represents that and one of the things that's interesting is when you have people, but don't you say I am not happy with Joe Biden, but people who then say I want to vote for donald trump and taking a look at the research and taking a look at data We it's really interesting to me that you have more voters that are saying I want to vote for donald trump than her saying I dont want to vote for Joe Biden.
It's one of the things context showing always take a look at him. I only get to foreign to the minutiae lower, seeing that now it could that be enough to work on the call to personality. That is a michelle obama under the circumstantially too. Who knows until we get there right Are there so many hypotheticals get into that? I think it's it's so important to stand for something to be clear that you stand for something that is different and in tat moment, you can win with your policies rather than just personality, allow What michelle obama would be non pray much entirely at that point or otherwise there's no doubt that Barack Obama, as fingerprints all over the Biden administration since day one, and why I have seen? Is you know that basically, his administration on steroids, given the opportunity but Joe Biden as president, so I I agree with that part of the premises. There's no question include and, yes, the overwhelming majority of top administration officials that our straight out
the obama administration, let's go to tim gold hill north carolina. Ten welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you very much. I really appreciate you when you get a chance on air, and I really I really like mark in these he's. The boss he's reasonable, what he is good news shade to appreciate the kind words you listen when a half worse. Well, you know it seems to be a consensus across the Joe Biden is intentionally doing, what he's doing the border, all his family crime, he's intentionally doing this, I see high crimes, and this I see that it's like Adam shit, used to say it in plain view. It is employing view. Do you think that republicans got the guts to impeach this man,
proper treason and hanging. No on that yeah well, I mean no no on envy game as as laid out there on the impeachment peace in particular. This is when the questions is. Will Republican see this thing through a first and foremost with democrat holding control the senate theirs way, you're getting into a connection there. There's just no. It does not matter what republicans produce. Of information, it is just beyond belief that chuck humor would say you know what you were going to do to go ahead in and take down or convict and remove Joe bind us the united states. So if you opera from that premise. You then take a look at okay. Well, what is the possible
so the possibility that looks like oh, ok, so, maybe, and by the way it is a huge if but may be given extremely slim margin that republicans have a house ii we'll get to impeachment at the evidences is bad enough. There ok, so you Joe Biden, will remain in office and then was it all worth it. You have plenty of people, they'll worry about potential backlash about potential overreach, whether its justified or not, and there is no doubt that given the information at hand, the impasse when proceedings and potential impeachment of job, I'm absolutely justified. I say this as an observer now Necessarily because I know This will happen, but it is my belief that republicans are using the formal impeachment process: as a means of informing you as me
being able to use the additional subpoena powers that come with the impeachment proceedings to be able to get to the truth, so that you have the truth about the binds before the next election. The truth that you are not allowed to no prior to the twenty twenty election so I believe that it is information or more, again game? Is they convicting and removal, or certainly something more dramatic than than that, my two cents spry might end great once more been try? going for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming, the over thirty countries, that's right where you are making cars from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. You're covered from this
so buckingham palace or your villa inserts, a rainy you dial away and here's the best part there is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the Erika family almost a thousand dollars a year were playing starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most dependable. Five g network, so the coverage is second to none, so don't delay. Folks which the pure talk a veteran own wireless company, with simply the best you as customer service team. Now, with international roaming to over thirty countries. Gotta pure talk, tat comes slash, Levine, that's pure talk, tat. slash ellie VM to make the switch and you'll save an additional fifty percent off your first month. That's big! That's pure talk, tat come slack love in the start, saving on wireless right now
the present binds here. An approval rating is worse than any other modern day present seeking reelection has ever been in this point. A reelection campaign, for example president trump's approval rating set at forty five percent of men seeking reelection twenty nineteen and former president obama, was at forty three percent in two thousand and eleven something else. To keep in mind. You know really looked like donald trump would be a shoe to win reelection until curve. It happened right end. The arrow really do. Thank you start taking a look at things. Formation. Really here we are seeing tromp perform better, even at this point and political point with by many did back when he president twenty nineteen just prior to two pre covered a lot of people going. You know what his policies were: good,
were good and this cut your things were or good around the world, and maybe we took that for granted a little bit on the things that not taking a look at information in the view of the possible. Reason to be optimistic, as we had into twenty twenty four and one of them. I have cited the is the nine Half point turn around between election day, twenty twenty point and where are we today with Joe Biden, so the real, clear politics, average apples polls he go back to, election day, twenty twenty biden seven point two percent advantage over tromp by the way that, as we are typically seen way. Trump point it over sampled by understand ultra under sampled, tromp trump ended up using by four and a half percent- not seven point two, but nevertheless to signal is the poles right. Now trump is averaging a two point: three percent
lead over by medicine, nine and a half per se Turn around over two or three years ago, of course you get into well, it's not about the popular vote, it's about what happens in individual states, and we start looking at the state of play. What you began to to If you take a look at the results in the twenty. Twenty election is more of the view of the possible so for talking out anywhere in the ever heard of a nine and a half point turn around We take a look at example, for example, state a vital one including georgia, arizona in wisconsin. By less than one point bobbing, you can easily see how those swing you take a look at state like in slovenia bad by one, by over one point, then you have to other states michigan and nevada the vine one by just over two. You have
fates in minnesota in new Hampshire, the one by one just for seven main, but he won by over nine. So suddenly have three additional stage that aren't even considered battleground states. That would appear to come into play in minnesota new hampshire remain and that's. In addition to Would appear to be likely sizeable advantage for tromp as we had entered the new year in nevada state that he didn't when even in twenty. Sixteen, why money in for the great one market, then folks, are friends at helstone I wish you and yours a happy and bless her christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year. Tells jails founding in eighteen. Forty, four, it is taught it students by precept an example, the teaching and practices of faith they college contain
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He's here now, broadcasting on roaming underground commandos than the bowels of a hidden somewhere under britain steal over nondescript building. We have once again made contact with our leader rejoicing when he was next beneficial say they discussed amnesty in the meeting, including club, regular rising at the situation of hispanic. Migrants have been undocumented for several years and the doktor beneficiaries, who are a vital part of the us economy and society vital I may may, if it weren't- for illegal immigrants, the country just wouldn't run justa. Just that's the way it is it is so fascinating. We hear that time and again and on that note,
small sample size, but not really in take the free state afforded, for example, for the passed, a law where Not only is there an ebay arafat system in place for employers with tat if I ever more employees in the state. But if you who are transporting somewhat. Who is not documented your gauge and crime, and this data for thou went into place meteor? July first, this year that would in supply- and you might have heard some of the national stories out there, but oh my gosh all the illegal emma. How is florida- and all the agriculture because for everything Florida has in terms of the economy, agriculture is still number one. How is it that states go into all the illegal immigrants are going to be gone in and then the state run there's nobody who actually do the jobs. Only illegal immigrant or do the
people say in the businesses where it would be shut down. You and able to get oranges or orange juice, setting biologists and be the end. and I remember for months, leading up to eventuality. Call now the absolute horse pooh that it was documenting empirically, why it wouldn't work that way and then take a little time here, they're after July, first to point out what a line stinking stack of You know what, all the news outlets war now ran that narrative and how they all abandoned. Narrative the moment that there were zero evidence that these, before I could run without all the illegal immigrants who have been unable to do all those jobs at americans. Just will not do so What's been going on in mexico,
in the end may he go. Thee bind administration as they have been discussing the border crisis Are they talking about making things better? Oh yeah, the illegal immigrants amnesty. What's your hearing about talk of amnesty between the by an administration and mexican regime. What do you think that is going to do? You think that it will slowed the pace of the illegals coming across a southern bore, a you can't make the stuff up is kind of like would bind administration is to where we want to increase porter funding, yeah they'll take more money to hire more p, to put it the southern border to process the illegal immigrants quicker and have more money more of your tax dollars to say them to their destination of choice. That's what they do when more resources, just yes, so I ve been talking about the optimism
as we enter the twenty twenty four election year and by and large, there is plenty of room for optimism in part because the america, now seize exactly what just talking about for what it is. But obviously there is a lot that we are going to have to overcome to get their brian. And for the great one market, then I host the brine mud show hopped out of my home station, w gino in west palm beach. You can catch my pike ass. They Brian might show wherever you get. Your pike asked follow me. Socially ab My radio and it is truly an honour and a pleasure having the opportunity with you when I do and as I am talking about the things where we need work enery next year,. one of the areas where we could stand to do much better election integrity on talk, a bet about tat
dad in tobacco, trinidad and Tobago. Now, in the grand scheme, What might seem like, potentially random, cunt, used to bring up in the context of our In two thousand and four election cycle, trinidad Tobago might be you weigh up there, but Recently, a reference them is If I wanted to witness a country, and if, wanted to witness regions with great our election integrity than the united states, I would two. I you could go to try dad end interregnum. and the reason I'm bringing this are as we are wrapping up twenty twenty three, because harvard universities most recent, like twirl integrity project which account for all worldwide elections through the twenty twenty two elections idle as
identified the united states as scoring a sixty four out of one hundred an election integrity in last year's mid term elections cycle, our member, the dough asked market, then show of twenty twenty with everything that we are going through as a country at that point and the conversation about? What is it that we can do. And it wasn't going to the capital and in all that my tom thing. was election integrity. Put pressure on your state legislatures. Get them to enact election integrity measures become Formed and engage yourself become a pole watcher do something that makes a difference
and we have seen in many states, there have been changes bomb about give you an idea of what changed that can be measured. Over where we were in twenty twenty, ok so harbours electoral integrity project, which I also talking about now- twenty twenty cycle. Once we had that scorecard. They He says what a sixty four out of a one hundred. That's or places us just below trinidad and Ago, an election integrity And I sat as that might sound in and make no mistake it is the eu this tied with gambia an election integrity. with a country rifle. I was being Ghana which, if you are a really a studious, individual or you are that
gotta be less nor with a memory to boot, you might recall. and I reported on a couple years ago in the harvard electoral integrity project we had weed we ve been behind ghana, but also just ahead of Ben you, otto. We actually have improved by a couple of points over where we were in twenty twenty. United states in terms of election integrity. We are up to points on a one third point scale from where we were now it Remarkable that worthy world's leading superpower, complete with the greatest technology companies in the world, top medical advancements and then often Crappy election systems, which are often surpassed by undeveloped countries,
no long before we win its questionable election practices and in several states during the twenty twenty cycle, Harvard mercies ituri integrity project studied the action systems used around the world with their first project, steadying election integrity conducted the twenty twelve cycle, and what we ve learned a decade later is that a more election cycles and politicians change or that are woefully inadequate systems seem to remain the same. The unit I did states whence fifty their overall intellectual integrity Major we're up two point: one hundred point scale were also up to spots. Two countries from two years ago were up to fifty fed from fifty seventh Literally every country in europe has greater alike integrity than we do by the way, to give you an idea. Remember work sixty four on the one hundred point scale. Finland leads the way with an eighty nine.
america's alone. There are fifteen countries. Including the aforementioned trinidad and Tobago, which rank higher for election integrity than we do and hears bigger point. So many state and local governments have so woefully created election systems and protocols, but several under countries, including countries migrants, are seeking asylum from have integrity in their elections and hours after twenty twenty elections. I could mentioned the biggest take away. Was the significant need to improve election systems. While you saw that Several states then made moves to improve should integrity there are many states. One of the biggest concerns already existed. You haven't seen any positive changes to improve election integrity that had been made an example. examples where you ve seen some real positive
in sugar, since twenty twenty, or generic zones origin arizona. That's that's encouraging. Earlier in the show car was concerned about practices taking place with illegal immigrants in michigan Michigan his estate, where there has been no pause, election and integrity movement since the twenty twenty cycle? So, It certainly leads to. People who are paying attention to wonder wonder what the view of the poor Sport is, as we enter next year, people wondered you know what do There be shenanigans: what will they look like its unrealistic to think that we can we may in the world superpower the beacon of freedom in the world. If we run elections that are worse than every developed country in the world, which is pretty much the case, any country that doesn't have free and fair elections, can't expect to retain freedom and prosperity, and it's pretty pretty academic. That way,
cs election integrity. Measures taken by some states over the prior cup of yours did sign, move the needle in a positive direction. Overall in this country, including a couple really important swing states, but wow do we have way to go before, we could feel good about the I agree in our elections processes, as probably now would you wanted to hear, especially since I've sounded a otherwise optimistic message through the first two, hours of the show, but this where we need to accomplish some things next year. Where were you, can turn your attention by still putting Sure if you are in a state where there has been positive movement in this direction or if you're, not when I get that got a movement in your state to getting age and become a pole lost or whatever it is that you could do to help the integrity process But by highlighting these findings drawing attention to the obvious holes in the system now what it does
It does provide another opportunity, one. ass crack. You have for states to make a girl of it and the upcoming. Legislative sessions next year, one more opportune, The four concerns citizens like you to become informed in and to engage the process. So no disrespect intended for gambia, but when were not running elections better than they are say there is a clear indication. Significant changes are still needed throughout much of this country. I am brian mud in great one month, love in the.
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a pre dot com. Slash mark today, the maiden administrations, as if taxes moves ahead with an anti illegal immigration law sign this month by governor I gathered it will take the state to court, but the report, and governor staying defiant and says: hey prepared to take the fight to the supreme court. The new legislation allows law enforcement officers to arrest illegal immigrants, and for judges to order them expelled from the country you, how dare they out there? They boxes, carmen roberts on the report's? Why taxes is going to try to do something The illegal immigrants in their state they're going to say, if they're not here illegally, then that is against the law in texas. How dare they we are going to have to look at at su We must have our illegal immigrants that are lawfully did
experts, the illegal immigrants awfully dispersed illegally, you just its absurd everywhere, you turn around with the by the administration up his stout left his right united we'll work it out border discussions with esa, yet you actually has a people leaving that may binds going to get serious this time. Maybe he realizes that the borders about issue for him. And I heard him in next year's election, and so maybe he's really going to do something with the mexican president. Now their talk about amnesty, now that the actual wanna make it worse able to get together do even more here. Let's talk just now right, amnesty, that's what you get im an observer of things, Brian mudd in for mark levin, as we've been talking about so many of the data points that have been really in jane for donald trump. Conservatives generally,
not just in this country but around the world? As we have seen a historic year, many countries where conservative politicians made really meaningful gains and data that points or a historic shift with younger voters in this country significant shifts with especially legal minorities in illegal immigrants this country and a new begin. Putting all this together, in going through information, aided funny other things, you find and here's one of all interesting odds right now, as we are ready to enter twenty twenty four. You have plenty of people that like to bet offshore and political outcomes ripe and for the people who have already been doing it. it s a pretty interesting odds at our employer. Right now, for example, president Biden is, only price with less than a seventy four percent chance of winning the democratic nomination for president so the mind that
he is not going to seal the deal that he is going to bow out at some point where you got just you. a quarter of people who are actually putting money on the eventuality. So you Certainly have company there the in and get what people that are willing to tibet offshore on this stuff. Biden right now is also only being priced with a thirty percent chance of winning the next presidential election, and I think that is quite a statement. Quotas, men when people are putting money on this stuff, also interesting the candidate. What this second best chance of winning the democratic nomination. And someone who is also currently being price with a better chance. Then randy sand is a being the next president of the united states isn't even in the rights it is. The hair california, Gavin newsome, no kidding he's given better odds to become the next president than than even dissent is at this point. So anyway, there there are clear, clear
It does continue to be a large contingent of believers. That Biden bows out newsome swoops and at some point we heard from a caller who said he he thinks will be michelle obama, but here's something that that is also interesting to me. Donald trump among betters, is a runaway favourite with seventy nine percent odds for winning the republican nomination, Donald trump and his contested primary against Joe Biden and is largely uncontested. Primary tromp is being and a five percent better chance, the buying of winning his primary right. They're trying people off the ballot too interesting, I Indeed, the conversation get get some your calls next brian muddy and for the great one market. This episode, brought to you by the jimmy dean brand. Your family's new favorite first is heating up new Jimmy dean, toaster pop ups
or sausage eggs and cheddar cheese inside flaky, pastries, easy to me, Jimmy dean, toaster papa spares great, with podcast on the girl, testable gravel, lovable Jimmy D, in today's europe, data shine on visits we deemed outcome to learn more. The thunder, although right now, eight seven, seven, three, eight one, three, eight one one. What happened in mexico that needed the supposing task force cause they're to produce is a joke. It's going to do nothing. We know what to do finish. The wall stop catch and release, get more border patrol agents and let them do their job yeah. No, we're taking a look at a record number of illegal immigrants crossing the border again in december, and what came out of the talks between the buying administration and mexico discussion of outright amnesty
all which is going to you. What exactly that agnes men, jap andrew who mailed it. and as the former and perhaps future president united states has laid out in a quite clear way recently When he is president the united states again, you see the largest mass deportation take place as ever, taken place in this country and, yes, the completion of the aforementioned. wall and that's another one of these. The shame of everything in other, given all the These stonewalling of the funding for the border war All the legal challenges and everything else in the final six months, or so of the trump administration thou wall was being built to add, really rapid rate and Joe Biden cubs in day one executive action,
Ending the construction. The border wall ended up costing us over four billion dollars as taxpayers. To stop the construction. but we had to pay that much more to stop the construction of it and it would have been completed at the pace it was being built by the time we ve gone to last year's mid term elections, every effort by the by them straighten to create mass chaos at the southern border to bring in as many illegal immigrants as possible at your expense. And yes, as some people are concerned about, probably and effort and many voices to attempt to have the no vote, if not sooner perhaps later. I am, if nothing else, maybe belong game with their kids sets long been part of the democratic party strategy in spite of the democratic party if he came through the holiday season- and you didn't end up with the one thing that you really wanted, which was the best seller.
Late as one by the gray one, the democratic party hates america. you could go and get yourself not just any copy, but a limited first edition sign cup at the democratic party hates america the only place they you get. These I first edition copies is on the website LE then signed dotcom. That's what then signed back I'd say you could go, do that in and get the best copy of all four year for years off. Here are I we have had. Some are really patient folks hanging on, let's get to Alex in gay, lord Missouri Alex welcome to the show. Sorry correction: I mammoth tailored michigan, but that's ok, amazing animals around the for really good, your your home
now. Maybe you know about, and I was on may because there is an am I they are just looked over and now this or that is that is not on MR calls gruner that one is on me, but I appreciate it out. Hey there. I just want to see you very information. Providing you know what the foreign countries are doing with the integrity and elections in it in comparison to ours. I would never begin to wrap my mind around that, but I I thank you for providing that information and I'll get to my point and my question tonight, and that is a concern all these people coming to cross the border not because there are legally crossing, but how coach were hushed. They are in connection with what you're saying to the news media when the news media people interview them, and I address this-
earlier in the week out. Another talk show like how do we know these people are being really coach about a when you see one of these mail in ballots. go ahead and fill it out and mail it in you know we already know you're for big Joe or maybe that's just not going to happen, and I hope not, but uh. I don't want to get off my point in the discussion about the potential of illegals or messing around with you know, mail in ballots, but what I heard after I address this question a previous programme. The next day I hear that vehicles are being allowed to vote in city, a mayor elections in new york corral. And not just either man
So so, alexander lucky, you are you're right and in more ways than you even realize so going let let's walk all the way back when you first started having the mai bring caravans and did the form We have known them in recent years. You had a group, And- and this was something I did a great deal of research on. In fact, I remember breaking it. On the show I reached out to to mark in and we gave him, the information that I had discovered and he me on the show- and we I liked about. It is something that I ended up, taking two up to to fox news and some other outlets as as well subsequent to a taliban, and it was about the chicago based group, losin frontiers and this non profit out of chicago gold
Web losin frontiers was a front organization. Leftist, open border grew a nonprofit that would fund raise up and down the west coast of the united states, They would put on events all up and down the key west coast and fun. Raise money and when they would get that money together, they would go to central american countries. And they would advertise that a specific date and time they needed to be aggregating at the locations they prescribed, and they would get them to the southern border and get them across in the united states and what this group was, a organization not just of open borders, but of organisation and of legal expertise. So you had a legal counsel that would down from this front organization in.
Who these central american countries that would help organise, caravans and that would coach them up on what to say and they would get to the southern border to help game our legal system to help aim our asylum system, the magic words. What's become even more insidious that back goes back several years ago. Now that had that that was the original text. dick in game in this system. What's even more insidious. We have seen in and reason. I would say the last couple of years. I have evidence that extends further back than than in the the neighbourhood of two years, though it's possible, it could have at the earliest date The binding ministration for for I know but started to have binding Administration officials pain,
organizations like this to do this. We have heard about many of the nonprofits that will help many These asylum seekers, as are coming, Also southern border, they they provide It may be necessary trapping. That one who comes with very little across our southern border, my need And then also to help get them settled wherever it is that our taxpayer dollars will relocate them, while they they ve gone even further and taking your tax dollars in them directly to individuals who are coaching. these illegal immigrants on what to say just a magic words which has even so many of the border patrol officials down to the point of what you here, which is its just the order taking now just then they are all say the same thing, and so they get into the united
aids in the asylum system where it well over. Ninety, sent, go missing, never report to their court dates and of those who do most will be rejected by the courts, because her not legitimate alum seekers that goes back to what asylum is, as ms escaping a government that as you and the crosshairs and by definition, the moment that you are outside of the country the your being repressed in you are no longer an asylum seeker which means, for example, it is not possible for anybody to have gone from Central america through mexico and venus are illegitimate asylum seeker in the united states. It is not possible because mexico would be the country that you would enter at a minimal meant that others are first it, but we play the game they missing they get on government assistance, they do whatever annie. I made
by an administration hope that one day this they will vote in elections, but yeah yeah you're right in your concern and its even more insidious than then you may have realised with your taxpayer dollars now going to be groups in these individuals, bag, coach, the illegal immigrants to become part of the system it as you know, all part of what we have to eliminate. In next year's elections cycle and some of what we ve got overcome in the election process. to get there as well go to. My coup has been patiently, hang it on from my home station, w gino west bomb, hey my welcome to the show a war and listen to every morning, Pritchett that. He touched on in a lot about, but I was stuck in the immigration system. as regards the legal immigration, but every time J t come or may work ass, most angrily I get when our questions about the people come across
southern border? He always he says the immigration system is broken To me, it's like a non response, because I mean at least it could say, as the asylum system is broken to me. It's like saying a bank robber supported a bank. system. I don't you agree with, cannot or not fair point mike, and I appreciate, and what he is trying to do is put The game rhetorically in a way that for one russian it's called the low information. Voters seems like he cares and that he is not completely derelict of duty. being derelict of duty, I trying at the same time not to get impeached enzo. It is fine line when what you are doing is usurping out law, because, let's make no mistake, happening at our southern border is violation of federal law. The by the menstruation has broken the law, but they continue. see, that's impolite you you and make you
the vice president. The borders are, ok, you make yorkists who is an open border advocates, the head of of the age ass, what did we think we are going to get so there is a workers game that is played so that they don't enjoy, themselves in a way that is either more revealing to the ill info two or that might not nessus. Make it a as these. As possible to be in impeached on baby election of duty, which otherwise is, is quite clear, appreciate the call and thanks for listening, let's go to events, an outbreak, turkey, new mexico events welcome to the show didn't like war thanks. and so on? You always do. Mass in ours, I said What do you like him
should I am telling you this whole thing he's melt away. Events. You know you your point about the. Israel, Hamas war and envy implications with tromp as it pertains to IRAN. Speaking to melting away the big concern that we have got in the interim with IRAN is an even that they are. Stayed sponsor of terror, isn't Ultimately, Hamas is backed by IRAN, bad many other separatists, throughout the region that continue to carry out attacks against the mayor. an interest for that matter are honey and backed by that. Iran is very close. According to intelligence in this country, from having a nuclear weapon. What in bad. In on that front window, wind turbine became president. While we are working
back into that iran. Nuclear deal right, which me that were not going to really do anything other than just take at face value. What iran has to say about their nuclear programme and so actually them the single most dangerous thing that has happened is what you're not typically hearing about the day to day, and that is the escalation of their nuclear programme, my biggest concern involving them over the next year and then and plus- and at that point boy, do we need trot. And his his leadership and his peace through strength approach. More than perhaps we ever wild needed for even nod during during cold war times and Europe gotta go to george and away new jersey. George welcome to the show Brian you're, doing a great job, you're feeling very entertaining very enjoyable, but I gotta tell you saddle
but like an election denier, and that bothers me cause you make all republicans Alex action, plan iron and were not the same as a Democrat play beginning better, we simply gradually. We do not want a beer We didn't want to go with the trend we want to grow up. We want to move forward on election day empty patriotic. You know the trend is harvest goes ballot Yeah george, you you're a hundred percent right in, and I don't have time to get into everything at this point about what you're talking about. But now I never played the victim corridor, the election denial card. I was always about here is what we know happening and ultimately, what did happen twenty twenty, as you had that uses as an excuse to do an and around a lot of state electoral laws and Does the court's allowed it that it ended up, the biggest issue. You are right that we need to use the laws in every state as well as democrats do if you live in Where there is spell in harvesting, you need a harvest better than the demo do you need
to early vote, you need to vote by mail. You need to do all those things so you're, absolutely right and no, I am certainly not on the opposite end of that, not by a long shot. Brian Mudd, in for the one month love in the I have a link for the holidays. Pure talk has you covered because they just added international roaming to over thirty countries? That's right, whether you're making calls from the vatican or on a beach in the bahamas. Your right from the steps of buckingham palace or your villa insights arena you dial away and here's the best part. There is no rate increase. Pure talk still saves the ira to family Almost a thousand dollars a year were playing starting it just twenty bucks a month and they put shown america's most dependable five g network. So the coverage is second to none. So don't delay folks switch to pure talk, a veteran own wireless company with simply the best you ask
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advancing black pathways. Now those programmes invite applications from all back More background, imagine that all backgrounds now yes one of the many ways by the way fox lydia you on that report on the many ways that we have made progress. This year, one the wet many ways we have begun to see. Somebody called change in this off election year. The rolling de. I programs you ve, had lotta people there like enough. this is absurd? So we are moving the needle and ass, I laid out, especially through the first couple. hours. We are seen a lot of signs that point in a historically positive direction for conservatives getting there is going to be easy. There is no doubt about that and stuck with me or produce urine Why do you worry about what's going to happen geopolitically next year as many people, many bad
actors around the world. I believe try to take advantage of binds weakness who knows what happened stayed side as they're trying to keep trump offer ballots in trying to put him in jail, but I am optimistic ants If you remain optimistic and you do what you can we do together, I think we're going to be to better place a year. From now we're having this conversation with you happy new year marks back next week right mind. It's been a pleasure being with you here for market, then.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.